Kahuna Design - Laser Scanning Services

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Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)

Analogous to RADAR but using a different part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

LiDAR uses laser technology to illuminate a target and analyzes the reflection.

The narrow laser beam makes it possible to map objects with a high degree of resolution (at 50 ft. the density spacing is 0.1 in.).


Clearly defined project scope, allowing contractors to virtually walkthrough the facility without leaving the office.

Clear communication of scope, allowing bids with a higher level of accuracy and detail.

Embed data files within the walkthrough (hyperlinks, PIDs, Gas, etc.).


An entire facility can be captured within 1 - 2 days in the field.


Educate and train your project team without leaving the office.

Relocated a 1300 gpm Amine Facility from Baton Rouge, LA to Orla, TX in two months. Expansion Dimensionally correct data with a high accuracy of your facility. As-Built Records Utilizing a colored point cloud you are able to digitally walk through the facility using software to validate process and view the entire facility. Grading Kahuna is able to generate current topography for grading design or elevation verification. Baton Rouge, Louisiana 1/20/2013

Orla, Texas 3/27/2013

Photos Generate HDR photos with 360deg field of view verification.

Kahuna can scan a 200MM Cryo Plant in (2) days, many sites only take (1)day. Most scanning technology requires multiple days of post processing; at Kahuna the usual time is 1/2 to 1 day! We will package the entire point cloud project including necessary software to view at no additional cost.

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Relocation Time to gather old and outdated vendor drawings.  Verification:  Flange Location & Orientation  Flange Rating  Dimensional Measurements  Anchor Bolt Locations  Generate Plans & Sections Rapidly  Photos to allow for complete walk around of equipment. HLP

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Create detailed topographic maps Assess impact of development Record land use Digital Terrain Models and Surface Models Contours Drainage Analysis Erosion Control and Storm Water Design Roadway Design

CloudWorx is utilized to import point clouds into CADWorx. This allows modeling on top of the point cloud with all of the CADWorx entities.

Kahuna is able to publish point clouds, allowing you to view the data in Cyclone’s Free Viewer, take dimensions and fly through a 3D Point Cloud. A Navis file can also be created to allow navigation through with a colored point cloud.

Verify Top of Concrete

Minimize Feld Modifications

Anchor Bolt Location/Orientation

Fix Piping Isometrics Prior to Fabrication

Verify Grading

With on staff AutoCAD Programmers we write software to optimize production.

Cryo Plant - Oklahoma   

Complete Facility Scan 3D Model of all piping and Steel Existing Surface Topography

For more information about our services and products. 11400 Westmoor Cir. Ste. 325 (303) 451-7374 Visit us on the web at: www.KahunaDesigns.com

Cryo Plant - Oklahoma   

Complete Facility Scan 3D Model of all piping and Steel Existing Surface Topography

President (720) 889-9960(office) (720) 810-1865 (cell) mbross @kahunadesigns.com

Cryo Plant - Texas   

Complete Facility Scan 3D Piping Large Bore Existing Surface Topography

Vice President

(720) 889-9989 (office) (303) 475-5123 (cell) mphillips @kahunadesigns.com

1300gpm Amine - Louisiana     

Site Relocation Complete Facility Scan 3D Piping Large Bore 3D Model of equipment Existing Surface Topography

Multi HZ Wellpad - Colorado   

Complete Facility Scan 3D Piping Large Bore Existing Surface Topography

Manager of Field Services (720) 451-7374 (office) (720) 840-8844 (cell) manderson @kahunadesigns.com

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