Christ Temple Apostolic Church - Women's Conference Booklet

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Greetings Victorious Women of God! Welcome to our Women’s Conference at Christ Temple Apostolic Church. Thank you for taking the time out to come and fellowship and feast from the Word of God. We look forward to a powerful and miraculous move of God. Our theme this year is “ Women Committed to Godly Consistency”. The focus scripture comes from, 1 Corinthians 15:58, “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the the Lord.” In our Spiritual walk, it is very important that we commit to the ways of the Lord and be consistent in our service to him, patiently waiting in expectation for what we have prayed and believed God for. God wants us to trust Him completely. However, disappointments and setbacks can challenge our faith. The weight of this world can become a distraction and will cause you to lose focus. Our jobs, finances, health, families, relationships can be burdensome at times. Therefore, instead of remainings consistent, we become lackadaisical and we lose focus on the promises of God. I challenge you Women of God to continue to be committed to Godly consistency and watch God manifest his promises towards us. Let us commit our works unto the Lord as we move forward with consistency and commitment. God bless! Your Sister in Christ, Lady Diane Nevells

Elder Lisa A. Breedlove is a native of Martinsville, Virginia. She accepted her call to Christ in November 2004 and was later filled with the gift of the Holy Ghost. Understanding her call to teach she pursued the field of education, a graduate of Patrick Henry Community College in 1996 with an associate’s degree in General Studies and also Old Dominion University 1998 with a B.S in Counseling. Elder Breedlove’s unique presentation of the gospel has enabled her to minister to many denominations as a much sought after preacher, teacher, leader, and counselor. Moreover, her gift has made room for her, allowing her to minister to those in need. It has been her privilege to serve at various retreats, conferences, seminars and services. Her feminine and graceful aura permeates a room. The divine calling of God upon her life is evident in her countenance, her appearance and her speech. She is a member of Greater Deliverance Temple Church in Danville, Virginia. There she serves under the leadership of Pastor Kervy Brown. She heads several organizations and auxiliaries with a spirit of excellence. She is also the founder of Inspiring Ministries. Elder Breedlove has 2 children Robert and Star Via, 1 godson Tony Robinson and 5 grandchildren. Elder Breedlove can be quoted stating that “Her mission is to spread to gospel to hurting people all over the world. I understand that as people of God it may seem that the odds are against us. But I realize that my mess has become my message to help those hurting understand that regardless of what is going on in life; God can still use us to do a great work”. What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?” Psalm 27:1 Evangelist Toni Ramey Webster is the wife of Elder Perry L. Webster, who serves as Pastor of the Greater Burning Bush Independent Holiness Church in Stoneville, North Carolina. She is the mother of beloved son – Payton Benjamin Royce Webster who is one of the many miracles that God has manifested in her life. She is the daughter of Mrs. Georgia H. Ramey and Mr. Benjamin Ramey Sr. Evangelist Webster is known to many as an anointed psalmist and her gift has caused her to minister in song before many. In 2006, she accepted the call to preach the Gospel. On May 12, 2007, Evangelist Webster preached her Initial Sermon. She is a licensed Evangelist. Upon the leading of the Lord, Evangelist Webster founded “Healing for Hurting Women Conference”. This conference is geared towards restoration of the TOTAL WOMAN while doing the Will of God. In 2011, TRW Ministries was birthed. This ministry is a cohesive bond as it’s focused being the restoration of the Saints of God. In 2013, the Lord gave TRW Ministries a ministry slogan that many use today – “I Still Have My Cup!” This was a word that the Lord gave to Evangelist Webster after the loss of three spiritual children in less than a year. Known for her “FACEBOOK Words of Encouragement”, Evangelist Webster had not posted a word one particular morning, due to overwhelming grief, she was empty. These are the words she told the Lord ...”I’m empty.” The Lord replied: “But you still have your cup.” Asking the Lord about “Her cup” – He ministered these words: “Your “cup” is your ministry, your call, your destiny, your purpose. That which I ordained you to do while in your mother’s womb. There will be trials and pain, but keep your cup, I specialize in refills.” Psalm 27 is known as “The Triumphant Song of Confidence”. In obeying the Voice of God and seeking His Perfect Will for our

lives, we must be confident, not arrogant in that which the Lord has called us to do. In the psalm, the psalmist longs for the constant presence of God upon his life and an ever more presence of God in the temple. This is the desire and hope that Evangelist Webster longs that her life reflects. That in every area that the Lord blesses her to minister; that her prayer life and anointing be filled with such an aroma, that the scent of her worship will cause others to want more of God. “One thing have I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.� Psalm 27:4

6:30 - 7:00 P.M. Registration/Intercessory Prayer Worship Leader...Lady Diane Nevells Prayer... Sis Donna Robertson Scripture Reading... Sis. Pat Adams Musical Selections.... Praise Team Offering The Message.... Evang. Toni Ramey Webster Altar Call Remarks/Benediction

8:30-9:00 A.M..... Registration and Continental Breakfast 9:00 A.M....Opening Prayer... Evang. Shelley Wright Scripture...... Sis. Victoria Gunn 9:30 A.M. - 10:30 A.M....Seminars Elder Lisa Breedlove Greater Deliverance Temple Danville, Virginia 10:45 A.M. – 11:45 A.M. Evangelist Tony Ramey Webster TRW Ministries Martinsville, Virginia Noon – 1:00 P.M. ……Lunch is Served 1:00 P.M. Closing Impartation Lady Diane Nevells

9:30 A.M....Christian Education 11:15...........Morning Worship The Message: Evag. Tony Ramey Webster TRW Ministries Martinsville, Virginia

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