One Lord Christian Temple Ordination Booklet

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Denisce was born July 24, 1952 to James U. and Dorcas E. Mackey (both deceased) and is third oldest of 12 children. Denisce was educated in the Baltimore City Public Schools, graduating as honorarium of her 1970 class from Frederick Douglas High School. She pursued studies in higher education receiving her undergraduate B.S. degree (double major) in Early Childhood Education and Social Work, from Coppin State College (now Coppin University) and the University of Maryland, College Park. She later pursued graduate level studies in Vocational Rehabilitation. As a career educator she has worked in the public and private sector, the Head Start Program, and Christian and after school programs. True to her love for children she initiated a summer gospel good news club in her neighborhood. Denisce was blessed to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ preached early and repeatedly in her young life. She obeyed the call of Christ Jesus, believed on His name unto salvation and received the promise gift of the Holy Ghost by faith as a pre-teen and has never been the same since. Under the Pastorate of her Maternal Grandmother, Pastor/Mother Eva Vaughn, Denisce joyfully used her gifts and abilities of mind and spirit in the service of the Lord. She sang, read scriptures, tarried at the altar, prayed and gave of herself eagerly as a follower of Christ. After singing for years as a part of her family group, she began singing with the Young Harmoneers of Charity Baptist Church. Shortly thereafter she met the Brown Family, Pastor Gratice Brown Sr, recently widowed and his singing children the Brown Specials. After being around Pastor Brown, who’s warmth and fervency of spirit impacted Denisce and all who met him, she began visiting the then named One Lord Pentecostal Church, and soon joined the church in 1971. Pastor Brown’s wise counsel and fatherly patience drew many young people and won many hearts to the Lord. His hammer-like fiery delivery of the word accompanied with “but read” along with his skillfully anointed scrub board playing, would always take the services to new depths and heights as the Spirit of God permeated the house with the Glory of God. “Sister Mackey”, as she is stilled affectionately called today, labored faithfully and consistently under the leadership of Bishop Gratice Brown Sr, from 1971 to 1986. She served in many facets of the church’s ministries singing, playing piano, directing choirs, teaching Sunday School and Bible Classes, even ushering. She was ordained as Evangelist in 1977 and afterwards to the office of Assistant Pastor in 1986 (succeeding Elder Calvin Hadley). Up to that call of elevation, Co-Pastor Mackey’s passion for the Lord’s ministry, has been evident, reaching out in love to many churches, individual believers and witnessing to unbelievers. Singing with groups Inspiration, Sweet Savour and others, in support of worship services and feasts of the word and collaborating in many other good works for the glory of God’s kingdom on earth. As Co-Pastor for the past thirty- one years, along with various ministries of One Lord she has dedicated her abilities efforts and time to the Service of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

We the One Lord Family acknowledge and honor the memory of our beloved Bishop Gratice Brown Sr., Pastor and founder of the One Lord Christian Temple, Inc. on this divinely sacred occasion. Through his service, sacrifice and seeking the face of the Lord he deposited into us a legacy and heritage that we carry onward, forward, upward and homeward! As the will of God would have it, Bishop Brown affirmed and attested to the call and choice of God upon our dear Sister and Co-Pastor Denisce Evelena Mackey to be his successor, (Pastor Designate). We rejoice in Bishop Brown’s (affectionately known to us as “Elder”) stated blessings and declarations upon the One Lord congregation prior to his going home to be with our Lord. Now in the presence of this assembly we rejoice along with all who have assembled here in thanksgiving to Lord and in the words of Bishop Brown “tell the Lord thank you”. I Thess 5:18 (KJV) In everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

CALL TO WORSHIP MC: Evangelist Rachel Dobbs – New Balm Ministries Congregational Hymn MC: Welcome/Occasion Processional: Bishops – One Lord Christian Temple Officers Prayer: Guest Pastor Scriptures: Old Testament – Deacon Kirk Martin New Testament – Minister Prince Mackey Praise & Worship- New Balm Ministries Praise Team Offering Greater Refuge: Bishop McLean- 2 Selections Invocation: Words of Tribute for Bishop Gratice Brown – Overseer Desire Brooks Gratice Brown Ensemble: 2 selections Introduction of Speaker Sermonic Solo: Zachariah Moore Word of the Lord: Bishop James Thomas – New Balm Ministries Ordination Charge: To the One Lord Christian Temple Congregation The Ordination Examination: Chief Consecrator – Bishop James Thomas Ordination Charge: To Pastor Designate – Bishop James Thomas **Prayer and Anointing with Oil** Robing of Pastor Designate Pastor Designate: Denisce Evelena Mackey to Pulpit for Words Remarks: Guest Pastors (2-3 Minutes) Presentation: One Lord Christian Temple Members Dismissal Photo Session (Presentations from Guests) “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then said I, Here am I; send me!”- Isaiah 6:8

The Ordaining Bishop stands before the congregation gathered. The Pastoral candidate is seated in the center aisle. A representative approaches the Ordaining Bishop and declares… “We the members representing One Lord Christian Temple, trust in the leading and direction of the Holy Ghost. We humbly petition you to lay hands upon Denisce Mackey in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and by the power of the Holy Ghost, ordain her as Pastor of One Lord Christian Temple. Upon hearing this and receiving the signed petition from the hands of the church officers, the Ordaining Bishop(s) now responds: “Family of our beloved Lord, and Ekklesia assembled, you have heard the petition of the request read and have witnessed it delivered to us. Pastoral-Designate Denisce Mackey has been scripturally and lawfully designated as Pastor of One Lord Christian Temple. You, by presenting this petition are assured of her suitability, and approve her to fulfill this sacred responsibility. Nevertheless, if any of you know of any reason why we should not proceed, let this now be made known or forever keep silent. (If there is no objections, the Ordaining Bishop now continues and addresses the Ekklesia.) “Is it your will that we ordain Denisce Mackey as Pastor of One Lord Christian Temple?” The Ekklesia stands and responds… “It is the will of God and it is our will.” The Ordaining Bishop continues… “Will you uphold Denisce Mackey as Pastor?” The Ekklesia now responds… “We will, God being our helper.

The Examination

(While all are now seated, the pastor-designate stands facing the Ordaining Bishop. The Ordaining Bishop now addresses the pastoral designee…) “Our sister Denisce Mackey, a Pastor is chosen and called to lead, serve, and nurture the people of God while maintaining spiritual oversight of the church, promoting its’ mission, proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ, and working to promote justice, truth and the kingdom of God in the world. As Pastor, you have a special responsibility to perpetuate the unity of the church, and uphold its’ disciplines and faith. It is also your duty to oversee and pray for all persons committed to your care, and teach them to be committed to the word and ways of God. You are to govern the church by way of offering it a visible, biblical example, and take the time to know the people under your care, and be known by them. You are to celebrate and

provide the administration of the holy sacraments of the new covenant. You are to minister, Pastor, and enable others to fulfill their ministries. You are to be, in all things, a faithful Pastor, and a consistent wholesome example for the entire flock of God. In order that we may know your mind and purpose, and that we may strengthen your resolve to fulfill your ministry, you must answer the questions that we now put to you. In order that we may know your mind and purpose, and that we may strengthen your resolve to fulfill your ministry, you must answer the questions that we now put to you.

Ordaining Bishop: Do you believe that God has called you to the office and the work of a Pastor in his church? Pastoral Designate answers: I do believe that God has called me. Ordaining Bishop: Will you accept this call and fulfill this trust in obedience to Christ? Pastoral Designate answers: I will obey Christ and will serve in his name. Ordaining Bishop: Do you accept the Holy Scriptures as uniquely revealing the work of God and containing all things necessary for eternal salvation through faith in the lord Jesus Christ? Pastoral Designate Answers: I do accept them. Ordaining Bishop: Will you teach and proclaim the gospel of the kingdom of God inaugurated by Jesus and declare its meaning to the world? Pastoral Designate Answers: By the help of Almighty God. Ordaining Bishop: Will you devote yourself to prayer, to the reading and studying of the Holy Scriptures, as well as to such studies as may deepen your faith and increase your love, reverence, and effectiveness of service for God? Pastoral Designate Answers: I will for the love of God. Ordaining Bishop: Will you boldly proclaim and interpret the gospel of Jesus Christ enlightening the minds and stirring up the conscience of the people? Pastoral Designate Answers: I will, in the power of His spirit!

Pastor Designate Denisce Evelena Mackey I met Denisce in February 1978 at One Lord Christian Temple. I have never met anyone so full of life and joy for church and music and praising the Lord. As the years went on we not only became close friends but wonderful sisters in the Lord. We spend long hours together talking about this life that the Lord has given us with Him. Sharing personal feelings about being in the ministry, being a woman and all the various roles that we are a part of for the people in our lives. Sometimes together with our sisters, Eva, Dorcas, and Renee sharing because we understand that when are going through life we need each other. Sometimes through laugher other times through tears. Agreeing and disagreeing but nevertheless always in the spirit of love. Denisce is very intelligent, witty, strong minded, not easily influenced by others and so many more things about her I can think of. She is such a character with her own distinctive qualities that makes her who she is, we know don’t we family? She can get her point across because she loves to talk, but she also loves to laugh. She loves to read, so that makes her knowledgeable on many subjects. Most of all her love for the word of God allows Him to reveal in her interpretation and hidden mysteries of the word. She does not hesitate to share these morsels in church by either teaching or her testimony, on the street, when she was riding the bus, hanging out of her car talking to the homeless and the squeezie kids, or wherever she may be. She loves children as you can tell by her long time profession as a teacher in the Baltimore City School system. Although she is not a biological mother she is and has been mother to so many children. When I first came to One Lord, She would throw back her head open her mouth and sing and sing and sing and sing and dance and dance and dance and dance. Lord will I ever get back home? It’s the same today but now I know the why. To me Denisce Mackey has been sister, friend, confidant, mentor, shoulder to cry on and now my Pastor. I look forward to whatever years the Lord has in store for us as I sit under the Pastorship and teaching of this holy anointed woman of God. I am so grateful to the Lord for bringing her into not only my life but the life of my family. Denisce, my prayer for you, is that the Lord continue to elevate you as you seek Him every day and as you go deeper into His realm of Glory where you have never been before. How exciting and exhilarating you must feel, although you may not know all now, because it wasn’t time yet, but as you go deeper and deeper into those secret hidden places that Jesus is waiting to show you and then you WILL know. So, just know this right now. That to walk this new journey, you will never be alone, and with all of us who love you following you as you follow Christ from earth to glory. Love you always my sister. Yours in Christ. Evangelist Linda Weddington May 27, 2018

The One Lord Christian Temple Family from the bottom of our hearts would like to say Congratulations to Pastor-Elect Denisce Evelena Mackey. May the Lord be with you! “And whether one member suffer, all members suffer with it; or one member be honored, all members rejoice with it”. I Cor. 12:26. — Bro. Prince Mackey Thank you so much for your dedication and faithfulness to our One Lord Christian Temple Family. I love you! — Sis. Renee Jackson Congratulations and I pray that you will continue to work within the will of God.— Bro. Kirk Martin May God continue to bless you and guide your path as you take the next step in your spiritual journey. Congratulations Pastor Mackey ! — Sis. Shanel Martin Congrats to my oldest sister in the excellent legacy of leadership of our loved and late Bishop Elder Gratice Brown. She had modeled a life of love for Our Lord in Godly perseverance unit this day. I am honored to have her lead me as I know God will guide and lead her as He sees fit. Go forward woman of God, God has a great work for you to perform. Love, Eva From the siblings of Pastor-Elect Mackey, The siblings of Pastor Elect Denisce Evelena Mackey excitedly and with heartfelt gratitude congratulate you and thank you for your Christ-like example, love for family as well as inspiration.


Bishop James K Thomas, Chief Consecrator New Bethel Abundant Life Ministries

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