Installation Booklet for Pastor Savion Wilson

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•Salvation through Jesus Christ •Repentance and remission of sins •Baptism by immersion in the Name of Jesus •The Baptism of the Holy Ghost with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues •Live Holy, be consecrated, dedicated, and separated unto God •Steadfast on the Apostles Doctrine •Imminent pre-millennial return of Christ •The resurrection and rapture of the true church of God •The final judgment of the living and the dead •The establishment of a new heaven and earth wherein dwelleth righteousness

Sevion, Wilson born one of a set of Identical twins Seven minutes apart on March 20, 1978 to Denzel Bordley, & the late Delores Marie Wilson, in Atlantic City, New Jersey. He is also one of the four surviving children of twelve. Educated in Atlantic City, Public school system; until 10th grade The streets appealed to this young man and because of the lack of supervision trouble ensued. School in the tenth grade became no longer an option. In 1990, a family friend who had become Muslim approached him. This friend taught him the ways of Islam; he later converted. In 1995, the Enemy beefed up his attacks on his life putting a price on his head. This started a neighborhood war. Then the Lord Jesus had mercy and sent his father and stepmother back to New Jersey and rescued Sevion, and siblings from the streets. He was brought to Delaware in 1995 and received the baptism in Jesus Name and filled with the Holy Ghost just after two years under Bishop C.I. Bordley. Bro. Sevion, begin fasting and praying and waxing strong in the Lord. This young man of God was asked to join the choir. Then to the praise team where he found a gift to sing, for the Lord. He also had a keen eye for the needs of his Bishop. Next, He was promoted to Bishop’s armor bearer then to Adjutant. As he grew he became a Sunday school teacher for the youth first; then the adults. In the year 2001, Bro.Tabu met the lovely Rachel Lowman, as she attended college. Bro.Tabu sought the mind of God; to see if this young lady would be a good fit, because he was called to preach the gospel.God said, “Wait.” The nineteen-year-old sister went on to finish school after waiting four years; Bro. Tabu, sought counseling to see if it was now well! to tie the knot. Then the late Bishop C.I. Bordley their pastor said, “Give her one more year!” Since she just landed employment, and needed to be settled in that new path’’ after that year; In 2007 Brother Sevion and Sister Rachel tied the knot. After one year of honey moon Sis. Wilson bore three children, unto Bro. Wilson; two girls and one boy, After years of faithfulness it was time for elevation. In 2008 Bishop Bordley asked Bro: Sevion, did he fill the call of God on his life. And Bro. Sevion said The Lord sent a prophet to him first in Atlantic City N.J. and told him he was born to lead God’s people; he went on to receive his first appointment in 2014 while still Assisting the Bishop in performing Weddings, Baptism, Ordinations, etc. God was still working in his life. In 2015 Minister Sevion Wilson joins KDFCI, Where he was appointed Elder Wilson in the Lord’s Kingdom

Bishop Kahlil Grier was born in Philadelphia, PA; a native of Pennsylvania, he attended Keystone Job Corps. Where he met his lovely wife, Maria Grier. After completing Job Corps, in 1998 he relocated to Dover, Delaware after his transition, major life changes began to occur in his life. In January of 1999, he and Maria Grier made covenant in marriage. He was also blessed with three beautiful daughters, in addition he accepted Christ as his Lord and personal Savior. Pastor Kahlil attended Greater Love Temple then in Dover, Delaware. Soon after the late Bishop Curtis I Bordley baptized him in the name of Jesus. In that same night, he was filled with precious gift of the Holy Ghost. Being led by God, Pastor Grier then attended Immanuel Apostolic Church led by Elder Authur G. Carney. Growing spiritually, he was ordained a minister. He also graduated from the school of homiletics under the P. A. W. organization. In 2008 God spoke to Pastor Kahlil and his wife telling them to relocate to Pearland, TX. After years of grooming in various ministries in Texas, God spoke to Pastor Grier again, telling him to produce his own ministry. So in 2012 Throne Room Global Ministries was born. Pastor Kahlil Grier is the Pastor of TRGM. Pastor Kahlil Grier works in all five fold gifting. God is continually blessing Pastor Kahlil Grier and his ministry as he walks humbly in the fullness of God.

Apostle Joe Wilson, son of the late Joe Wilson and Cora Blue, was born and reared in Lakeview, South Carolina. At the age of thirteen, he met his beloved, Prophetess Anne Wilson who was twelve. They had a wonderful courtship and sealed their young love in matrimony on May 15, 1982. From this union came three sons, Jermaine, Marcus, and Joseph; one, daughter-in-law, Shainyah; and two grandchildren, Tatiyona and JaMeria. Later, Apostle and Prophetess Wilson moved to New Jersey where they joined St. John Born Again Church under the leadership of Bishop and Mother Mary Tarte. After answering the call, Apostle began evangelizing in cities between New Jersey and New York. Many souls were saved. In 1997, the Lord gave Apostle a vision along with his lovely wife, Prophetess Annie Wilson to bring his ministry to the South, beginning in Bennettsville, SC, where he pastored for nine years. Afterwards, he began a Mission’s Ministry and traveled, evangelized, and brought God’s Word to God’s people all over this country. Apostle began to teach and train both men and women, equipping them for ministry. Apostle received his formal training in ministry through St. John Bible School and Foundation Bible College. There he received numerous certifications. Apostle knew that God had more for him. With encouragement from his wife, Apostle began to write and record Gospel music. He is the founder of a remarkable Gospel group called “Redemption” and the pastor of Westside Temple Apostolic Church in Darlington, South Carolina. Apostle Wilson is truly a chosen vessel. His life scripture is Revelations 3:8 “I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.” Apostle Wilson continues to press forward as God continues to lead him. He has a heart for people and is committed to Kingdom Building.

Call to Order …………………………………………………………………………….................................... Elder Michael Tooley Officiant Musical Prelude ………………………………………………………………………….....................................................Jevon Robins Music Ministry Processional…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Prayer…………………………………………………………………………………………................................................Pastor Eric Cooper Bible Church of God, Camden, New Jersey Praise and Worship……………………………………………………………………....................................Sister Chelsea Harris Welcome………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Selection………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Ministry of Giving………………………………………………………………………........................................Brother Talley Lane Introduction of Speaker……………………………………………………………….......................Prophetess Anne Wilson Selection……………………………………………………………………………………...............................................Apostle Joe Wilson Word of Importation……………………………………………………………………………............................Apostle Joe Wilson Westside Temple Apostolic Church, North Carolina Presiding Prelate The Occasion…………………………………………………………………………………........................................Bishop Kahlil Grier Throne Room Global Ministries, Presiding Prelate

We have come to consecrate and install this Pastor, Elder -Elect Sevion Wilson as Pastor, of Redeeming Love Perfecting Faith Ministries. Pastoral Invocation………………………………………………………………...............................................Bishop Kahlil Grier Throne Room Global Ministries, Presiding Prelate Old Testament Reading- Isaiah 61:1-3…………………………….....................................Elder Bruce Workman Greater Love Temple, Milford, De New Testament 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 …….........................................................................Pastor Andre Gandy Church of God, Atlantic City, New Jersey

The Examination and Ordination Reading of the Charge………………………………...........................................................................Apostle Joe Wilson Westside Temple, Darling , SC, Presiding Prelate Take heed, Elder-Elect Sevion Wilson, whom you present unto this church be apt and meek, and able to exercise ministry duly to the glory and honor of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to edify the church which he hath purchased with his own blood. Apostle – Do you believe in your heart that you are truly called by the will of the Lord Jesus Christ to be the Pastor of Redeeming Love Perfecting Faith Ministries church? Pastor-Elect

“I do believe.”

Apostle-Are you persuaded that the Holy Scriptures contain sufficiently all doctrines required of necessity for eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ? Pastor-Elect

“I am persuaded.”

Apostle- Are you determined out of the Scriptures to instruct and serve the people committed to you? Pastor-Elect

“I have determined to do by God’s Grace.”

Apostle- Will you be ready with all faithful diligence to banish and drive away all erroneous and strange doctrines contrary to God’s work and to use both public and private admonitions and exhortations; as well as: to those within your charge as need, shall require and occasion shall be given?

Pastor-Elect “I will endeavor to do so, the Lord being my helper” Apostle-As an preacher, and Pastor, of the Lord Jesus Christ, do you hereby affirm and believe that there is one body, and one spirit, even as ye are called in on hope of your calling; One Lord, one faith, one baptism; One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all, according to Ephesians 4:4-6 Pastor-Elect

“I do believe.”

Apostle-Do you fully believe in the mystery of the Godhead, that Jesus was both human and divine, and that the Godhead be understood to mean all of the fullness of God; that Jesus was the Eternal Father Colossians 1:9, 2:9 Pastor-Elect

“ I do believe.”

Apostle- Do you believe that membership into the body of Christ is by water baptism, in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the infilling of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the spirit gives utterance, according to Act 2:38 Pastor-Elect

“I believe and declare”

Apostle- Do you, as a preacher and Pastor of the Lord Jesus Christ, pledge to fulfill your duties in reaching the lost and equipping and building the body of Christ in the preparation of the the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Pastor-Elect “By the help of God I will” Communion- 1 Corinthians 11:23-31……………………………………...........................................Apostle Joe Wilson Westside Temple, Darling, SC, Presiding Prelate The Investiture The Occasion……………………………………………………………………........................................................Bishop Kahlil Grier Throne Room Ministries, Pearland, Texas The robing of the Elder, as Pastor has great biblical significance. Therefore, we place these items on him, as a symbol of his servitude to God and the Church. The Cassock- The Cassock is a robe worn by an Elder during service, and is a symbol to remind him of his office as a servant of God. The Cinture- The Cinture, being placed around the waist is symbolic of the towel, with

which Jesus girded himself and began to wash the feet of the disciplines. The Stole- The Stole is the outer garment, worn as a mantel, and willingness to carry the burden of the people upon his shoulder. The Bible- The Pastors Bible is placed in his hand. “Heed to Holy Scriptures, and feed the flock of Jesus Christ. Guard, defend, correct, and encourage them in His truth, and be faithful servant of His Holy Word.” Anointing of the Pastor-Elect and Spouse………………...................................................Bishop Kahlil Grier Throne Room Ministries, Pearland, Texas Prayer of Consecration And Act of Laying on Hands …..…………........................Apostle Joe Wilson Westside Temple, Darling, SC, Presiding Prelate The Presentation of Newly Installed Pastor Remarks………………………………………………………………………………….Elder Wilson

Elder William Combs and Mother Dorothy Combs, Emeritus Pastor of Community Holy Tabernacle Church of Deliverance; we the people salute you! For your faithfulness and dedicated service to the Community family. For being a servant of God committed to the cause of Christ. Who took action when no one else was willing to step-up. You depended on the Lord Jesus Christ to be your helper for the 15 years of service as Pastor and First Lady. We also commend for your 48 years in counting as board members and faithful church members. Though there is a changing of the guards and shifting in the atmosphere your labor of love will be celebrated. As stood watch on the wall about a good work so that you could not come down; so shall we continue to be the keepers of the watch. And he commanded them, saying, This is the thing that ye shall do; A third part of you that enter in on the sabbath shall even be keepers of the watch of the king’s house. 2 Kings 11:5

Pastor Wilson and the Redeeming Love Perfecting Faith Ministries church extend their warmest thanks and gratitude for your presence and prayers. We give a special thanks to Westside Temple and their Presiding Prelate: Apostle Joe Wilson and his wife Prophetess Anne Wilson. We give a special thanks to New Lighthouse Ministries, and our Connecticut family for all their help. We give a special thanks to TRGM and their Presiding Prelate Bishop Kahlil Grier and his wife Prophetess Maria Grier. we give special thanks to Bishop Phillip Coley and Greater Love Apostolic Temple family. There is Private Reception following the service in Dining Hall upstairs.

TO THE MEMORY OF MY FATHER IN THE GOSPEL “HOW DOES ONE SALUTE THE MEMORY OF BISHOP C.I. BORDLEY?” One would remember the love and compassion that drove him. Some might remember the spiritual gifting that couldn’t keep him hid, You may choose to remember him as a productive businessman, You may choose to remember him as the truth teller You may choose to remember him as a giver But as a son of his ministry I choose to remember…………… how he wore God well, he walked in the integrity of God. He lived what he preached; he taught me how to effectively utilize the principles of the scripture in practical living, We will remember the legacy of Holiness, the Apostolic faith, The sound doctrine; the selfless acts of Love Demonstrated by His obedience to God.

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