Bringing Art Glass To Life
COÂNG TY TNHH KÍNH NGHEÄ THUAÄT ARTGLASS Co., Ltd 206 - 208, Ñöôøng 10 Taây, Myõ Kim 2, Phuù Myõ Höng, Quaän 7, Tp. HCM T : (84.8) 5412 3912 - F : (84.8) 5412 3914 E : - W :
the untold story is now retold...
Catalogue of art glass in interior, exterior and architecture Catalogue kính ngheä thuaät trong noäi, ngoaïi thaát vaø kieán truùc
Theá kyû XIII: Giaùo ñöôøng Saint Chapelle laø trung taâm lòch söû ñòa lyù cuûa Paris, laø moät kieät taùc thuûy tinh ngheä thuaät khoång loà, ñöôïc meänh danh laø “Moät Trong Nhöõng Nôi Choán Ñeïp Nhaát Thieân Ñaøng”, tieâu bieåu cho kieán truùc Gothic Phaùp.
(1862 - 1945): Reneù Lalique - ngheä syõ ñieâu khaéc thuûy tinh pha leâ ngöôøi Phaùp - ñaõ dieãn ñaït tö duy ngheä thuaät xuaát chuùng trong hôn nöûa theá kyû thoâng qua chaát lieäu thuûy tinh. Nhaø thôø Saint Mathieu ôû ñaûo Jersey, du thuyeàn nguy nga traùng leä Normandie, laâu ñaøi coâng chuùa Nhaät Asaka… ñaõ ghi daáu aán saùng taïo ñænh cao trong nghieäp laãy löøng theá giôùi cuûa Reneù Lalique.
XIII Century: Saint Chapelle, which is a historical and geographical center in the heart of Paris, France, is a gigantic masterpiece of art glass. The church was built in typical French Gothic architecture, which is known as "The most beautiful place in heaven".
(1862 - 1945): Rene Aliquot, a French crystal sculpture, expressed his outstanding artistic mind in glass for over a half of century. Saint Mathieu Church in Jersey Island, magnificent yacht Normandy, and Japanese princess Asaka's castle are significant artworks of his remarkable career.
(1860 - 1939) Ngheä thuaät Kính Gheùp Maøu taïi Trung taâm vaên hoùa lòch söû Municipal House ôû thuû ñoâ Prague, Coäng Hoøa Czech ñöôïc thieát keá bôûi Alfons Mucha, ngöôøi hoïa syõ danh tieáng cuûa tröôøng phaùi Ngheä Thuaät Môùi Art Nouveau, laø nieàm töï haøo veà ngheä thuaät cuûa nöôùc Coäng Hoøa Czech. (1860 - 1939) Stained Glass at Prague's Municipal House, Czech was designed by Alfons Mucha. This artist, who is the famous Art Nouveau painter, is his country's pride in art.
(1848 –1933) Tranh kính gheùp maøu Chim Coâng taïi Baûo taøng myõ thuaät Motreal, Canada ñöôïc thieát keá bôûi Louis Comfort Tiffany, baäc thaày ngheä thuaät thuûy tinh trang trí. Baèng tö duy ngheä thuaät ñoäc ñaùo, oâng bieán saûn phaåm kính gheùp maøu thaønh aán tín cuûa xa hoa vaø sang troïng, môû ra thôøi kyø hoaøng kim cuûa ngheä thuaät kính gheùp maøu. (1848 -1933) Peacock stained glass window placed in the Montreal museum of fine art, Canada was designed by Louis Comfort Tiffany, a master of decorative glass. By his unique artistic mind, he transforms stained glass to be symbol of luxury and hi-class, which opened a golden time of art glass.
high class living by art glass
business philosophy of Artglass®
Tranh kính trong nhaø thôø Gothic, ñeøn chuøm trong caùc cung ñieän Baroque, ñoà duøng pha leâ trong noäi thaát hoaøng gia… laø nhöõng aán tín ñaúng caáp cuûa söï sang troïng, vöông giaû vaø quyù phaùi. Ngöôøi ta goïi ñoù laø Ngheä thuaät thuûy tinh. Thuûy tinh ngheä thuaät coù moät uy löïc thò giaùc maïnh meõ vaø aán töôïng vôùi con ngöôøi. AÙnh saùng taïo neân caùc saéc maøu aûo giaùc cho vaät phaåm thuûy tinh, thay ñoåi caùc ñònh giôùi hình daïng cuûa vaät theå, nhôø ñoù maø thuûy tinh trôû neân lung linh vaø huyeàn dieäu voâ cuøng. Taùc phaåm thuûy tinh ngheä thuaät laø vaät caáu thaønh cuûa caùi ñeïp, cuûa söï trang nhaõ, lòch laõm trong khoâng gian soáng vaø laø ngheä thuaät ñaùnh daáu ñaúng caáp cuûa cuoäc soáng con ngöôøi. Nhö caùc trang söùc cuûa giai nhaân, thuûy tinh ngheä thuaät laøm ñeïp cho cuoäc soáng, laøm cho khoâng gian kieán truùc quyù phaùi hôn, thöùc daäy trong ta noãi khaùt khao khaùm phaù caùi voâ cuøng cuûa ñoái töôïng. Coâng ty Artglass® coù moät phoå roäng caùc saûn phaåm thuûy tinh ngheä thuaät öùng duïng trong cuoäc soáng noùi chung, trong myõ thuaät vaø kieán truùc noùi rieâng. Töø caùc böùc tranh kính hoaønh traùng treân töôøng nhaø, caùc hoaï tieát mosaic röïc rôõ ñaày caù tính trong loøng beå bôi, phoøng taém, phoøng beáp… ñeán caùc voøm kính coå ñieån hay hieän ñaïi trong caùc khoâng gian coâng coäng, caùc böùc vaùch kính tinh khoâi ôû nhaø haøng hay nhoû beù nhö moät “con giaùp” ñaùng yeâu baøy trong tuû… taát caû ñeàu laø nhöõng saûn phaåm thuûy tinh ngheä thuaät ñaúng caáp. Artglass® giuùp baïn taïo neân ñaúng caáp cho khoâng gian soáng.
Taàm nhìn: Trôû thaønh thöông hieäu daãn ñaàu chaâu AÙ trong ngaønh kính ngheä thuaät. Söù meänh: Chuùng toâi chæ coù moät söù meänh duy nhaát laø mang ngheä thuaät thuûy tinh vaøo cuoäc soáng thoâng qua vieäc toái öu hoùa khaû naêng ñaùp öùng söï mong ñôïi cuûa khaùch haøng vaø coäng ñoàng baèng nhöõng thöông hieäu phuø hôïp, ñöôïc gaày döïng döôùi moät heä giaù trò chung vôùi nhöõng chuaån taéc ñænh cao, ñoù laø: - Tính daãn daét saùng taïo - Chuyeân taâm troïn veïn - Toân troïng ngheä thuaät - Khaû naêng theå hieän moãi thieát keá laø moät caâu chuyeän haáp daãn
The stained glass in the Gothic churches, chandeliers in the Baroque palaces, crystal wares in the Royal interior is the hallmark of luxury, regal and noble. The art form is known as art glass. Art glass is strongly appealing to human visual. The light creates the color illusion of glass objects, it also changes the objects' shape, whereby the glass artwork becomes glister and marvelous. Artistic creation from glass is seen as the material of beautiful and elegant living space, which is an art for high class living style. As jewelries of beauties, art glass beautifies life, makes the living space more luxurious, and wakes up in us the desire to explore the infinity of the object. Artglass® corporate has a wide spectrum of art glass products which are applicable in residence and special architecture. Art glass can be sighted in various forms; such as an huge stained glass wall, a gorgeous decorated ceiling, the unique glass mosaic pattern in a bathroom and a kitchen, the antique or modern domes in public architectures, an elegant carved-glass sidewall in a restaurant, or a lovely but sophisticated crystal ornaments. Artglass® brings art to your life.
Heä thoáng thöông hieäu: laø thöông hieäu coâng ty Kính Ngheä Thuaät. Artglass® coøn laø thöông hieäu cuûa doøng saûn phaåm kính ngheä thuaät trong trang trí noäi, ngoaïi thaát vaø kieán truùc; chuyeân phuïc vuï caùc döï aùn vaø nhöõng nhu caàu chuyeân nghieäp. Artglass® laø "Ngheä thuaät ñích thöïc ñöôïc khích leä töø nhöõng chuaån taéc quoác teá". laø thöông hieäu baùn leû cuûa Artglass®; tieàn thaân cuûa Pavoni® laø Nhaø Pha Leâ (Crystal House) Pavoni® keá thöøa heä giaù trò cuûa thöông hieäu Artglass®. Pavoni® laø "Söï traûi nghieäm mua saém trong khoâng gian ngheä thuaät ñích thöïc cho nhöõng ngöôøi yeâu thích saûn phaåm coù thieát keá haáp daãn".
Vision: To be the leading brand of art glass in Asia Mission: We have only one mission that is bringing art glass to life through optimizing ability to meet expectation of customers and community by suitable brands, built on common values and benchmarks: - Leading in creativity - Wholly focus - Respecting art - Story-telling ability Branding structure Artglass® is a brand of Artglass Ltd., Co. Artglass® is also a brand of art glass product lines for interior, exterior and architectural decoration; specializing to professional projects and demands. Artglass® is "the authentic art inspired by international benchmarks". Pavovi® is a brand of business of retail, a member of Artglass®, which used to be known as Crystal House®. It inherits common values and benchmarks of Artglass®. Pavoni® is "the authentic artistic shopping experiences for the designful product lovers".
stained glass
stained glass
KÍNH GHEÙP MAØU Khoång Töôùc laø loaøi chim quyù, moät baùu vaät cuûa thieân nhieân, bieåu töôïng cho veû ñeïp loäng laãy sang troïng vaø quyù phaùi. Ngheä thuaät kính gheùp maøu cuõng mang yù nghóa töông töï ñoái vôùi con ngöôøi trong khoâng gian kieán truùc vaø noäi thaát cuûa hoï. Ngheä thuaät kính gheùp maøu, ñöôïc phaùt minh vaøo khoaûng naêm 1100 sau Coâng Nguyeân vaø coù raát ít thay ñoåi trong hôn 900 naêm qua, laø quaù trình thuû coâng tæ mæ caét gheùp caùc maûnh kính maøu taïo neân caùc böùc tranh soáng ñoäng. Khôûi thuûy, tranh kính gheùp maøu ñöôïc duøng trang trí cöûa soå nhaø thôø. Daàn daàn, moät söï yeâu thích lôùn trong nhöõng naêm qua ñaõ taïo ra nhöõng xu höôùng vaø öùng duïng môùi, phong phuù vaø giaøu tính saùng taïo cho loaïi hình ngheä thuaät naøy. Söï vöôn leân cuûa ngheä só caù nhaân, nhöõng kyõ thuaät môùi vaø söï quan taâm ngaøy moät gia taêng veà khoâng gian soáng gaàn guõi, thaân thieän vôùi thieân nhieân, taát caû ñaõ daãn ñeán thôøi ñaïi vaøng son cuûa ngheä thuaät kính gheùp maøu. Ngaøy nay, kính gheùp maøu ñöôïc öùng duïng linh hoaït trong noäi thaát vaø ngoaïi thaát, nhö voøm, traàn, vaùch, töôøng, cöûa, ñeøn trang trí vaø bieåu töôïng trang trí. Hình beân phaûi: Coâng trình traàn kính Artglass® taïi Phuù Nhuaän, Tp.HCM; kích thöôùc 4,7m x 4,7m. Taùc phaåm naøy ñöôïc thieát keá ñaëc bieät, vöøa laø maùi kính cho saûnh thoâng taàng, ñoàng thôøi laø ban-coâng lôùn tröôùc phoøng nguû chính, töïa nhö moät taám thaûm loäng laãy . Caùc thoâng tin kyõ thuaät cô baûn cuûa kính gheùp maøu stained glass 1. Kính maøu taïi Artglass® ñöôïc nhaäp khaåu 100%, coù ñoä daøy 3.5mm vaø beàn maøu vónh vieãn. 2. Ñöôøng neïp chì daøy 7mm 3. Kính gheùp maøu stained glass thaønh phaåm coù troïng löôïng 20kg/m2 4. Kính traéng (ñaõ hoaëc chöa toâi cöùng), ñöôïc oáp keøm vôùi kính gheùp maøu stained glass, daøy 10 mm, naëng 24kg/m2
Peacock is a precious bird, a treasure of nature, a symbol for magnificence and luxury. Stained glass also carries the same meaning in our architecture and interior design. Stained glass was invented around 1100 AD and there is little change in the past 900 years. It is a meticulous manual process to cut and assemble pieces of color glass, which creates vivid stained glass images. Originally, stained glass was used to decorate church windows. Then, passion for stained glass has created new trends and creative applications for this art. The rise of the individual artists, new technologies and the growing concern about nature-friendly living, all leads to the golden age of stained glass. Today, stained glass is applied flexibly in the interior and exterior, including roof, ceiling, wall, door, decorative lighting and decorative monument. Right image: The Artglass® stained glass ceiling in a mansion at Phu Nhuan District, HCMC; size 4.7 m x 4.7 m. This work was specially designed, which is not only a ceiling of the lobby, but also a terrasse of master bedroom, like a gorgeous tapestry. The basic technical information of stained glass 1. Artglass® stained glass was 100% imported, its thickness is 3.5mm and the color is permanent. 2. The lead line is 7mm thick. 3. Each finished stained glass weights 20kg/m2 4. Transparent glass (regardless normal glass or tempted glass), which is assemble with stained glass, is 10 mm thick, 24kg/m2 weight.
Traàn kính gheùp maøu Artglass® laø baûn giao höôûng cuûa maøu saéc vaø aùnh saùng. Thuûy tinh vôùi nhöõng gam maøu töôi taén, ngaãu höùng, trong treûo, ñaõ taïo neân söùc loâi cuoán ñeán söûng soát nôi ngöôøi xem. Caùc nhaø thieát keá ñöôïc boäc loä tö duy ngheä thuaät, nhöõng ngheä nhaân ñöôïc phaùt huy kyõ thuaät vaø caûm xuùc bay boång khi keát hôïp haøi hoøa caùc gam maøu thieân nhieân vôùi hoïa tieát meàm maïi mang cuûa phong caùch ngheä thuaät Art Nouveau xa hoa loäng laãy cho khoâng gian ñaïi saûnh. Hình 1: Traàn ñaïi saûnh khaùch saïn 5 sao Equatorial, quaän 5, Tp.HCM, kích thöôùc 15m x 6m. Hình 2: Traàn gieáng trôøi bieät thöï tö gia kích thöôùc 2,3m x 2,3m.
Artglass® stained glass ceiling is like a symphony of color and light. Glass and its vivid, spontaneous colors are so attractive to viewers. Through lavish stained glass hall, artists express their artistic mind, craftsmen experiment technology and let their emotions fly to assemble natural colors with soft Art Nouveau patterns. Image 1: Lobby ceiling in Equatorial Hotel, District 5,HCMC, size 15m x 6m Image 2: Ceiling in a private villa, size 2.3 m x 2.3 m
Moãi coâng trình kính ngheä thuaät Artglass® laø moät taùc phaåm ngheä thuaät thò giaùc naêng ñoäng. Söï thay ñoåi töøng goùc nhìn coäng vôùi söï bieán ñoåi cuûa tia saùng maët trôøi trong ngaøy vaø töøng muøa trong naêm, khoaûng caùch ngaém nhìn gaàn hay xa caùc taùc phaåm ngheä thuaät coù theå thay ñoåi aán töôïng raát nhieàu vaø moãi ngöôøi xem seõ khaùm phaù cho rieâng mình caùc hieäu öùng baát ngôø môùi trong cuoäc hoân phoái cuûa thuûy tinh vaø aùnh saùng. Hình aûnh: Maùi kính "Hoa Coû Muøa Xuaân" taïi Long Thaønh Golf, Ñoàng Nai Noåi baät giöõa maøu xanh nguùt ngaøn cuûa saân golf, maùi kính maøu nhö moät giaøn hoa nhieàu maøu saéc, taïo hình aûnh khoâng theå nhaàm laãn vaø ñieåm nhôù saâu saéc cho nhöõng ai moät laàn ñaët chaân ñeán ñaây.
Each Artglass® work is a dynamic visual arts. The variation of view angle, of sun light during the day and seasons, and of distance from their eyes to an artwork can impressively change their feeling of it. Each viewer will discover the unexpected effects of the marriage between glass and light. Image: Glass roof "Spring Flowers" at Long Thanh Golf, Dong Nai Prominent among the green of the golf course, stained-glass roof is like a colorful flower vine, creating the differentiated and memorable place for those who once were here.
Maùi, voøm kính ngheä thuaät Artglass® laø vöông mieän loäng laãy cuûa ngoâi nhaø. Saéc maøu lung linh döôùi aùnh saùng cuûa kính ngheä thuaät ñoùng vai troø khoâng chæ laø moät daãn daét cuûa aùnh saùng meàm maïi töø baàu trôøi maø coøn taïo ra moät toå hôïp lieân keát vôùi thieân nhieân roäng lôùn. Maùi, voøm kính ngheä thuaät nhaán maïnh troïng taâm cuûa khoâng gian trang trí noäi thaát, noåi baät chieàu cao cuûa traàn nhaø vaø bieán ñoåi doøng chaûy cuûa aùnh saùng. Hình aûnh: Voøm troøn Artglass® taïi dinh thöï Ñænh Vaøng, Tp. HCM; kích thöôùc 3,2m x 3,2m x 0,8m Töø döôùi nhìn leân voøm kính ngheä thuaät Artglass® mang aùnh saùng vaø maøu saéc vaøo phoøng khaùch. Nhìn töø beân treân, voøm kính laø ñaøi phun nöôùc ñoäc ñaùo cho saân thöôïng, ñaây laø söï nhaân ñoâi giaù trò maø khoâng theå loaïi ngheä thuaät trang trí naøo coù ñöôïc.
Artglass® ceiling and dome is a magnificent crown of a house. Shimmering color of art glass in the light not only is a guide of the soft glow from the sky but also creates a connection to the great nature. They are the heart of interior space, highlighting the height of the ceiling and alternate the flow of light. Image: Artglass ® round dome at the mansion Golden Peak, HCMC; size: 3.2 m x 3.2 m x 0.8 m. If looking up, Artglass® dome brings light and color into the livingroom. Seeing from above, the dome is an unique fountain of the hanging garden. This double value cannot be achieved in any other kind of decoration.
Veà kyõ thuaät maùi, voøm kính ngheä thuaät Artglass® laø moät cô caáu keát hôïp giöõa caùc taám kính vaø khung kim loaïi. Taát caû caùc taám kính ngheä thuaät ñöôïc gia coá ñeå traùnh voõng. Vôùi maùi, voøm ngoaøi trôøi seõ coù theâm lôùp kính cöôøng löïc ñeå baûo veä an toaøn vaø che möa. Hình 1: Voøm troøn Artglass® taïi ñaïi saûnh khaùch saïn Golf Caàn Thô; ñöôøng kính 2,4m. Thieát keá ñöôïc gôïi höùng töø trang trí ñaàu coät cho caùc coâng trình xa hoa Ai Caäp, vôùi hình aûnh caùch ñieäu cuûa nhöõng caây coï vaø caây Papyrus ñaëc tröng. Ñaây laø nguoàn saùng chính vaø laø thanh nam chaâm huùt aùnh nhìn, vaø söï traàm troà cuûa ngöôøi cö truù nôi ñaây. Hình 2 & 3: Pavilion kính Artglass®, hoà bôi Saigon Pearl Residence ,quaän 1, Tp.HCM; kích thöôùc 3m x 3m x 1m
Technically, structure of Artglass ® dome and ceiling is a combination of glass pieces and metal frames. All glass artworks are reinforced to prevent sagging. Outdoor roof and dome will come along with glass layers to safety and rain-proof. Image 1: Artglass ® dome at Golf Can Tho Hotel, Can Tho; diameter of 2.4 m. The design was inspired by decorative column head of lavish Egyptian architectures, with stylized palm trees and typical Papyrus. This is the main lighting and also a magnet of view, and admiration of the guests. Image 2 & 3: Artglass ® pavilion at the pool of Saigon Pearl Residence, District 1, HCMC; size 3m x 3m x 1m.
Cöûa luoân laø boä phaän quan troïng ñaàu tieân khi tieáp xuùc vôùi ngoâi nhaø, trong khi nhöõng caùnh cöûa ñaëc truyeàn thoáng theå hieän thaùi ñoä xa caùch thì cöûa vôùi caùc oâ kính maøu ngheä thuaät Artglass® laø lôøi chaøo noàng aám vaø theå hieän khieáu thaåm myõ cuûa gia chuû. Luoân coù moät hoaëc hai lôùp kính an toaøn ñöôïc laép song song vôùi lôùp kính trang trí ñeå choáng xaâm nhaäp, caùch nhieät vaø giaûm tieáng oàn, khi ñeâm xuoáng treân neàn toái cuûa coâng trình caùc oâ cöûa kính gheùp maøu laø nhöõng kyø quan maøu saéc vaø aùnh saùng cho moïi ngöôøi thöôûng thöùc töø beân ngoaøi. Hình 1: Cöûa ñoâi, hoa vaên thieân nhieân nhieät ñôùi theo phong caùch California, bieät thöï Ngoïc Söông, quaän 1, Tp.HCM Hình 2: Khung cöûa ñôn, hoa vaên hoa hoàng theo phong caùch Art Deùcor Hình 3 & 4: Cöûa ñôn vôùi hoa vaên
Door leaves the first impression of a house. While traditional wooden doors express cold and distant feeling; stained glass doors from Artglass® is like a warm greeting and express good aesthetic mind of the owner. There are always one or two layers of tempered glass mounted in decorative glass to preventing unexpected penetration and insulation. At night, on a dark background of the house, the stained glass windows become the wonders of light and color for enjoying for outside. Image 1: Double doors with pattern of tropical nature in California style, at Ngoc Suong villa, District 1, HCMC Image 2: Door frame with Art Decor rose pattern Image 3 & 4: Stained glass doors
Söï tinh teá cuûa taùc phaåm kính gheùp khoâng maøu Artglass® cho moät hình aûnh trang nhaõ ñeán töø söï keát hôïp tinh teá cuûa hoïa tieát vaø nhöõng veát dôïn kính.Nhöõng veát dôïn treân beà maët kính taïo neân nhöõng veät saùng laáp laùnh nhö nhöõng dôïn soùng döôùi aùnh maët trôøi. Hình 1: Thieát keá theo phong caùch Art Decor. Hình 2: Thieát keá laáy caûm höùng töø chuyeån ñoäng cuûa soùng nöôùc vaø sinh vaät bieån.
The exquisite of colorless Artglass® stained glass creates an elegant images from the subtle combination of textures and latex glass. The latex glass is sparkling and shimmering under the sun. Image 1: Art Decor styled doors. Image 2: The design sinpired by sea waves and ocean creatures.
Caùc oâ kính maøu ngheä thuaät trong moät khung cöûa ñaày aùnh naéng laøm neân caù tính cho ngoâi nhaø vaø laøm cho khoâng gian kieán truùc quyù phaùi hôn. Caùc nhaø thieát keá cuûa Artglass® luoân phaùt trieån caùc thieát keá ngheä thuaät trang trí hieän ñaïi, phong caùch tieân phong vôùi söï caùch ñieäu, tinh giaûn hoaù vaø ñaëc bieät laø caùc hình hoïc vaø maøu saéc maïnh meõ giuùp baïn trong khoâng gian ngoâi nhaø cuûa mình ñöôïc soáng ñeïp moãi ngaøy. Hình 1: Cöûa soå phoøng taém, coâng trình Phuù Myõ Höng Hình 2 & 3: Cöûa soå vaø cöûa ñi, Phuù Myõ Höng Hình 4: Cöûa soå vôùi hoïa tieát maët trôøi caùch ñieäu phong caùch Victoria
The stained glass windows under the sun make the architecture noble and divine. The Artglass® artists have developed modern, simple and artful designs by geometry and strong color patterns, in order to beautify your house. Image 1: A bathroom window in Phu My Hung villa Image 2 & 3: The window and door in Phu My Hung Image 4: The window with the sun motifs in Victorian style
Moãi taám kính maøu nguyeân lieäu ñaõ laø moät saûn phaåm ñoäc baûn. Ngaøy nay ngöôøi ta vaãn cheá taïo kính maøu theo coâng thöùc bí truyeàn nhö 900 naêm tröôùc baèng phöông phaùp thuû coâng, quaù trình naøy taïo ra nhöõng vaân maøu khaùc nhau theo caûm höùng cuûa ngöôøi ngheä nhaân, vì theá maø khoâng bao giôø coù hai taám kính gioáng heät nhau. Maøu cuûa thuûy tinh laø vónh cöûu vaø ñöôïc taïo ra töø caùc oxít kim loaïi ôû 1400 ñoäC. Kính gheùp maøu Artglass® taïo neân khoâng gian vöông giaû taïi khu vöïc giaûi trí trong khaùch saïn 5 sao Majestic, quaän 1, Tp.HCM. Hình 1: Pool bar Hình 2: Breeze bar Hình 3: Coffee lounge
Each color glass material is an unique item. Today, stained glass is made of esoteric formula as 900 years ago by the manual method, this process creates different colors by the artists' inspiration, so there is no two identical glass pieces. The color of the glass is eternal which is made of metal oxide in 1400 degree Celsius. Artglass® stained glass made the entertainment area in the five-star Majestic hotel more noble and luxurious, District 1, HCMC. Image 1: Pool bar Image 2: Breeze Bar Image 3: Coffee lounge
Trong moãi döï aùn ñoäi nguõ thieát keá cuûa Artglass® luoân ñöa ra yù töôûng vaø thieát keá môùi phuø hôïp vôùi khoâng gian noäi thaát, ñoàng thôøi coù giaûi phaùp toái öu cho caùc vaán ñeà taøi chính, kyõ thuaät vaø ngheä thuaät. Raát nhieàu yeáu toá ñöôïc chuùng toâi xem xeùt nhö phong caùch thieát keá kieán truùc vaø noäi thaát, ñaëc ñieåm aùnh saùng, coâng ngheä, an toaøn, keát caáu, hieäu öùng mong muoán vaø nhieàu hôn nöõa . Hình 1: Vaùch caàu thang keát hôïp hoïa tieát chim coâng caùch ñieäu vaø kính vaân khoâng maøu; giuùp môû roäng, laøm ñeïp vaø saùng khoâng gian caàu thang voán chaät heïp. Bieät thöï An Döông, Haø Noäi. Hình 2: OÂ laáy saùng hoa vaên phong caùch Frank Lloyd Wright.
In each project, design team of Artglass® provides ideas and suitable designs to the interior, and a good solution of finance, technology and art. There is various factors are taken into consideration, such as interior and architecture designs, lighting features, technology, safety, expected effects and even more. Image 1: A wall of stairs was combination of peacock motifs and colorless glass to expand, beautify and brighten space, at An Duong villa, Hanoi. Image 2: Frank Lloyd Wright style on a window
Kính gheùp maøu ngheä thuaät Artglass® ñöôïc öùng duïng linh hoaït taïi nhieàu vò trí trong moät coâng trình nhaø ôû. Vôùi goùc nhìn töø phoøng khaùch maøu xanh cuûa caây coû keát hôïp cuøng saéc maøu noùng aám cuûa hoïa tieát trang trí theo phong caùch Frank Lloyd Wright taïo neân moät khoâng gian sinh ñoäng vaø khoaùng ñaït (Hình 3). Ñoái vôùi phoøng ñoïc saùch böùc tranh aán töôïng vôùi maøu saéc ñoái choïi ñoùng vai troø nhö moät taùc nhaân kích thích trí töôûng töôïng ( Hình 1). Söï ñan xen giöõa caùc oâ maøu vaø oâ troáng treân oâ laáy saùng caàu thang laø söï traûi nghieäm “Thaät vaø AÛo” cuûa söï keát hôïp kheùo leùo hoïa tieát Art Deùcor vaø caây laù trong vöôøn (Hình 2).
Artglass® stained glass can be applied flexibly at many locations in a house. Viewing from the living room, the green of plants combined with warm colors of the Frank Lloyd Wright windows creates a lively and spacious space (Image 3). For the library, impressive painting with opposite colors stimulates the imagination (Image 1). The mixture of transparent and color cells on the stairs is an experience of "Reality and Fantasy" of a combination of ingenious Art Deùcor vignette and trees in the garden (Image 2).
Boä tranh “12 phong caûnh ñaát nöôùc” ñaët taïi Boä Quoác Phoøng, Haø Noäi laø moät saùng taùc cuûa hoïa syõ Buøi Chí Coâng vaø ñöôïc pheâ duyeät caùc caáp laõnh ñaïo cao nhaát cuûa Boä. Tröôùc hình aûnh thieân nhieân huøng vyõ, khoaùng ñaït ñöôïc khaéc hoïa trong tranh, ngöôøi thöôûng ngoaïn naøo cuõng caûm thaáy theâm yeâu ñaát nöôùc Vieät Nam. Veà phöông dieän kyõ thuaät, nhöõng maûnh kính maøu ñöôïc choïn loïc khaét khe, ñaûm baûo hieäu quaû aán töôïng nhaát, hoaøn haûo veà myõ thuaät cho moãi taùc phaåm. Boä tranh kính môùi laï laø thanh nam chaâm huùt aùnh nhìn vaø tieáng traàm troà cuûa ngöôøi xem.
The series "12 national landscapes", at the Vietnam Department of Defense, Hanoi, is a creation of artist Bui Chi Gong and was approved by the highest leaders of the Department. In front of beautiful, spacious nature in the artwork, viewers must have love Vietnam more. Technically, every color glass piece was selected carefully, ensuring the most dramatic and artistic effects. The series is like a magnet to attract admiration from viewers.
Baûn chaát cuûa kính gheùp maøu chính laø “ngheä thuaät veõ tranh baèng aùnh saùng”. AÙnh saùng taïo neân caùc saéc maøu aûo giaùc cho vaät phaåm thuyû tinh, aùnh saùng cuõng thay ñoåi caùc ñònh giôùi hình daïng cuûa vaät theå, nhôø ñoù maø taùc phaåm Artglass® trôû neân lung linh vaø huyeàn dieäu voâ cuøng. Söï trong suoát gôïi cho ta caûm nhaän veà chaát tinh khieát cuûa vaät theå. AÙnh saùng xuyeân qua vaø phaûn chieáu taïo neân veû ñeïp long lanh cuûa vaät phaåm. Moät trang söùc long lanh treân vuøng ngöïc thieáu nöõ, moät vaùch kính maøu trong treûo ñeàu thöùc daäy trong ta nieàm say meâ nguyeân thuûy. Ñoù laø moät veû ñeïp kieâu sa maø trang nhaõ. Hình 1: Phong caûnh chuøa Höông trong boä tranh “12 phong caûnh ñaát nöôùc”, Haø Noäi Hình 2: Tranh hoà sen, kích thöôùc 1,8m x 0,65m Hình 3: Tranh coâ gaùi Thaùi trong leã hoäi teù nöôùc, kích thöôùc 1,8m x 0,6m
The nature of stained glass is the "painting of light". The light creates the color illusion of glass objects, it also changes the objects' shape, whereby the glass artwork becomes glister and marvelous. The transparency reminds us about the purity. Light goes through and reflects creating glitter objects. A sparkling jewelry on a girl's chest, a colorful stained glass wall wakes up our original passion. It is an exquisite and elegant beauty. Image 1: Landscape of Perfume pagoda in the series "12 national landscapes", Hanoi Image 2: Stained glass Lotus pond, 1.8 m x 0.65 m Image 3: A Thai girl in the Water Festival, 1.8 m x 0.6 m
Ngaøy nay, kính maøu ñaõ trôû thaønh moät phaàn quan troïng cuûa thieát keá ñöông ñaïi vaø baïn coù theå thaáy chuùng khoâng chæ treân caùc maùi traàn, cöûa maø coøn treân nhöõng maët döïng vaø thaäm chí laø caáu truùc ñoäc laäp. Söï haáp daãn cuûa noù vaãn tieáp tuïc meâ hoaëc moïi ngöôøi trong thôøi ñaïi chuùng ta vaø ngaøy caøng coù nhieàu ngoâi nhaø hieän ñaïi ñang chuyeån höôùng tôùi vieäc söû duïng nhieàu hôn ngheä thuaät kính maøu vôùi thieát keá hieän ñaïi ñeå truyeàn taûi caùc thoâng ñieäp vaø laøm ñeïp caùc coâng trình cuûa hoï. Hình 1: Voøm kính “Tree of life”, taïi Taizhung, Ñaøi Loan Hình 2: Traàn kính maøu taïi The Victoria Quarter, Leeds, nöôùc Anh Hình 3: Traàn xoaén oác taïi Dallas, Hoa Kyø Today, stained glass has become an important part of contemporary design and you can see them not only on the ceiling, on the door, and even on independent structure. There are more modern houses are using stained glass with contemporary design to express style and taste of the owner Image 1: Dome "Tree of life", in Taizhung, Taiwan Image 2: A stained glass ceiling at The Victoria Quarter, Leeds, England Image 3: A spiral ceiling in Dallas, United States
Kính gheùp maøu ngheä thuaät Artglass® laø giaûi phaùp phuø hôïp nhaát ñeå ngheä thuaät hoùa nhöõng maët döïng kính ñôn ñieäu, nhöõng coâng trình kieán truùc hieän ñaïi, to lôùn nhöng ñôn giaûn veà hình khoái trôû neân ñaúng caáp vaø caù tính. Kính gheùp maøu Artglass® ngaøy nay coù kích thöôùc lôùn hôn cuøng chuû ñeà hieän ñaïi vaø phong caùch ngheä thuaät tröøu töôïng vôùi caùc yeáu toá moâ hình giao nhau, keát hôïp thieát keá ñoái xöùng, söû duïng nhieàu maøu saéc töôi saùng. Hình 1: Nhaø ga taøu ñieän Sendai JR taïi Tokyo, Nhaät Baûn Hình 2: Cöûa soå kính gheùp maøu cuûa Walter Womacka taïi toøa nhaø Staatsratsgebaude, Berlin, nöôùc Ñöùc Hình 3: Cöûa soå kính gheùp maøu ôû nhaø ga Champ de Mars, Montreal, Canada
Artglass® stained glass is the best solution to transform simple walls, and boring architecture to be original and impressive. Artglass® stained glass now is in larger sizes, inspired by contemporary theme, abstract art and in bright, vivid colors. Image 1: The Sendai JR Station in Tokyo, Japan Image 2: Stained glass window of Walter Womacka, Staatsratsgebaude, Berlin, Germany. Image 3: Stained glass window at the Champ de Mars station, Montreal, Canada.
art glass lighting
art glass lighting
ÑEØN THUÛY TINH NGHEÄ THUAÄT Töø thuôû hoàng hoang, nhöõng ngoïn löûa luoân böøng chaùy trong hang ñaù, ñoù chính laø maët trôøi nhoû mang ñeán söï aám aùp, an toaøn vaø aùnh saùng giuùp keùo daøi caùc sinh hoaït cuûa con ngöôøi khi ñeâm xuoáng. Töø nhu caàu löu giöõ veû ñeïp vaø coâng naêng cuûa aùnh saùng ban ngaøy vaøo ban ñeâm, yù töôûng « ñeøn » trong cuoäc soáng con ngöôøi ra ñôøi. AÙnh saùng laø linh hoàn cuûa caûm quan thò giaùc, laø yeáu toá thieát yeáu goùp phaàn taùc ñoäng ñeå laøm noåi baät leân veû ñeïp cuûa noäi thaát. Moät ngoâi nhaø seõ ñaït ñöôïc veû ñeïp vaø tính caùch ñích thöïc khi coù toå chöùc chieáu saùng haøi hoaø. Ñeøn ngheä thuaät Artglass® khoâng chæ coù coâng duïng chieáu saùng, maø coøn laø taùc phaåm ñieâu khaéc aùnh saùng noåi baät nhö vieân ngoïc laáp laùnh trang ñieåm cho khoâng gian, thu huùt söï chuù yù ngay caû khi khoâng baät saùng. Ñoà aùn ñeøn trang trí cuûa Artglass® thieát keá thoûa maõn caùc yeáu toá: myõ thuaät – ñeïp, ñoäc ñaùo vaø phuø hôïp phong caùch kieán truùc cuûa coâng trình; kyõ thuaät – phuø hôïp coâng naêng cuûa töøng khoâng gian cuï theå; kích thöôùc – phuø hôïp tyû leä cuûa khoâng gian.
From the beginning, there were always fires in the cave. It were mini suns bringing warmth, safety and lighting to extend the life of human at night. From the demand to maintain the beauty and power of light at night, the idea of «lighting» in human life was born. Lighting is the soul of the visual sense and an essential factor to highlight the beauty of interior space. A house is beautiful and original when lighting is in harmony. Artglass® lamps not only are a lighting tool, but also sculptures of light that stand out like sparkling jewels adorning the space, and attracting attention even in off mode. Decorative schemes of Artglass® is designed to satisfy following elements: art - beautiful, unique and consistent to architectural style; technique - suitable for each specific space and size - suitable proportion in interior.
Ngoaøi phong caùch coå ñieån cuûa Tiffany, ñeøn kính gheùp maøu coøn coù nhöõng thieát keá hieän ñaïi taän duïng nhöõng ñöôøng neùt kyû haø, hình khoái maïnh meõ phuø hôïp vôùi kieán truùc ñöông ñaïi. Artglass® coù nhöõng thieát keá rieâng cho caùc yeâu caàu ñaëc bieät.
Besides the classic style of Tiffany lamps, stained glass lighting appears in modern designs with strong lines and shapes, which are consistent with contemporary architecture. Especially, Artglass® will customizes for special requirements.
Louis Comfort Tiffany laø cha ñeû vaø baäc thaày cuûa moät phong caùch cheá taùc ñeøn kính gheùp maøu vaãn thöôøng ñöôïc goïi laø "ñeøn Tiffany". Maøu saéc cuûa ñeøn Tiffany luoân haøi hoøa, röïc rôõ nhö ngoïc quyù vôùi thieát keá ñöôïc truyeàn caûm höùng töø thieân nhieân coù theå noùi ñeøn Tiffany nhö goùi khung caûnh beân ngoaøi cöûa soå quanh moät chieác boùng ñeøn, taïo neân moät taùc phaåm ñieâu khaéc tuyeät vôøi cuûa aùnh saùng. Baát kyø ngoâi nhaø coù moät chieác ñeøn Tiffany, cuõng cho thaáy nhöõng ngöôøi soáng trong ñoù thöïc söï töï haøo veà phong caùch vaø khieáu thaåm myõ cuûa baûn thaânï. Beân caïnh coâng naêng laø moät nguoàn chieáu saùng, caùc loaïi ñeøn Tiffany coøn mang theo söï sang troïng vaø tinh teá.
Louis Comfort Tiffany was the father and the master of art glass lamps called "Tiffany lamps". The colors of Tiffany lamps are always harmonious, brilliant and gem-like and the designs were inspired by nature. It was once said that "Tiffany has the idea of wrapping a window around a light bulb, creating a fantastic sculpture of light." Any house, with a Tiffany lamp, shows that the owners are really proud of their style and taste. Aside from being lighting source, Tiffany lamps also bring luxury and sophistication.
Ñeøn saøn coù theå ñöôïc ñaët ôû goùc cuûa caên phoøng, taïo ra moät caûm giaùc thanh lòch maø khoâng chieám khoâng gian. AÙnh saùng lung linh toûa ra töø nhöõng caây ñeøn Tiffany nhö ngoïn haûi ñaêng höôùng daãn nhöõng taâm hoàn tìm veà goùc thö giaõn aám cuùng, nôi thoûa maõn caûm giaùc coâ ñôn dòu daøng. Hình aûnh: Caùc noäi thaát ñöôïc trang trí baèng ñeøn Tiffany cuûa Artglass®, taïi resort Ñaø Laït vaø Phan Thieát
Floor lamps can be placed at the corner of a room, creating a sense of elegance without space wasting. Shimmering light emanating from the Tiffany lamp is like a lighthouse guiding our soul to find a cozy and relaxing corners, where loneliness is satisfied tenderly. Image: The interiors were decorated with Tiffany lamps of Artglass ®, at the resorts in Dalat and Phan Thiet
Ñeøn Galleù ñöôïc phaùt minh vaø cheá taùc bôûi baäc thaày cuûa thuaät chaïm khaéc thuûy tinh Emile Galleù. Söû duïng söï keát hôïp giöõa khaéc chaïm baèng tay vaø baèng axít, oâng ñaõ taïo ra ñöôïc nhöõng kieåu daùng cô baûn töø naêm lôùp thuyû tinh maøu. Hình aûnh caây coái vaø ñoäng vaät cuûa thaønh phoá Lorraine, queâ höông oâng treân taùc phaåm ñaõ taïo neân phong caùch Galleù. Ñeøn Galleù laø moät yeáu toá ñaëc bieät ñònh hình phong caùch khoâng gian noäi thaát coå ñieån. Hình aûnh: Caùc khoâng gian kieán truùc söû duïng ñeøn Galle cuûa Artglass® taïi resort, khaùch saïn 5 sao, Tp.Vuõng Taøu
Galleù lamps were invented and created by the master of glass cameo - Emile Galleù. Combining hand-carved and acidcarved, he created basic designs on color glass layers. Galleù style was determined by the images of plants and animals in Lorraine - his native city - on his art works. Galleù lamp is a original element to determine the classic interior style. Image: Artglass®'s Galleù lamps in the resorts and 5 star hotels, Vung Tau City
Söï keát hôïp ñeøn chuøm pha leâ vaø traàn kính gheùp maøu laø xu höôùng thôøi thöôïng ñeå taïo neân khoâng gian hoaønh traùng vaø xa hoa. Nhöõng thieát keá ñoät phaù cuûa Artglass® bieán ñoåi nhöõng khoâng gian bình thöôøng thaønh phi thöôøng; ñoù laø moät toång theå aùnh saùng huyeàn aûo qua söï hoøa quyeän aùnh saùng khueách taùn cuûa pha leâ cuøng maøu saéc cuûa traàn kính. Söï keát hôïp naøy cho baïn khaû naêng thay ñoåi phong caùch noäi thaát töø dòu daøng ñeán loäng laãy moät caùch deã daøng.
The marriage of crystal chandeliers and stained glass domes is a fashionable trend to creating magnificent and luxurious space.The innovative design of Artglass® transforms ordinary spaces into extraordinary, creating a whole magical light through blending colorful light from stained glass domes and sparkling light from crystal chandeliers. This combination allows you to easily alter the interior style from soft to stunning.
Hình thöùc thieát keá cuûa ñeøn chuøm, döïa treân hình aûnh cuûa vöông mieän hoaøng gia, laø bieåu töôïng cuûa söï sang troïng. Tính chaát taùn xaï aùnh saùng cuûa caùc chuøm haït pha leâ raát nhanh choùng trôû thaønh tính naêng ñaëc bieät ñeå hình thaønh moät phöông phaùp chieáu saùng tinh teá vaø loäng laãy, tuy nhieân ñeøn chuøm chæ thöïc söï ñaït ñöôïc giaù trò khi coù phong caùch myõ thuaät, kích thöôùc vaø cöôøng ñoä chieáu saùng phuø hôïp coâng naêng cuûa khoâng gian . Hình aûnh: Boä ñeøn chuøm daøi ruû xuoáng töø traàn nhö moät doøng thaùc aùnh saùng töø traàn ñaïi saûnh; ñaây laø coâng trình truï sôû Trung öông Ñaûng, Haø Noäi.
Crystal chandeliers, inspired by a royal crown, were symbols of luxury. Light diffusion ability of crystal chandeliers became a distinctive feature of sophisticated and gorgeous lighting, but the chandeliers only are valuable when its style, size and light intensity are appropriate to space function. Image: A long chandelier as a cascade of light from the hall ceiling, this is an artwork in the office of Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, Hanoi.
art mirror
art mirror
GÖÔNG NGHEÄ THUAÄT Cung ñieän Versailles, do vua Louis XIV xaây döïng naêm 1678, coù moät khoâng gian noåi tieáng laø “Hall of Mirrors”. Giaù trò noåi baät cuûa hoäi tröôøng naøy laø 17 taám göông, treân toång soá 357 trong cung ñieän, phaûn chieáu nhöõng maùi voøm maï vaøng cuûa 17 khung cöûa soå nhìn ra nhöõng khu vöôøn thaàn tieân cuûa cung ñieän. Vaøo theá kyû 17, göông laø nhöõng aán tín ñaúng caáp cuûa söï sang troïng, vöông giaû vaø quyù phaùi. Quy trình saûn xuaát göông hieän ñaïi do nhaø hoùa hoïc Ñöùc Justus Von Leibig, phaùt minh naêm 1835, baèng caùch traùng nitrat baïc leân kính. Beân caïnh ñoù coøn caùc phöông phaùp traùng göông baèng caùch thaêng hoa nhoâm trong chaân khoâng, tuy nhieân chaát löôïng hình aûnh cuûa göông vaãn phuï thuoäc chuû yeáu vaøo chaát löôïng kính. Ñoù phaûi laø loaïi kính ñaëc bieät phaúng, trong suoát vaø khoâng maøu. Ngaøy nay,giaù trò cuûa göông khoâng chæ ôû khaû naêng phaûn aùnh hình aûnh trung thöïc maø nhöõng trang trí treân göông khieán noù trôû thaønh taùc phaåm ngheä thuaät trong phoøng.
There is a well-known room in Versailles palace of King Louis XIV, built in 1678, which is the "Hall of Mirrors". Outstanding value of this hall was that there are 17, out of 357 mirrors of the palace, reflect the gilded dome of the 17 windows looking at the magical gardens of the palace. In the 17th century, mirror is a symbol of the luxury, royal and high class. The modern manufacturing process of mirrors, by the German chemist Justus Von Leibig, was invented in 1835 by coating silver nitrate on glass. Besides, there is a method to mirroring by sublimation of aluminum in a vacuum. However, the image quality of mirror still depends on the quality of glass, it has to be special glass that is completely flat, transparent and colorless. Today, the value of the mirror is not only the ability to reflect the true picture, but the decoration on the mirror has transformed it to an independent artwork.
Taâm ñieåm hoaøn haûo ñeå ñaët göông trong moät ngoâi nhaø chính laø phoøng khaùch. Moät chieác göông lôùn coù theå cho nhöõng goùc nhìn khaùc nhau vaø laø moät maøn hình phaûn aùnh nhöõng hoaït ñoäng trong phoøng, seõ laø hoaøn haûo khi maøn hình ñoù ñöôïc Artglass® trang trí baèng nhöõng khung vieàn ñeïp ñeõ. Chieác göông trang trí treân töôøng (Hình 1) hoøa quyeän hình aûnh thöïc vaø aûo thaønh moät böùc tranh soáng ñoäng. Toát nhaát laø neân baøy theâm hoa töôi, hoaëc treo moät böùc tranh ñeïp ñoái dieän göông. Baøn trang ñieåm vaø göông laø hai boä phaän khoâng theå taùch rôøi (Hình 2 & 3), bôûi theá kieåu daùng vaø trang trí cuûa khung göông phaûi ñoàng boä vôùi phong caùch cuûa baøn trang ñieåm.
The perfect space for a mirror in a house is the living room. A large mirror can change viewing angles, which also is a screen reflecting the activities in the room. It would be perfect if that screen is decorated with beautiful Artglass® borders. Decorative mirror on a wall (Image 1) combines virtual and real images into a vivid picture. Moreover, it is best to display some fresh flowers or a pretty picture opposite to the mirror. Vanity table and mirror are two inseparable elements (Image 2 & 3), therefore the design and decoration of the mirrors need to be suitable with the style of the table.
Moät trong nhöõng nôi thích hôïp ñeå ñaët göông laø haønh lang vaø caùc goùc caàu thang. Duøng göông khoå lôùn ñeå phuû kín toaøn boä vaùch töôøng laø caùch môû roäng khoâng gian höõu hieäu nhaát, laøm giaûm nheï caûm giaùc ngoät ngaït aùp böùc, taïo caûm giaùc khoâng gian vaãn coøn tieáp tuïc.
One of the appropriate places to hang a mirror is hallway and staircase corner. A huge mirror used to cover an entire wall will expand the space effectively.
Göông laø vaät khoâng theå thieáu trong phoøng taém. Ñoái vôùi phoøng taém hieän ñaïi, ñôn giaûn, chieác göông Artglass® vôùi trang trí tinh xaûo vaø maøu saéc aán töôïng trôû thaønh ñieåm nhaán tinh teá trong phoøng taém.
Mirror is an indispensable thing in a bathroom. In a modern and simple bathroom, an Artglass® mirror with exquisite decoration and dramatic color becomes a subtle attraction.
carved glass
carved glass
KÍNH ÑIEÂU KHAÉC Trong haøng trieäu naêm Gioù vaø Caùt ñaõ mieät maøi chaïm khaéc vaøo vaùch nuùi, taïo neân nhöõng voøm ñaù tuyeät myõ. Voøm ñaù thieân taïo noåi tieáng Delicate Arch, bieåu töôïng cuûa bang Utah, laø moät trong nhöõng kyø quan ñoù. Ngheä thuaät ñieâu khaéc kính cuõng döïa treân nguyeân lyù töông töï. Kính khaéc nguyeân thuûy coù töø theá kyû 15 ñöôïc söû duïng cho muïc ñích trang trí. Coù nhieàu phöông phaùp khaéc kính vôùi duïng cuï kim cöông, caùc baùnh maøi ñoàng ñoû, axít, phun caùt vaø laser; trong ñoù phun caùt laø coâng ngheä toái öu ñeå saùng taïo. Ñieâu khaéc kính laø keát quaû cuûa ngheä thuaät ñieâu khaéc ñeå taïo ra moät hình aûnh ba chieàu treân moät beà maët kính phaúng. Caùc taùc phaåm kính ñieâu khaéc laø ngheä thuaät cuûa thaåm myõ tinh teá vaø tao nhaõ, keát hôïp meàm maïi vôùi caùc phong caùch khaùc nhau cuûa noäi thaát. Kính ñieâu khaéc ñöôïc söû duïng treân cöûa, vaùch ñeå trang trí, cho pheùp moät phaàn aùnh saùng xuyeân qua maø vaãn giöõ ñöôïc söï rieâng tö caàn thieát . Kính ñieâu khaéc laø yù töôûng saûn phaåm ñaàu tieân cuûa Artglass®. Ñoäi nguõ thieát keá vaø ngheä nhaân giaøu kinh nghieäm cuûa chuùng toâi luoân saün saøng taïo neân nhöõng taùc phaåm phuø hôïp vôùi khoâng gian cuûa baïn. Moãi thieát keá cuûa chuùng toâi laø moät caâu chuyeän . Hình aûnh: Vaùch kính ñieâu khaéc “Uyeân Öông” naèm giöõa phoøng khaùch vaø caàu thang
For millions of years, wind and sand carved into natural cliffs beautiful arches. The famous Delicate Arch, symbol of Utah state, USA, is one of such wonders. Carved glass is manufactured based on such principles. Engraved glass was invented since 15th century, which was used for decorative purposes. There are many methods engrave glass with diamond tools, copper grinding wheels, acid, sand blasting and laser, in which sand is the optimum technology for creativity. Glass carving is the product of sculpturing three-dimensional images on glass surface. The carved glass artworks are the combination of sophistication, elegance with various interior styles. Carved glass is used to decorate doors, walls, which allows light going through while maintaining the necessary privacy. Engraved glass is the first product line of Artglass ® since 1994. Our creative design team and experienced artists are ready to customize products for you. There is always an appealing story behind each of our designs. Image: Carved glass wall "Mandarin ducks" in the middle of the living room and staircase
Moãi taùc phaåm kính khaéc Artglass® ñöôïc laøm baèng tay vaø khoâng bao giôø coù hai taùc phaåm hoaøn toaøn gioáng nhau. Baét ñaàu baèng vieäc tinh chænh thieát keá töø nhöõng yù töôûng ban ñaàu cuûa khaùch haøng, töøng lôùp kính ñöôïc chaïm khaéc moät caùch caån thaän ôû maët sau baèng kyõ thuaät chuyeân bieät, cho ñeán khi ñaït möùc ñoä saâu mong muoán vaø hieäu öùng cho töøng chi tieát. Khoâng ñöôïc pheùp coù moät sai soùt naøo, bôûi nhöõng sai laàm nhoû nhaát cuõng vónh vieãn hieän treân maët kính. Hình aûnh: Coâng trình khaùch saïn 5 sao Rex laø moät trong nhöõng taùc phaåm ñaàu tieân cuûa Artglass®. Taùc phaåm laáy yù töôûng chuû ñaïo töø hoïa tieát roàng, phuïng vaø hoa laù theo phong caùch cung ñình Hueá.
Each Artglass® carved glass is handmade, so there is no identical works. Started by tweaking the design from the original idea of a customer, each layers of glass is carefully engraved on the back using special techniques, until they reach the desired depth and effect in every detail. Any error is unbearable because the smallest mistake stays on the glass permanently. Image: The project at 5-star Rex Hotel is one of the first works of Artglass®. The work was inspired by motifs of dragon, phoenix and flowers in royal Hue style.
Ñeà taøi trang trí kính chaïm khaéc raát phong phuù vaø gaàn nhö voâ haïn. Töø tranh “Diana” (Hình 2) cuûa khaùch saïn 5 sao Majestic, hoaï tieát trang trí treân cöûa nhaø haøng Ngoïc Söông (Hình 1), cho ñeán ñeà taøi thieân nhieân nhö bieån soùng ( Hình 3) cho phoøng taém söï rieâng tö laõng maïn, ñeàu coù theå taùi hieän baèng ngheä thuaät khaéc kính.
Creative subjects of carved glass are rich and almost limitless. From the painting "Diana" (Image 2) of the 5-star hotel Majestic, to Art Nouveau door (Image 1) in Ngoc Suong restaurant, to sea waves (Image 3) on bathroom door can be reproduced with carved glass.
Caùc caïnh cuûa hình chaïm khaéc seõ xuaát hieän moät caùch trang nhaõ khi phaûn chieáu aùnh saùng xung quanh vaø noåi baät khi ñöôïc chieáu saùng tröïc tieáp. Vaùch kính vôùi trang trí chaïm khaéc tinh teá taïo neân ngaên caùch öôùc leä cho nhöõng khoâng gian rieâng tö, maø khoâng taïo caûm giaùc chaät heïp. Nhöõng vaùch kính taïi khoâng gian bar cuûa khaùch saïn 5 sao Daewoo Haø Noäi chöùng minh cho ñieàu ñoù.
The engraved edges appear elegantly when reflecting light and strikingly when illuminated directly. The carved glass wall creates private space without being cramped. The carved glass wall at the bar of five star hotel Daewoo Hanoi proved it.
Moät tính naêng lôùn ñöôïc theâm vaøo thieát keá vaø saûn phaåm chaïm khaéc cuûa Artglass® laø maøu saéc. Maøu saéc laøm ñaäm ñaø hôn veû ñeïp cuûa keát caáu chaïm khaéc. Theâm maøu saéc coù nghóa laø caùc ngheä syõ seõ maát nhieàu thôøi gian hôn ñeå saùng taïo, vì vaäy chi phí seõ taêng. Nhöng hieäu quaû noù mang laïi giaù trò hôn nhieàu so vôùi soá tieàn ñaàu tö. Nhôø maøu saéc, böùc tranh “Yeán Xuaân” soáng ñoäng ñeán möùc döôøng nhö coù theå caûm nhaän ñöôïc tieáng chim hoùt líu lo, vaø caû nhöõng boâng hoa rung rinh tröôùc ngoïn gioù xuaân.
A great feature is added to the carving glass artwork of Artglass® is color. Colors make the carving structure look bold and impressive. When adding in color, it takes more time for our artists to work, thus the cost s increased. But the result is definitely worthy. In color, the painting "Spring Nest" is so lively that we seem to feel the birds chirping and the flowers tremble in the spring winds.
Chieác ñoàng hoà khoång loà ñaët taïi khu thöông maïi danh giaù Marina Bay, Singapore, ñöôïc taïo thaønh töø ba lôùp kính khaéc xeáp caïnh nhau, moãi lôùp theå hieän nhöõng boä phaän taùi hieän cô caáu cuûa ñoàng hoà trong khoâng gian 3D. Chieáu saùng baèng LED töø caïnh taám kính aån ñi nguoàn saùng maø vaãn baät leân chi tieát khieán cho chuùngù nhö hieän ra töø trong theá giôùi aûo dieäu, thu huùt söï chuù yù vaø thaùn phuïc cuûa du khaùch vì söï ñoàng ñieäu cuûa hình aûnh quaûng caùo vaø coâng ngheä tinh vi cuûa ñoàng hoà. Chaïm khaéc treân kính coøn laø moät giaûi phaùp tuyeät vôøi ñeå cho baïn moät khaên traûi baøn vónh cöûu. Artglass® coù phoå roäng hoïa tieát vaø maøu saéc phuø hôïp vôùi moïi phong caùch trang trí.
The giant clock located in the prestigious Marina Bay Sands department store, Singapore, was made of three layers of carved glass held side by side. Each layer shows the parts to reproduce the structure of the clock in the 3D space. The hidden LED lights make every detail appear magically, attracting the attention and admiration of visitors. Engraving on the glass is a great solution for permanent tablecloths. Artglass® has a broad spectrum of colors and patterns suit every decorating style.
art mosaic
art mosaic
MOSAIC NGHEÄ THUAÄT Coù nguoàn goác töø Hy Laïp coå ñaïi, nhöõng böùc tranh mosaic ñaàu tieân ñöôïc gheùp töø voû soø. Vôùi chaát lieäu thuûy tinh, mosaic ñaõ thaêng hoa maïnh meõ trong theá kyû 21 vaø taïo ra moät quan ñieåm môùi veà vaät lieäu trang trí hoaøn thieän treân theá giôùi. Vôùi phong caùch taïo hình haáp daãn, laõng maïn vaø bieán aûo khoân löôøng, Mosaic ngheä thuaät laø hieän thaân cuûa söï keát hôïp hoaøn myõ giöõa coå ñieån vaø hieän ñaïi, giöõa tính quaàn chuùng vaø tính caù nhaân; vì vaäy noù ñöôïc söï ñoùn nhaän noàng nhieät cuûa caùc kieán truùc sö, nhaø xaây döïng vaø chuû coâng trình. Ñöôïc cheá taïo töø nhöõng haït nhoû cuøng gam maøu roäng, beàn vöõng, deã daøng chuyeån taûi moïi noäi dung, Mosaic ngheä thuaät Artglass® giuùp caùc nhaø thieát keá töï do saùng taïo. Vaät lieäu ngheä thuaät naøy ñang daàn thay theá nhöõng beà maët roäng cuûa maët ñöùng kieán truùc, laøm thaønh nhöõng böùc tranh töôøng lôùn trong ñoâ thò, bieán nhöõng taám ngaên ñôn maøu thaønh nhöõng böùc tranh ngheä thuaät ña maøu lung linh vôùi aùnh saùng. Hình beân phaûi: Thaùc “Lyù Ngö Hoùa Long” taïi showroom Minh Saùng cuûa coâng ty söù Minh Long, Bình Döông; cheá taùc töø haït crystal mosaic; kích thöôùc 19m x 4,5m.
Originally from ancient Greek, the first mosaic painting were created from seashells. Along with glass, mosaic has had strong development in the 21st century and created a new concept of decorative materials in the world. By attractive, romantic and unpredictable visual, Art Mosaic is the perfect marriage between classics and moderns, the community and individuals. Therefore, architects, builders and building owners, are willing to use it. Made of small, colorful and durable pieces that is able to express every subjects, Artglass® Mosaic gives designers the freedom of creativity. These artful materials are replacing the large surface of the architecture facade, turning them into large murals in the city, and transforming monotone walls to shimmering artistic paintings. Right image: Waterfall "Ly Ngu Hoa Long" (a fish transforms to a dragon) at the showroom Minh Sang of ceramic company Minh Long, Binh Duong; crafted by crystal mosaic; in size 19m x 4.5 m.
mosaic 2000
Vôùi lôïi theá ñaëc bieät laø ñoä cöùng cao, chòu neùn toát, khoâng maøi moøn, khoâng thaám nöôùc, khoâng baùm buïi vaø reâu moác, Mosaic ngheä thuaät Artglass® ñaëc bieät thích hôïp cho caùc coâng trình coâng coäng; nhö coâng trình saøn phun nöôùc coâng vieân Crescent Residence, Phuù Myõ Höng , Tp. HCM (Hình 1). Söû duïng phaàn meàm chuyeân nghieäp MOSAIC2000 (Hình 2), Artglass® deã daøng thieát keá neân nhöõng böùc tranh mosaic ñaëc bieät theo yeâu caàu khaùch haøng, moät caùch nhanh choùng, ñôn giaûn, vôùi giaù caû hôïp lyù vaø ñaûm baûo kyõ thuaät vaø myõ thuaät.
With the advantage of high hardness, good compression, no wear, waterproof, dust-proof, Artglass® Art Mosaic is particularly suitable for the public projects, such as the fountain in Crescent Residence, Phu My Hung, HCMC (Image 1). Using the professional software MOSAIC2000 (Image 2), Artglass® customizes the mosaic artwork quickly, simply, with reasonable prices and good technical and aesthetic quality.
Mosaic ngheä thuaät Artglass® “caù tính hoùa” nhöõng hoà nöôùc ñôn maøu thaønh nhöõng böùc tranh ngheä thuaät ña maøu lung linh vôùi nöôùc vaø aùnh saùng. Moãi lôùp soùng nöôùc ñi qua, ñoùa hoa nhö kheõ lay ñoäng, vaø nhöõng con caù nhö ñang quaãy ñuoâi bôi loäi.
Artglass® Art Mosaic personalizes the monotone pools into sparkling multi-color artworks under water and light. After each wave, the flowers are like gently shaking, and the fishes are like swimming.
Cuoäc soáng ngoït ngaøo baét ñaàu töø phoøng taém! Phoøng taém laø nôi khôûi ñaàu ngaøy môùi vaø laø nôi moïi ngöôøi trôû veà vôùi chính mình moät caùch nguyeân thuûy, trong saùng vaø töï do. Töø nôi aáy, baïn laøm ñöôïc raát nhieàu vieäc, töø veä sinh caù nhaân cho ñeán thö giaõn hay thaäm chí vieát laùch vaø saùng taùc. Vì vaäy vieäc löïa choïn vaät lieäu vaø trang trí nhaø taém laø raát quan troïng, khoâng chæ thoûa maõn caûm giaùc thö thaùi, töï nhieân maø coøn phaûi ñeïp vaø an toaøn, Mosaic ngheä thuaät Artglass® chính laø söï löïa choïn phuø hôïp nhaát . Hình 1: Töôøng phoøng taém hoa hoàng, vaät lieäu Iridium mosaic aùnh xaø cöø Hình 2: Töôøng phoøng veä sinh, vaät lieäu Crystal mosaic Hình 3: Vaùch phoøng taém ñöùng, vaät lieäu Crystal mosaic
A fresh life starts in the bathroom! A bathroom is a place to begin a new day. It is where people come back to their original, free and innocent self. From there you can do so many things, from bathing to relaxing or even writing. Consequently, it is important to choose materials and decoration style for the bathroom. The bathroom decoration satisfies not only relaxing need but also beauty and safety. Artglass® Art Mosaic is the best choice. Image 1: Bathroom Wall with rose picture, by mother of pearl Iridium mosaic Image 2: Bathroom wall, by crystal mosaic Image 3: Shower room, by crystal mosaic
Mosaic ngheä thuaät Artglass® hieån nhieân laø söï löïa choïn öa thích cuûa nhöõng ngöôøi thaønh ñaït vaø saønh ñieäu. Ngheä thuaät naøy ñöôïc söû duïng ñeå trang trí ôû nhöõng vaùch töôøng chính trong phoøng khaùch, phoøng nguû, haønh lang; giuùp bieán nhöõng maët phaúng voâ tri, phi hình thaønh höõu hình mang nghóa.
Artglass ® Mosaic is obviously a favorite choice of the successful and stylish people. This art is used to decorate the walls in the living room, bedroom, hallway, turning the meaningless, boring to meaningful and gorgeous surface.
Ñeå “ngheä thuaät hoùa” ngoâi nhaø cuûa baïn thì Mosaic ngheä thuaät Artglass® chính laø moät chaát lieäu ñöôïc yeâu thích nhaát. Ñaëc tröng cuûa chaát lieäu naøy laø caûm giaùc trong treûo, nhìn töø beà maët ta coù theå nhìn thaáy maøu saéc thuaàn khieát maø lung linh, noù ñöôïc duøng ñeå trang trí noäi thaát vaø caùc coâng trình kieán truùc, coâng trình vaên hoùa cuõng nhö caùc cöûa haøng thôøi trang, quaày bar vaø ñaïi saûnh. Hình 1: Saøn cöûa haøng thôøi trang vôùi hoa vaên nhö deät treân vaûi Hình 2: Moät taám thaûm vónh cöûu cuûa phoøng khaùch Hình 3: Hoïa tieát ñaëc tröng cuûa ngheä thuaät ñan maây tre, nhöõng ñöôøng cheùo laøm saøn nhö roäng hôn
To beautify your house, Artglass® Art Mosaic is the most favorite material. This material strength is the purity sense, as looking at the surface we see pure, shimmering colors. It is used to decorate interior and architectural buildings, cultural facilities as well as fashion shops, bars and halls. Image 1: A floor in fashion stores looks alike woven pattern on fabric. Image 2: An eternal tapestry in living room Image 3: Original pattern of woven bamboo, the diagonal makes the floor look broader.
Mosaic ngheä thuaät phuø hôïp vôùi moïi phong caùch, töø Phöông Ñoâng ñeán Phöông Taây, coå ñieån ñeán hieän ñaïi. Hình 1: Baûng hieäu maët tieàn nhaø haøng Hoa Vieân, Haø Noäi, vaät lieäuglass mosaic caét xeáp thuû coâng, 7m x 2,7m Hình 2 & 3: Trang trí maët tieàn nhaø haùt muùa roái Trung Öông, Haø Noäi, chuû ñeà “Long Laân Quy Phuïng”, vaät lieäu glass mosaic caét xeáp theo phöông phaùp thuû coâng, 4m x 2m/ taám.
Art Mosaic is applicable to all styles, from East to West, from classic to modern. Image 1: The brand sign of Hoa Vien Restaurant, Hanoi, by hand-cut glass mosaic, 7m x 2.7 m Image 2 & 3: Decoration on the front of the Central Puppet Theater, Hanoi; theme "Dragon, Tiger, Turtle, Phoenix" (Four mascots in Asian culture), by hand-cut glass mosaic, 4m x 2m/item.
Beân caïnh coâng ngheä xeáp Mosaic tieân tieán, ngheä thuaät Mosaic coå ñieån vôùi kyõ thuaät caét gheùp thuû coâng tæ mæ vaø loaïi Iridium mosaic sang troïng laø söï löïa choïn do hieäu quaû myõ thuaät vaø chaát löôïng kyõ thuaät vôùi caùc phöông aùn thieát keá phong phuù, linh hoaït. Töø teân goïi cuûa moät vaät lieäu phoå thoâng thoâ raùp ban ñaàu Mosaic coå ñieån Artglass® nay ñaõ bieán thaønh moät cuïm töø bieåu töôïng cho söï giaøu sang vaø phong caùch ngheä thuaät saønh ñieäu. Hình 1: Tranh roàng phong caùch cung ñình Hueá, kích thöôùc 2,4m x 2,2m Hình 2: Tranh roàng thôøi Lyù, kích thöôùc 5m x 1,5m. Hình 3: Tranh thaàn Veä Nöõ theo phong caùch Phuïc Höng, ñöôøng kính 1,2m
Beside the advanced Mosaic technology, classic Mosaic technology with meticulously handmade and Iridium mosaic is a good choice of technical, art quality and flexible designs. From the name of simple materials, Artglass ® classic Mosaic has become a symbol for the wealthy and sophisticated style. Image 1: Painting of dragon in the royal Hue style, size 2.4 m x 2.2 m Image 2: Painting of dragon in the royal Lee style, size 5m x 1.5 m Image 3: Venus painting in Renaissance style, diameter of 1.2 m
emerald glass sculpture
emerald glass sculpture
BIEÅU TÖÔÏNG KÍNH Gôïi caûm höùng töø nhöõng thöûa ruoäng baäc thang ôû Sapa, keát hôïp söï am töôøng lyù tính cuûa thuûy tinh vaø söï tieán boä cuûa coâng ngheä, caùc ngheä syõ ñieâu khaéc ñaõ saùng taïo ra moät hình thöùc theå hieän môùi vôùi thuûy tinh. Thuûy tinh laø moät theå vaät chaát huyeàn bí vôùi ñaày ñuû nhöõng tính chaát cuûa theå raén, loûng vaø khí. Khoái thuûy tinh raát gioáng nhö nöôùc ôû daïng raén, baét laáy aùnh saùng vaø toûa saùng töø beân trong nhö nhöõng khoái ngoïc quyù. Töø nhöõng caûm höùng treân, Artglass® cho ra ñôøi doøng saûn phaåm Thuûy tinh Ngoïc bích hay Emerald glass®. Baèng ngoân ngöõ bieåu caûm rieâng cuûa chaát lieäu, Emerald glass® taïo neân söï say meâ saâu laéng khi ngaém nhìn, ñoù moät yeáu toá quan troïng khoâng theå thieáu trong moät taùc phaåm ñieâu khaéc. Emerald glass® giuùp cho taùc phaåm thaêng hoa vaø tröôøng toàn trong loøng ngöôøi thöôûng ngoaïn. Hình beân phaûi: Bieåu töôïng Kristall, baèng kính vaø theùp cao 37m, cuûa Edvin Ohrstrom taïi quaûng tröôøng trung taâm Stockholm. Ñaây laø khoâng gian phoå bieán nhaát cho caùc cuoäc gaëp gôõ baïn beø, nôi dieãn ra haøng loaït caùc söï kieän chính trò vaø laø nôi moïi ngöôøi aên möøng moãi chieán thaéng lôùn cuûa theå thao Thuïy Ñieån.
Inspired by the "staircase" rice fields in Sapa, and combining good knowledge of the physical characteristics of glass and the advancement of technology, sculptors invented a new expression with the glass. Glass is a mysterious physical substance with all the properties of solid, liquid and gas. Glass is like water in solid, which captures the light and shine from within as jewels. From the inspiration, Artglass ® launched a new product line called Emerald glass®. By their own expressive language, Emerald glass ® create in us deep passion when we are looking at it, which is an essential element of a sculpture. Emerald glass® helps the artwork to stay in the hearts of audiences. Right image: The symbol Kristall, by glass and steel, 37m high of Edvin Ohrstrom in the Central Square of Stockholm. This is the space for political events, for celebrating victory of Swedish sports or just meeting friends.
Moät trong nhöõng ñaëc tröng roõ neùt nhaát cuûa thuûy tinh laø noù trong suoát ñoái vôùi aùnh saùng, ñoù cuõng chính laø thuoäc tính cuûa chaát loûng. Nhôø ñaëc ñieåm naøy, caùc nhaø thieát keá caûnh quan ñaõ saùng taïo ra Ñaøi nöôùc thuûy tinh. Chæ vôùi löôïng nöôùc nhoû coù theå taïo ñöôïc caûm giaùc nhö moät thaùc nöôùc lôùn. Nhôø theá maø tieát kieäm naêng löôïng, chi phí baûo döôõng vaø tieáng oàn. Ñeøn chieáu saùng beân trong coù theå thay ñoåi maøu saéc theo nhieàu chuû ñeà, taïo theâm söùc soáng cho ñaøi nöôùc. Hình 1: Ñaøi phun nöôùc trong vöôøn moät bieät thöï taïi Phuù Myõ Höng, Tp. HCM
The defining characteristic of glass is transparency under light, which is also the property of liquids. Thanks to this characteristic, the landscape designer has created the glass fountain. Only small amount of water is needed to create the feeling of great waterfall. Thereby it is economical, saving energy and reducing noise. The inside lights change colors according to various themes, making the fountain lively and vivid. Image 1: The fountain in the garden in a Phu My Hung villa, HCMC
Nöôùc thu huùt con ngöôøi nhö moät baûn naêng töï nhieân, nhöõng bieåu töôïng Emerald glass® trang trí saân vöôøn nhö nhöõng khoái baêng ñaù ñeïp ñeõ , töôi maùt maø khoâng bao giôø tan chaûy. Vôùi ñoä cöùng 5/10 (baèng ñaù Granide) vaø tyû troïng 4,8, thuûy tinh laø vaät lieäu beàn vöõng tröôùc thôøi tieát, coù ñoä chòu neùn vaø maøi moøn tuyeät haûo. Moät lôùp phuû nano trong suoát seõ giöõ cho thuûy tinh luoân trong saùng. Coâng ngheä môùi cuøng kyõ naêng xöû lyù kheùo leùo, thuûy tinh ngaøy nay laø vaät lieäu an toaøn vaø thaân thieän. Hình 1: Töôïng ñieâu khaéc thuûy tinh cuûa ngheä syõ Danny Lane, coâng vieân Haughley, Suffolk, Hoa Kyø Hình 2: Töôïng ñieâu khaéc thuûy tinh ôû Cardinal Place, Victoria, London, nöôùc Anh
People are attracted by water by a natural instinct. Emerald glass® sculptures in the gardens are like beautiful and fresh ice blocks that never melt. The hardness 5/10 (similar to Granite) and the proportion of 4.8, glass is a sustainable material under many kind of weathers, against compression and abrasion resistance. A transparent nano coating will keep the glass is always clean and clear. Nowadays, by new and advanced technology, glass is the safe and friendly material. Image 1: Glass sculpture by artist Danny Lane, Haughley Park, Suffolk, United States Image 2: Glass sculpture at Cardinal Place, Victoria, London, England
Caùc taùc phaåm ñieâu khaéc baèng Emerald glass® laø moät phaùt hieän ñoäc ñaùo nhaát trong cuoäc soáng khoâng coù ñuû söï laõng maïn hieän nay. Khi ngaém caùc taùc phaåm ngöôøi ta khoù cöôõng laïi öôùc muoán ñöôïc sôø vaøo chuùng nhö ñeå caûm nhaän ñöôïc nhieàu hôn söï haáp daãn cuûa chaát lieäu vaø coâng phu cuûa ngöôøi taïo ra chuùng. Caùc bieåu töôïng thuûy tinh nhö khoái ngoïc bích röïc rôõ döôùi aùnh maëc trôøi, maø kyø aûo khi ñeâm xuoáng, nhôø nguoàn saùng linh hoaït cuûa ñeøn. Giaù trò “nhaân ñoâi” naøy laø ñieàu kyø dieäu maø khoâng vaät lieäu naøo khaùc coù ñöôïc. Hình 1: Töôïng ñieâu khaéc kính “Thieân thaàn” cuûa Herman Lamers taïi Grote Markt, Haø Lan
The Emerald glass® sculpture is an unique discovery in such a no romance life. When looking at the glass works, it is hard to resist the desire to touch them, to feel physically the attractiveness and elaboration of the artist. The glass sculpture is as brilliant as a jewel under sunlight, then becomes magical in glowing light at night. This double value is the magic that can be found in no other materials. Image 1: Glass sculpture "Angel" by Herman Lamers at the Grote Markt, the Netherlands
Thuûy tinh thoåi luoàng sinh khí môùi meû, roän raøng lan toûa treân khaép haønh tinh giuùp caùc nhaø saùng taïo coù theâm phöông tieän ñeå traûi loøng vaø coâng chuùng ñöôïc höôûng thuï nhöõng taùc phaåm ñieâu khaéc cuûa maøu saéc vaø aùnh saùng coù moät khoâng hai. Khoâng theå loaïi naøo coù söùc bieåu caûm, hieäu quaû caûm suùc vaø ñoùng goùp cho khoâng gian caû ngaøy laãn ñeâm nhö moät taùc phaåm bieåu töôïng thuûy tinh. Hình 1: Quaàn theå bieåu töôïng “Nhaân, Nghóa, Leã, Trí, Tín” cuûa Artglass® taïi Haûi Döông do Kts. Voõ Thaønh Laân thieát keá Hình 2: Töôïng “Blue Crab” taïi saân bay quoác Baltimore Washington, Hoa Kyø Hình 3: Töôïng “Colored cubicle”, Hoàng Koâng, Trung Quoác
Glass blows fresh bustling vitality spreading across the planet, which gives artists more facilities to express their heart and mind; so the public can enjoy one-of-a-kind sculptures of light and colors. There is not such material that is expressive in both day and night as glass. Image 1: Artglass ® public sculptures "Righteous, Courtesy, Wisdom, Faith" by architect Vo Thanh Lan, in Hai Duong Image 2: "Blue Crab" statue at Baltimore Washington International Airport, United States Image 3: "Colored cubicle" statue, Hong Kong, China
Ñöôïc taïo hình töø kính maøu vaø kim loaïi roài ñöôïc thaêng hoa bôûi aùnh saùnh maët trôøi, bieåu töôïng kính ngheä thuaät luoân mang ñeán söï vui thích, ngaïc nhieân vaø thuù vò toät cuøng cho ngöôøi thöôûng ngoaïn. Thuûy tinh laø vaät lieäu daãn saùng toát neân luoân taïo caûm giaùc nheï nhaøng, thanh thoaùt cho duø hình khoái bieåu töôïng coù to lôùn ñeán ñaâu. Hình 1: Bieåu töôïng “Weather” cuûa Barbara Grygutis, Texas, Hoa Kyø Hình 2: Bieåu töôïng “Rainbow” cuûa Ruri, saân bay Keflavik, Iceland
Made by color glass and metal and then uplifted by sun light, art glass symbols always bring joy, surprise and exciting to viewers. Glass is good light conductive material that always creates gentle, elegance sense despite its size. Image 1: "Weather" symbol by Barbara Grygutis, Texas, United States Image 2: "Rainbow" symbol by Ruri, Keflavik Airport, Iceland
original projects and artworks of Artglass® ®
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Thuyeá t minh yù nghóa taù c phaå m : "Vua Huøng ñaõ coù coâng döïng nöôùc, Baùc chaùu ta phaûi cuøng nhau giöõ laáy nöôùc". YÙ nghóa cuûa lôøi caên daën naøy laø Baùc Hoà giao nhieäm vuï giöõ nöôùc cho toaøn quaân, toaøn daân vaø cho chính Ngöôøi. Ñoù cuõng chính laø "Nhieäm Vuï Toái Cao". Ñöôïc thöïc hieän baèng ngheä thuaät kính gheùp maøu (Stained glass) hình aûnh Baùc Hoà ñöùng ung dung vôùi caùnh tay raén chaéc vaø baøn tay naém chaët, aùnh maét nhìn thaúng theå hieän yù chí kieân quyeát giöõ gìn ñoäc laäp daân toäc vaø toaøn veïn laõnh thoå cuûa toå quoác. Ngöôøi ñöùng thanh cao treân neàn ñaát toå quoác vôùi hoa sen hoàn haäu toûa höông thôm ngaùt, sau löng baàu trôøi cao xanh thaém cuøng hoïa tieát troáng ñoàng lung linh treân aùnh haøo quang toûa ra töø traùi tim laø söï tieáp noái lòch söû daân toäc, döôùi chaân Ngöôøi bieån caû daâng traøo. Taùc phaåm "NHIEÄM VUÏ TOÁI CAO" coù hình cong loõm taïo ra söï taäp trung vôùi ñieåm troïng taâm laø hình töôïng Baùc Hoà. The one-of-a-kind artwork "The Supreme Mission" "The Hung Kings built up our nation, together we have to protect it.” The meaning of this saying is that Uncle Ho gave the mission of country protecting to the army, the people and himself. That is "THE SUPREME MISSION" Produced by stained glass, the image of Uncle Ho who stands still with rigid arms and clenched hands, his eye contact expressed determination to preserve national independence and territorial integrity of Fatherland. He stands on the national land with lotuses spreading perfume, behind Him the deep blue sky with Trong Dong patterns shimmering on the glory emanates from His heart is the continuation of national history, and under His feet the sea permeates. The artwork "THE SUPREME MISSION" is in a concave curved shape to create the visual focus on the image of Uncle Ho.
Bieåu töôïng “Huyeàn Thoaïi Thaêng Long”, döï aùn kyû nieäm 1000 naêm Thaêng Long – Haø Noäi Bieåu töôïng ñöôïc gôïi höùng töø hai huyeàn thoïai huøng traùng cuûa Haø Noäi, Quy thaàn vaø Long thaàn laø hai linh vaät gaén boù vaø laø hình aûnh ñaëc tröng cuûa Thaêng Long – Haø Noäi. Söï keát hôïp cuûa hai linh vaät trong moät bieåu töôïng, seõ taïo ra tính ñoäc ñaùo vaø khaùc bieät so vôùi caùc taùc phaåm ngheä thuaät tröôùc ñoù. Hình töôïng Quy thaàn ñöôïc thieát keá theo maãu ruøa ta vaãn thaáy ôû Hoà Göôm vaø Vaên Mieáu - Quoác Töû Giaùm, khieán ta lieân töôûng tôùi söï thanh tao, tröôøng toàn. Hình töôïng Long thaàn ñöôïc thieát keá döïa treân di vaät ñôøi Lyù, ñaïi dieän cho söï naêng ñoäng, bay boång vaø uy duõng. Ñoù cuõng ñöôïc coi laø lôøi nhaén göûi cho theá heä mai sau veà mong öôùc cuûa ngöôøi Haø Noäi hoâm nay. Bieåu töôïng ñöôïc Artglass® cheá taïo töø nhöõng vaät lieäu beàn vöõng, ñöôïc gia coâng baèng coâng ngheä hieän ñaïi vaø coù theå taïo hieäu öùng ñaëc bieät nhôø söï trôï giuùp cuûa kyõ thuaät chieáu saùng, aâm thanh, phun nöôùc, laøm taêng söï soáng ñoäng, thanh thoùat khieán bieåu töôïng ñeïp ôû moïi goùc nhìn. Ñoù laø ñieàu maø caùc vaät lieäu truyeàn thoáng khoâng theå taïo ra ñöôïc. Hình töôïng Quy thaàn vaø Long thaàn ñöôïc theå hieän goïn gaøng, tieát giaûn, hieän ñaïi, phuø hôïp vôùi ngoân ngöõ ngheä thuaät töông lai.
The monument "Legend of Thang Long" is a project celebrating 1000 years of Thang Long - Hanoi. The monument was inspired by two epic legends of Hanoi. The Turtle and the Dragon are two mascots that associated with Thang Long - Ha Noi. The combination of the two mascots in a monument will differentiate it to all other artworks. The Turtle symbol was based on Vietnamese turtles in Hoan Kiem Lake and Van Mieu national university, which reminds us to the elegance, externals. The Dragon symbol was designed based on the Ly dynasty relics, representing the dynamics and mighty. It is also considered as a message of the Hanoi people's desire to the future generations. The monument is made by Artglass® from sustainable materials, and advance technology, which is able to display special effects with lighting, sound and water; and it becomes livelier and more elegant in every view angle. Those are what the traditional materials cannot achieve. The Turtle and the Dragon symbols look neat, simple, modern and suitable to the future art language.
Bieåu töôïng “Ñaøi Sen Daâng Baùc”, döï aùn taïi voøng xoay Leâ Lôïi – Nguyeãn Hueä, quaän 1, Tp. HCM Vò trí ñaët bieåu töôïng tröôùc töôïng ñaøi Baùc Hoà nhö moät haønh ñoäng bieåu tröng cuûa nhaân daân Tp. HCM vôùi Baùc. Boâng sen maõn khai vôùi 9 caùnh môû roäng theå hieän tính côûi môû, thaân thieän cuûa ngöôøi phöông Nam. Boâng sen töôïng tröng cho söï thanh cao, trong saïch 'gaàn buøn maø chaúng hoâi tanh muøi buøn”, vaø töôïng tröng cho ngöôøi daân Nam Boä moät loøng vôùi Caùch maïng, Ñaûng vaø Baùc Hoà. Ñöôïc taïo hình töø vaät lieäu thuûy tinh vaø crystal mosaic laø nhöõng vaät lieäu cuûa töông lai vôùi nhöõng öu ñieåm saïch, khoâng baùm buïi, reâu moác neân luoân giöõ ñöôïc veû ñeïp vôùi thôøi gian, thuûy tinh laø vaät lieäu daãn saùng toát neân tieát kieäm chi phí chieáu saùng vaø laøm cho hình khoái bieåu töôïng caûm giaùc nheï nhaøng, caùc tia nöôùc phun leân töø taâm ñaøi sen loùng laùnh sinh ñoäng döôùi naéng mai vaø lung linh trong aùnh ñeøn maøu khi ñeâm xuoáng. Maøu xanh cuûa caùnh sen taïo caûm giaùc maùt meû gaàn guõi vôùi thieân nhieân, thaân thieän vôùi moâi tröôøng. Khoaûng væa heø roäng cuûa Ñaøi sen phuø hôïïp ñeå trôû thaønh saân khaáu cho caùc hoaït ñoäng ñöôøng phoá trong caùc dòp leã hoäi.
The monument "The Lotus for Uncle Ho" is a project at the roundabout of Le Loi Street and Nguyen Hue Boulevard, District 1, HCMC. The placement of monument in front of the statue of Uncle Ho is a symbolic attitude of the HCMC people to Uncle Ho. The lotus blossom with nine wings expresses openness and friendliness of the South people. The lotus symbolizes the elegance, purity, and represents the Southern people who devote themselves to the Revolutionary, the Communist Party and Uncle Ho. The monument will be produced by glass, and crystal mosaic, which are futuristic materials with the advantages of cleanliness, dust-proof, moss-proof to keep the beauty against time. Glass is a good conductive material which helps to reduce costing of lighting and make the shape look like lightweight; the water spreading from the lotus heart lively sparkles in sunlight and shimmers in colored lighting at night. The green creates fresh, cool and nature-friendly feeling. The wide sidewalk around the lotus is suitable to become a stage for street activities in festivals.
Bieåu töôïng "Laù côø Caùch Maïng" Ngaøy 19/8/1945, theo lôøi keâu goïi cuûa Vieät Minh, caû Haø Noäi vuøng daäy toång khôûi nghóa, xuoáng ñöôøng tieán thaúng veà Nhaø Haùt Lôùn thaønh phoá ñeå döï mít-ting. Laù côø ñoû sao vaøng khoång loà laàn ñaàu tieân xuaát hieän treân ban-coâng nhaø haùt laø khôûi ñaàu cuûa cuoäc toång khôûi nghóa ôû Haø Noäi. Hình aûnh laù côø tung bay treân soùng ngöôøi cuõng laø hình aûnh töôïng tröng cho nhöõng ngaøy thaùng haøo huøng ñoù. Bieåu töôïng laù côø no gioù treân ñænh ngoïn soùng, töôïng tröng cho söùc maïnh vó ñaïi cuûa daân toäc döôùi söï daãn daét cuûa ngoïn côø Vieät Minh laøm neân söï kieän vó ñaïi trong lòch söï daân toäc. Laù côø taïo hình xoaùy oác, ñænh höôùng veà phía Nhaø Haùt Lôùn ñöôïc laøm baèng thuûy tinh ñoû seõ röïc rôõ döôùi aùnh saùng caû ngaøy vaø ñeâm, ngoïn soùng vöôn leân cao vaø ñöôïc oáp baèng crystal mosaic vôùi hình caùc lôùp soùng. Thaùc nöôùc lôùn traøo ra treân ñænh soùng ñeå taïo aán töôïng cho söï chuyeån ñoäng tieáp dieãn vaø khoâng ngöøng. Ñaây seõ laø moät bieåu töôïng mang tính ñaïi dieän cao, hình töôïng ñoäc ñaùo, thieát keá caùch maïng, taäp hôïp nhieàu yeáu toá kyõ thuaät nhö thuûy tinh, aùnh saùng, nöôùc. Taïo neân aán töôïng maïnh meõ, soáng ñoäng vaø ñieåm nhôù veà Haø Noäi cho ngöôøi xem.
The monument "Revolutionary Flag" On 08.19.1945, after the call of Viet Minh, the Hanoi raised up, went straight to the Opera House to attend a meeting. A giant red flag with yellow star appearing for the first giant on the theater balcony was the start of a general uprising in Hanoi. The image of flag flying on the waves of people was the symbolic image of theater magnanimous date. The monument of the flying flag on top of the wave represents the great power of the nation under the leading of the Viet Minh flag creating great event in national history. The flag in spiral shape, towards the top of the Opera House is made of red glass that is glistering in light all day and night. The wave rising high is manufactured by crystal mosaic in wave patterns. The huge waterfall pouring down on top of the wave creates impression of continuous movement. This is very symbolic and unique monument, with revolutionary design and combination of technical elements such as glass, light and water. This symbol creates a strong, lively impression and memorable place of Hanoi.
Artglass corporate introduction ®
Thaønh laäp töø naêm 1994, Artglass® laø coâng ty chuyeân nghieäp duy nhaát taïi Vieät Nam thieát keá, saûn xuaát vaø thöông maïi caùc saûn phaåm kính vaø thuûy tinh ngheä thuaät trong trang trí noäi, ngoaïi thaát vaø kieán truùc. Chuùng toâi sôû höõu moät ñoäi nguõ chuyeân gia haøng ñaàu vaø ngheä nhaân giaøu kinh nghieäm nhaát Vieät Nam. Artglass® laø thaønh vieân Vieät Nam duy nhaát cuûa Hieäp hoäi kính ngheä thuaät Hoa Kyø - SGAA, hoäi vieân Hoäi kính vaø thuûy tinh Vieät Nam - Vieglass. Artglass® töï haøo ñöôïc tham gia caùc coâng trình quan troïng nhaát cuûa quoác gia, caùc coâng trình mang ñeán danh tieáng cho ngaønh du lòch, vaên hoùa cuøng nhöõng coâng tình toân giaùo vaø nhaø ôû treân khaép Vieät Nam vaø quoác teá, nhö coâng trình truï sôû Trung Öông Ñaûng - Haø Noäi, truï sôû Boä Quoác Phoøng, caùc khaùch saïn 5 sao Sheraton, Equatorial, Majestic vaø caùc döï aùn taïi Hoa Kyø, UÙc vaø Ñaøi Loan. Saûn phaåm cuûa chuùng toâi bao goàm caùc doøng: Kính gheùp maøu, Kính ñieâu khaéc, Mosaic ngheä thuaät, Ñeøn, Göông ngheä thuaät vaø Pha leâ quaø taëng. Naêm 2012, söï kieän khai tröông Showroom vaø truï sôû coâng ty ñaùnh daáu giai ñoaïn phaùt trieån môùi cuûa Artglass®. Song song vôùi nguoàn ñaàu tö vaøo naêng löïc saùng taïo, coâng ngheä vaø saûn phaåm, chuùng toâi chuù troïng xaây döng vaø phaùt trieån thöông hieäu Artglass® vaø heä thoáng cöûa haøng baùn leû Pavoni® xöùng taàm vôùi nhu caàu thò tröôøng vaø noäi löïc maïnh meõ cuûa Artglass®.
Established since 1994, Artglass® is the only professional enterprise in Vietnam that designs, manufactures and trades art glass products for interior, exterior and architectural decoration. We have a best team of leading experts and experienced artists. Artglass® is the only member of Stained Glass America Association from Vietnam, and a member of Vietglass Association. Artglass® is proud to contribute in some of the most important national projects, religious projects and also residences on over Vietnam and overseas; such as the office of Vietnam Department of Defense, the 5-star hotels like Sheraton, Equatorial, Majestic and other buildings in USA, Australia and Taiwan. Our products includes: Stained glass, Carved glass, Art Mosaic, Art lighting, Art mirror and Crystal gifts and trophies. In 2012, a grand opening of new showroom and office marks a new development stage of Artglass®. Along with investment in creativity, technology and product development, we will be focus on building and developing Artglass® branding and retailing shop Pavoni® matching to market demand and Artglass® strong resource.
advisory council, designers and artists of Artglass
HOÄI ÑOÀNG TÖ VAÁN NGHEÄ THUAÄT Nhaø thieát keá Buøi Chí Coâng, chuyeân gia kính ngheä thuaät haøng ñaàu Vieät Nam, hieän laø Phoù toång Thö kyù Hieäp Hoäi Kính vaø Thuûy Tinh Vieät Nam, thaønh vieân Hieäp Hoäi Thuyû Tinh Trang Trí Quoác Teá - Art Glass Association vaø thaønh vieân Hieäp Hoäi Kính Gheùp Maøu Hoa Kyø - Stained Glass Association of America. Mr. Bui Chi Cong, who is an art glass artist and leading professional in Vietnam, is the Deputy Secretary of Vietnam Glass Association, a member of the Glass Art Association and a member of the Stained Glass Association of America. Kieán truùc sö vaø nhaø thieát keá quoác teá Graham Taylor, vôùi caùc döï aùn noåi tieáng khaép Ñoâng Nam AÙ, Trung Ñoâng vaø chaâu AÂu, coù vaên phoøng ñaët taïi Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai vaø Vieät Nam. OÂng laø Giaùm ñoác ñieàu haønh cuûa Design Tek Group vaø chuû sôû höõu cuûa Graham Taylor Design. Mr. Graham Taylor, who is himself, a renowned International architect and designer of wellknown projects throughout South East Asia, Middle East and Europe, has offices in Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai and Vietnam. He is the CEO of Design Tek Group and owner of Graham Taylor Designs.
Ngheä syõ ñieâu khaéc Phaïm Vaên Haïng, taùc giaœ caùc coâng trình töôïng ñaøi noåi tieáng, ngöôøi vinh döï ñoaït giaœi thöôœng 10 naêm ñieâu khaùêc Vieät Nam, giaœi thöôœng 2 naêm kieán truùc Vieät Nam vaø hieän laø hoäi vieân Hoäi myõ thuaät Vieät Nam. Mr. Pham Van Hang is a sculptor, the artist of outstading sculptures. He had the honor to achieve the 10-year Vietnam Sculpture, 2-year Vietnam architecture; who is also a member of Vietnam Fine Art Association.
Kieán truùc sö Nguyeãn Luaän, chuyeân gia quy hoaïch ñoâ thò vaø lyù luaän pheâ bình kieán truùc, ngöôøi ñoaït giaœi thöôœng kieán truùc UIA 1972 vaø giaœi thöôœng UNESCO 1979. Mr. Nguyen Luan is an architect, civil stratergist and architetural theory critic, who achieved UIA 1972 and UNESCO 1979.
value clients
DANH SAÙCH KHAÙCH HAØNG TIEÂU BIEÅU Nhoùm nhaø haøng, khaùch saïn - Hotel and restaurant projects: ° Khaùch saïn 5 sao Park Hyatt, Tp. HCM- Park Hyatt 5-star hotel, HCMC ° Khaùch saïn 5 sao Rex, Tp. HCM - Rex 5-star hotel, HCMC ° Khaùch saïn 5 sao Majestics, Tp. HCM - Majectics 5-star hotel, HCMC ° Khaùch saïn 5 sao Equatorial, Tp. HCM - Equatorial 5-star hotel, HCMC ° Khaùch saïn 5 sao Deawoo, Haø Noäi - Deawoo 5-star hotel, Hanoi ° Nhaø haøng Ngoïc Söông, Tp. HCM - Ngoc Suong restaurant, HCMC Nhoùm coâng trình Chính phuœ - Gorvernment projects: °Truï sôû Boä Quoác Phoøng Vieät Nam, Haø Noäi - Office of the Vietnam Department of Defense, Hanoi °Truï sôœ ban chaáp haønh Trung Öông Ñaœng, Haø Noäi - Office of the Central Committee Communist Party of Vietnam, Hanoi °Truï sôû Toång coâng ty Tröïc Thaêng Vieät Nam, Haø Noäi - Office of the Vietnam Helicopter Corporation, Hanoi Nhoùm tö gia, dinh thöï - Residential projects ° Khu bieät thöï Saigon Pearl Residence, Tp. HCM - Saigon Pearl Residence, HCMC ° Bieät thöï Phuù Gia, Myõ Kim... taïi Phuù Myõ Höng, Tp. HCM - Phu Gia and My Kim villas at Phu My Hung , HCMC ° Khu caên hoä cao caáp Hoà Baùn Nguyeät, Phuù Myõ Höng, Tp. HCM - The Crescent Residence, Phu My Hung, HCMC ° Dinh thöï Ñænh Vaøng, Tp. HCM - Golden Peak villa, HCMC ° Khu bieät thöï cao caáp Riviera, Tp. HCM - Riviera premium villas, HCMC ° Khu bieät thöï Ciputra, Haø Noäi - Ciputra villas, Hanoi Nhoùm coâng trình thöông maïi vaø giaûi trí - Commercial and entertainmental projects ° Phoøng Thöông Maïi Hoa Kyø taïi Vieät Nam, Tp. HCM - Ameriacan Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam, HCMC
Laâm Sanh Thanh Ngheä nhaân cheá taùc kính ngheä thuaät Art glass artist
Phan Ñaéc Thaéng Ngheä nhaân cheá taùc kính ñieâu khaéc Carved glass artist
Laâm Thaønh Sôn Nguyeãn Anh Quoác Ngheä nhaân cheá taùc Chuyeân vieân thieát keá kính gheùp maøu stained glass thuûy tinh ngheä thuaät Stained glass artist Art glass professional designer
° Vieän Nghieân Cöùu vaø Phaùt Trieån Viglacera, Haø Noäi - Viglacera Research and Development Institution, Hanoi ° Showroom Minh Saùng, thuoäc coâng ty TNHH Minh Long I - Minh Sang Showroom, Minh Long I Ltd., Co. ° Laøng Vaên hoùa caùc Daân toäc Vieät Nam, Haø Noäi - Vietnam National Village for Ethnic, Culture and Tourism, Hanoi ° Nhaø haùt muùa roái Vieät Nam, Haø Noäi - The Vietnam Puppetry Theater, Hanoi
ordering and payment process
QUY TRÌNH ÑAËT HAØNG & THANH TOAÙN Caùm ôn baïn ñaõ quyeát ñònh choïn saûn phaåm Artglass® Ñoái vôùi Göông ngheä thuaät vaø Ñeøn thuûy tinh ngheä thuaät loaïi nhoû, baïn coù theå ñeán mua tröïc tieáp taïi showroom hoaëc chuùng toâi seõ göœi haøng theo yeâu caàu cuœa baïn Ñoái vôùi caùc döï aùn kính ngheä thuaät coøn laïi, môøi baïn tham khaûo 7 böôùc ñaët haøng vaø thanh toaùn cuûa chuùng toâi: 1. Xaùc ñònh kích thöôùc kính Chuùng toâi ñònh giaù saûn phaåm theo m2. Vì theá chuùng toâi seõ caàn bieát kích thöôùc cuûa phaàn kính caàn ñaët. Chuùng toâi seõ xaùc ñònh kích thöôùc chính xaùc tröôùc khi chính thöùc saûn xuaát phaàn kính. 2. Leân yù töôœng thieát keá kính Traùch nhieäm cuûa chuùng toâi laø tö vaán cho baïn moät giaûi phaùp trang trí toång theå, haøi hoøa vaø phuø hôïp; vì theá baïn haõy cung caáp cho chuùng toâi baûn thieát keá kieán truùc coâng trình, caùc thoâng tin veà vò trí, xu höôùng, ñeà taøi myõ thuaät mong muoán. Caùc thoâng tin naøy coù theå ñöôïc laáy töø caùc taøi lieäu cuûa rieâng baïn hoaëc cuûa Artglass. Sau ñoù, chuùng ta seõ trao ñoåi vaø ñöa ra moät sô phaùc yù töôûng thieát keá. Vaø neáu baïn muoán, chuùng toâi luoân luoân coù theå taïo ra nhöõng thieát keá ñoäc baûn cho rieâng coâng trình cuûa baïn. 3. Ñöa ra baûn chaøo giaù cho baïn Sau khi caùc yù töôœng thieát keá ñöôïc xaùc ñònh, chuùng toâi seõ cung caáp cho baïn moät baûn baùo giaù, baèng fax hoaëc email. Giaù caû seõ khaùc nhau tuøy thuoäc vaøo caùc yeáu toá chính: a- Caùc theå loaïi kính ngheä thuaät (Kính gheùp maøu, kính khaéc, kính xeáp, gaïch thuûy tinh trang trí Mosaic) b- Möùc ñoä khoù vaø tinh vi cuœa maãu thieát keùâ töø ñôn giaœn, trung bình ñeán phöùc taïp. Ñaây laø caùc saœn phaåm thuœ coâng neân möùc ñoä khoù laø yeáu toá quyeát ñònh chi phí vaø thôøi gian saœn xuaát c- Caùc yeâu caàu giao haøng vaø laép ñaët 4. Ñaët haøng Vieäc ñaët haøng ñöôïc thöïc hieän vaø xaùc nhaän baèng chöõ ky cuœa baïn treân hôïp ñoàng, sau ñùoù vui loøng fax laïi cho chuùng toâi, ñoàng thôø thanh toùan ñôït 1 = 50% toång giaù trò ñôn haøng. Chuùng toâi seõ thöïc hieän baœn thieát keá chính thöùc trong voøng 5-10 ngaøy laøm vieäc keå töø ngaøy nhaän tieàn taïm öùng Baïn coù theå thanh toaùn tröïc tieáp taïi coâng ty Artglass hoaëc chuyeån khoaœn vaø göœi uyœ nhieäm chi cho chuùng toâi qua email hoaëc fax hoaëc caû hai. Chuùng toâi seõ thoâng baùo cho baïn khi baûn veõ cuûa baïn ñaõ ñöôïc göœi ñeå chaéc chaén baïn ñaõ nhaän ñöôïc noù. 5. Kyù xaùc nhaän baûn thieát keá Baïn coù theå goùp yù cho baœn thieát keá vaø chuùng toâi seõ ñieàu chænh mieãn phí 3 laàn, töø laàn thöù 4 trôœ ñi chi phí chænh söœa laø 200,000VND/laàn. Neáu baûn thieát keá ñaùp öùng yeâu caàu cuûa baïn, vui loøng kyù vaø neâu roõ ngaøy vaøo oâ “Chöõ kyù khaùch haøng” vaø göûi fax laïi cho chuùng toâi. 6. Kieåm tra saœn phaåm ñaõ hoaøn thaønh Moät khi baûn thieát keá ñaõ ñöôïc pheâ duyeät, chuùng toâi seõ baét ñaàu quaù trình cheá taùc. Sau khi hoaøn thaønh, chuùng toâi môøi baïn ñeán kieåm tra saœn phaåm taïi xöôœng saœn xuaát, hoaëc göœi hình aœnh saœn phaåm ñeán baïn Baïn thanh toaùn tieáp ñôït 2 = 25% toång giaù trò ñôn haøng vaø phaàn phaùt sinh (neáu coù). 7. Giao haøng vaø laép ñaët Sau khi nhaän tieàn thanh toaùn ñôït 2, chuùng toâi seõ giao haøng taïi Vieät Nam vaø nöôùc ngoøai. Haøng ñöôïc ñoùng goùi vaø vaän chuyeån chuyeân nghieäp. Ñoái vôùi nhöõng coâng trình ngoøai Tp HCM hoaëc ôœ nöôùc ngoøai, chuùng toâi seõ höôùng daãn caùch laép ñaët cho nhaø thaàu ñòa phöông cuœa baïn Sau khi kyù nhaän haøng, baïn thanh toaùn ñôït cuoái cuøng trong voøng 5 ngaøy
Thank you for choosing Artglass® products. For art mirror and art glass lamps in small size, you can buy directly at our showroom or we will delivery upon your requests. For the rest art glass projects, kindly look at 7 steps of ordering and payment below: 1. Determining the size of glass We quote the price by m2. Therefore, we need to know the size of the glass to be ordered. We will determine the exact size before officially manufacturing. 2. Coming up with art glass design concepts Our responsibility is to give you a complete decorative solution, so kindly provide us your architectural design, and information about your desired locations, design trends, themes. This information can be obtained from your own documents or from Artglass®. Then, we will discuss and come up with a sketch of the 1st concept. If you want, we can always create an unique design for your own work. 3. Sending quotation to you After the concept is determined, we will send you a quotation, by fax or email. The price will vary depending on these factors: Chosen type of art glass (Stained glass, Carved glass, Art Mosaic, Emerald glass®) b-The level of difficulty and sophistication of the design; from simple, moderate to complex. These are handmade products so the complexity will determine the cost and production time. c-The specific requests of delivery and installation 4. Ordering Every ordering is conducted and confirmed by your signature on our contract; then kindly send it back to us by fax and proceed 1st payment = 50% the contract total value. We will officially work on your design within 5-10 business days after the date we receive your payment. You can pay directly at the Artglass® office or transfer in bank and send us the confirmation from the bank via email or fax or both. We will notify you when your design has been done and sent to make sure you received it. 5. Signing to confirm the design You can give feedbacks to the design and we will adjust free of charge for 3 times, from 4th times and on adjustment fee is 200,000 VND / time. If the design meets your requirement, kindly sign on and indicate the date in the box "customer's signature" then send it back via fax. 6. Examining final art work Once the design is approved, we will officially start the production. Next, we invite you to examine the work in our factory, or we send you the final product images to you to confirm the completion. At this moment, you will proceed 2nd payment = 25% of the contract total value and extra costs (if any). 7. Delivery and installation After receiving 2nd payment, we will delivery to you within Vietnam and foreign countries. The product will be packaged and transportation professionally. For those projects outside HCMC or overseas, we will guide your local contractor how to install the work. After you sign to confirm receiving the work, you will proceed the final payment within 5 days.
MUÏC LUÏC The achievements of art glass development
Caùc thaønh töïu phaùt trieån cuûa thuûy tinh ngheä thuaät ............................................... 001 Foreword by General Director and Founder of Artglass®
Lôøi noùi ñaàu cuûa ngöôøi saùng laäp vaø Toång giaùm ñoác Artglass® ................................ 006
Religious projects
Gifts and trophies
Business philosophy of Artglass® and brand family
Trieát lyù kinh doanh cuûa Artglass® vaø caùc thöông hieäu thaønh vieân ........................ 007 Stained glass
Kính gheùp maøu ................................................................................................... 009 Art glass lighting
Ñeøn thuûy tinh ngheä thuaät .................................................................................... 041 Art mirror
Göông ngheä thuaät ............................................................................................... 057 Carved glass
Kính ñieâu khaéc ................................................................................................... 067
Saigon Wonderland
Art mosaic
Mosaic ngheä thuaät .............................................................................................. 081 Emerald glass® sculpture
Bieåu töôïng kính .................................................................................................. 099 Original projects and artworks of Artglass®
Coâng trình vaø döï aùn Artglass® ñoäc ñaùo ............................................................... 113 Introduction of Artglass Ltd., Co.
Giôùi thieäu coâng ty Artglass® ............................................................................... 123 Advisory council, designers and artists of art glass
Hoäi ñoàng tö vaán ngheä thuaät, nhaø thieát keá vaø ngheä nhaân kính ngheä thuaät ............. 124
Value clients
Danh saùch khaùch haøng tieâu bieåu ....................................................................... 125 How to order and make payments
Quy trình ñaët haøng vaø thanh toaùn ........................................................................ 126
Sô ñoà ñeán Showroom Artglass® - Map to Artglass® Showroom 128