Irish Pharmacy Union Yearbook 2022

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IRELANDS OFFICIAL PHARMACY YEARBOOK & DIARY IPU YEARBOOK & DIARY 95 Company Profiles 114 IPU Contract Unit 122 IPU Data Protection Guide 125 Useful Telephone Numbers 150 IPU Website 151 IPU Training Courses 156 Medicines Regulations Summary 184 Employment Law 2022

654321 FrThWeTuMoMoSuSuSaSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMo*SuSa30201087911121314151617181921222324252627282931 January 21 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 3028 February MoThWeTu30282931 March 654321 FrThWeTuMoSuSuSaSaFrThWeTuMo*SuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSa302010879111213141516171819212223242526272829 April 65432 SuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSuMoSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSa30201087911121314151617181921222324252627282931 May 654321 ThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMo*SuSa302010879111213141516171819212223242526272829 June FrThWeTuMoSuSa FrThWeTuMoSuSa FrThWeTuMoSuSa FrTh*WeTuMoSuSa FrThWeTuMoSuSa FrThWeTuMoSuSa Sa Sa Su SuWeTuMo We Th Th Fr Fr 1 Tu Fr Tu 1 FrThWeTuMo*Su FrThWe •IPU Pharmacy Technician Course (BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Principles and Practice) - Two Years, Distance Learning •IPU CPD for Qualified Pharmacy Technicians and the Pharmacy Team- eLearning •IPU Medicines Counter Assistant Course (MCA) – 8 Half Days, Tutor-Directed Online Workshops •IPU Pharmacy Interact Course – Distance Learning •IPU Pharmacy Retail Sales Course - eLearning •IPU Medicines in Care Homes - Training Pack •IPU Basics in Health and Nutrition - 1 Day, Tutor-Directed Online Workshop •IPU Skin Solutions at the Counter Course - 1 Day, Tutor-Directed Online Workshop Forward Planner 2022 Courses run by or through the IPU Training Unit For further information on all the above courses please contact Janice or Susan on: 01 493 6401/ 01 406 1555/ /

654321 FrThWeTuMoSuSuSaSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSa30201087911121314151617181921222324252627282931 July 654321 WeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSa30201087911121314151617181921222324252627282931 August 654321 FrThWeTuFrMoThSuSaSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSa30201087911121314151617181921222324252627282931 September 654321 FrThWeTuMo*MoSuSuSaSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSa30201087911121314151617181921222324252627282931 October 654321 FrThWeTuMoMoSuSuSaSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSa302010879111213141516171819212223242526272829 November 654321 FrThWeTuMo*Su*SaSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSaFrThWeTuMoSuSa30201087911121314151617181921222324252627282931 December Fr TuFrThWeMo* WeTuFrThWeTu FrTh •IPU Step-Up to Supervising Pharmacist Course -1 Day, Tutor-Directed Online Workshop •IPU Bootcamp in Pharmacy Finance Course - 2 Days, 1 Month Apart, Tutor-Directed Online Workshops •IPU Introduction to Employment Law and Employment Rights – eLearning •ATHE Level 4 Extended Diploma in Business and Management (QQI Level 6) -1 Year, 9 Tutor-Directed Online Workshops •ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Accounting (QQI Level 5) – 1 Year, 7 Tutor-Directed Online Workshops •IPU Supervisory Development Course - 2 Days, 1 Month Apart, Tutor-Directed Online Workshops •IPU Delegation Management Course - 1 Day, Tutor-Directed Online Workshop Courses run by or through the IPU Training Unit For further information on all the above courses please contact Janice or Susan on: 01 493 6401/ 01 406 1555/ /

Adults aged 50 years and older: When Prevenar 13 was given concomitantly with trivalent inactivated in uenza vaccine (TIV), the immune responses to Prevenar 13 were lower compared to when Prevenar 13 was given alone, however, there was no long-term impact on circulating antibody levels. The immune responses to Prevenar 13 were noninferior when Prevenar 13 was given concomitantly with quadrivalent inactivated in uenza vaccine (QIV) compared to when Prevenar 13 was given alone. As with concomitant administration with trivalent vaccines, immune responses to some pneumococcal serotypes were lower when both vaccines were given concomitantly. Fertility, Pregnancy & Lactation: There are no data from the use of pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate in pregnant women. It is unknown whether pneumococcal 13-valent conjugate is excreted in human milk. Animal studies do not indicate direct or indirect harmful effects with respect to reproductive toxicity. Side Effects: Analysis of postmarketing reporting rates suggests a potential increased risk ofconvulsions, with or without fever, and HHE when comparing groups which reported use of Prevenar 13 with Infanrix hexa to those which reported use of Prevenar 13 alone. Adverse reactions reported in clinical studies or from the post-marketing experience for all age groups are listed in this section per system organ class,in decreasing order of frequency and seriousness. The frequency is de ned as follows: very common (≥ 1/10), common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10), uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100), rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000), very rare (≤ 1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from available data). Infants and children aged 6 weeks to 5 years: Very common (≥ 1/10): Decreased appetite, fever, pyrexia, irritability, any vaccination-site erythema, induration/swelling or pain/tenderness, somnolence, poor quality sleep. Vaccination-site erythema or induration/swelling 2.5cm – 7.0 cm (after the booster dose and in older children [age 2-5 years]. Common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10): Vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, pyrexia >39 °C, vaccination-site movement impairment (due to pain), vaccination-site erythema or induration/swelling 2.5cm – 7.0cm (after infant series). Uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100): Convulsions (including febrile convulsions), urticaria or urticaria-like rash, vaccination-site erythema, induration/swelling >7.0cm, crying. Rare: Hypersensitivity reaction including face oedema, dyspnoea, bronchospasm, hypotonic-hyporesponsive episode. Not known: Lymphadenopathy (localised to the region of the vaccination site), anaphylactic/anaphylactoid reaction including shock, angioedema, erythema multiforme, vaccination site urticaria, vaccination-site dermatitis, vaccination-site pruritus, ushing. In clinical studies infants vaccinated at 2, 3 and 4 months of age, fever ≥ 38°C was reported at higher rates among infants who received Prevenar (7-valent) concomitantly with Infanrix hexa than in infants receiving Infanrix hexa alone. After a booster dose at 12 and 15 months of age, the rate of fever ≥ 38°C was greater in infants who received Prevenar (7 valent) and Infanrix hexa at the same time compared to infants receiving Infanrix hexa alone. These reactions were mostly moderate (less than or equal to 39°C) and transient. Additional information in special populations: Apnoea in very premature infants (≤ 28 weeks of gestation). Children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 years of age: Very common (≥ 1/10): Decreased appetite, irritability, any vaccination-site erythema, induration/swelling or pain/ tenderness, somnolence, poor quality sleep, vaccination-site tenderness (including impaired movement). Common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10): Headaches, vomiting, diarrhoea, rash, urticaria or urticaria-like rash, pyrexia. Additional information in special populations: Children and adolescents with sickle cell disease, HIV infection or an HSCT transplant have similar frequencies of adverse reactions, except that headaches, vomiting, diarrhoea, pyrexia, fatigue, arthralgia, and myalgia were very common. Adults ≥18 years of age, and the elderly: Very common (≥ 1/10): Decreased appetite, headaches, diarrhoea, vomiting,(in adults aged 18 to 49 years), rash, chills; fatigue; vaccination-site erythema; vaccination-site induration/swelling; vaccination-site pain/tenderness (severe vaccination-site pain/ tenderness very common in adults aged 18 to 39 years); limitation of arm movement (severe limitation of arm movements very common in adults aged 18 to 39 years), arthralgia; myalgia.

Prevenar 13 will only protect against Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes included in the vaccine, and will not protect against other microorganisms that cause invasive disease, pneumonia, or otitis media. As with any vaccine, Prevenar 13 may not protect all individuals receiving the vaccine from pneumococcal disease. Individuals with impaired immune responsiveness, whether due to the use of immuno-suppressive therapy, a genetic defect, human immunode ciency virus (HIV) infection, or other causes, may have reduced antibody response to active immunization. Safety and immunogenicity data are available for a limited number of individuals with sickle cell disease, HIV infection, or with an HSCT. Safety and immunogenicity data for Prevenar 13 are not available for individuals in other speci c immuno-compromised groups (e.g., malignancy or nephrotic syndrome) and vaccination should be considered on an individual basis. Infants and children aged 6 weeks to 5 years: Prevenar 13 does not replace the use of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine in at risk children ≥ 24 months of age. Children ≥ 24 months of age at high risk, previously immunised with Prevenar 13 should receive 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine whenever recommended. The potential risk of apnoea and the need for respiratory monitoring for 48-72 hours should be considered when administering the primary immunisation series to very premature infants (born ≥ 28 weeks of gestation) and particularly for those with a previous history of respiratory immaturity. When Prevenar 13 is administered concomitantly with Infanrix hexa (DTPa-HBV-IPV/Hib), the rates of febrile reactions are similar to those seen with concomitant administration of Prevenar (7-valent) and Infanrix hexa. Increased reporting rates of convulsions (with or without fever) and hypotonic hyporesponsive episode (HHE) were observed with concomitant administration of Prevenar 13 and Infanrixhexa. Antipyretic treatment should be initiated according to local guidelines for children with seizure disorders or with a history of febrile seizures and for all children receiving Prevenar 13 simultaneously with vaccines containing whole cell pertussis.

the risk for pneumococcal pneumonia multiplies compared to healthy adults of the same age Proven to reduce the risk of community-acquired pneumonia: Results

Pneumonia Immunisation Trial in Adults (CAPiTA) – one of the largest vaccine ef cacy trials ever conducted in older adults.3,4 ChronicAsthmaAlcoholismcardivascular disease Chronic liver disease Chronic pulmonary disease Current TheseDiabetessmokersunderlying conditions included2: Date of Preparation: February 2021 | PP-PNA-IRL-0006 Help prevent pneumococcal pneumonia with the proven protection of Prevenar 131,3 24.2xincreasedriskunderlyingconditions2.1xincreasedrisk 1 conditionunderlying >39.2xincreasedriskunderlyingconditions

Presentation: Each 0.5ml dose of Prevenar 13 contains 2.2 micrograms of each of the following pneumococcal polysaccharide serotypes: 1, 3, 4, 5, 6A, 7F, 9V, 14, 18C, 19A, 19F, 23F and 4.4 micrograms of pneumococcal polysaccharide serotype 6B. Each pneumococcal polysaccharide is conjugated to CRM197 carrier protein and adsorbed on aluminium phosphate. 1 dose (0.5 ml) contains approximately 32 μg CRM197carrier protein and 0.125 mg aluminium. Indications: Active immunisation for the prevention of invasive disease, pneumonia and acute otitis media caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae in infants, children and adolescents from 6 weeks to 17 years of age. Active immunisation for the prevention of invasive disease and pneumonia caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae in adults ≥18 years of age and the elderly. Dosage and Administration: The immunisation schedules for Prevenar 13 should be based on of cial recommendations. It is recommended that infants who receive a rst dose of Prevenar 13 complete the vaccination course with Prevenar 13. For intramuscular injection. Infants aged 6 weeks-6 months: Three dose primary series: The recommended immunisation series consists of four doses, each of 0.5ml. The primary infant series consists of three doses, with the rst dose usually given at 2 months of age and with an interval of at least 1 month between doses. The rst dose may be given as early as six weeks of age. The fourth (booster) dose is recommended between 11 and 15 months of age. Two dose primary series: Alternatively, when Prevenar 13 is given as part of a routine infant immunisation programme, a series consisting of three doses, each of 0.5ml, may be given.

References:1. Prevenar 13 Suspension for Injection. Summary of Product Characteristics. 2. Shea K, Edelsberg J, Weycker D, et al. Rates of Pneumococcal Disease in Adults with Chronic Medical Conditions. Open Forum Infectious Disease. 2014;1-9.


Common (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10): Vomiting (in adults aged 50 years and over), pyrexia(very common in adults aged 18 to 29 years). Uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100): Nausea, hypersensitivity reaction including face oedema, dyspnoea, bronchospasm, lymphadenopathy localized to the region of the vaccination site. Additional information in special populations: Adults with HIV infection have similar frequencies of adverse reactions, except that pyrexia and vomiting were very common and nausea common. Adults with an HSCT have similar frequencies of adverse reactions, except that pyrexia and vomiting were very common. For full prescribing information see the Summary of Product Characteristics. Legal Category: S1A. Package Quantities: Pack of 1 single-dose prelled syringe (with separate needle) or pack of 10 single- dose pre- lled syringes. Marketing Authorisation Numbers: Single-dose pre- lled syringe (with separate needle) pack of 1: EU/1/09/590/002, single-dose pre- lled syringe pack of 10: EU/1/09/590/003. Marketing Authorisation Holder: P zer Europe MA EEIG, Boulevard de la Plaine 17, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium. For further information on this medicine please contact: P zer Medical Information on 1800 633 363 or at EUMEDINFO@p For queries regarding product availability please contact: P zer Healthcare Ireland, P zer Building 9, Riverwalk, National Digital Park, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24 + 353 1 4676500. Date of preparation: 11/2018. *Trade mark. Ref: PN 11_0 IE.


ABBREVIATED PRESCRIBING INFORMATION Prevenar 13* Suspension for Injection Pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate vaccine (13-valent, adsorbed)

The rst dose may be administered from the age of 2 months, with a second dose 2 months later. The third (booster) dose is recommended between 11 and 15 months of age. Preterm infants (< 37 weeks gestation): In preterm infants, the recommended immunisation series consists of four doses, each of 0.5 ml. The primary infant series consists of three doses, with the rst dose given at 2 months of age and with an interval of at least 1 month between doses. The rst dose may be given as early as six weeks of age. The fourth (booster) dose is recommended between 11 and 15 months of age. Unvaccinated infants and children ≥ 7 months of age: Infants 7-11 months: Two doses, each of 0.5 ml, with at least a 1 month interval between doses. A third dose is recommended in the second year of life. Children aged 12-23 months: Two doses, each of 0.5 ml, with at least a 2 month interval between doses. Children and adolescents aged 2-17 years: one single dose of 0.5 ml. Prevenar 13 vaccine schedule for infants and children previously vaccinated with Prevenar (7-valent) (Streptococcus pneumoniae serotypes 4, 6B, 9V, 14, 18C, 19F, and 23F): Infants and children who have begun immunisation with Prevenar may switch to Prevenar 13 at any point in the schedule. Children aged 12-59 months: Children who are considered completely immunised with Prevenar (7-valent) should receive one dose of 0.5 ml of Prevenar 13 to elicit immune responses to the 6 additional serotypes. This dose of Prevenar 13 should be administered at least 8 weeks after the nal dose of Prevenar (7-valent). Children and adolescents aged 5-17 years: One single dose of Prevenar 13 if they have been previously vaccinated with one or more doses of Prevenar. This dose of Prevenar 13 should be administered at least 8 weeks after the nal dose of Prevenar (7-valent). Adults ≥18 years of age and the elderly: One single dose. The need for revaccination with a subsequent dose of Prevenar 13 has not been established. Regardless of prior pneumococcal vaccination status, if the use of 23 valent polysaccharide vaccine is considered appropriate, Prevenar 13 should be given rst. Special Populations: Individuals who have underlying conditions predisposing them to invasive pneumococcal disease (such as sickle cell disease or HIV infection) including those previously vaccinated with one or more doses of 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine may receive at least one dose of Prevenar 13. In individuals with an haematopoietic stem cell transplant (HSCT), the recommended immunisation series consists of four doses of Prevenar 13, each of 0.5 ml. The primary series consists of three doses, with the rst dose given at 3 to 6 months after HSCT and with an interval of at least 1 month between doses. A fourth (booster) dose is recommended 6 months after the third dose.

Contra-indications: Hypersensitivity to any component of the vaccine or to diphtheria toxoid. As with other vaccines, the administration of Prevenar 13 should be postponed in subjects suffering from acute, severe febrile illness. However, the presence of a minor infection, such as a cold, should not result in the deferral of vaccination. Warnings and Precautions: Do not administer intravascularly. Appropriate medical treatment and supervision must be readily available in case of a rare anaphylactic event. This vaccine should not be given as an intramuscular injection to individuals with thrombocytopenia or any coagulation disorder that would contraindicate intramuscular injection, but may be given subcutaneously if the potential bene t clearly outweighs the risks of administration.

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3. Bonten M.J.M., Huijts S.M, Bolkenbaas M, et al. Polysaccharide Conjugate Vaccine Against Pneumococcal Pneumonia in Adults. The New England Journal of Medicine. 2015;372:1114-25. 4. P zer Inc. Press Release Mar 18, 2015. AGED YEARS each additional comorbid condition, from Community-Acquired

Ireland’s O icial Pharmacy Yearbook Butterfield House Butterfield D14DublinRathfarnhamAvenue14E126 IPUDIARYYEARBOOK2022 Tel: 01 493 6401 Fax: 01 406 1556 Website:€60

Para 2: Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts, 1973 to 2001. Para 3: Terms of Employment (Information) Acts 1994 and 2001. Para 4: Unfair Dismissals Acts, 1977 to 2007. Para 5: Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997. Para 6: Guide to Redundancy Payments Scheme.

Para 14: Bullying Para 15: Employment Equality Act 1998 and Equality Act 2004 Para 16: National Minimum Wage Act 2000 Para 17: Employment Permit (Amendment) Act 2014 Para 18: Code of Practice on Access to Part-Time Working Para 19: Employees (Provision of Information and Consultation) Act 2006 Para 20: Temporary Agency Workers Para 21: Industrial Relations (Amendments) Acts 2001 and 2004 Para 22: Protected Disclosure Act 2014 Para 23: The Paternity Leave and Benefit Act 2016 Para 24: European Union (Posting of Workers) Regulations 2016 Para 25: Criminal Justice (Spent Convictions and Certain Disclosures) Act 2016 Para 26: Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2003 Para 27: Code of

Practice on Longer Working Para 28: Disclaimer Employment Law – Disciplinary Procedures .............................................. 221 General Insurance – Pharmacists .......................................................................228 Geographic List of Pharmacies................................................................................. 66 Health and Safety in the Pharmacy ................................................................... 223 Health Screening Services ........................................................................................ 134 hmR Ireland ............................................................................................................................ 153 Holiday Planner ..................................................................................................................234 Hospitals Directory............................................................................................................ 125 HSE – Health Promotion Literature ..................................................................... 222 IPU Academy.......................................................................................................................... 135 IPU Committees .....................................................................................................................10 IPU Constitution .................................................................................................................. 136 IPU Contract Unit ................................................................................................................ 114 IPU Data Protection Guide for Community Pharmacy.......................... 122 IPU Past Presidents...........................................................................................................148 IPU Personnel..............................................................................................................................8 IPU Policy and Structures ...........................................................................................149 IPU VAT Scheme ..................................................................................................................149 IPU Website ...........................................................................................................................150 Social Media ..........................................................................................................................149 Irish Chemists Golfing Society.................................................................................155 Lady Pharmacists’ Golf Society ..............................................................................155 Locum Pharmacists ......................................................................................................... 153 Medicines Regulation Summary ...........................................................................156 Patient Support Group Directory............................................................................ 129 Pharmacy Benevolent Fund.......................................................................................155 Pharmacy Refrigerators................................................................................................. 231 Pharmacy Related Organisations ......................................................................... 134 Recommended Service Providers .......................................................................154 Registration Requirements for Pharmacies.................................................233 Training Activities for IPU Members and Sta .............................................151 Useful Telephone Numbers......................................................................................... 125 Waste Management Obligations under the Regulations..........................................................................................................................Packaging 231 Published by: Ashville Media Group. Unit 55 Park West Road, Park West Industrial Park, Dublin 12, D12 X9F9 Phone: (00353) 1 432 2200 Email: © 2022 Copyright: All Rights Reserved, Irish Pharmacy Union.

Para 7: Maternity Protection Act 1994 and 2004 & Adoptive Leave Act 1995 and 2005. Para 8: Protection of Young Persons Employment Act, 1996. Para 9: Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003 Para 10: Protection of Employees (Part Time Work) Act, 2001 Para 11: The Payment of Wages Act, 1991. Para 12: Parental Leave Act, 1998 and Parental Leave (Amendment) Act 2006 Para 13: Conveyancing of Pharmacies - Employment Law Implications

2 Contents Alphabetical list contents See alternate sequential contents list on page 4 A Word from The President.............................................................................................6 Alphabetical List of Pharmacies. ............................................................................... 11 Battery Obligations for Pharmacies ................................................................... 232 Calendar 2022 .....................................................................................................................236 Company Profile Index ...................................................................................................95 Company Profiles (Suppliers, Wholesalers & Service Companies) ...............................................................................................96 Consumer Rights When Buying Goods or Services............................... 182 Employment Law................................................................................................................. 184

Suvezen is indicated for substitution therapy in adult patients who are adequately controlled with rosuvastatin and ezetimibe given concurrently at the same dose level as in the xed combination, but as separate products, as adjunct to diet for treatment of primary hypercholesterolaemia (heterozygous familial and non-familial) or homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia1 Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at; email: Adverse events should also be reported to Sano Ireland Ltd. Tel: 01 403 5600. Alternatively, send via email to IEPharmacovigilance@sano .com * Suvezen is available in 3 doses in Ireland. Suvezen 10mg/10mg, 20mg/10mg and 40mg/10mg: Each lm-coated tablet contains 10mg; 20mg or 40mg of rosuvastatin (as rosuvastatin calcium) respectively, and 10mg ezetimibe. Reference: 1. Suvezen Summary of Product Characteristics LDL-C: Low-density lipoprotein Cholesterol MAT-IE-2001200 (v2.0) – August 2021

COMBININGPOWER AND CONFIDENCE AGAINST LDL-C IN THE TREATMENT OF HYPERCHOLESTEROLAEMIA 20 mg /10 mg Rosuvastatin + Ezetimibe 10 mg /10 mg Rosuvastatin + Ezetimibe 40 mg /10 mg Rosuvastatin + Ezetimibe combinationSingle-pill androsuvastatinofezetimibeavailablein3doses*

Prescribing Information: Suvezen (rosuvastatin/ ezetimibe) lm-coated tablets Please refer to the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) for full prescribing details. Presentations: Suvezen 10mg/10mg, 20mg/10mg and 40mg/10mg: Each lm-coated tablet contains 10mg; 20mg or 40mg of rosuvastatin (as rosuvastatin calcium) respectively, and 10mg ezetimibe. Indication: Suvezen is indicated for substitution therapy in adult patients who are adequately controlled with rosuvastatin and ezetimibe given concurrently at the same dose level as in the xed combination, but as separate products, as adjunct to diet for treatment of primary hypercholesterolaemia (heterozygous familial and nonfamilial) or homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia. Dosage and Administration: The patient should be on and continue, an appropriate lipid-lowering diet, during treatment with Suvezen. Suvezen is not suitable for initial therapy. Treatment initiation or dose adjustment, if necessary, should only be done with the monocomponents and after setting the appropriate doses the switch to the xed dose combination of the appropriate strength is possible. Patient should use the strength corresponding to their previous treatment. The recommended dose is one Suvezen tablet daily. To be administered at any time of the day, with or without food. The tablet should be swallowed whole with a drink of water. If co-administered with bile acid sequestrant (BAS), administration of Suvezen should occur either ≥2 hours before or ≥4 hours after administration of a BAS. Special populations: Paediatric (<18 years): Safety and e cacy has not been established. Elderly (>70 years): Starting dose of 5 mg rosuvastatin is recommended. The combination is not suitable for initial therapy. Hepatic impairment: Mild: No dosage adjustment is required. Moderate/Severe: Treatment with Suvezen is not recommended. Renal impairment: Mild: No dose adjustment is necessary. Moderate (creatinine clearance <60 ml/min): The recommended start dose is rosuvastatin 5mg. Race: The recommended start dose is rosuvastatin 5 mg for patients of Asian ancestry due to increased systemic exposure. The xed dose combination is not suitable for initial therapy. Monocomponent preparations should be used to start the treatment or to modify the dose. Suvezen 40 mg/10 mg tablets are contraindicated in these patients. Genetic polymorphisms: In patients who are known to have speci c types of genetic polymorphisms that can lead to increased rosuvastatin exposure, a lower daily dose of Suvezen is recommended. Dosage in patients with pre-disposing factors to myopathy: The recommended start dose is rosuvastatin 5mg in patients with predisposing factors to myopathy. Suvezen 40 mg/10 mg tablets are contraindicated in some of these patients. Concomitant therapy: The risk of myopathy (including rhabdomyolysis) is increased when Suvezen is administered concomitantly with certain medicinal products that may increase the plasma concentration of rosuvastatin (e.g. ciclosporin and certain protease inhibitors including combinations of ritonavir with atazanavir, lopinavir, and/or tipranavir). Whenever possible, alternative medications should be considered, and, if necessary, consider temporarily discontinuing Suvezen therapy. In situations where co-administration of these medicinal products with Suvezen is unavoidable, the bene t and the risk of concurrent treatment and rosuvastatin dosing adjustments should be carefully considered. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the active substances or excipients. Pregnancy, breast-feeding and in women of childbearing potential not using appropriate contraceptive measures. Active liver disease or any serum transaminase elevations which are unexplained, persistent or exceeding 3x the upper limit of normal (ULN). Severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance <30ml/min); myopathy or receiving concomitant ciclosporin. 40mg/10mg dose contraindicated in patients with predisposing factors for myopathy/rhabdomyolysis; such factors include: Moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance <60ml/min), hypothyroidism, personal or family history of hereditary muscular disorders, previous history of muscular toxicity with another HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor or brate, alcohol abuse, situations where an increase in plasma levels of rosuvastatin may occur, Asian patients, concomitant use of brates. Precautions and Warnings: Skeletal muscle e ects: have been reported in rosuvastatin-treated patients with all doses and in particular with doses >20mg. As with other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, reporting rate for rhabdomyolysis is associated with use at doses >40mg. Postmarketing experience with ezetimibe, cases of myopathy and rhabdomyolysis have been reported. If myopathy is suspected based on muscle symptoms or is con rmed by a creatine phosphokinase (CPK) level, Suvezen and any of these other agents that the patient is taking concomitantly should be immediately discontinued. All patients starting therapy with Suvezen should be advised of the risk of myopathy and told to report promptly any unexplained muscle pain, tenderness or weakness, particularly if associated with malaise or fever. Creatine kinase (CK) measurement: CK should not be measured following strenuous exercise or in the presence of a plausible alternative cause of CK increase. If CK levels are signi cantly elevated at baseline (>5x ULN) a con rmatory test should be carried out within 5 – 7 days. If the repeat test con rms a baseline CK >5x ULN, treatment should not be started. Patients with pre-disposing factors for myopathy/ rhabdomyolysis: Caution should be exercised in these patients. Risk: bene t of treatment should be considered and clinical monitoring is recommended. CK levels should be measured in these patients. Therapy should be discontinued if CK levels are markedly elevated (>5x ULN) or if muscular symptoms are severe and cause daily discomfort. If symptoms resolve and CK levels return to normal, then consideration should be given to re-introducing treatment at the lowest dose. Immune-mediated necrotising myopathy (IMNM): Clinically characterised by proximal muscle weakness and elevated serum CK, has been reported very rarely during or after treatment with statins, including rosuvastatin, despite discontinuation of statin treatment. In clinical trials an increase in the incidence of myositis and myopathy has been seen in patients receiving other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors together with bric acid derivatives. Suvezen should not be used in any patient with an acute, serious condition suggestive of myopathy or predisposing to the development of renal failure secondary to rhabdomyolysis (e.g. sepsis, hypotension, major surgery, trauma, severe metabolic, endocrine and electrolyte disorders; or uncontrolled seizures). Liver e ects: In controlled co-administration trials in patients receiving ezetimibe with statin, consecutive transaminase elevations ≥3x ULN have been observed. It is recommended that liver function tests be carried out prior to, and 3 months following, the initiation of treatment. Rosuvastatin should be discontinued or the dose reduced if the level of serum transaminases is >3x ULN. The reporting rate for serious events is higher at the 40mg dose. In patients with secondary hypercholesterolaemia caused by hypothyroidism or nephrotic syndrome, the underlying disease should be treated prior to initiating therapy with rosuvastatin. Liver disease and alcohol: As with other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, rosuvastatin should be used with caution in patients who consume excessive quantities of alcohol and/or have a history of liver disease. Renal e ects: Proteinuria has been observed in patients treated with higher doses of rosuvastatin and was transient or intermittent in most cases. Proteinuria has not been shown to be predictive of acute or progressive renal disease. An assessment of renal function should be considered during routine follow-up of patients treated with a dose of 40mg. Diabetes mellitus: Some evidence suggests that statins raise blood glucose and in some patients, at high risk of future diabetes, may produce a level of hyperglycaemia where formal diabetes care is appropriate. This risk, however, is outweighed by the reduction in vascular risk with statins and therefore should not be a reason for stopping statin treatment. Patients at risk (fasting glucose 5.6 – 6.9mmol/l, BMI >30kg/m2, raised triglycerides, hypertension) should be monitored both clinically and biochemically according to national guidelines. Interstitial lung disease: Exceptional cases have been reported with some statins, especially with long term therapy. Presenting features can include dyspnoea, non-productive cough and deterioration in general health (fatigue, weight loss and fever). If it is suspected, statin therapy should be discontinued. Protease inhibitors: Increased systemic exposure to rosuvastatin has been observed in subjects receiving rosuvastatin concomitantly with various protease inhibitors in combination with ritonavir. Consideration should be given both to the bene t of lipid lowering by use of Suvezen in HIV patients receiving protease inhibitors and the potential for increased rosuvastatin plasma concentrations when initiating and up titrating rosuvastatin doses in patients treated with protease inhibitors. The concomitant use with certain protease inhibitors is not recommended unless the dose of rosuvastatin is adjusted. Fibrates: The safety and e cacy of ezetimibe administered with brates have not been established. If cholelithiasis is suspected in a patient receiving Suvezen and feno brate, gallbladder investigations are indicated and therapy should be discontinued. Anticoagulants: If Suvezen is added to warfarin, another coumarin anticoagulant, or uindione, the International Normalised Ratio (INR) should be appropriately monitored. Fusidic acid: Suvezen must not be co-administered with systemic formulations of fusidic acid or within 7 days of stopping fusidic acid treatment. In patients where the use of systemic fusidic acid is considered essential, statin treatment should be discontinued throughout the duration of fusidic acid treatment. There have been reports of rhabdomyolysis (including some fatalities) in patients receiving fusidic acid and statins in combination. The patient should be advised to seek medical advice immediately if they experience any symptoms of muscle weakness, pain or tenderness. Statin therapy may be reintroduced seven days after the last dose of fusidic acid. In exceptional circumstances, where prolonged systemic fusidic acid is needed, e.g., for the treatment of severe infections, the need for co-administration of Suvezen and fusidic acid should only be considered on a case by case basis and under close medical supervision. Suvezen contains lactose monohydrate and sodium: Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, total lactase de ciency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine. This medicinal product contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per tablet, that is to say essentially ‘sodium-free’. Interactions: Contraindicated combinations: Ciclosporin. Notrecommended combinations: Fibrates and other lipid-lowering products, protease inhibitors, transporter protein inhibitors and fusidic acid. Other possible interactions: Cytochrome P450 enzymes, antacids, colestyramine, anticoagulants, Vitamin K antagonists, erythromycin, oral contraceptive/hormone replacement therapy. When co-administering rosuvastatin with other medicinal products known to increase exposure to rosuvastatin, doses should be adjusted (see SmPC for full details). The maximum daily dose should be adjusted so that the expected rosuvastatin exposure would not likely exceed that of a 40mg daily dose of rosuvastatin taken without interacting medicinal products. Fertility, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: No clinical data are available on the use of ezetimibe during pregnancy. Potential risk from inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase outweighs the advantage of treatment during pregnancy. If a patient becomes pregnant during use of Suvezen, treatment should be discontinued immediately. Animal studies have shown excretion of medicinal product through breast milk. However, there are no data in humans. No clinical trial data on the e ects of fertility in humans. Adverse Reactions: Adverse drug reactions previously reported with one of the individual components (ezetimibe or rosuvastatin) may be potential undesirable e ects with Suvezen. Common (≥1/100 to <1/10): diabetes mellitus, headache, dizziness, constipation, nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhoea, atulence, myalgia, ALT and/or AST increased, asthenia and fatigue. Uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100): decreased appetite, paraesthesia, hot ush, hypertension, cough, dyspepsia, gastroesophageal re ux disease, nausea, dry mouth, gastritis, pruritus, rash, urticaria, arthralgia, muscle spasms, neck pain, back pain, muscular weakness, pain in extremity, ALT and/or AST increased, blood CPK increased, gammaglutamyltransferase increased, liver function test abnormal, chest pain, pain, asthenia, oedema peripheral. Rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000): thrombocytopenia, hypersensitivity reactions including angioedema, pancreatitis, increased hepatic transaminases, myopathy (including myositis), rhabdomyolysis, lupus-like syndrome and muscle rupture. Very rare (<1/10,000): polyneuropathy, memory loss, jaundice, hepatitis, arthralgia, haematuria, gynaecomastia. Not known: thrombocytopenia, hypersensitivity (including rash, urticaria, anaphylaxis and angioedema), depression, peripheral neuropathy, sleep disturbances (including insomnia and nightmares), dizziness, paraesthesia, cough, dyspnoea, diarrhoea, pancreatitis, constipation, hepatitis, cholelithiasis, cholecystitis, Stevens Johnson syndrome, erythema multiforme, immune-mediated necrotising myopathy, tendon disorders (sometimes complicated by rupture), myalgia, myopathy/ rhabdomyolysis, oedema, asthenia. See SmPC for full details on adverse reactions. Legal Category: POM. Marketing Authorisation Numbers: 10mg/10mg: PA0540/193/001; 20mg/10mg: PA0540/193/002; 40mg/10mg: PA0540/193/003. Marketing Authorisation Holder: Sano -Aventis Ireland Ltd. T/A SANOFI, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Ireland. Further information is available from: Sano , 18 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24 or contact IEmedinfo@sano .com Date of Preparation: December 2020.


2: Minimum Notice

Para 14: Bullying Para 15: Employment Equality Act 1998 and Equality Act 2004 Para 16: National Minimum Wage Act 2000 Para 17: Employment Permit (Amendment) Act 2014 Para 18: Code of Practice on Access to Part-Time Working Para 19: Employees (Provision of Information and Consultation) Act Para200620: Temporary Agency Workers Para 21: Industrial Relations (Amendments) Acts 2001 and 2004 Para 22: Protected Disclosure Act 2014 Para 23: The Paternity Leave and Benefit Act 2016 Para 24: European Union (Posting of Workers) Regulations 2016 Para 25: Criminal Justice (Spent Convictions and Certain Disclosures) Act Para201626: Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2003 Para 27: Code of Practice on Longer Working Para 28: EmploymentDisclaimerLaw–Disciplinary Procedures

.............................................. 221 HSE – Health Promotion Literature ..................................................................... 222 Health and Safety in the Pharmacy ................................................................... 223 General Insurance – Pharmacists .......................................................................228 Pharmacy Refrigerators................................................................................................. 231 Waste Management Obligations under the Regulations..........................................................................................................................Packaging 231 Battery Obligations for Pharmacies ................................................................... 232 Registration Requirements for Pharmacies.................................................233 Holiday Planner ..................................................................................................................234 Calendar 2022 .....................................................................................................................236 Published by: Ashville Media Group. Unit 55 Park West Road, Park West Industrial Park, Dublin 12, D12 X9F9 Phone: (00353) 1 432 2200 Email: © 2022 Copyright: All Rights Reserved, Irish Pharmacy Union.


Para and of Acts, 1973 to 2001. Para of (Information) Acts 1994 and 2001. Acts, 1977 to 2007. of Time Act, 1997. Guide to Scheme. Para 7: Maternity Protection Act 1994 and 2004 & Adoptive Leave Act 1995 and 2005. Para 8: Protection of Young Persons Employment Act, 1996. Para 9 Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003 Para 10: Protection of Employees (Part Time Work) Act, 2001 Para 11: The Payment of Wages Act, 1991. Para 12: Parental Leave Act, 1998 and Parental Leave (Amendment) Act Para200613:Conveyancing of Pharmacies – Employment Law Implications


4 Contents Sequential list contents See alternate alphabetical contents list on page 2 A Word from The President.............................................................................................6 IPU Personnel..............................................................................................................................8 IPU Committees .....................................................................................................................10 Alphabetical List of Pharmacies. ............................................................................... 11 Geographic List of Pharmacies................................................................................. 66 Company Profile Index ...................................................................................................95 Company Profiles (Suppliers, Wholesalers & Service Companies) ...............................................................................................96 IPU Contract Unit ................................................................................................................ 114 IPU Data Protection Guide for Community Pharmacy.......................... 122 Useful Telephone Numbers......................................................................................... 125 Hospitals Directory............................................................................................................ 125 Patient Support Group Directory............................................................................ 129 Health Screening Services ........................................................................................ 134 Pharmacy Related Organisations ......................................................................... 134 IPU Academy.......................................................................................................................... 135 IPU Constitution .................................................................................................................. 136 IPU Past Presidents...........................................................................................................148 IPU VAT Scheme ..................................................................................................................149 IPU Policy and Structures ...........................................................................................149 Social Media ..........................................................................................................................149 IPU Website ...........................................................................................................................150 Training Activities for IPU Members and Sta .............................................151 hmR Ireland ............................................................................................................................ 153 Locum Pharmacists ......................................................................................................... 153 Recommended Service Providers .......................................................................154 Pharmacy Benevolent Fund.......................................................................................155 Irish Chemists Golfing Society.................................................................................155 Lady Pharmacists’ Golf Society ..............................................................................155 Medicines Regulation Summary ...........................................................................156 Consumer Rights When Buying Goods or Services............................... 182 Employment Law................................................................................................................. 184

Para 5: Organisation

3: Terms


Para 6:

Redundancy Payments

Para 4: Unfair Dismissals


The pharmacy contract is a quarter of a century old and is simply not fit for purpose. The Programme for Government and correspondence from the Department of Health both commit to commencing talks with pharmacists on a new contract and we continue to push for these talks to start.

COVID has absorbed the energies and attention of the State and delayed progress up to now, but we have made it clear to Government and the HSE that we need to move forward. The IPU’s Pharmacy Contractors Committee is working hard on a framework in preparation for the promised contract talks and I will keep you updated on any progress in thisPharmacistsregard. are frustrated. Frustrated that our o ers to help go unheard or unactioned year in year out. Right now, plans must be put in place for the future of healthcare post COVID-19. We have a once in a generation chance to make changes and get things right for the future. This must involve a meaningful expansion of properly resourced pharmacy services. The approach is ready. All we need is action.

A word from our President

Pharmacies o er practical solutions to genuine problems. Better still these solutions could be fast to implement. It takes six years to train a doctor. It takes five years to build a hospital, preceded all too often by a decade of arguments about where to build it. Quick wins in our health system are thin on the ground, but pharmacies could o er so Themany.need for expansion of our services is underscored by the di iculty in accessing a GP, an issue which is approaching crisis point. A Minor Ailment Scheme, such as is already in place in the UK, Canada, the Netherlands, New Zealand and Australia would remove the need for over 850,000 appointments with our already over-stretched GPs.Itwould also provide immediate enhancement of health service capacity, allow for more e icient use of resources, and improve ease of access for patients.

Dear Colleagues and Friends, With 2022 upon us, it’s a good opportunity to assess how community pharmacy stood up to the unprecedented challenge of the pandemic, to take stock of where we stand and to look ahead to the potential role of pharmacy in a health service which is crying out for change. It’s impossible to know how COVID-19 will impact on our world in the long term but we move forward in hope that the worst of the pandemic is behind us. As we emerge from what has been a uniquely challenging period in our lives, it is imperative to acknowledge the manner in which pharmacists and pharmacy sta served the public during this emergency. Pharmacies performed magnificently. They stayed open and provided an invaluable service in communities across the country despite immensely challenging circumstances and throughout numerous lockdowns. I know both anecdotally and from professional research studies that our availability, support and professionalism was appreciated by our patients and the wider public. Pharmacists and pharmacy sta should be immensely proud of their contribution during this unprecedented public health emergency. When called upon to administer COVID-19 vaccines we stepped up, administering a quarter of a million in a little over a month. Pharmacists are eager to help and eager to do more. It is no coincidence that the stock of community pharmacy has never been higher. Independently commissioned polling by Ipsos MRBI in 2021 shows that pharmacists are the most trusted profession in Ireland with 96% of people polled expressing their trust in us. Furthermore, a recent IPU commissioned Behaviours & Attitudes survey of people across the country found that the number of people citing pharmacists as their most important healthcare provider has increased by almost a third since last year. There is also clear support for pharmacies expanding their range of services. We are taking this positive momentum forward in our approach to our other most important strategic objectives, namely: the commencement of negotiations on the new pharmacy contract; securing fair and sustainable remuneration for pharmacy services; and the expansion of the scope of pharmacy practice. With 78 million patient visits per year, the pharmacy sector is already at the most accessed part of the health system. But there is a capacity and willingness to do far more for patients than is currently allowed by government policy.

Just as any private patient does, the first port of call for everything from hay fever to athletes foot would instantly become the pharmacy. Currently, to avail of treatments for these minor ailments using a medical card patients must first undertake a needless visit to their GP. Experience in Scotland suggests this scheme could eliminate 5.3% of A&E visits and 13% of GP visits.

ww smet i cass oci at ion.i e 2022 The Main Hall, RDS, Ballsbridge, Dublin Sund a y 15 th May Monday 16 th May Tuesday 17 th May 10am - 6pm 9am - 8pm 9am - 6pm CHRISTMASCHRISTMASCosmetic&GiftTradeFairCosmetic&GiftTradeFair



Roisín Molloy


Darragh O’Loughlin Secretary General Linda Ahern Contract Administrator Alma Barr Education, Training and Development Coordinator Eilish Barrett National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Tom Foster Communications and Events Executive Janice Burke Education, Training Developmentand Coordinator Alan Collins National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Jim Curran Director of Strategy and Operations Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist Gerardine Gahan Medicines PharmacistInformation Fiona Hannigan National Health Products Catalogue Manager Liz Hoctor Professional Development and Learning Manager Siobhán Kane Public A airs Manager Tara Kelly Medicines PharmacistInformation Pamela Logan Director of Pharmacy Services Roisín Molloy

Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist Gerardine Gahan Medicines PharmacistInformation Fiona Hannigan National Health Products Catalogue Manager Liz Hoctor Professional Development and Learning Manager Siobhán Kane Public A airs Manager Tara Kelly Medicines PharmacistInformation Pamela Logan Director of Pharmacy Services Roisín Molloy

Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison Manager Susan McManus IPU Training Manager Patrice O’Connor Membership and O ce Manager Alan Reilly Head of Information and Technology Derek Reilly Head of Contract Antoni Urena IT Support Developmentand

Tom Foster Communications and Events Executive Janice Burke Education, Training Developmentand Coordinator Alan Collins National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Jim Curran Director of Strategy and Operations

IPU PERSONNEL 8 Darragh O’Loughlin Secretary General Linda Ahern Contract Administrator Alma Barr Education, Training and Development Coordinator Eilish Barrett National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Tom Foster Communications and Events Executive Janice Burke Education, Training Developmentand Coordinator Alan Collins National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Jim Curran Director of Strategy and Operations

Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist Gerardine Gahan Medicines PharmacistInformation Fiona Hannigan National Health Products Catalogue Manager Liz Hoctor Professional Development and Learning Manager Siobhán Kane Public A airs Manager Tara Kelly Medicines PharmacistInformation Pamela Logan Director of Pharmacy Services


Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist Gerardine Gahan Medicines PharmacistInformation Fiona Hannigan National Health Products Catalogue Manager Liz Hoctor Professional Development and Learning Manager Siobhán Kane Public A airs Manager Tara Kelly Medicines PharmacistInformation Pamela Logan Director of Pharmacy Services

Darragh O’Loughlin Secretary General Linda Ahern Contract Administrator Alma Barr Education, Training and Development Coordinator Eilish Barrett National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Tom Foster Communications and Events Executive Janice Burke Education, Training Developmentand Coordinator Alan Collins National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Jim Curran Director of Strategy and Operations Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist Gerardine Gahan Medicines PharmacistInformation Fiona Hannigan National Health Products Catalogue Manager Liz Hoctor Professional Development and Learning Manager Siobhán Kane Public A airs Manager Tara Kelly Medicines PharmacistInformation Pamela Logan Director of Pharmacy Services

IPU Training Manager

Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist

IPU PERSONNEL Darragh O’Loughlin Secretary General Linda Ahern Contract Administrator Alma Barr Education, Training and Development Coordinator Eilish Barrett National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Tom Foster Communications and Events Executive Janice Burke Education, Training Developmentand Coordinator Alan Collins National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Jim Curran Director of Strategy and Operations Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist Gerardine Gahan Medicines PharmacistInformation Fiona Hannigan National Health Products Catalogue Manager Liz Hoctor Professional Development and Learning Manager Siobhán Kane Public A airs Manager Tara Kelly Medicines PharmacistInformation Pamela Logan Director of Pharmacy Services



Susan McManus

Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist Roisín Molloy Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison

Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison Manager Susan McManus IPU Training Manager Patrice O’Connor Membership and O ce Manager Alan Reilly Head of Information and Technology Derek Reilly Head of Contract Antoni Urena IT Support Developmentand

Tom Foster Communications and Events Executive Janice Burke Education, Training Developmentand Coordinator Alan Collins National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Jim Curran Director of Strategy and Operations Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist Gerardine Gahan Medicines PharmacistInformation Fiona Hannigan National Health Products Catalogue Manager Liz Hoctor Professional Development and Learning Manager Siobhán Kane Public A airs Manager Tara Kelly Medicines PharmacistInformation Pamela Logan Director of Pharmacy Services Roisín Molloy Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison Manager Susan McManus IPU Training Manager

Roisín Molloy Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison Manager Susan McManus IPU Training Manager Patrice O’Connor Membership and O ce Manager Alan Reilly Head of Information and Technology Derek Reilly Head of Contract Antoni Urena IT Support Developmentand


Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist Gerardine Gahan Medicines PharmacistInformation Fiona Hannigan National Health Products Catalogue Manager Liz Hoctor Professional Development and Learning Manager Siobhán Kane Public A airs Manager Tara Kelly Medicines PharmacistInformation Pamela Logan Director of Pharmacy Services

01 IPU Yearbook 2021.qxp 20/11/2020 10:04 Page 8

Darragh SecretaryO’LoughlinGeneral

01 IPU Yearbook 2021.qxp 20/11/2020 10:04 Page 8

Darragh O’Loughlin Secretary General Linda Ahern Contract Administrator Alma Barr Education, Training and Development Coordinator Eilish Barrett National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Tom Foster Communications and Events Executive Janice Burke Education, Training Developmentand Coordinator Alan Collins National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Jim Curran Director of Strategy and Operations

Alan HeadReillyofInformation and Technology Derek Reilly Head of Contract Antoni Urena IT Support Developmentand

88 Darragh O’Loughlin Secretary General Linda Ahern Contract Administrator Alma Barr Education, Training and Development Coordinator Eilish Barrett National Health Products Catalogue Administrator

Roisín Molloy Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison Manager Susan McManus IPU Training Manager Patrice O’Connor Membership and O ce Manager Alan Reilly Head of Information and Technology Derek Reilly Head of Contract Antoni Urena IT Support Developmentand


Patrice O’Connor Membership and O ce Manager Alan Reilly Head of Information and Technology Derek Reilly Head of Contract Antoni Urena IT Support Developmentand

Roisín Molloy

Roisín Molloy Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison Manager Susan McManus IPU Training Manager Patrice O’Connor Membership and O ce Manager Alan Reilly Head of Information and Technology Derek Reilly Head of Contract Antoni Urena IT Support Developmentand 8

IPU PERSONNEL 20/11/2020 10:04 Page 8 8

Patrice O’Connor Membership and O ce Manager Alan Reilly Head of Information and Technology Derek Reilly Head of Contract Antoni Urena IT Support Developmentand

Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison Manager Susan McManus IPU Training Manager

O’Loughlin Administrator

IPU PERSONNEL 8 Darragh O’Loughlin Secretary General Linda Ahern Contract Administrator Alma Barr Education, Training and Development Coordinator Eilish Barrett National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Tom Foster Communications and Events Executive

Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison Manager Susan McManus IPU Training Manager Patrice O’Connor Membership and O ce Manager Alan Reilly Head of Information and Technology Derek Reilly Head of Contract Antoni Urena IT Support Developmentand

O’Loughlin General Administrator

Darragh O’Loughlin Secretary General Linda Ahern Contract Administrator Alma Barr Education, Training and Development Coordinator Eilish Barrett National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Tom Foster Communications and Events Executive Janice Burke Education, Training Developmentand Coordinator Alan Collins National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Jim Curran Director of Strategy and Operations

Patrice O’Connor Membership and O ce Manager Alan Reilly Head of Information and Technology Derek Reilly Head of Contract Antoni Urena IT Support Developmentand


Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison Manager Susan McManus IPU Training Manager Patrice O’Connor Membership and O ce Manager Alan Reilly Head of Information and Technology Derek Reilly Head of Contract Antoni Urena IT Support Developmentand



Roisín Molloy Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison

Roisín Molloy Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison Manager Susan McManus IPU Training Manager Patrice O’Connor Membership and O ce Manager Alan Reilly Head of Information and Technology Derek Reilly Head of Contract Antoni Urena IT Support Developmentand

Darragh O’Loughlin Secretary General Linda Ahern Contract Administrator Alma Barr Education, Training and Development Coordinator Eilish Barrett National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Tom Foster Communications and Events Executive Janice Burke Education, Training Developmentand Coordinator Alan Collins National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Jim Curran Director of Strategy and Operations

Roisín Molloy


10:04 Page 8 8

Clare Fitzell Head of ServicesProfessional Tom CommunicationsFoster and Events Executive Gerardine Gahan Medicines PharmacistInformation Fiona NationalHanniganHealth Products Catalogue Manager Liz ProfessionalHoctor Development and Learning Manager Siobhán Kane Press Communicationsand Manager Tara MedicinesKelly PharmacistInformation Roisín ExecutiveMolloyAssistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce ManagerMembershipMulpeterLiaison

Janice Burke Education, Training Developmentand Coordinator Alan Collins National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Jim Curran Director of Strategy and Operations Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist Gerardine Gahan Medicines PharmacistInformation Fiona Hannigan National Health Products Catalogue Manager Liz Hoctor Professional Development and Learning Manager Siobhán Kane Public A airs Manager Tara Kelly Medicines PharmacistInformation Pamela Logan Director of Pharmacy Services

Darragh O’Loughlin Secretary General Linda Ahern Contract Administrator Alma Barr Education, Training and Development Coordinator Eilish Barrett National Health Products Catalogue Administrator

Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist Gerardine Gahan Medicines PharmacistInformation Fiona Hannigan National Health Products Catalogue Manager Liz Hoctor Professional Development and Learning Manager Siobhán Kane Public A airs Manager Tara Kelly Medicines PharmacistInformation Pamela Logan Director of Pharmacy Services

Executive Assistant to the Secretary General and Corporate A airs Manager Joyce Mulpeter Membership Liaison Manager Susan McManus IPU Training Manager

Darragh O’Loughlin Secretary General Linda Ahern Contract Administrator Alma Barr Education, Training and Development Coordinator Eilish Barrett National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Tom Foster Communications and Events Executive Janice Burke Education, Training Developmentand Coordinator Alan Collins National Health Products Catalogue Administrator Jim Curran Director of Strategy and Operations

Ciara Enright Finance Manager Clare Fitzell Professional Services Pharmacist Gerardine Gahan Medicines PharmacistInformation Fiona Hannigan National Health Products Catalogue Manager Liz Hoctor Professional Development and Learning Manager Siobhán Kane Public A airs Manager Tara Kelly Medicines PharmacistInformation Pamela Logan Director of Pharmacy Services

Lara ProfessionalMarin Services Pharmacist Patrice MembershipO’Connorand O ice Manager Susan PharmacistProfessionalO’DonnellServices

Roisín Molloy

Linda ContractAhernAdministrator Alma Education,Barr Training and Development Coordinator Eilish NationalBarrettHealth Products Catalogue Administrator Janice Education,BurkeTraining and Development Coordinator Alan NationalCollinsHealth Products Catalogue Administrator Jim DirectorCurranof Strategy and Operations Ciara FinanceEnrightManager

® Adverse events should be reported. Reporting forms and information can be found at; email: Adverse events should also be reported to Sanofi Ireland Ltd. Tel: 01 403 5600. Alternatively, send via email to

Paediatric: When switching basal insulin to Toujeo, dose reduction of basal and bolus insulin needs to be considered on an individual basis, in order to minimise the risk of hypoglycaemia. The safety and efficacy of Toujeo in children and adolescents below 6 years of age have not been established. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to insulin glargine or any excipients. Precautions and Warnings: Traceability: In order to improve the traceability of biological medicinal products, the name and the batch number of the administered product should be clearly recorded. Toujeo is not the insulin of choice for treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis. Patients must be instructed to perform continuous rotation of the injection site to reduce the risk of developing lipodystrophy and cutaneous amyloidosis. There is a potential risk of delayed insulin absorption and worsened glycaemic control following insulin injections at sites with these reactions. A sudden change in the injection site to an unaffected area has been reported to result in hypoglycaemia. Blood glucose monitoring is recommended after the change in the injection site, and dose adjustment of antidiabetic medications may be considered. Hypoglycaemia: In case of insufficient glucose control or a tendency to hyper/hypoglycaemic episodes, the patient’s adherence to the prescribed treatment regimen, injection sites and proper injection technique and all other relevant factors must be reviewed before dose adjustment is considered. Particular caution should be exercised, and intensified blood glucose monitoring is advisable for patients in whom hypoglycaemic episodes might be of clinical relevance and in those where dose adjustments may be required. Warning signs of hypoglycaemia may be changed, less pronounced or absent in certain risk groups, potentially resulting in severe hypoglycaemia and loss of consciousness. Risk groups include patients in whom glycaemic control is markedly improved, hypoglycaemia develops gradually, an autonomic neuropathy is present, or who are elderly. The prolonged effect of subcutaneous insulin glargine may delay recovery from hypoglycaemia. Intercurrent illness: Requires intensified metabolic monitoring and often it is necessary to adjust the insulin dose. Insulin antibodies: administration may cause insulin antibodies to form. Use with pioglitazone: Cases of cardiac failure have been reported when pioglitazone was used in combination with insulin, especially in patients with risk factors for development of cardiac heart failure. If the combination is used, patients should be observed for signs and symptoms of heart failure, weight gain and oedema. Pioglitazone should be discontinued if any deterioration in cardiac symptoms occurs. Medication errors: Insulin labels must always be checked before each injection to avoid errors between Toujeo and other insulins. Patients must be instructed to never use a syringe to remove Toujeo from the SoloStar or DoubleStar pre-filled pen, A new sterile needle must be attached before each injection. Needles must not be re-used.

For the treatment of diabetes mellitus in adults, adolescents and children from the age of 6 years1

References:1. Toujeo® Summary of Product Characteristics Date of preparation: October 2020 | MAT-IE-2001201 (v1.0)

Presentation: Toujeo SoloStar and DoubleStar pre-filled pens. Each ml contains 300 units of insulin glargine. SoloStar pen contains 1.5ml (450 units) of solution for injection. DoubleStar pen contains 3ml (900 units) of solution for injection. Indication: Treatment of diabetes mellitus in adults, adolescents and children from the age of 6 years. Dosage and Administration: Toujeo is administered subcutaneously, by injection into the abdominal wall, the deltoid or the thigh, once daily, at any time of the day, preferably at the same time every day. Injection sites must be rotated within a given injection area from one injection to the next in order to reduce the risk of lipodystrophy and cutaneous amyloidosis. The dose regimen (dose and timing) should be adjusted according to individual response. Do not administer intravenously. In type 1 diabetes mellitus, Toujeo must be combined with short-/rapid-acting insulin to cover mealtime insulin requirements. In patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, recommended daily starting dose is 0.2 units/kg followed by individual dose adjustments. Toujeo can also be given together with other anti-hyperglycaemic medicinal products. Switch between insulin glargine 100 units/ml and Toujeo: Insulin glargine 100 units/ml and Toujeo are not bioequivalent and are not directly interchangeable. When switching from insulin glargine 100 units/ml to Toujeo, this can be done on a unit to unit basis, but a higher Toujeo dose (approximately 10-18%) may be needed to achieve target ranges for plasma glucose levels. When switching from Toujeo to insulin glargine 100 units/ml, the dose should be reduced (approximately by 20%). Switching from other basal insulins to Toujeo: A change of dose and/or timing of the basal insulin and concomitant anti hyperglycaemic treatment may be required. Dose adjustments may also be required if the patient’s weight or lifestyle changes, the timing of insulin dose is changed or other circumstances arise that increase susceptibility to hypo- or hyperglycaemia. Toujeo must not be mixed or diluted with any other insulin or other medicinal products. Close metabolic monitoring is recommended during a switch and in the initial weeks thereafter. SoloStar 1-80 units per single injection in steps of 1 unit and DoubleStar 2-160 units in steps of 2 units. When changing from Toujeo SoloStar to Toujeo DoubleStar, if the patient’s previous dose was an odd number then the dose must be increased or decreased by 1 unit. Toujeo DoubleStar prefilled pen is recommended for patients requiring at least 20 units per day. Special Populations: Insulin requirements may be diminished in the elderly or patients with renal or hepatic impairment.

Prescribing Information: Toujeo (insulin glargine 300 units/ml) Please refer to Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC) before prescribing.

Pregnancy and lactation: There is no data from exposed pregnancies in controlled clinical trials. However, there is a large amount of data on use of insulin glargine 100 units/ml in pregnant women indicating no specific adverse effects on pregnancy and no specific malformative nor feto/neonatal toxicity. The use of Toujeo may be considered during pregnancy, if clinically needed. Careful monitoring of glucose control is essential. It is unknown if insulin glargine is excreted in breast milk. Interactions: Substances that affect glucose metabolism may require adjustment of insulin glargine. Adverse Reactions: Very common: Hypoglycaemia. Prolonged or severe hypoglycaemia may be life-threatening. Common: Lipohypertrophy, injection site reactions, including redness, pain, itching, hives, swelling, or inflammation. Legal Category: POM. Marketing Authorisation Number: SoloStar 3 Pen pack: EU/1/00/133/034, DoubleStar EU/1/00/133/038. Marketing Authorisation Holder: Sanofi Aventis Deutschland GmbH, D-65926 Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Further information is available from: Medical Information, Sanofi 18 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24 or contact Date of preparation: July 2020.

Regional Representatives Michael TierneyDublin 0404 46157 Kathy Maher North East 041 982 3326 Janet Hanly Mid-West 067 42 775 Sean Kelly North West 074 954 1120 Barry BrennanSouth East 051 390 234 Ray McSharryMidland 091 759320 Michael WalshSouth 025 32677 Ultan MolloyWest Co-Options Cormac Loughnane 086 1450823 Ailish Reape 087 092 5762 Ciara McCabe 086 173 4859 Liam Butler 057 8624289

Community Employee Group Gillian McGrath 086 244 1973 Rebecca Barry 086 387 0476 Sinéad Ryan 086 102 3844

Dermot Twomey* 021 465 2543

Past President Daragh Connolly 087 832 3882

Jayne Kelleher South 087 767 1197

Co-Options Denis O’Driscoll 087 272 9633

Regional Representatives Heather Feeney Dublin 087 640 9236 Kerrie Finnan North East 087 902 6950 Sinead RyanMid-West 086 102 3844

Sheila O’LoughlinWest 086 377 6314

Adrian Dunne Midlands 086 857 6565 Vacant South Oliver McGuinnessWest 090 662 6193

HonTreasurer: Tom Murray 086 8341436

Brian McCartan North East 086 852 9041


Employee Pharmacists nominated by the EPC Sheila O’Loughlin 086 398 4281 Louise Begley 087 204 2069 Co-Options Noel Stenson 086 246 3954 Emily Kelly 087 275 3357 Elaine Clarke 0505 45412

Vice President: Ann Marie Horan 01 490 0789

Louise BegleyMidland 087 204 2069

Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee (PCC)

James Cassidy North West 086 8166153 John O’ConnellSouth East 056 772 1033

Caoimhe McAuley 086 174 2125

Carmel CollinsMid West 061 396147

Tadhg Scanlon South East 087 125 3037

Niamh Murphy 090 964 4424 Stephen Nolan 01 8351086 Employee Pharmacists’ Committee (EPC)

Co-Options Rebecca Barry 086 387 0476 Gillian McGrath 086 244 1973

*Dermot Twomey became IPU President in June 2021 Pharmacy Committee (CPC)

Executive President:Committee

Regional Representatives Matilda Allen Dublin 01 874 0179 David GormleyNorth East 046 924 0950 Elizabeth Lang North West 087 271 9317 Anna Kelly Mid-West 067 34244 Paul Kenny South East 051 330543 Jonathan Morrissey Midlands 045 868112 Pat Dalton South 087 296 0715 Brendan QuinnWest 091 631272

Regional Representatives Gemma Dwyer Dublin 086 838 1117

10 IPU Committee Personnel 2020 – 2022

Ga neys Allcare Pharmacy, 46 Main St, Leixlip,Co Kildare 01-624456101-6244561ga

Skerries Allcare Pharmacy, 38 Strand St, Skerries, Co Dublin

Bourkes Allcare Pharmacy, 220 Rathmines Rd Lr, Rathmines, Dublin 6 Bradleys Pharmacy, Market St, Ardee, Co Louth

Stacks Allcare Pharmacy, 3a McCurtain St, Fermoy, Co Cork

Rush Allcare Pharmacy, 37 Main St, Rush,Co Dublin

Ballincollig Allcare Pharmacy, Main Street, Ballincollig,Co Cork

Allcare Pharmacy Ringsend, 6 Thorncastle St, Ringsend, Dublin 4

Allcare Pharmacy Drogheda, Boyne S C, Drogheda, Co Louth

Bretts Allcare Pharmacy, 49 Connaught Street, Athlone, Co Westmeath

Black’s Allcare Pharmacy, Medical Hall, Mill Street, Monaghan


Kerins Allcare Pharmacy, 32 Castle St, Dalkey, Co Dublin /

Clearwater Allcare Pharmacy, Janelle S C, Finglas, Dublin 11 01

Lo tus Pharmacy, Market Square, Bunclody, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford 053-9377529 053-9377682lo

Perrystown Allcare Pharmacy, 182 Whitehall Rd W, Perrystown, Dublin 12

Allcare Pharmacy Carrickmacross, Main St, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan 042-9663421

Kinirons Allcare Pharmacy, Main St, Lucan, Co Dublin

Tarbert Allcare Pharmacy, Corner House, Tarbert, Co Kerry

Crowleys Allcare Pharmacy, Unit 3, Mahon S C, Mahon, Cork

Breens Allcare Pharmacy, Main St, Slane, Co Meath

Al Ja’Afrehova M Swords Castle Pharmacy, Swords Castle S C, Bridge St, Swords, Co Dublin

Hospital Allcare Pharmacy, Main St, Hospital, Co Limerick

Allcare Pharmacy Wicklow, Westmount Clinic, Church Hill, Wicklow, Co Wicklow

O’Rourkes Allcare Pharmacy, The Shopping Centre, Rathangan Road, Monasterevan, Co Kildare

Pettits Allcare Pharmacy, The Square, Clara, Co O aly

O’Flynns Allcare Pharmacy, Castle St, Ardee, Co Louth

Adams P Adams Pharmacy, 11 Main St, Raheny, Dublin 5 01-831383101-8313676

O’Sullivans Allcare Pharmacy, Main Street, Rathkeale, Co Limerick

Allcare Pharmacy Doreset St, 50 Dorset Street Lower, Dublin 1

Allcare Pharmacy Clondalkin, Unit 1 Dutch Village S C, Woodford Walk, Clondalkin, Dublin

Glin Allcare Pharmacy, Glin, Co Limerick Hassetts Allcare Pharmacy, 9/11 North Main St, Wexford

Healy Allcare Pharmacy, Main Street, Goresbridge, Co Kilkenny

Hogans Life Pharmacy, 46 Upper William Street, Limerick

KCR Allcare Pharmacy, 2 Fortfield Road, Kimmage Cross Roads, Terenure, Dublin

O’Carrolls Allcare Pharmacy, Orhard Court, Wherland Lane, Blackpool, Co Cork

O’Reillys Allcare Pharmacy, 17 Pearse Sq,Fermoy, Co Cork

Allcare Pharmacy Dunleer, Main St, Dunleer, Co Louth

CGH Allcare Pharmacy, Lower Main Street, Banagher, Co O aly

Cross Allcare Pharmacy, The Medical Hall, Castletownbere, Co Cork 027-70024027-70024

Adeyemi O Springfield Pharmacy, Alderwood Court, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-4520747 Ahern D Aherns Pharmacy, Farranfore, Killarney, Co Kerry 066-9764722066-9763075


Allcare Group Abbey Allcare Pharmacy, Lord Edward St, Kilmallock, Co Limerick

Blakes Allcare Pharmacy, Main St, Celbridge, Co Kildare

Allcare Pharmacy Arklow, 46 Main St, Arklow, Co Wicklow

Roches Allcare Pharmacy, 14 Main St, Gorey, Co Wexford

Balbriggan Allcare Pharmacy, Unit 5, Drogheda St, Balbriggan, Co Dublin

Allcare Pharmacy Carlingford, Market Square, Carlingford, Co Louth 042-9373259

Allcare Pharmacy Killarney, New St, Killarney, Co Kerry 064-6634612

O’Malleys Life Pharmacy, Dooradoyle, Limerick

O’Briens Pharmacy, 35 Oliver Plunkett St, Mullingar, Co Westmeath

Cahills Allcare Pharmacy, 36 Lr Camden St, Dublin 2 01-4753160 01-4753114

Allcare Pharmacy Killester, 157 Killester Ave, Dublin 5

Bradleys Pharmacy, 5 Lr Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Co Dublin

Allcare Pharmacy Mounttown, 63 Mounttown Road Lower, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin

Allcare Pharmacy Mulhuddart, Unit 2, The Crescent, Church Road, Mulhuddart, Dublin

Allcare Pharmacy Trim, Knighstbridge Nursing Home, Longwood Rd, Trim, Co Meath046-9436585

Flynn’s Life Pharmacy, Sheil’s Centre, Gort Road, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6864477065-6864477

Allcare Pharmacy Blanchardstown, 251/252 Blanchardstown, Centre, Dublin 15

McHughs Allcare Pharmacy, 39-40 Duke Street, Athy, Co. Kildare 059-8631280

Allcare O’Connell St Pharmacy, 5 O’Connell St Lr, Dublin 1

O’Carrolls Allcare Pharmacy, 106 Rock St, Tralee, Co Kerry

O’Connor’s Allcare Pharmacy, Crossroads, Moycullen, Co Galway 091-555170

Kellys Allcare Pharmacy, 9 The Mall, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7121302

Roches Allcare Pharmacy, U7 Blacklion Retail Centre, Greystones, Co Wicklow


Allcare Pharmacy Blackrock, Main St, Blackrock, Dundalk, Co Louth

Hiltons Allcare Pharmacy, Marine Road Mall, Dun Laoire S C, Dun Laoire, Co

Normoyles Allcare Pharmacy, 47 O’Connell St, Ennis, Co Clare

Bates M Bates Pharmacy, Unit 6 Aylesbury S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24

Bonina G Village Green Pharmacy, U 7/8 Village Green S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 015527852

Boles D Boles Pharmacy, 20 Lr Drumcondra Rd, Dublin 9 01-8302040

Boots Pharmacy, Units 5-7 Park Point S C, Upr Glenageary Rd, Co Dublin 01-2143963 01-2143978

B Baird N Dargan’s Pharmacy, 19 Berkeley St, Dublin 7

Begley J Begleys Pharmacy, The Diamond, Donegal Town, Donegal 074-9721232074-9721416

Boden N Dunville Pharmacy, 29 Dunville Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6

Boots, The Park Retail Pk, Carrickmines, Co Dublin 01-295867801-2958690

Boots the Chemist, Unit 3 Childers Retail Park, Dublin Rd, Limerick City, Co Limerick061-422017061-422569

Boots the Chemist, 85/86 Main St, Gorey, Co Wexford 053 9489536053 9489554

Bonner F Bonners Pharmacy, Main St, Ballybofey, Co Donegal 074-9131027

Tony Walsh Allcare Pharmacy, Merrion S C, Merrion, Dublin 4

Barrett A Moynihans Pharmacy, Main Street, Watergrasshill, Co Cork 021-4513100021-4513101


Barrys Pharmacy Ltd, The Square, Castlepollard, Co Westmeath 044-9661860044-9661860

Boots the Chemist, Monread Centre, Monread Rd, Naas, Co Kildare 045-899332045-898704

Armstrong L Laura Armstrong Pharmacy, 40A Wexford Rd, Arklow, Co Wicklow

Bhagwan L Bhagwans Pharmacy, Ballinteer Road, Dublin 16, 01-298437801-2968733

Boots the Chemist, 21 Pearse St, Ballina, Co Mayo 096-75602096-75638

Tony Walsh Allcare Pharmacy, Rathfarnham S C, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14

Boots the Chemist, Unit 2/3 Fair Green Plaza, Macroom, Cork 026-43984026-43988 Boots the Chemist, Unit 11+12 Millfield S C, Balbriggan, Co Dublin 01-841608501-8416090

Boots the Chemist, 105 Main St, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-276384301-2763846

Blake P Blakes Pharmacy, The Ideal S C, Prosperous, Co Kildare

Boots the Chemist, Unit 23/24 Carton Retail Park, Maynooth,Co Kildare 01-601672101-6016756

Boots, U13 Gateway Retail Pk, Knocknacarra, Galway Boots ,Butlers Medical Hall, Abbey St, Wicklow 0404-67355

Allen E Tracey’s Pharmacy, 18 Eden Quay, Dublin 1 01-874017901-8740179

Boots the Chemist, Unit 2B Ashbourne T C, Ashbourne, Co Meath 01-835297201-8352983

Best R Kingswood Pharmacy, Kingswood S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-462327801-4623278

Benav P Castletown Pharmacy, Main St, Celbridge, Co Kildare 01-627396201-6273969

Boots the Chemist, Unit 14-15 Whitewater S C, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-437728 045-437953


Boots the Chemist, St Lawrence S C, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9810290041-9810292

Boots, No 1 Church St, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9327883

Arrigan T F J Bourke Ltd, Iona Pk, Mayfield, Cork

Bonar B Goatstown Pharmacy, U5 The Goat Centre, Lwr Kilmacud Rd, Goatstown, Dublin

Boots the Chemist, Harlequin Centre, Lough Lannagh Rd, Castlebar, Co Mayo 094-9060823094-9060862

Boots, 18 Church St, Greystones, Co Wicklow 01-2878290 Boots, Unit 3 Silverbridge Plaza, Kilcolman Rd, Claremorris, Co Mayo 094 9372607094 9372608

Austin M Hunters Pharmacy, 5 Olivemount Tce, Windy Arbour, Dundrum, Dublin 14

Boots the Chemist, Unit 1-3 Phibsboro Place, 149-158 Phibsboro Rd, Phibsboro,Dublin 701-811753601-8117538

Almasri F Ballon Pharmacy, Unit 3 Main St, Ballon, Co Carlow 059-9159793

Allen Gough M Allens Pharmacy, 10 Summerhill Parade, Dublin 1 01-8555249

Boles J AC Boles Unlimited, 390 South Circular Road, Dolphins Barn, Dublin 8 01-4532053

Boots Retail Boots, 1-2 Exchange House, Main St, Ballincollig,Co Cork 021-4214312021-4214433 Ireland Boots, Unit 3A ,Castle Centre, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 01-465185201-4651858

Boots Pharmacy, Unit 7 Owenabue Mall, Carrigaline, Co Cork 021 4376679021 4376680

Boots the Chemist, Unit 95b Omni Park S C, Santry, Dublin 9 01-816321501-8163217

Barry R Barrys Pharmacy, Main St, Delvin, Co Westmeath

Boots the Chemist, Units 26-29 Thurles S C, Thurles, Co Tipperary 0504-245940504-24980

Boots the Chemist, 1 Half Moon Street, Cork City, Cork 021-4273736 021-4273758

Boots the Chemist, 9 Main St, Roscommon, Co Roscommon 090-6665606090-6665631

Boots, Unit 1, 13-17 Dawson St, Dublin 2 01-679846301-6798591

Boots the Chemist, 134-135 Lwr Baggot St, Dublin 2 01-661844301-6618459

Boots ,Unit 13-14 Frascatti S C, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-210822301 2108230 Boots ,Unit 7 MacDonagh Junction S C, Dublin Rd, Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny 056-7712426056-7712549

Boland D Quirkes Medical Hall, High St, Tullamore, Co O aly

Bajaj R Chapelizod Pharmacy, The Island, Chapelizod, Dublin 20

Boots the Chemist, 302 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 01-496970001-4969559

Boots the Chemist, 91 Main St, Cavan, Co Cavan 049-4380699049-4380772

Boots the Chemist, Unit 8 Retail Park, Letterkenny, Co Donegal 074-9125631074-9125636

Boots the Chemist, 18 Ballymahon Street, Longford, Co Longford 043-3345841043-3345887

Boots the Chemist, The Marshes S C, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9328582042-9328536

Boots the Chemist, Unit C Blackpool Retail Pk, Blackpool, Cork 021-4212036021-4212120

Barrett G Barrett’s Pharmacy, Barrack St, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny

Boots the Chemist, Unit 31/32 Laois S C, Portlaoise, Co Laois 057-8688788057-8688776

Boots ,2 Church Rd, Malahide, Co Dublin 01-816884601-8168733 Boots Pharmacy, Unit 12 - 13 Bridgewater S C, Arklow, Co Wicklow 0402-411660402-41166

Boots the Chemist, The North Mall, Navan S C, Navan, Co Meath 046-9059801046-9059795


Solpa-Extra 500mg/65mg Soluble Tablets contain paracetamol and caffeine. For the treatment of mild to moderate pain. Adults and children over 16 years: 1-2 tablets dissolved in water every 4-6 hours. Max 8 tablets a day. Children 12-15 years: 1 tablet disolved in water every 4-6 hours. Max 4 tablets a day. Not suitable for children under 12 years. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the ingredients. Precautions: Particular caution needed under certain circumstances, such as renal or hepatic impairment, chronic alcoholism and malnutrition or dehydration. Precautions needed in asthmatic patients sensitive to acetylsalicylic acid, patients on a controlled sodium diet and with rare hereditary problems of fructose intolerance. Patients should be advised not to take other paracetamol containing products concurrently. Pregnancy and lactation: Not recommended during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Side effects: Rare: allergies. Very rare: thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis, bronchospasm, hepatic dysfunction, cutaneous hypersentitivity reactions.

ALAN HARNETTRUTH GRANTCHARLIE RICKARDANNE MARIE O’NEILLBRENDAN O’KEEFFEPAUL FLYNNOLLIE HIGGINS Nth Leinster Midlands Greater DublinSouth LeinsterCork and Kerry Waterford/Tipperary/Limerick/Clare West 086-8189846086-4679113086-6011643086-1749626086-8189843086-1427717087-9533161FormoredetailandforanytrainingrequirementspleasecontactyourPerrigoPharmacyBusinessManager

*To verify contact


Unknown: nervousness, dizziness. Further information is available in the SmPC. PA 1186/017/001. P. MAH: Chefaro Ireland DAC, The Sharp Building, Hogan Place, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Date of preparation: July 2020. Legal Class P – Pharmacy only. IRE SOL1 2021 22

Boots the Chemist, Unit 27 The Mill S C, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-457761101-4577661

Brennan B Brennan’s Pharmacy, Summerhill, Tramore, Waterford

Boots the Chemists, Unit 319,The Square, Dublin 24 01-462215501-4598566

Boots the Chemists, Unit 20,Ilac S C, Dublin 1 01-872252001-8722041

Boots the Chemists, Units 10/11,Deerpark, Killarney, Co Kerry 064-6620919064-6620926

Brady L Hanleys Pharmacy, 20 Shannon St, Limerick 061-415409061-415409

Boots the Chemists, 35 Shop St, Galway 091-561022091-561351 Boots the Chemists, 36-38 High St, Kilkenny 056-7771222056-7771423

Boots the Chemists, William St, Limerick 061-416598061-313288

Boots the Chemists, Merchants Quay S C, Cork 021-4272212021-4275525

Boots the Chemists, Nutgrove S C, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14 01-493310001-4936991

Boots the Chemists, Living Centre Clinic, Fermoy Rd, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork 025-86797025-86084

Bradley L The Railway Pharmacy, 1 Railway Rd, Cavan Town, Co Cavan 049-4365256

Boots the Chemists, 12 Gra ton St, Dublin 2 01-677300001-6717842dublin.store1753.gra Boots the Chemists, 20 Henry St, Dublin 1 01-873020901-8783157

Bowe S Stratus Healthcare Pharmacy, Tullamore Primary Care Centre, Church View 057-9325543057-9325514

Boots the Chemists, Golden Island S C, Athlone, Co Westmeath 090-6476955090-6476997

Boots the Chemists, 71-72 Patrick St, Cork 021-4270977 021-4270559

Bourke J Roscrea Centre Pharmacy, Castle St, Roscrea, Co Tipperary

Boots the Chemist, 12-13 South Main St, Bandon, Co Cork 023-8829382

Bourke E O’Mahony and Ennis, 4 Georges Street Upper, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin 01-280116301-2301963

Boots the Chemists, Level 2 Unit 245,The Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-459837701-4598563

Boots the Chemist, Ground Floor 108-109 Davis St, Mallow, Cork 022-50633022-50832

Boots the Chemists, Li ey Valley S C, Lucan, Co Dublin 01-623200001-6231298

Boots the Chemists, St Stephens Green S C, Dublin 2 01-478436801-4751862

Boots the Chemists, Unit 6 Charlestown S C, Finglas, Dublin 11 01-804159501-8340331

Brassil H Brassils Pharmacy, The Square, Dunmore, Co Galway 093-38121093-38121

Brassil J Brassils Pharmacy, Ballyheigue, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7133112066-7133112

Boots the Chemists, Main St, Tramore, Co Waterford 051-395000051-391610

Boots the Chemists, 4-6 Main St, Letterkenny, Co Donegal 074-9125499074-9125471

Boots the Chemist, Unit 1 Grange Med Centre, Grange Rd, Donaghmede, Dublin 1301 848234001 8482350

Boyle P Cogaslann Chasla, Derrynea, Costelloe (Casla),Galway 091 572002091 572003

Brennan K Haven Pharmacy Brennans ,Barna Village, Co Galway 091-590749

Brennans Pharmacy Creeslough,Main St, Creeslough,Co Donegal 074-9138610

Brennans Pharmacy, Ardaravan Sq,Main St, Buncrana, Co Donegal 074-9362630 074-9363947

Bradley K Evelyn Bradleys Pharmacy, 48 St Brighid’s Road, Artane, Dublin 5

Boots the Chemists, 15-16 Monaghan S C, Monaghan, Co Monaghan 047-71635047-71637

Boots the Chemist, 223-224 Blanchardstown Centre, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-822205201-8222042

Boots the Chemists, 32 Upper Baggot St, Dublin 4 01-660017501-6602740

Boots the Chemists, Unit 1-2 Dublin Road, Naas, Co Kildare 045-901042045-901045

McKee Pharmacy, 2 McKee Road, Finglas, Dublin 11 01-836120301-8361203

Boots the Chemists, Bloomfield S C, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin 01-230271701-2302606

Boots the Chemists, Unit 9-13, South Main Street, Wexford, Co Wexford 053-9147851053-9147860

Brennan F Brennans Pharmacy, Glenageary S C, Glenageary, Co Dublin

Boots The Chemists, 75 Morehampton Rd, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 01-667580601-6675907

Boots the Chemists, 4 Georges Ct, Barronstrand St, Waterford 051-872255051-842262


Boots the Chemists, 10-12 Johnston Court SC, Sligo,Co Sligo 071-9149445071-9149450

Boots the Chemist, Abbeycourt Central Plaza, Unit 12B, Tralee, Co Kerry 066 7124686066 7124699

Boots the Chemists, Unit 3, Carrick-on-Shannon S C, Co Leitrim 071-9616923071-9616925

Boots the Chemists, 5-6 Gladstone St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6183170052-6183301

Boots the Chemist, Unit 36-39 Galway S C, Headford Rd, Galway 091-567901091-567914

Boots the Chemists, 40-42 O’Connell Street, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6868394065-6868396

Brady E Whelehans Pharmacy, 38 Pearse Street, Mullingar, Co Westmeath 044-933459104493 62520 Whelehans Pharmacy Clonmore, Unit 2B, Zone C, Mullingar Business Pk Mullingar, Co Weatmeath Brady F Bradys Pharmacy, Unit 3 Skerries Point Centre, Kellys Bay, Skerries, Co Dublin

Boots the Chemist, Unit 48/49 Mahon Point S C, Mahon, Cork 021-4614413021-4614415

Boots the Chemists, Jervis St Centre, Dublin 1 01-878020001-8781007

Breen J Magners Pharmacy, Old Swiss Cottage Bldg,Santry, Dublin 9

Tullamore, Co O aly Bowles C Castle Pharmacy, 4 Main St, Castlemartyr, Co Cork

Boyle F Crescent Pharmacy, 68 Willow Park Crescent, Glasnevin, Dublin 11 01-834605701-8346057

Brennans Pharmacy, Market Sq,Clonmany, Co Donegal

Boots the Chemists, Units 26-27,Main St, Midleton, Cork 021-4637943 021-4637945

Boots the Chemists, Unit 6G,The Pavillion S C, Swords, Co Dublin 01-890456001-8904563

Boots the Chemists, 37-39 Wilton S C, Bishopstown, Cork 021-4546500021-4546565

Boots the Chemists, Units 3/4 Westpoint Centre, Westport, Co Mayo 098-56774098-56776

Boots the Chemists, Units 34,35 & 35A ,Douglas Court Shopping Centre, Douglas, Cork021-4364584021-4361279

Boots the Chemists, 19-20 Harbour Place S C, Mullingar, Co Westmeath 044-9345580044-9345849


Bradley S Rathmullan Pharmacy, Pier Rd, Rathmullan, Co Donegal

Brennan J Brennans Life Pharmacy, 1 Fairways Mall, Donabate, Co Dublin

Boots the Chemists, Roselawn S C, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-821434501-8214464

*To verify contact: Based on IQVIA sales data.

IRE NYT 2021 09 IRELAND’S No.1




Nytol One-A-Night 50 mg Tablets contains diphenhydramine hydrochloride. A symptomatic aid to the relief of temporary sleep disturbance in adults. Adults: One tablet to be taken 20 minutes before going to bed, or as directed by a physician. Do not exceed the maximum dose of one tablet in 24 hours. Elderly patients or patients with liver or kidney problems should consult their doctor before taking this medicine. Children under 18 years: Should not be used. The product should not be taken for more than 7 days without consulting a doctor. Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients, stenosing peptic ulcer, pyloroduodenal obstruction, phaeochromocytoma, known acquired or congenital QT interval prolongation, known risk factors for QT interval prolongation. Special warnings and precautions: Seek medical advice during pregnancy/lactation or patients with renal and hepatic impairment. Use with caution in patients with myasthenia gravis, epilepsy or seizure disorders, narrow-angle glaucoma, prostatic hypertrophy, urinary retention, asthma, bronchitis, COPD. Patients should be advised to promptly report any cardiac symptoms. Tolerance and / or dependence may develop with continuous use. Do not take for more than 7 consecutive nights without consulting a doctor. Should not be used in patients currently receiving MAO inhibitors (MAOI) or patients who have received treatment with MAOIs within the last two weeks. Use in the elderly should be avoided. Avoid concomitant use of alcohol or other antihistamine-containing preparations. Do not drive or operate machines. Cases of abuse and dependence were reported in adolescents or young adults for recreational use and/or in patients with psychiatric disorders and/or history of abuse disorders. Contains lactose. Interactions: May potentiate effects of; alcohol, CNS depressants, MAO inhibitors, anticholinergic drugs (e.g. atropine, tricyclic antidepressants), metoprolol and venlafaxine, CYP2D6 inhibitors, Class Ia and Class III anti-arrhythmics. Side effects: sedation, drowsiness, disturbance in attention, unsteadiness, dizziness, thrombocytopenia, hypersensitivity reactions, confusion, paradoxical excitation, convulsions, headache, paraesthesia, dyskinesias, blurred vision, tachycardia, palpitations, thickening of bronchial secretions, dry mouth, gastrointestinal disturbance, muscle twitching, urinary difficulty, urinary retention, fatigue. Legal category: Supply through pharmacy only. [P] PA1186/016/001 MAH: Chefaro Ireland DAC. The Sharp Building. Hogan Place. Dublin 2. Ireland. Additional information available on request. Revision date: 06/2021. SPC:

Burke M Burkes Pharmacy, New Ross, Co Wexford 051-421522051-421522

Byrne L Greenlea Pharmacy, 116 Greenlea Rd, Terenure, Dublin 6W 01-4909273

Fitzmaurices Chemists Ltd, 150 Church Rd, Dublin 3 01-8741266 01-8727769

Burns D Burns Pharmacy, Balloonagh Medical Centre, Balloonagh Est, Spa Rd, Tralee

Murphys Pharmacy, Main St, Templemore, Co Tipperary

Burns P Fitzmaurices Pharmacy, 1c Quinsboro Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow

Burns M Clarecastle Pharmacy, Main St, Clarecastle, Co Clare

Brett S Monksland Pharmacy, Unit 3 Block C, Monksland Business Park, Athlone, Co Westmeath0906-4903990906-490392

Village Pharmacy, Main St, Mountcharles, Co Donegal 074-9735335

Clonakilty Pharmacy, 29 Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork

Douglas Allcare Pharmacy, Clermont, Douglas Road, Cork 021-4292329021-4292329

Brennan K Haven Pharmacy Moloneys, Grange Cross, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10

Brogan P Brogans totalhealth Pharmacy, Shop Street, Boyle, Co Roscommon

Burke M Dromiskin Pharmacy, Chapel Rd, Dromiskin, Co Louth

St Gabriels Pharmacy, 28 St Gabriels Rd, Clontarf, Dublin 3


Byrne P Byrnes Pharmacy, 4 Merrion Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

Caddens Pharmacy, Tower S C, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-457379401-4575229

Campbell G Ballyhaise Pharmacy, The Square, Ballyhaise, Co Cavan 049-4351984049-4351984

Haven Pharmacy Mullingar, Buckeys Supervalu,Austin Friars St, Mullingar, Co Westmeath 044-9349476044-9349494

Brookes N Brookes Pharmacy, 29 South Main Street, Bandon, Co Cork

McMenamins Pharmacy, Main St, Killeshandra, Co Cavan

Brosnan A Haven Pharmacy Brosnans, 19 Henry St, Kenmare, Co Kerry

Haven Pharmacy Cavan, Loughtee Business Park, Drumalee, Cavan Town, Co

Cadden F Brookfield Pharmacy, Unit 3 Sundale S C, Fortunestown Way, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-462831801-4628318

Callagy D Callagys Pharmacy, Main St, Kilcock, Co Kildare 01-628739301-6287393

Burkes Pharmacy (W) Ltd, Hypermarket, Morgan St, Waterford

Britton J Brittons Pharmacy, Lr Main St, Donegal, Co Donegal

C&D Medical Barrys Pharmacy, Tubbercurry, Co Sligo, Hall Ltd C and D Medical Hall, Water Street, Mohill, Co Leitrim

Canning A Cannings Pharmacy, Ballymany S C, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-431850045-431850

Cannon C Green Cross Pharmacy, 768 Convent Hill Development, Convent Hill, Killaloe, Co

Haven Pharmacy Greenes, 36 Main St, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14

Byrne M Kilcoole Pharmacy Ltd, Main St, Kilcoole, Co Wicklow

Busteed N Lucan Village Pharmacy, 4 Main St, Lucan, Co Dublin

Burns M Central Pharmacy, Henry St, Kilrush,Co Clare 065-9051787065-9051787

Strandhill Life Pharmacy, Buenos Aires Drive, Strandhill, Co Sligo

Cahill D Cahills Pharmacy, Centra Forecourt, St Marys Rd, Newcastle West, Limerick 069-77702

Ryans Pharmacy Ltd, Abbeytown, Boyle, Co Roscommon 071-9662003071-9662003

Brosnans Pharmacy Brosnans Pharmacy, 36 Main Street, Midleton, Co Cork 021-4633033021-4633206

Browne G Carrigtwohill Pharmacy, 4 Carrigtwohill S C, Main St, Carrigtwohill, Co Cork 021-4533755021-4533758

Killinarden Pharmacy, 4 Killinarden S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-451154401-4511544

Pellys Pharmacy, 26 Faussagh Ave, Cabra West, Dublin 7

Burke C Burkes Life Pharmacy, Wine St, Sligo,

Byrne J Crumlin Rd Pharmacy, 251 Crumlin Rd, Crumlin, Dublin 12

O’Caseys Pharmacy, Unit 2 Block 2, Island Key, East Rd, East Wall 01-9089308

Cambursano P Newtownpark Pharmacy Ltd, (O’Dwyers Pharmacy),3 Newtown Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin01-288758301-2887583


Haven Pharmacy Faheys, Patrick St, Tullamore, Co O aly

Haven Pharmacy Killybegs, Kellys Quay, Shore Rd, Killybegs, Co Donegal 074-9732640 074-9732641

Byrne Y Byrne totalhealth Pharmacy ,Main Street, Kiltimagh,Co Mayo 094-9381292094-9381292

Cromcastle Pharmacy, 69 Cromcastle Road, Coolock, Dublin 5

Matthews Allcare Pharmacy, 37 Park St, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9334246042-9334246

Burke S Haven Pharmacy Burkes, North Square, Macroom, Co Cork 026-41503026-43208

Breslin M Breslins Pharmacy, 86 Main Street, Portlaoise, Co Laois

Buckley D Doodys Pharmacy, 10 Lr Cork Street, Mitchelstown, Co Cork

Clonaslee Pharmacy, Main St, Clonaslee, Co Laois 057-8686990

Butler W Haven Pharmacy Butlers, Main St, Birr, Co O aly

Broderick B Brodericks Pharmacy, 84 Barrack St, Cork

Bridgett A Kilmeaden Pharmacy, Kilmeaden, Co Waterford

Cappagh Pharmacy, Unit 5 The Shops, Barry Ave, Finglas, Dublin 11 01-8108403

Burke D Ryders Pharmacy, Main St, Ballinrobe, Co Mayo 094-9541016 092-42098

Byrne C Castlebridge Pharmacy, No 1 The Square, Castlebridge, Wexford 053-9179024053-9179024


Brennan P Haven Pharmacy Brennans, Taylors Lane, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16

Conways Pharmacy, 95 Swords Rd, Whitehall, Dublin 9

Clancys Pharmacy, Shop Street, Kilcock Road, Clane, Co Kildare

Burke C Burkes Pharmacy, The Anchorage, Eastham Road, Bettystown, Co Meath 041-9813415041-9813416

Green Cross Pharmacy, Castle Centre, Castleconnell, Co Limerick 061-377733 061-377775

Buckley A Andrew Buckleys totalhealth Pharmacy, 5 St Endas Drive, Rathfarnham, Dublin

Poppintree Pharmacy, 6 Poppintree Neighbourhood, Poppintree Parade, Ballymun, Dublin 1101-842137901-8421379

Conatys Careplus Pharmacy, U4 Supervalu S C, Navan Rd, Dunboyne, Co Meath

Carroll C T J Carroll and Co,24 Ballybricken, Waterford

Collins N Noreen Collins Pharmacy, Killarney Rd, Abbeyfeale, Co Limerick 068-30397

Clarke C Christines Pharmacy, 33 Brews Hill, Navan, Co Meath

Comber M The North Gate Pharmacy, 12 North Main Street, Cork 021-4273415

St James Late Night Pharmacy, James St, Dublin 8,

Casey N Clifden Pharmacy, Main Street, Clifden, Co Galway

Concannon M Concannons totalhealth Pharmacy, Unit 2 Avalon Supervalu Centre, 09064 Ballymahon Rd, Athlone, Co Westmeath

Colleran P Colleran’s Pharmacy Ltd, The Square, Charlestown, Co Mayo 094-9254317094-9254317

Cara Pharmacy, Railway Rd, Ballinamore, Co Leitrrm

Carroll M HSQ Pharmacy, Unit 1 Block 7 HSQ,Military Rd, Dublin 8

Casserly E Casserlys Pharmacy, Lr Main Street, Abbeyleix,Co Laois 057-8731133057-8730307

Clarke K McGleenans Pharmacy, 2 Church Rd, Greystones, Co Wicklow

Coleman J Bernard Berney Ltd, Main St, Kilcullen, Co Kildare

Co ey G Knock Life Pharmacy, Main St, Knock, Co Mayo 094-9376968094-9376968 Life Pharmacy Balla, Main St, Balla, Co Mayo 094-9365390094-9365390 Life Pharmacy Kilkelly, Kilkelly, Co Mayo, 094-9367010094-9367710

Colleran T Colleran’s Pharmacy, The Square, Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo 094-9630028094-9630028

Carroll E O’Carroll’s Pharmacy, Church St, Freshford, Co Kilkenny

Cleary T Cleary’s Pharmacy, Strand Centre, Portmarnock, Co Dublin

Clarke E Clarkes Careplus Pharmacy, Pound St, Rathdowney, Co Laois 0505

Cara Pharmacy, Wine Street, Sligo,

Cara Pharmacy, Unit 1 Pottery Rd Ind Est, Pottery Rd, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin

Michael Collins Pharmacy, Wicklow Town, Wicklow, Co Wicklow

Casey M Williams Pharmacy, Circular Rd, Kilkee, Co Clare

Collis R Collis Pharmacy, 350 NCR, Phibsboro,Dublin 7

Morgans Pharmacy, 2-4 Fairview Strand, Fairview, Dublin 3

Capel St Capel Street Pharmacy, 138 Capel St, Dublin 1 01-551000101-5510004 Pharmacy Ltd Cara Pharmacies Abbey Health Care, 14 Uam Var Ave, Bishopstown, Co Cork 021-4347247 021-4347248 Cara Pharmacy, Main St, Bundoran, Co Donegal

Cogan D Green St Pharmacy, Castlepollard, Co Westmeath, 044-9662968

River Valley Pharmacy, River Valley S C, Swords, Co Dublin

Carey J Mary Street Pharmacy, 14 Mary St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6176610

Carey K Kevin Carey Chemist, Main St, Baltinglass, Co Wicklow

Cawley P P and P Mc McMahon Ltd, 58 Main St, Tipperary 062-51150062-51150

Cara Pharmacy, Killybegs, Co Donegal, 074-9731009074-9731009

Conaty D Conatys Careplus Pharmacy, Unit 3 Lidl S C, Main St, Dunshaughlin, Co Meath 01-8024747

Tooles Pharmacy Ltd, Main St, Dunshaughlin, Co Meath

Carey J The Medical Hall, Main St, Clogheen, Cahir, Co Tipperary

Coghlan D Coghlans Careplus Chemist, 98/99 Main St, Carrick-on-Suir, Co Tipperary

Clarke I Clarkes Pharmacy, Unit GF3, Kilcolgan Bus Centre, Main St, Kilcolgan, Galway

Carroll D Fennells Pharmacy, O’Connell Sq,Ennis, Co Clare

Colgan E Clonee Pharmacy, Main Street, Clonee, Co Meath

Cara Pharmacy, 77 Main St, Cavan, Co Cavan

Carolan C Marian Pharmacy, Friars Walk, Cork

Cleary D Clearys Pharmacy, 33 Main St, Skibbereen, Co Cork

Concannon K Reillys totalhealth Pharmacy, Barrack Street, Belmullet, Co Mayo

Cara Pharmacy, Quayside Pharmacy, Quayside S C, Sligo

Haven Pharmacy Cassidys ,U3 Chandler’s Guild, James St, Dublin 8 01-679402201-6794022

Cara Pharmacy, 3 Donegal Town Centre, Donegal Town, Co Donegal 074-9721112

Carroll W Gowran Pharmacy, Main Street, Gowran, Co Kilkenny 056-7726841056-7726841

Carragher N Blackhall Pharmacy, Unit 4,Ellis Court Business Complex,Ellis Quay, Dublin 7

Thomas Court Pharmacy, St Catherines Lane West, Dublin 8,

Cara Pharmacy, Main St, Ballyconnell, Co Cavan

Collins M Knockrobin Pharmacy, Wicklow Primary Health Care Cent, Port Rd, Wicklow Town, Wicklow0404-695570404-69526

Cara Pharmacy, Main St, Drumshanbo,Co Leitrim


Cleary G Oranmore Pharmacy, Main St, Oranmore, Co Galway

Collins J Kinsale Pharmacy, 12 Market St, Kinsale, Co Cork 021-4772077 021-4774278

Concannon C Cong Pharmacy, Abbey St, Cong,Co Mayo

Care Pharmacies Care Pharmacy, 51 Main St, Ballybay, Co Monaghan 042-9755111

Collins A Doon Pharmacy, Main St, Doon, Co Limerick 061-380155061-380155

Casey R Avenue Pharmacy Clones, 98 Avenue, Jubilee Rd, Clones, Co Monaghan 047-52599047-52599

Cara Pharmacy, Main St, Bailieborough,Co Cavan 042-9665551042-9665551

Collins J Adare Pharmacy, Main St, Adare, Co Limerick 061-396147061-396147


Coen R Gilmartins Pharmacy, Gort, Co Galway 091-631236091-632404

Fennells Pharmacy Clare Abbey, Clare Abbey PCC, Clare Abbey, Clarecastle, Co

Cara Pharmacy, 12 Main St, Longford

Carragher A Reillys Pharmacy, Unit 2 Bertram Ct, Cornmarket, Thomas St, Dublin 8

Cassidy C Haven Pharmacy Cassidys, 449 S C R, Rialto, Dublin 8 01-453240301-4532403

Reillys Pharmacy ,St James Gate, James St, Dublin 8 01 6435382



LegalPneumovax23Category: Prescription Only Medicine Marketing Authorisation numbers: PA 1286/055/002 Marketing Authorisation holder: Merck Sharp & Dohme Ireland (Human Health) Limited, Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin D18 X5K7, Ireland. Date of revision: November 2019. Further information is available on request from: MSD, Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin D18 X5K7 or from © Merck Sharp & Dohme Ireland (Human Health) Limited 2021. All rights reserved.

Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin D18 X5K7 Ireland

MMR vaxPro Legal Category: Prescription Only Medicine Marketing Authorisation numbers: EU/1/06/337/011 Marketing Authorisation holder: MSD VACCINS, 162 avenue Jean Jaurès, 69007 Lyon, France. Date of revision: August 2020. Further information is available on request from: MSD, Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin D18 X5K7 or from

© Merck Sharp & Dohme Ireland (Human Health) Limited 2021. All rights reserved.

LegalZostavaxCategory: Prescription Only Medicine Marketing Authorisation numbers: EU/1/06/341/011 Marketing Authorisation holder: MSD VACCINS, 162 avenue Jean Jaurès, 69007 Lyon, France. Date of revision: August 2020. Further information is available on request from: MSD, Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin D18 X5K7 or from © Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. 2021. All rights reserved.

(pneumococcal vaccine, polyvalent, MSD) Shingles (herpes zoster) vaccine (live) ® MSD VACCINES

preparation:ofDate 2021.August

LegalVarivaxCategory: Prescription Only Medicine Marketing Authorisation numbers: PA 1286/057/001 Marketing Authorisation holder: Merck Sharp & Dohme Ireland (Human Health) Limited, Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin D18 X5K7, Ireland. Date of revision: July 2020. Further information is available on request from: MSD, Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin D18 X5K7 or from © Merck Sharp & Dohme Ireland (Human Health) Limited 2021. All rights reserved.

LegalGardasil9Category: Prescription Only Medicine Marketing Authorisation numbers: EU/1/15/1007/002 Marketing Authorisation holder: MSD VACCINS, 162 avenue Jean Jaurès, 69007 Lyon, France. Date of revision: November 2019. Further information is available on request from: MSD, Red Oak North, South County Business Park, Leopardstown, Dublin D18 X5K7 or from © Merck Sharp & Dohme B.V. 2021. All rights reserved.

Cosgrove V Cosgroves Pharmacy, 105 Monkstown Rd, Monkstown, Co Dublin

Corby D Firgrove Pharmacy, The Cornfields, Curraheen Road, Bishopstown, Cork

Daly B Dalys Pharmacy, Market Mall, Church Street, Gort, Co Galway 091-630330

Crowley J Mulvihill Pharmacy, Main Street, Killorglin, Co Kerry 066-9761115066-9761320

Curry S Maynooth Careplus Pharmacy, 3 Glenroyal S C, Maynooth,Co Kildare

Davey P Haven Pharmacy Daveys, Ballyhaunis Rd, Claremorris, Co Mayo 094-9371716094-9371716

Concannon’s totalhealth Pharmacy, 11 Mardyke St, Athlone, Co Westmeath

Crotty J Crottys Pharmacy, Main St, Bennettsbridge, Co Kilkenny

Cotter E Cotters Pharmacy, 48 Main Street, Carrigtwohill, Co Cork 021-4883351021-4883457

Corrs Pharmacy, Elmfield Rise, Clare Hall, Dublin 13

Leahys Pharmacy, Unit 1B Ballinorig Business Pk, Ballinorig,Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7128222066-7128223

Corrigan E City Pharmacy, 14 Dame Street, Dublin 2

Cox’s Pharmacy, Hartley Business Park, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim 071-9623135071-9622926

Cunningham P Cunninghams Pharmacy, 5 Croi Oige, Bonavalley, Dublin Rd, Athlone, Co Westmeath090-6477739090-6477739

Deasy C+E Park Road Late Night Pharmacy, Countess Centre, Park Road, Killarney, Co Kerry

Deasy C McDermotts Pharmacy, 5 Main St, Howth,Co Dublin

Cox M Cox’s Pharmacy, Unit 3 Primary Care Centre, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim

Costigan Rogers S Costigans Pharmacy, Unit 3 Kyle Court, Blind Street, Tipperary Town

Conway CCorner Pharmacy, York Street, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan

Conlon P Byrnes Pharmacy, 1 Church St, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9334214042-9334214

Curley R Curley’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo 094-9630110094-9631191

Deasy C+I Deasys Pharmacy, Ballymakeera, Ballyvourney, Co Cork 026-45421

Scotstown Pharmacy, Main St, Scotstown, Co Monaghan 047-79889047-79889

Davison J Davisons Pharmacy, West Square, Askeaton, Co Limerick

Davis E Davis’s Pharmacy, Main St, Eyrecourt, Ballinasloe, Co Galway

Coachford Pharmacy, Coachford, Co Cork 021-7434710 021-7434711

Connolly E Haven Pharmacy Connollys ,59 Main Street, Dungarvan, Co Waterford

Cunninghams Pharmacy, Unit 2A Block C River Village, Monksland, Athlone, Co Roscommon090-6490242090-6490242

Dalton P Daltons Pharmacy, Unit 11/12 North Main St S C, Karls Quay, Cork

Dillons Cross Pharmacy, 256 Old Youghal Road, Dillons Cross, Cork

De Valcarcel C Murroe Pharmacy, Main St, Murroe, Co Limerick 061-625672

Conlon L Conlons Chemist, Unit 5 Main St, Athleague, Co Roscommon 090-6663867


Corrs Pharmacy Clogherhead, 82 Main St, Clogherhead, Co Louth

Deasys Pharmacy, Main St, Macroom, Co Cork 026-41048 026-41446

Connolly S Connollys Pharmacy, Main St, Oranmore, Co Galway 091-792022

Conlon E Commons Road Pharmacy, Commons Rd, Navan, Co Meath

Connors A Youghal Pharmacy, 149 North Main St, Youghal, Co Cork 024-90073 024-90007

Coppen A Coppens Pharmacy, Abbey Centre, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford 053-9234959053-9234959

Cunningham A Carrigart Pharmacy, Main St, Carrigart, Co Donegal 074-9155772074-9155772

Corcoran M The Grattan Pharmacy, 13 Grattan Crescent, Inchicore, Dublin 8

Corrs Ventures Ltd Corrs Pharmacy, Clonshaugh S C, Coolock, Dublin 17

Daly P Daly’s Pharmacies Ltd, 109 Cabra Rd, Dublin 7

Costello J Costello Pharmacy, Russell St, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7121075

Kerr Chemist Ltd, 21 Main St, Dunmanway, Co Cork 023-8845144023-8856980

Connolly S O’Neill Street Pharmacy, 13 O’Neill Street, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan 042-9661217042-9661217

Conefrey T Conefreys CarePlus Pharmacy, 136 Pearse St, Dublin 2 01-6773234

Crowley A Crowleys Pharmacy, Market Sq,Dunmanway, Co Cork 023-8845471023-8845471

D Dalton M Daltons Pharmacy, Barrack St, Fethard, Co Tipperary

Corey S Whites Pharmacy, Main Street, Castlebellingham, Co Louth 042-9372248042-9372248

Conway R Conways Pharmacy, Ashbourne, Co Meath,

Cooney D Manor Pharmacy, 21 Manor St, Dublin 7

Connolly C Connolly Chemist, c/o Flemings Dept Store, Church Square, Monaghan, Co Monaghan047-71960047-71960

Coyle A Medical Hall, Ballygar, Co Galway


Cottage Pharmacy, Unit 1 Sandyford House, Scarlett Street, Drogheda, Co Louth

McEvoys Medical Hall, Main St, Granard, Co Longford 043-6686230043-6686230

Cunningham E Craughwell Pharmacy, Craughwell, Co Galway 091-876537091-876537

Crowley S Drimoleague Pharmacy, Main St, Drimoleague, Co Cork

Currid S Currids totalhealth Pharmacy, Lord Edward Street, Ballymote, Sligo

Crowley A Crowleys Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Clonakilty, Co Cork 023-8895055 Gallwey’s Pharmacy, 49 Pearse St, Clonakilty, Co Cork 023-8833361023-8833361

Connolly J Connollys Pharmacy, Kildare Town, Kildare 045-521393045-521393

Connolly D Connollys Pharmacy, Avenue Rd, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9337370042-9337370

Curran C Currans Pharmacy, Church St, Ennistymon, Co Clare 065-7072400

Cosgrove J Cosgroves Pharmacy, Edward St, Newbridge, Co Kildare

Crowley B Crowleys Pharmacy, 81 Main St, Castleisland, Co Kerry 066-7141200066-7141200

Coyle D Kelly’s Pharmacy, Church St, Athenry, Co Galway

Cronin C Leahys Pharmacy, Oakpark, Tralee, Co Kerry

Coyle E Coyles Pharmacy, Main Street, Castleblaney, Co Monaghan

Duelchem Ltd Active Life Pharmacy, Aldi S C, Cranmore Rd, Sligo

Inish Pharmacy, Main St, Mu , Co Donegal 074-9327721074-9327721 mu

Deasy J Deasys Pharmacy, 99 Shandon St, Cork

Dooley T Dooleys Pharmacy, The Square, Newcastle West, Co Limerick 069-62042069-62042

Deasy’s Pharmacy, 2 Sth Main St, Bandon, Co Cork 023-8841288023-8841288

Doyle N Clontarf Pharmacy, 192b Clontarf Rd, Dublin 3 01-833371101-8333711

Soilse Pharmacy, Unit 10 Carrick Retail Park, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Roscommon 071-9627775

Drinagh Pharmacy, Market St, Skibbereen, Co Cork

Diskin S Woodbine Pharmacy, 6 Woodbine Pk, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-2693496


O’Sullivans Pharmacy, Bank Place, Ennis, Co Clare

Dooley P Dooleys Pharmacy, 37 Bishop St, Newcastle West, Co Limerick

Dowling R Bradys Pharmacy, 12 Upper Camden St, Dublin 2 01-4751531 01-4754381

Dowling’s Pharmacy, 6 Baggot St Lr, Dublin 2

Drinagh Co-op Drinagh Pharmacy, New St, Bantry, Co Cork

Duddy J Duddys Pharmacy, Portumna, Co Galway 090-9741100090-9741100

Doherty J Haven Pharmacy Dohertys, 2 Shantalla Rd, Beaumont, Dublin 9 Haven Pharmacy Hickeys, 44 Upr Main Street, Rush,Co Dublin 01-843729501-8437295

Newtown Pharmacy, Glengarri Road, Bantry, Co Cork 027-56947 027-56948

Chemco Pharmacy, The Medical Centre, St Comans Park, Roscommon Town,

Dodd D David Dodd Pharmacy, Greystones Medical Centre, Mill Rd, Greystones, Co

Dowling D Dowlings Pharmacy, Unit 4,Ardkeen S C, Waterford Kilcohan Pharmacy, Kilcohan S C, Waterford

Walshs Pharmacy, 123 Shandon St, Cork 021-4397767021-4397767

Chemco Pharmacy Celbridge, Supervalu S C, Dublin Rd, Celbridge, Co Kildare

Dempsey S Kinvara Pharmacy, 2 The Crane Centre, Kinvara, Co Galway 091-637397 091-638197

Janet Dillon Pharmacy, Unit 3 Moorefield S C, Newbridge, Co Kildare

Chemco Pharmacy, Sandhills S C, Hackettstown Rd, Carlow

Dineen A Clockgate Pharmacy, 76 North Main St, Youghal, Co Cork

Doran N Dorans Pharmacy, 78 Church St, Listowel, Co Kerry 068-21907

First Choice Pharmacy, Instore Tesco,Mattews Lane, Donore Rd, Drogheda

Chemco Pharmacy, Graigue Village, Graiguecullen, Carlow

Deasy E Coens Pharmacy, Wolf Tone Square, Bantry, Co Cork 027-50531 027-50701

Devery N Abbeyknockmoy Pharmacy, Unit 1, Cois na hAbhainn, Abbeyknockmoy, Tuam, Co Galway093-43047093-43047

Du y R Du y’s Pharmacy, Castletownroche, Co Cork 022-26172022-26178rdu

Chemco Pharmacy, Carrigdu , Bunclody, Co Wexford 053-9375743

Deeny C Inish Pharmacy, Carndonagh S C, Carndonagh,Co Donegal 074-9329324074-9329324

Duggan E Grange Pharmacy, Grange, Co Sligo, 071-9173838071-9173838

Dempsey V Life Pharmacy, Unit 18 Swan S C, Rathmines, Dublin 6 01-4972039

Duggan W Duggans Pharmacy, 1 Renmore Road, Renmore, Galway 091-757121091-757121

Dillane T Ballyfermot Pharmacy Ltd, Unit 3 Tesco S C, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10

Du y J Claregalway Pharmacy, 1 Hughes Supermarket, Claregalway, Co Galway 091-799754091-799754

Du y M Du y’s Pharmacy, Unit 13 Ennis S C, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6828833065-6829700shop@mjdu

Du y S First Choice Pharmacy, Tesco In Store, Distillery Rd, Wexford Town 053-9166355

Dempsey C Greenhills Pharmacy, 133 St Peters Rd, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 01-456003901-4560039

Drinagh Pharmacy Dunmanway, Sackville St, Dunmanway, Co Cork 023-8855560

O’Connors Pharmacy, 7 Market St, Listowel, Co Kerry 068-21295068-21211

Delany P Delanys Pharmacy, 45 Johnstown, Waterford, Co Waterford

Donohoe R Leeview Pharmacy, Eastside Centre, Ballincollig,Co Cork 021 4878612021 4878613 St Lukes Pharmacy, St Lukes Cross, Cork City 021-4518272

Del Alamo J Remedi Pharmacy, Unit 8,Custom Hse Sq,IFSC, Dublin 1 01-672183101-6721831

Du y E Du ys Pharmacy, Killimor, Ballinasloe, Co Galway 090-9676106090-9676846

Duggan N Kill Pharmacy ,6 Clarendon Court, Kill, Co Kildare 045-877474045-878384

Dolan J Ballintemple Allcare Pharmacy, Maryville, Ballintemple, Cork 021-4292573

Doyle A Doyles Pharmacy, 3 Vernon Ave, Clontarf, Dublin 3

Drinagh Pharmacy, Main St, Schull, Co Cork

First Choice Pharmacy, Tesco, Arklow Sq,Wexford Rd, Arklow, Co Wicklow

Chemco Pharmacy Bandon, New Road, Bandon, Co Cork

Drea J Morgans Medical Hall, The Square, Tullow, Co Carlow

Dooleys Pharmacy, The Square, Drumcollagher, Co Limerick 063-83311063-83311

Dolan H The Mill Pharmacy, The Mill Centre, Coolaney, Co Sligo

Chemco Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Stradbally, Co Laois 057-8625044057-8641702


Donnellan R Cooneys Pharmacy, The Crescent, Athlone, Co Westmeath,N37 WA06

Inish Pharmacy, Railway Rd, Buncrana, Co Donegal 074-9362784074-9362784

Donnelly A Ballybay Pharmacy, 54-55 Main St, Ballybay, Co Monaghan 042-9741033

Delahunt A Grange Pharmacy, 10 Clonkeen Rd, Deansgrange, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-289313701-2893137

Dillon J Janet Dillon Pharmacy, Unit 2 Norseman Court, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7

Dolan R The Medical Hall, Church Street, Moate, Co Westmeath 090-6481257090-6481257

Chemco Pharmacy, The Kellyville Centre, Portlaoise, Co Laois

Du y R Hilltop Pharmacy, Hilltop S C, Station Rd, Raheny, Dublin 5

Cogaslann Pharmacy, Unit 10-11 Clanbrassil Centre, Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co

Dowling F The Village Pharmacy, Strand St, Castlegregory, Co Kerry 066 7139646066

Duane M Duane’s Pharmacy, 4 Strand Street, Kanturk, Co Cork 029-20852

TRUST OUR COMPLETE RANGE TO SUPPORT ALL YOUR COW’S MILK ALLERGY INFANTS GMS + ApprovedACBS MILD - MODERATE MODERATE - SEVERE Neocate LCP From BirthPepti 1 From Birth Pepti 2 From 6 mths 1.References O’Carroll E et al. (Abstract) Presented at The Nutrition Society Advancing Nutritional Science Spring Conference, Glasgow. 2018. 2. Nutricia Data on File, 2020 AMINO FORMULAACID-BASED(AAF)EXTENSIVELY HYDROLYSED FORMULA (EHF) Ireland’s best tasting EHF formula1 Ireland’s No. 1 Amino Acid-based Formula2 This information is intended for Healthcare Professionals only. Neocate LCP, Aptamil Pepti 1 and Pepti 2 are Foods for Special Medical Purposes for the dietary management of cow’s milk allergy. In addition, Neocate LCP is also indicated for the dietary management of multiple food protein allergies and for infants who require an amino acid-based formula from birth.They must be used under medical supervision after consideration of all feeding options, including breastfeeding. Accurate at time of publication: September 2020

Fitzpatrick M Elphin Pharmacy, Main St, Elphin, Co Roscommon 071-9635137071-9635137

Dwyer B Townparks Pharmacy, Unit 2 Canessa Buildings, Townparks,

E El Bourdainy M Advance Pharmacy, 14 Lower Drumcondra Rd, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 01-860000601-8600006

Ferrant I Coombe Community Pharmacy, Unit 2 Earls Court, Reuben St, Dublin 8 01-4427572 01-5593121

Finnegan J Roebuck Pharmacy, 7 Farmhill Rd, Goatstown, Dublin 14 01-298129501-2981295

Fitzsimmons A Collon Pharmacy, Drogheda Street, Collon, Co Louth

Farrell J Farrells Pharmacy, Main st, Ballivor, Co Meath 046-9567940046-9567940

Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Unit 4,Racecourse S C, Baldoyle, Dublin 3

Durkin P Active Life Pharmacy, 27 Irish Life Mall, Talbot St, Dublin 1


McDonnells Pharmacy, Bridge St, Strokestown, Co Roscommon 071 9633195071

Fehily D Fehilys Chemist, 28 South Main St, Wexford

Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Market St, Trim, Co Meath 046-9436600046

Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Main St, Portarlington, Co Laois

Feeney M Markievicz Pharmacy, Holborn Hill, Sligo, 071-9143702 071-9143703

Feerick T Feericks Pharmacy, Main Street, Cappoquin, Co Waterford

Farmer L Haven Pharmacy Beacon, 34 The Mall, Beacon Court, Sandyford, Dublin 18


Falvey C Falveys Pharmacy Ltd, 33 Douglas S C, Cork 021-4894184021-4893587

Keanes Allcare Pharmacy, 50C John Street, Kilkenny

Greendale Pharmacy, 3 Kish House, Greendale Road, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5

Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, 394 Collins Ave, Whitehall, Dublin 9

Castletown Rd, Dundalk, Co Louth Dwyer G Maple Pharmacy, Unit 3 The Maple Centre, Navan Road, Cabra, Dublin 7

Finlay R Rose Finlay totalhealth Pharmacy, Main Street, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9360324057

Fitzgibbon M Widdess Pharmacy Ltd, 55 Roches St, Limerick 061-414061061-415601

Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, 40 Main St, Arklow, Co Wicklow

Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Unit 7, Ballinteer Avenue, Ballinteer, Dublin 16

Fitzpatrick H Booterstown Pharmacy, 87C Booterstown Ave, Blackrock, Co Dublin

Ellis M Mark Ellis Pharmacy, Woodstown S C, Ballycullen Rd, Dublin 16

Mark Ellis Pharmacy, Unit 5 Greenhills S C, St James’s Rd, Dublin 12 01-4438846

Farrells Pharmacy Trim, Finnegans Way ,Trim, Co Meath 046-9484285

Farrells Pharmacy, The Health Centre, Longwood, Co Meath 046-9560864046-9560864

Fallon J Fallons Pharmacy, 47 John St, Kilkenny

Fertear M C and F Pharmacy, Market St, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6829328065-6864498

Wards Pharmacy, 48 O’Connell St, Sligo,

Finn P Maddens Pharmacy, Main St, Roscrea, Co Tipperary 0505-21058 Ryans Pharmacy, 20/21 Pearse St, Nenagh,Co Tipperary 067-31464067-64548

Dunne M Stradbally Pharmacy, Main St, Stradbally, Co Laois

Adrian Dunne Pharmacy ,Mount Usher Court, Ashford, Co Wicklow

Dunne G Tinahely Pharmacy, Main St, Tinahely, Co Wicklow

Farrell P Farrells Pharmacy, Templeshannon, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford 053-9233189053-9233189

Fitzgerald S Little Island CarePlus Pharmacy, Tra ord Pk, Little Island, Co Cork

Fitzmaurice M Lixnaw Pharmacy, Lixnaw, Co Kerry

Mount Merrion Pharmacy, 71 Deerpark Road, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin 01-212258501-2122585

Finnerty D Finnertys Pharmacy, 69 Kenyon Street, Nenagh,Co Tipperary 067-34155067-34158

Dunne A Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Main St, Newtownmountkennedy, Co Wicklow

Finnegan P Finnegans Pharmacy, 41 Sallynoggin Rd, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin

Fitzgibbons K Fitzgibbons totalhealth Pharmacy, 34 Lower Cork Road, Mitchelstown, Co Cork

Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, 12 Dublin St, Balbriggan, Co Dublin

El-Garawany O Lilly’s Pharmacy, Unit 5 Corballis S C, Rathoath,Co Meath 01-6896819

F Fadden L Faddens Pharmacy, Abbeylands Centre, Clane, Co Kildare

Fivey P Pillbox Pharmacy, Main Street, Ballyshannon, Co Donegal

Falls N Bryanstown totalhealth Pharmacy, Bryanstown Centre, Dublin Road, Drogheda, Co Louth041-9803773

Feerick E Feericks Pharmacy, Unit 1 Riverforest Court, Riverforest S C, Leixlip,Co Kildare

Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Unit 11 Tesco S C, Ashbourne, Co Meath

Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Hillcrest S C, Lucan, Co Dublin

Farmer L Haven Pharmacy Farmers, Unit 1 Leopardstown S C, Ballyogan, Dublin 18

Mark Ellis Pharmacy, Unit 9 Springfield S C, Alderwood, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-494081801-4940818

Feeney E Hartstown Pharmacy, 2 Hartstown S C, Clonsilla, Dublin 15 01-820286001-8202860

Finnegan P Ferns Pharmacy, Main St, Ferns, Co Wexford

Fanning B McHughs Chemist, The Square, Kildare 045-521425

Farrell M Naylors Pharmacy, 23 Pearse St, Athlone, Co Westmeath

Haven Pharmacy Farmers, 56 Main Street, Dundrum, Dublin 14

Feely J Feelys totalhealth Pharmacy, Dublin Rd, Tuam, Co Galway

Fitzpatrick E Joyces Pharmacy, 40 Main St, Mallow, Co Cork 022-21554022-21554

6 FORmonths.HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONAL USE ONLY. AVAILABLE IN RETAIL AND PHARMACY OUTLETS a stepped-care approach... For bottle-fed infants with frequent regurgitation March 2018 ESPGHAN * RECOMMENDSREDUCEthefeedvolumesbytriallingsmaller,more frequent feeds (while maintaining an appropriate daily total).REVIEWthefeedinghistory.TRIALathickened formula. December 2020 of infants experience symptoms of regurgitation1 Ireland: Northern Ireland: 30 30% reduceprovenClinicallytoinfantregurgitationepisodesby 78%2 WHY MEDICATE? TRY NUTRITION FIRST.

* Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and

References: 1. Vandenplas Y et al., J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2015; 61(5): 531–537. 2. Wenzl TG et al. Pediatrics 2003;111:e355-9. NOTICE: Aptamil Anti Reflux is a food for special medical purposes for the dietary management of frequent reflux and regurgitation. It should only be used under medical supervision, after full consideration of the feeding options available including breastfeeding. This product should not be used in combination with antacids or other thickeners and is not suitable for premature infants. Suitable for use as the sole source of nutrition for infants from birth and as part of a balanced diet from

Aptamil Anti-Reflux is a thickened formula for the dietary management of reflux and regurgitation in bottlefed infants




Gannon A Gannon’s Pharmacy, Earl St, Longford 043-3345880043-3345880

Flanagans Pharmacy, 18 Berkeley Road, Phibsboro,Dublin 7

Frayne G Burnetts Pharmacy, 42 Georges St, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin 01-280112401-2801124

Flattery A Trim Pharmacy Ltd, Market St, Trim, Co Meath 046-9431279046-9431279

Gavin L Park Pharmacy, 2 Park Centre, Cabinteely, Dublin 18 01-285635001-2850839

Gormley B Gormley Pharmacy, 5 Nolan Avenue, Churchtown, Dublin 14 01-298508501-2986959

Gaynor P Gaynors Allcare Pharmacy, Post O ce Road, Lusk, Co Dublin 01-8437911

Molloys Lifestyle Pharmacy, The Harrison Centre, Roscommon, Co Roscommon 090-6637602090-6637607

Gleeson D Gleesons Pharmacy, The Mall, Vicar St, Tuam, Co Galway

Flanagan B Flanagans Instore Pharmacy, Tesco Supermarket, Clearwater S C, Finglas, Dublin 1101-8068872

Garvey G Garvey’s Pharmacy, Glenamaddy, Co Galway 094-9659012 094-9659372

Gibbons K Finnstown Pharmacy, Unit 4 Finnstown Centre, Finnstown, Lucan, Co Dublin 01-505941401-5056444

Gibbs A Gibbs Chemist, 15 Midleton St, Cobh,Co Cork 021-4811475 021-4855939

Gleeson J Gleesons totalhealth Pharmacy, Old Cratloe Road ,Woodview S C, Moylish,Co

Flynn R Flynns Pharmacy, Main St, Falcarragh,Co Donegal

Foody O Foodys Pharmacy, Unit 1 Market Sq,Ballina, Co Mayo

Foodys Pharmacy, Harcourt Building,Harcourt St, Dublin 2

Flynn P Flynns Pharmacy, The Square, Claremorris, Co Mayo 094-9362780094-9362180

Fox V Superpharm Chemists Ltd, Unit 8, Main St, Finglas, Dublin 11 01-834168801-8341688

Molloys Lifestyle Pharmacy, Davitt Qtr, Achill Sound, Co Mayo 098-45248

Foley S Meath Street Pharmacy, 39 Meath St, Dublin 8,

Gorey M Riverstown totalhealth Pharmacy, Riverstown, Co Sligo,

Flanagan J Flanagans totalhealth Pharmacy, The Square, Athenry, Co Galway

Gildea J Haven Pharmacy Gildeas, Main St, Kinnegad, Co Westmeath

Foley M Parnell St Pharmacy Ltd, 136 Parnell St, Dublin 1

Goode D Goodes Pharmacy, Medical Hall, Main St, Abbeyfeale, Co Limerick

Garahy D Garahys Pharmacy, 6 Slaney St, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford


Fox B Greene’s Pharmacy, Ballyjamesdu , Co Cavan

Galligan C Chemist Warehouse, Unit 8B, Western Retail Park, Snugborough Road, Blanchardstown01-5828500 Medipharm, 16 South Great Georges Street, Dublin 2 01-671976501-6452012 Medipharm, 7 Arbourfield Terrace, Windy Arbour, Dundrum, Dublin 14 01-2963492

Gorman S Granard Pharmacy, 47 Main St, Granard, Co Longford 043-6687015

Good A Shopping Centre Pharmacy, U13 Supervalu S C, Sundrive Rd, Dublin 6W 01-4929731

Molloys Lifestyle Pharmacy, Garden St, Ballina, Co Mayo

Gallagher R Renmore Pharmacy, 17 Renmore Rd, Galway 091-755497091-755497

Fox P Cloughjordan totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Cloughjordan, Co Tipperary

Gilsenan V Gilsenans Allcare Pharmacy, 1-2 Town Centre Mall, Main St, Swords, Co Dublin Giltenane E Giltenanes Pharmacy, Main Street, Rathkeale, Co Limerick

Gallagher M Gallaghers Pharmacy, 29 Barronstrand St, Waterford 051-878103051-858992

Gallagher N Aughrim Pharmacy, Main St, Aughrim, Co Wicklow 0402-366550402-36850

Foleys Pharmacy, Main St, Applewood Village, Swords, Co Dublin

Gibbons D T A Bluett Chemist Ltd, 1 Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork

Foley F Foleys Life Pharmacy, Unit 8,Palmerstown S C, Dublin 20 01-626064201-6260642

Molloys Lifestyle Pharmacy, Shangort Road, Knocknacarra, Galway 091-590211091-590211

Molloys Lifestyle Pharmacy, Bunree Road, Ballina, Co Mayo 096-60340096-60345

Flatley A Flatleys Pharmacy, Stranorlar, Co Donegal,

Haven Pharmacy Gildeas, Main Street, Killucan, Co Westmeath

Frayne J Brookwood Pharmacy, 42 Brookwood Rise, Artane, Dublin 5 01-831189801-8311898

Golden K The Rise Pharmacy, Unit 1 Wood Park, The Rise, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 01-8572030

Flynns Pharmacy, Main St, Dunfanaghy, Co Donegal

Garahy R Gray’s totalhealth Pharmacy, 3 Castletroy Court, Castletroy, Co Limerick

Ghosn S Belarmine Pharmacy, Unit 22 Belarmine Plaza, Belarmine, Stepaside, Dublin 18

Gorry E Bridgetown Pharmacy, Bridgetown South,Co Wexford

Frederick Frederick Pharmacy Ltd, 19 Nth Frederick St, Dublin 1 01-8746475 Pharmacy Ltd Freeman J Durrow Pharmacy, Mary St, Durrow, Co Laois 057-8736125057-8736125

Pillbox Pharmacy, Main Street, Bundoran, Co Donegal

Geraghty J Geraghtys Pharmacy, Main St, Crossmolina, Co Mayo

Molloys Lifestyle Pharmacy, New Street, Ballaghadereen, Co Roscommon 094-9877520094-9877525

Foleys Pharmacy, 10 Ballyowen Castle S C, Lucan, Co Dublin 01-621308301-6213083

G Gallagher F Dempseys Allcare Pharmacy, 47 Parnell St, Limerick


Gormley D Gormleys Pharmacy, Kells S C, Circular Road, Kells, Co Meath 046-9240950046-9240950

Geaney M Pharmhealth Pharmacy, Henry Grattan Building,Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin

Gallagher M Careys Pharmacy, 22 Church Rd, Ballybrack, Co Dublin

Flaherty E Flaherty’s Pharmacy, Main Street, Oughterard, Co Galway 091-557602091-557603

Freyne J Freyne and Co Ltd, Orchard Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4574868 01-4574944

Foley A Passage West Pharmacy, Strand Street, Passage West, Co Cork 021-4841289021-4843922

Peter Fox totalhealth Pharmacy, O’Connell St, Birr, Co O aly

Hamilton J Hamiltons Pharmacy, 74 Bridge St, Skibbereen, Co Cork 028-22598

Harrison M Harrison Pharmacy, CQ Centre, Kevin Barry Street, Ballina ,Co Mayo

Grogan D Cordu Pharmacy, 1 Cordu S C, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-820356901-8203569cordu

Hales K Washington Street Pharmacy, 25A Washington Street, Cork

Grants Pharmacy, Ra ter St, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford 053-9236456053-9236383grantsra Grants Pharmacy Arklow, Old Wexford Road, Arklow, Co Wicklow

Mari Mina Pharmacy, Rathcormac, Co Cork 025-37599025-37599


Kissanes Pharmacy, 6A Chestnut Drive, Brookfield, Main St, Ballyhale

Gri n B Barry Gri n Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Tramore, Co Waterford 051-386540051-386540

Harty J Rathnew Pharmacy, 2 Merrymeeting Centre, Rathnew, Co Wicklow 0404-31055 Roundwood Pharmacy, 8 Main Street, Roundwood, Co Wicklow

Hanly E Killians CarePlus Pharmacy, 55 Main Street, Loughrea, Co Galway

Brennan K Haven Pharmacy Moloneys,Grange Cross,Ballyfermot,Dublin 10

Hallahan P Cloneety Pharmacy, 16 Garbhans Terrace, Dungarvan, Co Waterford 058 73111058

Hallahans Pharmacy, 38 The Square, Dungarvan, Co Waterford 058 41328/41310058

Mari Mina Pharmacy, The Square, Cahir, Co Tipperary 052-7441744052-7441718

Harty P C H Chemists Ltd, 31 The Mall, Tralee, Co Kerry

HAVEN Brennan K, Haven Pharmacy Brennans ,Barna Village,Co Galway,, 091-590749

Haven Pharmacy Killybegs,Kellys Quay,Shore Rd,Killybegs, Co Donegal 074-9732640 074-9732641

Grant L Grants Pharmacy, St Aidans S C, Wexford 053-9123068 053-9152945

Hanna A Mari Mina Pharmacy, Main St, Lismore, Co Waterford

Haven Pharmacy Cavan,Loughtee Business Park,Drumalee,Cavan Town,Co Cavan

Kissanes Pharmacy Leighlinbridge ,St Lazarien’s Street, Leighlin Bridge, Co Carlow059-9720543 059-9721452

Guinan G James Pettit Pharmacy, Main St, Charleville, Co Cork 063-81248063-81248 Life Pharmacy Fogartys, Sarsfield St, Kilmallock, Co Limerick


Mari Mina Pharmacy, Dungarvan Road, Ardmore, Co Waterford 024-94898024-94898 Mari Mina Pharmacy, Toomevara, Nenagh,Co Tipperary 067-26344067-26344

Enniscrone Pharmacy, Main St, Enniscrone, Co Sligo 096-36568096-36568

Mari Mina Pharmacy, 97 North Main St, Youghal, Co Cork 024-85000024-85001

Roberts Pharmacy, 105 O’Connell St, Limerick 061-414414061-419005

Gubbins R Castletroy Pharmacy, University Court, Castletroy, Limerick

Grogan D Grogans Pharmacy, Spa Rd, Dingle, Co Kerry 066-9150518

Grennan M Grennans Pharmacy Ltd, 40 Dublin St, Dundalk, Co Louth

Haughey D Haugheys Pharmacy, Unit 2 & 3, Demesne S C, Dundalk, Co Louth

Hannon P Thomond Pharmacy, 76 Sexton St North,Thomond Gate, Limerick City, Co Limerick061-324615

Halley O Halleys Careplus Pharmacy, Station Rd, Adare, Co Limerick Newtown Pharmacy, Newtown S C, Annacotty, Co Limerick

H Hackett M Hacketts Pharmacy, Newport, Tipperary 061-378124

Harty A Ballydu Pharmacy, Ballydu , Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7131111066-7148804anne@ballydu

Rosedale Pharmacy, Rosedale S C, Dooradoyle Road, Limerick 061-306946061-306946

Harrington C D and M Harrington, Mill St, Timoleague, Bandon, Co Cork

Tallaght Cross Pharmacy, C6 The Russell Building,Tallaght Cross West, Tallaght, Dublin 2401-5583710

Jobstown Pharmacy, Unit 2 Kiltalown S C, Jobstown, Dublin 24 01-459837401-4598374

Kissanes Pharmacy, Upr Main St, Graiguenamanagh,Co Kilkenny 059-9724220059-9724220 Kissanes Pharmacy, Main St, Borris, Co Carlow 059-9771874059-9771875

Haven Pharmacy Mullingar,Buckeys Supervalu,Austin Friars St, Mullingar, Co Westmeath 044-9349476044-9349494

Harrington M D and M Harrington Pharmacy, 1 Ashe St, Clonakilty, Co Cork 023-8833318023-8833168

Kissanes Pharmacy, Lwr Main St, Graigeunamanagh,Co Kilkenny 059-9724373059-9724373

Loughrea CarePlus Pharmacy, Loughrea S C, Athenry Road, Loughrea, Co Galway

Guerin E Guerin’s Pharmacy, 7 Mitchel St, Nenagh,Co Tipperary

Harrington G Harrington’s Pharmacy, Main St, Ballincollig,Co Cork 021-4875830021-4875825

Guiney M Ashdown Pharmacy, 3 Ashbourne, Courtbrack Ave, South Circular Rd, Limerick 061 513125

Grogan B Grogans Pharmacy, Main St, Killaloe, Co Tipperary

Mari Mina Pharmacy, Kickham Street, Mullinahone, Co Tipperary 052-9153535052-9153535

Haire J Kissanes Pharmacy, Market St, Thomastown, Co Kilkenny

Halligan P Mullingar Pharmacy, 49/51 Oliver Plunkett St, Mullingar, Co Westmeath

Grants Pharmacy, The Palms, The Avenue, Gorey, Co Wexford Grants Pharmacy, The Du ry, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford 053-9232457

Harmon P Mounthawk Allcare Pharmacy, U 2 O’Donnell’s Business Park, Mounthawk, Tralee, Co

Harte C Mahers Pharmacy, 7 O’Connell St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary

Hanly J Clarina Pharmacy, Clarina, Co Limerick 061-353892061-353892

Grimes P Dromore West Pharmacy, Dromore West, Co Sligo, 096-47048096-47048

Hanly J Clare Street Pharmacy, Clare Street, Nenagh,Co Tipperary 067-42775 067-33250

Gri n D Gri ns Life Pharmacy, 79 Oaklawn, Leixlip,Co Kildare 01-624467301-6244673leixlip@gri

Harnett O Brodericks Pharmacy, 7 William St, Listowel, Co Kerry 068-22888068-23704

Killeens Pharmacy, New Line Rd, Wexford Town, Wexford

Healy C Healys Pharmacy, Society St, Ballinasloe, Co Galway

Haven Pharmacy Farmers,56 Main Street,Dundrum,Dublin 14

Healthwise Pharmacy Li ord, Li ord, Co Donegal, 074-9141030

Connolly E Haven Pharmacy Connollys ,59 Main Street,Dungarvan,Co Waterford

PharmaciesGweedore Pharmacy Bunbeg,Magheraclougher, Bunbeg,Co Donegal

Scannell M Haven Pharmacy Scannells,16 South Main St,Bandon,Co Cork 023-8841150023-8843635

Haven Pharmacy Lanes,Old Windmill Court,Lr Gri n Street,Limerick 061-415290061-414330

Healthwise Pharmacy, Greenes Corner, Dungloe, Co Donegal

Healthwise Pharmacy Market Sq,Market Sq,Moville, Co Donegal 074-9382929074-9382936 Healthwise Pharmacy Moville, Main St, Moville, Co Donegal 074-9382649 074-9382936

Haven Pharmacy Gildeas,Main Street,Killucan,Co Westmeath

Holly F Haven Pharmacy Hollys,23 Abbey St,Ennis,Co Clare

McElwees Pharmacy, Carnmore Rd, Dungloe, Co Donegal

Headfort Medical Headfort Medical Hall, Church Street, Kells, Co Meath

Shanahan J Haven Pharmacy Shanahans ,Church Street,Castleisland,Co Kerry

Haven Pharmacy Kennys,Lwr Branch Rd,Tramore,Co Waterford 051-338305051-338305


McLaughlin D Haven Pharmacy McLaughlins,153 Drimnagh Rd,Walkinstown,Dublin 12 Meagher W Haven Pharmacy Errigal,16 Errigal Rd,Drimnagh,Dublin 12 01-4557345

Hayes S Mulveys Pharmacy, Sandyford Village, Sandyford, Co Dublin

Brosnan A Haven Pharmacy Brosnans,19 Henry St,Kenmare,Co Kerry

Kavanagh D Kavanaghs Pharmacy,Du ry Hill,Enniscorthy,Co Wexford

Farmer L Haven Pharmacy Beacon,34 The Mall,Beacon Court,Sandyford,Dublin 18

Murphy P Haven Pharmacy Murphys,Clonard Road,Wexford, 053-9184444053-9184444

Murray P Haven Pharmacy Murrays,Killiney S C,Killiney,Co Dublin

O’Sullivan D Haven Pharmacy O’Sullivans ,Mill Road,Killorglin,Co Kerry 066-9762111066-9762111

Ra erty J Haven Pharmacy Ra ertys,Stillorgan S C,Co Dublin, 01-288015301-2880153

Rooney C Haven Pharmacy McAleers,7 Fitzmaurice Road,Ballygall,Finglas East,Dublin 11

Healthwise Pharmacy Glencar, Glencar S C, Letterkenny, Co Donegal

Haven Pharmacy Cassidys ,U3 Chandler’s Guild,James St,Dublin 8 01-679402201-6794022

Healthwise Pharmacy Newtown, Main Street, Newtowncunningham, Co Donegal 074-9156929074-9156929

Maher K Haven Pharmacy Duleek,5 Main St,Duleek,Co Meath

Davey P Haven Pharmacy Daveys,Ballyhaunis Rd,Claremorris,Co Mayo 094-9371716094-9371716

Buckley AHaven Pharmacy Greenes,36 Main St,Rathfarnham,Dublin 14

Farmer L Haven Pharmacy Farmers,Unit 1 Leopardstown S C,Ballyogan,Dublin 18

Burke S Haven Pharmacy Burkes,North Square,Macroom,Co Cork 026-41503026-43208

Haven Pharmacy Hollys,7A Marina Point,Ballinasloe,Co Galway 090-9645676090-9645824

McElwees Pharmacy, Main St, Dungloe, Co Donegal 074-9521032

Lane W Haven Pharmacy Lanes,33 Davis St,Limerick, 061-414330


Haven Pharmacy Ra ertys,Cornelscourt S C,Foxrock,Dublin 18 01-289319101-2893191ra

Doherty J Haven Pharmacy Dohertys,2 Shantalla Rd,Beaumont,Dublin 9

Lannen P Haven Pharmacy Lannens,10 New St,Carrick-on-Suir,Co Tipperary

Haven Pharmacy O’Connells,89 High St,Kilkenny,

O’Leary L Haven Pharmacy Kennellys,6 Lr Castle St,Tralee,Co Kerry 066-7121042066-7127568

Haven Pharmacy Hollys,U8 Centrepoint,Liosban Ind Estate,Tuam Rd,Galway

Haven Pharmacy Scannells Riverview,Unit 4 Riverview S C,Bandon,Co Cork 023-8844877023-8844879

HealthwiseHall Duanes Healthwise Pharmacy, Main St, Ballinasloe, Co Galway

Healy M Healys Pharmacy, Market St, Thomastown, Co Kilkenny

Healthwise Pharmacy Ballyraine, Unit 1 Park House, Ballyraine Road, Letterkenny, Co Donegal Healthwise Pharmacy Buncrana, Lr Main St, Buncrana, Co Donegal

O’Connell J Haven Pharmacy O’Connells,Rose Inn Street,Kilkenny,

Brennan P Haven Pharmacy Brennans,Taylors Lane,Rathfarnham,Dublin 16

Heaney P Heaneys Pharmacy, Bridge St, Westport, Co Mayo

Kenny P Haven Pharmacy Kennys,Elm Road,The Ring Road,Tramore,Co Waterford

Healthwise Oranmore, Arlinigton House Medical Centre, Dublin Rd, Oranmore, Co Galway091-794607 091-734110

Gildea J Haven Pharmacy Gildeas,Main St,Kinnegad,Co Westmeath

Haven Pharmacy Hickeys,44 Upr Main Street,Rush,Co Dublin 01-843729501-8437295

Butler W Haven Pharmacy Butlers,Main St,Birr,Co O aly Haven Pharmacy Faheys,Patrick St,Tullamore,Co O aly

McCormicks Pharmacy, Milford, Co Donegal, 074-9153134074-9153134

Healthwise Pharmacy Sligo,Unit 1 Mulligan Place, Connaughton Rd, Sligo,Co Sligo071-9138016 Healthwise Poolboy, Poolboy, Ballinasloe, Co Galway 0909-645693

Healy E Fairgreen Careplus Pharmacy, Church St, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow 059-9721505 Healy Pharmacies, 24 Main Street, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow 059-9721408 059-9723909

Looby J Haven Pharmacy Loobys,42 Manor Rd,Palmerstown,Dublin 20

Cassidy C Haven Pharmacy Cassidys,449 S C R,Rialto,Dublin 8 01-453240301-4532403

Healthwise Pharmacy Ballybofey, The Shopping Centre, Ballybofey, Co Donegal

Ryan L Haven Pharmacy Frawleys ,11 Main Street,Roscrea,Co Tipperary 0505-317330505-31733

Kavanagh P Haven Pharmacy Kavanagh’s,Unit 4&5 Dunshaughlin S C,Dunshaughlin,Co Meath

Nicorette QuickMist1 mg/spray, oromucosal spray, solution and Nicorette QuickMist Cool Berry 1 mg/spray, oromucosal spray, solution. Composition: One spray delivers 1 mg nicotine in 0.07 ml solution. 1 ml solution contains 13.6 mg nicotine. Excipient with known effect: Ethanol (less than 100 mg of ethanol/spray). Propylene glycol, Butylated hydroxytoluene. Pharmaceutical form: Oromucosal spray, solution. A clear to weakly opalescent, colourless to yellow solution. Indications: For the treatment of tobacco dependence in adults by relief of nicotine withdrawal symptoms, including cravings, during a quit attempt (or to cut down smoking before stopping completely. Permanent cessation of tobacco use is the eventual objective. Nicorette QuickMist should preferably be used in conjunction with a behavioral support program. Dosage: Subjects should stop smoking completely during the course of treatment with Nicorette QuickMist. Adults and Elderly: The following chart lists the recommended usage schedule for the oromucosal spray during full treatment (Step I) and during tapering (Step II and Step III). Up to 4 sprays per hour may be used. Do not exceed 2 sprays per dosing episode and do not exceed 64 sprays (4 sprays per hour, over 16 hours) in any 24-hour period. Step I: Weeks 1-6: Use 1 or 2 sprays when cigarettes normally would have been smoked or if cravings emerge. If after a single spray cravings are not controlled within a few minutes, a second spray should be used. If 2 sprays are required, future doses may be delivered as 2 consecutive sprays. Most smokers will require 1-2 sprays every 30 minutes to 1 hour. Step II: Weeks 7-9: Start reducing the number of sprays per day. By the end of week 9 subjects should be using HALF the average number of sprays per day that was used in Step I. Step III: Weeks 10-12: Continue reducing the number of sprays per day so that subjects are not using more than 4 sprays per day during week 12. When subjects have reduced to 2-4 sprays per day, oromucosal spray use should be discontinued. To help stay smoke free after Step III, subjects may continue to use the oromucosal spray in situations when they are strongly tempted to smoke. One spray may be used in situations where there is an urge to smoke, with a second spray if one spray does not help within a few minutes. No more than four sprays per day should be used during this period. Regular use of the oromucosal spray beyond 6 months is generally not recommended. Some ex-smokers may need treatment with the oromucosal spray longer to avoid returning to smoking. Any remaining oromucosal spray should be retained to be used in the event of sudden cravings. Gradual cessation through progressive reduction in smoking (Nicorette QuickMist1 mg/spray, oromucosal spray, solution only)

For smokers who are not willing or ready to quit abruptly. The oromucosal spray is used between periods of smoking in order to prolong the smoke-free intervals and with the intention to reduce smoking as much as possible. The patient should be aware that an incorrect use of the spray may enhance adverse effects. A cigarette is replaced with one dose (1-2 sprays) and a quit attempt should be made as soon as the smoker feels ready and no later than 12 weeks after start of treatment. If a reduction in cigarette consumption has not been achieved after 6 weeks of treatment, a healthcare professional should be consulted. After quitting smoking, gradually reduce the number of sprays per day. When subjects have reduced to 2-4 sprays per day, oromucosal spray should be discontinued. Regular use of the oromucosal spray beyond 6 months is not recommended. Some ex-smokers may need treatment with the oromucosal spray longer to avoid returning to smoking. Any remaining oromucosal spray should be retained to be used in the event of sudden cravings. Paediatric population: Do not administer this medicine to persons under 18 years of age. There is no experience of treating adolescents under the age of 18 with this medicine. Method of administration: After priming, point the spray nozzle as close to the open mouth as possible. Press firmly the top of the dispenser and release one spray into the mouth, avoiding the lips. Subjects should not inhale while spraying to avoid getting spray into the respiratory tract. For best results, do not swallow for a few seconds after spraying. Subjects should not eat or drink when administering the oromucosal spray. Behavioural therapy advice and support will normally improve the success rate. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to nicotine or to any of the excipients. Children under the age of 18 years. Those who have never smoked. Special warnings and precautions for use: This medicine should not be used by non-smokers. The benefits of quitting smoking outweigh any risks associated with correctly administered nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). A risk-benefit assessment should be made by an appropriate healthcare professional for patients with the following conditions: Car diovascular disease: Dependent smokers with a recent myocardial infarction, unstable or worsening angina including Prinzmetal’s angina, severe cardiac arrhythmias, recent cerebrovascular accident and/or who suffer with uncontrolled hypertension should be encouraged to stop smoking with non-pharmacological inter ventions (such as counselling). If this fails, the oromucosal spray may be considered but as data on safety in this patient group are limited, initiation should only be under close medical supervision. Diabetes Mellitus. Patients with diabetes mellitus should be advised to monitor their blood sugar levels more closely than usual when smoking is stopped and NRT is initiated as reduction in nicotine induced catecholamine release can affect carbohydrate metabolism. Allergic reactions: Susceptibility to angioedema and urticaria. Renal and hepatic impairment: Use with caution in patients with moderate to severe hepatic impairment and/or severe renal impairment as the clearance of nicotine or its metabolites may be decreased with the potential for increased adverse effects. Phaeochromocytoma and uncontrolled hyperthyroidism: Use with caution in patients with uncontrolled hyperthyroidism or phaeochromocytoma as nicotine causes release of catecholamines.

Gastrointestinal Disease: Nicotine may exacerbate symptoms in patients suffering from oesophagitis, gastric or peptic ulcers and NRT preparations should be used with caution in these conditions. Paediatric population: Danger in children: Doses of nicotine tolerated by smokers can produce severe toxicity in children that may be fatal. Products containing nicotine should not be left where they may be handled or ingested by children. Transferred dependence: Transferred dependence can occur but is both less harmful and easier to break than smoking dependence. Stopping smoking: Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in tobacco smoke induce the metabolism of drugs metabolised by CYP 1A2 (and possibly by CYP 1A1). When a smoker stops smoking, this may result in slower metabolism and a consequent rise in blood levels of such drugs. This is of potential clinical importance for products with a narrow therapeutic window, e.g. theophylline, tacrine, clozapine and ropinirole. The plasma concentration of other medicinal products metabolised in part by CYP1A2 e.g. imipramine, olanzapine, clomipramine and fluvoxamine may also increase on cessation of smoking, although data to support this are lacking and the possible clinical significance of this effect for these drugs is unknown. Limited data indicate that the metabolism of flecainide and pentazocine may also be induced by smoking. Excipients: This medicine contains about 7 mg of alcohol (ethanol) in each spray which is equivalent to 97 mg/ml. The amount in one spray of this medicine is equivalent to less than 2 ml beer or 1 ml wine. The small amount of alcohol in this medicine will not have any noticeable effects. This medicinal product contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per spray, i.e. essentially ‘sodium- free’. This medicine contains 12 mg propylene glycol in each spray which is equivalent to 157 mg/mL. Due to the presence of butylated hydroxytoluene, Nicorette QuickMist may cause local skin reactions (e.g. contact dermatitis), or irritation to the eyes and mucous membranes. Care should be taken not to spray the eyes whilst administering the oromucosal spray.Undesirable effects: Effects of smoking cessation: Regardless of the means used, a variety of symptoms are known to be associated with quitting habitual tobacco use. These include emotional or cognitive effects such as dysphoria or depressed mood; insomnia; irritability, frustration or anger; anxiety; difficulty concentrating, and restlessness or impatience. There may also be physical effects such as decreased heart rate; increased appetite or weight gain, dizziness or presyncopal symptoms, cough, constipation, gingival bleeding or apthous ulceration, or nasopharyngitis. In addition, and of clinical significance, nicotine cravings may result in profound urges to smoke. This medicine may cause adverse reactions similar to those associated with nicotine given by other means and these are mainly dose-dependent. Allergic reactions such as angioedema, urticaria or anaphylaxis may occur in susceptible individuals. Local adverse effects of administration are similar to those seen with other orally delivered forms. During the first few days of treatment irritation in the mouth and throat may be experienced, and hiccups are particularly common. Tolerance is normal with continued use. Daily collection of data from trial subjects demonstrated that very commonly occurring adverse events were reported with onset in the first 2-3 weeks of use of the oromucosal spray, and declined thereafter. Adverse reactions with oromucosal nicotine formulations identified from clinical trials and during post-marketing experience are presented below. The frequency category has been estimated from clinical trials for the adverse reactions identified during post-marketing experience. Very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1 000 to <1/100); rare (≥1/10 000 to <1/1 000); very rare (<1/10 000); not known (cannot be estimated from the available data). Immune system disorders Common Hypersensitivity Not known Allergic reactions including angioedema and anaphylaxis Psychiatric disorders Uncommon Abnormal dream Nervous system disorders Very common Headache Common Dysgeusia, paraesthesia Eye disorders Not known Blurred vision, lacrimation increased Cardiac disorders Uncommon Palpitations, tachycardia Not known Atrial fibrillation Vascular disorders Uncommon Flushing, hypertension Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders Very common: Hiccups, throat irritation Uncommon Bronchospasm, rhinorrea, dysphonia, dyspnoea, nasal congestion, oropharyngeal pain, sneezing, throat tightness Common: cough Gastrointestinal disorders Very common Nausea Common Abdominal pain, dry mouth, diarrhoea, dyspepsia, flatulence, salivary hypersecretion, stomatitis, vomiting Uncommon Eructation, gingival

bleeding, glossitis, oral mucosal blistering and exfoliation, paraesthesia oral Rare Dysphagia, hypoaesthesia oral, retching Not known Dry throat, gastrointestinal discomfort, lip pain Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders Uncommon Hyperhidro sis, pruritus, rash, urticaria Not known Erythema General disorders and administration site conditions Common Burning sensation, fatigue Uncommon Asthenia, chest discomfort and pain, malaise. MAH: Johnson & Johnson (Ireland) Limited, Airton Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24, Ireland. PA Number: PA 330/37/13 & PA 330/37/16. Date of revision of text: PA 330/37/13: December 2020. PA 330/37/16: November 2020. Product not subject to medical prescription. Full prescribing information available upon request. IE-NI-2100082 ®NICORETTE QUICKMIST NO OTHER SINGLE NRT PRODUCT IS MORE EFFECTIVE AT HELPING FORCUSTOMERSYOURQUITGOOD7.5 * PACKETS OF CIGARETTES REPLACES UP TO AVAILABLE IN FRESHMINT AND COOL BERRY FLAVOUR COOLFRESHMINTBERRY *Based on average use of Nicorette Quickmist. **Based on 2 x 1mg dose

Hickeys Pharmacy, Dunnes S C, Cardi bridge, Finglas West, Dublin 11

Hickeys Pharmacy, Fortunestown Lane S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24

Hickeys Pharmacies Fingal Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Finglas, Dublin 11

Hickeys Pharmacy, 18 Meath St, Dublin 8, 01-454577201-4545773

Hennessy B Hennessy’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Rosemary Sq,Roscrea, Co Tipperary

Hickey S Declan Hickey Chemist, St Johns Square, Limerick 061-413491061-316585

Hogan P Pat Hogan totalhealth Pharmacy, Fr Gri n Ave, Galway

Hollands Pharmacy, Temple Hill, Ballinlough Road, Cork 021-4294828021-4294828

Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 9 Neilstown S C, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4574646

Heggarty D O’Donnells Pharmacy Ltd, 42 Main St, Dungloe, Co Donegal

Hickeys Pharmacy, 5 Main St, Finglas, Dublin 11

Hillery F Sean Hillery(Pharmacists),32-33 Shannon T C, Shannon Airport, Co Clare 061-361995061-361434


Hendrick M Hendricks Pharmacy, Unit 6 Tesco S C, Ballinaloe, Co Galway 090-9644160090-9644160

Hickeys Pharmacy, 26 Oliver Plunkett Rd, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin

Hickeys Pharmacy, Murrays Supervalu,Old Youghal Rd, Mayfield, Co Cork 021-4551450

Hogan J Kinsellas Pharmacy, Block C2 Willow Court, Primrose Gate, Celbridge, Co Kildare

Haven Pharmacy Hollys, U8 Centrepoint, Liosban Ind Estate, Tuam Rd, Galway

Hickey P Hickeys Pharmacy, 10 Liberty Sq,Thurles, Co Tipperary

Hoban F Touchstone Pharmacy, Mulhuddart Village, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15

He ernan R He ernan Pharmacy, Main St, Dundrum, Co Tipperary 062-71394062-71394 he

Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 18 Gorey Town Centre, Gorey, Co Wexford 053-9481338 Hickeys Pharmacy, 3 Cardi sbridge Rd, Finglas, Dublin 11 Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 10,Meakstown Neighbourhood Cent, Finglas, Dublin 11


Hogan R Life Pharmacy Parnell, 35-41 Parnell St, Dublin 1 01-873220901-8732430

Hickeys Pharmacy, 254 The Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Hickeys Pharmacy, Ongar Village, Ongar, Dublin 15

McNeills Pharmacy, The Diamond, Carndonagh,Co Donegal 074-9374120

Hickey E Berehaven Pharmacy, Castletownbere, Co Cork

Hennessy J Banagher totalhealth Pharmacy, Banagher PCC, Banagher, Co O aly

Hickeys Pharmacy, Phibsboro S C, Dublin 7

Hiltons Pharmacy, 3 Magic Carpet Centre, Cornelscourt Village, Dublin 18

Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 16 Ballincollig S C, Ballincollig,Co Cork 021-4879302 Hickeys Pharmacy, 66 Tory Top Road, Turners Cross, Cork 021-4315970021-4315971 Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 2 Tyrellstown T C, Tyrellstown, Dublin 15

Hiltons Pharmacy, 11 Main Street, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14

Hogan B Faythe Pharmacy, Unit 2, 178 The Faythe, Wexford Town, Wexford 053-9146746 Village Pharmacy, Old School House, Piercestown, Co Wexford

Higgins S Askea Pharmacy Ltd, Tullow Road, Carlow

Hickeys Pharmacy, 21 Gra ton St, Dublin 2 01-679046701-6790470gra

Hogan M Helys Pharmacy, Cappoquin, Co Waterford 058-54430058-54430

Hickeys Pharmacy, Balbriggan PCC, Dublin Rd, Balbriggan, Co Dublin 01-5676912

Holly F Haven Pharmacy Hollys, 23 Abbey St, Ennis, Co Clare

Hetherton G Powers Pharmacy, Church St, Kilmihill, Co Clare 065-9050006065-9050006

Hickeys Pharmacy Hickey’s Pharmacy, The Diamond, Clones, Co Monaghan 047-51032047-51032

Holland M Cloghroe Pharmacy, Cloghroe, Blarney, Co Cork 021-4382244021-4385162

Hickeys Pharmacy, Manor Mills S C, Maynooth,Co Kildare

Hickeys Pharmacy, 7 Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath

Hickeys Pharmacy, 5c/5d Bakers Rd, Gurranabraher, Cork City, Cork

Hillery P RX+ totalhealth Pharmacy, 48/48A Skycourt S C, Shannon, Co Clare

Herrero E St Patricks Pharmacy, Greenfields S C, Maynooth,Co Kildare 01-628916601-6289166

Haven Pharmacy Hollys, 7A Marina Point, Ballinasloe, Co Galway 090-9645676090-9645824

Hickeys Pharmacy, 10-11 West St, Drogheda, Co Louth Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 33 Northside S C, Coolock, Dublin 17 Hickeys Pharmacy, 55 Lr O’Connell St, Dublin 1 Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 15 Navan S C, Navan, Co Meath Hickeys Pharmacy, 85 Terenure Road N, Dublin 6,

Hickeys Pharmacy, 5 Castle Crescent, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 6 Johnstown S C, Johnstown, Navan, Co Meath Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 1 Navan Medical Centre, Abbey Road, Navan, Co Meath

Herlihy D Clonminch Pharmacy, Clonminch Road, Tullamore, Co O aly

Hickeys Pharmacy, 290 Harolds Cross Rd, Dublin 6, 01-492376901-4923781 Hickeys Pharmacy, Wheaton Hall Medical Cen, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Co Louth

Hession M Salthill Pharmacy, 145 Upper Salthill, Galway 091-523207091-523207

Walshs Allcare Pharmacy, Blarney S C, Co Cork

Henry F Carn Pharmacy, Unit 1 Millbrae Business Park, Carndonagh,Co Donegal 074-9374962074-9374962

Hickeys Pharmacy, 11a Gurranebraher Rd, Cork City, Cork Hickeys Pharmacy, 6 GPO Buildings, Henry St, Dublin 1

Hilton K Hiltons Pharmacy, 1 Quinsboro Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow

Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 1G Dundalk S C, Dundalk, Co Louth Hickeys Pharmacy, Main St, Newbridge, Co Kildare

Hennessy S Rosslare Pharmacy, Station Road, Rosslare Strand, Co Wexford

Chemist Connect, 5 Devlin Complex,Bridgend, Co Donegal 074

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Horan A Fortfield Pharmacy, 48 Fortfield Park, Terenure, Dublin 6 01-490078901-4900789

Jordan M Aghada Pharmacy, 1 Lwr Aghada, Aghada, Co Cork 021 4662515021

Kavanagh D Ballinacurra Pharmacy Ltd, Unit 7,Greenpark Centre, Punchs Cross, Limerick

Johnstons Allcare Pharmacy Ballygar, Unit 2 High St, Ballygar, Co Galway

Holohan M Corless Pharmacy, 44 Dublin St, Carlow 059-9131734059-9136090

Kavanagh Pharmacy, Unit 2 Old Post O ce, Main Street, Ratoath,Co Meath

Keady A Keadys Pharmacy, The Square, Headford, Co Galway 093-34772093-34776

Hynes J Joanne Hynes totalhealth Pharmacy, Cornmarket, Ballinrobe, Co Mayo

Irwins Pharmacy, 9 Mayfield S C, Cork

Keady M Riverchapel Pharmacy, Main St, Riverchapel, Gorey, Co Wexford 053-9425252

Irwin J Lombard Pharmacy, 32 Lombard St East, Dublin 2

Joyce P New Bawn Pharmacy, Unit 5 St Dominics S.C.,Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-451234401-4610623

Keane C Dorans Pharmacy, Tesco S C, Ballybrack, Co Dublin 01-

Kearney J Kearney Chemist, Main St, Castlerea, Co Roscommon

Keatings CarePlus Pharmacy, Westbury Centre, Corbally, Limerick

Johnston G Johnstons Allcare Pharmacy ,Main Street, Lanesborough,Co Longford

Keating R Ballycasey Pharmacy, Ballycasey Crescent, Shannon, Co Clare 061 363853061

Jin J Parks Pharmacy, 62 Lwr Dorset St, Dublin 1

Johnson G Johnsons Pharmacy, Victoria Cross, Cork

Keane’s CarePlus Pharmacy, Green Rd, Mullingar, Co Westmeath 044-9390390 Woods Pharmacy, Dominic St, Mullingar, Co Westmeath

Togher Pharmacy, Togher Road, Togher, Cork 021-4962777021-4962777

Kavanagh D Kavanaghs Pharmacy, Du ry Hill, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford



Keating M Cleaboy totalhealth Pharmacy, Cleaboy S C, Cleaboy, Waterford City, Co

Jones V Bonnybrook Pharmacy, Unit 1B Northside Retail Pk, Coolock Drive, Coolock, Dublin 1701-8488266

Johnstons Allcare Pharmacy Longford, Leader House, Te a Park, Dublin Rd, Longford 043-3345752 Johnstons Pharmacy, Barrack St, Castlerea, Co Roscommon 094-9620803 Johnstons Pharmacy, 7 New St, Longford Town, Co Longford 043-3347580

Clonroche Pharmacy, Main St, Clonroche, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford

Johnson I O’Donnells totalhealth Pharmacy, The Square, Charlestown, Co Mayo

Hughes A Carrick Pharmacy, Main Street, Carrickmacross S C, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan 042-9692552

Johnson P Drimnagh Pharmacy, 125 Galtymore Rd, Drimnagh, Dublin 12

Irwin E Irwins Pharmacy, 77 Shandon Street, Cork


O’Donnells totalhealth Pharmacy, Market St, Swinford, Co Mayo 094-9251169094-9251169

Jordan D Jordans Pharmacy, 43 Sundrive Road, Kimmage, Dublin 12

K Kane M Johnstown totalhealth Pharmacy, 31 Johnstown Rd, Cabinteely, Co Dublin Kilmacud totalhealth Pharmacy, 1A Drummartin Road, Kilmacud, Dublin 14

Hughes K Hughes Pharmacy, Prosperous Road, Clane, Co Kildare

Keatings CarePlus Pharmacy, St Nessans Road, Dooradoyle, Limerick

Horan E Enda Horan Ltd, Castle St, Sligo, 071-9142560071-9142560

Joyce P Headford Careplus Pharmacy, Units 8+9 Headford S C, Church Rd, Headford, Co Galway

Hyland M Hylands Careplus Pharmacy, Main St, Templemore, Co Tipperary

Johnson Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Walkinstown, Dublin 12

Selskar Pharmacy, 27/28 Selsker St, Wexford Town, Co Wexford 053-9185171053-9185172

Howard S Howards Pharmacy, 12 An Fuaran, Moycullen, Co Galway

Houlihan M Skehard Pharmacy, Skehard Rd, Blackrock, Cork 021-4357230021-4357230

Jenkins E Abbey Pharmacy, 42 Abbey St, Wexford Town, Co Wexford 053-9176440053-9176441

McAuli e’s Pharmacy, 93 Sandymount Rd, Sandymount, Dublin 4 01-668412101-6683011

Kara H Reidy’s Pharmacy, Main St, Rathcoole, Co Dublin 01-458934101-4589722

Kavanagh P Haven Pharmacy Kavanagh’s, Unit 4&5 Dunshaughlin S C, Dunshaughlin, Co

Jameson D Jamesons totalhealth Pharmacy, Bailieborough,Co Cavan 042-9665443 042-9694725

Keane J Keane’s Careplus Pharmacy, Mullingar Medical Centre, Harbour Street, Mullingar, Co Westmeath Keanes CarePlus Pharmacy, Market Point Medical Park, Patrick Street, Mullingar, Co Westmeath Keane’s CarePlus Pharmacy, Unit 1 Enfield Court, Johnstown Road, Enfield, Co

Keating M Keatings Careplus Pharmacy, Lord Edward St, Kilmallock, Co Limerick 063-31515

Hynes D Hynes Pharmacy, Castle Street, Roscommon Town


Kearney P Ballybane Pharmacy, Ballybane S C, Galway 091-757044091-757044 Lennons Pharmacy Ltd, Lord Edward St, Ballymote, Co Sligo 071-9183320

BYNURTUREDNATURE.SCIENCE. Our triple oat complex harnesses the goodness from the oat and combines it with protective ceramides. Creating a formula that helps to improve the skin’s natural microbiome balance, leaving skin more resilient and healthy looking from day 1. That’s why 90% of customers like yours say they felt immediate comfort after using Aveeno ® Dermexa Daily Emollient Cream.1 So when you’re next faced with the question –RecommendhowcanItreatmydryandirritatedskin? Aveeno ® Dermexa 1. HTC Survey of 144 participants, January 2021 IE-AV-2100044 OAT FLOUR CERAMIDES WHOLEEXTRACTOAT OAT OIL

Kissane D Fethard Pharmacy, Main St, Fethard on Sea, The Hook, Co Wexford 051 397667051

Mangans Careplus Pharmacy, Primary Care Centre, Armagh Rd, Crumlin, Dublin 1201-4555081

Kennelly C Colms Life Pharmacy, Unit 1 Cuirt Na Tra, Salthill, Galway 091-501456

Daarwood Pharmacy, Unit 4 Daarwood Crescent, Gortboy, Newcastle West, Co Southside Pharmacy, 5 Q Retail Park, Roxboro,Limerick 061-404729061-404730

Claddagh Pharmacy, 8 Fr Gri n Rd, Galway

Kyne T Lackagh Pharmacy, Turloughmore, Co Galway 091-797056091-797056

Mangans Pharmacy, The Waterways, Sallins, Co Kildare 045-854911045-855712 Mangans Pharmacy, Station Rd, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-430559045-430559 Mangans Pharmacy, Rialto Primary Care Centre, South Circular Rd, Dublin 8

Kehoe I Boyne Grove Pharmacy, Ballsgrove S C, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9837568

Kennedy K Liberty Pharmacy, 36 Liberty Square, Thurles, Co Tipperary

Kierans totalhealth Pharmacy, Lwr Main St, Mohill, Co Leitrim

Keshwara H Shankill Pharmacy, Violet House, Main St, Shankill, Dublin 18

Lakeshore Pharmacy, Barrack St, Loughrea, Co Galway

Keogh D Sneem Pharmacy, South Sq,Sneem, Co Kerry


Kelly M Freshco Pharmacy, Dublin Rd, Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny 056 7786111056 7786222

Kennedy S Friary Pharmacy, Main Street, Cashel, Co Tipperary

Kirwan J Kirwans Pharmacy, Main St, Kilmacthomas, Co Waterford 051-294256

Kellys Pharmacy, Unit 4 Oscar House, Staplestown Road, Carlow 059-9141979059-9141979

Kiely S Cronins Pharmacy, 1 Edenmore S C, Raheny, Dublin 5

Kelly A Anna Kelly Chemist, O’Connor S C, Martyr Road, Nenagh,Co Tipperary 067-34244067-34244

Clarinbridge Pharmacy, Main St, Clarinbridge, Co Galway 091-796959091-796961

King W Billy King Pharmacy, Unit 2 The Mount, Dunlo Hill, Ballinasloe, Co Galway

Knox P Co eys Allcare Pharmacy, Castle Street, Roscrea, Co Tipperary 0505-216520505-21652co

Mangans Careplus Pharmacy, Maynooth Rd, Celbridge, Co Kildare

Kennellys Pharmacy ,Rock Rd, Killarney, Co Kerry

Kilgarri P Kilgari ’s Chemists Ltd, Vicar St, Tuam, Co Galway 093-24120 093-28734

Kingston N Glengarri Pharmacy, Glengarri , Co Cork 027-63744 027-63627 glengarri

Kennedys Kennedys Pharmacy, 35 Main St, Bray, Co Wicklow

Keatinge N Keatinge’s Pharmacy, 3 Tirconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 01-4547071

Kelly M Kellys Pharmacy Dundalk, Unit 2B College House, Hoeys Lane, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9320747

Kelly N NK Pharmacy, The Navenny S C, Trusk Rd, Ballybofey, Co Donegal 074-9131375

Kilgallen J Burkes Pharmacy, 3 North Main St, Naas, Co Kildare

Mervue Pharmacy, Plunkett Avenue, Old Mervue, Galway

Kenny P Haven Pharmacy Kennys, Elm Road, The Ring Road, Tramore, Co Waterford

Haven Pharmacy Kennys, Lwr Branch Rd, Tramore, Co Waterford 051-338305051-338305

Klotz R The Village Pharmacy, 1 Backline, Dromahair, Co Leitrim 071-9134296

Kelly J Kellys Pharmacy, The Diamond, Ardara, Co Donegal

Kellys Pharmacy, The Nangor Centre, Cherrywood, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4576901 01-4576915

Kelly S Downeys Pharmacy, Tesco S C, Vevay Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow

Kelleher A Kelleher’s Pharmacy, The Square, Ballincollig,Co Cork

Kerins D Healys Pharmacy, Unit 3 Drogheda Retail Centre, Rathmullen Road, Drogheda, Co Louth041-9846477041-9846508

Kelly J Kellys Pharmacy, Causeway, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Co Waterford 058-44433

Kelly P Boyle totalhealth Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Boyle, Co Roscommon

Kilroy I Kilroys Careplus Pharmacy, Emmet St, Ballina, Co Mayo

Kennedy E Killenaule Pharmacy, Main St, Killenaule, Co Tipperary 052-9156209052-9156787

Kelly O Cullens Pharmacy, Navan Rd Primary Care Centre, Navan Rd, Cabra, Dublin 7 01-838646001-8386941

Keown M Backhouse Pharmacy Ltd, Backhouse Centre, 71 Clanbrassil St, Dundalk, Co Louth042-9331336 042-9337431

Kelleher S Trants Pharmacy, Park Rd, Killarney, Co Kerry

Burkes Pharmacy, 21/23 Ranelagh Rd, Ranelagh, Dublin 6

Kennelly F Kennellys Pharmacy ,33 New St, Killarney, Co Kerry

Kennelly M Kennellys Pharmacy, 46 Main Street, Castleisland, Co Kerry

Killeen A Briarhill Pharmacy, Briarhill S C, Ballybrit, Galway 091-759628 091-759637

Leonards Corner Pharmacy, 106 South Circular Rd, Dublin 8, 01-4534282

Pharmacy Ltd Vance and Wilson, 92 Main St, Bray, Co Wicklow


Kelly K Kellys Pharmacy, Kennedy Avenue, Carlow

Kielys Pharmacy, 282 Ballyfermot Rd, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10

Kelly S Ruths totalhealth Pharmacy, Pearse Rd, Letterkenny, Co Donegal Kelly S Kissanes Pharmacy, 52/54 Main St, Tipperary

Kellys Pharmacy, Unit 9 Barrow Valley Retail Pk, Sleaty Rd, Graiguecullen, Co Carlow05991-7970205991-79372

Kielys Pharmacy, 203 Le Fanu Rd, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10

Poplar Pharmacy, Unit 4 Poplar Square, Naas, Co Kildare

Kelly J Old Windmill Pharmacy, Old Windmill Court, Gerard Gri n Street Lower, Limerick061-408858061-408858

Kelly R T F Kelly Pharmacy Ltd, High St, Dungarvan, Co Waterford

Kelly D Martyns totalhealth Pharmacy, Birr St, Kilcormac, Co O aly

Kelly M Kelly’s Pharmacy, Miltown Malbay, Co Clare

Kieran B Kierans totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim

Burkes Pharmacy, Unit 2 Hillcrest, Main Street, Kilcullen, Co Kildare Fairgreen Pharmacy, Fairgreen, Naas, Co Kildare

IE-CAR-2100071 Calpol® Infant & Calpol® Ireland’sSixPlus No.1 pain & fever reliever* Lets Kids be Kids From fever to blocked noses, Calpol® has got you covered MAH: Johnson & Johnson (Ireland) Ltd. Airton Road, Tallaght, Dublin 24. Products not subject to medical prescription. Full prescribing information available upon request. Calpol® Vapour Plug & Nightlight is an electrical device and non-medicine. Calpol® Saline Nasal Spray, Calpol® Saline Nasal Drops and Calpol® Blocked Nose Spray are medical devices for congestion relief. *IQVIA MAT Units Aug 2021 (For Calpol® Infant and Calpol® SixPlus medicinal products) Paracetamol

Your Local Pharmacy, 2 The Green, Maw Street, Dunboyne, Co Meath 01-801541201-8015485

Lloyds Pharmacy Collooney Pharmacy, Main St, Collooney, Co Sligo 071-9167117 071-9167455

Lavelles Pharmacy, Church St, Killala, Co Mayo 096-32465

Lavelle D Bangor Erris Pharmacy, Chapel Lane, Bangor Erris, Co Mayo 097-83911097-83911

Lloyds Pharmacy, Rosslare S C, Rosslare Harbour, Co Wexford 053-9133551053-9133988

Your Local Pharmacy, Tonlegee Road PCC, Tonlegee Rd, Raheny, Dublin 5

Your Local Pharmacy Longs, Main St, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-431290045-431290

Lloyds Pharmacy, 21 Main St, Midleton, Co Cork 021-4631586021-4633441

Lannon Late Night Pharmacy, Cannings Spar, Pearse Rd, Carraroe, Co Sligo

Lannen P Haven Pharmacy Lannens, 10 New St, Carrick-on-Suir, Co Tipperary

Lappin F Herlihy’s (Chemists) Ltd.,Cushrod Ave, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9838101041-9839890

Lang E Bretts totalhealth Pharmacy, Teeling St, Tubbercurry, Co Sligo 071-9140130

Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 8 Castletroy S C, Castletroy, Limerick 061-339454061-339455

Docks Pharmacy, Queensgate, 23 Dock Rd, Galway City ,Galway 091-454988

Leavy D Leavys Pharmacy, 94 Clanbrassil St, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9331560

Lloyds Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Killester, Dublin 3 01-833085101-8330988

Health Express Pharmacy, The Charlesland Centre, Greystones, Co Wicklow

Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 7 Ballincollig S C, Ballincollig,Co Cork 021-4872104021-4878352

Lloyds Pharmacy, Main St, Shankill, Co Dublin 01-282023601-2822283

Lloyds Pharmacy, The Square, Claremorris, Co Mayo 094-9371287 094-9372810


Lloyds Pharmacy, 103a New Cabra Rd, Cabra, Dublin 7 01-868022601-8689157

Lloyds Pharmacy, 102 North Main St, Youghal, Co Cork 024-92189 024-20912

Haven Pharmacy Lanes, Old Windmill Court, Lr Gri n Street, Limerick 061-415290061-414330

Lawlor P Rathvilly Pharmacy, Rathvilly, Co Carlow 059-9161668059-9161668

Leahy D Dun Laoghaire Pharmacy Ltd, 65 Georges St Upr, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin 01-284486101-2844861

The Square Pharmacy, The Square, Tuam, Co Galway

Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 7 Tesco S C, Greystones ,Co Wicklow 01-2876791 01-2871385

Lloyds Pharmacy, 8 The Mall, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 01-269523601-2830455

Lawlor T Daly’s Pharmacy, 17 Main St, Naas, Co Kildare 045-897239045-897239

Moores Pharmacy, Unit 2,McGoverns Corner, Cork Street, Dublin 8 01-4542981 01-4543057

Lane W Haven Pharmacy Lanes, 33 Davis St, Limerick 061-414330

Lannon E Ballisodare Pharmacy, Unit 52 Ballisodare T C, Ballisodare, Co Sligo

Leahy K Leahys Pharmacy, Dunlo St, Ballinasloe, Co Galway 090-9642279090-9645415

Careplus Pharmacy Kilcock, Unit 3 The Square, Kilcock, Co Kildare

Linehan M Doneraile Pharmacy, Main St, Doneraile, Co Cork 022-24125022-24125

Lloyds Pharmacy, 1-3 Rices Corner, Thomondgate, Limerick 061-329356061-322883 Lloyds Pharmacy, Neilstown S C, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4570994 01-4578598

Lloyds Pharmacy, The Lough S C, Togher, Co Cork 021-4964629021-4946177

Gurteen Pharmacy, Gurteen Crossroads, Gurteeen, Co Sligo 071-9182940071-9182940

Lenehan T Murrays Pharmacy, 3 Serpentine Ct, Serpentine Ave, Dublin 4

Lloyds Pharmacy, 8 Grand Parade, Cork City, Co Cork 021-4274563021-4285975 Lloyds Pharmacy, Main St, Baltinglass, Co Wicklow 059-6482858059-6482859

Lloyds Pharmacy, Lr Main St, Gorey, Co Wexford 053-9421294 053-9421298

Lloyds Pharmacy, 413 Howth Rd, Raheny, Dublin 5 01-831434101-8329839

Laverty T Lavertys Pharmacy, Unit 2C Shangan Hall, Ballymun, Dublin 9 01-8623896

Health Express Pharmacy, Units 120-121,The Square S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-459723601-4597238

Leahy F Leahy’s Pharmacy, Dunkellin St, Loughrea, Co Galway

Leo T Palace Fields Pharmacy, Tullinadaly Road, Tuam, Co Galway 093 27746093-27748

Littleton S Boylans Pharmacy Ltd, 9 Claddagh Gr, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 01-626498801-6230192

Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 2 Longford S C, Longford 043-3347280043-3347280

Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 12 Castle S C, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-286003001-2760122

Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 3 Main St, Castleknock S C, Castleknock, Dublin 15 01-820441101-8212053

Lanigan B McCormacks Pharmacy, Maynooth,Co Kildare 01-628627401-6290538

Your Local Pharmacy, Unit 6 C Beacon South Quarter, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin

Leane C Ballybunion totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Ballybunion, Co Kerry 068-27437

Lloyds Pharmacy, Bray PCC, Killarney Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-282930101-2829322

Lloyds Pharmacy, 53 William St, Limerick 061-415734061-430812

Lavery A A+A Pharmacy, 21 William St, Athy, Co Kildare

P J Lavelle, Main St, Belmullet, Co Mayo 097-81053

L Lally R Lallys Pharmacy, Mill St, Westport, Co Mayo 098-25544098-25777

Crowleys Pharmacy, 207 Decies Rd, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 01-626452801-6236859 Crowleys Pharmacy, 310 Ballyfermot Road, Dublin 10, 01-626318001-6237648

Hiltons Pharmacy, Unit 4 Greeg Court, Parnell Street, Dublin 1 01-872222401-8722223

Levis K Bluebell Pharmacy, 4 La Touche Road, Bluebell, Dublin 12

Huntstown Pharmacy Ltd, 6 Pinewood Hse, Huntstown Rd, Dublin 15 Marley Pharmacy, Unit 7,Superquinn S C, Ballinteer, Dublin 16

Lloyds Friary Pharmacy, Friar St, Thurles, Co Tipperary 0504-221840504-24702

Leech M Leech Pharmacy, 43 Ranelagh, Dublin 6, 01-4971407 01-4971107


Lloyds Pharmacy, Charlotte Quay, Limerick 061-400722061-318455 Lloyds Pharmacy, 20 O’Connell St, Sligo,

Lloyds’s Pharmacy, 83 Main Street, Carrick-on-Suir, Co Tipperary 051-640003051-645831

Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 10 Dungarvan S C, Dungarvan, Co Waterford 058-43171058-43005

Lloyds Pharmacy, 20 Pearse St, Mullingar, Co Westmeath 044-9344324044-9344309

Lloyds Pharmacy, Ashleaf S C, Crumlin Cross, Dublin 12 01-4555648 01-4550977

Lloyds Pharmacy, Crookstown Retail & Bus Pk, Ballytore, Co Kildare 059-8623590

Lloyds Pharmacy, 4 Fitzmaurice Rd, Glasnevin, Dublin 11 01-834217801-8361457

Lynch G Lynchs Pharmacy, Broadale, Maryborough Hill, Douglas, Cork

Lloyds Pharmacy, Artane Castle S C, Kilmore Rd, Dublin 5 01-831481101-8327262

Looby J Haven Pharmacy Loobys, 42 Manor Rd, Palmerstown, Dublin 20

Lloyds Pharmacy, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-414087801-4140880

Loughreys CarePlus Pharmacy, 20 Dublin Street, Longford

Lloyds Pharmacy, Parkway S C, Dublin Rd, Limerick 061-412023061-405762

Lloyds Pharmacy, Omni Park S C, Santry, Dublin 9 01-842985701-8429777

Lloyds Pharmacy, 20 St Agnes Rd, Dublin 12 01-4555260 01-8058091 Lloyds Pharmacy, Coolock Village S C, Coolock, Dublin 5 01-847937701-8479344

Lynch A Aileen Lynch Pharmacy Ltd, 9 Lr Main St, Castleisland, Co Kerry

Lloyds Pharmacy, 10 Drumcondra Rd Upr, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 01-837346201-8373462

Lloyds Pharmacy, New Supervalu Development, New Rd, The Glen, Kinsale, Co Cork 021-4773939021-4773940

Lucey P Shelbourne Pharmacy, Irishtown Rd, Ringsend, Dublin 4

Lloyds Pharmacy, The Mill Centre, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4577166 01-4577167

Lloyds Pharmacy, Spar S C, Carpenterstown Rd, Dublin 15 01-822084601-8066000

Loughrey P Drumlish Pharmacy, Longford Road, Drumlish,Co Longford

Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 7 The Village Centre, Rathborne, Ashtown, Dubln 15 01-899698201-8996964

Lloyds Pharmacy, 10/11 Ashe Street, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7190931066-7185882

Lloyds Pharmacy, 44 Tonlegee Rd, Coolock, Dublin 5 01-847010101-8482191

Lloyds Pharmacy, 53 Kilbarrack Rd, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5 01-832533201-8322598

Lloyds Pharmacy, 1 Main St, Wicklow, Co Wicklow 0404-678550404-69599

Lloyds Pharmacy, U1 Hazelmere S C, Hazelmere, Naas, Co Kildare 045-856148045-901788

Lloyds Pharmacy, 11B Braemor Road, Churchtown, Dublin 14 01-2988512 01-2987911

Lloyds Pharmacy, Fairies Cross, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7127807066-7127807

Lonergan S Lonergans Pharmacy, 3 Harty Ave, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 01-5574949 01-5574830

Long C Deel Pharmacy, Church St, Askeaton, Co Limerick

Lynch C Fortunes Chemist, 82 North Main St, Wexford

Lloyds Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Knocklyon, Dublin 16 01-494240601-4945866

Lloyds Pharmacy, Kilbarrack S C, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5 01-848158501-8481600

LLoyds Pharmacy, Wellingtonbridge, Co Wexford 051 561831051-560803

Foynes Pharmacy, Main St, Foynes, Co Limerick

Loughreys Pharmacy, Harbour Row, Longford Town, Longford

Lloyds Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Lucan, Co Dublin 01-624134101-6214908

Lloyds Pharmacy, Roxboro S C, Roxboro,Limerick 061-418232061-431168

Lloyds Pharmacy, Nutgrove S C, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14 01-494235301-4946524

Lloyds Pharmacy, Grove Island S C, Corbally, Limerick 061-348921061-348915

Lloyds Pharmacy, 1 Chaplains Place, Rowlagh Village, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-620850201-6208503

Lynch P Lynchs Pharmacy, Virginia S C, Virginia, Co Cavan

Lloyds Pharmacy, Georges St Upr, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin 01-280735201-2301431

Lloyds Pharmacy, Woodview Court, Tandy’s Lane, Lucan, Co Dublin 01-601014801-6010087

Lloyds Pharmacy, Skycourt S C, Shannon, Co Clare 061-360716061-718602


Lloyds Pharmacy, Castlecourt S C, Castleknock, Dublin 15 01-820056401-8200564

Lloyds Pharmacy, 4 Letterkenny Town Centre, Pearse Road, Letterkenny, Co Donegal 074-9102070074-9102078

Lloyds Pharmacy, College Medical Centre, Ballinalee Road, Longford 043-3343202043-3343207

Lloyds Pharmacy, 24 Stillorgan S C, Stillorgan, Co Dublin 01-288182801-2790503

Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 16,Jetland S C, Ennis Road, Limerick 061-329508061-329519

Lloyds Pharmacy, Blackrock S C, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-278807801-2884929

Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 12,Charleville Town Centre, Charleville, Co Cork 063-32794 063-32959


Lloyds Pharmacy, 21 Tullow St, Carlow, Co Carlow 059-9131467059-9131733

Lloyds Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-821080701-8210807

Lloyds Pharmacy, Northside S C, Coolock, Dublin17 01-847646301-8470045

Lynch G Dolans Pharmacy, 90 Glaslough St, Monaghan

Lloyds Pharmacy, Mullingar S C, Mullingar, Co Westmeath 044-9348471044-9348333

Lloyds Pharmacy, 37 Stoneybatter, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7 01-679208601-6707774

Lloyds Pharmacy, Newbridge S C, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-432947 045-434841

Lloyds Pharmacy, Meath Primary Care Centre, Haytesbury St, Dublin 8 01-473013101-4730130

Lloyds Pharmacy, 282 Lr Rathmines Rd, Rathmines, Dublin 6 01-4974898 01-4970750 Lloyds Pharmacy, 47 Main St, Finglas, Dublin 5 01-864206401-8068406

Lloyds Pharmacy, Railway Rd, Kenmare, Co Kerry 064-6679880 064-6679896

Lloyds Pharmacy, 2 Main St, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-821331801-8223504

Lloyds Pharmacy, 4 Aylesbury S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-4521594 01-4596030

Lloyds Pharmacy, Oakville S C, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6121851052-6124494

Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 8 Leopardstown S C, Ballyogan Road, Leopardstown, Dublin 1801-2921326 01-2921321

Lloyds Pharmacy, Laois S C, Portlaoise, Co Laois 057-8660212057-8680007

LLoyds Pharmacy, Unit 9 Hollyhill S C, Cork City, Co Cork 021-4392266 021-4391252

Lloyds Pharmacy, Bird Avenue, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 01-269708601-2697124

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MacGabhann G Adamstown Pharmacy, c/o Cullens Gala, Adamstown, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford

Malone E Lalor’s Pharmacy, 69 Collins Avenue West, Whitehall, Dublin 9 01-831694301-8319889

Maldonado R Kinsealy Pharmacy, Unit 10 Feltrim S C, Kinsealy, Swords, Co Dublin

Magee W Magees Pharmacy, Earl St, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9334231

The Pharmacy @ Cross Lane, 3 Cross Lane, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9801389

Edward MacManus Pharmacy ,Unit 2A Alliance Row, Ballymun, Dublin 9 01-842800601-8429956

Mackessy H Killala t/a Mackessys Pharmacy, New Steet, Newmarket, Co Cork

MacManus Pharmacy, Main Street, Ballyconnell, Co Cavan 049-9526355049-9526355

McCabe R Lawlors Pharmacy, 24 Quinsboro Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow

McCabes Pharmacy, 282 Glasnevin Ave, Dublin 11

MacMahon B MacMahon’s Pharmacy, Kildysart, Co Clare 065-6832110

Machaczka I The Strand Pharmacy, 149 North Strand Rd, Dublin 3

MacNamara J MacNamaras Pharmacy, 4 Swords Retail Centre, Dublin Road, Swords, Co Dublin 01-813250401-8132506

McCabes Pharmacy, The Diamond, Malahide, Co Dublin

Magee’s Pharmacy, Enniskerry, Co Wicklow

Lyons B Lyons Family Pharmacy, 43 McCurtain St, Fermoy, Co Cork 025

MacCinna N Donabate Pharmacy, Unit 1 Ballalease North,Portrane Road, Donabate, Co Dublin01-808533301-8085333

McAnena F Home Pharmacy Galway, 13 Forster Street, Galway City, Galway 091-567740091-567741

McBennett S Newcastle Lyons Pharmacy Ltd, Unit 4 Corner Park, Newcastle-Lyons, Co Dublin

McCabes Pharmacy, Kickham St, Thurles, Co Tipperary 0504-214730504-58442

McCabes Pharmacy, Unit 3 Adelphi Court, The Longwalk, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9352053

Macken D O’Shaughnessys Pharmacy, Haggard St, Trim, Co Meath 046-9431928046-9438038

Malone A Malone’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Francis St, Kilrush,Co Clare

Maguire E Maguire’s Pharmacy, 15 Main St, Ballyshannon, Co Donegal Maguire K Temple Bar Pharmacy, 21 Essex St E, Temple Bar, Dublin 2

Mahony M Mahonys Pharmacy, 23 High St, Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny

Magner P Magners Pharmacy, 175 Howth Rd, Killester, Dublin 3 01-833098001-8333065 Magners Pharmacy, 16 Kincora Ave, Clontarf, Dublin 3

Kilalla t/a Harnetts Pharmacy, 41 The Square, Listowel, Co Kerry 068-21335


MacNamara’s Pharmacy, 30 Main St, Swords, Co Dublin MacNamara’s Pharmacy, Boroimhe S C, Swords, Co Dublin 01-840663501-8400705

Martin C Martins Pharmacy, Main St, Athboy, Co Meath 046-9487629

McBrien K Central Pharmacy, 3 Court Manor House, Justice Walsh Rd, Letterkenny, Co Donegal 074-9103970074-9103971

Maher M Maher’s totalhealth Chemists, 105 West Street, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9836205

McCabes Pharmacy, Yellow Walls Road, Malahide, Co Dublin


Macken G Rockville Pharmacy, 7 Rockville Road, Newtown Park Avenue, Blackrock, Co Dublin01-288306301-2883063

Magee A Boghall Pharmacy, Boghall S C, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-286906601-2040883

Lynch’s Pharmacy, Oliver Plunkett St, Oldcastle, Co Meath

Southside Pharmacy, Unit 1 Former Flogas Premises, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Co

McCabes Pharmacy, 312 Kimmage Road Lr, Dublin 6W

Maher K Haven Pharmacy Duleek, 5 Main St, Duleek, Co Meath

MacManus J MacManus Pharmacy, Main St, Belturbet, Co Cavan MacManus Pharmacy, 12 Townhall St, Cavan 049-4331317049-4331317 MacManus Pharmacy, New Line, Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim 071-9820902071-9820902

MacEneaney M Ayrfield Pharmacy, Granges Road, Kilkenny

Madden N Rosscarbery Pharmacy, West Sq,Rosscarbery, Co Cork

Marron D D V Marron and Co,Main St, Clane, Co Kildare 045-868112045-868184

Fair St Pharmacy, 29 Fair St, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9873998041-9873955

Lynn G Kilalla t/a Glenheights Pharm, 4 College S C, Ballyvolane, Cork 021-4932918021-4932918

McCabes Pharmacy, 51 Leinster St, Athy, Co Kildare 059-8638350

Madigan B Madigans Pharmacy, Green St, Callan, Co Kilkenny

McCabes Pharmacy, 69 Main St, Gorey, Co Wexford

MacManus E Edward MacManus Pharmacy, Civic Centre, Ballymun, Dublin 9

Macken L Mackens Pharmacy, 41 Main Street, Blackrock, Co Dublin

McCabe B Stanleys Pharmacy, Mount View S C, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-821601101-8216011

Lynskey N Hayes and Hayes totalhealth Pharmacy, St Brendan’s St, Portumna, Co Galway 090-9741025090-9741856hayes&

Madigans Pharmacy Kilkenny, 1 Fr Delahunty Terrace, Old Callan Rd, Kilkenny

MacAuli e W MacAuli es Pharmacy, Church St, Strokestown, Co Roscommon 071-9633107071-9633107

Magners Pharmacy, 24 Edenmore S C, Raheny, Dublin 5 01-847572501-8474995

McCabes Pharmacy, Unit G24,Pavilion S C, Swords, Co Dublin

McCabes Pharmacy, 5 Crescent S C, Dooradoyle, Limerick

McCabes Pharmacy, Units 17-19, Level 3, Dundrum Town Centre, Dundrum, Dublin


MacNamara D MacNamara’s Pharmacy, Raheny S C, Raheny, Dublin 5 01-832973601-8329736

MacDonagh I MacAuli es totalhealth Pharmacy, Station Rd, Castlebar, Co Mayo 094-9025995094-9026670ian@macauli

Walkers Pharmacy, Enfield, Co Meath,

Magner W Foleys of Clontarf, 63 Clontarf Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3

McCabes Pharmacy, 148 Blanchardstown Centre, Dublin 15

B MacEneaney Ltd, 42/43 High St, Kilkenny


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McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 11 Poppyfield Retail Park, Clonmel, Co

Riverstick Pharmacy, Unit 24 Riverside Grove, Riverstick, Co Cork 021-4771024

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 66 Glasthule Road, Dun Laoire, Co

McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, 39/40 Kickham Street, Carrick-on-Suir, Co

McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, 15-17 Fairgreen S C, Barrack St, Carlow

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 4/6 Redmond Square, Wexford

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Blackpool S C, Cork

McCabes Pharmacy, Unit 1+2 Gri een Centre, Gri een Ave, Lucan, Co Dublin 01-5056449 gri

McCabes Pharmacy, Unit 6-8 City West S C, City West, Dublin 24

McCartans Pharmacy, 2 Shankill S C, Shankill, Co Dublin

McCartan B Donaghmede Allcare Pharmacy, Donaghmede S C, Donaghmede, Dublin 13


McCabes Pharmacy, Unit 1 Airisde S C, Swords, Co Dublin 01-8970682


McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, Douglas Court S C, Douglas, Cork 021-4897777 021-4897778

Classes Lake Pharmacy, 3 Classes Lake Retail Centre, Ovens, Co Cork

McCartans Pharmacy, Unit 4 Portmarnock S C, Portmarnock, Co Dublin 01-846147101-8461984

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Bawnogue S C, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4571549 01-4576509

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Manor West S C, Tralee, Co Kerry

McCauleys Health & Beauty Pharmacy, Athy PCC, Dublin Rd, Athy, Co Kildare 0598630366

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 31 Court Street, Enniscorthy, Wexford

McCartans Pharmacy Northside, Units 7 & 8 Northside S C, Coolock, Dublin 5

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Church Road, Greystones, Co Wicklow 01-2872600

McCabes Pharmacy, 2 Sandyford Hall S C, Kilgobbin Rd, Dublin 18

McCauley G Ardfinnan Careplus Pharmacy, Main St, Ardfinnan, Co Tipperary 062 88445

McCartans Pharmacy, 11 Howth Road, Unit 1 Superquin S C, Sutton Cross, Dublin

McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, Main Street, Bunclody, Co Wexford

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 8 North Main St, Wexford

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Unit 3, Whitemill Road, Clonard,

McCabes Pharmacy, Ridgewood S C, Forrest Road, Swords, Co Dublin

McCarthy D Blackpool Late Night Pharmacy, Unit 4 City Square, Watercourse Rd, Blackpool,

Turners Cross Allcare Pharmacy, 1 Ossory Pl, Evergreen Road, Turners Cross, Cork 021-4317941

McCartans Pharmacy, Unit 11 Block B Castlemill S C, Hamlet Lane, Balbriggan, Co

Sherwoods Pharmacy, 2 North Main St, Wexford

McCabes Pharmacy, Unit 1 Station Rd, Lusk, Co Dublin 01-8431100

McCarthys Pharmacy, Unit 1 Castle Sq,Carrigtwohill, Co Cork 021 4882408

McCartans Pharmacy, Unit G16 Scotch Mall S C, Drogheda, Co Louth

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 1-2 Market Green S C, Midleton, Co McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, High Street, Dungarvan, Co Waterford

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Unit 1 Ground Floor,

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 4 South St, New Ross, Co Wexford

McCa rey S McCa reys Pharmacy, 69 Georges Street Upper, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin 01-284575401-2845755 Pharmacy Express, Unit 3 Connolly Station, Amien St, Dublin 1

McCarthy J Monread Pharmacy, 6 Monread Lodge S C, Naas, Co Kildare 045-896888

Donnellys Pharmacy, Centrepoint Pharmacy, Strand Rd, Portmarnock, Co Dublin

McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, Carlow S C, Carlow

McCabes Pharmacy, Swords S C, Rathbeale Rd, Swords, Co Dublin

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Navan S C, Navan, Co Meath 046-9028924

McCabes Pharmacy, 8 College View, Ballymun Road, Ballymun, Dublin 9

McCauleys McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, 59 Leinster St, Athy, Co Kildare

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Mahon Point S C, Mahon Point, Cork

McCarthys Pharmacy Portarlington, Arlington Centre, Link Rd, Droughill,

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 33 High St, Kilkenny

McCabes Pharmacy, Unit D1 Ab, Gullivers Neighbourhood Centre, Northwood,

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Dunnes Stores S C, Davis Rd, Clonmel, Co

McCauleys Chemist, Block 3 Charlemont Sq,Charlemont St, Dublin 2

Dan McCarthys Pharmacy, 91a Patrick St, Cork City, Co Cork 021-4273774

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Aldi S C, Newlands Cross, Dublin 22

McCartans Pharmacy, 3 Bayside S C, Sutton, Dublin 13 01-8393939 01-8325670

McCartans Pharmacy, Tesco S C, Maynooth,Co Kildare

McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, Unit 4 Shamrock Plaza, Carlow Town,

McCarthy E Scannells Pharmacy, Main St, Ballineen, Co Cork

M I Davis and Co,34 Fairview Strand, Dublin 3

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, North Gate, John Street, New Ross, Co Wexford051-445038 051-445039

McMeel’s Pharmacy, 27 Strand St, Skerries, Co Dublin

McCabes Pharmacy, Unit 2 Lidl Complex,Main Rd, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-4522487

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Convent Rd, Athlumney, Navan, Co Meath046-9028926046-9028951

McCabes Pharmacy, Veronica House, Unit 1 Skerries Corner, Rush,Co Dublin 01-8949100

McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, 61/63 McCurtain Street, Fermoy, Co Cork 025-30963025-30963

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Kilkenny S C, Loughboy, Kilkenny

McCabes Pharmacy, 1-2 Clarehall S C, Malahide Road, Dublin 17

McCarthy B Kilmuckridge Pharmacy, Kilmuckridge, Co Wexford


McCabes Pharmacy, Malahide S C, Malahide, Co Dublin

Bayerisalife sc ie ncescompany wit h a prese ncei n Irelandforover 50 years. Th ro ug h ourinnovative pr od uct s i n the area s of p harmaceuticals, c onsumer healt h a n d cropscience, wecontribute tofindingsolution s tosom e ofth e ma jo r ch al lenge s of ou r time.

McGuire J Ferbane totalhealth Pharmacy, Athlone Road, Ferbane, Co O aly 090-6453888 090-6453889


McCormacks Pharmacy, Main St, Ballylanders, Co Limerick 062-46620 062-46620

McDaid M Arvagh Pharmacy, Main St, Arvagh,Co Cavan 049-4328550 049-4328553 Bellview Pharmacy, Old Dublin Rd, Mullingar, Co Westmeath 044-9340500

Clones Pharmacy, Clones, Co Monaghan 047-51094 047-51094

McEntegart A Smyths Life Pharmacy, Seatown Place, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9335296 042-9326520

McCormack K Chambers Pharmacy, 127 Ballymun Road, Dublin 9 01-8378081 01-8571961

Donal McGoey Pharmacy, Main St, Drumconrath,Co Meath 041-6854799 041-6854792

McHugh P St Patricks Pharmacy, St Patricks Road, Greenhills, Dublin 12 01-4606024 01-4606024

McCrystal C McCrystal’s Pharmacy, 78 Market St, Cootehill, Co Cavan 049-5552117 049-5552117

McCormack J McCormacks totalhealth Chemist, 51 Upper William St, Limerick 061-414602 061-318590

McDermott D D Moran Pharmacy(Firhouse Ltd),Firhouse S C, Dublin 24 01-4516747 01-4517978

Ryevale Pharmacy, Ground Floor, Ryevale Medical Centre, Pound St, Leixlip 01-6155889

McFadden D McFaddens Pharmacy, 46 Manor St, Dublin 7 01-8178400

McGoey J Donal McGoey Pharmacy, 66 Market St, Ardee, Co Louth 041-6853233

McGuinness O McGuinness totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Roscommon 090-6626193

McCreesh B Eske Pharmacy, Main Street, Donegal Town, Co Donegal 074-9722033 074-9723977


McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Primary Care Centre, 062-80296 062-80805 Rosanna Rd, Tipperary Town, Co Tipperary McCormack B J E McCormack, 14 Selskar St, Wexford 053-9122606 053-9122606

McCormack F Erris Pharmacy, Church Road, Belmullet, Co Mayo 097-20540

McCormacks Pharmacy, Unit 16a Newbridge Retail Pk, Athgarvan Rd, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-444944

McCrystal’s StayWell Pharmacy, Main Street, Virginia, Co Cavan 049-8548356 049-8548087

McDaids Pharmacy, Unit 14,Newcourt S C, Church St, Cavan 049-4361454 049-4361454

Williamstown Centre, Williamstown, Waterford McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 18 Showgrounds S C, 052 9139630 052 9139631 Davis Rd, Clonmel, Co Tipperary

McElroy S McElroys Pharmacy, Main St, Dunboyne, Co Meath 01-8255381 01-8251095

McCormacks Pharmacy, Kilbeggan Bridge, Arden Rd, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9326675

McCorry M Belturbet Pharmacy, Bridge St, Belturbet, Co Cavan 049-9524477 049-9524491

McDevitt E McDevitt Cribbin, High St, Ballinamore, Co Leitrim 071-9644021 071-9645851

McDonnell E Collins Pharmacy, Main Street, Ballina, Killaloe Post O ce, Co Tipperary 061-375505 061-375507

McGirr I B F M McGirr (Carnew) Ltd, Carnew, Wicklow 053-9426202 053-9426202

Ryan McDowell’s Pharmacy, Green St, Callan, Co Kilkenny 056-7725211 056-7725211

McCormick G Magee’s Pharmacy, 27 Upper Main St, Letterkenny, Co Donegal 074-9121409 074-9122682

McElligott E Bridge St Pharmacy, Bridge St, Abbeyfeale, Co Limerick 068-30394 068-30825

McGoey Pharmacy, Main Street, Dunleer, Co Louth 041-6863871 041-6863874

Coosan Rd, Athlone, Co Westmeath

McGorisk P Brodericks Pharmacy, Society St, Ballinasloe, Co Galway 090-9642161 090-9642161 McGorisks Pharmacy, 8 John Broderick St, Irishtown Central, Athlone, Co Westmeath 090-6474559 090-6472272

McGrane O McGranes Pharmacy, Patrick St, Trim, Co Meath 046-9483756 046-9483755

McGrath E McGrath’s totalhealth Pharmacy, The Square, Sixmilebridge, Co Clare 061-369605 061-369605 McGrath H McGraths Chemist, Barrack St, Tallow, Co Waterford 058-56481 McGrath N McGraths Pharmacy, Main St, Cappawhite, Co Tipperary 062-75248 McGreal K Baltinglass Pharmacy, Unit 1, 3 Mill St, Baltinglass, Co Wicklow 059-6471282 Blessington Pharmacy, Blessington, Co Wicklow 045-865197 045-891403 Breslin & McGreal Pharmacy, Primary Care Centre, Portarlington, Co Laois 057-8642920 McGreals Pharmacy, Lower Main St, Blessington, Co Wicklow 045-891918 045-891922

McGuire J J McGuire Co Ltd, 6 Church St, Listowel, Co Kerry 068-21299

McDowell A Callan Pharmacy, Friary Walk, Callan, Co Kilkenny 056-7755002 056-7755002

McEvoy A McEvoys Pharmacy, Shercock, Co Cavan 042-9669152 042-9669152

McGorisks Pharmacy, Unit 53, Athlone Town Centre, Co Westmeath 060-6484384 090-6484372 McGorisks Pharmacy, Athlone Primary Care Centre, Clonbrusk, 0906-470001 0906-476805

McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Unit 4 Connolly Court, Hillside, Connolly St, Cavan 049-4372551 049-4372552

McCormacks Pharmacy, 23 Bolton St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6199329

McCormacks Pharmacy, Unit 3 Fairways S C, Dublin Rd, Dundalk, Co Louth 0429322677

McCormacks Pharmacy, Carrick Rd Medical Centre, Lis Na Dara, Dundalk, Co Louth 0429354495

McCrystal B Cootehill Careplus Pharmacy, 26 Market Street, Cootehill, Co Cavan 049-5556666 049-5556740

McDaids Pharmacy, Kilnaleck, Co Cavan 049-4374929 049-4374929

McElwee P McElwee totalhealth Pharmacy, 2 O’Connell Sq,Mountmellick, Co Laois 057-8624255 057-8644523 McElwee totalhealth Pharmacy, Connolly St (SuperValu),Mountmellick, Co Laois 057-8624289 057-8624289 McElwee totalhealth Portlaoise, The Cedar Clinic, Mountmellick Road, Portlaoise, Co Laois 057-8666826 057-8666719

McGorisks Pharmacy, The Crescent, Ballymahon Rd, Athlone, Co Westmeath 090-6474559 090-6475933

McGuire S McGuires Pharmacy, Unit 7 Market Square S C, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan 042-9690690 042-9690690

McGreals Pharmacy, Curragh Grange S C, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-430550 045-430440 McGreals Pharmacy, Blessington PCC, Blessington Business Pk, Blessington, Co Wicklow 045-900535 Monasterevin Pharmacy, Unit 3 Watermill Place, Monasterevin ,Co Kildare 045-525580 Polonia Pharmacy, Unit 4 King St Complex,Smithfield, Dublin 7 01-8747440

McKane D McKanes Pharmacy, O’Rahilly St, Ballina, Co Mayo 096-21698 096-73782

McKay A McKays Pharmacy, 33 Shanard Road, Santry, Dublin 9 01-8423310 01-8423310

McKeever P McKeever Chemists, Main St, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan 042-9749795

Donal McGoey Pharmacy, 8 John St, Ardee, Co Louth 041-6871493 041-6871603

*compared to standard paracetamol. **when used as directed/always read the label before use 1. Laska EM et al. JAMA 1984; 251(13): 1711-1718



Product Information: Please consult the summary of product characteristics for full product information. Panadol Extra 500mg/65mg Soluble E ervescent Tablets, paracetamol 500mg, ca eine 65mg. Indications: Relief of mild to moderate pain including rheumatism, neuralgia, musculoskeletal disorders, headache, symptoms of colds and flu, fever, toothache and menstrual pain. Dosage: Adults and children 16 years and over: 2 tablets up to 4 times a day. Do not exceed 8 tablets in 24 hours. You may need a lower dose if you are underweight (<50kg), malnourished, dehydrated or if you have alcohol problems. Children aged 12-15 years: 1 tablet up to 4 times a day. Do not exceed 4 tablets in 24 hours. Do not give to children under 12 years. Minimum dosing interval: 4 hours. Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to paracetamol, ca eine or any ingredients. Precautions: Avoid concurrent use with other paracetamol-containing products. Diagnosed liver or kidney impairment. Patients on concomitant treatment with drugs that induce hepatic enzymes. Patients with depleted glutathione levels or chronic alcoholism or sepsis. Avoid excessive ca eine intake. Caution in those with hereditary sugar intolerance or on a low sodium diet. Should not be used in pregnancy or lactation without medical advice. Do not exceed the stated dose. Prolonged use except under medical supervision may be harmful. If high fever, or signs of secondary infection occur or if symptoms persist for longer than 3 days, consult your doctor. Side e ects: See SPC for full details.

All very rare: Thrombocytopenia, hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis and skin rash, angioedema, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis, bronchospasm, hepatic dysfunction. Frequency unknown: Nervousness, dizziness. When combined with dietary ca eine intake, higher doses of ca eine may increase potential for ca eine related adverse events such as insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, irritability, headaches, GI disturbances and palpitations. Overdose: Immediate medical advice should be sought in the event of an overdose, even if symptoms of overdose are not present. Legal Category: Supply through pharmacy only. MA Number: PA 678/39/10. MA Holder: GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (Ireland) Limited, 12 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24. Additional information is available upon request. Text prepared: June 2020. Contains paracetamol. Always read the label/leaflet.

Morrison E O’Mahonys Pharmacy, Main St, Ardfert, Co Kerry 066-7134186 066-7134186

McVann M McVanns Careplus Pharmacy, Shop St, Westport, Co Mayo 098-60919 098-44937

McNally G McNallys Pharmacy, Unit 1,Manor Mall S C, Swords, Co Dublin 01-8400362 01-8400363

McSharry’s Pharmacy, 4-6 Belhavel, Athlone, Co Westmeath 090-6476767 090-6476766 McSharry’s Pharmacy, Knock Road, Castlerea, Co Roscommon 094-9625400 094-9625456

McNallys Pharmacy Mullagh,Main St, Mullagh,Co Cavan 046-9242879

Moloney N Ardfallen Late Night Pharmacy, 2 Ardfallen Mall, Douglas Road, Cork 021-4292256 021-4292247

McLaughlin D Haven Pharmacy McLaughlins, 153 Drimnagh Rd, Walkinstown, Dublin 12 01-4557354 01-4099033

McNallys Pharmacy 365,Main St, Moynalty, Co Meath 046-9244691 046-9244694

Mockler N Mockler’s Pharmacy, 69 Liberty Sq,Thurles, Co Tipperary 0504-21421 0504-28908

McLoughlin B Pillbox Express Pharmacy, Station Rd, Bundoran, Co Donegal 071-9829656

McQuillan B McQuillans Pharmacy, Main St, Blackrock, Co Louth 042-9322605

Moore J Jill Moore Pharmacy ,The Demesne, Mountbellew, Co Galway 09096-23530 09096-23491

Mitchell S Milltown totalhealth Pharmacy, Milltown S C, Dublin 6, 01-2600262 01-2602893 Mockler D Mocklers Pharmacy, Patrick St, Templemore, Co Tipperary 0504-31535 0504-31570

McKeon B Old County Life Pharmacy, 111 Old County Road, Dublin 12 01-4540304 01-4535253

Morrison N Morrisons Pharmacy, Cahir, Co Tipperary 052-7441241

Carrigaline Careplus Pharmacy, Estuary Business Park, Kilnagleary, Carrigaline, Co Cork 021-4757083 021-4375349 South Terrace Pharmacy, 2 Trinity Chambers, South Terrace, Cork 021-4965112 021-4965113 SOUTHTERRACEPHARMACY@GMAIL.COM Moloney T Moloney’s Pharmacy, Emmet Place, Kinsale, Co Cork 021-4772130 021-4772151

McKeon U Quins Pharmacy, 3 Royal Complex,Quinsboro Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-5388855 01-5388850

Meagher W Haven Pharmacy Errigal, 16 Errigal Rd, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 01-4557345 01-4557185

Median Healthcare Median Healthcare Pharmacy ,Unit 5 The Westway Centre, Ballymount Ave, Dublin 12 2557280 2557608

Moore R Waterford Health Park Pharmacy, Slievekeale Rd, Waterford City, Waterford 051-337054 051-339061

McLaughlin J McElligotts Pharmacy, Ashdale House, Blarney, Co Cork 021-4385307 021-4385307

Mitchell A Cogaslann Agatha, Carna, Galway 095-32680 095-32680

Molloy U Healthwest Community Pharmacy, Upr Main St, Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo 094-9630766 HealthWest Community Pharmacy, Ballindine, Co Mayo, 094-9364712 094-9364713

Melia O Castle Pharmacy, Unit 8 Ballinakill S C, Dunmore Rd, Waterford 051-821450 051-820912

McNulty A Laune Pharmacy, Market St, Killorglin, Co Kerry 066-9761131

McKenna T Balally Pharmacy, 9 Balally S C, Sandyford, Dublin 16 01-2954084 01-2958287

Morrissey E Morriseys Pharmacy, Church Place, Tullow, Co Carlow 059-9181118 059-9181118 Morrissey’s Med Hall, 66 Tullow St, Carlow 059-9131519 059-9131519

Cogaslann Agatha Ui Mhisteil, Carraroe, Galway 091-595154 091-595168

McLaughlin Bandon Medical Hall, 5/6 Bridge St, Bandon, Co Cork 023-8841115 023-8844750

McNally D McNallys Pharmacy, Market Square, Kingscourt, Co Cavan 042-9667707 042-9667707

McTiernans CarePlus Pharmacy, Unit 5 Kinnegad S C, Kinnegad, Co Westmeath 044-9391536 044-9391538

McNallys Pharmacy 365,Unit 10 Main Street Lower, Duleek, Co Meath 041-9814846 041-9814847 McNallys Pharmacy 365,Main St, Carlanstown, Kells, Co Meath 046-9246078 046-9246079

Minehane L Douglas Rd Pharmacy, Douglas Rd, Cork 021-4271873 021-4271873

McSharrys Pharmacy, Unit 5 Gateway S C, Knocknacarra, Galway 091-515250 091-515252 McSharrys Pharmacy, Athenry Primary Care Unit, Athenry, Co Galway 091-850500 091-850556

McSweeney Group O’Rourkes Pharmacy, Mountrath,Co Laois 057-8732217 051-8756036

Molyneaux M Quinns Pharmacy, Beech Unit, Granary Court, Edenderry, Co O aly 046-9773005 046-9773028

Monaghan C Mary St Pharmacy ,Mary St, Mullingar, Co Westmeath 044-9347493

McSharrys Pharmacy, Unit 6, Terryland S C, (Dunnes Stores S C),Galway 091-561423 091-533750

McMahon K Goldens Pharmacy, Brigde Street, Westport, Co Mayo 098-28011 098-26765


Moore F Greenpark Pharmacy, Greenpark S C, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4642364

McPhillips M Ardee Pharmacy, Market St, Ardee, Co Louth 041-6856955 041-6856955

Moore J Moores Life Pharmacy, 6 Duke St, Athy, Co Kildare 059-8631687

McKenna M Racefield Pharmacy, Racefield S C, Fr Russell Road, Dooradoyle, Limerick 061-308506 061-308507


Mortazavi S Long Mile Rd Pharmacy, 1 Long Mile Rd, Dublin 12,D12F768 01-5619075

McMorrow CJ Sandycove Pharmacy, 60 Glasthule Rd, Glasthule, Co Dublin, t 01-2801587

Morley G Leavys Pharmacy, Market Square, Castleblaney, Co Monaghan 042-9740005 042-9740453

Moughan P Hennigans Pharmacy, Cookes Corner, 66 Newcastle Road Lr, Galway 091-524980 091-524980

Moran D Moran’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Clifden, Co Galway 095-21273 095-21521

McSharrys Pharmacy, Hanley House, The Crescent, Galway City, Galway 091-454616 091-454617

McTiernan D McTiernans CarePlus Pharmacy, Rochfortbridge, Co Westmeath, 044-9224535 044-9224534

McSorley M McSorley Pharmacy, 11 Main Street, Emyvale, Co Monaghan 047-87773 047-86979

Rockfield Pharmacy, Unit 2 Rockfield Central, Dundrum, Dublin 16 2967340 01-8727769

Tedder’s Pharmacy, 70 J K L Street, Edenderry, Co O aly 046-9731358 046-9733564

McSorley R Market Pharmacy Smithfield, Unit 8B Thundercut Alley, Smithfield, Dublin 7 01-8747097 01-8747097

McSharry’s Pharmacy, Mardyke St, Athlone, Co Westmeath 090-6472568 090-6476161

Medishetty S Hayes Pharmacy, 16 Hogan Place, Grand Canal St Lr, Dublin 2 01-6624883 01-6624884

McManus B McManus Pharmacy, River Street, Clara, Co O aly 057-9368852

Minihan T Minihans Pharmacy, 108 Oliver Plunkett St, Cork 021-4273900 021-4271140

McLoughlin C McLoughlin’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Ballina S C, Ballina, Co Mayo 096-70116 096-70116

McSharry R McSharrys Pharmacy, Unit 13 Westside S C, Seamas Quirke Rd, Galway 091-524204 091-524249

Meagher M Montekin Ltd, Unit 4,Drogheda T C, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9835952 041-9835952

Morris B Sheanes Pharmacy, 92 Foxrock Ave, Foxrock, Dublin 18 01-2893085 01-2893089

McPartlan A Dorrians Pharmacy, The Diamond, Ballyshannon, Co Donegal 071-9851444 071-9851444

McQuaid D Mc Quaids Pharmacy, Cogan Street, Oldcastle, Co Meath 049-8541138 049-8541138

Contains a unique permeation enhancer – up to 3x increased skin permeation of diclofenac†1

*100g pack only. **with twice daily application. †compared with Voltarol Emulgel 1% in vitro study.

Patient convenience – twice daily application for clinically proven 12 hour-pain relief

Clinically proven to demonstrate deep penetration into tissue2

Find out more at our dedicated healthcare website

Warnings and precautions: Apply only to intact, non-diseased skin and not to skin wounds or open injuries. It should not be used with occlusion. It should not be allowed to come into contact with the eyes or mucous membranes and should never be taken by mouth. Application over extensive areas for prolonged periods or application in excess of recommended dosage may give rise to systemic effects. These include gastrointestinal disturbances and bleeding, irritability, fluid retention, rash, hepatitis, renal dysfunction, anaphylaxis and rarely blood dyscrasias, bronchospasm and erythema multiforme. Discontinue if rash develops. Use with caution in patients with a history of peptic ulcers, gastrointestinal bleeding, hepatic or renal insufficiency, or bleeding diathesis, or intestinal inflammation. Pregnancy and lactation: The systemic concentration of diclofenac is lower after topical administration, compared to oral formulations. During the first and second trimester of pregnancy, diclofenac should not be given unless clearly necessary. Only use during lactation on the advice of a health professional. Contraindicated during the third trimester of pregnancy. Should not be applied on the breasts of nursing mothers, nor elsewhere on large areas of skin or for a prolonged period of time. Side effects: Very rare: rash pustular, hypersensitivity (including urticaria), angioedema, asthma, photosensitivity reaction. Rare: Dermatitis bullous. Common: Dermatitis (including contact dermatitis), rash, erythema, eczema, pruritus. Overdose: The low systemic absorption of topical diclofenac renders overdosage extremely unlikely. MA Holder: GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (Ireland) Limited, 12 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Ireland. MA Number: PA 678/140/3. Legal Category: Pharmacy only. Text revised: June 2020. Further information available on request. Contains diclofenac diethylammonium. Always read the label/leaflet. Trade marks are owned by or licensed to the GSK group of companies. PM-IE-VOLT-21-00011.

Making life easier for your patients with pain in their ExtraVoltarolIntroducinghandstheEmulgelStrength2% w/w Gel easy-to-open cap*

Powerful Anti-Inflammatory Provides All-Day Joint & Muscle Pain Relief**

Product Information: Please consult the Summary of Product Characteristics for full product information. Voltarol Emulgel Extra Strength 2% w/w Gel (diclofenac). Indications: For the local symptomatic relief of pain and inflammation in trauma of tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints, localised forms of soft tissue rheumatism. Dosage: Adults and adolescents 14 years and over: 2g to 4g of gel, applied topically 2 times daily – morning and evening. Maximum recommended treatment duration is 14 days. Patients should consult their doctor if the condition does not improve within 7 days or worsens. Contraindications: Patients with or without chronic asthma in whom asthma, angioedema, urticaria or acute rhinitis are precipitated by aspirin or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Hypersensitivity to diclofenac, acetylsalicylic acid or other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Hypersensitivity to any other ingredient of the gel. Use in third trimester of pregnancy. Use in children and adolescents aged less than 14 years.

Reduces pain on movement – to help patients get moving again

1. Quartarone & Hasler-Nguyen 2014; GSK data on file 2. Seefried et al. Ther Adv Musculoskel Dis (2020) Vol. 12: 1-13.

Mullins A Mullins Pharmacy, 216 Upper Salthill, Galway, Co Galway 091-526600 091-526600

Railway View Pharmacy, Middle Square, Macroom, Co Cork 026-41080 026-43122

Mulligans Pharmacy, Unit 12a City Square, Waterford City, Co Waterford 051-853247 051-853259

Mulligan Pharmacy, Unit 2 Block B, The Smithlands Centre, Loughboy, Waterford Rd, Kilkenny 056-7777333 Mulligans Chemist, Tesco Ardkeen, Farrohenshannon, Ardkeen, Waterford City 051-364888 051-870461 Mulligans Pharmacy, 40-41 Barronstrand St, Waterford, Co Waterford 051-875211 051-850726

Mulvey F Mulveys Pharmacy, Main St, Dundrum, Dublin 14 01-2951507 01-2951507

Murphy N Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 2 The Bottleworks, Fitzwilliam St, Ringsend, Dublin 4 01-6600166 01-6600168

Murphy D Murphys Pharmacy, Unit 1 Riversdale S C, Mill Road, Midleton, Co Cork 021-4636060 021-4630380

Murphy P Haven Pharmacy Murphys, Clonard Road, Wexford 053-9184444 053-9184444

Mulholland S Du ys Pharmacy, Main St, Buncrana, Co Donegal 074 9321638 074-9361131

Mulligans Pharmacy, Market Pl, Superquinn S C, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6129314 052-6129202

Murphys totalhealth Pharmacy, Ennistymon, Co Clare 065-7071043 065-7072510

Mulveys Pharmacy, Stepaside Village, Stepaside, Dublin 18 01-2069061 01-2069061

Slievemore Pharmacy, Old Dublin Road, Stillorgan, Co Dublin 01-2000519 01-2101573

Mulligans Pharmacy, 68 O’Connell St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6121204 052-6121544

Mulligans Pharmacy, Cedar House, Ardkeen, Dunmore Rd, Waterford 051-843700 051-843700 Mulligans Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Kilbarry, Tramore Rd, Waterford 051-820200 051-820202

Murphy M Killeagh Pharmacy, Killeagh,Co Cork 024-95117 024-95992

Mulligans Pharmacy, Tesco Ballybeg,Ballybeg,Waterford City, Waterford 051-364555

Mulligans Pharmacy, Rockshire Rd, Ferrybank, Waterford 051-832646 051-832646

Murphy P McFaddens Pharmacy, Unit 27/28,Letterkenny S C, Co Donegal 074-9122304 074-9125402

Mulligans Pharmacy, Summerhill Centre, Tramore, Co Waterford 051-338550

Sallins Pharmacy, Main St, Sallins, Co Kildare 045-898555

Mulligans Pharmacy, Main Street, Piltown, Co Kilkenny 051-644100 051-644627

Murphy J Hughes Pharmacy, 90/91 Main St, Portlaoise, Co Laois 057-8621332 057-8621332

Mulligans Pharmacy, Western House, Western Road, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6184758 052-6184758

Murphy M Buttevant Pharmacy, Main Street, Buttevant, Co Cork 022-23448 022-23448 Medical Hall, Macroom, Co Cork 026-41000 026-43122

Mulligan C Moores Pharmacy, 2 St Agnes Rd, Crumlin, Dublin 12 01-4558298 01-4560020

Mulrooneys Pharmacy, Ballygar Rd, Mountbellew, Co Galway 0909-679990 0909-679989

Moynan C Flynns Medical Hall, Main St, Rathdowney, Co Laois 0505-46172 0505-46172

Mullan J Complete Care Pharmacy, 110 Main St, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15 01-5982149 01-5674502

Mulrooney T Go West Pharmacy, Unit 4 West City Centre, Old Seamus Quirke Rd, Westside, Galway 091-580088 091-573021

Murphy Pharmacy, Roslevan S C, Tulla Road, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6893424 065-6893357

Murphy C Murphys totalhealth Pharmacy, The Square, Ballaghaderreen, Co Roscommon 094-9861967 094-9860660

Mulcahy J Mulcahys Pharmacy, 118 Main St, Mallow, Co Cork 022-21151 022-21151

McFadden’s Pharmacy, Larkin House, Oldtown Road, Letterkenny, Co Donegal 074-9121369 074-9176499

Mullowney J Newport Pharmacy, Newport, Co Mayo, 098-41577 098-41577

Mulligan N Mulligan Dunmore East Pharmacy, Dock Road, Dunmore East, Co Waterford 051-383626 051-383626

Mulligans Pharmacy, 31 Ballybricken, Waterford City, Co Waterford 051-840500 051-840501

Mulligans Pharmacy, Waterford S C, Lisduggan, Waterford City 051-374420 051-374550

Mullins L Mullins totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Charleville, Co Cork 063-81258 063-81672

Mulcahy T Mulcahys Pharmacy, The Square, Millstreet, Co Cork 029-70792 029-70792 Mulgrew P Moorefield Pharmacy, Moorefield, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-486189 045-437523 Pharmacy O’Regan, 36a Talbot St, Dublin 1 01-8555396 01-8555396 Pharmacy O’Regan, Old Bawn S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-4524312 01-4524109 Pharmacy O’Regan, Drogheda St, Balbriggan, Co Dublin 01-8414586 01-8414119 Pharmacy O’Regan, 67 Vernon Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3 01-8330022 01-8330022

Mullany T Ballyragget Pharmacy, Kilkenny Road, Ballyragget, Co Kilkenny 056-8830781 056-8830781

Mulrooney D Mulrooneys Pharmacy, Mountbellew, Co Galway 090-9679216

Murphy D Kildare Pharmacy, Unit 2 Tesco S C, Kildare Town, Co Kildare 045-527823

Mulligan F Mulligans Pharmacy, Abbey Alainn P.C.C.,Moneen Rd, Castlebar, Co Mayo 094-9250467

Murphy A Quinns Medical Hall Ltd, 1a Church Rd, Malahide, Co Dublin 01-8451536 01-8451536


Mulhall W O’Sheas Pharmacy, 4 Market Yard, Kilkenny 056-7751445 056-7751445 Mulholland P Mulhollands Pharmacy, O’Connell St, Birr, Co O aly 057-9120063 057-9120063

Murphy M The Medical Hall, Edenderry, Co O aly 046-9731345 046-9732489

Moynihan A Reddys Pharmacy, 167 Mobhi Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9 01-8373443 01-8373443

Mulrooneys Pharmacy, Mountbellew Primary Care Centre, Tuam Rd, Mountbellew, Co Galway 0909-623540

Naas Pharmacy, Unit 1,The Crossings, Dublin Rd, Naas, Co Kildare 045-874171 045-896553

Mulligans Pharmacy, Cloghbrody S C, Thomastown, Co Kilkenny 056-7793000 056-7793000


Murphy H Allcare Late Night Pharmacy Wilton, 2 Cardinal Way, Wilton, Cork 021-4344575 021-4344585

Slevins Pharmacy, Bridge St, Li ord, Co Donegal 074-9141800 074-9172854

Murphy A Medicare Pharmacy, Main Street, Lahinch,Co Clare 065-7081999 065-7086869

Murphy N Murphys totalhealth Medical Hall, Main St, Ballinasloe, Co Galway 090-9644424 090-9644441

Mulcahys Pharmacy, mallow PCC, Gouldshill, Mallow, Cork, 022-51682

Murphy P Abbey Pharmacy, Brigown, Mitchelstown, Cork 025-86752 025-24203

Kilminchy Pharmacy, Kilminchy Court, Portlaoise, Co. Laois 057-8668945

Murphy G Sandymount Pharmacy, 1a Sandymount Gr, Dublin 4 01-2837188 01-2837188

Murphy E Murphy’s Pharmacy Ltd, 48 North Main St, Cork 021-4274121 021-4270966

Mullan M Mullan’s Pharmacy, Unit 2-3 Super Valu S C, Carndonagh,Co Donegal 074-9373647 074-9373646

O’Sullivan Mullany Pharmacy, Market Sq,Portarlington, Co Laois 057-8623184 057-8684561

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McCarthys Pharmacy Ltd, 35 Main St, Charleville, Co Cork

O’Callaghan J Jenkinstown Pharmacy, Jenkinstown, Dundalk, Co Louth

O’Donoghue J O’Donoghues Pharmacy, Boherbue, Tralee, Co Kerry

Murray R Homepharm Ltd, 45A Home Farm Rd, Dublin 9

Murtagh C Murtagh’s Life Pharmacy, 25 Main St, Cavan 049-4331925049-4331925

O’Connell M O’Connells Pharmacy, Corcorans S C, Monavalley, Tralee, Co Kerry

O’Donnell G Garrett O’Donnell Pharmacy, Main Street, The Glenties, Co Donegal 074-9551289074-9551701godonnell

Murphy T Murphys Pharmacy, Boherbue, Mallow, Co Cork 029-76376029-76376

O’Brien M Tony O’Brien’s Pharmacy Ltd, Main St, Patrickswell, Co Limerick

O’Connell D Brecan Pharmacy, Unit 2 Brecan House, Drogheda St, Balbriggan, Co Dublin

O’Donoghues totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Virginia, Co Cavan


Nicholson L Nicholson’s Pharmacy, Stephen St, Sligo,

O’Connell M Blackglen Pharmacy, Unit 1,Blackglen Village Centre, Simonsridge, Sandyford, Dublin

Tom Murray Pharmacy Ltd, The Mall, Ramelton, Co Donegal 074-9151080 074-9124129

O’Connell D O’Connells Pharmacy, Main St, Borrisoleigh,Thurles, Co Tipperary

O’Connor C O’Connors Pharmacy, Pearse St, Kinsale, Co Cork 021-4777888 021-4973292 O’Connors Pharmacy, Curraheen Road, Bishopstown, Cork City, Co Cork 021 4347487

O’Donnell J O’Donnells Pharmacy, Main St, Abbeyleix,Co Laois

O’Donnell C Fosters Pharmacy, Arva, Co Cavan 049-4335308049-4335681

O’Connell M Terenure Life Pharmacy, 86 Terenure Road E, (Opp. St Joseph’s Church),Dublin 6

Nally G CHC Pharmacy, Charleville PCC, Rathgoggin South,Charleville, Co Cork 063-89764063-89502

O’Brien O J O’Brien Pharmacy, Lanesboro,Co Longford 043-3321131

Murray P Haven Pharmacy Murrays, Killiney S C, Killiney, Co Dublin

O’Connor C O’Connors Pharmacy, Main St, Bru , Co Limerick 061-382220061-382220

Murtagh’s Life Pharmacy Ballinagh,Main St, Ballinagh,Co Cavan 049-4367810049-4367811

Nolans Pharmacy Nolans Pharmacy, High Street, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow 059-9720700059-9720700

O’Doherty M Carleys Raphoe, The Diamond, Raphoe, Co Donegal 074-9145283074-9145283

O’Connells at Lakelands Pharmacy, 7 Lakelands Road, Stillorgan, Co Dublin

O’Connell M Glasson Pharmacy, Glasson Village, Glasson, Co Westmeath

O’Brien B Dalkey Pharmacy, 3 Railway Rd, Dalkey, Co Dublin

O’Connell E O’Connells Medical Hall, Main St, Swinford, Co Mayo 094-9251179094-9251179

Murray T Murrays Pharmacy, Castlefinn, Co Donegal, Murrays Pharmacy, Main Street, Convoy, Co Donegal 074-9101790074-9101790

O’Connell M O’Connells Medical Hall, 19 Abbey St, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6820373065-6823521

Nolan S Nolans Pharmacy, 2a Ashbourne T C, Ashbourne, Co Meath

Murtagh A Murtaghs Pharmacy, Main St, Athboy, Co Meath 046-9432380046-9430096

O’Donnell R O’Donnells totalhealth Pharmacy, Derrybeg,Co Donegal, 074-9532255 074-9532171

Omeath Pharmacy ,Station Rd, Omeath,Co Louth 042-9375547042-9375549

O’Connell B Dolans Pharmacy, 5 William St, Tullamore, Co O aly Dolans Pharmacy, 10 Bridge Centre, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9322505057-9322505

O’Connell M The Pharmacy, Magazine Road, Cork 021-4542537

O’Donnell B O’Donnells Pharmacy, Unit 4 Garden City S C, Ashbourne, Co Meath

O’Callaghan L Carrignavar Pharmacy, Units 3-4 Main St, Carrignavar, Co Cork 021-4200779

Fosters Pharmacy, Main St, Carrigallen, Co Leitrim 049-4339078

O’Donoghue B Gormleys totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Ballyjamesdu , Co Cavan 049

O’Connors Pharmacy, Delvin Centre, Stamullen, Co Meath 01-841801801-8418016

O’Donnell S O’Donnell’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Lr Bridge St, Westport, Co Mayo 098-27347

O’Connor G Sutton Cross Pharmacy, 182 Howth Road, Sutton, Dublin 13 01-866017801-8660178

O’Brien D O’Briens Pharmacy, The Square, Cahir, Co Tipperary

O’Connell’s Pharmacy, Westport Primary Care Centre, Tubberhill, Westport, Co Mayo 098-25003

O’Connor G O’Connors Pharmacy, 6 Blackcastle S C, Navan, Co Meath 046-9076774046-9076774

O’Connor J The Medical Hall, Church St, Cahirciveen, Co Kerry 066-9472309066-9473170je

O’Connell J Haven Pharmacy O’Connells, Rose Inn Street, Kilkenny Haven Pharmacy O’Connells, 89 High St, Kilkenny

O’Donoghue K Sean Collins Pharmacy, Main Street, Killaloe, Co Clare 061-376127061-376127


Murray L Liam Murray Chemist, 20/21 Talbot St, Dublin 1 01-855421601-8555880

N Nahapetyan A Tullow Street Pharmacy, Shop 3 Cathedral Close, Tullow St, Carlow Town, Co Carlow059-9173325

O’Connell J O’Connells Pharmacy, Unit 2 Gort na Carraige, Corrandulla, Co Galway 091-793784

O Oakes S Oakes Pharmacy, 29a Strand St, Skerries, Co Dublin

O’Donoghue D Banks Pharmacy, 195 Philipsburgh Avenue, Fairview, Dublin 3 01-837865001-8378650

Murray E Murrays Pharmacy, 41 Grattan Sq,Dungarvan, Co Waterford 058-41130

Rathgar Pharmacy, 5-7 Terenure Road East, Rathgar, Dublin 6

Nevin B Nevins Pharmacy, Unit 3 Roscam House, Roscam, Galway City 091-765530091-765531

O’Callaghan J Irishtown Pharmacy, No 15 The Irish Town, New Ross, Co Wexford

251003_Fitzgerald Power_IPU Diary 2022_V3.indd 1 29/09/2021 16:06 251038_2L_Refill Assistant_IPU Diary 2022_V1.indd 1 01/10/2021 18:07

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O’Flaherty M Strand St Pharmacy, 88a Strand St, Skerries, Co Dublin

O’Meara’s CarePlus Chemists, 30 Upper Main St, Arklow, Co Wicklow Wicklow CarePlus Pharmacy, Unit 5 & 6 Supervalu Centre, Wicklow, Co Wicklow

Matt O’Flahertys Pharmacy, Hardiman Building,NUI Galway, University Rd,

O’Meara D Pharmacy Plus Birr, Emmet Square, Birr, Co O aly

O’Hourihane K Pharmacy First Plus ,U21-23 Douglas Village, Douglas Village, Douglas, Cork

O’Neill M O D C Chemists, Unit 2 Laurel Lodge S C, Castleknock, Dublin 15

O’Lubhai G Maxwells Pharmacy, 28 Castle St, Dalkey, Co Dublin 01-285983301-2859834

Pophams Rd Pharmacy, 12 Pophams Rd, Farronree, Cork City, Cork 021-4396887

O’Farrell B College Rd Pharmacy, 63 College Rd, Cork 021-4340455021-4340455

O’Leary G Gallery Quay Pharmacy, Unit G6 Gallery Quay, Grand Canal Dock, Pearse Street, Dublin 201-7071883 Hanover Quay Pharmacy, Unit 4 The Marker, Forbes St, Dublin 2

O’Meara B O’Meara’s Pharmacy, Main St, Borrisokane, Co Tipperary 067-27300

O’Dwyers Pharmacy, Ladyswell St, Cashel, Co Tipperary 062-65547062-65548

O’Kee e K Horgans Pharmacy, South Main St, Bandon, Co Cork Horgans Pharmacy, South Gate Bridge, Cork City, Cork Horgan’s Pharmacy, Parkwest S C, Mallow, Co Cork 022-42903 Horgan’s Pharmacy, Strand St, Kanturk, Co Cork Mount Oval Pharmacy, Mount Oval Village, Rochestown, Cork 021-4369505 021-4369779

O’Kee es O’Kee es Pharmacy Ltd, Strand St, Dingle, Co Kerry

O’Meara H O’Mearas totalhealth Pharmacy, Market Sq,Scari , Co Clare

O’Dowd P Walsh’s Pharmacy, 491 South Circular Rd, Rialto,Dublin 8 01-453373901-4533739

O’Halloran A Oola Pharmacy, Kylemore Centre, Main St, Oola, Co Limerick 062-47470062-47470

O’Flynn A Total Care Pharmacy, Old McCabes Building,Castle St, Ardee, Co Louth 041-6857668041-6858082

O’Neill S O’Neills Allcare Pharmacy, West Main St, Cahirciveen, Co Kerry 066-9472070066-9471294

Matt O’Flaherty Pharmacy, An Creagan, Barna, Co Galway 091-867070091-867630

Matt O’Flaherty Pharmacy, Unit 15 Galway S C, Headford Rd, Galway 091-564134 091-539302

O’Donovan J O’Donovans Careplus Pharmacy, Arden Rd, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9305562

O’Donovan D Laois Pharmacy, 1 Dunamaise House, Portlaoise, Co Laois

O’Dwyer S O’Dwyers Pharmacy, 34 Main St, Cashel, Co Tipperary 062-61318062-63788

O’Flaherty C Matt O’Flaherty Pharmacy, 16 William St, Galway, Co Galway

Peter St Pharmacy, 9 Peter St, Drogheda, Co Louth

O’Loughlin D Medwell Allcare Pharmacy, Tuam S C, Tuam, Co Galway

O’Gorman M Newtown Pharmacy, Londis Shopping,Newtown, Cobh,Co Cork

Matt O’Flahertys Pharmacy, An Cearnog Nua, Moycullen, Co Galway

O’Donovan D O’Donovan’s Life Pharmacy, 4 Pearse Sq,Ballyphehane, Cork

O’Leary T O’Sheas Pharmacy, Blackpool Bridge, Blackpool, Cork

O’Donovans Pharmacy, Tullamore Centre, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9341525057-9324028

O’Reilly B O’Reillys Careplus Pharmacy, 7 Poplar Sq,Naas, Co Kildare 045-848383045-848383


O’Dwyers Pharmacy, Unit 9 Cashel Town S C, Cahir Rd, Cashel, Co Tipperary

Pharmacy First Plus Glanmire, Unit 4 Hazelwood Centre, Glanmire, Co Cork Pharmacy First Plus Grenagh,Carraig Laoi,Grenagh,Co Cork Pharmacy First Plus Northside, 34 Glenwood Drive, Onslow Gardens, Cork Pharmacy First Plus Tower, Tower, Blarney, Co Cork

O’Dwyer F O’Dwyers Pharmacy, 5 Main St, Wicklow

O’Gorman S O’Gormans Pharmacy, 52 Gladstone St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary

O’Hanlons totalhealth Pharmacy, Lower Main Street, Ballymahon, Co Longford

O’Neill K Balrothery Pharmacy, Coach Rd, Balrothery, Co Dublin

Thoms Pharmacy, 151 Lr Kimmage Road, Dublin 6, 01-4923272

Murphys Pharmacy, 129 North Main St, Youghal, Co Cork 024-92796

O’Kee e D O’Kee e’s Pharmacy, 111 Malahide Rd, Dublin 3 01-831861701-8318617

O’Hagan O Glenview Pharmacy, 192 Glenview Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24 Kinvara Pharmacy, 41 Kinvara Pk, Navan Rd, Dublin 7 Meaghers Pharmacy, 10 Baggot St Upr, Dublin 4 Meaghers Pharmacy, 69 Ranelagh Village, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 Meaghers Pharmacy, Unit 5,Castletymon S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-452356201-4523562 Meaghers Pharmacy, The Gasworks Buildings, Barrow Street, Donnybrook, Dublin Meaghers Pharmacy, 22-24 Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6 Meaghers Pharmacy, Unit 2 Ground Floor ,Whitty Building ,Mater Hospital, NCR Meaghers Pharmacy, 96/98 Churchtown Rd Upr, Churchtown, Dublin 14 01-4627555


O’Neill D O’Neills Pharmacy, Brown St, Portlaw, Co Waterford

O’Regan L Cobh Pharmacy, 3 East Beach,Cobh,Co Cork

O’Flaherty R Raheen Pharmacy, Unit 3 Courtfields S C, Raheen, Limerick

Pharmacy OlanlokunLtdO

O’Hanlon C Ballymahon totalhealth Pharmacy, 31 Main St, Ballymahon, Co Longford

O’Meara J Ferrybank CarePlus Pharmacy, Unit 1 Ferrybank Mall, Arklow, Co Wicklow

O’Donoghue N McSweeney Pharmacy Ltd, Unit 3, Clybaun Rd, Galway 091-529651091-529653

Matt O’Flaherty Pharmacy, 37 Eyre Sq,Galway

O’Flaherty G O’Flahertys Pharmacy, Athenry S C, Athenry, Co Galway

O’Leary L Haven Pharmacy Kennellys, 6 Lr Castle St, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7121042066-7127568

O’Driscoll E O’Driscolls Pharmacy, 3 Beechmount S C, Navan, Co Meath 046-9075466046-9075468

O’Hagan M Pharmacy Hub, Mace Killinarden, Whitestown Rd, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-4629073

251007_4C_ABC Stocktaking_IPU Diary 2022_V2.indd 1 11/10/2021 10:27251026_4C_Coolamber_IPU Diary 2022_V1.indd 1 20/09/2021 16:13 ...differentCLEARLY...skinhasdifferent needs. Tel:www.citrinehealthcare.com014457206 Protect the skin you’re in 251054_Citrine_IPU Diary 2022_AMA_V2.indd 1 20/09/2021 12:43 Safe & management.wastepharmacyeffective For a partner that delivers more: T: 1800 937 628 E: IPU ad 2021 1.2.1.indd 1 08/10/2021 11:19:16251147_4C_Stericycle_IPU Diary 2022_V1.indd 1 11/10/2021 09:57

Phelan C Blackrock Hall Pharmacy, Blackrock Ave, Skehard Rd, Cork 021-4231100 021-4231101

Phelans Pharmacy, Crestfield S C, Glanmire, Co Cork 021-4822949021-4822951

O’Sullivan D Declan O’Sullivan, Ballymount Rd, Walkinstown Cross, Dublin 12 01-4501494

Inis Ealga, Sth Douglas Rd, Cork 021-4891383021-4891383

O’Shea A Waterville Pharmacy, Waterville, Co Kerry 066-9474141

Phelans Midnight Pharmacy, Commercial Park, Kinsale Road, Co Cork 021-4310132 Phelans Pharmacy, Main St, Carrigaline, Co Cork


O’Sullivan J J F O’Sullivan and Co Ltd, Main St, Fethard, Co Tipperary 052-6131239

Flanagans totalhealth Pharmacy, 32 Shop St, Galway 091-562924091-562924

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, 2 Oakfield Lawn, Ballinlough Rd, Cork 021-4292316021-4292316

Elmwood Pharmacy, Elmwood Medical Centre, Frankfield Rd, Cork

Dunaree Pharmacy, Kingscourt Primary Care Centre, Kells Rd, Kingscourt, Co

O’Riordan C O’Riordans Pharmacy, Main St, Enniskeane, Co Cork 023-8822710023-8822714

Phelans Pharmacy, 635 South Circular Rd, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 01-4736029

O’Sullivan S O’Sullivans Pharmacy, South Quay, Newcastle West, Co Limerick 069-62172

Osborne R Maureen Osborne Ltd, Caherdavin S C, Ennis Rd, Limerick 061-453215

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 4 Centrepoint, John Joe Sheehy Rd, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7117171

O’Sullivan P Life Pharmacy, 241 Swords Road, Santry, Dublin 9

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, 3 O’Connell Ave, Limerick

Phelans Pharmacy, 25 Earlwood Estate, The Lough,Cork City, Co Cork

Phelans Pharmacy, 3 Lwr Kilmacud Rd, Stillorgan, Co Dublin 01-2122662

Maher Pharmacy, 30 Liberty Square, Thurles, Co Tipperary

O’Regans Pharmacy, Ballet Road, Carrigaline, Cork

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 1 Corbally Centre, Corbally Rd, Limerick 061-349444061-349444

Phelans Pharmacy, 1 Bakers Rd, Gurranabraher, Cork 021-2427061

Phelan E Procare Pharmacy, Students Centre, University College, Dublin 4 01-716314401-2607855

O’Sullivan S Healthwave Pharmacy, Unit 2.4 Dundrum Retail & O ce Pk, Sandyford Rd, Dublin 1601-6853086 01-5311629

Phelan A Bagenalstown totalhealth Pharmacy ,Main St, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow

Owens A McGuinness Pharmacy Ltd, 14 Park St, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9334809042-9334809

O’Reilly M O’Reillys totalhealth Pharmacy, 18 Gladstone St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6121656

O’Sullivan N O’Sullivans Pharmacies, Sarsfield St, Limerick 061-413808061-413808

O’Sullivan D Annagry totalhealth Pharmacy, Annagry, Letterkenny, Co Donegal

O’Sullivan C Bishopstown Pharmacy, Bishopstown, Cork 021

Urlingford Pharmacy, Main St, Urlingford, Co Kilkenny 056-8831117056-8831139

O’Rourke A Kinlough Pharmacy, Main St, Kinlough,Co. Leitrim 071-9843860071-9843863

The Mall Pharmacy, 54 The Mall, Sligo, 071-9144262

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, Kings Island Medical Hall, Kings Island, Limerick 061-445050061-445055

O’Toole M Lohans Pharmacy, 60 Prospect Hill, Galway

P Parke N Nobber Pharmacy, Main St, Nobber, Co Meath 046-9052910

Phelans Pharmacy, 11-13 Grand Parade, Cork City, Co Cork 021-4905802

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 1 Centra Complex,South Douglas Rd, Cork City, Co Cork021-4835031 021-4365727

O’Reilly M Pharmacy O’Reilly, 38 Tonlegee Road, Coolock, Dublin 5 01-867808001-8678089 Pharmacy O’Reilly, 2 Mornington Park, Malahide Road, Artane, Dublin 5 01-831915501-8511996

W Gannon Ltd, Main St, Hospital, Co Limerick 061-383142

O’Sullivan D O’Sullivan’s Pharmacy, Unit 6 Orwell S C, Templeogue, Dublin 6W

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit A Park Lodge, Dublin Rd, Limerick, Co Limerick 061-422922061-422923

O’Reilly B Callans Pharmacy, Main St, Kingscourt, Co Cavan

O’Riordan D O’Riordans Pharmacy, Con Colbert Street, Athea, Co Limerick

O’Sullivans Pharmacies, 114 O’Connell St, Limerick

O’Sullivan B Life Pharmacy O’Sullivans, 2 Davis St, Tipperary Town, Co Tipperary 062-51616

T Casey Pharmacy Ltd, Teeling St, Ballymote, Co Sligo

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, 10 O’Connell Street, Ennis, Co Clare


Osborne’s Pharmacy, Lansdowne, Ennis Road, Limerick

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 5, Wilton S C, Wilton, Cork 021-4341800021-4341800

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, 25 Bank Pl, Mallow, Co Cork

Phelans Late Night Pharmacy, 9 Patrick St, Cork 021-4272511021-4272509

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 3 Supervalu Centre, Grange Road, Douglas, Cork 021-4897522 021-4365694

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 1-2 Dano’s Supervalu,Bellevue, Mallow, Co Cork 022-44576022-44577

Thurles Pharmacy, Unit 5 Thurles S C, Thurles, Co Tipperary

Petit De Mange G O D C Chemists, Lorcan Avenue, Santry, Dublin 9 01-842102601-8421026 Park Pharmacy, 7 Tyrone Rd, Lismore Park, Waterford 051-370988051-370988

Old Quarter Pharmacy, Ballincollig Medical Centre, Old Quarter, Ballincollig,Co Cork 021-4289455

O’Sullivan D Haven Pharmacy O’Sullivans ,Mill Road, Killorglin, Co Kerry 066-9762111066-9762111

Phelans Pharmacy, Unit 1 Mount St Annes, Milltown, Dublin 6 Phillips J Flanagans totalhealth Pharmacy, 93 Main St, Headford, Co Galway

O’Shea B O D C Chemists, Kilnamanagh S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-451615501-4516155

O’Sullivan A Anthony O’Sullivan Pharmacy Lt, 81 New St, Killarney, Co Kerry

O’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 2 The Park, Edward Street, Limerick 061-440766061-440766

Phelan M Phelans Pharmacy, 22 Clanbrassil Street Lower, Dublin 8, 01-4734083 01-4734181

Quinn M Corrigan’s Pharmacy, 80 Malahide Rd, Dublin 3 01-833880301-8334992

Quill S Owenacurra Pharmacy, 79 Main St, Midleton, Co Cork 021-4631632021-4631632

Rice J Clonsilla Pharmacy, Weavers Row, Clonsilla, Dublin 15

Power D Powers Pharmacy, Main St, Kilfinane, Co Limerick 063-91007

Pure Pharmacy, The Old HSE Building,Ballyfermot Rd, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10

Power M J and M Power Ltd, 33 Ballybricken, Waterford 051-875034

Pure Pharmacy, 1 Brighton Rd, Foxrock, Dublin 18 01-2893270 01-2897623

Pyne M Costello’s Pharmacy, 25 Marino Mart, Fairview, Dublin 3

University Pharmacy, 35 Newcastle Rd, Galway 091-520115

Pure Pharmacy, 28 Shop St, Drogheda, Co Louth

Pure Pharmacy, 11-12 Remonds Hill, Dublin 2 01-5497521

Quinn M Burren Pharmacy, The Square, Lisdoonvarna, Co Clare 065-7074104065-7074104

Reen’s Pharmacy, College Sq,Killarney, Co Kerry

Ryan G Rathmines Pharmacy, 114 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 6 01-4979999 01-4970157 Ryans Pharmacy GSC, Unit 1 Greendale S C, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5

Pure Pharmacy Crumlin, 66 St Agnes Rd, Crumlin ,Dublin 12

Roche F Fiona Roche Pharmacy, Roches Clinic, Blacklion, Greystones, Co Wicklow

Rochford B Rochfords Pharmacy, 39/41 Parnell St, Ennis, Co Clare

Platt J Caherconlish Pharmacy, Big Tree House, Caherconlish,Co Limerick

Haven Pharmacy Ra ertys, Cornelscourt S C, Foxrock, Dublin 18 01-289319101-2893191ra Ra ter C Trinity Pharmacy, 40 Westland Row, Dublin 2 01-611088301-6110884

Power C The Family Pharmacy, Mill St, Tullow, Co Carlow

Pure Pharmacy, 31-32 Deansgrange Rd, Blackrock, Co Dublin

Quinn B Quinns Pharmacy, Bridge St, Gort, Co Galway 091-631272 091-632310

Reen D Reen’s Pharmacy, Rathmore, Co Kerry Reen F Reens Pharmacy, Main St, Millstreet, Co Cork

Quirke R A J Quirke(Pharmacist)Ltd, 53 O’Connell St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6121297

Roche G Vista Pharmacy, Vista Primary Care Campus, Ballymore Eustace Road, Naas, Co

Rochfords Pharmacy, Main St, Corofin, Co Clare 065-6827932

Ruane S Merlin Pharmacy, Doughiska Retail Centre, Doughiska, Merlin, Galway 091-764185 091-769373

Quinn S S Quinn and Sons Ltd, Pearse St, Ballina, Co Mayo

Ryan D Harringtons Pharmacy, The Square, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny

Pure Pharmacy, Pure Pharmacy, Unit 3 Southpoint, Bray, Co Wicklow

Pure Pharmacy Salthill, Unit 2 Waterfront Development, Salthill Road Upper, Salthill,

Quinn D Quinns Chemist, Crossmolina, Co Mayo,

Rochfords Pharmacy, 6 Westgate Business Pk, Kilrush rd, Ennis, Co Clare

Pure Pharmacy, Unit 6 The Village Centre, Watery lane, Clondalkin, Dublin 22

Pure Pharmacy, 59 Collins Ave East, Kilester, Dublin 5 01-5489079 01-5473751

Quinn R Cunninghams Pharmacy, 3 Killarney Park, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-2868038

R Ra erty J Haven Pharmacy Ra ertys, Stillorgan S C, Co Dublin 01-288015301-2880153

Rochfords Pharmacy, Ennis Medical Centre, Francis St, Ennis, Co Clare

Roche N Roches Chemist, 35 Vevay Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-2862784



Quinn J Avoca Pharmacy, Avoca, Co Wicklow 0402-306080402-30608

Pure Pharmacy Pure Discount Pharmacy, Unit 2 Tipp Town S C, Tipperary Town, Co Tipperary 062-51596

Pure Pharmacy, 2 Lwr Kilmacud Rd, Stillorgan, Co Dublin 01-5473526 01-5374973

Ritchie P Inchicore Pharmacy, 205c Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 01-453429101-4534291

Ryan G Kennedy’s Pharmacy, 78 Main St, Cashel, Co Tipperary 062-61066


Pure Pharmacy, Pure Pharmacy, Frascati S C, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-2788972

Rowland F Rowlands Pharmacy, Main Street, Castlebar, Co Mayo

Pure Pharmacy, Unit 1A Whitehall Close, Terenure, Dublin 6W 01-4651901

Rennick M High Cross Pharmacy Ltd, High St, Tuam, Co Galway 093-24699

Quirke E Q Health Pharmacy, 11 Kilkenny St, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny

Pure Pharmacy, 4 Bakers Yard, Portland St North, Dublin 1

Rooney C Haven Pharmacy McAleers, 7 Fitzmaurice Road, Ballygall, Finglas East, Dublin 11

Ratoath Pharmacy Ratoath Pharmacy, Main St, Rathoath,Co Meath

Rigney J Sionhill Pharmacy ,40A Calderwood Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9

Pure Pharmacy, Southgate Shopping Centre, Cople Cross, Drogheda, Co Louth

Quigley C Castletroy Park Pharmacy, U5 Castletroy Park Bus Campus, Plassey Rd, Castletroy, Limeirck061-201010061-201011

Quigley L Quigleys Pharmacy, 20 Main St, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-288221901-2889279

Ronaghan A Ronaghans Pharmacy Ltd, Church Sq,Monaghan 047-81386047-81533

Reilly S Baxters totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Longford

Pure Pharmacy, 79 Morehampton Rd, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 01-668710301-6687103

The Village Pharmacy, 19 Main St, The Courtyard, Coolock Village, Dublin 5

Ras Consult Ltd Park West Pharmacy, Unit 2B The Plaza, Park West Business Park, Nangor Road, Dublin 1201-620439801-6204397

Pure Pharmacy, 1 Market Sq,Elgee Building,Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9331344 042-9331345

Gorey Pharmacy, St Michaels Road, Gorey, Co Wexford

Sheahan P Sheahan’s Pharmacy, 18 Main St, Kenmare, Co Kerry

Stacks Pharmacy, Unit 3-4 Pembroke Centre, Rochestown Rd, Passage West, Co Cork021-4863694

Sheahan W Sheahans Pharmacy, 34 Main St, Killarney, Co Kerry

Simpson T Saggart Pharmacy Ltd, 12 Slade Castle Court, Saggart, Co Dublin

Stack’s Pharmacy, Units 2/3, Supervalu S C, Ratoath,Co Meath

Ryan’s Pharmacy, Derrinturn, Carbery, Co Kildare 046-9552988

The Rye Pharmacy, Unit 2 Barnhall S C, Leixlip,Co Kildare 01-6154611


Ryan M Cappamore Pharmacy, Cappamore, Co Limerick

Shouldice N Mulcair totalhealth Pharmacy, Unit 4 Mulcair Court, Black Road, Newport, Co

Slowey J RJS Pharmacy, Unit 1 Scollans Gala, Church St, Drumshanbo,Leitrim 0719640666

Corbally Pharmacy, Applegreen Service Station, Shannon Banks, Corbally,

Castledermot Medical Hall, Main Street, Castledermot, Co Kildare 059-9144446059-9162019

Scannell M Haven Pharmacy Scannells, 16 South Main St, Bandon, Co Cork 023-8841150023-8843635 Haven Pharmacy Scannells Riverview, Unit 4 Riverview S C, Bandon, Co Cork 023-8844877023-8844879

Tullyallen Pharmacy, 4 The Village Centre, Tullyallen, Co Louth 041-9837760041-9871825

Marley Park Pharmacy, Unit 3 Grange Retail Centre, Grange Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin Stacks Pharmacy, Lusk S C, Lusk, Co Dublin

Stacks Pharmacy, 13 Main St, Clongri n, Dublin 13 01-828510301-8285104clongri Stacks Pharmacy, Unit 4 Albany House, Main St, Swords, Co Dublin

Stack’s Pharmacy, Unit 5,Holmpatrick S C, Shenick Road, Skerries, Co Dublin

Shannon C Shannon’s Pharmacy, Rosemount, Marian Rd, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14

Ryan M The Rise Pharmacy, 31 The Rise, Mt Merrion, Co Dublin

Shannon’s Pharmacy, Templeogue Village, Dublin 6W

Shanahan J Haven Pharmacy Shanahans ,Church Street, Castleisland, Co Kerry

Ryan’s Pharmacy, Main Street, Daingean, Co O aly 057-9353767057-9353767

Sheehy J Rosmed Pharmacy, Golf Links Road, Roscommon, Co Roscommon 09066270070906627027

Ryan’s Pharmacy, Downshire S C, Edenderry, Co O aly 046-9731046

Sammon C Devlins Medical Hall, 50 Liberty Sq,Thurles, Co Tipperary

Ryan L Haven Pharmacy Frawleys ,11 Main Street, Roscrea, Co Tipperary 0505-317330505-31733

Summerhill Pharmacy, Main Street, Summerhill, Co Meath

Smyth D Slane Pharmacy, Unit 4 Smyths Service Station, Collon Rd, Slane, Co Meath

Sanchez G Crumlin Village Pharmacy, 5 Lisle Rd, Crumlin, Dublin 12 01-4556144

Scanlons Express Late Night Pharmacy, Unit 3 Mount Kenneth,Shannon Bridge, Dock Rd, Limerick 061-314314061-314314

Sheahan A O’Dohertys Pharmacy, Bridge St, Milltown, Co Kerry 066-9767305066-9767305

Scanlons Pharmacy, Unit 5 Northtown S C, Ennis Rd, Limerick 061-454000

Sheehy J Newpark Pharmacy, Newpark S C, Johnswell Road, Kilkenny

Spooner C Barrys CarePlus Pharmacy, 6 Cypress Pk, Templeogue, Dublin 6W 01-4925245

Sheehan M Sheehans Pharmacy, West End, Newmarket, Co Cork 029-60138029-22860

Stack A Bettystown Pharmacy, The Anchorage, Bettystown, Co Meath

Ryan’s Pharmacy, Main Street, Rhode, Co O aly 046-9737744046-9737744

Stack’s Pharmacy, Laytown, Co Meath,

Scanlons Late Night Pharmacy, Unit 6 Chawkes, Castletroy, Limerick

Sherlock W Galtymore Allcare Pharmacy, 131 Galtymore Rd, Drimnagh, Dublin 12

Shanahan J MiHealth Pharmacy, Unit 4A The Kyle S C, Portlaoise, Co Laois

Ryle G Ryles Pharmacy, 35 Ashe Street, Tralee, Co Kerry

Heneghans Pharmacy, Main St, Kiltimagh,Co Mayo

Sheehan S Glen Easton Pharmacy, Glen Easton Lodge S C, Leixlip,Co Kildare 01-606006001-6060871

Ryan S Ryan’s Pharmacy, New St, Rathangan, Co Kildare 045-524747045-524747

Sheridan D Sheridans Pharmacy, Unit O Roselawn S C, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-6405740

Prices totalhealth Medical Hall, 26 Clare St, Dublin 2

Scanlon D Limitless Health Pharmacy, Unit 4 Burnell Court, Northern Cross, Malahide Rd, Dublin


Shanahan D O’Connors Pharmacy, 6 Bath Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4

Ryan N The Innishannon Pharmacy, Innishannon, Co Cork

Stacks Pharmacy, Unit 4 Ambassador Centre, Dooradoyle, Limerick City, Co Limerick 061-307024061-305918

Slattery M Abbeydorney totalhealth Pharmacy, Abbeydorney, Tralee, Co Kerry

Shanahan E Plunketts Pharmacy, 40/41 Main St, Croom, Co Limerick 061-397272

Smyth G Foxford Pharmacy, Main St, Foxford, Co Mayo 094-9256125094-9256125

Sharkey S Conroys Pharmacy, Main Street, Mountrath,Co Laois

Sokay J Kenlis totalhealth Pharmacy, Cannon Street, Kells, Co Meath Sokay N Lynchs totalhealth Pharmacy, Farrell St, Kells, Co Meath Spain G Kirbys Pharmacy, 3 Main St, Tipperary Town, Tipperary 062-51142062-51142

Weavers Court Pharmacy, Weavers Car Park, Main St, Loughrea, Co Galway

S Salvarani M Mooncoin Pharmacy, Centra, Main St, Mooncoin, Co Kilkenny 051-895782

Costelloe’s Pharmacy, Green Street, Callan, Co Kilkenny Darndale Pharmacy, Unit 2,Darndale/Belcamp Village Ctr, Dublin 17

Kilbarrack Pharmacy, Units 17-18 Kilbarrack S C, Dublin 13

Slattery M Slatterys Pharmacy, Friar St, Nenagh,Co Tipperary 067-34527

Currid S Currids totalhealth Pharmacy, Lord Edward Street, Ballymote, Sligo

Johnson I O’Donnells totalhealth Pharmacy, The Square, Charlestown, Co Mayo

Gleeson J Gleesons totalhealth Pharmacy, Old Cratloe Road ,Woodview S C, Moylish,Co

Fox P Cloughjordan totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Cloughjordan, Co Tipperary

Kane M Johnstown totalhealth Pharmacy, 31 Johnstown Rd, Cabinteely, Co Dublin Kilmacud totalhealth Pharmacy, 1A Drummartin Road, Kilmacud, Dublin 14

T Taa e A Superpharm Drogheda Ltd, West St, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9838228041-9800811

Stauntons Pharmacy, Unit 1,Johnstown Village, Navan, Co Meath 046-9091111046-9091112

Stauntons Pharmacy, Main St, Castlebar, Co Mayo 094-9024045094-9024056

Stack T Stacks Family Pharmacy Ltd, Market Square, Monasterevan, Co Kildare

Tallon J Bergins Pharmacy, 7 Courtyard S C, Moorefield, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-438525045-438525

Gorey M Riverstown totalhealth Pharmacy, Riverstown, Co Sligo,

Peter Fox totalhealth Pharmacy, O’Connell St, Birr, Co O aly

Stack’s Pharmacy, Unit 4/5 Harts’ Corner, Finglas Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9

Tesco Pharmacy Gorey, Tesco Extra, Ramstown Lwr, Wexford Rd, Gorey

Kelly D Martyns totalhealth Pharmacy, Birr St, Kilcormac, Co O aly

Sweeney P Sweeneys Pharmacy, Riveroaks S C, Claregalway, Co Galway 091-739480 091-739481

Tomas M Walshs Pharmacy, 50 Main St, Midleton, Co Cork

Staunton J Stauntons Pharmacy, Church Hill, Navan, Co Meath

Flanagan J Flanagans totalhealth Pharmacy, The Square, Athenry, Co Galway

Staunton J Stauntons Allcare Pharmacy, The Square, Louisburgh,Co Mayo

Hillery P RX+ totalhealth Pharmacy, 48/48A Skycourt S C, Shannon, Co Clare

Stakelum S Stakelums Pharmacy, Unit 2B Mastertech Business Pk, Athlone Rd, Longford 043-3342554

Kelly S Ruths totalhealth Pharmacy, Pearse Rd, Letterkenny, Co Donegal

Sweeney P Roche’s Chemists, 165 Upper Rathmines Rd, Rathmines, Dublin 6 01-4972693

Feely J Feelys totalhealth Pharmacy, Dublin Rd, Tuam, Co Galway

Tullow Pharmacy, The Square, Tullow, Co Carlow


Tesco Ireland Tesco Pharmacy, Dundalk S C, Stapleton Drive ,Dundalk, Co Louth

Buckley A Andrew Buckleys totalhealth Pharmacy, 5 St Endas Drive, Rathfarnham, Dublin Byrne Y Byrne totalhealth Pharmacy ,Main Street, Kiltimagh,Co Mayo 094-9381292094-9381292

Fitzgibbons K Fitzgibbons totalhealth Pharmacy, 34 Lower Cork Road, Mitchelstown, Co Cork

Staunton J Brogans totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Loughrea, Co Galway

Stauntons Allcare Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, New Antrim St, Castlebar, Co Mayo 094-9024888094-9024056

Tesco Pharmacy Newbridge, Moorefield, Cork Rd, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-432923

Tesco Pharmacy Portlaoise, Tesco Extra, Laois S C,

Tawadrous M Mountmellick Local Pharmacy, Lord Edward St, Mountmellick, Co Laois 057-8624444057-8624432

Tesco Pharmacy Naas, Monread Rd, Naas, Co Kildare

Toibin M Tulla Pharmacy, Main St, Tulla, Co Clare

Concannon’s totalhealth Pharmacy, 11 Mardyke St, Athlone, Co Westmeath

Staunton P Link Pharmacy, Hopkins Road, Castlebar, Co Mayo

Garahy R Gray’s totalhealth Pharmacy, 3 Castletroy Court, Castletroy, Co Limerick

O’Donnells totalhealth Pharmacy, Market St, Swinford, Co Mayo 094-9251169094-9251169

Keating M Cleaboy totalhealth Pharmacy, Cleaboy S C, Cleaboy, Waterford City, Co

Staunton P Stauntons Allcare Pharmacy, 148 Salthill Lower, Galway

Holly F Hennessy’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Rosemary Sq,Roscrea, Co Tipperary

The Peoples Pharmacy, Unit 5 Watch House Cross S C, Kileehy Road, Limerick

Tierney M Tierneys Pharmacy, Rathdrum, Co Wicklow

Tipping N Tippings Neighbourhood Pharmacy, Unit 2A,


Concannon M Concannons totalhealth Pharmacy, Unit 2 Avalon Supervalu Centre, Ballymahon Rd, Athlone, Co Westmeath


Hynes J Joanne Hynes totalhealth Pharmacy, Cornmarket, Ballinrobe, Co Mayo

Tesco Pharmacy Balbriggan, Millfield S C, Naul Rd, Balbriggan, Co Dublin 01-6913412

Thornhill J Thornhill Pharmacy, Kildorrery, Co Cork 022-25163

Talty V West Clare Pharmacy, Main Street, Miltown Malbay, Co Clare 065-7084075065

Hogan P Pat Hogan totalhealth Pharmacy, Fr Gri n Ave, Galway

Curley R Curley’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo 094-9630110094-9631191

James Fintan Lawlor Ave, Portlaoise, Co Laois Tesco Pharmacy Tallaght, The Square S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-451458101-4514581

Dunnes Neighbourhood Centre, Inner Relief Rd, Dundalk

Hennessy J Banagher totalhealth Pharmacy, Upper Main Street, Banagher, Co O aly

Falls N Bryanstown totalhealth Pharmacy, Bryanstown Centre, Dublin Road, Drogheda, Co Louth041-9803773

Finlay R Rose Finlay totalhealth Pharmacy, Main Street, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9360324057

Jameson I Jamesons totalhealth Pharmacy, Bailieborough,Co Cavan 042-9665443 042-9694725

Thompson D Thompson Pharmacy, Lower Point Road, Crosshaven, Co Cork

Kelly P Boyle totalhealth Pharmacy, Supervalue S C, Boyle, Co Roscommon

Concannon K Reillys totalhealth Pharmacy, Barrack Street, Belmullet, Co Mayo

Kierans totalhealth Pharmacy, Lwr Main St, Mohill, Co Leitrim

O’Donnell S O’Donnell’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Lr Bridge St, Westport, Co Mayo 098-27347

O’Sullivan D Annagry totalhealth Pharmacy, Annagry, Letterkenny, Co Donegal

Phillips J Flanagans totalhealth Pharmacy, 93 Main St, Headford, Co Galway

Veale P The Prescription Centre, 14 William St, Limerick 061 468537

Mitchell S Milltown totalhealth Pharmacy, Milltown S C, Dublin 6,

McElwee totalhealth Portlaoise, The Cedar Clinic, Mountmellick Road, Portlaoise, Co

Murphy AMurphys totalhealth Pharmacy, Ennistymon, Co Clare

Slattery M Abbeydorney totalhealth Pharmacy, Abbeydorney, Tralee, Co Kerry

Lang E Bretts totalhealth Pharmacy, Teeling St, Tubbercurry, Co Sligo 071-9140130

McGuire J Ferbane totalhealth Pharmacy, Athlone Road, Ferbane, Co O aly

Leane C Ballybunion totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Ballybunion, Co Kerry 068-27437

Tully M Tully’s Life Pharmacy, Harbour St, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9323555 057-9323624

Lynskey N Hayes and Hayes totalhealth Pharmacy, St Brendan’s St, Portumna, Co Galway 090-9741025090-9741856hayes&

O’Hanlon C Ballymahon totalhealth Pharmacy, 31 Main St, Ballymahon, Co Longford

Tully R Tullys totalhealth Pharmacy, 439 Howth Road, Raheny, Dublin 5

Reilly S Baxters totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Longford

O’Meara H O’Mearas totalhealth Pharmacy, Market Sq,Scari , Co Clare

McGrath E McGrath’s totalhealth Pharmacy, The Square, Sixmilebridge, Co Clare

Flanagans totalhealth Pharmacy, 32 Shop St, Galway 091-562924091-562924

McGuinness O McGuinness totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Roscommon 090-6626193

Treacy D Treacys Pharmacy, Main Street, Ballinrobe, Co Mayo 094-9541087094-9541076

O’Hanlons totalhealth Pharmacy, Lower Main Street, Ballymahon, Co Longford

Treacys Pharmacy, Market Sq,Castlebar, Co Mayo 094-9022795 094-9024526

McElwee totalhealth Pharmacy, Connolly St (SuperValu),Mountmellick, Co Laois

Tunney E Aston Village Pharmacy, Unit 11 Aston Green, Aston Village, Drogheda, Co Louth /

Prices totalhealth Medical Hall, 26 Clare St, Dublin 2

Treacy T Treacys Pharmacy, James Street, Westport, Co Mayo 098-25474098-25986

Shouldice N Mulcair totalhealth Pharmacy, Unit 4 Mulcair Court, Black Road, Newport, Co

Wright M Mark Wright totalhealth Pharmacy ,Tyrellspass, Co Westmeath,

O’Donoghues totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Virginia, Co Cavan

McLoughlin C McLoughlin’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Ballina S C, Ballina, Co Mayo

Trant J Sewell’s Pharmacy, Killarney, Co Kerry

Edgeworthstown Pharmacy, 45 Main Street, Edgeworthstown, Co Longford

Malone A Malone’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Francis St, Kilrush,Co Clare

Sokay N Lynchs totalhealth Pharmacy, Farrell St, Kells, Co Meath

Trainor M Ardilaun Pharmacy, 7 Ardilaun Court, Patrick Street, Dublin 8 01-454489701-4546173

V Varden J Vardens Pharmacy, Newmarket-on-Fergus, Co Clare Vardens Pharmacy, Suan, Quin, Co Clare

Walsh R Ray Walsh totalhealth Pharmacy ,9 Pearse St, Nenagh,Co Tipperary 067-31249 067-43497

Moran D Moran’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Clifden, Co Galway

Tyndall C Markeys Pharmacy ,24 Bridge St, Cootehill, Co Cavan 049-5555422

Trant F Trants Pharmacy, 5A Listowel S C, Convent St, Listowel, Co Kerry

Mullins L Mullins totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Charleville, Co Cork

McElwee P

Veale P Veale’s Allcare Pharmacy, 59 Main St, Cavan 049-4331704049-4331704

Vyas C South Circular Pharmacy, 80 South Circular Road, Dublin 8, 01-453706901-4537546

Tully R Tullys totalhealth Pharmacy, 439 Howth Road, Raheny, Dublin 5

Kieran B Kierans totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim

Tully N Tullys totalhealth Pharmacy, Main Street, Castlerea, Co Roscommon 094-9620009

MacDonagh I MacAuli es totalhealth Pharmacy, Station Rd, Castlebar, Co Mayo 094-9025995094-9026670macauli

O’Donoghue B Gormleys totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Ballyjamesdu , Co Cavan 049

McCormack J McCormacks totalhealth Chemist, 51 Upper William St, Limerick

McElwee totalhealth Pharmacy, 2 O’Connell Sq,Mountmellick, Co Laois

O’Reilly M O’Reillys totalhealth Pharmacy, 18 Gladstone St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6121656

Tully D Coole Pharmacy, Coole, Co Westmeath, 044-9661776

Tunney J Littlepace Pharmacy, Littlepace S C, Clonee, Dublin 15 01-826094401-8260947

Maher M Maher’s totalhealth Chemists, 105 West Street, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9836205

Phelan A Bagenalstown totalhealth Pharmacy ,Main St, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow

Murphy N Murphys totalhealth Medical Hall, Main St, Ballinasloe, Co Galway


Tully N Tullys totalhealth Pharmacy, Main Street, Castlerea, Co Roscommon 094-9620009

Tynan B R T Phelan Ltd, 33 Michael St, Waterford 051-874466

Staunton J Brogans totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Loughrea, Co Galway


Murphy C Murphys totalhealth Pharmacy, The Square, Ballaghaderreen, Co Roscommon

O’Donnell R O’Donnells totalhealth Pharmacy, Derrybeg,Co Donegal, 074-9532255 074-9532171

Sokay J Kenlis totalhealth Pharmacy, Cannon Street, Kells, Co Meath

Twomey D Cloyne CarePlus Pharmacy, The Square, Cloyne, Co Cork

Zest Pharmacy Cahir, Cahir Primary Care Centre, Rosemount Close, Cahir, Co Tipperary

Wong P Park Pharmacy, Unit 2 - The Park S C, Prussia St, Dublin 7 01-838810401-8388104

Z Zest Pharmacy Zest Pharmacy, Kilmallock Business Pk, Kilmallock, Co Limerick

Walsh’s Pharmacy, Main St, Loughrea, Co Galway


Walsh A Aidan Walsh Allcare Pharmacy, Ferbane, Co O aly

Peter Weedle Allcare Pharmacy ,63 Main St, Mallow, Co Cork 022-21574022-20219

Whelan R Whelans Pharmacy, Kildare S C, Claregate St, Kildare, Co Kildare 045-531426045-531514

Whites Pharmacy, 44 Tullow Street, Carlow, Co Carlow

Medical Hall, Main St, Celbridge, Co Kildare 01-6288207

Zest Pharmacy Croom, Croom Primary Care Centre, Skagh,Croom ,Co Limerick

Walsh B Leo Walsh Pharmacy, Joyces S C, Knocknacarra, Galway 091-587638 091-587639

Wong S Palmerstown Pharmacy, Unit 3 Aldi Complex,Old Lucan Rd, Palmerstown, Dublin 2001-6208500

Walsh S Walsh’s Pharmacy, Hynes Building,Tuam, Co Galway 093-42232


Varley Pharmacy, Unit 105,Eyre Square Centre, Galway City, Co Galway

Walsh D Walshs Pharmacy, Unit 1 & 2 Corrib Centre, Eyre Sq,Galway

Padraic Ward Pharmacy, Pearse St, Ballina, Co Mayo 096-21110

Whelan E Whelans Pharmacy, Puigin Court, St Michaels Rd, Gorey, Co Wexford


Walsh M Walshs Pharmacy, 15 Patrick St, Fermoy, Cork

Mayors Walk Pharmacy, 60 Mayors Walk, Waterford City, Co Waterford 051-870785

Weedle P Peter Weedle Allcare Pharmacy, Cork Road, Mallow, Co Cork

Ward G Wards Chemists, Market St, Monaghan, Co Monaghan 047-82085

Waterford Co-op Campile Pharmacy, Campile, Co Wexford 051-388660051-388660

Whelan N The Harbour Pharmacy, The Harbour, Kilcock, Co Kildare

Wixted G Drom Pharmacy, North Rd, Dromcollogher, Co Limerick 063-83941

Wallace M Wallaces Pharmacy, Unit 5 Ballyvolane S C, Ballyvolane, Cork

Walsh’s Pharmacy, Main Street, Spiddal, Co Galway 091-553201091-553201

Wilson Downey T Ticknock Pharmacy, Miskellas Super Valu S C, Ticknock, Cobh,Co Cork 021-4816606021-4816705 Wilsons Pharmacy, 18 West Beach,Cobh,Co Cork 021-4811332021-4814114

Walsh M Martin Walsh Allcare Pharmacy ,98 Main St, Carrigaline, Co Cork 021-4372227 021-4372528 Owenabue Pharmacy, 7-7A Carrigaline S C, Carrigaline, Co Cork 021-4834242

Whelan P Whelans Pharmacy ,Main St, Dunlavin, Co Wicklow

Wright M Mark Wright totalhealth Pharmacy ,Tyrellspass, Co Westmeath,

Whelans Pharmacy, Cill Dara Primary Care centre, Dublin Rd, Kildare Town, Co Kildare045-520433045-520438

Walsh M Kennedys Pharmacy, Main St, Hacketstown, Co Carlow 059-6471282059-6471208

White A Station Rd Pharmacy, Station Rd, Portarlington, Co Laois 057 8645845

Whelan M Whelans CarePlus Pharmacy, Williamsgate Street, Galway 091-562291

O’Donnell and Mernagh,Main St, Taghmon, Co Wexford

Walsh T James and Vincent Walsh Pharmacy, Unit 2 Celbridge S C, Celbridge, Co Kildare 01-6272244

Walsh’s Pharmacy, Unit 1,Orantown Centre, Oranmore, Co Galway 091-792800091

Louth Village Pharmacy, Louth Village, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9384473042-9384519

White K Whites Pharmacy, 5 High Street, Kilkenny

Wards Pharmacy, 40 Ballymahon St, Longford 043-3341100 Wards Pharmacy, Hazelwood S C, Athlone Road, Longford, Co Longford 043-3336936043-3336936

Wade M Wades totalhealth Pharmacy ,76 Main St, Gorey, Co Wexford

Walsh J Walshs Pharmacy, Green Street, Dingle, Co Kerry 066-9151365

R S Eakin Ltd, 21 Main St, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan 042-9661245

Wilson D Hanlys Pharmacy, 65 South St, New Ross, Co Wexford

Weir N Weir’s Pharmacy and Opticians, Market Square, Mullingar, Westmeath

Whelan P Rossfield Pharmacy, Unit 2/3 Brookfield Enterprise Cent, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-451145301-4511454

Whyte P Whytes Pharmacy, Unit 6 Arcadia N C, Coosan, Athlone, Co Westmeath

Ward P Mulligans Pharmacy, Kevin Barry St, Ballina, Co Mayo

Wallace C Dennehys Cross Pharmacy, Dennehys Cross, Wilton Rd, Cork 021-4865963

Leo Walsh Pharmacy, Unit 8/9 Tornog,Headford Rd, Galway 091-374336

Walsh C Castletown Pharmacy, 133-135 Castletown Road, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9353992042-9353993

Kelly’s Pharmacy, Slaney Place, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford

Y Young D Youngs Life Pharmacy, Charlotte St, Newbridge, Co Kildare

Ward C Wards Family Pharmacy, Main Street, St Johnston, Co Donegal

Walsh’s Pharmacy, Spiddal Medical Centre, River Road Spiddal, Spiddal, Co

Walsh R Ray Walsh totalhealth Pharmacy ,9 Pearse St, Nenagh,Co Tipperary 067-31249 067-43497

Wallace D Wallace Family Pharmacy, Ballycampion, Bru , Co Limerick 061-382877061-382877wallacepharmacybru

CARLOWLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 21 Tullow St, CarlowCo Carlow 059-9131467059-9131733

CARLOWMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, Carlow S C, Carlow

KilleshandraC&D Medical Hall Ltd McMenamins Pharmacy, Main St, Killeshandra, Co Cavan


TullowStack A Tullow Pharmacy, The Square, Tullow, Co Carlow

BallyconnellMacManus JMacManus Pharmacy, Main Street, Ballyconnell, Co Cavan 049-9526355049-9526355

Borris Haire J Kissanes Pharmacy, Main St, Borris, Co Carlow 059-9771874059-9771875

BelturbetMacManus JMacManus Pharmacy, Main St, Belturbet, Co Cavan

Cavan Bradley L The Railway Pharmacy, 1 Railway Rd, Cavan Town, Co Cavan 049-4365256


CARLOWKelly K Kellys Pharmacy, Kennedy Avenue, Carlow

CARLOWDuelchem Ltd Chemco Pharmacy, Sandhills S C, Hackettstown Rd, Carlow

KingscourtMcNally DMcNallys Pharmacy, Market Square, Kingscourt, Co Cavan 042-9667707042-9667707

Ballyjamesdu O’Donoghue BGormleys totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Ballyjamesdu , Co Cavan049

Pharmacy McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, Unit 4 Shamrock Plaza, Carlow Town, Carlow

CARLOWKelly K Kellys Pharmacy, Unit 4 Oscar House, Staplestown Road, Carlow 059-9141979059-9141979


KingscourtO’Reilly B Dunaree Pharmacy, Kingscourt Primary Care Centre, Kells Rd, Kingscourt, Co Cavan

TullowPower C The Family Pharmacy, Mill St, Tullow, Co Carlow

BagenalstownHealy E Fairgreen Careplus Pharmacy, Church St, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow059-9721505


CARLOWHiggins S Askea Pharmacy Ltd, Tullow Road, Carlow

BailieboroughCara Pharmacies Cara Pharmacy, Main St, Bailieborough, Co Cavan 042-9665551042-9665551

CootehillTyndall C Markeys Pharmacy, 24 Bridge St, Cootehill, Co Cavan 049-5555422

CootehillMcCrystal CMcCrystal’s Pharmacy, 78 Market St, Cootehill, Co Cavan

CootehillMcCrystal BCootehill Careplus Pharmacy, 26 Market Street, Cootehill, Co

GraiguecullenDuelchem Ltd Chemco Pharmacy, Graigue Village, Graiguecullen, Carlow

BallyhaiseCampbell GBallyhaise Pharmacy, The Square, Ballyhaise, Co Cavan 049-4351984049-4351984 Ballyjamesdu Fox B Greene’s Pharmacy, Ballyjamesdu , Co Cavan

KingscourtO’Reilly B Callans Pharmacy, Main St, Kingscourt, Co Cavan

CARLOWMorrissey EMorrissey’s Med Hall, 66 Tullow St, Carlow 059-9131519059-9131519




ArvaghMcDaid MArvagh Pharmacy, Main St, Arvagh, Co Cavan

BagenalstownNolans Pharmacy Nolans Pharmacy, High Street, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow 059-9720700059-9720700

BagenalstownPhelan A Bagenalstown totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Bagenalstown, Co

Cavan McCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 049-4372551 049-4372552

RathvillyLawlor P Rathvilly Pharmacy, Rathvilly, Co Carlow 059-9161668059-9161668

Cavan MacManus JMacManus Pharmacy, 12 Townhall St, Cavan 049-4331317049-4331317

Cavan Murtagh CMurtagh’s Life Pharmacy, 25 Main St, Cavan 049-4331925049-4331925

CAVAN Arva O’Donnell CFosters Pharmacy, Arva, Co Cavan 049-4335308049-4335681

HacketstownWalsh M Kennedys Pharmacy, Main St, Hacketstown, Co Carlow 059-6471282059-6471208

Unit 4 Connolly Court, Hillside, Connolly St, Cavan Cavan McDaid MMcDaids Pharmacy, Unit 14Newcourt S C, Church St, Cavan 049-4361454049-4361454

TullowMorrissey EMorriseys Pharmacy, Church Place, Tullow, Co Carlow 059-9181118059-9181118

CARLOWWalsh M Whites Pharmacy, 44 Tullow Street, CarlowCo Carlow

Cavan Brennan KHaven Pharmacy CavanLoughtee Business Park, Drumalee, Cavan Town, Co Cavan Cavan Cara Pharmacies Cara Pharmacy, 77 Main St, CavanCo Cavan


BelturbetMcCorry MBelturbet Pharmacy, Bridge St, Belturbet, Co Cavan

CARLOWHolohan MCorless Pharmacy, 44 Dublin St, Carlow 059-9131734059-9136090

KilnaleckMcDaid MMcDaids Pharmacy, Kilnaleck, Co Cavan 049-4374929049-4374929

TullowDrea J Morgans Medical Hall, The Square, Tullow, Co Carlow

GraiguecullenKelly K Kellys Pharmacy, Unit 9 Barrow Valley Retail Pk, 05991-7970205991-79372 Sleaty Rd, Graiguecullen, Co Carlow


Pharmacy McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, 15-17 Fairgreen S C, Barrack St, Carlow

BallonAlmasri F Ballon Pharmacy, Unit 3 Main St, Ballon, Co Carlow 059-9159793

Cavan Veale P Veale’s Allcare Pharmacy, 59 Main St, Cavan 049-4331704049-4331704

Cavan Boots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, 91 Main St, CavanCo Cavan 049-4380699049-4380772

BallyconnellCara Pharmacies Cara Pharmacy, Main St, Ballyconnell, Co Cavan

BailieboroughJameson DJamesons totalhealth Pharmacy, Bailieborough, Co Cavan 042-9665443 042-9694725

Leighlin BridgeHaire J Kissanes Pharmacy Leighlinbridge, St Lazarien’s Street, 059-9720543 059-9721452 Leighlin Bridge, Co Carlow

BallinaghMurtagh CMurtagh’s Life Pharmacy Ballinagh, Main St, Ballinagh, Co Cavan 049-4367810049-4367811

ATullow Street Pharmacy, Shop 3 Cathedral Close, 059-9173325 Tullow St, Carlow Town, Co Carlow

BagenalstownHealy E Healy Pharmacies, 24 Main Street, Bagenalstown, Co Carlow 059-9721408 059-9723909

Scari O’Meara HO’Mearas totalhealth Pharmacy, Market Sq, Scari , Co Clare

BishopstownCara Pharmacies Abbey Health Care, 14 Uam Var Ave, Bishopstown, Co Cork 021-4347247 021-4347248

Convent Hill, Killaloe, Co Clare


ClarecastleBurns M Clarecastle Pharmacy, Main St, Clarecastle, Co Clare

BishopstownO’Connor CO’Connors Pharmacy, Curraheen Road, Bishopstown, Cork City, Co Cork021 4347487


BO’Donoghues totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Virginia, Co Cavan

Ennis O’Sullivan NO’Sullivans Pharmacy, 10 O’Connell Street, Ennis, Co Clare

BallyphehaneO’Donovan DO’Donovan’s Life Pharmacy, 4 Pearse Sq, Ballyphehane, Cork

EnnistymonCurran C Currans Pharmacy, Church St, Ennistymon, Co Clare 065-7072400

Ennis Rochford BRochfords Pharmacy, 39/41 Parnell St, Ennis, Co Clare

BishopstownCorby D Firgrove Pharmacy, The Cornfields, Curraheen Road, Bishopstown,

CorofinRochford BRochfords Pharmacy, Main St, Corofin, Co Clare 065-6827932

Ennis Rochford BRochfords Pharmacy, 6 Westgate Business Pk, Kilrush rd, Ennis, Co

BMcCrystal’s StayWell Pharmacy, Main Street, Virginia, Co Cavan

ClarecastleCarroll D Fennells Pharmacy Clare Abbey, Clare Abbey PCC,

Ennis Du y M Du y’s Pharmacy, Unit 13 Ennis S C, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6828833065-6829700shop@mjdu


SixmilebridgeMcGrath EMcGrath’s totalhealth Pharmacy, The Square, Sixmilebridge, Co

Ennis Allcare Group Normoyles Allcare Pharmacy, 47 O’Connell St, Ennis, Co Clare

BlackpoolMcCarthy DBlackpool Late Night Pharmacy, Unit 4 City Square, Watercourse Rd, Blackpool, Cork

Blackpool BridgeO’Leary T O’Sheas Pharmacy, Blackpool Bridge, Blackpool, Cork


BallyvolaneWallace MWallaces Pharmacy, Unit 5 Ballyvolane S C, Ballyvolane, Cork

Ennis O’Connell MO’Connells Medical Hall, 19 Abbey St, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6820373065-6823521


Clare Abbey, Clarecastle, Co Clare

Kilkee Casey M Williams Pharmacy, Circular Rd, Kilkee, Co Clare

KSean Collins Pharmacy, Main Street, Killaloe, Co Clare 061-376127061-376127

Tulla Toibin M Tulla Pharmacy, Main St, Tulla, Co Clare

CORK CITY Ballinlough RdO’Sullivan CO’Sullivans Pharmacy, 2 Oakfield Lawn, Ballinlough Rd, Cork 021-4292316021-4292316

Ennis Murphy A Murphy Pharmacy, Roslevan S C, Tulla Road, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6893424065-6893357

BallintempleDolan J Ballintemple Allcare Pharmacy, Maryville, Ballintemple, Cork 021-4292573

BishopstownO’Sullivan CBishopstown Pharmacy, Bishopstown, Cork 021

Ennis Deasy J O’Sullivans Pharmacy, Bank Place, Ennis, Co Clare

DMcNallys Pharmacy Mullagh, Main St, Mullagh, Co Cavan 046-9242879

Barrack StO’Kee e KHorgans Pharmacy, South Gate Bridge, Cork City, Cork

VirginiaLynch P Lynchs Pharmacy, Virginia S C, Virginia, Co Cavan

BlackpoolBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit C Blackpool Retail Pk, Blackpool, Cork 021-4212036021-4212120

Newmarket-Varden J Vardens Pharmacy, Newmarket-on-Fergus, Co Clare Quinon-Fergus Varden J Vardens Pharmacy, Suan, Quin, Co Clare

EnnistymonMurphy A Murphys totalhealth Pharmacy, Ennistymon, Co Clare

Ennis Carroll D Fennells Pharmacy, O’Connell Sq, Ennis, Co Clare

Miltown MalbayTalty V West Clare Pharmacy, Main Street, Miltown Malbay, Co Clare 065-7084075065

KilrushMalone A Malone’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Francis St, Kilrush, Co Clare

Ennis Allcare Group Flynn’s Life Pharmacy, Sheil’s Centre, Gort Road, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6864477065-6864477

LahinchMurphy A Medicare Pharmacy, Main Street, Lahinch, Co Clare 065-7081999065-7086869



C Green Cross Pharmacy, 768 Convent Hill Development,


Ennis Holly F Haven Pharmacy Hollys, 23 Abbey St, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6828568065-6841259

Barrack StBroderick BBrodericks Pharmacy, 84 Barrack St, Cork

BlackpoolMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Blackpool S C, Cork

ShannonHillery P RX+ totalhealth Pharmacy, 48/48A Skycourt S C, Shannon, Co

ShercockMcEvoy A McEvoys Pharmacy, Shercock, Co Cavan 042-9669152042-9669152

Miltown MalbayKelly M Kelly’s Pharmacy, Miltown Malbay, Co Clare

ShannonLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Skycourt S C, Shannon, Co Clare 061-360716061-718602


BMacMahon’s Pharmacy, Kildysart, Co Clare 065-6832110

GPowers Pharmacy, Church St, Kilmihill, Co Clare 065-9050006065-9050006

Ennis Rochford BRochfords Pharmacy, Ennis Medical Centre, Francis St, Ennis, Co

Shannon AirportHillery F Sean Hillery(Pharmacists),32-33 Shannon T C, Shannon Airport, Co Clare061-361995061-361434

BishopstownBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 37-39 Wilton S C, Bishopstown, Cork 021-4546500021-4546565

Ennis Boots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 40-42 O’Connell Street, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6868394065-6868396

ShannonKeating R Ballycasey Pharmacy, Ballycasey Crescent, Shannon, Co Clare 061 363853061

Ennis Fertear M C and F Pharmacy, Market St, Ennis, Co Clare 065-6829328065-6864498


BlackpoolAllcare Group O’Carrolls Allcare Pharmacy, Orhard Court, Wherland Lane, Blackpool, Co Cork

LisdoonvarnaQuinn M Burren Pharmacy, The Square, Lisdoonvarna, Co Clare 065-7074104065-7074104

BallyvolaneLynn G Kilalla t/a Glenheights Pharm, 4 College S C, Ballyvolane, Cork 021-4932918021-4932918

KilrushBurns M Central Pharmacy, Henry St, Kilrush, Co Clare 065-9051787065-9051787

Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 5c/5d Bakers Rd, Gurranabraher, Cork City,

Merchants QuayBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Merchants Quay S C, Cork 021-4272212021-4275525

North Main StMurphy E Murphy’s Pharmacy Ltd, 48 North Main St, Cork 021-4274121

Grand PdeLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 8 Grand Parade, Cork City, Co Cork 021-4274563021-4285975

Wilton RdMurphy HAllcare Late Night Pharmacy Wilton, 2 Cardinal Way, Wilton, Cork 021-4344575

G Lynchs Pharmacy, Broadale, Maryborough Hill, Douglas, Cork

TogherLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, The Lough S C, Togher, Co Cork 021-4964629021-4946177

Wilton RdWallace C Dennehys Cross Pharmacy, Dennehys Cross, Wilton Rd, Cork 021-4865963

AghadaJordan M Aghada Pharmacy, 1 Lwr Aghada, Aghada, Co Cork 021 4662515021

MahonAllcare Group Crowleys Allcare Pharmacy, Unit 3,Mahon S C, Mahon, Cork


MahonMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Mahon Point S C, Mahon Point,


Patrick StMcCarthy DDan McCarthys Pharmacy, 91a Patrick St, Cork City, Co Cork 021-4273774

Dillons CrossDalton P Dillons Cross Pharmacy, 256 Old Youghal Road, Dillons Cross,

Shandon StIrwin E Irwins Pharmacy, 77 Shandon Street, Cork

St Lukes CrossDonohoe RSt Lukes Pharmacy, St Lukes Cross, Cork City 021-4518272 Temple HillHolland MHollands Pharmacy, Temple Hill, Ballinlough Road, Cork 021-4294828021-4294828

College RdO’Farrell BCollege Rd Pharmacy, 63 College Rd, Cork 021-4340455021-4340455

BallincolligHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 16 Ballincollig S C, Ballincollig,Co Cork 021-4879302

CElmwood Pharmacy, Elmwood Medical Centre, Frankfield Rd,

The LoughPhelan C Phelans Pharmacy, 25 Earlwood Estate, The Lough, Cork City, Co

Turners CrossHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 66 Tory Top Road, Turners Cross, Cork 021-4315970021-4315971

Magazine RdO’Connell MThe Pharmacy, Magazine Road, Cork 021-4542537

BallincolligBoots Retail Ireland Boots, 1-2 Exchange House, Main St, Ballincollig,Co Cork 021-4214312021-4214433

BallincolligLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 7 Ballincollig S C, Ballincollig,Co Cork 021-4872104021-4878352

BallincolligDonohoe RLeeview Pharmacy, Eastside Centre, Ballincollig,Co Cork 021 4878612021 4878613

RochestownO’Kee e KMount Oval Pharmacy, Mount Oval Village, Rochestown, Cork 021-4369505 021-4369779

Karls QuayDalton P Daltons Pharmacy, Unit 11/12 North Main St S C, Karls Quay, Cork

BallincolligHarrington GHarrington’s Pharmacy, Main St, Ballincollig,Co Cork 021-4875830021-4875825

Turners CrossMcCartan BTurners Cross Allcare Pharmacy, 021-4317941 1 Ossory Pl, Evergreen Road, Turners Cross, Cork Victoria CrossJohnson GJohnsons Pharmacy, Victoria Cross, Cork

MayfieldArrigan T F J Bourke Ltd, Iona Pk, Mayfield, Cork

CO’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 3 Supervalu Centre, Grange Road, Douglas, Cork 021-4897522 021-4365694

MidletonBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Units 26-27Main St, Midleton, Cork 021-4637943 021-4637945


HollyhillLloyds Pharmacy LLoyds Pharmacy, Unit 9 Hollyhill S C, Cork City, Co Cork 021-4392266 021-4391252

North Main StComber MThe North Gate Pharmacy, 12 North Main Street, Cork 021-4273415

Douglas RdMinehane LDouglas Rd Pharmacy, Douglas Rd, Cork 021-4271873021-4271873


Douglas RdBrookes NDouglas Allcare Pharmacy, Clermont, Douglas Road, Cork 021-4292329021-4292329

Washington StHales K Washington Street Pharmacy, 25A Washington Street, Cork

NArdfallen Late Night Pharmacy, 2 Ardfallen Mall, Douglas Road, Cork021-4292256 021-4292247

Skehard RdHoulihan MSkehard Pharmacy, Skehard Rd, Blackrock, Cork 021-4357230021-4357230

Half Moon StBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, 1 Half Moon Street, Cork City, Cork 021-4273736 021-4273758

Shandon StDeasy J Deasys Pharmacy, 99 Shandon St, Cork

Douglas Rd SthO’Sullivan CInis Ealga, Sth Douglas Rd, Cork 021-4891383021-4891383


GurranabraherPhelan C Phelans Pharmacy, 1 Bakers Rd, Gurranabraher, Cork 021-2427061

Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Units 3435 & 35A, 021-4364584021-4361279

MayfieldIrwin E Irwins Pharmacy, 9 Mayfield S C, Cork

DouglasMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, Douglas Court S C, Douglas, Cork 021-4897777 021-4897778

Grand PdePhelan C Phelans Pharmacy, 11-13 Grand Parade, Cork City, Co Cork 021-4905802

MayfieldHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Murrays Supervalu,Old Youghal Rd, Mayfield, Co Cork 021-4551450

BallincolligAllcare Group Ballincollig Allcare Pharmacy, Main Street, Ballincollig,Co Cork

Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 11a Gurranebraher Rd, Cork City, Cork




FarronreeO’Farrell BPophams Rd Pharmacy, 12 Pophams Rd, Farronree, Cork City, Cork021-4396887

BallincolligKelleher AKelleher’s Pharmacy, The Square, Ballincollig,Co Cork

Patrick StPhelan C Phelans Late Night Pharmacy, 9 Patrick St, Cork 021-4272511021-4272509


Patrick StBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 71-72 Patrick St, Cork 021-4270977 021-4270559

Oliver Plunkett StMinihan TMinihans Pharmacy, 108 Oliver Plunkett St, Cork 021-4273900 021-4271140

Shandon StDeasy J Walshs Pharmacy, 123 Shandon St, Cork 021-4397767021-4397767

Douglas Court Shopping Centre, Douglas, Cork Douglas Falvey C Falveys Pharmacy Ltd, 33 Douglas S C, Cork 021-4894184021-4893587

WiltonO’Sullivan CO’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 5 Wilton S C, Wilton, Cork 021-4341800021-4341800


TogherIrwin E Togher Pharmacy, Togher Road, Togher, Cork 021-4962777021-4962777


KPharmacy First Plus, U21-23 Douglas Village, Douglas Village, Douglas,

Friars WalkCarolan C Marian Pharmacy, Friars Walk, Cork

Onslow GardensO’Hourihane KPharmacy First Plus Northside, 34 Glenwood Drive, Onslow Gardens,

Skehard RdPhelan C Blackrock Hall Pharmacy, Blackrock Ave, Skehard Rd, Cork 021-4231100 021-4231101 South TerraceMoloney NSouth Terrace Pharmacy, 2 Trinity Chambers, South Terrace, Cork

Douglas Rd SthO’Sullivan CO’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 1 Centra Complex, 021-4835031 021-4365727 South Douglas Rd, Cork City, Co Cork

CarrigtwohillMcCarthy DMcCarthys Pharmacy, Unit 1 Castle Sq, Carrigtwohill, Co Cork 021 4882408

BandonDeasy J Deasy’s Pharmacy, 2 Sth Main St, Bandon, Co Cork 023-8841288023-8841288

Cobh Wilson Downey TWilsons Pharmacy, 18 West Beach, Cobh, Co Cork 021-4811332021-4814114

FermoyMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, 61/63 McCurtain Street, Fermoy, Co Cork025-30963025-30963

BandonDuelchem Ltd Chemco Pharmacy Bandon, New Road, Bandon, Co Cork

BandonBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, 12-13 South Main St, Bandon, Co Cork 023-8829382

CastletownbereHickey E Berehaven Pharmacy, Castletownbere, Co Cork

GrenaghO’Hourihane KPharmacy First Plus Grenagh, Carraig Laoi,Grenagh, Co Cork

CharlevilleNally G McCarthys Pharmacy Ltd, 35 Main St, Charleville, Co Cork

DunmanwayCrowley AKerr Chemist Ltd, 21 Main St, Dunmanway, Co Cork 023-8845144023-8856980


BandonO’Kee e KHorgans Pharmacy, South Main St, Bandon, Co Cork

ButteventMurphy MButtevant Pharmacy, Main Street, Buttevant, Co Cork 022-23448022-23448

ClonakiltyBrookes NClonakilty Pharmacy, 29 Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork

FermoyAllcare Group Stacks Allcare Pharmacy, 3a McCurtain St, Fermoy, Co Cork

BantryDeasy E Coens Pharmacy, Wolf Tone Square, Bantry, Co Cork 027-50531 027-50701


E Cotters Pharmacy, 48 Main Street, Carrigtwohill, Co Cork 021-4883351021-4883457

BlarneyMcLaughlin JMcElligotts Pharmacy, Ashdale House, Blarney, Co Cork 021-4385307021-4385307

BandonScannell MHaven Pharmacy Scannells Riverview, Unit 4 Riverview S C, Bandon, Co Cork023-8844877023-8844879

Bandon Medical Hall, 5/6 Bridge St, Bandon, Co Cork

C+I Deasys Pharmacy, Ballymakeera, Ballyvourney, Co Cork 026-45421

ClonakiltyGibbons DT A Bluett Chemist Ltd, 1 Pearse Street, Clonakilty, Co Cork

CarrigalinePhelan C O’Regans Pharmacy, Ballet Road, Carrigaline, Cork

BantryDrinagh Co-op Drinagh Pharmacy, New St, Bantry, Co Cork

FermoyWalsh M Walshs Pharmacy, 15 Patrick St, Fermoy, Cork


BandonScannell MHaven Pharmacy Scannells, 16 South Main St, Bandon, Co Cork 023-8841150023-8843635

CarrigalinePhelan C Phelans Pharmacy, Main St, Carrigaline, Co Cork

DunmanwayCrowley ACrowleys Pharmacy, Market Sq, Dunmanway, Co Cork 023-8845471023-8845471

BantryDeasy E Newtown Pharmacy, Glengarri Road, Bantry, Co Cork 027-56947 027-56948

Glengarri Kingston NGlengarri Pharmacy, Glengarri , Co Cork 027-63744 027-63627 glengarri

KanturkDuane M Duane’s Pharmacy, 4 Strand Street, Kanturk, Co Cork 029-20852


Cobh O’Gorman MNewtown Pharmacy, Londis Shopping,Newtown, Cobh, Co Cork

DrimoleagueCrowley SDrimoleague Pharmacy, Main St, Drimoleague, Co Cork

ClonakiltyHarrington MD and M Harrington Pharmacy, 1 Ashe St, Clonakilty, Co Cork 023-8833318023-8833168

CharlevilleMullins L Mullins totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Charleville, Co Cork

DunmanwayDrinagh Co-op Drinagh Pharmacy Dunmanway, Sackville St, Dunmanway, Co Cork023-8855560


CharlevilleNally G CHC Pharmacy, Charleville PCC, Rathgoggin South, Charleville, Co Cork063-89764063-89502

GlanmireO’Hourihane KPharmacy First Plus Glanmire, Unit 4 Hazelwood Centre, Glanmire, Co

C Castle Pharmacy, 4 Main St, Castlemartyr, Co Cork

Cobh O’Regan LCobh Pharmacy, 3 East Beach, Cobh, Co Cork

CarrigtwohillBrowne G Carrigtwohill Pharmacy, 4 Carrigtwohill S C, Main St, Carrigtwohill, Co Cork 021-4533755021-4533758

Group Cross Allcare Pharmacy, The Medical Hall, Castletownbere, Co Cork 027-70024027-70024

Coachford Pharmacy, Coachford, Co Cork 021-7434710 021-7434711

DoneraileLinehan MDoneraile Pharmacy, Main St, Doneraile, Co Cork 022-24125022-24125

CarrigalineWalsh M Owenabue Pharmacy, 7-7A Carrigaline S C, Carrigaline, Co Cork 021-4834242

CharlevilleLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 10Charleville Town Centre, Charleville, Co Cork 063-32794 063-32959

ClonakiltyCrowley AGallwey’s Pharmacy, 49 Pearse St, Clonakilty, Co Cork 023-8833361023-8833361

CarrigalineWalsh M Martin Walsh Allcare Pharmacy, 98 Main St, Carrigaline, Co Cork 021-4372227 021-4372528

CharlevilleGuinan G James Pettit Pharmacy, Main St, Charleville, Co Cork 063-81248063-81248

CarrigalineBoots Retail Ireland Boots Pharmacy, Unit 7 Owenabue Mall, Carrigaline, Co Cork 021 4376679021 4376680

KildorreryThornhill JThornhill Pharmacy, Kildorrery, Co Cork 022-25163

FermoyLyons B Lyons Family Pharmacy, 43 McCurtain St, Fermoy, Co Cork 025


CloyneTwomey DCloyne CarePlus Pharmacy, The Square, Cloyne, Co Cork



CrosshavenThompson DThompson Pharmacy, Lower Point Road, Crosshaven, Co Cork

Ballincollig Old Quarter Pharmacy, Ballincollig Medical Centre, 021-4289455 021-4289063

Old Quarter, Ballincollig,Co Cork

CloghroeHolland MCloghroe Pharmacy, Cloghroe, Blarney, Co Cork 021-4382244021-4385162

InnishannonRyan N The Innishannon Pharmacy, Innishannon, Co Cork


EScannells Pharmacy, Main St, Ballineen, Co Cork

Cobh Wilson Downey TTicknock Pharmacy, Miskellas Super Valu S C, Ticknock, Cobh, Co Cork021-4816606021-4816705

LCarrignavar Pharmacy, Units 3-4 Main St, Carrignavar, Co Cork 021-4200779

ClonakiltyCrowley ACrowleys Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Clonakilty, Co Cork 023-8895055

CarrigalineMoloney NCarrigaline Careplus Pharmacy, Estuary Business Park, 021-4757083 021-4375349 Kilnagleary, Carrigaline, Co Cork

Cobh Gibbs A Gibbs Chemist, 15 Midleton St, Cobh, Co Cork 021-4811475 021-4855939


GlanmirePhelan C Phelans Pharmacy, Crestfield S C, Glanmire, Co Cork 021-4822949021-4822951

EnniskeaneO’Riordan CO’Riordans Pharmacy, Main St, Enniskeane, Co Cork 023-8822710023-8822714

KanturkO’Kee e KHorgan’s Pharmacy, Strand St, Kanturk, Co Cork

BandonBrookes NBrookes Pharmacy, 29 South Main Street, Bandon, Co Cork 023-8841136023-8841152

FermoyAllcare Group O’Reillys Allcare Pharmacy, 17 Pearse Sq, Fermoy, Co Cork

BlarneyHolland MWalshs Allcare Pharmacy, Blarney S C, Co Cork

BlarneyO’Hourihane KPharmacy First Plus Tower, Tower, Blarney, Co Cork

CastletownrocheDu y R Du y’s Pharmacy, Castletownroche, Co Cork 022-26172022-26178rdu

MidletonQuill S Owenacurra Pharmacy, 79 Main St, Midleton, Co Cork 021-4631632021-4631632

NO’Sullivans Pharmacy, 25 Bank Pl, Mallow, Co Cork

1-2 Market Green S C, Midleton, Co Cork

MidletonBrosnans Pharmacy Brosnans Pharmacy, 36 Main Street, Midleton, Co Cork 021-4633033021-4633206

Ovens McCarthy DClasses Lake Pharmacy, 3 Classes Lake Retail Centre, Ovens, Co

RathcormacHanna A Mari Mina Pharmacy, Rathcormac, Co Cork 025-37599025-37599



MidletonLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 21 Main St, Midleton, Co Cork 021-4631586021-4633441

MitchelstownFitzgibbons KFitzgibbons totalhealth Pharmacy, 34 Lower Cork Road, Mitchelstown, Co Cork

KinsaleCollins J Kinsale Pharmacy, 12 Market St, Kinsale, Co Cork 021-4772077 021-4774278

KinsaleO’Connor CO’Connors Pharmacy, Pearse St, Kinsale, Co Cork 021-4777888 021-4973292

Passage WestFoley A Passage West Pharmacy, Strand Street, Passage West, Co Cork 021-4841289021-4843922

MidletonMurphy D Murphys Pharmacy, Unit 1 Riversdale S C, Mill Road, Midleton, Co

MallowWeedle P Peter Weedle Allcare Pharmacy, 63 Main St, Mallow, Co Cork 022-21574022-20219

Little IslandFitzgerald SLittle Island CarePlus Pharmacy, Tra ord Pk, Little Island, Co

KilleaghMurphy MKilleagh Pharmacy, Killeagh, Co Cork 024-95117 024-95992


WatergrasshillBarrett A Moynihans Pharmacy, Main Street, Watergrasshill, Co Cork 021-4513100021-4513101

BallybofeyBonner F Bonners Pharmacy, Main St, Ballybofey, Co Donegal 074-9131027 Ballybofey Healthwise Pharmacies Healthwise Pharmacy Ballybofey, The Shopping Centre, Ballybofey, Co Donegal

MRailway View Pharmacy, Middle Square, Macroom, Co Cork 026-41080026-43122

MillstreetMulcahy TMulcahys Pharmacy, The Square, Millstreet, Co Cork 029-70792029-70792

SkibbereenDrinagh Co-op Drinagh Pharmacy, Market St, Skibbereen, Co Cork

YoughalDineen A Clockgate Pharmacy, 76 North Main St, Youghal, Co Cork

Schull Drinagh Co-op Drinagh Pharmacy, Main St, Schull, Co Cork


MitchelstownBuckley DDoodys Pharmacy, 10 Lr Cork Street, Mitchelstown, Co Cork

MahonBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 48/49 Mahon Point S C, Mahon, Cork 021-4614413021-4614415

Passage WestStack A Stacks Pharmacy, Unit 3-4 Pembroke Centre, Rochestown Rd, 021-4863694 Passage West, Co Cork

RiverstickMcCarthy DRiverstick Pharmacy, Unit 24 Riverside Grove, Riverstick, Co Cork 021-4771024

YoughalO’Kee e KMurphys Pharmacy, 129 North Main St, Youghal, Co Cork 024-92796

BuncranaBrennan FBrennans Pharmacy, Ardaravan Sq, Main St, Buncrana, Co Donegal074-9362630 074-9363947

KinsaleMoloney TMoloney’s Pharmacy, Emmet Place, Kinsale, Co Cork 021-4772130 021-4772151

MacroomMurphy MMedical Hall, Macroom, Co Cork




Bunbeg Healthwise Pharmacies Gweedore Pharmacy Bunbeg,Magheraclougher, Bunbeg,Co Donegal074-9531254074-9531130

MacroomBurke S Haven Pharmacy Burkes, North Square, Macroom, Co Cork 026-41503026-43208

MallowMurphy T Murphys Pharmacy, Boherbue, Mallow, Co Cork 029-76376029-76376


YoughalConnors AYoughal Pharmacy, 149 North Main St, Youghal, Co Cork 024-90073 024-90007

MillstreetReen F Reens Pharmacy, Main St, Millstreet, Co Cork

Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Ground Floor 108-109 Davis St, Mallow, Cork 022-50633022-50832

EJoyces Pharmacy, 40 Main St, Mallow, Co Cork 022-21554022-21554

Mulcahys Pharmacy, mallow PCC, Gouldshill, Mallow, Cork 022-51682

MidletonMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy,

MacroomDeasy C+I Deasys Pharmacy, Main St, Macroom, Co Cork 026-41048 026-41446

MitchelstownBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Living Centre Clinic, Fermoy Rd, Mitchelstown, Co. Cork025-86797025-86084

NO’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 1-2 Dano’s Supervalu,Bellevue, Mallow, Co Cork 022-44576022-44577

BallyshannonMcPartlan ADorrians Pharmacy, The Diamond, Ballyshannon, Co Donegal 071-9851444071-9851444

NewmarketSheehan MSheehans Pharmacy, West End, Newmarket, Co Cork 029-60138029-22860

YoughalHanna A Mari Mina Pharmacy, 97 North Main St, Youghal, Co Cork 024-85000024-85001

DONEGAL ArdaraKelly J Kellys Pharmacy, The Diamond, Ardara, Co Donegal

BallyshannonMaguire EMaguire’s Pharmacy, 15 Main St, Ballyshannon, Co Donegal

NewmarketMackessy HKillala t/a Mackessys Pharmacy, New Steet, Newmarket, Co Cork

SkibbereenCleary D Clearys Pharmacy, 33 Main St, Skibbereen, Co Cork

BridgendHenry F Chemist Connect, 5 Devlin Complex,Bridgend, Co Donegal 074

KinsaleLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, New Supervalu Development, 021-4773939021-4773940 New Rd, The Glen, Kinsale, Co Cork

MidletonTomas M Walshs Pharmacy, 50 Main St, Midleton, Co Cork 021-4631656021-4631846

MitchelstownMurphy P Abbey Pharmacy, Brigown, Mitchelstown, Cork

RoscarberyMadden NRosscarbery Pharmacy, West Sq, Rosscarbery, Co Cork

J Mulcahys Pharmacy, 118 Main St, Mallow, Co Cork

TimoleagueHarrington CD and M Harrington, Mill St, Timoleague, Bandon, Co Cork

BallyshannonFivey P Pillbox Pharmacy, Main Street, Ballyshannon, Co Donegal

MacroomBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 2/3 Fair Green Plaza, Macroom, Cork 026-43984026-43988

BallybofeyKelly N NK Pharmacy, The Navenny S C, Trusk Rd, Ballybofey, Co Donegal 074-9131375

KinsalePhelan C Phelans Midnight Pharmacy, Commercial Park, Kinsale Road, Co Cork021-4310132

YoughalLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 102 North Main St, Youghal, Co Cork 024-92189 024-20912

MallowWeedle P Peter Weedle Allcare Pharmacy, Cork Road, Mallow, Co Cork

SkibbereenHamilton JHamiltons Pharmacy, 74 Bridge St, Skibbereen, Co Cork 028-22598

MallowO’Kee e KHorgan’s Pharmacy, Parkwest S C, Mallow, Co Cork 022-42903 022-43194

RathmullanBradley S Rathmullan Pharmacy, Pier Rd, Rathmullan, Co Donegal

FalcarraghFlynn R Flynns Pharmacy, Main St, Falcarragh, Co Donegal

DungloeHeggarty DO’Donnells Pharmacy Ltd, 42 Main St, Dungloe, Co Donegal

St JohnstonWard C Wards Family Pharmacy, Main Street, St Johnston, Co Donegal

ArtaneFrayne J Brookwood Pharmacy, 42 Brookwood Rise, Artane, Dublin 5 01-831189801-8311898

AshtownLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 7 The Village Centre, Rathborne, Ashtown, Dubln 1501-899698201-8996964 Baggot St LrBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, 134-135 Lwr Baggot St, Dublin 2 01-661844301-6618459 Baggot St LrDowling RDowling’s Pharmacy, 6 Baggot St Lr, Dublin 2


CastlefinnMurray T Murrays Pharmacy, Castlefinn, Co Donegal

BallinteerBhagwan LBhagwans Pharmacy, Ballinteer Road, Dublin 16 01-298437801-2968733

FBrennans Pharmacy, Market Sq, Clonmany, Co Donegal

DunfanaghyFlynn R Flynns Pharmacy, Main St, Dunfanaghy, Co Donegal

LetterkennyBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 8 Retail Park, Letterkenny, Co Donegal 074-9125631074-9125636

ACarrigart Pharmacy, Main St, Carrigart, Co Donegal 074-9155772074-9155772

LetterkennyO’Sullivan DAnnagry totalhealth Pharmacy, Annagry, Letterkenny, Co Li ord Healthwise Pharmacies Healthwise Pharmacy Li ord, Li ord, Co Donegal 074-9141030 Li ordMurphy P Slevins Pharmacy, Bridge St, Li ord, Co Donegal 074-9141800074-9172854 Milford Healthwise Pharmacies McCormicks Pharmacy, Milford, Co Donegal 074-9153134074-9153134 MountcharlesBritton J Village Pharmacy, Main St, Mountcharles, Co Donegal 074-9735335 Moville Healthwise Pharmacies Healthwise Pharmacy Market Sq, Market Sq, Moville, Co Donegal 074-9382929074-9382936 Moville Healthwise Pharmacies Healthwise Pharmacy Moville, Main St, Moville, Co Donegal 074-9382649 074-9382936 Mu Deeny C Inish Pharmacy, Main St, Mu , Co Donegal 074-9327721074-9327721 mu Newtown- Healthwise Pharmacies Healthwise Pharmacy Newtown, Main Street, 074-9156929 074-9156929 cunningham Newtowncunningham, Co Donegal RameltonMurray T Tom Murray Pharmacy Ltd, The Mall, Ramelton, Co Donegal 074-9151080 074-9124129 RaphoeO’Doherty MCarleys Raphoe, The Diamond, Raphoe, Co Donegal 074-9145283074-9145283


LetterkennyMurphy P McFadden’s Pharmacy, Larkin House, Oldtown Road, Letterkenny, Co Donegal074-9121369074-9176499

Buncrana Healthwise Pharmacies Healthwise Pharmacy Buncrana, Lr Main St, Buncrana, Co

RO’Donnells totalhealth Pharmacy, Derrybeg,Co Donegal 074-9532255 074-9532171

Dungloe Healthwise Pharmacies McElwees Pharmacy, Carnmore Rd, Dungloe, Co Donegal 074-9522602074-9522605

DonegalCara Pharmacies Cara Pharmacy, 3 Donegal Town Centre, Donegal Town, Co Donegal 074-9721112

M Mullan’s Pharmacy, Unit 2-3 Super Valu S C, Carndonagh, Co Donegal 074-9373647

CarndonaghHenry F Carn Pharmacy, Unit 1 Millbrae Business Park, Carndonagh, Co Donegal 074-9374962074-9374962

DUBLIN CITY Amien StMcCa rey SPharmacy Express, Unit 3 Connolly Station, Amien St, Dublin 1

DonegalMcCreesh BEske Pharmacy, Main Street, Donegal Town, Co Donegal 074-9722033074-9723977

Letterkenny Healthwise Pharmacies Healthwise Pharmacy Ballyraine, Unit 1 Park House, 074-9106444074-9106466 Ballyraine Road, Letterkenny, Co Donegal

Letterkenny Healthwise Pharmacies Healthwise Pharmacy Glencar, Glencar S C, Letterkenny, Co

Letterkenny, Co Donegal


LetterkennyMurphy P McFaddens Pharmacy, Unit 27/28Letterkenny S C, Co Donegal 074-9122304074-9125402


DonegalBritton J Brittons Pharmacy, Lr Main St, DonegalCo Donegal


BundoranFivey P Pillbox Pharmacy, Main Street, Bundoran, Co Donegal

LetterkennyKelly S Ruths totalhealth Pharmacy, Pearse Rd, Letterkenny, Co Donegal

LetterkennyBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 4-6 Main St, Letterkenny, Co Donegal 074-9125499074-9125471

Donegal TownBegley J Begleys Pharmacy, The Diamond, Donegal Town, Donegal 074-9721232074-9721416

GGarrett O’Donnell Pharmacy, Main Street, The Glenties, Co Donegal074-9551289074-9551701godonnell

Letterkenny McBrien KCentral Pharmacy, 3 Court Manor House, Justice Walsh Rd, 074-9103970074-9103971

CarndonaghHenry F McNeills Pharmacy, The Diamond, Carndonagh, Co Donegal 074-9374120

C Inish Pharmacy, Railway Rd, Buncrana, Co Donegal 074-9362784074-9362784

GMagee’s Pharmacy, 27 Upper Main St, Letterkenny, Co Donegal 074-9121409074-9122682

Baggot St UprO’Hagan OMeaghers Pharmacy, 10 Baggot St Upr, Dublin 4

ArtaneBradley K Evelyn Bradleys Pharmacy, 48 St Brighid’s Road, Artane, Dublin 5


StranorlarFlatley A Flatleys Pharmacy, Stranorlar, Co Donegal

SDu ys Pharmacy, Main St, Buncrana, Co Donegal 074



FBrennans Pharmacy Creeslough, Main St, Creeslough, Co Donegal074-9138610

KillybegsBrennan KHaven Pharmacy Killybegs, Kellys Quay, Shore Rd, Killybegs, Co Donegal 074-9732640 074-9732641

Dungloe Healthwise Pharmacies Healthwise Pharmacy, Greenes Corner, Dungloe, Co Donegal


KillybegsCara Pharmacies Cara Pharmacy, Killybegs, Co Donegal 074-9731009074-9731009

BundoranCara Pharmacies Cara Pharmacy, Main St, Bundoran, Co Donegal

BPillbox Express Pharmacy, Station Rd, Bundoran, Co Donegal 071-9829656


LetterkennyLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 4 Letterkenny Town Centre, Pearse Road, 074-9102070074-9102078 Letterkenny, Co Donegal

ArtaneO’Reilly MPharmacy O’Reilly, 2 Mornington Park, Malahide Road, Artane, Dublin 501-831915501-8511996

Baldoyle Dunne A Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Unit 4Racecourse S C, Baldoyle, Dublin



Dungloe Healthwise Pharmacies McElwees Pharmacy, Main St, Dungloe, Co Donegal 074-9521032

C Inish Pharmacy, Carndonagh S C, Carndonagh, Co Donegal 074-9329324074-9329324

Baggot St UprBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 32 Upper Baggot St, Dublin 4 01-660017501-6602740


Convoy Murray T Murrays Pharmacy, Main Street, Convoy, Co Donegal 074-9101790074-9101790

KChambers Pharmacy, 127 Ballymun Road, Dublin 9

ChapelizodBajaj R Chapelizod Pharmacy, The Island, Chapelizod, Dublin 20

ClondalkinLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Neilstown S C, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4570994 01-4578598

Charlemont StreetMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Chemist, Block 3 Charlemont Sq, Charlemont St, Dublin

-town CastleknockLloydsRd Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 3 Main St, Castleknock S C, Castleknock, Dublin 1501-820441101-8212053


ChurchtownLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 11B Braemor Road, Churchtown, Dublin 14 01-2988512 01-2987911

BallymunMacManus EEdward MacManus Pharmacy, Civic Centre, Ballymun, Dublin 9

CarpentersLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Spar S C, Carpenterstown Rd, Dublin 15 01-822084601-8066000

BallyfermotKiely S Kielys Pharmacy, 203 Le Fanu Rd, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10

J Haven Pharmacy Dohertys, 2 Shantalla Rd, Beaumont, Dublin 9

CitywestMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Unit 6-8 City West S C, City West, Dublin 24

BlanchardstownMcCabe B Stanleys Pharmacy, Mount View S C, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-821601101-8216011

Cabra Daly P Daly’s Pharmacies Ltd, 109 Cabra Rd, Dublin7

BallyfermotBrennan KHaven Pharmacy Moloneys, Grange Cross, Ballyfermot, Dublin


BallsbridgeByrne P Byrnes Pharmacy, 4 Merrion Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4

BallyfermotLittleton SCrowleys Pharmacy, 310 Ballyfermot Road, Dublin 10 01-626318001-6237648

BlanchardstownBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Roselawn S C, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-821434501-8214464

Camden St LrAllcare Group Cahills Allcare Pharmacy, 36 Lr Camden St, Dublin 2 01-4753160 01-4753114

BluebellLevis K Bluebell Pharmacy, 4 La Touche Road, Bluebell, Dublin 10

BallyfermotKiely S Kielys Pharmacy, 282 Ballyfermot Rd, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10

Camden St UprDowling RBradys Pharmacy, 12 Upper Camden St, Dublin 2 01-4751531 01-4754381

ChurchtownGormley BGormley Pharmacy, 5 Nolan Avenue, Churchtown, Dublin 14 01-298508501-2986959

BallyfermotLittleton SCrowleys Pharmacy, 207 Decies Rd, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 01-626452801-6236859

BallyfermotLittleton SBoylans Pharmacy Ltd, 9 Claddagh Gr, Ballyfermot, Dublin 10 01-626498801-6230192

Berkeley StFlanagan BFlanagans Pharmacy, 18 Berkeley Road, Phibsboro,Dublin 7

A Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Unit 7 Ballinteer Avenue, Ballinteer, Dublin

CabinteelyGavin L Park Pharmacy, 2 Park Centre, Cabinteely, Dublin 18 01-285635001-2850839

ChurchtownO’Hagan OMeaghers Pharmacy, 96/98 Churchtown Rd Upr, Churchtown, Dublin 14 01-4627555

ClondalkinAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Clondalkin, Unit 1 Dutch Village S C, Woodford Walk, Clondalkin, Dublin 22

CastleknockO’Neill M O D C Chemists, Unit 2 Laurel Lodge S C, Castleknock, Dublin 15

Street Lr Clare HallCorrs Ventures Ltd Corrs Pharmacy, Elmfield Rise, Clare Hall, Dublin 13 Clare StSlattery MPrices totalhealth Medical Hall, 26 Clare St, Dublin 2

ClondalkinLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, The Mill Centre, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4577166 01-4577167

BallymunMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, 8 College View, Ballymun Road, Ballymun, Dublin

ClondalkinKelly O Kellys Pharmacy, The Nangor Centre, Cherrywood, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4576901 01-4576915



BallyfermotPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, The Old HSE Building,Ballyfermot Rd, Ballyfermot, Dublin

BallymountMedian Healthcare Median Healthcare Pharmacy, Unit 5 The Westway Centre, 01-255728001-2557608 Ballymount Ave, Dublin 10

BallinteerLittleton SMarley Pharmacy, Unit 7Superquinn S C, Ballinteer, Dublin 16

Cabra WestC&D Medical Hall Ltd Pellys Pharmacy, 26 Faussagh Ave, Cabra West, Dublin 7

BlanchardstownGrogan D Cordu Pharmacy, 1 Cordu S C, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-820356901-8203569cordu

ClondalkinHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 5 Castle Crescent, Clondalkin, Dublin 22

ClondalkinHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 9 Neilstown S C, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4574646

BlanchardstownLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-821080701-8210807

Church RoadC&D Medical Hall Ltd Fitzmaurices Chemists Ltd, 150 Church Rd, Dublin 3 01-8741266 01-8727769

BlanchardstownLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 2 Main St, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-821331801-8223504

ClondalkinFreyne J Freyne and Co Ltd, Orchard Road, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4574868 01-4574944

BlanchardstownSheridan DSheridans Pharmacy, Unit O Roselawn S C, Blanchardstown, Dublin 1501-6405740

BallymunLaverty T Lavertys Pharmacy, Unit 2C Shangan Hall, Ballymun, Dublin 9 01-8623896

Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 27 The Mill S C, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-457761101-4577661

BallyfermotDillane T Ballyfermot Pharmacy Ltd, Unit 3 Tesco S C, Ballyfermot, Dublin

BallsbridgeLenehan TMurrays Pharmacy, 3 Serpentine Ct, Serpentine Ave, Dublin 4

Capel StreetCapel St Pharmacy Ltd Capel Street Pharmacy, 138 Capel St, Dublin 1 01-551000101-5510004


BallycullenEllis M Mark Ellis Pharmacy, Woodstown S C, Ballycullen Rd, Dublin 16

BallymunMacManus EEdward MacManus Pharmacy, Unit 2A Alliance Row, Ballymun, Dublin 901-842800601-8429956

BlanchardstownMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, 148 Blanchardstown Centre, Dublin 15 01-822217101-8222172

BallymunCadden F Poppintree Pharmacy, 6 Poppintree Neighbourhood, Poppintree Parade, 01-842137901-8421379 Ballymun, Dublin 11

Cardi bridge RdHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Dunnes S C, Cardi bridge, Finglas West, Dublin

Cabra Dwyer G Maple Pharmacy, Unit 3 The Maple Centre, Navan Road, Cabra, Dublin

Cabra Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 103a New Cabra Rd, Cabra, Dublin 7 01-868022601-8689157


CastleknockLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Castlecourt S C, Castleknock, Dublin 15 01-820056401-8200564

Berkeley StBaird N Dargan’s Pharmacy, 19 Berkeley St, Dublin7

BlanchardstownBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, 223-224 Blanchardstown Centre, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15 01-822205201-8222042

BlanchardstownGalligan CChemist Warehouse, Unit 8B,Western Retail Park, 01-5828500 Snugborough Road, Blanchardstown

BlanchardstownAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Blanchardstown, 251/252 Blanchardstown Centre, Dublin

ClondalkinCadden F Caddens Pharmacy, Tower S C, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-457379401-4575229

ClanbrassilPhelan M Phelans Pharmacy, 22 Clanbrassil Street Lower, Dublin 8 01-4734083 01-4734181

DundrumO’Sullivan SHealthwave Pharmacy, Unit 2.4 Dundrum Retail & O ce Pk, 01-6853086 01-5311629 Sandyford Rd, Dublin 16

ClondalkinRas Consult Ltd Park West Pharmacy, Unit 2B The Plaza, 01-620439801-6204397

CoolockRigney J The Village Pharmacy, 19 Main St, The Courtyard, Coolock Village, Dublin

DrimnaghSherlock WGaltymore Allcare Pharmacy, 131 Galtymore Rd, Drimnagh, Dublin

Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Bawnogue S C, 01-4571549 01-4576509

DundrumMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Units 17-19 Level 3, Dundrum Town Centre, Dundrum, Dublin 14

ClonskeaghLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Bird Avenue, Clonskeagh, Dublin 14 01-269708601-2697124

Crumlin, Dublin 12

CoolockO’Reilly MPharmacy O’Reilly, 38 Tonlegee Road, Coolock, Dublin 5 01-867808001-8678089

ClonsillaFeeney E Hartstown Pharmacy, 2 Hartstown S C, Clonsilla, Dublin 15 01-820286001-8202860

DrumcondraLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 10 Drumcondra Rd Upr, Drumcondra, Dublin 9 01-837346201-8373462

CoolockMcCartan BMcCartans Pharmacy Northside, Units 7 & 8 Northside S C, Coolock, Dublin

ClontarfDoyle N Clontarf Pharmacy, 192b Clontarf Rd, Dublin 3 01-833371101-8333711

DonaghmeadeBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 1 Grange Med Centre, Grange Rd, Donaghmede, Dublin 13 01 848234001 8482350

Clondalkin, Dublin 22

CoolockLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Northside S C, Coolock, Dublin17 01-847646301-8470045

ClondalkinMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Aldi S C, Newlands Cross, Dublin

Cork StLittleton SMoores Pharmacy, Unit 2, McGoverns Corner, Cork Street, Dublin 8 01-4542981 01-4543057

CornelscourtHilton K Hiltons Pharmacy, 3 Magic Carpet Centre, Cornelscourt Village, Dublin

ClondalkinPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, Unit 6 The Village Centre, Watery lane, Clondalkin, Dublin

CrumlinPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy Crumlin, 66 St Agnes Rd, Crumlin, Dublin 10

Dame StCorrigan ECity Pharmacy, 14 Dame Street, Dublin 2

CrumlinKelly O Mangans Careplus Pharmacy, Primary Care Centre, Armagh Rd, 01-4555081

Dorset St LrAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Doreset St, 50 Dorset Street Lower, Dublin 1

DrimnaghBoots Retail Ireland Boots, Unit 3A, Castle Centre, Drimnagh, Dublin 12 01-465185201-4651858

J Clonsilla Pharmacy, Weavers Row, Clonsilla, Dublin 15

ClontarfMagner P Magners Pharmacy, 16 Kincora Ave, Clontarf, Dublin 3

DonaghmeadeMcCartan BDonaghmede Allcare Pharmacy, Donaghmede S C, Donaghmede, Dublin

CrumlinLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 20 St Agnes Rd, Dublin 12 01-4555260 01-8058091

DrumcondraGeaney MPharmhealth Pharmacy, Henry Grattan Building,

Drumcondra Rd LrBoles D Boles Pharmacy, 20 Lr Drumcondra Rd, Dublin 9 01-8302040

CrumlinMulligan CMoores Pharmacy, 2 St Agnes Rd, Crumlin, Dublin 10


ClondalkinLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 1 Chaplains Place, Rowlagh Village, Clondalkin, Dublin 2201-620850201-6208503


A Doyles Pharmacy, 3 Vernon Ave, Clontarf, Dublin 3

CoolockLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 44 Tonlegee Rd, Coolock, Dublin 5 01-847010101-8482191

DrimnaghMeagher WHaven Pharmacy Errigal, 16 Errigal Rd, Drimnagh, Dublin 10 01-4557345

DundrumGalligan CMedipharm, 7 Arbourfield Terrace, Windy Arbour, Dundrum, Dublin 14 01-2963492

CoolockC&D Medical Hall Ltd Cromcastle Pharmacy, 69 Cromcastle Road, Coolock, Dublin 5

F Greenpark Pharmacy, Greenpark S C, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 01-4642364

DundrumMulvey F Mulveys Pharmacy, Main St, Dundrum, Dublin 14

ClonshaughCorrs Ventures Ltd Corrs Pharmacy, Clonshaugh S C, Coolock, Dublin 17

V Bonnybrook Pharmacy, Unit 1B Northside Retail Pk, Coolock Drive, 01-8488266 Coolock, Dublin 17

DrumcondraMurray R Homepharm Ltd, 45A Home Farm Rd, Dublin 9

DundrumFarmer L Haven Pharmacy Farmers, 56 Main Street, Dundrum, Dublin 14

ClontarfMagner WFoleys of Clontarf, 63 Clontarf Road, Clontarf, Dublin 3

Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9

Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 33 Northside S C, Coolock, Dublin 17

J Littlepace Pharmacy, Littlepace S C, Clonee, Dublin 15 01-826094401-8260947

Dorset St LrJin J Parks Pharmacy, 62 Lwr Dorset St, Dublin 1

DarndaleStack A Darndale Pharmacy, Unit 2, Darndale/Belcamp Village Ctr, Dublin Dawson StBoots Retail Ireland Boots, Unit 1 13-17 Dawson St, Dublin 2 01-679846301-6798591

ClontarfMulgrew PPharmacy O’Regan, 67 Vernon Avenue, Clontarf, Dublin 3


DonnybrookBoots Retail Ireland Boots The Chemists, 75 Morehampton Rd, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 01-667580601-6675907

DrumcondraEl Bourdainy MAdvance Pharmacy, 14 Lower Drumcondra Rd, Drumcondra, Dublin 901-860000601-8600006

JRoebuck Pharmacy, 7 Farmhill Rd, Goatstown, Dublin 14 01-298129501-2981295

Custom House SqDel Alamo JRemedi Pharmacy, Unit 8Custom Hse Sq, IFSC, Dublin 1 01-672183101-6721831


DonnybrookPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, 79 Morehampton Rd, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 01-668710301-6687103


Clongri nStack A Stacks Pharmacy, 13 Main St, Clongri n, Dublin 13 01-828510301-8285104clongri

DonnybrookO’Hagan OMeaghers Pharmacy, The Gasworks Buildings, Barrow Street, Donnybrook, Dublin 4


Park West Business Park, Nangor Road, Dublin 12


ClontarfC&D Medical Hall Ltd St Gabriels Pharmacy, 28 St Gabriels Rd, Clontarf, Dublin 3

CoolockLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Coolock Village S C, Coolock, Dublin 5 01-847937701-8479344

CrumlinSanchez GCrumlin Village Pharmacy, 5 Lisle Rd, Crumlin, Dublin 10 01-4556144

Crumlin RdByrne J Crumlin Rd Pharmacy, 251 Crumlin Rd, Crumlin, Dublin 10


DrumcondraRigney J Sionhill Pharmacy, 40A Calderwood Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9

DundrumMedishetty SRockfield Pharmacy, Unit 2 Rockfield Central, Dundrum, Dublin 16 2967340 01-8727769

DrimnaghJohnson PDrimnagh Pharmacy, 125 Galtymore Rd, Drimnagh, Dublin 10


DonnybrookLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 8 The Mall, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 01-269523601-2830455


James StConaty D St James Late Night Pharmacy, James St, Dublin 8

Jervis StBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Jervis St Centre, Dublin 1 01-878020001-8781007

FinglasHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 10Meakstown Neighbourhood Cent, Finglas, Dublin 11

FoxrockPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, 1 Brighton Rd, Foxrock, Dublin 18 01-2893270 01-2897623

Hanover Quay O’Leary G Hanover Quay Pharmacy, Unit 4 The Marker, Forbes St, Dublin 2

James StCassidy C Haven Pharmacy Cassidys, U3 Chandler’s Guild, James St, Dublin 801-679402201-6794022

KilmainhamPhelan M Phelans Pharmacy, 635 South Circular Rd, Kilmainham, Dublin 8 01-4736029

GreenhillsEllis M Mark Ellis Pharmacy, Unit 5 Greenhills S C, St James’s Rd, Dublin 1001-4438846


FairviewPyne M Costello’s Pharmacy, 25 Marino Mart, Fairview, Dublin 3


FinglasAllcare Group Clearwater Allcare Pharmacy, Janelle S C, Finglas, Dublin 11 01

KillesterLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Killester, Dublin 3 01-833085101-8330988

FairviewMcCartan BM I Davis and Co,34 Fairview Strand, Dublin 3

FinglasHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 5 Main St, Finglas, Dublin 11


Harold’s Cross RdHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 290 Harolds Cross Rd, Dublin 6 01-492376901-4923781 Haytesbury StLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Meath Primary Care Centre, Haytesbury St, Dublin 801-473013101-4730130 Henry StBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 20 Henry St, Dublin 1 01-873020901-8783157

FinglasHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 3 Cardi sbridge Rd, Finglas, Dublin 11

Howth RdO’Connor GSutton Cross Pharmacy, 182 Howth Road, Sutton, Dublin 13 01-866017801-8660178

GlasnevinGolden K The Rise Pharmacy, Unit 1 Wood Park, The Rise, Glasnevin, Dublin 901-8572030

HuntstownLittleton SHuntstown Pharmacy Ltd, 6 Pinewood Hse, Huntstown Rd, Dublin

FoxrockRa erty J Haven Pharmacy Ra ertys, Cornelscourt S C, Foxrock, Dublin 18 01-289319101-2893191ra

East WallC&D Medical Hall Ltd O’Caseys Pharmacy, Unit 2 Block 2, Island Key, East Rd, East Wall 01-9089308

FinglasHickeys Pharmacies Fingal Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Finglas, Dublin 11

KillesterMagner P Magners Pharmacy, 175 Howth Rd, Killester, Dublin 3 01-833098001-8333065

KillesterPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, 59 Collins Ave East, Kilester, Dublin 5 01-5489079 01-5473751

LeopardstownFarmer L Haven Pharmacy Farmers, Unit 1 Leopardstown S C, Ballyogan, Dublin

Kimmage Rd WLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Ashleaf S C, Crumlin Cross, Dublin 10 01-4555648 01-4550977

FinglasFlanagan BFlanagans Instore Pharmacy, Tesco Supermarket, 01-8068872 Clearwater S C, Finglas, Dublin 11

Kimmage Rd LrO’Dwyer FThoms Pharmacy, 151 Lr Kimmage Road, Dublin 6 01-4923272

KilbarrackRyan G Ryans Pharmacy GSC, Unit 1 Greendale S C, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5

FinglasRooney C Haven Pharmacy McAleers, 7 Fitzmaurice Road, Ballygall, Finglas East, Dublin 11

GlasnevinStack A Stack’s Pharmacy, Unit 4/5 Harts’ Corner, Finglas Road, Glasnevin, Dublin

F McKee Pharmacy, 2 McKee Road, Finglas, Dublin 11 01-836120301-8361203

GlasnevinMoynihan AReddys Pharmacy, 167 Mobhi Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 9

LeopardstownLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 8 Leopardstown S C, Ballyogan Road, 01-2921326 01-2921321

KilmacudKane M Kilmacud totalhealth Pharmacy, 1A Drummartin Road, Kilmacud, Dublin

FinglasFox V Superpharm Chemists Ltd, Unit 8 Main St, Finglas, Dublin 11 01-834168801-8341688

GoatstownBonar B Goatstown Pharmacy, U5 The Goat Centre,

Killester AveAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Killester, 157 Killester Ave, Dublin 5

FairviewConaty D Morgans Pharmacy, 2-4 Fairview Strand, Fairview, Dublin 3 01-888102701-8381459

Kilmore RdLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Artane Castle S C, Kilmore Rd, Dublin 5 01-831481101-8327262

FoxrockMorris B Sheanes Pharmacy, 92 Foxrock Ave, Foxrock, Dublin 18 01-289308501-2893089


InchicoreCorcoran MThe Grattan Pharmacy, 13 Grattan Crescent, Inchicore, Dublin 8

InchicoreKeatinge NKeatinge’s Pharmacy, 3 Tirconnell Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 01-4547071

Kimmage Rd LrMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, 312 Kimmage Road Lr, Dublin 6W

FinglasLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 47 Main St, Finglas, Dublin 5 01-864206401-8068406

GlasnevinBoyle F Crescent Pharmacy, 68 Willow Park Crescent, Glasnevin, Dublin 1101-834605701-8346057

Henry StHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 6 GPO Buildings, Henry St, Dublin 1

InchicoreRitchie P Inchicore Pharmacy, 205c Emmet Road, Inchicore, Dublin 8 01-453429101-4534291

Gra ton StHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 21 Gra ton St, Dublin 2 01-679046701-6790470gra

Eden QuayAllen E Tracey’s Pharmacy, 18 Eden Quay, Dublin 1 01-874017901-8740179

FairviewO’Donoghue DBanks Pharmacy, 195 Philipsburgh Avenue, Fairview, Dublin 3 01-837865001-8378650

KnocklyonLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Knocklyon, Dublin 16 01-494240601-4945866

Lwr Kilmacud Rd, Goatstown, Dublin 14 Gra ton StBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 12 Gra ton St, Dublin 2 01-677300001-6717842 dublin.store1753.gra

JobstownGrogan D Jobstown Pharmacy, Unit 2 Kiltalown S C, Jobstown, Dublin 24 01-459837401-4598374

James StCarragher AReillys Pharmacy, St James Gate, James St, Dublin 8 01 6435382

KilbarrackLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Kilbarrack S C, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5 01-848158501-8481600

Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Unit 6 Charlestown S C, Finglas, Dublin 11 01-804159501-8340331

Ellis QuayCarragher

GlasnevinLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 4 Fitzmaurice Rd, Glasnevin, Dublin 11 01-834217801-8361457

KilbarrackStack A Kilbarrack Pharmacy, Units 17-18 Kilbarrack S C, Dublin 13

Grand Canal St LrMedishetty SHayes Pharmacy, 16 Hogan Place, Grand Canal St Lr, Dublin 2

Kilbarrack RdLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 53 Kilbarrack Rd, Kilbarrack, Dublin 5 01-832533201-8322598

Harcourt StFoody O Foodys Pharmacy, Harcourt Building,Harcourt St, Dublin 2

Glasnevin AveMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, 282 Glasnevin Ave, Dublin 11

NBlackhall Pharmacy, Unit 4Ellis Court Business Complex,Ellis Quay, Dublin


F Cappagh Pharmacy, Unit 5 The Shops, Barry Ave, Finglas, Dublin 1101-8108403

Frederick St NthFrederick Frederick Pharmacy Ltd, 19 Nth Frederick St, Dublin 1 01-8746475 Pharmacy Ltd

F Touchstone Pharmacy, Mulhuddart Village, Mulhuddart, Dublin

Meath StHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 18 Meath St, Dublin 8 01-454577201-4545773

RahenyDunne A Greendale Pharmacy, 3 Kish House, Greendale Road, Kilbarrack, Dublin


RathfarnhamHilton K Hiltons Pharmacy, 11 Main Street, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14

A Marley Park Pharmacy, Unit 3 Grange Retail Centre, Grange Road, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16

Military RdCarroll M HSQ Pharmacy, Unit 1 Block 7 HSQ, Military Rd, Dublin 8

RahenyMacNamara DMacNamara’s Pharmacy, Raheny S C, Raheny, Dublin 5 01-832973601-8329736

RanelaghKilgallen JBurkes Pharmacy, 21/23 Ranelagh Rd, Ranelagh, Dublin 6

PalmerstownFoley F Foleys Life Pharmacy, Unit 8Palmerstown S C, Dublin 20 01-626064201-6260642

RahenyKiely S Cronins Pharmacy, 1 Edenmore S C, Raheny, Dublin 5

PHaven Pharmacy Brennans, Taylors Lane, Rathfarnham, Dublin 1601-493200101-4932001

Grand Canal Dock, Pearse Street, Dublin 2

Malahide RdQuinn M Corrigan’s Pharmacy, 80 Malahide Rd, Dublin 3 01-833880301-8334992

RathfarnhamAllcare Group Tony Walsh Allcare Pharmacy, Rathfarnham S C, Rathfarnham, Dublin

A Andrew Buckleys totalhealth Pharmacy, 5 St Endas Drive, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16

Leopardstown, Dublin 18 Lombard StIrwin J Lombard Pharmacy, 32 Lombard St East, Dublin 2

PhibsboroBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 1-3 Phibsboro Place, 01-811753601-8117538 149-158 Phibsboro Rd, Phibsboro,Dublin 7

Manor StMcFadden DMcFaddens Pharmacy, 46 Manor St, Dublin 7 01-8178400


Parnell StHogan R Life Pharmacy Parnell, 35-41 Parnell St, Dublin 1 01-873220901-8732430

RahenyMagner P Magners Pharmacy, 24 Edenmore S C, Raheny, Dublin 5 01-847572501-8474995

Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Nutgrove S C, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14 01-493310001-4936991

RanelaghBoden N Dunville Pharmacy, 29 Dunville Avenue, Ranelagh, Dublin 6

Pearse StConefrey TConefreys CarePlus Pharmacy, 136 Pearse St, Dublin 2 01-6773234

Navan RdKelly O Cullens Pharmacy, Navan Rd Primary Care Centre, Navan Rd, Cabra, Dublin 701-838646001-8386941

RahenyLittleton SYour Local Pharmacy, Tonlegee Road PCC, Tonlegee Rd, Raheny, Dublin

RanelaghO’Hagan OMeaghers Pharmacy, 69 Ranelagh Village, Ranelagh, Dublin 6


Moore StBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Unit 20,Ilac S C, Dublin 1 01-872252001-8722041

RahenyLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 413 Howth Rd, Raheny, Dublin 5 01-831434101-8329839


RahenyTully R Tullys totalhealth Pharmacy, 439 Howth Road, Raheny, Dublin 5

Ongar Hickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Ongar Village, Ongar, Dublin 15

MerrionAllcare Group Tony Walsh Allcare Pharmacy, Merrion S C, Merrion, Dublin 4

PalmerstownLooby J Haven Pharmacy Loobys, 42 Manor Rd, Palmerstown, Dublin 20

NCR O’Hagan OMeaghers Pharmacy, Unit 2 Ground Floor, Whitty Building, Mater Hospital, NCR North Strand RdMachaczka IThe Strand Pharmacy, 149 North Strand Rd, Dublin 3

RanelaghO’Hagan OMeaghers Pharmacy, 22-24 Sandford Road, Ranelagh, Dublin 6

RathfarnhamShannon CShannon’s Pharmacy, Rosemount, Marian Rd, Rathfarnham, Dublin

RathfarnhamLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Nutgrove S C, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14 01-494235301-4946524


Parnell StLloyds Pharmacy Hiltons Pharmacy, Unit 4 Greeg Court, Parnell Street, Dublin 1 01-872222401-8722223


MilltownPhelan M Phelans Pharmacy, Unit 1 Mount St Annes, Milltown, Dublin 6

PalmerstownWong S Palmerstown Pharmacy, Unit 3 Aldi Complex, 01-6208500 Old Lucan Rd, Palmerstown, Dublin 20 Parnell StFoley M Parnell St Pharmacy Ltd, 136 Parnell St, Dublin 1

Navan RdO’Hagan OKinvara Pharmacy, 41 Kinvara Pk, Navan Rd, Dublin 7

Pearse StO’Leary G Gallery Quay Pharmacy, Unit G6 Gallery Quay, 01-7071883

Malahide RdScanlon DLimitless Health Pharmacy, Unit 4 Burnell Court,

Old County RdMcKeon BOld County Life Pharmacy, 111 Old County Road, Dublin 12 01-4540304 01-4535253

O’Connell StAllcare Group Allcare O’Connell St Pharmacy, 5 O’Connell St Lr, Dublin 1

MulhuddartMullan J Complete Care Pharmacy, 110 Main St, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15

RahenyDu y R Hilltop Pharmacy, Hilltop S C, Station Rd, Raheny, Dublin 5

Long Mile RdMortazavi SLong Mile Rd Pharmacy, 1 Long Mile Rd, Dublin 10D12F768 01-5619075

MilltownMitchell SMilltown totalhealth Pharmacy, Milltown S C, Dublin 6

Meath StFoley S Meath Street Pharmacy, 39 Meath St, Dublin 8

O’Connell StHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 55 Lr O’Connell St, Dublin 1

RahenyAdams P Adams Pharmacy, 11 Main St, Raheny, Dublin 5 01-831383101-8313676



A Haven Pharmacy Greenes, 36 Main St, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14

Malahide RdMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, 1-2 Clarehall S C, Malahide Road, Dublin 17 01-847352001-8473520 Malahide RdO’Kee e DO’Kee e’s Pharmacy, 111 Malahide Rd, Dublin 3 01-831861701-8318617

Patrick StTrainor M Ardilaun Pharmacy, 7 Ardilaun Court, Patrick Street, Dublin 8 01-454489701-4546173

PhibsboroCollis R Collis Pharmacy, 350 NCR, Phibsboro,Dublin 7

Northern Cross, Malahide Rd, Dublin 17 Manor StCooney D Manor Pharmacy, 21 Manor St, Dublin7

MulhuddartAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Mulhuddart, Unit 2, The Crescent, Church Road, Mulhuddart, Dublin 15

RanelaghLeech M Leech Pharmacy, 43 Ranelagh, Dublin 6 01-4971407 01-4971107

Portland St NorthPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, 4 Bakers Yard, Portland St North, Dublin 1

PhibsboroHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Phibsboro S C, Dublin7

Prussia StWong P Park Pharmacy, Unit 2 - The Park S C, Prussia St, Dublin 7 01-838810401-8388104

TallaghtCadden F Killinarden Pharmacy, 4 Killinarden S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-451154401-4511544

Belarmine, Stepaside, Dublin 18

PRoche’s Chemists, 165 Upper Rathmines Rd, Rathmines, Dublin 6 01-4972693

SantryMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Unit D1 Ab,

F Brookfield Pharmacy, Unit 3 Sundale S C, 01-462831801-4628318 Fortunestown Way, Tallaght, Dublin 24


RathminesAllcare Group Bourkes Allcare Pharmacy, 220 Rathmines Rd Lr, Rathmines, Dublin

SantryBreen J Magners Pharmacy, Old Swiss Cottage Bldg,Santry, Dublin 9

SantryO’Sullivan PLife Pharmacy, 241 Swords Road, Santry, Dublin 9




SantryLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Omni Park S C, Santry, Dublin 9 01-842985701-8429777

SandymountJohnson PMcAuli e’s Pharmacy, 93 Sandymount Rd, Sandymount, Dublin 4 01-668412101-6683011

TBalally Pharmacy, 9 Balally S C, Sandyford, Dublin 16


RingsendAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Ringsend, 6 Thorncastle St, Ringsend, Dublin 4


NLloyds Pharmacy, Unit 2 The Bottleworks, Fitzwilliam St, Ringsend, Dublin

SmithfieldMcGreal KPolonia Pharmacy, Unit 4 King St Complex,Smithfield, Dublin 7 01-8747440

SuttonMcCartan BMcCartans Pharmacy, 11 Howth Road,

SuttonMcCartan BMcCartans Pharmacy, 3 Bayside S C, Sutton, Dublin 13 01-8393939

P New Bawn Pharmacy, Unit 5 St Dominics S.C.,Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-451234401-4610623

Redmonds HillPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, 11-12 Remonds Hill, Dublin 2 01-5497521

South Circular RdKilgallen JLeonards Corner Pharmacy, 106 South Circular Rd, Dublin 8 01-4534282

RathgarO’Connell MRathgar Pharmacy, 5-7 Terenure Road East, Rathgar, Dublin 6

SantryMcKay A McKays Pharmacy, 33 Shanard Road, Santry, Dublin 9

SandyfordMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, 2 Sandyford Hall S C, Kilgobbin Rd, Dublin

StoneybatterLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 37 Stoneybatter, Stoneybatter, Dublin 7 01-679208601-6707774

Talbot StDurkin P Active Life Pharmacy, 27 Irish Life Mall, Talbot St, Dublin 1

StepasideGhosn S Belarmine Pharmacy, Unit 22 Belarmine Plaza,


South GreatGalligan CMedipharm, 16 South Great Georges Street, Dublin 2 01-671976501-6452012

TallaghtBest R Kingswood Pharmacy, Kingswood S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-462327801-4623278

Gullivers Neighbourhood Centre, Northwood, Santry

SandymountShanahan DO’Connors Pharmacy, 6 Bath Avenue, Sandymount, Dublin 4

SantryPetit De Mange GO D C Chemists, Lorcan Avenue, Santry, Dublin 9 01-842102601-8421026

Rialto Cassidy C Haven Pharmacy Cassidys, 449 S C R, Rialto,Dublin 8 01-453240301-4532403

Reuben StFerrant I Coombe Community Pharmacy, Unit 2 Earls Court, Reuben St, Dublin 8 01-4427572 01-5593121

Stephens GreenBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, St Stephens Green S C, Dublin 2 01-478436801-4751862

TallaghtAdeyemi OSpringfield Pharmacy, Alderwood Court, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-4520747

Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Level 2 Unit 245The Square, Tallaght, Dublin 2401-459837701-4598563

Rialto Boles J AC Boles Unlimited, 390 South Circular Road, Dolphins Barn, Dublin 8 01-4532053

Georges St St Catherines LaneCarragher AThomas Court Pharmacy, St Catherines Lane West, Dublin 8

VLife Pharmacy, Unit 18 Swan S C, Rathmines, Dublin 6 01-4972039

M Bates Pharmacy, Unit 6 Aylesbury S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24


Sundrive RdGood A Shopping Centre Pharmacy, U13 Supervalu S C, Sundrive Rd, Dublin 6W 01-4929731

TallaghtHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 254 The Square, Tallaght, Dublin 24

SantryBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 95b Omni Park S C, Santry, Dublin 9 01-816321501-8163217

TallaghtHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Fortunestown Lane S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24

RingsendLucey P Shelbourne Pharmacy, Irishtown Rd, Ringsend, Dublin 4

SandyfordHayes S Mulveys Pharmacy, Sandyford Village, Sandyford, Co Dublin

Rialto Kelly O Mangans Pharmacy, Rialto Primary Care Centre, South Circular Rd, Dublin

SandymountMurphy G Sandymount Pharmacy, 1a Sandymount Gr, Dublin 4 01-283718801-2837188

SmithfieldMcSorley RMarket Pharmacy Smithfield, Unit 8B Thundercut Alley, Smithfield, Dublin 701-874709701-8747097

Talbot StMurray L Liam Murray Chemist, 20/21 Talbot St, Dublin 1 01-855421601-8555880



RathminesRyan G Rathmines Pharmacy, 114 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 601-4979999 01-4970157

StoneybatterDillon J Janet Dillon Pharmacy, Unit 2 Norseman Court, Stoneybatter, Dublin

Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18

SummerhillAllen Gough MAllens Pharmacy, 10 Summerhill Parade, Dublin 1 01-8555249

Unit 1 Superquin S C, Sutton Cross, Dublin 13

RathminesBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, 302 Rathmines Road Lower, Rathmines, Dublin 601-496970001-4969559

TallaghtBonina G Village Green Pharmacy, U 7/8 Village Green S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 015527852

South Circular RdVyas C South Circular Pharmacy, 80 South Circular Road, Dublin 8 01-453706901-4537546

StepasideMulvey F Mulveys Pharmacy, Stepaside Village, Stepaside, Dublin 18 01-206906101-2069061

Rialto O’Dowd P Walsh’s Pharmacy, 491 South Circular Rd, Rialto,Dublin 8 01-453373901-4533739

SYour Local Pharmacy, Unit 6 C Beacon South Quarter,

TallaghtBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Unit 319The Square, Dublin 24 01-462215501-4598566


L Haven Pharmacy Beacon, 34 The Mall, Beacon Court, Sandyford, Dublin

Talbot StMulgrew PPharmacy O’Regan, 36a Talbot St, Dublin 1

TallaghtEllis M Mark Ellis Pharmacy, Unit 9 Springfield S C, Alderwood, Tallaght, Dublin 2401-494081801-4940818

Sundrive RdJordan D Jordans Pharmacy, 43 Sundrive Road, Kimmage, Dublin 10

RathminesLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 282 Lr Rathmines Rd, Rathmines, Dublin 6 01-4974898 01-4970750

SandyfordO’Connell MBlackglen Pharmacy, Unit 1Blackglen Village Centre, Simonsridge, Sandyford, Dublin 18


TallaghtGrogan D Tallaght Cross Pharmacy, C6 The Russell Building, 01-5583710 Tallaght Cross West, Tallaght, Dublin 24

TallaghtMulgrew PPharmacy O’Regan, Old Bawn S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-452431201-4524109

BlackrockBoots Retail Ireland Boots, Unit 13-14 Frascatti S C, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-210822301 2108230

CarrickminesBoots Retail Ireland Boots, The Park Retail Pk, Carrickmines, Co Dublin 01-295867801-2958690

WalkinstownMcHugh PSt Patricks Pharmacy, St Patricks Road, Greenhills, Dublin 10 01-460602401-4606024

BlackrockDiskin S Woodbine Pharmacy, 6 Woodbine Pk, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-2693496

DO’Sullivan’s Pharmacy, Unit 6 Orwell S C, Templeogue, Dublin

BlackrockPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, 31-32 Deansgrange Rd, Blackrock, Co Dublin

OMeaghers Pharmacy, Unit 5Castletymon S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-452356201-4523562

TallaghtO’Hagan OGlenview Pharmacy, 192 Glenview Park, Tallaght, Dublin 24

TallaghtMcDermott DD Moran Pharmacy(Firhouse Ltd),Firhouse S C, Dublin 24 01-4516747 01-4517978

BlackrockFitzpatrick HBooterstown Pharmacy, 87C Booterstown Ave, Blackrock, Co

BalbrigganO’Connell DBrecan Pharmacy, Unit 2 Brecan House, Drogheda St, Balbriggan, Co

Whitehall Rd WAllcare Group Perrystown Allcare Pharmacy, 182 Whitehall Rd W, Perrystown, Dublin

BlackrockPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, Pure Pharmacy, Frascati S C, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-2788972


BalbrigganMcCartan BMcCartans Pharmacy, Unit 11 Block B Castlemill S C, Hamlet Lane, Balbriggan, Co Dublin

BalbrigganMulgrew PPharmacy O’Regan, Drogheda St, Balbriggan, Co Dublin

WalkinstownMcLaughlin DHaven Pharmacy McLaughlins, 153 Drimnagh Rd, Walkinstown, Dublin 1001-455735401-4099033

Kimmage Cross Roads, Terenure, Dublin 6

Thomas StCarragher AReillys Pharmacy, Unit 2 Bertram Ct, Cornmarket, Thomas St, Dublin

BalbrigganBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 11+12 Millfield S C, Balbriggan, Co Dublin 01-841608501-8416090

BlackrockCambursano PNewtownpark Pharmacy Ltd, (O’Dwyers Pharmacy), 01-288758301-2887583 3 Newtown Park, Blackrock, Co Dublin

TallaghtTesco Ireland Tesco Pharmacy Tallaght, The Square S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-451458101-4514581

CShannon’s Pharmacy, Templeogue Village, Dublin 6W

BlackrockQuigley L Quigleys Pharmacy, 20 Main St, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-288221901-2889279

MPharmacy Hub,Mace Killinarden, Whitestown Rd, Tallaght, Dublin 2401-4629073

TerenureByrne L Greenlea Pharmacy, 116 Greenlea Rd, Terenure, Dublin 6W 01-4909273

U C D Phelan E Procare Pharmacy, Students Centre, University College, Dublin 4 01-716314401-2607855

BallybrackKeane C Dorans Pharmacy, Tesco S C, Ballybrack, Co Dublin 01-


WalkinstownO’Sullivan DDeclan O’Sullivan, Ballymount Rd, Walkinstown Cross, Dublin 10 01-4501494

TallaghtMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Unit 2 Lidl Complex,Main Rd, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-4522487

Terenure Rd NthHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 85 Terenure Road N, Dublin 6

BlackrockDelahunt AGrange Pharmacy, 10 Clonkeen Rd, Deansgrange, Blackrock, Co Dublin01-289313701-2893137

TerenureAllcare Group KCR Allcare Pharmacy, 2 Fortfield Road,

BlackrockLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Blackrock S C, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-278807801-2884929

Windy ArbourAustin M Hunters Pharmacy, 5 Olivemount Tce, Windy Arbour, Dundrum, Dublin

TallaghtLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Main Street, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-414087801-4140880

BalrotheryO’Neill K Balrothery Pharmacy, Coach Rd, Balrothery, Co Dublin

BalbrigganTesco Ireland Tesco Pharmacy Balbriggan, Millfield S C, Naul Rd, Balbriggan, Co Dublin01-6913412


CBarrys CarePlus Pharmacy, 6 Cypress Pk, Templeogue, Dublin 6W 01-4925245

TallaghtLloyds Pharmacy Health Express Pharmacy, Units 120-121The Square S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-459723601-4597238

TyrellstownHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 2 Tyrellstown T C, Tyrellstown, Dublin 15

CGreenhills Pharmacy, 133 St Peters Rd, Walkinstown, Dublin 10 01-456003901-4560039

Westland RowRa ter C Trinity Pharmacy, 40 Westland Row, Dublin 2 01-611088301-6110884

B O D C Chemists, Kilnamanagh S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-451615501-4516155

BalbrigganDunne A Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, 12 Dublin St, Balbriggan, Co Dublin


TerenurePure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, Unit 1A Whitehall Close, Terenure, Dublin 6W 01-4651901



BalbrigganAllcare Group Balbriggan Allcare Pharmacy, Unit 5 Drogheda St, Balbriggan, Co

Dalkey Allcare Group Kerins Allcare Pharmacy, 32 Castle St, Dalkey, Co Dublin 01-2859644/ 01-2859248 Dalkey O’Brien B Dalkey Pharmacy, 3 Railway Rd, Dalkey, Co Dublin


BlackrockMacken L Mackens Pharmacy, 41 Main Street, Blackrock, Co Dublin

BalbrigganHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Balbriggan PCC, Dublin Rd, Balbriggan, Co Dublin01-5676912

CabinteelyKane M Johnstown totalhealth Pharmacy, 31 Johnstown Rd, Cabinteely, Co

WhitehallDunne A Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, 394 Collins Ave, Whitehall, Dublin 9

WalkinstownLonergan SLonergans Pharmacy, 3 Harty Ave, Walkinstown, Dublin 10 01-5574949 01-5574830

TerenureO’Connell MTerenure Life Pharmacy, 86 Terenure Road E, (Opp. St Joseph’s Church),Dublin 6

WalkinstownJohnson PJohnson Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Walkinstown, Dublin 10

TallaghtWhelan P Rossfield Pharmacy, Unit 2/3 Brookfield Enterprise Cent, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-451145301-4511454

BallybrackGallagher MCareys Pharmacy, 22 Church Rd, Ballybrack, Co Dublin


Temple BarMaguire KTemple Bar Pharmacy, 21 Essex St E, Temple Bar, Dublin 2

WhitehallMalone E Lalor’s Pharmacy, 69 Collins Avenue West, Whitehall, Dublin 9 01-831694301-8319889

BlackrockMacken G Rockville Pharmacy, 7 Rockville Road, Newtown Park Avenue, 01-288306301-2883063 Blackrock, Co Dublin


TerenureHoran A Fortfield Pharmacy, 48 Fortfield Park, Terenure, Dublin 6 01-490078901-4900789


WhitehallC&D Medical Hall Ltd Conways Pharmacy, 95 Swords Rd, Whitehall, Dublin 9 01-837537901-5312290

TallaghtLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 4 Aylesbury S C, Tallaght, Dublin 24 01-4521594 01-4596030

Lucan Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Lucan, Co Dublin 01-624134101-6214908

Lusk McCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Unit 1 Station Rd, Lusk, Co Dublin 01-8431100

Rush Doherty J Haven Pharmacy Hickeys, 44 Upr Main Street, Rush, Co Dublin 01-843729501-8437295

StillorganAllcare Group Bradleys Pharmacy, 5 Lr Kilmacud Road, Stillorgan, Co Dublin

Dun LaoireLeahy D Dun Laoghaire Pharmacy Ltd, 65 Georges St Upr, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin01-284486101-2844861

ShankillLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Main St, Shankill, Co Dublin 01-282023601-2822283


MalahideMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Yellow Walls Road, Malahide, Co Dublin

Dun Laoire, Co Dublin

ShankillKeshwara HShankill Pharmacy, Violet House, Main St, Shankill, Dublin 18

MalahideBoots Retail Ireland Boots, 2 Church Rd, Malahide, Co Dublin 01-816884601-8168733

Lucan Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Woodview Court, Tandy’s Lane, Lucan, Co Dublin01-601014801-6010087

StillorganMullany TSlievemore Pharmacy, Old Dublin Road, Stillorgan, Co Dublin 01-200051901-2101573

Dun LaoireBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Bloomfield S C, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin 01-230271701-2302606

Dalkey O’Lubhai GMaxwells Pharmacy, 28 Castle St, Dalkey, Co Dublin 01-285983301-2859834

SkerriesStack A Stack’s Pharmacy, Unit 5Holmpatrick S C, Shenick Road, Skerries, Co

Dun LaoireFinnegan PFinnegans Pharmacy, 41 Sallynoggin Rd, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin

NDonabate Pharmacy, Unit 1 Ballalease North, 01-808533301-8085333

Dun LaoireMcCa rey SMcCa reys Pharmacy, 69 Georges Street Upper, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin01-284575401-2845755

Lusk Gaynor P Gaynors Allcare Pharmacy, Post O ce Road, Lusk, Co Dublin 01-8437911

StillorganPhelan C Phelans Pharmacy, 3 Lwr Kilmacud Rd, Stillorgan, Co Dublin 01-2122662

Rush McCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Veronica House, Unit 1 Skerries Corner, Rush, Co Dublin01-8949100

Dun LaoireHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 26 Oliver Plunkett Rd, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin

KillineyMurray P Haven Pharmacy Murrays, Killiney S C, Killiney, Co Dublin

PortmarnockCleary T Cleary’s Pharmacy, Strand Centre, Portmarnock, Co Dublin

Dun LaoireFrayne G Burnetts Pharmacy, 42 Georges St, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin 01-280112401-2801124

StillorganPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, 2 Lwr Kilmacud Rd, Stillorgan, Co Dublin 01-5473526 01-5374973

Dun LaoghaireAllcare Group Hiltons Allcare Pharmacy, Marine Road Mall, Dun Laoire S C,

Mt MerrionFitzpatrick HMount Merrion Pharmacy, 71 Deerpark Road, Mount Merrion, Co Dublin01-212258501-2122585

Lucan Busteed NLucan Village Pharmacy, 4 Main St, Lucan, Co Dublin


Dun LaoireLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Georges St Upr, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin 01-280735201-2301431

Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin Dun LaoireAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Mounttown, 63 Mounttown Road Lower,

GlasthuleMcMorrow CJSandycove Pharmacy, 60 Glasthule Rd, Glasthule, Co Dublin 01-2801587

Retail Ireland Boots Pharmacy, Units 5-7 Park Point S C, Upr Glenageary Rd, Co Dublin01-2143963 01-2143978

SkerriesMcCartan BMcMeel’s Pharmacy, 27 Strand St, Skerries, Co Dublin

SkerriesO’Flaherty MStrand St Pharmacy, 88a Strand St, Skerries, Co Dublin


MonkstownCosgrove VCosgroves Pharmacy, 105 Monkstown Rd, Monkstown, Co Dublin

SaggartSimpson TSaggart Pharmacy Ltd, 12 Slade Castle Court, Saggart, Co Dublin

Newcastle-LyonsMcBennett SNewcastle Lyons Pharmacy Ltd, Unit 4 Corner Park, Newcastle-Lyons, Co Dublin

Dun LaoireBourke E O’Mahony and Ennis, 4 Georges Street Upper, Dun Laoire, Co Dublin01-280116301-2301963

HowthDeasy C McDermotts Pharmacy, 5 Main St, Howth, Co Dublin

Lucan Allcare Group Kinirons Allcare Pharmacy, Main St, Lucan, Co Dublin


Lucan Dunne A Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Hillcrest S C, Lucan, Co Dublin

PortmarnockMcCartan BMcCartans Pharmacy, Unit 4 Portmarnock S C, Portmarnock, Co Dublin01-846147101-8461984 RathcooleKara H Reidy’s Pharmacy, Main St, Rathcoole, Co Dublin 01-458934101-4589722

Dun Laoire, Co Dublin Dun LaoghaireCara Pharmacies Cara Pharmacy, Unit 1 Pottery Rd Ind Est, Pottery Rd,

Dun LaoireMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 66 Glasthule Road,

ShankillMcCartan BMcCartans Pharmacy, 2 Shankill S C, Shankill, Co Dublin


SkerriesOakes S Oakes Pharmacy, 29a Strand St, Skerries, Co Dublin

StillorganO’Connell MO’Connells at Lakelands Pharmacy, 7 Lakelands Road, Stillorgan, Co

SkerriesBrady F Bradys Pharmacy, Unit 3 Skerries Point Centre, Kellys Bay, Skerries, Co

Dun Laoire, Co Dublin

Lucan Foley F Foleys Pharmacy, 10 Ballyowen Castle S C, Lucan, Co Dublin 01-621308301-6213083

Lucan Gibbons KFinnstown Pharmacy, Unit 4 Finnstown Centre, Finnstown, Lucan, Co Dublin01-505941401-5056444

MalahideMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Malahide S C, Malahide, Co Dublin

Mt MerrionRyan M The Rise Pharmacy, 31 The Rise, Mt Merrion, Co Dublin

SkerriesAllcare Group Skerries Allcare Pharmacy, 38 Strand St, Skerries, Co Dublin

Lucan McCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Unit 1+2 Gri een Centre, Gri een Ave, Lucan, Co Dublin01-5056449 gri

MalahideMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, The Diamond, Malahide, Co Dublin

Rush Allcare Group Rush Allcare Pharmacy, 37 Main St, Rush, Co Dublin

PortmarnockMcCartan BDonnellys Pharmacy, Centrepoint Pharmacy, Strand Rd, Portmarnock, Co Dublin

FBrennans Pharmacy, Glenageary S C, Glenageary, Co Dublin

Lucan Boots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Li ey Valley S C, Lucan, Co Dublin 01-623200001-6231298

MalahideMurphy A Quinns Medical Hall Ltd, 1a Church Rd, Malahide, Co Dublin 01-845153601-8451536

DonabateBrennan JBrennans Life Pharmacy, 1 Fairways Mall, Donabate, Co Dublin

Portrane Road, Donabate, Co Dublin

Lusk Stack A Stacks Pharmacy, Lusk S C, Lusk, Co Dublin

StillorganLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 24 Stillorgan S C, Stillorgan, Co Dublin 01-288182801-2790503

StillorganRa erty J Haven Pharmacy Ra ertys, Stillorgan S C, Co Dublin 01-288015301-2880153

GalwayDuggan WDuggans Pharmacy, 1 Renmore Road, Renmore, Galway 091-757121091-757121

GalwayHogan P Pat Hogan totalhealth Pharmacy, Fr Gri n Ave, Galway

RKinsealy Pharmacy, Unit 10 Feltrim S C, Kinsealy, Swords, Co

BallinasloeHolly F Haven Pharmacy Hollys, 7A Marina Point, Ballinasloe, Co Galway 090-9645676090-9645824

CorrandullaO’Connell JO’Connells Pharmacy, Unit 2 Gort na Carraige, Corrandulla, Co Galway 091-793784

BallinasloeMurphy NMurphys totalhealth Medical Hall, Main St, Ballinasloe, Co


Ballinasloe Healthwise Pharmacies Healthwise Poolboy, Poolboy, Ballinasloe, Co Galway 0909-645693

J Flanagans totalhealth Pharmacy, 32 Shop St, Galway 091-562924091-562924

GalwayKilleen A Claddagh Pharmacy, 8 Fr Gri n Rd, Galway

RMcSharrys Pharmacy, Athenry Primary Care Unit, Athenry, Co Galway091-850500091-850556


J MacNamaras Pharmacy, 4 Swords Retail Centre, Dublin Road, Swords, Co Dublin 01-813250401-8132506


SwordsAl Ja’Afrehova MSwords Castle Pharmacy, Swords Castle S C, Bridge St, Swords, Co

JMacNamara’s Pharmacy, 30 Main St, Swords, Co Dublin

BallinasloeHendrick MHendricks Pharmacy, Unit 6 Tesco S C, Ballinaloe, Co Galway 090-9644160090-9644160

SwordsMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Swords S C, Rathbeale Rd, Swords, Co

SwordsMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Unit 1 Airisde S C, Swords, Co Dublin 01-8970682

GalwayMcAnena FHome Pharmacy Galway13 Forster Street, Galway City, Galway 091-567740091-567741

GalwayRuane S Merlin Pharmacy, Doughiska Retail Centre, Doughiska, Merlin, Galway091-764185 091-769373

BallygarJohnston GJohnstons Allcare Pharmacy Ballygar, Unit 2 High St, Ballygar, Co

JMacNamara’s Pharmacy, Boroimhe S C, Swords, Co Dublin 01-840663501-8400705

GalwayO’Flaherty CMatt O’Flaherty Pharmacy, 37 Eyre Sq, Galway

GalwayWalsh B Varley Pharmacy, Unit 105Eyre Square Centre, Galway City, Co

SwordsMcNally GMcNallys Pharmacy, Unit 1Manor Mall S C, Swords, Co Dublin 01-840036201-8400363

Barna O’Flaherty CMatt O’Flaherty Pharmacy, An Creagan, Barna, Co Galway 091-867070091-867630 Carna Mitchell ACogaslann Agatha, Carna, Galway

AthenryCoyle D Kelly’s Pharmacy, Church St, Athenry, Co Galway

GalwayBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 35 Shop St, Galway 091-561022091-561351

BallinasloeMcGorisk PBrodericks Pharmacy, Society St, Ballinasloe, Co Galway 090-9642161090-9642161


DunmoreBrassil H Brassils Pharmacy, The Square, Dunmore, Co Galway 093-38121093-38121


ClarinbridgeKilleen A Clarinbridge Pharmacy, Main St, Clarinbridge, Co Galway 091-796959091-796961

GalwayMcSharry RMcSharrys Pharmacy, Unit 13 Westside S C, Seamas Quirke Rd, Galway 091-524204091-524249

GalwayO’Toole MLohans Pharmacy, 60 Prospect Hill, Galway


D River Valley Pharmacy, River Valley S C, Swords, Co Dublin 01-840648401-8406484



V Gilsenans Allcare Pharmacy, 1-2 Town Centre Mall, Main St, Swords, Co Dublin

SwordsMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Unit G24Pavilion S C, Swords, Co Dublin

AthenryFlanagan JFlanagans totalhealth Pharmacy, The Square, Athenry, Co


BallinasloeLeahy K Leahys Pharmacy, Dunlo St, Ballinasloe, Co Galway 090-9642279090-9645415

ClifdenCasey N Clifden Pharmacy, Main Street, Clifden, Co Galway

ClifdenMoran D Moran’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Clifden, Co Galway

SwordsMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Ridgewood S C, Forrest Road, Swords, Co

PSweeneys Pharmacy, Riveroaks S C, ClareGalwayCo Galway 091-739480 091-739481

Ballinasloe Healthwise Pharmacies Duanes Healthwise Pharmacy, Main St, Ballinasloe, Co Galway

CostelloeBoyle P Cogaslann Chasla, Derrynea, Costelloe (Casla),Galway 091 572002091 572003

EyrecourtDavis E Davis’s Pharmacy, Main St, Eyrecourt, Ballinasloe, Co Galway

GalwayMoughan PHennigans Pharmacy, Cookes Corner, 66 Newcastle Road Lr, Galway091-524980091-524980

NMcSweeney Pharmacy Ltd, Unit 3,Clybaun Rd, Galway 091-529651091-529653

Barna Brennan KHaven Pharmacy Brennans, Barna Village, Co Galway 091-590749

GalwayO’Flaherty CMatt O’Flaherty Pharmacy, 16 William St, GalwayCo Galway


GalwayWhelan MWhelans CarePlus Pharmacy, Williamsgate Street, Galway 091-562291 Galway CityBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 36-39 Galway S C, Headford Rd, Galway 091-567901091-567914

SwordsFoley F Foleys Pharmacy, Main St, Applewood Village, Swords, Co Dublin

GalwayRochford BUniversity Pharmacy, 35 Newcastle Rd, Galway 091-520115

RMcSharrys Pharmacy, Hanley House, The Crescent, Galway City, Galway091-454616091-454617

CarraroeMitchell ACogaslann Agatha Ui Mhisteil, Carraroe, Galway

Galway CityHolly F Haven Pharmacy Hollys, U8 Centrepoint, Liosban Ind Estate, Tuam Rd, Galway

SwordsStack A Stacks Pharmacy, Unit 4 Albany House, Main St, Swords, Co Dublin


SwordsBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Unit 6G,The Pavillion S C, Swords, Co Dublin 01-890456001-8904563


GalwayWalsh D Walshs Pharmacy, Unit 1 & 2 Corrib Centre, Eyre Sq, Galway



ClaregalwayDu y J Claregalway Pharmacy, 1 Hughes Supermarket, ClareGalwayCo Galway091-799754091-799754

ECraughwell Pharmacy, Craughwell, Co Galway 091-876537091-876537

BallinasloeHealy C Healys Pharmacy, Society St, Ballinasloe, Co Galway

GalwayKearney PBallybane Pharmacy, Ballybane S C, Galway 091-757044091-757044

BallinasloeKing W Billy King Pharmacy, Unit 2 The Mount, Dunlo Hill, Ballinasloe, Co Galway

BallybritKilleen A Briarhill Pharmacy, Briarhill S C, Ballybrit, Galway 091-759628 091-759637


RMcSharrys Pharmacy, Unit 6 Terryland S C, (Dunnes Stores S C),Galway091-561423091-533750

BallygarCoyle A Medical Hall, Ballygar, Co Galway

GalwayO’Flaherty CMatt O’Flaherty Pharmacy, Unit 15 Galway S C, Headford Rd, Galway091-564134 091-539302

GalwayO’Flaherty C Matt O’Flahertys Pharmacy, Hardiman Building,NUI GalwayUniversity Rd, Galway

GO’Flahertys Pharmacy, Athenry S C, Athenry, Co Galway



Galway CityWalsh B Leo Walsh Pharmacy, Unit 8/9 Tornog,Headford Rd, Galway 091-374336

MervueKilleen A Mervue Pharmacy, Plunkett Avenue, Old Mervue, Galway

LoughreaHanly E Loughrea CarePlus Pharmacy, Loughrea S C,

Tuam Leo T Palace Fields Pharmacy, Tullinadaly Road, Tuam, Co Galway 093 27746093-27748

G Garvey’s Pharmacy, Glenamaddy, Co Galway 094-9659012 094-9659372

LoughreaRyan L Weavers Court Pharmacy, Weavers Car Park, Main St, Loughrea, Co Galway

MountbellewMoore J Jill Moore Pharmacy, The Demesne, Mountbellew, Co Galway

PortumnaLynskey NHayes and Hayes totalhealth Pharmacy, St Brendan’s St, 090-9741025090-9741856hayes&

Abbeyknockmoy, Tuam, Co Galway Tuam Feely J Feelys totalhealth Pharmacy, Dublin Rd, Tuam, Co Galway


OranmoreWalsh D Walsh’s Pharmacy, Unit 1Orantown Centre, Oranmore, Co Galway 091-792800091

Tuam Rennick MHigh Cross Pharmacy Ltd, High St, Tuam, Co Galway 093-24699

LoughreaHanly E Killians CarePlus Pharmacy, 55 Main Street, Loughrea, Co Galway

DMulrooneys Pharmacy, Ballygar Rd, Mountbellew, Co Galway 0909-6799900909-679989

SpiddalWalsh D Walsh’s Pharmacy, Main Street, Spiddal, Co Galway 091-553201091-553201


LoughreaKelly O Lakeshore Pharmacy, Barrack St, Loughrea, Co Galway

LoughreaStaunton JBrogans totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Loughrea, Co Galway


KilcolganClarke I Clarkes Pharmacy, Unit GF3, Kilcolgan Bus Centre, Main St, Kilcolgan, Galway



Portumna, Co Galway RenmoreGallagher RRenmore Pharmacy, 17 Renmore Rd, Galway 091-755497091-755497

LoughreaLeahy F Leahy’s Pharmacy, Dunkellin St, Loughrea, Co Galway

KnocknacarraMcSharry RMcSharrys Pharmacy, Unit 5 Gateway S C, Knocknacarra, Galway 091-515250 091-515252



Tuam Leo T The Square Pharmacy, The Square, Tuam, Co Galway

Tuam Kilgarri PKilgari ’s Chemists Ltd, Vicar St, Tuam, Co Galway 093-24120 093-28734

Gort Quinn B Quinns Pharmacy, Bridge St, Gort, Co Galway 091-631272 091-632310

KnocknacarraWalsh B Leo Walsh Pharmacy, Joyces S C, Knocknacarra, Galway 091-587638 091-587639

BallybunionLeane C Ballybunion totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Ballybunion, Co Kerry068-27437

LoughreaWalsh D Walsh’s Pharmacy, Main St, Loughrea, Co Galway

Salthill Road Upper, Salthill, Galway

KinvaraDempsey SKinvara Pharmacy, 2 The Crane Centre, Kinvara, Co Galway 091-637397


TurloughmoreKyne T Lackagh Pharmacy, Turloughmore, Co Galway 091-797056091-797056

Tuam Gleeson DGleesons Pharmacy, The Mall, Vicar St, Tuam, Co Galway


EO’Mahonys Pharmacy, Main St, Ardfert, Co Kerry 066-7134186066-7134186

Galway CityMulrooney T Go West Pharmacy, Unit 4 West City Centre, Old Seamus Quirke Rd, Westside, Galway 091-580088091-573021

DMulrooneys Pharmacy, Mountbellew, Co Galway 090-9679216

MoycullenHoward S Howards Pharmacy, 12 An Fuaran, Moycullen, Co Galway

Tuam Devery N Abbeyknockmoy Pharmacy, Unit 1 Cois na hAbhainn, 093-43047093-43047

OranmoreConnolly SConnollys Pharmacy, Main St, Oranmore, Co Galway 091-792022

J Flanagans totalhealth Pharmacy, 93 Main St, Headford, Co

Athenry Road, Loughrea, Co Galway

Tuam O’Loughlin DMedwell Allcare Pharmacy, Tuam S C, Tuam, Co Galway

MoycullenAllcare Group O’Connor’s Allcare Pharmacy, Crossroads, Moycullen, Co Galway 091-555170


DMulrooneys Pharmacy, Mountbellew Primary Care Centre, 0909-623540 Tuam Rd, Mountbellew, Co Galway

SalthillMullins A Mullins Pharmacy, 216 Upper Salthill, Galway, Co Galway

Gort Daly B Dalys Pharmacy, Market Mall, Church Street, Gort, Co Galway 091-630330

MoycullenO’Flaherty CMatt O’Flahertys Pharmacy, An Cearnog Nua, Moycullen, Co

PortumnaDuddy J Duddys Pharmacy, Portumna, Co Galway 090-9741100090-9741100

BallyheigueBrassil J Brassils Pharmacy, Ballyheigue, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7133112066-7133112

SalthillStaunton PStauntons Allcare Pharmacy, 148 Salthill Lower, Galway

OughterardFlaherty EFlaherty’s Pharmacy, Main Street, Oughterard, Co Galway 091-557602091-557603

Gort Coen R Gilmartins Pharmacy, Gort, Co Galway 091-631236091-632404

P Headford Careplus Pharmacy, Units 8+9 Headford S C, Church Rd, Headford, Co Galway

Galway CityLavelle D Docks Pharmacy, Queensgate, 23 Dock Rd, Galway City, Galway 091-454988

SalthillKennelly CColms Life Pharmacy, Unit 1 Cuirt Na Tra, Salthill, Galway 091-501456

SalthillPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy Salthill, Unit 2 Waterfront Development,

KnocknacarraBoots Retail Ireland Boots, U13 Gateway Retail Pk, Knocknacarra, Galway KnocknacarraGeraghty JMolloys Lifestyle Pharmacy, Shangort Road, Knocknacarra, Galway 091-590211091-590211

Oranmore Healthwise Pharmacies Healthwise Oranmore, Arlinigton House Medical Centre, 091-794607 091-734110

Dublin Rd, Oranmore, Co Galway

HeadfordKeady A Keadys Pharmacy, The Square, Headford, Co Galway 093-34772093-34776

KillimorDu y E Du ys Pharmacy, Killimor, Ballinasloe, Co Galway 090-9676106090-9676846

OranmoreCleary G Oranmore Pharmacy, Main St, Oranmore, Co Galway

SalthillHession MSalthill Pharmacy, 145 Upper Salthill, Galway 091-523207091-523207

SpiddalWalsh D Walsh’s Pharmacy, Spiddal Medical Centre, River Road Spiddal, Spiddal, Co Galway

Tuam Walsh S Walsh’s Pharmacy, Hynes Building,Tuam, Co Galway 093-42232

RoscamNevin B Nevins Pharmacy, Unit 3 Roscam House, Roscam, Galway City 091-765530091-765531

FarranforeAhern D Aherns Pharmacy, Farranfore, Killarney, Co Kerry 066-9764722066-9763075

DingleWalsh J Walshs Pharmacy, Green Street, Dingle, Co Kerry 066-9151365

Tralee Allcare Group O’Carrolls Allcare Pharmacy, 106 Rock St, Tralee, Co Kerry

Tralee O’Connell MO’Connells Pharmacy, Corcorans S C, Monavalley, Tralee, Co

Athy Lavery A A+A Pharmacy, 21 William St, Athy, Co Kildare

KillarneyAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Killarney, New St, Killarney, Co Kerry 064-6634612

Tralee Harmon PMounthawk Allcare Pharmacy, U 2 O’Donnell’s Business Park, Mounthawk, Tralee, Co Kerry Tralee Harty A Ballydu Pharmacy, Ballydu , Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7131111066-7148804anne@ballydu


ListowelDuelchem Ltd O’Connors Pharmacy, 7 Market St, Listowel, Co Kerry 068-21295068-21211

ListowelTrant F Trants Pharmacy, 5A Listowel S C, Convent St, Listowel, Co Kerry

Tralee Allcare Group Kellys Allcare Pharmacy, 9 The Mall, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7121302

KillarneyKelleher STrants Pharmacy, Park Rd, Killarney, Co Kerry

RathmoreReen D Reen’s Pharmacy, Rathmore, Co Kerry

Tralee Boots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Abbeycourt Central Plaza, Unit 12B,Tralee, Co Kerry066 7124686066 7124699

A Aileen Lynch Pharmacy Ltd, 9 Lr Main St, Castleisland, Co Kerry

AHaven Pharmacy Brosnans, 19 Henry St, Kenmare, Co Kerry

WatervilleO’Shea A Waterville Pharmacy, Waterville, Co Kerry 066-9474141

Tralee O’Donoghue JO’Donoghues Pharmacy, Boherbue, Tralee, Co Kerry


Tralee Cronin C Leahys Pharmacy, Unit 1B Ballinorig Business Pk, Ballinorig,Tralee, Co Kerry066-7128222066-7128223

Tralee O’Leary L Haven Pharmacy Kennellys, 6 Lr Castle St, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7121042066-7127568

Tralee O’Sullivan NO’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 4 Centrepoint, 066-7117171


BCrowleys Pharmacy, 81 Main St, Castleisland, Co Kerry 066-7141200066-7141200

KillarneyTrant J Sewell’s Pharmacy, Killarney, Co Kerry

Pharmacy Ltd

Tralee Costello J Costello Pharmacy, Russell St, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7121075

Athy McCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, 51 Leinster St, Athy, Co Kildare 059-8638350

LixnawFitzmaurice MLixnaw Pharmacy, Lixnaw, Co Kerry

KenmareLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Railway Rd, Kenmare, Co Kerry 064-6679880 064-6679896

Tralee Harty P C H Chemists Ltd, 31 The Mall, Tralee, Co Kerry

John Joe Sheehy Rd, Tralee, Co Kerry Tralee Ryle G Ryles Pharmacy, 35 Ashe Street, Tralee, Co Kerry

MilltownSheahan AO’Dohertys Pharmacy, Bridge St, Milltown, Co Kerry 066-9767305066-9767305

JThe Medical Hall, Church St, Cahirciveen, Co Kerry 066-9472309066-9473170je

KillarneyReen F Reen’s Pharmacy, College Sq, Killarney, Co Kerry



PSheahan’s Pharmacy, 18 Main St, Kenmare, Co Kerry

KillarneyKennelly FKennellys Pharmacy, 33 New St, Killarney, Co Kerry

SneemKeogh D Sneem Pharmacy, South Sq, Sneem, Co Kerry

Athy Moore J Moores Life Pharmacy, 6 Duke St, Athy, Co Kildare 059-8631687


Tralee McCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Manor West S C, Tralee, Co

FThe Village Pharmacy, Strand St, Castlegregory, Co Kerry 066 7139646066

Tralee Slattery MAbbeydorney totalhealth Pharmacy, Abbeydorney, Tralee, Co

CarberyRyan S Ryan’s Pharmacy, Derrinturn, Carbery, Co Kildare 046-9552988


Athy McCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health & Beauty Pharmacy, Athy PCC, Dublin Rd, Athy, Co Kildare0598630366

ALaune Pharmacy, Market St, Killorglin, Co Kerry 066-9761131

Group Tarbert Allcare Pharmacy, Corner House, Tarbert, Co Kerry


KILDARE Athy Allcare Group McHughs Allcare Pharmacy, 39-40 Duke Street, Athy, Co. Kildare 059-8631280

DingleGrogan D Grogans Pharmacy, Spa Rd, Dingle, Co Kerry 066-9150518

ListowelDoran N Dorans Pharmacy, 78 Church St, Listowel, Co Kerry 068-21907

CahirciveenO’Neill S O’Neills Allcare Pharmacy, West Main St, Cahirciveen, Co Kerry 066-9472070066-9471294

KillorglinO’Sullivan DHaven Pharmacy O’Sullivans, Mill Road, Killorglin, Co Kerry 066-9762111066-9762111

ListowelHarnett OBrodericks Pharmacy, 7 William St, Listowel, Co Kerry 068-22888068-23704


J J McGuire Co Ltd, 6 Church St, Listowel, Co Kerry 068-21299

ListowelLynn G Kilalla t/a Harnetts Pharmacy, 41 The Square, Listowel, Co Kerry 068-21335

DingleO’Kee es O’Kee es Pharmacy Ltd, Strand St, Dingle, Co Kerry

Tralee Cronin C Leahys Pharmacy, Oakpark, Tralee, Co Kerry

CastleislandKennelly MKennellys Pharmacy, 46 Main Street, Castleisland, Co Kerry

KillarneyBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Units 10/11Deerpark, Killarney, Co Kerry 064-6620919064-6620926

Tralee Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 10/11 Ashe Street, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7190931066-7185882

Tralee Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Fairies Cross, Tralee, Co Kerry 066-7127807066-7127807


KillarneyO’Sullivan AAnthony O’Sullivan Pharmacy Lt, 81 New St, Killarney, Co Kerry

Tralee Burns D Burns Pharmacy, Balloonagh Medical Centre, Balloonagh Est, Spa Rd,

JHaven Pharmacy Shanahans, Church Street, Castleisland, Co



WSheahans Pharmacy, 34 Main St, Killarney, Co Kerry

KillarneyKennelly FKennellys Pharmacy, Rock Rd, Killarney, Co Kerry


J Mulvihill Pharmacy, Main Street, Killorglin, Co Kerry 066-9761115066-9761320


Athy McCauleys Pharmacy McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, 59 Leinster St, Athy, Co

KillarneyDeasy C+EPark Road Late Night Pharmacy, Countess Centre, Park Road, Killarney, Co Kerry

BallytoreLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Crookstown Retail & Bus Pk, Ballytore, Co Kildare059-8623590

JConnollys Pharmacy, Kildare Town, Kildare 045-521393045-521393

LeixlipAllcare Group Ga neys Allcare Pharmacy, 46 Main St, Leixlip,Co Kildare 01-624456101-6244561ga

LeixlipGri n D Gri ns Life Pharmacy, 79 Oaklawn, Leixlip,Co Kildare 01-624467301-6244673leixlip@gri

SGlen Easton Pharmacy, Glen Easton Lodge S C, Leixlip,Co Kildare 01-606006001-6060871

KilcockLevis K Careplus Pharmacy Kilcock, Unit 3 The Square, Kilcock, Co


CelbridgeDuelchem Ltd Chemco Pharmacy Celbridge, Supervalu S C, Dublin Rd, Celbridge, Co

KildareFanning BMcHughs Chemist, The Square, Kildare 045-521425


KildareWhelan R Whelans Pharmacy, Cill Dara Primary Care centre, Dublin Rd, 045-520433045-520438

KildareMurphy D Kildare Pharmacy, Unit 2 Tesco S C, Kildare Town, Co Kildare 045-527823

Clane Marron D D V Marron and Co,Main St, Clane, Co Kildare 045-868112045-868184

MonasterevanAllcare Group O’Rourkes Allcare Pharmacy, The Shopping Centre, Rathangan Road, Monasterevan, Co Kildare

NewbridgeCosgrove JCosgroves Pharmacy, Edward St, Newbridge, Co Kildare

CelbridgeKelly O Mangans Careplus Pharmacy, Maynooth Rd, Celbridge, Co

E Feericks Pharmacy, Unit 1 Riverforest Court, Riverforest S C, Leixlip,Co

MonasterevanStack T Stacks Family Pharmacy Ltd, Market Square, Monasterevan, Co

MRyevale Pharmacy, Ground Floor, Ryevale Medical Centre, Pound St, Leixlip01-6155889

LeixlipSheehan SThe Rye Pharmacy, Unit 2 Barnhall S C, Leixlip,Co Kildare 01-6154611

SallinsKelly O Mangans Pharmacy, The Waterways, Sallins, Co Kildare 045-854911045-855712

CastledermotStack A Castledermot Medical Hall, Main Street, Castledermot, Co Kildare059-9144446059-9162019

Naas Murphy D Naas Pharmacy, Unit 1The Crossings, Dublin Rd, Naas, Co Kildare 045-874171045-896553

Naas Kilgallen JBurkes Pharmacy, 3 North Main St, Naas, Co Kildare

MaynoothBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 23/24 Carton Retail Park, Maynooth, Co Kildare01-601672101-6016756


MaynoothLanigan BMcCormacks Pharmacy, Maynooth, Co Kildare 01-628627401-6290538

MonasterevanMcGreal KMonasterevin Pharmacy, Unit 3 Watermill Place, Monasterevin, Co Kildare045-525580

Naas O’Reilly B O’Reillys Careplus Pharmacy, 7 Poplar Sq, Naas, Co Kildare 045-848383045-848383

Naas Kilgallen JPoplar Pharmacy, Unit 4 Poplar Square, Naas, Co Kildare

CelbridgeWalsh T James and Vincent Walsh Pharmacy, Unit 2 Celbridge S C, Celbridge, Co Kildare 01-6272244


NewbridgeMcCormack FMcCormacks Pharmacy, Unit 16a Newbridge Retail Pk, Athgarvan Rd, 045-444944 Newbridge, Co Kildare

RathanganRyan S Ryan’s Pharmacy, New St, Rathangan, Co Kildare 045-524747045-524747

MaynoothHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Manor Mills S C, Maynooth, Co Kildare

Naas Kilgallen JFairgreen Pharmacy, Fairgreen, Naas, Co Kildare

NewbridgeHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Main St, Newbridge, Co Kildare


CelbridgeHogan J Kinsellas Pharmacy, Block C2 Willow Court, Primrose Gate, Celbridge, Co Kildare

ProsperousBlake P Blakes Pharmacy, The Ideal S C, Prosperous, Co Kildare

D Callagys Pharmacy, Main St, Kilcock, Co Kildare 01-628739301-6287393

Clane Hughes K Hughes Pharmacy, Prosperous Road, Clane, Co Kildare

CelbridgeAllcare Group Blakes Allcare Pharmacy, Main St, Celbridge, Co Kildare


Naas Boots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Monread Centre, Monread Rd, Naas, Co Kildare045-899332045-898704

NewbridgeLittleton SYour Local Pharmacy Longs, Main St, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-431290045-431290

MaynoothHerrero E St Patricks Pharmacy, Greenfields S C, Maynooth, Co Kildare 01-628916601-6289166

NewbridgeKelly O Mangans Pharmacy, Station Rd, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-430559045-430559

NewbridgeDillon J Janet Dillon Pharmacy, Unit 3 Moorefield S C, Newbridge, Co

NewbridgeBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 14-15 Whitewater S C, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-437728 045-437953


NewbridgeTesco Ireland Tesco Pharmacy Newbridge, Moorefield, Cork Rd, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-432923

MaynoothCurry S Maynooth Careplus Pharmacy, 3 Glenroyal S C, Maynooth, Co

CelbridgeWalsh T Medical Hall, Main St, Celbridge, Co Kildare 01-6288207

SallinsMurphy D Sallins Pharmacy, Main St, Sallins, Co Kildare 045-898555

Kildare Town, Co Kildare Kill Duggan N Kill Pharmacy, 6 Clarendon Court, Kill, Co Kildare 045-877474045-878384

JBurkes Pharmacy, Unit 2 Hillcrest, Main Street, Kilcullen, Co


Naas Tesco Ireland Tesco Pharmacy Naas, Monread Rd, Naas, Co Kildare

KildareWhelan R Whelans Pharmacy, Kildare S C, Claregate St, KildareCo Kildare 045-531426045-531514

KilcockWhelan N The Harbour Pharmacy, The Harbour, Kilcock, Co Kildare

Naas Lawlor T Daly’s Pharmacy, 17 Main St, Naas, Co Kildare 045-897239045-897239 Naas Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, U1 Hazelmere S C, Hazelmere, Naas, Co Kildare 045-856148045-901788

NewbridgeYoung D Youngs Life Pharmacy, Charlotte St, Newbridge, Co Kildare

Clane Fadden L Faddens Pharmacy, Abbeylands Centre, Clane, Co Kildare

NewbridgeCanning ACannings Pharmacy, Ballymany S C, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-431850045-431850

Naas Boots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Unit 1-2 Dublin Road, Naas, Co Kildare 045-901042045-901045

Naas McCarthy JMonread Pharmacy, 6 Monread Lodge S C, Naas, Co Kildare 045-896888


JBernard Berney Ltd, Main St, Kilcullen, Co Kildare

Naas Roche G Vista Pharmacy, Vista Primary Care Campus, Ballymore Eustace Road, Naas, Co Kildare

NewbridgeLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Newbridge S C, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-432947 045-434841

NewbridgeTallon J Bergins Pharmacy, 7 Courtyard S C, Moorefield, Newbridge, Co Kildare045-438525045-438525

CelbridgeBenav P Castletown Pharmacy, Main St, Celbridge, Co Kildare 01-627396201-6273969

NewbridgeMcGreal KMcGreals Pharmacy, Curragh Grange S C, Newbridge, Co Kildare

MaynoothMcCartan BMcCartans Pharmacy, Tesco S C, Maynooth, Co Kildare

Clane Cadden F Clancys Pharmacy, Shop Street, Kilcock Road, Clane, Co Kildare

NewbridgeMulgrew PMoorefield Pharmacy, Moorefield, Newbridge, Co Kildare 045-486189 045-437523

PortlaoiseDuelchem Ltd Chemco Pharmacy, The Kellyville Centre, Portlaoise, Co Laois


TBallyragget Pharmacy, Kilkenny Road, Ballyragget, Co Kilkenny 056-8830781056-8830781

KilkennySheehy J Newpark Pharmacy, Newpark S C, Johnswell Road, Kilkenny




KilkennyWhite K Whites Pharmacy, 5 High Street, Kilkenny

PiltownMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, Main Street, Piltown, Co Kilkenny 051-644100051-644627

ThomastownHealy M Healys Pharmacy, Market St, Thomastown, Co Kilkenny

Mountmellick Road, Portlaoise, Co Laois

Callan McDowell ARyan McDowell’s Pharmacy, Green St, Callan, Co Kilkenny

KilkennyMacEneaney MB MacEneaney Ltd, 42/43 High St, Kilkenny

MountrathSharkey SConroys Pharmacy, Main Street, Mountrath, Co Laois

Callan Stack A Costelloe’s Pharmacy, Green Street, Callan, Co Kilkenny

PortlaoiseShanahan JMiHealth Pharmacy, Unit 4A The Kyle S C, Portlaoise, Co Laois

KilkennyFallon J Fallons Pharmacy, 47 John St, Kilkenny



KilkennyMulhall WO’Sheas Pharmacy, 4 Market Yard, Kilkenny

PortarlingtonMcGreal KBreslin & McGreal Pharmacy, Primary Care Centre, Portarlington, Co Laois057-8642920

ThomastownMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, Cloghbrody S C, Thomastown, Co Kilkenny 056-7793000056-7793000


Callan McDowell ACallan Pharmacy, Friary Walk, Callan, Co Kilkenny

MountmellickMcElwee PMcElwee totalhealth Pharmacy, 2 O’Connell Sq, Mountmellick, Co

James Fintan Lawlor Ave, Portlaoise, Co Laois

Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 33 High St, Kilkenny

FreshfordCarroll E O’Carroll’s Pharmacy, Church St, Freshford, Co Kilkenny


Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Kilkenny S C, Loughboy,


Urlingford Urlingford Pharmacy, Main St, Urlingford, Co Kilkenny 056-8831117056-8831139

PortlaoiseMcElwee PMcElwee totalhealth Portlaoise, The Cedar Clinic,

J Kissanes Pharmacy, Lwr Main St, Graigeunamanagh, Co Kilkenny 059-9724373059-9724373

PortlaoiseMullany TKilminchy Pharmacy, Kilminchy Court, Portlaoise, Co. Laois 057-8668945

KilkennyMulligan NMulligan Pharmacy, Unit 2 Block B,The Smithlands Centre, 056-7777333 Loughboy, Waterford Rd, Kilkenny

PortarlingtonMcCarthy DMcCarthys Pharmacy Portarlington, Arlington Centre, Link Rd, Droughill, Portarlington

KilkennyMadigan BMadigans Pharmacy Kilkenny, 1 Fr Delahunty Terrace, Old Callan Rd,

PortarlingtonMullany TO’Sullivan Mullany Pharmacy, Market Sq, Portarlington, Co Laois 057-8623184057-8684561

J Kissanes Pharmacy, 6A Chestnut Drive, Brookfield, Main St,

Callan Madigan BMadigans Pharmacy, Green St, Callan, Co Kilkenny

PortlaoiseBreslin M Breslins Pharmacy, 86 Main Street, Portlaoise, Co Laois

PortlaoiseO’Donovan DLaois Pharmacy, 1 Dunamaise House, Portlaoise, Co Laois

MountmellickMcElwee P McElwee totalhealth Pharmacy, Connolly St (SuperValu),Mountmellick, Co Laois

MountrathMcSweeney Group O’Rourkes Pharmacy, Mountrath, Co Laois

KilkennyMahony MMahonys Pharmacy, 23 High St, Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny

J Crottys Pharmacy, Main St, Bennettsbridge, Co Kilkenny

PortlaoiseBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 31/32 Laois S C, Portlaoise, Co Laois 057-8688788057-8688776

AbbeyleixO’Donnell JO’Donnells Pharmacy, Main St, Abbeyleix,Co Laois


PortarlingtonWhite A Station Rd Pharmacy, Station Rd, Portarlington, Co Laois 057 8645845

GowranCarroll W Gowran Pharmacy, Main Street, Gowran, Co Kilkenny 056-7726841056-7726841

KilkennyO’Connell JHaven Pharmacy O’Connells, 89 High St, Kilkenny

J Kissanes Pharmacy, Market St, Thomastown, Co Kilkenny

PortlaoiseLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Laois S C, Portlaoise, Co Laois 057-8660212057-8680007

J Kissanes Pharmacy, Upr Main St, Graiguenamanagh, Co Kilkenny 059-9724220059-9724220

CastlecomerRyan D Harringtons Pharmacy, The Square, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny

MooncoinSalvarani MMooncoin Pharmacy, Centra, Main St, Mooncoin, Co Kilkenny 051-895782


AbbeyleixCasserly ECasserlys Pharmacy, Lr Main Street, Abbeyleix,Co Laois 057-8731133057-8730307

ClonasleeBreslin M Clonaslee Pharmacy, Main St, Clonaslee, Co Laois 057-8686990

PortlaoiseMurphy J Hughes Pharmacy, 90/91 Main St, Portlaoise, Co Laois 057-8621332057-8621332

KilkennyKelly M Freshco Pharmacy, Dublin Rd, Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny 056 7786111056 7786222


KilkennyBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 36-38 High St, Kilkenny 056-7771222056-7771423


KilkennyMacEneaney MAyrfield Pharmacy, Granges Road, Kilkenny

KilkennyBoots Retail Ireland Boots, Unit 7 MacDonagh Junction S C, Dublin Rd, Kilkenny, Co Kilkenny 056-7712426056-7712549

J Keanes Allcare Pharmacy, 50C John Street, Kilkenny

JHaven Pharmacy O’Connells, Rose Inn Street, Kilkenny

CastlecomerBarrett G Barrett’s Pharmacy, Barrack St, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny

DurrowFreeman JDurrow Pharmacy, Mary St, Durrow, Co Laois 057-8736125057-8736125

MountmellickTawadrous MMountmellick Local Pharmacy, Lord Edward St, Mountmellick, Co Laois057-8624444057-8624432


PortlaoiseTesco Ireland Tesco Pharmacy Portlaoise, Tesco Extra, Laois S C,


E Q Health Pharmacy, 11 Kilkenny St, Castlecomer, Co Kilkenny

PortarlingtonDunne A Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Main St, Portarlington, Co Laois

RathdowneyClarke E Clarkes Careplus Pharmacy, Pound St, Rathdowney, Co Laois 0505

GoresbridgeAllcare Group Healy Allcare Pharmacy, Main Street, Goresbridge, Co Kilkenny

CastletroyScanlon DScanlons Late Night Pharmacy, Unit 6 Chawkes, Castletroy,


CastletroyGubbins RCastletroy Pharmacy, University Court, Castletroy, Limerick

AbbeyfealeCollins N Noreen Collins Pharmacy, Killarney Rd, Abbeyfeale, Co Limerick 068-30397


AbbeyfealeGoode D Goodes Pharmacy, Medical Hall, Main St, Abbeyfeale, Co



Mohill C&D Medical Hall Ltd C and D Medical Hall, Water Street, Mohill, Co Leitrim


C Castletroy Park Pharmacy, U5 Castletroy Park Bus Campus, 061-201010061-201011 Plassey Rd, Castletroy, Limerick

DrumcollagherWixted G Drom Pharmacy, North Rd, Dromcollogher, Co Limerick 063-83941

Bru Wallace DWallace Family Pharmacy, Ballycampion, Bru , Co Limerick 061-382877061-382877wallacepharmacybru

KilfinanePower D Powers Pharmacy, Main St, Kilfinane, Co Limerick 063-91007

CorballyRyan M Corbally Pharmacy, Applegreen Service Station,



CappamoreRyan M Cappamore Pharmacy, Cappamore, Co Limerick

DromahairKlotz R The Village Pharmacy, 1 Backline, Dromahair, Co Leitrim 071-9134296

J Davisons Pharmacy, West Square, Askeaton, Co Limerick

HospitalAllcare Group Hospital Allcare Pharmacy, Main St, Hospital, Co Limerick

J Caherconlish Pharmacy, Big Tree House, Caherconlish, Co


CroomZest Pharmacy Zest Pharmacy Croom, Croom Primary Care Centre, Skagh, Croom, Co Limerick Doon Collins A Doon Pharmacy, Main St, Doon, Co Limerick 061-380155061-380155

CastletroyGarahy R Gray’s totalhealth Pharmacy, 3 Castletroy Court, Castletroy, Co

M Stradbally Pharmacy, Main St, Stradbally, Co Laois



Athea O’Riordan DO’Riordans Pharmacy, Con Colbert Street, Athea, Co Limerick

CFlynns Medical Hall, Main St, Rathdowney, Co Laois

EMcDevitt Cribbin, High St, Ballinamore, Co Leitrim

StradballyDuelchem Ltd Chemco Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Stradbally, Co Laois 057-8625044057-8641702

CFosters Pharmacy, Main St, Carrigallen, Co Leitrim 049-4339078

Bru O’Connor CO’Connors Pharmacy, Main St, Bru , Co Limerick 061-382220061-382220

Shannon Banks, Corbally, Limerick

AKinlough Pharmacy, Main St, Kinlough, Co. Leitrim 071-9843860071-9843863

AskeatonLong C Deel Pharmacy, Church St, Askeaton, Co Limerick

B Kierans totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co

DooradoyleKeating MKeatings CarePlus Pharmacy, St Nessans Road, Dooradoyle,


M Cox’s Pharmacy, Unit 3 Primary Care Centre, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co

DooradoyleAllcare Group O’Malleys Life Pharmacy, Dooradoyle, Limerick

DrumcollagherDooley P Dooleys Pharmacy, The Square, Drumcollagher, Co Limerick 063-83311063-83311

CastleconnellCannon C Green Cross Pharmacy, Castle Centre, Castleconnell, Co Limerick 061-377733 061-377775


HospitalO’Sullivan BW Gannon Ltd, Main St, Hospital, Co Limerick 061-383142


DooradoyleMcKenna MRacefield Pharmacy, Racefield S C, Fr Russell Road, Dooradoyle,

Mohill Kieran B Kierans totalhealth Pharmacy, Lwr Main St, Mohill, Co Leitrim

DrumshanboCara Pharmacies Cara Pharmacy, Main St, Drumshanbo,Co Leitrim


CastletroyLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 8 Castletroy S C, Castletroy, Limerick 061-339454061-339455

CorballyKeating MKeatings CarePlus Pharmacy, Westbury Centre, Corbally,

DooradoyleMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, 5 Crescent S C, Dooradoyle, Limerick


Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Unit 3,Carrick-on-Shannon S C, Co Leitrim 071-9616923071-9616925

CroomShanahan EPlunketts Pharmacy, 40/41 Main St, Croom, Co Limerick 061-397272

ClarinaHanly J Clarina Pharmacy, Clarina, Co Limerick 061-353892061-353892

JMacManus Pharmacy, New Line, Manorhamilton, Co Leitrim 071-9820902071-9820902

O Newtown Pharmacy, Newtown S C, Annacotty, Co Limerick


BallinamoreCara Pharmacies Cara Pharmacy, Railway Rd, Ballinamore, Co Leitrrm


CorballyO’Sullivan NO’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 1 Corbally Centre, Corbally Rd, Limerick061-349444061-349444

M Cox’s Pharmacy, Hartley Business Park, Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Leitrim071-9623135071-9622926

EBridge St Pharmacy, Bridge St, Abbeyfeale, Co Limerick



FMcCormacks Pharmacy, Main St, Ballylanders, Co Limerick

Adare Collins J Adare Pharmacy, Main St, Adare, Co Limerick 061-396147061-396147 Adare Halley O Halleys Careplus Pharmacy, Station Rd, Adare, Co Limerick

FoynesLong C Foynes Pharmacy, Main St, Foynes, Co Limerick

DooradoyleGuinan G Rosedale Pharmacy, Rosedale S C, Dooradoyle Road, Limerick 061-306946061-306946

Glin Allcare Group Glin Allcare Pharmacy, Glin, Co Limerick

DooradoyleStack A Stacks Pharmacy, Unit 4 Ambassador Centre, Dooradoyle, 061-307024061-305918 Limerick City, Co Limerick


J RJS Pharmacy, Unit 1 Scollans Gala, Church St, Drumshanbo,Leitrim0719640666


RoxboroKeating R Southside Pharmacy, 5 Q Retail Park, Roxboro,Limerick 061-404729061-404730

LimerickLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Charlotte Quay, Limerick 061-400722061-318455

LimerickLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 1-3 Rices Corner, Thomondgate, Limerick 061-329356061-322883

BallymahonO’Hanlon CBallymahon totalhealth Pharmacy, 31 Main St, Ballymahon, Co

DrumlishLoughrey PDrumlish Pharmacy, Longford Road, Drumlish, Co Longford

LimerickLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Grove Island S C, Corbally, Limerick 061-348921061-348915


LimerickBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, William St, Limerick 061-416598061-313288

LimerickBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 3 Childers Retail Park, Dublin Rd, 061-422017061-422569

Gortboy, Newcastle West, Co Limerick

LimerickO’Sullivan NO’Sullivans Pharmacy, 3 O’Connell Ave, Limerick

Rathkeale Allcare Group O’Sullivans Allcare Pharmacy, Main Street, Rathkeale, Co Rathkeale Giltenane EGiltenanes Pharmacy, Main Street, Rathkeale, Co Limerick

LimerickHickey S Declan Hickey Chemist, St Johns Square, Limerick 061-413491061-316585

Newcastle WestO’Sullivan SO’Sullivans Pharmacy, South Quay, Newcastle West, Co Limerick 069-62172

KilmallockGuinan G Life Pharmacy Fogartys, Sarsfield St, Kilmallock, Co Limerick

LimerickAllcare Group Hogans Life Pharmacy, 46 Upper William Street, Limerick

KilmallockAllcare Group Abbey Allcare Pharmacy, Lord Edward St, Kilmallock, Co Limerick

LimerickLane W Haven Pharmacy Lanes, Old Windmill Court, Lr Gri n Street, Limerick061-415290061-414330

LimerickGallagher FDempseys Allcare Pharmacy, 47 Parnell St, Limerick

Newcastle WestDooley P Dooleys Pharmacy, 37 Bishop St, Newcastle West, Co Limerick

LimerickGuiney M Ashdown Pharmacy, 3 Ashbourne, Courtbrack Ave, 061 513125 South Circular Rd, Limerick

BallymahonO’Hanlon CO’Hanlons totalhealth Pharmacy, Lower Main Street, Ballymahon, Co Longford

LimerickOsborne ROsborne’s Pharmacy, Lansdowne, Ennis Road, Limerick

LimerickO’Sullivan NO’Sullivans Pharmacies, Sarsfield St, Limerick 061-413808061-413808

LimerickO’Sullivan NO’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit 2 The Park, Edward Street, Limerick 061-440766061-440766

LimerickOsborne RMaureen Osborne Ltd, Caherdavin S C, Ennis Rd, Limerick 061-453215

Oola O’Halloran AOola Pharmacy, Kylemore Centre, Main St, Oola, Co Limerick 062-47470062-47470

LongfordBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, 18 Ballymahon Street, LongfordCo Longford 043-3345841043-3345887

LimerickKavanagh DBallinacurra Pharmacy Ltd, Unit 7Greenpark Centre, Punchs Cross,

LimerickScanlon DScanlons Pharmacy, Unit 5 Northtown S C, Ennis Rd, Limerick 061-454000

LanesboroO’Brien O J O’Brien Pharmacy, Lanesboro,Co Longford 043-3321131

Limerick Veale P The Prescription Centre, 14 William St, Limerick 061 468537

GranardConway C McEvoys Medical Hall, Main St, Granard, Co Longford 043-6686230043-6686230

LongfordCara Pharmacies Cara Pharmacy, 12 Main St, Longford

LimerickLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 16Jetland S C, Ennis Road, Limerick 061-329508061-329519

LimerickLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Parkway S C, Dublin Rd, Limerick 061-412023061-405762

LanesboroughJohnston GJohnstons Allcare Pharmacy, Main Street, Lanesborough, Co

GranardGorman SGranard Pharmacy, 47 Main St, Granard, Co Longford 043-6687015


LimerickMcCormack JMcCormacks totalhealth Chemist, 51 Upper William St, Limerick

LimerickKelly J Old Windmill Pharmacy, Old Windmill Court, 061-408858061-408858

Limerick City, Co Limerick

MoylishGleeson J Gleesons totalhealth Pharmacy, Old Cratloe Road, Woodview S C, Moylish, Co Limerick MurroeDe Valcarcel CMurroe Pharmacy, Main St, Murroe, Co Limerick 061-625672 Newcastle WestCahill D Cahills Pharmacy, Centra Forecourt, St Marys Rd, Newcastle West, Limerick 069-77702

KilmallockZest Pharmacy Zest Pharmacy, Kilmallock Business Pk, Kilmallock, Co Limerick 063-20450

LimerickFitzgibbon MWiddess Pharmacy Ltd, 55 Roches St, Limerick 061-414061061-415601

PatrickswellO’Brien MTony O’Brien’s Pharmacy Ltd, Main St, Patrickswell, Co Limerick

Gerard Gri n Street Lower, Limerick

LimerickLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 53 William St, Limerick 061-415734061-430812


LimerickScanlon DScanlons Express Late Night Pharmacy, Unit 3 Mount Kenneth, 061-314314061-314314 Shannon Bridge, Dock Rd, Limerick

KilmallockKeating MKeatings Careplus Pharmacy, Lord Edward St, Kilmallock, Co Limerick 063-31515

LimerickHannon PThomond Pharmacy, 76 Sexton St North, Thomond Gate, 061-324615 Limerick City, Co Limerick

EdgeworthstownTully D Edgeworthstown Pharmacy, 45 Main Street, Edgeworthstown, Co

LimerickO’Sullivan NO’Sullivans Pharmacy, Kings Island Medical Hall, Kings Island, Limerick061-445050061-445055

LimerickLane W Haven Pharmacy Lanes, 33 Davis St, Limerick 061-414330

Newcastle WestDooley T Dooleys Pharmacy, The Square, Newcastle West, Co Limerick 069-62042069-62042 Newcastle WestKeating R Daarwood Pharmacy, Unit 4 Daarwood Crescent,

LimerickO’Sullivan NO’Sullivans Pharmacies, 114 O’Connell St, Limerick

LimerickO’Sullivan NO’Sullivans Pharmacy, Unit A Park Lodge, Dublin Rd, Limerick Co Limerick061-422922061-422923

LimerickBrady L Hanleys Pharmacy, 20 Shannon St, Limerick 061-415409061-415409

LimerickStack A The Peoples Pharmacy, Unit 5 Watch House Cross S C, Kileehy Road,

RaheenO’Flaherty RRaheen Pharmacy, Unit 3 Courtfields S C, Raheen, Limerick

RoxboroLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Roxboro S C, Roxboro,Limerick 061-418232061-431168

LimerickHalley O Roberts Pharmacy, 105 O’Connell St, Limerick 061-414414061-419005

LongfordReilly S Baxters totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Longford

LongfordGannon AGannon’s Pharmacy, Earl St, Longford 043-3345880043-3345880

LOUTH Ardee Allcare Group O’Flynns Allcare Pharmacy, Castle St, Ardee, Co Louth

LongfordLoughrey PLoughreys CarePlus Pharmacy, 20 Dublin Street, Longford

DroghedaPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, 28 Shop St, Drogheda, Co Louth

DroghedaBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, St Lawrence S C, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9810290041-9810292

DroghedaTunney E Aston Village Pharmacy, Unit 11 Aston Green, Aston Village, Drogheda, Co Louth

DroghedaMcCartan BMcCartans Pharmacy, Unit G16 Scotch Mall S C, Drogheda, Co

DroghedaDu y S First Choice Pharmacy, Instore Tesco,Mattews Lane, Donore Rd,


DundalkConlon P Byrnes Pharmacy, 1 Church St, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9334214042-9334214

DroghedaMeagher MMontekin Ltd, Unit 4Drogheda T C, Drogheda, Co Louth

DroghedaOlanlokun OPeter St Pharmacy, 9 Peter St, Drogheda, Co Louth

LongfordLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, College Medical Centre, Ballinalee Road, Longford043-3343202043-3343207

DroghedaMcBrien KFair St Pharmacy, 29 Fair St, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9873998041-9873955

DundalkDwyer B Townparks Pharmacy, Unit 2 Canessa Buildings, Townparks,

Castletown Rd, Dundalk, Co Louth

CastlebellinghamCorey S Whites Pharmacy, Main Street, Castlebellingham, Co Louth 042-9372248042-9372248

DroghedaMagner WSouthside Pharmacy, Unit 1 Former Flogas Premises, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Co Louth

LongfordJohnston GJohnstons Allcare Pharmacy LongfordLeader House, 043-3345752 Te a Park, Dublin Rd, Longford

LongfordStakelum SStakelums Pharmacy, Unit 2B Mastertech Business Pk, Athlone Rd, Longford043-3342554


DundalkKelly M Kellys Pharmacy Dundalk, Unit 2B College House, Hoeys Lane, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9320747

BlackrockMcQuillan BMcQuillans Pharmacy, Main St, Blackrock, Co Louth 042-9322605

DundalkHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 1G Dundalk S C, Dundalk, Co Louth

Drogheda, Co Louth

ClogherheadCorrs Ventures Ltd Corrs Pharmacy Clogherhead, 82 Main St, Clogherhead, Co Louth


Ardee McGoey J Donal McGoey Pharmacy, 66 Market St, Ardee, Co Louth 041-6853233

DroghedaFitzsimmons ACollon Pharmacy, Drogheda Street, Collon, Co Louth

Ardee McPhillips MArdee Pharmacy, Market St, Ardee, Co Louth

Clanbrassil Street, Dundalk, Co Louth

DroghedaLappin F Herlihy’s (Chemists) Ltd.,Cushrod Ave, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9838101041-9839890

DundalkLeavy D Leavys Pharmacy, 94 Clanbrassil St, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9331560

Ardee McGoey J Donal McGoey Pharmacy, 8 John St, Ardee, Co Louth

DroghedaConlon E Cottage Pharmacy, Unit 1 Sandyford House, Scarlett Street,

DroghedaMcBrien KThe Pharmacy @ Cross Lane, 3 Cross Lane, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9801389

DundalkMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Unit 3 Adelphi Court, The Longwalk, Dundalk, Co Louth042-9352053

LongfordWard P Wards Pharmacy, Hazelwood S C, Athlone Road, LongfordCo Longford043-3336936043-3336936

DroghedaHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 10-11 West St, Drogheda, Co Louth

DroghedaKehoe I Boyne Grove Pharmacy, Ballsgrove S C, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9837568

Ardee Allcare Group Bradleys Pharmacy, Market St, Ardee, Co Louth

LongfordWard P Wards Pharmacy, 40 Ballymahon St, Longford 043-3341100

DroghedaMaher M Maher’s totalhealth Chemists, 105 West Street, Drogheda, Co Louth041-9836205

DundalkAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Blackrock, Main St, Blackrock, Dundalk, Co

DroghedaAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Drogheda, Boyne S C, Drogheda, Co Louth

DundalkKeown M Backhouse Pharmacy Ltd, Backhouse Centre, 71 Clanbrassil St, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9331336 042-9337431

DroghedaPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, Southgate Shopping Centre, Cople Cross, Drogheda, Co

DundalkHaughey DHaugheys Pharmacy, Unit 2 & 3,Demesne S C, Dundalk, Co Louth

LongfordLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 2 Longford S C, Longford 043-3347280043-3347280

DromiskinBurke M Dromiskin Pharmacy, Chapel Rd, Dromiskin, Co Louth

DroghedaTaa e A Superpharm Drogheda Ltd, West St, Drogheda, Co Louth 041-9838228041-9800811

DundalkGrennan MGrennans Pharmacy Ltd, 40 Dublin St, Dundalk, Co Louth

DroghedaFalls N Bryanstown totalhealth Pharmacy, Bryanstown Centre, 041-9803773 Dublin Road, Drogheda, Co Louth

DroghedaKerins D Healys Pharmacy, Unit 3 Drogheda Retail Centre, 041-9846477041-9846508 Rathmullen Road, Drogheda, Co Louth

ACogaslann Pharmacy, Unit 10-11 Clanbrassil Centre,

FMcCormacks Pharmacy, Unit 3 Fairways S C, Dublin Rd, Dundalk, Co Louth0429322677

DundalkMagee W Magees Pharmacy, Earl St, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9334231


DundalkC&D Medical Hall Ltd Matthews Allcare Pharmacy, 37 Park St, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9334246042-9334246

Ardee O’Flynn A Total Care Pharmacy, Old McCabes Building,Castle St, Ardee, Co Louth041-6857668041-6858082

LongfordJohnston GJohnstons Pharmacy, 7 New St, Longford Town, Co Longford 043-3347580

CarlingfordAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Carlingford, Market Square, Carlingford, Co Louth 042-9373259

DroghedaHickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Wheaton Hall Medical Cen, Dublin Rd, Drogheda, Co Louth

DundalkBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, The Marshes S C, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9328582042-9328536

LongfordLoughrey PLoughreys Pharmacy, Harbour Row, Longford Town, Longford

DundalkConnolly DConnollys Pharmacy, Avenue Rd, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9337370042-9337370

BallinaMcKane DMcKanes Pharmacy, O’Rahilly St, Ballina, Co Mayo 096-21698 096-73782

N Tippings Neighbourhood Pharmacy, Unit 2A, 042-9388280042-9388278 Dunnes Neighbourhood Centre, Inner Relief Rd, Dundalk


BelmulletLavelle D P J Lavelle, Main St, Belmullet, Co Mayo 097-81053


BallinaFoody O Foodys Pharmacy, Unit 1 Market Sq, Ballina, Co Mayo


BallyhaunisColleran TColleran’s Pharmacy, The Square, Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo 094-9630028094-9630028

CastlebarStaunton PStauntons Pharmacy, Main St, Castlebar, Co Mayo 094-9024045094-9024056

A McGuinness Pharmacy Ltd, 14 Park St, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9334809042-9334809

CrossmolinaQuinn D Quinns Chemist, Crossmolina, Co Mayo

J McGoey Pharmacy, Main Street, Dunleer, Co Louth

JStauntons Allcare Pharmacy, The Square, Louisburgh, Co Mayo


C Louth Village Pharmacy, Louth Village, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9384473042-9384519

BallinaWard P Mulligans Pharmacy, Kevin Barry St, Ballina, Co Mayo




Claremorris Davey P Haven Pharmacy Daveys, Ballyhaunis Rd, Claremorris, Co Mayo 094-9371716094-9371716

Cong Concannon CCong Pharmacy, Abbey St, Cong,Co Mayo

KilkellyCo ey G Life Pharmacy Kilkelly, Kilkelly, Co Mayo 094-9367010094-9367710

Knock Co ey G Knock Life Pharmacy, Main St, Knock, Co Mayo 094-9376968094-9376968

SwinfordJohnson I O’Donnells totalhealth Pharmacy, Market St, Swinford, Co Mayo 094-9251169094-9251169

SwinfordO’Connell EO’Connells Medical Hall, Main St, Swinford, Co Mayo 094-9251179094-9251179

JOmeath Pharmacy, Station Rd, OMeathCo Louth 042-9375547042-9375549

BallinaKilroy I Kilroys Careplus Pharmacy, Emmet St, Ballina, Co Mayo


BallinaHarrison MHarrison Pharmacy, CQ Centre, Kevin Barry Street, Ballina, Co


DundalkWalsh C Castletown Pharmacy, 133-135 Castletown Road, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9353992042-9353993



CastlebarMulligan FMulligans Pharmacy, Abbey Alainn P.C.C.,Moneen Rd, Castlebar, Co Mayo 094-9250467

JGeraghtys Pharmacy, Main St, Crossmolina, Co Mayo


BallinaGeraghty JMolloys Lifestyle Pharmacy, Bunree Road, Ballina, Co Mayo 096-60340096-60345

D Tullyallen Pharmacy, 4 The Village Centre, Tullyallen, Co Louth 041-9837760041-9871825

Balla Co ey G Life Pharmacy Balla, Main St, Balla, Co Mayo 094-9365390094-9365390

Bangor ErrisLavelle D Bangor Erris Pharmacy, Chapel Lane, Bangor Erris, Co Mayo 097-83911097-83911

CastlebarTreacy T Treacys Pharmacy, Market Sq, Castlebar, Co Mayo 094-9022795 094-9024526

ClaremorrisLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, The Square, Claremorris, Co Mayo 094-9371287 094-9372810

CastlebarRowland FRowlands Pharmacy, Main Street, Castlebar, Co Mayo


KiltimaghSmyth G Heneghans Pharmacy, Main St, Kiltimagh, Co Mayo

NewportMullowney JNewport Pharmacy, Newport, Co Mayo

BallinaMcLoughlin CMcLoughlin’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Ballina S C, Ballina, Co Mayo

BallyhaunisMolloy U Healthwest Community Pharmacy, Upr Main St, Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo 094-9630766

WestportBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Units 3/4 Westpoint Centre, Westport, Co Mayo098-56774098-56776

JJenkinstown Pharmacy, Jenkinstown, Dundalk, Co Louth

DundalkPure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, 1 Market Sq, Elgee Building,Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9331344 042-9331345

WestportMcMahon KGoldens Pharmacy, Brigde Street, Westport, Co Mayo

BallinaWard P Padraic Ward Pharmacy, Pearse St, Ballina, Co Mayo 096-21110


F McCormacks Pharmacy, Carrick Rd Medical Centre, Lis Na Dara, Dundalk, Co Louth 0429354495


MAYO Achill Geraghty JMolloys Lifestyle Pharmacy, Davitt Qtr, Achill Sound, Co Mayo 098-45248

ASmyths Life Pharmacy, Seatown Place, Dundalk, Co Louth 042-9335296 042-9326520

CastlebarMacDonagh IMacAuli es totalhealth Pharmacy, Station Rd, Castlebar, Co Mayo094-9025995094-9026670ian@macauli

DundalkTesco Ireland Tesco Pharmacy, Dundalk S C, Stapleton Drive, Dundalk, Co Louth


DunleerAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Dunleer, Main St, Dunleer, Co Louth

JMolloys Lifestyle Pharmacy, Garden St, Ballina, Co Mayo


CharlestownColleran PColleran’s Pharmacy Ltd, The Square, Charlestown, Co Mayo 094-9254317094-9254317

Killala Lavelle D Lavelles Pharmacy, Church St, Killala, Co Mayo 096-32465

WestportHeaney P Heaneys Pharmacy, Bridge St, Westport, Co Mayo

S S Quinn and Sons Ltd, Pearse St, Ballina, Co Mayo

CastlebarStaunton PLink Pharmacy, Hopkins Road, Castlebar, Co Mayo

Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, 21 Pearse St, Ballina, Co Mayo 096-75602096-75638

BallinrobeBurke D Ryders Pharmacy, Main St, Ballinrobe, Co Mayo 094-9541016 092-42098

KiltimaghByrne Y Byrne totalhealth Pharmacy, Main Street, Kiltimagh, Co Mayo 094-9381292094-9381292


D Treacys Pharmacy, Main Street, Ballinrobe, Co Mayo 094-9541087094-9541076

ClaremorrisFlynn P Flynns Pharmacy, The Square, Claremorris, Co Mayo 094-9362780094-9362180

ClaremorrisBoots Retail Ireland Boots, Unit 3 Silverbridge Plaza, Kilcolman Rd, Claremorris, Co Mayo094 9372607094 9372608

WestportLally R Lallys Pharmacy, Mill St, Westport, Co Mayo 098-25544098-25777


U HealthWest Community Pharmacy, Ballindine, Co Mayo

FoxfordSmyth G Foxford Pharmacy, Main St, Foxford, Co Mayo 094-9256125094-9256125

CastlebarStaunton P Stauntons Allcare Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, New Antrim St, Castlebar, Co Mayo 094-9024888094-9024056

FErris Pharmacy, Church Road, Belmullet, Co Mayo 097-20540

BallyhaunisCurley R Curley’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Ballyhaunis, Co Mayo 094-9630110094-9631191

Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Harlequin Centre, Lough Lannagh Rd, Castlebar, Co Mayo094-9060823094-9060862


BelmulletConcannon KReillys totalhealth Pharmacy, Barrack Street, Belmullet, Co


J Joanne Hynes totalhealth Pharmacy, Cornmarket, Ballinrobe, Co

CharlestownJohnson I O’Donnells totalhealth Pharmacy, The Square, Charlestown, Co

WestportO’Connell EO’Connell’s Pharmacy, Westport Primary Care Centre, Tubberhill, 098-25003 Westport, Co Mayo


Navan Conlon E Commons Road Pharmacy, Commons Rd, Navan, Co Meath 046-9059428046-9059367

C Martins Pharmacy, Main St, Athboy, Co Meath 046-9487629


Navan Staunton JStauntons Pharmacy, Church Hill, Navan, Co Meath

Navan Clarke C Christines Pharmacy, 33 Brews Hill, Navan, Co Meath


Navan McCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Convent Rd, Athlumney, Navan, Co Meath 046-9028926046-9028951

RatoathEl-Garawany OLilly’s Pharmacy, Unit 5 Corballis S C, Rathoath, Co Meath 01-6896819

Slane Allcare Group Breens Allcare Pharmacy, Main St, Slane, Co Meath

AshbourneNolan S Nolans Pharmacy, 2a Ashbourne T C, Ashbourne, Co Meath

MMcVanns Careplus Pharmacy, Shop St, Westport, Co Mayo

DuleekMcNally DMcNallys Pharmacy 365Unit 10 Main Street Lower, Duleek, Co Meath041-9814846041-9814847

SO’Donnell’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Lr Bridge St, Westport, Co Mayo 098-27347

MEATH AshbourneBoots

DunboyneMcElroy S McElroys Pharmacy, Main St, Dunboyne, Co Meath

AshbourneConway R Conways Pharmacy, Ashbourne, Co Meath

J Farrells Pharmacy, Main st, Ballivor, Co Meath 046-9567940046-9567940



Trim Macken D O’Shaughnessys Pharmacy, Haggard St, Trim, Co Meath 046-9431928046-9438038

RatoathStack A Stack’s Pharmacy, Units 2/3,Supervalu S C, Ratoath, Co Meath

Trim Farrell J Farrells Pharmacy Trim, Finnegans Way, Trim, Co Meath 046-9484285

Kells Headfort Medical Hall Headfort Medical Hall, Church Street, Kells, Co Meath

Kells Sokay N Lynchs totalhealth Pharmacy, Farrell St, Kells, Co Meath

StamullenO’Connor GO’Connors Pharmacy, Delvin Centre, Stamullen, Co Meath 01-841801801-8418016

SummerhillShanahan DSummerhill Pharmacy, Main Street, Summerhill, Co Meath

Trim Allcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Trim, Knighstbridge Nursing Home, Longwood Rd, Trim, Co Meath 046-9436585

Navan Staunton JStauntons Pharmacy, Unit 1Johnstown Village, Navan, Co Meath 046-9091111046-9091112

OldcastleMcQuaid DMc Quaids Pharmacy, Cogan Street, Oldcastle, Co Meath

RatoathKavanagh PKavanagh Pharmacy, Unit 2 Old Post O ce, Main Street, Ratoath, Co


P Haven Pharmacy Kavanagh’s, Unit 4&5 Dunshaughlin S C, Dunshaughlin, Co Meath

BettystownStack A Bettystown Pharmacy, The Anchorage, Bettystown, Co Meath

Trim Dunne A Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Market St, Trim, Co Meath 046-9436600046

RatoathRatoath Pharmacy Ratoath Pharmacy, Main St, Rathoath, Co Meath


Navan Hickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 1 Navan Medical Centre, Abbey Road, Navan, Co Meath

Navan O’Connor GO’Connors Pharmacy, 6 Blackcastle S C, Navan, Co Meath 046-9076774046-9076774 Navan O’Driscoll EO’Driscolls Pharmacy, 3 Beechmount S C, Navan, Co Meath 046-9075466046-9075468

C Burkes Pharmacy, The Anchorage, Eastham Road, Bettystown, Co Meath041-9813415041-9813416


Kells Sokay J Kenlis totalhealth Pharmacy, Cannon Street, Kells, Co Meath

LaytownStack A Stack’s Pharmacy, Laytown, Co Meath

Navan Boots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, The North Mall, Navan S C, Navan, Co Meath 046-9059801046-9059795

J Donal McGoey Pharmacy, Main St, Drumconrath, Co Meath 041-6854799041-6854792

AMurtaghs Pharmacy, Main St, Athboy, Co Meath 046-9432380046-9430096

Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Unit 2B Ashbourne T C, Ashbourne, Co Meath 01-835297201-8352983

Navan Hickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 6 Johnstown S C, Johnstown, Navan, Co


D Conatys Careplus Pharmacy, Unit 3 Lidl S C, Main St, Dunshaughlin, Co Meath01-8024747

Navan Hickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 15 Navan S C, Navan, Co Meath

Navan Hickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, 7 Watergate St, Navan, Co Meath

MoynaltyMcNally DMcNallys Pharmacy 365Main St, Moynalty, Co Meath

D Conatys Careplus Pharmacy, U4 Supervalu S C, Navan Rd, Dunboyne, Co Meath

Kells McNally DMcNallys Pharmacy 365Main St, Carlanstown, Kells, Co Meath

AshbourneDunne A Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Unit 11 Tesco S C, Ashbourne, Co Meath


Slane Smyth D Slane Pharmacy, Unit 4 Smyths Service Station, Collon Rd, Slane, Co

Ballybay Donnelly ABallybay Pharmacy, 54-55 Main St, Ballybay, Co Monaghan 042-9741033

OldcastleLynch P Lynch’s Pharmacy, Oliver Plunkett St, Oldcastle, Co Meath

CloneeColgan E Clonee Pharmacy, Main Street, Clonee, Co Meath


LongwoodFarrell J Farrells Pharmacy, The Health Centre, Longwood, Co Meath 046-9560864046-9560864

J Keane’s CarePlus Pharmacy, Unit 1 Enfield Court, Johnstown Road, Enfield, Co Meath


Trim Flattery A Trim Pharmacy Ltd, Market St, Trim, Co Meath 046-9431279046-9431279

D Tooles Pharmacy Ltd, Main St, Dunshaughlin, Co Meath



EnfieldMartin C Walkers Pharmacy, Enfield, Co Meath

Kells Gormley DGormleys Pharmacy, Kells S C, Circular Road, Kells, Co Meath 046-9240950046-9240950



NobberParke N Nobber Pharmacy, Main St, Nobber, Co Meath 046-9052910

WestportTreacy T Treacys Pharmacy, James Street, Westport, Co Mayo 098-25474098-25986

Trim McGrane OMcGranes Pharmacy, Patrick St, Trim, Co Meath

BO’Donnells Pharmacy, Unit 4 Garden City S C, Ashbourne, Co

DunboyneLittleton SYour Local Pharmacy, 2 The Green, Maw Street, Dunboyne, Co Meath01-801541201-8015485

K Haven Pharmacy Duleek, 5 Main St, Duleek, Co Meath

Navan McCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Navan S C, Navan, Co Meath046-9028924

MONAGHAN Ballybay Care Pharmacies Care Pharmacy, 51 Main St, Ballybay, Co Monaghan 042-9755111

EdenderryMurphy MThe Medical Hall, Edenderry, Co O aly 046-9731345046-9732489

MonaghanConnolly C Connolly Chemist, c/o Flemings Dept Store, Church Square, Monaghan, Co Monaghan 047-71960047-71960


Emyvale McSorley MMcSorley Pharmacy, 11 Main Street, Emyvale, Co Monaghan

CastleblayneyMcKeever PMcKeever Chemists, Main St, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan 042-9749795


Birr Fox P Peter Fox totalhealth Pharmacy, O’Connell St, Birr, Co O aly

RhodeRyan S Ryan’s Pharmacy, Main Street, Rhode, Co O aly 046-9737744046-9737744

EdenderryMonaghan CTedder’s Pharmacy, 70 J K L Street, Edenderry, Co O aly 046-9731358046-9733564

BanagherHennessy JBanagher totalhealth Pharmacy, Banagher PCC, Banagher, Co O


MonaghanRonaghan ARonaghans Pharmacy Ltd, Church Sq, Monaghan 047-81386047-81533

EdenderryRyan S Ryan’s Pharmacy, Downshire S C, Edenderry, Co O aly 046-9731046

G Leavys Pharmacy, Market Square, Castleblaney, Co Monaghan 042-9740005 042-9740453

RoscommonBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, 9 Main St, RoscommonCo Roscommon 090-6665606090-6665631

CastlereaMcSharry RMcSharry’s Pharmacy, Knock Road, Castlerea, Co Roscommon


TullamoreHerlihy D Clonminch Pharmacy, Clonminch Road, Tullamore, Co O aly

TullamoreButler W Haven Pharmacy Faheys, Patrick St, Tullamore, Co O aly

BallaghaderreenMurphy C Murphys totalhealth Pharmacy, The Square, Ballaghaderreen, Co Roscommon Boyle Brogan P Brogans totalhealth Pharmacy, Shop Street, Boyle, Co

TullamoreO’Connell BDolans Pharmacy, 10 Bridge Centre, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9322505057-9322505

TullamoreO’Connell BDolans Pharmacy, 5 William St, Tullamore, Co O aly

EdenderryMolyneaux MQuinns Pharmacy, Beech Unit, Granary Court, Edenderry, Co O

J Soilse Pharmacy, Unit 10 Carrick Retail Park, 071-9627775

MonaghanAllcare Group Black’s Allcare Pharmacy, Medical Hall, Mill Street, Monaghan

MonaghanWard G Wards Chemists, Market St, Monaghan, Co Monaghan 047-82085

TullamoreTully M Tully’s Life Pharmacy, Harbour St, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9323555 057-9323624

CastleblayneyCoyle E Coyles Pharmacy, Main Street, Castleblaney, Co Monaghan

CastleblayneyConway C Corner Pharmacy, York Street, Castleblayney, Co Monaghan

DaingeanRyan S Ryan’s Pharmacy, Main Street, Daingean, Co O aly 057-9353767057-9353767

CarrickmacrossAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Carrickmacross, Main St, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan 042-9663421

AthleagueConlon L Conlons Chemist, Unit 5 Main St, Athleague, Co Roscommon 090-6663867

CastlereaTully N Tullys totalhealth Pharmacy, Main Street, Castlerea, Co Roscommon 094-9620009

Clara McManus BMcManus Pharmacy, River Street, Clara, Co O aly 057-9368852

TullamoreMcCormack FMcCormacks Pharmacy, Kilbeggan Bridge, Arden Rd, Tullamore, Co O aly057-9326675

TullamoreBowe S Stratus Healthcare Pharmacy, Tullamore Primary Care Centre, 057-9325543057-9325514 Church View, Tullamore, Co O aly

BallaghaderreenGeraghty JMolloys Lifestyle Pharmacy, New Street, Ballaghadereen, Co Roscommon 094-9877520094-9877525

AthloneCunningham PCunninghams Pharmacy, Unit 2A Block C River Village, 090-6490242090-6490242 Monksland, Athlone, Co Roscommon


FerbaneWalsh A Aidan Walsh Allcare Pharmacy, Ferbane, Co O aly

TullamoreO’Donovan JO’Donovans Careplus Pharmacy, Arden Rd, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9305562

ClonesCasey R Avenue Pharmacy Clones, 98 Avenue, Jubilee Rd, Clones, Co Monaghan047-52599047-52599

MonaghanLynch G Dolans Pharmacy, 90 Glaslough St, Monaghan

Shannon Carrick-on-Shannon, Co Roscommon CastlereaJohnston GJohnstons Pharmacy, Barrack St, Castlerea, Co Roscommon 094-9620803


J Kearney Chemist, Main St, Castlerea, Co Roscommon

TullamoreFinlay R Rose Finlay totalhealth Pharmacy, Main Street, Tullamore, Co O aly057-9360324057

MonaghanBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 15-16 Monaghan S C, Monaghan, Co Monaghan047-71635047-71637

Birr O’Meara DPharmacy Plus Birr, Emmet Square, Birr, Co O aly

ScotstownCoyle E Scotstown Pharmacy, Main St, Scotstown, Co Monaghan 047-79889047-79889

Clara Allcare Group Pettits Allcare Pharmacy, The Square, Clara, Co O aly

Birr Butler W Haven Pharmacy Butlers, Main St, Birr, Co O aly

Birr Mulholland PMulhollands Pharmacy, O’Connell St, Birr, Co O aly

TullamoreBoots Retail Ireland Boots, No 1 Church St, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9327883


CarrickmacrossHughes A Carrick Pharmacy, Main Street, Carrickmacross S C, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan 042-9692552

KilcormacKelly D Martyns totalhealth Pharmacy, Birr St, Kilcormac, Co O aly

BanagherAllcare Group CGH Allcare Pharmacy, Lower Main Street, Banagher, Co O aly

Boyle Kelly P Boyle totalhealth Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Boyle, Co

TullamoreBoland D Quirkes Medical Hall, High St, Tullamore, Co O aly

CarrickmacrossWard P R S Eakin Ltd, 21 Main St, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan 042-9661245

TullamoreO’Donovan JO’Donovans Pharmacy, Tullamore Centre, Tullamore, Co O aly 057-9341525057-9324028

Boyle C&D Medical Hall Ltd Ryans Pharmacy Ltd, Abbeytown, Boyle, Co Roscommon 071-9662003071-9662003

ClonesHickeys Pharmacy Hickey’s Pharmacy, The Diamond, Clones, Co Monaghan 047-51032047-51032

CarrickmacrossMcGuire SMcGuires Pharmacy, Unit 7 Market Square S C, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan042-9690690042-9690690

ClonesMcDaid MClones Pharmacy, Clones, Co Monaghan 047-51094047-51094

CarrickmacrossConnolly SO’Neill Street Pharmacy, 13 O’Neill Street, Carrickmacross, Co Monaghan042-9661217042-9661217

FerbaneMcGuire J Ferbane totalhealth Pharmacy, Athlone Road, Ferbane, Co O aly

Elphin Fitzpatrick MElphin Pharmacy, Main St, Elphin, Co Roscommon 071-9635137071-9635137

CloughjordanFox P Cloughjordan totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Cloughjordan, Co

RoscommonGeraghty JMolloys Lifestyle Pharmacy, The Harrison Centre, 090-6637602090-6637607 Roscommon, Co Roscommon

Ballymote T Casey Pharmacy Ltd, Teeling St, Ballymote, Co Sligo

PLennons Pharmacy Ltd, Lord Edward St, Ballymote, Co Sligo 071-9183320

E Lannon Late Night Pharmacy, Cannings Spar, Pearse Rd, Carraroe, Co Sligo

GrangeDuggan E Grange Pharmacy, Grange, Co Sligo 071-9173838071-9173838

Sligo Feeney M Markievicz Pharmacy, Holborn Hill, Sligo 071-9143702 071-9143703 Sligo Gorey M Riverstown totalhealth Pharmacy, Riverstown, Co Sligo

NenaghWalsh R Ray Walsh totalhealth Pharmacy, 9 Pearse St, Nenagh, Co Tipperary 067-31249 067-43497

Sligo Boots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 10-12 Johnston Court SC, Sligo,Co Sligo 071-9149445071-9149450

Dromore WestGrimes P Dromore West Pharmacy, Dromore West, Co Sligo 096-47048096-47048

TemplemoreC&D Medical Hall Ltd Murphys Pharmacy, Main St, Templemore, Co Tipperary

NenaghSlattery MSlatterys Pharmacy, Friar St, Nenagh, Co Tipperary 067-34527


GurteenLannon E Gurteen Pharmacy, Gurteen Crossroads, Gurteeen, Co Sligo 071-9182940071-9182940

NenaghFinn P Ryans Pharmacy, 20/21 Pearse St, Nenagh, Co Tipperary 067-31464067-64548

Sligo Durkin P Wards Pharmacy, 48 O’Connell St, Sligo

RoscreaFinn P Maddens Pharmacy, Main St, Roscrea, Co Tipperary 0505-21058

ThurlesLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Friary Pharmacy, Friar St, Thurles, Co Tipperary 0504-221840504-24702

ThurlesMockler NMockler’s Pharmacy, 69 Liberty Sq, Thurles, Co Tipperary

RoscreaBourke J Roscrea Centre Pharmacy, Castle St, Roscrea, Co Tipperary

StrokestownMacAuli e WMacAuli es Pharmacy, Church St, Strokestown, Co Roscommon 071-9633107071-9633107

RoscreaHennessy BHennessy’s totalhealth Pharmacy, Rosemary Sq, Roscrea, Co

H The Mill Pharmacy, The Mill Centre, Coolaney, Co Sligo

NenaghHanna A Mari Mina Pharmacy, Toomevara, Nenagh, Co Tipperary 067-26344067-26344

ThurlesMcCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, Kickham St, Thurles, Co Tipperary 0504-214730504-58442

RoscommonSheehy J Rosmed Pharmacy, Golf Links Road, RoscommonCo Roscommon 09066270070906627027

Sligo Duelchem Ltd Active Life Pharmacy, Aldi S C, Cranmore Rd, Sligo

NenaghHanly J Clare Street Pharmacy, Clare Street, Nenagh, Co Tipperary 067-42775 067-33250

Sligo Burke C Burkes Life Pharmacy, Wine St, Sligo


EnniscroneGrimes P Enniscrone Pharmacy, Main St, Enniscrone, Co Sligo 096-36568096-36568


TemplemoreMockler DMocklers Pharmacy, Patrick St, Templemore, Co Tipperary 0504-315350504-31570

SLIGO BallisodareLannon E Ballisodare Pharmacy, Unit 52 Ballisodare T C, Ballisodare, Co

Sligo Healthwise Pharmacies Healthwise Pharmacy Sligo,Unit 1 Mulligan Place, 071-9138016 Connaughton Rd, Sligo,Co Sligo Sligo Horan E Enda Horan Ltd, Castle St, Sligo 071-9142560071-9142560

Sligo Cara Pharmacies Cara Pharmacy, Wine Street, Sligo

BorrisokaneO’Meara BO’Meara’s Pharmacy, Main St, Borrisokane, Co Tipperary 067-27300

Sligo Cara Pharmacies Cara Pharmacy, Quayside Pharmacy, Quayside S C, Sligo

BallinaMcDonnell ECollins Pharmacy, Main Street, Ballina, Killaloe Post O ce, Co Tipperary 061-375505061-375507

TemplemoreHyland M Hylands Careplus Pharmacy, Main St, Templemore, Co Tipperary

Sligo Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 20 O’Connell St, Sligo

TubbercurryC&D Medical Hall Ltd Barrys Pharmacy, Tubbercurry, Co Sligo

NenaghKelly A Anna Kelly Chemist, O’Connor S C, Martyr Road, Nenagh, Co Tipperary 067-34244067-34244

NewportHackett MHacketts Pharmacy, Newport, Tipperary 061-378124

TubbercurryLang E Bretts totalhealth Pharmacy, Teeling St, Tubbercurry, Co Sligo 071-9140130

ThurlesHickey P Hickeys Pharmacy, 10 Liberty Sq, Thurles, Co Tipperary

ThurlesBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, Units 26-29 Thurles S C, Thurles, Co Tipperary0504-245940504-24980

RoscreaRyan L Haven Pharmacy Frawleys, 11 Main Street, Roscrea, Co Tipperary 0505-317330505-31733


KillaloeGrogan B Grogans Pharmacy, Main St, Killaloe, Co Tipperary

NMulcair totalhealth Pharmacy, Unit 4 Mulcair Court, Black Road, Newport, Co Tipperary

RoscreaKnox P Co eys Allcare Pharmacy, Castle Street, Roscrea, Co Tipperary 0505-216520505-21652co

BallymoteCurrid S Currids totalhealth Pharmacy, Lord Edward Street, Ballymote,

RoscommonDuelchem Ltd Chemco Pharmacy, The Medical Centre, St Comans Park, Roscommon Town, Roscommon

NenaghGuerin E Guerin’s Pharmacy, 7 Mitchel St, Nenagh, Co Tipperary

Sligo Nicholson LNicholson’s Pharmacy, Stephen St, Sligo Sligo O’Rourke AThe Mall Pharmacy, 54 The Mall, Sligo 071-9144262

NenaghFinnerty DFinnertys Pharmacy, 69 Kenyon Street, Nenagh, Co Tipperary 067-34155067-34158


RoscommonMcGuinness OMcGuinness totalhealth Pharmacy, Main St, Roscommon 090-6626193

ThurlesKennedy KLiberty Pharmacy, 36 Liberty Square, Thurles, Co Tipperary

RoscommonHynes D Hynes Pharmacy, Castle Street, Roscommon Town


StrokestownFitzpatrick MMcDonnells Pharmacy, Bridge St, Strokestown, Co Roscommon 071 9633195071

CollooneyLloyds Pharmacy Collooney Pharmacy, Main St, Collooney, Co Sligo 071-9167117 071-9167455


StrandhillBurke C Strandhill Life Pharmacy, Buenos Aires Drive, Strandhill, Co


Cahir O’Brien D O’Briens Pharmacy, The Square, Cahir, Co Tipperary

CDevlins Medical Hall, 50 Liberty Sq, Thurles, Co Tipperary

Cahir Morrison NMorrisons Pharmacy, Cahir, Co Tipperary 052-7441241


SO’Dwyers Pharmacy, Unit 9 Cashel Town S C, Cahir Rd, Cashel, Co

ClonmelLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Oakville S C, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6121851052-6124494

DundrumHe ernan RHe ernan Pharmacy, Main St, Dundrum, Co Tipperary 062-71394062-71394 he






ClonmelMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy,



BallybrickenPower M J and M Power Ltd, 33 Ballybricken, Waterford 051-875034

Dunmore EastMulligan NMulligan Dunmore East Pharmacy, Dock Road, Dunmore East, Co


ClonmelMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, Market Pl, Superquinn S C, Clonmel, Co Tipperary052-6129314052-6129202

TipperaryCostigan Rogers SCostigans Pharmacy, Unit 3 Kyle Court, Blind Street, Tipperary

Thurles Thurles Pharmacy, Unit 5 Thurles S C, Thurles, Co Tipperary

PCloneety Pharmacy, 16 Garbhans Terrace, Dungarvan, Co Waterford058 73111058

ClonmelCarey J Mary Street Pharmacy, 14 Mary St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6176610

CashelRyan G Kennedy’s Pharmacy, 78 Main St, Cashel, Co Tipperary 062-61066

ClonmelO’Reilly MO’Reillys totalhealth Pharmacy, 18 Gladstone St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary052-6121656 ClonmelQuirke R A J Quirke(Pharmacist)Ltd, 53 O’Connell St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary052-6121297

CappoquinFeerick T Feericks Pharmacy, Main Street, Cappoquin, Co Waterford

DungarvanKelly R T F Kelly Pharmacy Ltd, High St, Dungarvan, Co Waterford

ClonmelO’Gorman SO’Gormans Pharmacy, 52 Gladstone St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary

Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, High Street, Dungarvan, Co Waterford

Carrick-on-SuirLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds’s Pharmacy, 83 Main Street, Carrick-on-Suir, Co Tipperary 051-640003051-645831


ClonmelMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy,

ClonmelMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 052 9139630052 18 Showgrounds S C, Davis Rd, Clonmel, Co Tipperary

TipperarySpain G Kirbys Pharmacy, 3 Main St, Tipperary Town, Tipperary 062-51142062-51142

DungarvanLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 10 Dungarvan S C, Dungarvan, Co Waterford058-43171058-43005

P Haven Pharmacy Lannens, 10 New St, Carrick-on-Suir, Co

NMcGraths Pharmacy, Main St, Cappawhite, Co Tipperary 062-75248


ClonmelMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, Western House, Western Road, Clonmel, Co Tipperary052-6184758052-6184758

11 Poppyfield Retail Park, Clonmel, Co Tipperary

Cahir Zest Pharmacy Zest Pharmacy Cahir, Cahir Primary Care Centre, Rosemount Close, Cahir, Co Tipperary CappawhiteMcGrath

SFriary Pharmacy, Main Street, Cashel, Co Tipperary

GArdfinnan Careplus Pharmacy, Main St, Ardfinnan, Co Tipperary 062 88445 BorrisoleighO’Connell

ClogheenCarey J The Medical Hall, Main St, Clogheen, Cahir, Co Tipperary

FethardDalton M Daltons Pharmacy, Barrack St, Fethard, Co Tipperary

TipperaryMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Primary Care Centre, Rosanna Rd, Tipperary Town, Co Tipperary

ClonmelHarte C Mahers Pharmacy, 7 O’Connell St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary

DO’Connells Pharmacy, Main St, Borrisoleigh, Thurles, Co

TipperaryCawley P P and P Mc McMahon Ltd, 58 Main St, Tipperary 062-51150062-51150

TipperaryPure Pharmacy Pure Discount Pharmacy, Unit 2 Tipp Town S C, Tipperary Town, Co Tipperary 062-51596

ClonmelMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, 68 O’Connell St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6121204052-6121544

Cleaboy Keating M Cleaboy totalhealth Pharmacy, Cleaboy S C, Cleaboy, Waterford City, Co Waterford

Dunnes Stores S C, Davis Rd, Clonmel, Co Tipperay

DungarvanHallahan PHallahans Pharmacy, 38 The Square, Dungarvan, Co Waterford 058 41328/41310058

DunmoreMelia O Castle Pharmacy, Unit 8 Ballinakill S C, Dunmore Rd, Waterford


TipperaryKelly S Kissanes Pharmacy, 52/54 Main St, Tipperary

TipperaryO’Sullivan BLife Pharmacy O’Sullivans, 2 Davis St, Tipperary Town, Co Tipperary062-51616

DCoghlans Careplus Chemist, 98/99 Main St, Carrick-on-Suir, Co

DungarvanMurray E Murrays Pharmacy, 41 Grattan Sq, Dungarvan, Co Waterford 058-41130

Cahir Hanna A Mari Mina Pharmacy, The Square, Cahir, Co Tipperary 052-7441744052-7441718

ClonmelBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 5-6 Gladstone St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6183170052-6183301

ClonmelMcCormack FMcCormacks Pharmacy, 23 Bolton St, Clonmel, Co Tipperary 052-6199329

Pharmacy McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, 39/40 Kickham Street, Carrick-on-Suir, Co Tipperary

MullinahoneHanna A Mari Mina Pharmacy, Kickham Street, Mullinahone, Co Tipperary 052-9153535052-9153535

DungarvanKelly J Kellys Pharmacy, Causeway, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Co Waterford058-44433



FethardO’Sullivan JJ F O’Sullivan and Co Ltd, Main St, Fethard, Co Tipperary 052-6131239


Thurles Maher Pharmacy, 30 Liberty Square, Thurles, Co Tipperary

SO’Dwyers Pharmacy, 34 Main St, Cashel, Co Tipperary 062-61318062-63788

KillenauleKennedy EKillenaule Pharmacy, Main St, Killenaule, Co Tipperary 052-9156209052-9156787

SO’Dwyers Pharmacy, Ladyswell St, Cashel, Co Tipperary 062-65547062-65548

CappoquinHogan M Helys Pharmacy, Cappoquin, Co Waterford 058-54430058-54430

EHaven Pharmacy Connollys, 59 Main Street, Dungarvan, Co

PortlawO’Neill D O’Neills Pharmacy, Brown St, Portlaw, Co Waterford

RMcSharry’s Pharmacy, Mardyke St, Athlone, Co WestMeath

AthloneFarrell M Naylors Pharmacy, 23 Pearse St, Athlone, Co WestMeath


R Barrys Pharmacy Ltd, The Square, Castlepollard, Co WestMeath 044-9661860044-9661860

J Haven Pharmacy Gildeas, Main Street, Killucan, Co WestMeath

AthloneDonnellan RCooneys Pharmacy, The Crescent, Athlone, Co WestMeathN37

J Haven Pharmacy Gildeas, Main St, Kinnegad, Co WestMeath

AthloneConcannon MConcannons totalhealth Pharmacy, Unit 2 Avalon Supervalu Centre, 09064

WilliamstownMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Unit 1 Ground Floor,

Coole Tully D Coole Pharmacy, Coole, Co WestMeath 044-9661776


TramoreGri n B Barry Gri n Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Tramore, Co Waterford 051-386540051-386540

WaterfordDelany P Delanys Pharmacy, 45 Johnstown, WaterfordCo Waterford

TramoreBrennan BBrennan’s Pharmacy, Summerhill, Tramore, Waterford

WaterfordTynan B R T Phelan Ltd, 33 Michael St, Waterford 051-874466

GlassonO’Connell MGlasson Pharmacy, Glasson Village, Glasson, Co WestMeath

MConcannon’s totalhealth Pharmacy, 11 Mardyke St, Athlone, Co

E Whelehans Pharmacy, 38 Pearse Street, Mullingar, Co WestMeath044-933459104493 62520

Tramore Park Pharmacy, 7 Tyrone Rd, Lismore Park, Waterford 051-370988051-370988

WaterfordMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, 31 Ballybricken, Waterford City, Co Waterford051-840500051-840501

LismoreHanna A Mari Mina Pharmacy, Main St, Lismore, Co Waterford

PMcGorisks Pharmacy, The Crescent, Ballymahon Rd, Athlone, Co

Delvin Barry R Barrys Pharmacy, Main St, Delvin, Co WestMeath

MullingarBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 19-20 Harbour Place S C, Mullingar, Co WestMeath044-9345580044-9345849

TramoreBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Main St, Tramore, Co Waterford 051-395000051-391610


PMcGorisks Pharmacy, Unit 53,Athlone Town Centre, Co

AthloneAllcare Group Bretts Allcare Pharmacy, 49 Connaught Street, Athlone, Co

WaterfordDowling DDowlings Pharmacy, Unit 4Ardkeen S C, Waterford



WaterfordBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, 4 Georges Ct, Barronstrand St, Waterford 051-872255051-842262


AthloneBoots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Golden Island S C, Athlone, Co WestMeath 090-6476955090-6476997

WaterfordMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, Tesco Ballybeg,Ballybeg,Waterford City, Waterford051-364555

E Whelehans Pharmacy Clonmore, Unit 2B, Zone C, Mullingar Business Pk,

WaterfordHanna A Mari Mina Pharmacy, Dungarvan Road, Ardmore, Co Waterford 024-94898024-94898

AthloneMcSharry RMcSharry’s Pharmacy, 4-6 Belhavel, Athlone, Co WestMeath 090-6476767090-6476766

AthloneCunningham PCunninghams Pharmacy, 5 Croi Oige, Bonavalley, 090-6477739090-6477739 Dublin Rd, Athlone, Co WestMeath


WaterfordBurke M Burkes Pharmacy (W) Ltd, Hypermarket, Morgan St, Waterford


LisdugganMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, Waterford S C, Lisduggan, Waterford City 051-374420051-374550

Ballymahon Rd, Athlone, Co Westmeath

KilmacthomasKirwan J Kirwans Pharmacy, Main St, Kilmacthomas, Co Waterford 051-294256

NMulligans Pharmacy, Rockshire Rd, Ferrybank, Waterford

MullingarAllcare Group O’Briens Pharmacy, 35 Oliver Plunkett St, Mullingar, Co

PMcGorisks Pharmacy, Athlone Primary Care Centre, Clonbrusk, Coosan Rd, Athlone, Co Westmeath

WaterfordGallagher MGallaghers Pharmacy, 29 Barronstrand St, Waterford 051-878103051-858992

WaterfordMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, 40-41 Barronstrand St, WaterfordCo

WaterfordCarroll C T J Carroll and Co,24 Ballybricken, Waterford



TramoreKenny P Haven Pharmacy Kennys, Elm Road, The Ring Road, Tramore, Co


WaterfordMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, Unit 12a City Square, Waterford City, Co

KilmeadenBridgett AKilmeaden Pharmacy, Kilmeaden, Co Waterford

Williamstown Centre, Williamstown, Waterford WESTMEATH


DMcTiernans CarePlus Pharmacy, Unit 5 Kinnegad S C, Kinnegad, Co WestMeath Moate Dolan R The Medical Hall, Church Street, Moate, Co WestMeath 090-6481257090-6481257


WaterfordDowling DKilcohan Pharmacy, Kilcohan S C, Waterford

Tallow McGrath HMcGraths Chemist, Barrack St, Tallow, Co Waterford 058-56481

P McGorisks Pharmacy, 8 John Broderick St, Irishtown Central,

P Whytes Pharmacy, Unit 6 Arcadia N C, Coosan, Athlone, Co


Athlone, Co Westmeath


WaterfordMulligan NMulligans Chemist, Tesco Ardkeen, Farrohenshannon, Ardkeen, Waterford City

D Green St Pharmacy, Castlepollard, Co WestMeath 044-9662968

TramoreMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, Summerhill Centre, Tramore, Co Waterford 051-338550

AthloneBrett S Monksland Pharmacy, Unit 3 Block C, Monksland Business Park, 0906-4903990906-490392 Athlone, Co Westmeath

WaterfordWilson D Mayors Walk Pharmacy, 60 Mayors Walk, Waterford City, Co Waterford051-870785

WaterfordMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, Cedar House, Ardkeen, Dunmore Rd,

TramoreKenny P Haven Pharmacy Kennys, Lwr Branch Rd, Tramore, Co Waterford 051-338305051-338305

WaterfordMulligan NMulligans Pharmacy, Supervalu S C, Kilbarry, Tramore Rd,



WaterfordMoore R Waterford Health Park Pharmacy, Slievekeale Rd, Waterford City,

Wexford Gorry E Killeens Pharmacy, New Line Rd, Wexford Town, Wexford

Pharmacy McCauley Health & Beauty Pharmacy, Main Street, Bunclody, Co


Gorey Tesco Ireland Tesco Pharmacy Gorey, Tesco Extra, Ramstown Lwr, Wexford Rd,

Wexford Jenkins E Abbey Pharmacy, 42 Abbey St, Wexford Town, Co Wexford 053-9176440053-9176441

Gorey Grant L Grants Pharmacy, The Palms, The Avenue, Gorey, Co Wexford

M Mark Wright totalhealth Pharmacy, Tyrellspass, Co WestMeath

WEXFORD Bridgetown SouthGorry E Bridgetown Pharmacy, Bridgetown South, Co Wexford


G Adamstown Pharmacy, c/o Cullens Gala, Adamstown, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford

J Keanes CarePlus Pharmacy, Market Point Medical Park, Patrick Street, Mullingar, Co Westmeath MullingarKeane

New RossWilson D Hanlys Pharmacy, 65 South St, New Ross, Co Wexford

Wexford Du y S First Choice Pharmacy, Tesco In Store, Distillery Rd, Wexford Town053-9166355

Gorey McCabe R McCabes Pharmacy, 69 Main St, Gorey, Co Wexford

A Coppens Pharmacy, Abbey Centre, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford 053-9234959053-9234959

Wexford Fehily D Fehilys Chemist, 28 South Main St, Wexford

RochfortbridgeMcTiernan DMcTiernans CarePlus Pharmacy, Rochfortbridge, Co WestMeath

BunclodyDuelchem Ltd Chemco Pharmacy, Carrigdu , Bunclody, Co Wexford 053-9375743

EnniscorthyWilson D Kelly’s Pharmacy, Slaney Place, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford



WellingtonbridgeLloyds Pharmacy LLoyds Pharmacy, Wellingtonbridge, Co Wexford 051 561831051-560803

P Farrells Pharmacy, Templeshannon, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford 053-9233189053-9233189

Gorey Hickeys Pharmacies Hickeys Pharmacy, Unit 18 Gorey Town Centre, Gorey, Co Wexford053-9481338


CMary St Pharmacy, Mary St, Mullingar, Co WestMeath 044-9347493

EnniscorthyMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 31 Court Street, Enniscorthy, Wexford

D Garahys Pharmacy, 6 Slaney St, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford

MullingarWeir N Weir’s Pharmacy and Opticians, Market Square, Mullingar,

MullingarKeane J Woods Pharmacy, Dominic St, Mullingar, Co WestMeath


Gorey Keady M Riverchapel Pharmacy, Main St, Riverchapel, Gorey, Co Wexford 053-9425252

P Haven Pharmacy Murphys, Clonard Road, Wexford 053-9184444053-9184444

Wexford Allcare Group Hassetts Allcare Pharmacy, 9/11 North Main St, Wexford

Gorey Wade M Wades totalhealth Pharmacy, 76 Main St, Gorey, Co Wexford


New RossO’Callaghan JIrishtown Pharmacy, No 15 The Irish Town, New Ross, Co


MBellview Pharmacy, Old Dublin Rd, Mullingar, Co WestMeath 044-9340500

EnniscorthyGrant L Grants Pharmacy, Ra ter St, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford 053-9236456053-9236383grantsra

EnniscorthyGrant L Grants Pharmacy, The Du ry, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford 053-9232457

Fethard on SeaKissane DFethard Pharmacy, Main St, Fethard on Sea, The Hook, Co Wexford051 397667051



J Keane’s CarePlus Pharmacy, Green Rd, Mullingar, Co WestMeath 044-9390390 MullingarKeane

Gorey Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Lr Main St, Gorey, Co Wexford 053-9421294 053-9421298

Rosslare HarbourHennessy SRosslare Pharmacy, Station Road, Rosslare Strand, Co Wexford

MullingarLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 20 Pearse St, Mullingar, Co WestMeath 044-9344324044-9344309

Rosslare HarbourLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Rosslare S C, Rosslare Harbour, Co Wexford 053-9133551053-9133988

MullingarLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Mullingar S C, Mullingar, Co WestMeath 044-9348471044-9348333



Wexford Hogan B Faythe Pharmacy, Unit 2, 178 The Faythe, Wexford Town, Wexford 053-9146746

Ferns Finnegan PFerns Pharmacy, Main St, Ferns, Co Wexford

Gorey Allcare Group Roches Allcare Pharmacy, 14 Main St, Gorey, Co Wexford

Gorey Whelan E Whelans Pharmacy, Puigin Court, St Michaels Rd, Gorey, Co

New RossBurke M Burkes Pharmacy, New Ross, Co Wexford 051-421522051-421522

TaghmonWilson D O’Donnell and Mernagh, Main St, Taghmon, Co Wexford

J Keane’s Careplus Pharmacy, Mullingar Medical Centre, Harbour Street, Mullingar, Co Westmeath

Gorey Stack A Gorey Pharmacy, St Michaels Road, Gorey, Co Wexford

LOCATIONNAME ADDRESS PHONE FAX EMAIL Mullingar, Co Weatmeath MullingarBrennan KHaven Pharmacy Mullingar, Buckeys Supervalu, 044-9349476044-9349494

BunclodyAllcare Group Lo tus Pharmacy, Market Square, Bunclody, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford 053-9377529 053-9377682lo

C Castlebridge Pharmacy, No 1 The Square, Castlebridge, Wexford 053-9179024053-9179024

CampileWaterford Co-op Campile Pharmacy, Campile, Co Wexford 051-388660051-388660

DKavanaghs Pharmacy, Du ry Hill, Enniscorthy, Co Wexford

Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Unit 3,Whitemill Road, Clonard, Wexford

KilmuckridgeMcCarthy BKilmuckridge Pharmacy, Kilmuckridge, Co Wexford

PiercestownHogan B Village Pharmacy, Old School House, Piercestown, Co Wexford

Wexford Boots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemists, Unit 9-13South Main Street, Wexford, Co Wexford053-9147851053-9147860

New RossMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 4 South St, New Ross, Co


E Clonroche Pharmacy, Main St, Clonroche, Enniscorthy, Co

Wexford Grant L Grants Pharmacy, St Aidans S C, Wexford 053-9123068 053-9152945

Wexford Jenkins E Selskar Pharmacy, 27/28 Selsker St, Wexford Town, Co Wexford 053-9185171053-9185172

New RossMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, North Gate, 051-445038 051-445039 John Street, New Ross, Co Wexford



Gorey Boots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, 85/86 Main St, Gorey, Co Wexford 053 9489536053 9489554

Austin Friars St, Mullingar, Co Westmeath MullingarHalligan PMullingar Pharmacy, 49/51 Oliver Plunkett St, Mullingar, Co

Wexford Lynch C Fortunes Chemist, 82 North Main St, Wexford

Bray Roche N Roches Chemist, 35 Vevay Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-2862784

GreystonesAllcare Group Roches Allcare Pharmacy, U7 Blacklion Retail Centre, Greystones, Co

GreystonesClarke K McGleenans Pharmacy, 2 Church Rd, Greystones, Co Wicklow

G Tinahely Pharmacy, Main St, Tinahely, Co Wicklow

Bray Pure Pharmacy Pure Pharmacy, Pure Pharmacy, Unit 3 Southpoint, Bray, Co


Wexford McCormack BJ E McCormack, 14 Selskar St, Wexford

Wexford McCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 8 North Main St,

Blessington Business Pk, Blessington, Co Wicklow Bray Boots Retail Ireland Boots the Chemist, 105 Main St, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-276384301-2763846


Bray Kennedys Pharmacy Ltd Vance and Wilson, 92 Main St, Bray, Co Wicklow


A Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, 40 Main St, Arklow, Co Wicklow

Bray Magee A Boghall Pharmacy, Boghall S C, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-286906601-2040883

RathnewHarty J Rathnew Pharmacy, 2 Merrymeeting Centre, Rathnew, Co Wicklow0404-31055


J Ferrybank CarePlus Pharmacy, Unit 1 Ferrybank Mall, Arklow, Co

A Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Mount Usher Court, Ashford, Co


Bray Hilton K Hiltons Pharmacy, 1 Quinsboro Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow

RoundwoodHarty J Roundwood Pharmacy, 8 Main Street, Roundwood, Co Wicklow

NAughrim Pharmacy, Main St, Aughrim, Co Wicklow 0402-366550402-36850

J Wicklow CarePlus Pharmacy, Unit 5 & 6 Supervalu Centre, WicklowCo

BlessingtonMcGreal KMcGreals Pharmacy, Lower Main St, Blessington, Co Wicklow

Group Allcare Pharmacy WicklowWestmount Clinic, Church Hill, WicklowCo


KilcooleByrne M Kilcoole Pharmacy Ltd, Main St, Kilcoole, Co Wicklow


Bray Burns P Fitzmaurices Pharmacy, 1c Quinsboro Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow

Bray Kelly S Downeys Pharmacy, Tesco S C, Vevay Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow

Wexford McCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, 4/6 Redmond Square,

Bray Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Bray PCC, Killarney Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-282930101-2829322



Avoca Quinn J Avoca Pharmacy, Avoca, Co Wicklow 0402-306080402-30608

CarnewMcGirr I B F M McGirr (Carnew) Ltd, Carnew, Wicklow

Wicklow TownCollins M Michael Collins Pharmacy, Wicklow Town, WicklowCo Wicklow


Bray McCabe R Lawlors Pharmacy, 24 Quinsboro Rd, Bray, Co Wicklow


GreystonesRoche F Fiona Roche Pharmacy, Roches Clinic, Blacklion, Greystones, Co

BlessingtonMcGreal KBlessington Pharmacy, Blessington, Co Wicklow

Retail Ireland Boots, Butlers Medical Hall, Abbey St, Wicklow 0404-67355

ArklowDu y S First Choice Pharmacy, Tesco, Arklow Sq, Wexford Rd, Arklow, Co

M Knockrobin Pharmacy, Wicklow Primary Health Care Cent, Port Rd, Wicklow Town, Wicklow0404-695570404-69526

Bray Quinn R Cunninghams Pharmacy, 3 Killarney Park, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-2868038

BaltinglassCarey K Kevin Carey Chemist, Main St, Baltinglass, Co Wicklow

GreystonesDodd D David Dodd Pharmacy, Greystones Medical Centre, Mill Rd, Greystones, Co Wicklow

Bray Lloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 12 Castle S C, Bray, Co Wicklow 01-286003001-2760122

GreystonesLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Unit 7 Tesco S C, Greystones, Co Wicklow 01-2876791 01-2871385

Bray Kennedys Pharmacy Ltd Kennedys Pharmacy, 35 Main St, Bray, Co Wicklow


GreystonesLloyds Pharmacy Health Express Pharmacy, The Charlesland Centre, Greystones, Co

ArklowBoots Retail Ireland Boots Pharmacy, Unit 12 - 13 Bridgewater S C, Arklow, Co Wicklow0402-411660402-41166

BlessingtonMcGreal KMcGreals Pharmacy, Blessington PCC 045-900535


J O’Meara’s CarePlus Chemists, 30 Upper Main St, Arklow, Co


GreystonesBoots Retail Ireland Boots, 18 Church St, Greystones, Co Wicklow 01-2878290

Newtown-Dunne A Adrian Dunne Pharmacy, Main St, Newtownmountkennedy, Co

WicklowLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, 1 Main St, WicklowCo Wicklow 0404-678550404-69599

ArklowGrant L Grants Pharmacy Arklow, Old Wexford Road, Arklow, Co Wicklow

LLaura Armstrong Pharmacy, 40A Wexford Rd, Arklow, Co Wicklow

ArklowAllcare Group Allcare Pharmacy Arklow, 46 Main St, Arklow, Co Wicklow

GreystonesMcCauleys Pharmacy McCauleys Health and Beauty Pharmacy, Church Road, Greystones, Co Wicklow 01-2872600

Wexford McCabe R Sherwoods Pharmacy, 2 North Main St, Wexford

MTierneys Pharmacy, Rathdrum, Co Wicklow

DunlavinWhelan P Whelans Pharmacy, Main St, Dunlavin, Co Wicklow



FO’Dwyers Pharmacy, 5 Main St, Wicklow

Bray McKeon UQuins Pharmacy, 3 Royal Complex,Quinsboro Rd, Bray, Co

BaltinglassMcGreal KBaltinglass Pharmacy, Unit 1 3 Mill St, Baltinglass, Co Wicklow 059-6471282

EnniskerryMagee A Magee’s Pharmacy, Enniskerry, Co Wicklow

BaltinglassLloyds Pharmacy Lloyds Pharmacy, Main St, Baltinglass, Co Wicklow 059-6482858059-6482859

95 COMPANY PROFILES INDEXPROFILESCOMPANY The Company Profiles, as at time of going to press, are listed below and published on > Communications > Company Profiles ACCOUNTANTS / SOLICITORS PHARMACEUTICAL CONSULTANTS Fitzgerald Power Chartered Accountants & Business Advisers..........051 870152....................................96 Haydon 01 205 1700....................................96 Jpa Brenson Lawlor Chartered Accountants.............................................01 668 9760..................................96 Pharmawealth....................................................................................................01 458 4327................................... 97 BUSINESS ADVICE / ADVISORS Moore Wealth Management..........................................................................051 832839.................................... 97 COMPUTERS / IT Coolamber Solutions.......................................................................................01 531 1053...................................98 Refill Assistant Ltd............................................................................................021 2121393 .................................98 ENERGY BUSINESS Energia Group....................................................................................................0818 36 37 44..............................98 FINANCIAL SERVICES / INSURANCES / PENSIONS AIC Glennon........................................................................................................01 619 1100...................................98 Frank Glennon (Life & Pensions) Ltd..........................................................01 707 5880..................................99 HEALTHCARE Accord Healthcare Ireland Ltd......................................................................021 461 9040................................99 Citrine Healthcare Ltd.....................................................................................01 445 7206..................................99 Clarity Locums...................................................................................................+353 (0)1 532 5441......................99 Clonmel Healthcare Ltd..................................................................................052 617 7777...............................100 Consilient Health Ireland...............................................................................01 205 7760................................. 101 Eurosales International Ltd ..........................................................................01 450 7771.................................. 101 Fleming Medical Ltd.........................................................................................1800 307 777............................... 101 John Griffey Ltd..................................................................................................085 474 3339...............................102 A.menarini Pharmaceuticals Ireland Ltd...............................................01 284 6744.................................102 Nutricia Ireland.................................................................................................01 289 0289................................102 Ocean Healthcare Limited.............................................................................01 296 8080................................103 Rowex Ltd ............................................................................................................027 50077....................................103 Scope....................................................................................................................01 525 3683................................104 Servier Laboratories (Ireland) Ltd...............................................................01 663 811011............................104 Valeo Healthcare .............................................................................................01 405 1500................................104 PHARMACEUTICAL Astellas Pharma Co., Ltd.................................................................................01 467 1555..................................105 Bayer Ltd.............................................................................................................01 216 3300.................................105 Novo Nordisk Limited......................................................................................01 862 9700 ...............................105 Originalis ............................................................................................................01 437 3167.................................106 Roche Products (Ireland) Limited................................................................01 469 0700...............................106 Rowa Pharmaceuticals Ltd.............................................................................027 50077....................................107 United Drug Consumer....................................................................................01 463 2300................................107 PHARMACY WASTE DISPOSAL Stericycle.............................................................................................................1800 937 628 ............................108 PHARMACY SYMBOL GROUPS totalhealth Pharmacy Group.........................................................................01 842 7612..................................109 Haven Pharmacy...............................................................................................01 524 0697.................................109 PHARMACEUTICAL WHOLESALERS Better Breathing Ireland ..............................................................................00353 83 4445516......................110 United Drug .......................................................................................................01 463 2300................................110 PUBLIC BODY Health Products Regulatory Authority.......................................................01 676 4971..................................111 SHOPFITTING / SIGNS / MERCHANDISING Kdl Retail Interiors ..........................................................................................045 530663.................................111 Lightsign Limited..............................................................................................01 457 3683.................................111 STOCKTAKERS Abc Stocktaking Services Ltd........................................................................057 932 0045..............................112 TRADE ASSOCIATIONS The Cosmetic Association..............................................................................087 2324898...............................112 WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS Sundrelle Ltd......................................................................................................01 835 1199.................................112

CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Argyle Square, Morehampton Road, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 Tel: 01 668 9760 Email: Web:

Key Contacts: Hilary Haydon FCA Email:



• Pharmacy

• Pharmacy



Waterford O ce: Greyfriars, Waterford Tel: 051 870152 Fax: 051 871214 Web: Dublin O ce: 3013 Lake Drive, Citywest Campus, Dublin 24 Tel: 01 679 4772 Fax: 01 679 4775 Web:

brokerage • VAT investigations • Tax

Type of Business: Accountants and Financial Advisors

• Audit Services & Accounts Preparation. Cash Flow Management Outsourcing Services – Payroll, VAT, Management Accounts Debt Management/Restructuring Valuations Buying and Selling Pharmacies Personal Financial Planning IT Systems Detailed Sector Analysis and OurBenchmarkingfirm,withmore than 85 employees, is in the Top 15 accountancy and business advisory firms in Ireland.

Fitzgerald Power is a firm of Accountants, Taxation and Business Advisers based in Dublin and Waterford. We specialise in providing professional services to the Irish community pharmacy sector. We understand the opportunities and difficulties faced by Irish pharmacists, especially in today’s turbulent economic climate. We know it is vital for pharmacy operators to have access to sector specific up-to-date financial information. We use our experience and knowledge of the pharmacy market to provide our clients with the information they need to grow their businesses. From reporting the effect of HSE announcements on profit margins, to preparing comparative studies and benchmarking reports, we believe in arming our clients with timely and relevant information and working together to develop a clear strategic direction for their community pharmacy


and compliance • Pharmacy specific online management accounts • Year-end statutory account production • Outsourced bookkeeping, payroll and company secretarial services Stuart FitzgeraldNoel Winters Contact: • Stuart Fitzgerald Email: • Noel HAYDON Providing Day to Day financial business and Tax advice to Pharmacists and Healthcare Specialists Dublin O ce 110 Amiens Street Dublin 1 Tel: 01 205 1700 Fax: 01 205 1738 Email: Web: Type of Business: • Chartered Accountants and Registered Auditors • Specialists in all Tax, Accounting and Financial Management aspects of Retail Pharmacy Business Advisors Services: • Purchase of Pharmacy Business • Sale of Pharmacy Business • New Pharmacy Openings • Benchmarking • Business Performance Assessment • Preparation and Audit of Accounts • Management Information Systems • Monthly Management Accounts • Book Keeping Services – VAT/PAYE • Payroll Services • Tax Planning • Income Tax/Corporation Tax Compliance • Business Management Expertise • Loan Applications • Family Business Services • Retirement Planning

JPA Brenson Lawlor is the specialist and lead firm in advising the community pharmacy sector on business, financial and taxation matters for the last 40 years. Our partners, Padraic Ferguson and Jason Bradshaw are recognised across the island as the sector experts. Our knowledge of the business is unsurpassed, meaning we can offer your pharmacy business the best advice available in all commercial areas including: team offers the following services: Financial health checks which includes a comparison of current performance against sector averages valuations sale planning


Though our offices are conveniently located in Donnybrook, South Dublin and Capel Buildings, Dublin City Centre, we travel the length and breadth of the country to meet with our clients, and we’re happy to do it. A key differentiator with JPA Brenson Lawlor is that you get to talk directly with one of the principals about your

086 3801868 Type of Business: • A recommended provider of financial advice to IPU Members offering a fee for a service basis producing comprehensive financial reviews and plans incorporating advice on: • Certified Financial Planners® • Tax efficient Investing • Retirement Planning • Tax Planning • Cashlfow Modelling • Business Exit Strategies • Inheritance Tax Planning • Keyperson and Personal Life Insurance • Wealth Extraction Advice check service – Verify if financial advice received was in your best interest. This has proved a very popular service in recent times.

•Ensure you extract and retain the capital from your business.

97 issues and we are always available in person and at the end of the phone. The firm is known for how approachable we all are – it’s part of the culture at the firm. So why not give our pharmacy specialists Padraic or Jason a ring today?


Director •

PHARMAWEALTH Tel: 01 458 4327 Email: Web:

Building your pharmacy is challenging. A strategic approach lays the foundation for long-term goal achievement & success. At Pharmawealth we will help you:

Partner • Kevin


Walfrid Private Ltd. t/a Pharmawealth is regulated by The Central

•Manage and extract your wealth in the most tax-efficient way.

•Start planning as early as possible.

•Take advantage of Wealth Management strategies available.

Our focus is on •The appraisal of personal and business finances to reduce tax, reduce cost and increase •Goal-Basedperformance.Wealth Management •IntegratedSolutions.

Key Contacts:

Did you know as a Company Director you can potentially extract up to €750,000 tax-free from your business?

“The Seven PharmawealthtonowPharmacist”Figureisavailableorderfrom more information, visit contact us: Richard Collins Tel: 01 458 4327 Email: Bank Suites Marine Point, Belview, Waterford Tel: 051 832839 Web: Contact: Colm - 086 -


Pharmawealth is a Wealth Management firm specialising in the provision of professional financial advice and providing holistic financial planning to Irish Retail Pharmacists and Company Directors. We are members of the Trusted Advisor Group, the objective of which is to improve the client experience, compliance and best practice. Our relationship is with you and not your money. At Pharmawealth, we encourage you to engage in a Centralised Wealth Management process. This will provide you with a comprehensive understanding of where you are now, where you want to be, and how we will facilitate you in reaching your expectations. Integrity and Knowledge are the cornerstones of our Financial Planning Team’s 128 years’ experience. Our approach is goal-based Financial Planning, offering our existing and new clients clarity throughout our Pharmawealthengagement. makes it easy for clients to access world-class, long-term investment management. We construct, develop and manage your personal Globally Diversified Investment Portfolios across all asset classes.

• Padraic Ferguson specialising in Community Pharmacy and Healthcare Jason Bradshaw Partner specialising in Community Pharmacy and Healthcare Ian Lawlor specialising in Retail and Hospitality Thomas McDonald specialising in Hospitality and Logistics Henry Kinch specialising in Audit & Accounting, Outsourcing and IT Services to the Community Pharmacy O’Leary Taxation Hendricken Taxation Cathal Maher Director of Corporate Legal Services

sector • Michael



Managing Partner





. To request 4327.Privatecontactcopy,complimentaryapleaseWalfridon01–458 For

860 3953 Kieran

Wealth Management System - REAP™ that helps you build a Wealth Management Foundation, develop wealth and then retain everything you have accumulated. Our services are wide and varied, –Protectionincluding: of Assets –Capital –Advice–ExtractionManagementofWealthtoPharmacists in Financial –Inheritance–TaxDifficultyReductionTax Planning –Retirement –Learn–Investment–Insurance–InvestmentsPlanningandNon-InsuranceSolutionsandInsuranceAuditsaboutZeroTaxProperty–

managed projects for major institutions as


• Patient messages •


software development company

Type of Business: • IT Software Development Coolamber Solutions is

Our consultants

as small businesses.



We provide

financial advisers

Type of Business: With a focus on independent community pharmacies, Refill Assistant offers integrated services to help pharmacies move their business online. The platform provides a booking engine, website, and mobile app, connected to a secure pharmacy portal that brings everything together. From a single cloud-based portal, pharmacies can manage the following services: Online prescription orders Mobile prescription orders Repeat reminders In-pharmacy Vaccinations and Video consultations. All Refill Assistant pharmacy services can be installed on your existing website. Or a new website with these services can be delivered in as little as 10 days.

experienced and



AIC GLENNON Charlemont House, Charlemont Place, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 619 1100 Fax: 01 707 5849 Email:

Management: Des Byrne Customer focused • Ken Corcoran Technology focused ENERGY BUSINESS ENERGIA GROUP

In the hierarchy of Certified Financial Planners™ are at the top representing less than 2% of advisers countrywide. Combined with over 40 years’ experience in house you are certain to get the best planning solutions from us for your needs. If you want a trusted source for your advice with no jargon look no further. To see the difference with our advice led process as opposed to a sales driven process contact us for a meeting. Please see our website for testimonials. Management: Colm Moore CFP Moore SIA Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 531 1053 Email: Web: a based in Dublin. are hugely of highest calibre with a wide range skills. the core skilled have developed and well

of technical and business

• Energia Group is a leading integrated Irish energy business with substantial operations in both the ROI and Northern Ireland. The Group primarily operates across three business units: Renewables, Flexible Generation and Customer Solutions. With offices in Dublin, Galway, Cork, Belfast, Antrim and Omagh, Energia Group supplies almost 20% of the island of Ireland’s total electricity requirements and 23% of the island’s total wind power meeting the energy needs of 800,000 homes and businesses with competitive electricity and gas services provided through its two retail brands Energia and Power NI. The Group supplies close to 1.3 Gigawatts of green power to the market, including power from 15 owned and invested wind farms on the island and also operates two major gas-fired power stations in north County Dublin. Energia Group employs 920 people and is one of only 40 companies to have achieved the Business Working Responsibly mark from Business in the Community, the leading independently audited standard for CSR and Sustainability in Ireland. Whatever your industry and whatever the size of your operation, Energia can help reduce your energy costs and carbon footprint. Since 1999, we’ve made it our business to understand your business and help you save money on your energy bills. We’ll make sure you’re on the right plan for your needs while offering bespoke solutions to cut your costs along with practical tips and advice. We’ll work with you to find the best ways to monitor and control your energy use and we’ll even offer upfront funding for projects to make your business more energy efficient. We’ll help identify the steps your business can take today to reduce your energy costs.

services: • Web application development • Responsive website design • Web services and Online solutions • Project Management and Quality CoolamberAssuranceSolutions highly

appointments •


The Liberty Centre, Blanchardstown Retail Park, Dublin 15, D15 YT2H Tel: 0818 36 37 44 Email: Web: Type of Business:

REFILL ASSISTANT LTD Cube Building, Monahan Road, Cork, T12 H1XY Tel: 021 2121393 Email: Web:



FRANK GLENNON (Life & Pensions) Ltd. Charlemont House, Charlemont Place, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 707 5880 Email:

Key Account Executive • Ms

FrankConsultantGlennon (Life & Pensions) Limited, trading as “Glennon”, “Glennon Employee Benefits” and “Glennon Financial Planning”, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.


Key Account Executive • Mr


ACCORD HEALTHCARE IRELAND LTD Euro House, Euro Business Park, Little Island, Cork T45 K857 Tel: 021 461 9040 Web: Email:

Manager •

Key Account Manager • Ms

Account Executive • Mr


• Mr

Key Account Executive • Mr

Type of Business: Independent Financial Advisers, specialists in the areas of Pensions, Family & Business Protection and Investments. Team Davin Spollen Associate Director Sean Buggy Senior Consultant Conor Murray Consultant Darragh Hogan


• Mr

Tel: 01 445 7206 Email: Web: Type of Business: • Sales & Marketing of OTC and Ethical products Distribution: • via Wholesalers Management: • John Freyne Commercial Director • Sarah O’Leary Sales Director Sales Force: • Area Sales Managers - Nationwide Nationwide Contact: 01 445 7206 for all enquiries. CLARITY

• Mr

Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “Glennon”, “Glennon Insurances” and “AIC Glennon”, is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Member of Brokers Ireland.

Type of

Type of Business: Sales and Marketing of Generic, Biosimilar & Speciality Hospital Pharmaceuticals Distribution: Via all Wholesalers Management: Mr Tony Hynds Managing Director Ms Tracy Kivlehan Head of Hospitals and Speciality Brands Mr Padraic O’Brien Associate Director Commercial Marketing: Ms Marguerite Tierney Senior PR & Marketing Ms Ciara O’Leary Fitzpatrick Brand Marketing Executive Hospital Sales Team: Ms Ánna Barrett Key Account Manager Oliver Lawrence Key Account Manager Taimoor Mounis Key Account Manager Sales Team: Mr Gregg Farrell Key Account Manager David Lane Commercial Operations Damien McCormack Jane Clarke Key Richard Doherty Nicola Flynn John MacHale Liam Ryan Key Executive

Type of Business: Insurance Brokers & Consultants to Members Administrators of Group Insurance Schemes for Pharmacy Premises, Professional Indemnity, Legal Fees, Motor, Home, Travel and Personal Accident Insurances. Team Michael O’Grady Manager Client Services Terry Du y Senior Claims Executive Liz Murchan Client Services Broker Lisa Breslin Client Services Broker

CITRINE HEALTHCARE LTD Orchard Road, Clondalkin, Dublin, D22 V4H1 LOCUMS Merrion Square, Dublin, D02 DW94 Tel: +353 (0)1 532 5441 Web: Business: Clarity Locums was founded in the Republic of Ireland by pharmacist Anthony O’Neill. 9 years on, Clarity has established itself as the most trusted and reliable pharmacist recruitment platform throughout the UK, Ireland and New Zealand, with offices in Belfast, Dublin, and Auckland.

Manager • Mr




100 COMPANY PROFILES Clarity’s,toClarityisqualityLocumsthesetechnologymanagement,experiencemanagementpharmacist-ledteamhasextensiveinthepharmacy,recruitmentandsectors.ThefusionofskillshasenabledClaritytoofferacost-effective,highandprofessionalservicethatunlikeanyotheravailable.LocumsoffersbettervaluepharmaciesandacompletelyandunmatchedserviceforReliability,easeofusepeace-of-mindarequalitiesthatstriveforonadailybasis.

• Mr

• Mr


• Mr

Manager / MSL: • Ms

086Southern2588141 • Mr

• Ms

Distribution: Direct to Pharmacies, Hospitals and Via Wholesalers. Management: Jim Hanlon Chief Executive Officer Martin E Gallagher Marketing Director Barry Fitzpatrick Sales Director Tom Farrell Sales Manager Samantha Doundoulakis Amy Phillips Product Cormac McDonnell Sales Operations Manager Sales Force: Brian McNamara Mid Western 086 258 8142 Kevin Dolan North West 086 380 3229 Paul Kenny Midlands, South East 087 093 5014 Brian Hogan Liam Daly North Dublin City & North County 852 0755 Gary Walker Dublin & North Western Counties 232 4021 Louise Mullen (OTC) City & County 044 3431 Sales Force: Ronan Bent Dublin & Eastern Counties 381 1619 Maureen McAllister Eddie Hayes Support Denise O’Brien 385 2649 Anne O’Reilly 858


Patient Services Manager: • Ms


• Mr

• Mr




Marketing Manager • Ms

• Ms


• Mr


• Mr

• Mr


086West823 0071 • Mr

Emtricitabine / Tenofovir disproxil; Emtricitabine / Tenofovir disproxil; Etalopro; FebuxostatEzetimibe/Simvastatin;Clonmel;Flucloxacillin; Folic Acid; Fungasil; Furosemide; Ibandronic Acid; Irbesartan Clonmel; Isomel SR; Itami; Keflex; Lercanidipine Clonmel; Letrozole; Levetiracetam Clonmel; Linezolide; Losamel; Maxilief; Melfen; Memantine; Memantine Drops, Minimed MIO Advance Infusion Sets; Miramel; Montelair; Movymia; Mycophenolate Mofetil Clonmel; Nebimel; Nepramel; Nicochew; Nizoral Shampoo; Nytamel; Olanzapine; Olanzapine ODT; Olmesartan; Olmesartan HCT; Olmesartan/Amlodipine


087Southern1821679 Therapy

Manager • Mr

• Mr

OTC: Accurate; Acriflex; Anti-Hist Allergy; Caldease; Caldesene; Caldesene Adult; CaldeSpray; Caldesun; CaldeBaby Teething Gel; Cerumol; Cerumol Olive Oil; Clonfolic; Desenex; Easofen for children strawberry oral suspension; Easofen; Easofen Max; Easolief DUO; Electrosal; Eucryl; Eurax; Eye Drops from the makers of Anti-Hist Allergy; Flexitol Heel Balm; Flexitol Moisturising Foot Cream, Flexitol Hand Balm; Galfer Caps; Galfer Syrup; Gloup Swallowing Gel; Hedrin Treat and Go Mousse; Hedrin Treat and Go Spray; Hedrin Protect and Go Spray, Hedrin Dual Pack, Hedrin ONCE; Just a Drop; Maxilief, Medithyme Cough Syrup, Nicochew 2mg Gum; Nicochew 4mg Gum; Nizoral Care Scalp Tonic, Nizoral Dandruff Shampoo; Oilatum Bar Soap; Oilatum Emollient; Oilatum Jr Liquid Bath; Paralief 500mg Tablets; Paralief Effervescent Tablets; Paralief Sinus; Paralief Hot Lemon Drink; Paralief Extra; Paralief Night; Ridonex; Savlon Cream; Savlon Advanced Gel; Tefin suppositories, Thermacare Neck Relief; Neck Back Relief; Tipol suppositories, Viralief 2g cream; ViraSoothe Gel; ViraSoothe Spray.

CLONMEL HEALTHCARE LTD. Logistics, Waterford Road, Clonmel, Co Tipperary, E91 D768 Tel: 052 617 7777 Fax: 052 617 7799 Order Line: Freephone: 1800 26 26 26 Sales & Marketing, Unit 20A, Second Floor, Beckett Way, Park West Business Park, Dublin 12, D12 P8R2 Tel: 01 620 4000 Fax: 01 620 4099 Type of Business: Sales, marketing and distribution of Medicines and OTC Products. Products: Ethical: 4SURE Diabetes Monitors; Amidex; Amitriptyline; DoxatanDistaclor;Clonmel;CozatanClonocid;Clavamel;Cimeldine;Plus;Clonmel;Binosto;Clonmel,Aspirin;Anxicalm;Amitriptyline;Amlodipine/Valsartan/HCT;Amlodipine/ValsartanAmlodipine;Clonmel;AmoxicillinClonmel;Aripiprazole;APO-Go;Atenomel;AtorvastatinAxid;AzithromycinClonmel;Bisoprolol;BortezomibCalvepen;Candist;CandistCasomide;Caspofungin;Cinacalcet;Ciprotan;ClavamelForte;Clonactil;Clopidogrel;Cozatan;Comp;Crystapen;DarunavirDasatinib;Denzapine;Donesyn;Doxatan;XL;Duloxetine;Efavirenz/

• Mr

• Ms

• Orla Losty Office Operations Manager Sales Force: 7 Area Sales Managers Nationwide Contact: 01 450 7771 for all enquiries.

For further information or to request a visit from one of our representatives, please contact Consilient Health at 01 205 7760 or visit

• Lisa Murphy Sales Manager (NI)

EUROSALES INTERNATIONAL LTD Unit 3/4, Ballymount Business Park, Ballymount Drive, Ballymount Industrial Estate, Walkinstown, Dublin 12, D12 F884 Tel: 01 450 7771 DirectTelesalesLine: 01 405 0900 Fax: 01 450 7795 General Queries: Orders: Web:

Products: Pharmacy Supplies: Medicare First Aid, Medicare Advanced Wound Care, Medicare Footcare, Medicare Infection Control, Medicare Home Healthcare & Physiologix Sport Therapy, 24 Hour Blood Pressure Montiors. Home Medical Monitoring Devices: Medicare LifeSense Bluetooth Connected Devices: Blood Pressure Monitors, Pulse Oximeters & Weighing Scales. Home Medical Equipment: Medicare Non-Contact and Digital Thermometers, Nebulisers & Humidifiers. Healthcare Consumables: Wound Care, Infection Control, Medical Sets, Bandages, Drapes & Hygiene Products. Distribution: • Direct to Pharmacy with Pharmacy Exclusivity on all Brands

Consilient Health is a privately owned pharmaceutical company which operates in Europe and the Middle East and is headquartered in Dublin, Ireland. Consilient Health’s focus is on women’s health, bone health and urology We have formed strong partnerships with leading manufacturers and we specialise in regulatory affairs, supply chain, quality, medical affairs, marketing and sales for our prescription medicines. Consilient Health seeks to bring innovative medicines and value to patients, prescribers and payers alike.

101 COMPANY PROFILES Senior Hospital Sales Specialist: • Ms Helen Martin 087 193 4760 National Hospital Manager: • Mr Gerard Slevin 087 250 1963 CONSILIENT HEALTH IRELAND Block 2A Richview Office Park, DublinClonskeagh,14 Tel: 01 205 7760 Email: Web: Health Care Professional and patient information can be accessed at Distributor: United Drug Distributors Ireland Limited (as part of the McKesson Group)

FLEMING MEDICAL LTD Corcanree Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick, V94 K6W4 FREEPHONE: 1800 307 777 FREEFAX: 1800 313 395 Email: Web: Online ordering:

Type of Business: Marketing, Sales & Distribution of Cosmetics, Toiletries & OTC Products Distribution: Direct to Pharmacies & Department Stores Owner: John Meany O’Brien Management: • Padraig Stokes Managing Director • Jenni Fenlon National Sales Manager (ROI)

Team: • Deirdre Kelly Country Manager Eavan O’Connor Marketing Consultant, Oral Contraceptives and Evorel Susan Aughney Marketing Manager, Bone Health Medications Geraldine Arnott Ballerine Business Manager Emma Gibbs Marketing Executive

Type of Business Partnering with pharmacies to deliver trusted quality pharmacy products in Home Diagnostics, First Aid, Sports Therapy and Advanced Wound Care has been our focus for over 35 years. We design, produce and deliver these pharmacy exclusive products under our Medicare, LifeSense and Physiologix Ourbrands.products are backed by bestin-class customer service from our product and industry experts, in-depth training, engaging merchandising and marketing services so pharmacies can focus on caring for the community.

• Paul Stevenson Financial Controller • Noel Hodson Warehouse Manager

• Lauren Fitzgerald Marketing Manager • Claire Couch Group Pharmacy Key Account Manager / New Brands Business Manager

RELIFE Aesthetics Products: Definisse Threads, Fillers and Peels Via United Drug Consumer, United Drug House, Magna Business Park, Citywest Road, Dublin 24 Tel: 01 459 8877 Sales Force: RELIFE Territory Leads (3). For contact details please phone the office on (01) 2846744

Management: Mark Fleming Managing Teresa Burke Key Account teresa.burke@flemingmedical.ieManager

Director •

JOHN GRIFFEY LTD 15 Lynwood, Dundrum, Dublin 16, D16 E8Y1 Tel: 085 474 3339 Email: / Web: Type of Business: Sole Irish agent for Venalink Medication Management Systems. Venalink is one of the most respected Monitored Dosage System (MDS) providers in Europe. Product development and excellent customer service are at the core of the business. Venalink has been instrumental in bringing innovative products, blister packaging and techniques to the field of Therecompliance.isacard for every need. Daily, Twice daily, Weekly, Monthly. We are now delighted to be able to offer the 100% recyclable Qube range.


Management: • Mr Francis Lynch General Manager Ireland and UK • Mr Richard Kennedy Deputy General Manager • Ms Sarah Helme Financial Controller • Mr Johnny Murphy Head of Consumer Health • Ms Angela Gillian Head of Medical Affairs • Ms Jane Kelly HR Officer UK & Ireland, Office & Admin Manager Ireland • Mr Fergus Gallagher Head of Aesthetics • Mr Jason Davies Product Manager • Mr Shane Sheridan Product Manager • Mr John O’Sullivan RELIFE Dermatology Sales and Marketing Manager • Ms Kathy Shannon Regional Field Sales Manager • Ms Sharon Guard Quality and Compliance Manager

Dietetic Freephone


Management: • Killian Barry Country Manager • Maria Murphy Consumer Marketing Director • Matthew Thomas Commercial Director

RELIFE Dermatology Products: Relizema Range: Relizema cream, Relizema ultra hydrating lotion, Relizema hydrating cleansing bath oil, Relizema lipidreplenishing cleanser, Relizema spray&go - zinc + panthenol, Relizema baby care U-Life Range: U-Life 5, U-Life 10, U-Life 20, U-Life 30, U-Life 40, U-Life 50, U-Life 10 Ecofoam, U-Life 30 Ecofoam PapiX Range: PapiX high, PapiX long, PapiX cleanser Solution Programme: Day cream, night cream and preparation cleanser

• Maeve Kenrick Pharmacy Sales •maeve@flemingmedical.ieManager: Katie O’Sullivan Marketing katie.osullivan@flemingmedical.ieManager

Metabolic Freephone: 1800



NUTRICIA IRELAND Block 1 Deansgrange Business Park, Deansgrange, Co. Dublin. Tel: 01 289 0289 Email: Web: 1800 923404 : 412414 923535

Customer Freephone:Services

IRELAND LTD. Castlecourt, Monkstown Farm, Monkstown, Glenageary, Co Dublin. A96 T924 Tel: 01 284 6744 Fax: 01 284 6769 Email: Web: Type of Business: • Sales and Marketing of Ethical Pharmaceuticals Products: Ethical: Adenuric, Brimica, Drynol, Eklira, Fastum Gel, Frovex, Keral, Konverge, Konverge Plus, Nebilet, Nebilet Plus, Omesar, Omesar Plus, OsteofosD3, Priligy, Quofenix, Ranexa, Ryaltris, Skudexa, Spedra, Tenkasi, Trinomia, Vaborem, Zofenil Distribution: Via United Drug Distributors, Magna Business Park, Citywest Road, Dublin 24 Tel: 01 459 8877 Sales Force: Regional Field Sales Managers (2) Sales Representatives (19) Aesthetic Sales Representative (1)



103 COMPANY PROFILES • Roberta Allan Head of Healthcare Commercial • Anne O’ Grady Head of Medical Science & Market Access • Mary Kenny Hospital Business Sales Manager • Brid Downey Community Business Sales Manager • Heather Hogan Head of Finance • Anne Briody Head of Healthcare Strategy • Sara Hastie Head of Supply Chain Sales Representatives: Information available on request.

Distribution: • United Drug Distributors. Pemberton. Product Ranges: • Oral nutritional supplements, dysphagia products, nutritionally incomplete / modular products, adult tube feed range (standard and advanced/diseasespecific), Flocare products (pump, giving sets, feeding tubes and other accessories), paediatric products (high energy infant feeds, paediatric feeds, allergy feeds), disease specific products for infants and adults, vitamins and minerals, metabolic products used in the dietary management of Inborn Errors of Metabolism and ketogenic products used in the dietary management of refractory epilepsy.

TypeofBusiness: • Pharmaceutical

Entecavir, Eplerenone Rowex, Esciprex, Fental Matrix, Freedo, Freedonel,Fintrid, Flucol, Fluzac, Gabin, Imatinib Rowex, Irbesan, Isomonit Retard, Ivabradine, Lanzol, Lanafine, Larig, Latop, LatopComp, Leonore, Levonorgestrel Rowex, Letzo, Leuprex 3, Linezolid Rowex, Lispril, Lispril Hydrochlorothiazide, Lorat, Lotanos, Lotanos Comp, Macrolief, Mefac, Melcam, Metidate XL, Metocor, Methadone Hydrochloride, Memantine LEK, Metophage, Metformin Aurobindo, Minox, Mirap, Mirap Distab, Mometasone, Montelukast Paediatric, Montelukast, Mycolat, Nebol, Ondansetron, Padviram, Pantup, Parox, Pendrex, Pendrex Plus, Pemetrexed, Piperin,Prapexin, Pravitin, Pregabalin Sandoz, Quedute, Quetex, Quetex XR, Ramilo, Rasagiline Rowex, Razole, Reletrans, Ridate Once A Week, Rispone, Ridate, Rixathon, Rivastigmine Sandoz, Rasagiline, Rolyprexa, Rolyprexa Distab, Romax Once weekly, Romep, Rosuva, Salbul, Serlan, Sevelamer Carbonate Rowex, Sicarfil, Sidena, Sivatin, Sumatran, Tamox, Tamsu, Teicoplanin, Telmisartan HCT Rowex, Ternaf, Tolusitol, Tradol, Tradol Plus, Valganciclovir Rowex, Valotix, Vedixal, Vedixal XL, Vensir XL, Verap, Zoledronic Acid Sandoz, Zolnod High Tech: Biluta, Entecavir Rowex, Imatinib Rowex, Leuprex 3, Linezolid, Mycolat, Silcarfil, Valganciclovir Rowex OTC: Acic Cold Sore, Brupro, Brupro Max, Brupro Cold & Flu, Calciup D3 Forte, Cetrine Allergy, Diclac Relief Gel, Domerid Relief, Emazole Control, Lactulose Fresenius, Lorat, Pantup Relief, Rhinex Relief, Rowalief, Sumatran Relief, Ulipristal Acetate

• Mr Graham Sta ord Managing Director • Ms Sharon Bennett Head of Finance & Operations • Ms Karoline Kelly Head of Sales • Ms Suzanne Acton Commercial Marketing Manager • Ms Rachel Byrne Office Operations Manager Sales Force: • Mr Brian Kissane Territory Manager • Mr Richard Cronin Territory Manager • Mr Ian Little Territory Manager • Ms Edel Quinn Dental Relationship Manager ROWEX LTD Newtown, Bantry, Co. Cork Tel: 027 50077 027 50417 Web: Marketing of Medicines Products Products: Controlled Drugs: Dancex SR, Fental Matrix, Methadone, Reletrans. AirBufo Forspiro,

Airflusal XL,Rowex,DexketoprofenClorom,CelecoxibCaptor-HCT,Sandoz,Biluta,Atecor,Anidulafungin,Suspension,Alopur,Alendronate/Colecalciferol,Forspiro,Alfu,Alprazolam,Amoclav,AmoclavAmlode,Anastrazole,AripiprazoleSandoz,Atecor-CT,Atorvas,Azacitidine,Bisop,Bonefurbit,BrinzolamideCapecitabineSandoz,Captor,Catasart,CatasartPlus,Ceftal,Rowex,Cetrine,Cifox,Citrol,CloromXL,Clodel,DancexSR,Rowex,Deslor,DesogestelDiclac,Diltam,Domerid,DoxaneDozept,EfavirenzRowex,Enap,

OCEAN HEALTHCARE LIMITED Unit 13, Block A, The Courtyard, Carmanhall Road, Sandyford Business Park, Dublin 18. Tel: 01 296 8080 Email: Web:


and OTC

Distribution: • Via United Drug Management • Mrs. Brigitte Wagner-Halswick Managing Director • Mr. Joe Keane Marketing Manager • Mrs. Rita Healy Customer Services • Mrs. Jeanne-Marie Barrett Customer Services • Ms. Breda Kelleher Customer Services

Type of Business:

• Sales, Marketing & Distribution of OTC & Healthcare products. Products: • TePe®, Proceive® Fertility and Pregnancy Supplements, Bio-Oil®, Foster Grant Sunglasses, Magnivision Reading Glasses, Aloclair Plus, MultiMam, Multi-Gyn, Colief, Bioxsine, Tasectan, Ricola. Distribution: • Direct and via Wholesalers Management



Products: Healthcare: VIVIO®Junior Multivitamin (previously Vivioptal Junior), VIVIO® Junior Cough, Vivimune™ Immunity, Bio-Kult® Advanced, Bio-kult® Pro-Cyan, Bio-Kult® Candéa, Bio-Kult® Migréa, Bio-Kult® Boosted.

Ophthalmics: Hylo®-Fresh, Hylo®-Tear, Hylo®-Forte, Hylo®-Care, Hylo®-Dual, Hylo® Night, ComplEye (Eye drop dispenser), Optase® Moist Heat Mask, Optase® TTO Lid Wipes, Optase® TTO Eyelid Cleansing Gel, Optase® Eye Spray, Optase® Omega Vision, Optase® Protect, Optase® Clinic, Optase® Comfort Drop, Optase® Allergy, EvoTears®, Actase® Lutein ZA, Ketofall (POM).

SERVIER LABORATORIES (IRELAND) LTD 2nd Floor, 19 Lower George’s Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin, A96 ER84. Tel: 01 663 8110 Fax: 01 663 8120 Web: Type of Business: • Ethical Pharmaceutical Products: Coverdine,Ethical: Lipocomb, Lipercosyl, Lipertance, Procoralan, Valdoxan, Acerycal, Coversyl 5 and 10mg, Coversyl Plus, Diamicron MR, Natrilix SR, Vastarel, Pixuvri, Lonsurf, Oncaspar, Onivyde and Pixuvri.


Scope operates in Ireland, UK and USA and prides itself on product offerings that are well-established with a track record of successfully supporting patient outcomes worldwide.

• Ms Aoife McAuli e Head of Medical Affairs & Market Access

SCOPE 5 Westland House, Westland Park, Willow Road, Dublin 12, D12 Y012 Tel: (01) 525 3683 Freephone: 1800 816 005 Email: Web:

Type of Business: Established in 2009, Scope is an Irish family-run business with a strong heritage of bringing evidence-based, premium products to healthcare professionals and end-consumers alike. The company focuses on three main healthcare product categories –ophthalmology, healthcare and allergy.

• Brian McCarthy New Product Development Director

Distribution: Via United Drug. Management: • Mr Florent Texier Chief Executive Officer – UK and Ireland Mr Anthony Burrows Head of Sales & Marketing

Allergy: Fusion™ Allergy Cooling Mask, Fusion™ Allergy Eye Drops, Fusion™ Allergy Eye Spray, Fusion™ Allergy Lozenges, Fusion ™ Allergy Nasal Spray.

• Eamon Connolly West, North West: 087 238 5648 Product Training Advisor: • Lucia Wright 086 162 4186


Management: Tom Freyne Chief Executive Officer Paul O’Reilly Marketing Director

VALEO HEALTHCARE Merrywell Industrial Estate, Ballymount, Dublin 12 For general queries: 01 405 1500 Email: Type of Business: Distributors of Natural Vitamins, Minerals and Herbal Supplements, Aromatherapy Oils, and Dietary Foods. Management: Peter Du y Channel Director Hazel Conroy Category Development Manager Andrea Fleming Brand Partner Commercial Manager David Keane Customer Business Manager • Stephen Moloney Customer Business & Sales Manager Paul O’Connell Brand Manager Sales Representatives: • Fintan Byrne Munster: 087 647 0764 Julie Webster Midlands, Leinster: 087 647 0765

Product Portfolio: Extensive range of VMS, Herbal Products, Skincare, baby care, sleep & relaxation aids, topical pain relief and lozenges, Vitabioticsincluding:(Pregnacare, Ultra Vitamin D, Wellwoman, Wellman, WellKid, Perfectil, Jointace, Menopace); Shield Health Vit D3 (BabyVitD3 & Adult D3); Kelkin (Vitamins, Aromatherapy Oils and Skincare); FSC (Waterfall & Head High); Emerald Farm (Cold Press CBD Oils); Matchstick Monkey (Teething Toys); Attitude (Natural Skincare for all the family); Ortis (Fruit & Fibre Cubes); Fisherman’s Friend; Biofreeze; Dextro; Kobayashi Healthcare (Cura Heat, Kool N Soothe & Hot Hands); Hawkins & Brimble (Mens Skincare & Grooming Range); Halter (Swiss Sugar Free Sweets); Passion For Life Healthcare (Actifresh, Audiclean & Snoreeze range) & Vamousse (Head Lice Range)

• Sarah Ussher Product Manager

Distribution: Direct to Pharmacies and via wholesale companies. Special Services: Comprehensive range of literature (posters, window kits, samples) provided to health professionals and educational booklets available for

• Steve Betts National Sales Manager Eyecare • David Martin National Sales Manager Healthcare • Larry Dunne Finance Director


• Thomas


Type of Business: Pharmaceutical DiabetesProducts:product range GLP-1 Receptor Agonist: Ozempic®, Victoza® Insulin Xultophy®: FlexTouch®, Tresiba® FlexTouch®, Fiasp® FlexTouch®, Levemir® FlexPen®, Levemir® Penfill®, Levemir® InnoLet®, NovoRapid® FlexPen®, NovoRapid® Penfill®, NovoRapid® Vial, NovoRapid® PumpCart®, NovoMix®

Manager • John

• Patricia

Managing Director Consumer

• Dr Tristan Cooper Medical Director • Niall Heelan Medical Manager Joana Carvalho Medical Information Manager Eilish Moran Nurse Manager

FirstLineSales Manager Ms Eva

1800 25 50 75 Management: Dr


ASTELLAS PHARMA CO., LTD. 5 Waterside, Citywest Business Campus, Citywest, Dublin 24 D24 X7FT Tel: 01 467 1555 Fax: 01 467 1550 Website: TypeofBusiness: Sales & Marketing of Pharmaceutical Products Products: Advagraf, Betmiga, Modigraf, Prograf, Vesitirim, Vesomni, Xtandi UDD Freephone No.: Lisa Murphy: Peter Carney: andGovernmentA airs Max Whittingham: Jackie O’Dwyer: Gary Hannify: Catherine Beirne: Fintan Cleary: Farrell:


Diprobase, Redoxon,

• Carmel Mulroy Head of Communications & Public Affairs NOVO NORDISK LIMITED 1st Floor, Block A,The Crescent Building, Northwood Business Park, Santry, Dublin 9, D09 X8W3. Tel: 01 862 9700 Fax: 01 862 9725 Lo Call: 1850 665 665 Web: Email:

105 COMPANY PROFILES customers. Nutritional Information Database covering: supplements, nutritional concerns, herbal remedies, drug-nutrient interactions, provides literature searches for a wide variety of nutritional topics. Media plans, POS and information available on request.

Pharmacy Sales & Key Account Manager Consumer

BAYER LTD The Atrium, Blackthorn Road, Sandyford, Dublin 18. Tel: 01 216 3300 Fax: 01 206 1456 Email: Management Carsten Schiller Health Valentin Pusic Health Lead, Health Lawrence Health Medical Clarke Taylor Smith Leinster Clarke Leinster Aspirin, Bepanthen, Clarityn, Losec Control, Rennie. Carroll Unit Woods Sales & Product Manager Cara Gunning Oncology Business Manager Products: Eylea, Xofigo, Nexavar, Androcur, Stivarga, Betaferon Special Services: Patient Support Programme for Oncology General Medicines Lyndsay Sullivan Business Unit Head, General Medicines

SpecialtyPharmaceuticalsMedicines: • Katy



BusinessManager Oncology Mr

Representatives: • Michael

• Jurgen Werner Field Sales Managers Marianne Delaney Radiology Key Account Manager UK/Ireland Caitriona Doherty Women’s Health Therapeutic Area Manager Products: Avelox, Ciproxin, Gastrografin, Urografin, Primovist, Gadovist, Xarelto, Ventavis, Angeliq, Dianette, Kyleena, Logynon, Microlite, Mirena, Jaydess, Qlaira, Yasmin, Yasminelle, Yaz, Nebido. Medical Department

General Manager Dr


Distribution: via

CommercialFinance Lead Ms



SeniorMedicalManager Oncology

Urology/TransplantBrandManager Ms



South • Tom

Berocca, Bepantiseptic, Canesten, Canestest, Canesbalance, Canespro, Cystopurin,

Communications and Public A airs

Haematology BrandManager Mr

AssocDirectorMarket Access


West • Fiona

Norditropin® FlexPro®, NovoSeven®, NovoNorm®, Activelle®, Estrofem®, Kliogest®, Novofem®, Trisequens®, Vagifem®, are registered trademarks owned by Novo Nordisk Health Care A/G.

ROCHE PRODUCTS (IRELAND) LIMITED 3004 Lake Drive, Citywest Business Park, Naas Road, Dublin 24 Tel: 01 469 0700 Fax: 01 469 0791

Distribution: Via Allphar Services

ORIGINALIS C/O Originalis, RxSource Unit 506b, Northwest Business Park, Ballycoolin, Dublin 15, D15 KP21 Email: Tel: 01 437 3167 Web: Type of Business:

Type of Business: • Marketing of Ethical Pharmaceuticals. Products: • Alecensa, Avastin, Cellcept, Cotellic, Erivedge, Esbriet, Gazyvaro, Herceptin, Hemlibra, Kadcyla, Mabthera, Madopar, Neorecormon, Ocrevus, Perjeta, Pulmozyme, Roaccutane, RoActemra, Rocephin, Tarceva, Tamiflu, Tecentriq, Valcyte, Zelboraf

• Parallel Distributor Distribution: • RxSource Who is Originalis? Offering originality combined with cost savings without sacrificing quality. These are amongst the founding principles of parallel importing company, Originalis. Originalis supplies original medicines purchased in another EU country at a cheaper price and repackages this medicine specifically for the Irish market. When we repackage a medicine, we do so in new and fresh boxes. We call this “full replica”, and it is done to ensure the highest product quality. Strong European presence: Originalis forms part of the Abacus Medicine Group, which is among the market leaders in parallel trade of pharmaceuticals in Europe. Originalis supplies original medicine at very attractive prices in Ireland, UK, Germany and the Netherlands – with more markets on the way. Abacus Medicine is one of Europe’s largest parallel distributors with a revenue of €421 million in 2019. The size of Abacus Medicine allows Originalis to source products at Europe’s best prices with great reliability. With more than 4,000 European product licenses, Originalis is in a position to offer real and substantial savings to the Irish healthcare system and ultimately to the people of Ireland.

Management: Ms Alison Muir Managing Director Mr Adrian Mac Cann Head of Finance & Business Operations Mr Mark Hoban Supply Chain & Business Services Manager

106 COMPANY PROFILES 30 FlexPen®, NovoMix® 30 Penfill®, Actrapid® Vial, Insulatard® Vial, Insulatard® Penfill®, Insulatard® InnoLet® OHA: NovoNorm® Other: GlucaGen® HypoKit (glucagon) Obesity product range Saxenda® Biopharm product range HRT: Activelle®, Estrofem®, Kliogest®, Novofem®, Trisequens®, Vagifem® Growth Hormone: Norditropin® FlexPro® Haematology: NovoSeven® Distribution: Allphar Services Management: • Mr Owen Treacy General Manager & VP Ireland • Dr Donna Sexton Clinical, Medical and Regulatory Director • Mr Tony Brennan Sales Director • Ms Patricia McVann Obesity, Business Unit Director • Ms Aude Chemin Vignon Finance & Operations Director • Ms Ruth Keegan People & Organisation Director • Mr Dermot Davis Market Access, Public Affairs & Business Development Manager • Ms Jennifer Day Clinical Research Manager • Ms Ann Mehigan Office Manager Regional Medical Advisors: • Dr Michelle Barry • Mr Michael Bradley • Ms Laura Farrell Diabetes & Obesity Marketing: • Ms Deirdre McKenna • Ms Karen Hudson • Mr Eoin Whelan • Ms Simone Clarke • Ms Valerie Byrne • Mr Sam Kelly Sales Force Diabetes: • Ms Colette Holland • Ms Sandra Mazeed • Ms Breda Finn • Ms Helena O’ Connor • Ms Lucy Miley • Ms Aine McGrath • Ms Elaena Fitzgerald • Ms Anita O’Dwyer • Mr Raymond Farrell • Mr Jamie Browne • Ms Anne Matthews Key Account Manager Obesity: • Mr Barry Walsh • Ms Orla Hynes • Ms Anita Cotter Key Account Manager BioPharm: • Mr Barry Walsh Ozempic®, Victoza®, Xultophy®, Tresiba®, Fiasp®, Levemir®, NovoRapid®, NovoMix®, Actrapid®, Insulatard®, FlexTouch®, FlexPen®, Penfill®, InnoLet®, GlucaGen®, Saxenda® and the Apis bull logo are trademarks owned by Novo Nordisk A/S.

Type of Business: Pharmaceutical Manufacturing of Ethical Medicines and OTC Products Products: Ethical: Anastrozole, Ezetimibe Rowa Tablets, Irbesartan Rowa, Lotanos Comp, Omeprazole Rowa, Pantup, Rowachol, Rowatinex, HydrochlorothiazideTelmisartanRowa, Terbinafine Rowa OTC: Aqueous Cream, Bitner, Calamine Lotion, Carbosan Gel, Decavit Plus, Eucarbon Herbal Tablets, Hy-Opti 0.1% Eye Drops, Hy-Opti 0.2% Eye Drops, Magnesium Verla, Olive Oil, White Petroleum Jelly, Rowachol Capsules, Rowatinex Capsules, Rowa Yummy Gummies-Multivitamins, Rowa Yummy Gummies-Omega with DHA and EPA, Rowa Yummy Gummies-Calcium with Vitamin D3,Rowarolan Powder, Rowatanal Cream, Silcock’s Base, Xtex

Manager 01

• John


Key Account Manager 087

• Emmet

Promoted Products: Ella One, Norlevo Sales Team: • Paul Benson Tel: 087 243 8862 Email:

• Norma

• Nessa

Oral Solution Distribution: Via United Drug Management • Mrs. Brigitte Wagner-Halswick Managing Director • Mr. Joe Keane General Manager • Mr. Michael Lyons Financial Controller • Mr. Peter Johnson Acting Quality Manager • Mrs. Mairéad O’Sullivan Export Manager • Mr. Fachtna McCarthy Warehouse/Printing Manager • Mrs. Amanda O Sullivan Production and Packing Manager • Mrs. Zoe Le Roux Pharmacovigilance & Regulatory Affairs Manager • Mrs. Sinead McCarthy Laboratory Manager

Compeed, Dirty Works,

Sales Manager 01

UNITED DRUG CONSUMER United Drug House, Magna Drive, Magna Business Park Citywest Road, Dublin 24, D24 XKE5 Tel: 01 463 2300 Web: Type of Business: United Drug Consumer is a consumer services business unit that brings together four previously separate companies: Pemberton, Intrapharma, Blackhall and Profitlines. Our main activity is supplying and distributing products normally found at the front of the pharmacy counter – from fragrances and cosmetics to over-the-counter medicines. We also offer a range of services including sales, training and marketing to our suppliers and customers. We distribute across the 32 counties in Ireland to Pharmacies, Pharmacy Wholesale, Department Stores, Grocery, Hospitals & Beauty Salons. Christy Canavan 463 Head of Sales & Marketing 463 7412 Byas 463 7714 Flynn Brands 463 2318 Ryan 463 7774 Bonar 463 2464 Campbell 266 5731 Baldwin 251 5643 Laverty – Northern Ireland 0044 77 205 77747

• Rachel

Marketing Manager 01

Territory: Cork, Kerry, Kilkenny, Limerick, Tipperary, Waterford & Wexford

Managing Director 01

Customer Services Tel: 01 463 2424 Email: Website:

Territory: Cavan, Dublin, Kildare, Longford, Louth, Meath, Monaghan & Wicklow • John Tooher Tel: 087 243 8864 Email:


Agencies: 4711, Alpecin, Answer, Anusol, Arm & Hammer, Batiste, Baylis & Harding, Beautopia, Bionsen, CeraVe, Dr Salts, Fish Soho, Kind Natured, Halls, Man’Stuff, Nair, Nitty Gritty, Nuage, O’Keeffes Working Hands, Pearl Drops, Plantur 39, Pre-Seed, Quick Fix, Remington, Replens, Sanctuary Spa, Solero Sun Cream, St Tropez, Sterimar, Super Facialist, Tabac, The Solution, Vagisan, Viviscal, Wisdom, Woody’s

Territory Manager

Territory: Carlow, Clare, Donegal, Galway, Laois, Leitrim, Mayo, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo & Westmeath

Management: •

ROWA PHARMACEUTICALS LTD Newtown, Bantry, Co. Cork. Tel: 027 50077 Fax: 027 50417 Email: Web:

• Christine


2300 • David Ruane

Flawless Finishing Touch,

• Ciaran Branagan Tel: 086 819 8261 Email: ciaran.branagan@united-drug. com

Agencies: Aloe Dent, Aloe Vera, Australian Tea Tree, Baby D, Bondi Sands, Cutex, Ever Ready, Family D, Fruit of the Earth, John Frieda, Mavala, Mitchum, My Expert Midwife, NUK, Regelle, Relactagel, Scholl Hosiery, Skingredients, Skin Sapiens, Snowfire, The Skin Nerd, TLC, Valderma, Vital Baby

Key Account Manager 086

• Maire

Femfresh, First Response,

Distribution Manager 01


Whether you are a dispensing pharmacy or a pharmaceutical manufacturer, there are strict compliance requirements that have to be met with regards to Pharmacieswaste.arelegally responsible for ensuring that waste is correctly segregated, appropriately labelled and packaged for transport, stored safely and in a secure place, and described accurately and fully on all with pharmacies and pharmaceutical manufacturers alike to advise on fulfilling these requirements, and remaining fully compliant.

Nutra, Tepe Oral Hygiene, Tubigrip, Velvotan, Waterpik, Weight Watchers Scales, Wisdom


STERICYCLE Westgate Business Park, 6A Ballymount Rd Upper, Ballymount Little, Dublin D24 F5KX Tel: 1800 937 628 (from a landline) Tel: 01 456 5796 Email: Web:

Territory: Carlow, Clare, Cork, Kerry, Kilkenny, Limerick, Tipperary & Waterford

Customer Services Tel: 01 840 5071 Email: Website:

Territory: Donegal, Galway, Leitrim, Longford, Mayo, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo & Westmeath

• Maura Cronin Tel: 086 813 6540 Email:

Contact: Tel: 01 463 2300 Fax: 01 463 2512 Website: Customer Services Tel: 01 463 2343 Email:

This is the catalogue offering from United Drug Consumer. The bimonthly printed and digital catalogue incorporates consumer promotions, new products and trade deals on branded products in the following categories: Hygiene, Special Offers & Value Packs, Sleep, Skincare, Haircare, Personal Care, Tanning, Accessories, Men’s Health, Baby, Oral Care, Family, Medicated Skincare, Sun Care & Gifting.

Territory: Cavan, Donegal, Galway, Laois, Leitrim, Longford, Mayo, Monaghan, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo & Westmeath • Martin Spillane Tel: 087 259 2669 Email:

Territory: Clare, Cork, Kerry, Kilkenny, Limerick, Tipperary, Waterford & Wexford • Yvonne Quigley Tel: 087 052 4507 Email:

Type of Business:

Distribution: •

Cozaar, Ezetrol, Fosavance, Implanon, Inegy, Januvia, Janument, Macushield, Masonex, Neoclarityn, Nu-Seals.

As your waste management partner, Stericycle also provides complete support with waste awareness training, site audits and keeping you up to date with the latest legislation. We collect, transport and treat: infectious waste, prescription and controlled drugs, and cytotoxic and cytostatic waste. Our range of specialist services includes the collection and disposal of all pharmaceutical waste, including: Out of date pharmaceuticals Infectious waste Controlled drugs destruction kits Cytotoxic and cytostatic waste Recalled pharmaceutical stock service also includes: Licensed to take a range of pharmaceutical manufacturing waste Discreet and professional service tailored to your needs National network and coverage ensuring contingency and continuity of service A fully integrated collection, transportation and disposal service managed completely by Stericycle Toby Black Fiona Dowling Karl Paul Jason Finlay James McHugh

Tel: 01 463 2424 Email: Website:


• Clauda Culliney Tel: 087 133 3120 Email:

• Mervyn Connaughton Tel: 086 819 8271 Email: drug.commervyn.connaughton@united-

Agencies: Afterbite, Audispray, B.D Medical Insulin Pen Needles, Babyliss, Babypotz, Ben’s, Brut, Child’s Farm, Crystal Mind, Dispensary Consumables (Tablet Vials, Tablet Bottles, Plastic Bottles, Glass Bottles, Spoons, Self-Seal Bags, Dropper Bottles, Ointment Jars, Urine Sample Bottles), Epaderm, Euthymol, Faith in Nature, First Aid (Bandages, White Lint, Cotton Wool, Gauze Swabs, Thermometers), Free Breath, He-Shi, Homedics, Lansinoh, Lotil Cream, Lyprinol, Mane ‘n’ Tail, Mepore, Mouth Kote, Noise X, Ovelle, Pestle & Mortar Essentials, Pharmacy Paper Bags, Pourty Cradle Cap Brush, PPE Face Masks, Pretz Nasal Spray, Profoot, Reach, Salter, Sati Pharm CBD, Seavite, Sunsense Sun Cream, Swedish

Territory: Dublin, Kildare, Louth, Meath, Wexford & Wicklow • Eddie Gibbons Tel: 087 259 2668 Email:

Management: •

Stericycle is Ireland’s leading healthcare & hazardous waste services provider. For over 30 years, we have delivered innovative business solutions that protect people and brands, promote health and safeguard the environment. We understand the specialist requirements that apply to the safe and compliant collection and disposal of pharmaceutical waste.

Promoted Products: • Arcoxia, Sales Team:


Territory: Carlow, Cavan, Dublin, Kildare, Laois, Louth, Meath, Monaghan & Wicklow Customer Services



totalhealth Pharmacy Group Tel: +353 (0)1 842 7612 Web: Facebook: Email: Membership Information Contact: Laura Clarke Brand & Member Services Manager Email:


CommCare Pharma Ltd. 43 Northwood Court, Northwood Santry, Dublin 9, D09 V184 CommCare Pharma Ltd., established in 2021, represents the coming together of two of Ireland’s leading pharmacy groups, totalhealth Pharmacy and Haven Pharmacy. With a combined total of over 127 branches nationwide and continuing to grow, CommCare represents the largest pharmacy group in Ireland, with the additional benefit of being independently owned and operated. Both groups share a commitment to the success, independence, and sustainability of community-based pharmacy in Ireland.An integral part of the structure of both companies is that the independent pharmacy owners, who make up the members of each group, are equal shareholders with an equal vote in company decisions. Members of both groups voted overwhelmingly in favour of the merger in April 2021, demonstrating the values and goals shared among them.CommCare Pharma is now the largest group of pharmacies in Ireland, bringing increased security for members, and more choice and value for patients and customers.

Haven Pharmacy Tel: +353 (0)1 524 0697 Web: Facebook: Email: Membership Information Contact: Niamh McDermott Member Relations & Marketing Manager Email: Board Members: CommCare Pharma is managed by a board comprising members of both brands. Connolly MPSI

• Daragh

(Chairperson) • Johnny Ra erty MPSI • Kathy Maher MPSI • Liam Butler MPSI • Martin Kane • Oliver McGuinness MPSI • Rory O’Donnell MPSI • Sheena Mitchell MPSI

Type of Business:

• Parkside Business Park, Crossmolina Road, Ballina, Co. Mayo Tel: 096 72555 Fax: 096 72400


• Leonard Manley Tel: 087 268 8740


• Jean Tomkins Tel: 087 913 8187

Cosmetic: See under Pemberton Marketing.

• Johnsgate House, Old Clare Street, Limerick. Tel: 061 315411 Fax: 061 315012


UNITED DRUG Magna Drive, Magna Business Park, Citywest Road, Dublin 24 Tel: 01 463 2300 Fax: 01 463 2333 Email: Web:

Distribution: Via Wholesalers, and direct to Retail and Hospital Pharmacies.

• Pharmax Buying Group: Tel: 01 5242425 Email: Web:

• Adrienne Morley Tel: 087 050 8839

• Elements Unlicensed Medicines: Tel: 01 463 2410 Email: Web: Marketing Services: Tel: 01 463 7316 Email:

Tel: 00353 83 4445516

United Drug Wholesale • Pharma Le Chéile Buying Group: Tel: 01 463 7311 Email: Web:

• Michael Taylor Tel: 086 859 5085 • Veronica Carragher Tel: 087 265 1410

• Barry Scannell Tel: 087 251 7573

Optical: See under Pemberton Marketing.

Business Development Team

• Orla Doyle Tel: 087 414 9716 United Drug Distributors Main Agencies: A Menarini, Abbott Laboratories, Accumed, Aguettant, ALK-Abello, Alliance, Amgen, Amicus, AOP Orphan, Astellas, AstraZeneca, Atnahs Pharma, Aymes, Azure Pharmaceuticals, B Braun, Besins Healthcare (UK) Ltd, BGP Products, Bial, Biogen, BioProject Ireland, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Camurus, CD Pharma AB, Celgene Limited (Ireland), Celltrion, Cheplapharm, Citrine, ,, Clonmel, Coloplast, Consilient Health Ltd, Convatec, Covis Pharma, Correvio GmbH, Daiichi-Sankyo, Disposable Medical Equipment (DIME), Dr. Falk, Eisai, Eli Lilly, Eurocept, Ferring, Flen Healthcare, Flynn Pharma, Galderma, Galen, Gedeon Richter PLC, Glenwood, Glucorx, GSK Vaccines, HK Pharma, HFA Healthcare,HK Pharma, Ipsen, Indivior, Johnson & Johnson, Jed Pharma, Juvela, Karo Pharma, Kora, Kyowa Kirin, Juvise, Lake Health, Leo Laboratories, Meda Ireland, Mediteq, Merck Sharpe & Dohme, Mundipharma, Mylan, Norgine, Nutricia, Octapharma, Omega Pharma, Organon, Pfizer Ireland, Pharmacosmos, Pinewood, Proveca, Reckitt Benckiser, Rowa / Rowex, RPH Pharmaceuticals, Santen UK Limited, Satipharm LTD,Scipharma, Scope Ophthalmics, Seacross Pharma, Servier, Stanningley, Seven Seas, Shire, Substipharm, Swedish Orphan, T.G. Eakin Ltd, Takeda, Teva Pharmaceuticals, Tillotts, Tilray Canada Ltd, UCB, Unomedical Ltd, ZR Pharma &, Zentiva.

TypeofBusiness: Distributor of ‘A’ Grade quality OTC products & medical devices Brands: • Air Physio Mucus Clearance & Lung Expansion Device • The Breather Respiratory Muscle Training Device • Eco Barrier Face Masks The only Irish manufacture face masks that conforms to NSAI HSE / Swi t 19 guidelines. Air Physio is the only Irish manufacturer that conforms to the HSE guidelines • Eco Face Shields Multifunctional Protective face Shield packed in singles 1’s • Irish Sprint Hand & Object Sanitiser, High Quality, Extra Strength 79% Ethanol, includes Bio Oils • NovaMed Europe Incontinence Products Distribution: Direct, United Drug, Uniphar Direct Companies: Innovate Agency T/A Air Physio Ireland Better Breathing Ireland Management: • Mr Gary Purcell Managing Director - CEO Retail Sales Team: • Mr Gary Purcell Leinster & Ulster Tel: 083 4445516 • Mr Derek Browne Account Executive Munster & Connaught Tel: 087 0983355

United Drug:

Photography: See under Pemberton Marketing.

• Pharmaceutical Wholesaler and Distributor of Medicines, OTC, Cosmetics, Photographic and Optical.

• Ostomy & Urology Care: Tel: 01 463 2347 Email: Website:

TCP • Elaine Condon Tel: 087 742 7386 Management: Mr Paul Reilly Managing Director Mr Stephen O’Donoghue Procurement Director

PHARMACEUTICALWHOLESALERS Portmarnock,Rise,CoDublin DD76. Web: Email:

• Magna Drive, Magna Business Park, Citywest Road, Dublin 24. Tel: 01 463 2300 Fax: 01 463 2333

• Based in Ireland, we are a team of lighting and electronic experts with over 10 years experience in electrical engineering and consultancy.

• The Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) regulates medicines and devices for the benefit of people and animals. It is committed to excellence in health product regulation through science, collaboration and innovation. The HPRA’s remit and regulatory functions include human and veterinary medicines, clinical trials, medical devices, controlled drugs, blood and blood components, tissues and cells, and cosmetic products.

KDL RETAIL INTERIORS Unit E1, Kildare Business Park, Kildare Town, Co. Kildare Tel: 045 530663 Email: Web: Type of Business: As Pharmacy Design and Shopfit

Medicines Information • Search the HPRA database containing the complete and up-to-date list of all medicines authorised for the Irish market. See:

• GE Lighting Solutions: LED lighting products for lightboxes and built up letters.

Also view and search the latest HPRA lists of: • interchangeable medicines; • current and resolved medicine shortages. Safety and Quality Issues

• Healthcare professionals can report suspected medicine side effects or quality issues to the HPRA using our online reporting service. Safety issues linked to the use of medical devices and adverse reactions to cosmetic products can also be reported. See: Alternatively, can email the HPRA using the relevant email address below: Medicine Side E ect: Medicine Quality Defect: Medical Device Safety Issue: Cosmetic Product Undesirable E ect: Website Alerts Sign up to HPRA website alerts to be notified of the latest safety and product information, newsletters and updates to the lists of interchangeable medicines and medicine shortages. See: Management Dr Lorraine Nolan Chief Executive Rita Purcell Deputy Chief Executive Dr J.G. Beechinor Director of Veterinary Sciences Sinead Curran Director of Human Products Monitoring Sean d’Art Director of ICT and Business Services Dr Niall MacAleenan Director of Medical Devices Grainne Power Director of Compliance Elizabeth Stuart Director of Human Resources and Change SHOPFITTING / SIGNS / MERCHANDISING

• Sales, Distribution, Digital Signage, Media for Display • Lightsign is a specialised distributor of LED lighting, digital signage, and variable message display systems.

• Consultation Service • 2D design drawings backed with 3D visualisation. Logo/Branding design • Full in-house manufacturing & fitting service Management: • John Kindregan Sales / Project Management • Noreen Kindregan Sales / Business Development • Shane Gallagher Sales / Design / Visualisation Territory: • Ireland / U.K. / Europe LIGHTSIGN LIMITED Unit 204, Holly Rd., Western Industrial Est., Dublin 12, D12 KRT7 Tel: 01 457 3683 Fax: 01 457 2820 Email: Web: Type of Business:

Type of business:

111 COMPANY PROFILES • Mr Christopher Canavan Consumer Director • Mr David Keyes Distributors & Hospitals Director • Mr Jim McAuli e Finance Director • Ms Catherine Cummins Operations Quality Director • Mr David Lawless Head of Legal and Compliance • Ms Hazel Sullivan Human Resources Director A MCKEESON COMPANY PUBLIC HEALTH HEALTH PRODUCTS REGULATORY AUTHORITY Kevin O’Malley House, Earlsfort Centre, Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin D02 XP77 Tel: (01) 676 4971 Email: Web: Type of Business

Specialists, KDL can offer a full range of services to the pharmacy retail sector. With a staff who can claim over 100 years of combined experience across hundreds of projects, we can offer a thorough and professional service.

Product Portfolio:


• Eurodisplay SRL: LED Pharmacy Cross displays. Window variable message LED displays for Pharmacies.

SUNDRELLE LTD Unit 9, Ashbourne Business Park, Ashbourne, Co Meath, A84 CX53

Other products include; BIC, Brushworks, Brylcreem, Calypso Sun Care, Candles, CR7 by Cristiano Ronaldo, O’Keefe’s Working Hands & Feet, Calypso Sun Care, Carmex, Co Lab, Colgate, Oral B, Confectionery, Cotoneve, Crystal Clear Reading Glasses, Crystal Deodorant, Depend, Dax Wax, Gillette, Lynx, Dimples, Duo Glue, Duracell , Elastoplast, Face Masks & Shields, Halls Soothers, Hot Water Bottles, Ivora Fine Combs, Jakemans, Jolen, Kedley Supports, Kleenex, Lice Dr, Marie Claire Tights, Max Factor, Mepore, Microwaveable Heat Products, Mirrors, Parasol Sun Products, Pill Mate, Quickies, Quies Earplugs, Revlon, Ramer Sponges, Sanitizers, Sun Care, Sunglasses, Swiss O Par, TePe Dental, Thermometers, Tommee Tippee, Brother Max, Travel Blue, Umbrellas, Vaseline, VIP Sensitive Earrings, Watches, Christmas Gift Sets, Zoflora, plus a wide of chemist sundries. Force:

Our in-house sales team are always more than happy to help with any questions or queries you may have.

The Cosmetic Association organizes the largest trade event for the Pharmacy sector each year in the RDS. The dates for 2022 are: • Sunday May 15th 2022 • Monday May 16th 2022 • Tuesday May 17th 2022



THE COSMETIC ASSOCIATION 43 Shanglas Road, Whitehall Dublin 9, D09 Y402 Jo Tel:Somerville 087 2324898 Email: Kevin Gaul Tel: 087 2551010 Web:

• Mr Donal O’Gorman Dublin • Mr Martin McConnell Dublin, Leinster • Mr Tommy Nolan Leinster • Mr Freddie Jordan Connacht • Mr Padraig He ernan Midlands • Mr Simon Earlie Munster • Sundrelle Sales O ce Sundrelle Ltd

Tel: 01 835 1199 Fax: 01 835 2960 Email: Web: Type of Business:

112 COMPANY PROFILES • GE Lighting: LED retrofit lamps for energy saving. • Philips MMD: LED Screens • Linnos: LED Display Distribution: Direct or via Shopfitters and Sign Manufacturers Management: • Mr David O’Sheehan Managing Director • Mr John Paul Finlay Operations Manager • Mr Christian Cuthbertson Engineer, Inventory Manager, Project Lead • Ms Louise Fermoyle Sales and Marketing Executive STOCKTAKERS ABC STOCKTAKING SERVICES LTD 44 Church Street, Tullamore, Co Offaly, R35 C1K6 Tel: 057 932 0045 Fax: 057 932 0045 Mobile: • Alan Daly: 087 266 6431 • Darren Donoghue: 086 380 9082 Email: @gmail.comabcstocktakingservices Web: Type of Business: ABCStocktakershasbeen providing stocktaking solutions to the retail and Hospital Pharmacy sector for over 20 years. We pioneered the same-day report and uniformed staff as standard and continue to lead the field with ‘live’ ePOS updates or detailed inventories available. A full back-up service is available including Product File Builds for ePOS installations and VAT Analyses. Management • Alan Daly Chief Executive Officer • Darren Donoghue Director TRADE ASSOCIATIONS

• Wholesale Distributors About: Established in 1985, Sundrelle has grown to become one of Ireland’s largest Pharmacy Wholesale distributors. Sundrelle supplies 98% of the pharmacies in Ireland, along with many Beauty Salons and Department Stores. As well as being the exclusive distributor of some leading beauty brands, Sundrelle has some exclusive brands of its own including the “Infinity by Sundrelle” range, our complete line of personal care. We exclusively distribute some of Ireland’s favourite beauty brands; the much-loved tanning range, Cocoa Brown, Ireland’s fastest growing beauty brand, SOSUbySJ (Suzanne Jackson), and Flormar; a complete makeup range originating from Milan, Italy. We distribute many other brands such as Wet Brush, Ardell Lashes, Poppi & Pearl and Cosy Joe, to name but a few. Based in Ashbourne, Co. Meath, we have comprehensive office space, a warehouse from which all the orders are picked and distributed, and a showroom displaying some of the most popular products we have to offer. Furthermore, we have 6 sales reps based all over Ireland, ensuring pharmacies have a point of contact should they need anything at all. Within the Flormar brand, we have over 30 merchandisers based all over the country looking after the beauty needs of pharmacies and department stores, nationwide.

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• All matters relating to the Community Pharmacy Contractors’ Agreement and pharmacy contract;

1.Prescription Levy for Medical Card Holders

The Contract Manager is Secretary to the Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee (PCC).

There are a limited number of exemptions from the prescription levy including: ⦁ The supply of Methadone/Suboxone to opiate- dependent clients; ⦁ Children in the care of the HSE; ⦁ Asylum Seekers living in direct provision; ⦁ Patients and their families a ected by the cervical screening scandal; ⦁ Emergency Hormonal Contraception when supplied directly by a pharmacy to a GMS patient without a prescription; and ⦁ Approved HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis patients.

The PCC is responsible for:

5.Incomplete Claims Protocol 6. Hardship Scheme

The PCC meet with o cials from the HSE PCRS as part of the Joint Consultative Group (JCG), in the normal course of events, four times a Theyear.JCG was established with the objective of maintaining stable contractual relations between the parties and to allow direct liaison, discussions, negotiations and consultation on all relevant matters between senior representatives of both parties. The parties agree to work together through the JCGin a constructive and proactive manner with the objective of agreeing matters pertaining to the administration and operation of the Community Drug Schemes, issues with regard to the implementation of the Community Pharmacy Contract by the parties including, inter alia, submission of claims and the payment of claims and associated remuneration and reimbursement of pharmacists.

The prescription levy does not apply to the following schemes: Long Term Illness Scheme, Drugs Payment Scheme, the High Tech Scheme, Health Amendment Act or to Redress for Women in Certain Institutions Act card holders.

The levy is deducted from your payments by the HSE PCRS. To ensure

This section will deal with the following:

The Contract Manager and Contract Administrator meet with representatives of the HSE on average every five to eight weeks as part of the Joint Operational Group (JOG). The purpose of the JOG is to allow direct liaison and discussions on matters of an administrative/operational nature with a view to resolving, where possible, issues with regard to the payment of claims for individual pharmacists.Atthetime of going to print, regulations introduced in April 2020 during the COVID-19 emergency were still in force. These COVID-19 Regulations are added in yellow boxes in relevant sections throughout this summary. General Medical Services (GMS) Scheme

7. Redress for Women in certain Institutions Act HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis

2.Phased 3.EmergencyDispensingHormonal Contraception 4.Third Party Verification

The GMS Scheme provides full pharmaceutical, medical and surgical services for persons who are unable, without undue hardship, to provide such services for themselves and their dependants. Medicines which have a GMS code can be claimed under this scheme. Medicines not on the reimbursement list can be applied for under the Hardship Scheme.

• All matters relating to the Community Pharmacy Contractors’ Agreement and pharmacy contract; and, • Negotiating with the Department of Health and HSE on remuneration and policy issues.

A valid prescription, for a patient with GMS eligibility when received via Healthmail must be printed as transmitted and then treated as an original prescription for the purposes of record keeping and reimbursement. It is permissible for the prescriber to submit prescriptions for those with GMS eligibility on plain A4 paper when submitted to the pharmacy via Healthmail. The prescription must include a valid GMS number. The prescription is endorsed, and the form number entered in the top corner in the usual manner. The printout of the prescription is inserted into the paper bundle for retention in the event of an inspection of claims submitted by PCRS. Pharmacy contractors should continue to retain the usual supporting documentation at the end of the month until further notice. If you are a manual pharmacy, and the usual GMS Paperwork is not available, you will need to attach a unified claim form that includes the relevant drug code and quantity to the printout of the prescription via Healthmail and submit to PCRS for processing.

The IPU Contract Unit is responsible for:

114 IPU Contract Unit

1.Prescription Levy for Medical Card Holders

As of November 2020, the prescription levy is priced at €1.50 per item with a monthly cap for an individual/family of €15.00. The prescription levy for patients over 70 and their dependents is €1.00 per item with a monthly cap of €10.00.

• Negotiating with the Health Service Executive (HSE) on remuneration issues for members; and • Is available to attend any meeting members may have with the PCRS to ensure that they achieve the best possible outcome.

• Providing confidential advice and support to members on all contractual matters pertaining to the HSE PCRS;

5.Incomplete Claims Protocol

3.Emergency Hormonal Contraception

The HSE sets out the following criteria for claiming phased dispensing fees: 1.At the request of a patient’s physician; 2.Due to the inherent nature of a medicinal product, i.e. product stability and shelf life; 3.Where a patient is commencing a new drug therapy with a view to establishing patient tolerance and acceptability before continuing on a full treatment regimen; and 4.In exceptional circumstances where the patient is incapable of safely and e ectively managing the medication regimen.

2.Phased Dispensing

The HSE require that evidence of collection of phased medicines on multiple supply occasions be retained in the pharmacy.

Communication of approval or non-approval is communicated back to the pharmacy by the PCRS through the Pharmacy Application Suite, under ‘Application History’. If an application for a phased dispensing service is not approved, the pharmacist may wish to appeal the HSE decision. An appeal can be registered by the pharmacist by providing additional information on the patient’s particular circumstances to the HSE Pharmacist, in whose operational area of responsibility the pharmacy is located. The GP’s request, if approved or not will be visible on the pharmacy suite. If the GP’s request for approval is rejected the GP must contact

The HSE PCRS has a requirement for third party verification of the supply of medicines on the GMS scheme. The person collecting the dispensed items should acknowledge receipt of the supply of the medications listed, on the dispensing date as stamped by the pharmacist on the form, by signing the GMS Prescription in the section provided.

1.Patient is over 80 years’ old; 2.Patient is on one or more psychotropic medicines; and 3.Patient is on five or more oral medicines in a month.

Where a medical card patient presents a properly filled out GMS prescription, the patient should be dispensed the medication and the pharmacy should be paid for doing so. Expired card numbers presented for payment will only be included in the Incomplete Claims Protocol for two months a ter their medical card eligibility has expired, and where pharmacies incomplete percentages continue to decrease progressively on a quarterly basis. The PCRS will not honour or include numbers that are not or have never been eligible for GMS in the Incomplete Claims Protocol. If a patient presents a medical card prescription and the prescription appears to have a valid GMS number, but the patient is in fact holding Doctor Visit Card eligibility only and never held a full medical card, the claim will not be reimbursed. The Protocol does not apply if a patient has presented a prescription under the Hospital Emergency Scheme or the Dental Treatment Scheme. You may wish to verify that the card is valid before dispensing the prescription.

To assist pharmacies in managing unprecedented demands during COVID-19 and to reduce the time taken in contact engagements, the HSE has temporarily set aside the requirement for signatures until further notice.

PCRS if they wish to appeal the decision. Where a pharmacy applies a ter a GP has been rejected for an application, the pharmacy will be automatically rejected for the same application.

From June 2016, a phased dispensing fee is payable for GMS patients where an item on a single prescription form is dispensed across multiple supply occasions, typically within a period of one month from the first dispensing.

For Healthmail prescriptions, ‘weekly dispensing’ is required to be typed on the prescription.

115 that you are not deducted more than the €15/€10 cap, the family must be set up as a family group on, by calling 1890 252 919 or 051 595129. The quickest way for a patient to get a medical card is to apply online. The patient will need their PPS number, date of birth and their income and expense details. Patients who are experiencing problems within any of the Community Drug Schemes can contact the HSE Live team 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday and 10am – 5pm Saturday on callsave 1850 24 1850 or 041 6850300; email

Female medical card holders are able to obtain EHC directly from their pharmacist, without a GP prescription, following a pharmacist delivered consultation.

4.Third Party Verification

In 2017, the HSE PCRS introduced an online approval system. Approval must be issued by the HSE PCRS prior to reimbursement. Request for approval for a patient can be made by the GP or pharmacist.

6. Discretionary Hardship Arrangement

Medical card holders who are prescribed items that are not on the reimbursement list can apply to have them covered under a discretionary hardship arrangement. Pharmacists are not obliged

The GP can apply directly to the HSE PCRS for a patient or the pharmacy can apply under reason 1 or reason 4. To apply under reason 1, a copy of the prescription must be uploaded with the GP’s written request for phased dispensing. Applications under reason 4, require the pharmacist to provide information as to why the patient requires phased dispensing. GP’s are held under the same requirements as pharmacists when looking for approval under reason 4. Patients where all the following criteria applies are approved in a shorter timeframe for a phased dispensing service:

In relation to nursing homes, the PCRS will accept when the person in charge signs to acknowledge the receipt of medicines on the signed delivery records (as required by PSI).

7. Redress for Women Resident in Certain Institutions Act


At the time of registration, the family must nominate an adult member of the family unit as the ‘Head of Household’ for the purpose of the scheme. If the Head of Household dies or changes, the HSE LHO should be informed.

3.Expiry Dates DPS cards have expiry dates and, when the card has expired, it is the cardholder’s responsibility to reapply. All pharmacists must check the validity of the DPS card before dispensing to the patient.

116 to participate in the hardship arrangement as it is not a statutory scheme. Applications are made to the local health o ce. In the majority of cases the item must be consultant/hospital initiated to be eligible for approval. If approved, approval is valid for six Claimsmonths.for hardship must be submitted using the HD2 form. If a patient wishes to appeal a decision of the HSE, an individual reimbursement form can be completed by the patient’s hospital clinician outlining the exceptional circumstances which may apply.

CodeAdministrative Product Pack Size PriceReimbursement 77100Emtricitabine/Tenofovirdisoproxil200mg/245mgFilm-CoatedTabletsx30(MYLAN)

1.Definition of ‘Family’ for the Purpose of the Scheme Family expenditure covers the nominated adult, his/her partner (including a person with whom s/he is living as husband or wife) and children under 18 years of age. Dependants over 18 years and under 23 years of age who are in full time education may also be included.A dependant with a physical disability or intellectual disabilities or illness who cannot maintain himself/herself fully, who is ordinarily resident in the family home, may be included in the family expenditure under this scheme regardless of age.

Drugs Payment Scheme

Families/individuals not registered on DPS but who reach the €100 threshold can be emergency registered in the pharmacy. Emergency registrations can now be made online in the pharmacy. Only the head of household needs to be emergency registered. Claims should be submitted with an ‘X’ a ter the number. Emergency eligibility is valid for three months.

Under this scheme, High Tech Medicines (HTM) are supplied through community pharmacies. Patients being treated with a HTM are required when registering with the HSE PCRS to nominate a pharmacy from which they want to obtain their supplies. You do not pay the supplier for the medicines supplied through the High Tech Scheme. The supplier is paid by the HSE PCRS directly.

The RWRCI Scheme was introduced in 2015. The RWICI card is identical in appearance to an ordinary medical card; however, it will bear the title ‘2015A’. The card number format will be SxxxxxxA. Claims should be submitted in the same fashion as an existing medical card holder.

High Tech Drugs Scheme

8.HIV Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)

This scheme only covers patients for the cost of prescribed medicines. Patients on this scheme are responsible for the cost of GP visits and hospitalisation. As of November 2021 under the scheme, an individual or family pays a maximum of €100 in a calendar month for approved prescribed drugs, medicines and certain appliances. The Government will pay the balance over the co-payment. As with the medical card scheme, the items allowed on the scheme must have a GMS code. Please note: Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Compression Hosiery and LTI only medicines (Victoza® and Ozempic®) are not covered under this scheme.

PrEP is approved for reimbursement for a fixed dose combination of oral emtricitabine/tenofovir under GMS and DPS for HSE approved persons only. No prescription charge is incurred by the patient where they are approved by the HSE. Approved patients can also access these medicines under their DPS eligibility free of charge. Pharmacies can claim for Emtricitabine/Tenofovir electronically using the relevant administrative claiming code as set out below, submitting with monthly claims. 30€48.60 77101 30Film-CoateddisoproxilEmtricitabine/Tenofovir200mg/245mgTabletsx(TEVA) 30€48.60 77102 (ROWEX)Film-CoateddisoproxilEmtricitabine/Tenofovir200mg/245mgTabletsx30 30€48.60 77105Emtricitabine/Tenofovirdisoproxil200mg/245mgFilm-CoatedTabletsx30(ACCORDPHARMA) (CLONMEL)Film-CoateddisoproxilEmtricitabine/Tenofovir200mg/245mgTabletsx30

2.Head of Household

This section will deal with the following: 1.Definition of ‘Family’ for the Purpose of the Scheme 2.Head of Household 3.Expiry 4.EmergencyDatesRegistration

4.Emergency Registration

30€48.60 77107

2.Application Application forms can be downloaded from the HSE website. Pharmacists now have online access to express register patients for diabetes mellitus, epilepsy, parkinsonism and phenylketonuria (PKU). Express registration is valid for two months.


2.Non-Dispensed Patient Care Fee

4.Medicinal products containing a new chemical entity, which provides a significant new therapeutic use;

3.Dental Treatment Service Scheme 4.European Economic Area

3.Medicinal products which because of their particular characteristics have been considered as requiring authorisation in the EU central authorisation system;


Patient Care Fee


There are 16 conditions that qualify under the LTI Scheme: Intellectual Disability, Hydrocephalus, Cerebral Palsy, Muscular Dystrophy, Haemophilia, Diabetes Mellitus, Diabetes Insipidus, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsonism, Cystic Fibrosis, Phenylketonuria, Acute Leukaemia, Spina Bifida, Mental illness (for people under 16 only) and conditions arising from use of Thalidomide.


This section will deal with the following:


The LTI Scheme provides for the supply of medicines and appliances free-of-charge to patients with certain chronic illnesses solely for the treatment of those conditions. It does not depend on the patient’s income or other circumstances. Patients who hold an LTI card may also be eligible for a medical card or GP visit card.

1.Medicinal products developed by means of one of the following biotechnological processes: a. recombinant DNA technology; b. controlled expression of gene coding for biologically active proteins in procaryotes and eucaryotes including transformed mammalian cells; or c. hybridoma and monoclonal antibody methods.

In order for a medicine to be eligible for inclusion on the scheme, it must meet one of the following criteria:

Other Schemes / Information

This section will deal with the following: GMS Repeat (GMR) Act (HAA) (EEA) Entitlements

3.High Tech Returns System 4.High Tech Ordering and Management Hub

The Long Term Illness Scheme (LTI)

This section will deal with the following:


prescriptions generated on the hub are available for pharmacies to download for their records.

5.Medicinal products in respect of which the prescription or the original prescription should be issued by an appropriate medical specialist working in a hospital setting.

2.Health Amendment

3.Approved Items

A list of automatically approved items for each of the 16 Long Term Illnesses is available at If a patient requires an item not on the approved list, approval must be confirmed by the HSE PCRS. Pharmacists can apply via the Pharmacy Suite for individual approval for a patient for items not on the core list.

4.High Tech Ordering and Management Hub


2.Medicinal products developed by other biotechnological processes, which in the opinion of the European Medicines Evaluation Agency, constitute a significant innovation;

The High Tech hub is a computerised ordering and management system that allows pharmacies to place orders with drug suppliers and manufacturers, for High Tech Medicines for registered patients. The Hub is available 24 hours a day with Hub support available from 8am to 7pm Monday to Friday in line with suppliers’ existing hours of business and is accessible via the Pharmacy Application Suite. Roll out began on a phased basis in 2017 It is important to note that the HSE will not pay for items if they are not ordered via the High Tech Hub once they are included on a list for ordering through the Hub. The contact details for the High Tech Hub are pcrs.hitech@ / 01 864 7135. From August 2021, the High Tech Hub is recognised as part of the national electronic prescription transfer system. High Tech

3.High Tech Returns System

A High Tech stock returns system has been in place since July 2016. It allows pharmacies to return excess non-refrigerated High Tech stock subject to conditions. The returns system is accessible via the Pharmacy Application Suite.

5.Opioid Substitution Treatment 6. Hospital Emergency Scheme 7. GP Visit 8.CommunityCardCare Pharmacists

In 2016, the HSE introduced restrictions to the number of Blood Glucose Test Strips they will provide for people with type 2 diabetes. If a patient requires more than the allowed test strips limit, the patient’s GP can apply for additional strips. Test Strips for a DPS patient with Gestational Diabetes will be reimbursed and do not require registration by their GP.

In the interest of patient care, you are entitled to claim a High Tech non-dispensed patient care fee for up to three months a ter the initial dispensing. This fee can be claimed using the code 88999 and it must contain a brief explanation as to the reason why the High Tech Medicine has not been dispensed.

A GP visit card entitles the card holder to free GP visits; it does not cover the cost of medicines and other services. There are 3 types of GP visits cards: General GP visit card; Over 70s GP visit card; and under 6s GP visit card.

Laura Nyhan Tel: 01 274 4225 Email: JoanneNorth-EastO’Brien

Tel: 046 907 6435 Email: PatMidlandMurphy

Tel: 061 464 002 Email: TrevorNorth-WestHunter

A prescribing facility for dentists participating in the DTSS, is limited to items listed in the ‘Dental Prescribable Items’. A special DTSS prescription form must be used. Only patients over 16 years are eligible under this arrangement. The forms should be submitted with GMS claims, tagged as a separate bundle. This list is available from the PCRS website. A list of dentists with GMS contracts is also available.

The following are contact details for your local HSE Community Care Pharmacist: Dublin Mid-Leinster

The Opioid Substitution Treatment Scheme allows for pharmacists to dispense methadone or buprenorphine to approved patients.

5.Opioid Substitution Treatment

8.HSE Community Care Pharmacists


3.Dental Treatment Service Scheme (DTSS)

2.Health Amendment Act (HAA)

The HAA is a non means-tested scheme. Under the Health (Amendment) Act 1996 (HAA), provision was made for supply of certain health services, free-of-charge, to persons who had contracted hepatitis C directly or indirectly from the use of Human Immunoglobulin Anti-D, or blood products or transfusion, within the State. Those eligible are issued with a Health (Amendment) Act 1996 Services Card by the HSE PCRS. The card is valid for the lifetime of the patient, and entitles the patient to prescribed drugs, medicines and medical and surgical appliances free-of-charge. Pharmacists’ claims for payment are made monthly but the patients are notrequired to make any contribution towards the cost of the medication, nor are they required to obtain their requirements from the same pharmacy within any one month.

Tel: 057 869 7501 Email: LouisaMid-WestPower

7. GP Visit Card

6. Hospital Emergency

A resident of one of the other EEA States or of Switzerland who needs emergency medical services while on a temporary visit to Ireland, may receive medication free of charge once they present with a properly filled out GMS prescription. The patient’s address from their country of residence must be clearly stated on the prescription.

4.European Economic Area (EEA) Entitlements

1.GMS Repeat (GMR) GMS repeat prescription sets are used when a particular item or items intend to be repeated and repeat dispensing is a legally permissible option. The “Repeat Prescription Set” consists of three “two-part” sets of self-carbonising forms, the top copy of which is the original prescription. When a doctor wishes to have a prescription for a GMS patient repeated once the patient should be issued with Part 2 and Part 3, i.e. two “two-part” sets - the remaining Part 1 should be shredded - if 2 repeats are required the complete set should be issued. It is important that all parts of forms issued are Onlylegible.current eligible medical card numbers should be submitted for reimbursement. Only claims where the claiming patient had full GMS eligibility within 2 months of the date of claim and the claiming pharmacy Incomplete Claims Percentage is decreasing progressively or the percentage is 0.1% or less will process for payment. Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Oral Nutritional Products are not reimbursable on GMR prescriptions. Repeat prescription forms should also not be issued to EU/EEA visitors.

The Hospital Emergency Scheme allows patients with GMS eligibility who are provided with a prescription on their discharge from a public hospital/hospice, to obtain a maximum of seven days’ supply without undue delay. Dispensing of an emergency supply must be on the day of issue. Unified Claim Forms must have attached thereto a photocopy of the relevant hospital/hospice prescription and the hospital doctor code ‘61559’ must be inserted in the space provided on the claim form. During the COVID-19 crisis any Hospital Emergency prescription or Hospice prescription will be encompassed by this facility until further notice. Supply of products can be extended to one month supply (where specified on the hospital prescription) under the Hospital Emergency Scheme on foot of the valid hospital prescription. This includes Schedule 2, 3 or 4 Controlled Drugs.

An opioid substitution treatment card is issued to all approved patients. Prescriptions must be written on an opioid substitution prescription form. Pharmacy claims for Methadone and Suboxone® must be forwarded to the HSE no later than 14 days a ter the last day of the month in which the supply was completed. Claims are submitted in the normal manner and should be posted to: Health Service Executive, Primary Care Reimbursement Service, P.O. Box 6422, Exit 5 M50, North Road, Finglas, Dublin 11.


NualaWesternPrendeville Tel: 091 775 674 Email:

119 Tel: 071 913 5031 Email:


⦁ Patients 65 years and older

o Vaccine: The vaccine will be provided free of charge by the HSE. o Fee for Service: The HSE will pay €20 for the administration of the vaccine. Pharmacies will be eligible for a further payment of €150 for every 10 unique patients.

o Fee for Service: The HSE will pay €15 for the administration of the vaccine. ⦁ At-risk patients aged 6-23 months and 13-64 years

o Vaccine: The vaccine will be provided free of charge by the HSE. o Fee for Service: The HSE will pay €15 for the administration of the vaccine. Pharmacies will be eligible for a further payment of €100 for every 10 unique patients

MelSouth-EastCox Tel: 056 778 4158 Email: Tel: 021 492 3821 Email:

Other GMS fees only: ⦁ Phased Dispensing: each other part of the phased dispensing other than the first €3.27; and ⦁ Non-Dispensing in the exercise of professional judgement €3.27 Stock Order for Requisitions to Dispensing Doctors: ⦁ Stock Order 20% mark-up Extemporaneous Fees for GMS only: ⦁ Extemporaneous preparation of oral medication €6.53; ⦁ Extemporaneous Compounding and Dispensing of Powder €19.60; and ⦁ Extemporaneous Compounding and Dispensing of Ointment or Cream €13.07 Extemporaneous Fees for LTI and HAA: ⦁ Eye Drops €13.68; ⦁ Ear & Nasal Drops €10.93; and ⦁ Lotions: o Up to 100ml €10.89; o 101ml to 200ml €15.24; o 201ml to 300ml €17.12; and o 301ml to 500ml €22.74. Extemporaneous Fees for LTI, HAA, DPS and EEA: ⦁ Mixtures: o Up to 100ml €10.94; o 101ml to 200ml €14.97; o 201ml to 300ml €17.04; and o 301ml to 500ml €22.53. ⦁ Ointments & Creams: o Up to 90g €13.76; o 31g to 60g €18.64; o 61g to 120g €23.97; o 121g to 240g €28.90; and o 241g & over €34.27. ⦁ Powder: o Up to 20 sachets €20.44; and o Therea ter per 20 sachets pro rata €12.26. High Tech Medicines Scheme: ⦁ Patient Care Fee €62.03; and ⦁ Non-Dispensed Patient Care Fee €31.02 Opioid Substitution Treatment Scheme Fees: ⦁ Patient Care Fee (Higher) €62.00; ⦁ Patient Care Fee (Lower) €53.37; ⦁ Opioid Standard Dispensing Fee €3.69; and ⦁ M.D.A. Fee €5.74. Flu Vaccination Service

HSE PCRS Pharmacy Payments


This section will deal with the following: 1.HSE Fees Payable to Pharmacists Submission Dates Submission 4.Tax Clearance 1.HSE Fees Payable to Pharmacists Dispensing fees payable under the GMS Scheme, DPS, LTI, EEA and HAA Scheme: ⦁ For the first 1,667 items per month €5.00; ⦁ For the next 833 items per month €4.50; and ⦁ For each other item dispensed per month €3.50.

HSE Reimbursement Price for GMS, DPS, LTI, EEA and HAA: ⦁ For a Drug item 91.8% of cost; ⦁ For a Fridge drug item 95.2% of cost; and ⦁ For a Non-Drug Item 100% of cost.

⦁ All patients aged 2-12 years

o Vaccine: The vaccine will be provided free of charge by the HSE.

⦁ All other patients who request a vaccination

HSE PCRS Inspections


Normal Payment

o Fee for Service: The HSE will pay €25 per dose administered and a once-o administration fee of €10 per vaccinated patient.

Pharmacists who provide services on behalf of the PCRS agree to a number of terms and conditions as part of the Community Pharmacy Contractor Agreement which was last updated in 2010. Through Clause 7 of the Contract, the pharmacy contractor agrees to allow inspections of the HSE to be conducted on the pharmacy premises.

Bundle 2: DPS, LTI, High Tech, HAA and EC Claims secured using elasticDuringbands.theCovid-19

3.Points to Note 4.When an Inspection Happens

o Vaccine: Pharmacists must source and supply the vaccine and the patient must pay for the vaccine.

Electronic claims need to be transmitted to the HSE PCRS by midnight on the 7th Day. Paperwork needs to be received by the HSE PCRS by close of business on the 7th Day.

Pharmacists will receive payment a month later than early payment. Please note: If the paperwork deadline falls on a weekend or a public holiday, paperwork will be accepted on the next working day.

This is a brief overview of inspections under the Contract, how a pharmacy might prepare for an inspection, and how such inspections may be conducted.

This section will deal with the following:

Fixed Exceptions Fixed exception claims need to be transmitted by midnight on the 8th Working Day.

1.Inspections Under the Contract 2.Duty to Facilitate Inspections

o Fee for Service: The patient will pay for the administration of the vaccine. The fee to be charged is a matter for each individual pharmacist to determine for themselves.

crisis paperwork does not have to be submitted except Dental, EU and Methadone claims, as they are not processed electronically.

In January 2016, Revenue introduced eTax Clearance which requires the application for and checking of eTax Clearance online through the Revenue Online Service (ROS). PCRS will check the current eTax Clearance status of all relevant suppliers and service providers in receipt of payment on ROS. In order to ensure your future payments are not a ected, it is important that you are satisfied that you have a valid Tax Clearance Certificate (TCC).

o Vaccine: The vaccine will be provided free of charge by the HSE.

3.Points to Note ⦁ The Contract refers to inspections being conducted “at any reasonable time” – this allows for inspections to be unannounced and would suggest that they are most likely to take place during normal opening hours, but could conceivably be conducted immediately before/a ter the pharmacy opens for

1.Inspections Under the Contract A PCRS-related inspection can arise “at any reasonable time” in two (i)Acircumstances:pharmacist arrives at the pharmacy to inspect the “accommodation, the dispensing equipment, prescription forms and records used for the purpose of this agreement including the medicines kept on the premises…” (emphasis added). Where an examination of records is involved, the inspecting pharmacist can be accompanied by other persons from the HSE; and (ii) The HSE can make a specific or general request of the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (“PSI”) to inspect a community pharmacy and the pharmacy services provided.

COVID-19 Vaccination Service

These inspections are framed around the pharmacy contractor being required by the Contract to allow the inspection to take place. Accordingly, contractors should pay close attention to Clause 15, which deals with a suspected failure to comply with any term of the Contract followed by investigations by a complaints committee under Clause 16. Complaints that are upheld can result in a number of recommendations ranging from admonishment, to deduction of monies due to the contractor under the scheme and, ultimately, the termination of the Contract.

Emergency Hormonal Contraception: Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC) reimbursable products are Ramonna 1500mcg Tabs, reimbursement code 45961 and Ellaone 30mg Tab, reimbursement code 35500. Pharmacists will be paid a consultation service fee of €11.50. Pharmacists submit reimbursement code 79996 if a product has been supplied (along with the product) and code 79997 if no product was supplied. No prescription charge is incurred by the patient.

2.Claim Submission Dates

Electronic claims must be transmitted to the HSE PCRS by midnight on the 3rd Working Day.

The following are submitted in the yellow bags to HSE PCRS in two separate bundles: Bundle 1: GMS Regular, GMS Repeat, Hospital Emergency, Stock Order and Dental Claims secured using elastic bands.

Early Payment

3.Claim Submission

2.Duty to Facilitate Inspections

4.Tax Clearance

If a member of sta is being questioned, they should be accompanied by a work colleague to take a record of the questions asked, and the answers provided; and

⦁ The inspectors may ask questions of any employee, but these questions should be limited to enabling the inspection to take place;

⦁ Where the inspector is from the PSI, further to a request of the HSE, then it would appear that the inspection could relate to any/all pharmacy operations, depending on the nature and any specifics of the request made by the HSE.

You should have a short policy or guidance on what to do in the event of an inspection in your pharmacy. This will help ensure a calm and consistent response on behalf of your business when one takes place. As any member of sta may be the first point of contact in the event of an inspection, it is important that they all have access to a document providing key information, and that they receive relevant training. This policy might include such matters as:

⦁ How sta should deal with being asked any questions.

4.When an Inspection Happens

Once the inspectors have been greeted, allocated to a designated room/area and have presented their credentials, there are a number of steps to be considered.

⦁ Engage with the lead inspector where possible to understand the scope of the inspection – this may well be clearly set out in the notice that they should provide upon arrival.

If an inspector seeks to undertake a physical search of the premises, it is prudent to arrange for him/her to be accompanied at all times by someone who is su ciently senior and familiar with the rules in this area and the scope of the PCRS’ powers. A carefully written, factual record should be made of where they go, what they look at and who they speak to.

An inspection is a delicate balancing act between the duty of a contracting pharmacist under the PCRS Contract to facilitate the HSE inspectors, while respecting the right to enjoy fair procedures in the conduct of that inspection. Preparing for an inspection is key to ensuring everyone involved is aware of the extent, and limits, of their obligations. In the event of an inspection, you should contact the IPU and/or your own legal advisors.

Immediate steps ⦁ Establish which of the inspectors is in charge and to whom queries should be directed; and

⦁ Where the inspector is a pharmacist nominated by the HSE, the wording in the Contract suggests that their inspection is limited to only PCRS-related documentation, medication and systems/ equipment; ⦁ Pharmacy contractors should note that they may permit the PCRS to copy or remove documents if they wish, but the Contract doesn’t make it mandatory; and

⦁ The types of inspection that can take place, ensuring that inspectors should be greeted calmly and professionally;

Shadowing inspectors

⦁ The contact details for relevant representatives in the IPU should queries arise in the course of the inspection. In exceptional cases, you may wish to have regard to your external legal advisors so it’s a good idea to also have their contact details to hand, and

Documentation ⦁ Inspectors may request copies of documentation that is within the scope of their investigation. The HSE Community Pharmacy Contractors Agreement only allows the HSE pharmacist to inspect the accommodation, equipment, prescriptions, records and medicines. It does not state that a HSE inspector is permitted to take away any records or other items. Pharmacy contractors should note the distinction: they may choose to allow the PCRS to copy or remove documents if they wish, but the Contract doesn’t make it mandatory.

If in doubt of the nature of the question being asked, you should contact the IPU or your legal representative.

Before the inspectors leave

Because the PCRS-related inspection would likely be more restricted than a general inspection carried out by the PSI as the regulator of pharmacies, issues such as the scope of the inspection become very relevant.

⦁ Requesting sight of the inspector’s authorisation documents, which should be copied for future reference; ⦁ Identifying key members of sta /management to be contacted in the event of an inspection (see response team, below);

Cooperation ⦁ As set out above, the terms of the contract require a contracting pharmacist to allow an inspection to take place, so inspectors should be treated in an open and co-operative manner, which includes facilitating reasonable requests for access, documents and information; and ⦁ Depending on your PCRS operations, the inspectors may be entitled to search individual o ces, desks, filing cabinets, computers (including desktops, laptops, servers and tablets) and any other place used for PCRS purposes.

If you choose to allow the PCRS to copy or remove documents, you should take copies of any documentation being taken away by the Questioninginspectors.

This is your opportunity to double check that you are aware of exactly what the inspectors have noted and the documents they have taken during their visit. You should use the opportunity to have a short debrief with the inspectors if they are willing and ask for a copy of the inspectors’ record of the visit; and ⦁ You should also seek to establish what will happen next, when the inspectors will be in touch and if there are any positive actions that the organisation should take in the interim.

121 business – i.e. any time when sta could be on site;

⦁ Consent of the data subject means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the data subject’s wishes by which he or she, by a statement or by a clear a rmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to him or her – such as a written/electronic statement or an oral statement.

⦁ Processing means any operation which is performed on personal data, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction, e.g. the core activities carried out by the dispensary system vendor.

⦁ Recipient means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or any other body to which personal data are disclosed, e.g. HSE Primary Care Reimbursement Service (PCRS) for claiming purposes.

Automated data

The IPU Data Protection Guide for Community Pharmacy describes in detail how pharmacies can ensure compliance with data protection, including the EU GDPR. The Guide, and related templates, can be downloaded from > Resources > ICT > Data Protection. This Guide should be read in conjunction with guidance from the Data Protection Commission’s website,

The protection of people in relation to the processing of personal data is a fundamental right. Data protection regulations ensure that an individual’s right to privacy is respected, particularly regarding the use and sharing of his/her personal information. It is a key principle of data protection law that people have rights regarding how information about them is used. Pharmacies should be aware of their obligations under the regulations and ensure that any information they hold on customers/patients/employees is held securely and is not disclosed to third parties without the person’s consent or unless there is a clear legal basis for such disclosure.

Pseudonymised data


⦁ Data processor means a person or company who processes personal data on behalf of the data controller, e.g. a dispensary system vendor.

The regulations also cover paper records if they are su ciently structured with personal data, which form part of a filing system or are intended to form part of a filing system, e.g. if there is one readily available file per individual, or one file which covers a number of individuals with a common characteristic and, if the information within the file is su ciently structured, so that particular information can be located without the need to read through the entirety of the file. Manual data should be kept in a secure place.

Pseudonymisation is a process by which the most identifiable fields within a data record are replaced by one or more artificial identifiers. Data which has undergone pseudonymisation, but which could relatively easily, using additional information, be attributed to a particular person, is covered by these regulations. However, if it would take significant time, cost, e ort and technology to make identification possible, then such data would not be covered by the regulations. If pseudonymisation assists as a security measure, such data is subject to the regulations. GUIDE FOR PHARMACY

⦁ Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (data subject) who is or can be identified either from the data or from the data in conjunction with other information that is in, or is likely to come into, the possession of the data controller;

⦁ Data concerning health means personal data related to the physical or mental health of a person, including the provision of healthcare services, which reveal information about his/her health status, e.g. patient medication record (PMR).

Definitions Before setting out the obligations of community pharmacies in relation to data protection, it is useful to have an understanding of some of the terms used in the regulations.

⦁ Data subject means an identifiable natural person who is the subject of the personal data, e.g. a patient.

In Ireland, data protection is legislated for by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which took e ect from 25 May 2018, and the Data Protection Act 2018. For the purposes of this document, we shall refer to all the relevant data protection legislation as the “regulations”. It is important that pharmacies ensure they are compliant with all the regulations; the Data Protection Commission is responsible for ensuring organisations’ compliance with data protection regulations, you can find more details on their website www.

⦁ Data controller means the legal person or company who determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data, e.g. a community pharmacy.

Automated data is data gathered by automated means and mainly covers information held on computers. It also covers other automated systems such as information held on CCTV. Information which is collected with the intent that it will be transferred to an automated system is also treated as automated data. This would include, for example, information which is written on forms with the intent that it will later be scanned or keyed onto computer. Automated data should be encrypted.


Incorporating the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)



Manual data

Types of Data Data can be automated or manual.


A patient has the right to ask a pharmacy to transfer their personal data, i.e. PMR, to another pharmacy, and the pharmacy must comply with this request.

A pharmacy will typically hold personal data in relation to its customers/patients and employees. Personal data should be: ⦁ Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner; ⦁ Collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes; ⦁ Adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary; ⦁ Accurate and up-to-date; ⦁ Kept for no longer than is necessary for the specified purpose or purposes; and ⦁ Processed in a manner that ensures appropriate security. Under the regulations, the data controller will have to be able to demonstrate compliance with all of the above principles.

Personal data is information that relates to a living, identifiable individual. Within the broad category of personal data, the regulations distinguish certain kinds of information which are regarded as needing special protection, e.g. data concerning health. Data concerning health should be processed for health-related purposes only where necessary to achieve those purposes for the benefit of patients, e.g. prescription details, medicines dispensed, allergies, contraindications, vaccinations and information relating to the physical or mental health or condition of a person.

Principles for Processing Personal Data

Access to Personal Data by Competent Authorities

The regulations allow for competent authorities to have access to personal data in specific circumstances. Examples include the Gardaí or HSE Environmental Health O cers for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection and prosecution of criminal o ences; the HSE PCRS for the purpose of validating claims for reimbursement; and the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland for the purposes of investigating a complaint or carrying out an inspection.

Data exempt from regulations The regulations do not apply to anonymised information. The regulations do not apply to the personal data of deceased persons.

The pharmacy must provide a copy of the information free-ofcharge (with some rare exceptions). Information must be provided without delay and, at the latest, within one month of receipt of the request. The data requested should ideally be provided in writing or, where appropriate, electronically. The regulations set out a small number of circumstances in which a person’s right of access can be limited. This is necessary in order to strike a balance between the rights of the individual, on the one hand, and some important needs of civil society, on the other hand. The right of access to medical data is restricted in some very limited circumstances, where the health and mental wellbeing of the individual might be a ected by obtaining access to the data.


Processing of Personal Data

Access to Personal Data by Data Subject

If a patient believes that information kept about him/her is inaccurate, he/she has the right to have that information corrected or Inrectified.general, people have the right to ask the pharmacy to delete any personal data belonging to them that is kept by the pharmacy. However, the regulations do allow the pharmacy to decide not to erase such data if it is considered that it is not in the interests of the patient’s health to do so, or if erasure of such data would breach the medicines and pharmacy legislation described in the full IPU Data Protection Guide for Community Pharmacy

Direct Marketing

Pharmacies should obtain the consent of the individual to use their personal data for direct marketing purposes. This information cannot be taken from the patient’s medication record (PMR) without explicit consent. Opt-in consent is required for the sending of an electronic marketing communication. In addition, there must be a valid opt-out contained within each marketing message sent. If the recipient does opt-out, they must be removed from the marketing Ifdatabase.acustomer’s/patient’s personal data, e.g. name and address, is col lected for marketing, advertising and/or other promotional purposes, this should be notified to and agreed with customers/patients.

Customers/patients have a right, under the regulations, to make a request to the pharmacy to obtain a copy of any personal data relating to them kept on computer or in a structured manual filing system. The request should preferably be made in writing; template forms can be downloaded from the IPU website The pharmacy must take reasonable steps to ensure that the person requesting the data is the data subject.

Examples of such disclosures are outlined in full in the IPU Data Protection Guide for Community Pharmacy

The key obligations for the pharmacy are to ensure that the patient information is used only for the purpose for which it is given, e.g. for looking a ter their health, or for another directly related purpose, e.g. for claiming reimbursement from the PCRS. Such data should not be used for marketing purposes. Personal data should be held securely and not disclosed to any other person except where the patient concerned has explicitly consented to the proposed use, or where the disclosure is required or authorised by law. Examples of disclosure typically encountered in community pharmacy are outlined in the full IPU Data Protection Guide for Community Pharmacy

As a general rule, the explicit consent of the patient should be used as the guiding principle when processing personal health information. Consent should be informed and meaningful but does not necessarily have to be in writing. In a pharmacy context, consent can be taken as given where a patient supplies a prescription to the pharmacist to be dispensed. It is clear, in this instance, that the pharmacy has obtained this information fairly.

In other words, health data relating to an individual should not be made available to the individual, in response to an access request, if it would be likely to cause serious harm to the physical or mental health of the person. In such cases, keep a record of the refusal in the PMR.

The data controller, i.e. the pharmacy, should establish a system for the governance of personal data and data concerning health. The pharmacy owner should appoint someone to be responsible for data protection issues. Data concerning health should be under the control of the Supervising Pharmacist. The data controller must ensure that: ⦁ The pharmacy adheres to data protection legislation; ⦁ Data protection policies are in place, including sta confidentiality agreements, restrictions to data access and sta training; ⦁ A written or electronic record of data processing activities is kept; ⦁ A data protection folder is kept containing all the relevant records; ⦁ Processing of data, and especially data concerning health, complies with the regulations; ⦁ Only personal data relevant to a specific purpose is collected and processed; ⦁ A written contract is in place with any company that processes personal data on behalf of the pharmacy, e.g. dispensary system vendors; ⦁ All personal data is stored securely; ⦁ Relevant sta , e.g. pharmacists, are aware of the procedures and legal basis for all third party disclosures; and ⦁ Sta know what to do in relation to a breach of data security.

Any company that has access to personal or patient-identifiable information from your dispensary system must have a written contract with the pharmacy – this includes your system vendor. The contract should outline the data processing that takes place, the security and confidentiality measures in place, the retention period of personal data and a requirement for notification in the event of a data security breach. If you do not have your contract to hand, you can request a copy from your vendor who is happy to oblige and send it on. Other companies who extract non-personal information from your pharmacy system may also have a contract in place.

All uses of CCTV must be proportionate and for a specific purpose, e.g. for security reasons. Use of CCTV for monitoring sta performance or conduct is not an obvious purpose and sta must be informed before any data is recorded for this purpose. It is required that a notice, preferably at the entrance to the pharmacy, is displayed confirming that CCTV is in place for security reasons as well as a contact (such as a phone number) for persons wishing to discuss this processing.

Responsibility of Data Controllers

Record of Data Processing Activities

The Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI) has set out, in its Guidelines on Managing the Closure and Cancellation of the Registration of a Retail Pharmacy Business, appropriate measures to facilitate patients’ access to their records in the event of a pharmacy closure.

The regulations require organisations who carry out large scale processing of special categories of data, e.g. data concerning health, to appoint a Data Protection O cer (DPO). It is our interpretation that individual pharmacies and smaller chains do not fall into this definition and therefore do not need to appoint a DPO. It may be that the very large chains would require a DPO if they facilitate access to PMRs between pharmacies in the chain. DPOs are required to register with the Data Protection Commission.

Contract with Data Processors

CCTV footage should be stored in a secure environment with a log of access to footage kept. The images captured should typically be retained for a maximum of 28 days, unless retained specifically as part of an investigation, e.g. shopli ting. Some pharmacies may have CCTV in the dispensary, which can be used to investigate a dispensing error. The pharmacy should have a policy setting out how long such footage should be kept.

124 CCTV

The Data Protection Commission has the powers to issue warnings and reprimands, impose administrative fines for any infringement of the regulations (with or without conviction in court), and engage in legal proceedings.

Any person who has su ered material or non-material damage as a result of infringement of the regulations has the right to receive compensation from the data controller for the damage su ered.

Data Protection Commission

Closure of a Pharmacy

In the case of a personal data breach (e.g. your monthly mailing of prescriptions to the PCRS goes missing), the pharmacy must notify the Data Protection Commission within 72 hours – there is an online notification form on the Data Protection Commission’s website. A record should be made of the breach, outlining exactly what happened, the number of data subjects a ected by the breach, the likely consequences of the breach, the measures taken when the breach was discovered and the actions taken to prevent any further breaches. Consideration should be given to notifying the a ected data subjects of the breach; the Data Protection Commission can provide advice on this issue.

The regulations no longer require pharmacies to register with the Data Protection Commission. However, all pharmacies must keep a written or electronic record of data processing activities. The pharmacy must be able to provide a copy of this record to the Data Protection Commission on request. A template record can be found on > Professional > SOPs and Guidelines > Data Protection.

Personal Data Breach

The Data Protection Commission is the supervisory authority responsible for monitoring application of data protection regulations. It has the powers to order data controllers to provide information, carry out audits and investigations, obtain access to any premises processing personal data and obtain access to all personal data necessary to perform the investigation or audit (N.B. the PSI and HSE may seek evidence of compliance with the regulations.)

Cahercalla Community Hospital & Hospice Ennis 065-682 4388065-684 1292

Clare Mental Health Services Gort Rd, Ennis 065-686 3771065-686 3787

Carraig Mór Centre – North Lee Mental Health Shanakiel, Cork 021 454 191021 427 5502

Kinsale Community Hospital Kinsale 021-477 2202021-477 3386 Macroom Community Hospital Macroom 026-41002 026-42878 Mallow 022-21251 022-30311 Hospiral Citygate, Mahon 021

Mallow General Hospital

St Dympna’s Psychiatric Hospital Athy Rd 059-913 6301059-913 6350

Sacred Heart Hospital Dublin Rd 059-913 6460059-913 6461

Clonakilty Community Hospital (Mount Carmel) Clonakilty 023-883 3205023-883 5643

Carlow District Hospital Athy Rd 059-913 6458059-913 0141

Cork University Dental School & Hospital Wilton, Cork 021-454 6400021-434 3307

Dunmanway Community Hospital Dunmanway 023-884 5102023-884 5344

Erinville Hospital Western Rd, Cork 021-427 5211 021-427 5502

Kanturk Community Hospital Kanturk 029-50024 029-51292

Mater Private

Ennistymon Community Hospital Ennistymon 065-707 1622065-707 1845


CORK Bandon Community Hospital Bandon 023-884 1403023-884 3648

439 6419 AIC Glennon – General Insurance.....................................................01 619 1100 Asthma Society of Ireland Adviceline........................................1800 44 54 64 Food Safety Authority of Ireland Adviceline.............................1890 33 66 77 Garda Confidential Line Freephone...............................................1800 666 111 Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA)..............................01 676 4971 hmR (Health Market Research)...........................................................01 413 6821 HSE High Tech Hub Unit.......................................................................01 864 7135 HSE Live Patient Helpline..................................................................1850 241 850 HSE 252 919 HSE Primary Care Reimbursement Service...................................01 864 7100 IPU Training Unit.....................................................................................01 406 1555 Irish Cancer Society...............................................................................01 231 0500 Irish Dental Association.......................................................................01 295 0072 Irish Heart Foundation........................................................................01 668 5001 Irish Institute of Pharmacy..................................................................01 402 5112 Irish Kidney Association (Donor Cards).........................................01 620 5306 Irish Medicines Verification Organisation (IMVO)........................01 571 5320 Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA).................01 661 0018 Medical Council......................................................................................01 498 3100 National Medicines Information Centre (NMIC)..........................1850 727 727 National Pharmacy Association (UK)....................................0044 1727 858687 Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI)........................................01 218 4000 Poisons Information Centre (Beaumont Hospital).....................01 809 2566 School of Pharmacy Trinity College Dublin..................................01 896 2809 School of Pharmacy, University College Cork.............................021 490 1662 School of Pharmacy, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.....01 402 5144 Ulster Chemists’ Association..............................................00 44 28 90 656 576 Veterinary Ireland...................................................................................01 457 7976 VHI Corporate Solutions – Member Assistance Programme.1800 995 955 Useful Telephone Numbers Hospital Directory

CAVAN Cavan General Hospital Lisdarn 049-437 6000049-436 1065 CLARE

Bantry General Hospital (St Joseph’s) Bantry 027-50133 027-52994

Bon Secours Hospital, Cork College Rd, Cork 021-454 2807021-454 2350

Castletownbere Community Hospital Beara 027-70004 027-70881

Ennis Hospital (UL Hospitals) Ennis 065-682 4464065-682 0476 St Joseph’s Hospital Ennis 065-684 0666065-682 1015

Fermoy Community Hospital Fermoy 025-31300 025-33686


Leopardstown Park Hospital Foxrock, Dublin 18 01-295 505501-295 5957

National Rehabilitation Hospital Rochestown Ave, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin01-235 500001-285 1053

Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6W01-406 870001-497 2714

Donegal Community Hospital Donegal 074-974 0600

Beacon Hospital Sandyford, Dublin 18 01-293 6600

Millstreet Community Hospital Millstreet 029-70003029-71148

St Finbarr’s Maternity Hospital Douglas Rd, Cork 021-496 6555021-496 6563

Our Lady’s Hospital Lee Rd, Cork 021-454 1901021-430 3017

South Infirmary/Victoria University Hospital Old Blackrock Rd, Cork 021-492 6100021-431 0153

Mercy University Hospital Grenville Place, Cork 021-427 1971021-427 6341

St Raphael’s Centre Youghal, Co Cork 024-92422 024-93793

Mount Alvernia Hospital Mallow 022-21405

Letterkenny University Hospital Letterkenny 074-912 5888074-910 4651

Cappagh National Orthopaedic Hospital Finglas, Dublin 11 01-834 121101-814 0327 Central Mental Hospital Dundrum, Dublin 14 01-298 926601-296 3411


Dublin North City Mental Health Service 224 NCR, Dublin 7 076 695 8900

Mater Misericordiae Hospital Eccles St, Dublin 7 01-803 200001-803 2404

National Maternity Hospital Holles St, Dublin 2 01-637 310001-676 6623


Dublin South Central Mental Health ServiceCherry Orchard Hospital Campus Dublin 10 076 695 5000


Skibbereen Community Hospital (St Anne’s) Skibbereen 028-21677 028-22583

Dublin Dental University Hospital Lincoln Place, Dublin 2 01-612 720001-671 1255

Marymount University Hospital & Hospice Ltd Curraheen, Co Cork 021-450 1201021-450 1619

Adelaide & Meath Hospital see Tallaght Hospital Baggot St Community Hospital/Royal City of Dublin Upr Baggot St, Dublin 201-669 930001-660 7982

Mater Private Hospital Eccles St, Dublin 7 01-885 888801-885 8541

DONEGAL Carndonagh Community Hospital Carndonagh 074-937 4164

Bon Secours Private Hospital Glasnevin, Dublin 9 01-837 511101-837 5896

Dungloe District Hospital Dungloe 074-952 1044074-952 1687 Killybegs Community Hospital Killybegs 074-973 2044074-973 2070

St Stephen’s Hospital Sarsfieldscourt, Glanmire, Cork021-482 1411021-486 6872 Youghal District Hospital Youghal 024-92106 024-92651

Beaumont Hospital Beaumont Rd, Dublin 901-809 300001-837 6982

Coombe Women and Infants University Hospital Dolphin’s Barn, Dublin 801-408 520001-453 6033

Eye And Ear - Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital Adelaide Rd, Dublin 2 01-664 460001-676 1858

Midleton Community Hospital Midleton 021-463 1516021-463 3463

Li ord Community Hospital Li ord 074-914 1033074-914 1603 Sheil Hospital Ballyshannon 071-985 1300071-985 1300 St Joseph’s Hospital Stranorlar 074-913 1038074-913 2247

Blackrock Clinic Rock Rd, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-283 222201-206 4374

St Mary’s Orthopaedic Hospital Gurranebraher, Cork 021-430 3264021-430 3527

Bloomfield Hospital Stocking Lane, Rathfarnham, Dublin 16 01-495 002101-495 1006

Schull Community Hospital (St Gabriel’s) Schull 028-28120 028-28831

Clontarf Hospital Incorporated Orthopaedic Hospital of Ireland Castle Ave, Clontarf, Dublin 301-833 252101-833 3181

Cluain Mhuire Comunity Mental Health Centre Newtownpark Ave, Blackrock, Co Dublin 01-217 210001-283 3886

Hermitage Medical Clinic Old Lucan Road, Dublin 2001-645 900001-645 9235

Lauralynn, Ireland’s Children’s Hospice Foxrock, Dublin 18 01 289 3151

Crumlin - Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital Crumlin, Dublin 12 01-409 610001-455 8873

Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown, Dublin 1501-646 500001-646 5132

St John of God Hospital Stillorgan, Co Dublin 01-277 140001-288 1034

St Brendan’s Hospital PO Box 418, Rathdown Rd, D 701-869 300001-868 0020

St Edmundsbury Hospital Lucan, Co Dublin 01-621 8200

St Patrick’s University Hospital PO Box 136, James’s St, D 801-249 320001-679 8865

St Michael’s Hospital Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin01-280 690101-284 4651

Tallaght Hospital - AMNCH Belgard Rd, Tallaght, Dublin 2401-414 200001-414 2896

St James’s Hospital James’s St, Dublin 8 01-410 3000

Galway University Hospital (UHG & MPUH) Newcastle Rd, Galway 091-524222 091-526588

St Paul’s Hospital and Special School - Sisters of MercySisters of Mercy, Beaumont, D 901-837 7673

St Columcille’s Hospital Loughlinstown, Co Dublin01-282 580001-282 5686

St Vincent’s Hospital Fairview Richmond Rd, Fairview, D 301-884 240001-837 0801

St Francis Hospice Station Rd, Raheny, Dublin 501-832 753501-832 7635 St Ita’s Hospital Portrane, Co Dublin 01-843 633701-843 6315

Listowel Community Hospital Listowel 068-21022 068-22036 University Hospital Kerry Tralee 066-718 4000066-712 6241 West Kerry Community Hospital Dingle 066-915 1455066-915 1542

Kilkenny Mental Health Services (previously St Canice’s Psychiatric Hospital) Freshford Rd, Kilkenny 056-778 5109056-778 5068

Kenmare Community Hospital Kenmare 064-664 1088064-664 2529

KERRY Bon Secours Hospital Strand St, Tralee 066-714 9800066-712 8710


Killarney Community Hospital Killarney 064-663 1076064-663 5907

St Luke’s Highfield Rd, Rathgar, Dublin 601-406 500001-497 2941

St Mary’s Hospital Phoenix Park, Dublin 2001-625 030001-625 0405

Galway ClinicDoughiska 091-785000 091-785703

GALWAY Bon Secours Hospital (Formerly Galvia) Renmore, Galway 091-757711 091-757435

Peamount Hospital Newcastle, Co Dublin 01-601 030001-628 2310

St Columba’s Hospital Thomastown 056-772 4178056-772 4033 St Luke’s General Hospital Freshford Rd, Kilkenny 056-778 5000056-778 5170

St Joseph’s Hospital Springdale Rd, Raheny, D 501-847 490001-847 8220

Naas General Hospital Naas 045-849500045-849617

St Vincent’s Hospital Athy 059-863 1614059-863 2024

Cahirciveen Community Hospital (St Anne’s) Cahirciveen 066-947 2100066-947 2042

St Vincent’s University Hospital Elm Park, Dublin 4 01-221 400001-221 4001

Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services Sweetmans’s Ave, Blackrock01 206 400001 206 4099

Stewart’s Hospital Services Ltd Palmerstown, Dublin 2001-626 444401-623 1880

Clifden District Hospital (Our Lady of Fatima) Clifden 095-21301 095-21333

KILDARE Clane General Hospital Clane 045-868004045-868814

St Vincent’s Private Hospital Herbert Ave, Merrion Rd, D 401-260 920001-260 9256

St Loman’s Psychiatric Hospital Ballyowen, Palmerstown, D 2001-626 407701-626 2224

The Royal Hospital Morehampton Rd, Donnybrook, Dublin 4 01-406 6600 01-406 6605 Sports Surgery Clinic Santry Demesne, Dublin 901-526 200001-526 2011

Temple Street - Children’s University Hospital Temple St, Dublin 1 01-878 420001-874 8355

Portiuncula University Hospital Ballinasloe 090-964 8200090-964 2916 St Brigid’s Hospital Ballinasloe 090-964 8400090-964 2660

KILKENNY Aut Even Hospital - Sisters of St John of God Freshford Rd, Kilkenny 056-777 5275056-776 2149 Castlecomer District Hospital Castlecomer 056-444 1246056-444 1927 Kilcreene Regional Orthopaedic Hospital Kilcreene, Kilkenny 056-778 5500056-775 1402

Rotunda Hospital Parnell St, Dublin 1 01-873 070001-872 6523

Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital Drogheda 041-983 7601041-685 3705 St Brigid’s Psychiatric Hospital Kells Rd, Ardee 041-685 3264041-685 3503

Belmullet District Hospital Belmullet 097-81301 097-81656

St Fintan’s Hospital - Laois/O aly Mental Health ServicesPortlaoise 057-869 2873057-866 0067

University Hospital Limerick – UL Hospitals Group Dooradoyle, Limerick 061-301111 061-301165

Mayo University Hospital Castlebar 094-902 1733094-902 1454

Roscommon University Hospital Roscommon Town 090-662 6200090-662 6403

SLIGO Kingsbridge Private Hospital Garden Hill, Sligo 071 916 2649071 917 1255

St Vincent’s Geriatric Hospital Mountmellick 057-864 4783057-864 4062

St John’s Hospital St John’s Sq, Limerick 061-462222061-400866

LEITRIM Our Lady’s Community Hospital Manorhamilton 071-985 5123071-985 6082

St Camillus’ Hospital Shelbourne Rd, Limerick061-326677061-326670

Midland Regional Hospital, Tullamore Arden Rd, Tullamore 057-932 1501057-935 8102

Swinford District Hospital Swinford 094-925 1102

Louth Meath Mental Health Services – St Brigid’s Hospital ArdeeKells Rd, Ardee 041 685 3264041 685 3503

St Brigid’s Hospital Shaen, Portlaoise 057-864 6717057-864 6848

Bon Secours Hospital Limerick at Barringtons Georges Quay, Limerick061-490500061-312939

LAOIS Portlaoise Midland Regional Hospital Portlaoise 057-862 1364057-862 2986


LONGFORD St Joseph’s Care Centre Dublin Rd, Longford 043-334 6211

MAYO Ballina District Hospital Ballina 096-21166


Limerick Regional Maternity Hospital Ennis Rd, Limerick 061-327455061-326086

Croom Orthopaedic Hospital – UL Hospitals Group Croom 061-397276 061-397392

St Joseph’s Hospital Trim 046-943 1229046-943 7454


St Ita’s Hospital Newcastle West 069-62311 069-61661

St Patrick’s Community Hospital Carrick-on-Shannon 071-962 0011071-962 0463

St Davnet’s Hospital Monaghan 047-77400 047-81527

Sligo University Hospital The Mall, Sligo Town 071-917 1111071-914 5520

Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan/South Donegal Mental Health Service Ballytivnan 071-914 2111071-914 1825 St John’s Community Hospital Ballytivnan 071-914 2606071-814 0752

LOUTH Louth County Hospital Dublin Rd, Dundalk 042 938 5400

St Mary’s Hospital Castleblaney 042-974 0014042-974 6631 OFFALY

MONAGHAN Monaghan Hospital Monaghan 047-81811 047-84437

St Joseph’s Hospital - Limerick Mental Health Services Mulgrave St, Limerick 061-416166061-416774

Mayo Mental Health Services - St Mary’s Hospital Westport Rd, Castlebar 094-902 1333094-902 6671

MEATH Our Lady’s Hospital Navan 046-902 1210046-907 1088

Roscommon Mental Health Services Knock Rd, Castlerea 094-962 0016 094-962 0320

ALBINISM Albino Support Group 01 878 4200 The Ophthalmology Clinic, Children’s Hospital, Temple St, Dublin 1. ALOPECIA Hairline International 0044 1564 775281 Lyon’s Court, 1668 High St, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands, B93 0LY, England

ANKYLOSING SPONDYLITIS Ankylosing Spondylitis Association of Ireland 1890 252 846/ C/o Arthritis Ireland, 1 Clanwilliam Sq, Dublin 2

ARTHRITIS Arthritis Ireland 01 661 8188/ 1 Clanwilliam Sq, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2.

St Brigid’s District Hospital Carrick on Suir 051-640025051-642871

St Theresa’s District Hospital Clogheen 052-746 5205052-746 5230

Nenagh Hospital (UL HospitalsGroup) Nenagh 067-31491 067-33440

St Patrick’s Hospital Cashel 062-61100


Dungarvan Community Hospital (formerly St Joseph’s) Dungarvan 058-20900058-44485

Gorey District Hospital Gorey 053-942 1102

TIPPERARY Community Hospital of the Assumption Thurles 0504-210550504-22549

WICKLOW Baltinglass District Hospital Baltinglass 059-648 1255059-648 1425 Newcastle Hospital – Co Wicklow Mental Health ServicesGreystones 01-281 900101-281 9325 St Colman’s Hospital Rathdrum 0404-46109

University Hospital Waterford Dunmore Rd, Waterford051-848000051-848572

St Otteran’s Psychiatric Hospital John’s Hill 051-848000051-854148

WESTMEATH Regional Hospital Mullingar 044-934 0221044-934 3155

St Loman’s Hospital - Longford/Westmeath Mental Health Services Mullingar 044-934 0191044-934 3022

St Mary’s Care Centre Mullingar 044-939 4931044-939 4968

WEXFORD Ely Hospital Ferrybank, Wexford Town053-912 3433053-912 3638

South Tipperary General Hospital (formerly St Joseph’s County Hospital) Clonmel 052-617 7000052-617 7161

Whitfield Clinic Medical Centre Cork Road, Waterford 051-337400051-337401

Waterford/Wexford Mental Health Services Enniscorthy 053-924 3200053-923 4844 (formerly St Senan’s Hospital ) Wexford General Hospital Wexford Town 053-914 2233053-914 1910

Patient Support Group Directory ADOPTION Adoption Authority of Ireland 01 230 Shelbourne9300/,Shelbourne Rd, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Adoption Loss / Natural Parents Network of Ireland 01 660 0795/ Adoptive Parents Association 0404 45183. AGORAPHOBIA Out And About Association (Agoraphobia) 01 833 8252 140 St Laurence Rd, Clontarf, Dublin 3. AIDS HSE HIV and Sexual Health helpline 1800 459 459 HIV Ireland (formerly Dublin Aids Alliance) 01 873 3799/ AIDS West 091 Ozanam566266/www.aidswest.ieHse,StAugustineSt, Galway.

St Francis Private Hospital Mullingar 044-938 5300044-934 1330


Our Lady’s Hospital Cashel 062-70400062-61549


AlzheimerSocietyofIreland 1800 341 341/ Temple Rd, Blackrock, Co Dublin. AMPUTATION 01 679 3580/ 15 College Green, Dublin 2.

St Vincent’s Care Centre Athlone 090-647 5301090-647 3808

D01E4X5. COPD Support Ireland 087 137 9447/ C/o Creidim Centre, Central Park, Leopardstown Road, Dublin 18, D18 FF64.

130 Arthritis Youth 01-661 8188 1 Clanwilliam Sq, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2. ASTHMA/COPD Asthma Society of Ireland 01 817 4thHelpline:8886/www.asthmasociety.ie1850445464Floor,42-43AmiensSt,Dublin1,

CHRONIC PAIN Chronic Pain Ireland 01 804 Carmichael7567/www.chronicpain.ieCentre,NorthBrunswick Street, Dublin 7, D07 RHA8. National Back Pain Association St Judes, 6 Lios na Sithe, Milford Grange, Castletroy, Co Limerick.

COLITIS AND CROHNS DISEASE Irish Society for Colitis and Crohns Disease 01 872 1416/ The Carmichael Centre, North Brunswick St, Dublin 7.

COELIAC DISEASE Coeliac Society of Ireland 01 872 Carmichael1471/www.coeliac.ieHse,4NorthBrunswick St, Dublin 7.

CLEFT LIP AND PALATE Cle t Lip and Palate Association of Ireland 087 131 9803/www.cle C/0 36 Woodlands Ave, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin.

BEREAVEMENT Bereavement Counselling Service 01 839 www.bereavementireland.com1766

CHILDREN Barnardos 01 453 Christchurch0355/www.barnardos.ieSquare,Dublin8. Barretstown 045 864115/ CARI (Children at risk in Ireland – for children, families and groups a ected by sexual abuse) 01 830 8529/ 110 Lr Drumcondra Rd, Dublin 9. Childline 1800 66 66 66 C/o ISPCC 20 Molesworth St, Dublin 2. Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (ISPCC) 01 676 7960/ 29 Lr Baggot St, Dublin 2 Parentline Organisation For Parents Under Stress 01 874 Carmichael4500/www.parentline.ieHse,NorthBrunswick St, Dublin 7.

BREAST FEEDING La Leche League 021 455 Tourin,www.lalecheleagueireland.com2357TivoliEstate,LoversWalk. Cork. Cuidiú,NorthBrunswick St., Dublin 7 BULLYING National Association for Victims of Bullying 0506 Frederick31590St, Clara, Co O aly. CANCER Irish Cancer Society Dublin O ce 01 231 0500 43-45 Northumberland Rd, Dublin 4. Cork O ce 021 450 9918 15 Bridge St, Cork. CancerHelplineHelplines: 1800 200 700 ActionBreastCancer 1800 309 040 BowelCancerSupportGroup 1800 200 700 MenAgainstCancer 1800 200 700 SmokingQuitline 1850 201 203 LARCC (Lakeland Area Retreat Cancer Support Ballinalack,Centre Mullingar, Co Westmeath 044-937 1971 Marie Keating CancerInformationandAwarenessFoundation 01 624 6314 Purple House Cancer Support 01 286 Aubrey6966/www.purplehouse.ieCourt,ParnellRd,Bray,Co Wicklow. Reach to Recovery/Mastectomy 01 668 1855 5 Northumberland Rd, Dublin 4. CARERS Family Carers Ireland 1800 Regional240724/www.familycarers.iecentresacrossIreland


CEREBRAL PALSY Enable Ireland 01 261 National5900Services, Sandymount Ave, Dublin 4.

Fighting Blindness 01-678 9004/ 3rd Floor, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2. NCBI 01 830 Whitworth7787/www.ncbi.ieRd,Drumcondra, Dublin 9. National League of the Blind of Ireland Trust 01 874 2972 21 Hill St, Dublin 1. Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind 021 487 National8200HQ & Training Centre, Model Farm Road, Cork, T12 WT4A BONE MARROW TRANSPLANT Bone Marrow Transplant Support Group 1800 200 700/ C/o Irish Cancer Society, 5 Northumberland Rd, Dublin 4 BRAIN AND HEAD INJURY Acquired Brain Injury Ireland 01 280 4164/ 64 Mulgrave Street, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin. Headway Ireland 01 604 Blackhall0800/www.headway.ieGreen,OBlackhall Place, Dublin 7.

HADD Family Support Group 01 874 Carmichael8349/www.hadd.ieCentre,North Brunswick St, Dublin 7. INCADDS Irish National Council of ADHD Support Groups 091 Unit755090/www.incadds.ie17a,BallybaneEnterprise Centre, Ballybane, Galway. AUTISM Aspire 01 878 ColeraineCarmichael0027/www.aspireireland.ieCentre,ColeraineHouse,St,Dublin7. Irish Society for Autism 01 874 4684/ Unity Buldings, 16-17 Lr O’Connell St, Dublin 1. AsIAm (01)4453203 / Rock House, Main Street Blackrock, Co. Dublin, A94 V9P1

Community Hall, Main St, Baldoyle, Dublin 13 Firstlight – Sudden Infant Death Carmichael01Association8732711/www.firstlight.ieHse,4NorthBrunswick St, Dublin 7. BLINDNESS Anne Sullivan Foundation for Dea blind People 01 830 Brewery0562/www.annesullivan.ieRdStillorgan,CoDublin

EHLERS DANLOS SYNDROME Ehlers Danlos Syndrome Awareness Ireland 5edsaireland@gmail.comRosegreenAvenue,Blackrock, Cork. ENDOMETRIOSIS Endometriosis Association of Ireland 01 873 Carmichael5702/www.endo.ieHse,NthBrunswick St, Dublin 7.

131 COLOSTOMY Colostomy Care Group 01 231 0500/ Irish Cancer Society, 43-45 Northumberland Rd, Dublin 4. Ileostomy And Internal Pouch Support Group 059 913 1005 Cepta Burke, 29 Springdale, Tullow Rd, Carlow.

GENETIC DISORDERS Genetic & Rare Disorders Organisation (GRDO) 086 022 9262/ 3rd Floor, 7 Ely Place, Dublin 2. PKU Association of Ireland 9www.pku.ieKellyBay Rocks, Skerries, Co Dublin. GUILLAIN- BARRÉ SYNDROME GAIN – Guillain-Barré and Associated Inflammatory Neuropathies 1800 806 152 (24 hour helpline ROI)

CF House, 24 Lr Rathmines Rd, Dublin 6 CYSTINOSIS Cystinosis Ireland 1-2www.cystinosis.ieCavendishRd, Dublin 1. DEAFNESS Irish Deaf Society 01-860 1878/ Deaf Village Ireland, Ratoath Rd, Cabra, Dublin 7. Dea 01 817 5700/www.dea 35 Nth Frederick St, Dublin 1 Hearing Loss Ireland 01 817 5700/ 35 Nth Frederick St, Dublin 1. DIABETES Diabetes Ireland 1850 909 909/01 842 8118 19www.diabetes.ieNorthwoodHse, Northwood Business Campus, Dublin 9. DISABILITY (PHYSICAL) Caring and Sharing Association (CASA) 01 872 Carmichael5300/,4NorthBrunswick St, Dublin 7. Cheshire Ireland 01 297 4100/ Block 4, Bracken Business Park, Sandyford Ind. Estate, Dublin 18. Disability Federation of Ireland 01 454 Fumbally7978/www.disability-federation.ieCourt,FumballyLane,Dublin8.

FOSTERING Irish Foster Care Association 01 459 9474 Unit 23 Village Green, Tallaght Village, Dublin 24.

CYSTIC FIBROSIS Cystic Fibrosis Ireland 01 496 2433/


EPILEPSY Epilepsy ireland 01 455 7500/ 249 Crumlin Rd, Dublin 12. ERB’S PALSY Erb’s Palsy Association of Ireland C/owww.erbspalsy.ieSecretary,L’Abri, Seafield Rd, Blackrock, Co Louth, A91 WK27.

Disabled Drivers’ Association of Ireland 094 936 Ballindine,4054/www.ddai.ieClaremorris,Co Mayo. Irish Wheelchair Association 01 818 6400/ Áras Chúchulain, Blackheath Drive, Clontarf, Dublin 3. Rehab Group 01 205 7200/ Roslyn Park, Beach Rd, Sandymount, Dublin 4. DOWN SYNDROME Down Syndrome Ireland 1890 374 374/ Unit 3, Parkway Hse, Western Parkway Bus Pk, Ballymount Drive, Dublin 12, D12HP7. DRUGS Community Awareness of Drugs (CAD) 01 878 3656 5 Gardiner Row, Dublin 1. Coolmine House 01 679 4822 19 Lord Edward St, Dublin 2. Drug Treatment Centre Board 01 648 8600 Trinity Court, 30-31 Pearse St, Dublin 2. Drugs Smuggling Prevention National Drugs Team Confidential Freephone 1800 295 295 Narcotics Anonymous 01 672 8000/ 14b Upper Kevin St, Dublin 8. DYSLEXIA Dyslexia Association of Ireland 01 877 6001/ 5th Floor, Block B, Joyce’s Court, Talbot St, Dublin 1. DYSPRAXIA Dyspraxia Ireland 01 874 Carmichael7085/www.dyspraxia.ieHouse,NorthBrunswick St, Dublin 7. DYSTONIA Dystonia Ireland 01 492 2514/ 33 Larkfield Grove, Harold’s X, Dublin 6W. DYSTROPHIC EPIDERMOLYSIS BULLOSA DEBRA Ireland 01 412 GrandButterfly6924/www.debraireland.orgCottage,8ClanwilliamTce,CanalQuay,Dublin2.

The Eating Disorders Association of Ireland 01 283 4963/ PO Box 105, Blackrock, Co Dublin. Overeaters Anonymous 01 278 8106 (Dublin) / 086 352 6467 (Cork) ECZEMA Irish Eczema Society 01 832 DublinCarmichael1250/www.eczemaireland.orgHse,NorthBrunswickSt,1.

GAMBLERS Gamblers Anonymous 01 872 1133/ Teach Mhuire, 39 Lr Gardiner St, Dublin 1. GAY /LESBIAN /BISEXUAL Belong to Youth Services 01 670 Paliament6226/www.belongto.orgHse,13ParliamentSt, Dublin 2. Cork Gay Community Development 021 427 8470/1 8 Sth Main St, Cork. Dundalk Outcomers 042 935 3035/ 8 Roden Place, Dundalk, Co Louth. Gay Health Network (GHN) 01 873 4952. C/o Outhouse, LGBT Community Centre, Capel St, Dublin 1, D01 R290. LGBT Helpline 1890 929539 Head O ce, LGBT Ireland 7 Red Cow Lane, Smithfield, Dublin 7.

LARYNGECTOMY Laryngectomy Association of Ireland C/o1800-200700IrishCancer Society, 43-45 Northumberland Rd, Dublin 4. LUNG FIBROSIS Irish Lung Fibrosis Association (ILFA) 086 871 5264/ PO Box 10456, Blackrock, Co Dublin LYME DISEASES Tick Talk Ireland LYMPHOEDEMA Irish Lymphoedema Support Network 087 693 4964/ IrishCancerSociety, 43-45 Northumberland Rd, Dublin 4, D4 VX65. MARFAN SYNDROME Marfan Syndrome Support Group of Ireland MATERNITY Home Birth Association of Ireland 01 276 1812 ISANDS Irish Stillbirth & Neonatal Death Society 01 822 4688/01 872 6996 Carmichael Hse, North Brunswick St, Dublin 7. Miscarriage Association of Ireland 01 873 Carmichael5702 Centre, North Brunswick St, Dublin 7. MEDIATION AIM Family Services Family Law Information Mediation & Counselling Centre 01 670 8363 / 6 D’Olier St, Dublin 2. MENINGITIS Meningitis Research Foundation 01 819 6931/ 63 Lower Gardiner St, Dublin 1. Meningitis Trust 01 276 2050/ PO Box 102, Bray, Co Wicklow

The Carmichael Centre, North Brunswick St, Dublin 7. Long QT Syndrome Support Group C/o Irish Heart Foundation 01 668 5001/ 50 Ringsend Road, Dublin 4. SADS Support Group C/o Irish Heart Foundation 01 668 5001/ 50 Ringsend Rd, Dublin 4.

HUNTINGTON’S DISEASE Huntington’s Disease Association of Ireland (HDAI) 01 872 Carmichael1303/www.huntingtons.ieHse,NorthBrunswick St, Dublin 7.


055 Croneview,29133 Clonlea, Shillelagh, Co Wicklow

INCONTINENCE Tirim Tirim Information Service PO Box 6235, Dublin 17 INFERTILITY National Infertility Support & Information Group(NISIG) 087 797 5058/ PO Box 131, Togher, Cork.

MENTAL HEALTH Mental Health Ireland 01 284 1166/ 1-4 Adelaide Road, Glasthule, Co Dublin. Aware 01 661 7211/ 72 Lr Leeson St, Dublin 2, D02 Y902. Samaritans Ireland 01 671 0071/ 4-5 Usher’s Court, Usher’s Quay, Dublin 8. Shine 01 541 3715/ DOC Centre, Block B, Maynooth Business Campus, Maynooth, Co Kildare, W23 W5X7.

HOMELESS FocusIreland Emergency Accomodation Advice 01 881 5900 9-12 High St, Christchurch, Dublin 8 Simon CommunitiesofIreland 01 671 1606 www. Federation O ce, St Andrew’s Hse, 28-30 Exchequer St, Dublin 2.

MUCOPOLYSACCHARIDE DISEASE Irish Society for Mucopolysaccharide Diseases C/owww.mpssociety.ieSecretary:Mary McGauran, Glackbawn, Calry, Co Sligo.

The Carmichael Centre, North Brunswick St, Dublin 7. HAEMOPHILIA Irish Haemophilia Society 01 657 9900/ 1st Floor, Cathedral Court, New St, Dublin 8. HEART Irish Heart Foundation 01 668 5001/ 17-19 Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin, D06 C780. Cardiomyopathy Support Group C/o Irish Heart Foundation 01 668 5001/ 50 Ringsend Rd, Dublin 4. Heart Children Ireland 1850 217017/

HAEMOCHROMATOSIS Irish Haemochromatosis Association 01 873 5911/

INTELLECTUAL DISABILITY Inclusion Ireland 01 855 9891/ Unit C2 The Steelworks, Foley St, Dublin 1 SpecialNeeds Parents Association 087 774 1917/ 13 Upper Baggot Street, Second Floor, Dublin 4 Special Needs Active Parents Liossnapireland.netDubh,Armagh Rd, Dundalk, Co. Louth IRRITABLE BOWEL CORE – Fighting Gut and Liver Disease 0044 207 486 0341/ 3 St Andrews Place, Regents Pk, London NW1 4LB. KIDNEY Irish Kidney Association 01 620 5306/ Donor House, Block 43A, Park West Business Pk, Dublin 12. LITERACY / BASIC EDUCATION Dublin Adult Learning Centre 01 874 3251/ 3 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1. NationalAdultLiteracyAgency 01 412 Sandford7900/www.nala.ieLodge,Sandford Close, Ranelagh, Dublin 6, D06 YF65.

MIGRAINE Migraine Association of Ireland 01 894 1280/ Unit 14, Block 5, Port Tunnel Business Pk, Clonshaugh, Dublin 17, D17 WK24.

HYDROCEPHALUS Spina Bifida Hydrocephalus Ireland 01 457 2329/ Old Nangor Rd, Clondalkin, Dublin 22.

MOTOR NEURONE DISEASE Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association 01 873 Coleraine0422Hse, Coleraine St, Dublin 7, D07 E8XF.

IMMUNODEFICIENCY Primary AssociationImmunodeficiencyofIreland

MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS MS Ireland (The Multiple Sclerosis Society of Ireland) 01 678 80Freephone:1600/,Dublin 4.

PARKINSON’S DISEASE Parkinson’sAssociationofIreland 01 872 Carmichael2234/www.parkinsons.ieHse,NorthBrunswick St, Dublin 7. PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ABUSE AMEN Support Services Ltd 046 902 3718/ St Anne’s Resource Centre, Railway St, Navan, Co Meath. CARI Foundation 1890 924 567 110 Lower Drumcondra Road, Dublin 9 Move Ireland (Men Overcoming Violence) 01 872 Carmichael4357 Centre, North Brunswick St, Dublin 7. One in Four 01 662 4070/ 2 Holles Street, Dublin 2 Rathmines Womens Refuge 01 496 1002 Women’s Aid 01 678 5Helpline:8858/www.womensaid.ie1800341900WiltonPlace,Dublin2. WomensEmergencyHostel 01 873 2279 Haven House, Dublin 7. PolioPOLIOSurvivors Ireland 01 889 8920/ Unit 319, Capel Building, Mary’s Abbey, Dublin 7. SocietyPOVERTYof St Vincent de Paul 01 838 91-92National6990/www.svp.ieOce,SVPHouse,SeanMacDermottStreet, Dublin 1, D01 WV38 PREGNANCY COUNSELLING My Options 1800 828 010/ Irish Family Planning Association 1850 495051 Solomons House, 42a Pearse Street, Dublin 2 PSORIASIS Psoriasis Association 0044 604 711,Northampton,England. RAYNAUD’S DISEASE Raynaud’s&SclerodermaIreland 01 215 DublinParadigm7663/www.irishraynauds.comHse,DundrumOcePk,14.

RUBINSTEIN-TAYBI SYNDROME Rubinstein-Taybi Syndrome Support Group 01 494 1169 54 Knocklyon Green, Knocklyon Woods, Dublin 16. SCHIZOPHRENIA Schizophrenia Ireland 01 860 1620/ 38 Blessington St, Dublin 7. SEXUAL ASSAULT CARI (for children, families and groups a ected by sexual abuse) 1890 924 567 / 01 830 8529 Rape Crisis Centre 01 661 4911/Freephone: 1800 778 888 70 Lr Leeson St, Dublin 2. SINGLE PARENTS One Family 01 662 9212/ 8 Coke Lane, Dublin 7 SLEEP APNOEA SYNDROME Irish Sleep Apnoea Trust 086 605 3891 PO Box 8440, Dublin 24. SPINAL INJURY Spinal Injuries Ireland 01 235 5317 NRH Campus, Rochestown Avnue, Dun Laoghaire, Co Dublin. STAMMERING Irish Stammering Association 01 872 4405 Carmichael House, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7. STROKE Volunteer Stroke Scheme 01 634 6925 C/o Irish Heart Foundation, 17-19 Rathmines Road Lower, Dublin D06 C780.

MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY Muscular Dystrophy Ireland 01 623 6414/ 75 Lucan Rd, Chapelizod, Dublin 20.

OSTOMY Colostomy Care Group 01 231 0500 Irish Cancer Society, 43-45 Northumberland Rd, Dublin 4. Ileostomy And Internal Pouch Support Group 059 913 1005 Cepta Burke, 29 Springdale, Tullow Rd, Carlow.

NARCOLEPSY SleepyHeads – Narcolepsy Support Group in 086817Ireland7509/ Sleep Disorder Clinic, Mater Private Hospital, Dublin 7.

MYALGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS Irish M.E. / C.F.S. Association 01 235 0965/ 12 Beechpark Lawn, Dublin 15.


MYELOMA Midlands Myeloma Support Group Dochas Cancer Suport Centre, Tullamore, Co O aly. Mary Kelly: 086 780 4007

OLDER PEOPLE Age Action Ireland 01 475 6989/ 30/31 Camden St, Dublin 2. Alone 01 679 Olympic1032./www.alone.ieHouse,Pleasants Street, Dublin 8, D08 H67X. Friends of the Elderly Ireland 01 873 1855 25 Bolton Street, Dublin 1 RetirementPlanningCouncilofIreland 01 478 9472/ 14-15 Lr Camden Street, Dublin 2.

NEUROFIBROMATOSIS Neurofibromatosis Association of Ireland 01 872 Carmichael6338/www.nfaireland.ieHse,NorthBrunswick St, Dublin 7.

OSTEOPOROSIS Irish Osteoporosis Society 01 637 114www.irishosteoporosis.ie5050PembrokeRd,Garden Level, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, D04 C6X7.

MYASTHENIA GRAVIS Myaware 01 447 5295/ PO Box 480, Ennis Co Clare.


Secretary: Ms Deirdre Lynch Email: Website: Pharmaceutical Managers’ Institute of Ireland (PMI) PO Box 11330, Glenageary, Co Dublin. Tel/Fax: 01 235 2310 Email: Website: President: Mr Pádraig Ryan Medical Representatives Institute of Ireland PO Box 500 Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Tel/Fax: 058 43955 Email: Website:

President: Mr John Woods Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI) PSI House, Fenian Street, Dublin 2 Tel: 01 218 4000 Fax: 01 283 7678 Email: Website: President: Ms. Joanne Kissane Registrar & Chief O cer: Mr Niall Byrne

WILLIAMS SYNDROME Williams Syndrome Association of Ireland 087 619 0213 Carmi chael House, North Brunswick Street, Dublin 7.

SYRINGOMYELIA SyringomyeliaSelf Help Group 087 707 0160 Kellystown, Slane, Co Meath. TINNITUS Irish Tinnitus Association 01 817 5700 www.dea 35 North Frederick St, Dublin 1. TOURETTE SYNDROME Tourette Syndrome Association Helpline 087 298 2367 Carmichael Hse, North Brunswick St, Dublin 7. TURNER SYNDROME Turner Contact Group Ireland 1890 815 667 PO Box 531, Naas, Co Kildare VICTIM SUPPORT CrimeVictimsHelpline Freephone: 116 006/www.crimevictimshelp Text: 085 133 7711 Email:

BOWELSCREEN – THE NATIONAL BOWEL SCREENING PROGRAMME 01 865 9300 King’s Inn House, 200 Parnell Street, Dublin 1. BREASTCHECK – THE NATIONAL BREAST SCREENING PROGRAMME 01 865 9300 King’s Inn House, 200 Parnell Street, Dublin 1. CERVICALCHECK – THE NATIONAL CERVICAL SCREENING PROGRAMME 061 406500 PO Box 161, Limerick DIABETIC RETINASCREEN – THE NATIONAL DIABETIC RETINAL SCREENING PROGRAMME 01 865 9300 King’s Inn House, 200 Parnell Street, Dublin 1. NATIONAL SCREENING SERVICE 01 865 9300 King’s Inn House, 200 Parnell Street, Dublin 1. Animal & Plant Health Association (APHA) 31A Ravens Rock Road, Sandyford Industrial Estate, Dublin 18. Tel: 01 293 0021 Email: Website: Chairman: Mr Edmond Wall CEO: Mr John Keogh Dublin University Pharmaceutical Students’ Association (DUPSA) c/o The School of Pharmacy, Trinity College, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 608 2352 Fax: 01 677 8996 Email: Hospital Pharmacists’ Association (HPAI) c/o Fionnuala Kennedy, Pharmacy Department, Mater Hospital,PrivateEccles Street, Dublin 7. Email: materprivate.ieFionnuala.Kennedy@ Website: President: Ms Fionnuala Kennedy Irish Institute of Pharmacy (IIoP) Textile House, 5 Johnson Place, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 402 5115 Email: Website: Executive Director: Dr Catriona Bradley Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA) 7 Clanwilliam Terrace, Dublin 2. Tel: 01 661 0018 Fax: 01 661 0164 Email: Website: President: Mr Aidan Lynch ChiefExecutive: Mr Oliver O’Connor Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) Butterfield House, Butterfield Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14. Tel: 01 493 6401 Fax: 01 493 6407 Email: Website: President: Mr Daragh Connolly SecretaryGeneral: Mr Darragh O’Loughlin Medicines for Ireland (formerly Irish Generic Manufacturers Association and Healthcare Enterprise Alliance) 50 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2. Email: Website: Chairperson: Mr Owen McKeon National Association of Registered Pharmaceutical Assistants

134 National Screening Services

•Complete the post-course evaluation



As some topics and venues are very popular and book out quickly, the online booking system helps members to make their bookings in a simple and e cient manner, as confirmation emails are issued automatically. The online booking system has proven very popular with members. Other key features allow members to:



•Download a copy of the Topic Presentation hand-out, a ter attending.


Live Learning Format IPU Academy has taken the lead in not only developing and delivering Continuing Education (CE) for community pharmacists but also in assisting them to demonstrate their ongoing engagement with CPD. IPU Academy o ers two programmes of live learning courses at venues nationwide. A wide variety of topics are covered, ranging from Psoriasis, Heart Failure to Depression, to name but a few. Owing to COVID-19, the Spring & Autumn Programme 2021 were delivered via webinar rather than as the usual live learning programme. There was an enthusiastic response to the format change and large attendances were recorded.

•Receive an email reminder 48 hours before the course begins. •Access supplemental material.

IPU Academy

IPU Academy Online IPU Academy was launched online in August 2013 as an innovative learning management system. This allows IPU Academy to provide CE in all three formats (Live, Distance and eLearning).


•Receive confirmation of booking by email (please note, as an IPU member this will be sent to your IPUmail address. IPU Academy members will receive the email at the address provided on subscribing to IPU Academy).

•Avoid booking two courses on the same date – the system will warn you of a potential schedule

•Submitonline. queries before or a ter the course to

•Create a synchronised record of bookings in your electronic calendar.

•Complete the pre-course quiz – save your score and compare with your postcourse •Downloadscore.your Attendance Certificate a terwards in your My Learning.

All IPU Academy members have their own personal membership log-in to www. and can use this to select and book live learning courses online.

•Check the record of your course bookings in your My Learning.

eLearning Formats

• Search for courses by your preferred venue.

In addition to the two live learning Programmes, we also o er live and recorded webinars and eLearning version of live learning topics. These formats allow members of IPU Academy to engage with CE at a time that is convenient to them and remove the need to travel to a live learning course. For advice on any part of the pharmacy contract; For advice on all aspects of processing claims; For assistance in responding to direct correspondence from the HSE PCRS; If you are called to a meeting with the HSE PCRS; If your pharmacy is inspected by the HSE PCRS; If you are subject to a claims investigation; and If you are being investigated under the pharmacy contract. Telephone: 01 406 1557 / 01 493 6401 Derek Reilly, Contract Manager, For further information or to provide feedback, please contact


IPU Academy is an educational service developed by the Irish Pharmacy Union to support members’ engagement with Continuing Professional Development (CPD). Members of the IPU automatically become a member of IPU Academy. However, membership of IPU Academy is not restricted to IPU members; it is open to all pharmacists registered with the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland (PSI).

h.To provide such benefits for its members as the IPU in general shall recommend and direct. All benefits provided by the IPU shall be available to members equally, subject only to compliance with such particular conditions as may be determined by the Executive Committee in relation to such benefits.

i.To perform such other functions as are permissible to a trade union under the Trade Union Acts as the Executive Committee may consider desirable from time to time.

Membership 3.a. Membership of the IPU shall be open to all pharmacists and druggists whose names appear on the registers kept and maintained by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland under the terms of the Pharmacy Act 2007, as amended from

e. To communicate the views of the IPU on relevant matters to appropriate authorities, organisations or persons; to publicise and explain the opinion of the IPU on matters of public concern. f. To assist the organisation of area pharmaceutical g.Toassociations.encourage the observance of standards of ethics in relation to the practice of pharmacy in all its aspects.

General 1.a.The name of the Union shall be the “Irish Pharmacy Union” (Comhar Cógaisíochta na h-Éireann) (and hereina ter referred to as the “IPU”).

c. To represent and defend the collective will, viewpoint and purpose of all members.

d.Decisions of the Executive Committee (as defined in Article 6.a) on the interpretation of the provisions of this Constitution and on matters in respect of which the Constitution is silent shall be final unless and until a General Meeting of the IPU decides otherwise.

Objects 2. The objects of the IPU and the purposes for which IPU funds shall be applicable shall be: a.To promote the economic and professional interests of members by seeking to obtain for them just and proper remuneration and emoluments and advantageous conditions of work and employment. b. To negotiate and settle di erences and disputes and to regulate the relations between members of the IPU and their employers. The expression “employers” in this paragraph shall include all persons including Ministers of State, health authorities, public bodies and bodies corporate who shall engage, employ, retain or o er to engage, employ, retain the services of members of the IPU in connection with the business of pharmaceutical practice or with any part of the said business whether by way of contracts of service or otherwise and whether on their own behalf or for other purposes for which pharmaceutical chemists or registered druggists are ordinarily employed or engaged. For the negotiation and settlement of such di erences and the regulation of such relations as aforesaid the IPU may when it shall think fit and proper avail of methods of collective bargaining or of withdrawal, withholding or limitation of services or of any other lawful means.

136 Constitution of Irish Pharmacy Union BorrowingPowerPowerMeetingsStandingIPUProceduresCompositionCompositionRegions............................................................................................................5Membership........................................................................................................Objects............................................................................................................2General.............................................................................................................1Contents..................................................................................................Article3-4ofExecutiveCommittee..............................................................6ofOtherCommitteesoftheIPU................................................7oftheExecutiveCommittee....................................................8-11Funds12-14Committee..............................................................................................15oftheExecutiveCommittee.......................................................16-21toMakeRegulations...............................................................................22toMakePaymentsOutofFunds.........................................................23Powers.................................................................................................24 Holding Lands and Dissolution..........................................................................................................ProcedureDisciplineResignationsVotingVotingNominationVotesSpecialAnnualAuditors..........................................................................................................26Trustees..............................................................................25GeneralMeeting................................................................................27-31GeneralMeetings.............................................................................32-45ofMembers...........................................................................................46-49forElectiontoRegionalCommittees.....................................50atElectionofRegionalCommittees.............................................51-53atElectionofGroupCommittees.................................................54-59andDisqualificationsofExecutiveCommittee..........60-62andExpulsionofMembers......................................................63-76forAlterationofConstitution.......................................................77Arbitration..........................................................................................................7879

c. The IPU may in furtherance of its objects as set out in paragraph 2 below, do all such things, including the holding of property, as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of its objects.

b. The Registered O ce and place of meeting of the IPU shall be Butterfield House, Butterfield Avenue, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14 or such other suitable premises purchased, leased, rented, or otherwise acquired in the future. Any change in the Registered O ce and place of meeting of the IPU shall be notified to the Registrar of Friendly Societies.

d.To promote and foster good relations with kindred professional organisations and bodies; to enter into such agree- ments or working arrangements with other groups as may be considered desirable.

d.A member who has retired or who is no longer engaged, directly or indirectly, in any aspect of pharmacy may apply to be admitted to membership of the IPU (hereina ter referred to as an “Associate Member”). Such a person may be so admitted if approved by the Executive Committee who shall have full discretion as to the admission of any member to this category of membership. The annual subscription of an Associate Member shall be one quarter of the standard annual subscription. An Associate Member shall not be qualified to be elected as a member of the IPU Executive Committee, or to be entitled to receive notice of or vote at any general meeting of the IPU. Associate Members shall be entitled to receive the IPU Review and any other documentation deemed by the Executive Committee to be of general interest.

e. Membership of the IPU shall be open to any student enrolled in one of the schools of pharmacy operating within the Irish State and to any Irish citizen enrolled in a school of pharmacy outside the Irish State that is recognised by the IPU (“Student Member”). The Annual Subscription for a Student Member shall be one tenth of the standard annual subscription. A Student Member shall not be qualified to be elected as a member of the IPU Executive Committee, or be entitled to receive notice of or vote at any general meeting of the IPU. Student Members shall be entitled to receive the IPU Review and any other documentation deemed by the Executive Committee to be of general interest.

e. With the exception of pharmacists newly registered by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland as mentioned in Article 4.c. above, a person desiring to be admitted to membership of the IPU shall sign and deliver to the Secretary General an application for admission framed in such terms as the IPU shall require and every such application shall be accompanied by the sum representing the first annual subscription in advance.

i.Any member who shall change his place of residence shall notify the Secretary General within one month of such j.Membershipchange. of the IPU shall not be transferable.

Every letter or notice relating to any matter concerning the IPU which shall be sent by post to a member addressed by his name and place of residence as entered in the Register shall be deemed to have been properly sent and he shall be deemed to have su cient notice of the contents of such letter or notice.

d.If any member permits his annual subscription to be in arrears and shall not pay same within two months a ter the same shall become due, he may by Resolution of the Executive Committee be excluded from the IPU and shall thereupon cease to be a member thereof. However in cases of exceptional hardship the Executive Committee may suspend or waive payment of the subscription payable by any member on such terms and for such period as they may think fit. No person other than a member who is duly registered and who shall have paid every subscription (and other sum, if any) which shall be due and payable to the IPU in respect of his membership shall be eligible to receive IPU services.

c. The Executive Committee may by resolution passed by three-fourths of those present at a meeting of the Executive Committee, elect any pharmaceutical chemist to be an Honorary Life Member of the IPU. An Honorary Life Member shall not be liable to pay any fee on admission, or to pay any annual subscription to the IPU, but every Honorary Life Member shall sign an undertaking to observe the articles of the Constitution of the IPU insofar as the same may be applicable to Honorary Members.

l. All IPU members who are party (either personally, or

h.A member may retire at any time from the IPU by sending in his resignation in writing to the Secretary General and paying all subscriptions in arrears.

4.a. The name and address of every member shall be kept in a Register of Members by the Secretary General (as defined in Article 11.a).

137 time to time, and who designate themselves as working in Community Pharmacy in their annual return to the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland.

c. The annual subscription of each member shall be determined by the Executive Committee from time to time and shall be payable in advance on the first day of January in each year. However pharmacy graduates from Ireland and other EU States who work in the community pharmacy sector, upon having their names entered on the register of pharmacists kept by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, and at the discretion of the Executive Committee, may on application be admitted to membership of the IPU without payment of annual subscriptions for the year in which they are admitted. Such individuals, if admitted in the last quarter of a given year, may at the discretion of the Executive Committee be exempt also from annual subscription for the following calendar year.

b. All members who are members of the IPU as of the 7th day of November 2007 and even though they may not designate themselves as working in Community Pharmacy in their annual return to the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland, shall be entitled to remain as members of the IPU, unless they are removed or have retired in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.

b. The Register of Members shall be considered as containing a correct list of members and of their respective addresses.

f. With the exception of pharmacists newly registered by the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland as mentioned in Article 4.c. above, no person shall be deemed to be a member of the IPU or exercise the rights of privileges of a member of the IPU unless he shall have been duly admitted and shall have paid the amount of his first annual subscription.

g.No person shall be admitted a member of the IPU unless he is first approved by the Executive Committee and the Executive Committee shall have full discretion as to admission of any person to membership.

k. Every member shall be bound to further to the best of his ability the objects, interests and influence of the IPU and to observe any ethical principles and regulations of the IPU made pursuant to the powers in that behalf contained in this Constitution.

g.Each Region shall be entitled to elect one Community Proprietor Pharmacist to represent that Region on the Executive Committee.

k. The regional representatives on the Executive Committee, the Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee, the Employee Pharmacists’ Committee and the Community Pharmacy Committee shall be elected for a two year term commencing on the 1st day of January following the date of their election.

f. The principal function of the Regional Committees shall be to advise the Executive Committee on matters a ecting the IPU in their Regions and to implement all relevant decisions of the Executive Committee.

j.Each Region shall be entitled to elect a Community Proprietor Pharmacist to represent that Region on the Community Pharmacy Committee. That person shall not be the same person as elected by that Region to serve on the Executive Committee. In a case where the Region’s representative on either the Executive Committee or the Community Pharmacy Committee is unable to attend a meeting of his committee, the other, if so requested, may attend that meeting as an alternate.

h.Each Region shall be entitled to elect one Community Proprietor Pharmacist to represent that region on the Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee. That person shall not be the same person as elected by that Region to serve on the Executive Committee.

i.Each Region shall be entitled to elect one Employee Pharmacist to represent that Region on the Employee Pharmacists’ Committee.

c. Each Regional Committee shall have power to make regulations for the management of the Region but only so far as such regulations shall not be inconsistent or at variance with the Constitution of the IPU and such regulations and any alterations or additions thereto shall be subject to the prior written approval of the Executive Committee of the IPU.

Regions 5.a. There shall be eight regions of the IPU: Dublin; North East comprising of Cavan, Meath, Louth and Monaghan; North West comprising of Donegal, Sligo and Leitrim; West comprising of Galway, Mayo and Roscommon; Mid West comprising of Clare, Limerick and Tipperary North (comprising of the following areas: Borrisokane, Borrisoleigh, Cloughjordan, Newport, Nenagh, Roscrea, Templemore and Thurles); South comprising of Cork and Kerry; South East comprising of Waterford, Wexford, Wicklow, Carlow, Kilkenny and Tipperary South (comprising of the following areas: Ardfinnan, Cahir, Cappawhite, Cashel, Clonmel, Clogheen, Carrick-on-Suir, Fethard, Killenaule, Mullinahoe and Tipperary Town) and Midland comprising of Longford, Laois, O aly, Westmeath and Kildare (each hereina ter referred to as a “Region” and collectively as the “Regions”). Each member of a Region shall be a member of the IPU.”


b. Each Region shall have a separate committee to manage the a airs of such Region (hereina ter referred to as a “Regional Committee”).

d.In the case of the Executive Committee not approving such regulations the Regional Committee shall have the right to appeal to a General Meeting of the IPU in accordance with the procedures relating to Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings.

n.In circumstances where the Health Service Executive ceases to make deductions from the professional fees payable to members under the Community Pharmacy Contractor Agreement (“CPC Agreement”) and to remit same to the Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee of the IPU pursuant to Article 4.l., each member that is a party to a CPC Agreement is obliged to make a direct payment to the Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee of the IPU in place of that which would otherwise have been deducted. The amount of and frequency of such a direct payment is to be agreed by the members at a General Meeting by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote, which amount and frequency may be amended by the members as may be required from time to time at subsequent Annual General meetings, again by a simple majority of those present and entitled to vote.

l. If a regional representative on the Executive Committee, as set out above, is elected as President of the IPU, the vacancy le t by the new President on the Executive Committee shall be filled by that Region’s representative on the Community Pharmacy Committee and the latter’s vacancy on that committee shall be filled by co-option as provided for below.

m.In the event of a regional represent- ative on the Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee, the Employee Pharmacists’ Committee or the Community Pharmacy Committee being elected as President, the vacancy le t by the new President

e. In the case of any apparent di erences between the Constitution of the IPU and the regulations of any Region the Constitution of the IPU shall prevail.

138 through a company) to a Community Pharmacy Contractor Agreement shall consent to a deduction being made from the professional fees payable to them by the Health Service Executive and to such deductions being remitted to the Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee of the IPU. For the avoidance of doubt, such deductions shall be made in respect of each contract which a member (either personally or through a company) has with the Health Service Executive. In the event that a member does not consent to the deduction as aforesaid and shall not pay same two months a ter the same shall become due, he may by resolution of the Executive Committee be excluded from the IPU and shall thereupon cease to be a member who comply with the provisions of Article 4.l. or alternatively the applicable super-vising pharmacists employed by persons who consent to the deduction referred to in Article 4.l. above shall be entitled to the provision of full IPU services as will all members who comply with Article 4.n., should that apply.

b. The Community Pharmacy Committee shall consist of the eight Community Proprietor Pharmacists representing the Regions as provided for in Article 5 and four Employee Pharmacists nominated by the Employee Pharmacists’ Committee. Four additional members may be co-opted by these twelve members. Any vacancies among the four Employee Pharmacists’ Committee members shall be filled by nominees of the Employee Pharmacists’ Committee from the members that Committee. Any other vacancies on the Community Pharmacy Committee may be filled by that Committee by co-option. The Community Pharmacy Committee may appoint Professional, IT and Business Steering Groups comprising such membership and having such objectives, as the Community Pharmacy Committee considers appropriate.

Composition of Other Committees of the IPU

b. The Executive Committee shall consist of: (i)a President, (ii)a (iv)up(iii)anVice-PresidentHonoraryTreasurertoseventeenother members.

d.Membership of the Executive Committee shall be allocated on the following basis: (i) Community Proprietor Pharmacists’ Group - eight members (one to represent each of the eight Regions); (ii) Community Employee Pharmacists’ Group - three members nominated by the Employee Pharmacists’ (iii)Committee;Uptofive members may be co- opted by the Executive (iv)Committee;Theimmediate

Past President who shall be allocated a place for a two year period immediately a ter his term in o ce ends.

c. The Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee shall be a special committee to look a ter all matters pertaining to the public health services as they concern community pharmacy and, in particular, those Community Pharmacy Proprietors who are contractors to the Health Service Executive. The Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee may consult non-pharmacist Community Pharmacy Proprietors. This Committee shall consist of at least eight members who shall be elected to represent the Regions as provided for in Article 5. These eight members, at their discretion, may co-opt up to six additional members of the IPU to act as members of the Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee, no more than two of whom shall be pharmacist representatives of non-pharmacist Community Pharmacy

e. The term of membership of the nominated members and/ or the co- opted members of the committees, as the case may be, shall be two years, or the applicable un-expired portion thereof, as the case may be, which term shall run contemporaneously with the term of the regional representative members of the respective committee commencing on the 1st day of January following the date of the election of the regional representative members.

d.TheProprietors.Employee Pharmacists’ Committee shall consist of one representative from each of the eight Regions as provided in Article 5, with up to six co-options.

c. The Executive Committee shall elect the President, VicePresident and Honorary Treasurer, each of whom shall be a member (i)theof:Executive Committee, or (ii) the Community Pharmacy Committee, or (iii) the Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee, or (iv) the Employee Pharmacists’ Committee.

Procedures of the Executive Committee

n.In the event that a Region fails to elect one or more of the regional representatives provided for in this Constitution, or in the event of a casual vacancy arising in any position, due to the resignation or death of a regional representative, or where appropriate, the appointment of a regional representative as President, the respective committees shall, subject to the provisions of this Article 5, co-opt a suitable member, where appropriate, from that Region.

139 on the Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee, the Employees Pharmacists’ Committee or the Community Pharmacy Committee, as the case may be, shall be filled by cooption as provided for below.

8.a. The O cers of the IPU, namely the President, VicePresident and Honorary Treasurer shall be elected by the Executive Committee at their last meeting before the Annual General Meeting. The outgoing President, VicePresident and Honorary Treasurer shall hold o ce until the conclusion of the Annual General Meeting whereon the incoming President, Vice-President and Honorary Treasurer will be deemed to have taken up o ce. Upon election as President, a regional representative shall no longer act in that capacity and the provisions for the co-option of new representatives as set out in this Constitution shall apply to ensure that the vacancy on the relevant committee is

6. a. The IPU shall be managed by a national representative committee which shall exercise all powers of management not specifically entrusted to the O cers of the IPU or its Trustees (hereina ter refer- red to as the “Executive Committee”).

Composition of Executive Committee

e. The term of membership of the Executive Committee of the nominated members and the co-opted members shall be two years, or the applicable un-expired portion thereof, as the case may be, which term shall run contemporaneously with the term of the regional representative members of the Executive Committee commencing on the 1st day of January following the date of the election of the regional representative members.

7. a. There shall be three constituent committees which shall be responsible to the Executive Committee namely the: (i)Community Pharmacy Committee, (ii)Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee, and (iii)Employee Pharmacists’ Committee.

Standing Committee

c. The Executive Committee shall meet at regular intervals and at least four times each year. Six members shall form a quorum. All matters save as otherwise provided shall be decided by a simple majority of those present. In the event of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or casting vote.

10. The continuing members of the Executive Committee, Community Pharmacy Committee, Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee or Employee Pharmacists’ Committee may act notwithstanding any vacancy in their body.

b. The Honorary Treasurer with the assistance of the Secretary General of the IPU or such other o cial as the Executive Committee may direct shall have the duty to prepare such returns as the Registrar of Friendly Societies shall from time to time require to be made including the furnishing of an annual return of the receipts, funds, e ects and expenditure of the IPU, showing fully the assets and liabilities of the IPU and made up to such date and furnished before such date as the Registrar may from time to time prescribe.

IPU Funds

15.a. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Standing Committee, to be composed of the President, VicePresident and Honorary Treasurer, such Standing Committee to meet as necessary between meetings of the Executive Committee for the purpose of arriving at urgent decisions which are always subject to ratification at the following meeting of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may delegate power to subcommittees consisting of such member or members of the Executive Committee or of the IPU as it may think fit and any sub-committee so formed shall regularly report to the Executive Committee and shall conform to any regulations imposed on it by the Executive Committee. The President of the IPU shall, ex-o cio, be a member of every subcommittee.

14. The Executive Committee shall appoint a Finance Sub-Committee which shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Honorary Treasurer and immediate past President of the IPU. The Finance Sub- Committee shall oversee the manage- ment of the IPU finances and ensure the auditing of the IPU accounts. It shall report to the Executive Committee at each meeting regarding the current finances of the IPU. The Finance Sub- Committee shall also deal with any personnel issue brought to its attention by the Secretary General. The Finance Sub-Committee, at its sole discretion where it considers it prudent and appropriate to do so, may recommend to the Executive Committee that payment out of funds be made to persons consenting to the deduction pursuant to Articles 4.l. and 4.m. in such amounts and on such terms as the Finance Sub- Committee deems fit.

b. The President shall, ex-o cio, be a member of all other committees of the IPU and any sub-committee, working party or equivalent set up by any such committees.

17. Any minutes of any such meeting if purporting to be signed

13. Funds of the IPU as are not needed immediately for the ordinary purposes of the IPU may be invested in the names of the Trustees in such securities as are authorised by law for the investment of trust funds; with power from time to time to sell, vary or transpose the same into or for others of the nature hereinbefore authorised, but the said securities shall not be sold, varied, transposed or dealt with except with the authority of the Executive Committee.

11.a. The Executive Committee shall appoint a secretary (to be known as the “Secretary General”) and such other o cials as may be required for the proper conduct of the IPU; shall fix the salary and conditions of such employment; may suspend or remove such o cials from o ce and may provide pensions, benefits or gratuities to such o cials out of the funds of the IPU.

12. All monies payable to the IPU shall be paid into the account of the IPU at its bankers and all monies payable by the IPU shall be paid by cheque, payment order, mandate, direct debit, electronic funds transfer or other appropriate method as may be convenient from time to time and shall be signed or authorised as the case may be by any two of the following O cers: the President, the Vice-President, the Honorary Treasurer, the Secretary General, any member of the Executive Committee, or any salaried o cer of the IPU designated by the Standing Committee to so sign or authorise. Provided always that nothing herein contained shall prevent the Executive Committee from placing in the hands of the Secretary General or other salaried o cer of the IPU designated by the Standing Committee to so receive such sum or sums as may be necessary from time to time to meet salaries and other expenses. Every person having an interest in the funds of the IPU, may, on giving due notice, subject to applicable legislation, inspect the books and the names of members of the IPU at all reasonable times at the Registered O ce or at any place where the same are kept.

9. Any member of the Executive Committee, Community Pharmacy Committee, Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee or Employee Pharmacists’ Committee who fails to attend three consecutive meetings of the relevant committee, without reasonable cause or excuse, shall be deemed to have resigned.

16. The Executive Committee shall cause proper minutes to be taken and recorded of the proceedings of all meetings of the Executive Committee and of sub- committees of the IPU and of all business transacted at such meetings.

Meetings of the Executive Committee

140 filled as soon as possible therea ter. b. Occasional vacancies arising on the Executive Committee shall be filled by the Executive Committee by co-option. The person so co-opted shall continue to be a member of the Executive Committee until the time at which the person he was chosen to replace would ordinarily have gone out of o ce.

20. On the request of the President, or any five members of the Executive Committee, the Secretary General shall, at any time, summon a meeting of the Executive Committee by giving seven days’ notice, or in case of emergency, not less than two days’ notice to the several members of the Executive Committee.

b. The Trustees shall appoint such fit and proper person or persons as would be qualified for appointment as an auditor of a company pursuant to the provisions of Section 162 of the Companies Act 1963 as amended or extended as to them seems proper to carry out an annual audit of the accounts of the IPU and to be the auditors to the IPU.

Powers to make Regulations

c. The Trustees may from time to time with the sanction of a resolution of the Executive Committee do all or any of the following acts or things; hold, receive, take or devise on lease, purchase, acquire, mortgage, charge, sell, convey, assign, transfer, exchange, or otherwise deal with lands or tenements of any tenure and erect or construct on any such lands so acquired any buildings which may seem necessary or desirable for the promotion of the purposes of the IPU.

f. The Trustees may also from time to time with the sanction of a resolution of the Executive Committee promote or establish any company or companies for the purpose of acquiring all or any of the property and liabilities of the IPU or for any other purpose which may seem directly or indirectly calculated to benefit the IPU.

Holding Lands and Trustees

19. The President, or in his absence, the Vice- President, or a past-President who is a member of the Executive Committee, shall be the Chairman at all meetings of the Executive Committee but, if no such Chairman is present at the time appointed for holding the same, the members of the Executive Committee who are present shall choose one of their number to be Chairman of the meeting.

21. All acts bona fide done by any meeting of the Executive Committee or by any person acting as a member of the Executive Committee shall, notwith- standing it be a terwards discovered that there was some defect in the appointment of any such member or person acting as aforesaid, or that they or any of them were disqualified, be as valid as if every such person had been duly appointed and was qualified to be a member of the Executive Committee.

Auditors 26.a. The Honorary Treasurer with the assistance of the Secretary General or such other o cial as the Executive Committee may direct shall have the duty to prepare annually an income and expenditure account and balance sheet and shall render a copy of same to the Trustees.

141 by the Chairman of such meeting or by the Chairman of the next succeeding meeting, shall be conclusive evidence, without further proof of the facts therein stated.

Borrowing Powers

Power to make Payments Out of Funds

22. The Executive Committee shall have power from time to time to make regulations consistent with the Constitution of the IPU as the Executive Committee think necessary for the wellbeing and interests of the IPU. Such regulations shall be binding until rescinded or varied by the Executive Committee or set aside at a General Meeting of the IPU.

23. The Executive Committee, upon receipt of a recommendation so to do from the Finance SubCommittee, shall have power to make payment out of funds to persons consenting to the deduction pursuant to Articles 4.l. and 4.m. in such amounts and on such terms as the Executive Committee, in consultation with the Finance Sub- Committee, deems fit.

25.a. All property of the IPU shall be vested in three trustees who shall be appointed by the IPU in General Meeting and shall hold all such property for and on behalf of the IPU (the “Trustees”).

d.The Trustees shall remain in o ce until death or resignation or until a General Meeting of the IPU shall think proper to remove them or any of them. No personal liability shall attach to any Trustee except to the extent of such funds of the IPU as may be actually received by him.

24. The Executive Committee shall have power to borrow upon such terms and subject to such conditions as may seem fit and to give security for the repayment thereof upon the real or personal property of the IPU in such manner as may seem expedient provided that the total indebtedness outstanding at any one time shall not, without the sanction of a resolution of the IPU in general meeting exceed €1 million. Such power of borrowing as aforesaid shall be exercisable on behalf of the IPU by and under the authority of the Executive Committee.

b. The property of the IPU shall only be applied to the promotion of the objects of the IPU.

18. A meeting of the members of the Executive Committee for the time being at which a quorum is present shall be competent to exercise all the authorities, powers and discretions by or under the regulations of the IPU for the time being vested in the Executive Committee generally.

e. In the case of a vacancy in the o ce of Trustee the IPU shall by resolution at an Annual or Special General Meeting appoint a new Trustee to fill such vacancy. The surviving or continuing Trustee or Trustees shall have power to act notwithstanding any vacancy in the number of Trustees.

c. The auditors shall make a report to the IPU in General Meeting on the accounts examined by them and such report shall contain statements as to so many of the matters mentioned in the 7th Schedule to the Companies Act 1963 and Section 11 of the Trade Union Act 1871 as amended or extended as are relevant to the accounts of the IPU save that references therein to the words “true and fair” shall be construed as meaning “just and true” and the words “profit and loss account” shall be construed as

a.The submission by the Executive Committee of their Annual Report, Revenue Account and Balance Sheet with the Auditor’s Report thereon for the consideration of, and, if approved, adoption by the meeting.

33.a. The Executive Committee may call a Special General Meeting whenever they shall think fit or desirable.

142 meaning “income and expenditure account”.

39.The President of the IPU, or in his absence the Vice-President, or them failing, some member of the Executive Committee shall preside at every General Meeting, but if there be no such person present and willing to preside within fi teen minutes a ter the time appointed for holding the meeting, the members present shall choose one of their number to preside.

Special General Meetings

38. If, within half an hour from the time appointed for the holding of a General Meeting, a quorum be not present: a.The meeting, if convened on the requisition of members, shall be dissolved; b. In any other case, it shall stand adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place, or at such other place as the Chairman shall appoint, and if at such adjourned meeting a quorum be not present within half an hour of the time appointed for holding the meeting, the members then present shall be and constitute a quorum.

34. No business shall be transacted at any Special General Meeting other than that for which it was convened and no business shall be transacted at any adjournment thereof other than that le t unfinished at the meeting from which such adjournment took place.

31.a. Notice of every Annual General Meeting shall be sent to each member by the Secretary General at least one calendar month clear before holding same.

36. Proper minutes of all General Meetings of the IPU shall be kept and recorded in the minute book. At the Annual General Meeting the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and those of any intervening Special Meeting shall be read and, subject to confirmation, duly signed. Any minute of any such meeting, if purporting to be signed by the Chairman of such meeting, shall be conclusive evidence, without any further proof, of the facts stated therein. No minutes of any previous or other General Meeting shall ordinarily be o ered for acceptance or signed at any Special General Meeting.

32. All General Meetings of the IPU other than Annual General Meetings shall be called “Special General Meetings” and all business transacted thereat shall be deemed to be special business.

28. The ordinary business to be transacted at each Annual General Meeting and which shall have priority to any other business shall be:

e. The auditors shall have a right to be heard at any General Meeting of the IPU which they attend on any part of the business of the meeting which concerns them as auditors.

37. No business shall be transacted at any General Meeting unless a quorum be present when the meeting proceeds to business. Subject to Article 38, the quorum shall be, for all purposes, ten members personally present.

b. A further notice shall be sent to each member at least five days before the date of the Annual Meeting specifying and including the motions which shall have been given in accordance with Article 30.

Annual General Meeting

40. The Chairman at all General Meetings shall have full authority as to their conduct and control, shall determine the order in which business is to be transacted and

35. Fourteen days’ notice at least of all Special General Meetings shall be sent to each member by the Secretary General and such notice shall specify the time and place of the meeting and the business to be transacted thereat. The accidental omission to send such notice or the nonreceipt thereof by any member shall not invalidate any resolution passed or proceedings had at any such meeting.

d.Every auditor appointed by the Trustees shall have a right of access at all reasonable times to the books and accounts and vouchers of the IPU and shall be entitled to require from the o cers of the IPU such information and explanations as he or they feel necessary for the performance of the duties of the auditors.

b. The declaration of election of members of the Executive Committee in place of those retiring, of the committees of the regions.

30. A member wishing to bring before the Annual General Meeting any motion not relating to the ordinary business of the meeting shall give due notice thereof in writing not less than 21 days before the date at which such meeting shall be held and no such motion shall come before the meeting unless such due notice shall have been given.

b. The Executive Committee shall call a Special General Meeting of the IPU whenever a requisition in writing signed by not less than thirty members of the IPU stating fully the objects of the proposed meeting shall be delivered at the o ce of the IPU. No person other than a member who is duly registered and who shall have paid every subscription (and other sum, if any) which shall be due and payable to the IPU in respect of his membership shall be entitled to sign a requisition to call a Special General Meeting.

c. The election of Auditors.

29. When the ordinary business of the Annual General Meeting has been completed any business or matter which the Executive Committee thinks proper to introduce shall be entered upon and discussed and the opinion of the meeting shall, if necessary, be taken thereon. A ter all business introduced by the Executive Committee has been disposed of it shall be competent for any member of the IPU to bring under the consideration of the meeting any business which may be lawfully entertained at such meeting and to give notice of a proposition for consideration at a future meeting.

27. The Annual General Meeting of the IPU shall be held once in each calendar year on such day or days and at such place as the Executive Committee shall appoint.

e. The printed name and address of the Secretary General to whom the voting paper is to be returned.

47.a. On a show of hands every member present in person shall have one vote.

54. Where election to membership of any committee is held by ballot, the procedure shall be as follows: the Secretary General shall issue not less than 21 days before the date of the election to each member qualified to vote a voting paper which shall be in such form as the Executive Committee shall direct and shall contain the following a.Theparticulars:names, in alphabetical order of the surnames, of the

41. At all General Meetings (other than a Special General Meeting convened on the requisition of members, to which the provisions of Article 45 shall apply), a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands by a majority of the members present in person and entitled to vote, unless before the vote is taken or upon the declaration of the result of the show of hands a poll be demanded in writing by the Chairman or by at least five members personally present and entitled to vote, and, unless a poll be so demanded, a declaration by the Chairman of the meeting that a resolution has been carried, or has been carried by a particular majority, or lost, or not carried by a particular majority, shall be conclusive, and an entry to that e ect in the Minute Book of the IPU shall be conclusive evidence thereof, without proof of the number or proportion of the votes recorded in favour of or against such resolution.

Voting at Election of Regional Committees

45. At all Special General Meetings convened under the provisions of Article 33.b. on the requisition of members no resolution adopted shall be valid unless passed by a majority of three-fourths of the members voting personally thereat or by proxy. Except as regards the right to demand a poll, the procedure to be adopted in ascertaining the vote shall be, otherwise, in accordance with the provisions of Article 41.

53. The voting papers, duly sealed or otherwise fastened up, shall be delivered or returned by post prepaid so that they may be received not later than 10.00 a.m. on the day seven days previous to the election. Procedure to be carried out therea ter as outlined in Articles 57, 58 and 59.

c. The day on or previous to which the voting paper is to be d.Areturned.noticethat the names of the candidates for whom the member does not intend to vote must be struck out in ink, and that the member voting must write his name and address on the outside of the cover; also that if the voting paper be returned a ter the prescribed date or without the member’s name and address on the cover, or with more names le t uncancelled than there are vacancies to be filled, it shall be void.

49. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing under the hand of the appointer and shall be deposited at the o ce of the IPU not less than 48 hours before the time appointed for holding the meeting at which the person named in such instrument proposes to vote.

52. The Secretary General shall also issue, with the beforementioned voting paper, a cover suitable for its return, on which cover shall be plainly printed a notice that nothing else is to be enclosed therein, and on which shall be a suitable space for the signature and address of the voter.

44. The demand for a poll shall not prevent the continuance of a meeting for the transaction of any business other than the question or matter on which a poll has been demanded.

42. If a poll be demanded in manner aforesaid, it shall be taken at such time and place and in such manner as the Chairman of the meeting shall direct, and the result of the poll shall be deemed to be the resolution of the meeting at which the poll was demanded.

43. No poll shall be demanded on the election of a Chairman of a meeting or on any question of adjournment.

48. No person shall be appointed a proxy who is not a member of the IPU and entitled as such to vote.

50. The Executive Committee shall appoint dates for the Regional Annual General Meetings of the eight regions at which, biennially, elections to the committees of these regions shall be held. Each candidate for election must be a member of the IPU and of the Region in respect of which the election is being held.

a.The names, in alphabetical order of the surnames, of the candidates nominated, and the names and addresses of their respective nominators. b. The number of vacancies to be filled.

Voting at Election of Group Committees

143 resolutions proposed, and shall have all other rights, necessary and proper, including in the case of an equality of votes at any meeting (whether on a show of hands or at the poll) a casting vote in addition to any vote to which he may be entitled as a member, and also the power of adjournment.

Votes of Members 46. No person other than a member who is duly registered and who shall have paid every subscription (and other sum, if any) which shall be due and payable to the IPU in respect of his Membership, shall be entitled to be present or to vote on any question at any General Meeting or in the election of Regional or IPU Committees.

b. On a poll every member shall have one vote which may be given either personally or by proxy.

Nomination for Election to Regional Committees

51. If an election for membership of the Committees of the Regions is held by ballot, the Secretary General shall issue, not less than 21 days before the date of the election, to each member qualified to vote, a voting paper for each region as listed in Article 5, which shall be in such form as the Executive Committee shall direct and shall contain the following particulars:

59. The report of the Scrutineers shall be read to the Annual General Meeting by the Chairman thereof and shall be conclusive as to the fact of election notwithstanding any irregularity or informality.

62. The Executive Committee, if they shall see occasion so to do, may suspend any member of the Executive Committee from acting in that capacity, provided eight members of the Executive Committee at least are present at the meeting at which such suspension shall be resolved upon, and that three-fourths at the least of such members present consent thereto.

61. The o ce of President, Vice-President, Honorary Treasurer or member of the Executive Committee shall be vacated by any person who shall: a.Cease, for any reason, to be a member of the IPU; b. Hold any o ce or place of profit under the IPU; c. Become of unsound mind; d.Become bankrupt or have a receiving order made against him or make any composition with his creditors; or e. Be absent from three consecutive meetings of the Executive Committee without the consent of the Executive Committee.

a.The total number of voting papers issued.

56. The voting papers, duly sealed or otherwise fastened up, shall be delivered or returned by post prepaid so that they may be received not later than 10.00 a.m. on the day seven days previous to the election.

58. The Scrutineers alone shall open and examine the voting papers, and the result of the election shall be declared in their report, which shall be signed by them, and shall contain the following particulars:

b. The number of vacancies to be filled.

d.The total number of votes in favour of each candidate. e. The names of those who are duly elected.

a.If, whether in the course of acting in a professional or business capacity, or in the course of acting in the capacity of an employer or employee, or otherwise howsoever, he has been guilty of misconduct. For this purpose, misconduct includes any act or default likely to bring discredit upon the IPU or its members or any part of its members. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing the fact that a member has been convicted by a court of any o ence involving dishonesty, violence or indecency or has in any civil proceedings been found to have acted fraudulently or dishonestly shall be conclusive proof that he has been guilty of misconduct;

57. The Secretary General shall deliver the voting papers, unopened, to four scrutineers appointed by the President (the “Scrutineers”).

b. No individual shall be a member of both the Investigation Committee and the Disciplinary Committee at the same time.

e. The printed name and address of the Secretary General to whom the voting paper is to be returned.

b. Where any such facts or matters have been laid before it, the Investigation Committee shall have power to

Resignations and Disqualifications of Executive Committee

c. The day on or previous to which the voting paper is to be d.Areturned.noticethat the names of the candidates for whom the member does not intend to vote must be struck out in ink and that a member voting must write his name and address on the outside of the cover; also that if the voting paper be returned a ter the prescribed date or without the member’s name and address on the cover or with more names le t uncancelled than there are vacancies to be filled it shall be void.

55. The Secretary General shall also issue with the beforementioned voting papers, a cover suitable for its return on which cover shall be plainly printed a notice that nothing else is to be enclosed therein, and on which shall be a suitable space for the signature and address of the voter.

60. Any member of the Executive Committee may send in his resignation in writing to the Executive Committee, and upon the acceptance of such resignation by the Executive Committee, and the entry of same on the minutes, he shall cease to be a member thereof.

64.a. The Executive Committee shall from time to time appoint, from among IPU members, an investigation Committee and a disciplinary Committee and, from amongst the members of the Executive Committee, an appeal Committee (respectively referred to as the “Investigation Committee”, “Disciplinary Committee” and “Appeal Committee”).

66.a. It shall be the right of every member of the IPU and of any other person to bring to the attention of the Secretary General, any facts or matters indicating that any member of the IPU may have become liable to disciplinary action in accordance with these Articles, and it shall be the duty of the Secretary General to lay such facts and matters before the Investigation Committee.

Discipline and Expulsion of Members

b. The total number returned. c. The number rejected (if any) and the grounds of rejection.

63. A member of the IPU shall be liable to disciplinary action in accordance with these Articles in any of the following cases, whether or not he was a member at the time of the occurrence giving rise to his or its becoming so liable:

c. Decisions of the Investigation, Disciplinary and Appeal Committees shall be made on the passing of a simple majority vote.

b. If he has committed any breach of the IPU’s Constitution or rule or regulation of the IPU for the time being in force.

65. The Investigation Committee shall consist of five members, and at least one member of the Investigation Committee must always be a member of the Executive Committee. The quorum for meetings of the Investigation Committee shall be any three thereof, including a member of the Executive Committee, and any meeting thereof at which a quorum is present shall be competent to exercise all the functions and powers conferred upon the Investigation Committees by these Articles.

144 candidates nominated, and the names and addresses of their respective nominators.

c. If at any time during the course of the hearing of an appeal

67.a. The Disciplinary Committee shall consist of not less than three members, and at least one member for the time being of the Disciplinary Committee must always be a member of the Executive Committee. Three members of the Disciplinary Committee (including at least one who is a member of the Executive Committee) shall be a quorum.

68.a. On receipt of a formal complaint from the Investigation Committee, the Disciplinary Committee shall as soon as practicable, cause the respondent to be notified of the nature of the complaint and of the time and place fixed for the hearing and give the respondent an opportunity of being heard before it.

d.Whenever a complaint is re-heard pursuant to paragraph c. of this Article, all or any one or more of the members of the original tribunal may be appointed to the new tribunal.

b. Any such order as is referred to in paragraph a. of this Article may be made upon such terms and conditions (if any) as the Disciplinary Committee may consider appropriate, and (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) the Disciplinary Committee may in its discretion direct that the taking e ect of any such order should be suspended until such date as it thinks fit.

c. If at any time the Disciplinary Committee is of the opinion that it is for any reason impracticable for the original tribunal to complete the hearing of a complaint, it shall direct that the complaint be heard by a new tribunal.

69.a. If the Disciplinary Committee is of the opinion that a formal complaint has been proved in whole or in part, it shall make a finding to that e ect; and in that event it may make any one of the following orders against the respondent as it considers appropriate having regard to the status of the respondent and the Disciplinary Committee’s views as to the nature and seriousness of the complaint and other circumstances which the Disciplinary Committee considers relevant: (1) that the respondent be excluded from membership of the (2)thatIPU; the respondent be suspended from rights of membership of the IPU for such period not exceeding two years as shall be specified in the order; (3)that the respondent be reprimanded; (4) that the respondent be admonished; (5)require the respondent to pay the cost of and incidental to the inquiry concerning such conduct; (6)require that the respondent give an undertaking in writing to abstain from the same specified conduct.

145 call for, and it shall be the duty of any member of the IPU to provide, such further information (if any) as the Investigation Committee may consider necessary to enable it to decide whether or not a prima facie case has been made out against the member concerned (in these Articles called “the respondent”), and before reaching such decision the Investigation Committee may in its absolute discretion give the respondent an opportunity of being heard before it or of making written representations.

c. If the Investigation Committee is of the opinion that a prima facie case as aforesaid has been made out and that in all the circumstances the case ought to be referred to the Disciplinary Committee, it shall prefer a formal complaint to the Disciplinary Committee and shall send to such committee a summary of the facts and matters which were before the Investigation Committee together with a summary or copy of any representations made by or on behalf of the respondent to the Investigation Committee, and shall at the same time cause the respondent to be informed that it is preferring a formal complaint to the Disciplinary Committee.

d.The Investigation Committee may also at any time advise any member of the IPU regarding to such member’s behaviour in a professional or business capacity.

70.a. Unless the Disciplinary Committee shall direct otherwise in the exercise of the discretion conferred on it by Article 69.b. any order of the Disciplinary Committee made under Article 69.a. shall take e ect as from the date of such order. In the case of any order made under sub-paragraph (1) of this Article 69.a. the name of the respondent shall be struck o the register of members on the date as from which such order takes e ect, and the respondent shall thereupon cease to be a member of the IPU. b. Notice of any order of the Disciplinary Committee made under Article 69.a. shall as soon as practicable be given to the respondent and to the Executive Committee.

b. If a formal complaint is referred to the Disciplinary Committee under Article 66.c. the Disciplinary Committee shall appoint not less than three of its members (to be referred to as a tribunal and to include at least one who is a member of the Executive Committee), to hear the complaint and the tribunal so appointed shall in relation to that complaint be competent to exercise all the functions and powers conferred on the Disciplinary Committee by these Articles.

71.a. If the Disciplinary Committee makes any order under Article 69.a. against the respondent, the respondent may within twenty-one days of the date of the service upon him of such order, give notice of appeal in writing addressed to the Secretary General. Any such notice shall state the grounds of appeal and the grounds so stated shall not therea ter be amended except with the leave of the Appeal Committee.

c. If, notwithstanding its findings that a formal complaint has been proved, the Disciplinary Committee is of the opinion that in all the circumstances of the case no such order as is referred to in paragraph a. of this Article is appropriate, it may make an order that no further action be taken on such formal complaint.

b. The Appeal Committee shall consist of not less than five members of the Executive Committee but no member of the Investigation Committee or of the Disciplinary Committee shall be eligible for appointment as a member of such Appeal Committee. Three members of the Appeal Committee shall constitute a quorum for the hearing of an appeal.

b. The Investigation Committee may appoint the Secretary General or any member of the IPU to support any formal complaint before the Disciplinary Committee.

77. No article of the Constitution of the IPU shall be altered, amended, or rescinded, nor shall any new article be made save by:

146 the Appeal Committee is of the opinion that it is for any reason impracticable for it to complete the hearing, it shall inform the Executive Committee who shall direct the appeal to be re-heard by a new Appeal Committee.

72.a. As soon as practicable a ter its appointment, the Appeal Committee shall cause the respondent to be notified of the time and place fixed for the hearing of the appeal. The Appeal Committee shall give the respondent an opportunity of being heard before it.

b. Where the Executive Committee pursuant to paragraph a. of this Article, resolves to rescind any order made by the Disciplinary Committee under sub-paragraph (1) of Article 69.a. being an order pursuant to which the name of the respondent has been struck o the register of members in accordance with Article 70.a. the name of the respondent shall, on the date of the passing of such resolution or on such later date (if any) as may be specified in such resolution, be restored to that part of the register of members from which it was so struck o . 75. In Articles 66.d. to 74 (both inclusive) unless inconsistent with the subject or context: a.“hearing” in relation to a complaint or appeal includes the making of any finding or order upon or in connection with the complaint or appeal and also where appropriate, includes a re- hearing; b. “order” (except in Article 69), includes any finding, term or condition in consequence of or upon which the order is made. 76.a. A member of the IPU who is suspended from rights of member- ship by any order made by the Disciplinary Committee under Article 69.a.2 or by the Appeal Committee under Article 73.b. shall not (subject as otherwise expressly provided for) at any time during the period of such suspension be entitled to exercise any of the rights conferred (whether by or pursuant to these Articles or otherwise howsoever) upon the members of the IPU and (without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) shall not at any time during such period be entitled to participate in any of the facilities from time to time provided by the IPU or be entitled to receive notice of or to attend or vote (either in person or by representative or by proxy) at any General Meeting of the IPU or be entitled to vote at any election or at any special election held pursuant to elections to the IPU’s Committees, or be eligible to remain a member of the Executive Committee, or be eligible to become or able to remain a member of any other committee or subcommittee of the IPU. Provided always that nothing in this a.shallparagraphprejudice or impair any rights which the member may have as the respondent under Articles 66.d. to 74 (both inclusive).

74.a. The Executive Committee may, at any time, of its own motion, or on the application of the respondent, by resolution modify or rescind any order made by the Disciplinary Committee or the Appeal Committee on such terms and conditions (if any) as the Executive Committee considers appropriate, provided however that the e ect of such a resolution shall not be more severe to the respondent than the order of the Disciplinary Committee or (as the case may be) of the Appeal Committee which is thereby modified or rescinded.

b. The suspension of a member of either class of the IPU by any order made by the Disciplinary Committee under Article 69.a.2 or by the Appeal Committee under Article 73.b. shall in no way a ect or prejudice the liability of such member or the liability of his personal representative or trustee in bankruptcy, to pay to the IPU any sums which prior to the date of such order have become payable to the IPU by such member, whether by way of annual subscription, entrance fee, or transfer fee or otherwise howsoever.

b. The Investigation Committee may appoint the Secretary General or any member of the IPU to appear at the hearing of any appeal.

d.Whenever an appeal is re-heard pursuant to paragraph c. of this Article all of any one or more of the members of the original Appeal Committee may be appointed to the new Appeal Committee.

b. On any appeal the Appeal Committee may a rm, vary or rescind the order of the Disciplinary Committee under Article 69.a. and may substitute any other order (on such terms and conditions (if any) as it thinks appropriate) which the Disciplinary Committee might have made under Article 69.a. on the original formal complaint, provided nevertheless that no such substituted order shall be more severe than the order of the Disciplinary Committee which is appealed against.

d.Notice of any order of the Appeal Committee shall as soon as practic- able be given to the respondent and the Executive Committee.

c. Any order of the Appeal Committee shall take e ect as from the date thereof; and accordingly where the order appealed against is one made by the Disciplinary Committee under sub-paragraph (1) of Article 69.a. the name of the respondent has pursuant to such order been struck o the register of members in accordance with Article 70.a. and the Appeal Committee rescinds such order or substitutes any other order therefor, the name of the respondent shall on such date be restored to that part of the register of members from which it was struck o .

73.a. On any appeal, the Appeal Committee shall take into consideration the record of the evidence before and the documents produced to the Disciplinary Committee on its hearing of the formal complaint, but may in its absolute discretion re-hear any witness called before the Disciplinary Committee and may on specific grounds (as to which the Appeal Committee shall be the sole judge) receive fresh evidence.

Procedure for Alteration of Constitution

Arbitration 78. First Stage a.Every e ort should be made to settle disputes and/or di erences between members of the IPU or groups of members by direct negotiation in the first stage.

k. The quorum for a meeting of the Arbitration Board shall be four, including one member from each group where an inter-group is involved.

c. A Postal Ballot of IPU members may be held at the discretion of the Executive Committee. The alteration or amendment shall not be valid unless passed by a majority of three- fourths of the valid poll.

147 a.Resolution of a General Meeting of the IPU upon a proposal of which notice in writing shall have been given in accordance with the rules governing Special General Meetings or Annual General Meetings. No such resolutions shall be valid unless passed by a majority of three-fourths of the members voting personally thereat, or by proxy.

e. The members shall be all appointed by the Executive Committee if the dispute is between the members of one group. f. If the dispute is between the two groups, or members from the two groups, then each of the groups will appoint two members to the Arbitration Board and the Chairman of the Arbitration Board shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and he need not be a member of the IPU or associated with the profession of pharmacy in any way.

l. Each party to the dispute will be required to make a written submission to the Arbitration Board and the Arbitration Board may request the attendance of individuals to elaborate on a submission or to answer any question arising from the submission. The Arbitration Board may also request the evidence of individuals who are not directly involved in the dispute.

n.The deliberations of the Arbitration Board will be in conditions of complete confidentiality.

Second Stage b. Any such dispute or di erence which cannot be resolved in this way will be referred to the IPU’s President who, if negotiation is required, shall, following consultation with the other o cers, appoint a Chairman from a di erent group from the party or parties to the dispute. The Chairman will endeavour to act as a conciliator and report the outcome to the President.

The Arbitration Board d.The Arbitration Board shall consist of six members and a Chairman.

m.It shall be the duty of the Secretary General to summon meetings of the Arbitration Board and to prepare the agenda of the meetings which will be circulated, not less than seven days before each meeting. It shall also be his duty to keep and circulate minutes of proceedings and generally to carry out the reasonable instructions of the Chairman in all matters relating to the proper working of the Board.

j.Meetings of the Arbitration Board shall normally take place at the IPU’s o ces.

Present Trustees

q.The Arbitration Board shall not be subordinate to the IPU’s Executive Committee.

The Present Trustees are: Mr. John Carey Ms. Marie Hogan Mr. Tony Walsh

h.If the Executive Committee fails to agree on a Chairman he shall be appointed in conjunction with the Labour Court.

Third Stage c. If conciliation fails to resolve a dispute or di erence the Executive Committee, if it considers the issue to be su ciently serious, will refer the matter to the IPU’s arbitration board as comprised in accordance with the procedure set out immediately below (the “Arbitration Board”).

o. The Arbitration Board’s decisions will be conveyed, in writing, by the Chairman to all parties to disputes and to the Executive Committee.

Dissolution 79. The IPU may be dissolved by a resolution of a General Meeting passed by two- thirds majority of the members present and entitled to vote, all members having been given 21 days’ previous notice in writing of the intention to propose such resolution at such meeting.

b. No resolution shall be put forward at any General Meeting to alter, amend or rescind any article of the Constitution which had been previously altered, amended or rescinded at either of the two previous Annual General Meetings or at any Special General Meeting which has taken place since the first of the aforementioned meetings, unless notice of such a resolution has been to the Secretary General at least 21 days before the date on which such a meeting shall be held and the prior consent of the Executive Committee shall have been obtained.

g.The Chairman of the Arbitration Board shall be appointed by the Executive Committee and he need not be a member of the IPU or associated with the profession of pharmacy in any way.

i.The Secretary General shall act as Secretary to the Arbitration Board.

Powers p. The Arbitration Board shall be required to act in last resort situations and its decisions shall be final and binding.

the agenda: “That in accordance with Article 77 of the Constitution, the existing Constitution be amended and replaced with a new Constitution attached herewith”. The motion was carried and the change of name to Irish Pharmacy Union took e ect from that date. Tom Miller (Chairman)......................................................................1973 – 1974 Jack O’Farrell.......................................................................................1974 – 1976 Aidan O’Shea......................................................................................1976 – 1978 Tim O’Malley......................................................................................1978 – 1980 Tom Farmer.....................................................................................1980 – 1982 Charles Roche....................................................................................1982 – 1984 John Kingston....................................................................................1984 – 1986 David Butler.....................................................................................1986 – 1988 Patrick Geoghegan...........................................................................1988 – 1992 Tony Walsh......................................................................................1992 – 1994 John Carey.....................................................................................1994 – 1996 Diarmuid O’Donovan.......................................................................1996 – 1998 Brendan Quinn.................................................................................1998 – 2000 Marie Hogan....................................................................................2000 – 2002 Richard Collis....................................................................................2002 – 2004 Karl Hilton....................................................................................2004 – 2006 Michael Guckian..............................................................................2006 – 2007 Michael Guckian..............................................................................2007 – 2008 Elizabeth Hoctor...............................................................................2008 – 2010 Darragh O’Loughlin...........................................................................2010 – 2012 Rory O’Donnell...................................................................................2012 – 2014 Kathy Maher......................................................................................2014 – 2016 Daragh Connolly...............................................................................2016 – 2020 Eoghan Hanly.....................................................................................2020 – 2021


Past Presidents Irish Pharmacy Union

The Irish Pharmaceutical Union was formally registered in 1973, but the National Executive Committee, at which the first President was elected, was not held until 8 September 1974. Mr Tom Miller held the position of Chairman until election of the first President in 1974. held in the Westin Hotel, Dublin on 2007. There was one item on

Past PresidentsIrish Pharmaceutical Union

A Special General Meeting of the Irish Pharmaceutical Union was

7 November

5. Pharmacy Contractors’ Committee

7. Employee Pharmacists’ Committee

Social Media

2. Members

3. Mission of the IPU

The mission of the IPU is summarised in Article 2.a. of the Constitution “to promote the economic and professional interests of members…” The economic and professional welfare of members are not mutually exclusive and success under one heading will have a positive impact on the other. The IPU will therefore pursue both objectives simultaneously in a strategic, professional and coherent manner. It does this through the Executive, Community Pharmacy, Pharmacy Contractors’, and Employee Pharmacists’ Committees.

1. Introduction The Irish Pharmacy Union’s Constitution, which is reproduced in full elsewhere in this Yearbook/Diary sets out the role of the IPU and defines the arrangements and structures through which it must conduct its business. The Constitution must comply with the requirements of the Friendly Societies Act 1871, and changes in it must be approved by the Registrar.

complete their VAT return by populating the spreadsheet with PCRS purchases and sales information. The spreadsheet and guide can be downloaded from < Resources < Business < Vat Scheme For further information regarding the revised scheme, or any other VAT queries, please contact Ciara Enright at or by phone on 01 4936401.

The main responsibility of this Committee is to negotiate adequate reward for pharmacists with Government for all services delivered on behalf of the State. The Committee also works closely with other key stakeholders on an ongoing basis.


4. Executive Committee

The IPU’s Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram pages are updated regularly with IPU’s news, press releases, campaigns and much more. You can find links to our social media pages on the IPU website. For campaigns that we run, we produce a social media kit for members to download from the IPU website and use on their own channels. You can also look for us on Instagram by searching ‘irishpharmacyunion’. To view the IPU Facebook Page, log on to your Facebook account and search for ‘Irish Pharmacy Union’. You can follow the IPU on Twitter at @IrishPharmacy. Our LinkedIn company page is available by searching for ‘Irish Pharmacy Union’ on the LinkedIn website. We encourage members to follow our pages and like/share our content to help further push our message. We also have an IPU YouTube page where we upload videos from our advertising campaigns, as well as sharing interviews of IPU members with the media. You can view our page at PharmacyUnion

IPU Policy and Structures

6. Community Pharmacy Committee

The Community Pharmacy Committee is responsible for the promotion and development of the profession, and the development of business, training, and IT agendas.

The Employee Pharmacists’ Committee is responsible for promoting the professional and economic interests of employee pharmacists and constructively engaging with relevant stakeholders to ensure that the employee pharmacists’ perspective is always considered in all relevant matters.

8. Sta Responsibilities

The Secretary General and Sta of the IPU are responsible for pursuing and implementing the strategies and actions agreed by the Committees. 9. Success Members of the IPU at all levels work together to achieve their aims and objectives and to successfully manage, negotiate and implement change on an ongoing basis.

The policy of the IPU is determined by members working through regional and national structures. Members meeting in Annual General Meetings pass resolutions on IPU policy and other matters, and any changes to the Constitution must be passed by three-quarters of the members voting. The membership of the IPU consists predominantly of pharmacists who designate themselves as working in Community Pharmacy in their annual return to the Pharmaceutical Society of Ireland.

The IPU VAT Scheme was approved by the Revenue Commissioners from 1 September 2012. The scheme operates by marking-up purchases for resale at the positive VAT rates to arrive at corresponding sales at these positive VAT rates. Pharmacists will have PCRS statements that provide sales details for a significant portion of their turnover. The correct operation of the scheme is dependent on the accuracy of the mark-up percentages applied to purchases and each pharmacy must ensure that the mark-ups used are a true reflection of the value and volume of that pharmacy’s business. For more information go to spreadsheettogetherTheresources/business/vat-scheme/,withaguide,tocompletingthethatallowspharmaciesto

IPU VAT Scheme

The Executive Committee has overall responsibility for all policy, strategy and management issues.

In the member’s section, the main headers in the menu are:

Employee Pharmacists – Checklists, schemes and code of Marketingpractice; Resources – Ad campaign and promotional Recruitmentmaterials; – Current vacancies in pharmacies; Letters – Compendium of letters the IPU has sent to the Dept Health, HSE, PSI and other bodies; Human Resources – Human resources information and Lobbyingguidance; – TD and Senator details and public a airs campaigns; and IPU AGM – Reports from the latest AGM.

• Resources – Most content is in this part of the mega menu and laid out as individual sub-sections, such as Professional – SOPs & Guidelines, Legislation, Headache Pilot HSEetc; Contract – PCRS updates, Schemes information; Coronavirus – Vaccination Hubs, COVID-19 information; Business – VAT Scheme, Business Regulations; IPU Product File – Monthly change to the IPU Product File, Medicine Shortages, Product Recalls etc; ICT – Data Protection, Information Security, Healthmail etc.,

the pharmacy contract. Telephone:

a meeting

• About – Information about IPU sta , IPU committees, the Statement of Strategy and member benefits

• Training & CPD – IPU Training courses and access to IPU Academy;


Ÿ If your pharmacy is inspected by the


Ÿ For assistance

• IPU Bookmarks – Easy access to IPUnet, IPU Product File download site, the National Health Products Catalogue website, www.nhpc. ie, IPU Pharmacist Link, IPU Mail, and the IPU Bookshop.

The HSE Contract and IPU Product File sub-sections of the website are available to Proprietor Members only, as well as certain pages within the Business and Professional sub-sections. on any part of on all aspects of processing claims; in responding to direct from the HSE PCRS; to with HSE PCRS; HSE subject If being under 01 406 1557 / 01 493 6401 Derek Reilly, Contract Manager,

Ÿ If you are called

you are

the pharmacy contract; Ÿ For advice

PCRS; Ÿ If you are

to a claims investigation; and Ÿ

• News & Publications – News, GMs, the IPU Review, the Annual Report and Reports & Submissions all have their own homes;



The IPU website,, is a tool for members to source up to date information on a wide range of issues relevant to their profession and their business. The website contains current issues of concern to community pharmacy along with developments in legislation and regulations, professional, contractual, IT and business assistance, coverage in the media and access to information on services provided by the IPU to its members. In 2021, we o cially launched a brand new website. The purpose of the new design is to make the website easier for members to navigate and to find important information.

2022 Training Activities for IPU Members and Sta Courses run by or through the IPU

IPU Pharmacy Retail Sales Course (eLearning)

The IPU Basics in Health and Nutrition Course provides information on health and nutrition, as well as an overview on how nutritional supplements can assist health and wellbeing. The course aims to equip participants with the knowledge, skills and competence to appropriately engage with patients and customers, and give advice on the required vitamins, minerals and supplements solutions. This highly interactive one-day course is specifically for pharmacy technicians and pharmacy sta .

The IPU Pharmacy Technician Course is a two-year distance learning course for pharmacy sta who work in the dispensary. This course leads to a BTEC Level 3 Diploma Qualification which is accredited by Pearson International. The comprehensive course, which is delivered and administered by the IPU, prepares pharmacy technicians to assist pharmacists in ensuring the delivery of a high quality pharmacy service to patients in an e cient and cost-e ective manner.

IPU Basics in Health and Nutrition Course (1 Day, Tutor-Directed Online Workshop)

The IPU Pharmacy Retail Sales eLearning course provides the pharmacy sales assistant with the knowledge and understanding of the various sales techniques used for up-selling and cross selling within a retail pharmacy. The course has been designed for the experienced pharmacy sales assistant who wants to refresh their skills to improve and/or increase pharmacy sales. It is also appropriate for the new pharmacy sales assistant to develop their sales ability and gain essential knowledge and skill to engage with customers to maximise pharmacy sales. Studying online, the pharmacy sales assistant can select their own learning environment that works best for them, at any time all year round. The learner is required to constantly interact with the learning content, take notes, answer test questions on each topic and complete an assessment on course completion. This course should be completed topic by topic over a 4 - 5 week timeframe.

Simultaneously, it aims to ensure that pharmacy technicians have the necessary knowledge and skill to demonstrate professionalism and deliver person-centred care from day one of practice.


The Medicines in Care Homes training pack has been designed to assist pharmacists in providing training on the management of medication to care sta working in residential care settings. The provision of training to care sta is a requirement of the National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland, published by HIQA. The training can be used as an introduction to medicines for new care sta or as a refresher for existing sta .

The IPU recognises that all pharmacy technicians and the pharmacy team should be a orded continuing professional development (CPD). These courses will equip the learner with practical advice which will be easy to implement and will further enhance their role on the pharmacy dispensary team. They have been designed to engage the learner using interactive on-screen content, quizzes, video presentations and a final assessment where the learner can print their own Certificate of Completion. By studying online, the learner chooses their own learning environment that works best for them. The learner is required to constantly interact with the learning content and take notes which makes learning easier and enjoyable leading to improved knowledge retention at their own pace and at a time that suits. These eLearning courses are on the IPU Moodle Platform; available to enrol and pay online with access to the course 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. These eLearning courses are available to purchase 24/7, 7 days a week that are placed on the Learning Management System on the IPU Moodle Platform.

IPU Medicines Counter Assistant Course (MCA) (8 Half Days, Tutor-Directed Online Workshops)

IPU Skin Solutions at the Counter Course (1 Day, Tutor-Directed Online Workshop)

The IPU Interact Pharmacy Assistant Course is the distance learning equivalent to the Medicines Counter Assistant Course. It is geared for all sta working on the pharmacy medicines counter including full time, part time and Saturday sta . This course increases medicine counter assistants’ product knowledge and develops the skills needed to work in pharmacy. The time span is six months.

IPU Medicines in Care Homes (Training Pack)

IPU Step Up to Supervising Pharmacist Course (1 Day, Tutor-Directed Online Workshop)

The IPU Skin Solutions at the Counter course gives an overview of the most common skin complaints presented in the pharmacy, skincare ingredients, how they work and who they would benefit. All material is transferable between skincare brands so would benefit any pharmacy assistant irrespective of the brands o ered in their store. This course aims to equip participants with the knowledge, skills and competence to best empower the customer to make the correct decisions for their skin health.

The IPU Step Up to Supervising Pharmacist has been designed to

IPU Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Courses (eLearning)

IPU Pharmacy Technician Course (BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Principles and Practice for Pharmacy Technicians) (Two Years, Distance Learning)

The IPU Medicines Counter Assistant Course (MCA) has flipped from face-to-face to Tutor-Directed Online Workshops, an half day a week, for eight consecutive weeks for pharmacy sta who work on the pharmacy medicines counter. The course material has been revised and updated giving the learner classroom, independent and workplace learning. The course continues to be interactive in nature and provides pharmacy sta with the skills and knowledge to deal e ectively and sensitively with customers in the pharmacy.

IPU Interact Pharmacy Assistant Course (Distance Learning)

ATHE Level 4 Extended Diploma in Business and Management (QQI Level 6) (9 Tutor-Directed Online Workshops)

The ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Accounting is ideal for managers, business owners or aspiring entrepreneurs. The course provides a solid understanding of accountancy terms, practices, techniques and legal issues that are central to the e cient running of a business.

The IPU Delegation Management Course is aimed at candidates who are in a supervisory or management role or aspire to be in the future. Good delegation skills support supervisors and managers, make the most productive use of their own time, improves team members’ knowledge and skills and the team’s job satisfaction. Good delegation practice also avoids managerial overload, stress and ultimately burn out. This virtual interactive workshop is delivered over one-day and uses case studies, role plays and group exercises in virtual breakout rooms.

The IPU Introduction to Employment Law and Employment Rights Course aims to provide Pharmacy Owners, Managers and Supervisors with a basic knowledge on Irish Employment Law, and the skill set to successfully develop employees as well as manage the performance of the team for optimum productivity. This eLearning course is available to purchase 24/7 and is placed on the Learning Management System on the IPU Moodle Platform.

Courses run by other companies on behalf of the IPU The IPU is continually reviewing its list of training courses and details of courses available will be advertised in the IPU Review, eNewsletter, General Memoranda and on To enrol and pay online for the above courses go to For further information on all the above courses please contact Janice or Susan on: Tel: 01 4936401 Direct Dial: 01 406 1555 Fax: 01 493 7352 Email: Web:

IPU Delegation Management Course (1 Day, Tutor-Directed Online Workshop)

ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Accounting (QQI Level 5) (7 Tutor-Directed Online Workshops)

Day 1 will cover an introduction to business finance and an understanding of what elements the dispensary team can directly impact upon. The course will also give a detailed view of dispensary finance including understanding your HSE payment schedule, fee structure and the costs associated with dispensing. Pharmacists will return for Day 2 four weeks later, having worked through a financial end of month and claim cycle, for a more detailed look at Supplier Terms, Purchasing, Preferred Products and Dispensing, Stockholding, and managing overheads in order to have a direct positive impact on the financial health of the pharmacy(s) they operate in.

IPU Introduction to Employment Law and Employment Rights (eLearning)

The IPU Supervisory Development Course is an introduction to Leadership and Management and is aimed at candidates who are in a supervisory or management role or aspire to be in the future. This Interactive workshop is delivered over two days, one Month Apart. Day one specifically focuses on the development of the supervisor in skills such as communication and delegation. Day two focuses on the skills needed by the supervisor to maximise the performance of the individual team member.

IPU Bootcamp in Pharmacy Finance Course (2 Days, 1 Month Apart, Tutor-Directed Online Workshops)

This course has been designed to allow pharmacists compliment their clinical skills with the knowledge and skills to understand the financial aspects of pharmacy business. It will equip pharmacists with an understanding of general and dispensary finance and help them to understand how they and their dispensary teams directly a ect cash flow and profitability each month.

The study of Accountancy is underpinned by applied learning in accounting practice, accounting techniques and management information systems. This qualification – ATHE Level 3 Diploma in Accounting (60 Credits) – provides opportunities for learners to develop underpinning knowledge and skills and supports the progression of learners to higher qualification levels and job role advancement in an organisation.

152 help prepare Pharmacists for the transition to Supervising Pharmacist. The course will give a grounding in your legal and professional responsibilities to the regulator and those under the HSE contract. It will equip pharmacists with the knowledge required to carry out the role and assist them in building strong relationships with their Superintendents and Owners. Classes of fellow pharmacists will provide a forum to discuss and work through concerns that you may have about moving into the role. Recommended for pharmacists with 1-2 years post-registered experience, those returning to the profession or those who have recently joined the register from another country.

IPU Supervisory Development Course (2 Days, 1 Month Apart, Tutor-Directed Online Workshops)

The ATHE Level 4 Extended Diploma in Business and Management is ideal for new or existing managers, supervisors and even aspiring entrepreneurs. The study of Business and Management develops knowledge and understanding in a wide range of subject areas such as Communications, Marketing, Human Resources and Finance. The study of Business and Management is also relevant to support progression for learners to higher qualification levels and job role advancement in an organisation. This qualification – ATHE Level 4 Extended Diploma in Business and Management (120 Credits) – provides opportunities for learners to develop underpinning skills, personal qualities and attitudes essential for successful performance in working life. It also provides a range of knowledge and understanding of subject matter related to business and management.

Either way P60s should be received from all pharmacies where you are employed at the year-end (even if you have not physically worked there for a number of months) which should then be collated together and a balancing statement completed for your tax return before the following October.

To facilitate the treatment of the locum as an employee the following guidelines can be followed: Employers Locum to be registered as an employee on the first instance of engagement (either using the Locum’s tax credits/allowances or under the emergency tax method) – the locum can then stay on your books until such time as the complete cessation of the arrangement. P45’s do not need to be issued a ter each period of employment even if there are long periods of non-employment. At the end of the tax year a P60 is issued to each member of sta including the locums – this completes the employer’s liability. A P45 is issued when the relationship between the pharmacy and the locum ends.

•Make data driven decisions while monitoring the health of your business against the •Gainmarket.visibility of up-to-date monthly market trends.

Locums The locum can approach the dispersal of their tax credits in one of two ways: Example 1.A locum who works for one or more pharmacies on a regular basis can allocate their personal tax credits and allowances pro rata between the pharmacies; e.g. work 2 days for Pharmacy A, 2 days for Pharmacy B and 1 day for various other pharmacies per week. The locum can split their tax credits between the 2 main employments; i.e. 50% tax credits/allowances to each of Pharmacy A and B and then be employed under the emergency tax regime for any other employments.

Revenue is very definite on the fact that, with the exception of extreme circumstances, locum pharmacists will always be deemed to be employees. Should you have any doubt about your own circumstances you are advised to contact your local revenue o ce for clarification.

Gain FREE access to our ‘Pharmacy Watch’ portal and monthly reports for participating members, by simply sharing your data.

2.Alternatively if they are only working for 1 main pharmacy on a regular basis, they can allocate 100% of their tax credits/allowances to that pharmacy and operate all other employments as an employee under the emergency tax regime.

The overriding rule within Revenue is that ‘the country in which the tax is earned is the country in which the tax is paid’. Therefore all cross-border locums should be registered as an employee in the Republic of Ireland and will, therefore, be issued with the necessary tax credits/allowances, etc. They should then be treated the same way as all other locums (see above). Should a locum fail to register for a PPSN, the emergency tax regime should be implemented and it is then the responsibility of the locum to equalise their tax liability in their own tax jurisdiction. Please contact Ciara Enright at the IPU if you have any further queries or consult the Revenue website

153 Health Market Research (hmR) Ireland

HMR Ireland continues to lead the way, producing knowledge and insights for all its stakeholders. By being a panel member, you are provided with the necessary data to help you make informed business decisions. HMR and the IPU recognise that it is one thing to understand your own individual performance, but by being part of the HMR panel, you gain insights of your own metrics against the entire market, split into County, Province, Region and National sections. As many challenges continue to face the Pharmacy sector, there has never been a more important time to understand your data and how your business is represented within the marketplace. Therefore, it is vital to leverage HMR’s expertise in harnessing the power of pharmacy sales data.

Locum Pharmacists

•Join over 73% of Irish Pharmacies who have chosen to receive their market data in a modern and accessible format.

If you would like to hear more, please contact one of the HMR team to help you register at: Email Phone 01-4136821

•Explore insightful trends which allow you to compare your dispensing business against your peers.

The following guidelines should be adhered to when employing Locum Pharmacists: Locums Set Up as Companies Revenue has advised that, even if a locum is set up as a limited company and VAT registered, they are not exempt from the guidelines governing Employees/SelfEmployed status, and therefore, should always be treated as an employee.

Cross-border Locums Revenue advised that cross-border locums should also be treated as employees.

Your data is guaranteed 100% confidential through the anonymising process and is tested and approved by the IPU. No individual records will ever be shared. Only you, and you alone, see your individual pharmacy data.

Financial Review for IPU Members. Omega Financial Management Day 1 Income Protection for Pharmacists Contact: John O’Connor 1850 560 261

Contact: Brian Halligan 01-879 7113. Email:

Design 360 Shop Design and Project Management. Contact: Jarlath Higgins 094 937 3808. Email: Davy Wealth management, asset management, capital markets and financial advisory Davyservices.House, 49 Dawson St, Dublin 2

Halligan Insurance Ltd Insurance DiscountedBrokers.ratesfor IPU Members for Home and Life Insurance. Online Quote Calculator (

Sam McLernon –The Packaging Centre Ltd DiscountPackaging.Buying Scheme for IPU members.

Cornmarket Financial Services

Tonic Consultancy Ltd Pharmacy Business Consultants. Contact: Conor Walker 086 851 9345; Ashling Daly 087 938 6294 Email:;

AIC Glennon Insurance Brokers & Consultants to IPU Contact:members.01 619 1100. Email –

IPU Health Insurance Comparison Service Contact; 01 408 www.cornmarket.ie6230

PharmaWealth Wealth Management, Financial Advice Contact: Richard Collins Tel: 01 458 www.pharmawealth.ie4327

Recommended Suppliers


The IPU, in conjunction with a number of recommended service providers, o ers discounted rates and schemes to members.

Planet Marketing Ltd Packaging & Consumables for Pharmacies. Contact: 01-283 2983. Email:

Quote IPU123 before placing order to avail of discounts and special o ers. Contact: 01 450 4121. Email:

Further details of the schemes listed above can be found on in the Members’ Section under Business – Suppliers.

Contact:www.davy.ie01679 7788

Energia Electricity DiscountedSupply.ratesfor IPU members. Contact: Energia sales o ce – 091 384138 (state that you are an IPU member). Pivotal Ltd Cash Management Services Tel 01 www.wearepivotal.io6233004

Initial Medical Services Ltd Medical Waste Disposal. Discounted rates for IPU Members Grainne McCarthy Contact: 045 850760 / 086 831 8221 Email: grainne.mccarthy@rentokil- JLT Financial Services Insurance Brokers, Consultants and Group Pension Scheme administrators for the IPU. Contact – 01 636 2700 Email: or Moore Wealth Management Services: Pensions, Investments, Tax, Business Exit and Financial Planning Strategies Contact: 051 870845 Email: Owww.mwm.ieers:Comprehensive Free No obligation

The Pharmacy Benevolent Fund endeavours to look a ter our colleagues and their families who have fallen on hard times and need a helping hand. There are lots of reasons why people need our support including death of a spouse, ill-health, ageing parents with dependents who have a disability, insu cient funds for retirement or being made redundant. Some of the beneficiaries are pharmacists, some qualified assistants and others are the spouses of pharmacists or qualified assistants. However, the Pharmacy Benevolent Fund is here for anyone with an association with pharmacy. Many beneficiaries receive regular monthly grants and a number of others get help, as needed, throughout the year. Not only does the Fund supply financial assistance but also, very importantly, provides support in the form of: ⦁ assistance in making arrangements for home help and nursing home care; ⦁ advice on social welfare entitlements; and ⦁ referral to specialist services. For information on how to support the Fund, to make a donation or to report a case in need, please see

CommitteeMichael McDermott Richard Moore

Membership is open to all pharmacists and there are eleven o cial outings during the year ending with a weekend away for the Golfer of the Year. New members are always welcome, details from Brendan Glennon (Tel 087 907 4872 / email: Due to rising postal costs, information regarding the golfing events will be circulated by email. Please forward your email details to

The Irish Chemists’ Golfing Society was founded in 1927. 2022 O Captain:.....................................................................cers: To be announced President:..................................................................... To be announced Hon Secretary:....................................................................Brendan Glennon Hon Treasurer:...............................................................................Pat Downey Competitions Secretary:.............................................................Joseph Fahy

Captain:.........................................................................Veronica Treacy Hon. Secretary:........................................................................Ciara Marmion Comp. Secretary:..................................................................Catherine Cleary Hon. Treasurer:..........................................................................Majella Brady 2022 Outings: There will be three outings during the months of May-September 2022. If you are interested in finding out more and joining us, please contact Ciara Marmion on 087 1276779.

President:................................................................................Anneare: Hillery

The Lady Pharmacists’ Golf Society was founded in 1979. It is open to all female pharmacists who are registered in Ireland and new members are always welcome. The O cers for 2021

155 Pharmacy Benevolent Fund Irish Chemists’ GolfingSociety 2022 Lady Pharmacists’ Golf Society 2022

156 Medicines Regulations Summary

for CDs 2.7 Prescriptions for CDs 2.8 Dispensing of CDs 2.9 Generic Substitution of CDs 2.10 Labelling of CDs 2.11 CD Register 2.12 CD Invoices 2.13 Furnishing Information about CDs 2.14 Destruction of CDs 2.15 Cessation of Business and CDs 2.16 Forged or Altered CD Prescriptions 2.17 CD Safe 2.18 Opioid Substitution Treatment 2.19 Amphetamines 2.20 Medical Cannabis Products 3. Medical Device Regulations 3.1 What is a medical device? 3.2 Classification of Medical Devices and In-Vitro Diagnostic Devices 3.3 Notification of Medical Devices and In-Vitro Diagnostic Devices 3.4 Claims about Medical Devices 3.5 Reporting safety issues with Medical Devices 4. The Poisons Act and Regulations 4.1 Schedules for Poisons 4.2 Labelling of Poisons 4.3 Supply of Strychnine 4.4 Records for Poisons 4.5 Signed Order for Poisons 4.6 Wholesaling of Poisons 4.7 Storage of Poisons 4.8 Further Restrictions on Certain Poisons 4.9 Exemptions to Poisons Regulations 5. Veterinary Medicines 5.1 European Communities (Animal Remedies) Regulations 2007 to 2016 5.2 Classification of Animal Remedies 5.3 Sourcing Animal Remedies 5.4 Prescribing Animal Remedies (POMs) 5.5 Dispensing Animal Remedies 5.6 Endorsing Veterinary Prescriptions 5.7 Labelling Animal Remedies 5.8 The Cascade 5.9 Requisitions from Vets 5.10 Emergency Supply of Animal Remedies 5.11 Advertising of Animal Remedies 5.12 Prescription Only Exempt (POM(E)) and Pharmacy Only (PS) Animal Remedies 5.13 Manufacture of Animal Remedies 5.14 Storage of Animal Remedies 5.15 Record-keeping for Animal Remedies 5.16 Internet/Mail Order of Animal Remedies 5.17 Returns of Unused or Out-of-date Animal Remedies 5.18 Price List for Animal Remedies 6. Medicinal Products (Control of Advertising) Regulations 2007 6.1 What is advertising? 6.2 When is advertising permitted? 6.3 Advertising directed wholly or mainly at the general public 6.4 Form of Advertising 6.5 Advertising of Vaccines 7. Miscellaneous 7.1 Supply of Methylated Spirits 7.2 Explosives Precursors Regulations 7.3 Cosmetic Regulations 7.4 Tooth Whitening Regulations 7.5 Food Supplements Regulations 7.6 Biocidal Products Regulations 7.7 Contact Lenses/Reading Glasses Regulations 8. Key to Legal Classification on the IPU Product File

This article summarises the legislation relating to Irish pharmacy and medicinal products which is of most relevance to community pharmacists. Consequently, not all legislation is covered. This summary does not purport to be a definitive interpretation and no responsibility is accepted by the Irish Pharmacy Union (IPU) for any errors or omissions. If in doubt about any aspect of this summary, reference should be made to the published Acts and Regulations on Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) Regulations 2003 to 2021 1.1 Schedules to the Regulations 1.2 Prescriptions 1.3 Labelling of Prescribed Medicines 1.4 Medicines Authentication 1.5 Endorsing of Prescriptions 1.6 Emergency Supply 1.7 Supply and Administration of Vaccines and Emergency Medicines 1.8 Pharmacy Records 1.9 Expiry Dates 1.10 Mail Order/Internet Pharmacy 1.11 Supply of Medicinal Products from Vending Machines 1.12 Supply of Medicines in Hospitals 1.13 Supply of Medicines to Registered Optometrists 1.14 Exemptions from Prescription Control 1.15 Supply of Paracetamol 2. Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2017 to 2021 2.1 Schedules to the Regulations 2.2 General Prohibitions for CDs 2.3 Importing/Exporting CDs 2.4 Supply of CDs 2.5 Possession of CDs 2.6 Requisitions

Medicines Regulations Summary


⦁The Twel th Schedule lists vaccines and epinephrine which may be administered by authorised persons as part of the vaccination programme implemented by the State to address the COVID-19 emergency..

⦁The Tenth Schedule lists medicinal products which may be supplied and administered by persons engaged or employed by listed organisations in emergencies, i.e. emergency medicines.

⦁The Seventh Schedule lists medicinal products that may be supplied by pre-hospital emergency care providers. Part 1 lists substances for use by advanced paramedics, Part 2 lists substances for use by paramedics and Part 3 lists substances for use by emergency medical technicians.

There are certain circumstances in which products classified as S1A may be dispensed as repeatable S1B items: ⦁ Any product intended for external use containing a substance listed in Part 1 of the Third Schedule; ⦁ Any product intended for parenteral administration containing insulin; ⦁ Any product intended for use as an oral contraceptive containing a substance listed in Part 2 of the Third Schedule; ⦁ Any product containing hydrocortisone sodium succinate or triamcinolone acetonide specifically intended for the treatment of mouth ulcers.

⦁TheSecondSchedule(Part1) lists substances which, when contained in certain non-prescription medicinal products, may only be supplied in the manufacturer’s original container showing the legal classification for supply.

⦁The Third Schedule (Part 2) lists substances which, when contained in medicinal products that are intended for use as an oral contraceptive, may be dispensed in the manner prescribed for a product which is or contains a substance which is S1B.

⦁The Eleventh Schedule lists particulars to be included in notification by organisations wishing to procure medicinal products for use in emergencies.


⦁The Sixth Schedule shows the form of certificates of analyses (deleted by Irish Medicines Board (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2006).

⦁The Second Schedule (Part 4) lists herbal substances which, when contained in extemporaneously prepared medicinal products, may be supplied without a prescription in certain limited circumstances.

⦁The Ninth Schedule lists the particulars to be included in application for entry on to ISS supply list, i.e. internet supply.

At the time of going to print, the Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) (Amendment) Regulations 2020 (hereina ter referred to as the COVID-19 Regulations) introduced in April 2020 which gave certain accommodations in respect of the supply of medicines during the COVID-19 emergency were still in force. These COVID-19 Regulations are added in yellow boxes in relevant sections throughout this summary.

The Regulations contain nine schedules: ⦁The First Schedule lists all prescription controlled substances in column one. Column two indicates whether they are S1A, S1B or S1C. Columns three, four and five indicate the circumstances, if any, in which the substance is exempt from prescription control.

⦁The Third Schedule (Part 1) lists substances which, when contained in medicinal products for external use, may be dispensed in the manner prescribed for a product which is or which contains a substance which is S1B.

1.2 Prescriptions Prescriptions should: a.(i) be in ink and be dated and signed by the prescriber with his/ her usual signature, or (ii)in electronic form, transmitted by the National Electronic Prescription Transfer System (Healthmail and prescriptions transmitted through the High Tech hub) and clearly indicate the date of issue, the professional registration number of the person issuing it and be traceable electronically back to him or her b. clearly indicate the prescriber’s name and, except for a GMS prescription, the prescriber’s address; c. state whether the prescriber is a doctor, dentist or registered nurse/midwife prescriber and in the case of a nurse prescriber, must include the professional registration number of the nurse; d.specifyand the patient’s name and address and age if under 12 years.

1.1 Schedules to the Regulations

⦁TheSecondSchedule(Part2) lists substances which, when contained in certain non-prescription medicinal products, may be supplied in non-pharmacy outlets (deleted by 2008 amendments).

1.Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) Regulations 2003 to 2021

⦁TheSecondSchedule(Part3) lists substances which, when contained in certain licensed homoeopathic medicinal products, may be supplied without a prescription and in non-pharmacy outlets.

⦁The Fourth Schedule lists substances which may not be contained in a preparation supplied in an emergency at the request of the patient.

1.2.1 Rules for Repeating Prescriptions

⦁The Fi th Schedule contains a list of cautionary or warning notices which should appear on the labelling of dispensed medicines as appropriate. S1A Rules

A prescription for an S1A medicine may be dispensed on one occasion only, where neither the number of repeats nor the intervals between repeats is specified. Where the intervals are specified but the number of occasions is not, the prescription may be dispensed on not more than three occasions, i.e. repeated twice. Where the number of repeats only is specified, the prescription may be repeated at such intervals as the pharmacist deems appropriate, having due regard to the prescribed dosage.

As an S1A item cannot be repeated unless either the intervals of supply or the number of occasions of supply are specified in the prescriber’s own hand-writing or own typed script, an S1A item on a three monthly GMS repeat form cannot be repeated unless specific directions for repeating it have been given by the prescriber on the form – it is not su cient to rely on the fact that the word “repeat” is printed on top of the form.

⦁The Eighth Schedule lists medicinal products that can be administered by authorised persons, i.e. vaccines and emergency medicines.

S1B Rules

Regulations permit the following extensions to S1B medicines: ⦁ where neither the number or repeats nor intervals are specified, the prescription may be repeated within the period of nine months (previously six) as o ten as the pharmacist deems appropriate; ⦁ where the intervals only are specified, the prescription may be dispensed at those intervals within the period of nine months (previously six); ⦁ where the number of repeats is specified but not the intervals, the prescription may be repeated at such intervals as the pharmacist deems appropriate, having regard to the specified dose and the maximum nine month (previously six month) validity period; ⦁ where the number of repeats as specified on the prescription has been reached, the prescription may be dispensed on three further occasions, if the pharmacist deems it appropriate and necessary.

An S1C preparation may only be dispensed in a hospital. The HPRA no longer assigns this legal classification to medicinal products.

Prescription Validity

The amending Regulations state that prescriptions from the following practitioners practising in another EU/EEA Member State may be dispensed in Ireland: a.a registered medical practitioner; b. a registered dentist; c. a registered nurse; d.a practitioner of status equivalent to a registered medical practitioner or a registered dentist, practising in an EU/EEA state other than the State, or a member of a regulated health profession within the meaning of Article 3(1)(a) of Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 who is legally entitled to issue a prescription for the medicinal product concerned in the EU/EEA state in which the prescription is issued, if the prescription has not been issued with a view to enabling the supply of a medicinal product by mail order; e. a practitioner of status equivalent to a registered medical practitioner, a registered dentist or a registered nurse, practising in the United Kingdom, who is legally entitled to issue a prescription for the medicinal product concerned in the United Kingdom, if the prescription has not been issued with a view to enabling the supply of a medicinal product by mail order and prescription has not been issued by means of information society services. (Online services from the United Kingdom are not therefore allowed.)

1.2.3 Nurse/Midwife Prescribing The Regulations allow registered nurse/midwife prescribers to pre scribe medicinal products (including unlicensed medicines) which would normally be given in the usual course of the service provided in the health service setting in which the nurse/midwife prescriber is employed; an exception limits the prescribing of CD2 and CD3 medi cines to those listed in Schedule 8 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations.

Amendments to the Regulations facilitate the recognition of medical prescriptions issued in another EU/EEA Member State. The amendments arise from legislative change at a European level regarding patients’ rights in cross-border healthcare and the recognition of medical prescriptions issued in another EU/EEA Member State.

The COVID-19 Regulations permit the following extensions to S1A medicines:

1.2.4 EEA/EU Prescriptions

⦁ where neither the number of repeats nor the intervals between repeats is specified, the prescription may be dispensed on one additional occasion (previously none), where the pharmacist considers it appropriate and necessary and it is unreasonable due to the COVID-19 emergency to require the patient to obtain a new prescription; ⦁ in the case of a health prescription (i.e. GMS) which is not ordinarily endorsed to be repeated, the prescription may be dispensed on not more than four occasions where the pharmacist considered continued supply is appropriate and necessary; ⦁ where the intervals are specified but not the number of repeats, the prescription may be dispensed on not more than four occasions; ⦁ where the number of repeats is specified but not the intervals, the prescription may be repeated at such intervals as the pharmacist deems appropriate having regard to the specified dose and the maximum nine month (previously six month) validity period; ⦁ where the number of repeats specified on the prescription has been reached, the prescription may be dispensed on three further occasions, if the pharmacist deems it appropriate and necessary.

1.3 S1C Rules


The amending Regulations also state that for such prescriptions to be legally valid in Ireland, they must: in ink or other permanent and unalterable electronic form and be signed and dated by the person issuing the prescription with his/her usual signature, either in handwriting or by electronic signature;

Underno circumstances should a prescription for an S1A or S1B medicine be dispensed later than six months from the date of issue. The COVID-19 Regulations extend this to nine months.


A prescription for an S1B medicine may be repeated for six months at appropriate intervals, having due regard to the dose and quantity specified, unless the prescriber directs otherwise. Where the intervals only are specified, the prescription may be repeated for up to six months at the stated intervals. Where the number of repeats only is specified, the prescription may be repeated at such intervals as the pharmacist deems appropriate, having due regard to the prescribed dosage. A prescription issued by a dentist may not be repeated except in the case of a prescription for sodium fluoride tablets.TheCOVID-19

Prescriptions for Isotretinoin Prescriptions for medicinal products, not being for external use, which consist of or contain Isotretinoin, and which are intended for the treatment of a woman of childbearing potential, shall not be dispensed later than seven days a ter the date on the prescription and the treatment on foot of the said prescription shall not exceed a period of 30 days.

1.6 Emergency Supply Regulation 8 allows a pharmacist to supply a prescription-only medicine without prescription in the following circumstances: 1.6.1 At the request of a prescriber ⦁ The pharmacist is requested by a prescriber (i.e. a doctor, dentist or nurse) to supply a prescription only medicine to a particular patient and the prescriber is unable to furnish a prescription immediately by reason of an emergency;

Pharmacies must authenticate every prescription-only medicine at the point of dispensing by scanning the 2D barcode and checking that the tamper-evident seal has not been broken.

1.4 Medicines Authentication



1.3 Labelling of Prescribed Medicines

Black Triangle Medicines

159 b. clearly indicate the full name, including the full first name, of the person issuing the prescription and specify his/her professional qualification; c. specify the work address, including the name of the relevant state, of the person issuing the prescription; d.specify the email address, and telephone or fax number (with the appropriate international prefix) of the person issuing the prescription; e. specify the full name, including the full first name, and date of birth of the person for whose treatment the prescription is issued; and f. specify the following details, where applicable, of the product to be supplied on foot of the prescription: the common name of the medicinal product; the brand name of the medicinal product if: a) the medicinal product prescribed is a biological medicinal product, or b) the person issuing the prescription has deemed it medically necessary to include the brand name on the prescription and has stated on the prescription the reasons justifying the use of the brand name; the pharmaceutical form; the quantity; the strength of the medicinal product; and the dosage regime.

Practitioners are only entitled to prescribe medicinal products for which they are legally entitled to do in the EU/EEA state in which the prescription is issued. However, they can’t prescribe schedule 2 or schedule 3 controlled drugs. Corresponding arrangements and requirements are applicable to “outgoing” prescriptions.Prescriptions issued by a prescriber not registered in the EU/EAA have no validity and cannot be dispensed.

Under EU pharmacovigilance legislation, any new medicine authorised a ter 1 September 2013, which is subject to additional monitoring, will include an inverted black triangle  accompanied by text in the package leaflet and SmPC, encouraging the reporting of adverse drug reactions (ADRs). The symbol will be used to identify the following pharmaceutical products that are subject to additional monitoring: ⦁ All medicinal products authorised a ter 1 January 2011 that contain a new active substance; ⦁ Biological medicinal products, such as vaccines or plasma derived products, authorised a ter 1 January 2011; and ⦁ Products for which certain additional information is required post-authorisation, or for which authorisation is subject to conditions or restrictions on their safe and e ective use. This monitoring list is a dynamic list and is reviewed on a monthly basis by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC). These products are flagged on the IPU Product File and additional products from the EMA list are updated monthly. System vendors display these flagged products on screen and on pharmacy labels.

The container must be labelled with the following particulars: ⦁ date of dispensing; ⦁ the name of the patient; ⦁ the name and address of the pharmacy; ⦁ unless the prescriber directs otherwise, the proprietary name of the preparation or the generic name with the name of the manufacturer; ⦁ the directions for use and any precautions specified on the prescription; ⦁ whichever of the cautionary or warning notices as specified in the Fi th Schedule as the pharmacist deems appropriate; ⦁ the words ‘Keep out of the reach of children’; and ⦁ in the case of a preparation for external use, the words ‘For external use only’. If the pharmacist is of the opinion that any of the particulars given on the prescription are inappropriate and is unable to get in contact with the prescriber (despite having taken such steps as are reasonably practicable in the circumstances to make), he should label the preparation with particulars of the same kind as those requested by the prescriber, as appear to him to be appropriate.

1.5 Endorsing of Prescriptions Where a prescription is dispensed in part, the pharmacist must record on it the quantity of each preparation supplied, the date of supply, and the name and address of the pharmacy. If the prescription is written generically, the name of the product dispensed should be specified on the back of the prescription. Where the dispensing of a prescription has been completed, namely, when no further repeats are permitted or the prescription is out-of-date, the pharmacist must write or print on the prescription, the word “dispensed” and the date of dispensing and retain it for two years.

The COVID-19 Regulations extend the list of medicines that a prescriber can request in an emergency for use in the treatment of epilepsy to include midazolam, clobazam and clonazepam.

1.6.3 Labelling of Medicines Dispensed in an Emergency

1.7 Supply and Administration of Vaccines and Emergency Medicines

The Department of Health has clarified that Regulation 8 exemptions for emergency supply of the Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) Regulations 2003 (as amended) makes specific reference to a “registered medical practitioner” which is defined “as a person registered in the register established under the Medical Practitioner’s Act 1978”, which is an Irish registered doctor. Consequently, EU prescribers and UK prescribers are not permitted to request an emergency supply for a patient (unless they are a registered prescriber in Ireland). Likewise, an emergency supply of a POM at the request of a patient is not permitted where the medicine has previously only been prescribed by a doctor who is not registered in Ireland but is registered elsewhere in the EU or the UK.

A pharmacist is allowed to supply and administer the following without a prescription: ⦁ Seasonal influenza vaccine (injection and nasal); ⦁ Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine; ⦁ Herpes zoster (shingles) vaccine; ⦁ COVID-19 vaccines; ⦁ Epinephrine (adrenaline) for post-vaccination anaphylactic shock.


The pharmacist having interviewed the person requesting the medicine is satisfied that there is an immediate need to supply it and that it is impracticable in the circumstances to obtain a prescription without undue delay; A doctor, dentist or nurse must have prescribed treatment for the patient with that medicine on a previous occasion;

⦁ The pharmacist is satisfied that he/she can specify the appropriate dose for the patient; and ⦁ The quantity supplied is not greater than what is required for five days’ treatment, except in the case of: Aerosols for the relief of asthma and pre-packed ointments and creams – the smallest size available may be Antibioticssupplied; in liquid form for oral use – the smallest quantity that will provide a full course of treatment may be supplied; or Oral contraceptives – a pack for a full cycle may be supplied. ⦁ The medicine is not listed in Schedule 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations, except for methylphenobarbitone, phenobarbitone or phenobarbitone sodium for use in the treatment of epilepsy. NB. Emergency supply of benzodiazepines and z-drugs is not permitted.

A pharmacist is allowed to supply and administer the following emergency medicines (even if the patient has never previously been prescribed the medication), once the pharmacist has completed the relevant PSI-approved training course: ⦁ Epinephrine (adrenaline) pre-filled syringe or ampoule – to adults and children for emergency treatment of anaphylactic shock; ⦁ Glucagon injection – to adults and children for the emergency treatment of hypoglycaemia; ⦁ Glyceryl trinitrate sublingual spray – to adults for the emergency treatment of severe angina attack; ⦁ Naloxone hydrochloride pre-filled injection or nasal spray – to adults and children for respiratory depression secondary to known or suspected narcotic overdose; ⦁ Salbutamol 100mcg inhaler – to adults and children for the emergency treatment of acute asthma attack.

160 The doctor, dentist or nurse concerned undertakes to furnish a prescription within 72 hours; The preparation is supplied in accordance with the directions of the prescriber; and ⦁ The medicine is not listed in Schedule 1, 2, 3 or 4 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations, except for methylphenobarbitone, phenobarbitone or phenobarbitone sodium for use in the treatment of epilepsy. NB. Emergency supply of benzodiazepines and z-drugs is not permitted.

A pharmacist is allowed to supply the following emergency medicines to organisations registered with the HPRA: ⦁ Epinephrine (adrenaline) pre-filled syringe; ⦁ Glucagon injection; ⦁ Glyceryl trinitrate sublingual spray; ⦁ Naloxone hydrochloride pre-filled injection or nasal spray; ⦁ Salbutamol 100mcg inhaler.

The COVID-19 regulations also allow a pharmacist to supply, at the request of a patient or a prescriber, in an emergency, CD2, CD3 or CD4 medicines up to 5 days’ treatment if they deem it safe, appropriate and necessary (previously not allowed).

The COVID-19 Regulations allow the pharmacist, at the request of a patient, to supply no greater quantity than 10 days’ supply of S1A or S1B medicines. Furthermore, the list of medicines for use in the treatment of epilepsy has been extended to include midazolam, clobazam and clonazepam. 10 days’ supply of these medicines is permitted.

1.6.2 At the request of a patient

1.7.2 Supply and Administration of Emergency Medicines

1.7.1 Supply and Administration of Vaccines

Supply of Emergency Medicines to Organisations

The container or package must be labelled with the following: ⦁ the date of supply; ⦁ the proprietary name or the generic name with the name of the manufacturer; ⦁ the quantity, form and strength supplied; ⦁ the name of the patient; ⦁ the name and address of the pharmacy; and ⦁ the words ‘Emergency Supply’ (when supplied at request of a patient).

Requisition of Emergency Medicines by Organisations

Legislation permits a pharmacist to supply exempt (i.e. unauthorised/unlicensed) medicinal products against a prescription. The following details must be recorded and kept: ⦁ source from which the product is obtained; ⦁ name of the patient; ⦁ date on which the product is supplied; ⦁ quantity of each product supplied; ⦁ batch number of the product; ⦁ details of any suspected adverse reactions to the product supplied, of which the pharmacist is aware. This record can be kept in electronic or paper format or by a combination of both formats. For example, the invoice could be kept which specifies the source and batch number of the product and the additional requirements could be recorded in the PMR at the time of dispensing. The records must be retained for 5 years.


1.8.6 Records of Supply and Administration of Emergency Medicines by Pharmacists

An order, signed by the accountable person, appointed by the listed organisation, must be presented stating: (i) The name and address of the listed organisation; (ii) The name of the accountable person; (iii) The permanent address of the premises at which the product is to be stored and from which it is to be supplied if it di ers from (i); (iv) The name (and except where it is apparent from the name) the pharmaceutical form and strength of the product; (v) The total quantity required.

In addition to above, the following details must be recorded on the dispensary system: ⦁ Reference number of the original entry in the register or all the particulars required for the original prescription; ⦁ Where the prescription was dispensed at another pharmacy: The name and address of that pharmacy; and The reference number used by that pharmacy.

The following details must be recorded on the dispensary system: ⦁ the date of supply; ⦁ the name, quantity, form and strength of the product supplied; ⦁ name of the prescriber, and where the prescriber is not known to the pharmacist, his address; ⦁ the name and address of the patient; ⦁ the date of prescription.


1.8 Pharmacy Records

Repeat Prescription Records

The product must be labelled with: ⦁ The name of the listed organisation; ⦁ The name and address of the pharmacy; ⦁ The date of supply; ⦁ The name of the product, being either the proprietary name or the non-proprietary name, with the name of the manufacturer or of the person responsible for placing the product on the market; ⦁ The words “Keep out of the reach of children”; ⦁ The relevant cautionary notices.

The signed order must be kept in the pharmacy for 2 years.

Each pharmacy must record all transactions involving the supply of scheduled medicines. Such transactions include prescriptions, emergency supplies, supply of emergency medicines to authorised organisations, and wholesale-type transactions.


In the case of medicines supplied in an emergency under Regulation 8, the following information must also be recorded on the dispensary system in addition to that specified above: ⦁ In the case of an emergency supply at the request of a prescriber, the date on which the prescription is subsequently received and the date written on the prescription; ⦁ In the case of an emergency supply at the request of a patient: the nature of emergency; the name of the prescriber who previously prescribed the medicine and, if not known to the pharmacist, his/ her address; and where the supply on the previous occasion was at another pharmacy, the name and address of that pharmacy and the prescription reference number from that pharmacy.


Records for Supply of Exempt Medicinal Products

Records of Supply and Administration of Vaccines

A report must be printed each day a vaccine is supplied and administered and the report must be signed by the pharmacist who supplied and administered the vaccine within 24 hours. Records must be kept for 8 years; the records must be kept in the pharmacy for the first 2 years.

In the case of emergency medicines supplied and administered by pharmacists, the following information must be recorded on the dispensary system: a) The date of administration; b) The name, address, date of birth and sex of the person to whom the product was administered (except where the patient fails, or is unable, to provide this information to the pharmacist a ter administration);

Emergency Supply Records Labelling of Emergency Medicines Supplied to Organisations

1.8.1 Prescription Records

In the case of vaccines supplied and administered by pharmacists, the following information must be recorded on the dispensary system: a) The date of administration; b) The name, address, date of birth and sex of the person to whom the vaccine was administered; c) The PPS number (unless the patient fails to provide this to the pharmacist); d) The name, dosage, marketing authorisation number, batch number and expiry date of the vaccine; e) The name of the pharmacist and their PSI number; f) The address of the pharmacy; g) The name and address of the GP (unless the patient fails to provide this to the pharmacist).


a) The date of supply; b) The name and address of the listed organisation; c) The name of the accountable person; d) The permanent address of the premises at which the product is to be stored and from which it is to be supplied if it di ers from (b); e) The name (and except where it is apparent from the name) the pharmaceutical form and strength of the product; f) The marketing authorisation number, batch number and expiry date of the product; g) The total quantity supplied; h) The name and address of the pharmacy. A daily audit report must be printed each day and the report must be signed by a pharmacist within 24 hours. The records must be kept in the pharmacy for 2 years.

For emergency medicines supplied to organisations registered with the HPRA, the following must be recorded on the dispensary system:

The Regulations prohibit the supply of all prescription-only medicines by mail order and consequently by internet. Mail order or internet supply of non-prescriptionmedicines is permitted.

‘Supply by mail order’ is defined in the Regulations as meaning any supply made, a ter solicitation of custom by the supplier, or another person in the chain of supply whether inside or outside of the State,

Wholesale Transaction Records

NB. A wholesale licence is not required for the above wholesale Alltransactions.otherwholesale transactions require that the pharmacy has a wholesaler’s licence. In addition, any pharmacy which also operates a wholesale business must, by law, have a separate account with a wholesaler to deal with the medicines ordered for that part of the business.

Recording in a prescription register or the production of a daily printout (see below) is not required for the following: ⦁ GMS prescriptions; ⦁ the sale or supply of controlled drugs where a separate record is kept in the Controlled Drugs Register; ⦁ wholesale-type transactions where a copy order form or invoice is retained at the pharmacy; ⦁ supply to a sampling o cer.



Wholesale transactions include supply to another pharmacy (to meet the immediate prescription needs of an individual patient); supply to a medical practitioner, dentist, optician, optometrist, vet; supply to a hospital, nursing home, clinic or similar institution; supply to a person who is acting as a pre-hospital emergency care provider; the return of a medicine to a wholesaler. Where written orders or invoices are not retained, the pharmacist should record: ⦁ the date of supply; ⦁ the name, quantity, form and strength of the medicine; ⦁ the name, address, trade, business or profession of the recipients; and ⦁ the purpose for which the medicine was supplied.


A report must be printed each day an emergency medicine is supplied and administered and the report must be signed by the pharmacist who supplied and administered the emergency medicine within 24 hours. Records must be kept for 8 years; the records must be kept in the pharmacy for the first 2 years.


All registers and prescriptions, GMS prescription copies, orders and invoices in respect of human medicines must be retained at the pharmacy for two years from the date of the last entry, the date of sale or supply, or the date of the last dispensing, as appropriate .

Exemptions to Records

162 c) The PPS number (unless the patient fails to provide this to the pharmacist); d) The name, form, strength,, marketing authorisation number, batch number and expiry date of the product; e) The dose of the product that was administered f) The name of the pharmacist and their PSI number; g) The address of the pharmacy; h) The name and address of the GP (unless the patient fails to provide this to the pharmacist); i) Confirmation that prior to the administration of the product, consent was –(i) Obtained from the person to whom the product was administered, or (ii) If he or she was unable to give such consent –obtained from his or her representative, such as a family member, friend or colleague, or implied through the interaction with the patient or the circumstances in which the product was administered.

Records of Supply of Emergency Medicines to Organisations

Computerised Records

The Regulation of Retail Pharmacy Businesses Regulations require that patient records be kept in electronic form, i.e. on the dispensary system. The daily printout must be dated and certified by the authorised person on the day to which it relates or within 24 hours of that date.

Retention of Records

1.9 Expiry Dates

It is an o ence to sell, supply or keep for sale or supply, a preparation which has passed the manufacturer’s expiry date shown on the package. An exemption may be made in exceptional circumstances where the body which has authorised the placing of the product on the market has determined that the expiry date may be extended.

Records in respect of veterinary medicines must be kept for 5 years. For exempt medicinal products, records must be kept for 5 years. Such records can be kept in electronic or paper format or by a combination of both formats. For example, the invoice could be kept which specifies the source and batch number of the product and the additional requirements could be recorded in the PMR at the time of Recordsdispensing.forvaccination and the supply and administration of emergency medicines must be kept for 8 years; for the first 2 years, the records must be kept in the pharmacy.

For the purposes of the Revenue, copies of all financial records, including all PCRS Summary of Claims, should be kept for a period of six years.

1.10 Mail Order/Internet Pharmacy


Non-prescription medicines can only be supplied via the internet to purchaser in an EU / EEA Member State. Supply to purchasers in the United Kingdom a ter Brexit is prohibited.

A registered optometrist can be supplied by a pharmacist with the following medicinal products which are prescription only on supplying a signed order to the pharmacist: Cyclopentolate hydrochloride eye drops, Oxybuprocaine eye drops, Tropicamide eye drops, Fluorescein sodium, Lidocaine, Proxymetacaine hydrochloride, Tetracaine hydrochloride.

1.12.1 Public Hospitals

medicines for internet supply and records in respect of such supply must be stored at the registered retail pharmacy business. Non-prescription medicines sold via the internet must be packaged such that their integrity is maintained while in transit to the purchaser.

The medicinal product is not intended for parenteral use and is supplied for administration by the optometrist to a patient in the course of his/her professional practice. This exemption does not entitle registered optometrists to write prescriptions for the products for patients in their professional care. The PSI recommends that the signed order should fulfil the following conditions: ⦁ it should have the name and address of the registered optometrist seeking supply; ⦁ the date; ⦁ details of the product to be supplied including name, form, strength and quantity; ⦁ a statement that the medicinal product is to be used in the course of the optometrist’s professional practice; ⦁ be signed by the optometrist.

It is prohibited to supply a medicinal product from a vending machine or by means of any other mechanically or electronically controlled device of a self-service nature.

Supply of Medicines in Hospitals


The following are exempt from prescription control: i) Medicinal products where there is an entry in one or more of columns 3, 4 and 5 of the First Schedule and (a)having a maximum period of treatment (MPT), maximum strength (MS) or maximum pack size (MPS) not exceeding that indicated in column 3; or

1.14 Exemptions from Prescription Control

1.10.1 Internet supply of non-prescription medicines

All websites in the EU/EEA which supply medicines online have to display a common logo. The common logo, which is recognisable throughout the EU/EEA, will provide a link to the approved supplier list for the country where the website is established; in Ireland this list is maintained by the PSI.

The exemptions for the supply of medicines in hospitals provide that: ⦁ where medicines are supplied in the course of a service provided by a hospital, a valid prescription is not required provided the supply is made in accordance with the written directions of a doctor or dentist. In the case of a hospital which is not one providing community mental health services, such medicines may be supplied by either a pharmacist or by a registered nurse; ⦁ in the case of a hospital providing community mental health services to patients, registered nurses may in the course of a service provided by such a hospital, supply up to three days’ supply of a medicinal product in accordance with the written directions of a doctor involved in that service.



Private Hospitals

Pharmacies and other entities engaged in the internet supply of non-prescription medicines must apply to the PSI to be included on the list maintained by the PSI of all businesses engaged in such supply. An application must be made for each 12 month period.

1.11 Supply of Medicinal Products from Vending Machines

Supply of Medicines to Registered Optometrists

163 without the supplier and customer being simultaneously present and using a means of communication at a distance, whether written or electronic, to convey the custom solicitation and the order for supply. It is also an o ence for the owner or occupier of a premises to allow the premises to be used for the receipt, collection or transmission of orders or correspondence relating to the mail order supply of prescription-only medicines. If it is not clear what the address of the premises is because of the use of a post o ce box, phone number or email address, the subscriber to the server providing the post o ce box, telecommunication or email facilities will be deemed to be the occupier of the premises. The Regulations also provide that anyone who supplies a post o ce box, telecommunication or email facilities to persons who may be illegally supplying prescription-only medicines by mail order must give such information requested by O cers of the Minister for Health, the PSI, the HSE or the HPRA as is necessary to identify the subscriber concerned.

The above exemptions do not apply to private hospitals; therefore, private hospitals must comply with the provisions of the Regulations with respect to prescriptions and control of supply.

The pharmacist, at the time of supply, should endorse the signed order with: date of supply; details of supply (name and quantity of product supplied); name and address of supplying pharmacy. The signed order should be kept in the pharmacy for 2 years.

Non-prescription medicines supplied via the internet must be the subject of a marketing authorisation in the EU/EEA state of destination. A record of all transactions involving the supply of a non-prescription medicine must be maintained for two years from the date of the transaction. Customers availing of such internet supply must be advised by means of a statement on the website that such record will be Recordsmaintained.arerequired to be maintained of invoices for the receipt of medicines sold via the internet and records of each online transaction. In respect of each online transaction, the order received from the customer, the date of the transaction, the name and quantity of the medicinal product sold, the name and address of the person to whom the medicine was supplied and a record confirming that the purchaser is over 18 years old, is aware the medicine should be used in accordance with the recommendations contained on the packaging and that the total quantity of medicine supplied is a quantity which is reasonably required by the purchaser for their personal Non-prescriptionuse.

Pharmacy-only Medicines (P) Medicinal preparations which are exempt from prescription control by virtue of these Regulations may only be supplied by or under the personal supervision of a pharmacist. Certain substances are specifically exempted from this pharmacist-supervised sale requirement, e.g. aspirin, nicotinic acid, some vitamins and toothpaste components. These substances may be supplied in non-pharmacy outlets when contained in OTC preparations. Paracetamol products may be supplied in non-pharmacy outlets subject to the provisions specified in the Regulations (see below). Any medicinal preparation which may only be supplied by or under the personal supervision of a pharmacist is given the designation (P) on the IPU Product File. Any substance which may be supplied in a non-pharmacy outlet is designated # on the IPU Product File. Pharmacy-only medicines must be stored in a part of the premises to which the public does not have access.


164 (b)having a specified use only, a specified pharmaceutical form or a specified manner of administration only as indicated in column 4; or (c)whose maximum dose (MD) and maximum daily dose (MDD) does not exceed the limits specified in column 5.

The medicinal product containing the herbal substance(s) is extemporaneously prepared on the premises;

For products intended for use in children under six years of age and which contain not more than 120mg of paracetamol per single dosage unit, the maximum pack size that can be supplied is 24 dosage units. Where such products are in liquid form and contain no more than 120mg of paracetamol per 5ml, the maximum pack size that can be supplied is 140ml;

For liquid products intended for use in children over six years of age and under twelve years of age and which contain not more than 250mg of paracetamol per 5ml (other than a product to which the above applies), the maximum pack size that can be supplied is 140 ml;


Products containing paracetamol can only be supplied on foot of a prescription exceptin the following circumstances, whereby supply is exempted from prescription control:

Supply of Paracetamol


Supply of any product containing paracetamol must only be

Where a medicine is exempt from prescription control for a particular use, e.g. Arret (loperamide) for the treatment of acute diarrhoea, the container must not detail any indication for use other than that for which the preparation has been exempted. In the case of a medicine for which a maximum period of treatment (MPT) has been specified for OTC sale, the product must be labelled with a warning not to exceed the said period of treatment. Where a maximum dose (MD) and/or maximum daily dose (MDD) have been specified for OTC sale, the container must be clearly labelled “Warning: Do not exceed the stated dose”.


1.15.1 Supply of Paracetamol from Pharmacies

For products where each single dosage unit contains more than 120mg of paracetamol but not more than 500mg, the maximum pack size that can be supplied is 24 dosage units;

For liquid products that contain not more than 250mg of paracetamol per 5ml (other than those paediatric preparations referred to above), the maximum pack size that can be supplied is 240ml;

Medicines to be Supplied in Original Pack

The Regulations provide for the exemption from prescription control of homoeopathic medicinal products containing a substance specified in Part 3 of the Second Schedule at a level not exceeding one part per million and which is subject to an authorisation or a certificate of registration. Such products are also exempted from the requirement to be supplied from a pharmacy or under the personal supervision of a pharmacist.

Homoeopathic Medicinal Products

For products where each single dosage unit contains more than 500mg of paracetamol but not more than 600mg, the maximum pack size that can be supplied is 20 dosage units;

In e ect this exemption applies to the extemporaneous preparation of medicinal substances by herbal practitioners and does not apply to proprietary products. The herbal substances in question are listed in the Second Schedule, Part 4 and are Gingko biloba L and Hypericum perforatum L (also known as St John’s Wort).


1.14.4 Labelling of Non Prescription Medicines

The Regulations provide for the exemption of certain herbal substances from prescription control and from the requirement that they may only be supplied from a pharmacy by or under the direct supervision of a pharmacist provided all of the following conditions are adhered to:

Herbal Substances

The premises is capable of being closed so as to exclude the public;

The medicinal product, when extemporaneously prepared, is also administered on the premises to the person requesting it or on whose behalf it has been requested, in the presence of the occupier of the premises so that his/her professional judgment as to the treatment is available.

The person making the supply is the occupier of a premises not being a shop or other retail outlet;

For products where each single dosage unit contains more than 600mg of paracetamol but not more than 1000mg, the maximum pack size that can be supplied is 12 dosage units; ⦁

ii) Medicinal products which are not otherwise subject to prescription control by virtue of these Regulations.

The substances listed below, when sold over the counter, must be supplied in the manufacturer’s original container and be labelled by the manufacturer to show that the medicine can be supplied without a prescription, i.e. a special OTC pack is required. Therefore, preparations containing these substances must not be repacked from the manufacturer’s container for the purposes of OTC sale nor must a POM pack of such a medicine be over-labelled by the pharmacist and sold as an OTC medicine: Aciclovir, Diclofenac diethylammonium, Diclofenac sodium, Hydrocortisone/hydrocortisone acetate, Famotidine, Flurbiprofen, Ibuprofen, Ketoprofen, Minoxidil, Naproxen, Nicotine, Nicotine resinate, Oxetacaine, Piroxicam.

The Regulations govern the sale and supply of medicinal products containing paracetamol.

2.1 Schedules to the Regulations

Products containing paracetamol in tablet, capsule or other solid unit dosage form can only be supplied if they are blister packed or in other equivalent form of packaging as may be specified in the product authorisation. This requirement does not apply to products containing paracetamol supplied on foot of a prescription. The PSI has recommended that when a pharmacist is dispensing paracetamol and the dosage units are not blister packed, he/she should dispense the tablets/capsules in child resistant containers except where, in his/her professional judgment, this might pose excessive di culty for the patient concerned.

5) “Immediate medical advice should be sought in the event of overdosage because of the risk of irreversible liver damage” in cases where no package leaflet is supplied with the product.

2. Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2017 to 2021

At the time of going to print, the COVID-19 regulations introduced in April 2020 during the COVID-19 emergency were still in force. These COVID-19 Regulations are added in yellow boxes in relevant sections throughout this summary.

⦁Schedule 2 (CD2) includes opiates such as morphine, major stimulants like the amfetamines and synthetic narcotics such as pethidine, dextromoramide, methadone, hydrocodone, oxycodone, fentanyl, dihydrocodeine, buprenorphine, tapentadol and dipipanone. A pharmacist may supply to a patient only on receipt of a valid prescription in the requisite controlled drugs format. Record-keeping requirements (including CD register) apply in full. Safe custody provisions (see below) apply to the storage of CD2 drugs in a community pharmacy.

There is one exception to the limits on the quantity that can be supplied detailed above. Where a pharmacist personally interviews a person requesting a product containing paracetamol and is satisfied that it is safe to do so, he/she may supply that person with up to a maximum of 50 dosage units of that product, i.e. tablets or capsules. Where the dosage unit is not a tablet, capsule or other such similar pharmaceutical form, the person can be supplied with two packs.

For products where each single dosage unit contains more than 120mg of paracetamol but not more than 500mg, the maximum pack size that can be supplied is 12 dosage units; ⦁

The package leaflet of a medicinal product containing paracetamol must contain the following statements, unless otherwise approved by the 1)“HPRA:Contains paracetamol” 2)“Do not take any other paracetamol containing products” 3)“Do not exceed the stated dose”

1) “Contains paracetamol” 2) “Do not take any other paracetamol containing products” 3) “Do not exceed the stated dose” 4) “Immediate medical advice should be sought in the event of overdosage, even if you feel well. Please read the enclosed leaflet carefully” in cases where a package leaflet is supplied with the product and the product is intended for use mainly in adults or“Immediate medical advice should be sought in the event of overdosage even if the child seems well. Please read the enclosed leaflet carefully” in cases where a package leaflet is supplied with the product and the product is intended mainly for use in children not over 12 years of age.

For products where each single dosage unit contains more than 500mg of paracetamol but not more than 600mg, the maximum pack size that can be supplied is 10 dosage units; ⦁ For products where each single dosage unit contains more than 600mg of paracetamol but not more than 1000mg the maximum pack size that can be supplied is 6 dosage units; ⦁ For products intended for use in children under six years of age and which contain not more than 120mg of paracetamol per single dosage unit, the maximum pack size that can be supplied is 12 dosage units. Where such products are in liquid form, and contain not more than 120mg of paracetamol per 5ml, the maximum pack size that can be supplied is 60ml. Not more than one pack of a paracetamol-containing product can be supplied in the course of any one retail transaction from a Thenon-pharmacy.supplyofparacetamol-containing products from an automatic vending machine or by means of any other mechanically or electronically controlled device of a self-service nature is prohibited.

165 conducted by a pharmacist or under his/her personal supervision.

Controlled drugs (CDs) are classified into Schedules with di erent controls applying to each. ⦁Schedule 1 (CD1) includes raw opium, coca leaf, cannabis* (except Sativex and certain cannabis-containing products) and the major hallucinogenic drugs (L.S.D. mescaline, psilocin, etc.), khat, 4-methyl aminorex and N-hydroxytenamfetamine. CD1 substances have little, if any, therapeutic value but have a strong potential for abuse. A special licence is required for any activity in respect of these drugs. In practice, such activities are strictly limited to scientific research or forensic analysis. They are therefore of little interest to pharmacists.

4)“Immediate medical advice should be sought in the event of overdosage because of the risk of irreversible liver damage”

1.15.4 Supply of Paracetamol from Non-pharmacies

Products containing paracetamol can be supplied from outlets other than pharmacies. Such supply is restricted to products intended for oral use, containing paracetamol as the only active analgesic ingredient and in the following quantities:

These Regulations set out the conditions under which controlled drugs may be produced, possessed, supplied, imported or exported.

⦁Schedule 3 (CD3) includes most barbiturates, some potent an-

1.15.2 Packaging of Paracetamol

1.15.3 Labelling of Paracetamol

The outer packaging of paracetamol-containing products, or the immediate packaging if there is no outer packaging, must be labelled with the following unless otherwise approved by the HPRA:

A person shall not produce, supply or o er to supplya controlled drug unless he/she is authorised to do so. A person may be authorised by virtue of: ⦁ a general authority, e.g. practitioners (doctors, dentists, vets, nurse/midwife prescribers),pharmacists; or ⦁ a licence granted by the Minister for Health.

⦁Schedule 4 Part 2 (CD4.2) includes aminorex, fencamfamin, fenproporex, mefenorex, mesocarb, propylhexedrine, pyrovalerone, selegiline, preparations containing not more than 100mg of methylphenobarbitone or phenobarbitone per dosage unit or not more than 0.5% of phenobarbitone calculated as base. Control of these preparations is minimal and in practice they should be supplied in accordance with the Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) Regulations, where they are classified as S1A (with the exception of selegiline which is S1B). Record-keeping in a CD register and safe custody requirements do not apply to CD4.2 preparations. Emergency supply of CD4.2 substances cannot be made with the exception of phenobarbitone and methylphenobarbitone sodium for the treatment of epilepsy.

⦁Schedule 5 (CD5) includespreparations exempt from most restrictions under the Regulations. It includes inter alia: (a)preparations (but not injections) containing codeine, nicocodine, nicodicodine, norcodeine, acetyldihydrocodeine, ethylmorphine and pholcodine when compounded with other ingredients and containing not more than 100mg per dosage unit or not more than 2.5% in undivided (b)preparationspreparations;ofdihydrocodeine (not being injections) containing not more than 10mg per dosage unit or 1.5% calculated as dihydrocodeine base; (c)preparations of cocaine containing not more than 0.1% calculated as cocaine base and which are compounded with one or more other ingredients such that the cocaine cannot be readily recovered;

⦁Schedule 4 Part 1 (CD4.1) includes most benzodiazepines, namely: alprazolam, bromazepam, brotizolam, camazepam, chlordiazepoxide, clobazam, clonazepam, clorazepic acid, clotiazepam, cloxazolam, delorazepam, diazepam, estazolam, ethyl loflazepate, fludiazepam, flurazepam, halazepam, haloxazolam, ketazolam, loprazolam, lorazepam, lormetazepam, medazepam, midazolam, nimetazepam, nitrazepam, nordazepam, oxazepam, oxazolam, phenazepam, pinazepam, prazepam, tetrazepam, triazolam; the z-drugs: zaleplon, zolpidem and zopiclone; and an extract of cannabis which (a) is a medicinal product for human use which has been granted a marketing authorisation and which is presented as a liquid formulation for administration to a person through a meter dose pump as a mucosal mouth spray and (b), has a concentration of not more than 30 milligrams of cannabidiol per millilitre, and not more than 30 milligrams of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol per millilitre, where the ratio of cannabidiol to delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is between 0.7 to 1.3 (i.e. Sativex).

(d)preparations of medicinal opium or morphine, containing not more than 0.2% calculated as anhydrous morphine base and which are compounded with one or more other ingredients such that the opium or morphine cannot be readily recovered;

(e)preparations of dextropropoxyphene for oral administration containing not more than 135mg of dextropropoxyphene per dosage unit or not more than 2.5% calculated as base; (f) preparations of difenoxin containing not more than 0.5mg of difenoxin and a quantity of atropine sulphate equivalent to at least 5% of the dose of difenoxin; (g)preparations of diphenoxylate containing not more than 2.5mg of diphenoxylate calculated as base and a quantity of atropine sulphate equivalent to at least 1% of the dose of diphenoxylate; (h)preparations of propiram containing not more than 100mg of propiram per dosage unit and which is compounded with at least the same amount of methylcellulose;

166 algesics and minor stimulants, ketamine and the benzodiazepines flunitrazepam and temazepam. Whilst record-keeping requirements in a CD Register do not apply and destruction need not be witnessed, safe custody provisions do apply to these drugs, as do the controlled drug prescription requirements.

The COVID-19 Regulations extend prescription validity to 9 months and permits emergency supply of midazolam, clobazam and clonazepam for treatment of epilepsy.

Record-keeping in a CD register and safe custody requirements do not apply to CD4.1 preparations; however, CD prescription requirements do apply (although not in the prescriber’s own handwriting). Otherwise, they can be supplied in accordance with the Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) Regulations, i.e. prescriptions are valid for 6 months and are repeatable. Emergency supply of CD4.1 substances is not permitted.

⦁Schedule 6 sets out the form of the CD register. ⦁Schedule 7 sets out the entries to be made in the CD register in the case of obtaining and supplying a controlled drug. ⦁Schedule 8 includes preparations which registered nurse/ midwife prescribers may prescribe within Schedules 2 and 3, namely: buprenorphine, codeine phosphate, dihydrocodeine, fentanyl, morphine sulphate, morphine tartrate, oxycodone, pethidine, hydromorphone, methylphenidate. ⦁Schedule 9 sets out the provisions of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 1988 which have been revoked and the corresponding provision in the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2017.

2.2 General Prohibitions for CDs

(i) powder containing 10% powdered opium and 10% powdered ipecacuanha root, with the remaining 80% consisting of any powdered ingredient which contains no controlled drug.

e. A person who is authorised as a member of a group may have in his possession any CD2, CD3 or CD4.1.

2.6 Requisitions for CDs

2.4 Supply of CDs

Importing/Exporting CDs

2.5 Possession of CDs

A person shall not import or export a controlled drug in Schedules 1, 2, 3 and 4 Part One unless he/she has a licence to do so.

The following are entitled to have controlled drugs in their possession only when acting in their capacity as members of their class. They are not entitled, however, to be supplied, as an individual, except otherwise as provided for in the Regulations: a.a member of the Garda Síochána acting in the course of his/ her duty; b. a prison o cer acting in the course of his/her duty; c. an o cer of Customs and Excise acting in the course of his/ her duty; d.a person authorised by the HPRA; e. a person engaged with the Postal Services provided by An Post; f. a person engaged in the work of any laboratory to which the drug has been sent for forensic examination; g.a registered nurse engaged in providing palliative care; h.a person engaged in the business of a carrier conveying the drug to a person authorised to have it in his possession; o cial of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine engaged in crop analysis of Cannabis sativa NB: A person entitled to be supplied with a controlled drug otherwise than on prescription (i.e. on foot of a requisition) may be unable to receive the drug personally and may send a messenger to receive it on his/her behalf. Such a messenger may be supplied only if he/she produces to the pharmacist, in addition to a requisition in the proper form, a statement in writing from the purchaser to the e ect that the messenger is empowered to receive the drug on his/ her behalf. The pharmacist must be reasonably satisfied that the document is genuine and must retain it for two years. A person who is lawfully in possession of a controlled drug may supply that drug to a person from whom he obtained it. A person who was prescribed a CD2, CD3, CD4 or CD5 can return it to the pharmacy for destruction.

A pharmacist who supplies a controlled drug other than on a prescription to any of the following must obtain a requisition, in writing, before the drug is supplied: a. a practitioner; b. the director of nursing, director of midwifery or matron of a hospital or nursing home; c. a person in charge of a laboratory; d. the owner or master of a ship with no doctor; e. the master of a foreign ship in a port of the State; f. the installation manager of an o -shore installation.

f. A midwife employed by the HSE or a hospital authority to provide community-based maternity services or a self-employed community-based midwife providing maternity services who has notified the HSE of their intention to so practice may have pentazocine or pethidine in their possession (obtained by written order).

The pharmacist must be reasonably satisfied that the signature is that of the person purporting to sign the requisition and that he/ she is engaged in the occupation stated.


c. A person whose name appears on a Register kept for the purpose by the Minister may have in his possession any CD3 or d.TheCD4.master of a foreign ship in port in the State may have in his possession any CD2, CD3 or CD4.1.


b. A person may have in his possession a CD2, CD3 or CD4.1 which was prescribed for medical, dental or veterinary purposes. This paragraph does not apply if: that person was already supplied with any CD by or on prescription of another prescriber and failed to disclose that fact; or that person made a declaration which was false for the purpose of obtaining the supply or prescription.

a.A person who is authorised to produce, supply or o er to supply any CD2, CD3 or CD4 may have such a controlled drug in his/her possession.

The requisition must in all cases be in writing and: a. be signed and dated by recipient; b. state the name, address, occupation and, where applicable, the registration number of the recipient; c. specify the name of the controlled drug, total quantity to be supplied (not needed in words and figures) and the purpose for which it is required.

A person can supply any CD2, CD3, CD4 or CD5 drug to any person who may lawfully have that drug in his possession where they are acting in their capacity as: a.the director of nursing, director of midwifery or matron of a hospital or nursing home which is wholly or mainly maintained by a public authority out of public funds or by a charity or by voluntary subscriptions, and the controlled drug is a medicinal product (only in the case where a pharmacist is not employed); b. the clinical nurse manager, clinical midwife manager or sister for the time being in charge of a ward, theatre or other department in such a hospital or nursing home where the controlled drug is a medicinal product supplied to him/her by a person responsible for the dispensing and supply of medicines at such hospital or nursing home (only where the medicinal product has been prescribed); c. a person in charge of a laboratory engaged in scientific education or research attached to a university, hospital or approved e.d.theinstitution;StateChemist;theDirectorofForensic Science Ireland; f. a public analyst appointed under the Sale of Food and Drugs Act 1875; g.the Chief Executive of the HPRA; inspector of the HPRA; inspector under Section 59 of the Health Act 1970; inspector of the PSI.

Requisition of CDs by Midwives

2.6.3 Requisition of CDs by Ships

A copy of the requisition, or a note of it, must be retained by the clinical nurse manager, clinical midwife manager or sister. While obliged to keep a copy of the requisition form, clinical nurse managers, clinical midwife managers or sisters are not required to maintain registers of receipt and supply.

The owner of a ship or the master of a ship which does not carry a registered medical practitioner on board as part of its complement, or the master of a foreign ship in a port in the State may be supplied with a controlled drug being a medical preparation provided he/ she furnishes the pharmacist with a requisition, in writing, which complies with the general requirements (see 2.6).

The director of nursing, director of midwifery or matron of a hospital or nursing home must ensure that the requisition complies with the general requirements for requisitions (see above) and is countersigned by a practitioner that is employed or engaged in the nursing home.

Requisition of CDs by Hospitals




Midwives must keep a record of any pethidine or pentazocine obtained and administered, and its destruction must be witnessed by an authorised person (see 2.14).

A registered midwife who is providing community based maternity services may be supplied with medicinal products containing pethidine and pentazocine for the practice of his/her profession. A pharmacist must, before he/she supplies pethidine or pentazocine to a midwife, receive a written order, signed by the midwife and countersigned by a medical practitioner or nurse/midwife prescriber practising in his/her area. The order must state the name, address and registration number of the midwife, the name of the controlled drug, the quantity to be supplied and the purpose for which it is required.

A person who supplies a CD2, CD3, CD4.1 to a community pharmacy or a hospital/nursing home pharmacist, director of nursing, director of midwifery or matron of a hospital / nursing home must furnish a receipt with each consignment of such drug. This receipt must be checked by the recipient, any deviations noted, date of receipt noted, and signed by him/her and returned to the supplier within three working days.

The clinical nurse manager, clinical midwife manager or sister in charge of a ward, theatre or other department in such a hospital or nursing home may be supplied with a controlled drug, being a medical preparation solely for the purpose of administration to a patient in that ward, theatre or department in accordance with the directions of a practitioner. Where the pharmacist, director of nursing, director of midwifery or matron, as the case may be, supplies a controlled drug to a clinical nurse manager, clinical midwife manager or sister in these circumstances, he/she must: a. obtain a requisition, in writing, signed by the clinical nurse manager, clinical midwife manager or sister, which specifies the name of the controlled drug and the total quantity of the drug to be supplied; b. mark the requisition in such a manner as to show it has been complied with; and c. retain the requisition for two years in the dispensary at which it was supplied.

In the case of a foreign ship, the requisition must also contain a statement, signed by a Medical O cer of the HSE, that the quantity of controlled drug to be supplied is necessary for the equipment of the ship.

The owner or master of a ship which does not have a doctor on board is entitled to supply any CD2, CD3, CD4 or CD5 drug which is a medical preparation: a. to any member of the crew; b. to any person who may lawfully supply that drug; or c. to a member of the Gardaí or a Customs Excise o cer for destruction.

The installation manager of an o shore installation may be supplied with a controlled drug being a medical preparation provided he/she furnishes the pharmacist with a requisition in writing, which complies with the general requirements (see 2.6). The requisition must contain a statement, signed by the Industrial Medical Adviser (O -Shore Installations), that the quantity of controlled drug to be supplied is the quantity necessary for the equipment of that instalThelation.installation manager is entitled to supply any CD2, CD3, CD4 or CD5 drug which is a medical preparation: a. to any person on the installation; b. to any person who may lawfully supply that drug; or c. to a member of the Gardaí or a Customs and Excise o cer for destruction.

2.7 Prescriptions for CDs

It is unlawful for a practitioner to issue, or for a pharmacist to dispense a prescription for a CD2, CD3 or CD4.1 drug unless it complies with the following requirements. The prescriber must be also satisfied as to the identity of the patient. The prescription must: a. be in ink or otherwise so as to be indelible or transferred by the national electronic prescription transfer system (Healthmail) b. be signed by the practitioner with his/her usual signature and dated by him or in the case of a prescription issued by Healthmail clearly indicated the date of issue and be traceable electronically back to the practitioner issuing it; c. clearly indicate the full name (including the first name) of the practitioner and state whether he/she is a registered medical practitioner, registered dentist, registered veterinary practitioner, registered nurse or registered midwife and state his/ her registration number; [NB. The prescriber must be registered in Ireland.] d. except in the case of a GMS prescription, specify the address of the person issuing it; [NB. The address must be in Ireland.]

2.6.4 Requisition of CDs by O shore Installations

A practitioner or pharmacist urgently requiring a drug and unable to supply a requisition before delivery, may be supplied on giving an undertaking to furnish a requisition within the next 24 hours; failure to do so is an o ence on the part of the practitioner.

g. specify in the prescriber’s own handwriting (except where the prescription has been issued by Healthmail) (i) the name of the controlled drug, (ii) the dose to be taken, (iii) the form in the case of preparations, (iv) the strength (when appropriate) and (v) in both words and figures, either the total quantity of the drug or preparation or the number of dosage units to be supplied;

The Register must be a bound book and not any form of loose-leaf register or card index. The following entries must be made for all purchases or receipts: ⦁ Date on which supply received; ⦁ Name and address of person or firm from whom obtained; ⦁ Amount obtained; ⦁ Form in which obtained; ⦁ Stock balance.

Every transaction (purchase and supply) involving CD2 drugs must be recorded in a register kept for the purpose in the form specified below. A separate register, or a separate part of a register, must be kept for each class of drugs. However, a separate section within a register may be used in respect of di erent drugs or strengths of drugs within the class of drugs to which the register, or separate part, relates, but not more than one register may be kept at any time for any particular class of drugs. The register may not be used for any purpose other than the purposes of the regulations.

NB. In the case of CD4.1, the specifications in (c) and (d) do not apply, i.e. the prescription does not have to be first dispensed within 14 days, the prescription can be repeated and the prescription is valid for six months [nine months in the COVID-19 Regulations]. In the case of repeat prescriptions for CD4.1, the pharmacist must record for each supply the quantity supplied, the date supplied and the pharmacy name and address and keep a copy of the prescription (or GMS repeat) and any record made (i.e. on the back of the prescription) in the pharmacy. When the dispensing of CD4.1 prescription is complete, write or print the word “dispensed” and the date on which it was dispensed and retain on the premises for two years.


h. in the case of a prescription for a total quantity intended to be dispensed in instalments, specify the number of instalments and the intervals at which the instalments may be dispensed. NB. In the case of methadone or buprenorphine written on an Opioid Substitution (OST) prescription form or CD4.1 drugs, the specifications in (g) are not required to be in the prescriber’s own handwriting.

Generic Substitution of CDs

2.10 Labelling of CDs

Entries must be in ink, in chronological sequence and be made on the day of the transaction or not later than the following day. A running stock balance must be made at each transaction (purchase or supply). No cancellation, obliteration or alteration is permitted. Corrections, where necessary, should be made only by way of marginal note or footnote in ink, which must specify the date on which the correction was made. The register must be retained for two years from the date of the last entry in the pharmacy and must be available for inspection.

2.11 CD Register

169 e. specify a telephone number at which the prescriber may be contacted;

2.8 Dispensing of CDs

The following entries must be made for all sales or supplies: ⦁ Date on which the transaction was e ected; ⦁ Name and address of person or firm supplied; ⦁ Particulars as to licence or authority of person or firm supplied to be in possession; ⦁ Amount supplied; ⦁ Form in which supplied; ⦁ Stock balance.

In order to ameliorate any potential conflict arising between the Misuse of Drugs Regulations and the provisions of the Health (Pricing and Supply of Medical Goods) Act 2013 in relation to substitution of controlled drugs which may be deemed interchangeable, an exemption has been provided to allow for the e cient operation of the 2013 Act, i.e. generic substitution is permitted if deemed interchangeable by the HPRA.

A pharmacist dispensing a prescription for a CD2, CD3 or CD4.1 drug must ensure that it conforms to the requirements listed above and that: a. the address of the prescriber as written on the prescription is one within the State; b. he/she is acquainted with the signature of the prescriber and has no reason to believe it is not genuine, or else takes reasonable steps to ensure that it is genuine; c. the prescription is not dispensed before the date specified on it or later than 14 days a terwards; d. in the case of a prescription to be dispensed in instalments, the first instalment is not dispensed later than 14 days a ter the date on the prescription and no instalment is dispensed later than two months a ter that date; e. he/she is satisfied of the identity of the patient or patient’s representative as appropriate; f. the date of supply is marked on the prescription and on each occasion an instalment is supplied; g. the prescription or duplicate copy of a GMS prescription is retained on the premises for two years; h. authenticate the medicine.

f. specify the name (including the first name) and address of the person for whose treatment it is issued or, if issued by a registered veterinary surgeon, the name (including the first name) and address of the person to whom the prescribed drug is to be delivered; [NB. This is no longer required in the practitioner’s own handwriting.]

2.11.1 Form of CD Register

Except when supplied on a prescription, a person shall not supply a CD2, CD3 or CD4.1 unless the bottle, package or other container is clearly marked with the name of the drug and: ⦁ the amount of drug therein in the case of raw drugs; or ⦁ either the number of dosage units and the amount of controlled drug in each, or the total amount of preparation and the percentage of each controlled drug present in the preparation.

The Regulations permit a patient to return unwanted prescribed controlled drugs to the person from whom he/she obtained them for the purposes of destruction. The destruction of returned drugs should be carried out as soon as possible a ter receipt and need not be witnessed. Entries into the CD Register are not required in this instance.

Class of CDs in Register

The master of a ship or the manager of an o -shore installation may not destroy a CD2 but must give it to a member of the Garda Síochána, an o cer of Customs and Excise or to a person who may lawfully supply it.

Personal records, i.e. records from which an individual can be identified and relating to his physical or mental health, need not be disclosed, e.g. patient medication records held in a card index or on computer. Such personal records do not include registers, books, prescriptions or other documents required to be kept under these Regulations.

2.16 Forged or Altered CD Prescriptions



The Regulations prohibit the possession of either a forged prescription or an altered prescription. The Regulations permit such possession where a person in doing so prevents another from committing or continuing to commit an o ence and intends to deliver it into the custody of the Garda Síochána or to an Inspector of the PSI or HPRA.


2.12 CD Invoices

Each scheduled base drug, its salts, its stereoisomeric forms and any of their salts, and any preparation containing it, its salts, its stereo isomeric forms and their salts are treated as being in the same class.

2.17 CD Safe Regulation 4(4) of the Retail Pharmacy Businesses Regulations 2008 states that the pharmacy owner shall provide and maintain a safe or cabinet that meets the requirements of Regulation 5 of the Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1982, as amended. The Regulation also states that the pharmacy owner shall ensure that the safe has a su cient capacity to permit the orderly storage and safe keeping of all relevant controlled drugs.

On foot of a demand made by the Minister or by any person authorised, in writing, by him, the following persons must furnish, within fourteen days, such particulars in respect of controlled drugs as may be requested and produce any stock, register, book or document kept in respect of any dealings in such drugs: a. a licence holder; b. a wholesaler; c. a pharmacy owner; d. a practitioner; e. the director of nursing, director of midwifery or matron of a hospital or nursing home; f. a person in charge of a laboratory; g. a person whose name is on a register and is authorised by the Minister to supply a controlled drug.

Destruction of CDs

Pharmacists must retain for two years in the pharmacy every invoice or other record issued in respect of any CD3 and CD4.1 drugs obtained or supplied by him. Record of supply would include prescription entry, prescription or requisition form. Pharmacists must retain for two years in the pharmacy every invoice issued in respect of any CD5 drugs obtained by him.

Any pharmacist wishing to destroy a CD1 or CD2 drug which he may have in his possession and in respect of which he is obliged to keep a record, may do so only in the presence of, and in accordance with, any directions given by a person authorised by the Minister for Health. Such authorised persons include inspectors of the PSI and the HPRA; members of an Garda Síochána, Customs & Excise Ocers; chief administrators in hospitals or nursing homes (not being the Chief Pharmacist); o cers of the Minister for Health who are registered medical practitioners, registered dentists or registered pharmacists; and the following o cers of the HSE: (a) Directors of Community Care, (b) Chief Pharmacists, not being the persons who themselves, at any time, have been responsible for the possession , dispensing or supply of any of the controlled drugs which are to be destroyed, (c) Community Care Pharmacists, or (d) Community Services

2.15 Cessation of Business and CDs


A person who has ceased to carry on a retail pharmacy business or a representative of such person is obliged on demand by a person authorised by the Minister, the HPRA or the PSI to: a. furnish particulars of stocks of any controlled drug in his possession; b. produce any such stocks; c. produce the register, books or documents in his possession relating to dealings in CD2, CD3 or CD4 drugs; d. dispose of any such stocks in his possession in accordance with directions given by the Minister or a person authorised as above.

2.17.1 Option A Certification Regulation 5 of the Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1982, as amended, states that the safe or cabinet should comply with the specifications set out in the standard specification for Burglar-Resistant Cabinets for the Storage of Controlled Drugs 1985 (I.S. 267:1985). Cabinets purporting to comply with the requirements of the specification I.S 267:1985 are permanently and legibly marked with the following information: a.The manufacturer’s name and address; b. The capacity of the cabinet in cubic metres; c. The type approval test reference number; d.The inscription “I.S. 267: 1985” Enquiries have indicated that safes are not currently being manufactured with the above inscription. Therefore, Option B is the only valid option available at present.

ParticularsPharmacists.ofthedate of destruction and the quantity destroyed must be recorded in the CD Register and that record must be signed by the authorised person in whose presence the drug is destroyed.

Furnishing Information about CDs

⦁ The safe shall be rigidly and securely fixed to a wall or floor by two rag-bolts passing through an anchor plate of mild steel 3mm in thickness with a surface area of at least 19,335mm2

Specification for CD Safe

Locks, bolt assembly and other means of securing the doors of the safe must be fitted internally, and the bolt of each lock must be protected from cutting or manipulation from the outside. Screws, bolts and other fixing devices used in the construction of the safe must be incapable of removal from the outside and be of a strength equal or greater to the component part which it fixes.

2.18.1 Exemptions for Hospitals

⦁ The safe must be constructed of pressed and welded sheet steel metal or pressed and welded steel mesh, sheet steel or steel mesh welded upon an angle iron frame of at least 25mm by 25mm and of at least 5mm thickness.

The Regulations do not apply to the administration of methadone to a hospital patient, once a doctor in the hospital has prescribed it. Nor do they apply to the supply of methadone to a patient for whom it has been prescribed, if that patient has attended the hospital for the treatment of opiate dependence, or is an opiate-dependent in-patient, provided this only happens in exceptional circumstances. In summary, this means that if a patient is admitted to hospital, he may be supplied with methadone while he is in the hospital, and, in exceptional circumstances, patients being discharged from hospital may be given methadone to take home with them, provided they have attended the hospital for treatment for opiate-dependency.

Nothing can be displayed on the outside of a CD safe which indicates that drugs are kept in the safe.

The wall or floor to which it is attached must be constructed of solid brick, concrete block or mass concrete or su cient thickness, depth and strength to provide a secure anchor.

The following is a summary of the specifications for a CD safe:

⦁ If steel mesh is used in the construction of a safe, it is required to be welded steel mesh not lighter than 10 standard wire gauge having rectangular apertures not exceeding 75mm x 12mm or expanded steel not lighter than 12 gauge having diamond apertures not exceeding 44mm x 19mm.

All hinged doors in a safe are required to be fitted with at least two hinges. If any part of the hinge is on the outside of the door, it is required to be fitted with at least two dog-bolts of mild steel of similar gauge and dimensions to the frame of the safe or an internal flange or rebate is required to run the entire length of the door to prevent access without unlocking in the event of damage to the hinges.

2.18.2 Methadone for Use other than in Opiate-Dependency

Methadone may be prescribed for a use other than opiate dependency treatment, e.g. palliative care, if the prescription is written by

Option B Certification

Regulation 6(2)(b) of the Misuse of Drugs (Safe Custody) Regulations 1982, as amended, provides that a member of an Garda Síochána (not below the rank of Superintendent) may, on receipt of an application in writing, inspect or cause to be inspected, any safe or cabinet in which controlled drugs are kept. The member of an Garda Síochána (not below the rank of Superintendent) should certify that the safe or cabinet provides a degree of security which, in his opinion, in all the circumstances of the case is at least equivalent to the relevant requirements. A certificate is then issued which will remain in force for a period of two years. A template certificate can be downloaded from 2.17.3

171 2.17.2

⦁ If sheet steel is used in the construction of a safe, its edges are required to be lapped inwards around the margins of apertures and around the edges of doors so as to be inaccessible from the outside, and where sheet steel is fixed on a framework, it is required to be so fixed as to prevent removal from outside the safe of which the framework forms a part. Where sheet steel is unsed in the construction of the door of a safe, its edges are not required to be lapped inwards where the sheet steel is not lighter than 10 guage and the door fits flush or is recessed so no edge protrudes when the door is closed.

The edges of every panel of steel mesh or sheet stell used in the construction of a safe are required to be arc-welded to a steel frame along their entire length, or in the absence of a steel frame, continuously arc-welded along the entire length of all joints.

The door must have an e ective lock of at least 5 di erent levers or at least 6 pins in a ‘pin and tumbler’ mechanism, be designed to permit at least 1,000 e ective key di ers independent of wards or any other fixed obstruction to the movement of the keys, be provided with a dead-bolt which is either of mild steel of at least 19mm by 8mm section or incorporates a suitable anti-cutting device and which has a total throw of a least 12mm. If the length of the vertical closing edge of a door is more than 914mm and the length of the horizontal edge is more than 457mm, the door is required to be fitted with two locks, one not more than one-third from the bottom and the other not more than one-third from the top. Where only one lock is required, it should be located in the centre of the vertical closing edge.

⦁ A safe may be fitted with a two-leaf door. If fitted with a twoleaf door, the locks are required to be fitted with an integrated espagnolette bolt of a least 19m x 8mm section and which has a total throw at the top and bottom of at least 12 mm or the second opening leaf is required to be secured at the top and bottom with internal bolts of mild steel of at least 6mm x 6mm section or 6mm diameter, each of which has a throw of at least 12mm and the bolt handles being returnable into a holding recess.

2.18 Opioid Substitution Treatment

The Regulations specify that methadone or buprenorphine prescribed for opiate-dependency may only be prescribed on and dispensed from a special Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST) Prescription Form and may only be prescribed and dispensed for patients who have been issued with an Opioid Substitution Treatment Card. Doctors who wish to prescribe methadone or buprenorphine for drug-dependence must register the patient with the Central Treatment List. The HSE must inform the doctor if this person has ever been on the list before. They will issue an Opioid Substitution Treatment Card for each new patient. This card, which will show an expiry date (maximum 1 year), must be lodged with the community pharmacy nominated by the patient and must be retained by the pharmacist.

Prescriptions written on an OST Rx form for methadone or buprenorphine do not have to be in the prescriber’s own handwriting.

OST Records When dispensing methadone or buprenorphine prescriptions in instalments, the pharmacist is required to make only one entry in the CD Register, on the day when the last instalment on the prescription is dispensed, but must record each dispensing in the relevant column on the prescription form. Supply of methadone on a doctor’s requisition must be entered in the CD Register on the day of supply or not later than the following day.

172 a hospital consultant, or is initiated by a consultant and written by another doctor, once the consultant’s name and address are shown on the prescription. These patients do not have to be notified to the Central Treatment List, nor do they require an Opioid Substitution Treatment Card. However, the Opioid Substitution Treatment Prescription Form must be used.

2.20.1 Medical Cannabis Access Programme (MCAP)


In rare instances, e.g. a doctor attending a person held in a Garda Station, a doctor will require a supply of methadone for professional use. Only community pharmacies may supply methadone to doctors on foot of a requisition. [NB. The Opioid Substitution Treatment Prescription Form may be used in such instances, with the words “Requisition - For Professional Use” written in the space allocated for the patient name and address.] In the case of requisitions, the pharmacist must keep the top copy of the form, and submit the carbon copy to the PCRS. [NB. The doctor must pay for any supplies obtained on requisition.]

The following cannabis-based products are currently listed in Schedule 1. CannabisProductbased FormDosage THC/CBD Supplier CannEpil Oral Solution SolutionOral 0.5% THC (5mg/ 10%ml) (100mg/ml)CBD MGC d.o.o.PharmaceuticalsKamniskaulica 29 1000

Supply of Methadone on Doctor’s Requisition

Aurora High CBD Oil Drops SolutionOral < 3% THC (600mg/ml)60%30mg/ml)(<CBD Aurora 4439EnterprisesCannabisInc.TownshipRoad 304 CanadaAlbertaCremonaT0M comclientcare@auroramj.0R0

Tilray SolutionOral SolutionOral 1% THC (10mg/ 1%ml) CBD (10mg/ ml) Tilray Canada Ltd 1100 Maughan Road tilray.comEUdocumentrequest@V9XBCNanaimo1J2Canada

The Medical Cannabis Access Programme has no application to the supply of licenced cannabis products such as Sativex. 2.20.2 Restrictions on prescriptions for medical cannabis products Prescriptions for medical cannabis products listed in Schedule 1 can only be issued by a medical consultant whose name and address are included on the prescription, and where treatment with the cannabis medical product remains under the supervision of that medical consultant. Treatment with a medical cannabis product is only permitted for the treatment of spasticity associated with multiple scle-

SoSedamenAuroratgels Capsules5mg/capsule<0.2mgCBD/capsules Aurora CanadaOntarioMarkham4250EnterprisesCannabisInc.14thAvenueL3R0J2

2.19 Amfetamines


Pharmacists are no longer required to obtain a licence from the Minister for Health in order to supply a medicinal product containing amfetamines in accordance with a prescription issued by a registered medical practitioner. There is a licensed lisdexamfetamine product on the Irish market. All amfetamines are CD2 and accordingly the usual CD prescription, record-keeping and safe custody provisions apply.

On 26 June 2019, the Minister for Health signed legislation to allow for the operation of the Medical Cannabis Access Programme (MCAP) on a pilot basis for five years. The first stage of the MCAP facilitated potential suppliers in applying to have their medical cannabis-based products assessed for suitability for medical use and listed in Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs (Prescription and Control of Supply of Cannabis for Medical Use) Regulations 2019. At the time of writing, the pilot programme is not operational.

2.18.3 Handwriting Exemption

2.20 Medical Cannabis Products

The programme provides for access to specified controlled drugs which are cannabis products or preparations produced from dried, ground or powdered flower of Cannabis; are not medicinal products subject to a marketing authorisation within the meaning of the Medicinal Products (Control of Placing on the Market) Regulations 2007; contain no more than 230mg THC/g and not more than 5g per pack or is presented as an oil-based solution, suspension or capsule with a concentration of THC not more than 3%w/v per unit dose and a total volume not more than 60ml; are permitted to be sold for medical purposes in another EU Member State and currently provided to patients in that Member State; are packaged and labelled in English in accordance with guidance on labelling and packaging published by the HPRA and are listed in Schedule 1 of the Regulations.

A patient may only be prescribed a medical cannabis product where their name has been entered in the Cannabis for Medical Use Register (CMUR) maintained by the HSE and where the patient has been provided with a CMUR number. The prescription is to be in a format prescribed by the HSE. Prior to issuing a first prescription for a medical cannabis product, the medical consultant must have notified the HSE of the patient’s name, address, date of birth and specified therapeutic indication for the medical cannabis product and provided the HSE with their name, registration number and medical speciality. The prescription for the medical cannabis product is issued under the direct responsibility of the medical consultant to fulfil the needs of the named individual patient, and the Minister for Health bears no liability for such treatment. At the time of writing, the operation of the CMUR is being finalised. No detail on the format of a prescription as required by the HSE has been provided to date.

For each supply of a medical cannabis product, a pharmacist is required to keep the prescription or a copy of the prescription, and to maintain a record of the following details: the date of supply; the name, quantity, dosage form and strength (except where this apparent from the name) of the medical cannabis product supplied; the dose of the medical cannabis product supplied; the name, address and registration number of the prescriber; the CMUR number, name and address of the patient and the date of the prescription. Pharmacists are required to submit information on a monthly basis to the HSE not later than 14 days a ter the end of the calendar month in which the supply occurred the pharmacy name and address, the name and address of the person who supplied the pharmacy with the medical cannabis products, the details recorded in respect of each prescription as provided above and such further information as required by the HSE.


Only the following can apply for a licence to prescribe cannabis:


If a prescriber wishes to prescribe a cannabis-based product not listed in Schedule 1 of the Regulations or wishes to prescribe a cannabis-based product for an indication outside those listed in the Regulations, a special Ministerial licence is required. To obtain a licence, an Irish-registered medical practitioner must apply to the Minister for Health. The application must be endorsed by the patient’s medical consultant who is responsible for the management of the patient and who is prepared to monitor the e ects of the medical cannabis treatment over time.

Ministerial Licence Application Process

3.1 What is a medical device? A medical device is defined in the MDR as any instrument, apparatus, appliance, so tware, implant, reagent, material or other article

2.20.6 Supply of Cannabis products not included in Schedule 1

Reporting of adverse events and quality defects

173 rosis resistant to all standard therapies and interventions, intractable nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy, despite the use of standard anti-emetic regimes or for severe, refractory epilepsy that has failed to respond to standard anticonvulsant medicines.


An outline of the treatment the patient has received to date and justification from the doctor as to why it is appropriate, in their patient’s specific circumstances, to prescribe cannabis; ⦁ Details of the cannabis-based product which they propose to prescribe and administer to the patient; ⦁ The source of the cannabis-based product; ⦁ The arrangements for the ongoing monitoring and care of the patient once the cannabis-based treatment has commenced. To apply for a licence, the prescriber should contact controlled_ Licence applications are not clinically reviewed; it is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the clinical appropriateness of the proposed medical cannabis treatment for their patient.

Medical cannabis products may only be supplied to a medical practitioner by a pharmacist for the purpose of his profession or business. Such products may only be supplied to persons other than medical practitioners by a pharmacist where the person has a prescription issued in the format prescribed by the HSE. Supply of medical cannabis products in a hospital is permitted for administration in the hospital to a patient, or in exceptional circumstances where the patient has attended the hospital as an in-patient or for the treatment of a specified therapeutic indication. Medical cannabis products cannot be made available to the public for self-selection. The requirements in respect of labelling and counselling for medical cannabis products are the same as for all other medicines.

The Regulations require that a person makes a detailed report to the HPRA of any suspected adverse event to a medical cannabis product within 15 days of receipt of information about any suspected severe adverse reaction or within 90 days of receipt of information about any other adverse reaction. Similarly in respect of quality defects, these must be reported within 15 days of receipt of information where the defect is a critical or serious quality defect or within 90 days of receipt of information about any other quality defect. Reports made to the HPRA should be made electronically save exceptional circumstances. Records of reports of adverse events and quality defects in respect of medical cannabis products are required to be retained for 5 years.

The application must include:

Supply of medical cannabis products

⦁ A patient’s consultant, where evidence of an established doctor-patient relationship exists; ⦁ A patient’s GP, where the application is accompanied by a written endorsement for the cannabis treatment from the patient’s consultant.

3. The Medical Devices Regulations Medical devices are regulated in Ireland pursuant to European legislation. Regulation 2017/745 on Medical Devices (MDR) and Regulation 2017/746 on In-Vitro Diagnostic Devices (IVDR) set out the regulatory framework. Regulation 2017/745 is fully operational since 26 May 2021, while the full implementation of Regulation 2017/746 is expected to be complete by 26 May 2022. These regulations strengthen and replace the previous Medical Device Directive and In-Vitro Device Directive (IVDD). Transitional arrangements are in place for medical devices which were on the market prior to the implementation of the MDR and IVDR.

Record keeping in respect of supply of medical cannabis products

•diagnosis monitoring, treatment, alleviation of, or compensation for, an injury or disability,

Arising from these definitions, the range of products which are captured by the MDR and IVDR is broad and includes products such as personal protective equipment, diagnostic and testing equipment e.g. blood glucose monitors, certain products for application to the human body eg some eye drops, creams, so tware applications, and products for implantation into the human body.

•providing information by means of an in vitro examination of specimens derived from the human body, including organ, blook and tissue donations, and which does not achieve its principal intended action by pharmacological, immunological or metabolic means, in or on the human body, but which may be assisted in its function by such means.

Specimen receptacles shall also be deemed to be in vitro diagnostic medical devices.

The MDR sets out a series of rules for determination of the classification of medical devices which are generally based on the degree of invasiveness of a device, the part of the body which is a ected by the device, the duration of the intended use of the device, and whether or not the device is active or not (e.g. a device intended to administer or exchange energy or to administer or remove medical products, body liquids or other substances from the body). In-vitro diagnostic devices are currently classified in accordance with the IVDD as Annex II list A, Annex II list B, devices for self-testing and in-vitro diagnostic devices general category. A new classification system will be introduced by the IVDR in 2022.

174 intended by the manufacturer to be used, alone or in combination, for human beings for one or more of the following specified medical

•investigation, replacement or modification of the anatomy or of a physiological or pathological process or state,

An in vitro diagnostic medical device is defined in the IVDR as any medical device which is a reagent, reagent product, calibrator, control material, kit, instrument, apparatus, piece of equipment, so tware or system, whether used alone or in combination, intended by the manufacturer to be used in vitro for the examination of specimens, including blood and tissue donations, derived from the human body, solely or principally for the purpose of providing information on one or more of the following: (a) concerning a physiological or pathological process or state; (b) concerning congenital physical or mental impairments; (c) concerning the predisposition to a medical condition or a disease; (d) to determine the safety and compatibility with potential recipients; (e) to predict treatment response or reactions; (f) to define or monitoring therapeutic measures.

A manufacturer is only required to make an application to a single designated notified body in the EU. Once a certificate of conformity has been issued by a designated notified body, the medical device or in-vitro diagnostic device may be sold in all EU Member States. In Ireland, the HPRA is responsible for designating bodies as notified bodies. Certificates of conformity are valid for a maximum period of five years, but can be extended for further periods following re-asWheresessment.the manufacturer of a medical device is not established in an EU Member State, the device is only permitted to be placed on the EU market where the manufacturer has designated a sole authorised representative. The sole authorised representative is required to verify that an EU declaration of conformity or appropriate conformity assessment procedure has been carried out by the manufacturer, keep available copies of the technical documentation and EU declaration of conformity, to respond to requests from competent authorities to demonstrate the conformity of the device, forward to the manufacturer any requests for information from the competent authority in the Member State where the authorised representative is located, inform the manufacturer of any complaints or reports of suspected incidents relating to the device, co-operate with competent authorities on any preventative action taken to eliminate or mitigate against risks posed by the device and to terminate the relationship with the manufacturer if the manufacturer fails to comply with its obligations under the MDR.

Medical devices are classified into four risk categories: category I (lowest risk), category IIa, category IIb and category III (highest risk).

•diagnosis,purposes: prevention, monitoring, prediction, prognosis, treatment or alleviation of disease,

Medical devices and in-vitro diagnostic devices are required to display a CE mark to comply with the MDR or IVDD. For most class I medical devices and general in-vitro diagnostic devices, the manufacturer provides a self-declaration of conformity and applies a CE mark to the product. For medical devices in classes IIa, IIb and III, sterile devices, devices with a measuring function, devices for self-testing, and all devices listed in Annex II of the IVDD, the manufacturer is required to apply to a designated notified body for an assessment of conformity with the legislation. The designated notified body issues a CE certificate to the manufacturer if it is satisfied that the requirements of the MDR or IVDD are met as appropriate.

3.5 Reporting safety issues with Medical Devices

3.2 Classification of Medical Devices and In-Vitro Diagnostic Devices

3.3 Notification of Medical Devices and In-Vitro Diagnostic Devices

3.4 Claims about Medical Devices

The MDR specifically prohibits the making of any claims in the labelling, instruction for use, making available or advertising of medical devices that may mislead the user with regard to the device’s intended purpose, safety and performance. Such claims may arise by ascribing functions and properties to the device which the device does not have, creating a false impression regarding treatment or diagnosis, functions or properties which the device does not have, failing to inform the suer of a likely risk associated with the use of the device in line with its intended purpose or suggesting a used for the device other than those stated to form part of the intended purpose for which the conformity assessment was carried out.

The HPRA is the body in Ireland responsible for receiving reports of safety issues with medical devices and in-vitro diagnostic devices in Ireland. Adverse incidents involving the use of medical devices or in-vitro diagnostic devices should be reported to the HPRA. This can

⦁9th Schedule – the form of certificate stating results of test, examination or analysis.

⦁7th Schedule – the form of licence is laid out in Regulation 10.

⦁8th Schedule – the form of certificate for the purchase of a poison required is laid out in Regulation 7.

A poison listed in the 2nd Schedule may not be sold to any person unless the purchaser is known to the seller as a responsible person or else furnishes a certificate in writing signed by a householder. If the householder is unknown to the seller, the certificate must be countersigned by a member of the Gardaí. Any certificate provided by a householder must be retained at the pharmacy. The form of the certificate must comply with the particulars specified in the 8th Schedule. Before completing the sale, the seller must ensure that the transaction is duly recorded in a book kept for that purpose, in the form set out in the 5th Schedule, in which the following particulars are entered: a. Date of sale; b. Name and address of purchaser; c. Name and address of householder issuing a certificate (if appropriate); d. Name and quantity of poison sold; e. Purpose for which it is required; f. Such other particulars as are required in accordance with the 5th Schedule; g. Signature of the purchaser.

4.5 Signed Order for Poisons

There are nine schedules to the Poisons Regulations and the following is a brief summary of their significance:

4.1 Schedules for Poisons

⦁4th Schedule – restrictions on licensed sellers:

⦁4.2.2 Paraquat and its salts in liquid form may not be sold or supplied for use as a pesticide unless the container is labelled with the word ‘Poison’ and with the words ‘Keep out of the reach of children Do not repack from this container. Destroy container when empty’.

The supply of Strychnine, its salts or quaternary compounds or preparations containing 0.2% or more of strychnine is banned except where such supply is (a) to a Department of State, local authority or the Health Service Executive for the purpose of destruction or (b) to a person or institution engaged in scientific research, education or analysis, for such purposes.

⦁6th Schedule – the form of application for a licence must be made in accordance Regulation 10.

4.3 Supply of Strychnine

175 be done using the online medical device incident user report form available on

If a person represents that he needs a poison urgently for the purpose of his trade, business or profession and is unable to attend in person to sign the Register, he may be supplied with that poison provided he gives an undertaking that, within 72 hours, he will either duly sign the book or else furnish a signed order. Where a signed order is furnished, the seller must enter in the column of the book reserved for the signature of purchaser the words ‘Signed Order’ and a reference number by which the order can be identified.

⦁2nd Schedule – poisons to which record-keeping requirements apply. ⦁3rd Schedule – this consists of a list of substances and products which are exempted from all controls: Part 1: General Exemptions; Part 2: Specific Exemptions.

Part 1: Those poisons which are restricted as to the form in which they may be sold by licensed sellers; Part 2: Those poisons which may be sold by licensed sellers only to persons engaged in the trade or business of agriculture, horticulture or forestry, for the purpose of that trade or business. ⦁5th Schedule – the form of entry to be made in the book must be kept in accordance with Regulation 7.

4. The Poisons Act and Regulations

The sale of poisons is controlled by the Poisons Act 1961 and the Poisons Regulations 2008.Poisons Regulations no longer apply to medicinal products for human use, animal remedies and cosmetic products.

While the general requirement in respect of labelling of poisons has been removed through the 2008 Regulations, the requirements in relation to the labelling compressed hydrogen cyanide and salts of paraquat in liquid form are being continued.

⦁1st Schedule – thisconsists of a list of substances which are designated as poisons for the purposes of the Regulations. The list is divided into two parts as follows:

⦁4.2.1 Compressed hydrogen cyanide may not be sold or supplied unless the container is labelled with the word ‘Poison’ and with the words ‘Warning. This container holds poisonous gas and should only be opened and used by persons having expert knowledge of the precautions to be taken in its use’

Part 1: Poisons which may be sold only at a pharmacy, by or under the supervision of a registered pharmacist; Part 2: Poisons which may also be sold by licensed sellers.

A signed order is a document signed, by the purchaser, stating: a. his name and address; b. his trade, business or profession; c. the purpose for which the poison is required; and d. total quantity to be purchased.

4.2 Labelling of Poisons

4.4 Records for Poisons

Containers must be impervious to the poisons they contain and must be su ciently strong as to prevent leakages arising from the ordinary risks of handling. In any retail shop or premises, poisons must be stored: a. in a cupboard or drawer reserved solely for the storage of poisons; or b. on a shelf reserved solely for poisons where no food is kept directly underneath that shelf; or c. in a place partitioned o or separated from the rest of the shop or premises: 1. to which customers are not permitted to have access; and 2. where no food is kept.

4.8 Further Restrictions on Certain Poisons

6.2 When is advertising permitted? Advertising of medicinal products is only permitted in respect of medicinal products which are the subject of a marketing authorisation or a certificate of traditional use registration. Advertisements for medicinal products must comply with the particulars set out in the summary of product characteristics, must encourage the rational use

4.7 Storage of Poisons


4.8.1 Fluoroacetic acid, its salts; fluoroacetamide; salts of thallium or zinc phosphide may be sold or supplied only to: ⦁ Departments of State, local authorities or the Health Service Executive requiring it for the public service or in connection with the exercise of any statutory powers, functions or duties; or ⦁ persons carrying on the business of pest control for use as a rodenticide.

5. Veterinary Medicines

4.8.4 Chlordane, chlordecone or reserpineor any of their isomers may not be supplied or o ered for supply for use as a pesticide.

The restrictions on the sale of poisons stipulated in Regulation 5 do not apply to: a. a person who requires the poison for the purpose of his profession; or b. a person carrying on a business in the course of which poisons are regularly used in the manufacture of other products; or c. a Department of State or any local authority or Health Service Executive requiring the poison for the public service or in connection with the exercise of any statutory powers, functions or duties; or d. a person or institution concerned with scientific education, research or chemical analysis, for the purpose of such education, research or analysis.

Exemptions to Poisons Regulations

All substances listed in Part 1 of the 3rd Schedule are exempted from the Poison Regulations. Substances listed in the first column of Part 2 of the 3rd Schedule are exempted also when the circumstances referred to in the second column opposite the name of the poison are applicable. In the main, this kind of exemption refers to products having less than a stated percentage of a particular poison or being in a particular form or presentation.

Supervision by a pharmacist or the requirements relating to recording do not apply to bona fide wholesaling transactions. Sales of poisons for export outside the State are also exempt.

4.8.3 Calcium cyanide, potassium cyanide or sodium cyanide may be sold or supplied only to: ⦁ a Department of State, local authority or Health Service Executive requiring it for the public service or in connection with the exercise of any statutory powers, functions or duties; or ⦁ a person who requires it for the purpose of his trade, business or profession.

The additional restrictions referred to above do not apply to the sale or supply of a poison to a person or institution concerned with scientific education, research or chemical analysis, for such purposes.

4.6 Wholesaling of Poisons

4.8.2 Potassium arsenites or sodium arsenites may not be sold.

Regulation of the supply of veterinary medicines is derived from European legislation. At the time of writing, Regulation 2019/6 known as the New Veterinary Regulation has come into e ect but is not required to be applied by Member States until 28 January 2022. The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine is working with the HPRA to develop the necessary legislative changes required for implementation of the Regulation in Ireland. It is expected that there will be significant legislative and operational changes, including the development of an e-prescribing solution for veterinary prescriptions. We therefore intend to publish a separate summary guide on veterinary legislation which will be available on

A person may not sell a poison by wholesale unless (a) he has reasonable grounds for believing that the purchaser is lawfully entitled to sell the poison or (b) the purchaser who carries on a business of shop-keeping has furnished a signed statement that he requires the poison for the purposes of his trade, business or profession other than shop-keeping. The keeping of records does not apply to bona fide wholesaling transactions.


6. Medicinal Products (Control of Advertising) Regulations 2007 6.1 What is advertising? The advertising of medicinal products is permitted only in accordance with the Medicinal Products (Control of Advertising) Regulations 2007. Advertising is broadly defined to include any form of door to door information, canvassing activity or inducement designed to promoted the prescription, supply, sale of consumption of medicinal products and includes in particular advertising to the general public; advertising to persons qualified to prescribe medicinal products; visits by medical sales representatives to persons qualified to prescribe medicinal products; the provision of inducements to prescribe or supply medicinal products by the gi t, o er or promise of any benefit or bonus, whether in money or kind; the sponsorship of promotional meetings attended by personsl qualified to prescribe or supply medicinal products; and the sponsorship of scientific congresses attended by person qualified to prescribe or supply medicinal products and in particular payment of their travelling and accommodation expenses associated with such congresses.

177 THE CATALOGUEPRODUCTSHEALTHNATIONAL (NHPC) Comprehensive and sophisticated catalogue maintained on a daily basis Information on over 68,000 products Licensed medicinal products, exempt medicinal products, medical devices and much more Used by 95% of pharmacies and a range of other healthcare providers ISO www.nhpc.ieCertified

178 of the medicinal product by presenting it objectively and without exaggeration, and must not be misleading.

Advertising in respect of medicinal products must not: give the impression that a medical consultation or surgical operation is unnecessary, in particular by o ering a diagnosis or suggesting treatment by mail; suggest that a medicinal product will produce guaranteed e ects, be free from adverse reactions or that the product is better or equivalent to the e ects of another treatment or medicinal product; suggest that a patient’s health will be enhanced by taking the medicinal product or could be a ected by not taking the product; be directed exclusively or mainly at children; refer to recommendations by scientists, health processionals or celebrities who could encourage the consumption of medicinal products; suggest that the medicinal product is a foodstu , cosmetic or other consumer product; suggest that the safety or e cacy of the medicinal product is due to the fact it is natural; include a description or detailed representation of a case history that could lead to erroneous self-diagnosis; refer in improper, alarming or misleading terms to claims of recovery or provide pictorial representations of chang es in the human body caused by disease or injury, or the action of a medicinal product on the human body.

Stocks of methylated spirits held by a licensed retailer should not exceed 18.5 litres at any one time nor should any one sale or supply exceed 18.5 litres. The purchaser should be known to the seller or vouched for by a person known to the seller. The purchaser must state the purpose for which the spirits are required. At the time of sale, the retailer must enter into the methylated spirits register: a. the name and address of purchaser; b. purpose for which the spirits is required as stated by purchaser; c. the quantity of spirits sold; and d. the date of sale.

7. Other Legislation 7.1 Methylated Spirits

Advertisements in respect of medicinal products must be set out in such a way that it is clear that the message is an advertisement and must identify the product as a medicinal product.

7.1.1 Supply of Methylated Spirits

The European Union (Marketing and Use of Explosives Precursors) Reg ulations 2014 Provide that a member of the general public (i.e. a person who is acting for purposes not connected with his/her trade, business or

The following minimum information must be contained in an advertisement:the name of the medicinal product; the common name of the medicinal product if it contains only one active ingredient; information necessary for the correct use of the medicinal product; an express invitation to read the instructions on the leaflet or label as the case may be; in the case of traditional herbal medicinal product a statement saying “traditional herbal medicinal product for use in [insert of or more of the licenced therapeutic indications] based upon long-standing use” If the advertisement is intended only as a reminder, it is acceptable that the advertisement consists solely of the name of the product or its international non-proprietary name and advice to read the instructions on the leaflet or label as appropriate.

The methylated spirits register should be kept in the pharmacy and be readily available for inspection by members of the Garda Síochána, members of the Customs and Excise or other authorised inspectors.

6.3 Advertising directed wholly or mainly at the general public

6.5 Advertising of Vaccines

It is permitted to advertise vaccines as an exception to the general prohibition on advertising prescription-only medicines where the advertising campaign has been approved by the Minister for Health.

Industrial Methylated Spirits – contains alcohol (95%) 19 volumes; approved wood naphtha 1 volume. The use of Industrial Methylated Spirits is permitted in a number of preparations made in accordance with BP and BPC formulae.

6.4 Form of Advertising

Advertising of prescription-only medicines and CD2 medicines which is directed wholly or mainly at members of the public is prohibited.

The sale of methylated spirits is subject to theIntoxicating Liquor (General) Act,1924. Methylated spirits may only be supplied by (i) authorised methylators, and (ii) persons licensed to retail methylated spirits. A licence from the Customs and Excise is required to authorise the supply of methylated spirits to the public. Any pharmacy wishing to sell methylated spirits must obtain such a licence and it is renewable annually. Any sale of methylated spirits between the hours of 9.00pm on Saturday evening and 9.00am on Monday morning is prohibited. There are various types of methylated spirits.

The following are the most common ones found in pharmacies:

Mineralised Methylated Spirits – consists of alcohol mixed with wood naphtha (9.5%) and crude pyridine (0.5%).

7.2 Explosives Precursors Regulations

An explosives precursor is a chemical substance which can be made into an explosive with relative ease, e.g. by mixing or blending with other substances or by simple chemical processing. In recent years, the EU has experienced more and more terrorist and criminal attacks using home-made explosives fabricated from such explosives precursors. Consequently, the EU introduced EU Regulation 98/2013 to establish harmonised rules concerning the making available, introduction into the State, acquiring, possession and use of substances that could be used to manufacture explosives. Regulation 2019/1148 has replaced Regulations 98/2013 since 1 February 2021. While this Regulation has taken e ect, there are some steps which require transposition into Irish law. At the time of writing, this transposition has not been completed, and the European Union (Marketing and Use of Explosive Precursors) Regulations 2014, which transposed Regulation 98/2013 into Irish law remains in force.

Cosmetic products are regulated across the European Union by Regulation EC 1223/2009. Pharmacists are expected to exercise due diligence in accepting cosmetic products from their suppliers and non-compliant products should be notified to the Compliance/Cosmetics Division of the HPRA

should be kept in the pharmacy for 18 months from the date of the transaction and be made available for inspection by the Gardaí.


⦁ the name of the relevant cosmetic product so it can be identified; ⦁ all serious undesirable e ects that you are aware of related to this product; ⦁ any corrective action taken – this might include stopping a product from being sold.

Food Supplements Regulations

Pharmacies must keep records of all their suppliers of cosmetic products. Invoices and/or delivery dockets must be kept for 3 years.

Further information can be found on 7.3 Cosmetic Regulations

The HPRA have published guidelines for retailers selling cosmetic products at

•An address within the European Union

•An ingredient list (In the case of a small product where it is not possible to list the ingredients, the list of ingredients should appear on a notice immediately beside the product)

These Regulations deal with the lists of vitamin and minerals and their forms that can be added to foods, including food supplements.

In the event of a serious undesirable e ect occurring on the Irish market, the retailer must without delay contact the HPRA and the company at the European address on the label. The following details should be reported:

Tooth whitening products are regulated under the EU Cosmetics Regulation EC 1223/2009.

7.4 Tooth Whitening Regulations

Enforcement of these regulations is the responsibility of the the Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) but is carried out by the HSE Environmental Health O cers (EHOs), under contract. Ireland operates a notification system for monitoring food supplements on sale in Ireland. When placing a supplement on the market in Ireland it is a legal requirement of the Food Business Operator to formally notify the FSAI. Therefore, it is advisable that all pharmacists selling food supplementsensure that these products have been notified to the

Retailers, including pharmacists are required to check the following information on the product label: ⦁ That the text is in English or Irish or both ⦁ That the best before date, where this is relevant to the product has not passed. ⦁ That the following information is contained on the label

The following substances which, when in concentrations above the limits shown, are known as Restricted Explosives Precursors: Ammonium Nitrate (16%); Hydrogen Peroxide (12%); Nitromethane (16%); Nitric Acid (3%); Potassium Chlorate (40%); Potassium Perchlorate (40%); Sodium Chlorate (40%); Sodium Perchlorate (40%); Sulphuric Acid (15%). These substances are not to be made available to the general public without a certificate unless the concentration is equal to or lower than the limit values indicated.

A further aim of the Regulation is to put in place a system for the reporting of suspicious transactions, disappearances and the ts for all the substances and mixtures listed above and the following substances: Hexamine, Acetone, Potassium Nitrate, Sodium Nitrate, Calcium Nitrate, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate, Aluminium Powders, Magnesium Nitrate Hexahydrate and Magnesium Powders.

•A batch number or reference ID

In addition to other general requirements for cosmetics, the following restrictions applyto products for tooth whitening: ⦁ only products which contain up to a maximum concentration of 0.1% hydrogen peroxide, present or released, can be sold directly to consumers; ⦁ products containing greater than 0.1% and up to 6% hydrogen peroxide must be applied under the supervision of a dental practitioner; ⦁ products containing greater than 6% hydrogen peroxide are prohibited from use and are considered illegal cosmetic products.

Pharmacies shall only sell REPs to professional users a ter checking proof of identity and verifying the business, company name, address, VAT number or CRO number (if any) and confirming that the intended use is consistent with that business. The pharmacy must keep a record of the transaction. Pharmacies may refuse to sell REPs to professional users if there are any reasonable grounds for doubting the legitimacy of the intended use, and they should report any suspicious transactions to the Garda national contact point at

179 profession) requires a licence from the Gardaí (who are responsible for the implementation of this Regulation) if they wish to acquire, introduce into the State, possess and use any of these Restricted Explosive Pre cursors (REPs), i.e. explosives precursors above certain concentrations. (N.B. A professional hairdresser, for example, who is buying hair product for use in his/her profession is not a member of the general public in the context of this Regulation.) The licence may be issued for single or multiple transactions and be valid for up to three years. A pharmacist who supplies these REPs will have to ensure that the person acquiring them is in possession of a valid licence, verify proof of identity of the person and the licence, and the pharmacist will also have to record the details of the transaction on the licence and keep a copy of the licence and the transaction in the pharmacy.

These checks must also be completed where cosmetic products are sold online. Care should be taken with regard to the supply of cosmetic products to Great Britain and Northern Ireland post-Brexit from Ireland. Retailers should verify if such supply is permitted with the relevant UK authorities and confirm the applicable regulatory requirements. Enquiries regarding cosmetic regulations in the UK market should be directed to the UK O ce for Product Safety and Standards. It may also be necessary to consider if there are customs implications in relation to such supply.

These Regulations cover the making available of biocidal products on the market and their use and requires that all active substances or ingredients contained in biocidal products must be approved. Biocidal products (or biocides) include products such as disinfectants, sanitisers, preservatives, rodenticides, insect repellants, insecticides and anti-fouling products that are used to control various types of harmful organisms.

P Indicates a medicinal product which is exempt from prescription control. These medicinal products may only be sold in a pharmacyby or under the direct supervision of a pharmacist.

180 FSAI. Pharmacists should also be aware that only health claims authorised for use on the European Commission’s Claims Register are permitted on foods.

7.7 Contact Lenses/Reading Glasses Regulations Under the Opticians Act, the sale of all contact lenses (whether afocal or focal contact lenses) by persons other than registered optometrists, registered dispensing opticians or registered medical practitioners, is an o ence. Ready-made reading spectacles may only be sold in pharmacies under the following conditions: ⦁ they must not have a minus power; ⦁ both lenses must have the same strength; and ⦁ they must have no greater than plus +4 power.

7.6 Biocidal Products Regulations

The Pesticide Registration and Control Divisions of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) is the competent authority for the implementation of the biocides legislation in Ireland. An o cial register of notified and authorised biocidal products that may be made available on and used in the market in Ireland is available from DAFM. All biocides made available on the market and used in Ireland must be notified to the DAFM. Once notified, a biocidal product will be given a ’PCS number’ (e.g. PCS 90000). This notification number must be printed clearly and indelibly on the label. Once authorised, a biocidal product will be given an authorisation number, i.e. an ‘IE/BPA number’ (e.g. IE/BPA 70000). This authorisation number must be printed clearly and indelibly on the label.

A biocidal product must be labelled with the following informa(a)thetion:

identity of every active substance and its concentration in metric units; (b) the nanomaterials contained in the product, if any, and any specific related risks, and, following each reference to nanomaterials, the word ‘nano’ in brackets; (c) the authorisation number allocated to the biocidal product by the competent authority or the Commission; (d) the name and address of the authorisation holder; (e) the type of formulation; (f) the uses for which the biocidal product is authorised; (g) directions for use, frequency of application and dose rate, expressed in metric units, in a manner which is meaningful and comprehensible to the user, for each use provided for under the terms of the authorisation; (h) particulars of likely direct or indirect adverse side e ects and any directions for first aid; (i) if accompanied by a leaflet, the sentence ‘Read attached instructions before use’ and, where applicable, warnings for vulnerable groups; (j) directions for the safe disposal of the biocidal product and its packaging, including, where relevant, any prohibition on the reuse of packaging; (k) the formulation batch number or designation and the expiry date relevant to normal conditions of storage; (l) where applicable, the period of time needed for the biocidal e ect, the interval to be observed between applications of the biocidal product or between application and the next use of the product treated, or the next access by humans or animals to the area where the biocidal product has been used, including particulars concerning decontamination means and measures and duration of necessary ventilation of treated areas; particulars for adequate cleaning of equipment; particulars concerning precautionary measures during use and (m) wheretransport;applicable, the categories of users to which the biocidal product is restricted; (n)where applicable, information on any specific danger to the environment particularly concerning protection of non-target organisms and avoidance of contamination of water; (o) for biocidal products containing micro-organisms, labelling requirements in accordance with Directive 2000/54/EC. By way of derogation from the first subparagraph, where this is necessary because of the size or the function of the biocidal product, the information referred to in points (e), (g), (h), (j), (k), (l) and (n) may be indicated on the packaging or on an accompanying leaflet integral to the packaging. Pharmacists should exercise diligence to ensure that any biocidal products sourced or sold from pharmacies comply with these requirements.

8. Key to Legal Classification on the IPU Product File # Indicates a medicinal product where there is no legal restriction to sale or supply.

S1A Indicates a medicinal product, which may only be supplied by a pharmacist on the authority of a valid prescription issued by a registered medical practitioner, registered dentist or registered nurse/midwife practitioner. Such prescriptions may be dispensed on one occasion only unless otherwise indicated in writing by the prescriber.

S1B Indicates a medicinal product, which may only be supplied by a pharmacist on the authority of a valid prescription written by a registered medical practitioner, registered dentist or registered nurse/midwife practitioner. Such prescriptions may be dispensed for up to six months at appropriate intervals having regard to the dosage rate and quantity specified, unless the prescriber directs otherwise in writing. NB. Dental prescriptions for medicinal products other than sodium fluoride tablets cannot be repeated.

181 S1C Indicates a preparation which may only be dispensed in a hospital. The HPRA no longer assigns this legal classification to medicinal products; however, products which were already assigned the legal classification S1C will continue to be designated as such on the IPU Product File.

CD3 Indicates a preparation containing a substance listed in Schedule 3 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations. Prescriptions for these preparations must be in the prescriber’s own handwriting and in the format specified in the Regulations. These preparations must be stored in the CD Safe.

CD1 Indicates a preparation containing a substance listed in Schedule 1 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations. Examples include raw opium, coca leaf and some forms of cannabis. A special licence is required for any activity in respect of these drugs and they are of little interest to healthcare professionals.

CD5 Indicates a preparation containing a substance listed in Schedule 5 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations.

CD4.1 Indicates a preparation containing a substance listed in Part 1 of Schedule 4 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations, mainly benzodiazepines and z-drugs.

CD2 Indicates a preparation containing a substance listed in Schedule 2 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations. Prescriptions for these preparations must be in the prescriber’s handwriting (except for methadone or buprenorphine) and in the format specified in the Regulations. These preparations must be stored in a CD Safe and records of receipt and supply of these preparations, together with a running stock balance, must be maintained in the CD Register.

The symbols used are for guidance only and the relevant classification on the IPU Product File does not purport to be a legal interpretation.

NEED HELP WITH THE HSE? THE IPU CONTRACT UNIT IS HERE TO HELP YOU CONTACT DEREK Ÿ For advice on any part of the pharmacy contract; Ÿ For advice on all aspects of processing claims; Ÿ For assistance in responding to direct correspondence from the HSE PCRS; Ÿ If you are called to a meeting with the HSE PCRS; Ÿ If your pharmacy is inspected by the HSE PCRS; Ÿ If you are subject to a claims investigation; and Ÿ If you are being investigated under the pharmacy contract. Telephone: 01 406 1557 / 01 493 6401 Derek Reilly, Contract Manager,

CD4.2 Indicates a preparation containing a substance listed in Part 2 of Schedule 4 of the Misuse of Drugs Regulations.

Credit notes

If the car is under warranty, check the terms and conditions to see what it says about the seller’s obligations. If the seller is a member of the Society of Irish Motor Industry (SIMI), the contract you signed when buying the car may require you to go through the SIMI complaints process. If your contract does not require you to go through the SIMI complaints process, or if you’ve gone through the process and you disagree with the outcome, you can take legal action through the Small Claims Court to try to get a resolution to the problem. If you bought a car privately,


The circumstances of each case point to the appropriate type of redress. For example, you cannot expect second-hand or ‘shop soiled’ goods to be of the same standard as new goods. You have no rights for faults that are due to your own misuse of the goods; for faults which were pointed out at the time of purchase, or for faults which should have been seen on examination of the goods.

• As described – it must match the description given verbally or in an advertisement.

If the goods are not of merchantable quality or are not fit for their purpose or are not as described then you are entitled to redress.

Guarantees and warranties

If there is a major fault with the goods and you have acted promptly once the issue was discovered, you are entitled to get a full refund. If the goods have been used for some time, or if there is undue delay in making the complaint, you will only be entitled, at best, to get a repair, replacement, or a partial refund. There are no hard and fast rules as each case has to be considered on its merits.

A consumer contract exists between a buyer (a consumer) and a seller (usually a retailer).

Buying a car Like any other goods, cars must be of merchantable quality, fit for their purpose and as described. It is an o ence for a dealer to provide misleading information about the car including its history, specification and any repair work needed. A dealer must not give you misleading information about themselves, their a ter-sales service or any code of practice in place. It is also an o ence under consumer law for a dealer to withhold information when selling a car. If you think a car has been clocked, you should inform the Gardaí immediately by contacting your local Garda station. You do not have the same consumer rights if you are buying a car from a private seller. Generally, private sales do not come with a warranty so you should ask a mechanic to check the car before you buy it. You should always get the seller’s address or telephone number so that you can contact them if you have problems later on. If you buy a car from a private seller and discover a problem, there may be little you can do beyond taking a civil case through the courts. Because of this, you should be very careful when buying from a private seller and you really need to be aware of what you’re buying. Always try to avoid paying for the car in cash as this is untraceable, pay with a banker’s dra t or cheque instead as this leaves a paper trail.

What if the car you buy is faulty?

False or exaggerated claims must not be made by the retailer. There is no obligation on the shop to give you a receipt for the goods you buy. However, you should always ask for one as part of the purchase in case something goes wrong and you need to return the item to the shop.

• Of merchantable quality – it must be of a reasonable and acceptable standard.

Consumer rights when buying goods

If you change your mind

The following is a short guide to your consumer rights when buying goods and services. More information is available on the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission consumer website, www.

You have no automatic rights to redress if you change your mind or have ‘second thoughts’ about the goods a ter you buy it. For example, if it is the wrong size or you decide you don’t like the colour. Some shops o er to accept returns and give you an exchange or refund within a certain amount of time a ter you buy. This is shop policy and a gesture of goodwill and not a legal requirement. However, some shops which do o er an exchange or refund if you change your mind may only give you a refund in the form of a credit note or gi t voucher for the shop rather than giving you your money back. If things go wrong who is responsible for putting them right? The manufacturer or the seller? It is the seller (shop who sold you the item) who has the contract with you as a consumer so it is the seller who is responsible for fixing the problem.

Your rights when things go wrong

You have legal rights as a consumer to get redress from a seller of the goods regardless of any guarantee or warranty that may have come with the product. If you purchase a good with a guarantee, this guarantee gives you additional protection and cannot a ect or take away your legal rights against the retailer. You may opt to claim under a guarantee but you are not obliged to do so. It is very important for you to familiarise yourself with the content of the guarantee (its terms and conditions) as they can vary considerably from one manufacturer to another. A guarantee may be useful to a third party however, as it extends to anyone possessing the goods during the guarantee period.

Notices saying that only credit notes will be given have no legal e ect. Where a retailer accepts your complaint as valid, you can refuse a credit note and insist on a refund, or if appropriate, a replacement of the goods.

• Fit for the purpose intended – it must be fit for the purpose it was bought for.

You are a consumer when you buy goods for private use or contract for a service. A person who receives goods as a gi t is not considered to be a ‘consumer’ and neither is someone who intends to use the goods in the course of their Underbusiness.consumer law, an item you buy must be:

Consumer Rights When Buying Goods or Services

Buying goods in a sale Goods sold in a sale or at a reduced price are treated no di erently by law to goods sold at any other time: they must be of merchantable quality, fit for their purpose and as described. However, if the goods are marked ‘imperfect’ or ‘shop soiled’ or ‘seconds’ then you should be aware that they may not be up to the standard of new or perfect goods and the price will usually reflect this. However, they must be of merchantable quality and fit for purpose relative to the price paid for them.

This type of contract is as valid and binding as a written one. However, the supplier of the service must make it clear to you that you are forming a contract over the phone with them, and that they will keep a record that you agree to this. The supplier must give you certain information about the contract, including details about the provider, the costs and the minimum length of the contract, as well as any terms and conditions. The supplier must give you this information either in writing, or have it available in another form, like a recording of the phone call. If they don’t, then the contract cannot be enforced. The Consumer Rights Directive covers all distance contracts so you also have the right to cancel the contract within fourteen days when you sign up to a service by phone.

Signing up to a service online Under the Consumer Rights Directive, you have rights when you sign up to a service online, by phone or at your door. There should be no hidden fees and charges when you go to sign up to a service online. Retailers must show clearly the total cost of the service, including any additional taxes or fees, before the order is placed. The supplier must give you certain information about the contract, including details about the provider, the minimum length of the contract, as well as any terms and conditions. From the day that you have entered the contract, the provider has thirty days to perform the service that you have ordered unless you agree otherwise with them. You have the right to cancel the contract within fourteen days when you sign up to a service at your door. This is known as the “cooling-o ” period. The fourteen days begins a ter the contract is concludedusually the date you agree to the contract. If you agree to pay and you give your payment details then this is seen as concluding a contract. The cooling-o period ends a ter the fourteen days regardless of whether the service has started or if you have used the service. This can be extended to a maximum if twelve months if the business does not give you information on your cancellation rights required under the Consumer Rights Directive. Signing up to a service by phone

1)Know your consumer rights.

• Any goods they supply to you as part of the service should be of acceptable quality too In certain circumstances the suppliers of services can limit their responsibilities to the consumer through exclusion clauses provided in the contract. The exclusions should be specifically brought to your attention and should be fair and reasonable.

When you buy or sign up to a service you are entitled to expect: • The service you ordered is provided with proper care and attention

4)Keep notes and documentation to back up your complaint.

Renting and hire-purchase Under consumer law, it does not matter whether the purchase was by cash, credit, rental or hire-purchase. In each case the goods should be of merchantable quality, fit for their purpose, and as described. If goods are bought with a personal loan from a finance company complaints should be made to the retailer in the first instance but the finance company may also be liable if they paid the money directly to the retailer.

Role of the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission

Small Claims Procedure

The National Consumer Agency amalgamated with the Competition Authority on 31 October 2014 to form the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission. The Competition and Consumer Protection Commission is the State body with responsibility for the enforcement of competition and consumer law. In support of this remit, it promotes and protects the interests and welfare of consumers through impartial research and advocacy. It is also responsible for informing and educating consumers about their consumer rights and personal finance. For more information on the work of the Commission visit www. and for more information about consumer rights or personal finance visit or ring the consumer helpline on 1890 432 432.

• The business providing it has the appropriate skills to do the job • Any materials they use in the work are sound and fit for their purpose

Signing up to a service at your door

3)Act promptly and reasonably - delay could result in a loss of rights.

183 you cannot go through the Small Claims procedure because you cannot take a case against another consumer. However, you can still consider legal action by consulting with a solicitor. Before considering a solicitor, you will need to weigh up the costs of taking legal action carefully.

2)Complain to the business who sold the goods or the service. You may need to do this in writing.

Consumer rights when buying or contracting for services

The essential steps to availing of your consumer rights

You have the same rights when you buy something at your doorstep as you do when buying in a shop. The salesperson should give you the full and correct information about the service being sold. What you buy must be as described to you, fit for the intended purpose, and of merchantable quality. If the goods you buy will cost you €50 or more, then you must be given a written cancellation form and a cancellation notice. The Consumer Rights Directive covers all distance contracts so you also have the right to cancel the contract within fourteen days when you sign up to a service at your door.

is the Small Claims procedure. The Small Claims Procedure is a way for consumers to resolve some types of dispute without having to use a solicitor. You can use the Small Claims procedure if your claim is for €2,000 or less. Claims can be made for faulty goods, bad workmanship or a service not properly carried out but claims cannot be made for debts, personal injuries, or for goods bought on hire-purchase or on leasing agreements. The application fee is €25, and the service is provided in your local district court o ce. Application forms are available at every District Court o ce. You can also lodge your claim online at

Anyone who has bought goods or a service for private use from someone selling them as part of a business may take a small claims action. If you have complained to the retailer or service provider and they won’t remedy the situation, then your last course of action

• Resolution, mediation and adjudication of industrial disputes and •

It should be noted that the EAT will continue to operate until it deals with the cases that were before it when this Act came into e ect. It will then be dissolved. The EAT issued 4 Adjudications in 2019 and 3 in 2020.

Resolution of complaints about breaches of employment legislation

1. General a.If a member has an Employment Law problem (or feels he/she may be about to have one) please contact the IPU without delay; the earlier it is tackled the easier it is to resolve. Cases can be dealt with in absolute confidence from the IPU point of view. Members should also be aware of the Legal Fees Insurance Cover Scheme made available by AIC Glennon at the request of the IPU.

(4) Defence of GMS Contract: covers the fees and expenses of the pharmacist in defending any proceedings made against the pharmacist for an alleged breach of his/her GMS Contract.

Employment cover: This covers the payment of fees and expenses in defending an action against the pharmacist following a dispute with an employee, ex-employee, or prospective employee, including the payment of an award made by a Court or Tribunal, arising out of his/her contract of employment.

The WRC will have a representative board consisting of a chairperson and eight other members.

• Promote the improvement of workplace relations, and maintenance of good workplace relations.

Major changes in the manner employment disputes and complaints are dealt with as well as new procedures for ensuring compliance with employment law came into force on 1 October 2015. The newly enacted Workplace Relations Act 2015 provides for a range of changes to the bodies and the procedures which deal with the:

(3) Defence of Pharmacists Registration: Covers the fees and expenses of a pharmacist in defending any proceedings made aginst the pharmacist for an alleged breach of his/her Pharmacy Registration.

• Provide information to the public in relation to employment laws other than the Employment Equality Act

The WRC may also provide advice on any matter relating to workplace relations to employers, their representative bodies and to employees, trade unions or other representative bodies of employees.

b. Employment Law (or Labour Law as it is sometimes called) is a complicated area. The legislation involved can be divided into Trade Union and Trade Disputes Law, and Individual Employment Law. Trade Union and Trade Disputes Law deals with the law as it applies to Trade Unions, Trade Disputes, Conciliation, etc. Individual Employment Law covers, in general, Conditions of Employment, Health, Safety, Terms of Employment, Working Time, Minimum Notice, Unfair Dismissals, Training, etc.

Workplace Relations Act 2015


(5) Pharmacy Acts Cover: Covers the fees and expenses of the pharmacist in defending any legal proceedings made against the pharmacist for an alleged breach of the various Pharmacy Acts. [For details see section “General Insurance – Pharmacists”, or contact AIC Glennon. Tel: 01 619 1100]

The Workplace Relations Commission

• Conduct or commission relevant research and provide advice, information and the findings of research to Joint Labour Committees and Joint Industrial Councils.

• Advise the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation in relation to the application of, and compliance with, relevant laws.

The Labour Court will continue in existence with a number of existing and additional functions. The current members will remain in place. In future, appointments as chair and deputy chairs will be by public competition. When vacancies arise for ordinary members, trade union and employer organisations will nominate three candidates and the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation will choose one.

The Labour Relations Commission has been abolished and all its functions transferred to the WRC. The functions of the Equality Tribunal, including functions under the Equal Status Act, have been transferred to the WRC.

The Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) has been abolished. Its functions in relation to claims for redress, disputes or complaints have been transferred to the WRC. Its functions in relation to appeals have been transferred to the Labour Court.

The Workplace Relations Act 2015 provides that there will be two bodies dealing with complaints and disputes in relation to industrial relations and employment law. These are the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) and the Labour Court.

184 Employment Law

The main functions of the WRC are to:

The New System

• Promote and encourage compliance with the relevant laws.

• Provide guidance in relation to compliance with codes of practice. • Conduct reviews of, and monitor developments as respects, workplace relations.

(2) Criminal Prosecution Cover: Covers the pharmacist’s fees and expenses in defending a prosecution, under the Consumer Acts, brought in a Court of Criminal Jurisdiction.

The Labour Court has wide powers to require witnesses to attend and to take evidence on oath.

Appeal to Labour Court from decision of Adjudication O cer Appeals against decisions of Adjudications O cers may be made to the Labour Court. Such appeals must generally be made within 42 days but this can be extended if the Labour Court is satisfied that there were exceptional circumstances causing the delay. The Labour Court may decide to deal with the complaint or dispute by written submissions only, unless either party objects to this within 42 days of being informed.

Time limits

Mediation O cers

O cer then makes a decision in accordance with the relevant law and gives that decision in writing to the Decisionsparties. by Adjudication O cers will be published on the internet as the provision for a private hearing no longer applies and also, as a consequence, decisions will be published - including the names of the parties – in other words the names of the parties will no longer be anonymised.


Enforcement of decision of Adjudication O cer

In general, the time limit of six months, extendable in certain circumstances remains unchanged. There are specific provisions about when the time limits begin to run in cases of disputes about adoptive leave, maternity leave, parental leave and carer’s leave.

Labour Court hearings on appeals are in public unless the Labour Court decides that they should be in private (or partly in private) because of special circumstances. Parties are entitled to be represented at Labour Court hearings in the same way as at hearings before an Adjudication O cer.

Mediation and Adjudication

Enforcement of Labour Court Decisions

An employer has 42 days to implement the Labour Court’s decision. If the employer fails to do so, the employee, the WRC, the employee’s trade union or excepted body may apply to the District Court for an order directing the employer to do so.

The WRC also has specific functions in relation to the resolution of industrial disputes and the implementation of employment laws. It will be the body to which all industrial relations disputes and all disputes and complaints about employment laws will be presented.

Complaints and disputes will initially be presented in writing to the Director General of the WRC. The Director General may refer the complaint or dispute to a mediation o cer if it is considered that the complaint or dispute is capable of being resolved without being referred to an adjudication o cer and if neither of the parties objects to it being dealt with in this Mediationway. is conducted in private. If agreement is reached as a result of the mediation, that agreement is legally binding on the parties. Adjudication If mediation is not used or is not successful, the complaint or dispute is referred to an Adjudication O cer. The current Adjudicators and equality o cers will be Adjudication Ocers. A further 19 Adjudication O cers are being appointed. References in existing legislation to an Adjudicator now refer to an Adjudication O cer. If the dispute or complaint is referred to an Adjudication O cer, the Adjudication O cer then generally conducts an inquiry. The Adjudication O cer may dismiss a complaint or dispute if it is considered to be frivolous or vexatious. Such a decision may be appealed to the Labour Court within 42 days. The Director General may decide to deal with the complaint or dispute by written submissions only, unless either party objects to this within 42 days of being informed. At the inquiry, the parties have an opportunity to be heard and to present any relevant evidence. Hearings by an Adjudication O cer will be in private. Up to now hearings by Adjudicators have been held in private but EAT hearings have been in public. Following delivery of the judgment of the Supreme Court in Zalewski v. Adjudication O cer and WRC, Ireland and the Attorney General [2021] IESC 24 on 6 April 2021, and the consequential orders made on foot thereof on 15 April 2021, the WRC must now operate on the basis that all hearings are to be open to the public, other than where the investigation or hearing does not amount to the administration of justice. Complainants may be accompanied and represented at hearings before an Adjudication O cer by a specified or permitted Therepresentative.Adjudication

The WRC will employ Mediation and Adjudication O cers to deal with industrial disputes and complaints about non-compliance with employment laws.

The Labour Court may refer a question of law arising in the appeal to the High Court. The High Court’s determination is final and conclusive. Either party may appeal the decision of the Labour Court to the High Court on a point of law. Such an appeal must be made within 42 days. The decision of the High Court is final and conclusive.

The employer has 56 days in which to carry out the decision of the Adjudication O cer. If the employer fails to do so an application can be made to the District Court for an order directing the employer to do so. In general, the District Court must make the order. If the decision was to reinstate or re-engage the employee, the District Court may substitute an order to pay compensation of up to 104 weeks’ pay calculated in accordance with the rules under the Unfair Dismissals Act 1977 to 2007. In all cases involving compensation, the District Court may also order interest to be paid. It is an o ence to fail to comply with an order directing an employer to pay such compensation to an employee unless the employer can show, on the balance of probabilities that they were unable to comply with the order due to financial circumstances.

• Breaches of the obligation on employers to consult representatives of employees and to provide information to them under the Protection of Employment Act 1977 (collective redundancies);

The WRC may prepare codes of conduct for the guidance of employers, employees and others a ected by employment laws. It does not have this function in relation to the Employment Equality Act 1998; codes of practice in relation to that Act are the responsibility of the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission.

• Notice to employees of procedure for and grounds for dismissal under the Unfair Dismissals Act 1977 to 2007.

The Act provides for using fixed payment notices for certain o ences. This is a new development, which may well be expanded in future. Inspectors may issue fixed payment notices for amounts up to €2,000 where they have reasonable cause to believe that a person has committed a relevant o ence. The fine must be paid within 42 days. The relevant o ences are:

The WRC inspectors and adjudication o cers have various powers to get information from employers and employees and to provide that information to other o cial bodies. For example, they may:

The WRC may make arrangements with other o cial bodies to facilitate administrative co-operation.

The existence of a compliance notice or any dispute about it does not prevent employees from taking action in relation to any alleged breach of employment law in respect of them. Neither does it prevent any prosecution for an o ence under employment laws. Compliance notices may be used in relation to breaches of the following legislation:

Codes of practice

• Failure to provide employee with statement of average hourly rate of pay for pay reference period under the National Minimum Wage Act 2000.

The Act provides a new process for the serving of compliance notices. An inspector may serve a compliance notice on an employer if satisfied that a contravention of the relevant legislation has occurred. This notice specifies how that contravention is to be rectified. An employer may appeal against the compliance notice to the Labour Court within 42 days. There is a further appeal from the decision of the Labour Court to the Circuit Court. It is an o ence for an employer to fail to comply with a compliance notice.


Enforcement of employment legislation

It may also enter arrangements with foreign statutory bodies for the exchange of information relevant to its functions and for the provision of mutual assistance.

• Leave on health and safety grounds under the Maternity Protection Acts 1994 and 2004.


• Requirement to give an employee a written statement of terms of employment and requirement to give written notice of changes to those terms under the Terms of Employment (Information) Acts 1994 to 2014.

• Require employers to disclose their registration number and employees to provide their PPSN and to disclose these numbers to o cial bodies for the purposes of investigating or prosecuting alleged o ences under employment law.

• A range of possible breaches of the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 including those in relation to rest periods, Sunday work, working hours, information on working time, zero hours contracts and holidays.

• Regulation of certain deductions made and payments received by employers under the Payment of Wages Act 1991.

The authorised o cers and inspectors who are currently employed by the National Employment Rights Authority will continue to have a similar role with the WRC. New arrangements for prosecutions and new compliance measures are introduced by the 2015 Act. Inspectors have extensive powers to collect documentary and personal evidence in relation to alleged breaches of workplace legislation. This includes the power to enter premises, see and/or remove documents and interview people. If necessary, inspectors may be accompanied by other inspectors or members of An Garda Síochána. They may apply to the District Court for search warrants. Their powers under the various employment laws are restated and consolidated in the Workplace Relations Act 2015.

• Protection of employment rights under the Carer’s Leave Act 2001.

• Obligation of hirers to agency workers under the Protection of Employees (Temporary Agency Work) Act 2012.

The District Court must grant the order. In cases where compensation is to be paid, the District Court may also order the payment of interest. It is an o ence to fail to comply with an order directing an employer to pay such compensation to an employee unless the employer can show, on the balance of probabilities, that they were unable to comply with the order due to financial circumstances.

General Powers of the WRC

Fixed payment notices

Compliance Notices

• Disclose information to public contracting authorities that a person with whom that authority has entered into a contract (either a primary contractor or a party to a secondary contract) has been in breach of employment legislation and may require such an authority to disclose similar information to them.

• Failure to provide statement of wages and deductions from wages under the Payment of Wages Act 1991; or

The Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation has the power under a number of employment laws to bring summary prosecutions against employers who are alleged to be in breach of the law concerned. These powers are being transferred to the WRC. The Act provides that, in most cases, the employer will be liable for all legal costs.

Changes to specific laws

Virtually all employment laws are changed to some extent by this Act because the enforcement procedures are changed. There are some other specific changes that relate to the Unfair Dismissals Acts, the Employment Equality Act, the Equal Status Act, and the Organisation of Working Time Act. There are a number of booklets/leaflets available, which are in themselves adequate for most employers. The following information is available from the new Workplace Relations Customer Service, Department of Jobs, Enterprise & Innovation, O’Brien Road, Carlow. Tel: 059 917 8990, Lo-call: 1890 80 80 90 (09.30 – 17.00, Monday to Friday).

As a result of the new legislation, from 1 August 2015 employees now accrue statutory annual leave while on certified sick leave, subject to a maximum carry-over of 15 months from the end of the year in which it accrued. This brings Irish legislation into line with current European law, which means that employees working in the private sector in Ireland can now accrue statutory annual leave while on certified sick leave.

Previously, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) decided in 2009 that under the 1993 EU Working Time Directive employees are entitled to accrue annual leave while on sick leave and to take such accrued annual leave a ter their sick leave has ended.

The amendment was contained in the Workplace Relations Act 2015, amending the OWT Act, to provide that an employee will accrue statutory annual leave while on certified sick leave. However, such accrued annual leave must be taken

The CJEU later clarified that national law could provide that annual leave accrued while on sick leave is subject to a maximum “carry-over” period of up to 15 months from the end of the year in which it accrued. These decisions conflicted with the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 (OWT Act), which implements in Ireland the 1993 EU Working Time Directive.

The OWT Act, provides that an employee is entitled to a minimum of four working weeks’ paid annual leave where the employee has worked at least 1,365 hours in a leave year. It also provides that annual leave was calculated on the basis of time worked and was silent on the issue of how time spent on sick leave should be regarded for the purposes of calculating annual leave. The view was taken in Ireland that time on sick leave was not time worked and, accordingly, annual leave did not accrue for periods of sick leave.

Guide to the Carers Leave Act Guide to the Parental Leave Acts User’s Guide to Conciliation Guide on Work-related Stress Guide to Maternity Protection Acts Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act - Poster Summary of Main Rules on Employing People under 18 Guide to the Protection of Young Persons Employment Act Guide to Protection of Employees (Part-time Work) Act Guide to Protection of Employees (Fixed-term Work) Act Guide to Protection of Employees (Temporary Agency Work) Act Guide to Procedures in Equal Status Cases Guide to Procedures in Employment Equality Cases Mediation Service - Guide to Procedures (Equality Tribunal) Guide to European Communities (Protection of Employees on Transfer of Undertakings) Regulations Guide to the Organisation of Working Time Act - Holidays & Public Holidays Terms of Employment (Information) Act – Explanatory SampleBookletTerms of Employment

187 Fees The Act allows for the charging of fees for services provided by the WRC and the Labour Court. The Minister has said that it is not the intention to introduce such fees in general. However, it is intended to introduce a fee of €300 for an appeal to the Labour Court where the party who is appealing had not turned up to a hearing at the WRC.

Guide to the Unfair Dismissals Acts Right of employees to accrue statutory annual leave while on certified sick leave

Code of Practice on Prevention and Resolution of Bullying at Work (HAS and WRC) Code of Practice on Compensatory Rest Periods Code of Practice on Sunday Working in the Retail Trade Code of Practice for Protection of Persons Employed in Other People’s Homes Code of Practice – Employment of Young Persons in Licensed Premises Code of Practice on Voluntary Dispute Resolution Code of Practice on Victimisation Code of Practice on Information & Consultation Code of Practice on Access to Part-time Working National Employment Rights Authority - Code of Practice Code of Practice on Dispute Procedures Including Procedures in Essential Services Code of Practice on Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures Code of Practice on Duties & Responsibilities of Employee Representatives Code of Practice for Determining Employment or Self-Employment Status of Individuals Code of Practice on Longer Working Code of Practice For Employers and Employees On the Right To Disconnect Information Guides and Booklets Guide to the Decisions and Determinations Database Guide to Using the Binder Facility Employment Law Explained Who Can Work? – A Guide to Who Can Legally Work in Ireland Employment Rights of Domestic Workers (Leaflet) Employment Rights of Domestic Workers (A4 Size) Guide to Employment Rights (NERA) Guide to Labour Law Guide to the Payment of Wages Act Detailed Guide to the National Minimum Wage Employers Guide to NERA Inspections Guide to the Adoptive Leave Acts

Codes of Practice

2. Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Acts, 1973 to 2001 a.The Acts lay down minimum periods of notice to be given by employers and by employees when terminating a contract of employment. b. The Acts apply in most employments and to employees normally expected to work at least eight hours per week and who have at least thirteen weeks continuous service with the same employer. The Acts do not apply to: the immediate family of the employer provided they live with him/her and are employed in the same private house or farm; established civil servants; members of the Permanent Defence Forces (except temporary sta in the Army Nursing membersService); of the Garda Siochana; seamen signing on under the Merchant Shipping Act. c. If an employee has been in “continuous service” with the same employer for at least thirteen weeks, s/he is entitled to a minimum period of notice before the employer may dismiss him/her. This period varies according to length of service as follows: Length of Service Minimum Notice Thirteen weeks to two years One week Two years to five years Two weeks Five years to ten years Four weeks Ten years to fi teen yearsSix weeks More than fi teen years Eight weeks d. An employee’s service is regarded as “continuous” unless s/he is either dismissed or voluntarily leaves his/her job. Continuity of service is not usually a ected by strikes, lay-o s or lock-outs nor by dismissal followed by immediate re-employment. The transfer of a trade or business from one person to another does not break continuity of service and in such cases an employee’s service with the new owner includes continuous service with the previous owner. However, for the purpose of these Acts, an employee who claims and receives redundancy payment in respect of lay-o or short-time is considered to have le t his/her employment voluntarily.

Starting Employment: Day five statement Within five days of starting work, all employees must get a written statement of the following core terms of employment:1.the full names of the employer and the employee 2. the address of the employer 3. the expected duration of the contract, in the case of a temporary contract, or the end date if the contract is a fixed term contract 4. the rate or method of calculation of the employee’s pay 5. the number of hours the employer reasonably expects the employee to work per normal working day and per normal working week

h. The Acts do not a ect the right of an employer or an employee to terminate a contract of employment without notice due to the misconduct of the other party.

188 within 15 months of the end of the annual leave year in which it accrued or the leave lapses. Alternatively, if the employment ceases the employer must pay the employee in lieu of the accrued untaken annual leave. Employers who have not done so to date should amend their relevant HR policies to reflect this change and implement a system to monitor statutory annual leave accrued by employees on sick leave from 1 August 2015.

i. Disputes about such matters as the right to notice, length of notice, calculation of continuous service or dismissal due to misconduct may be referred to the WRC which may investigate a dispute and give a decision on it. An Adjudicator may award compensation to an employee whose employer has not given the employee proper notice or who has not paid the employee properly during his/her period of notice.

3. Terms of Employment (Information)Acts 1994 and 2001 The Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2018

This is as well as the full written statement of terms of employment which must be given within two months of starting the job.

e. Every week in which an employee is expected to work at least eight hours counts in calculating length of service. Periods of absence from the employment due to service with the Reserve Defence Forces are deemed to be periods of service. Absence of up to twenty-six weeks between consecutive periods of employment count as periods of service if due to lay-o s, sickness or injury, or when taken by agreement with the employer. A week, or part of a week, when an employee was locked out by his/her employer, or when the employee was absent from work due to a trade dispute in another business, also counts when calculating periods of service. However, any period during which an employee has been absent from work because s/he was taking part in a strike relating to the business in which the employee is employed does not count.

g. Any provision in a contract of employment for shorter periods of notice than the minimum periods stipulated in The Acts has no e ect. The Acts do not, however, prevent an employer or employee from waiving his/her right to notice or accepting payment in lieu of notice.

j. An employer must carry out a decision within 6 weeks, unless the decision is under appeal to the High Court. If an employer fails to implement such a decision, the employee’s trade union or the Minister may institute legal proceedings on behalf of the employee seeking payment of the award.

f. An employer is entitled to at least one week’s notice from an employee who has been employed by the employer for 13 weeks or more and who proposes to give up his/her job.

The Terms of Employment (Information) Acts 1994 and 2001, which have e ect from 16th May 1994, require employers to provide employees with a written statement of certain particulars of their employees’ terms of employment. The Acts, in general, apply to any person working under a contract of employment or apprenemployedticeship through an employment agency or in the service of the State (including members of the Garda Siochana and the Defence Forces, civil servants and employees of any local authority, health board, harbour authority or vocational education committee).


The Acts do not apply to a person who has been in the continuous service of the employer for less than 1 month. Prior to December 20, 2001 the Act did not apply to a person who was normally required to work for the employer for less than 8 hours a week. However, from that date the Protection of Employment (Part-Time Work) Act 2001 removed the exclusion relating to the number of hours worked. In the case of agency workers, the party who is liable to pay the wages (employment agency or client company) is the employer for the purposes of the Acts and is responsible for providing the written statement. The employer must provide the written statement of particulars within 2 months of the date of commencement of employment. In the case of employees whose employment commenced before 16th May 1994, (the commencement date of the Act) the written statement must be provided by the employer within two months of being requested to do so by the employee. The written statement, which is not, of itself, a contract must include particulars of the terms of employment relating to the name and address of the employer, the place of work, job title/nature of the work, date of commencement of employment, the expected duration of contract (if temporary contract) or the date on which the contract will expire (if fixed term contract), rate or method of calculation of pay, pay intervals, hours of work (including overtime), statutory rest period and rest break entitlements, paid leave, incapacity for work due to sickness or injury, pensions and pension schemes, notice entitlements and collective agreements. The statement must also indicate the pay reference period for the purposes of the National Minimum Wage Act 2000. Furthermore, the statement of terms must inform the employee that he/she is entitled to ask for a statement of his/her average hourly rate of pay for any pay reference period falling within the previous 12 months as provided for in section 23 of the National Minimum Wage Act 2000.

The Acts provide a right of complaint to an Adjudicator where an employee believes that his/her employer has failed to provide a written statement in accordance with the terms of the Acts or failed to notify the employee of changes to the particulars contained in the statement. The relevant complaint form is available from Employment Rights Information Unit or from the O ce of the Adjudicator, or is downloadable from either or There is a right of appeal by either party to the Labour Court from a recommendation of an Adjudicator.

As an alternative to providing some of the details in the statement, an employer may use the statement to refer the employee to certain other documents containing the particulars, provided that the document is reasonably accessible to the employee. An employer is also required to notify an employee of any changes to the particulars contained in the written statement within 1 month a ter the change takes e ect. Where an employee is required to work outside the State for a period of not less than 1 month, the employer is obliged to add certain particulars to the written statement and to provide the statement prior to the employee’s departure. Regulations made under the Acts require employers to give their employees under 18 a copy of the o cial summary of the Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act 1996 within one month of taking up a job.

1. Purpose of the Acts

In general, the Acts apply to any person: working under a contract of employment or employedapprenticeshipthrough an employment agency. In the case of persons employed through an employment agency, the third party (hirer/user) is deemed to be the employer for the purpose of redress under the Acts. The Acts do not generally apply to a person who has been in the continuous service of the employer for less than one year. Continuous service is determined by rules set out in the amended First Schedule, Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Act, 1973 to 2001. Prior to December 20, 2001 the Acts did not apply to a person who was normally required to work for the employer for less than 8 hours a week. However, from that date the Protection of Employment (Part-Time Work) Act, 2001 has removed the exclusion to the number of hours worked. The requirement of one year’s continuous service does not apply where the dismissal results from:


The purpose of the Acts is to protect employees from being unfairly dismissed from their jobs by laying down criteria by which dismissals are to be judged unfair and by providing an adjudication system and redress for an employee whose dismissal has been found to be unfair.

2. Who is covered?

4. Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977 to 2007 a.The following paragraphs summarise the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment explanatory booklet for employers and employees on the Unfair Dismissals Acts, 1977 to 2007. While this will give pharmacists a good outline knowledge of what is involved it is important to note that it is a summary to make it quicker to read and easier to understand. Much has been omitted which is unlikely to apply to community pharmacists because of the nature of their work as employers and employees.

4. Justification To justify a dismissal, an employer must show that it either resulted from one or more of the following (a)causes:the capability, competence of qualifications of the employee for the work s/he was employed to (b)thedo;employee’s conduct; (d)the(c)Redundancy;factthatcontinuation of the employment would contravene another statutory requirement; or that there were other substantial grounds for the dismissal.

In general, the Acts provide that every dismissal of an employee will be presumed to have been unfair unless the employer can show substantial grounds justifying the dismissal.

The exclusions from the Acts of members of the Gardaí and persons referred to in points (a) (b) (d) (e) and (f) shall not apply where the dismissal results from the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to parental leave or force majeure leave under and in accordance with the Parental Leave Act 1998, or carer’s leave under and in accordance with the Carer’s Leave Act, 2001. There are other specific circumstances in which a person may not qualify under the Acts and these are detailed at paragraph 19 of the Departments Explanatory booklet in the section on special provisions

190 an employee’s pregnancy, giving birth or breastfeeding or any matters connected therewith the exercise or proposed exercise by an employee of a right under the Maternity Protection Act, 1994 the exercise or contemplated exercise by an employee of the right to adoptive leave, or additional adoptive leave under the Adoptive Leave Act, 1995 the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to parental leave or force majeure leave under and in accordance with the Parental Leave Act, 1998 an employee’s entitlements, future entitlements, exercise or proposed exercise of rights under the National Minimum Wage Act 2000 an employee’s trade union membership or theactivitiesexercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to carer’s leave under and in accordance with Carer’s Leave Act 2001 In determining if an employee has the necessary service to qualify under the Acts, an Adjudicator, the Labour Court or the Circuit Court, as the case may be, may consider whether the employment of a person on a series of two or more contracts of employment, between which there was no more than 26 weeks of a break, was wholly or partly for or connected with the avoidance of liability by the employer under the Acts. Where it is so found, the length of the various contracts may be added together to assess the length of service of an employee for eligibility under the Acts. (See also paragraph 19(b) in relation to second or subsequent fixed term/fixed purpose contracts).

The exclusions from the Acts of persons working for close relatives, as at (b) above, and persons undergoing full-time training or apprenticeship in FÁS establishments, as at (d) above, shall not apply where the dismissal results from: (i)the employee’s pregnancy, giving birth o breastfeeding (or any matters connected therewith); (ii) the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of rights under the Maternity Protection Act, 1994; (iii)the exercise or contemplated exercise by an employee of his/her rights to adoptive leave or additional adoptive leave under the Adoptive Leave Act, 1995; (iv)the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to parental leave or force majeure leave under and in accordance with the Parental Leave Act, 1998; (v)the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to carer’s leave under and in accordance with the Carer’s Leave Act 2001.

5. Unfair Dismissals

The Acts do not apply to the following: (a) employees who have reached normal retiring age or who on that date had not attained the age of 16 years; (b) persons working for a close relative in a private house or farm, provided both also live in the same house or farm; (c)members of the Defence Forces and the Gardaí; (d)persons undergoing full-time training or apprenticeship in FÁS establishments - see paragraph 19(d) about statutory apprenticeships; (e)State employees other than certain industrial (f)ocategories;cersofhealth boards (other than temporary o cers) and vocational educational committees.

3. Burden of Proof

Dismissals will be unfair under the Acts where it is shown that they resulted wholly or mainly from any of the (a)anfollowing:employee’s trade union membership or activities, either outside working hours or at those times during working hours when permitted by the (b)religiousemployerorpolitical opinions; (c)race or colour or sexual orientation; (d)the age of an employee; (e)an employee’s membership of the travelling community; (f )legal proceedings against an employer where an employee is a party or a witness; (g)unfair selection for redundancy (see paragraph 19(f));

Where a claim or appeal is heard by the Labour Court, the Court will issue a determination. There is a right of appeal by either party to the Circuit Court from a determination of the Labour Court.

The processing of a claim/dispute both under unfair dis missals legislation and by an Adjudicator or the Labour Court under industrial relations legislation is prohibited.

6. Claim for Unfair Dismissal and Time Limits

If an employee wishes, s/he may seek redress in respect of a dismissal at common law or an employee may seek redress in respect of the dismissal under these Acts but the employee must choose between a common law action and a claim under these Acts.

9. Redress Sought under Other Laws

191 (h)an employee’s pregnancy, attendance at ante-natal classes, giving birth or breastfeeding or any matters connected therewith; (i)the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right under the Maternity Protection Act 1994 to any form of protective leave or natal care absence, within the meaning of Part IV of that Act, or to time o from work to attend ante-natal classes in accordance with section 15A (inserted by section 8 of the Maternity Protection (Amendment) Act 2004), or to time o from work or a reduction of working hours for breastfeeding in accordance with section 15B (inserted by section 9 of the Maternity Protection (Amendment) Act 2004), of the first-mentioned Act; (j) the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to parental leave or force majeure leave under and in accordance with the Parental Leave Act, 1998 (see paragraph 19(l)); (k) the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to carer’s leave under and in accordance with the Carer’s Leave Act, 2001 (see paragraph 19(r)). It can also be construed as dismissal if a person’s conditions of work are made so di cult that s/he feels obliged to leave. This is called constructive dismissal. Employees claiming dismissal due to (a), (h), (i), (j), (k), (l) or (m) may bring an unfair dismissal claim even though they do not have one year’s continuous service with their employer.

If an employee who has been dismissed has referred the case of the dismissal to the WRC, under The Employment Equality Act, 1998, and the Equality Act, 2004 and either a settlement has been reached by mediation or the Adjudicator has begun an investigation, the employee is not entitled to seek redress under the Unfair Dismissals Acts, in respect of the dismissal unless the Director having completed the investigation directs otherwise. (Section 101 (2)(b) of Employment Equality Act, 1998).

8. Redress Sought at Common Law

Where an employee has been unfairly dismissed, s/ he can, under the Acts, depending on the merits of the case, be awarded either: (i) re-instatement in his/her old job, thereby entitling the employee to benefit from any improvement in terms and conditions of employment which may occur between the date of dismissal and the date of re-instatement or

The time limit for submitting a claim for redress for unfair dismissal may be extended to 12 months in cases where exceptional circumstances have prevented the lodgement of the claim within the normal time limit of 6 Wheremonths.a claim is heard by an Adjudicator, the Adjudica tor will issue a recommendation and either party may appeal that recommendation to the Labour Court.

If an employee considers that s/he has been unfairly dismissed, s/he may submit a claim for redress under the Acts to an Adjudicator or a claim may be submitted direct to the WRC. The complaint should be made on the online complaint form at

7. Redress under Unfair Dismissal Acts

An Adjudicator, on receipt of a claim from an employee, will send a copy of the claim to the employer. The Adjudicator will then give the parties an opportunity to be heard by him/her and to present any evidence relevant to the claim. A ter hearing the parties, the Adjudicator will issue a written recommendation, specifying one of the remedies listed at para.7.

(ii) re-engagement in his/her old job or in a suitable alternative job on conditions which the adjudicating bodies consider reasonable or (iii) (a) where financial loss has been sustained by the employee, financial compensation in respect of such loss, subject to a maximum of two years’ remuneration. The precise amount of compensation can depend on such matters as where the responsibility for the dismissal lay, the measures taken to reduce financial loss or the extent to which negotiated dismissal procedures were followed, if these existed, or (b) where no financial loss has been sustained by the employee, financial compensation may be awarded subject to a maximum award of four weeks remuneration. Where ownership of the business that dismissal an employee is transferred to new ownership, an award of compensation under the Acts may be made against the new owner. (The new owner of the business will be required to take on liability for any claim for unfair dismissal against the former employer). In calculating financial loss (for the purpose of compensation), payments to an employee under the social welfare and income tax codes will be disregarded.

10. Claim before an Adjudicator

Adjudicators are appointed by the Minister for Enterprise and Employment. They travel around the country to hear cases and the hearings are held in private.


Failure to appear before the Employment Appeals Tribunal where a subpoena is served and/or failure to produce documentation is an o ence liable, on summary conviction, to a fine of up to €1,269.74

15. Appeal to the Circuit Court

12. Non-implementation by Employer of Recommendation of Adjudicator

An employer or an employee may appeal to the Circuit Court from a determination of the Employment Appeals Tribunal. The appeal must be made within 6 weeks of the date on which the Tribunal communicated the determination to the parties.

(b) Enforcement of Circuit Court Order Where a determination of the Tribunal is appealed by either party to the Circuit Court and the Circuit Court makes an order awarding redress to the employee but the employer fails to comply with that order, the employee concerned or the Minister, on behalf of the employee, may apply to the Circuit Court seeking enforcement of the terms of that Circuit Court order. In such circumstances, the Circuit Court is empowered, where the original order directed the re-instatement or re-engagement of the employee concerned, to vary the original order to make an order for payment of financial compensation to the employee concerned.

17. Written Notice of Reasons

The Circuit Court is empowered, in relation to any orders which it makes awarding financial compensation to the employee, to direct the employer to include interest on the amount of any financial compensation awarded. In relation to any orders which it makes a rming the re-instatement or re-engagement of the employee, the Circuit Court, if it considers it appropriate, may direct the employer to pay to the employee financial compensation, in respect of the loss of wages su ered by the employee as a consequence of the employer’s failure to comply with a Tribunal determination to re-instate or re-engage the employee.

An employer must carry out a determination of the Employment Appeals Tribunal within 6 weeks of the date on which the determination was sent to the parties, unless the determination is under ap peal to the Circuit Court. If an employer does not carry out, within the said 6 week period, the terms specified in a determination of the Employment Appeals Tribunal (which has not been appealed), the employee concerned or the Minister, on behalf of the employee, may apply to the Circuit Court for an order directing the employer to implement the Tribunal determination. In such circum stances, the Circuit Court is empowered, without rehearing the case, to issue an order directing the employer to implement the terms of the Tribunal determination. Alternatively, the Circuit Court, if it considers it appropriate, may, in cases where the Tribunal determination directed the re-instate ment or re-engagement of the employee, alter that determination to make an order for financial compensation to the employee concerned.

The Employment Appeals Tribunal consists of a Chairman and Vice-Chairmen together with an equal number of members nominated by the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and the various employers’ organisations. Normally it sits in divisions, each division consisting of either the Chairman or a Vice-Chairman and two members, one drawn from the employers’ side of the panel and one from the trade unions’ side. Like the Adjudicators, the Tribunal travels around the country hearing cases at times and in places to suit the convenience of the parties. The Employment Appeals Tribunal’s hearings are normally open to the public unless, at the request of one of the parties, the Tribunal decides otherwise.

16. Enforcement in the Circuit Court (a ) Enforcement of determination of Employment Appeals Tribunal

Where an employer has neither implemented nor appealed an Adjudicator’s recommendation, an employee may submit a claim to the Labour Court seeking implementation of the recommendation. The employee must notify the Labour Court in writing of the claim. The appropriate claim form, as in the case of the appeal form mentioned in paragraph 11, may also be obtained from the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. In such cases, the Labour Court is empowered to issue a determination without rehearing the case and, if it upholds the claim, to confirm the recommendation of the Adjudicator in its determination.

(c ) Other Enforcement Provisions

An employer who has dismissed an employee must, if asked, give him/her in writing, within 14 days, the reasons for his/her dismissal. However, in the hearing

11. Appeal from Recommendation of Adjudicator

An employer or an employee may appeal to the Labour Court from a recommendation of an Adjudicator. The appeal must be made within 6 weeks of the date on which the Adjudicator communicated the recommendation to the parties. An appeal may be made by giving notice of the appeal in writing to the Labour Court. The Labour Court will copy the notice to the other party concerned. Copies of a notice of appeal form may be obtained from the WRC.

13. Employment Appeals Tribunal [While the Tribunal has been e ectively abolished, it remains in existence to deal with legacy cases]

The Labour Court will give the parties an opportunity to be heard and to present any evidence relevant to the appeal. The Labour Court will then issue a written determination in relation to the appeal, specifying, as in the case of an Adjudicator, one of the remedies listed at paragraph 7.

14. Non Co-operation with Employment Appeals Tribunal

The Acts do not apply also to dismissals during training for qualification or registration as a nurse or for other specified para-medical employment except where the dismissal results (a)from: the employee’s pregnancy, giving birth or breastfeeding (or any matters connected (b)thetherewith);exercise or contemplated exercise by the employee of the right to protective leave or natal care absence under the Maternity Protection Act, 1994; (c)the exercise or contemplated exercise by an employee of his/her rights to adoptive leave or additional adoptive leave under the Adoptive Leave Act, 1995; (d) the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to parental leave or force majeure leave under and in accordance with the Parental Leave Act, 1998; (e) the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to carer’s leave under and in accordance with the Carer’s Leave Act, 2001.

An Adjudicator may examine any second or subsequent fixed term or fixed purpose contract of employment and between which there was no more than a 3 month break and take a view as to whether the fixed nature or fixed purpose of the contract was wholly or partly for or connected with the avoidance of liability under the Acts. Where it is so found, the length of the various contracts can be added together for the purpose of determining the length of service for eligibility under the Acts, and the service shall be deemed to be continuous.

The Acts shall not apply to persons engaged under a statutory apprenticeship during (i)the six months a ter commencement of the apprenticeship and (ii)the period of one month following completion of the apprenticeship provided the employee is not absent from work on protective leave. For this purpose, a statutory apprenticeship is an apprenticeship in an industrial activity designated by FÁS - the Training and Employment Authority.

(c) Probation/Training Contracts

18. Notice of Dismissal Procedures

(d) Statutory Apprenticeships

The Acts are not intended to replace dismissal procedures within an undertaking and these can take their course before a claim is initiated under the Acts. In order to ensure full recognition of these procedures where they exist, the employer must give a written notice of any agreement or dismissal procedures which exist between him/her and a trade union or of any procedures which have been established by custom and practice, to every employee within a 28 day period. These requirements are satisfied if, for example, this information is incorporated in a sta handbook or similar publication given to each employee when s/ he takes up employment. It is in the employer’s own interest to have a clear and comprehensive set of procedures governing dismissals and to ensure that employees are fully conversant with the procedures.

The Acts do not apply to dismissal of an employee during a period at the beginning of employment when s/he is on probation or undergoing training, provided that: (i) the contract of employment is in writing; (ii) the duration of probation or training is one year or less and is specified in the contract.

193 of a claim for unfair dismissal, account may be taken of any other substantial grounds which would have justified the dismissal.

19. Special Provisions (a) Fixed Term/Specified Purpose Contracts

(b) Second or subsequent Fixed Term/Fixed Purpose Contracts

The Acts contain special provisions in respect of contracts for a fixed term or for a specified purpose of limited duration which could not be ascertained exactly at the time the contract was made. The Acts stipulate that a dismissal consisting only of the expiry of the fixed term (without renewal) or the completion of the specified purpose shall not be covered by the Acts, provided that: (i) the contract is in writing; (ii) it was signed by both parties and (iii) it contains a clause that the Acts shall not apply to such dismissal.

The exclusion from the Acts of an employee who is on probation or undergoing training does not apply where the dismissal results from: (a)the employee’s pregnancy, giving birth or breastfeeding (or any matters connected (b)thetherewith);exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to protective leave or natal care absence under the Maternity Protection Act, 1994; (c)the exercise or contemplated exercise by an employee of his/her rights to adoptive leave or additional adoptive leave under the Adoptive Leave Act, 1995; (d)the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to parental leave or force majeure leave under and in accordance with the Parental Leave Act, 1998; (e) the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to carer’s leave under and in accordance with the Carer’s Leave Act, 2001.

The Acts do not apply to the dismissal of an employee where the employer has informed the employee, in writing, at the commencement of employment that his/her employment will terminate upon the return to work of another employee who is absent on protective leave or natal care absence under the Maternity Protection Act, 1994 and the dismissal duly occurs for the purpose of facilitating the return to work of that other employee.


(g) Pregnancy Dismissals

employee’s pregnancy, giving birth or breastfeeding (or any matters connected therewith).

(h) Exercise of Rights under the Maternity Protection Act, 1994

(i) Replacement of an employee on leave or absence under the Maternity Protection Act, 1994.

An employee dismissed due to redundancy may, in addition, have a claim of unfair dismissal if his/her selection for redundancy, instead of other employees in similar employment, was (i) due to one of the grounds on which dismissals are deemed unfair under the Act (paragraph 5) or (ii) contrary to an existing redundancy procedure in the undertaking and there were no special reasons for departing from that procedure. If the employee succeeds in his/her claim for unfair dismissal and is consequently re-instated or re-engaged, any payments made under the Redundancy Payments Acts must be refunded.

The exclusion from the Acts of persons engaged under a statutory apprenticeship shall not apply where the dismissals results from: (a) the employee’s pregnancy, giving birth or breastfeeding (or any matters connected therewith); (b) the exercise or contemplated exercise by the employee of the right to protective leave or natal care absence under the Maternity Protection Act, 1994; (c) the exercise or contemplated exercise by an employee of his/her rights to adoptive leave or additional adoptive leave under the Adoptive Leave Act, 1995; (d) the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to parental leave or force majeure leave under and in accordance with the Parental Leave Act, 1998; (e)the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to carer’s leave under and in accordance with the Carer’s Leave Act, 2001.

An employee who claims she was dismissed due to pregnancy, or for having recently given birth or for breastfeeding (or any matters connected therewith) may bring her unfair dismissal claim even though she does not have one year’s continuous service with her employer.

(k) Replacement of an employee on Adoptive Leave under the Adoptive Leave Act, 1995

The lock-out of an employee is regarded, for the purpose of these Acts, as a dismissal and it will be deemed to be an unfair dismissal if, a ter a lock-out, that employee is not re-instated or re-engaged within the meaning of the Acts and one or more other employees are.

Dismissal of an employee will be deemed to be unfair under the Acts if it results from the

(f) Unfair Selection for Redundancy

The general requirement of one year’s service does not apply where an employee claims she was dismissed for exercising her rights under the Maternity Protection Act, 1994.

(j) Exercise of Rights under the Adoptive Leave Act, 1995 The dismissal of an employee which results solely or mainly from the exercise or contemplated exercise of the right to adoptive leave or additional adoptive leave, as provided for under the Adoptive Leave Act, 1995, will be regarded as Theunfair.general requirement of at least one year’s continuous service does not apply where an employee claims he/she was dismissed for having exercised or having contemplated exercising his/ her right to adoptive leave or additional adoptive leave under the Adoptive Leave Act, 1995.

(e) Lock-Outs and Strikes

The Acts do not apply to a dismissal where an employer informs an employee, in writing, at the commencement of the employment that the employment will terminate on the return to

Dismissal of an employee for taking part in a strike or other industrial action is regarded as unfair (i)oneif: or more employees of the same employer who took part in the strike or industrial action were not dismissed, or (ii) one or more employees who were dismissed for such participation were later re-instated or re-engaged within the meaning of the Acts whereas s/he was not.

The dismissal of an employee solely or mainly because of the exercise, or proposed exercise by her of her rights under the Maternity Protection Act, 1994, will be deemed to be unfair. These rights include:(a) the right to take the specified forms of protective leave or ante-natal or postnatal care absence; (b) the right to return to work (provided she has complied with all the notification procedures);

The organisation of Working Time Act sets out statutory rights for employees in respect of rest, maximum working time and holidays. These rights apply either by law as set out in the Act, in regulations made under the Act or through legally binding collective agreements. These agreements may vary the times at which rest is taken or vary the averaging period over which weekly working time is calculated. You are not covered by the rest and maximum working time rules if you are a member of the Defence Forces, the Garda

(q) Entitlements under the National Minimum Wage Act, 2000 The dismissal of an employee which results from his/her entitlements or future entitlements under the National Minimum Wage Act, 2000 or from the exercise or proposed exercise of his/ her rights under that act is an unfair dismissal within the meaning of the Unfair Dismissals Act 1973 to 1993.

(s) Replacement of an employee on carer’s leave under the Carer’s Leave Act, 2001

(m)Working Abroad

(n) Dismissals due to Trade Union Membership or Activities

The general requirement of at least one year’s continuous service does not apply where an employee claims he/she was dismissed for having exercised or contemplated exercising his/ her right to carer’s leave under the Carer’s Leave Act, 2001.

(p) Illegal Contracts

195 work of another employee from adoptive leave or additional adoptive leave under the Adoptive Leave Act, 1995 and the dismissal duly occurs for the purpose of facilitating the return to work of that other employee.

The Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2018

If an employee dies at any time following his/ her dismissal, his/her personal representative may pursue the claim of unfair dismissal under the Acts.

5. Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997

The Acts do not apply to the dismissal of an employee who ordinarily worked outside the State unless (i) s/he was ordinarily resident in the State for the duration of the contract or (ii) s/he was domiciled in the State for the duration of the contract and the employer was an individual ordinarily resident in the State or a firm having its principal place of business in the State.

The dismissal of an employee which results wholly or mainly from the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to carer’s leave under and in accordance with the Carer’s Leave Act, 2001 will be regarded as unfair.

The general requirement of at least one year’s continuous service does not apply where an employee claims he/she was dismissed for having exercised or proposed to exercise a right under the National Minimum Wage Act, 2000 or because of his/her entitlements or future entitlements under that Act.

If it is shown that a dismissal resulted wholly or mainly from an employee’s membership (or proposed membership) of a trade union or from his/her activities on behalf of a trade union, then the following exceptions do not apply:

The dismissal of an employee which results wholly or mainly from the exercise or proposed exercise by the employee of the right to parental leave or force majeure leave as provided for by the Parental Leave Act 1998 will be regarded as Theunfair.general requirement of at least one year’s continuous service does not apply where an employee claims he/she was dismissed for having exercised or having contemplated exercising his/ her right to parental leave or force majeure leave under and in accordance with the Parental Leave Act, 1998.

(o) Deceased Employees

(l) Exercise of Rights under the Parental Leave Act, 1998

In the case of a contract of employment tainted with illegality the employee shall, nonetheless, be entitled to redress for unfair dismissal and the Revenue Commissioners or the Minister for Social Welfare shall be notified of the matter.

The Acts do not apply to a dismissal where an employer informs an employee, in writing, at the commencement of the employment thatthe employment will terminate on the return to work of another employee who is absent on carer’s leave under the Carer’s Leave Act, 2001 and the dismissal duly occurs for the purpose of facilitating the return to work of that other employee. 20. Forms Forms connected with the Acts may be obtained from the WRC.

(i)requirement of a least one year’s continuous service with the employer (paragraph 2); (ii) employee having reached the normal retiring age (paragraph 2); (iii) employee engaged on probation/training contract (paragraph 19 (c)); (iv) Statutory apprenticeship (paragraph 19 (d)). In such cases, the presumption that the dismissal was unfair and the requirements that the employer show justification (paragraphs 3 and 4) will not apply.

(r) Exercise of Rights under the Carer’s Leave Act, 2001

a. Maximum weekly working time - Since 1 March 1998 the new maximum average working week is 48 hours. Averaging may be balanced out over a 4, 6 or 12 month period depending on the circumstances. The provision relating to the 48 hour week operates as follows; 48 hour net maximum working week can be averaged according to the following rules: For employees generally - 4 months

For employees where work is subject to seasonality, a foreseeable surge in activity or where employees are directly involved in ensuring continuity of service or production - 6 months

d. Definitions, exemptions and other features of the Working Time Act - Working time is net working time i.e. exclusive of breaks, on call or stand-by-time. - Exceptional or Unforeseeable Circumstances. The Act permits exemptions from the rest provisions if there are exceptional, unusual and unforeseeable circumstances. Equivalent compensatory rest must be taken within a reasonable period of time. - Shi t and Split Shi t Working. The Act provides for automatic exemption from the rest provisions for shi t workers when they change shi t and for workers on split shi ts. Equivalent compensatory rest must be taken within a reasonable period of time. - Exemption by Regulation. Categories of employees in the sectors set out in the Organisation of Working Time (Exemption) Regulations may, subject to receiving equivalent compensatory rest, be exempted from the rest provisions of the Act. - Exemption by Collective Agreement. Any sector or business may be exempted from the statutory rest times by collective agreement. Collective agreements to vary the rest times may be drawn up between management and a trade union or other representative sta body in any business, organisation or enterprise. These exemptions are subject to equivalent compensatory rest being made available to the employee. This means that, although employers may operate a flexible system of working, employees must not lose out on rest. In these circumstances rest may be postponed temporarily and taken within a reasonable period of time. A list of the sectors exempted by regulation and guidelines on equivalent compensatory rest can be found in a code of practice on compensatory rest produced by the Labour Relations Commission.

This is an increase on the requirements under the original Act. The salient points are: •The employee must be required to work 6 •Thosehours; hours of work include hours from 11.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.; •The Break may not be taken at the end of a Shi t; •The Break must commence between the hours of 11.30 a.m. and 2.30 p.m.

c. Night Workers - Night-time is the period between midnight and 7am the following day. Night workers are employees who normally work at least 3 hours of their daily working time during night-time and the annual number of hours worked at night equals or exceeds 50% of annual working time. Maximum night working time from 1 March 1998 • for night-workers generally - 48 hours per week averaged over 2 months or a longer period specified in a collective agreement which must be approved by the Labour Court. • for night-workers whose work involves special hazards or heavy physical or mental strain - an absolute limit of 8 hours in a 24 hour period during which they perform night work.

For all employees who enter into a collective agreement with their employers which is approved by the Labour Court - 12 months.

196 Siochana, a junior hospital doctor, a transport employee, if you work at sea, if you control your own working hours or if you are a family employee on a farm or private house:

b. Rest - Since 1 March 1998 every employee has a general entitlement under Sections 11, 12 & 13 to: 11 hours daily rest per 24 hour period one period of 24 hours rest per week preceded by a daily rest period (11 hours) Rest breaks - 15 minutes where up to 4.5 hours have been worked; 30 minutes where up to 6 hours have been worked which may include the first breaks and intervals may be varied if there is a collective agreement in place approved by the Labour Court or if a regulation has been made for your sector. If there are variations in rest times and rest intervals under agreements or in the permitted sectors, equivalent compensatory rest must be available to the employee. Under the Organisation of Working Time Regulations 1998 all written Terms and Conditions of Employment must include details of Time and Duration. Shop Sta : The Minister has now issued an Order, referred to as Statutory Instrument No. 57 of 1998, stating that Shop Employees whose hours of work include the period from 11.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m. shall, if required to work 6 hours or more, be allowed a break of 1 hour - which must commence between the above times.

e. Holidays - Holiday pay is earned against time worked. All employees, full-time, part-time, temporary or casual earn holiday entitlements from the time work is commenced. From 1 April 1999, depending on time worked, employees’ holiday entitlements should be calculated by one of the following methods: (1) 4 working weeks in a leave year in which the employee works at least 1,365 hours (unless it is a leave year in which he or she changes employ(2)1/3ment).of a working week per calendar month in which the employee works at least 117 hours.

The Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 (OWTA) is amended to prohibit zero hour contracts except in the following circumstances: • where the work is of a casual nature • where the work is done in emergency circumstances • where short-term relief work is used to cover routine absences for the employer Minimum payment in certain circumstances

BandFrom To A3 hours 6 hours B6 hours 11 hours C11 hours 16 hours D16 hours 21 hours E21 hours 26 hours F26 hours 31 hours G31 hours 36 hours h36 hours and over 6. A Brief Guide to Redundancy Payments

197 (3)8% of the hours an employee works in a leave year (but subject to a maximum of 4 working weeks). Sunday premium - If not already included in the rate of pay, employees are entitled to supplementary payment for Sunday which will be equivalent to the closest applicable collective agreement which applies to the same or similar employment and which provides for a Sunday premium. The premium can be in the form of: • added payment • time o in lieu • a portion of shi t premium • unsocial hours premium. Public Holidays - There are nine public holidays as 1follows:January - St Patrick’s Day - Easter Monday - First Monday in May - First Monday in June - First Monday in August - Last Monday in October - Christmas Day - St Stephen’s Day. Conditions for qualifying for Public Holiday benefit - Employees, other than part-time/casual, have an immediate entitlement to public holiday benefits. Parttime/casual employees must have worked at least 40 hours in the 5 weeks ending on the day before the public holiday to qualify for public holiday benefit. Where the public holiday falls on a day on which the employee normally works, the employee is entitled to a day’s pay for the public holiday. Where the public holiday falls on a day on which the employee does not normally work, the employee is entitled to one fi th of their normal weekly wage for the public Entitlementsholidayof employees in respect of a public holiday - In respect of a public holiday the employee is entitled to whichever of the following his/her employer (1)determines.apaid day o on that day (2)a paid day o within a month of that day (3)an additional day of annual leave (4) an additional day’s pay If following a request from an employee, no later than 21 days before the public holiday, an employer does not nominate one of the options above, the employee will automatically be entitled to a paid day o on the day of the public holiday.

Records - Employers are obliged to keep records of holidays and public holidays for a period of 3 years. These records must be available for inspection by Labour Inspectors of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. Records should also be maintained to show as evidence in the event of an Adjudicator or Labour Court investigation of an employee’s complaint.

A new minimum payment will apply when an employee on a zero hours contract, is called in to work and does not receive the expected hours of work. The minimum payment is calculated as three times the national minimum hourly rate of pay or three times the minimum hourly rate of pay set out in an Employment Regulation Order (if one exists for that sector and for as long as it remains in force).The already existing method of payment (at least 25% of the contract hours or 15 hours) continues to apply overall. Banded Hours provisions • Employees whose contract of employment or statement of terms of employment does not reflect the reality of the hours they habitually work are entitled to request to be placed in a band of hours that better reflects the hours they have worked over a 12-month reference period.

Penalties - A person found guilty of o ences relating to failure to keep records, double employment, obstruction of inspectors or non-compliance with regulations on outworkers may face fines of up to €1905 and an extra €635 a day for a continuing o ence. - Employers may face compensation claims for amounts up to 2 years of an employee’s salary for breaches of other provisions of the Act. Such amounts may be determined by the Adjudicator and the Labour Court.

Working Hours: Zero Hours

The Redundancy Payments Acts, 1967-2012 oblige employers by law to pay redundant employees what is known as “statutory redundancy entitlement”. The amount is related to the employee’s length of service and normal weekly earnings (gross weekly wage, average regular overtime and paymentin-kind, all added together, up to a maximum wage of €600 per week. A redundancy situation arises where an employee’s job ceases to exist, and the employee is not replaced for such reasons as rationalisation/reorganisation, not enough work available, the financial state of the firm, company closures etc.

Redundancy is defined by section 7(2) of the Redundancy Payments Act 1967 which provides that an employee shall be taken to be dismissed by reason of redundancy if the dismissal if attributable wholly or mainly to:

In addition, the employer must show that fair procedures were followed in carrying out any redundancies, including selection for redundancy. There is no redundancy if the employee’s contract is renewed, or if the employee is re-engaged under a new contract by the same employer and the new arrangement is to take e ect immediately, or if the renewal or re-engagement follows an o er in writing made by the employer before the ending of the current contract and the new contract takes e ect immediately or no later than four weeks from the end of the previous contract.

The Redundancy Payments Acts 1967 to 2012 provide three main rights to employees who have at least two years of continuous service. These relate to: • notice of redundancy • redundancy pay • paid time o to look for alternative employment or arrange for training.

The Redundancy Payments Acts provide that an employee who is being made redundant and who has at least 104 weeks continuous service must be given notice in writing at least two weeks before the date on which the dismissal is due to take e ect. Employees will be entitled to longer notice periods if their contracts of employment provide for it or if their service warrants such longer notice under the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Act 1973 as amended. The 1973 Act provides that if an employee has been in continuous service with the same employer for at least 13 weeks, they are entitled to a minimum period of notice. This notice period depends on the length of their service with the employer. The appropriate minimum periods of notice are set out in that legislation. Redundancy pay

• the fact that their employer has ceased or intends to cease to carry on the business for the purposes of which the employee was employed by them, or has ceased or intends to cease to carry on that business in the place where the employee was so employed, or • the fact that the requirements of that business for employees to carry out work of a particular kind in the place where they were so employed have ceased or diminished or are expected to cease or diminish, or • the fact that his employer has decided to carry on the business with fewer or no employees whether by requiring the work for which the employee has been employed (or had been doing before his dismissal) to be done by other employees, or • the fact that his employer had decided that the work for which the employee has been employed (or had been doing before his dismissal) should in the future be done in a di erent manner for which the employee is not su ciently qualified or trained, or • the fact that their employer has decided that the work for which the employee has been employed (or had been doing before his dismissal) should in the future be done by a person who is capable of doing other work for which the employee is not su ciently qualified or trained. Any dismissal on the basis of redundancy must satisfy one of the above definitions.

198 Definition

Notice of redundancy

Employees’ rights in redundancy situations

The amount of the statutory minimum lump sum payment is calculated as follows: two weeks pay for each year of continuous and reckonable employment over the age of 16 years, plus one additional weeks pay. The statutory redundancy lump sum is subject to a maximum cap of €600.00 per week based on a ceiling on annual reckonable earnings of €31,200 per year. If the total amount of reckonable service is not an exact amount of years, the excess days shall be credited as a proportion of a year. For example, where an employee has worked for 4 years and 190 days the calculation of statutory redundancy should be based on 4.52 years’ service. The Department of Social Protection has a redundancy calculator, which works out the amount due using employment start and finish dates.   Time o The Redundancy Payments Acts provide that during the statutory two week redundancy notice period (which may run concurrently with the last two weeks of contractual notice if necessary), an employee is entitled to reasonable paid time o to look for new employment or to make arrangements for training for future employment. The employer may ask the employee to provide evidence of such arrangements. Redundancy certificates An employer must give a redundancy certificate to an employee who is made redundant. The redundancy certificate must be supplied in the form of an RP50 which can be completed online or by filling in a hard copy. Online claims are given priority. Rebates Since 1 January 2013, an employer is no longer entitled to the statutory employer rebate from the Redundancy Payments Section at the Department of Social Protection.  Redundancy top-up payments Employers are not legally obliged to pay anything on top of the normal statutory entitlements to employees who are to be made redundant, that is, notice and statutory redundancy. Employers may, however, wish to make some voluntary top-up payment on the basis that this is the industry norm. Indeed, an employee may have a contractual right to such a top-up payment which derives from their contract of employment, a collective agreement or from the custom and practice of their employer. Collective redundancies The Protection of Employment Acts 1977 as amended impose a number of obligations in relation to information and consultation on an employer where it is e ecting a collective redundancy. A collective redundancy is one that involves

An employee who wishes to avail of her entitlement to maternity leave must notify her employer in writing as soon as reasonably practicable, but no later than 4 weeks before the beginning of the leave, of her intention to take the leave. She must also provide a medical certificate specifying the expected week of confinement.

Total workforce Threshold number of redundancies 21 to 49 5 or more 50 to 99 10 or more 100 to 299 10% or more of the workforce 300 or more 30 or more

Employers who are making collective redundancies must give written notice of the proposed redundancies to the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. A copy of this notice must be sent to the employees’ representatives who may make observations to the Minister. The Minister has power to make further enquiries about the situation and to carry out investigations if necessary. The Minister should be notified at the earliest opportunity and, in any event, at least 30 days before the first dismissal takes e ect. Where collective redundancies are e ected by an employer before the expiry of the 30 day period, the employer is guilty of an o ence and liable on conviction or indictment to a fine not exceeding €250,000. In addition, the employer must consult with the Minister, or an authorised o cer of the Minister, if requested to do so. Such consultations are intended to seek solutions to any problems caused by the proposed redundancies. For the purposes of such consultations, the employer must supply the Minister with as much information about the proposed redundancies as the Minister may reasonably require.

7. Maternity Protection Act, 1994 and 2004 and Adoptive Leave Act 1995 and 2005

Notification to the Minister

199 making a specified number of employees redundant within a 30 day period. The specified number of employees varies depending on the size of the employer’s workforce. The statutory thresholds are set out in the table below.

Under the Protection of Employees (Temporary Agency Work) Act 2012, the employer must also give details of the number of any agency workers engaged by the employer and their place and type of work. The same information should be supplied to the Minister as soon as possible Consultation requirements The legislation obliges the employer to consult with employees’ representatives on the proposed redundancies to try to reach an agreement. The employees’ representatives are their trade unions or sta associations or, where there is no trade union or sta association, persons chosen by the employees to represent them.

Notification to employees’ representatives

Challenging a redundancy related dismissal

A pregnant employee is also entitled to 16 consecutive weeks additional maternity leave beginning immediately a ter the end of the 26 weeks. A woman who wishes to avail of her entitlement to additional maternity leave must notify her employer in writing of her intention to take additional maternity leave. This must

Standard Maternity Leave

• the reasons for the proposed redundancies • the number and descriptions of categories of employees to be made redundant • the number and descriptions of categories of employees normally employed

A pregnant employee is currently entitled to 26 consecutive weeks of maternity leave

The 1977 Act as amended requires the employer to give the employees’ representatives written details of:

Additional Maternity Leave

The consultation must include discussions on:

• The possibility of avoiding the proposed redundancies or reducing the numbers of employees a ected. For example, by re-deploying or re-training employees.

• the period during which the redundancies are to be made • the criteria proposed for the selection of workers to be made redundant

• the method proposed for calculating redundancy payments.

Section 6(4)(c) of the Unfair Dismissals Acts says that a dismissal is fair if it results wholly or mainly from the redundancy of an employee. The employer however, bears the burden of proof in establishing the legitimacy of any redundancy dismissal. In addition to this, the employer must also bear the burden of establishing that the employee was fairly selected for redundancy and that fair procedures were followed in carrying out any redundancies.

• The basis on which employees are to be selected for Consultationsredundancy.should be initiated at the earliest reasonable opportunity and at least 30 days before the first notice of dismissal is given. The obligation to consult is triggered where strategic decisions or changes in activities occur which compel the employer to contemplate or plan for redundancies. Failure to initiate consultation with the employees’ representatives, or to notify the Minister, is an o ence and an employer is liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding €5,000. Taxation Statutory redundancy payments are paid tax-free. Payments in lieu of untaken holidays are taxable. Payments in lieu of notice are taxable if the employee’s contract provides for the possibility of such payments. Redundancy top-up payments are taxable as termination payments by virtue of Section 123 of the Taxes Consolidation Act 1997, as amended in Budget 2014.

Below is a brief summary of the main provisions of the Maternity Leave legislation. There are many provisions that are not listed here, such as Health and Safety Leave and Breastfeeding. For a complete list of entitlements please refer to the Maternity Leave explanatory booklet which can be downloaded from

Additional Information: New time periods, etc.

A pregnant employee can begin and end her maternity leave on any day she selects but must: take a minimum of 2 weeks leave before the end of the expected week of confinement; and take 4 weeks leave a ter the end of the expected week of confinement.

Allocation of Minimum Period of Maternity Leave

Antenatal / Postnatal Care

Pregnant employees and employees who have recently given birth are entitled to time o from work, without loss of pay for the purposes of receiving antenatal and postnatal care. However, the employee must inform her employer in writing of the time and date of the appointment no later than 2 weeks before the date of the appointment.

Maternity Rights Extended - Maternity Protection (Amendment) Act 2004

(1) Before employing a Young Person or Child, require the production of a copy of their Birth Certificate or other satisfactory evidence of the age of the Young Person or Child.

Further changes to Adoptive Leave

(a) Since March 2007 all pregnant employees, regardless of length of service or hours of work, are entitled to 26 weeks’ statutory maternity leave, for which statutory maternity benefit may be payable provided the employee has made the requisite PRSI contributions.

Women are entitled to 16 weeks unpaid maternity leave.

A pregnant employee is entmimitled to time o from her work, without loss of pay to attend one set of antenatal classes (other than the last 3 classes). An expectant father of a child (if he is employed under a contract of employment) is entitled to time o from work, without loss of pay to attend the last 2 antenatal classes in a set before the birth. Members of the Defence Forces and the Garda Siochana in certain circumstances are exempted from the provisions of this section.

(b)The 26-week period must commence at least two weeks, but not more than 18 weeks, before the end of the expected week of childbirth.

200 be done no later than 4 weeks before the day on which her additional maternity leave is due to commence.

(e)There is a right to claim unfair dismissal if entitled to return to work but not allowed to do so.

Changes in Maternity and Adoptive Leave

Adopting mothers or sole male adopters are entitled to 24 weeks adoptive leave attracting a payment and 16 weeks unpaid adoptive leave. Adopting mothers or sole male adopters are entitled to 16 weeks unpaid adoptive leave. Entitlement of fathers to maternity and adoptive leave in the event of the death of the mother has also been increased.

(c)At the end of the 26-week period, employees are also entitled to take an additional 16 weeks’ maternity leave, for which no SMB is payable.

(d)Non-wage contractual benefits must be maintained during the period of maternity leave and additional maternity leave.

(f)Where the work being done by an employee who is pregnant, has recently given birth or is breastfeeding has been identified as causing a risk to her safety or health: (i)she is entitled to a temporary adjustment of her working conditions or working hours (or both) so that exposure to such risk is avoided; (ii)where this is not possible, she is entitled to be provided with other work which does not present a risk to her safety or health; (iii)where this is not possible, she is entitled to be granted leave from her employment (‘leave on health and safety grounds’). For the first 21 days of health and safety leave, she is entitled to receive remuneration from her employer, and therea ter she is entitled to statutory health and safety benefit, provided she has made su cient PRSI contributions. The benefit is paid at the same rate as disability benefit.

b. Under the Act a “Young Person” means a person who has reached 16 years of age or the school leaving age (which ever is the higher) but is less than 18 years of age. A “Child” means a person who is under 16 years of age or the school leaving age, which ever is the higher.

The Maternity Protection Acts 1994 and 2004 and the Adoptive Leave Acts 1995 and 2005 have been amended by Order so as to bring into e ect increases in maternity and adoptive leave announced in the context of Budget 2006. The entitlements are as follows:Women are entitled to 26 weeks maternity leave attracting a payment and 16 weeks unpaid maternity leave.

8. Protection of Young Persons (Employment) Act, 1996 a.The main purpose of the Act is to extend the scope of the legislative protection given to workers under the age of 18. It contains provisions about the minimum age for entry to employment, sets limits to the working hours of young people, provides for rest limits and prohibits night work. It also requires employers to keep records of the ages and working times of employees under 18.

(2)Before employing a Child, obtain the written permission of the parent(s) or guardian of the child. (3)Maintain a register, or other satisfactory record, containing, in relation to every Young Person or Child employed by him or her, the following par(i)Theticulars: full name of the Young Person or Child. (ii)The date of birth of the Young Person or Child.

c. Any employer who employs a Young Person or Child to work for him or her shall:

Antenatal Classes

(2)An employer shall ensure that an employee who is a Child receives a minimum rest period of 14 consecutive hours in each period of 24 hours.

d. Children

201 (iii)The time the Young Person or Child commences work each day.

(3)An employer may employ a Child over the age of 15 years to participate in training or work experience programme pursuant to arrangements made or approved of by the Minister or FAS, provided that the hours of work do not exceed 8 hours in any day or 40 hours in any week.

(5)The Minister may by Regulations, authorise the employment of Children over the age of 13 in cultural, artistic, sports or advertising activities subject to the restrictions referred to at number (iv) above.

f. In relation to “Young Persons” the Act provides as (1)follows:An employer shall not require or permit a Young Person to work for more than 8 hours in a day or 40 hours in any week.

(iv)The time the Young Person or Child finishes work each day.

(1) An employer shall not employ any child on any work between 8.00pm on one day and 8.00am on the following day.

There are however the following exceptions:-

(v)The rate of wages or salary paid to the Young Person or Child for his or her normal working hours each day, week, month or year, as the case may be.

(3)The employer must ensure that the Young Person receives a minimum rest period of 12 consecutive hours in each period of 24 hours.

(4) The Minister may, by licence, authorise in individual cases, the employment of a Child in cultural, artistic, sports or advertising activities which are not likely to be harmful to the safety, health or development of the Child and which are not likely to interfere with the Child’s attendance at school, vocational guidance or training programmes or capacity to benefit from the instruction received.

(6)An employer may employ a child who is over the age of 14 years and who is a full time student at an institute of Secondary Education pursuant to any arrangements made or approved of by the Minister for Education as part of a programme of work experience or educational programme provided the hours of work do not exceed 8 hours in any day or 40 hours in any week.

(2)An employer shall not require or permit a Young Person to work between 10.00 pm on any one day and 6.00 am on the following day. These times may, with the consent of the Minister, be changed to 11.00 pm and 7.00 am provided the first day is not before a school day during a school term where such Young Person is attending school.

(6)There are certain limited exceptions to the above rules, and also exceptions for Young Persons employed in the Shipping, Fishing or Defence Forces (7)TheSector.Minister may by Licence, or by Regulation, permit the employment of Young Persons on terms specified in the Licence or Regulation.

(3)An employer shall ensure that an employee who is a Child receives, in any period of 7 days, a minimum rest period of 2 days which shall as far as is practicable be consecutive.

g.An employer shall not permit an employee (being a child or Young Person) to do any form of work on any day on which the employee has done any form of work for any other employer, except where the aggregate of the periods for which the employee does work for such employers on that day does not exceed the period for which such employee could lawfully be employed to do work for one employer on that day.

h.Every employer shall display at the principal entrances to the premises where any of his/her employees (being a Child or Young Person) work, in such a position that it may be easily read by employees, an abstract of the Act. This abstract is available from the Government Publications O ce.

(vi)The total amount paid to each Young Person or Child by way of wages or salary.

(4) The employer must ensure that the Young Person receives in any period of 7 days a minimum rest period of 2 days which shall, as far as practicable, be (5)Theconsecutive.employer shall not require or permit the Young Person to do for him/her any work for any period exceeding 4.5 hours without a break of at least 30 consecutive minutes.

(2)An employer may employ a Child who is over the age of 15 years to do light work during school term, provided the hours of work do not exceed 8 hours in any week.

i.Where, in order to comply with the provisions of this

The Employment of Children is generally prohibited.

(4) An employer shall not permit a Child employed by him/her to do for him/her any work for any period exceeding 4 hours without a break of at least 30 consecutive minutes. The Child shall not be entitled to be paid in respect of this break period.

(1) An employer may employ a child who is over the age of 14 years to do light work during any period outside the school term provided that: (i)the hours of work shall not exceed 7 hours in any day or 35 hours in any week (ii)the work is not harmful to the safety, health and development of the child, and (iii)during the period of the Summer Holidays, the child does not do any work for a period of a least 21 days.

e. In relation to “Children” the Act also provides:

d.What is a Comparable Permanent Employee?

An employee is a comparable permanent employee in relation to a fixed-term employee if: (a) the permanent employee and the fixed-term employee are employed by the same or associated employer and one of the conditions referred to in (i),(ii) or (iii) below is met, (b) where (a) above does not apply (including a case where the fixed-term employee is the sole employee of the employer) the permanent employee is specified in a collective agreement, being an agreement that for the time being has e ect in relation to the relevant fixed-term employee, to be a comparable employee in relation to the fixed-term employee, or (c) where neither (a) nor (b) above apply, the employee is employed in the same industry or sector of employment as the fixed-term employee (and one of the conditions referred to in (i), (ii) or (iii) below is met).

j.An employer shall keep such records as are necessary to show whether the provisions of this Act are being complied with in relation to his/her employees and such a record shall be retained by the employer for at least 3 years.

c. Main Definitions. The following definitions apply under the Act: (1) Conditions of Employment includes all terms and conditions of the employment contract whether statutory or otherwise including for example: remuneration, pensions, voluntary health contributions, entitlement to sick pay, etc.

(3)Employerarrangement.means,in relation to an employee, the person with whom the employee has entered into or for whom the employee works under (or, where the employment has ceased, entered into or worked under) a contract of employment.

k. The Act has authorised the appointment of Inspectors by the Minister who may enter at all reasonable times any premises or place where he/she has reasonable grounds for suspecting that a Child or Young Person is employed in work. This inspector may require the production of any records required to be kept by the employer, and require any employee (being a Young Person or Child) to furnish such information as the Inspector may reasonably request.

The Act does not apply to agency workers placed by a temporary work agency at the disposition of a user enterprise, apprentices, a member of the defence forces, a trainee garda or a trainee nurse. However, the Act applies to agency workers employed directly by an employment agency.

(4) Fixed-Term Employee means a person who has entered into a contract of employment with an employer where the end of the contract is determined by an objective condition such as arriving at a specific date, completing a specific task or the occurrence of a specific event. The term “fixed-term employee” does not include employees in initial vocational training or in apprenticeship schemes or employees with a contract of employment concluded within the framework of a publicly-supported training, integration or vocational retraining programme.

202 Act, the hours of work in relation to an employee are reduced or are otherwise altered, then the rate of salary, wages or other reward payable to any such employee a ected shall not be reduced.

b. Who is covered by the Act? In general, the Act applies to any fixed-term employee: Working under a contract of employment; Holding o ce under, or in the service of, the State including members of the Garda Siochana, Civil Servants and employees of any Health Board, Harbour Authority, or Vocational Education Committee.

(5)Permanent Employee means an employee who is not a fixed-term employee.

The following are the conditions (i), (ii) and (iii) referred to above: (i)both employees perform the same work under the same or similar conditions or each is interchangeable with the other in relation to the work, (ii)the work performed by one of the employees con cerned is of the same or a similar nature to that performed by the other and any di erences be tween the work performed or the conditions under which it is performed by each, either are of small importance in relation to the work as a whole or occur with such irregularity as not to be significant,

9. Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003

a.The above-mentioned Act, which is reproduced in full below, came into operation on 14 July 2003. The purpose of the Act which implements Directive 1999/70/EC of 28 June 1999 concerning the Framework Agreement on Fixed–Term Work concluded by UNICE, CEEP and the ETUC is: (1) to provide for the improvement of the quality of fixed-term work by ensuring the application of the principle of non-discrimination ( i.e. fixedterm workers may not be treated less favourably than comparable permanent workers); and (2)to provide for the removal of discrimination against fixed term workers where such exists and the establishment of a framework to prevent abuse arising from the use of successive fixed term employment contracts.

(2) Remuneration in relation to an employee includes: (a)any consideration, whether in cash or in kind, which the employee receives, directly or indirectly, from the employer in respect of the employment, and (b)any amounts the employee will be entitled to receive on foot of any pension scheme or

The Act provides that a fixed-term employee shall not be treated in a less favourable manner in respect of his/ her conditions of employment than a comparable permanent employee (except in the circumstances set out in paragraph 7beneath).

The Act provides that a provision in any agreement shall be void in so far as it attempts to exclude or limit the application of any provision of the Act or is inconsistent with any provision of the Act. Nothing in the Act shall be construed as prohibiting the inclusion in an agreement of a provision more favourable to an employee than any provision in the Act. Ref-

(2) Holiday Entitlement

The comparable permanent employee can be either of the opposite sex to the fixed-term employee concerned or of the same sex as him or her.

Examples: (1) Overtime Payment

If a comparable permanent employee is paid overtime, then a fixed-term employee, who compares himself/herself with that comparable permanent employee, is also entitled to overtime payment. A fixed-term employee is entitled to the same rate of payment for overtime work as his/her comparable permanent employee.

(2) Pensions The right not to be treated in a less favourable manner than a comparable permanent employee shall not apply, in relation to any pension scheme or arrangement, to a fixed-term employee who normally works less than 20 per cent of the normal hours of the comparable permanent employee. However, this provision does not prevent an employer and a fixed-term employee from entering into an agreement whereby that employee may receive the same pension benefits as a comparable permanent employee.

g. Voidance of Certain Provisions in Agreements

The Act provides that except where a di erent length of service qualification is justified on objective grounds such a qualification in relation to aparticular condition of employment shall be the same for a fixed-term employee as for a comparable permanent employee

e. Conditions of Employment

The holiday entitlement of a fixed-term employee is related to the holiday entitlement of a comparable permanent employee subject to the minimum legal entitlements under the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997. Under the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 a fixed-term employee’s minimum annual leave entitlement is (i)4 working weeks in a leave year in which a part-time employee works at least 1365 hours (unless it is a leave year in which he/ she changes employment) (ii)1/3 of a working week per calendar month that the part-time employee works at least 117 hours (iii)8% of the hours worked in a leave year subject to a maximum of 4 working weeks. These provisions have not been altered by the terms of the Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003.

f. Are there Circumstances Where a Fixed-Term Employee can be treated in a Less Favourable Manner Than a Comparable Permanent Employee? Yes, in the following set of circumstances: (1) Objective Grounds The Act provides that a fixed-term employee may be treated in a less favourable manner than a comparable permanent employee where such treatment can be justified on objective grounds. What is an objective ground for treatment in a l ess favourable manner? A ground would be considered as an objective ground for treatment in a less favourable manner (including the renewal of a fixed-term employee’s contract for a further fixed term), if it is based on considerations other than the status of the employee as a fixed-term employee and the less favourable treatment is for the purpose of achieving a legitimate objective of the employer and such treatment is necessary for that purpose. If the treatment of the fixed-term employee is based on the fixed-term status of the employee then it is not an objective ground for less favourable Where,treatment.asregards any term of his or her contract, a fixed-term employee is treated by his or her employer in a less favourable manner than a comparable permanent employee, the treatment in question shall (for the purposes of section 6(2) of the Act) be regarded as justified on objective grounds, if the terms of the fixed-term employee’s contract of employment, taken as a whole, are at least as favourable as the terms of the comparable permanent employee’s contract of employment.

Pro-Rata Principle Where a condition of employment is dependent on the number of hours worked by the employee, then the extent to which that condition of employment is provided to a fixed-term employee shall be related to the proportion which the normal hours of work of that employee bears to the normal hours of work of the comparable permanent employee concerned.

203 (iii)theand work performed by the relevant fixed-term employee is equal or greater in value to the work performed by the other employee concerned, having regard to such matters as skill, physical or mental requirements, responsibility and working conditions.

The Act provides that employers shall, as far as practicable consider informing employees’ representatives about fixed-term work in the undertaking.

Where a term of an employment contract purports to limit the term of the employment contract of either category of employee mentioned above, in contravention of the above rules, that term shall be void and of no e ect and the contract concerned shall be deemed to be one of indefinite duration- a permanent contract. However, the above-mentioned rules do not apply where there are objective grounds justifying the renewal of a contract of employment for a fixed term only.

EmployeesNo. on fixed-term contracts which commenced prior to the passing of the Act: Once such an employee completes or has completed 3 years continuous employment with his or her employer or associated employer (any or all of the 3 years service may have occurred prior to the passing of the Act) the employer may renew the contract for a fixed term on one occasion only and that renewal may be for a period of no longer than 1 year.

j. Can an Employer Employ an Employee on a Series of Fixed-Term Contracts Indefinitely?

The First Schedule to the Minimum Notice and Terms of Employment Act, 1973 relating to continuous employment determines whether employment on fixed-term contracts is continuous or not.

The Act provides that in order for a fixed-term employee to have the same opportunity as other employees to secure a permanent position, an employer shall inform him or her in relation to relevant vacancies which occur in the undertaking. This information may be provided by means of a general announcement at a suitable place in the employee’s place of employment. However, as regards access by a fixed-term employee to appropriate training opportunities, the Act provides that such access to appropriate training shall be provided by an employer as far as practicable

l. Information about Fixed-Term Working

The Act provides that a fixed-term employee shall be informed in writing by his or her employer as soon as practicable of the objective condition determining the contract i.e. whether it is: arriving at a specific date, completing a specific task, or the occurrence of a specific event.

m. Prohibition of Penalisation of an Employee by an Employer

204 erences to an agreement are to any agreement, whether a contract of employment or not, and whether made before, or a ter, the passing of the Act.


The Act prohibits an employer from penalising a fixedterm employee on the grounds that: (1) he/she has exercised or proposes to exercise his/ her right not to be treated in a less favourable manner than a comparable permanent employee in relation to conditions of employment, (2)he/she has in good faith opposed by lawful means an act which is unlawful under the Act, (3)he/she has given evidence in any proceedings under the Act or given notice of his or her intention to do so or to do any other thing referred to in (a) or (b) above, (4) he/she has been dismissed from his/her employment and the dismissal is wholly or partly for or connected with the purpose of avoiding that a fixed-term contract is deemed to be a contract of indefinite duration (i.e. permanent) under the provisions of the Act dealing with the abuse of successive fixed-term contracts.

o. Protection against Penalisation Including Dismissal

Where an employee has: less than one year’s service and is dismissed within the meaning of the Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977 to 2001 he/ she may refer a case to an Adjudicator under the Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2003. more than one year’s service and is dismissed within the meaning of the Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977 to 2001, he/she mayrefer a complaint to an Adjudicator under

h. Objective Conditions Determining a Fixed-Term Contract

k. Must an Employer Inform a Fixed-term Employee of Permanent Vacancies and Training Opportunities?

i. Objective Grounds Justifying a Dismissal

The following constitutes penalisation by an employer of an employee: (1) dismissal of the employee, (2)any unfavourable change in the conditions of employment of the employee, (3)any unfair treatment of the employee, including selection for redundancy, or (4) any other action which is prejudicial to his or her employment.

Employees on a fixed-term employment contract which commences a ter the passing of the Act: Where such an employee is employed by his or her employer or associated employer on two or more continuous fixed-term contracts, the aggregate duration of those contracts may not exceed 4 years.

n. What Constitutes Penalisation of an Employee?

The Act provides that where an employer proposes to renew a fixed-term contract the employee shall be informed in writing, not later than the date of renewal, of the objective grounds justifying the renewal of the fixed-term contract and the failure to o er a contract of indefinite duration. It further provides that the written statements referred to in paragraph 8 and in this paragraph are admissible as evidence in any proceedings under the Act. It is also provided for in the Act that an Adjudicator or the Labour Court may draw any inference he or she considers just and equitable if it appears to him or her that (a) an employer omitted to provide a written statement, or (b) a written statement is evasive or equivocal.

The employer or employee may appeal the Adjudicator’s decision to the Labour Court within 6 weeks from the date it was communicated to the parties. The Labour Court shall copy the notice of appeal to the other party and hear the parties according to its own procedures.

A party to proceedings before the Labour Court may appeal to the High Court on a point of law from a determination of the Labour Court and the determination of the High Court shall be final and conclusive.

The Act amends section 28(8) of the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 and section 17(8) of the Protection of Employees (PartTime Work) Act 2001 by removing the time limit of 6 weeks which applied to referrals of an Adjudicator’s decision to the Labour Court for a determination to the like e ect as the decision.

t. Appeals to the High Court

q. Referral of Complaints

In a case where the ownership of a business changes a ter the contravention to which the complaint relates, the new employer will be considered as the employer with reference to the above decision.

A complaint by an employee that an Adjudicator’s decision has not been implemented may be made by the employee concerned to the Labour Court 6 weeks a ter the date on which the decision was communicated to the employee. The Court will issue a determination to the like e ect of the Adjudicator’s decision.The Act precludes the Court from hearing the employer concerned or other evidence in this case.

p. What Form of Redress is available under the Act?

The Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment may, at the request of the Labour Court, refer a question of law arising in proceedings before the Court to the High Court.

r. Adjudicator’s Decisions

Following the hearing of the appeal, the Labour Court shall issue a determination. If the Court’s determination is not implemented within 6 weeks from the date on which the determination is communicated to the parties, the Circuit Court, on application by the employee concerned, by a trade union of which the employee is a member if it has the employee’s consent or by the Minister, if the Minister considers it appropriate and without further hearing, shall make an Order directing the employer to carry out the determination in accordance with its terms.

The Act raises the fines of £50 and £10 provided for in section 10(1) of the Employment Agency Act 1971 to €2,000 and €1,000 respectively.

(2) Amendment of the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 and the Protection of Employees (Part-Time Work) Act 2001 (i) Time Limits

205 the Protection of Employees (Fixed-Term Work) Act 2001 or under the Unfair Dismissals Acts 1977 to 2001. However, relief may not be granted to the employee in respect of that penalisation under both these Acts.

The Act provides that relief may not be granted to an employee, in respect of a penalisation in contravention of section 14(1) of this Act which constitutes a dismissal of an employee within the meaning of the Unfair Dismissals legislation, both under Part 3 of this Act and under those Acts. It also provides that a person who is a fixed-term employee under this Act and a part-time employee under the Protection of Employees (Part-Time Work) Act 2001 may not obtain relief in respect of the same circumstances under both this Act and the 2001 Act. x. Miscellaneous provisions of the Act (1) Amendment of the Employment Agency Act 1971 –Increase in Fines

The Adjudicator Service is available at Tom Johnson House, Haddington Road, Dublin 4, Tel. 01-613 6700. Locall 1890-220 227 (if calling from outside the 01 area).

An employee may refer a dispute in relation to an entitlement under the Act to an Adjudicator of the Labour Relations Commission for adjudication. A decision of the Adjudicator can be appealed to the Labour Court for legally binding determination.

s. Appeals from Decisions of Adjudicator

An employee or any trade union of which the employee is a member may, with the consent of the employee, present a complaint to an Adjudicator if it appears that the employer has failed to provide an entitlement to which the employee is due under the Act. Written notice of complaint must be presented within 6 months of the date of the alleged contravention. The time limit for submitting a complaint for redress of the alleged contravention may be extended by a further 12 months if the Adjudicator is satisfied that the failure to present the complaint within the normal 6 month period was due to reasonable cause. Under the Act, the Adjudicator, on receipt of a complaint, will send a copy of the notice of complaint to the employer. The Adjudicator will then give the parties an opportunity to be heard by him/her and to present any evidence relevant to the complaint. A ter hearing the parties, the Adjudicator will issue a written decision. Proceedings before an Adjudicator will be held in private.

A decision of the Adjudicator shall do one or more of the following:declare that the complaint was, or was not, well requirefounded,the employer to comply with the relevant provision of the Act, require the employer to re-instate or re-engage the employee, ( including on a contract of indefinite requireduration),theemployer to pay the employee compensation not exceeding 2 years’ remuneration.

u. Referrals by the Minister to the High Court

v. Enforcement of Labour Court Determinations

w. Relief

11. The Payment of Wages Act 1991

(2)A document issued by a person who maintains an account with the Central Bank of Ireland or a holder of a licence under section 9 of the Central Bank Act 1971.

c. An employer shall give an employee a statement in writing specifying clearly the gross amount of the wages payable to the employee and the nature and amount of any deduction from this gross figure. The employer shall further take such reasonable steps as are necessary to ensure that both the statements of wages, and the matters to which it refers, are treated confidentially by the employer. The statement is to be furnished to the employee at the time of the payment, except in the case of a credit transfer, where it is to be given as soon as may be therea ter.

d.The Act provides that an employer may not make a deduction from the wages of an employee (or receive a payment from an employee) unless: (1) The deduction/payment is required to be made by statute (e.g. PAYE or PRSI) (2)The deduction/payment is authorised by a term of the employees contract of employment; or (3)The employee has given his/her prior written consent to the deduction.

b. Wages may be paid by one or more of the following (1)modes:A cheque, dra t or other bill of exchange.

(3) Transnational Information and Consultation of Employees Act 1996

The Actprovides that when calculating the threshold above which employees’ representative bodies may be constituted in an undertaking in line with section 4 of the Transnational Information and Consultation Of Employees Act 1996, fixed-term employees shall be taken into account.

The Act also makes specific provision for the circumstances that must exist before an employer will be permitted to make a deduction from an employees wages in respect of an act or omission of the employee, or in respect of any goods/services provided for an employee by the employer which are necessary to the employ(i)Thement. deduction must be authorised by virtue of a term of the contract of employment; and (ii)The amount of deduction must be fair and reasonable in all the circumstances; and

(6)A credit transfer or another mode of payment whereby an account is credited to an account specified by the employee concerned.

d.There are two circumstances where a part-time employee may be treated in a less favourable manner than a comparable full-time employee: (1) Objective Grounds Where less favourable treatment is based on consideration other than the status of the employee as a part-time worker. (2) Pensions Where an employee normally works less than 20% of the normal hours of the comparable fulltime employee such a part-time employee may be treated in a less favourable manner for pension purposes.

c. The Act provides that the extent to which any condition of employment is provided to a part-time employee shall be on a pro rata basis relative to a full-time comparable employee.

206 (ii) Technical Amendment

10. Protection of Employees (Part Time Work) Act, 2001

(4) A postal, money or paying order, or a warrant, or any other like document, issued by or drawn on An Post or a document issued by an o cer or a Minister of the Government.

(5)A document issued by a person who maintains an account with the Trustee Savings Bank.

The Act provides for a technical amendment of section 39(2) of the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 relating to the powers of an Adjudicator, the Employment Appeals Tribunal or the Labour Court to amend decisions in certain cases. For example, if a decision of an Adjudicator or the Employment Appeals Tribunal or the Labour Court wrongly names an employer, these institutions under section 39(2) as amended by the Organisation of Working Time Act 1997 may amend the decision to state the employer’s name correctly.

a.The purpose of the Act is to provide that a part-time employee cannot be treated in a less favourable manner than a comparable full-time employee in relation to conditions of employment. b. The Act provides that all employee protection legislation applies to part-time employees in the manner as it already applies to a full-time employee.

(3)A dra t payable on demand, drawn by a holder of such a licence under the Central Bank Act 1971.

(8)Any(7)Cash.other mode of payment specified for the time being by regulations made by regulations made by the Minister for Labour. Accordingly, the Act prohibits the practise of paying wages in goods, the product of the employer or redeemable tickets. The Act further repeals the provision of the Truck Acts 1831 to 1896 which dealt with this point.

a.The Payment of Wages Act 1991 confers statutory protection on employees by regulating the making of lawful deductions from their wages. The Act further regulates the modes of payment of wages to employees and confers an obligation on the employer to furnish the employee with a statement of wages and deductions from wages.

h.Either party concerned may appeal the Adjudicator’s decision to the Labour Court and this appeal must be initiated within six weeks of the date that the Adjudicators decision was communicated to the parties. A decision of the Labour Court may be further appealed to the High Court, but on a point of law only.

Leave for child su ering from long-term illness

The Parental Leave (Amendment) Act 2006 amended the Parental Leave Act 1998 by introducing new provisions in relation to parental leave and force majeure leave.

(5)Deductions made in consequence of an employee having taken part in a strike or other industrial (6)Deductionsaction. made in satisfaction of a Court Order requiring the payment of a sum of money by the employee to the employer.

f. In the case of an employer who breaches the provisions dealing with the mode of payment of wages, or the re quirements to furnish a statement of wages, then that employer shall be guilty of an o ence and shall be liable on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding €1270.

The EU (Parental Leave) Regulations 2013 (S.I. 81 of 2013) came into operation on 8 March 2013, amending the Parental Leave Acts 1998 to 2006. The Regulations made the following key changes to parental leave rights in Ireland: Parental Leave entitlement increased to 18 weeks

In Budget 2019, the Minister for Finance announced that two weeks’ paid parental leave would be introduced by November 2019. An incremental increase of up to seven weeks’ paid leave to every parent of a child under one year of age will be introduced over time. Employers will have a full year to ensure that they are prepared for the introduction of this benefit which is likely to be availed of by both parents.

Normally, parental leave must be taken before the child reaches 8 years of age, but leave can be taken to care for older children in certain limited circumstances, such as when a child has a disability. In such cases parental leave can be taken up until the child reaches 16 years, or the disability ceases, whichever first occurs. The new Regulations now extend the scope of this provision to allow for leave to be

i.A decision of an Adjudicator, or determination of the Labour Court, made in proceedings under this Act, may be enforced as if it were an Order of the Circuit Court made in civil proceedings by a Judge of the Circuit Court in an area in which the employee ordinarily resides.

Under the Act, an employee may make a complaint to an Adjudicator that there has been either an unlawful deduction from his/her wages, or an unlawful payment received from him/her by the employer. A complaint must be brought before an Adjudicator within six months from the date of the contravention of the Act complained of, although this time limit may be extended by up to a further six months in exceptional circumstances. The Adjudicator will then give the employer and the employee an opportunity to be heard in relation to the complaint and subsequently will issue a decision on the matter. Unless an appeal is made to the Labour Court, then this decision is binding on both may be awarded such compensation as is considered reasonable in the circumstances but not

e. The Act lists certain deductions/payments, which will not come within the scope of the Act as described at d. above. These exceptions are: (1) Deductions in respect of any overpayment of wages or expenses where the amount of the deduction or payments does not exceed the amount of (2)Deductionsoverpayment.made in consequence of any disciplinary proceedings held by virtue of a statutory (3)Deductionsprovision. made by virtue of statutory provisions such as Income Tax and PRSI. (4) Deductions made in respect of any arrangements whereby the employer deducts and pays to a third party, amounts owed to a third party by the employee where these arrangements are either authorised by the employee’s contract of employment, or the employee has otherwise given his prior consent in writing.

(1)exceeding:Thenet amount of wages (a ter legal deductions) that would have been paid to the employee in the week immediately preceding the date of the deduction or payment; or (2)If the amount of the deduction or payment was greater than the amount referred to in (a) above, twice the amount of the deduction or payment.

(7)Deductions made in satisfaction of a Court Order requiring the employer to make a payment to the Court or to a third party out of wages of the employee.

207 (iii)Before the act or omission is carried out, the employee must have been furnished with either a copy of the “term” in number 1 above, or if this is not in writing, a written note of the existence of the term; and (iv)At least one week before the deduction is made, the employee must have been furnished with particulars of the act or omission.

12. Parental Leave Act, 1998 - 2019 and Parental Leave (Amendment) Act 2006 This original 1998 act became e ective from 3 December 1998, and allowed both Parents Unpaid Leave to take care of a child, subject to certain conditions. Such leave does not interfere with any employment rights except superannuation.


The Parental Leave Acts provide parents, adoptive parents and persons in loco parentis, who have the required continuous service with their employer with the right to take unpaid leave to care for their children. The leave may be taken as a continuous block, or, if the employer agrees, it may taken over a period of time. The new Regulations increase the parental leave entitlement from 14 to 18 working weeks.

The Minister for Social Protection has previously introduced Regulations to ensure preservation of social insurance (PRSI) records for employees who take parental leave. The employer must write to the Records Update Section of Department of Social Protection, detailing the weeks not worked, so that the employee can get credited PRSI contributions for this time. Information about credited contributions and parental leave is contained on the Department’s website

Ifcompleted.anemployee changes job and has already used part of their parental leave allowance they can use the remainder a ter one year’s employment with the new employer provided the child is still under the qualifying age. Apart from a refusal on the grounds on non-entitlement, an employer may also postpone the leave for up to 6 months. This must be done before the confirmation document is signed. If the confirmation document is already signed, the leave cannot be postponed without further written agreement. Grounds for such a postponement may include lack of cover or the fact that other employees are already on parental leave. Normally, only one postponement is allowed, but it may be postponed twice if the reason is seasonal variations in the volume of work. Parental leave is to be used only to take care of the child concerned. If the parental leave is taken and used for another purpose The company is entitled to cancel the leave. Employers must keep records of all parental leave taken by their employees. These records must include the period of employment of each employee and the dates and times of the leave taken. Employers must keep these records for 8 years. If an employer fails to keep records they may be liable to a fine of up to €2000.

Entitlement to Leave Who is a relevant parent?

Other Important Aspects

Transfer of parental leave between parents limited to 14 weeks

The Parent’s Leave and Benefit Act 2019 provides five weeks statutory leave for a relevant parent within the two years of a child’s life, or in the case of adoption, within one year of the placement of the child with the family. Parent’s leave is available to each parent.

208 taken in respect of a child with a long-term illness until that child reaches 16 years, or the illness ceases, whichever first occurs.

The maximum period of parental leave increased from 18 to 22 weeks from 1 September 2019, and increases again to 26 weeks from 1 September 2020. The age of the child for which parental leave is available has increased from 8 to 12 years. For a child with a disability the parental leave age threshold remains unchanged and is available up to the age of 16.

Force majeure leave

The new Regulations also provide a statutory entitlement for employees returning from parental leave to request a change in their working hours or patterns for a set period of time. The request must be made not later than 6 weeks before the commencement of the proposed set period. The employer must consider, but is not required to grant, the request. When considering the request, the employer must have regard to the needs of the employer and the employee. The employer must then, within 4 weeks of receipt of the request, either (a) inform the employee in writing that the request has been refused, or (b) if the request is accepted, arrange for the employer and employee to sign an agreement confirming the proposed changes with the date of commencement, and duration of the changed working arrangements set out.

Generally an employee must have been working for the em ployer for a year before being entitled to parental leave. How ever, if a child is very near the age threshold and an employee has been working for an employer for more than three months but less than one year they are entitled to pro-rata parental leave i.e. one week’s leave for every month of employment

12.1 Parent’s Leave

Amount of parental leave

Annual leave and public holidays

Social insurance contributions

While on parental leave, an employee must be regarded for employment rights purposes as still working. This means that annual leave is accrued while on parental leave. If annual holidays fall due during parental leave, they may be taken at a later time. A public holiday that falls while an employee is on parental leave and on a day which they would normally be working is added to their entitlement.

The Act now provides for force majeure leave being available in relation to persons in a situation of ‘domestic dependency’ and sexual orientation is disregarded for these purposes.

Parent’s Leave, Paternity Leave and Parental Leave are individual family friendly leaves. Each leave must be applied for separately and has di erent entitlements. Check out the relevant pages on our website.

Other noteworthy factors in addition to those above and those set out in the updated handbook section are as follows:

Each parent has a separate entitlement to parental leave in respect of each child and there is no general right to transfer parental leave from one parent to another. However, in cases where both parents are employed by the same employer, either parent is entitled, subject to the consent of the employer concerned, to transfer all or part of their parental leave to the other parent. However, the new Regulations specify that the right to transfer parental leave is limited to 14 of the 18 working weeks. Right to request change to working hours or patterns

Other elements

Benefit Where enough PRSI contributions have been made the parent will be entitled to a payment from the Department of Employment A airs and Social Protection.

Parent’s leave is separate to maternity leave. Parent’s leave cannot start while an employee is on maternity leave but can start from the day maternity leave ends. The employee must make a separate application for parent’s leave.

The leave cannot be postponed for more than 12 weeks a ter the start date of the requested parent’s leave, and the new date must be agreed by both of you. Before postponing parent’s leave with a written notice, the employer must consult with the employee. The notice must contain a statement summarising the grounds for postponement. The leave cannot be postponed more than once. Hospitalisation of the child

Parent’s leave and maternity leave

The adopting parent or parents of a child

Can an employer refuse parent’s leave? An employer cannot refuse parent’s leave, but they can postpone it.

Protection from penalisation

The spouse or civil partner of the adopting parent of the child (if the parents have not adopted the child together).

If a child is hospitalised and the employee wants to postpone the parent’s leave, either if it has already started or before it starts, the employee must put the request in writing to your employer. The employer is not obliged to grant the request. Death of the child

The employer may postpone the requested leave, but they must let the employee know in writing no later than 4 weeks before the intended start date of the leave.

An employee must put the request in writing to their employer six weeks before the date they intend to start the leave, indicating the expected start date and how long the leave will be.

Postponed parent’s leave An employer can postpone parents leave when they feel it would have a ‘substantial adverse e ect on the operation of their business, profession or occupation’. Reasons for postponement can include: (a) The seasonal variations in the volume of work (b) The unavailability of another person to carry out the duties of the employee during the leave period (c) The nature of the duties referred to in (b), (d) Sta ng levels over the period of the requested leave

Can parent’s leave be transferred between parents?

Applying for transferred parent’s leave To apply for transferred parent’s leave, the employee must notify the employer in writing no later than six weeks before the intended start date of the transferred parent’s leave. In the notification, the following should be mentioned: (i)the death of the relevant parent (ii) the intention to take transferred parent’s leave (iii)the length of leave the employee is entitled to If requested by the employer, a copy of the death certificate may need to be provided.

A parent of a donor-conceived child as provided for under section 5 of the Children and Family Relationships Act 2015

209 A parent of the child A spouse, civil partner or cohabitant of the parent of the child

Taking leave Parents can take the leave one week at a time or take the two weeks together. Making an application

The death of the child does not a ect the entitlement of the parent to parents leave (once within the timeframe and they qualify as a relevant parent) even where notice in writing of the intention to take the leave was not given.

Where a relevant parent dies, a surviving parent is entitled to leave (referred to as transferred parent’s leave) to provide or assist in providing care for the child for a period of two weeks or for the amount of leave the deceased parent did not take.

An employer cannot penalise, or threaten an employee with penalisation for proposing to take parent’s leave or for taking parent’s (a)Penalisationleaveincludesdismissal,orthreat of dismissal (b)unfair treatment including selection for redundancy or unfavourable change to terms and conditions

13. Conveyancing of Pharmacies - Employment Law Implications

Where the employer is not the employer of the other parent taking maternity or adoptive leave then the employee must include appropriate certification confirming pregnancy and the expected date of confinement, or in the case of adoption the certificate of placement.

Pharmacists should be particularly aware than when either purchasing or selling a pharmacy they must take cognisance of the rights acquired by employees under the EU Acquired Rights Directive (1977) and its implementing Irish Regulations: Transfer of Undertakings – Protection of Employees (European Communities (Protection of Employees on Transfer of Undertakings) Regulations 2003) The European Communities (Protection of Employees on Transfer of Undertakings) Regulations 2003 aim to protect the

210 contractual rights of employees in respect of their employment in the event of the transfer to another employer of the business or part of the business in which they are employed.

g. Complaints

h. Additional Information

An employee (or his/her trade union) may take a complaint to an Adjudicator that an employer has contravened his obligations to the employee under the Regulations. This must be done within 6 months of the contravention alleged (or within a further 6 months where the Adjudicator is satisfied that exceptional circumstances prevented the complaint being presented within the first 6 months). The relevant complaint form is available from Employment Rights Information Unit or the O ce of the Adjudicator, or is downloadable from either or www.workplacerelations. ie. Appeals lie from a decision of the Adjudicator to the Labour Court (a 6 week time limit applies).

See Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment Explanatory Booklet on the European Communities (Protection of Employees on Transfer of Undertakings) Regulations, a copy of which is available on request, or downloadable from the Department’s website at www.

As there are a significant number of potential pitfalls in buying or selling a pharmacy courtesy of the Transfer of Business legislation it is recommended that professional advice be sought at the outset from a legal advisor and the IPU. 14. Bullying a. Codes of Practice:

a. Transfer of Contractual Rights/Obligations

The Regulations provide that the rights and obligations of the original employer (“the transferor”) arising from an employment contract existing at the date of a transfer shall, by reason of such transfer, be transferred to the new employer (“the transferee”). Furthermore, the transferee must continue to observe the terms and conditions agreed in any collective agreement on the same terms as were applicable to the transferor under that agreement until the date of termination or expiry of the agreement or the entry into force of another collective agreement.

However, the above rule does not apply in respect of employee’s rights to old age, invalidity or survivor’s benefits under supplementary company or inter-company pension schemes outside the Social Welfare Acts. In e ect, such pension rights in place on the date of transfer do not transfer across to the new contract but are protected under the Pensions Acts 1990 to 2003 – where the relevant supplementary company pension scheme is an occupational pension scheme within the meaning of those Acts (i.e. an approved pension scheme). In relation to unapproved occupational pension schemes, the transferee (new employer) is required to “protect” the rights of employees in such cases.

This must be done, where reasonably practicable, not later than 30 days before the transfer date, and in any event in good time before the transfer is carried out (or in the case of the transferee, in good time before the employees are directly a ected by the transfer regarding conditions of employment). Details of any measures envisaged in relation to the employees must be discussed with the employees’ representatives “with a view to reaching an agreement”. Where there are no representatives, the employers must arrange for the employees to choose representatives for this purpose.

The above obligations on the part of an employer, in a transfer situation, do not apply where the outgoing employer is subject to proceedings whereby he could be adjudicated bankrupt, or wound up (a company) for reasons of insolvency, by order of the High Court.

Decisions of an Adjudicator and determinations, unless appealed, of the Tribunal are enforceable (by employee, trade union or Minister) in the Circuit Court.

f. Information and Consultation

A new code of practice on workplace bullying came into e ect in Ireland in 2021. This Code of Practice replaces the Code of Practice entitled “Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the Prevention and Resolution of Bullying at Work” which was issued by the HSA in March 2007 in accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 and the “Code of Practice Detailing Procedures for Addressing Bullying in the Workplace” issued by the LRC in 2002 in accordance with Section 42 of the Industrial Relations Act 1990. The government sought the development of a new code of practice in this area at the end of 2019. The Health and Safety Authority (HSA) and Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) worked together to produce this unified code of practice which encompasses both employment law and health & safety compliance. The ‘Code of Practice for Employers and Employees on the

d. Employer’s Insolvency

Decisions of an Adjudicator and determinations, unless appealed, of the Tribunal are enforceable (by employee, trade union or Minister) in the Circuit Court.

Both the original and new employer are obliged to inform their respective employees’ representatives of the date of the transfer, the reasons for the transfer and the legal, social and economic implications of the transfer.

The position of the employees’ representatives is protected across a transfer.

c. Dismissal

e. Employees’ Representatives

b. Pensions Exception

If an employee’s contract of employment is terminated because a transfer involves a substantial change in working conditions to the detriment of the employee, the employer concerned is regarded as having been responsible for the termination.

An employee may not be dismissed by reason of the transfer of an undertaking. Dismissals for “economic technical or organisational reasons entailing changes in the workforce” are, however, not prohibited.

• is based on good industrial relations principles governing e ective engagement and processes in the workplace • highlights the procedure to be put in place by employers and the need to clearly state that bullying in the workplace is not acceptable and complaints of bullying will be dealt with sensitively • reinforces obligations for employers to progress complaints informally where possible, and otherwise, as appropriate, formally

211 Prevention and Resolution of Bullying at Work’ therefore replaces the two separate codes of practice that had previously been prepared by the two bodies.

• One interesting point to note from the new code is the introduction of a ‘secondary informal process’ that is available should the informal process fail to resolve the matter or indeed if the employer or employee deem the informal process unsuitable. The code outlines how to manage an informal process, a secondary informal process, a formal process, and a right of appeal. In relation to the right of appeal, the code acknowledges that “..micro organisations will need to consider at the outset of the formal process how they would manage a request for appeal and this may require outside independent support.”

b. Definitions: (1) Bullying For the purposes of this Code, bullying in the workplace is defined as follows: “Workplace bullying is repeated inappropriate behaviour, direct or indirect, whether verbal, physical or otherwise, conducted by one or more persons against another or others, at the place of work and/or in the course of employment, which could be reasonably regarded as undermining the individual’s right to dignity at work2. An isolated incident of the behaviour described in this definition may be an a ront to dignity at work, but, as a once o incident, is not con sidered to be Thisbullying”Code does not aim to address physical assault at work. The HSA advises that where it may be a risk, or where it has occurred and is therefore established as a future risk, the employer has, and uses, a dedicated policy concerning violence and assault and retains and promotes a zero-tolerance approach to such behaviour, from any quarter. Violence is a criminal matter and should also be reported to An Garda Síochána. How does bullying manifest itself within workplaces? In line with the above operational definition, workplace bullying should meet the criteria of an on-going series of an accumulation of seriously negative targeted behaviours against a person or persons to undermine their esteem and standing in a harmful, sustained way. Bullying behaviour is o ensive, on-going, targeted and outside any reasonable ‘norm’. A pattern and trend must be involved so that a reasonable person would regard such behaviour as clearly wrong, undermining and humiliating. It involves repeated incidents or a pattern of behaviour that is usually intended to intimidate, o end, degrade or humiliate a particular person or group of people – but the intention is not important in the identification Bullyingprocess.activities involve actions and behavioural patterns, directly or indirectly, spoken and/or written and could include the use of cyber or digital means for the goal of bullying. Such bullying events, delivered through cyber means, may also be covered by the requirements of the 2005 BehaviourAct. which makes for a bullying pattern will likely include not just one but a range of the following Exclusionbehaviours:withnegative consequences Verbal abuse/insults Being treated less favourably than colleagues in similar Belittlingrolesaperson’s opinion Disseminating malicious rumours, gossip or Sociallyinnuendoexcluding or isolating a person within the work sphere Intrusion – pestering, spying or stalking Intimidation/aggressive interactions Excessive monitoring of work

Employers who fail to follow a code of practice are not guilty of an o ence but the WRC, Labour Court and civil courts can rely on provisions contained in a code of practice if they are relevant to an issue that arises in litigation. For this reason, it is a good idea for employers to review existing policies in light of the new code of practice to see if anti-bullying procedures need to be Fullupdated.details can be accessed through the following link: bullying-at-work/and-employees-on-the-prevention-and-resolution-of-know/codes_practice/

The purpose of the code is to provide guidance for employers, employees and their representatives on good practice and procedures for addressing and resolving issues around workplace bullying. To achieve this purpose, the code specifically:

• emphasises the importance of records being kept of interventions and decisions in line with General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 and the Data Protection Act 2018.

• provides practical guidance on identifying, managing and preventing bullying at work arising from employers’ duties under section 8 (2) (b) of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005

A new code of practice on sexual harassment and harassment at work was approved by the Minister for Justice and Equality in 2012. This provides guidance to employers on how to deal with the issue in their workplace and what to include in their policy.

“Sexual harassment is defined in section 14A(7) of the Employment Equality Act as any form of unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature which has the purpose or e ect of violating a person’s dignity and creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or o ensive environment for the person.”

The definitions of harassment and sexual harassment have been “Harassmentupdated.isdefined in section 14A(7) of the Employment Equality Act as any form of unwanted conduct related to any of the discriminatory grounds which has the purpose or e ect of violating a person’s dignity and creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or o ensive environment for the person.”



Withholding information necessary for proper performance of a person’s job

Although the code does not impose any legal obligations in itself, its provisions are admissible in evidence and may be taken into account in any criminal or other proceedings before a court and also proceedings before a Labour Court, the Workplace Relations Commission, the Employment Appeals Tribunal, and an Adjudicator. Employers are encouraged to follow the recommendations in a way that is appropriate to the size and structure of their organisation.

It is important for employers to consider the application of the code to non-employees. Employers are legally responsible for the sexual harassment and harassment of employees carried out by clients, customers or other business contacts of the employer. A policy should point out that sexual harassment and harassment by non-employees such as clients, customers and business contacts will not be tolerated and may lead, for example to termination of contract, suspension of services, exclusion from a premises or the imposition of other sanctions. The scope of the provisions also extend beyond the workplace, for example to conference and training that occur outside the workplace. It may also extend to work-related social events.

Repeatedly manipulating a person’s job content and Blamingtargetsaperson for things beyond their control

The code states that an employer is legally responsible for the sexual harassment and harassment su ered by employees in the course of their work unless he/she took reasonably practicable steps to prevent sexual harassment and harassment from occurring, to reverse the e ects of it and to prevent its recurrence. Employers who take the steps set out in the code to prevent sexual harassment or harassment, to reverse the e ects of it and to prevent its recurrence, may avoid liability for such acts in any legal proceeding brought against them.

Communication To e ectively communicate the policy to employees, the code states that it should be part of the formal induction process and employers should consider an employee handbook to be distributed to all employees as part of the induction process. The handbook would need to be updated regularly to reflect relevant changes. It states that the policy should include commitments to training sta on issues of sexual harassment and harassment. The code recognises that the communication of the policy to non-employees is more di cult and has included some measures that the employer could consider. The code also refers to ensuring the accessibility to policies and procedures, for example the translation of policies and procedures into languages other than English as appropriate or the provision of interpreters.

Use of aggressive and obscene language Other menacing behaviour

Defence It is a defence for an employer to prove that he/she took reasonably practicable steps to prevent: the employee from being harassed the employee from being treated di erently in the workplace or in the course of employment and, if and so far as any such treatment occurred, to reverse the e ects of it.

(2)Harassment and Sexual Harassment

As with the previous code, there are nine discriminatory grounds, but ‘marital status’ has been changed to ‘civil status.’ The nine grounds are:

ReligiousSexualFamilyCivilGenderstatusstatusorientationbeliefor lack of religious belief Disability,Age lack of disability or the nature of Race,disabilitycolour, nationality or ethnic or national Membershiporigins or non-membership of the Traveller community Definitions

The Employment Equality Act protects employees from sexual harassment and harassment by: the othercustomersclientsfellowemployee employeesbusinesscontacts including any person with whom the employer might reasonably expect the employee to come into contact in the workplace. This may include those who supply or deliver goods/service to the employer, maintenance and other type of professional contractors as well as volunteers.

Discriminatory Grounds


213 In order to rely on this defence, employers must show that they have comprehensive, accessible, e ective policies that focus on prevention, best practice and remedial action, and also e ective complaints procedures. The measures taken to put the policies and procedure into practice will also be taken into account by courts and tribunals. Employers will not be able to rely on an excellent policy if it has not been e ectively impleThemented.IPU has prepared a set of guidelines on this area, which is available to members from Butterfield House.

15. Employment Equality Act 1998 and Equality Act 2004 a.The 1998 Act replaces the Anti-Discrimination (Pay) Act 1974 and the Employment Equality Act 1977. Discriminatory acts or omissions associated with the following headings are outlawed by the 1998 Act.


By way of advertising By employment agencies In vocational training b. Equal Pay Sections 19 and 20 of the 1998 Act insert an Equal Pay clause into every contract of employment and expressly provides, for the first time, for indirect discrimination in equal pay. c. Sexual Harassment Defined in Section 23 of the 1998 Act as being: any act of physical intimacy any express request for sexual favours any other act or conduct including spoken words, gestures or the production display or circulation of written words, pictures or other material if the act, request or conduct is unwelcome and could reasonably be regarded as sexually or otherwise on the gender ground, o ensive, humiliating or intimidating.

The Equality Act 2004: Changes Irish law to comply with the three recent European Community Directives Changes the definitions in the 1998 and 2000 Acts of core concepts such as direct or indirect discrimination, harassment, victimisation and reasonable accommodation. Also makes a number of changes to what is covered by equality law. Introduces some new exceptions to what is protected, and removes or changes some existing Makesexceptions.anumber of important changes to procedures and jurisdiction. For example, discriminatory dismissal complaints must now be referred to the Equality Tribunal [Now the WRC] rather than the Labour Court. It extends the protection a orded to employees and the categories of employees who are protected and includes significant changes as set out below: It brings self-employed persons and partners in partnerships within the scope of the 1998 Act. Under the Act an individual who applies for a job in another person’s home will not be protected from discrimination under the 1998 Act when applying for the job but once in employment will be fully protected. The Act protects persons over 16 from discrimination on the basis of age. However an employer may set a minimum age requirement, not exceeding 18 years, for potential applicants for a job. The Act expands the definition of sexual harassment under both Acts. It provides that (a) harassment is any form of unwanted conduct in relation to any of the discriminatory grounds and (b) sexual harassment is any form of unwanted verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, being conduct which in either case has a purpose or e ect of violating a person’s dignity in creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or o ensive environment for the

(1) Gender – a complainant must show both less favourable treatment and that such treatment arises from the gender of the complainant (2) Marital status – the Act includes ‘single persons’ in the definition of marital status thus precluding employers from making certain benefits available to spouses (3) Family status – defined as where a person has responsibility for someone else under the age of 18. Employers should be aware that they may have to give reasons why they failed to appoint an unsuccessful candidate for a post where that candidate alleges that their domestic background was taken into account in that decision (4) Sexual orientation – section 2 of the 1998 Act defines ‘sexual orientation’ as meaning ’heterosexual, homosexual or bisexual orientation’.

(5) Religious belief – this definition also outlines discrimination on the grounds of having no religious belief (6) Age – where persons are aged between 18 and 65 no discrimination is permitted on grounds of age. (7) Disability – the Act does not provide protection to those persons who are not willing or fully capable of doing a particular job however in the case of a person with a disability ‘fully capable of doing the job’ may be construed as including doing the job with assistance of special services or facilities (8) Race – this applies where a person has a di erent race, colour, nationality or ethnic origin to another employee (9) Membership of the Travelling Community – the Act specifically covers discrimination against this category of the population in the following circumstances:ByemployersThroughcollective

The new Act extends the provision of positive action (action which allows employers to make additional e orts to recruit, employ and promote members of groups which may traditionally be excluded) to all nine of the grounds covered by the 1998 Act. Previously only positive action on the gender ground had been included.

The 2000 Act provided that an individual seeking redress had to, within two months a ter the prohibited conduct was alleged to have occurred, notify the respondent in writing of the nature of the allegation and the intention to seek redress. This could be extended in exceptional circumstances to a maximum of four months. Once again exceptional circumstances is replaced with reasonable cause.

Theperiod.Act provides that claims to have been discriminated against on more than one of the discriminatory grounds under either the 1998 Act or the 2000 Act shall be investigated as a single case. Furthermore claims to have been discriminated against on more than one ground and to have been victimised may also, in appropriate cases, be investigated as a single case. However, a decision will be made on each of the claims

The Act also inserts provisions in both the 1998 and 2000 Acts stating that where the delay by a complainant in referring a case is due to any misrepresentation by the respondent a reference to the date of the discrimination or victimisation refers to the date on which the misrepresentation came to the complainant’s notice. Furthermore the Act provides that if the discrimination under either Act occurs over a period of time the date of the discrimination will be deemed to be the last date in the relevant

Itseparately.alsoprovides that if the claimant establishes facts from which it any be presumed that discrimination occurred under either the 1998 Act or the 2000 Act it will then be up to the respondent to prove that discrimination did not occur. Previously this was only the case in relation to claims of discrimination on the gender ground under the 1998 Act however the case law under the 2000 Act leaned in this direction also.

The Act applies to all categories of employees irrespective of their hourly commitment. There are exemptions in respect of close relatives of an employer and certain apprentices: Close relatives of the employer such as: father, mother, son, daughter, brother and sister. Any employee undergoing structured training, such as an apprenticeship.

214 person. Under the Acts previously the conduct had to be unwelcome and be reasonably regarded as o ensive, humiliating or intimidating. However, under the new Act conduct must simply be unwanted and have the purpose or e ect of violating a person’s dignity and creating an intimidating and hostile environment for the individual. In removing the “reasonable” requirement it will be open to a wider interpretation. Under the Act an employer may only refuse to provide facilities to a disabled person on the basis that that they impose a disproportionate burden on the employer and in this regard account will be taken of the financial resources of the employer concerned. Previously an employer could refuse to provide facilities on the grounds that it gave rise to more than a “nominal” cost and accordingly the new Act imposes a higher burden on employers. It puts in place a more general definition regarding indirect discrimination and extends the definition of victimisation. The Act allows a parent or guardian of an intellectually or psychologically disabled individual, who is unable to pursue e ectively a claim for redress under the 2000 Act, to pursue the claim on their behalf. Under both the 1998 Act and the 2000 Act a complaint had to be submitted within 6 months from the date of the discrimination. This time period could be extended to a maximum of 12 months if there were exceptional circumstances justifying the delay. Under the new Act time may be extended if there is reasonable cause for such a delay. This is a significant change as reasonable cause is a much easier criteria to satisfy than the existence of exceptional circumstances.

The Equality (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2015, which commenced on 1 January 2016, still permits employers to set compulsory retirement ages. However, they must now be objectively justified by a legitimate aim and the means of achieving that aim must be proportionate and Employersnecessary.needto examine the reason for the specific retirement age for their business and ensure that it is objective and proportionate. Legitimate reasons may include: • succession planning • health and safety reasons • intergenerational fairness However, each situation will have to be determined on its Themerits.Actbrings the Irish legislature in line with the grounding EU Directive and case law on the point.

Please note that under both the 1998 Act and the new Act the above Sections do not apply in relation to a claim not to be receiving remuneration in accordance with an equal remuneration term.

16. National Minimum Wage Act 2000

• A Critical Skills Employment Permit to replace the ‘Green card’ which currently exists. This type of permit has been designed to address critical shortages of skills. In order to attract individuals who possess such skills, this permit type allows immediate family reunification and a fast track to residency. In addition, a number of the criteria normally applying to issue of an employment permit will be waived for this category;

The provisions of the law include:

• providing for a robust employment permits regime which will provide clarity and certainty to potential investors and employers, both indigenous and multi-national, to better enable their business planning and HR decision-making; and

• A Spouses, Civil Partners and Dependents Employment Permit, to enable the family members of holders of Critical Skills Employment Permits and Researchers to work in the State;

• Retaining and extending the requirement for a labour market needs test, with certain grounds for waiver including an exemption for applications for Critical Skills Employment Permits;

• HGV drivers with CE or C1E driving licences are removed from the ineligible list on a temporary basis and subject to a

The Act also adjusts in a number of ways the criteria for issue of an employment permit, with a view to balancing the skills needs of enterprise with the stability of the labour market. The key adjustments are:

The Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2018 abolishes training rates and simplifies sub-minimum rates based solely on age from 4 March 2019. From 1 February 2021, the following rates apply: Age Amount% of NMW Under 18 €7.14 70% 18 years old €8.1680% 19 years old €9.18 90% National Minimum Wage (20+) €10.20100% Record Keeping An employer is obliged under the Act to maintain records for at least three years from the date of the record being made to prove that the provisions of the Act are being complied with.

17. Employment Permits (Amendment) Act 2014

The Act establishes nine di erent purposes for which an employment permit may be granted. These are:

• A Sports and Cultural Employment Permit, to allow individuals with sporting or cultural expertise to work in the State;

• A General Employment Permit, which will issue in cases where a contract for a designated highly skilled occupation has been o ered for a duration of less than two years, or for other occupations, apart from those included on a list of ineligible jobs, where a number of other criteria have been met;


• An Internship Employment Permit, to allow students of foreign institutions in disciplines designated by Regulations as critical skills in short supply, to work in the State, where that is a key component of the course that they are following.

The Employment Permit Regulations 2017 consolidate a number of individual Regulations into one set to make them easier to understand and easier to use. They prescribe specific criteria for the granting and renewal of employment permits including documentation requirements, remuneration levels, registration requirements, and lists of highly skilled and ineligible employments.

• An Exchange Agreement Employment Permit, to allow individuals to whom a designated exchange agreement applies to work in the State;

• addressing recent deficiencies in the legislation identified by the High Court in the Younis case in 2012, which have the potential to allow employers to benefit from illegal employment contracts in situations where an employee does not hold an employment permit but is required to do so.

The Employment Permits (Amendment) Act 2014 came into force on 1 October, 2014. The law has reformed and modernised Ireland’s employment permits system as part of a plan to make Ireland the top global location for ICT skills and confirm its status as the internet capital of Europe.

Key changes to the lists are:

• An Intra Company Transfer Employment Permit, to allow for the temporary transfer of employees between a liated foreign and Irish companies; A Reactivation Employment Permit, to allow for the return of individuals to employment who had fallen out of the employment permits system through no fault of their own;

• A Contract for Services Employment Permit, to allow the employee of a foreign company that has entered a contract with an Irish company to work in the State;

• Level 10 (PhD) academics in designated Universities and Institutes of Technologies are added to the highly skilled list.

Further information in relation to the new legislation can be found on the website of the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation -

• Retaining and extending the requirement where at least 50% of an enterprise’s employees must be Irish or EEA nationals where an employment permit is to be issued, while making provisions for this requirement to be waived for enterprise start-ups for a designated period.

• providing the flexibility to deal with changing labour market, work patterns and economic development needs which o ten require rapid response;

• updating provisions for the employment permits schemes in line with policy and economic developments since 2007;

The calculation is based during a two year period on an average of the number of employees employed in the organisation. Any employee (or a representative) can request data on the number of employees in the organisation. Employees may need information from their employer about the number of employees in the organisation – for example to find out whether the organisation comes within the scope of the legislation or to find out how many employees are required to make a valid employee request. The employer is obliged to furnish this information within 4 weeks of date of receipt of the request (this can be extended by agreement).

This Act gives employees the right to information and consultation about developments in their workplaces, about, for example, issues impacting on employment, in work organisation or in contractual relationships with employees. It applies to any business/organisation in the public or private sector (referred to as an “undertaking” in the Act and defined as carrying out an economic activity, whether or not operating for gain) employing at least 50 employees.

The Regulations respond to the changing skills needs in the Irish economy widening its scope as follows:

20. Temporary Agency Workers:

216 maximum quota of 120 permits.

In addition, the Regulations make a number of administrative changes including the need for a copy of the contract of employment to be submitted with all new and renewal employment permit applications.

If the number of employees falls below the workforce threshold referred to above and remains below it for 12 months, any Information and Consultation Forum established under the Act may be dissolved on the request of either the employer or employees.

Benefits for the employer Retention of valued and experienced sta who might otherwise leave the organisation, thereby reducing training and recruitment costs; Availability of a wider range of candidates for vacancies, especially skilled and experienced people who might only be interested in working part-time; Flexibility to match work needs and sta ng requirements more closely, for example flexibility in service delivery, hours worked and variations in workload; Improved productivity and reduced absenteeism; Increased employee commitment, morale and loyalty, which is associated with improved productivity.

It is important to note that the right to information and consultation does not operate automatically. An employee request must be made by at least 10% of the employees in the organisation, subject to a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 100 employees. The Act provides that the request can be made either directly to the employer or to the Labour Court (or its nominee). Where a request is made to the Labour Court, it will then notify the employer, seek certain information that will allow it to verify the number and names of the employees who have made the request, and issue a notification confirming whether or not the request meets the employee threshold.

19. Employees (Provision of Information and Consultation) Act 2006

2018 Regulations

Greater sense of responsibility, ownership and control of working life; Better relations with management; Improved job satisfaction generally Better work life balance and reduced stress – employees are better able to balance work and non-work issues, for example caring responsibilities, commuting and pursuing further education.

• Animation occupations have joined the list of highly skilled eligible occupations in short supply.

The Department of Business Enterprise and Innovation Employment Permits (Amendment) Regulations 2018 (S.I. No. 70 of 2018), to help ease certain skills shortages, came into e ect on 26 March 2018.

This Code of Practice under the 1990 industrial Relations Act generally sets out the following: General Context

The importance of developing access to part-time work as a strategic response to growing demands for modern, flexible work-organisation, has been recognised and highlighted in economic and social policy development at international, EU and national levels. It is widely recognised that widening access to part-time work, in the context of encouraging and promoting the development of a flexible labour market, has positive economic and social benefits for employers and employees. In addition, widening access can have a role to play in facilitating further education and training, increasing participation of older people in the workplace, providing a meaningful option for many people with disabilities and providing work life balance work options generally.

• Among general skills in short supply certain grades of chef will now be eligible.

Benefits for the employee

The Labour Relations Commission has produced a Code of Practice in relation to the Provision of Information and Consultation.

18. Code of Practice on Access to Part-Time Working S.I. No. 8 of 2006

• Meat deboners remain o the ineligible list subject to a further maximum quota of 160 General Employment Permits, bringing the total to 360.

Once the Labour Court has determined that it has jurisdiction to investigate, given the wide definition of a trade dispute, virtually any aspect of worker terms and conditions of employment can be examined. The Labour Court may issue a recommendation and/or determination. If an employer does not comply with the determination, a trade union may apply for an order which will bind an employer to carry out its terms.

Pay (basic pay, shi t work, overtime and Sunday Temporarypremia)agency workers must also have equal access to facilities such as childcare, and must be informed of any vacant position of employment with the hirer. They cannot be charged a fee for seeking or obtaining a placement. The redress mechanism provided for an employer’s non-compliance with the Act is by way of complaint to the Adjudicator Service, through Workplace Relations Customer AServices.copyof the Act may be viewed ie/2012/en/act/pub/0013/index.htmlwww.irishstatutebook.

Under the 2015 Act, the Labour Court may decline to investigate a trade dispute which it has already investigated within the last 18 months, or where the number of workers concerned is insignificant in relation to the total group of workers. The Labour Court can look to comparators (both unionised and non-unionised) when making a decision about workers’ terms and conditions.

The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Acts 2001 and 2004 already provide for the investigation of trade disputes by the Labour Court where employers do not engage in collective bargaining. The 2015 Act strengthens this mechanism for Theworkers.2015 Act inserts such a definition as follows: “…voluntary engagements or negotiations between any employer or employers’ organisation on the one hand and a trade union of workers or excepted body to which this Act applies on the other, with the object of reaching agreement regarding working conditions or terms of employment, or non-employment, of Theworkers.”Labour Court must consider whether collective bargaining (as defined) is taking place before it can investigate a particular trade dispute.

Unfair Dismissal and Interim Relief Protection has also been increased for a worker who claims that he/she has been dismissed from their employment wholly or mainly as a result of:

Employers and workers in a particular organisation may agree minimum rates of remuneration and conditions of employment and apply to have that agreement registered with the Labour Court as an REA. Whilst the agreement will be binding between the employer and the workers, it will not apply across the sector in question.

22.Protected Disclosure Act 2014


• being a member of a trade union which requests an investigation of a trade dispute by the Labour Court; • being in the employment of the employer concerned in the grade, group or category to which the trade dispute relates; and • having provided evidence or other information or assistance in relation to the request made to the Labour Court. In the event of a claim for unfair dismissal on any of the above grounds, the individual may apply to the Circuit Court for interim relief pending the hearing of his/her unfair dismissal claim.

The 2015 Act provides for a new system of Registered Employment Agreements (“REAs”) and Sectoral Employment Orders (“SEOs”) to replace the previous system which was previously struck down by the Supreme Court.

The Protected Disclosure Act 2014, more commonly known as the Whistleblowing Act is now in force across all sectors. The Act, which has been designed to promote workplace cultures of accountability and transparency, o ers comprehensive protection to workers who blow the whistle.

An Employer must also show that the employee group with which it negotiates is truly an excepted body as defined in the 2015 Act. If an employer can demonstrate these factors the trade dispute should fall outside the scope of investigation by the Labour Court.

The Protection of Employees (Temporary Agency Work) Act was signed into law by the President on Wednesday, 16 May 2012. It provides that all temporary agency workers must have equal treatment with workers hired directly by the hirer in respect of: The duration of working time, rest periods, night work, annual leave and public holidays

A trade union representing workers in a particular sector may request the Labour Court to examine the terms of their remuneration, sick pay and/or pension scheme. The Labour Court may make a recommendation to the Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation and the Minister, if satisfied to do so, may confirm the recommendation as a SEO. SEOs will have sector-wide application (in relation to remuneration, sick pay and/or pension schemes) and contracts of employment for workers within these sectors will be considered to reflect what is provided for by the SEO.

21. Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2015 The Industrial Relations (Amendment) Act 2015 (“the 2015 Act”) came into e ect on 1 August 2015. The 2015 Act changes the existing industrial relations landscape in Ireland. Irish employers are not obliged by law to engage in collective bargaining with workers. However, where an employer does not engage in collective bargaining, the 2015 Act establishes an improved framework for workers who seek to enhance their terms and conditions of employment. It also provides for the creation of Registered Employment Agreements and Sectoral Employment Orders, the original system for which was struck down by the Supreme Court. Collective Bargaining

Registered Employment Agreements and Sectoral Employment Orders

23.The Paternity Leave and Benefit Act 2016

Leave/Benefit: A relevant parent is entitled to two continuous weeks’ paid leave in respect of births from September 2016. Payment, subject to a person having the appropriate PRSI contributions, is the same as the current rate of maternity benefit. Similar to maternity leave, employers can top up paternity benefit if they want. It should be noted that where employers make a top up to female employees, they should ensure they do not discriminate against male employees in relation to a top up of paternity benefit.

• Worker: the Act protects a wide range of “workers”, including employees, contractors, trainees, agency sta , former employees and job seekers.

The key measures in these Regulations include: a new requirement on foreign service providers when posting workers to Ireland to notify the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) – they must provide information which will allow the WRC to monitor posting activity and ensure compliance with posting rules;

The leave is available to all fathers, including self-employed, same sex couples and those adopting. The definition of relevant parent is set out in the legislation and “relevant parent” is defined as the father of the child, the spouse, civil partner or cohabitant of the mother. In most family circumstances it will be the father. The leave applies to only one person, except in the case of adoption, whereby a biological father may have already taken paternity leave. In such a case the legislation allows the subsequent adopting father to also take leave. If the baby dies or is stillborn, the entitlement to paternity leave continues and if one parent dies then the other parent inherits whatever paternity leave hasn’t been taken.

Relevant time for taking the leave: The leave can be taken at any time in the 26 weeks’ following the birth of the child (or placement in the case of adoption). 4 weeks’ notice is required before the leave may be taken however there is provision for shorter notice. The legislation allows for the postponement of leave in certain circumstances, such as the sickness of a relevant parent and hospitalisation of the child.

218 Employers need to take notice and take steps to become compliant with the legislation.

• Protected Disclosure: disclosure of relevant information, which in the reasonable belief of the worker tends to show relevant wrongdoings and came to the attention of the worker in connection with their employment. The motivation for making the disclosure is irrelevant.

• Five Years’ Remuneration Award: any worker found to have been dismissed on the grounds of having made a protected disclosure could receive an award of five years’ remuneration. The maximum award under existing unfair dismissals legislation is two years remuneration, highlighting the severity the Government are placing on this issue.

• Protections: in addition to protection from any detrimental treatment in the workplace, including dismissal or disciplinary action, whistle-blowers will also be exempt from any criminal liability.

• Anonymity: the Act allows for total anonymity of the whistleblower, however this may make appropriate investigations di cult for the employer.

Penalisation for taking Paternity Leave: The legislation contains protections from penalisation for taking paternity leave and preservation of employment rights while on paternity leave. Similar to the maternity legislation, the legislation contains provisions such as the voidance of termination/notice of termination of a relevant parent while he/she is on paternity leave or the suspension of an employee while on leave.

Applicants for Paternity Leave:

• Methods of Disclosure: the Act sets out a number of avenues open to workers looking to make a disclosure, from raising the issue internally to external options.

Complaints to WRC: Any dispute regarding paternity leave may be referred to an Adjudication O cer of the Workplace Relations Commission (WRC) or on appeal to the Labour Court under Section 41 or 44 of the 2015 Act.

Key Features of the Act Include:

• Retrospective in e ect: meaning that protected disclosures made earlier this year or last year may be covered by the legislation.

The Paternity Leave and Benefit Act 2016 includes certain amendments to the Workplace Relations Act 2015 and to records to be kept and retained for the purposes of the Workplace Relations Act and prosecutions for breaches of same. The legislation commenced on 1 September 2016. It provides statutory paternity leave and benefit for fathers and bring Ireland in line with many other EU countries. The leave is intended to encourage and promote a more equitable division of parental responsibilities in the workplace. Announcing the introduction of paternity leave, the government also referred to the possibility of a further 2 weeks’ shared parental leave.

24. European Union (Posting of Workers) Regulations 2016

Record Keeping (O ences): Under Section 17 (1) of the legislation an employer shall make a record of the paternity leave of his employees indicating the period of employment for each employee and the dates and times in respect of which each employee was on paternity leave and under Section 17(2) this record shall be retained for 8 years. A contravention of Section 17 (1) or (2) is an o ence, proceedings for which may be brought and prosecuted by the Workplace Relations Commission (proceedings to be commenced within 12 months from the date of the o ence) and shall be liable on summary conviction to a class B Fine (currently €4,000).

The Workplace Relations Commission has produced a Code of Practice on Longer Working (S.I. No. 600 of 2017 under the Industrial Relations Act, 1990). The Code provides guidance on the principles and practices to follow during the engagement between employers and employees in the run up to retirement including responding to requests to work beyond the retirement age. The Code was prepared following a request by the Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation arising from a recommendation of the 2016 Report of the Interdepartmental Group on Fuller Working Lives. This recognised the increasing proportion of workers who want to continue in employment beyond what would have been regarded as the traditional retirement age, i.e. 65 years, and the expectation that this will grow significantly in the future. Employers need to have a consistent way to retain older workers and deal with requests to continue to work beyond the traditional retirement age, within the context of the changing statutory and legal framework in regard to retirement and pension entitlements.

25.Criminal Justice (Spent Convictions and Certain Disclosures) Act 2016

• utilising the skills and experience of older workers as part of a diverse workforce; • retirement arrangements that support employees through the retirement process; • managing requests to work longer; and

This legislation fundamentally changed what employees have to reveal about themselves to employers. An individual is not obliged to disclose certain criminal convictions which date back seven years or more to a future or current employer. The Act ensures that only certain convictions arising from minor o ences can become ‘spent’.

• outlining what constitutes objective justification of retirement in the absences of a set retirement age.

219 a new subcontracting liability in the construction sector is introduced to guard against posted workers being paid less than their minimum entitlements –where a posted worker in construction is not paid the applicable statutory rates of pay by their direct employer, the contractor one step up the supply chain can also be held liable; the creation of a right for a posted worker to refer a complaint to the Director General of the WRC naming both their employer and the contractor one step up as therespondents;introduction of a defence of due diligence for the contractor in any claim before the WRC – the Regulations set out in detail the test or criteria which the contractor will have to satisfy in order to avail of the defence of due diligence; new measures which allow for the enforcement of cross border financial administrative penalties and fines.

These Acts currently outline how organisations deal with their data protection obligations. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is due to come into e ect on 25 May 2018, replacing the existing data protection framework under the EU Data Protection Directive. The GDPR emphasises transparency, security and accountability by data controllers and processors, while at the same time standardising and strengthening the right of citizens to data privacy. The GDPR will enhance existing individual privacy rights significantly, and organisations should review their current employment practices to ensure alignment and compliance. The O ce of the Data Protection Commissioner has produced GDPR specific guidance that organisations need to familiarise themselves with, in advance of legislative changes next year. The Data Protection Commissioner continues to release briefing notes for data controllers and data processors in the run up to the implementation date, and has published a GDPR dedicated website. Employers are also encouraged to have a comprehensive data protection policy, which includes details on the recruitment practices, use of information and communications technology, transfer of personal data, record keeping and other key elements relevant to the organisations’ obligations under data protection Linklegislation.toData Commissioner Website: docs/GDPR/1623.htm

28. Code Of Practice For Employers and Employees On the Right To Disconnect

• Complement and support employers’ and employees’ rights and obligations under the Organisation of Working Time Act, 1997 (OWTA 1997), the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 (SHWWA 2005), the Employment (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2018 and the Terms of Employment

26. Data Protection Acts 1988 to 2003

The following o ences will never become ‘spent’: • a conviction for a sexual o ence • an o ence tried in the Central Criminal Court • an o ence resulting in a prison sentence of greater than 12 ThemonthsNational Vetting Bureau (Children and Vulnerable Adults) Act 2012 also makes it mandatory for people working with children or vulnerable adults to be vetted by the National Vetting Bureau. Combined, these two pieces of legislation a ect how employers screen employees. It is commonplace for employers to have self declaration forms as part of their recruitment policies. These Acts now significantly limit the usefulness of these forms as employees will not have to disclose a spent conviction. Employees cannot be penalised for not doing so. Employers may have to consider other ways of assessing potential hires through their recruitment policies.

27. Code of Practice on Longer Working

The Code is useful in addressing ways to deal with:

The purpose of this Code, adopted and published by the Workplace Relations Commission during 2021, is to provide practical guidance and best practice to employers, employees and their representatives in relation to the Right to Disconnect. Specifically, the Code is designed to:

• Assist employers and employees in navigating an increasingly digital and changed working landscape which o ten involves remote and flexible working.


29. TheDisclaimerabove material is copyright of the IPU and is intended as a summary of principal points of relevant Employment Law. While care is taken in its production, no responsibility is taken by the IPU for any errors or omissions. It is recommended that professional advice be sought in all cases.

• Assist employers in developing and implementing procedures and policies to facilitate the Right to Disconnect.

• Provide guidance for the resolution of workplace issues arising from the Right to Disconnect both informally and formally, as appropriate.

Full details are available in the Workplace Relations Commission Code, which is available through the following link:

220 (Information) Act 1994 – 2014.

• Provide assistance to those employees who feel obligated to routinely work longer hours than those agreed in their terms and conditions of employment.

The Company is committed to treating all sta fairly and equitably and to helping employees perform e ectively. However, there may be occasions when it will be necessary to invoke Disciplinary Procedures which are designed to protect the interests of both The Company and its employees. Each employee’s right to natural justice and fair procedures will be upheld at all times.

• Avoid any discrimination.

Formal Disciplinary Procedure

• Failing to follow the procedures in respect of absence due to sickness or injury

• Poor time keeping • Poor job performance. This list is not exhaustive and all cases will be treated individually.

• Serious damage to company property.

• Minor breach of the written statement of terms and conditions of employment

• The t or unauthorised possession of any property or facilities of The Company.

• Timekeeping o ence.

The following o ences are examples of gross misconduct. These examples are not exhaustive or exclusive and o ences of a similar nature will be dealt with under this procedure. Gross misconduct will result in the initiation of The Company disciplinary procedure, and may result in immediate dismissal with or without notice or pay in lieu of notice.

• Unauthorised use of email, telephones, voicemail and computer systems.

• Violent, dangerous or intimidatory conduct.

ThePolicyCompany aims to avoid situations requiring disciplinary action to be taken. An informal procedure is included in this policy in an e ort to ensure that where company standards and rules are not being adhered to, an employee’s manager/ supervisor may raise these issues with the employee concerned in an informal manner, to address the situation and resolve it without initiating disciplinary action. Where there is a persistent failure on the part of an employee to adhere to the rules and standards of behaviour expected, or where a serious breach of this policy occurs, then disciplinary action may become necessary. Where this situation arises, each case will be treated consistently and reasonably. The employee will be given the opportunity to provide his/ her version of events, with mitigating circumstances to be taken into account. Managers/supervisors will use their best e orts to: Ensure that all cases are thoroughly investigated.

• Divulging or misusing confidential information.

Purpose of Policy

• Minor failure to observe company policies or procedures

• Sexual harassment, harassment and/or bullying.

• Serious breach of rules, policies or procedures, especially those designed to ensure safety.

• The possession of illegal drugs at work.

PROCEDURES The Company’s procedure on disciplinary issues is as follows:

Informal Counselling Minor misconduct, poor performance or minor breaches of rules will normally result in informal counselling or advice being given by the immediate manager/supervisor. If this approach is not successful it may be necessary to use the formal disciplinary procedure.

• Minor breach of company rules

• Prepare carefully and be consistent. • Adhere to this procedure.

Normally, the following list of o ences of misconduct will be considered as appropriate reasons for initiating disciplinary action:

• Conviction for, or failure to disclose to The Company any criminal o ence which may render the employee unsuitable for employment or perceived as unacceptable to other employees or customers or which is likely to adversely a ect The Company’s interest. This list is not exhaustive and all cases will be treated individually.

Scope This policy applies to all employees, whether full-time, parttime, fixed-term, temporary or permanent. The progressive steps provided for in the policy may be skipped when applied to employees during their probationary period or in circumstances where it is deemed necessary by The Company to do so.

• Falsification of any company records including reports, accounts, expenses claims or self-certification forms.

Gross Misconduct

This procedure will be used in cases of breaches of the rules or poor performance which have not been remedied by informal counselling. Normally the procedure will follow the stages listed below, although it is acceptable to move immediately to Stages 3, 4 or 5 if a case appears su ciently serious.

• Regular unreasonable and/or unexplained absences

• Minor damage to The Company property

• Unauthorised use of the company’s assets and equipment

• Insubordination, e.g. refusal to obey reasonable instructions given by those with authority to give such instructions, except where the employee’s safety may reasonably be endangered by the instruction.

221 Employment Law – Disciplinary Procedures

• Defrauding or attempting to defraud The Company, customers, suppliers or fellow employees.

• The manufacture, possession or distribution of any controlled substance in the workplace or on the premises.

• Consumption of alcohol or drugs, which could a ect work performance in any way or have an impact on other employees.


All warnings issued under this procedure will state clearly that

Stage 4: Action Short of Dismissal – in exceptional circumstances, and depending on the individual case, The Company may exercise its discretion to suspend with or without pay. Demotion to a lower position or rate of pay and transfer to another position may also be considered. This is action short of dismissal. Stage 5: Dismissal – in an instance of gross misconduct, an employee will normally be dismissed without going through the previous stages of procedure.

Appeals At any stage, the employee has the right to appeal in writing above the level of the Manager taking the action, within seven days of notification of a decision. Appeals will be dealt with as expeditiously as possible within a timeframe proportionate with the seriousness of the issue. Nothing in this policy a ects an employee’s right to further appeal in line with the Labour Relations Commission Code of Practice.

The Investigation Procedure

Prior to taking the decision to invoke the disciplinary procedure the Company will ensure that the situation has been thoroughly investigated. This will be a fact finding process and will require the gathering of detailed information. It may necessitate the carrying out of formal interviews and the taking of written statements. It is an integral part of the process and on occasions may require employees to be suspended on full pay while it is carried out. Suspension on full pay is not considered to be action taken under the disciplinary procedure. It is there to ensure that issues are dealt with in a fair and reasonable manner. Equally, the employee has the right to present information in the defence of his/her position, if the decision is taken to invoke the disciplinary procedure. Once the investigation has been completed the Manager will inform the employee of the findings and the outcome. Where the decision is taken to invoke the disciplinary procedure then the employee will be informed of the case against them so they can respond in an informed manner at a disciplinary hearing.

In these circumstances a full investigation will be conducted and a disciplinary meeting will be held. This will follow the normal procedures outlined above, but the outcome, if found to be gross misconduct, will almost certainly result in dismissal due to the serious nature of the situation. Examples of o ences are outlined in this procedure under Gross Misconduct.

The Disciplinary Procedure

the employee will be liable for further disciplinary action should their performance not improve or should there be a further breach of company rules or procedures. In the event of no further transgression occurring and the performance improving, the warning will be removed a ter a period of no more than 12 months, other than in exceptional circumstances, and the employee’s file will be clear. The employee will also be advised of his/her right to appeal against disciplinary action taken.


The stages in the procedure are: Stage 1: Verbal Warning Stage 2: First Written Warning Stage 3: Final Written Warning – the final written warning will state clearly that the next stage may be termination of employment if conduct and/or performance does not improve.



The following disciplinary measures and procedures will apply in matters of discipline, the constant repetition of minor o ences, wilful negligence or unsatisfactory performance or written complaints against employees received through the Grievance Procedure, that are found to be proven against the employees.

At each stage in the procedure a disciplinary meeting will be held where all the facts will be considered and any mitigating circumstances discussed. Where a warning is issued, a copy will be placed on the employee’s personnel file for a defined period.

222 From the first formal stage of the disciplinary procedure, employees are advised and have the option to have a colleague/ workplace representative present.

Best practice indicates that an employee should be provided with a minimum of 24 hours’ notice. Where the decision is taken not to take disciplinary action, the employee will be counselled.

wide range of literature is available from the Health Service Executive Health Promotion Departments, in your local area. Each area now has its own promotional Department. Contact details can be found on Literature is available on a range of topics including: Health Service Executive – Health Promotion Literature

• The prevention of risks from any articles or substances or from any exposure to harmful noise, vibration or radiations.

The main piece of legislation covering health and safety at work is the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005. This Act applies to all workplaces including pharmacies.

• The enforcement procedures needed to ensure that the goals are met.

• Providing information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to ensure the health and safety of employees. For example, employees who are engaged in manual handling activities should have the necessary information and training to do this safely and there should be supervision in the workplace to ensure that the work is being carried out in a safe manner.

• Preventing risks to other people at the place of work, such as customers, clients and visitors.

• Managing and conducting all work activities to ensure the safety, health and welfare of people at work (including the prevention of improper conduct or behaviour likely to put employees at risk, such as bullying or horseplay).

223 Health and Safety in the Pharmacy

• Participating in health and safety training provided by the employer.

• Ensuring that there are safe systems of work (a system of work is the method of carrying out a particular job). For example, if a pharmacist is working alone and there may be a risk to their personal safety, security measures may be required to avoid or reduce the risk from violent/aggressive clients or members of the public.

The 2005 Act sets out:

• The requirements for the control of safety and health at work;

• Co-operating with the employer with regard to safety health and welfare.

The employer (including self-employed persons) must have a

• Preparing and revising, as appropriate, adequate plans and procedures to be followed and measures to be taken in case of an emergency or serious and imminent danger. For example preparing plans and procedures to be followed in the event of a fire in the workplace or a robbery occurring.

• The management, organisation and the systems of work necessary to achieve these goals;

• Co-operating with other employers who share the workplace so as to ensure that safety and health measures apply to all employees and sharing relevant health and safety information.

• Providing appropriate protective equipment and clothing to employees (at no cost to the employee). For example, if a pharmacist is handling cytotoxic drugs they will need protective clothing while doing so and this must be made available by the employer free of charge to the employee.

• Ensuring that they are not under the influence of any intoxicant to the extent that they could be a danger to themselves or others while at work.

• Not engaging in improper conduct that could endanger their safety or health or that of anyone else.

• Making proper use of any equipment, machinery tools, substances etc. and of all personal protective equipment provided for use at work.

• Reporting to the employer any defects noted in the place of work, equipment, system of work etc. that might endanger safety and health.

• Providing and maintaining a safe place of work, that has safe access and egress and plant and equipment that is safe and without risk to health. This will include ensuring that the building is structurally safe to work in and the work environment is safe with adequate lighting, fresh air and a reasonable temperature; that there is a safe way in and out of the building; that the equipment provided is safe to use and suitable for the purpose for which it is intended and maintained in proper working order.

Employers including self-employed persons are responsible for ensuring, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the workplace and work activities are safe and without risk.

Risk Assessment and the Safety Statement

• Ensuring that reportable accidents and dangerous occurrences are reported to the Health and Safety Authority.

• Appointing, where necessary, a competent person to advise on health and safety matters.

Employees also have duties under the 2005 Act and these include:•Taking reasonable care for their own safety and health and that of any person who may be a ected by their acts or omissions.

The Safety Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations, 2007 add detail to the more general requirements of the 2005 Act and deal with matters such as the workplace itself, the manual handling of loads, electricity, first aid, personal protective equipment (e.g. the wearing of eye protection, masks, gloves etc.), the use of work equipment, display screen equipment, electricity and pregnant employees at work.

Employers’ duties include:

• Providing and maintaining welfare facilities for employees, this will include access to toilets, wash hand basins and drinking water.

• Exposures to potentially harmful biological agents

Nearly 50% of all claims made against retailers are slips, trips and falls cases (Retail Ireland, Feb 2013). Systems should be in place to maintain good housekeeping standards, to ensure that floors are clear of slip and trip hazards, and that goods are stored in a safe manner. Spills should be prevented, monitored and removed quickly. Floors should be free of dangerous bumps, holes and slopes. At entrances, checking for wet footprints or tyre tracks beyond entrance matting in wet conditions is a simple way to see if entrance matting is preventing moisture entering the premises. Steps and level changes should be clearly visible, clearly visible contrasting flooring or step nosings and proper lighting can help. Warning signs may help as a last resort. Wet floors are a common cause of slip hazards. Consider – how o ten the floor needs to be wet-cleaned, can the floor be wet cleaned a ter the shop closes and then le t to dry overnight. Provide equipment to enable proper dilution of the floor cleaning chemical. Can the wet area be cordoned o (as opposed to only using wet floor signs)? Drying the floor will not return it to the same slip resistance as before cleaning but may speed up drying time. Manual Handling Manual handling is the highest reported accident trigger to the HSA. Where manual handling of loads which involves a risk of injury (particularly to the back) is present, the employer must take measures to avoid or reduce the risk of injury. Manual handling includes li ting, putting down, pushing, pulling, carrying or moving a load which involves a risk of injury to the employee(s) involved.

Employers must consult their employees with regard to safety health and welfare at work and provide them with information on these matters including the results of risk assessments. Employers are required to consider any representations made by their employees. Consultation on health and safety matters helps to ensure co-operation in the prevention of accidents and work related ill health. As part of the consultation process, employees have the right to select safety representative(s). The employer must recognise the rights and entitlements of safety representatives. There should be agreement between employer and employees on the method of consultation. Keeping health and safety at work on the agenda for sta meetings is a good way to ensure the matter is discussed. In larger establishments, forming a safety committee with employer and employee representatives will also facilitate the consultation process.

Statement must be based on hazard identification and risk assessment, i.e. where the work related hazards have been identified and the associated risks assessed and documented.

It should be the policy in the workplace that all employees and any others working on the premises report to the person in charge any work related accident, dangerous occurrence or near miss event so that the incident can be investigated with a view to preventing recurrence. Certain categories of accidents and dangerous occurrences must be reported to the Health and Safety Authority, this is a legal requirement and further information on this is available on the HSA website, accidents can be reported online to the HSA.

Emergency plans and procedures

224 programme in writing detailing how safety health and welfare will be managed and secured in the workplace, this is called the Safety TheStatement.Safety

There is a requirement to prepare emergency plans and procedures. The type of emergency which could occur will vary from workplace to workplace and each employer must weigh up the possibilities which could occur in his/her workplace. However, it is reasonable to assume that fire could occur in virtually every workplace. Violence is a particular possibility in pharmacies on account of holding controlled drugs. Therefore, employers should devise plans on the procedure to be followed in the event of a fire or robbery occurring. The purpose of these plans should be to ensure the safety of employees as opposed to protecting property. Note: the Crime Prevention Section of the Gardaí gives advice on the safe and secure storage of controlled drugs.

Slips, Trips and Falls

Assessing risk involves considering the likelihood of a risk being realised plus the severity of the injury/harm plus the number of people exposed. The control measures to eliminate or reduce the risk must be identified and put in place. Safety statements, including risk assessments, must be undertaken in consultation with employees or their representatives and brought to the attention of employees at work and others at the workplace that might be exposed to the risks to which the safety statement applies.

Examples of work related hazards include:

• Manual handling • Slips trips and falls

• Work related violence and aggression

• Hazardous chemicals

• Bullying at work • Electricity Be Smart Tool provides advice on safety statements and risk assessments including Be SMART which is a free online risk assessment and safety statement tool for small businesses including pharmacies at The Be Smart Tool will guide you through the preparation of a site specific risk assessment and safety statement for your place of work, which you can save and print for dissemination to your employees. Consultation with Employees

• Working with Display Screen Equipment

Reporting and Investigating Accidents and Dangerous Occurrences

• Have arrangements in place to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies.

The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Biological Agents) Regulations, 2013 set down the minimum requirements for the protection of employees from the health risks associated with biological agents in the workplace. Employers must carry out a risk assessment to assess any risk to the health and safety of an employee from exposure to a biological agent (actual or potential) at work. Where possible, harmful biological agents must be avoided or exposure prevented. Where this is not possible, measures must be in place to reduce exposure to a level as low as necessary to adequately protect the health and safety of employees. Control measures will vary depending on the hazard, risk and type of exposure. Controls may include hygiene measures such as hand washing and maintaining the work environment in a hygienic condition; having plans in place to deal with accidents involving biological agents such as needle stick injuries; wearing personal protective equipment such as disposable gloves etc. If the risk assessment reveals that there is a risk to employees from their exposure to a biological agent for which e ective vaccines exist, the employer must o er the vaccination free of charge. Vaccination shall be carried out in accordance with any current best medical practice and employees should be informed of the benefits and drawbacks of both vaccination and non-vaccination.

• Make available health surveillance to employees.

• Determine which hazardous substances are present in the workplace.


• Provide information, training and consultation to employees.

The following key duties are relevant for employers under the relevant health and safety legislation:

Display Screen Equipment

The HSA health booklet, ‘Your Steps to Chemical Safety’, shows a three-step approach whereby chemicals can safely be managed and carry out a chemical risk assessment. Following a risk assessment the employer must out prevention and control measures in place.

• Prevent or control exposure to the hazardous substances to as low a level as is reasonably practicable.

• Assess the risks to employees and others from the presence of these hazardous substances.

The manual handling tasks in the workplace which may present a risk of injury need to be identified and avoided where possible.

Where they cannot be avoided a risk assessment needs to be carried out so that controls can be introduced to reduce the risk. Controls may include changes in the way the work is organised or the introduction of mechanical aids to reduce the risk. In undertaking a risk assessment, risk factors relating to the task, the individual (person carrying out the manual handling activity), the load (this may be heavy containers, files etc.) and the environment (in which the task is being carried on) must be taken into account.

For further information, see the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Biological Agents) Regulations, 2013, the accompanying Code of Practice and the HSA guidelines to these Regulations and the EU (Prevention of Sharps Injuries in the Healthcare Sector) Regulations 2014 and the accompanying guide at

Employees who work habitually with display screen equipment such as computers, must have their workstation assessed to ensure that it is set up correctly and to avoid or reduce the risk of injury including eye strain, physical problems and mental stress. This includes ensuring that the display screen is set up to avoid reflection and glare, ensuring adequate space on the desk for the screen and keyboard to be used comfortably, the seat and backrest of the chair should be adjustable so that a comfortable and safe seating position can be obtained etc. Employees to which these requirements relate should have training on how to set up and use their workstation correctly. Eye and eyesight tests for relevant employees must be made available by the employer.

Chemical Safety Employees must be protected from potentially harmful chemicals in the workplace including pharmacies. In Ireland, the 2005 Act, Chemicals Acts 2008 & 2010, along with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Chemical Agents) Regulations, 2001 and Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Carcinogens) Regulations, 2001 and apply to any workplace where hazardous chemicals are used. A hazardous chemical is one that has a physical, health or environmental hazard.

For further information on managing chemicals safely in your workplace see the HSA publication, ‘Your Steps to Chemical Safety, a guide for small businesses’, available at Safety data sheets must be made available to employees for hazardous chemicals. These can be obtained from the supplier of the chemicals. Safety data sheets outline the hazards associated with harmful chemicals together with the precautions which must

Employees involved in manual handling must have the information and training required to carry out these activities safely. The safe work practices demonstrated at training must then be implemented in the workplace.

The HSA has produced guidance on carrying out manual handling risk assessments which it describes in a 5 step process.

Where there is a risk to the safety or health of employees due to work with a biological agent, the employer must ensure that employees receive su cient and appropriate training and information concerning, amongst other things, the potential risks to health and the precautions to be taken to prevent exposure.

Biological Agents

EU CLP Regulation EU

Regulation EU Cosmetic Products Directive EU Plant Protection Products Regulation EU

Chemicals should be stored in a safe manner. Highly flammable substances, such as methylated spirits, ether, and acetone, should be stored in a fire resistant cabinet and kept to a minimum, consistent with the needs of the business. Such containers should be located away from heat and/or sources of ignition and should not obstruct means of escape. Adequate spill control measures should be in place to control and manage any spillages that may arise.

Classification, Labelling and Packaging of Chemicals (CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008)

NEED HELP WITH THE HSE? THE IPU CONTRACT UNIT IS HERE TO HELP YOU CONTACT DEREK Ÿ For advice on any part of the pharmacy contract; Ÿ For advice on all aspects of processing claims; Ÿ For assistance in responding to direct correspondence from the HSE PCRS; Ÿ If you are called to a meeting with the HSE PCRS; Ÿ If your pharmacy is inspected by the HSE PCRS; Ÿ If you are subject to a claims investigation; and Ÿ If you are being investigated under the pharmacy contract. Telephone: 01 406 1557 / 01 493 6401 Derek Reilly, Contract Manager,

Legislation governing Chemicals

The legislation governing the retail of hazardous chemicals is covered by a number of specific pieces of legislation. REACH Biocidal Directive

The CLP Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 is the law that sets out the requirements for the classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals. This Regulation requires that the packaging of certain hazardous chemicals being sold to consumers be fitted with childresistant fastenings and/or include a tactile warning of danger.

REACH and safe use of chemicals

The REACH Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 is the European law on chemicals and their safe use. It deals with the Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals. REACH does not replace sector specific legislation (for example on cosmetics, medicinal products or detergents).

226 be observed when the chemical is in use, the manner in which the chemical should be stored, details for procedures to be followed in the event of a spillage occurring, etc. Suppliers are obliged to provide safety data sheets for hazardous chemicals they supply. It is important that the information provided on the hazard label and in the safety data sheet for the same chemical is consistent. If this is not the case then you are advised to contact your supplier to check. For more information about safety data sheets see Publications_and_Forms/Pu blications/Latest_Publications/Safety_Data_S heet_SDS_Information_Sheet.25430.shortcut .html.

Storage of Chemicals

Regulation EU Detergent Regulation EU Aerosol Dispensers

While the primary responsibility rests with the supplier, retailers are obliged to ensure that they do not o er such hazardous chemicals for sale unless they meet the above mentioned requirements. Further information on CLP can be obtained from

The sale of certain categories of carcinogenic, mutagenic or reprotoxic chemicals to the general public (non-professional users) is prohibited under the REACH Regulation. Other restrictions on the sale or use of chemicals are detailed in Annex XVII of the REACH Regulation (e.g. the sale of mercury containing ther-mometers). For the full list of Restrictions and further information on THE CATALOGUEPRODUCTSHEALTHNATIONAL (NHPC) Comprehensive and sophisticated catalogue maintained on a daily basis Information on over 68,000 products Licensed medicinal products, exempt medicinal products, medical devices and much more Used by 95% of pharmacies and a range of other healthcare providers ISO www.nhpc.ieCertified

Pharmacist’s Professional Indemnity Insurance is available (subject to members previous claims experience) to all IPU members.

Section8. Employers Liability: Covers the pharmacists/ proprietors legal liability for accidental injury to members of sta , and also to locums and employees engaged in casual property repairers.

Section 2. Additional Perils: Cover for aircra t, explosion, storm, flood (subject to acceptance criteria), burst pipes, impact, riot, civil commotion, malicious damage and earthquake.

Section6. Money: Covers the t/loss of money (cash) on premises and in transit to or from bank, and also in bank nightsafe. (The AIC GLENNON cover is unique in that loss of GMS forms is included in definition of cash.)

(2)Exceeding shelf life.

(4) Misreading the doctor’s prescription as regards strength, ie .5mg for 5mg etc. (5)Using contaminated containers, when breaking bulk, ie residue of methylated spirits in bottle of cough syrup, traces of Formalin in bottle of distilled water etc.

Section 3. Consequential Loss: Covers loss of gross profit, including salaries/wages following interruption to the business resulting from damage by fire and/or additional perils mentioned in Section 2. above including rewriting of computer data. Period of cover: 12 months (extendable on request)

1. Pharmacist’s Professional Indemnity Scheme

Section7. All Risks: Provides all risks of loss or damage cover on pharmacy computers and data processing equipment, ie tablet counter, cash register, personal weighing scales, photo developing machines, computers, EPOS, passport camera, etc.

(3)Confusing two di ering products with close sounding names, ie Grisovin for Gaviscon, Dorbanex for Dormigen, etc.

General Insurance – Pharmacists

Pharmacy Protection Insurance Scheme In 1977 a scheme was launched by the IPU and AIC to provide – in one simple document – all the normal insurance. covers required for the pharmacy. The fact that this scheme is now the only group general insurance scheme still in operation (a ter a period of 43 years) testifies to its success. All comparable schemes for other Professions/ Businesses collapsed a ter a few short years due either to poor underwriting, injudicious acceptances, lack of attraction (ie regarding premiums, scope of cover etc), inattentive service by the administrators of the scheme, and/or poor and insu cient claims handling. The AIC GLENNON Pharmacy Protection Insurance Scheme is one of the great success stories in the context of the services provided to IPU members. The AIC GLENNON Pharmacy Protection policy comprises 9 sections: Section1. Fire: Cover on buildings, stock, fixtures and fittings (Reinstatement cover applies to the policy provided the building is well maintained and in good order).

The prudent pharmacist will consider his/her general insurance requirements under the following headings:


By virtue of the fact that, under the terms of the Pharmacy Act 2007, Professional Indemnity Insurance is a statutory requirement for pharmacy owners, it is most important that each pharmacist check to ensure that his/her Professional Indemnity Insurance is properly arranged, and in compliance with the terms of the Pharmacy Act 2007. For instance, some Professional Indemnity insurance provides a discretionary indemnity, enabling an Insurer to decide on a case by case basis whether cover will be provided. There are no such concerns in the case of the AIC GLENNON Professional Indemnity Insurance Scheme. The AIC GLENNON policy provides the fullest protection possible, and its coverage is wider than most, if not all, alternatives. In summary, the AIC GLENNON Group Scheme covers: a.Damages and claimant’s costs and expenses. b. Other costs and expenses incurred with the consent of Insurers in respect of any claim for breach of duty in connection with the business of the insured, arising from: (1) any act, neglect, error, or omission (2) breach of warranty of authority in good faith (3) libel or slander committed in good faith (4) infringement of copyright, trademark, etc, in good faith in connection with: • compounding and dispensing of drugs and medicines for retail •purposesemergency treatment given, as permitted by Statute • Sale of OTC items • any advice given by the Insured or member of sta , in connection with the business caused by: >the Insured >the Supervising Pharmacist >the Employees of the Insured >any Locum employed by the Insured Thus, it can be seen that the position of the “Supervising Pharmacist” as defined in the Pharmacy Act 2007, is fully protected under the AIC GLENNON Group Scheme. The current level of cover on the AIC GLENNON Group Scheme is €13,000,000 any one period, per Insured policy. All professions are now feeling the e ects of the increasing “claims consciousness” among the general public, and pharmacy is no exception. The incidence of claims on the AIC GLENNON Pharmacist’s Professional Indemnity Scheme is increasing all the time. Whilst this does not necessarily indicate that more errors are being committed, or mistakes made, than in the past; it simply confirms that members of the public are more likely to seek compensation. The many pharmacists who have been unfortunate enough to have had claims taken against them will attest to this most unwelcome and traumatic modern day phenomenon. From our experience, the situations giving rise to most claims on Professional Indemnity Insurance are as follows:

Section 9. Public Liability: Covers the pharmacists/proprietors le-

(1) Mixing up the labels on medicines dispensed, ie “the wrong label on the wrong bottle” syndrome.

Fitness to Practise? FTP investigation legal costs are covered under the AIC GLENNON Legal Fees Protection Scheme – see below for further 2.details.

Section4. The t: Covers loss of stock and damage to premises/ fittings resulting from break-in, and “hold-up”. Section5. Glass: Covers breakage of fixed glass and signs.

(6)Regarding veterinary products, not showing su ciently the warnings/ dosage required, when repacking/ rebottling a ter breaking bulk.

c. Pharmacy Acts Cover: Covers the fees and expenses of the pharmacist in defending any legal proceedings made against the pharmacist for an alleged breach of the various Pharmacy Acts including defence of the pharmacists registration.

It is most advisable that the pharmacist contacts AIC GLENNON or ARAG at the first hint of any problem, di culty or dispute. In particular, if the pharmacy is contemplating a redundancy or a disciplinary hearing, it is important to inform AIC GLENNON or ARAG first. If in doubt, call AIC GLENNON who will be happy to advise.

d. Defence of GMS Contract: Covers the fees and expenses of the pharmacist in defending any proceedings made against the pharmacist for an alleged breach of his/her GMS contract.

3. Legal Fees Insurance Protection Scheme Following the passing of the Consumer Information Act 1978 and the Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act 1980, the potential liability of pharmacists to their sta and customers was extended. In the light of this, a new scheme for Legal Fees insurance was devised by AIC GLENNON. The policy covers six headings:

f. Fitness to Practise Cover:

The pharmacy fridge should be fully closed, immediately a ter use, and never le t unplugged or switched o . The pharmacist should ensure (for PSI and insurance purposes) that the burglar alarm system protects the entire premises, is maintained under contract, is monitored, and is set into full operation when the premises are closed for business or le t unattended. Where a pharmacy cash safe is operated by key, the pharmacist should ensure that the key to the safe is removed from the pharmacy premises when the pharmacy is closed for business or le t unattended.

e. Equal Status Cover: The AIC GLENNON policy uniquely covers both criminal and civil proceedings taken against the pharmacist.

5. Home Insurance Scheme

b. Criminal Prosecution Cover: Covers the pharmacist’s fees and expenses in defending a prosecution, under the Consumer Acts, Health and Safety at Work Act, brought in a court of criminal jurisdiction.

There is an AIC GLENNON Home Insurance Scheme for members o ering competitive rates and excellent protection. It is available to pharmacists, spouses and full time pharmacy employees and covers house, contents, jewellery, valuables and pedal cycles. Personal money, sports equipment and credit cards can also be Michael O’Grady, Terry Du y, Liz Murchan, Michael O’Grady, Lisa Breslin or Darren Murphy at AIC GLENNON, for all your general insurance requirements. Tel: 01 619 1100, Fax 01 707 5849 Email: pharmacy@ for further information.

230 gal liability for accidental injury to members of the public arising from the policyholders negligence on the insured premises (Not to be confused with Pharmacist’s Professional Indemnity.) This section can be extended (if required) to cover liability for ear piercing and/or certain beauty treatments, subject to acceptance by insurers and payment of an additional premium. Shopli ting defence/ wrongful arrest defence is now covered, including awards made by courts.

a. Employment Cover: This covers the payment of fees and expenses, including compensation for any award made, in defending an action against the pharmacist following a dispute with an employee, ex- employee, or prospective employee arising out of his/her contract of employment.

Important Notes

Cover for the pharmacist’s legal costs associated with a PSI “Fitness to Practise” investigation is included in the AIC GLENNON “Legal Fees” insurance policy.

4. Motor Insurance Scheme

The AIC Glennon policy is the only ARAG policy on the Irish market that includes cover for FTP legal costs, and should not be confused with other Legal Fees policies available from the same Insurer, ARAG. Be aware that any legal costs are only covered by the Insurance Company provided that it is notified before costs are incurred. It cannot be overstated that pharmacists should not commit to any such legal costs until they have informed the Insurer, ARAG, and until ARAG have given their approval.

The AIC GLENNON Motor Scheme o ers very competitive rates for drivers on one year bonus or more. The scheme is available to pharmacists, spouses and full time pharmacy employees. In general, most pharmacists, with a good driving record, can expect to secure better rates under the Group Scheme.

• The temperature must remain within the range of 2º C to 8º C. • There must be an air forced cooling system (or equivalent) for equal temperature in the cabinet.

• Digital temperature display. • Temperature recording. • Audible and visual alarm for temperature and power supply.

The following companies supply suitable refrigerators: DDC Medical, Unit J9-J14, Greenogue Business Park, Rathcoole, Dublin 24. Tel: 01 401 3050. Fleming Medical Ltd, Corcanree Business Park, Dock Road, Limerick. Tel: 061 304600. Pharmacy Services Ireland, Unit 19, Springfort Light Industrial Park, Limerick Road, Nenagh, Co Tipperary. Tel: 067-33200. KPP REFRIGERATION & CATERING Unit 17, Hebron Business Pk, Kilkenny, R95 TOFN Tel: 056 775 1212 Email:   Web: Type of Business: Pharmacy Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Units, Sales & Service KPP Group is the main distributor of MATOS medical Equipment. Including the MATOS monitoring system in the various range of styles and sizes of cabinets we have available (see our main advert). We can o er a competitive price to include delivery to your premises and service maintenance for any other equipment also. KPP Group o er Calibration with Certificates, wireless monitoring services, PAT testing service on all refrigerated units.  With our own fleet of trucks & service vans, KPP Group o ers delivery and service nationwide.  Product: We o er a selection of refrigerated cabinets, monitoring systems and air-conditioning units suited to the needs of the individual customer.

SalesPersonnel:  : Andy Duncan: / 086 390 7070 Tom Byrne: / 086 067 1293 Service:    Kath Tobin: / 086 125 4557

Waste Management Obligations under the Packaging Regulations


• Automatic defrost. While not essential, it is desirable that the door should have a lock to prevent uncontrolled access, and that the refrigerator should be fitted with a remote alarm system.

Pharmacists purchasing pharmacy refrigerators suitable for storing vaccines, should note the following WHO and Department of Health

Repak o ers exemption from the “take back” obligations, advertising and the need to register with the Local Authority for a fixed annual fee. Please see Repak’s website for current costs, submittingmoredeal)performedEnvironmentalnoAlthoughcostsPleasemembership-fees/,Leaf(theconsultantsthatthebackgroundworkforthiswouldadviseanycompanythathasthanthreepharmaciestoconsiderdataasaregularmembertwice

yearly to Repak, rather than registering as a Scheduled Member. The reason is that Scheduled Membership was put in place primarily for single businesses without the resources to provide packaging statistics; however, it is more expensive when a number of pharmacies are taken into consideration.

231 Pharmacy Refrigerators

The Waste Management (Packaging) Regulations 2007 were replaced with the European Union (Packaging) Regulations 2014. However, little has changed under the updated regulations. Producers/businesses with a turnover of €1 million or greater and that supply 10 tonnes of packaging to the Republic of Ireland are considered ‘Major Producers’ and must either join a Packaging Compliance Scheme, i.e. Repak, or selfcomply via their Local Authorities. Rather than each individual pharmacy going to the expense of having a packaging audit performed, the IPU engaged Leaf Environmental Ltd to establish the turnover threshold for a pharmacy to be considered a ‘Major Producer’. This study recommended that a pharmacy needed a turnover of €2.749 million before it crossed the ten tonne threshold and is deemed to be a ‘Major Producer’. The IPU would recommend joining Repak if the turnover of your business is close to or in excess of €2.749 million. The alternative to Repak membership is selfcompliance which involves registering each business premises with the Local Authority (minimum costs start at €500 per premises) as well as having to provide quarterly packaging waste statistics for each premises, an annual application and advertising as a registered self-complier in a local or national newspaper twice a year. Also, the business must “take back” from the public used packaging of a similar type and nature to that sold or supplied in the business (but not necessarily the same brand or having been originally purchased there).

The IPU recommends that if members are approached by a local authority they should contact the IPU or Leaf Environmental to discuss the matter. According to our results, pharmacies with a turnover of less than €2.749 million are not considered Major Producers; however, pharmacies may need evidence of this to be provided to their Local Authority should they request it. Leaf Environmental will be able to assist you with this. Further information is available on the members’ area of under Business Assistance.

Leaf Environmental Ltd, Unit 10 Sunshine Industrial Estate, Crumlin Road, Dublin 12 Telephone:01 4166 007 E-mail: Contacts:info@leaf.ieAshlingMcEvoy, Emmet Nolan (Figures correct at time of going to print)

• Importers & Producers -

What do pharmacists need to know to be compliant?

• Pharmacies cannot increase the price of batteries to facilitate recycling;


If the Local Authority O cer inspects your premises, what are they looking for?

• The general public are allowed to dispose of waste batteries (similar to the ones sold at your premises) in these boxes regardless of where originally purchased and unlike the WEEE regulations, there is no requirement that a member of the public must make a purchase before they dispose of their waste batteries;

• That the batteries you are selling are safe and in line with the regulations. Further Information

• Please be advised to contact the local compliance scheme to dispose of waste batteries as it may collect battery boxes when in the area; otherwise you can return them to the local civic amenity facility for recycling;

• Battery Retailer Signage is present one metre from point of sale or close to the battery displays. This signage should have been sent alongside the battery recycling information pack from the Battery Compliance Schemes, if it is not present in-store please obtain from either of the Scheme’s websites; • Invoices or other records showing that the purchase of batteries are from a registered producer; and

• All retailers must register with their local compliance scheme ERP or WEEE Ireland. This registration is determined by location; ERP Ireland operates in Cavan, Clare, Fingal, Kerry, Limerick (City & County), Louth, Meath and Monaghan. All other geographical locations are within WEEE Ireland’s functional areas. This is a free service and can be completed online via the Integrated License Application System website (ILAS) annualdoILAS/Home/Licences?bundleId=12,thereisanfeeof€200totheLocalAuthority;

• A Battery Retailer Certificate from either ERP or WEEE Ireland should be on display;

• Signage, Battery boxes & collection services• Website: Tel: 01 299 Email:9320 Email:Tel:•

• Facilities (the battery box) for the take back of batteries are available and visible to the public;

• If purchasing from an Irish supplier, check that they are registered for the battery regulations or else the Producer obligations pass to you. To find out if your supplier is registered, check their invoices for a Producer Register Number or check; and • • Retailers that only sell Irish sourced batteries whereby the Irish supplier is registered do not have any further obligations under the regulations.

• Battery Retailer Registration - www.

• Signage and point of sale literature regarding battery recycling will have to be displayed in-store. Correct signage is available from the Battery Compliance Scheme websites, see below for details;

The Battery Regulations came into force in September 2008. They a ect all businesses that sell batteries or electrical products that contain batteries. Batteries include all disposable batteries such as AA, AAA, C and D etc as well as rechargeable batteries that are in toothbrushes, digital cameras, watches and electric razors etc. This legislation works hand in hand with the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) regulations, whereby pharmacies must take back similar WEEE products and make them available for recycling.

• A waste battery collection box must be visible and available on the premises. If you currently do not have a battery box, please contact the Battery Compliance Scheme in your area;

• Pharmacies are not obliged to accept waste batteries that they do not sell, i.e. car or industrial batteries. Pharmacies are not obliged to accept waste batteries that exceed a total of 5kg in weight from any one person at any one time or any waste battery that may be leaking any of its constituent material;

Battery Obligations for Pharmacies

• All batteries should have the crossed-out wheelie bin symbol on the packaging or the battery itself;

• General information - or

Refrigeration Requirement 2021.qxp 22/10/2020 08:20 Page 1 PHARMACIESFORREQUIREMENTSREGISTRATION

Ifyouholdpatientmedication Register

WasteElectrical&ElectronicEquipment WEEE RegisterwithbodyifyousellanyelectricalorWEEEIreland,Suite18,TheMall, electronicequipment BeaconCourt,Sandyford,Dublin18 Phone:012999320 Fax:012959410



EnvironmentalHealthOffice FoodBusinessOperator


RevenueCommissioners Tax Employer/Employee/VAT RegionalOffices Border,MidWest1890777425 SouthWest1890222425 Dublin1890333425 East&SouthEast1890444425

233232 1 RegistrationRequirementsforPharmacies Body Regulation Requirement

PSIHouse,FenianStreet,Dublin2 RegistrationofPharmacy

PharmacyAct2007 RegistrationofPharmacists


HealthServiceExecutive(HSE) Customs&Excise MethylatedSpirits LicencetosellMethylatedspirits RevenueCommissioners,DublinCastle,Dublin2


DataProtectionCommissioner recordsoncomputer StationRoad,Portarlington,CoLaois Locall:1890252231,Phone:0578684800 Fax:0578684757 Repak



HealthServiceExecutive(HSE) GMScontract

CopyrightHouse,PembrokeRow, LowerBaggotStreet,Dublin2 Phone:016614844,Fax:016763125

IrishMusicRightsOrganisation(IMRO) Ifyouplayaradio/cdinstore Licence

PhonographicPerformanceIreland(PPI) Ifyouplayaradio/cdinstore Licence PPILtd,PPIHouse,1CorrigAve, DunLaoghaire,CoDublin Phone:012805977

Ifyougeneratewasteabove Register RepakLimited,RedCowInterchangeEstate, Governmentthresholds 1BallymountRoad,Clondalkin,Dublin22 Phone:014670190,Fax:014670197


236 CALENDAR 2022

237 Notes

238 Notes

IRELAND’S OFFICIAL PHARMACY YEARBOOK Butterfield House • Butterfrield Avenue • Rathfarnham • Dublin 14 D14 E126 Tel: 01 493 6401 • Fax: 01 493 6407 Email: • Website: YEARDIARYBOOK2022

PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2021MONDAYDEC/JAN27 WEEK 1 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY28 29 THURSDAY 30 FRIDAY SATURDAY31 1 SUNDAY 2


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYJANUARY10WEEK 3 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY11 12 THURSDAY 13 FRIDAY SATURDAY14 5 SUNDAY 16


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYJANUARY24WEEK 5 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY25 26 THURSDAY 27 FRIDAY SATURDAY28 29 SUNDAY 30


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYFEBRUARY7WEEK 7 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY8 9 THURSDAY 10 FRIDAY SATURDAY11 12 SUNDAY 13


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYFEBRUARY21WEEK 9 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY22 23 THURSDAY 24 FRIDAY SATURDAY25 26 SUNDAY 27


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYMARCH7WEEK 11 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY8 9 THURSDAY 10 FRIDAY SATURDAY11 12 SUNDAY 13


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYMARCH21WEEK 13 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY22 23 THURSDAY 24 FRIDAY SATURDAY25 26 SUNDAY 27


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYAPRIL4WEEK 15 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY5 6 THURSDAY 7 FRIDAY SATURDAY8 9 SUNDAY 10

FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. MOTOR INSURANCE HOME COMMERCIALINSURANCEINSURANCE 2022 APRIL MONDAY 11 WEEK 16 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY12 13 THURSDAY 14 FRIDAY SATURDAY15 16 SUNDAY 17

PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYAPRIL18WEEK 17 BANK WEDNESDAYTUESDAYHOLIDAY1920 THURSDAY 21 FRIDAY SATURDAY22 23 SUNDAY 24


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYMAY2 WEEK 19 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY3 4 THURSDAY 5 BANK HOLIDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY6 7 SUNDAY 8

FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. MOTOR INSURANCE HOME COMMERCIALINSURANCEINSURANCE 2022 MAY MONDAY 9 WEEK 20 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY10 11 THURSDAY 12 FRIDAY SATURDAY13 14 SUNDAY 15 Cosmetic Association Trade Fair

PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYMAY16 WEEK 21 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY17 18 THURSDAY 19 FRIDAY SATURDAY20 21 SUNDAY 22 Cosmetic Association Trade Fair Cosmetic Association Trade Fair

FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. MOTOR INSURANCE HOME COMMERCIALINSURANCEINSURANCE 2022 MAY MONDAY 23 WEEK 22 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY24 25 THURSDAY 26 FRIDAY SATURDAY27 28 SUNDAY 29

PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYMAY/JUNE30WEEK 23 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY31 1 THURSDAY 2 FRIDAY SATURDAY3 4 SUNDAY 5


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYJUNE13 WEEK 25 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY14 15 THURSDAY 16 FRIDAY SATURDAY17 18 SUNDAY 19

FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. MOTOR INSURANCE HOME COMMERCIALINSURANCEINSURANCE 2022 JUNE MONDAY 20 WEEK 26 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY21 22 THURSDAY 23 FRIDAY SATURDAY24 25 SUNDAY 26

PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYJUNE/JULY27WEEK 27 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY28 29 THURSDAY 30 FRIDAY SATURDAY1 2 SUNDAY 3


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYJULY11 WEEK 29 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY12 13 THURSDAY 14 FRIDAY SATURDAY15 16 SUNDAY 17

FOR ALL YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. MOTOR INSURANCE HOME COMMERCIALINSURANCEINSURANCE 2022 JULY MONDAY 18 WEEK 30 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY19 20 THURSDAY 21 FRIDAY SATURDAY22 23 SUNDAY 24

PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYJULY25 WEEK 31 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY26 27 THURSDAY 28 FRIDAY SATURDAY29 30 SUNDAY 31


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYAUGUST8WEEK 33 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY9 10 THURSDAY 11 FRIDAY SATURDAY12 13 SUNDAY 14


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYAUGUST22WEEK 35 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY23 24 THURSDAY 25 FRIDAY SATURDAY26 27 SUNDAY 28


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYSEPTEMBER5WEEK 37 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY6 7 THURSDAY 8 FRIDAY SATURDAY9 10 SUNDAY 11


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYSEPTEMBER19WEEK 39 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY20 21 THURSDAY 22 FRIDAY SATURDAY23 24 SUNDAY 25


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYOCTOBER3WEEK 42 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY4 5 THURSDAY 6 FRIDAY SATURDAY7 8 SUNDAY 9


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYOCTOBER17WEEK 43 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY18 19 THURSDAY 20 FRIDAY SATURDAY21 22 SUNDAY 23


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYOCT/NOV31WEEK 45 BANK WEDNESDAYTUESDAYHOLIDAY12 THURSDAY 3 FRIDAY SATURDAY4 5 SUNDAY 6


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYNOVEMBER14WEEK 47 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY15 16 THURSDAY 17 FRIDAY SATURDAY18 19 SUNDAY 20


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYNOV/DEC28WEEK 49 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY29 30 THURSDAY 1 FRIDAY SATURDAY2 3 SUNDAY 4


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYDECEMBER12WEEK 51 TUESDAY WEDNESDAY13 14 THURSDAY 15 FRIDAY SATURDAY16 17 SUNDAY 18


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: 2022MONDAYDEC/JAN26WEEK 1 BANK WEDNESDAYTUESDAYHOLIDAY2728 THURSDAY 29 FRIDAY SATURDAY30 31 SUNDAY 1


PHARMACY INSURANCE SPECIALISTS Pharmacy Protection Fitness to Practice Legal Protection Professional Indemnity Frank Glennon Limited, trading as “AIC Glennon” and “Glennon” is regualted by the Central Bank of Ireland. Call Us: 01-6191100 Visiti Us Online: SUNDAY SATURDAY15 14 FRIDAY THURSDAY13 12 WEDNESDAY 11 TUESDAY 10 MONDAY 9 WEEK 3 JANUARY 2023

Record your IPU usernames and passwords here Username Password IPUnetFileIUP@ipumail.ieipuacademy.iewww.ipu.ieproductDownload NEED HELP WITH THE HSE? THE IPU CONTRACT UNIT IS HERE TO HELP YOU CONTACT DEREK Ÿ For advice on any part of the pharmacy contract; Ÿ For advice on all aspects of processing claims; Ÿ For assistance in responding to direct correspondence from the HSE PCRS; Ÿ If you are called to a meeting with the HSE PCRS; Ÿ If your pharmacy is inspected by the HSE PCRS; Ÿ If you are subject to a claims investigation; and Ÿ If you are being investigated under the pharmacy contract. Telephone: 01 406 1557 / 01 493 6401 Derek Reilly, Contract Manager,

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