This NMI Issue 3, May 2011 Living for the Lord.

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Living for the Lord Volume 1, Issue 3; May 2011

And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again. In the death of Jesus God shows us how much he loves us. By dying for all, Jesus involved all in his death; he desires all people to experience the life that comes from his death and resurrection, but still many people are yet to experience this life of Christ. As Christians God has brought us to the point of seeing how he loves us in Christ and continues to love us. But that is only one side of the story. On the other hand, we have a responsibility laid upon us as those who

Mama passed on. We praise God for his love and mercies so evidently shown to us in our time of distress, especially through the love of friends and

enjoy God’s love.


INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Living for the Lord


Praise and Prayer Looking Backward

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Academic Preparation Partnership

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In our March Newsletter we shared with you the condition of Meriam’s mother and asked for your prayers. In March

peace and

comfort as the family goes through the healing process and for acceptance of the loss especially for my papa and younger siblings.


Through his grace

Contact information


Philippines and Nigeria.

not only were our needs met but we were also able to extend help to our families both in the

I (Meriam) participated in this camp as a counselor and support staff. Sibol Camp is an evangelistic camp hosted by InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Philippines. It targets three types of students – the seekers, the young believers and students raised in Christian homes. It explains the Gospel to the seekers and provides a venue for them to ask questions about Jesus Christ. It helps the young believers understand the Gospel better and equips them with basic spiritual disciplines.

Sibol Camp 2011

Living for the Lord From page 1

It challenges students raised in Christian homes to understand the Gospel for themselves and to commit to Jesus Christ not because they have been raised as Christians but because they have personally encountered Jesus Christ. It was both a pleasant and challenging experience. We praise God for his faithfulness and grace. Though it involved a lot of work, the Lord provided us with strength, wisdom, patience and love which we needed to minister to the students at the camp. We were glad to learn how God revealed himself to each of the campers. Join us to

That responsibility demands that we live not for ourselves but for him who loved us enough to die for us. Daily in our lives, we respond to this demand to live for the Lord in the decisions and choices we make, whether small or big. Living for him who loved us enough to die for us is supremely evident in our love for Him. One of the greatest ways we can express our love for the Lord is by seeking to be with Him. In being with him we learn to be like him and to serve him. This transformation into his likeness brings with it a genuine and active concern for the things that matter most to Him. Thus we learn to allow “our hearts to be broken by the things that break the heart of God.” God’s greatest concern is that all the peoples of the earth will hear of his love for them and respond. As long as there is still a man or woman alive who has not heard of God’s love, God’s heart breaks. If we are truly living for him, our greatest concern will be to do our best in bringing the knowledge of God’s love to people.

Looking Backward

In the last four years since my arrival in the Philippines, apart

from my studies in ATS, I have been involved in preaching and teaching. At first my ministry was mainly in partnership with Shiloh International Christian Church Montalban Rizal while I continued to preach and teach in other churches and schools. At Montalban we held Bible studies and started a missions outreach group. To the glory of God, Shiloh International Christian Church Montalban through this outreach group has started a number of Churches in neighboring communities.

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With my graduation in March 2010 and our wedding in November of the same year, we started seeking God’s fresh direction for us. This was important since our vision has been to work as missionaries in Asia with Millions For Christ Mission which sent me here for that purpose. Being presently in the Philippines

In our prayers and experiences, we have continued to sense a

our ministry vision focuses on reaching the unreached people groups and training people

growing awareness of a desire to serve God in

who will lead the work when we leave. At present we are

Cambodia whenever it is time for us to leave the

doing the following;

Philippines. Interestingly, within this period a Bible

1. Praying and planning.

School in Cambodia requested us to join their faculty.

2. Setting up an office which will be used for

As we consider these facts and other events, we are

prayers, mobilization, information dissemination

increasingly being convinced that Cambodia is the

on our work, meetings with partners.

next place God is calling us to. While we continue our

3. Exploring SEC registration formalities.

work here in the Philippines we will be preparing

4. Partnership development.

ourselves towards ministry in Cambodia. We want to

5. Researching unreached people groups and

be ready, so whenever God decides we can leave for

starting work in one.

Cambodia. Being a predominantly Buddhist country, Cambodia has 1.0–1.3% Christianity. Cambodia has

, our present stay in the Philippines is useful and necessary for the following reasons; 1. Meriam committed to work with IVCF for three years and is yet to fulfill that commitment. 2. We need to continue to raise and develop partners

large number of unreached people groups and the Christian Church there needs help in discipleship and training to be able to reach her people. We are convinced that more Christian resources should be employed in areas with less Christian presence than in areas already overflowing with such. Continue to pray with us for God’s wisdom is this direction.

for our present work here and later in Cambodia. 3. Within this period we can have further spiritual and academic preparation which will be of immense benefit for our work in Cambodia. 4. Within this period we also intend to prepare our families in any way necessary.

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Academic Preparation We consider that continuing further

reach their own with the gospel of

We are also praying that Meriam

academic preparation while we are

Christ. To this end, we hope that I

will pursue further studies within

still here in the Philippines will

will continue my studies in Biblical

this period.

benefit our ministry in Cambodia.

Languages in Asian Theological

Our ministry in Cambodia will



Graduate School of Theology.








We sincerely request your prayers and support to realize this goal.

training train of Cambodians to

Partnership To fulfill this ministry of reaching unreached people groups, we must work in partnership with other Christians. We therefore sincerely ask you to consider being partners with us in this journey. As you pray may the Lord give you the wisdom and strength you need, Amen. We will continue to pray for you.

Asking, Without demanding.

Times of refreshing

Waiting, Without fidgeting.

No greater blessing,

Longing, Without scheming. Receiving, Without grasping.

We would like to hear from you and know your response.

Here in your presence

Than being with you My soul is restored, My mind is renewed There is no greater joy Lord Than being with you

Holding, Without clutching. Choosing, To suffer with Him.

Joyfully Serving the Lord in faith, NnamdiMeriam Ikpe

Mobile Nos Nnamdi Meriam Email:

(63) 927-754-2712 (63) 915-199-0149

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