October 9, 2013

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October 9, 2013 NnamdiMeriam Ikpe Prayerletter Volume 3, Issue 2; August 2013

Millions For Christ Missions, Asia

Dear Partners in the Ministry, We trust that this letter finds you well. Our apologies for not updating you for quite some time. We would like to share with you what took our time and gave us reasons of joy and praise to God these past months:

CHIMDIKE’S ARRIVAL Remember, we asked you to pray for Meriam’s safe delivery in February. It was a lifethreatening experience for our baby. Meriam was not having any labor signs even when it was already overdue. The OB advised her to have an ultrasound before the planned induced-labor but we were alarmed when the ultrasound showed unfavorable signs of the condition of the baby inside! There was very little fetal movement with very low breathing, both the heartbeat and the amniotic fluid had gone down (by this time the water bag had not yet broken). The doctor attended to her and advised to rush quickly to the hospital and have the baby out as soon as possible. We praise God that through a C-section our baby boy Chimdike Papuri Ikpe was safely delivered on February 28, 2013 with no complications despite the emergency situation that arose. Today, Chimdi is growing fast and a happyjolly active baby boy.

February 28

1st Month

2nd Month

Day 1

3rd Month

Day 8

4th Month

5th Month

CALL AND RESPONSE You may be wondering what will happen to our call to Cambodia now that we have Chimdike. It’s been about two years since we returned from our first trip to Cambodia. We have been praying and trusting the Lord for his guidance and provision as we prepare ourselves for our call to Cambodia. Within this period, our conviction, vision and desire for ministry in Cambodia have continued to grow.

Inside this issue: Chimdike’s Arrival


Call and Response


A Step of Faith


Partner with Us


While we were in Cambodia, it was clear to us that though the great upheavals of the last few years have ended, the deep scars are yet to heal. As Cambodians continue to rebuild their nation politically and economically, there remains a void in both their national and individual lives which only the Living God can fill. Cambodia presents both a challenge and an opportunity. It is a challenge and an opportunity to demonstrate the transforming power of the Living God. Cambodia has large numbers of unreached people groups and the Christian Church there needs help in discipleship and training to be able to reach her people. The need for Christian missionaries is great. We are convinced that more Christian resources should be employed in areas with less Christian presence than in areas already overflowing with such.

A STEP OF FAITH We are taking another vital step of faith to respond to God’s call for us to be part of His work among Cambodians. We have set our time to move to Cambodia on October 9, 2013. We are full of expectation and hope as we look forward to serving God among Cambodians. With the opportunity God is opening to us we will start our ministry in Cambodia by teaching in a Bible School where we will be involved in the discipleship and training of Cambodian Christian leaders, pastors and missionaries. Our work will also include church planting among unreached communities and discipleship. However , to be able to move to Cambodia on October 9, 2013 we need to meet a minimum support level of $8000 (Php 300,000). We are still far behind but with God nothing is impossible. Please pray earnestly with us. Our need and request As we look forward to October 9, 2013 please join us in fervent prayers that the Lord will provide the resources we need for our move to Cambodia. For us to live and minister in Cambodia, we need people who by God’s grace will commit to partner with us by upholding us in prayer regularly and also providing other necessary support for the work. We also need to raise the resources to facilitate our ministry among Cambodians: First, the START-UP fund which will cover initial requirements like visas, airfare, culture and language learning, housing etc.; Second, MONTHLY PLEDGEs to help sustain the ministry in Cambodia. Missionary work indeed requires a joint effort between those on the field and those who commit to become partners to provide them the support necessary for the work.

Being our partner means: Regularly praying for us and our ministry. Praying for our financial needs. Commitment to respond to the ministry needs as the Lord puts into your heart. Maintaining regular contact with us. Keeping us always informed of your own prayer needs.


We would love to ask you to prayerfully consider being our partner in this great endeavor. We have added a response page with information about how you can become part of the work among Cambodians. Please do let us know of your decision. Thank you so much for journeying with us in serving the Lord.

Responding to God’s call among Cambodians Nnamdi


Meriam with Chimdike

Mobile: Nnamdi: +63 927.754.2712 Meriam: +63 915.199.0149 E-mail: nnamdimeriam@gmail.com cnnamdikpe@yahoo.com Website: goodnewscambodia.wordpress.com Discipling and Training Christians for Christ.

Millions For Christ Missions, Asia

We Invite You to PARTNER with us Now! Partner with us in the ministry of bringing the Good News of salvation to Cambodian Buddhists 

Here’s how you can partner with us:

Pray Confirm your commitment Share

Pray for discernment as we continue our preparation and for God’s provision in raising the resources to facilitate and sustain our ministry among Cambodians.

START-UP FUND: One-time support needed ITEMS Homemaking (home stuff) Immunizations/Health Insurance Flight Ticket Visas in Cambodia Cargo: Manila-Phnom Pehn

US $ $1,000 $1,500 $1,300 $1,200 $1,300 $6,300

MONTHLY SUPPORT: To sustain our ministry among the Php @42.00 Cambodians 42,000 63,000 54,600 50,400 54,600 264,600

Ministry Fund for the First-year Cultlure & Language school (Tuition Fee for basic & advance learning class)

Initial Housing (One-year rental) Cultural Survey travel expenses Laptop Contigency TOTAL START-UP FUND

$2,000 $3,200 $500 $600 $6,300

84,000 134,400 21,000 25,200 264,600

ITEMS Travel (to Seminary, Language School, etc.)

US $

Php @42.00 280



100 300

4,200 12,600




Allowance NMI






Utilities (H2O & Elec.) Contribution (Taxes, Gov't Insurance)

70 20

2,940 840

Savings (Emergency & Furlough)



Admin (Bank Charges)





Ministry Fund (communication, supplies, etc.)

Contingency $500 31,500 $13,100.00 PHP 560,700.00 TOTAL MONTHLY SUPPORT

$ 1,550.00 PHP 65,100.00

Confirm your commitment If the Lord is leading you to support us in any way, you can confirm your commitment in supporting the work today by signing up to our list. The sign-up form will inform us of your commitment to be part of the ministry in Cambodia. Please click the link: Be Part of the Team or you may email or phone to let us know of how you would like to support us.


You can pledge an amount that would be available to us on or before September 30, 2013.  I would like to give a One-time support for the Start-up Fund (amount of) _______________________  I would like to give you a monthly support to sustain our ministry (amount of) ____________________  You can pray for us regularly  I would like to receive your regular prayerletter and newsletter  I will include Cambodia in my daily prayer time If the Lord is leading you to support us financially, and you wish to make a deposit, you may do so through: Bank: Bank of the Philippine Islands Account Name: Nnamdi Ikpe and/or Meriam Ruth Ikpe We would love to hear from you: Account Number: 0429-3175-68 nnamdimeriam@gmail.com For those who wish to give from outside the Philippines, you may consider Western Union or Xoom Money Transfers or else get in Nnamdi’s mobile: +63.927.7542712 touch with us for alternative arrangements Meriam’s mobile: +63.915.1990149 Thank you so much for partnering and journeying with us in serving the Lord.

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