NMI Issue 5, Nov2011 Unless They Are Sent

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“… Unless they are sent…” Volume 1, Issue 5; November 2011

NnamdiMeriam Ikpe

Millions For Christ Missions, Asia MILLIONS FOR CHRIST MISSIONS

Romans 10:11-16

Psalm 67 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us, Selah that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations. May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you. May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples justly and guide the nations of the earth. Selah May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you. Then the land will yield its harvest, and God, our God, will bless us. God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him.

The scripture says, "Whoever believes in him

will not be disappointed." This includes everyone, because there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles; God is the same Lord of all and richly blesses all who call to him. As the scripture says, "Everyone who calls out to the Lord for help will be saved." But how can they call to him for help if they have not believed? And how can they believe if they have not heard the message? And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed? And how can the message be proclaimed if the messengers

Inside this issue:

are not sent out? As the scripture says, "How wonderful is the coming of messengers who

CAMBODIA: Flashback


CAMBODIA: Plans for Cambodia


Our current ministry in the Philippines


Praise and Prayer


Partnership Challenge and Appeal


Contact Us


bring good news!"

MILLIONS FOR CHRIST MISSIONS is an International faith mission working in Nigeria, some other African countries, Romania & Asia 

Our mission is to plant New Testament, indigenous, missionary churches in communities where no churches exist.

Our vision is to be God’s tool in discipling, transformation, and empowering of all nations for Christ especially those ones that have never heard the gospel of Jesus Christ.

We work to fulfill our mission through research, integration, evangelism, discipleship, social action and justice, community development and economic empowerment.

We Start Schools Where There Are No Schools

Where there is poverty; we empower the people

Where There Are No Churches; We Start Churches

To poor children, We become parents

“… Unless they are sent…”

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CAMBODIA: Flashback



It has been three months since we returned from Cambodia. As we showed in our letter after our return, that visit was God’s own doing, and we are grateful for your help and prayers. Our conviction and vision for ministry in Cambodia have continued grow and so has our desire. You will remember that this trip was to enable us explore Cambodia as part of our preparation for ministry there. God granted us His favor by giving us the opportunity to visit and interact with some missionaries and Christian

workers in 1

Cambodia. Such a closer look has given us a greater awareness of the needs and demands of ministry there. And we pray that this will help us to continue to test our calling and conviction and also carry on a more realistic preparation for our ministry there. We will continue to make plans and to prepare for ministry in Cambodia expecting the LORD to lead the way. Please continue to join us in praying for God’s clear direction and provision.

While in Cambodia, it was clear to us that though the great upheavals of the last few years have ended, the deep scars are yet to heal. As Cambodians continue to rebuild their nation politically and economically, there remains a void in both their national and individual lives which only the Living 2

God can fill. Cambodia presents both a challenge and an opportunity. It is an opportunity to demonstrate the transforming power of the Living God.

CAMBODIA: Plans for Cambodia

Such a closer look has given us a greater awareness of the needs and demands of ministry there.

Officially a predominantly Buddhist country, Cambodia has 1.0– 1.3% Christianity. Cambodia has large numbers of unreached people groups and the Christian Church there needs help in discipleship and training to be able to reach her people.

We are convinced that more Christian resources should be employed in areas with less Christian presence than in areas already overflowing with such. We pray that the Lord of the harvest will thrust forth more workers into places

like Cambodia. Our primary ministry in Cambodia will include teaching in a Bible School and also planting churches among unreached communities. Continue to pray with us for God’s wisdom is this direction.

Volume 1, Issue 5; November 2011

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Our current ministry in the Philippines While preparing for our ministry in Cambodia, we have continued with our present ministry here in the Philippines. This mainly involves teaching and preaching in churches and schools. We have been teaching at the Christian Faith Hope Love Prayer Institute and Seminary, Quezon City, helping to train local church planters and workers. In October, Nnamdi was the main speaker at a Missions Conference in Cubao, Quezon City. We thank the Lord for the opportunities and his grace which enables us to fulfill such service for his kingdom.

Join us to PRAISE GOD… 1. for His continued sustenance. 2. for His guidance in our preparations and for contacts already established in Cambodia.

Pray for us and with us... 1. for wisdom from God in our preparations. 2. for discernment, especially that we will be enabled to follow God’s own timetable. We have set June- August 2013 as the tentative date for our departure to Cambodia. 3. for God’s provision in raising committed partners.


4. for Financial provisions  Ministry costs  for language learning  Travel  ministry tools and other ministry needs.  Living costs  housing and other personal living needs.

The Words of the Wise prod us to live well. They are like nails hammered home, holding life together. Ecclesiastes 12:11

If man is man and God is God, to live without prayer is not merely an awful thing: it is an infinitely foolish thing. -- Phillips Brooks

If you are walking with Jesus, in the Spirit, you need not fear going too far. No believer has gone as far as God wants him to go.--A. A. Allen

I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light -- John Keith Falconer

Partnership Challenge and Appeal

Missionary works requires partnership between those on the field and those whose part is to provide them the support necessary for the work.

“How can the message be proclaimed if the messengers are not sent out?” Missionary work requires partnership between those on the field and those whose part is to provide them the support necessary for the work. For us to live and work in Cambodia, we are praying for those who by God’s grace will commit to be part of our partnership and prayer team. Being our partner means:  Regularly praying for us and our ministry  Praying for our financial needs  Commitment to respond to the ministry needs as the Lord puts into your heart  Maintaining regular contact with us  Keeping us always informed of your own prayer needs. We would love to ask you to prayerfully consider being our partner in this great endeavor. Please do let us know of your decision.

Courage is needed, Commitment is necessary, Sacrifice is normative, Service is lifestyle, Life is earnest.

Joyfully Serving the Lord, Nnamdi


Meriam Ikpe

Millions For Christ Missions, Asia

Mobile Nos. Nnamdi: +63 927.754.2712 Meriam: +63 915.199.0149 E-mail: nnamdimeriam@gmail.com cnnamdikpe@yahoo.com meriamruth@gmail.com

Discipling and Training Christians for Christ.

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