(2024_AFA17) The 17th Asian Film Awards - House Program

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Dr. Wilfred WONG, GBM, GBS, JP

王英偉博士,大紫荊勳賢, 金紫荊星章,太平紳士

Chairman, Asian Film Awards Academy 亞洲電影大獎學院主席

In 2023, Hong Kong welcomed a fresh start, marked by the reopening of its borders to the world. The Asian Film Awards held in early spring was the first step in this new chapter after which the Academy revitalised its global touring campaigns. In the hope of continuing to foster stronger connections with audiences and within the Asian film industry, we showcased exceptional works and introduced filmmakers to the world. In addition, the Academy takes great pride in witnessing the remarkable achievements of the Asian film industry, which has captivated audiences worldwide over the past year.

The Asian Film Awards will once again take place in Hong Kong this year. It is our honour to have internationally acclaimed director Mr. KUROSAWA Kiyoshi serving as the Jury President, accompanied by an international jury to recognise exceptional films and filmmakers in Asian Cinema. We are also pleased to appoint four aspiring actors from different Asian regions, LIU Kuan-Ting, Mario MAURER, MIYAZAWA Hio and Will OR as our Youth Ambassadors to promote the vibrant world of Asian cinema to the younger generation.

I would like to extend my gratitude to our founding organisations, the Busan International Film Festival, Hong Kong International Film Festival and Tokyo International Film Festival, as well as Create Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Film Development Fund, and all our committed partners for their continuous support. With unwavering dedication, the Academy remains committed to fostering the Asian film industry's development and facilitating meaningful communication and collaboration among Asian and global film industries.

香港在 2023

年喜迎全面通關,重新出發。學院更以初春舉辦的亞洲電影 大獎作為第一步,重新展開面向全球亞洲電影推廣之旅,將優秀的作品和影 人帶到世界各地,繼續推動亞洲電影同業,以及觀眾的交流。我們亦樂見過 去一年亞洲電影界為觀眾帶來許多精彩好戲,持續在國際舞台綻放異彩。

今年亞洲電影大獎再次在香港舉行。學院十分榮幸邀請到國際知名導演 黑沢清先生出任大獎評審主席,帶領專業的評審團,以獨到的眼光和經驗, 評選出色的作品和影人並予以表彰。我們亦請來四位來自亞洲不同地區的 演員,劉冠廷、馬里奧毛瑞爾、宮澤冰魚和柯煒林,成為我們的青年大使, 將五光十色的亞洲電影推廣給年輕一代。

在此感謝學院創辦機構釜山國際電影節、香港國際電影節及東京國際電影 節同儕,創意香港及香港電影發展基金,以及合作夥伴的支持。學院定不辜 負期望,將繼續築建連結亞洲以致全球電影業的交流平台,促進各地合作。



Mr. PARK Kwang Su 朴光守先生 Chairperson, Busan International Film Festival


The Asian Film Awards, marking its 17th anniversary this year, continues to shine a spotlight on outstanding Asian films and filmmakers. I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the Asian Film Awards, the dedicated members of the Asian Film Awards Academy, and the esteemed jury for their tireless efforts in orchestrating this remarkable event. My sincere congratulations go to the talented filmmakers from across Asia who contributed to the 35 nominated projects across the 16 award categories.

Despite the elevated global standing of Korean and Asian films, our respective film industries are still on the path to recovering to pre-COVID levels. The Busan International Film Festival is committed to playing a pivotal role in the rejuvenation of the Asian film industry. We aim to collaborate closely with filmmakers from Korea and across Asia, as well as with the Tokyo International Film Festival and Hong Kong International Film Festival, to collectively overcome the challenges we face.

Once again, congratulations on the success of this year’s event, and we hope to see you in Busan.

亞洲電影大獎成立十七載,繼續致力表揚傑出的亞洲電影和電影人。我 藉此向亞洲電影大獎、亞洲電影大獎學院的團隊,以及尊敬的評審團致以 最深切的謝意,感激他們為籌備這場盛事所付出的努力。亦衷心祝賀來自 亞洲各地、獲提名的優秀電影製作人。

縱使韓國及亞洲電影在國際的知名度得以提升,各地的電影產業仍有待 恢復至疫情前的水平。釜山國際電影節致力促進亞洲電影業的復興,並與 韓國和亞洲各地的電影製作,以及東京國際電影節和香港國際電影節攜手 合作,共同克服各種未知和挑戰。



Mr. ANDO Hiroyasu 安藤裕康先生 Chairman, Tokyo International Film Festival


I sincerely rejoice the grand celebration of this year’s Asian Film Awards. Asia is dynamically growing and is becoming more prominent than ever in the global scene.

In the field of film across Asia, remarkable talents are emerging one after another, creating wonderful films. It is evident that the future is bright for Asian cinema.

We, the Tokyo International Film Festival, are ready to work hand in hand with the AFA Academy to further the development of the Asian film history. Under the outstanding leadership of Chairman Wilfred Wong, we wish the 17th Asian Film Awards every success.

很高興能夠見證亞洲電影大獎今年盛況空前的慶典。亞洲各個行業發展 蓬勃,在國際的地位亦更見其重。

亞洲各地的電影界近年培育出不計其數的傑出人才,為觀眾帶來一部又一 部精彩好戲。亞洲電影的未來一片光明、前途無限,這絕對是毋庸置疑的。

東京國際電影節願與亞洲電影大獎學院聯手,共同推動亞洲電影史的 發展。我們預祝第十七屆亞洲電影大獎在王英偉主席的卓越領導下大獲 成功!




KUROSAWA Kiyoshi was born in Kobe, 1955. He began making 8mm films while attending Rikkyo University. After studying and working under Japanese film directors HASEGAWA Kazuhiko and SOMAI Shinji, he then took steps to make commercial films. He gained worldwide attention with Cure in 1997 and won the FIPRESCI Prize at the Un Certain Regard section of the Cannes Film Festival for 2000 film Pulse. In 2008, Tokyo Sonata won the Jury Prize at the Cannes Un Certain Regard section and Best Film award at the 3rd Asian Film Awards. In 2014, he won the Best Director Award at Un Certain Regard of the Cannes for AJourneytotheShore Wife of a Spy screened in 2020 won the Silver Lion for Best Direction at the 77th Venice Film Festival and Best Film at the 15th Asian Film Awards.

黑沢清 1955 年出生於日本神戶市兵庫縣。就讀立教大學期間開始拍攝八米厘電影。

師從日本導演長谷川和彥和相米慎二並與其共事,後開始製作商業電影。1997 年作品 《 X - 聖治》獲國際廣泛關注,之後憑 2001 年作品《惹鬼回路》榮獲康城影展一種注 目單元國際影評人聯盟獎。2008 年,電影《東京奏鳴曲》獲得康城影展一種注目單元 評審團獎,以及第三屆亞洲電影大獎最佳電影。於 2014 年憑電影《身後戀事》奪得康 城影展一種注目單元最佳導演。2020 年上映的電影《間諜之妻》,於第 77 屆威尼斯 影展獲得最佳導演銀獅獎,及第 15 屆亞洲電影大獎最佳電影。

Message from the Jury President 評審主席的話

I am extremely honored to take up this prestigious role. Asia is a treasure trove of films, it is a collection of various realities and stories that this era holds, which I believe comes from the rich diversity flowing among people. At the Asian Film Awards, I look forward to discovering unique and richly captivating films that no one has seen before.

我非常榮幸能夠擔任這個崇高的職位。亞洲是電影的寶庫,它匯聚了當代不同族群的多 樣性,以及其衍生出來的各種寫實或原創故事。在亞洲電影大獎舉行期間,我期待看到 全新、獨特而迷人的電影。

名誉ある役目をいただき、大変光栄に思っております。アジアは映画の宝庫です。それは この一時期が持つ様々な現実様々な物語。そして、様々な人々の間に流れている豊かな多 様性から来るものだと考えています。このアジアフィルムアワードで、今年もこれまで誰も 見たことのなかった。豊かな全くユニークな作品に出会えることを楽しみにしています。


LIU Kuan-Ting


Nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 14th Asian Film Awards for his breakthrough performance in A Sun and winner of Best Supporting Actor at the 56th and 58th Golden Horse Awards for A Sun and Treat or Trick, respectively, LIU has proven himself to be one of the most versatile actors in Taiwan with the spectacular ability to master any genre.

Is there a performance in which you were too attached to a character that it was difficult to de-role?

Getting out of character is part of an actor’s job. There should be one or there was not any. In the end, I found that all these roles I once played are actually still with me.

憑著在《陽光普照》的突破性演出,獲第 14 屆亞洲電影 大獎最佳男配角提名,以及憑《陽光普照》與《詭扯》分別 贏得第 56 屆及 58 屆金馬獎最佳男配角。劉冠廷為 台灣近年其中一位形象百變、充滿才華的演員,演出任 何類型的角色都能揮灑自如,在多部影視作品中的演出 皆獲好評。

有沒有一個表演,讓你太過投入在角色裡面,很難 抽離?

關於角色的抽離應該也是演員這個工作的一部分,好 像有又好像沒有,到最後發現這些曾經扮演過的角色 其實都還待在身上。


馬里奧毛瑞爾 MAURER

Nominated for Best Supporting Actor at the 2nd and 6th Asian Film Awards for Love of Siam and The Outrage, respectively, MAURER began his career at the age of 16 as a model. His biggest hits include First Love and record-breaking comedy Pee Mak. After his breakout film role in Love of Siam, MAURER has consistently been one of Thailand’s most recognizable stars, who has also taken part in films in the Philippines, China and Hong Kong.

Was there a period in life during which you felt lost or uncertain, and how did you overcome it?

I got famous very quickly at an early age. There was a period during which I had to work every day, with very little time to spend with my friends, or on skateboarding which I really liked. When I felt lost, I looked to my mother who’s always been a working woman. I think sometimes in life, you’ve got to choose.

16 歲投身模特兒行業,其後憑《泰哥兒》及《善惡無赦》 分別獲第 2 屆及第 6 屆亞洲電影大獎最佳男配角提名。 曾演出多部備受注目的作品,包括《初戀那件小事》及打 破票房紀錄的喜劇電影《嚇鬼阿嫂》。演出《泰哥兒》後, 成為泰國最著名的男演員之一,更參演菲律賓、中國及 香港的電影。

你有感到迷茫的時候嗎?你是如何克服的? 小時候成名太快了,我基本上每天都在工作,完全沒有 私人時間,去見朋友或者玩我很喜歡的滑板。迷茫的 時候我會向我媽媽學習,因為她一直是個職業女性。 人生很多時候是要選擇。


宮澤冰魚 Hio

Winner of Best Supporting Actor at the 16th Asian Film Awards for Egoist, MIYAZAWA has been highly prolific in Japanese television and films since making his acting debut in the second series of DR. STORKS in 2017. In 2020, he won multiple Best Newcomer prizes for his, his first film starring role, as well as Kiba: The FangsofFiction.

How has your upbringing affected your career choice, direction, or development?

I have relatives in America and attended an international school in Japan. I have had the opportunity to grow up with friends from abroad with various cultural and religious backgrounds. These experiences have allowed me to reflect both on myself and others, formulating my path as an actor.

2023 年以《愛很自私》贏得第 16 屆亞洲電影大獎最佳 男配角。宮澤冰魚 2017 年出演電視劇集《雙面醫生》第 二季,以演員身分出道,現為活躍於日本影視界的多產 演員。他憑著首次主演的電影《his》及《總編的復仇》 橫掃日本多個電影新演員獎項。

你的成長背景如何影響你的職涯選擇、方向或 發展? 我有親戚在美國,在日本也就讀於國際學校,有機會與 來自不同文化和宗教背景的國外朋友一起成長。這些 經歷讓我反思自己和他人,也影響了我鋪排作為演員 的道路。


柯煒林 OR

Will OR made his feature debut in Weeds on Fire (2014), directed by Steve CHAN Chi Fat. Following his debut, he participated in various film productions, online advertisements, as well as music videos. His role in Drifting (2021) earned him a Best Supporting Actor nomination at the 58th Taiwan Golden Horse Awards, and the 40th Hong Kong Film Awards.

How do you occupy your time during filming or while waiting for work?

I just live my life – watch movies, play with my dog, hang out with friends, and read books. That’s how I spend my time. I am fortunate enough to keep having different projects and roles to act in, but sometimes I still worry if these will disappear someday. I try not to overthink and instead enjoy the moment. One of my goals for 2024 is to live in the present.

柯煒林,香港演員。2014 年拍攝陳志發導演執導的 《點五步》正式入行,其後參與多部電影、MV 及廣告 演出。曾憑《濁水漂流》獲提名第 58 屆台灣金馬獎最佳 男配角、第 40 屆香港電影金像獎最佳新演員及最佳 男配角。

拍戲期間或沒有工作在等待的時間中,你如何 自處? 我覺得其實都是生活吧。看看戲、陪我的狗狗玩、跟 朋友吃飯、看看書,都是這樣過的。我其實很幸運,有 不同作品、不同角色去演,但有時候又會擔心:會不會 很快就沒有呢?我會提醒自己不要想太多,好好享受。 2024 年其中一個目標就是更活在當下。

Any memorable moment(s) that changed your career path as an actor?

LIU That turning point was being casted in an advertisement directed by Director Chen YuHsun. After that, Director Chen recommended me to join the audition for Qseries (a Taiwanese TV series initiated with the mission to nurture new talents in the industry). This was the first step that impacted my life.

MAURER When I was 19, I met my master Mom Noi (Bhandevavov Devakula). He is my master, and the one who taught me all about acting. Also, he is the guy who made me fall in love with acting.

MIYAZAWA I had the opportunity to perform on stage with Ken Watanabe. His preparation prior to his performance and his energy always surprised me. There was a lot to learn from working with him.

OR I am always grateful for being a fortunate actor, whether it’s about the projects I have been involved in, the directors I have collaborated with, or the roles I have portrayed, they have all been great. Speaking of a true turning point, it must be my collaboration with CHOW Yun-fat in One More Chance. During that time, I had the opportunity to meet and learn from the seasoned actors and crew members who were active during the heyday of the Hong Kong film industry in the 80s and 90s. In 2023, I participated in two Taiwanese films, and the directors’ keen perspectives made my performances more refined. I must thank director Jun LI because Drifting has brought me the opportunities to film outside of Hong Kong.

What would you like to bring to the audience through your performance?

LIU I hope to bring joy to everyone through my performance. When I was a child, I always loved to make everyone laugh. I feel satisfied, happy, and get a sense of accomplishment when I see them all laughing. Though I don’t know why I always get to play the roles that scare people, I hope that through my performances, the audience can understand why these characters are who they are, and thus understand people and the world, just like how I understand the world through films!

MAURER I think I show a hundred percent of that character. That’s what I try to do and try my best to do for the audience.

MIYAZAWA I wish to open up the audience’s minds and thoughts to new perspectives. We usually limit ourselves in our comfort zone but movies and theatre performances open our minds.

OR It depends on the genre of the work. For commercial entertainment works, I hope that during the time the audience spends watching the film, they can wholeheartedly laugh and cry with the characters. If it’s a social issuethemed film, I hope that the audience can gain new perspectives on certain stereotypes or characters through the director’s vision and my interpretation, or at least approach them from a different angle. I hope that the films I act in can engage the audience and immerse them into the story.

在你的演藝生涯中,有哪些轉捩點或決定性的重要 時刻?

劉冠廷 : 轉捩點是透過試鏡徵選上了陳玉勳導演的 廣告演員,在導演的推薦下參加了植劇場(台灣單元劇 系列,旨在培育人才和戲劇製作)的徵選。

馬里奧毛瑞爾 : 大概在 19 歲那年,我遇到了我的恩師 Mom Noi(Bhandevavov Devakula)。他是我演 藝生涯的導師,一切有關表演的知識都是他教會我的。


宮澤冰魚 : 我表演生涯裡的一個重要的經驗,是有機 會和渡邊謙在舞台劇裡一起演出。他在演出前的準備 和他表現出來的能量總是令我驚訝。和他一起工作, 有很多東西值得從他身上學習。

柯煒林 : 我一直自覺是一個幸運的演員,無論是參與 過的作品、合作過的導演,或是演繹過的角色,都非常 好。說到一個真正的轉捩點,一定是《別叫我「賭神」》 跟發哥 ( 周潤發 ) 的合作。在那段時間,我認識到活躍 於八、九十年代香港電影業盛世時期的前輩,在他們 身上學習到很多。2023 年拍了兩套還未上映的台灣 電影作品,兩位導演敏銳的觸角,將我的表演變得更加 精緻。必須要感謝李駿碩導演,因為是《濁水漂流》讓 我可以去到香港以外的地方拍戲。



: 希望透過我的表演為大家帶來歡樂,我小 時候的興趣就是逗樂大家,看到大家笑我就會很滿足 很開心很有成就感。不知道為什麼總是會接到很多讓 大家害怕的角色,但希望可以透過表演讓觀眾理解 這些角色之所以成為這角色、進而理解人、理解世界, 就像我透過電影理解世界那樣! 馬里奧毛瑞爾 : 我一直努力在做,也努力為觀眾做到的, 就是把角色完整地、原原本本的呈現出來。

宮澤冰魚 : 我想通過表演擴闊觀眾的思維和思想,接 受和開拓新的視角。

我們總是習慣將自己限制在舒適 區裡,但電影和戲劇表演可以讓我們的開放思想。

柯煒林 : 這取決於作品。比如商業娛樂向的作品,我希 望觀眾看電影的時間裡,可以很投入地跟角色一起笑、 一起哭;如果是社會議題的題材,我就希望觀眾可以 從導演的角度和我的演繹中,對於一些比較刻板印象 的議題或者角色上可以有一些新的看法,或者起碼可 以換一個角度去思考。希望我演的戲可以帶觀眾跟我 一起投入進去。



Lifetime Achievement Award


Excellence in Asian Cinema Award 卓越亞洲電影人大獎

AFA Next Generation Award

AFA 新世代獎

AFA Rising Star Award 亞洲飛躍演員大獎

Highest-Grossing Asian Film 最高票房亞洲電影



LEE Young-ae




ZHAO Liying


Metawin Opas-iamkajorn (Win)

Full River Red





Lauded as an iconic director in China’s Fifth Generation Cinema, ZHANG Yimou was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy’s Department of Cinematography in 1978, and debuted as a cinematographer for OneandEight in 1984. With his daring and innovative composition, unique camera work, and exceptional visual storytelling, ZHANG earned the title of Outstanding Chinese Cinematographer and started to gain recognition in Chinese cinema. His early works essentially chronicled social development in contemporary China while profiling the lives of Chinese people across different eras. From his directorial debut with Red Sorghum, ZHANG garnered top prizes at all three world’s top film festivals within merely seven years. After 2000, he started to direct many blockbusters which continued to break Chinese box office records, and directed his first English-language film, The Great Wall. ZHANG also appeared on-screen in the film Old Well, which won him awards at the Golden Rooster Award, Hundred Flowers Award and Tokyo International Film Festival, making him the first-ever Chinese to win a Best Actor award at international film festivals.

Regarding his reception of the AFA’s highest accolade, the Lifetime Achievement Award, ZHANG expressed his profound gratitude: “I consider myself very fortunate to have chosen filmmaking as my lifelong profession. Having been in the industry for over four decades, I am grateful to everyone who appreciates my films. Thank you for your enduring support and encouragement. I will keep learning and strive to surpass myself. Always having anticipations for the future, I hope that my best film will be my next one.”

被譽為中國第五代導演代表人物之一的張藝謀,1978 年入讀北京電影學院攝影系, 1984 年為《一個和八個》掌鏡而正式入行。電影的構圖大膽創新,鏡頭設計別樹一幟, 為他奪得中國電影優秀攝影師獎,在電影界嶄露頭角。他的早期作品聚焦農村題材, 1988 年至 1999 年執導的作品彷如中國近現代至當代的社會發展史,側寫中國人在 不同年代的生活面貌,由執導首部電影《紅高粱》起,七年之內囊括世界三大影展最高 殊榮。踏入千禧年後,張藝謀轉型執導多部刷新中國電影票房紀錄的商業鉅製,更於 2015 年拍攝首部英語電影《長城》。他也曾走進幕前,在電影《老井》中飾演農村青年, 獲得中國電影金雞獎、大眾電影百花獎,以及第 2 屆東京國際電影節最佳男演員,成為 首位在國際電影節勇奪影帝殊榮的中國演員。

今年張藝謀獲亞洲電影大獎頒發最高榮譽「終身成就獎」,導演對此深感榮幸:「我很 幸運終生都選擇了電影作為我的職業,從影四十多年,謝謝喜歡我電影的朋友們,謝謝 你們持久的支持和鼓勵,我會繼續學習和努力。我對未來總有一些期待,期待下部電影 是否可以拍的更好。」

ZHANG Yimou Talks About His Cinematic Journey 張藝謀暢談電影人生

As a filmmaker with decades of experience, can you share your insight on films from different eras?

There have been significant phases in Chinese cinema over the past decades, with each era leaving its imprint on the development and evolution of Chinese films. This phenomenon is not unique to China, but also everywhere else. Personally speaking, each era is complex and profound on its own. Ultimately, film is a bridge with the capacity to connect our hearts together.

In addition to directing, you have taken on different roles in film production including cinematography and acting. Is director still your favourite post?

Certainly. I prefer to stay behind the scenes, working with teams through arduous efforts to present my work. In this context, directing is not unlike a master chef orchestrating a culinary masterpiece.

從事電影工作多年,可否分享一下在每個階段對電 影的不同體會?

對於中國電影來說,這幾十年經歷了許多重大的階段, 每一個階段,中國電影的發展和改變都有著獨特的 時代印記。其實,世界電影的發展也是如此。所以,每 個階段對我來講,都有著複雜而深切的體會。說到底, 電影就是一座橋樑,它溝通你我彼此的心。

除了導演,你曾擔當電影製作的不同崗位,包括攝 影和演員,你最渴望擔任的依然是導演這個崗位 嗎 ?

是。我更喜歡在幕後,跟團隊一起經過持久而艱辛的 努力,將作品奉獻給大家 這樣看起來,導演這個崗 位更像是一個大廚吧?

Could you imagine what your life would be like had you not entered the film industry?

Many friends asked me the same question, and I do sometimes go back in time to analyse and imagine what might have been. If I were to make a guess, the two most probable paths during that era would be: (1) A propaganda officer at a factory’s trade union (primarily involved in writing and drawing); (2) Running a small photography studio.

Any experience or insight you would like to share with young film directors?

Back when I was a young director, nobody really shared their experiences or offered much guidance. I was navigating and forging the path on my own. Nowadays, I am often asked by the media to impart words of wisdom to young directors. Today’s young generation actually grows up in the age of the internet with abundant information at their disposal. They are very aware and energetic, and do not really need much spoon-feeding. But since you asked, my answer is simple: persistence is key! Even when faced with numerous challenges, you have to persevere. As long as you have passion, you will persevere.

如果當初沒有進入電影行業,你能想像自己的生命 軌跡會有甚麼不同嗎?

很多朋友常常問我這個問題,我有時候也「時光倒流」 回去分析和想像。現在要是預判一下,在當時那個年代, 我覺得自己最有可能成功的是兩個選項:工廠裡工會的 一名宣傳幹事,主要是寫寫畫畫、或開一個小照相館。

可否與年輕新導演分享你的經驗和心得? 當年我是一個年輕導演時,並沒有什麼人跟我分享過 經驗或說過多少指點迷津的話,都是自己在摸索著幹。 現在,我們常常被媒體要求對年輕導演說幾句「有用」 的話。其實,對現在的年輕人來講,他們是新一代,是 互聯網信息社會下的新一代,他們甚麼都明白,信息來 源充足,很清醒也很有活力,還真不需要什麼人指手畫 腳 但你這個問題我還要回答,於是回答如下 最 重要的是堅持!困難重重也要堅持下去,因你熱愛, 你必堅持。


卓越亞洲電影人大獎 AWARD

LEE Young-ae launched her acting career in 1993, gaining prominence with lead roles in popular films and dramas. In 2000, she starred in Joint Security Area, Korea’s highest-grossing domestic film of the year, then participated in Korean-Hong Kong co-production One Fine Spring Day. The 2003 series Jewel in the Palace, starring LEE, was broadcasted in over 90 countries and regions. Breaking away from her usual screen persona, she delicately portrayed complex personalities of lead roles in Lady Vengeance and Bring Me Home, with the former earning her the Best Actress award at the Blue Dragon Film Awards. She continues to embrace challenges and presented another breakthrough in the recent drama Maestra: Strings of Truth 李英愛自 1993 年開始其影視生涯,演出多部膾炙人口的作品。2000 年出演年度韓國電影票房冠 軍《JSA 安全地帶》,後獲邀參演港韓合拍電影《春逝》。她主演的劇集《大長今》在 90 多個國家 及地區播映,隨後分別在電影《親切的金子》和《復仇母親》中顛覆過往形象,演繹角色複雜微妙 的內心世界,而前者更為她贏得青龍影后殊榮。近期她在劇集《大指揮家:弦上的真相》中的演出, 再度挑揀從未演過的角色。

Can you share your feelings about winning the award?

I felt overjoyed and deeply honoured for the award. It is heartwarming to know that many people still remember me over the years and for this I am really grateful.

The works you starred in have been popular not only in Korea but also among international audiences. Can you share your thoughts on this?

My featured role in Lady Vengeance was much talked about both in Korea and abroad, garnering support and attention. I think it was not so much a specific character that really struck a chord with the international audience as the simple fact that it resonated with people across cultures. I believe that international audiences can also feel the intensity and passion displayed in my work. Hopefully, the audience will find resonance through the effort that I put into my work.




我主演的《親切的金子》在韓國和外國都有很多人談論,很受觀眾支持和喜愛。與其說是某個特定 角色特別能讓外國觀眾明白和理解,不如說原來我演的電影也可克服文化差異,我相信外國觀眾也 會感受到我在作品中流露的熱情。我在作品中付出的努力,也會讓觀眾產生共鳴。




Since his screen debut in 2007, SUZUKI Ryohei has demonstrated his talent and dedication through a variety of roles. Well-known for his thorough preparation, which often involves significant weight gain or loss, he has firmly established himself as one of Japan’s leading actors. SUZUKI swept domestic film awards for his role as a brutal yakuza in The Blood of Wolves II (2021) and received international acclaim for Egoist (2022), where he garnered tremendous support from the LGBTQ community for being outspoken. SUZUKI is highly anticipated for his starring role in the upcoming Netflix comedy action CityHunter (2024), an adaptation of a legendary manga.

自 2007 年首次亮相大銀幕,鈴木亮平在不同類型的作品中,展現了他的才華和熱誠。 他以工作認真而聞名,包括經常為角色大幅增減體重,並已然確立日本頂尖演員之一 的地位。憑《孤狼之血 LEVEL 2》中飾演的殘暴黑幫角色,橫掃日本電影獎項,隨後 主演《愛很自私》獲得國際讚譽,並因果敢的言論贏得 LGBTQ 社群的大力支持。而 由鈴木亮平主演,改編自經典漫畫的喜劇動作片《城市獵人》即將上映,備受期待。

Throughout your career, you have portrayed a wide range of characters. Is there a particular role that you feel has had a significant impact on your growth as an actor?

The Blood of Wolves II - it was a fruitful process to seek the backgrounds and justification of such a brutal villain. HK Hentai Kamen was a silly (in a good way) comedy, but I learned so many fundamental concepts of acting from playing that role.

What advice would you give to aspiring actors looking to make a name for themselves in the Asian film industry?

Do not compete with the people around you. Compete with the people in your favourite films. Devote yourself both to art and your everyday life.

你曾演過很多不同類型的角色,當中有沒有哪一個對你作為演員的成長來說特別 重要?

在《孤狼之血 LEVEL 2》要詮釋一個暴戾的反派,當中挖掘背景和合理化角色的 過程是非常有意義的。雖然《變態超人》是搞怪的(正面的意思)喜劇,但我從中學習 到很多作為演員的基礎知識。

對於希望在亞洲電影界闖出名堂的新進演員,你有什麼建議嗎? 不要跟身邊的人比較,你要比較和超越的是你最喜歡的電影裡面的人物。全情投入到 藝術和你的日常生活裡。


Chinese actress ZHAO Liying began her career in 2006, and enjoyed a surge in popularity after starring in the costume drama New My Fair Princess. Since then, she has been actively appearing in film and television, taking on roles in a variety of genres including costume dramas, youth dramas, romance, historical fiction and suspense, winning the hearts of the mass public. ZHAO’s performance in the acclaimed Duckweed earned her the Favourite Actress Award at the Beijing College Student Film Festival. In ZHANG Yimou’s 2024 film Article 20, she delivered a compelling and touching performance as a victim of bullying with hearing impairment.

中國女演員趙麗穎,在 2006 年正式入行,憑藉古裝劇《新還珠格格》嶄露頭角後,一直活躍影視 演出,積極開拓多元戲路,不斷尋求突破,作品類型涵蓋古裝、青春、純愛、歷史、懸疑等不同題材, 得到廣大觀眾的喜愛和支持。曾憑口碑佳作《乘風破浪》獲得北京大學生電影節最受歡迎女演員。


For young actors, it is a challenge surviving in the competitive film industry. How do you sustain your passion and motivation for your acting career?

I think the key is that you really like what you’re doing. I’ve gotten a lot at this stage, and I’m still able to keep going because I really like acting. Cherishing the fond is more incendiary than other temptations.

You have created many memorable roles and acted in different genres of film and TV productions, what are your plans or goals for your future acting career?

I have goals, but I don’t set specific plans. Good characters and scripts are hard to come by. When your experience and achievements get to a certain level, things will fall into place. I’m constantly changing and growing, and the things I value most are definitely different at different stages. I enjoy growing this way.

年輕一代的演員面對競爭激烈的電影行業是一項挑戰。你如何保持對演藝事業的熱情和 動力?

我覺得是需要你真的喜歡正在幹的這件事。我到了這個階段,已經得到了好多,還能堅持下去, 靠的就是真喜歡表演這件事。珍惜喜歡,比外在的誘惑更有煽動力。

你過去塑造了許多令人難忘的角色,演出了不同類型的作品,對未來的演藝事業有什麼計劃或 目標?

我有目標,但不會給自己設定具體的計劃,因為很多好的角色、劇本是可遇不可求的,你的閱歷、 你的經驗、你的成績到了那個階段,很多事情水到渠成。我也一直在變化和成長,不同階段我最 在意的東西肯定不一樣,我喜歡這樣的成長。

WIN Metawin Opas-iamkajorn




Win is one of the most popular actors of his generation, not just in his home country, but in the Asia-Pacific region as a whole. His breakthrough came with the TV series 2gether: The Series, instantly capturing the hearts of fans throughout Asia. The film version of the series, 2gether: The Movie, which also serves as his film debut, attracted full houses on its first day of release in Hong Kong. This year, Win will continue to showcase his talent with his second film Under Parallel Skies. Additionally, he will be honoured with the AFA Rising Star Award at the 17th Asian Film Awards, making him the first Thai recipient of this prestigious accolade.

Win 是泰國當紅男星,也是亞太區廣受歡迎的演員。他首次主演的電視劇 《只因我們天生一對》播出後,熱潮席捲全亞洲。該劇的同名電影,也是他 的首部出演的電影,在香港正式上映首日門票全部秒速被搶購一空。今年,

Win 將為觀眾帶來其主演的第二部電影作品《Under Parallel Skies》。


What does acting or being an actor mean to you?

To me, acting is a profession I love and enjoy. When we are putting on a different role, whether it is entirely distinct, or shares some similarities with who we are, it’s a chance to do something that would not be possible in real life. Being an actor is fun and filled with constant challenges.

What is your aspiration as an actor?

I find being an actor very challenging. Every time I take on new roles in new projects, I feel very excited. Creating an authentic portrayal of characters and bringing them to life is where I feel a passion emerging, driving the continuous pursuit of new projects.


對我來說,演員是我熱愛且享受的職業。當我們飾演一個角色時,無論是 與自身有天壤之別,還是有相似之處,都是一個機會去做些現實生活中 無法實現的事。演員就是一個充滿樂趣和挑戰的工作。



每當我為了演活一個角色而努力,我都感覺到按捺不住的熱情,驅使着我 繼續追求參演不同的新作品。



ZHANG Yimou’s recent films have all been blockbuster hits at the box office. His string of hits continued with Full River Red which stars SHEN Teng, Jackson YEE, ZHANG Yi and LEI Jiayin. Set during the Southern Song Dynasty in the Shaoxing period, the story unfolds four years after the death of YUE Fei. On the night before QIN Hui meets the delegates from the rival Jin Dynasty, a Jin envoy is found murdered with a confidential letter reported missing. A perfect blend of mystery and comedy, the film keeps the audience on the edge of their seats. Full River Red received critical acclaim after its official release in China and became the box office champion during the Spring Festival holiday, with over 91 million theater visits. It was then screened in theaters across Hong Kong, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, South Korea, Australia and other countries, earning around USD $667 million at the global box office. Full River Red came eighth in the 2023 global box office ranking and is crowned as the year’s highest-grossing Asian film in the world.

張藝謀近年的電影均為票房大熱作品,他執導的 《滿江紅》在全球創下佳績。《滿江紅》由沈騰、易烊 千璽、張譯、雷佳音主演,以南宋紹興年間,岳飛 死後四年為背景。秦檜率兵與金國會談,金國使者於 會談前夜在宰相府離奇身亡,所攜密函也不翼而飛。 電影揉合喜劇與懸疑元素,局中有局,成功牽動觀眾 情緒,在中國內地正式上映後廣受好評,觀影人次 超過 9100 萬,成為年度春節檔期票房冠軍。電影隨 後陸續在香港、英國、美國、加拿大、南韓、澳洲等地 上映,全球票房收入 6.67 億美元,成為獲得全球最高 票房收入的亞洲電影作品。




12.12: The Day


Abang Adik


City of Wind 風之城

Concrete Utopia 烏托邦浩劫

Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms 封神第一部:朝歌風雲

Doi Boy 失落少年

Dwelling by the West Lake 草木人間

Evil Does Not Exist 無邪之境

Fly Me to the Moon 但願人長久

Full River Red


Godzilla Minus One

哥斯拉 -1.0

Hidden Blade 無名

In Broad Daylight 白日之下

Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell


Last Shadow at First Light

Monster 怪物

Only the River Flows 河邊的錯誤

Paradise 光明之地

Perfect Days






Road to Boston


Sleep 枕邊怪嚇



Snow in Midsummer 五月雪

Snow Leopard 雪豹

The Breaking Ice 燃冬

The Goldfinger 金手指

The Moon

The Moon:緊急營救

The Wandering Earth II 流浪地球 2

Tiger Stripes 虎紋少女

Time Still Turns the Pages 年少日記

Trouble Girl


YOKO 陽子之旅

12.12:首爾之春 12.12: The Day

Director 導演

KIM Sung-soo 金性洙

Cast 主演

HWANG Jung-min, JUNG Woo-sung, LEE Sung-min, PARK Hoon


Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Film 最佳電影

Best Director 最佳導演

KIM Sung-soo 金性洙

Best Actor 最佳男主角

HWANG Jung-min 黃晸玟

Best Supporting Actor 最佳男配角

PARK Hoon 朴勳

Best Editing 最佳剪接

KIM Sang-bum 金尚範

Best Cinematography 最佳攝影

LEE Mo-gae 李毛凱

Synopsis 故事大綱

After the assassination of President Park, martial law has been declared in South Korea. A coup d’état bursts out by Defense Security Commander CHUN Doo-gwang and a private band of officers following him. Capital Defense Commander LEE Tae-shin, an obstinate soldier who believes the military should not take political actions, fights against CHUN Doo-gwang. The conflict between the two grows while military leaders are holding their decision and the Defense Minister is gone.

南韓總統遇刺事件後,在首爾迎來新氣象之際,保安司令官 全斗光動員軍方內部的私人組織,於 12 月 12 日發動政變。

首都警備司令官李泰信的鎮壓軍為阻止叛變,與被權力蒙蔽 雙眼的全斗光所帶領的叛軍對抗。賭上性命的兩大勢力, 旗鼓相當的對立,一觸即發的九個小時正在流逝。

South Korea 南韓

Abang Adik


Director 導演

Jin ONG 王禮霖

Cast 主演

WU Kang-Ren, Jack TAN, Serene LIM 吳慷仁、陳澤耀、林宣妤

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Actor 最佳男主角

WU Kang-Ren 吳慷仁

Best Supporting Actor 最佳男配角

Jack TAN 陳澤耀

Synopsis 故事大綱

Abang and Adi are native Malaysians living their difficult lives without ID cards in the mottled and dilapidated Pudu community. They cannot enjoy the rights and welfare of ordinary citizens, nor can they apply for passports or even bank accounts. Abang was born mute, with the only goal in life being to work hard for a stable life. Adi, on the other hand, is unwilling to give in to his fate and starts to sell fake IDs, attempting to make fast money and get away with Abang. There comes a kind and enthusiastic social worker Jia En, who makes every effort to help the brothers apply for a legal identity card. However, a fatal accident once again places Abang and Adi in dire straits.

沒有公民身份證的阿邦和阿迪,在混雜外勞聚居的富都老社 區裡苟且偷生。他們無法享有一般國民福利,無法申請護照, 連銀行戶頭也開不了。哥哥阿邦天生啞巴,任勞任怨也認命, 只求安定過活;弟弟阿迪不甘向命運低頭,違法販賣假證件, 一心只想賺到錢就帶著哥哥離開富都。熱心社工佳恩自願 協助他們辦理身分證,卻因一場意外讓阿邦跟阿迪再次陷入 水深火熱的命運。

Malaysia 馬來西亞

風之城 City of Wind

France, Mongolia, Portugal, Netherlands, Qatar, Germany 法國、蒙古、葡萄牙、荷蘭、卡塔爾、德國

Director 導演 Lkhagvadulam PUREV-OCHIR

Cast 主演


Nominations 入圍獎項

Best New Director 最佳新導演 Lkhagvadulam PUREV-OCHIR

Best Newcomer 最佳新演員 Tergel BOLD-ERDENE

Synopsis 故事大綱

A shaman is a crucial member of the community, the figure everyone depends on when in need of moral and spiritual guidance. But what if that shaman happens to be a 17-year-old high school student? Introducing Ze, 17-year-old gentle Mongolian shaman who struggles to balance his spiritual responsibilities while juggling his double life as a high school student, working hard to survive in the cold, callous society of modern Mongolia.

薩滿法師在蒙古社會中有著崇高的地位,是大眾經歷迷惘時 所投靠的精神領袖。試想若然這個重要的角色由一名高中生 擔當,到底會發生什麼事? 17 歲溫文爾雅的學生 Ze,一邊 要擔起作為薩滿法師的重任,同時要兼顧身為高中生的雙重 生活,學懂在冷酷無情的社會中掙扎求存。

Concrete Utopia


Director 導演 UM Tae-hwa 嚴泰和

Cast 主演

LEE Byung-hun, PARK Seo-jun, PARK Bo-young 李炳憲、朴敘俊、朴寶英

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Production Design 最佳美術指導 CHO Hwa-sung 曹和成

Best Visual Effects 最佳視覺效果 EUN Jae-hyun 殷在賢

Best Sound 最佳音響 KIM Suk-won, KIM Eun-jung 金石源、金恩廷

Synopsis 故事大綱

After a massive earthquake, Seoul has swiftly been reduced to rubble. Everything in the city has collapsed, except for one building. When survivors from the outside hear of this, they begin to gather at Hwang Gung Apartments. However, the original residents of the building start to feel threatened. Banding together for the sake of their survival, they elect ‘Young-tak’ as their Resident Delegate. Under his leadership, they strictly ban entry by outsiders and draw up a new set of Resident Regulations. Amidst the continual threats to their survival, unexpected conflicts begin to arise among them.

世紀大地震將整個首爾夷為平地,絕望中唯一屹立不倒的 一棟大廈成了倖存者的最後生機。大廈內外頓成兩個世界,

不斷有災民為了躲避嚴寒而湧入,與原居民爭奪有限物資與 空間,終於引發一場生死激戰!後末日危機當前,人性受最大 考驗,誰有特權,可優先生存?

South Korea 南韓

Kingdom of Storms


Mainland China 中國大陸

Director 導演

Wuershan 烏爾善

Cast 主演

FEI Xiang, LI Xuejian, HUANG Bo 費翔、李雪健、黃渤

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Costume Design 最佳造型設計

Tim YIP 葉錦添

Best Visual Effects 最佳視覺效果

Douglas Hans SMITH, Joshua BRYER, Jeremy BALL

道格拉斯漢斯史密斯、Joshua BRYER、 Jeremy BALL

Best Sound 最佳音響 YANG Jiang, ZHAO Nan 楊江、趙楠

Synopsis 故事大綱

Long ago, the mystic sages in Kunlun saw that humankind had descended into chaos. A King consumed by his lust for power and aided by evil beings threatened the mortal world. One Immortal was willing to sacrifice his immortality to try and save mankind. The King unleashes a brutal campaign upon the land, and forces the lords of all the other realms to deliver their sons to him as wards.

Loyalty to the King is tested against loyalty to family as sons are forced to murder their fathers. Can the heavens possibly save mankind? Which will prevail, power or peace?

商王殷壽勾結狐妖妲己,暴虐無道,引發天秤。崑崙仙人 姜子牙攜「封神榜」下山,尋找天下共主,以救蒼生。西伯侯 之子姬發逐漸發現殷壽的本來面目,反出朝歌。各方勢力 暗流湧動,風雲變幻端倪初顯……

Doi Boy


Thailand, Cambodia 泰國、柬埔寨

Director 導演



阿瓦特拉塔納平薩、阿拉克阿墨蘇帕西瑞、 伊姆塔旺希利

Nomination 入圍獎項

Best Newcomer 最佳新演員 Awat RATANAPINTHA


Synopsis 故事大綱

Sorn is a young illegal immigrant in Thailand from Myanmar’s Shan state. He earns a living as a sex worker at a gay bar in Chiang Mai, but his life starts to unravel as the bar has to shut down due to the COVID-19 pandemic. His regular customer Ji asks him to join a mission concerning an activist sought after by the government. Running out of money, Sorn is left with no other choices, again, and this decision will change the lives of these men forever.

來自緬甸撣邦的逃兵兼難民 Sorn 離鄉別井,在清邁從事 性工作以展開新生活,卻遇上了正調查一名在逃社會運動家 的警官,並被捲入與這位客戶之間錯綜複雜的關係當中。

草木人間 Dwelling by the West Lake

Mainland China 中國大陸

Director 導演 GU Xiaogang 顧曉剛

Cast 主演

WU Lei, JIANG Qinqin, CHEN Jianbin, WANG Jiajia


Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Director 最佳導演 GU Xiaogang 顧曉剛

Best Actress 最佳女主角 JIANG Qinqin 蔣勤勤

Best Original Music 最佳原創音樂

UMEBAYASHI Shigeru 梅林茂

Synopsis 故事大綱

On the lookout for his estranged father, Mulian decides to pursue his studies in Hangzhou. His loving mother, Taihua, follows him, making a living from tea leaves collection. The mother-and-son duo lives in peace amid economic turbulence in the beautiful Chinese green tea-farming landscape, until Taihua falls victim to a pyramid scheme, placing the entire family in jeopardy.

目蓮為了尋找失聯十年的父親遠赴杭州求學,母親苔花亦為 照顧愛子而隨之採茶謀生、刻苦耐勞。誰知苔花誤墮詐騙 組織的魔掌,救母心切的目蓮奮力嘗試迎救,在景色如畫的 草木間上演現代版「目連救母」。


Director 導演 HAMAGUCHI Ryusuke 濱口竜介

Cast 主演

OMIKA Hitoshi, NISHIKAWA Ryô, KOSAKA Ryuji, SHIBUTANI Ayaka 大美賀均、西川玲、小坂竜士、渋谷采郁

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Film 最佳電影

Best Director 最佳導演 HAMAGUCHI Ryusuke 濱口竜介

Best Screenplay 最佳編劇 HAMAGUCHI Ryusuke 濱口竜介

Best Editing 最佳剪接 HAMAGUCHI Ryusuke, YAMAZAKI Azusa 濱口竜介、山崎梓

Best Cinematography 最佳攝影 KITAGAWA Yoshio 北川喜雄

Synopsis 故事大綱

Takumi and his daughter Hana live in Mizubiki Village, close to Tokyo. Like generations before them, they live a modest life according to the cycles and order of nature. One day, the village inhabitants become aware of a plan to build a glamping site near Takumi’s house, which threatens the local water supply and causes unrest among the villagers. The agency’s mismatched intentions endanger both the ecological balance of the nature plateau and their way of life, with an aftermath that affects Takumi’s life.

一對居於長野縣諏訪小村莊的父女,本來過著順應自然的 平凡日子,但發展商企圖在村內興建豪華露營區,不單嚴重 影響村民賴以為生的水源和自然生態,父女倆原本恬靜簡樸 的生活亦因而改寫。

Japan 日本
© 2023 NOEPA / FIctive

但願人長久 Fly Me to the Moon

Director 導演

Sasha CHUK 祝紫嫣

Cast 主演

WU Kang-Ren, Sasha CHUK, Angela YUEN, Yoyo TSE 吳慷仁、祝紫嫣、袁澧林、謝咏欣

Nomination 入圍獎項

Best Newcomer 最佳新演員 Yoyo TSE 謝咏欣

Synopsis 故事大綱

‘Perhaps all our likings come later in life. All our affections come from a piece of childhood memory.’

Yuen moves to Hong Kong from Hunan at the age of 8 to reunite with her father. However, the family faces poverty and a cultural barrier. Worse still, the father has a drug habit and has a difficult relationship with the family. Out of fear, Yuen and her little sister try to appease their father in their younger years, but start to resist and escape from him as they reach adolescence. However, even after they grow up and move away from him, Yuen realizes all the people she loves and treasures resemble her father in her childhood memories.

「大概人的所有喜歡都是來自後天,所有的熟悉感,都是與 童年的某個記憶有關。」

來自湖南的新移民圓圓及妹妹在香港除了面對身份認同、 貧窮,還有一個更大的命題:一個長年吸毒,又喜怒無常的 父親。長期處於不安的兩姐妹,小時候還會討好父親,中學 時期掌握了話語權開始反抗、掙扎、逃離。長大後本以為可以 徹底掙脫父親,卻發現自己喜歡的所有人事,原來都帶著 父親的影子,都與童年的回憶有關。

Hong Kong 香港

Full River Red


Mainland China 中國大陸

Director 導演

ZHANG Yimou 張藝謀

Cast 主演

SHEN Teng, Jackson YEE, ZHANG Yi, LEI Jiayin


Nomination 入圍獎項

Best Actor 最佳男主角 SHEN Teng 沈騰

Synopsis 故事大綱

Two hours before a crucial diplomatic meeting between the Song Prime Minister Qin Hui and a high level Jin delegation, the Jin Ambassador is murdered. An important letter destined for the Emperor is stolen from him. As the search for the letter unfolds, alliances are formed, secrets are revealed, and no one can stop the truth that is destined to leave its mark in history.

南宋紹興年間,岳飛死後四年,宰相秦檜與金國會談前夜, 金國使者死在宰相駐地,所攜密信不翼而飛。伴隨危機四伏 的深入調查,小兵張大與親兵營副統領孫均,宰相府總管 何立、副總管武義淳、舞姬瑤琴等人先後捲入局中,案件的 背後似乎隱藏著一場更大的陰謀。局中有局、人心叵測,一夜 之間風雲變幻,各方勢力暗流湧動。

Director 導演

YAMAZAKI Takashi 山崎貴

Cast 主演

KAMIKI Ryunosuke, HAMABE Minami, SASAKI Kuranosuke, YOSHIOKA Hidetaka, ANDO Sakura, YAMADA Yuki, AOKI Munetaka

神木隆之介、浜辺美波、佐々木蔵之介、 吉岡秀隆、安藤サクラ、山田裕貴、青木崇高

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Supporting Actress 最佳女配角 HAMABE Minami 浜辺美波

Best Visual Effects 最佳視覺效果

YAMAZAKI Takashi, SHIBUYA Kiyoko, TAKAHASHI Masaki, NOJIMA Tatsuji 山崎貴、渋谷紀世子、髙橋正紀、野島達司

Best Sound 最佳音響 INOUE Natsuko 井上奈津子

哥斯拉 -1.0 Godzilla Minus One

Synopsis 故事大綱

In postwar Japan, a new terror rises; Godzilla. Will the devastated people be able to survive... let alone fight back?

戰後的日本飽受打擊、遍地瘡痍;誰知一波未平,一波又起, 人們還未從災禍中復原,又要面對新惡勢力哥斯拉的崛起。


Japan 日本
TOHO Studios Co., Ltd.

無名 Hidden Blade

Mainland China 中國大陸

Director 導演


Cast 主演

Tony LEUNG Chiu Wai, WANG Yibo, DONG Chengpeng, ZHOU Xun 梁朝偉、王一博、大鵬、周迅

Nomination 入圍獎項

Best Newcomer 最佳新演員 WANG Yibo 王一博

Synopsis 故事大綱

After the outbreak of China’s War of Resistance Against Japan, the Chinese Communist Party’s Special Branch in Shanghai circles between Chongqing, Wang Jingwei Government and Japanese espionage agencies. Through an intricate system of intelligence behind enemy lines, they recruit the enemy, obtain information, kill traitors, and establish a broader united front line, charging towards Yan’an on the eve of victory.

中國抗日戰爭全面爆發後,中共地下組織在上海周旋於重慶、 汪精衛政府、日本間諜機構之間,通過錯綜複雜的敵後情報 系統,策反敵人,獲取情報,誅殺叛徒,建立更廣泛的統一 戰線,直至抗戰勝利的前夜奔赴延安。

白日之下 In Broad Daylight

Director 導演

Lawrence KAN 簡君晋

Cast 主演

Jennifer YU, David CHIANG, Bowie LAM, Rachel LEUNG 余香凝、姜大衛、林保怡、梁雍婷

Nomination 入圍獎項

Best Supporting Actress 最佳女配角

Rachel LEUNG 梁雍婷

Synopsis 故事大綱

A news organization’s investigative journalism unit receives a tip about the abuse of residents in Rainbow Bridge Care Home. To expose the home’s wrongdoings, reporter Kay goes undercover to expose the inhumanity inside, searching for the cruel truth under broad daylight.

新聞社接獲一宗有關殘疾院舍「彩橋之家」虐待院友的線報, 偵查小組為揭露殘疾院舍監管問題,記者曉琪潛入院舍, 揭發內裡的非人道生活,尋找日光之下的殘酷真相。

Hong Kong 香港

Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell

Vietnam, Singapore, France, Spain


Director 導演

PHAM Thien An 范天安

Cast 主演

Le Phong Vu, Nguyen Thi Truc Quynh, Nguyen Thinh, Vu Ngoc Manh

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best New Director 最佳新導演

PHAM Thien An 范天安

Best Sound 最佳音響

VUONG Gia Bao, TOH Xander VUONG Gia Bao、卓偉文

Synopsis 故事大綱

After his sister-in-law dies in a freak motorcycle accident in Saigon, Thien is bestowed the task of delivering her body back to their countryside hometown. It is a journey in which he also takes his nephew Dao, who miraculously survived the crash. Amidst the mystical landscapes of rural Vietnam, Thien begins a search for his older brother who vanished years ago to hand Dao over to him - a journey which deeply questions his faith.

一場致命的車禍後,年幼的男孩不幸成為了孤兒,而僅存的 親人阿天則獨自背起了照顧的責任。兩人返回山林中的故鄉, 不僅要尋找男孩消失多年的父親,阿天更展開了尋求人生意 義的征途。途中,他結識了新朋友,也與故人敘舊;經歷多次 分離又重逢的感傷後,他的心境逐漸產生了變化,並在生命 迷航的引領下踏上新方向。

Japan 日本

Director 導演

KITANO Takeshi 北野武

Cast 主演



Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Supporting Actor 最佳男配角 NAKAMURA Shido 中村獅童

Best Costume Design 最佳造型設計 KUROSAWA Kazuko 黑澤和子

Synopsis 故事大綱

Lord Oda Nobunaga plans to control Japan where rival warlords battle by waging war against several clans. His vassal Araki Murashige stages a rebellion and promptly disappears.

日本戰國時代,野心勃勃的織田信長在明智光秀、豐臣秀吉 等得力功臣的分頭進擊下,勢如破竹地大敗各路諸侯,眼看 即將達成「天下布武」的宏圖。然而,性格乖戾的信長將毆打、 羞辱部眾當成家常便飯,「順我者生、逆我者死」的霸道作風, 漸漸讓一眾下屬心生忐忑與不滿,各自暗萌逆反之心。亂世 之中,有人妄謀篡權上位,有人僅想苟全性命,江山誰屬, 顯然仍在未定之天。


Singapore, Japan, Slovenia, The Philippines, Indonesia


Director 導演

Nicole Midori WOODFORD

Cast 主演

NAGASE Masatoshi, SHIRATA Mihaya, TSUTSUI Mariko, Peter YU


Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Supporting Actress 最佳女配角 TSUTSUI Mariko 筒井真理子

Best Newcomer 最佳新演員 SHIRATA Mihaya 白田迪巴耶

Synopsis 故事大綱

Ami, haunted by recurring apparitions, embarks on a journey from Singapore to Japan in search of her missing mother. Amidst the transforming landscapes, Ami’s dreams, hauntings and lost mother unveil their true form.

Ami 一直受到幽靈般的異象所困擾,決定從新加坡遠赴日本 尋找失散多年的母親。在陌生的國度裏,夢境、鬼魂和失散的 母親逐漸顯露真容。


Japan 日本

Director 導演

KORE-EDA Hirokazu 是枝裕和

Cast 主演

ANDO Sakura, NAGAYAMA Eita, KUROKAWA Soya, HIIRAGI Hinata 安藤櫻、永山瑛太、黑川想矢、柊木陽太

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Director 最佳導演 KORE-EDA Hirokazu 是枝裕和

Best Screenplay 最佳編劇 SAKAMOTO Yuji 坂元裕二

Best Production Design 最佳美術指導 MITSUMATSU Keiko 三松惠子

Synopsis 故事大綱

When her young son Minato starts to behave strangely, Saori feels that there is something wrong. Discovering that a teacher is responsible, she storms into the school demanding to know what’s going on. As the story unfolds through the eyes of mother, teacher and child, the truth gradually emerges.

平靜的湖畔小鎮,疼愛兒子的單親媽媽早織、為學生著想的 爽直老師保利以及天真爛漫的孩子們本過著安穩的生活, 卻因為一次校園衝突,發酵釀成軒然大波,惹起社會與媒體 的關注。當事態越見嚴重,竟在一個暴風雨的清晨,兩個 孩子雙雙失去了蹤影……

Only the River Flows


Mainland China 中國大陸

Director 導演

WEI Shujun 魏書鈞

Cast 主演

ZHU Yilong , Chloe MAAYAN, HOU Tianlai, TONG Linkai 朱一龍、曾美慧孜、侯天來、佟林楷

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Editing 最佳剪接

Matthieu LACLAU 馬修

Best Cinematography 最佳攝影 CHENGMA Zhiyuan 程馬志遠

Best Production Design 最佳美術指導

ZHANG Menglun 張夢倫

Synopsis 故事大綱

The film follows a chief of police as he investigates a series of murders in a riverside town in rural China in the 1990s. Though an arrest is made quickly, clues push the policeman to delve deeper into the hidden behaviour of the locals and piece together the truth.


一個天色剛暗的入夜時分,一位老太太在河邊倒地,頸部有 柴刀的傷痕。刑警隊長馬哲受命調查此案,然而案件疑點 重重,愈查死人愈多。老年人的性欲,中年人的詩歌與私情, 青年人的異裝癖,小孩子的強烈窺視欲。到底一切之間有 沒有共通點?整個小鎮瀰漫不安和恐慌氣氛,連馬哲本人也 被拖入這小鎮的暗流之中……



Sri Lanka, India


Director 導演

Prasanna VITHANAGE 普拉沙納維然尼奇

Cast 主演

Roshan MATHEW, Darshana RAJENDRAN, Shyam FERNANDO, Mahendra PERERA

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Film 最佳電影

Best Director 最佳導演

Prasanna VITHANAGE 普拉沙納維然尼奇

Best Screenplay 最佳編劇

Prasanna VITHANAGE, Anushka SENANAYAKE 普拉沙納維然尼奇、Anushka SENANAYAKE

Best Editing 最佳剪接 A. Sreekar PRASAD

Synopsis 故事大綱

Husband and wife Amritha and Kesav arrive in Sri Lanka to celebrate their 5th wedding anniversary. As three masked men enter their hill country bungalow and steal their valuables, the couple seeks aid from the local police. The arrests fail to retrieve their stolen goods, leaving the two confined to their bungalow. Amritha finds solace in the beautiful surroundings, however Kesav grows increasingly frustrated. The difference in their attitudes creates a deep chasm in their marriage.

Amritha 與丈夫 Kesav


卻不幸被劫匪並失去了謀生工具。二人報案後因各種阻滯 而遲遲未能尋回財物,只能留在屋裏等待消息。在困境中,

Amritha 慢慢在山清水秀的景色中找到了慰藉,而 Kesav 卻更見苦惱,兩夫婦截然不同的心境逐漸在他們的婚姻中 留下不能磨滅的裂痕。

Perfect Days


Japan 日本

Director 導演

Wim WENDERS 雲溫達斯

Cast 主演

YAKUSHO Koji, EMOTO Tokio, NAKANO Arisa, MIURA Tomokazu 役所広司、柄本時生、中野有紗、三浦友和

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Film 最佳電影

Best Actor 最佳男主角 YAKUSHO Koji 役所広司

Synopsis 故事大綱

Hirayama is a public toilet cleaner who leads a quiet life that involves only work and enjoying his eclectic collection of music and books. Over a series of encounters, we slowly learn of Hirayama’s previous life and why he chose his current lifestyle.

沉默寡言的東京公廁清潔工人平山,過著看似單調重複的 生活,陶醉於 analog 音樂和文學,常聽著錄音帶播放的 The Rolling Stones、Patti Smith 和 Lou Reed 的音 樂穿梭城市;又不時舉起菲林相機,捕捉葉縫漏出的陽光。

一場突如其來的相遇,打破了平山的日常規律,也逐漸揭露 他的過去。


Director 導演

Aisultan SEITOV

Cast 主演

Yerkebulan DAIYROV, Sultan NURMUKHA, Ondassyn BESSIKBASSOV, Tolganay TALGAT

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Cinematography 最佳攝影


Best Original Music 最佳原創音樂

Akmaral MERGEN

Synopsis 故事大綱

Soviet Kazakhstan, 1930s, a time marked by Stalin’s rapid collectivization of farms and the most brutal famine the modern world had ever seen. Local gravedigger, Isatai, is sent to deliver a message which might save the whole village. This is both, a physical journey and a mental adventure, where Isatai suffers from hallucinations, meets folklore characters and faces a difficult choice, which might determine the destiny of the entire village.

三十年代的哈薩克,在史太林帶領的農業集體化政策下, 經歷了前所未有的大饑荒,奪去了超過一百萬人的性命。

在危急存亡之際,挖墓者 Isatai 被委以重任,邁進荒無人煙

的草原為整個村落尋找希望。途中,他不但要面對潛藏在 荒蕪中的重重障礙和各種未知之數,更需戰勝無盡的飢餓感 及糾纏不休的幻覺。

Kazakhstan 哈薩克

夏蟬 Rapture

India, Mainland China, Switzerland, Qatar, Netherlands 印度、中國大陸、瑞士、卡塔爾、荷蘭

Director 導演

Dominic SANGMA 多米尼克桑瑪

Cast 主演

Torikhu A. SANGMA, Handam R. MARAK, Celestine K. SANGMA, Balsrame A. SANGMA

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best New Director 最佳新導演 Dominic SANGMA 多米尼克桑瑪

Best Original Music 最佳原創音樂 Anon Cheran MOMIN 阿能默明

Synopsis 故事大綱

From one such night as usual, when villagers throng the forest at night to collect a rare kind of cicadas, a boy does not return and cannot be traced anywhere. The villagers are gripped with the fear of alleged intruders who are believed to kidnap the villagers for the human organ transplant business. Meanwhile, the church delivers a prophecy of 80 days of complete darkness. Things get worse as two more persons mysteriously disappear. The fear of the villagers turns into frustration and anger, and eventually bursts violently.


村民們深信事件由外來入侵者密謀而成,目的是為了綁架 村民進行人體器官移植。同時,教會迎來神聖的預言,告知 長達 80 天的黑暗即將到來。在雙重危機降臨村落之際,

村民的恐懼逐漸演變成苦惱及仇恨,最終在爆發性的暴力 中收場。


Korea 南韓

Director 導演

KANG Je-kyu 姜帝圭

Cast 主演

HA Jung-woo, YIM Si-wan, BAE Seong-woo, KIM Sang-ho 河正宇、任時完、裴晟佑、金相浩

Nomination 入圍獎項

Best Original Music 最佳原創音樂

LEE Dong-june 李東峻

Synopsis 故事大綱

During the 1936 Berlin Olympics, SON Kee-chung emerged as a remarkable marathon runner, shattering the world record. As he stood on the podium, he purposefully obscured the Japanese flag adorning his chest, driven by a deep desire to restore glory to his homeland. In the aftermath of the war, a young athlete named SUH Yun-bok embarked on a rigorous training journey alongside SON Kee-chung, determined to compete in the 1947 Boston Marathon. Together, they made a solemn pledge to fulfill their shared aspiration of bringing honor and triumph to their nation.

1936 年柏林奧運,孫基禎成為創下新世界紀錄的馬拉松 選手,站在領獎台上的他卻刻意擋住自己胸前的日本國旗, 希望將榮耀歸於祖國。戰後,青年徐潤福為了參加 1947 年 波士頓馬拉松大賽而跟隨孫基禎訓練,這一次,他們誓要 完成為國爭光的心願。




South Korea 南韓

Director 導演

Jason YU 柳在宣

Cast 主演

JUNG Yu-mi, LEE Sun-kyun 鄭裕美、李善均

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Actress 最佳女主角

JUNG Yu-mi 鄭裕美

Best Screenplay 最佳編劇

Jason YU 柳在宣

Synopsis 故事大綱

Seemingly out of nowhere, newlywed husband Hyun-su starts talking in his sleep - “Someone’s inside.” From then on, whenever he falls asleep, he transforms into someone else with no recollection of what happened the night before. His wife Soo-jin is overwhelmed with anxiety that he would hurt her family at night and can barely sleep a wink. Despite sleep treatment, Hyun-su’s sleepwalking only intensifies, and she begins to feel that her unborn child may be in danger.

在新婚夫婦的安樂窩,近日失意的演員丈夫夜半說夢話: 裏面有人。自此每當他熟睡,就有各種怪異行徑。他接受睡眠 障礙的治療,仍然每況愈下。嬰兒即將出生,妻子每夜陷入 顫慄的同時,懷疑惡魔就在身邊,更瘋狂的好戲在後頭。



Director 導演

RYOO Seung-wan 柳昇完

Cast 主演

KIM Hye-su, YUM Jung-ah, ZO In-sung, PARK Jung-min, KIM Jong-soo, GO Min-si 金憓秀、廉晶雅、趙寅成、朴正民、金鍾洙、 高旻示

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Supporting Actor 最佳男配角 PARK Jung-min 朴正民

Best Supporting Actress 最佳女配角 GO Min-si 高旻示

Best Costume Design 最佳造型設計 YOON Jung-hee 尹晶熙

Synopsis 故事大綱

During the 1970s, in Kunchon, there were women divers who were able to dive without equipment and always collected seafood under water for living. But, as factories started to be built near the beach, the women divers started to have trouble with what they were doing for living. Without any choice, the ship crews decided to join the smuggling business in the water to seek a way for their living. But the smuggling business got too big to handle and the peaceful village was gradually breaking down.

在七十年代的韓國金川漁村,海女春子和真淑有著毋須裝備 潛水的天賦,並靠潛海捕魚維生。然而,海邊工廠的落成使 漁獲大受打擊,她們為了維持生計,只能加入走私產業。


South Korea 南韓

五月雪 Snow in Midsummer

Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore 馬來西亞、台灣、新加坡

Director 導演

CHONG Keat Aun 張吉安

Cast 主演

Pearlly CHUA, Wan Fang, Pauline TAN, Rexen CHENG 蔡寶珠、萬芳、陳俐杏、鄭人碩

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Supporting Actress 最佳女配角

Wan Fang 萬芳

Best Costume Design 最佳造型設計 Elaine NG 黃菊清

Best Sound 最佳音響 TU Duu-Chih, WU Shu-Yao 杜篤之、吳書瑤

Synopsis 故事大綱

In May 1969, a Cantonese opera performance of “Liu Yue Xue” was held to celebrate the birth of Na Tuk Kong. The entire area was bustling with people in attendance, including eight-year-old Ah Ying, who was accompanied by her Nyonya mother. Suddenly, a fire breaks out in a distant theatre, separating Ah Ying from her father and brother. Flash forward to 2018: despite having long left that past life, drifting memories of that fateful event still haunt her soul.

1969 年 5 月 13 日,吉隆坡半山芭,台前「竇娥」吟唱酬神 粵劇《六月雪》,慶賀拿督公神誕,遠見電影院上下天光、 一碧萬頃,湧入首映人潮。八歲的阿英跟隨娘惹裔母親在 台下觀戲,忽然聽聞遠方火燒戲院、動亂不安;縱使有帳幕 匿身,卻與父兄分離。2018 阿英已遠嫁檳城,心卻在他城。 記憶漂流,四十九年仍渡不了魂。那年孤墳,她竟再見「故人」。

雪豹 Snow Leopard

Mainland China 中國大陸

Director 導演

Pema Tseden 萬瑪才旦

Cast 主演

Jinpa, XIONG Ziqi, Tseten Tashi 金巴、熊梓淇、才丁扎西

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Film 最佳電影

Best Screenplay 最佳編劇

Pema Tseden 萬瑪才旦

Best Cinematography 最佳攝影 Matthias DELVAUX 馬提亞斯德爾甫

Best Production Design 最佳美術指導 Daktse Drundrup 斗澤東主

Synopsis 故事大綱

A snow leopard breaks into the sheep pen of a local herder and kills nine rams. The father and the son are in dispute on whether to kill or to release the snow leopard. This unexpected incident not only causes a stir in the family, but also attracts a TV crew into the village.

一隻雪豹闖入當地牧民的羊圈,瞬間殺死了九隻公羊。牧民 父子為了要打死還是放生這隻雪豹而爭執不下。這場無意中 發生的意外不但在牧民家中引起軒然大波,更吸引了電視台 的攝製組路遠迢迢來到村莊中探個究竟。

The Breaking Ice


Mainland China, Singapore 中國大陸、新加坡

Director 導演

Anthony CHEN 陳哲藝

Cast 主演

ZHOU Dongyu, LIU Haoran, QU Chuxiao 周冬雨、劉昊然、屈楚蕭

Nomination 入圍獎項

Best Actress 最佳女主角

ZHOU Dongyu 周冬雨

Synopsis 故事大綱

In cold wintry Yanji, a city on China’s northern border, young urbanite Haofeng, visiting from Shanghai, feels lost and adrift. By chance, he goes on a tour led by Nana, a charming tour guide who instantly fascinates him. She introduces him to Xiao, a personable but frustrated restaurant worker. The three bond quickly over a drunken weekend. Confronting their individual traumas, their frozen desires slowly thaw as they seek to liberate themselves from an icy world.

遠赴吉林延吉參加婚宴的浩豐在機緣巧合下,認識了當地 導遊娜娜和她的友人韓蕭。三名性格、背景相異的青年,於 天寒地凍的東北晚上互相打開心房;溫暖的吉他聲陪伴, 一首朴樹的歌燃點了青年們孤寂而枯竭的心。三人共度一個 個歡快自在的白晝與黑夜,在城市的大街小巷中、在壯闊 山林間,各懷心事的他們感情升溫,相濡以沫,決定一起展開 一場壯遊,為彼此的青春見證一段無悔。

The Goldfinger


Hong Kong, Mainland China

Director 導演

Felix CHONG 莊文強

Cast 主演

Tony LEUNG Chiu Wai, Andy LAU, Charlene CHOI


Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Actor 最佳男主角

Tony LEUNG Chiu Wai 梁朝偉

Best Costume Design 最佳造型設計

MAN Lim Chung 文念中

Best Production Design 最佳美術指導

Eric LAM 林子僑

Synopsis 故事大綱

In 1980s Hong Kong, the stock market boomed. However, things took a turn for the worse when Carmen Century Group, a giant multi-national corporation suddenly goes bankrupt, rendering all of its stocks worthless and destroying the lives of its stockholders. The group was founded by CHING Yat-Yin, who earned his entrance into the upper class after striking his first pot of gold in the bourgeoning real estate market. However, the stock market crash exposed the company’s true nature as an elaborate scam. During ICAC investigator LAU Kai-Yuen’s efforts to uncover the failed company’s criminal wrongdoings, those who hold the key to unlocking the conspiracy end up dying under suspicious circumstances.

八十年代香港,上市公司嘉文集團幾年間從崛起到清盤, 市值蒸發超過一百億,幕後老闆程一言從股民偶像變成過街 老鼠。廉政公署全力動員,經過十五年的搜證和跨境調查, 相關訴訟費超過兩億,此案並波及香港上流社會以及數宗 兇殺案,揭開黃金時代的黑面紗……

The Moon

The Moon:緊急營救

Korea 南韓

Director 導演

KIM Yong-hwa 金容華

Cast 主演

SUL Kyung-gu, DOH Kyung-soo, KIM Hee-ae 薛景求、都敬秀、金喜愛

Nomination 入圍獎項

Best Visual Effects 最佳視覺效果

JIN Jong-hyun 陳鍾鉉

Synopsis 故事大綱

In 2029, South Korea’s lunar exploration spacecraft Woori-ho embarks on a journey towards the Moon. The whole world pays attention to this great challenge, but a solar flare erupts, causing a solar wind to engulf the spacecraft, leaving only the crew member HWANG Sun-woo stranded alone. In the face of another tragedy after the first one happened five years ago, the only survivor, Sun-woo, becomes the focus of the efforts of the Korea Aerospace Research Institute and the government. The entire nation hopes for his safe return.

2029 年,韓國太空船「探月號」出發前往月球,任務備受 世界矚目!然而「探月號」不幸遇上太陽黑子爆發所引致的 太陽風暴,發生嚴重意外,太空人黃善宇成為「探月號」的 唯一倖存者。為了營救流浪月球的黃善宇,隱居小白山天文台 的前太空船飛行總監金載國,加入了救援行動,同時韓國 政府亦要求美國太空總署(NASA )的總監尹文英及月球 門戶太空站介入協助,但卻一直遇上重重阻撓……


流浪地球 2 The Wandering Earth II

Mainland China 中國大陸

Director 導演

Frant GWO 郭帆

Cast 主演

WU Jing, LI Xuejian, SHA Yi


Nomination 入圍獎項

Best Visual Effects 最佳視覺效果

Allen WEI, Ahdee CHIU, DING Yanlai, Eric XU


Synopsis 故事大綱

In the face of impending doom, humankind grasps at its last chance for survival, attempting to construct a colossal booster in the hopes of finding a safe haven to call home. However, the outer space is replete with mystery and danger, and the dire circumstances call for the new generation to step up in this unprecedented era of the wandering Earth.

太陽即將毀滅,人類在地球表面建造出巨大的推進器,尋找 新的家園。然而宇宙之路危機四伏,為了拯救地球,流浪地球 時代的年輕人再次挺身而出,展開爭分奪秒的生死之戰。

Tiger Stripes


Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, France, Germany, Netherlands, Indonesia, Qatar


Director 導演

Amanda Nell EU 余修善

Cast 主演

Zafreen ZAIRIZAL, Deena EZRAL, Piqa, Shaheizy SAM

Nomination 入圍獎項

Best New Director 最佳新導演

Amanda Nell EU 余修善

Synopsis 故事大綱

The first amongst her friends to hit puberty, Zaffan, 12, discovers a terrifying secret about her body. Ostracized by her community, Zaffan fights back, learning that to be free she must embrace the body she feared, emerging as a proud, strong woman.

12 歲的 Zaffan 成為了身邊朋友中第一個迎來青春期的女孩, 這時她卻在自己身上發現了一個駭人的秘密。受到周遭同伴 排擠的她憤然決定反抗,同時學會了接受自己的身體,成為 堅強獨立的女性。

年少日記 Time Still Turns the Pages

Hong Kong 香港

Director 導演

Nick CHEUK 卓亦謙

Cast 主演

LO Chun Yip, Ronald CHENG, Sean WONG 盧鎮業、鄭中基、黃梓樂

Nominations 入圍獎項

Best Supporting Actor 最佳男配角

Sean WONG 黃梓樂

Best New Director 最佳新導演

Nick CHEUK 卓亦謙

Best Editing 最佳剪接 Nick CHEUK, Keith CHAN Hiu Chun 卓亦謙、陳曉進

Synopsis 故事大綱

High school teacher CHENG looks back on his repressed childhood memories as he discovers an anonymous suicide note in his classroom. Determined to prevent another tragedy, he does everything in his power to support his students while facing a series of family problems himself, struggling to cope with a failing marriage and the impending loss of his father.

一封沒署名的遺書、一羣看似無恙的學生,讓中學老師 鄭 Sir 想起充滿暴力與遺憾的童年往事。面對妻子離別、

父親病危的同時,他必須找出企圖輕生的同學,阻止悲劇 重現。

Trouble Girl

Director 導演

CHIN Chia-Hua 靳家驊

Cast 主演

Audrey LIN, CHEN Yi-Han, Terrance LAU Chun Him 林品彤、陳意涵、劉俊謙

Nomination 入圍獎項

Best Actress 最佳女主角

Audrey LIN 林品彤

Synopsis 故事大綱

Xiao Xiao lives in her own world, isolated and bullied by her classmates at school for a gnawing secret. Her own mother sees her as a troublemaker, while her father is like a familiar yet distant stranger. Only her school teacher, Paul, seems to understand and alleviate her emotions. One day, Xiao Xiao witnesses a secret between her mother and Paul. Confused, she not only has to force herself to adapt to this complicated emotional relationship, but also gradually discovers that both she and her mother have their own helplessness towards life.

小曉是一位活在自己世界的女孩,因為一個令人揪心的秘密, 她在學校被同學霸凌孤立,媽媽薇芳也視她為麻煩,在國外 長期工作的爸爸更像既熟悉又遙遠的陌生人,唯有班導保羅 彷彿能理解並舒緩她的情緒。一次颱風天下課,小曉目睹了 媽媽與班導的秘密,困惑的她不僅必須強迫自己適應這個 複雜的情感關係,也逐漸發現原來她與媽媽都有各自對生活 說不出的無奈。


Japan 日本

Director 導演

KUMAKIRI Kazuyoshi 熊切和嘉

Cast 主演



Nomination 入圍獎項

Best Actress 最佳女主角

KIKUCHI Rinko 菊地凛子

Synopsis 故事大綱

Having given up her dream and life long ago, Yoko, 42, shuts herself off from the rest of the world and works in her tiny apartment as an online customer service clerk. When she receives the news of her estranged father’s death, she is forced to leave the room and return home with her cousin for the first time in 20 years. However, Yoko ends up left alone at the highway rest stop. Without a cell phone nor enough money for the public transportation, Yoko has no choice but to hitch some rides in order to make it to her father’s funeral.

四十二歲的陽子以當網上客服助理維生,多年來一直過著 「大門不出、二門不邁」的日子。然而,當她收到睽違多年的 父親離世的消息時,二十年未曾回家的她被逼與堂兄一同 踏上歸途。天意弄人,這時她卻被遺留在高速公路的休息站; 身無分文且沒法與外界聯絡的她只可靠著坐順風車,踏上 無盡的歸家之旅。


Best Film


Best Director


Best Actor


Best Actress


Best Supporting Actor


Best Supporting Actress


Best New Director


Best Newcomer


Best Screenplay


Best Editing


Best Cinematography


Best Original Music


Best Costume Design


Best Production Design


Best Visual Effects


Best Sound




12.12: The Day


South Korea 南韓

Evil Does Not Exist


Japan 日本

Perfect Days


Japan 日本



Sri Lanka, India 斯里蘭卡、印度

Snow Leopard

雪豹 Mainland China 中國大陸



GU Xiaogang


Dwelling by the West Lake 草木人間

Mainland China 中國大陸

KORE-EDA Hirokazu

是枝裕和 Monster 怪物

Japan 日本

KIM Sung-soo


12.12: The Day 12.12:首爾之春

South Korea 南韓



Evil Does Not Exist 無邪之境

Japan 日本



Paradise 光明之地

Sri Lanka, India 斯里蘭卡、印度



WU Kang-Ren


Abang Adik 富都青年 Malaysia 馬來西亞



Perfect Days 新活日常

Japan 日本

HWANG Jung-min


12.12: The Day 12.12:首爾之春

South Korea 南韓



Full River Red 滿江紅 Mainland China 中國大陸

Tony LEUNG Chiu Wai


The Goldfinger 金手指

Hong Kong, Mainland China 香港、中國大陸



JUNG Yu-mi


Sleep 枕邊怪嚇

South Korea 南韓

Audrey LIN


Trouble Girl 小曉

Taiwan 台灣

JIANG Qinqin


Dwelling by the West Lake 草木人間

Mainland China 中國大陸

ZHOU Dongyu


The Breaking Ice 燃冬

Mainland China, Singapore 中國大陸、新加坡



YOKO 陽子之旅

Japan 日本



PARK Hoon 朴勳

12.12: The Day 12.12:首爾之春 South Korea 南韓

NAKAMURA Shido 中村獅童


Japan 日本

PARK Jung-min 朴正民

Smugglers 閨密盜賞團 South Korea 南韓



Dominic SANGMA 多米尼克桑瑪

Rapture 夏蟬 India, Mainland China, Switzerland, Qatar, Netherlands 印度、中國大陸、瑞士、卡塔爾、荷蘭

Lkhagvadulam PUREV-OCHIR City of Wind 風之城 France, Mongolia, Portugal, Netherlands, Qatar, Germany 法國、蒙古、葡萄牙、荷蘭、卡塔爾、德國

Amanda Nell EU 余修善

Tiger Stripes 虎紋少女 Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, France, Germany, Netherlands, Indonesia, Qatar

馬來西亞、台灣、新加坡、法國、 德國、荷蘭、印尼、卡塔爾

Jack TAN 陳澤耀

Abang Adik 富都青年

Malaysia 馬來西亞

Sean WONG 黃梓樂

Time Still Turns the Pages 年少日記

Hong Kong 香港

PHAM Thien An 范天安 Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell Vietnam, Singapore, France, Spain


Nick CHEUK 卓亦謙

Time Still Turns the Pages 年少日記

Hong Kong 香港



HAMABE Minami 浜辺美波

Godzilla Minus One 哥斯拉 -1.0

Japan 日本

TSUTSUI Mariko 筒井真理子

Last Shadow at First Light Singapore, Japan, Slovenia, The Philippines, Indonesia 新加坡、日本、斯洛維尼亞、菲律賓、 印尼



Yoyo TSE 謝咏欣

Fly Me to the Moon 但願人長久 Hong Kong 香港

GO Min-si 高旻示

Smugglers 閨密盜賞團

South Korea 南韓


City of Wind 風之城 France, Mongolia, Portugal, Netherlands, Qatar, Germany 法國、蒙古、葡萄牙、荷蘭、卡塔爾、德國

WANG Yibo 王一博

Hidden Blade 無名 Mainland China 中國大陸

Rachel LEUNG 梁雍婷

In Broad Daylight 白日之下 Hong Kong 香港

Wan Fang 萬芳

Snow in Midsummer 五月雪 Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore 馬來西亞、台灣、新加坡


阿瓦特拉塔納平薩 Doi Boy 失落少年 Thailand, Cambodia 泰國、柬埔寨

SHIRATA Mihaya 白田迪巴耶 Last Shadow at First Light Singapore, Japan, Slovenia, The Philippines, Indonesia 新加坡、日本、斯洛維尼亞、菲律賓、 印尼

TOHO Studios Co., Ltd.


© 2023 NOEPA / FIctive



Evil Does Not Exist 無邪之境

Japan 日本

Prasanna VITHANAGE, Anushka SENANAYAKE 普拉沙納維然尼奇、


Paradise 光明之地

Sri Lanka, India 斯里蘭卡、印度



Jason YU 柳在宣

Sleep 枕邊怪嚇

South Korea 南韓

SAKAMOTO Yuji 坂元裕二

Monster 怪物

Japan 日本

Pema Tseden 萬瑪才旦

Snow Leopard 雪豹

Mainland China 中國大陸

KIM Sang-bum 金尚範

12.12: The Day 12.12:首爾之春

South Korea 南韓

Matthieu LACLAU 馬修

Only the River Flows 河邊的錯誤

Mainland China 中國大陸

© 2023 NOEPA / FIctive

HAMAGUCHI Ryusuke, YAMAZAKI Azusa 濱口竜介、山崎梓

Evil Does Not Exist 無邪之境

Japan 日本

Paradise 光明之地

A. Sreekar PRASAD Nick CHEUK, Keith CHAN Hiu Chun 卓亦謙、陳曉進

Sri Lanka, India


Time Still Turns the Pages 年少日記

Hong Kong 香港


LEE Mo-gae 李毛凱

12.12: The Day 12.12:首爾之春 South Korea 南韓

Only the River Flows 河邊的錯誤

Mainland China 中國大陸

Qas 飢餓荒原 Kazakhstan 哈薩克


KITAGAWA Yoshio 北川喜雄

Evil Does Not Exist 無邪之境 Japan 日本

CHENGMA Zhiyuan 程馬志遠 Azamat DULATOV Matthias DELVAUX 馬提亞斯德爾甫

Snow Leopard 雪豹

Mainland China 中國大陸

最佳攝影 © 2023 NOEPA / FIctive © 2023 NOEPA / FIctive Azamat


Akmaral MERGEN

Qas 飢餓荒原 Kazakhstan 哈薩克



Dwelling by the West Lake 草木人間 Mainland China 中國大陸


Evil Does Not Exist 無邪之境 Japan 日本

Anon Cheran MOMIN 阿能默明 LEE Dong-june 李東峻

Rapture 夏蟬 India, Mainland China, Switzerland, Qatar, Netherlands 印度、中國大陸、瑞士、卡塔爾、 荷蘭

Road to Boston 沒有國家的冠軍 South Korea 南韓



Tim YIP 葉錦添 KUROSAWA Kazuko

Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms

封神第一部:朝歌風雲 Mainland China 中國大陸

YOON Jung-hee 尹晶熙

Smugglers 閨密盜賞團

South Korea 南韓



Japan 日本

Elaine NG 黃菊清 MAN Lim Chung 文念中

Snow in Midsummer 五月雪

Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore 馬來西亞、台灣、新加坡



EUN Jae-hyun 殷在賢

Concrete Utopia 烏托邦浩劫

South Korea 南韓



Godzilla Minus One 哥斯拉 -1.0

Japan 日本

JIN Jong-hyun 陳鍾鉉

The Moon

The Moon:緊急營救

South Korea 南韓

The Goldfinger 金手指

Hong Kong, Mainland China 香港、中國大陸

Douglas Hans SMITH, Joshua BRYER, Jeremy BALL 道格拉斯漢斯史密斯、 Joshua BRYER, Jeremy BALL

Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms 封神第一部:朝歌風雲

Mainland China 中國大陸

DING Yanlai, Eric XU

Allen WEI, Ahdee CHIU, DING Yanlai, Eric XU 魏明、趙浩強、丁燕來、徐建

The Wandering Earth II

流浪地球 2

Mainland China 中國大陸

TOHO Studios Co., Ltd.



CHO Hwa-sung 曹和成

Concrete Utopia 烏托邦浩劫

South Korea 南韓

ZHANG Menglun 張夢倫

Only the River Flows 河邊的錯誤

Mainland China 中國大陸

Daktse Drundrup 斗澤東主

Snow Leopard 雪豹

Mainland China 中國大陸



KIM Suk-won, KIM Eun-jung


Concrete Utopia 烏托邦浩劫

South Korea 南韓

INOUE Natsuko 井上奈津子

Godzilla Minus One 哥斯拉 -1.0

Japan 日本

VUONG Gia Bao, TOH Xander

VUONG Gia Bao、卓偉文

Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell Vietnam, Singapore, France, Spain 越南、新加坡、法國、西班牙


Monster 怪物 Japan 日本

Eric LAM 林子僑

The Goldfinger 金手指

Hong Kong, Mainland China 香港、中國大陸

YANG Jiang, ZHAO Nan 楊江、趙楠

Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms 封神第一部:朝歌風雲

Mainland China 中國大陸

TU Duu-Chih, WU Shu-Yao 杜篤之、吳書瑤

Snow in Midsummer 五月雪 Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore 馬來西亞、台灣、新加坡

Studios Co., Ltd.





Dr. Wilfred WONG, GBM, GBS, JP 王英偉博士,GBM,GBS,JP Chairman, Asian Film Awards Academy 亞洲電影大獎學院主席



ANDO Hiroyasu 安藤裕康 Chairman, Tokyo International Film Festival 東京國際電影節主席

Fred WANG 汪長禹 Chairman, Salon Films Group 沙龍電影集團公司主席

PARK Kwang-su 朴光守 Chairperson, Busan International Film Festival 釜山國際電影節主席

Peter LAM, GBM, GBS 林建岳博士,GBM,GBS Chairman, Media Asia Group 寰亞傳媒集團有限公司主席

SHIINA Yasushi 椎名保 Vice President, UNIJAPAN & CEO, TIFFCOM 日本電影發行協會副會長、東京國際影視展行政總監





Josie LIN 連佩蔙 Executive Director 行政總監

Raymond LAM 林沛佳 BusinessDevelopment Manager 業務發展經理



Jenny CHENG 鄭樂賢 ProgrammingManager 節目統籌經理

Sonia YU 余蒨蘅 ProgrammingManager 節目統籌經理

Paul CHAN 陳禮信 ProgrammingManager 節目統籌經理

Hendrick YAU Hoi Hay 邱海希



CHUNG Lai Wa 鍾麗華 ProgrammingAssistant 節目統籌助理



CHEUNG Chun Kit 張晉傑



CHAN Chin Pong 陳展邦 PR&MarketingOfficer 公關及市場推廣主任

Coco CHAN 陳姵伽 PR&MarketingOfficer 公關及市場推廣主任

Iris KU 谷倩華 PR&MarketingOfficer 公關及市場推廣主任

Andrea FUNG 馮雅妍 PR&MarketingAssistant 公關及市場推廣助理

NAKAYAMA Masaomi 中山雅臣 PR&MarketingAssistant 公關及市場推廣助理

Queenie YU 余筠怡 PR&MarketingAssistant 公關及市場推廣助理

Winkie NG 吳芷穎



Kevin MA 馬樂民

Patrick SUEN 宣柏健 Writers


Joris WU 胡文釗 DesignOfficer


Selina LO 盧建君 VideoEditingOfficer 影片剪輯主任

CHEUNG Kwan Yiu 張君瑤 DesignAssistant 設計助理



Matthew LO 羅希賢 HospitalityManager 嘉賓事務經理

Jacqueline WONG 黃翠玲 HospitalityExecutive 嘉賓事務主任

Rainbow LAM 林寶珊 HospitalityExecutive 嘉賓事務主任

Icey CHEUNG 張曉晴 HospitalityAssistant 嘉賓事務助理

Vivian CHEUNG 張熙彤 HospitalityAssistant 嘉賓事務助理



Adeline CHAN 陳玉蘭 AdministrationManager 行政經理

Zoe CHAN 陳鳳仙 Administrator 行政專員


William CHANG Suk Ping 張叔平

TrophyDesigner 獎座設計總監

Peter KAM 金培達 ThemeMusicComposer 音樂總監

Sunny WONG@studiowmw AFA17KeyArtDesign

AFA17 主題美術設計

Patrick TY CHAN



Phoenix Communications Limited

GraphicDesign&House ProgrammeDesign


OCC (H.K.) Limited



CHAN Kwong Kit 陳廣杰 AwardsCeremonyVideoProduction 頒奬典禮影片製作

3JBK Production 叁沾百各有限公司

Archie TAT 李達峰

Edward MAK 麥竣華

Jaff WANG 王瑋銘 WEN Ying Fu 玟寶 AnimationDesign 動畫製作

LEUNG Pak Kin 梁栢堅

KAN Po Yi 簡寶怡 RedCarpetandCeremony Scriptwriters


NG Hoi Tung, Humphrey 吳凱彤

This is my Production House 入屋叫人





Grace CHAN 陳凱琳

Jonathan WONG 王梓軒 AwardsCeremonyEmcee 頒獎典禮主持

Elvis CHAO 周啓陽

Jeoffrey WONG 王鎮泉

Xaviera YAU 尤蔭蔭 RedCarpetEmcee 紅地毯主持

Haw Yee Natalie 可宜

Jeoffrey WONG 王鎮泉 Winner Hall Emcee 傳媒中心主持


Timothy CHENG 鄭子誠 NominationsandSpecialAwards Videos


Brian CHOW 周國豐

Live Voice Over 現場旁白



Wan Pin Chu 朱芸編

Erhu Solo 二胡獨奏

Wan Pin Chu 朱芸編

Walter Wong 黃志輝 Arranger 編曲

Tung Tsz Ching 董芷菁

Orchestra Director


Lee Ka Him 李家謙



Yeung Ka Wai 楊嘉惠

Kam Ka Lung 甘嘉隆

Lam Kai Yuk 藍佳鈺

Fong Tsz Wai 方子蔚

Yung Yiu Chung 翁耀聰

Ng Hei Man 吳希文



Lee Kwok Cheung 李國璋

Li Chi Tat 李智達

Kong Pui Yi 江沛怡

Kee On Yan Bethany 紀安欣



Ip Pui Ching 葉珮晴 Liuqin


Sun Cho Ham 孫楚涵

Chan Wan In 陳韻妍

Lau Mo Wah 劉慕華

Szeto Wai Suet 司徒蔚雪



Lau Nga Ting 劉雅婷

Cheuk Chun Lam 卓珍琳



Ng Justin Bai Shen 吳百燊



Yeung Ching Ho 楊程皓



Yuen Ka Yi 袁嘉怡 Yangqin


To Suet Hin 杜雪軒

Kwok Chun Hei 郭栒曦

Cheng Chawen 鄭佳文

Chan Man Wing 陳文穎



Wong Ka Tai 黃嘉泰

Hua Yijie 華奕傑


Law Wang Sum 羅弘琛

Sylvia Tam 譚詩蔚

Chan Chun San 陳俊燊



Ke Xue Yuki 柯雪

Chang Fu Ling 张福伶

Dai Weiyu 戴維雨

Fu Tsz Ming 傅子鳴



Ho Chun Leong George 何進亮

Chu Chun Yan 朱榗恩



Cindy Lam 林雅賢

Chan Hing Kei Karina 曾慶淇



Walter Wong 黃志輝

Piano 鋼琴

Sam Po 蒲志煇



Jackiz Tsang 曾浩威

Bass Guitar


Kwok Siu Hang 郭兆恆



Joyce Chung 鍾楚翹





Ayanga 阿云嘎



Phoenix Communications Limited



Zinger (H.K.) Sports Company



Quadra Technic ICS Ltd.





KUROSAWA Kiyoshi 黑沢清 JapaneseDirector




Briccio SANTOS 畢列治奧桑托斯 President, Film ASEAN Film ASEAN 主席

ISHIZAKA Kenji 石坂健治 SeniorProgrammer, Tokyo International Film Festival 東京國際電影節資深節目策劃

Janet WU Yanyan 吳妍妍 Director, China Film Foundation –Wu Tianming Film Fund for Young Talents GeneralManager, Bright East Films 中國電影基金會吳天明青年電影專項基金 總監


Jennifer JAO 饒紫娟 ViceChairperson&Director, Taipei Film Commission Vice President, Asian Film Commissions Network 台北市電影委員會副主任委員暨總監 亞洲電影委員會副主席

NAM Dong-chul 南東喆 ProgramDirector, Busan International Film Festival 釜山國際電影節節目總監

Roger GARCIA 高思雅 Festival Executive, Producer and Writer 電影節總監、製片人及作家

Sabrina BARACETTI 薩畢蓮娜芭勒察蒂

President, Udine Far East Film Festival and Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche 烏甸尼遠東電影節及 Centro Espressioni Cinematografiche 主席


Claire LUO San 羅三 International Film Distribution 國際電影發行

DAN Kyoko 旦匡子 FilmCoordinator,Marketing Consultant


Edmund LEE 李卓智 Film Editor, South China MorningPost


ICHIYAMA Shozo 市山尚三 ProgrammingDirector, Tokyo International Film Festival 東京國際電影節節目總監

JEONG Yeong-beom 鄭永範 President, Star J Entertainment Star J 娛樂主席 Kiki FUNG 馮嘉琪 ProgrammeConsultant, Hong Kong International Film Festival 香港國際電影節節目顧問

PARK Sun-young 朴宣映 ProgrammerforAsianCinema, Busan International Film Festival 釜山國際電影節節目策劃

SEKIGUCHI Yuko 関口裕子 Critic, Film Journalist, Editor 影評、電影記者、編輯

YANG Ying 楊瑩 ProgramandBusinessDirector, China Film FoundationWutianming Film Fund for Young Talents CEO, Shanghai C-Stars Consulting 中國電影基金會 - 吳天明青年電影專項 基金 商務總監

上海銀枝瑩葉文化諮詢工作室 首席執行官



Alex JIA (WD Pictures)

Anderson LE (Hawaii International Film Festival)

James MARSH (Independent Consultant)

Jonathan KIM (Hanmac Culture Group)

ONDA Yasuko (The Yomiuri Shimbun)

Patrick SUEN (Film Critic)

Pierce CONRAN (Korean Film Council)

SHAN Dongbing (Founder & CEO, Donwa Pictures)



Association of Indonesian Film Producers

Badan Perfilman Indonesia

Bangladesh Film Development Corporation

Cambodia Film Commission

China Film Directors’Guild

Cinema Department, Ministry of Culture (Lebanon)

Cinema Department, Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism (Vietnam)

Culture and the Arts Department, Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports (Brunei)

Directorate of Film Industry Development (Indonesia)

Federation of National Film Association of Thailand

Film Development Board, Nepal

Film Development Council of the Philippines

Gulf Film Festival

Hong Kong Motion Picture Industry Association

Jerusalem Film Festival

Kazakhfilm Film Studios

Korean Film Council

Lao P.D.R (Lao Cinema Department)

Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts, Cambodia

Movie Producers and Distributors Association of Hong Kong

Myanmar Motion Picture Development Department

National Film Corporation of Sri Lanka

National Film Development Corporation Ltd., India

National Film Development Corporation Malaysia

Royal Film Commission (Jordan)

Singapore Film Commission

Taipei Film Commission




KENJO Azusa (Japan)

KONISHI Harufumi (Japan)

MIYATA Naoko (Japan)

SAITO Mayumi (Japan)

CHOU Wen-Hua (Taiwan)

Sanling CHANG (Taiwan)


Anna Films


Beijing Jingxi Culture & Tourism Co., Ltd

Best Friend Forever


Blacklight Artist Management

Broadway Cinematheque

CEDARS-General Education, HKU

Celestial and Fortune Star Media Limited

Chelsea Entertainment

China Film Co., Ltd. Beijing Film Production Co.

CJ ENM Co., Ltd.

Create Hong Kong and The Film Development Fund

Culture Entertainment Co., Ltd.

Distribution Workshop (BVI) Ltd.

Edko Films Limited

Emperor Motion Pictures

Entertaining Power Co. Limited

Films Boutique


Finecut Co., Ltd.

Fortune Star Media Limited

Fujipacific Music (S.E. Asia) Ltd.

GAGA Corporation

Ghost Grrrl Pictures

Golden Scene Company Limited


HKBU Academy of Film

Hong Kong Design Institute

Integrated Publicity Services Limited


LesPros Entertainment Inc.

Lotte Entertainment

Mandarin Films Distribution Co. Ltd

Mandarin Vision Co., Ltd.

Mani Stone Pictures

Many Way Travel Service Limited

Media Asia Film Distribution (HK) Limited

Mei Ah Entertainment Group Ltd.


mm2 Hong Kong Studio

Newton Cinema

Next Entertainment World


One Cool Film Production Limited

One Cool Pictures Limited

Plus M Entertainment

Qara Production


Sahamongkolfilm international co. ltd.

Shochiku Co., Ltd.


Sony Music Entertainment Hong Kong

Sky High Entertainment Limited

Swallow Wings Films Co., Ltd.

Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival

Executive Committee

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts

The Match Factory


Triple S Company Limited

Tsuburaya Productions Co., Ltd.

Universal Music Publishing


Adam PAK

Alvin TSE


Anissa CHAN

Anthony CHEN

Antony ZHEN

CHENG Yu Shing

Clarence TSUI

Daniel KIM

Derek LAM

Didi WU

Elvin WONG Chi Chung


Ferrous WONG

Fruit CHAN

Gary MAK

Helena YOUNG


HO Cheuk Tin

HWANG Da-gyeom


Jersey CHONG

Jessica CHAN

Joann CHA

Karen PARK



Kearen PANG

Kevin CHU

Kuce TO Lemon LIM

MAK Pui Tung

Mandy TAM



Norman WANG

PANG Liwei

Peter CHAN

Peter XU

Richard JUAN

Stanley KWAN

Stephen MO

Sunny CHAN


Thomas TO

Tobe TO

Winnie TSANG

Yanni WONG




AD 3.02.pdf 3 08-02-2024 23:22:57



非常作 GFC 旗下有

非常作 旗下有

- Academy 化妝學校


- Beauty 美容


- Cosmetic 化妝品


- Service 美容化妝服務


Make Up For Ever Academy HK

畢業生加入化妝團隊,提供時尚時裝、 婚禮婚攝、廣告攝影、媒體(雜誌、影視),

演唱會及舞台戲劇,以及海外來港表演團體 的化妝髮型服務超過23年,合作企業和品牌 無數,被業界譽為專業化妝師人才庫。

畢業生加入化妝團隊,提供時尚時裝、 婚禮婚攝、廣告攝影、媒體(雜誌、影視), 演唱會及舞台戲劇,以及海外來港表演團體 的化妝髮型服務超過23年,合作企業和品牌 無數,被業界譽為專業化妝師人才庫。

3/F Wellable Commercial Building, 513 Hennessy Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

2918 0001 5448 9287


@gfc_abcs & @makeupforeveracademyhongkong




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