黑沢清 1955 年出生於日本神戶市兵庫縣。就讀立教大學 期間開始拍攝八米厘電影。師從日本導演⾧谷川和彥和相 米慎二並與其共事,後開始製作商業電影。 1997 年作品 《 X 聖治》獲國際廣泛關注,之後憑 2001 年作品《惹鬼回 路》榮獲康城影展㇐種注目單元國際影評人聯盟獎。 2008 年,電影《東京奏鳴曲》獲得康城影展㇐種注目單元評審 團獎,以及第三屆亞洲電影大獎最佳電影。於 2014 年憑 電影《身後戀事》奪得康城影展㇐種注目單元最佳導演。 2020 年上映的電影《間諜之妻》,於第 77 屆威尼斯影展 獲得最佳導演銀獅獎,及第 15 屆亞洲電影大獎最佳電影。
KUROSAWA Kiyoshi was born in Kobe, 1955. He began making 8mm films while attending Rikkyo University. After studying and working under Japanese film directors HASEGAWA Kazuhiko and SOMAI Shinji, he then took steps to make commercial films. He gained worldwide attention with Cure in 1997 and won the FIPRESCI Prize at the Un Certain Regard section of the Cannes Film Festival for 2001 film Pulse. In 2008, Tokyo Sonata won the Jury Prize at the Cannes Un Certain Regard section and Best Film award at the 3rd Asian Film Awards. In 2014, he won the Best Director Award at Un Certain Regard of the Cannes for A Journey to the Shore Wife of a Spy screened in 2020 won the Silver Lion for Best Direction at the 77th Venice Film Festival and Best Film at the 15th Asian Film Awards.
國際知名「驚慄大師」暨本屆評審主席日本導演黑沢清,聯 同香港出名「劍走偏鋒」的獨立片先驅陳果導演,分享他們 的電影創作心得和藝術理念,帶領觀眾深入探索電影藝術的 無限可能性,進行一場跨地域的世紀對談。
Two veteran film masters, Jury President of this year’s Asian Film Awards, renowned Japanese director KUROSAWA Kiyoshi and Award-winning independent Hong Kong director Fruit CHAN, will share their filmmaking experiences and artistic concepts, guiding the audience on a profound exploration of the boundless possibilities of film art.
2024.03.08 (FRI)
地點 Venue
時間 Time
將軍澳景嶺路3號香港知專設計學院(港鐵調景嶺站A2出口) Hong Kong Design Institute, 3 King Ling Rd, TKO (Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station, Exit A2)
大師班報名詳情及相關資訊,請見亞洲電影大獎學院官方網站 及社交平台。
For more information on details of the Masterclass and registration methods, please visit the website and social media platforms of the Asian Film Awards Academy.
一場跨越地域的藝術盛宴,匯集來自亞洲各地、入圍第 17 屆亞洲電影大獎的新導演、新演員、攝影、剪接、美 術指導及造型設計,交流創作心得、藝術理念和製作經 驗,激發彼此之間的靈感碰撞,相互啟發和探索、彼此傾 聽和理解。
A feast of art spanning across geographical boundaries, bringing together a multitude of filmmakers both in front of and behind the scenes, takes the form of a themed panel discussion. New directors, new actors, cinematographers, editors, art directors, and costume designers will exchange their creative experiences, artistic concepts, and film production expertise, sparking inspiration and collision of ideas among filmmakers from various regions.
日期Date 2024.03.08-09 地點Venue 百老匯電影中心、誠品香港尖沙咀店、香港逸東酒店KINO broadway cinematheque, Eslite HK TST, Kino@Eaton HK
卓亦謙 Nick CHEUK
年少日記Time Still Turns the Pages
The Birth of An Actor
多米尼克桑 Dominic SANGMA 夏蟬 Rapture
風之城 City of Wind
黃菊清 Elaine NG
五月雪 Snow in Midsummer 文念中 MAN Lim Chung 金手指The Goldfinger
Editing: The Invisible Hand in Films
謝咏欣 Yoyo TSE
但願人長久 Fly Me to the Moon
葉錦添Tim YIP 封神第一部:朝歌風雲 Creation of the Gods I: Kingdom of Storms
陳曉進 Keith CHAN Hiu Chun 年少日記 Time Still Turns the Pages
萬芳 Wan Fang
五月雪 Snow in Midsummer
梁雍婷 Rachel LEUNG 白日之下 In Broad Daylight
導演的起跑線 Becoming a Director
Lkhagvadulam PUREV-OCHIR 風之城City of Wind
白田迪巴耶 SHIRATA Mihaya Last Shadow at First Light
林子僑Eric LAM
金手指The Goldfinger
卓亦謙 Nick CHEUK
年少日記 Time Still Turns the Pages
The Multifaceted Lives of Women Filmmakers
張夢倫 ZHANG Menglun 河邊的錯誤
阿瓦特拉薩納平薩 Awat RATANAPINTHA 失落少年 Doi Boy
電影美學魔術師 Enchantment of
Only the River Flows
三松惠子 MITSUMATSU Keiko 怪物 Monster
馬修 Matthieu LACLAU 河邊的錯誤
Only the River Flows
程馬志遠 CHENGMA Zhiyuan 河邊的錯誤
Only the River Flows
Film Aesthetics
山崎梓 YAMAZAKI Azusa 無邪之境 Evil Does Not Exist
北川喜雄 KITAGAWA Yoshio 無邪之境Evil Does Not Exist
鏡頭背後 The Man Behind The Camera
For more information on details of the In Conversation series and registration methods, please visit the website and social media platforms of the Asian Film Awards Academy.
亞洲電影大獎學院今年打破慣例,首次委任四位來自亞洲 不同地區的演員擔任第 17 屆亞洲電影大獎青年大使,他 們分别是:台灣的劉冠廷、泰國的馬里奧毛瑞爾( Mario MAURER )、日本的宮澤冰魚及香港的柯煒林。四位青年 大使分別在演藝道路上不斷尋求突破,發展出各自的風格 和獨特性,擁有無限的可能。
For the first time in its history, the Asian Film Awards Academy has appointed not one, but four emerging Asian stars from across the region as the Youth Ambassadors of the 17th Asian Film Awards. They are: LIU Kuan-Ting from Taiwan, Mario MAURER from Thailand, MIYAZAWA Hio from Japan and Will OR from Hong Kong. Acting as the face of the Awards, these four young actors, each with very different career paths and acting styles will take the stage together at the 17th Asian Film Awards ceremony on 10th March.
劉冠廷 (台灣) LIU Kuan-Ting (Taiwan)
宮澤冰魚 (日本)
MIYAZAWA Hio (Japan)
MAURER (Thailand)
柯煒林(香港) Will OR (Hong Kong)
Win 是泰國當紅男星,也是亞太區廣受歡迎的演員。他首 次主演的電視劇《只因我們天生一對》播出後,熱潮席捲 全亞洲。該劇的電影版,也是他的首部出演的電影,在 香港正式上映首日門票全部秒速被搶購一空。今年, Win 將為觀眾帶來其主演的第二部電影作品《 Under Parallel Skies 》。同時,他獲頒第 17 屆亞洲電影大獎亞洲飛躍演 員獎,是首位獲此殊榮的泰國演員。
男主角 Win 將來港親身出席第 17 屆亞洲電影大獎頒 獎典禮接受亞洲飛躍演員獎,並聯同女主角 Janella SALVADOR 、執行製作人范鴻志( Richard JUAN ) 及導演 Sigrid BERNARDO 出席電影世界首映。
Win will attend the 17th Asian Film Awards ceremony in person to receive the AFA Rising Star Award on stage. Together with lead actress Janella SALVADOR, film executive producer Richard JUAN, and director Sigrid BERNARDO, he will attend the world premiere of this film.
日期Date 2024.03.11 (MON)
詳情及相關資訊請見亞洲電影大 獎官方網站及社交平台。
For more information and details, please visit the website and social media platforms of the Asian Film Awards Academy.
Win is one of the most popular actors in his generation not just in his home country but in the Asia-Pacific region. His breakthrough came with the TV series 2gether: The Series, instantly capturing the hearts of fans throughout Asia. Film version of the series, also his film debut 2gether: The Movie, attracted full houses on its first day of release in Hong Kong. This year, Win will continue to showcase his talent with his second film Under Parallel Skies. Additionally, he will be honored with the AFA Rising Star Award at the 17th Asian Film Awards, making him the first Thai recipient of this prestigious accolade.
《Under Parallel Skies》講述泰國單身漢來到香港尋找母親下落,旅程 中認識到菲律賓籍酒店經理。二人相遇相知,展開一段跨越文化和身份 差異的友誼。
Under Parallel Skies follows the story of a Thai bachelor who travels to Hong Kong in search of his missing mother. He encounters a Filipino hotelier who helps him navigate love, heartbreak, and healing in the foreign city amid their differences in culture and identity.
12.12:首爾之春12.12:The Day 南韓South Korea
無邪之境Evil Does Not Exist 日本Japan
光明之地Paradise 斯里蘭卡、印度 Sri Lanka, India
新活日常Perfect Days 日本Japan
雪豹Snow Leopard 中國大陸Mainland China
金性洙KIM Sung-soo 12:12:首爾之春12:12: The Day 南韓South Korea
顧曉剛GU Xiaogang
草木人間Dwelling by the West Lake 中國大陸Mainland China
濱口竜介HAMAGUCHI Ryusuke
無邪之境Evil Does Not Exist 日本Japan
是枝裕和KORE-EDA Hirokazu 怪物Monster 日本Japan
普拉沙納維然尼奇Prasanna VITHANAGE 光明之地Paradise 斯里蘭卡、印度 Sri Lanka, India
黃晸玟HWANG Jung-min 12:12:首爾之春12:12: The Day 南韓South Korea
吳慷仁WU Kang-Ren
富都青年Abang Adik 馬來西亞Malaysia
沈騰SHEN Teng 滿江紅Full River Red 中國大陸Mainland China
役所広司YAKUSHO Koji 新活日常Perfect Days 日本Japan
梁朝偉Tony LEUNG Chiu Wai 金手指The Goldfinger 香港、中國大陸 Hong Kong, Mainland China
蔣勤勤JIANG Qinqin 草木人間Dwelling by the West Lake 中國大陸Mainland China
鄭裕美JUNG Yu-mi 枕邊怪嚇Sleep 南韓South Korea
周冬雨ZHOU Dongyu 燃冬The Breaking Ice 中國大陸Mainland China
林品彤Audrey LIN 小曉Trouble Girl 台灣Taiwan
菊地凛子KIKUCHI Rinko 陽子之旅YOKO 日本Japan
最佳男配角 Best Supporting Actor
朴勳PARK Hoon
12 12 :首爾之春 12 12 : The Day 南韓 South Korea
陳澤耀Jack TAN
富都青年 Abang Adik
馬來西亞 Malaysia
中村獅童NAKAMURA Shido
日本 Japan
朴正民PARK Jung-min
閨密盜賞團 Smugglers 南韓 South Korea
黃梓樂Sean WONG
年少日記 Time Still Turns the Pages 香港 Hong Kong
Best Newcomer
Tergel BOLD-ERDENE 風之城 City of Wind 法國、蒙古、葡萄牙、荷蘭、 卡塔爾、德國
France , Mongolia , Portugal , Netherlands , Qatar , Germany 阿瓦特拉塔納平薩
Awat RATANAPINTHA 失落少年 Doi Boy 泰國、柬埔寨 Thailand , Cambodia
謝咏欣Yoyo TSE
但願人長久 Fly Me to the Moon 香港 Hong Kong
王一博WANG Yibo
無名 Hidden Blade 中國大陸 Mainland China
白田迪巴耶SHIRATA Mihaya
Last Shadow at First Light 新加坡、日本、斯洛維尼亞、 菲律賓、印尼
Singapore , Japan , Slovenia , The Philippines , Indonesia
最佳女配角 Best Supporting Actress
濱邊美波HAMABE Minami
哥斯拉- 1 0 Godzilla Minus One 日本 Japan
梁雍婷Rachel LEUNG
白日之下 In Broad Daylight 香港 Hong Kong
筒井真理子TSUTSUI Mariko
Last Shadow at First Light 新加坡、日本、斯洛維尼亞、 菲律賓、印尼
Singapore , Japan , Slovenia , The Philippines , Indonesia
高旻示GO Min-si 閨密盜賞團 Smugglers 南韓 South Korea
萬芳Wan Fang
五月雪 Snow in Midsummer 馬來西亞、台灣、新加坡 Malaysia , Taiwan , Singapore
Best Screenplay
濱口竜介HAMAGUCHI Ryusuke 無邪之境 Evil Does Not Exist 日本 Japan
坂元裕二SAKAMOTO Yuji 怪物 Monster 日本 Japan
Prasanna VITHANAGE, Anushka SENANAYAKE 光明之地 Paradise 斯里蘭卡、印度 Sri Lanka , India
柳在宣Jason YU
枕邊怪嚇 Sleep 南韓 South Korea
萬瑪才旦Pema Tseden 雪豹 Snow Leopard 中國大陸 Mainland China
Lkhagvadulam PUREV-OCHIR 風之城 City of Wind 法國、蒙古、葡萄牙、 荷蘭、卡塔爾、德國 France , Mongolia , Portugal , Netherlands , Qatar , Germany
范天安PHAM Thien An Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell 越南、新加坡、法國、西班牙 Vietnam , Singapore , France , Spain
多米尼克桑瑪Dominic SANGMA 夏蟬 Rapture 印度、中國大陸、瑞士、 卡塔爾、荷蘭 India , Mainland China , Switzerland , Qatar , Netherlands
余修善Amanda Nell EU 虎紋少女 Tiger Stripes 馬來西亞、台灣、新加坡、法國、 德國、荷蘭、印尼、卡塔爾
Malaysia , Taiwan , Singapore , France , Germany , Netherlands , Indonesia , Qatar
卓亦謙Nick CHEUK
年少日記 Time Still Turns the Pages
香港 Hong Kong
Best Editing
金尚範KIM Sang-bum 12 . 12 :首爾之春 12 . 12 : The Day 南韓 South Korea
HAMAGUCHI Ryusuke, YAMAZAKI Azusa 無邪之境 Evil Does Not Exist 日本 Japan
馬修Matthieu LACLAU 河邊的錯誤 Only the River Flows 中國大陸 Mainland China
A. Sreekar PRASAD 光明之地 Paradise 斯里蘭卡、印度 Sri Lanka , India
Nick CHEUK, Keith CHAN Hiu Chun 年少日記 Time Still Turns the Pages 香港 Hong Kong
李毛凱LEE Mo-gae
12 12 :首爾之春 12 12 : The Day 南韓 South Korea
北川喜雄KITAGAWA Yoshio 無邪之境 Evil Does Not Exist
日本 Japan
程馬志遠CHENGMA Zhiyuan 河邊的錯誤 Only the River Flows 中國大陸 Mainland China
飢餓荒原 Qas 哈薩克 Kazakhstan
Matthias DELVAUX
雪豹 Snow Leopard
中國大陸 Mainland China
草木人間 Dwelling by the West Lake 中國大陸 Mainland China
石橋英子ISHIBASHI Eiko 無邪之境 Evil Does Not Exist 日本 Japan
Akmaral MERGEN
飢餓荒原 Qas
哈薩克 Kazakhstan
阿能默明Anon Ch Momin
蟬 Rapture 印度、中國大陸、瑞士、卡塔爾、荷蘭 India , Mainland China , Switzerland , Qatar , Netherlands
李東峻LEE Dong-june
沒有國家的冠軍 Road to Boston 南韓 South Korea
葉錦添Tim YIP
封神第一部:朝歌風雲 Creation of the Gods I : Kingdom of Storms 中國大陸 Mainland China
黑澤和子KUROSAWA Kazuko 首 KUBI 日本 Japan
尹晶熙YOON Jung-hee
閨密盜賞團 Smugglers 南韓 South Korea
黃菊清Elaine NG 五月雪 Snow in Midsummer 馬來西亞、台灣、新加坡 Malaysia , Taiwan , Singapore
文念中MAN Lim Chung
金手指 The Goldfinger 香港、中國大陸 Hong Kong , Mainland China
曹和成CHO Hwa-sung
烏托邦浩劫 Concrete Utopia 南韓 South Korea
三松惠子MITSUMATSU Keiko 怪物 Monster 日本 Japan
張夢倫ZHANG Menglun
河邊的錯誤 Only the River Flows 中國大陸 Mainland China
斗澤東主Daktse Drundrup
雪豹 Snow Leopard
中國大陸 Mainland China
林子僑Eric LAM
金手指 The Goldfinger
香港、中國大陸 Hong Kong , Mainland China
殷在賢EUN Jae-hyun
烏托邦浩劫 Concrete Utopia 南韓 South Korea
道格拉斯漢斯史密斯、 Joshua BRYER、Jeremy BALL Douglas Hans SMITH, Joshua BRYER, Jeremy BALL
Creation of the Gods I : Kingdom of Storms 中國大陸 Mainland China
哥斯拉- 1 0 Godzilla Minus One 日本 Japan
陳鍾鉉JIN Jong-hyun
The Moon :緊急營救 The Moon 南韓 South Korea
魏明、趙浩強、丁燕來、徐建 Allen WEI, Ahdee CHIU, DING Yanlai, Eric XU 流浪地球 2 The Wandering Earth II 中國大陸 Mainland China
KIM Suk-won, KIM Eun-jung 烏托邦浩劫 Concrete Utopia 南韓 South Korea
YANG Jiang, ZHAO Nan 封神第一部:朝歌風雲
Creation of the Gods I : Kingdom of Storms 中國大陸 Mainland China
井上奈津子INOUE Natsuko
哥斯拉- 1 . 0 Godzilla Minus One 日本 Japan
VUONG Gia Bao, Xander TOH
Inside the Yellow Cocoon Shell 越南、新加坡、法國、西班牙 Vietnam , Singapore , France , Spain
TU Duu-Chih, WU Shu-Yao
五月雪 Snow in Midsummer 馬來西亞、台灣、新加坡 Malaysia , Taiwan , Singapore
被譽為中國第五代導演代表人物之一的張藝謀, 1978 年 入讀北京電影學院攝影系, 1984 年為《一個和八個》掌 鏡而正式入行。電影的構圖大膽創新,鏡頭設計別樹一 幟,為他奪得中國電影優秀攝影師獎,讓他在中國電影界 嶄露頭角。同年他為陳凱歌作品《黃土地》擔任攝影師, 呈現黃土地質樸壯麗的氣魄,不但為他奪得第 5 屆中國電 影金雞獎最佳攝影,更首奪法國南特及夏威夷影展相關獎 項。張藝謀也曾走進幕前,在電影《老井》中飾演農村青 年,獲得中國電影金雞獎、大眾電影百花獎最佳男演員, 以及第 2 屆東京國際電影節最佳男演員,成為首位在國際 電影節勇奪影帝殊榮的中國演員。
今年張藝謀獲亞洲電影大獎頒發最高榮譽「終身成就 獎」,是他繼 2010 年第 4 屆獲頒「亞洲電影傑出貢獻大 獎」,以及 2021 年憑《一秒鐘》赢得「最佳導演」獎項 後,再次獲得亞洲電影大獎殊榮。導演對此深感榮幸: 「我很幸運終生都選擇了電影作為我的職業,從影四十多 年,謝謝喜歡我電影的朋友們,謝謝你們持久的支持和鼓 勵,我會繼續學習和努力。我對未來總有一些期待,期待 下部電影是否可以拍的更好。」
張藝謀的早期作品聚焦農村題材, 1988 年至 1999 年執 導的《菊豆》、《大紅燈籠高高掛》、《秋菊打官司》、《活 著》、《一個都不能少》等作品彷如中國近現代至當代的 社會發展史,側寫中國人在不同年代的生活面貌,由執導 首部電影《紅高粱》起,七年之內囊括世界三大影展最高 殊榮。踏入千禧年後,張藝謀轉型執導多部商業鉅製,更 於 2015 年拍攝首部英語電影《⾧城》。《英雄》、《十面埋 伏》、《滿城盡帶黃金甲》等均刷新中國電影票房紀錄。 2023 年春節檔期上映的《滿江紅》全球累計票房收入 6 67 億美元,成為該年全球最高票房收入的亞洲電影作品。
Lauded as an iconic director in China’s Fifth Generation Cinema, ZHANG Yimou was admitted to the Beijing Film Academy’s Department of Cinematography in 1978. He debuted as the cinematographer for One and Eight in 1984. With his daring and innovative composition, unique camera work, and exceptional visual storytelling, ZHANG earned the title of Outstanding Chinese Cinematographer and started to gain recognition in Chinese cinema. He served as cinematographer for CHEN Kaige’s Yellow Earth in the same year, capturing the stunning landscapes and majestic beauty of the yellow earth. For this film, ZHANG won Best Cinematography at the 5th Golden Rooster Award and film festivals in Hawaii and Nantes. The multi-talented ZHANG also appeared on-screen in the film Old Well, which won him the Best Actor awards at Golden Rooster Award, Hundred Flowers Award and Tokyo International Film Festival, making ZHANG the first-ever Chinese to win a Best Actor award at international film festivals.
Being awarded with the AFA’s highest accolade, the Lifetime Achievement Award, is not only a testament to ZHANG’s extraordinary achievements but also to his continued success, having won the Asian Film Contribution Award in 2010 and Best Director in 2021 for One Second ZHANG expressed his profound gratitude: “I consider myself very fortunate to have chosen filmmaking as my lifelong profession. Having been in the industry for over four decades, I am grateful to everyone who appreciates my films. Thank you for your enduring support and encouragement. I will keep learning and strive to surpass myself. Always having anticipations for the future, I hope that my best film will be my next one.”
ZHANG Yimou’s early works including Ju Dou, Raise the Red Lantern, The Story of Qiu Ju, To Live, and Not One Less essentially chronicled social development in contemporary China while profiling the lives of Chinese people across different eras. After the year 2000, ZHANG started to direct many blockbusters including Hero, House of Flying Daggers, and Curse of the Golden Flower which continued to break Chinese box office records. In 2015, he directed his first English-language film, The Great Wall Full River Red released during the Spring Festival holiday in 2023 earned around USD $667 million at the global box office and crowned as the year’s highest-grossing Asian film in the world.