03.09 (SAT)
12:30pm 《東京奏鳴曲》放映 Screening of Tokyo Sonata 2:30pm 映後座談Post-screening Talk
以日語及粵語進行 Conducted in Japanese and Cantonese
KUROSAWA Kiyoshi: Beyond the Uncanny
黑沢清導演自九十年代 J - Horror 浪潮在國際影壇聲名鵲 起, 1997 年的《 X 聖治》被奉為心理驚慄電影的經典。
作品多次入圍各大影展,屢獲獎項。 2008 年的《東京奏 鳴曲》是創作上的里程碑,影片奪得康城影展一種注目單 元評審團獎和第三屆亞洲電影大獎最佳電影,其後作品題 材更為廣泛。擔任本屆亞洲電影大獎評審主席的黑沢清將 親身出席《東京奏鳴曲》的放映,在映後分享多年來的創 作歷程。
12.12:首爾之春 12.12: The Day
03.09 (SAT) 7:00pm
MOViE MOViE Cityplaza
Director KIM Sung-soo, PARK Hoon 以韓語及粵語進行 Conducted in Korean and Cantonese
Director KUROSAWA Kiyoshi has made a name for himself internationally with the J-Horror wave in the 1990s, with 1997’s Cure regarded as a classic of psychological horror film. He is known for the exploration of the uncanniness and alienation in the contemporary society. His 2008 film Tokyo Sonata won the Jury Prize of Un Certain Regard at the Cannes Film Festival and the Best Film at the 3rd Asian Film Awards. Since then, he began to venture into a broader range of genres. As the Jury President of the 17th AFA, KUROSAWA will attend the screening of Tokyo Sonata to share his creative journey over the years.
03.09 (SAT)
7:00pm 放映 Screening
8:45pm 映後座談 Post-screening Talk
以日語及粵語進行 Conducted in Japanese and Cantonese
Evil Does Not Exist with ISHIBASHI Eiko
音樂家石橋英子去年憑《 Drive My Car 》獲得亞洲電影大 獎最佳原創音樂後,再度與導演濱口竜介攜手,將本來為 音樂表演創作的影像,同步發展成長片《無邪之境》。石 橋英子將講解為電影配樂的心得,以及與濱口竜介合作的 點滴。
After winning the Best Original Music at the Asian Film Awards for Drive My Car last year, musician ISHIBASHI Eiko has joined forces with director HAMAGUCHI Ryusuke again. The footage, originally created for a project of music performance, later developed into the feature Evil Does Not Exist. ISHIBASHI will talk about her experience in composing for films and her collaboration with HAMAGUCHI.
Filmmakers in Attendance
草木人間 Dwelling by the West Lake
03.09 (SAT) 7:00pm
百老匯電影中心 broadway cinematheque 導演顧曉剛、蔣勤勤、陳建斌 Director GU Xiaogang, JIANG Qinqin, CHEN Jianbin 以普通話進行 Conducted in Putonghua
03.07 (THU)
7:30pm 放映 Screening
9:00pm 映後座談 Post-screening Talk 百老匯電影中心 broadway cinematheque 以英語進行 Conducted in English
Paradise with Prasanna VITHANAGE
普拉沙納維然尼奇是斯里蘭卡當代最重要的電影導演之 一,作品針砭當地社會及政治問題,以斯里蘭卡經濟危 機為背景的新作《光明之地》於釜山國際電影節獲金智奭 獎。他在映後座談除了分享《光明之地》的製作過程,亦 會談及斯里蘭卡電影業的現況。
風之城 City of Wind
03.08 (FRI) 7:15pm
百老匯電影中心broadway cinematheque Tergel BOLD-ERDENE 以蒙古語及普通話進行
Conducted in Mongolian and Putonghua
小曉 Trouble Girl
03.10 (SUN) 11:00am
百老匯電影中心broadway cinematheque 林品彤、劉俊謙
Audrey LIN, Terrance LAU Chun Him 以國語進行 Conducted in Mandarin
03.09 (SAT)
3:50pm 放映 Screening
5:55pm 映後座談 Post-screening Talk PREMIERE ELEMENTS
以日語及粵話進行 Conducted in Japanese and Cantonese
Monster with KORE-EDA Hirokazu and SAKAMOTO Yuji
《怪物》是導演是枝裕和少有不是自己編劇的作品,找來 著名編劇坂元裕二合作,成績斐然,以多重角度敘述的故 事在康城影展榮獲最佳劇本獎。這次兩人難得一同來港, 與影迷交流。
Director KORE-EDA Hirokazu usually wrote his own screenplay, but Monster was an exception - he collaborated with renowned screenwriter SAKAMOTO Yuji. The result is a critically acclaimed work, adopting the structure of multiple perspectives, and won Best Screenplay at the Cannes Film Festival. KORE-EDA and SAKAMOTO will come to Hong Kong to share their collaboration.
Filmmakers in Attendance
愛很自私 Egoist
03.11 (MON) 7:00pm
Director MATSUNAGA Daishi, SUZUKI Ryohei, MIYAZAWA Hio
以日語及粵語進行 Conducted in Japanese and Cantonese
南韓 South Korea / 2023 / 141 min
導演 Director
金性洙 KIM Sung-soo
演員 Cast
黃晸玟HWANG Jung-min 鄭雨盛JUNG Woo-sung 李聖旻LEE Sung-min 朴海俊PARK Hae-joon
朴勳 PARK Hoon
語言 Language 韓語對白,英文字幕
In Korean with English subtitles
03.09 (SAT) 7:00pm
MOViE MOViE Cityplaza
影人見面 Filmmakers in Attendance 金性洙、朴勳
KIM Sung-soo, PARK Hoon
Asian Film Awards’ Nominations 最佳電影、最佳導演、 最佳男主角、最佳男配角、 最佳剪接、最佳攝影
Best Film, Best Director, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Editing, Best Cinematography
1979 年 10 月 26 日,在前總統朴正熙遇刺後,在權力真 空、群龍無首的狀況下,南韓獨裁專制的日子暫告一段 落,迎來民主化過程中生春日暖陽般的時期,直至陸軍少 將全斗煥在 12 月 12 日發起軍事政變,政府軍和叛軍之 間的一夜角力決定了國家的命運。改編自「雙十二政變事 件」,導演金性洙緊密取材真實歷史人物,雲集黃晸玟、 鄭雨盛等影壇巨星,將韓國歴史上極為關鍵的九小時搬上 大銀幕,回望當年首爾寒冬中展開的一場令人觸目驚心的 熾熱戰役,問鼎 2023 年韓國票房。
In 1979, after the assassination of President PARK, the fate of South Korea was in limbo. Less than two months later, the Commander of the Defense Security Command CHUN Doo-hwan initiated a coup d'état on 12th December. Based on this actual event, director KIM Sung-soo brings us back to the fleeting moment when the country was a step away from democracy before CHUN’s dictatorship in the 1980s. The gripping story of this all-out battle in Seoul made it the highest-grossing film of 2023 in Korea.
City of Wind
法國、蒙古、葡萄牙、荷蘭、德國、卡塔爾 France, Mongolia, Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, Qatar 2023 / 103 min
導演 Director Lkhagvadulam PUREV-OCHIR
演員 Cast Tergel BOLD-ERDENE, Nomin-Erdene ARIUNBYAMBA, Anu-Ujin TSERMAA
語言 Language 蒙古語對白,英文字幕
In Mongolian with English subtitles
03.08 (FRI) 7:15 pm
亞洲電影大獎提名 Asian Film Awards’ Nominations 最佳新導演、最佳新演員
Best New Director, Best Newcomer
百老匯電影中心 broadway cinematheque
影人見面 Filmmakers in Attendance Tergel BOLD-ERDENE
17 歲的蒙古少年 Ze 是個品學兼優的模範生,但除此之外 他還擁有一個不平凡的身份——透過通靈為鄰舍解決疑 難的薩滿法師。他在一次儀式上結識了有心臟病的少女, 情竇初開令他重新認識自己。導演的短片前作同樣圍繞少 年成長,在各大影展斬獲多個獎項,首部長片延續這個主 題,刻劃蒙古新一代在個人慾望和傳統群體責任之間的角 力拉扯。 Tergel BOLD - ERDENE 首次參演電影便初露鋒 芒,完美詮釋青蔥歲月的迷茫和掙扎,榮獲威尼斯影展地 平線單元最佳男演員獎。
17-year-old Ze is not only the top student at school but also a shaman, who helps his community members by communicating with ancestral spirits. Ze does a great job in maintaining his dual identities, until he meets Maralaa, his world turns upside down as he discovers another side of himself. After her two acclaimed shorts, Lkhagvadulam PUREV-OCHIR returns with her debut feature, a comingof-age drama delving into the dilemma between personal desire and community duties of new generation Mongolians. First-timer Tergel BOLD-ERDENE clinched the Orizzonti Award for Best Actor in Venice.
Dwelling by the West Lake
中國 China / 2023 / 115 min
導演 Director 顧曉剛 GU Xiaogang
演員 Cast
吳磊WU Lei
蔣勤勤JIANG Qinqin 陳建斌CHEN Jianbin
王佳佳WANG Jiajia
語言 Language 普通話對白,英文字幕
In Putonghua with English subtitles
03.09 (SAT) 7:00 pm
亞洲電影大獎提名 Asian Film Awards’ Nominations 最佳導演、最佳女主角、 最佳原創音樂 Best Director, Best Actress, Best Original Music
百老匯電影中心 broadway cinematheque
影人見面 Filmmakers in Attendance
GU Xiaogang, JIANG Qinqin, CHEN Jianbin
「苔花如米小,也學牡丹開。」單親母親苔花在杭州採茶 謀生,兒子目蓮剛從大學畢業,此時平靜的日子忽然發生 劇變,苔花因事被迫離開茶間,迷失自我之際迫切渴望改 寫人生,在蠱惑人心的甜言蜜語下泥足深陷傳銷詐騙,目 蓮於是要設法解救母親。內地導演顧曉剛在《春江水暖》 後再次以畫入影,由富春江畔的湖光山色,到西湖茶樹的 綠意盈盈,銀幕上的畫軸徐徐展開山水畫系列的第二卷, 在現代佈景下重現目連救母的故事,並憑此作成為東京國 際電影節黑澤明獎最年少得主。
The second volume of GU Xiaogang’s Shan Shui painting series is a modern revision of the legendary Buddist folklore of filial piety about a boy saving his mother from the inferno. Single mother Taihua falls for pyramid scheme after losing her tea harvesting job, and her son Mulian struggles to pull her out of the swamp while navigating his life after graduating from university. The delicate cinematic strokes of a tale about family, nature, and self-discovery make GU the youngest recipient of the Kurosawa Akira Award at the Tokyo International Film Festival.
Evil Does Not Exist
日本 Japan / 2023 / 106 min
導演 Director
濱口竜介 HAMAGUCHI Ryusuke
演員 Cast
大美賀均OMIKA Hitoshi
語言 Language 日語對白,中、英文字幕
In Japanese with Chinese and English subtitles
03.09 (SAT) 7:00 pm
設映後座談 With Post-screening Talk 石橋英子ISHIBASHI Eiko
亞洲電影大獎提名 Asian Film Awards’ Nominations 最佳電影、最佳導演、 最佳編劇、最佳剪接、 最佳攝影、最佳原創音樂
Best Film, Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Editing, Best Cinematography, Best Original Music
憑《 Drive My Car 》勇奪奧斯卡最佳國際電影、橫掃全球 多個獎項的濱口竜介載譽回歸,新作題材回歸自然:一對 住在東京近郊山村的父女,過著順應自然的平凡日子,但 發展商企圖興建豪華露營區,不單嚴重影響水源和自然生 態,父女倆原本恬靜簡單的生活亦因而改寫。濱口一向擅 長捕捉細微、重要,卻容易被忽略的情感,以角色的複雜 性、精準的對白和畫面帶動故事發展。透過父女種種日常 小事,乃至劇情最後的爆發點,帶領觀眾重新思索城市人 與土地的關係,同時為善惡立下註腳。
Director HAMAGUCHI Ryusuke’s highly-anticipated followup to the Oscar-winning Drive My Car originally began as a video companion to composer ISHIBASHI Eiko’s live performance. The meditative drama follows a rural town whose peaceful existence is about to be disrupted by a developer that plans to build a “glamping” site in the town, even though the site will do irreparable ecological damage to the town. HAMAGUCHI’s quietly riveting film about the clash between urban and nature offers no easy answers and will make audiences rethink the validity of the film’s title.
日本 Japan / 2023 / 126 min
導演 Director 是枝裕和 KORE-EDA Hirokazu
演員 Cast
安藤櫻ANDO Sakura
永山瑛太NAGAYAMA Eita 黑川想矢KUROKAWA Soya 柊木陽太HIIRAGI Hinata 高畑充希TAKAHATA Mitsuki 角田晃廣AKIHIRO Kakuta 中村獅童NAKAMURA shidou 田中裕子TANAKA Yuko
03.09 (SAT) 3:50 pm
設映後座談 With Post-screening Talk 是枝裕和、坂元裕二