The Cathay Cineplex 2 Handy Road
狂舞派3 The Way We Keep Dancing
新加坡首映Singapore premiere
不日成婚 Ready o/r Knot
新加坡首映Singapore premiere
导演 Dir:赵善恒 Chiu Sin Hang
导演 Dir:黄修平 Adam Wong
导演 Dir: 陈茂贤 Anselm Chan
动作 Action 98min
剧情 Drama 128min
喜劇 Comedy 104min
主演 Cast:周国贤 Endy Chow, 林明祯 Lin Minchen 查朗桑提纳托古 Chanon Santinatornkul
主演 Cast:颜卓灵 Cherry Ngan, 蔡瀚亿 Babyjohn Choi
主演 Cast:陈家乐 Carlos Chan, 卫诗雅 Michelle Wai 朱柏康 Chu Pak Hong, 谈善言 Hedwig Tam 岑珈其 Kaki Sham, 杨偲泳 Renci Yeung
周天仁出生时曾经断气一秒,从此出现预知一秒未来的超能力。和妻 子离婚后,他与鄙视自己的儿子相依为命。一位拳击教练意外发现了 天仁的超能力并将他培养成一名拳击手,他开始利用他的超能力赢得 每一场比赛,赢得了「一秒拳王」的称号。这是他在障碍面前坚定不 移,并了解到真正的力量不是预测未来,而是忍受的故事。 Tin Yen, a man who has lost his wife and is estranged from his son, has the power to predict events a second before they happen. When a boxing fanatic discovers Tin Yen's power and grooms him into a boxer, he starts using his gift to win every single game, earning the title, 'One-Second Boxing King'. This is the story of him standing firm in the face of obstacles and learning that real power is not predicting the future but, instead, enduring it.
Some Violence 些许暴力画面
*映后连线 Post-screening Q&A
龙城工厦区本是个工业区。二十年来,有不同范畴的创作人因便宜租 金而进驻,渐渐成为艺术家社群的聚居地。一天,他们收到一项工作 邀请,要为龙城区注入街舞、音乐、涂鸦等元素的「优化计划」- 『 狂舞。街』。各人的仕途、家庭、人际关系以至爱情,都会因为参 与这项计划发生变化。 The Kowloon Industrial District is home to many of Hong Kong’s artists, including rapper Heyo and YouTuber Alan. However, the government is preparing the area for gentrification. The group from ‘The Way We Dance’ is invited to participate in a publicity stunt to transform the district into a ‘Dance Street.’ Meanwhile, Heyo’s master Afuc is planning a revolution…
Some Coarse Language 些许粗俗语言
阿佳与可怡在一个婚礼上相识,两人一拍即合,相爱五年,终于迎来 最大的感情危机—「结婚」!二人在这议题上互有攻守,展开了一场 男女之间深层次的角力!阿佳眼见可怡对自己展开「逼婚计划」,他 邀请兄弟灰熊与阿健帮忙积极迎战,誓要坚守不婚底线! After being together for five years, Guy and Heidi are faced with a serious dilemma: Whether or not it is time to marry and form a family. While Heidi is ready to settle down, Guy is not ready to be tied down to a woman that he will one day grow distant from. What follows is an outright battle of the sexes.
Sexual References and Some Coarse Language 性相关语及些许粗俗语言
一秒拳王 One Second Champion
浊水漂流 Drifting
总是有爱在隔离 All U Need Is Love
新加坡首映Singapore premiere
新加坡首映Singapore premiere
导演 Dir:李骏硕 Jun Li
导演 Dir:谷德昭 Vincent Kok
剧情 Drama 112min
喜劇 Comedy 95min
主演 Cast:吴镇宇 Francis Ng, 李丽珍 Loletta Lee 谢君豪 Tse Kwan Ho, 蔡思韵 Cecilia Choi, 柯炜林 Will Or
主演 Cast: 许冠文 Michael Hui, 古天乐 Louis Koo 梁家辉 Tony Leung Ka Fai, 张继聪 Louis Cheung 苏丽珊 Cecilia So, 钱嘉乐 Chin Ka Lok,薛凯琪 Fiona Sit
刚出狱的辉哥回到深水埗街角露宿,遭食环署人员扫荡清场,辉哥与 街友们家当尽失。他与街友另觅居所,于桥底搭建小木屋相依为命。 刚毕业的社工何姑娘替众人打官司申请索偿,并要求政府道歉,但在 公义与赔偿来临之前,他们能否挨过寒冬? Released from jail, Fai goes back to his old stomping ground in Sham Shui Po, but his return to normal life is cut short when the authorities raid his makeshift home and dispose of his belongings. Urged on by a social worker, Fai and his fellow homeless friends take their fight to court.
Coarse Language and Drug Use 粗俗语言及吸毒画面
七人乐队 Septet: The Story of Hong Kong
一个风平浪静的下午,格尼酒店突然被怀疑是新冠肺炎的病毒源头, 随即被防疫中心勒令要全面封锁,所有逗留在酒店内的客人必需接受 十四天强制隔离检疫。众人在酒店内隔离,但人与人之间的关系不知 不觉间拉近。大家共同渡过艰难时刻,学会珍惜可能是最后的相处时 光。 The Grande Hotel in Hong Kong is suddenly suspected of being the epicentre of the coronavirus outbreak. Quarantined by local health authorities, hotel guests find themselves isolated in the hotel. As they bond over this difficult time, they learn to treasure what may be their final moments together.
Some Coarse Language and Sexual References 些许粗俗语言及性相关语
导演 Dir:洪金宝 Sammo Hung, 许鞍华 Ann Hui 谭家明 Patrick Tam, 袁和平 Yuen Wo Ping 杜琪峯 Johnnie To, 林岭东 Ringo Lam, 徐克 Tsui Hark 剧情 Drama 111min 主演 Cast:吴镇宇 Francis Ng, 任达华 Simon Yam 吴澋滔 Gouw Ian Iskandar, 余香凝 Jennifer Yu 七个不同风格的导演,各执导一个故事,史无前例合奏出一个情怀满 溢、由五十年代至未来的香港故事。全片用胶片拍摄,是一部向胶片 拍摄年代致敬的电影。杜琪峰希望透过这次七个导演的合作,将他们 那一代香港导演无分门派的合作精神,启迪并鼓励年青一代电影人。 Seven of Hong Kong’s most revered auteurs come together to compose a symphony of stories for their city. As a tribute to the bygone era of filmmaking, each filmmaker shot a short movie, entirely on 35mm film, covering a different period in the city’s recent history. This is a momentous cinematic event not only adhering to the past memories but also communicating with the new generation.
Sexual Scene 性相关画面
亚洲电影大奖学院 Asian Film Awards Academy 亚洲电影大奖学院于2013年由亚洲三大国际电影节,即香港、釜山及东京国际电影节共同创立,学院的宗旨是推广及促进亚洲电影、培育区内电影人才、以及拓展电影观众群。学院借着举办一年一度的亚洲电影大奖、 并在创意香港及电影发展基金资助下推出一系列的推广及交流活动,从而突显、加强及建立越趋蓬勃的亚洲电影业及其多变的电影文化。 In 2013, three main Asian film festivals – Busan, Hong Kong and Tokyo – joined together to create the non-profit organization, the Asian Film Awards Academy (AFAA) to promote and develop Asian cinema and its talents. The AFAA highlights, strengthens and develops Asian film industry and culture through the annual Asian Film Awards, and with financial support from Create Hong Kong and Film Development Fund of the Hong Kong SAR Government, several year-round initiatives for building regional and international audiences.
场次 Screening Schedule 07.03
狂舞派3* The Way We Keep Dancing*
总是有爱在隔离 All U Need Is Love
不日成婚 Ready o/r Knot
七人乐队 Septet: The Story of Hong Kong
一秒拳王* One Second Champion*
浊水漂流* Drifting*
票务 Ticketing Information *此场次将安排映后连线。 *Post-screening Q&A session through live streaming will be held. 所有电影均以广东话原音并配以中英文字幕放映。 All films are shown in original Cantonese language with Chinese and English subtitles. 门票将由合作媒体及伙伴送出。详情请浏览 mm2 entertainment Singapore 的社交媒体平台 (@mm2singapore)。注:门票禁止转售与转让。 Tickets are distributed via giveaway promotions through selected media and partners. Visit mm2 entertainment Singapore social media platforms (@mm2singapore) for more information. Tickets are strictly not for sale.
主办机构 Presented by
合作伙伴 In collaboration with
资助机构 Financially supported by
支持机构 Supported by
Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office in Singapore The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region