HS Chapters Spring 2012 Report

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Jan - June


Spring Semester Report 2012

Team HBV High School Chapters, Asian Liver Center at Stanford University http://teamhbv.org | hschapters@teamhbv.org

Spring Semester Report 2012 2

Table of Contents Canyon High School ...................................................................................................................................... 3 Clear Lake High School ................................................................................................................................ 5 Dougherty Valley High School...................................................................................................................... 6 Fresno High School ....................................................................................................................................... 8 Gunn High School ....................................................................................................................................... 10 Leland High School ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Lowell High School ..................................................................................................................................... 13 Mills High School ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Milpitas High School................................................................................................................................... 17 Mission San Jose ......................................................................................................................................... 20 Mission Viejo .............................................................................................................................................. 22 Mountain View High .................................................................................................................................. 24 Palo Alto High School ................................................................................................................................. 26 Saratoga High School.................................................................................................................................. 27


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March Madness with HBV March 30, 2012 For the March event, we called all members to join us in learning about the basic facts about HBV. Seniors passed down their positions to the mini board (executive committee); and therefore, there were empty slots for the executive committee next year. This event was crucial for those underclassmen who were considering to be on board next year. After our HBV Basics Presentation given by our executive committee, we showed a movie Despicable Me!

Ice skating Round 2 January 27, 2012 HBV teamed up with CASC to hold a dual fundraiser at the Ice Palace in Yorba Linda. It was a huge success, as our club got over $280 from the event. Major thanks to everyone who showed up!


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Clinic Outreach March, 2012, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry, Methodist Hospital, Texas Children’s Hospital Distributed HBV information at local clinics and two hospitals- gave presentation on HBV. Reached out to 4 small clinics and 2 hospitals Improvements: 1. Have a guest speaker with experience with HBV (such as a specialist) 2. More participation activities during presentation


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Chinese New Year Booth, San Francisco. DVHS Team HBV encouraged its members to participate in the Asian Liver Center’s annual Chinese New Year outreach booth. Six members with knowledge of multiple languages were able to attend and volunteer at the event.

Milk Tea Sales, Quad at Dougherty Valley High School, 03/02/12 + 03/30/12 Our school sold milk tea after school and reached almost all the students at our high school, educating them about hepatitis B facts as they were waiting in line and buying milk tea; this also helped us raise funds for future events.

Team HBV Outreach Celebration Date: 04/05/12; Location: Advisor’s Classroom During the week before spring break, our club held a “party” in our advisor’s room in order to encourage non-members to attend and restore motivation to our team members. This also increased hype about our club and helped gain more members.

Goodbye Mark Poster Campaign Date: 06/05/12; Location: Local businesses around the community As part of the national campaign for awareness about hepatitis B, Team HBV at Dougherty Valley High School helped spread the word about Dr. Mark, a doctor who died of HBV, by 6

Spring Semester Report 2012 7 posting posters around local businesses. These posters contained a QR code that linked to goodbyemark.com, a website with more information about hepatitis B and Dr. Mark.

Overall Summary and Reflection Although our club had slightly less events for the spring semester, with AP testing season and multiple school recesses, I believe that most of our goals were met and that we have maintained our reputation as a large and active body of motivated volunteers excited to help the hepatitis B cause. Future plans would involve gaining more members at club day next year and transitioning to a better organized hierarchy that would allow for an increased level of participation in the organizing of outreach events.

–Colin Man


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Overall Summary and Reflection This spring Team HBV Fresno attended Amerasia Night at CSU Fresno State. Amerasia night included many different cultural performances from Chinese opera and Dragon dancing to more modern Korean songs. We had a table out front and passed out brochures to people before they went to the performance. Wearing out bright green shirts we definitely made our presence known at the event.


Spring Semester Report 2012 9 The next event that we went to was Asian Fest at Fresno City College on April 28. We also had a table at this event and an informational board that I made myself. You will be able to see it in the pictures. We also hung some HBV facts on nearby trees to draw in people’s attention.

On the same day I had my own booth at the Hmong Cancer Coalition in Fresno. This event was perfect for Team HBV because it focused on health awareness in the lower income Asian communities. They even provided at translator to help me communicate with the Hmong speaking people. I think what I liked most about this event was that everyone was given a card which they had to get signed at every booth to enter into a drawing. This encouraged more people to come to the HBV booth and listen to what we had to say. I also attended both the Fresno City Council meeting and the Fresno County Board meeting in May where I received proclamations for Hepatitis B awareness day and week!


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Overall Reflection and Summary After a tough fall semester, Team HBV at Gunn wanted to make a difference in our community. Since this year was the first year for most of our members, we still did not know what to do and what to expect. We came up with ideas for events such as Hep B awareness sporting event where we can have a sport game such as football of basketball with Hep B theme. We wanted to do a lot of our awareness around sports. We felt that in order to spread more awareness, we needed to base of our outreach events on something students would participate in. We tried our best to approach this goal but in the end we couldn't do much. We held two events during our spring semester. First we held a PMT sale to promote more knowledge about Hepatitis B, and then for the petition to Mr. Obama, we held a signing event to gain signatures. Honestly, we all thought we could have done better but at times to actually make an event happens can be really difficult. At the end of the year, we decided that we could do much better next year.

Hep B PMT Awareness Sale Gunn High, March 23rd During this event, we bought 150 pearl milk teas and taped strips of Hepatitis B facts on each one. Fact such as One out of 10 are infected with Hepatitis B. We also hung up posters around school with more facts; during the sale, if students memorized just one of them they will receive a discount. This turned out amazing, every student memorized facts about Hepatitis B and we thought we pervaded awareness around Gunn High. We sold out the PMT within 20 min, we raised 122 dollars and impacted our entire school. Some flaws we can improve on was planning, I felt that we had poor planning of this sale. With the poor planning, the sale was at times out of control. During the sale, it was very chaotic as everyone was trying to buy our PMT. To improve this, we can plan every aspect of the sale to make sure flaws like this will not happen again.


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Petition Signatures Gunn High School, May 25th For the petition to President Obama, we decided to hold a petition signing. We set up a table near the most crowded place on campus and call people over to sign the petition. We reward each signee with a Jade Ribbon bracelet. Everyone wanted this bracelet and we gathered around 150 signatures. We reached out to proportions of the school and gave them the information on what is going on and how they can make a change. Things we can improve on are our procedural execution. At first we wanted to put up more tables so we can gather more signatures. But due to our mistakes, we only put up one table so we felt like we could have easily got 1-2 hundred more signatures.


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Overall Summary and Reflection This past semester, Leland's Team HBV made efforts to expand our club. Since we started our club this past fall, we didn't have many members join the club at first. It was difficult, but by second semester we had achieved our goal of gaining more members for the club. Also, we received emails from prospective students that are interested in joining the club next year! Besides trying to expand the size of our club, we tried to do some fundraisers; unfortunately they failed because our school bank made it difficult to hold fundraising events. Although we were unable to raise money for the club, we have ideas for next year and we will make sure to plan everything out in advance in case any problems may arise with the School Bank again.

In terms of club outreach events, we had Club Spirit Days throughout the year, in which club members wore their Team HBV gear to raise awareness for HBV! Many students approached members of our club out of curiosity and we were able to tell them more about the Purpose and Goals of our Team HBV club. For the next school year (this will be our 2nd year) we have many exciting ideas and events planned! Some things we have in mind include: 1. Car Wash Fundraiser 2. Pizza Fundraiser 3. Trick or Treat HBV awareness (flyers/boxes/etc.) 4. Team HBV Christmas Caroling


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Overall Summary and Reflection This semester has not been as successful as I hoped it would be, but considering that this is the club’s first year, the club has made great progress. We have held a few fundraisers to earn money for future events and planned a scavenger hunt for next year. In addition, our club was featured in the yearbook. However, due to the number of furlough days and other holidays, the semester was much shorter than we anticipated. As a result, we never had the opportunity to hold the scavenger hunt even though our Student Body Council (SBC) approved of the event. For this semester, our greatest success was getting SBC to approve of our event because they are very strict about safety and other responsibilities. Next year, we will plan more activities and manage our timeline better. In addition, we hope to work together with neighboring schools’ Team HBV to hold larger and better events.

Kermesse Lowell High School, April 27th at lunch Kermesse is basically a food fair that takes place once a year at Lowell High School. Although Kermesse is a day for celebrating the different cultures throughout the world, all clubs are welcome to sell food on that day. We sold Quickly’s milk tea, but the milk tea quickly sold out. We only made $220 because of our limited supply. Now, we have a better estimate about how many milk teas we should order in order to maximize the profits. Possible Improvements: 1. Buy more milk tea 2. Better organization of shift assignments


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Scavenger Hunt Location: Lowell High School & nearby neighborhoods Time/Date: Estimated: Early October SBC has given permission for our club to hold a scavenger hunt around the school. The Scavenger Hunt will be free of charge, and the winning team will receive a cash prize of $50. The goal of the scavenger hunt is to attract attention with the cash prize in order to inform more people about Hepatitis B. In addition, within the scavenger hunt, we have incorporated various pieces of Hepatitis B information in hopes that people will be more willing to listen about Hepatitis B while they’re having fun. We expect a lot of participants due to the cash prize, so as a result of the scavenger hunt, more people will be more informed about Hep B.


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SF Chinatown New Year Parade San Francisco Chinatown, February 11-12 The Asian Liver Center participates every year in the annual San Francisco Chinatown New Year Parade. A stand is set up and people are to stand in line for their turn at spinning a wheel. Prizes include a bag, stress toy, Hep B Free wristband, and candy. While people wait for their turn, they are required to fill a quick survey testing their knowledge about Hepatitis B. Their surveys are reviewed then by the volunteers, and the volunteers explain to the answerers whether the they get each problem right or wrong. 8 people were involved during the event. 5 went on Saturday and 3 went on Sunday. Volunteers from MHS were present through the duration of the event. Quite a bit of money was raised through the “tips” box. All profit went directly to the ALC. Improvements for next time: 1. Make sure to bring adequate supply. We ran out of surveys on Sunday. 2. Better prizes. Candy was a “turn-off” for most people, and we had a lot of shirts remaining after the event. T-shirts would be an attractive prize in next year's parade.

Hep B Gala South San Francisco Convention Center, April 26, Formal gathering, including a silent auction, for specially invited guests. Important political figures such as Fiona Ma made her appearance at the Gala as well. The event was held to update everyone on recent advancements and achievements in Hepatitis B as well 15

Spring Semester Report 2012 16 as to fundraise for future awareness events. 10 people volunteered at the Gala as front desk coordinators and silent auction guides. The raffle and silent auctions were overall successes. Improvements for next time (2 or more improvements): 1. More exact instructions for location of the convention. Our group had trouble reaching the location (we were only given the address and the building was somewhat hidden). 2. Better raffle prizes (buyers were not particularly excited about the list of prizes).

Overall Summary and Reflection Both the SF Chinatown event and Hep B Free Gala were a major success. While a majority of the club participated in both, I feel that the Gala offered a better experience for all of our members because it provided an environment in which we were required to focus and cooperate. In addition, a few of the assembly members that worked under Fiona Ma offered our members positions in a summer internship. I look forward to more ALC-sponsored events next year. Bigger events are seemingly more attractive to our club members, so more would be enticed to follow. I also look forward to expanding MHS Team HBV's influence among the student body in the upcoming year. Although our chapter is still young (2 years), I believe that it has the potential to become one of the school's major clubs. I will focus on strengthening connections with other clubs (such as Key Club, Leos, and Interact) and seeking devoted underclassmen who will be able to lead the club after the upperclassmen graduate. --- Alec Tai


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Helping out at the Food Pantry Food Pantry in Milpitas, Time/Date: Dec. 22, 2011 There is a food pantry in Milpitas that provides canned food and non-perishable goods. Just a few weeks prior there was a drive to collect cans and food and all of it was packed into cardboard boxes. We had to sort through the boxes and find foods that could be put together: pasta with pasta, canned beans with beans, etc. Some of us also helped organize the shelves where the food was located. The event was one of our most successful community service events. All of the officers went and over half of the members went. We also went out to lunch afterwards, so it was a great bonding experience as well. We should come better prepared. It was definitely very cold that day and some of us were not dressed for the weather. We also weren’t quite prepared to be doing so much physical work. Next time it might be better to organize it on a day where there aren’t that many volunteers. That day around 10 other people from different organizations showed up and it became very crowded.

Health Fair Club meeting room, October 12, 2011 at lunch We educated our members about the virus Hepatitis B. Our members learned about the symptoms, the transmission methods, and the dangers of Hepatitis B. We also played many educational games regarding Hepatitis B. This event raised team unity, education, and awareness. It was successful, because most of our members participated and had fun. It would be better if we had more members to play and if they all participated.

Food sale Milpitas High School, Lunch time on March 6, 2012 Like the first food sale, we sold teriyaki chicken sticks. We had our own little table with a poster advertising what we were selling, and the price was $3.00 for a stick. We wrapped it in foil. The event was successful. We ordered more sticks this time and still managed to sell out pretty quickly. We could probably still order more. Even after buying 60, we still sold out.

Showing a DVD about Hepatitis B Club meeting room, Lunch time on May 9, 2012 We were sent a DVD from Stanford chapter which described Hepatitis B and its effects. We didn’t get to finish the DVD but we watched the part where a Chinese man was being interviewed about HBV. It was not very successful. Most people were not paying attention and were playing cards or talking amongst themselves. Next time, we would like to find a more interesting way to inform people about HBV. High school students watch enough informational


Spring Semester Report 2012 18 documentaries and are easily bored by it. We could probably do an interactive thing where we “teach” them about HBV, but find ways to make it interesting.

Volunteering at Fairgrounds for Vietnamese New Year Festival San Jose Fairgrounds, January 22, 2012 We volunteered at the Tet Festival for the Team HBV booth. We raised awareness about the dangers of Hepatitis B by giving out brochures with facts about Hepatitis B, as well as surveys to educate others. We also gave out prizes to everyone who participated, such as balloons, candy, or wristbands. Many of our members volunteered at the fairgrounds, so it was a success. For improvement: there were a couple of cancellations by volunteers, so announcing the event earlier may induce better planning by those who signed up.

Overall Summary and Reflection We met our goal of making more money. Since this was our first year as a club, we needed to start out with some money before we could do anything, and we made enough through food sales. We did not get any more new members, but we hope to come up with new ways to attract members next school year, including changing our club name. We didn’t have many events second semester, but the food sale was definitely very successful. I look forward to making our club a lot bigger next year. By the end of the school year this year, only officers attended meetings. We need to find something special that makes members want to come.


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Overall, we feel that we did pretty well, as we only started for about two months; yet, we got a significant amount of people to learn about Hepatitis B and sign the petition and such. We also participated in the “Goodbye Mark” Project and are planning more projects for the summer. Next year, as we will be more organized and have more time and resources, we hope to have even more events and members. We also plan to have more community-based events, as opposed to school-based. We also hope to reach out to more and more people in the local Fremont community and contribute to eradicating Hepatitis B!

Passed by Council Because our school has a long club founding process, we had to wait until April to present to council. During this time, we created a club constitution and filled out other paperwork, and garnered support among council member friends. After months of preparation, we finally presented during the first week of April and were able to get passed. But because of irregular STAR testing schedules and AP testing, we were unable to hold our first meeting until the end of May, which was very close to finals and the end of the school year.

First Meeting We got at least 40 people to come to our meeting, and about 30 signed up for our mailing list for volunteer opportunities! Although a lot came primarily for free pizza – our main incentive –we also managed to get a lot of petition signatures for the 2012 Hep B Campaign – probably about 30. During the meeting, we told students about volunteer opportunities and Hepatitis B – we definitely got people to learn new facts about Hepatitis B, through our meeting flyers and meeting presentation.

New Officers We interviewed applicants and chose people for the positions opened after the senior officers graduated. Currently, our executive board spans three grade levels – two incoming seniors, four incoming sophomores, and three incoming freshmen. We definitely hope to be able to get more people to join next year!

Goodbye Mark Project We posted posters around the local community and contacted three hospitals – Washington Hospital in Fremont, O’Connor Hospital in San Jose, and Fremont Kaiser Permanente. We hope that we contributed to the Goodbye Mark Project and spread more awareness about Hepatitis B!


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Plans for the Summer/Next Year: Because this year was our founding year, we were not able to have many events before the end of the year; however, we hope to spread more awareness and outreach next year. Currently, one of our ideas over the summer is to create an online pledge in which students at our high school will sign and pledge to tell people about Hepatitis B or search up a fact about Hepatitis B. We will be working on it over the summer, and we also hope to have members go to any volunteer opportunities offered by the Asian Liver Center or other organizations.


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Club Meeting MVHS, 1/30/12 12:30 PM This was a general meeting that we had at the beginning of the semester. We finished watching the video “Across Qinghai.” We also began to talk about a fundraising/awareness project that we could begin. No concrete decisions were made at this meeting. I feel that this meeting was successful. The other club members seemed very receptive. Approximately 18 members attended this meeting. The members seemed very excited to do an awareness project. I’m not sure if the excitement was because of the actual act of spreading knowledge, or because it is just something fun to do with the other members. I really would like to get my officers more involved in the club. I feel like I am the only one who had an officer position that actually cares about this. I also want to be able to get more member involvement. A lot of times at meetings, I feel that I am controlling everything and no one else has any ideas for input.

General club meeting/discussion MVHS, 4/2/12 12:30 PM At this meeting, I attempted to gain more ground on an awareness project. I was aiming for the end of the school year to get something planned, but it has not happened yet and we have not decided on what to do. Approximately 20 students came to this meeting. Again, many who were there seemed receptive to the message and were eager to help out to do an awareness project. We still don’t know what to do, however, and maybe need help brainstorming ideas. We were thinking somewhere along the lines of a freeze/flash mob such as the one in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POZd72g-1DI. I want to cover more ground at our next meetings. I feel that often we don’t have time to make any concrete decisions at general club meetings during lunchtime. I think that the members would be opposed to a meeting that was not at lunch, however. I still need to work on getting my officers more involved. It is really bothering me now. I think that next semester I will give them an option to either get more involved or not be an officer any more. 22

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I know they have good intentions, but just don’t put in the effort. Overall, I think this semester was not up to par. We only had two meetings, and that is most definitely my fault. I have been exceedingly busy and I know that isn’t an excuse, but I haven’t had the energy to plan meetings. This is where having a dedicated board of officers would come in hand. I did convince the yearbook to get us a page as a new club though. I was excited about that because it might be able to spread awareness and get new people involved in our club. Next semester, I definitely have to work on putting more effort into the club and getting my other members more involved too.


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Overall Summary and Reflection We started small this year with about 10 members and opened up to the Mountain View community about HBV, which is unknown to many. Raising awareness in school was important as we educated fellow classmates so at least people knew such a club existed. For a first year, it was successful with the outreach and we have an adequate sized club.

Relay For Life 2011/2012We outreached with brochures. We had ultimate frisbee planned, but it rained. Since we were brand new, we wanted to help our team members with communicating to the community the goal of Team HBV.

Homecoming Picnic We sold samosas for $1 each. We tried to raise awareness of our new club and also start fundraising for more outreach. We hope to sell some other foodstuff at back to school night or homecoming.

Kara's Walkathon Palo Alto We had a booth for Relay for Life and also brought along brochures and materials to outreach. The goal was to further raise awareness of HBV in new communities. We hope to garner more interest among the communities that we outreached at. We plan to do more fundraising next year and amass more members at our annual Club Arena. We did not do Club Arena this year as we weren’t prepared for the undertaking, but we do plan to try to have some underclassmen join as the officers becoming juniors and seniors.


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Team HBV T-Shirts in partnership with MIT's Collegiate Chapter! My Co-President Sonia Targ has a sister who is part of the MIT Collegiate Chapter of Team HBV, so she helped us design T-shirts and sweatshirts which happened to also be the Jade Ribbon Campaign gear that MIT members sold to their community. We sold many to our friends and other people in the Paly community, as well as a couple to Diana Ngo, who works at Stanford’s Asian Liver Center. We did this in order to make a bit of money for our club funds since we were running out. It was a pretty fun experience and there were over 10 colors to choose from, so distribution was a bit complicated but it was a great way for us to branch out. We also discovered that Tshirts are a great way to spread awareness of Hepatitis B and its effects since many people wore the shirts and other people could read them and learn about the disease.

Implementing Hepatitis B in AP Biology curriculum at Paly This year, I took AP biology at Paly, so my sister, who just graduated from MIT in June put together a virus article and a worksheet to go with it that I could suggest to the bio teachers. The assignment fit in perfectly with our class’s virus unit, so Mr. Olah put it on our class website for review purposes and for the students to gain a clearer and more in-depth understanding of viruses. I think that this was a really good idea because people have much greater knowledge of diseases such as Sickle Cell Anemia and AIDs, but not much about Hep B, because of varying level of discussion of such diseases in the classroom. Implementing the virus and Hep B assignments in the future would truly increase widespread awareness of the disease and more interest. We also participated in the Hep B Campaign Petition against Obama but we really just spread the word the Facebook for people to sign the petition but we didn't do anything radical with it. I think we got quite a number of signatures; we don't know the exact count because it was of course optional for people to sign it. 26

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First Meeting There were about 30 people at our first meeting, mostly because we had free pizza and I convinced all my friends to come. We discussed that we would be choosing people to be on an advisory board because we wanted people that were new to get involved with the club on a higher scale in order to keep the club going for next year. It was decided 3 people would be chosen and each person would be responsible for one thing. We listed the three objectives that we wanted to accomplish which were an Awareness Project, Fundraising Project, and Bonding Activity. We interviewed many people and finally chose a freshman, and 2 juniors to be on the board.

Awareness Project Because making an awareness project was really hard for the person it took a long time to find an idea that everyone liked. Originally we wanted to make a youtube video about HBV and try to post it on our announcements, but the logistics behind that were to hard so we scratched that idea. Eventually we decided to focus all of our efforts into the Goodbye Mark Campaign. I informed everyone of the project by visiting the website and suggesting to everyone to go visit some hospitals and see if they could get permission to interview people about their stories about HBV or see if they know anyone that has HBV. We successfully got the message across all the members but we did not execute the project properly, mainly because people kept forgetting. We shall continue making an effort to contribute to the Goodbye Mark Project next year.

Fundraising Project We decided to do a bake sale because we had already done a pearl milk tea fundraiser in the previous semester. We made cupcakes, brownie cookies, and various delicious looking truffles. We approximately made about $80 in total and we put all of that into our fund, which now totals about $400. Our goal is to reach $600 dollars next year and donate at least


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$300 to the Asian Liver Center at Stanford!

Last meeting/ Bonding Activity We wanted a great kick off for the seniors in our club so we decided to host a potluck at school during lunch. Everyone signed up to bring something in and we had a meeting/party with about 20 people in total. We also established who was going to be the new officers for next year and had a little speech written for each of our senior officers. I will be organizing an agenda with goals I want to accomplish for next year, and I will try to provide more opportunities for people to gain volunteer hours.


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