Team HBV Semester Report
Spring 2011
Table of Contents pages
I. Collegiate Chapter Highlights 3-7 II. Collegiate Chapter Semester Reports 8-25 Brown University 8-9 Cornell University 10-11 Harvard University 12-13 Stanford University 14-15 UC Berkeley 16-17 UC Davis 18-19 UCLA 20-21 University of Chicago 22-23 University of Pennsylvania 24-25
III. Executive and Advisory Board Contact Lists
IV. Special Thanks 30
Team HBV Collegiate Chapters, Asian Liver Center at Stanford University |
Collegiate Chapter
Intercollegiate Outreach Project 2010-2011 The Team HBV Intercollegiate Outreach Project (IOP) was piloted at the 2nd Annual Team HBV Collegiate Conference in Nov. 2010 by Recruitment & Training Adviser Jen Yang and Marketing & Media Adviser Derek Chen. The goal of the IOP is to think outside the box, work beyond individual communities, and brainstorm new ideas for future collaborative projects across all chapters. Project ideas are evaluated based on their impact, feasibility, funding costs, and originality. This year’s IOP pilot event was the annual Hepatitis B Awareness Week (HBAW) in Spring 2011 and a social media campaign beginning in Fall 2010. Previously, we wanted all chapters to host HBAW during the same week; however, this was not very practical considering every school had a different academic schedule. Above all else, we wanted every chapter to plan the best possible HBAW, so we allowed chapters to host their events any time during the period from mid-April to May, 2011. Components of the 2010-2011 IOP: * Social Media campaign using a viral video and Tumblr site, expanding use of Facebook promotions. * Each chapter host a 5-day series of outreach events. Their activities each day varied depending on chapter feasibility and funding. The Advisory Board provided a list of successful past events and ideas from the IOP conference presentations. * The intercollegiate aspect during each HBAW was Little People, Big Messages, also an IOP idea.
Viral Video
[] The purpose was to show the breadth of Team HBV chapters and our solidarity in converging on one intercollegiate event. It was meant to draw attention to the events happening at each chapter, and was not meant to be educational.
Tumblr Site
[] The Tumblr site was an ongoing platform where we streamed HBAW efforts across all chapters as they happened throughout April and May. Featured posts from each chapter included pictures, flyers, videos, memorable quotes, Little People, Big Messages (see below) and national news. For the first time, the Tumblr site also featured Team HBV High School Chapters that held their own Hep B Awareness Weeks and received proclamations from their local governments, as well as China’s Sunshine Volunteers (more information below).
Little People, Big Messages (LPBM) Little People, Big Messages was directly taken from an IOP presentation because it was low-cost and easily replicable. The idea is to create large posters of representatives from different Team HBV chapters wearing
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Intercollegiate Outreach Project 2011 (cont.) school paraphernalia and holding a poster containing a hepatitis B fact. The Advisory Board collected each chapter’s photo and distributed the collection to chapter e-boards to print on their own. Some chapters opted for smaller posters to save printing costs. Kate Xie, former Team HBV at Harvard board member, helped extend Little People, Big Messages to China’s Sunshine Volunteers in multiple institutions including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Minzu University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan University, and Zhejiang University.
LPBM posters from Team HBV Collegiate Chapters and Sunshine Volunteers. Clockwise from top left: Harvard, University of Pennsylvania, University of Washington, UC Berkeley. Left: Sushine Volunteers in China.
Hepatitis B Awareness Week (HBAW) Summary of local HBAW events at different Team HBV collegiate chapters. For more images, please visit TEAM HBV HIGH SCHOOL CHAPTERS
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Intercollegiate Outreach Project 2011 (cont.)
Evaluation To access our social media efforts, we used Google Analytics to track direct traffic to the Tumblr site from 4/18/11 to 5/29/11, the total time frame of all chapter HBAW’s, with the following summary results:
Intercollegiate Outreach Project 2011 (cont.) A post-HBAW survey was sent to all chapters to evaluate the first Team HBV IOP effort. Questions included the IOP activity at the conference (if applicable), planning process at the chapter-level, accessibility of social media platforms, accessibility of Advisory Board. Survey results reached the following consensus: 1) Chapter representatives wanted more time to work on presentations Solution: send out emails to delegates before the conference and upload complete schedule on the internal site 2) HBAW needs better intercollegiate presence Solution: continue use of Facebook, make new “like” pages, virtual get-togethers, use the IOP to develop a video concept at the collegiate conference, during which we can even create the film to show solidarity.
The Next Steps In preparation for IOP 2011-2012, we would like to address all the issues that arose during IOP 2010-2011. Some modifications include: 1) Film footages of chapter delegates at the conference to have preliminary clips for easier compilation later 2) Narrow the focus at the conference and direct groups to work one particular intercollegiate component that is feasible across all chapters and empower chapters to feel ownership over their ideas 3) Continue having the week-long events since it has been such a success at individual chapters this past year but emphasize long-term use of social media for publicity Our biggest goal for IOP 2011-2012 is expanding to bring national attention to our project, influence policy initiatives, and gain the attention of Washington. Given that Team HBV is still an undergraduate organization, our focus for the IOP continues to emphasize three main points: feasibility, target audience, and implementation. Specific plans for the next term include a two-pronged approach to target politicians at the national level and form local allies to strengthen individual chapter credibility: 1) Local: mobilize other organizations to participate in the IOP/Hep B Awareness Week in the Spring 2) Local: form allies in public health departments, medical schools, and student health clinics 3) Local: aim to host free screenings for at-risk students at campus clinics 4) National: create an “honor roll” of professional supporters 5) National: continually improve internal communication 6) National: target Washington politicians, including President Obama
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Event Descriptions 02/13/11 Brown University – Andrews Dining Hall
Spring Rolls and Scallion Pancakes Fundraiser
04/13/11 Cranston East High School
English Language Learners Parents Night
Hep B Awareness Week
04/20/11 Brown University Hep B Awareness Week
04/20/11 Brown University Hep B Awareness Week 04/23/11 Brown University Hep B Awareness Week
Team HBV at Brown held a successful fundraising event on East Campus. We sold spring rolls and scallion pancakes and the proceeds went towards establishing a vaccination and screening event. In addition, we talked to customers about HBV awareness and gave them Team HBV information brochures.
Team HBV at Brown set up an information booth during the English Language Learners Parents Night at Cranston East High School. We talked to parents about the importance of HBV screening and vaccination. Reached: Parents in the Providence community and Cranston East High School
Dr. Lynn Taylor Speaks about HBV Awareness Dr. Lynn Taylor of the Warren Alpert Medical School and Miriam Hospital spoke to students of the Brown community about her work with HBV. Dr. Taylor established, “Make it HAPPEN in Rhode Island: Hepatitis Awareness, Prevention, Policy and Education Network,” which provides sites for hepatitis screening, vaccination, and counseling. She shared with us her knowledge of working with patients with HBV and also gave us a presentation on the clinical details of the disease. The event was well attended by not only students, but also researchers from the Liver Research Center of the Rhode Island Hospital. Reached: Brown University student and faculty.
Wear Green Day
Students who wore green during HBV Awareness Week received free brownies with toothpicks that had facts related to HBV. Students also received brochures. Reached: Brown University students
Asian Finger Foods Fundraiser
Since our fundraiser earlier in the year was successful, Team HBV at Brown held another fundraising event. This time we sold Asian finger foods and the proceeds also went towards establishing a vaccination and screening event in the future. Reached: Brown University students and faculty
Reflections During the spring semester, Team HBV at Brown made its presence known on campus by increasing the number of activities and events we created. By having two successful fundraisers, we were able to obtain support for our upcoming initiative to bring free HBV vaccinations and screenings to the Providence community. By targeting distinct sections of the campus, we were able raise funds in an efficient and effective manner. We also gave the student community an opportunity to discuss the HBV epidemic with an expert in the field, Dr. Lynn Taylor, who spoke about her experiences working with patients affected by HBV. Moreover, we shared our message with parents of the Providence community at a high school parent’s night. In the future, we will continue our efforts in expanding our role as a service group on campus and place a greater emphasis in community outreach.
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Event Descriptions 03/12/11 Cornell University Duffield Hall
Asia Night 2011
04/09/11 Cornell University, Noyes Community Recreation Center Gym
Dodgeball Tournament
04/17/11 Cornell University, Anabel Taylor Hall
Illuminations Showcase
05/02/11 – 05/06/11 Cornell University
Hepatitis B Awareness Week
Hep B Awareness Week
For Hepatitis B Awareness Week this year, we put together a display on the Arts Quad with hepatitis B facts and green ribbon. We also promoted awareness through a Hep B Freeze, ribbon and bookmark, and ninja tattoo giveaways.
Asia Night is a collaborative event among the Asian interest groups on campus. In collaboration with Asian and Asian America Forum (AAAF) and Asian Pacific Americans for Action (APAA), Team HBV at Cornell hosted a booth which featured a canvas with the words “IT TAKES HEART”. Attendees of the event were asked to complete the phrase on the canvas. We also promoted hepatitis B awareness by giving out honeydew melon balls with hep B facts.
The Dodgeball Tournament was an educational and fundraiser event. We used a short hepatitis B quiz as a tie-breaker during the game to promote Hepatitis B Awareness.
Illuminations is a Chinese cultural dance troupe on campus. Team HBV at Cornell collaborated with Illuminations to incorporate hepatitis B Awareness into this year’s showcase, titled Reflections. A hepatitis B related video was shown at the beginning of the showcase, followed by green themed dances.
Reflections Our chapter has continued to collaborate with different organizations on campus to promote hepatitis B awareness. Next semester, we hope to plan bigger events on campus that will reach out to not only students and faculty but to local residents and health professionals in the community. We also hope to establish more relations with the community, such as the Ithaca Free Clinic, Cayuga Medical Center and the Cancer Resource Center.
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Event Descriptions 3/19 Malden community health fair
Community Outreach Initiative
6/26 Chinatown Mainstreet Festival
Collaborated at the Malden Community Health Fair with Harvard Medical School students. Collaborated with Hepatitis B Initiative of Boston for Chinatown Mainstreet Festival.
10/31-11/24 Harvard Campus (Citizenship), Boston Chinatown (AACA), Boston South End (LGR)
Health Education Initiative
4/25-4/29 Harvard Campus
Hepatitis B Awareness Week at Harvard
Hep B Awareness Week
4/23 Cambridge, MA
Tabling at community festivals since the fall semester: Malden health fair and Chinatown Mainstreet Festival. Distributed pamphlets and talked to members of Asian communities about hepatitis B while giving out Jade Warrior tattoos and jade balloons or balloon animals to children. Reached out to ~200 community members.
Presented education curriculum on hepatitis B prevalence, risks, severity, prevention, etc. using visuals on posters, or hosted table outside classrooms with those posters displayed; distributed educational flyers and brochures. Venues: (1) Harvard Chinatown Citizenship Classes, (2) ESL classes at the American Asian Civic Association (AACA), (3) Let’s Get Ready (LGR) inner city tutoring program. Reached: over 300 immigrants and students. Documented survey data showing improvements in hepatitis B understanding post-education.
* Little People Big Messages posters were displayed in front of the Science Center for the week. Reached out to over 200 people who answered our survey regarding the display. * Dinner discussion with hepatologist Dr. Lau was attended by nearly 20 students. Co-sponsored by Harvard Premedical Society * End of the year Team HBV volunteer appreciation study break was well received and boosted morale for the coming year. * Online campaign was maintained through daily emails on various healthoriented email lists regarding the week’s events. Emails also shared “daily facts” and informative videos about hepatitis B.
For the first time, Team HBV at Harvard was an official co-sponsor with the Hepatitis B Initiative-Boston to organize the 2011 LIVERight Run/Walk to raise awareness for breast cancer. Over 50 people ran this event despite the rain, including a group representing Harvard/Team HBV
Screening Initiatives
Team HBV at Harvard is meeting with Quest Diagnostics to discuss the specifics of the donation agreement which currently connotes the intention to target only AsianAmerican populations. We are working on obtaining IRB approval to analyze survey data from Liver Health Program Screenings, and working with Harvard University Health Services (HUHS) to launch a campus screening initiative in the fall. Doctors seem very supportive from our first meeting with the Director of HUHS, Dr. David Rosenthal and colleagues.
Reflections This past spring, Team HBV at Harvard reinvigorated its community education program while expanding its presence on campus. In an effort to improve membership and participation in Team HBV at Harvard events, we reemphasized our education program at Harvard Chinatown Citizenship classes, ESL classes and after school programs for minority students. We recruited over 30 volunteers, many of whom are now trained to present hepatitis B education in more than one language. These volunteer continue to help with tabling at local community events, and we hope they will reaffirm their membership in the fall. On campus, Team HBV at Harvard hosted its first Hepatitis B Awareness Week in April, organizing a variety of events including a campus center display and an intimate dinner discussion with a local leading hepatologist. This summer, we hope to polish the details on a new campus hepatitis B screening initiative Team HBV will launch in fall 2011 with the support of Harvard University Health Services, and celebrate World Hepatitis Day in Cambridge and Boston.
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Event Descriptions 1/22/2011 Listen to the Silence Conference 2011 Stanford University, Cubberly Building
“Listen to the Silence” (also known as LTS) is an annual Asian American issues conference organized by the Asian American Students’ Association (AASA) at Stanford University. This year, Team HBV participated by tabling an information booth, where its members worked hard to educate this year’s participants about hepatitis B awareness. After tabling, members of Team HBV attended a workshop we co-hosted with the Stanford Asian American Graduate Students’ Association (AAGSA) featuring Assemblywoman and Honorary Chair of the San Francisco Hep B Free Campaign, Fiona Ma. She spoke of her experiences in the California State Assembly and how students can play important roles in public service. And to show her support, Fiona Ma sported this year’s Stanford Team HBV shirt during her talk! Targeted Stanford students (undergraduates and graduates), college students from other Bay Area schools, and high school students from surrounding schools.
2/1/2011-3/1/2011 Stanford University
SIP: Screenings Initiative Program
The SIP project was to raise awareness about the free hepatitis B screening available to all at-risk Stanford students, and to facilitate the action step of actually taking the online risk assessment and making a screening appointment. SIP ran for the course of a month and was advertised through email list serves, announcements at on-campus events and meetings, and our website. 1 in 10 participants received a $25 gift card, which encouraged students to tell their friends about the program without hurting their own chances. The online SIP entry form also included an educational component and required the student to send in a screenshot of the completed online risk assessment form (which did not show any personal information). Ultimately we had 51 students take the online screening and at least 17 students actually get screened.
5/2/2011 – 5/5/2011 Hepatitis B Awareness Week at Stanford Stanford University Stanford’s 2nd Annual HBAW focused on raising awareness within the general Hep B Awareness Week
student body population about hepatitis B and the free screening offered oncampus. We wanted to inspire students to talk about hepatitis B and bring the health disparity into the general campus discourse. Our HBAW events included a HepB-Swag giveaway day, where we handed out sunglasses that said “HepB Hero” along with short hepB informational fliers, tabling at Stanford’s annual Wellness Fair, hosting a lecture by Dr. So on hepatitis B, giving out jade-frosted cookies and educational fliers in dining halls, and ballooning bikes (with informational postcards attached) across campus. Partners and co-sponsors of Stanford’s HBAW included Vaden Student Health Center, Stanford Premedical Association, the Associated Students of Stanford University, Black Student Union, and Pacific Free Clinic.
5/14/2011 Relay for Life Stanford University Track Team HBV hosted an educational table at Stanford’s Relay for Life event,
distributing information about Stanford’s screening program, providing oneon-one health education about hepatitis B and liver cancer, and distributing Jade Ribbon Campaign accessories like tattoos, bracelets and our “HepB Hero” sunglasses. We were able to educate many individuals already passionate about cancer prevention, and received many pledges to share brochures and information with friends and family. The target audience was Relay for Life participants, which spanned from local high school students to Stanford students and staff to community members.
Our chapter definitely met our goals for these past two quarters. We organized and hosted over 3 events per quarter, which is a very high frequency and definitely helped to improve recognition of Team HBV and increased education about hepatitis B. We were definitely encountering many students who already had a working knowledge of hepatitis B from previous events, which was very satisfying and showed that our educational efforts are being effective. We also had strong group bonding, with high participation in all events, and with all members playing critical roles in organizing at least one (but generally multiple) event. We are confident that the group will continue to excel in the next year with our new leadership team.
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Event Descriptions 2/24/11 Cal Health Coalition Film Festival UC Berkeley Campus
Members from Team HBV collaborated and made a parody music video about hepatitis B and liver cancer. The video was later showed at a film festival to other students interested in health. Target Audience: Pre-health students Notable Partner: Cal Health Coalition
3/28/11 UC Berkeley Campus, Unit 2 APR
APATH Informational Presentation
4/18/11 UC Berkeley Campus, Sather Gate
Flashmob Freeze
Hep B Awareness Week
4/19/11 UC Berkeley Campus Hep B Awareness Week
4/20/11 UC Berkeley Dining Commons Hep B Awareness Week 4/21/11 UC Berkeley Campus, Upper Sproul Hep B Awareness Week
Members from Team HBV conducted an informational presentation for students of the Asian Pacific American Themed Housing. The presentation utilized power point as well as interactive questions, with jade bracelets given out as prizes for participants. Target Audience: Students in the dorms Notable Partner: Asian Pacific American Themed Housing Approximately 25 members from Team HBV and the Jade Ribbon Campaign Decal participated in a flashmob to kick off HBAW. At 12:05pm, the participants froze for 5 minutes in various poses, wearing green Team HBV T-shirts. Participants also held signs featuring various hepatitis B facts to grab the attention of people walking by. Target Audience: Students and faculty on campus
Balloons Across Campus
Team HBV members blanketed the campus with over 400 jade colored balloons. The balloons were filled with helium the evening before, and were placed on campus in the early morning. Index card sized fact sheets were attached to the balloon strings. Target Audience: Students and faculty on campus
Dining Common Outreach
Team HBV worked with Cal Dining to display fact cards on every table in the four dining commons around the campus. The dining commons also allowed members to table at the dining commons during dinner service. Target Audience: Students in the dorms Notable Partner: Cal Dining
Jade Ribbons and Fact Flowers
Team HBV members passed out 200 white carnations that had hepatitis B facts tied to the stems. Members also passed out jade ribbons for students to pin to their clothes or backpacks. Target Audience: Students and faculty on campus.
Reflections This past spring, Team HBV at UC Berkeley focused on creating unity among the members and officers, as well as executing a successful HBAW. With an increased emphasis on bonding and socials, we were able to foster a sense of camaraderie within the club that made working together on projects and events extremely enjoyable. Preparing for HBAW as a club was especially rewarding. Due to concentrated efforts towards HBAW, we were unable to plan for as many events during the early part of the semester as we would have liked. The actual week of HBAW was tiring, but successful. Even though we were unable to pull off a large benefit concert that we had previously hoped to execute, we were able to accomplish the rest of our planned events effectively. There was a lot of turnover with the executive board after this semester’s elections, featuring new co-presidents along with a bevy of young officers. This new executive board will provide fresh ideas and enthusiasm that will help build Team HBV at UC Berkeley into an effective outreach force.
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Event Descriptions 04/18/11 Asian Pacific Culture Week UC Davis Memorial Union The purpose of the Asian Pacific Culture Week was to celebrate the Asian and
Pacific cultures. In this event, Team HBV at UC Davis provided information about hepatitis B and its impact on the Asian and Pacific Islander population. In addition, we hosted a plushie night at our table, in which we provide attendees the materials to make a plushie. This event was also used as a promotion for the Hepatitis B Awareness Week where a plushie workshop would be one of the events. Target audience: Students Notable student group or community partner(s): The Asian Pacific Culture Week Committee
5/3/11 Spring Health Fair UC Davis Memorial Union The Spring Health Fair is an annual event in which various health organizations Quad on campus reach out to the student population. In this event, we had a poster board presenting information about hepatitis B. We also answered questions about hepatitis B and promoted the Hepatitis B Awareness Week. Target audience: Students Notable student group or community partner(s): Sigma Delta Mu, Delta Epsilon Mu, Kappa Gamma Delta
5/2/11 - 5/4/11 HBAW Tabling UC Davis Memorial Union Team HBV at UC Davis started out the Hepatitis B Awareness Week with tabling. Hep B Awareness Week
5/4/11 - 5/5/11 UC Davis Wellman 115 Hep B Awareness Week
In this event, we talked to students and/or faculties about the hepatitis B virus, how it affects us, and how it leads to liver cirrhosis and liver cancer, and then ask them to pledge to be “hepatitis B free� and to tell their friends and family about the virus. In addition, we promoted other events for the Hepatitis B Awareness Week. Target audience: Students, Faculty Notable student group or community partner(s): MAPS (Minority Association of Pre-Med Students), CAC (Colleges Against Cancer)
Plushie Workshop and Movie Night
The Plushie Workshop and the Movie Night were one of the events for the Hepatitis B Awareness Week. In the Plushie Workshop, we provided materials for attendees to make a hepatitis B plushie of their own. While in the Movie Night, we had a free screening of the live action version of the movie Mulan. Before the events, we gave a short presentation about the hepatitis B virus. Target audience: Students
5/12/11 UC Davis Olsen 6
Hepatitis B Presentation
For the Hepatitis B Presentation, we attended the meeting for another campus organization called JASS (Japanese American Student Society) and gave a short powerpoint presentation about Hepatitis B. We also passed out jade ribbons to the members of JASS to spread awareness about Hepatitis B. Target audience: JASS Members Notable student group or community partner(s): JASS (Japanese American Student Society)
Reflections This quarter, we spent most of our time on planning and preparing for the Hepatitis B Awareness week. We wanted to plan events that were within our budget, and we also contacted some other campus organizations asking for their help and collaboration. During club meetings and our own time, we made poster boards, ribbons, goody bags, prepared fabrics and materials for plushies, and other things that would be used for tabling and for the other upcoming events. For the most part, we felt that the first annual Hepatitis B Awareness Week turned out better than we thought. For tabling, we’ve collected over a hundred signatures with the help of MAPS and CAC. There was also a good number of people who showed up for the plushie workshop. Unfortunately for the movie night, there weren’t as many people as we thought. It seems that most people were expecting the Disney version of Mulan instead. Some improvements for the Hepatitis B Awareness Week can be more creative ideas for events. In addition, we tried to contact other student organizations about giving a short presentation about hepatitis B. The purpose of this was to spread awareness, educate, as well as recruitment. Unfortunately, many clubs did not respond to our emails. This might be because some clubs don’t know about us, and therefore are hesitant. A goal for the next school year will be to reach out to the student population more and promote the club.
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Event Descriptions 1/22/11 Temple Intermediate School, San Gabriel, CA
Project WILD Collaboration
2/28/11 UCLA Campus, Court of Sciences
Team HBV Boba Sale
5/20/11 UCLA Campus, Bruin Plaza
Bruin Plaza
Hep B Awareness Week
5/22/11 UCLA Campus, De Neve Auditorium Hep B Awareness Week
We held the annual HBV education session for students from Project WILD, a community service club dedicated to tutoring students in San Gabriel. We used series of interactive activities, including posters and games, to teach and quiz their knowledge. Jade ribbons were used as incentives and Know HBV brochures were distributed.
We sold Volcano milk tea with boba on the UCLA campus in order to raise funds for future campus and community outreach events. While selling boba, members also educated students about hepatitis B, passed out Know HBV brochures with the boba, and recruited new members.
The HBAW Mini-fest event was a combination of hepatitis B awareness and education and a dim sum sale to raise money. We encouraged passers-by to sign a jade balloon to tie to a hep B plushie to help “eradicate the virus.” We also passed out “eradicate me” buttons and flyers to advertise for our B Hep Free Concert that closed our HBAW events. Notable partner(s): APA Health CARE
Hepatitis B Awareness Week Concert
As the culminating event for Hepatitis B Awareness Week, we held a free awareness/ education concert featuring two guest speakers, KABA Modern, and a variety of student performance groups. Raffle prizes and free dim sum, the latter provided by UCLA, were used to attract a larger audience. Finally, we conducted before and after surveys to gauge what the audience already knew and how much they had learned. Notable partner(s): ACA Lion Dance, Medleys, Team Ferosha, Random Voices, Kaba Modern
5/22/11 VCH Health Fair Acacia Adult Day Services This health fair was a collaboration with the Vietnamese for Community Health
student organization at UCLA. We provided hepatitis B education to the Vietnamese community in Westminster and also encouraged them to get screened for hepatitis B and hepatitis C. Many of the clients that we saw were getting screened for other health screenings such as glucose, cholesterol, and blood pressure so it was an ideal time to talk to them about hepatitis B while they are thinking about their health. Notable partner(s): Vietnamese for Community Health
5/8/11: Los Feliz United Asian Pacific Liver Center HBV Screenings Methodist Church in LA Team HBV at UCLA works very closely with the Asian Pacific Liver Center in Los 5/12/11: Hep B Workshop at KHEIR 5/15/11: Buddha’s Birthday APLC Screening
Angeles to provide free hepatitis B screenings to the community. In the past 3-4 years, the APLC has screened over 13,000 people in the Los Angeles Community. Team HBV members assist at the hepatitis B screenings by encouraging clients to get screened, inputting client data, and helping the phlebotomists. Target audience: At-risk populations in Los Angeles Notable Partner(s): APA Health CARE and the Asian Pacific Liver Center
5/21/11: APHC Chinatown Health Fair
Reflections UCLA met its chapter goals in Spring 2011 by participating in more community outreach as well as holding more events on campus to raise awareness among college students. The HBAW concert that we held turned out to be successful for its pilot year and will continue to be an annual program. The collaboration with the Asian Pacific Liver Center is gaining momentum and we expect our members to play an even larger role in that organization by assisting in the following-up process with the clients. We also achieved our goal of spreading our name more at UCLA and solidifying our current and upcoming projects.
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Event Descriptions 2/23/11 Mid-Year RSO Fair UChicago, Hutchinson Commons
Tabled at the RSO fair with brochures and candy, explaining to students what we do and why they should be involved and encouraged them to sign up for the listhost. Target audience: UChicago students
4/5/11 UChicago, Kent Hall
Team HBV Info/Recruitment Session
4/21/11 UChicago, McCormick Lounge
Cupcake Wars
5/4/11 UChicago, Harper Memorial Library
Health Educator Workshop
5/14/11 Chicago, Vietnamese Assocation of Illinois
Hepatitis B Screening
5/21/11 Chicago
ABC Documentary
Gave first general info presentation about hepatitis B and served dinner. Also recruited for board members, health educators, and volunteers. Target audience : UChicago students
Baked 36 Death by Oreo cupcakes in a taste contest between Team HBV, Mission for Vision, Students Against Aids, and Women in Science. Exposed more students to Team HBV. Target audience : UChicago students
Gave our health educators and new board members a more detailed presentation on hepatitis B statitistics, transmittion, screening/vaccination, and treatment. Then played a hep B jeopardy game. Target audience : Team HBV members
Helped screen about 50 Vietnamese and Chinese community members for hepatitis B. Target audience : Community members Notable student group or community group partners: Asian and Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA), Vietnamese Association of Illinois (VAI), Asian Health Coalition (AHC), Dr. Karen Kim (adviser)
ABC 7 Chicago aired its documentary for Asian Heritage Month, called Asian Influences. The health segment included interviews with Team HBV president, Meng Wu, and Team HBV adviser, Dr. Karen E. Kim. View the video - Target audience: Chicago residents Notable student group or community group partners: Asian and Pacific American Medical Student Association (APAMSA), Asian Health Coalition (AHC), Dr. Karen Kim (adviser), ABC Chicago
Reflections As our first half year as an established Team HBV chapter, we feel that we managed to accomplish a great deal. Through the help of our adviser, Dr. Karen E. Kim, we’ve established strong ties with the community and will have even more opportunities to engage with Chicago community members in the following school year. Having attained school funding for next year, we will also be in a better position to hold events on campus in order to increase our campus visibility, which can be improved. Finally, we hope to make progress in our talks for UChicago to give free hepatitis B screenings for high-risk members, which went forward in April but were halted due to a change in staff.
SPRING 2011 | 23
Event Descriptions 02/12/2011 Inn at Penn
Jade Ribbon Fashion Show
04/25/11-04/29/11 Locust Walk
Hep B Awareness Week
Hep B Awareness Week
04/26/2011 Hutchinson Gym
We held a charity fashion show at one of the fanciest hotels near campus. We raised approximately $1000 for Hep B through the admission and charity auctions. We gave out HBV Plushies for those who answered HBV trivia questions correctly. There was also Daily Pennsylvanian coverage on our event, and over 200 people in attendance. Target audience: Students on campus, local Philadelphians, faculty members, community Hep B volunteers, Drexel HBV Notable student group or community group partners: Hep B Free Philly, Strictly Funk, Off the Beat, Excelano Project, Penn Dance
Day 1 – Chalked the campus, walk, dorms and made a large banner out of sheets. We made it onto our school’s website when a reporter noticed our chalking on the ground. Day 2 – Basketball tournament was tagged on as part of the awareness week. Details below. Day 3 – Balloon Arch on the walk, did a freeze on the Compass which is the area of campus with the most traffic. We videotaped the freeze, as everyone held up signs about HBV facts and students stopped to look at the signs as they were going to class. Day 4 – Put out Team HBV cutouts, tied jade ribbons on trees across campus. Target audience: Students/faculty members on campus
3 vs 3 Basketball Tournament
Raised $200 through our annual 3 vs 3 basketball tournament. We had a 9 team bracket (with 2 girls teams) and received donations from Phoenix Salon & Spa, as well as restaurants around Philadelphia to give away gift certificates as prizes. The JV Basketball team of 3 ended up winning the tournament, but there were consolation prizes for 2nd and 3rd place teams as well.
Reflections Our chapter has accomplished major events this semester with the amount of awareness we got for HBAW and for the Fashion Show. In terms of chapter goals for awareness both on campus and off campus, Team HBV at UPenn did a great job achieving increased awareness in comparison to last year. Furthermore, we are extremely happy with our partnership and collaboration with Hep B free Philly and Drexel Med Students. They have helped tremendously in terms of support and helping us to publicize our events. One major challenge we foresee going into next year is establishing a membership base, because it was difficult executing these events with just our board of 6 or so people. We need to have a strong membership so there are more hands to help us achieve bigger and better events in the future.
SPRING 2011 | 25
Contacts Executive Boards Brown
President Chelsea Xu Vice President Cherilyn Tran VP of Campus Outreach Jennie Yoo VP of Community Outreach Sean Maroongroge Fundraising Chair Tram Bui VP of Administration Connie Trieu VP of Finance Jessica Fang and Julio Ma
President Susan Li VP of Campus Outreach Yufei Chen VP of Community Outreach Alex Yang VP of Recruitment & Training Margaret Xu VP of Administration Michael Shu VP of Finance Catherine Ma
President Petty Chen VP of Campus Outreach Sharon Mei VP of Community Outreach Brooke Luo Mimi Mao VP of Recruitment & Training Cal Sowa VP of Administration Josh Choi VP of Finance Jing Zhang
President Annette Kiviat VP of Campus Outreach TrungThanh Bui Tony Tran VP of Community Outreach Shaker Dukkipati VP of Recruitment & Training Bixi Fu VP of Administration Peter Frolio Claire Lin
President Jenny X. Chen VP of Campus Outreach Carol Tran VP of Community Outreach Hurnan Vongsachang Christine Choi VP of Admin&Finance David Yang Active Board Emeritus Francis Deng Ada Lio Janie Yue Zhang
President Sylvia Peterson-Perry VP of Campus Outreach Mai Nguyen Chris Paiji VP of Community Outreach Khanh Le VP of Recruitment & Training Dylan Kim VP of Undergrad. Programming Catherine Nguyen Grace Huh VP of Finance Pauline Santos
UC Berkeley Co-President Tiffany Chia Co-President Greg Lam Co-VP of Campus Outreach Ellen Ong Co-VP of Campus Outraech Gerry Zhang Co-VP of Community Outreach Esther Moon Co-VP of Community Outreach Janice Oh VP of Recruitment & Training Janice Koh VP of Administration Erica Chan VP of Finance Edward Tanudjaja VP of Tech Ino Chang
UC Davis
President Weeney Chan VP of Campus Outreach Annie Dinh VP of Community Outreach Vann Luong VP of Administration Kristine Taing VP of Finance Michelle Huang
President Andy Tien VP of Campus Outreach Sam Kim VP of Community Outreach Alina Wong VP of Recruitment & Training Michelle Chen VP of Administration Alana Taniguchi VP of Finance Minh-Vu Nguyen SPRING 2011 | 27
President Jessica Luu VP of Recruitment & Training Andrew Yeung
University of Chicago
President Meng Wu VP of Campus Outreach Jessica Ng VP of Community Outreach Grace Park VP of Recruitment & Training Amisha Gandhi VP of Administration Yilan Chen VP of Finance Fengping Gan VP of Publicity Emily Chen Webmaster Claire Quang
University of Pennsylvania President Cindy Ju VP of Campus Outreach Elizabeth Chen VP of Community Outreach Patrice Lin VP of Recruitment & Training Matt Ku VP of Administration Tiffany Yau VP of Finance James Hwang
University of Washington President Connie Chon VP of Campus Outreach Tammy Lee Charlene Long VP of Community Outreach Gabrielle Paras Lenssa Nemomssa VP of Recruitment & Training Teodora Secasiu Yuri Mun VP of Administration Julie Yang VP of Finance Nikki Armstrong
Advisory Board
Name Email
Chair Amanda Wong 408.966.9463 mandy4k Co-Chair Francis Deng 703.509.6157 chronicidal ALC liaison Melissa Aphayrath 602.315.4327 melmelaphay Outreach Adviser Jennifer Yang 858.357.7285 shihandai1 Recruitment & Training Adviser Phillip So 650.804.0560 sobropso Web & Media Adviser Jonathan Chen 858.633.8431 jjxumo ALC’s Outreach Coordinator Diana Ngo 650.566.8860 paxdia
SPRING 2011 | 29
Special Thanks The Asian Liver Center at Stanford University
... And all its wonderful staff and interns for continuing to support our collegiate chapters throughout the years with educational materials and outreach kits, with invaluable advices and examples, and for helping to plan the 2nd annual conference.
The Advisory Board
... For doing such a fantastic job of mentoring and encouraging every chapter executive boards, for creating Team HBV website and internal site, and among countless other responsibilities, including helping to plan the second annual conference.
The Ping and Amy Chao Foundation
... For helping to sponsor the 2009 Inaugural Team HBV Collegiate Chapter Conference, enabling us to share our experiences nationally and internationally, and for the $2000 Thanksgiving Points Challenge award, which has helped unify our chapters and made further educational outreach efforts this semester possible.