Team HBV Fall 2012 Semester Report
Table of Contents Pages
I. New Collegiate Chapters 3 II. Collegiate Chapter Semester Reports 4-25 Brown University 4-5 Cornell University 6-7 Harvard University 8-9 MIT 10-11 San Jose State University 12 Stanford University 13-14 University of Nevada, Las Vegas 15-16 UC Berkeley 17-18 University of Chicago 19-20 UCLA 21-23 University of Washington 24-25 III. Executive and Advisory Board Contact Lists 26-28 IV. Special Thanks 29
Team HBV Collegiate Chapters, Asian Liver Center at Stanford University |
2 | Team HBV Semester Report
New Collegiate Chapters Introducing:
3/03/13 UC Riverside
Hsi Lai Temple Health Fair
3/10/13 UC Riverside
Vietnamese Alliance Church
Future Initiatives:
- Carry out Hepatitis B Awareness Week on UC Riverside campus - Begin a high school visitation program in which Team HBV members travel to high schools in the local, densely populated API communities to promote HBV awareness to high school students
2/17/13 Central Piedmont Community College of Charlotte NC
Vietnamese New Years Initiative
Describe the event Presented a poster at the Vietnamese new years festival. Handed out fliers and lucky money envelopes filled with random facts about Hep B and vaccinations. Informed the community of the prevalence of Hep B in the Asian community. Target audience: Vietnamese community of Charlotte Notable student group or community partner(s): SNPhA
Future Initiatives:
- Raise a proposal to incorporate a Jade Ribbon and Team HBV chair at every Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) chapter across the nation at the yearly SNPhA regional meeting.
Fall 2012 | 3
Event Descriptions 9/21/2012 Brown University Campus
BTS Nightmarket
11/4/2012 Chinese Church, Providence
CCCRI Outreach Event with APAMSA
At one of our school’s annual food and entertainment fundraising events for student groups, we sold almond jelly and provided information about Hepatitis B. The high attendance at the event coupled with the tastiness of our food item made the sale a success in raising awareness and money for our group.
We joined our friends at Alpert Warren Medical School’s branch of APAMSA at an outreach they did at the local Chinese church. While the medical students performed glaucoma and blood sugar screenings, our group had a table to provide information about hepatitis B. Community Partner: APAMSA
Summary and Reflection
This semester our chapter focused strongly on redirecting the focus of our group, given that many of our members graduated last year. We began reaching out to several other organizations and doctors in Rhode Island dedicated to refugee health to see where we could be of service. Ultimately, it was our connections with the medical school that provided us another outlet for our initiative. The APAMSA group was able to establish funding for a Hepatitis B screening and vaccination program, so we will be working alongside them to provide the education, outreach, and promotional materials to make it a reality. We have continued to develop relationships with doctors to provide shadowing opportunities for group members and are excited for a busy Spring semester and HBAW!
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Fall 2012 | 5
Event Descriptions 9/21/12 Cornell University Arts Quad
Mid-Autumn Festival
Since all of the different Asian cultures celebrate a version of an autumn festival, all the Asian-oriented cultural clubs at Cornell jointly hosts a Mid-Autumn Festival during Welcome Back Weekend. Team HBV hosted a booth at this event, testing the students’ knowledge about hepatitis B with a fun game and giving away candy or glow sticks as prizes. Reached: Cornell students and visiting alumni Community Partner: CAPSU (Cornell Asian Pacific Student Union)
11/02/12 Cornell University RPCC
Mahjong Night
3/20/10 Downtown, Ithaca NY
Tibetan Community Gathering
10/20/12 Cornell University Goldwin Smith Hall
Arline Loh: Speaker Event
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Team HBV at Cornell hosted a Mahjong Tournament, while providing free playing tables for those that wish to learn the game of Mahjong. We educated the students about Hepatitis B using pamphlets and custom playing boards with Hepatitis B facts.
In a renewed effort to reach out to the Ithacan community, we were able to make contact with a cohesive Tibetan community that lived in Ithaca. We were invited to attend one of their monthly dinner gatherings, and we arrived to give a presentation about Hepatitis B, and to urge those present to get tested for Hepatitis B if they did not get the vaccination as a child. After the presentation, we ate and interacted with those interested in learning more about HBV. Community Partner: Ithaca Tibetan Community
Team HBV at Cornell was able to invite Arline Loh, a long-time Hepatitis B patient advocate at Weill Cornell Medical Center to come to Cornell and give a presentation about the advocacy work she has done in New York City to promote HBV testing and treatment. Through Arline, we were also able to invite two Columbia medical students, both members of Project H+EAL, to give a webinar about the successful HBV outreach they had conducted in New York City high schools. Community Partner: Arline Loh and Project H+EAL students
Summary and Reflection
After undergoing a huge executive board turnover and recruitment cycle, Team HBV at Cornell entered this semester with an almost entirely new executive board. That did not hinder us, however, as we had the drive to improve our impact on the Cornell and Ithacan communities. Our fall semester was filled with new ventures into health and community outreach, as we searched for Asian community structures in the town of Ithaca, and invited our first speaker to Cornell to engage the students. Though some of the results left something to be desired, we as a club have realized our potential to break out of the mould that we had been rehashing in the previous years, and to strike out to forge stronger connections with the local community. In the coming spring semester, we hope to establish a partnership with a local Chinese Sunday school to work closer with the Ithacan community.
Fall 2012 | 7
Event Descriptions 7/28/12 Boston Commons
World Hepatitis Day
Working closely with Quest Diagnostics and Team HBV at MIT, we mobilized more than 90 participants to perform the “See no evil. Hear no evil. Speak no evil.” at the heart of Boston Common. Participants included regular Team HBV volunteers as well as willing passerbys passing through the park. Our event was covered by several Boston and Cambridge news outlets. Community Partners: Quest Diagnostics and Team HBV at MIT
9/25/12 Boston Chinatown
Oak Street Fair
10/6 - 10/7/12 Harvard University
Presentations at Harvard Chinatown ESL
10/27/12 ACDC
ACDC Homebuyers Class
11/5/12 Harvard University
Plushie Study Break
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We tabled at the Oak Street Fair hosted by Boston Chinese Neighborhood Center (BCNC) and engaged in grassroots outreach with the largely Chinese population. While handing out balloon animals to the children, we interfaced with the parents, providing them with “KNOW HBV” brochures and nearby clinic information. Community Partner: Team HBV at MIT, BCNC
We presented our standard educational curriculum at Harvard ESL classes in both Mandarin and Chinese. We coordinated with teachers so that we could present in the first 10 minutes of class. After administering a pre-survey at the beginning of class, we returned two weeks later to administer a second post-survey to evaluate their progress. Community Partner: Harvard Chinatown ESL
We presented our educational curriculum to potential homebuyers around Chinatown in Mandarin. We administered a pre-survey before the presentation, and returned a day later to administer the post-survey. Community Partner: Asian Community Development Corporation (ACDC)
Adapting instructions provided by Team HBV at Cornell, we provided stressed undergraduate students with materials to create their own HBV plushie. In collaboration with campus cultural organizations, the study break also provided good company, food, and music while students worked on their plushies. About 75 students were in attendance. Community Partners: Harvard Chinese Student Assoication, Hong Kong Society, Taiwanese Cultural Society
Summary and Reflection
At the beginning of the school year, we set out to (1) expand to new educational venues, (2) expand our utilization of pre/post surveys, (3) increase our presence on campus and in the community, and (4) continue to nurture our contacts from previous semesters. We are happy to report that we have met all of the aforementioned goals for the Fall semester. In addition to presenting at ACDC, we have begun making contacts for presentations at nearby Korean churches, Chinese schools, and Vietnamese community centers. We were also more stringent about how we administer and analyze surveys. This year, for the first time, we revised our curriculum based on participants’ performance on individual questions. Outside the standard classroom setting, we have also made exciting strides in increasing our presence in the larger Boston community and on campus. In Boston Common, we celebrated World Hepatitis Day by organizing a public demonstration with 90 volunteers. On campus, we held our first-ever study break, which was widely enjoyed by students. Finally, alongside these exciting new venues and events, we have maintained our presence at venues from previous semesters: Harvard ESL and Oak Street Fair. Moving forward into the Spring Semester, we hope to continue expanding our outreach efforts to include a wider volunteer base, particularly our non-bilingual volunteers. Keeping this in mind, we have already begun making plans for a high-school leadership program and outreach to graduate students and local private practice physicians. In a semester’s time, we hope to be able to report back with growth and progress in these exciting new initiatives.
Fall 2012 | 9
Event Descriptions 9/29/12 Josiah Quincy Elementary School, Chinatown, Boston
Oak Street Fair
Team HBV joined with several other community groups, including Harvard Team HBV, in tabling at a local fair, handing out informational brochures on Hepatitis B and answering basic questions about Hepatitis B from community members. We also made balloon animals and gave out candy to children while speaking to their parents in English or Mandarin. Community Partner: Boston Chinatown Neighborhood Center (BCHC)
10/25 - 10/31/12 MIT Campus
Halloween Candy Care Package/Bake Sale
11/11/12 MIT Campus
HBV and HCV Information Seminar
11/17/12 MIT Campus
Splash Teaching
12/13/12 Quincy, MA
Quincy ESOL HBV Presentations
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Team HBV offered interesting Kit-Kat flavors (green tea, strawberry, vanilla ice cream, and dark chocolate) for Halloween care packages. We advertised at a student booth, where we also sold baked goods and provided information about Team HBV and Hepatitis B to passersby.
Dr. Heller, an infectious disease expert who treats patients with HCV and HBV at MIT Medical, led a discussion about how these diseases affect the MIT community. He recounted his experiences with previous patients, and also discussed the stigma associated with the disease. Community Partner: MIT Medlinks, a residential student health support program
Team HBV participated in the Splash program, which allows volunteer teachers to teach a class on any topic for one day. We targeted a middle school and high school audiences, and discussed the general biology of a virus and how vaccines and anti-viral drugs are used to combat viruses. We also spoke about HBV community service and encouraged interested students to pursue the cause themselves. We included some fun activities with candy to illustrate how viruses spread and how vaccines can help prevent their spread. Community Partner: MIT ESP (Educational Studies Program)
Team HBV contacted the Quincy Asian Resources Inc. (QARI) in an attempt to reach out to other parts of Boston. The Adult English Education Coordinator approved of our presentations to the ESOL classes. We presented to two classes consisting of 20-30 students basic HBV facts and directed them to free clinics and helpful resources. Community Partner: QARI 10
Summary and Reflection
Some of our main goals this semester were to increase the number of active members and create a larger campus presence. By publicizing heavily for our first GBM and holding a training session followed directly by a screening event, we managed to increase campus interest in our group and recruited several new executive board members. We established a connection with MIT Medical and were able to hold a seminar featuring his experience with Hepatitis. Our next goals include reaching out to the international students (especially graduate students and post doctoral scholars) in partnership with MIT Medical, via a facts poster campaign. We are also aiming to contact groups outside Cambridge and Boston, such as Quincy and Dorchester, and have successfully formed a partnership with QARI that is helping us communicate HBV concerns to the Greater Boston Community. However, we would still like to expand our target audience and hope to be able to hold large and successful free screening events with regularity; that is to come next semester.
Fall 2012 | 11
Event Descriptions 9/16/12 Treasure Island San Francisco CA
San Francisco International Dragon Boat Festival
The SJSU HBV chapter teamed up with Berkeley’s HBV team to manage an information booth in the heart of the festival. This event was primarily based on spreading awareness about Hepatitis B as well as locations for potential vaccinations if needed. Community Partners: Kaiser Permanente, Executive Director of SF Hep B Free Genevieve Jopanda, and Berkeley HBV Team
Summary and Reflection
Team HBV at Stanford University burst onto Stanford campus and made a huge impact in its first year. Our group expanded from 6 members to nearly 15 motivated and active members. We planned a huge awareness campaign in May, Hepatitis B Awareness Week, that was able to reach hundreds of students through our creative events. Many students came up to us and told us they had seen the flyers and the emails and had made appointments to get screened. The success of HBAW energized the group and helped ensure the continued strength and growth of Team HBV at Stanford.
12 | Team HBV Semester Report
Event Descriptions 11/3/12 Stanford Campus
SVSA Summit Tabling
1/14 - 3/1/13 Stanford Campus
Screenings Initiative Program
Ongoing San Jose
Public Hepatitis B Screenings & Vaccination
Hepatitis B outreach at a summit put on b the Stanford Vietnamese Student Association. Over 100 students attended from other schools. Community Partners: SVSA
Motivate Stanford students to get tested for hepatitis B (for free!) at the student health center by offering boba as an incentive. Community Partners: Vaden (the school health center)
We are working with PFC to offer hepatitis B screenings and vaccinations during the normal hours of PFC (a free clinic in San Jose) to any patients that want/need them. Target Audience: low-income/immigrant population Community Partners: Pacific Free Clinic
Fall 2012 | 13
March, 2013 Off-Campus
High School Outreach
2/9/12 Off-Campus
Listen to the Silence Tabling
Collaborating with the ALC to outreach to high schools in the area about getting involved in hepatitis B outreach and advocacy. Creating materials and planning a workshop which is scheduled for March. Community Partners: Asian Liver Center
Hepatitis B outreach at the Listen to the Silence conference at Stanford Community Partners: A3C
Summary and Reflection
This quarter, we welcomed new members and got settled into the school year. We also began several ambitious projects spearheaded by ambitious members. We look forward to their outcome this quarter!
14 | Team HBV Semester Report
Event Descriptions 11/15/12 UNLV Foundations Building
APIS Unite Against Hepatitis B
August - November 2012 UNLV Student Union
Hepatitis B Informational Video
September - November 2012 UNLV Student Union
Weekly Tabling at UNLV Student Union
The event involved at least 150 people featuring the performances of large API groups on campus including the Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA), Filipino American Student Association (FASA), Hospitality Association of Korea (HAK), Taiwanese Student Association (TWSA), Nepalese Students’ Association (NSA), Raising Our Asian Rights (ROAR), Ewalu Club-UNLV, United Martial Arts Initiative, Vocal Medicine and the Las Vegas Kaminari Taiko Group. The event was held in conjunction with the International Education Week under the aegis of Office of Civic Engagement and Diversity. The event underscored hepatitis B awareness and community education but it was also an opportunity to bring to light the cultural diversity that we have here on campus.
With the help of various API groups on campus, Team HBV at UNLV was instrumental in co-producing a Hepatitis B Informational Video with the UNLV Student Health Center. The said video will be uploaded to the UNLV SHC website this spring semester as well as Office of International Students
Team HBV at UNLV tabled at the UNLV Student Union for four Tuesdays between September-November 2012. Members of the group disseminated information on hepatitis B and Team HBV ballers.
Fall 2012 | 15
7/24/12 10/28/12 11/27/12 Pho Quang Buddhist Center and Chiayi Monastery
Community Outreach
Team HBV at UNLV had assisted the Hepatitis B Free Las Vegas Community Screenings at thePho Quang Buddhist Center on July 24, 2012 and November 27, 2012; Chiayi Monastery on October 28, 2012.
Summary and Reflection
The fall semester signaled a more dynamic Team HBV at UNLV who was not only actively involved on campus but also in the community. The highlight of the semester was our event APIs Unite Against Hepatitis B which was an effective way of educating the community about the dangers of hepatitis B and an event that engendered a heightened sense of unity among all API groups in the fight against the disease. Co-organizing this event with different organizations and departments on campus made this event very successful. As far as meeting our goals for the semester, we believe that we have yet to improve on other things such as strengthening our membership and focusing on fund raising activities. Both of these goals will be given priorities this semester.
16 | Team HBV Semester Report
Event Descriptions 9/06/12 Treasure Island, CA
San Francisco International Dragon Boat Festival
The event was a community-wide fair in which many booths were set up. We helped run a prize wheel that attracted people to our booth. We handed out “Know HBV” brochures while running the prize wheel. Community Partners: San Jose State Team HBV, Millbrae High School Team HBV, SF Hep B Free 10/27/12 Oakland Chinatown, CA
Oakland Chinatown Flyering/Social
11/14 - 11/15/12 Sproul Plaza, UC Berkeley
“Thirst for Knowledge” Event
We posted flyers with information regarding hep B vaccinations and free screenings at Asian Health Services in Oakland Chinatown then had dim sum afterwards. Community Partners: Hep B Project, Asian Health Services
We had people who came to our table answer 3 questions about hep B. If they got 2 out of the 3 right, they got the opportunity to win prizes such as a UCB THBV water bottle, UCB THBV pen, ninja tattoo, or candy.
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Summary and Reflection
The chapter’s primary goals were to increase membership, be more active outside of general meetings, and have a more tight-knit club. All three goals were more or less met since we tried different methods of recruitment that were more effective and planned out the semester schedule completely in advance so that we could more strategically decide whe to have certain events or socials. Next semester we will be a lot busier with Hepatitis B Awareness Week and other events so we hope to have good turnouts for all of our events and to get even closer as a club. It would also be nice to increase membership although that will not be our primary focus.
18 | Team HBV Semester Report
Event Descriptions 10/05/12 Hyde Park Ronald McDonald House
Ronald McDonald House taco dinner
October 2012 UChicago and Pui Tak Center, Chinatown
Postering, Flyering, and Presentation sessions
November 2012 UChicago
Team HBV Bake Sale/Food Sales
December 2012 UChicago
Team HBV Info/Recruitment Session
December 2012 UChicago
Team HBV/CUSA Study Break
January 2013 UChicago
Asian Stationery Sale
February 2013 UChicago
Sex Week at UChicago
Fellowship time with staff and patients at Ronald McDonald House. Members shared information about Team HBV in relation to cancer.
Members went out to campus sites, split into 5 groups, three to post fliers about hepatitis B and local screening clinics, restaurants, and shops, 2 to directly hand out fliers to residents of Chinatown: We spent 4 hours walking around campus and Chinatown, sharing conversations, answer-
Team HBV held one food sale every quarter in hopes to raise funds and awareness for Team HBV. For those who did not wish to buy food – they were given brochures and information about our meetings. For those who did buy food, they were entered into a drawing for a chance to win a Team HBV t-shirt.
The team HBV Prezi presentation was shared, followed by discussion on HBV, awareness, health initiatives on campus, and screening partnerships.
A short information session was shared during UChicago’s Chinese Undergraduate Student Association meeting followed by free Chinese food for those who stayed for the duration of presentation and question and answer session.
Members took turns shifting at various locations on campus to raise awareness and funds through Asian stationery sales.
To be involved in a weeklong initiative specifically to raise awareness about HBV and have open dialogue about sexual health and other components of sex education. 19
Fall 2012 | 19
March UChicago
Asian Pacific American Medical Student Association
This large health fair will be hosted in late March for over 200 Asian Patients, mostly from Chicagoland area, focusing on preventive health services. We plan to offer a number of services, including free colonoscopy registrations, glaucoma screenings, and basic blood pressure/ sugar testing, as well as preventive education. UChicago Team HBV will be educating about hepatitis B and C but also working with other health organization to share the importance of over-all well-being.
Summary and Reflection
Due to the amount of organizations on UChicago campus (700+), Team HBV had to distinguish itself from other health organizations and community service organizations on campus to get going. By holding a lot of events all around campus, within Chinatown, and for screening events off campus, UChicago’s Team HBV has garnered support from other health organizations on campus, the Phoenix Dance Crew, and community service fraternity groups on campus (which involved service auctions and date night auctions). We had more success introducing Team HBV’s cause through collaborative efforts with other groups and fundraising studying abroad and graduating early, but UChicago’s Team HBV has made amazing progress in collaborating opportunities on campus rather than exclusively by ourselves on the topic of Team HBV. More people were willing to learn about Team HBV when the topic of health advancement was brought up than simply Team HBV itself. The executive board is still to be determined due to the number of board members who will be with other student organizations on campus and expanding the cause beyond traditional means of raising awareness. UChicago’s Team HBV is currently filming dance challenge videos to end the silent epidemic. The video is expected to be edited and released this spring! Stay tuned!
20 | Team HBV Semester Report
Event Descriptions 9/22/12 Asian Pacific Health Care Venture
Meeting with Dr. Howard Koh
10/13/12 Arcadia
Asian Hoop Fest
10/20/12 UCLA
Guest Presentation by Timothy Tan, MSIV
Our president of Team HBV was invited to a special meeting with Dr. Howard Koh, the Assistant Secretary for Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Other representatives included doctors, nurses, public health advocates, and more. The meeting focused on ways to improve access to health care for Asians and Pacific Islanders. Community Partners: Asian Pacific Liver Center, APA Health CARE
We educated people at the 3-on-3 basketball event about the dangers of hepatitis B and liver cancer. We also passed out Know HBV brochures, LIVERight bracelets, and pins, while encouraging people to get screened and tested for hepatitis B. Target Audience: Basketball players, local residents Community Partners: Fung Brothers
A fourth year medical student at the David Geffen School of Medicine, Timothy Tan came to train our members about hepatitis B and its basic facts. Having lost someone personally due to HBV, Timothy is dedicated to our cause in spreading awareness and prevention against HBV. Our members took quizzes before and after hearing his presentation. Their scores improved after the presentation.
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11/28/12 Court of Sciences, UCLA
Churros and Hot Chocolate Fundraiser
September - December 2012 Los Angeles Area
Free Hepatitis B Screenings with APLC
Thursdays UCLA Pfleger Liver Institute
Shadowing Program with Dr. Steven Han
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We hosted a fundraiser at the Court of Sciences, selling churros from Costco and instant-made hot chocolate to students, staff, faculty, and anyone else who passed by. The money we raised will go towards events such as our B Hep Free Concert and Bruin Plaza Minifest during Hepatitis B Awareness Week (HBAW). Our target audience was students at UCLA because we were also trying to recruit more members for Team HBV.
We have been continuing to volunteer at the free hepatitis B screenings hosted by APLC all over areas throughout Los Angeles. Screenings events included Harvest Haven Community Service Center, Monterey Park, Westminister, HCHC, and Wat Thai. Team HBV volunteers helped with educating and recruiting patients for testing, entering patient data, and assisting the nurses and phlebotomists. Target Audience: Local residents, international population Community Partners: Asian Pacific Liver Center
We are continuing our shadowing program for our members, with many thanks to one of the leading hepatologists in the United States, Dr. Steven Han. Every Thursday, active members can shadow Dr. Han and interact with patients, as well as gain a greater understanding of hepatitis and liver problems. Community Partners: UCLA Pfleger Liver Institute
Summary and Reflection
Team HBV at UCLA started our fourth year and has recruited many new members from the beginning of the school year, with about 30+ students showing up to each of our general meetings. In order to work on retaining members, we started a family system in which each member is assigned to one of three families, with two to three officers constituting as the heads of each family. Each family met outside of general meetings in order to facilitate more bonding, which included get-togethers and dinners among other events. Besides continuing to collaborate with the Asian Pacific Liver Center on their free hepatitis B screenings throughout the Los Angeles area, Team HBV at UCLA was also invited to table at the Asian Hoop Fest and educated basketball players and local residents about the dangers of hepatitis B and liver cancer. As a part of our tradition to vamp up the formality of our mandatory HBV training for all members, we invited a fourth year medical student who had personally lost someone due to HBV to present about the basics of hepatitis B. He also shared his personal thoughts on the virus as a growing health care professional in the medical field. We also got the chance to distribute our “Eradicate Me!” and “Don’t B Silent - Get Screened!” pins to not only our members but also representatives who attended the Team HBV Collegiate Conference at UC Berkeley, and mailed more pins to the officers at Team HBV at Cornell University. In addition, in order to prepare more thoroughly for HBAW, we divided members into committees (B Hep Free Concert and Bruin Plaza Minifest) to start brainstorming ideas through the quarter and throughout winter break. Besides continuing our shadowing program with one of the leading hepatologists in the United States, Dr. Steven Han, we also had plans to assist Dr. Han with a research program involving educating hepatitis B outpatients. Additionally, we have initiated plans for a follow-up call program with the Asian Pacific Liver Center to assist the program in contacting clients who were screened positive for hepatitis B; the project planning will involve follow-up script multilingual translation, transportation logistics, and recruitment of multilingual members.
Fall 2012 | 23
Event Descriptions 11/07/12 - 1/24/13 University of Washington
Hepatitis B Plushie Workshop and Presentations
UW Team HBV chapter went out to Minority Association of Pre-Health Students and Undergraduate Student Public Health Association and gave 15min interactive presentations. Target Audience: members of MAPS and USPHA 11/08/12 University of Washington HUB
Tabled at the 3rd Annual Pre-Health Affair
11/10/12 Our Savior’s Baptist Church
Kenyan/Tanzanian Health Fair
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We set up a dart booth and educated pre-health students as they came around the fair.Target Audience: Basketball players, local residents Community Partners: Student Health Consortium
UW Team HBV chapter help tested 74 adults by assisting with paperwork. Target Audience: Kenyan, Tanzanian Community members Community Partners: Hepatitis B Education Project and Hepatitis B Coalition
Summary and Reflection
Our main goals this quarter was to recruit new members, participate in Hepatitis B screenings, and focus on presenting around Pre-health student organizations. Although we wanted more members, we had successfully recruited 4 active members. We were able to help out at 3 Hep. B screenings and vaccinations. Our goal was to present at 3 different organizations but we were only able to present at two organizations. In order to make more progress with RSO presentations, we will create a list and contact them in the first few weeks of quarter. We will also make our events more open to the public so we can increase our presence on UW community and gain new members.
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Contacts Executive Boards Brown
Co-Presidents Julio Ma Shum Sean Maroongroge VP of Campus Outreach Eric Chen VP of Community Outreach Tram Bui VP of Recruitment Hee Seung Yang VP of Administration Joshua Sung
Cornell Co-Presidents Helen Tian Honora Ip VP of Campus Outreach Heming Zhao VP of Community Outreach Wendy Wei VP of Publicity Jennifer Chen VP of Administration Angela Cai VP of Finance Jennifer Zhu
Harvard Co-Presidents Carol Tran Daniel Kim VP of Campus Outreach Rhed Shi VP of Community Outreach Jennifer Chen VP of Administration and Finance Brandon Sim
MIT President Judy Baek Co-VPs of Campus Outreach Eunice Wu Sophia Li VP of Community Outreach Steve Cho VP of Recruitment and Training Rebecca Shi VP of Administration Hannah Pang VP of Finance David Huang
San Jose State University
President Duy Nguyen VP of Campus Outreach Robert Deaver VP of Community Outreach Joe Han VP of Recruitment & Training Hien Nguyen VP of Administration Jeff Nguyen VP of Finance Tung Nguyen
26 | Team HBV Semester Report
Stanford President Catherine Lu VP of Campus Outreach Justina Chow VP of Administration Christina Wang VP of Finance Audrey Chang
University of Nevada, Las Vegas
President Steven Kim VP of Campus Outreach Tharit Manoi VP of Community Outreach Christine Melocoton Co-VPs of Recruitment & Training Architha Devati Joan Pastor VP of Administration Kathryn Go VP of Finance Sandy Wu
UC Berkeley President Sophie Cheng VP of Campus Outreach Stephanie Cheng VP of Community Outreach Lillian Chu VP of Recruitment & Finance Samuel Gong VP of Administration Tiffany Pham Media (Technical Affairs) Sara Tong
UChicago President Grace SoYoung Park VP of Campus Outreach Ruiyang Yi VP of Community Outreach Grace SoYoung Park VP of Recruitment & Training Amisha Gandhi VP of Administration Elliot Lu VP of Finance Grace SoYoung Park Parkgra3@uchicago.ede
UCLA President Jennifer Chao VP of Campus Outreach Emily Cheng VP of Community Outreach Alvin Li VP of Recruitment & Training Abigael Dela-Garcia VP of Administration Emily Weng VP of Finance Sophia Lee VP of Publicity & Media Brian Chu
University of Washington President Tammy Lee VP of Campus Outreach Eric Hutchinson VP of Community Outreach Linda Yang VP of Recruitment & Training Rebecca Pham VP of Finance Oak Nguyen VP of Administration Benny Tran 29
Fall 2012 | 27
US Riverside Co-Chair Jessica Wen Lauren Hsiao VP of Campus Outreach Jason (Jae) Lee VP of Community Outreach Jasmine Kuo VP of Membership Carla Chen VP of Finance Christopher Nguyen
Advisory Board Co-Chair
Chelsea Xu 925-922-3881 strschelsea
Andrew Huang 347-886-1386 ahuangx92
Co-Outreach Advisor
Gerry Zhang, 323-470-8581 gerry.z1
Co-Outreach Advisor
Julia Zang 408-796-9414 julia.unicorn.zang
Recruitment and Training Advisor
Chris Zheng 267-987-3123 chris.zheng2
Web Tech Extraordinaire Colin Man ALC Staff
Diana Ngo 650-566-8860 paxdia
28 | Team HBV Semester Report
Special Thanks To the Asian Liver Center at Stanford University
...And all its wonderful staff and interns for continuing to support our collegiate chapters throughout the years with educational materials and outreach kits, with invaluable advices and examples, and for helping to plan the 4th annual conference.
To the Advisory Board
...For doing such a fantastic job of mentoring and encouraging every chapter executive boards, for maintaining Team HBV website and internal site, and among countless other responsibilities, including helping to plan the fourth annual conference.
To the Berkeley Chapter of Team HBV
...For planning and hosting such a successful and memorable Team HBV annual conference in Berkeley, California.
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