Celebrity Charity YourMomCares makes an impact on kids mental health
Honoring Moms & Dads:
COUNTRY SUPERSTAR MARTINA MCBRIDE Celebrates 34 years of marriage
Robin Roberts
Celebrating 20 Years on GMA plus her New York Times Bestseller Brighter by the Day MOMENTS THAT MATTER
SENIOR EDITOR Marianne Pienias
EDITOR Chell Morrow EDITOR & CONTRIBUTOR Jordan Peden PRODUCTION & DEVELOPMENT Allison Michele Horwath DIGITAL MARKETING Heather Cleverly COVER Hair: Petula Skeete Makeup: Elena George Styling: Diandre Tristan Photo credits: ABC/Danny Weiss
ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES CONTACT Contact Us at or visit our website at
WEB DESIGN & TECHNOLOGY Kylie Malcolm CONTRIBUTORS Ali Landry Amber Shaw Arianne Zucker Diane McMillen Dr. Beverly Pedroche Dr. Mary Lynn Moran Dr. Pia Lieb Elena George Josie Bissett Laurie Yannon Wing Marcia Agius Tequila Dodard
Ask Us Beauty Magazine looks to provide our readers with educational and empowering content. We ask our contributors to share their stories through their own words and beliefs. Our content providers are not employees of Ask Us Beauty, and while we do seek out contributors that we consider subject matter experts to the stories we share, we do not represent or guarantee their contributions and note that we are independent of the information they provide. We are committed to providing accurate information. If an error is brought to our attention, whether grammatical or factual, we will be happy to make the appropriate changes. Please feel free to contact us hello@ Ask Us Beauty Magazine participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorial chosen products through our links to retailer sites. These are products/ services that we believe may offer value to our readers. This does not affect our decisions on the products or services we select. We always want to champion that our readers decide for themselves on all beauty/wellness decisions which is the mission of our platform.
Start ‘Em McBride Young
A STAR is born...
Photo by Joseph Llanes 70
APRIL 2022
By Emily Lauren Dick @realhappy
By Michelle Emmick 142
APRIL 2022
APRIL 2022
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APRIL 2022
nyone else feel like time flies? I used to hear
self-love and empowerment. One of those empowering
the phrase “in the blink of an eye,” and I
stories happened right after I launched my book Blue-
never got it. Until now. Until the day when
Collar Beauty. My daughter had watched me every
you look in the mirror or see an old friend, your parents,
single step of the way, so on the big day of the book
your child, or even a photograph, and think, “Where
release, my then eight-year-old daughter turned to me
did the time go?” Those are the days you realize how
and said, “Mom, can I write a book too?” and my answer
fleeting your time on this Earth actually is. And while
(and my favorite word) was an excited and heartening
for some the days and years seem to drag on, there
are many of us who have lives where the days seem to blend together and race past us. (Anyone else
Every night for the next month, we would sit together,
often ask what day it is?) Even though
and I would listen to her share ideas and watch
we are all unique in this world, there is one constant among us.
her write, choose her words, and picture
details of what she wanted to convey.
all collect milestone markers
It is moments like this that we’ve all
throughout our individual lives.
experienced where you feel like your
Yes, no matter how quickly or
heart’s exploding. I was observing
slowly we feel our lives are
my beautiful daughter share her
passing, we will all experience
thoughts and words, writing about
the importance of loving yourself and being anyone you can dream to
A milestone is defined as a
be. And if that wasn’t enough to break
significant event in life- those
my heart wide open, when she finished,
moments that mark the start of a new
she turned to me and said, “I want to sell
chapter and remain etched in our hearts and minds.
my books and donate the money to kids that need it.” That was it. Yep, that did me in. And while I know I’m far from Parent of the Year (and because there
Like you, I can rolodex through the events in my life that
is no such thing), I knew at that moment that through
have impacted me- pretty great, right? Well, truth be
the lessons, the teaching, and the examples shown to
said, not all of my milestone memories were rainbows
her, another marker was made.
and butterflies. However, good or bad, each one of those notable events in my life were all there
Inside this issue of Ask Us Beauty, we are celebrating
to teach me something. Whether it’s
some of the momentous memories and milestones in
surviving heartbreak, triumph and
life: the beauty of motherhood, career, creation, and
tragedy, falling in love, or creating
sentiment; and life’s lessons and journeys on where
life, these important milestones
we’ve been, who we’ve met, what we’ve learned, and
tell our story. And that, my fellow
what we can teach. So let’s celebrate all of it because
beauties, is the good stuff.
those momentous times have brought us to where we are today, and that, as I have already said, is the good
If I had to choose just one
milestone, well, that’s easy. It would be becoming a mother. That single day changed my life forever, so, to me, it is undeniably my most beautiful and cherished milestone. It’s the reason I share my love of writing and storytelling and my mission of 4
APRIL 2022
Michelle Emmick Editor-in-Chief
WE TAKE THE GUESSWORK OUT OF EVERYTHING There is a lot of conflicting information out there regarding cosmetic surgery. If you’re like most people, you likely find yourself scrolling through social media, watching infomercials, reading tabloid magazines and tv shows trying to navigate through it all. MyCoachMD provides you a personalized and private learning experience on your time to see the possibilities.
contents 08 10 16 18 22
44 48 58
38 40 6
APRIL 2022
60 70 74 82 86 89 106
134 140 146
By Makeda T. Young @tymcarolina_
iye Young, social media influencer,
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear
creator of Ty M Carolina, and Major in the
and raised in Charlotte, NC. She graduated from
In 2010, she made five goals for herself: be
the University of North Carolina at Greensboro
stationed in Germany, become an AG Officer,
and was commissioned in 2011 through North
make Major in ten years, become a member of
Carolina Agricultural and Technical State
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated, and
University. Tiye eventually branched into
be accepted into a Physician Assistant Program.
North Carolina National Guard, was born
APRIL 2022
The challenge of serving as a young commander
Tiye shares that beauty is an extraordinary trait
wasn’t an easy path for 1LT Young. The normal
that allows for a pause, whether it be a moment
military challenges were exponentially daunting
in which you are kind to someone or the outward
when mixed with the loss of lives. Her team
expression that permits love to be exchanged in
leader took his life right after a unit event, and
a common space. Beauty can also be grit—the
less than two years later, her former-deployed
beauty of rising and overcoming adversity or
first sergeant would do the same. With that in
finding hope when all is lost. True beauty can be
mind, she fought to find a place where she could
found even in war. It is up to individuals to find
fit in and still be herself.
peace in what they see, hear, and touch.
Little did she know, she would become Ms. Veteran America 2016 First Runner Up in front of a live audience in Washington, D.C., and host celebrities like Iyanla Vanzant from the Oprah Winfrey TV Network. She would also serve as the Aide-de-Camp to the deputy adjutant general for the state of North Carolina. This mission would not go without long-fought battles. She was diagnosed with cancer in 2017, completing two surgeries and months of recovery. In 2020, COVID brought extra challenges, especially with military promotions. But on the ninth year and 364th day of her military career, she was promoted to the rank of Major, making her ten-year goal a reality. In June 2021, Tiye became an Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Incorporated member. Her final career goal was to become a Physician Assistant and re-enter active-duty post-graduation. In November of 2021, she received a phone call from the number seven school in the nation, Wake Forest University School of Medicine Physician Assistant Program. She was not only accepted but received a 50% scholarship. Her highest achievement was the Meritorious Service Medal, and she earned the Gold German Proficiency badge for shooting, swimming, rucking, and running. She is also the winner of the Carolinas Freedom Foundation Polaris Award. MOMENTS THAT MATTER
Written by Jordan Peden
Small Town,
Big Heart 10
APRIL 2022
Columbia, Tennessee
Debbie Cooper
olumbia, Tennessee-local Debbie
Buck and Board. Having always yearned for a
Cooper has changed the coffee and
spot where she could sit outside, drink wine,
dining game in her beloved home town.
and enjoy delicious local charcuterie, Debbie
For many years, Debbie worked as a banker,
manifested the space for herself through Buck
but she wanted something more. “One day I
and Board. Currently, Buck and Board is moving
thought, I am bored to death. I wanted to try
to a brand new location. “We will have a much
something new. I wanted a challenge. So here
larger space in the arts district with lots of
comes a coffeehouse.” Debbie started working
parking and outside seating.” We can’t wait to
as a manager at a coffeehouse in town, and it
see the new space!
wasn’t long before she was implementing her vision. She went from manager to owner of the
Having lived in Columbia forever, Debbie has
coffeeshop within six months, and Buckhead
witnessed the evolution of a very unique town.
Coffeehouse was born.
“Columbia has changed a lot in the past 20 years we’ve been open, but one thing that has
Buckhead Coffeehouse is a special place.
stayed the same is we root for each other, we
“When I try to verbalize what sets us apart, it’s hard,” Debbie shared. “It’s a feeling. It’s treating everyone equally and trying to form a relationship regardless of what we may or may not have in common.” Since the very beginning, Buckhead has always been a place where everyone feels welcome. The regulars become family, and the staff is always ready to greet you with a warm smile whether it’s your first time or your thousandth time visiting the shop. Part of Debbie’s vision for Buckhead was also community outreach, and since becoming owner in 2002, she has held true to that vision. “We are always here for a donation or to help. We’ve been on several non-profit boards.” The coffeeshop has truly become an institution in the Columbia community, and their contributions have made a lasting impact. Debbie’s impact on Columbia didn’t stop with Buckhead, though. In 2018, she opened MOMENTS THAT MATTER
want others to succeed.” Debbie’s dedication
as pretty does. A lot of beauty comes from
to making Columbia a great place to become
the inside, then accentuating the positives.”
stems from the town’s local tight-knit
Terrific advice we can all live by.
community values. Find us on Instagram Debbie also shared her thoughts on beauty.
“How I think about beauty comes from a saying
my grandmother always told me. Pretty is
APRIL 2022
Columbia, Tennessee
Bonnie Esslinger
leu 32 has been in the back of my mind
little business was so well received that I quickly
since I was in college, but the timing was
outgrew my little space and needed a bigger
never right until 2015. So, from 1991-
location. Sure enough, one day on a lunch
2014 I was a teacher, mom, and entrepreneur.
date with a friend, we parked in front of the old
During these years I had many roles and dabbled
Columbia Office Supply building and noticed a
in many businesses, including owning my own
small hand written “for lease” sign. I made the
bed and breakfast. We moved to Columbia in
call, the wheels started turning, and exactly
2012. I was dismayed that such a wonderful
one year after opening Bleu 32, we became Bleu
historic town had so few antiquing options. I
32 Vintage Marketplace. We now have 12,000
turned my disappointment into an opportunity,
square feet and house 60 additional vendors,
and in 2015 with my youngest two children in
including a cafe on the 3rd floor
high school, I took the leap and opened Bleu 32 in a little Victorian house on Walker Street. My
The atmosphere of the store is what makes it
unique. Our building used to be the old JC Penney. When we moved in, we uncovered the original hardwood floors, the beadboard ceilings, and even salvaged some original light fixtures we found in the basement. To keep the atmosphere upbeat and lively, we always play happy music. Folks are dancing and singing as they shop. Many of our customers take a break and have lunch or a snack at the cafe on the 3rd floor overlooking downtown to complete their shopping experience. We have booths that specialize in everything from farmhouse decor to record albums, pet supplies, toys, militaria, and even the BleuBelle Boutique for the fashionista in your group. There is literally something for everyone! Yes, we have lots of antiques, but there is so so so much more. The inspiration for the finds and displays is simply this: I want it to be the kind of store where I would love to shop. If it makes my heart sing, I buy it, knowing someone else will love it too. I hate it when I go into a store and can’t afford anything. We keep our prices reasonable with a wide variety of items arriving daily. It’s never the same store twice. I’m blessed with some very talented employees that are decorating divas! They are constantly rearranging and styling displays for the most magical shopping experience. I guess when you own a store that sells furniture and home decor, you are automatically involved in home design in a 3rd party sort of way. We really utilized the shop in a personal fashion when we bought the Big Bleu Beach House. (Check out our pics
on Instagram.) Good friends and fellow vendors
2020. Then in 2021, we converted the huge
helped me use my Bleu 32 finds to furnish and
first floor garage space into two one- bedroom
decorate the three-bedroom home on 30A
apartments. These are also full of my Bleu 32
in Santa Rosa Beach, FL, that I purchased in
treasures. They are perfect- coastal, but in a
APRIL 2022
fresh vintage kind of way.
the ones who take time to check in on you. The confident ones who know that it isn’t what’s on the
What makes Columbia, Tennessee, so special? Let
scale that matters, but what is in the heart.
me count the ways! Columbia is Mayberry meets Nashville. It’s friendly faces, people that call
What makes me feel beautiful? That’s a tough
you by name, good food, good music, gorgeous
question. It’s little things, I guess. A new blouse,
Antebellum homes, and plain ole salt-of-the-
the way my husband looks at me, and lipstick
earth country folk too. The last 5 years has seen a
never hurts. (Girls, wear your lipstick. It lights up
tremendous transformation of the downtown area.
your face!)
There is so much to see and do! Columbia has become a weekend destination, and people are
Find us on Facebook and Instagram @bleu32 and
seeing why we call it “The Dimple of the Universe.”
@bigbleubeachhouse Our website is
I truly believe that beauty is as beauty does. The most gorgeous women I know are the smilers-
Photos by: Sarah Gilliam and Cara Smith
Milestones of Cosmetics
from 1900s 1900
Annie Turnbo, a black entrepreneur, starts selling hair conditioners, hair treatments as well as harmless hair straightening products, and hair growers door-to-door.
Cosmetologist Elizabeth Hubbard and Florence Graham open a shop on 5th Avenue in New York City. After some time, Florence Graham renames their shop Elizabeth Arden.
Sarah McWilliams starts to sell hair growers from door to door. After being wed to Charles J. Walker, she became recognized as Madame C.J. Walker and integrated her business in Indianapolis in 1914 the year 1911. Maybelline has been discovered by T.J. 1909 1904 Williams. The cosmetics Eugene Schueller, a From Lodz, Poland, Max company of Maybelline French chemist, creates Factors moves to the specializes in mascaras. United States, and 4 years the very first harmless commercial hair dye. later to the state of Los 1922 Angeles, where he puts The bobby pin has been 1910 make-ups up for sale to invented in order to his company was named control or deal with short movie celebrities that L’Oreal. does not crack or cake. or bobbed hair. 16
APRIL 2022 This is a website developed by AJ Spicoli who has over 35 years of experience in the Cosmetic Industry
Benjamin Green, a pharmacist of Miami Beach, develops the sunscreen in order to shield soldiers’ skins in the South Pacific.
a softer look became fashionable with painted eyeliners and eyelashes taking a downturn in sales. White highlighters and soft eye shadows were popular.
The 1980’s
Charles Lackman, a supplier for nail polish, and Joseph and Charles Revson, distributors for nail polish, discovered Revlon. Revlon is a cosmetics business that sells nail polish in a broad range of colors.
The 1970’s
A New York chemist named Lawrence Gelb brings home a hair dye product that goes through the hair shaft. He also starts a business named Clairol. In the year 1950, he commences Miss Clairol Hair Color bath, a one step hair coloring product.
anti-aging, skin care, and beauty treatments (therapy) were the fashion trends that evolved and there was an emphasis on tanning and the link to cancer.
Mascara wands come out, doing away with the need to apply mascara using a brush.
Cover Girl cosmetics, one of the 1st brand names put up in grocery stores for sale and aimed to teens is started by Noxema.
The 1990’s
Touch© by Yves St. Laurent was launched and became the item to have as part of one’s cosmetic regimen.
Article Source:
TRUTH & BEAUTY No BS Beauty Pro By Donna Mee | @donnameeinc
APRIL 2022
Lip exfoliants are very popular, but it’s far more beneficial
flowery buzz words to sell you something. Just down-to-
exfoliants and scrubs treat the symptom of flaky lips,
earth truth from a seasoned professional who’s debunked
versus fixing the problem of chapped lips. It’s important to
just about every lie and myth the beauty industry has tried
apply a natural lip balm that does not contain petroleum,
to tell and sell you.
petrolatum mineral oil, or any form of wax, other than
he Beauty Conspiracies” is a different kind of beauty column. I’m here to be a straight shooter
to heal chapped lips with a great lip balm versus just
on all things beauty. No BS, no hidden agendas, no
making them look better temporarily with a scrub. Lip
natural beeswax, so check your product’s ingredients. The column is for anyone who has ever been suckered
If your lip item contains one or more of the ingredients
into buying a makeup or skincare product. It happens
listed above, it is considered a lip conditioner, not a lip
every day. We buy things after we hear an overzealous
balm, regardless of what it is labeled. Lip items with those
salesperson sing its praises, or after reading rave reviews
surface ingredients cannot penetrate the lips to heal dry or
from a beauty editor, or seeing the product labeled with
chapped lips.
some type of magazine award for being extra-miraculous. We bought into the hype and are left with regret. The truth
Don’t be discouraged and toss those products, though.
is most of the population has experienced this, and some
They do serve a purpose, just not the one most people
of us have fallen for it more than once! When this happens,
think. Lip conditioners are great to use before taking a hot
some people immediately feel duped and become cynical
bath or shower, before going outside into the sun, wind,
about commission salespeople and brand advertising.
or pollution, and they are also beneficial to apply before
Others wonder if they used the product wrong, or even
swimming at the beach, saltwater pool, or a chlorinated
worse, they actually start to doubt their own opinions.
pool. All of those activities cause natural water to evaporate from the skin, causing chapped lips, so prior
ASK US BEAUTY is committed to bringing our readers
application is beneficial.
honest, factual insight and advice with no ulterior motive. In this beauty column’s debut, we’re delivering
So, in review, apply lip balm when your lips are chapped
valuable information on one of the most common beauty
and lip conditioner to help prevent them from becoming
issues. Yes, we have all experienced it, and we all have
chapped. Using a lip conditioner on chapped lips will only
our theories on how to prevent it, but the chapped-lips
feel better until the waxy surface dissipates, and you’ll be
struggle is real.
reaching for it, again and again, all day long.
These are my current faves for lip balms.
People can become obsessed with their lip products. I’ve known many people, both male and female, that claim to
Lip Balm Recommendations:
be addicted to whatever they use. Not only did they apply
Neutrogena Hydro Boost hydrating lip treatment
it several times an hour, but no matter where they went,
Vanilla Cardamom flavored Lip Shit.
they always kept their trusty tube or stick within arm’s reach. But these people were not addicted to the product
Send us your beauty questions and quandaries to hello@
or ingredients- they were addicted to the comfortable yet
fleeting sensation their lip conditioner gave them directly after each application.
Donna Mee is a professional makeup artist, specializing
Regardless of what cosmetic companies label their lip
models and celebrities for television, print, runway, and red
products (chapstick, lip balm, lip salve, lip conditioner, or something similar), there really are only two types: those that penetrate the thin, delicate lip tissue and those that don’t. Here’s the scoop on what works, what doesn’t, and why.
in beauty and corrective makeup. She has worked with carpet for 40 years. She’s a top international educator who is often introduced on stage as a beauty prodigy due to her advanced, self-developed makeup methods and her record for training more successful working makeup artists than any other educator worldwide.
5 Eyeliner Trends You Need to Try in 2022
inding your perfect eyeliner look is like trying to
Baby-Winged Eyeliner
find a partner - difficult, time-consuming, and
Looking for something a bit more understated but
potentially disastrous. However, with the rise of fun
still want to experiment? Baby-winged eyeliner is the
filters on Tiktok and creative makeup looks captured on
answer to your prayers. For this look, connect your top
Instagram, people more than ever are looking to switch up
and bottom eyeliner and apply a tiny flick to the outer
their eye makeup.
corners, leaving the space between empty. This style is low-maintenance yet still brings a little drama.
Fortunately, there are several eyeliner trends that have surfaced in the industry, giving the classic cat-eye a run
Double Wing
for its money. Today we’re sharing some of the latest
This style puts a fun twist to the minimalist cat-eye
eyeliner looks that are guaranteed to catch the eyes of
look. To achieve a double-wing eyeliner, apply a
friends and strangers alike. So, grab your favorite eyeliner
classic winged eyeliner along your upper lash and
and a mirror and get ready to be the most trendy and
extend it beyond the outer corner of your eye. Then,
uber-chic person in the room.
create the second wing by sweeping the eyeliner along the lower lash line, extending out directly under the
Floating Eyeliner
first one. Leave some negative space between both
If you want to present yourself as a bona fide makeup
lines for an ultra-cool effect.
artist, try out the floating, or invisible, eyeliner look. In order to achieve the style, use eyeliner or a bold
Eyeliner with Rhinestones
eyeshadow to draw an arc just above your crease, starting
Winged eyeliner embellished with jewels is the
from the inner corner and dragging outwards.
latest craze. For this celestial look, you’ll want to draw on your favorite eyeliner style, such as a classic
White Eyeliner
wing, double wing, thick wing - you name it. Then
White eyeliner is a fun, simple way to switch up your
take a white, clear-drying eyelash glue and apply
eyeliner game. The bright shade is perfect for the warmer
rhinestones (any shape or size will do) on top of the
months. Plus, it’s a neutral color, so you can experiment
eyeliner. The result is a glam, camera-ready look that
with various shapes and add colorful gems for an extra pop.
will undoubtedly turn heads.
APRIL 2022
Written by Karina Kurani
asmin Khan is a make-up artist based in London. Her work is edgy and eye-catching. Yasmin is not afraid to experiment with
colors and shapes, making her look memorable. • Best face forward As seen in the pictures, Yasmin gave the model a natural glow with the perfect amount and highlighter placement. The golden rule of using a darker base below the cheekbones and lighter shade in the center has been put to use, and it worked like magic. •It’s All In The Eyes The long dramatic wings elongate the eyes, giving them depth and dimension. The violet color used instantly draws our attention to the eyes. The winged eyeshadow is right now. It is seen everywhere, from movies to runways. It’s an excellent alternative to eyeliner because it is easier to apply with more pigment adjustment. •The Perfect Finish Yasmin demonstrates that anyone can wear this look with the soft and bold colors alike. The subtle shade of peach, almost nude lipstick compliments the skin without overwhelming. It’s the perfect finish! If you feel a little bolder, swap the nude for any color with a red undertone. MUA : Yasmin Khan @thatmakeupmouse (Purple coat) Model: https://instagram. com/hillahatesyou Photographer: rowben_ Stylist: MUA: Yasmin Khan @thatmakeupmouse MOMENTS THAT MATTER
A STAR is born...
By Michelle Emmick 22
APRIL 2022
Nia Dennis
ou can hear a pin drop. No cheers, no
gymnast, training for the Olympics. What
noise. The concentration is palpable
came with this work was transitioning from
right before she salutes the judges.
public school to homeschool, upping training
As she starts to raise one arm and lifts her
hours from 10 hours per week to 40, and,
chin ever so slightly, I envision her repeating
at the age of only 15, moving away from a
internally, “I’m ready. I got this. Hard work
home she knew and loved and relocating to
brings reward.”
Chicago, where she could receive support it would take to become a champion. For
Hard work doesn’t begin to describe what
high-performing young athletes, what also
actually goes into being a champion
comes with this level of work is the mental
athlete, yet that is what it requires. It’s an
component not often talked about. “It was a
intense sport, both physically and mentally
few hard years,” Nia told us. Nia is very open
demanding. Those who reach the highest
about the mental toll this type of training and
levels of gymnastics, like powerhouse Nia
environment has taken on her. She shared
Dennis, know firsthand what it’s like to live
that at a young age, she didn’t understand
a life full of extreme sacrifice, composure,
all of the trauma she endured, and she would
commitment, dedication, and a slew of
later come to understand what she carried.
other skills and attributes that can only be understood from one competitive gymnast
During her time in Chicago, Nia tore her
to another. It’s an unspoken club, a nod of
Achilles heel right before the Olympics. Nia
respect and acknowledgment, because each
explained that while she was devastated,
one of these young women knows what’s
she was finally able to take time to enjoy the
behind the curtain and the level of work it
sport, leading her to make a life-changing
takes to reach a spot on the podium.
decision. “I just didn’t want to do it anymore at that level.” Nia decided to enjoy her senior
At the age of four, Nia Dennis began casually
year of high school and continue gymnastics
flipping at her local gym in Columbus, Ohio.
at the Junior Olympics level. It was a positive
It didn’t take long for coaches to recognize
decision that led Nia to win Nationals. And
the star standout, and by the time she was
unlike many student-athletes patiently
nine, Nia started full-time “work” as an elite
anticipating scholarship offers from their
top-choice colleges, Nia had been receiving
for the entertainment factor that comes with
offer letters from colleges from the time she was
their sport. “College was a different experience. I
just 13 and was making unofficial visits at 15. Her
was able to finally incorporate myself, my ideas,
college decision was easy. Immediately following
and the coaches were very open to including
high school graduation, Nia packed up and
us in the experience.” One of those coaches
moved to where she knew she belonged, the land
was the legendary coach Valorie Kondos Field,
of stars- Los Angeles, California.
lovingly called “Miss Val,” who is recognized for her unique coaching style of teaching life skills, a
What’s in store for a gymnast who reaches the
style that is very different from the authoritative
collegiate level is a new environment- at least it
style most gymnasts know. “She always looked at
was for the young women at UCLA. It was there
me for me, not a gymnast, and always supported
that many of these amazing young women got
me. Miss Val took me in like family. She created a
to show off their athleticism and get recognized
safe environment and let me make mistakes, so I
APRIL 2022
could learn from them. “ Nia’s time at UCLA is when she became a shining star for the world to see. Her first taste of the limelight began when one of her floor routines went viral. “The year before I had manifested stardom, I had worked so hard. I had always been considered the underdog my entire gymnastics career.” Nia said she put extreme effort into becoming consistent, which is crucial to a sport that looks for perfection. When she was finally recognized on social media for all of her efforts, she was shocked and admitted, “I had no idea that my work would go viral and reach outside of gymnastics. It was heartwarming, unbelievable, and a dream come true.” Just as you would expect, following her collegiate career, Nia’s work ethic continued through her participation in the Gold Over America Tour. Once again, she found herself alongside the best gymnasts in the countryright where she belonged. “It was an intense 32-city schedule, performing five days a week.” In everything she does, hard work seems to guide her life path. Now retired from gymnastics, Nia has taken time to work on herself, looking inward at her experiences.
her through her own mental health struggles.
She’s using her platform to educate and inspire
“My parents, Miss Val, and former Olympians
others. “I always aspire to inspire. We need
and brave warriors Madison Kocian and Kyla
more love in this world.” In a sport where you
Ross have made a tremendous impact in my
are used to being silent, this beauty is using her
powerful voice to tell her story. “I’ve learned some tough life skills, and I’ve had to personally
Nia is keeping her schedule busy these days,
put in the work. I want to help others who
taking acting and speaking classes so she
have had mental health struggles, whether
can be at the top of her game, right where
it’s body image, stress, anxiety, or depression.
you’d expect her to be. Her star continues to
I understand and want to pave the way by
rise, whether it’s hosting a red carpet event or
helping future generations of athletes.” Nia
showing off fashion at the Met Gala. Her recent
credits her mentors along the way in helping
efforts involve sharing her message of selfMOMENTS THAT MATTER
care and kindness as the face of the Stella
As I wound down my interview with Nia, as I
McCartney line for Adidas. “Agent of Kindness
do with all, I asked the star how she defines
is kind to the environment, our bodies, and
beauty. She smiled and thought for a moment.
our minds. It’s high quality, and I love how this
She took a deep breath, looked down, gained
collection is crafted with positive intention.”
her composure, and with a twinkle in her eyes
In addition to her Adidas partnership, Nia has
and the confidence of a champion, shared
also partnered with pressed juice. “It’s so good.
these words: “All things in life are beauty.
It’s plant-based, and, as an athlete who was
There’s not a perfect way to describe or define
used to a different diet, I love how easy it is to
the word. To me, what makes something
get in my fruits and vegetables. I’m always
beautiful is in the discovery. It’s all the
trying to take small steps for a bigger goal
components of an individual, and once you
that’s all about my health. Miss Val taught me
discover it, that’s what makes it beautiful.
that. Get 1% better each day.”
That’s the beauty.”
APRIL 2022
Robin Roberts Celebrates 20 Years on GMA
By Michelle Emmick 28
APRIL 2022
hat if you woke up every day believing it was going to be a ‘Good
“My intent was to give people a roadmap for
their journey and put some meat on the bones behind my mantras, focusing on faith instead of
You start your day with a positive mindset,
fear. I wanted to share examples of things I’ve
positive self-talk, and surround yourself with
said and that have been shared with me and
people that uplift you. You take on the day
how I was able to apply it to certain situations.
knowing that not everything is cotton candy
My hope is that people will find a way to apply
and rainbows, but you choose to take it on with
it themselves to whatever their dreams may be.
optimism and opportunity. You start with a plan
There are so many things I’ve learned in my life,
– not a big one, just enough to keep you on the
one being that success leaves clues, meaning
right path and in a positive state.
if you find somebody who’s living a joyful life
What if you were greeted each day with
and you want some of that secret sauce, I hope
someone who always puts you in the right
to share some of that.”
mindset and inspires you to achieve your day’s goals?
That secret sauce starts with good stock. Over the years, Robin has shared that faith, family,
Well, say Good Morning to the woman who
and friends have brought her through life’s
does just that – the one and only Robin Roberts.
defining moments, some of which she shares throughout the book. However, I would add a
She’s the anchor of Good Morning America,
fourth “F’’ to those three greats, foundation.
ABC’s #1 morning show for nine years running.
It is clear that the New York Times bestselling
Every weekday for the last 20 years, Robin
author’s upbringing, built on love and support,
has been in our living rooms, kitchens, and
has constructed principles over the years that
bedrooms (wherever you can find media these
have guided her and are deeply woven into the
days) and has brought us sunshine, even
fabrics of her life. Her father, Lawrence Roberts,
during our darkest days. Robin Roberts has
was a member of the famed Tuskegee Airmen
shared heart and humility as well as happiness
unit during World War II, and her mother,
and heartache. She’s overcome significant
Lucimarian, a graduate of Howard University
health issues and included us in some of
(the first in her family to attend college),
life’s biggest milestones. Robin’s presence
served for years on the Mississippi State Board
is a true gift, and she eloquently honors and
of Education. Both parents were visionaries and
appreciates even the most sensitive subjects,
played a crucial role in Robin’s “brighter by the
and does it with unbelievable civility and grace.
day” mindset.
In her new book, Brighter by the Day, Robin
One of the principles Robin talks about in
Roberts presents a recipe for living the good
her book is leaving a legacy of optimism.
life. The book is divided into three parts: “The
“Someone in the Roberts’ family made the
Joy Mindset,” “Positive on Purpose,” and
decision along the way to choose hope, faith,
“Stronger Than You Know.” All parts equal, all
and positivity. While not everyone comes from
parts needed.
that same background or foundation, we all
“Your tribe becomes your vibe. Look around your life. Who’s in your inner circle? Surround yourself with the people in the balcony. Everything boils down to choices and the company you keep.”
APRIL 2022
have a choice of optimism. I never apologize
the company you keep.”
for being the daughter of present parents that poured into their children. I’m grateful for
Can we get an amen!
the childhood and the foundation that was laid.” Robin’s important message to all is that
Throughout the chapters and all the great
regardless of your situation, the legacy has to
takeaways in Brighter by the Day, Robin’s stories
start somewhere. “If it’s not the family you were
easily identify how much of a role model her
hoping for, that’s okay; let it start with you.”
mother was in her life. She shares with us some of her mother’s wise and witty words of wisdom
Her words on paper can speak volumes.
that have been bestowed on her. “Putting
“Wouldn’t it be great if generations from now,
some context to some of the things my mom
your tribe could look back and say optimism
has said over the years has been great, and it’s
began with you? Wouldn’t it be an honor to
so beautiful to see it well-received. My mom
launch that tradition, to leave such a light-filled
came from humble beginnings, and her and my
father built a wonderful life for themselves and their four children. When my dad was first in the
“A mighty oak grows from an acorn; you could
service, he was a low-ranking officer living in
serve as your family seed.”
Mississippi. My mother was denied entry into the officers’ wives club. Twenty years later, we go
Speaking of tribe, Robin’s book includes a
back to Mississippi, and my father is a Colonel,
chapter titled “Your Tribe Determines Your Vibe.”
and my mom becomes President of that wives’
“I’m blessed to spend my days with my ‘Glam
club. She was never boastful but an incredible
Fam’: Petula Skeete, Elena George, and DiAndre
example of a woman with a clear and strong
Tristan,” the team with whom she starts her day
in morning prayer and to whom she dedicated her book. “They feed my soul.”
Robin shares that she often tells young mothers with whom she speaks, “Don’t think your kids
Inside Brighter by the Day, Robin shares the
aren’t watching and listening.”
difference between basement people and balcony people. She writes, “Ever notice
In her chapter “Get Ready for Your Suddenly,”
how after a conversation with one person
Robin demonstrates how, even with the level
you feel lighter and freer, while an exchange
of professional success she’s achieved, she is
with someone else clenches your jaw? That’s
still out there putting in the work. “I am always,
your body’s way of indicating the type of vibe
always grateful, but never content. Sometimes
exchanged- a visceral thumbs up or thumbs
as women you may think that makes you a
down. We become not just what we believe and
bad person if you’re not content. I don’t mean
think about; we also mirror those we regularly
it in a bad way. I’m the first person to raise my
dine with, dance with, pray with, cry with, and
hand and say I am blessed and highly favored.
rub shoulders with. Your tribe becomes your
I want to increase my territory, so I can do more
vibe. Look around your life. Who’s in your inner
good. Not be more, do more! I never want to
circle? Surround yourself with the people in the
become complacent. I’m about to celebrate 20
balcony. Everything boils down to choices and
years at GMA. Saying ‘Good Morning America’ MOMENTS THAT MATTER
Raymond Hall/Getty Images
means as much to me today as it did 20 years
perfection. We can all get a little better each day.”
ago. Technically, I’m doing the same job, but it
changes every day. I want people to know that
In her 20 years on GMA, one of Robin’s most
no matter what you are doing, whatever position
memorable moments was flying a plane, just
you hold, the importance of finding new goals
like her father had years ago. “My father was still
within and finding things to get excited about is
with us during this time. I flew a vintage World
crucial. I am so grateful for the athlete in me, who
War II T-6 over Morton Airfield in Tuskegee. I
is always pushing for more, but I say that with
wanted to fly like my dad did, and to get to see
complete gratitude that I have the opportunity.
his expression with his daughter was amazing.
I set goals, I’ve experienced winning and losing,
I was in tears coming out of the cockpit. It was
and I continue to reach and strive. I always want
so special to see him, the Tuskegee airman, and
to progress, and I believe in progression, not
share their story.”
APRIL 2022
As we wrapped up our conversation on the book
will want to reference daily. There are so many
and about life’s milestones, Robin emphasized the
beautiful stories and key takeaways, and she’s
importance of the choices we have and honoring
providing a gift of her words and her experiences.
the moments. “So often, we romanticize the past.
I also want to mention that although both of
I don’t want to look back at this time and not have
Robin’s parents have passed on, their spirit lives
enjoyed it. So often, we are looking back. Let’s
and is still shining bright. As she describes her
enjoy today.”
parents as rays of light and pillars of faith, I can’t help but smile and think we would all describe
I couldn’t end this article without sharing my
Robin the exact same way. Her advice, knowledge,
strong conviction for this book. I told Robin during
and optimism are shared in such a beautiful and
our conversation that I call this a “get your
personal way, that anyone reading this book
highlighter out” type of book because it’s one you
should feel “brighter by the day”. MOMENTS THAT MATTER
10 Fun Facts About Robin 1 2 3
Robin was a Mississippi state bowling champion at age ten.
She was Salutatorian of her high school. She attended Southeastern Louisiana University, where she played basketball – she was the university’s third-highest scorer/rebounder.
4 5 6 7 8 9 10
She spent 15 years building a reputation as one of the best and most versatile commentators at ESPN. She co-wrote the GMA theme song with India Arie. Her go-to self-care splurge is a 90-minute massage. Favorite turn-up song: Earth Wind & Fire’s “September.” She coined the phrase at ESPN, “Go on with your bad self,” and yes, she still says it! She’s not a binge TV watcher, but her partner Amber is. While Robin has accomplished many professional goals, she is always open to what God may bring into her life. (You’ve always got an honorary and open position at Ask Us Beauty, Robin!)
APRIL 2022
Robin Makes My Day Brighter… By using her gifts to inspire millions of people every morning. -JADE ANDERSON, SOCIAL PRODUCER
Because her #beautyFULL spirit that lights up my soul at 5AM weekdays, seventeen years and counting. -PETULA SKEETE, EXECUTIVE HAIRSTYLIST FOR ROBIN ROBERTS GMA
Because she believes in your vision and encourages you to dream bigger. -NICOLE CURTIS, GMA PRODUCER
By her true desire to uplift others. -DOROTHY ROBERTS, ROBIN’S SISTER
Because she is a fearless example of how to be your authentic self. -BRIDGETT MANEY, CEO OF BRIDGE PR
Every day for the past 18 years. She is so beautiful inside that I have the privilege of HIGHLIGHTING HER BEAUTY on the outside for the world to see putting on her crown Everyday she is a BEAUTIFUL QUEEN. -ELENA GEORGE, EXECUTIVE MAKEUP ARTIST FOR ROBIN ROBERTS
Because she shines The Light! -SALLY-ANN, ROBIN ROBERT’S SISTER
APRIL 2022
Brighter By The Day Waking Up to New Hopes and Dreams By Robin Roberts, With Michelle Burford
New York Times Bestseller!
Join The Club! To join the club, email us at
Elenas Favorite Products She Uses On Robin Roberts
Gel Sel Peeling Salt Scrub THALAC
APRIL 2022
Coconut Water Hydrating Mist pearl essence
EGgorgeous Makeup Picks
Essentials Lip Scrub and Lip Balm ROGATEE
Fashion Fair Lipstick LACE
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Monochrome Moment in Shades She’s Adorable and She’s Passionate PATRICK TA
Abby Wallach & Caroline Fabrigas @abby.wallach @carolinefabrigas
Innovative Beauties
hat happens when smart, innovative, and solution-driven women come together? A new and cool way to wear fragrance, that’s what! Abby Wallach and Caroline Fabrigas have single-handedly created and revolutionized the way consumers love and wear fragrance. Their most recent innovation, Sparti Scents, offers a portable, colorful, playful, and alcohol-free product. Did I mention it smells great, too? Meet the founders of Scent Invent Technologies LLC.: 40
APRIL 2022
Abby, an award-winning entrepreneur, executive producer, and digital media expert, and Caroline, a beauty expert, entrepreneur, and award-winning executive. These two women started with one vision – to rethink and reinvent forms of fragrance. It’s clear the universe brought these two industry powerhouses together. They met somewhere between a friend, a neighborhood, a birthday party, and an after-party. Over eight years ago, these successful women united their passions for innovation, and well, the rest was destiny – or shall we call it “heavenscent”?
“We knew we wanted to work together. We both had a strong visual idea of beauty and fragrance. Neither one of us had developed a line; however, we loved product, and we both had a fresh perspective, which was creative and exciting,” Abby shares. Their journey started on a foundation of form, function, and fantasy. “We asked ourselves, ‘What problem can we solve, and where can we make the biggest impact?’ We knew fragrance required a lot of testing and took years. The requests we heard were to make a fragrance last longer, remain constant, and linger longer.” Wallach and Fabrigas answered the requests by working together and directly with the chemists to create something amazing, unique, and innovative. This came in the form of a product called Linger, a lasting fragrance primer that took the fragrance industry by storm. With the success of Linger and having spent hundreds of hours in meetings, briefs, presentations, and focus groups getting to know the consumer in order to offer the best products, Abby and Caroline emerged with the next innovation of Scent Invent. “With Sparti, we wanted to have a fragrance product that felt luxurious on your skin, was long-lasting and alcohol-free, among other things. Sparti really reflects a lot of learnings from Linger.”
comforting essence of Soft Musk, Sensual Amber and Vanilla to perfect a scent that no one can deny. Dance Sparti features a combination of dynamic notes of Star Fruit, Frozen Lemon, and Coriander de Leaf, so dance the night away as Sandalwood, Sexy Musk and Amber help you get your groove on. Love Sparti will spark your passion and unleash the sexy rebel in you with a delicious blend of Floral, Hyacinth and Fruity notes. Herbal Lavender and balsamic aromas enhance your sensual mood while White Animatic Musk, Cream Wood, and Patchouli concoct to perfect this aphrodisiac scent. Abby shares that she is most proud when people love what they have created. “We created this more for Generation Z. Receiving their positive feedback makes us feel good and recognize the importance of listening to them. It’s what makes it exciting.” After 30 years as serial entrepreneurs, the creators of Sparti Scents express the importance of being involved in your business every step of the way. “When it’s your business, you need to know every single thing and be able to guide people. Whether it’s research and development, legal matters, the internet, each piece is its own skill and art. It’s your job to create the masterpiece.”
Commercializing Sparti was a long and arduous process for these two determined innovators, but it has been well worth the wait. “A lot of quality care has gone into creating Sparti. There’s quite a bit of mind power behind this new and unique fragrance formula,” shares Caroline.
Abby and Caroline both illuminated the incredible support they have received from the industry’s biggest names. “We have the most incredible advisory board. We have been surrounded by people that believe in our mission and vision and never gave up on us.”
Sparti Scents delivers fragrance at pure and concentrated levels for intense, lasting, and delightful scent, packaged in a cool twist-on portable swivel stick for everyday use by on-the-go women. All Sparti Scent fragrances have been developed by a worldclass senior perfumer and come in three scents.
Walmart also believed in the Scent Invent founders and their innovative product by welcoming Sparti into 1,800 stores across the country. Their compact, convenient, and fun product is going to fly off the shelves, and we can’t wait to see what innovative product they come up with next!
Spring Sparti includes an exuberant citrus blend of Juicy Grapefruit, Mandarin and Nectarine combined with middle notes of White Peony, Ginger Lily and Orris for a light floral breeze that ends with the @spartiscents
Spring Sparti Spring SpringSparti Sparti Citrus Fresh Citrus CitrusFresh Fresh
Dance Sparti Dance DanceSparti Sparti Sexy Musk Sexy SexyMusk Musk
Love Sparti Love LoveSparti Sparti Fruity Floral Fruity FruityFloral Floral Sparti Scents is a fresh way for consumers to experience Sparti Sparti Scents Scents is aisNEW fresh a fresh way way forfor consumers consumers toto experience experience fragrance. Our fragrance innovations are clean, portable, fragrance. fragrance. Our Our NEW NEW fragrance fragrance innovations innovations areare clean, clean, portable, portable, alcohol-free, color coordinated to the scent, accessible in price alcohol-free, alcohol-free, color color coordinated coordinated toto thethe scent, scent, accessible accessible in in price price plus fun to show off! plus plus funfun toto show show off! off! The Sparti Scents On-the-Go mini collection comes in three The The Sparti Sparti Scents Scents On-the-Go On-the-Go mini mini collection collection comes comes in in three three delicious fragrances with skin-loving benefits. Spring, Dance and delicious delicious fragrances fragrances with with skin-loving skin-loving benefits. benefits. Spring, Spring, Dance Dance and and Love Sparti will excite and delight consumers with new textures, Love Love Sparti Sparti will excite excite and and delight delight consumers with new new textures, textures, colors andwill experiences to create aconsumers joyful andwith celebratory colors colors and and experiences experiences toto create create a joyful a joyful and and celebratory celebratory community. vvvv community. community. vvvv vvvv
APRIL 2022
© Copyright 2022 All Rights Reserved Sparti Scents LLC Contact: | © Copyright © Copyright 2022 2022 All Rights All Rights Reserved Reserved Sparti Sparti Scents Scents LLCLLC Contact: Contact: | |
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Liz Lange Written by: Michelle Emmick | @lizlangeofficial
APRIL 2022
icture this: stepping off the plane, a
shared her idea with the designer. “He wasn’t
gentle breeze, the sun is shining, you
interested, so I took it and ran with it. I was the
are wearing a luxurious caftan. You
classic entrepreneur story. I became obsessed
take a deep breath and drop your shoulders.
with the idea, executed the plan, and it took
Ahh… Welcome to Palm Beach.
off beyond my wildest expectations.” Liz sold the company 10 years later as the largest
Born and raised on New York’s Upper Eastside,
maternity brand in the United States with
Liz Lange has found herself enjoying a more
flagship stores in Beverly Hills, Long Island,
relaxed lifestyle in Florida. While she still
and NYC’s Madison Avenue.
enjoys the days of traveling to her favorite cities of Tokyo and London, spending summers
While Liz has been a speaker at countless
at her infamous Grey Gardens Estate in East
business schools and surrounded by thought
Hampton, or trips to Capri, it’s her home in
leaders from all over the world, she shares that
the sunshine state that keeps this industry
it’s the business of doing business. “You learn
innovator frequently planted while she builds
so much from just doing.” Only two years into
her latest venture.
building her brand, Liz was approached by Nike to design a collection, Liz Lange for Swoosh
Liz Lange is the woman who single-handedly
Maternity Athletic Apparel, followed by Target,
revolutionized maternity style. She shares
which became an 18-year partnership with
that her first love has always been fashion.
her brand becoming their exclusive in-store
A graduate of Brown University, where her
and online maternity clothing, Liz Lange for
daughter currently attends, Liz started her
career working in editorial for Vogue. It was there that she met a struggling designer that
Liz sold Liz Lange Maternity in 2007 to a private
gave her the opportunity to apprentice and
equity firm but remained the face of the
where she got a crash course in fashion. And
brand’s uber-successful licensing deal with
while she may have been there to learn the
Target until 2018, and she was ready for a new
business, it was her keen eye that quickly
project. In 2020, the self-described fashion
recognized an untapped market. “I had friends
lover jumped into a new venture, taking her
who were getting pregnant and women
good taste with her. “I had been a fan of the
who were pregnant coming in for fittings.
brand Figue (the French spelling of fig). I was
Two things stood out to me: 1) women were
living in Palm Beach, wearing their beautiful
spending a lot of money on non-maternity
and easy caftans, and heard the founder
clothes or maternity clothes they didn’t like,
was winding down. I thought, ‘that’s my next
and 2) pregnant women looked much better in
opportunity!’” Liz describes the clothing as
clothes that were sleek and fitted.”
glamorous and comfortable.
Believing that women could and should feel
Whether it’s maternity, athleisurewear, or
sexy and attractive throughout pregnancy, Liz
a bright, beautiful caftan, Liz wears it well.
Her lifestyle has created a place of balance when it comes to health and beauty. She says her days of working 24 hours are behind her. She keeps herself healthy by starting each day with a two-hour walk. “I’m an early riser. I try and get in six miles a day. I turn on a great podcast and go.” Liz says she’s not afraid to indulge in the foods she loves and doesn’t obsess over every detail. “I start and end my day, splashing water on my face. I love to keep my skin looking great. I don’t drink alcohol, and while I don’t hide from the sun, I don’t seek it out either. One of the things I learned from my mother’s, which is my happy place, is the pleasure of soaking in a hot bathtub. I really believe beauty is a calmness and being comfortable in your own skin.” It looks like the sunshine state has provided her just that for both herself and her customers. Check out the beautiful and comfortable clothes at www.figue. com @figuelove @lizlangeofficial
Some of Liz’s Favorite Products & Brands Recherche PV50 Augustinus Bader Armani Neo Nude Foundation Thrive Cosmetic Eyeliner Clinique Lash Power Cetaphil & Neutrogena Makeup Removing Wipes
Photos by Nick Mele @nickmelephotography
APRIL 2022
By Jordan Peden
Maeve Quinlan 48
APRIL 2022
n any life, in any career, most people are
Amateur Championship and being the number
lucky to be considered an all star in even
one alternate to the ’84 Olympic Team, she
just one of their ventures. But for Maeve
attended Northwestern University on a full-ride
Quinlan, all star doesn’t even begin to describe
scholarship. Maeve was the first NU female
what she’s accomplished. This bold, beautiful
All-American tennis player, undefeated in the
blockbuster of a woman is an actress, writer,
Big 10, and a two-time number one singles
producer, beauty and wellness advocate, and a
champion. Following her sophomore year
tennis champion. Her talents and achievements
at NU, she transferred to the University of
know no bounds, and there’s no end in sight for
Southern California, where she also had a full
this powerhouse maven (pun intended).
ride. “That year was one of the most exciting tennis years of my life. That year I was ranked
A first-generation American and the child
105 in the world in the professional rankings,
of Irish immigrants, Maeve has origins of
and I had opportunities to play in the US Open,
greatness that reach back to her childhood in
Wimbledon, French Open, and Australian Open.
Northfield, Illinois. It was during her childhood
When I entered USC, we had just won the NCAA
in the midwest that she received her first tennis
Championship, and my junior year, we were
racket from the Bess Hardware Store. “It was so
NCAA runner up.”
cheap that the grip was merely painted on- in red. It turned my entire hand that color every
While Maeve’s tennis journey throughout
time I used it,” she reminisced. Nevertheless,
college had taken her to new and exciting
Maeve grew to love tennis. At the same time,
heights, her love for acting was still pulling
she was becoming heavily involved in school
on her heartstrings. “My senior year, I was
plays. Eventually, however, her mom enrolled
playing number one singles for the USC tennis
her in tennis lessons at their country club, and
powerhouse team, was an officer in my sorority
between her lessons and her studies, her acting
(Kappa Alpha Theta), and made that fateful
was put on the back burner. “I was sad not to
decision, that once tennis was over for me
have the time to act anymore, but when I went
professionally after college, I would pursue
on the court, the actress in me came out in
my true love- acting.” That decision was fast
order to combat my shyness,” she told us. As
tracked for Maeve after an unfortunate injury
much as she missed actively participating in
shortly after she graduated, but it wasn’t
the theater program at her school- which is
long before she signed with an acting agent,
renowned for its theater department, boasting
auditioned, and booked her first gig, a Super
alumni such as Rock Hudson, Ann Margaret,
Bowl commercial for Nike. “My love of acting
and Charlton Heston- she could never have
had won, and my heart was no longer in tennis.
imagined the star she would become on the
I had to now pursue it with every ounce of time
and passion I could muster,” she shared with us. While teaching tennis and working at a
Maeve was an excellent student and superb
clothing store to make ends meet, Maeve spent
athlete, starting high school at 13 and college
her days running to and from auditions and
at 17. After being one of the top juniors in the
spent her nights at acting classes. Because of
nation, winning the 18 and Under US National
her incredible work ethic, it wasn’t long before
she booked another Superbowl commercial
starring role in the CW reboot of the notorious
and a string of gigs that would come to launch
her career. “What followed next was a day on General Hospital, a few guest-starring roles,
It’s not just her work in critically-acclaimed TV
theater productions, and then The Bold and The
series and popular television movies that make
Beautiful came along. It was a one-day role that
Maeve Quinlan a rockstar, though. On top of all
ended up lasting 12 years. The rest is history.”
of her TV accomplishments, she’s also been incredibly fortunate in the world of feature films.
It would be easy for Maeve to go on about
She’s been hailed for the depth and range of
her star-studded experience throughout her
her performances in movies like Francis Ford
tenure on The Bold and The Beautiful as the one
Coppola’s The Florentine, Larry Clark’s Ken Park,
and only Megan Conley, but her most valued
Dirty Girl, and Totally Blonde. Most recently,
memories from her time on the show stem from
Maeve starred in the film Not Easily Broken,
one word: family. “The fact on a series [is that]
where she played opposite of Academy Award
you are a family; you look out for each other.
Nominee Taraji P. Henson and Morris Chestnut.
Your crew, your writers, craft service, everyone
With such a lucrative career under her belt,
is a part of that family. If you work that way and
it’s hard to believe that Maeve has time for
with that family mindfulness, you will literally
anything else, but nothing could be further from
sing and skip into work each day and relish every
the truth. She’s also a producer, working on
single moment.” And though Maeve has gone
television and streaming series with her partner
on to work on several more television series and
Alexia Melocchi and Little Studio Films. She is
multiple films, what she learned on the set of
an advocate for ovarian cancer research and
B&B will be forever ingrained in her. “I carry that
awareness, a staunch supporter of LGBTQ+
family feeling to every set I step foot on. You’re
rights, and most recently, she’s added wellness
only as great as the sum of every single part
guru to her long list of titles.
of what we are creating. Every person’s job is just as important as yours,” she told us. That
As she looks to the future, Maeve is thrilled
family, as Maeve explained, goes beyond the
about the projects that lie ahead of her. “I am
cast and crew, extending to those die-hard soap
SO excited about the projects I have coming up.
fans. “Soap fans are one of the most important
First up is my upcoming Lifetime movie, Fit to
members of your television family. An actor
Kill, and a romantic comedy feature film called
should never forget that.” Maeve certainly hasn’t
Our Almost Completely True Love Story. But wait,
forgotten that, which is perhaps the reason for
there’s more! Maeve, her producing partner,
her decades-long success.
and Little Studio Films also currently have five projects in development. The excitement
Since her time on The Bold and The Beautiful,
Maeve has for the projects she’s acting in and
Maeve has starred in countless television series,
producing is tangible, and it’s impossible not to
multiple films, and has even produced shows
be captivated by her enthusiasm and passion.
as well. Her most notable television role since
This is exactly what has allowed her to flourish
B&B was in the hit teen drama South of Nowhere
throughout her thirty-year career.
as Paula Carlin for four seasons, for which she earned three GLAAD nominations and landed a 50
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With a Hollywood career that expansive, Maeve
has witnessed how the industry has treated
Maeve’s definition of beauty might just be one of
women of a certain age and has felt firsthand
our favorites, as her words became etched in our
the pressure to look and age a particular way.
minds. “I truly believe every single one of us is
She’s dealt with those struggles gracefully
intoxicatingly beautiful, and it’s that captivating
and now feels empowered by the way she sees
spirit which makes someone beautiful. Sure,
the industry changing. “Aging in Hollywood for
there is physical beauty, and there is no denying
WOMEN has been a notoriously difficult thing.
that. But it’s the ability to know yourself, be
There has been such pressure to look young in
grounded, be inclusive, share, listen, care and
Hollywood that it sometimes does actresses
laugh which makes someone beautiful. True
such a disservice as far as self image. However,
beauty transcends age. True beauty lasts
I am so delighted and inspired to see in the
forever. I truly believe that. My 98-year-old
last several years how that is changing. I think
mother is one of the most gorgeous women at
the amount of women in film and decision-
that ripe old age that you’ll ever meet. Because
making positions has widened the field of not
she kept herself well- great skincare routine, lots
only casting but of storytelling of women and
of exercise, took pride in the way she dressed
for women over a certain age as the leads.” In
and chose clothes which were timeless. She’s
fact, Maeve’s role model for aging beautifully is
had zero plastic surgery or injectables, but
none other than the timelessly stunning Audrey
above all, she is the most caring, present, funny,
deeply religious and kind, yet tough-as-nails and morally-compassed woman you will ever
When asked how she practices self-care and
meet. SHE is the epitome of beauty.”
the things she does to look and feel her best, Maeve was full of wonderful advice, advice she
Like mother, like daughter.
now shares through a wellness blog. We could go on and on about all of her wellness wisdom, but it all boils down to this: “Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Eat well. Supplements. Extremely rare alcohol intake. Quiet time and mental wellness. A really good skincare routine. And of course, exercise.” She also shared that she’s taking her love of overall wellness to the next level by developing her own line. “I’m also in the beginning stages of developing a few of my own supplemental skincare products based on things I presently do/use in conjunction with my Rodan + Fields skincare routine. Everything that I mention here, from my outward beauty routines, including the products I use, to my inner beauty practices, including importance on mind/body health, to my exercise routine, can be found on my @ MaeveIntoxicatingBeauty Instagram/Facebook blogs.” MOMENTS THAT MATTER
APRIL 2022
HEART Reshape By Ali Landry
hen I heard the theme for this issue, memorable and momentous, my mind flooded with moments to write about as it relates to my personal re-shape story to encourage you with your own journey to re-shape the areas of your life that are no longer serving you. With RE/SHAPE, we focus on four primary areas of our life: heart, soul, mind, and health through the lease of health and wellness, lifestyle, beauty, and fitness. We have all had moments in our life that can abruptly shift us, those moments when life changes forever. Through both triumph and difficulty, we can let the experiences grow us into the absolute best versions ourselves. But that decision comes from the heart, especially when the difficult moments turn our world upside down. Years ago, through the course of a couple of heart-stopping moments, I came to a place in my heart and chose not to settle and let the heartbreak and betrayal I experienced or the tragedy and loss that hit our family take away 56
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my joy and the future I believe God had waiting for me. Forgiveness frees us to live in the present. When we hold on to hurt, pain, resentment, and anger, it harms us far more than it harms the offender. Reliving the wrong done to us keeps us living in the past and missing today’s beauty. We have all been through some heartbreak in our life. The question is, how long are we going to sit in heartbreak, and how are we going to choose to move through it? We need to feel the feelings and process what happened, but there will come a time that only you know when you need to get up and begin the mending process. I knew I did not want to harden my heart. Often it is so much easier to sweep these hurts under the rug and move on, but I can promise you with everything in me that if you don’t deal with it, it will show up again. Looking back now at these momentous moments in my life, the fact that I chose to do the work and honestly learn the real meaning of forgiveness allowed the space in my heart to create a future life that is full of true joy and happiness. For more: | @reshapelive
Rinse & Repeat
By Amber Shaw
ne of the valuable lessons I’ve learned as I’ve gotten older – particularly after I hit 40 – is that health & wellness doesn’t live in a diet or some extreme exercise program. We all know neither of those are sustainable and they make us miserable! What I have found is that it’s all about LIFESTYLE. Lifestyle is about creating simple, rinse-and-repeat habits that are easy to incorporate into your life, ones you enjoy, and are dial movers when it comes to your health. One of the key components of a healthy lifestyle is a consistent exercise program but specifically – strength training. After the age of 40, women lose on average ½ lb of muscle per year. With our drop in hormones and slowed metabolism, the loss in muscle furthers the drop in out metabolic rate that can cause weight gain. One of the biggest ways to combat that is to strength train. Strength training or resistance training involves physical exercise to improve your strength and endurance. It commonly done with lifting weights but I also love resistance bands which are super easy to use at home.
To get started and make sure you muscles are warm and ready, you will want to do at least a 3 minute warm-up of running in place, jumping jacks or even walking up and down the stairs. You just need to get your body warm! To work your upper body, you will want to do pushups during the 30-60 second commercial breaks. These can be done from your hands or your knees. For lower body, I am a huge fan of stationary lunges. You can mix it up between commercials and do different variations like front lunges, back lunges and side lunges. You will also want to work your core. I recommend holding a plank. Because most commercials are 30-60 seconds, the goal is to work your way up to holding the plank for the entire commercial. On your “off” days, I want to encourage you just to focus on moving your body. So that could be a walk with friends, or maybe a hike with your partner or even roller skating with your kids! Have fun with it and relax into your new healthy lifestyle! @msambershaw |
For women, regular strength training can also help to improve bone health, prevent injury and also lose body fat as muscle burns more calories at rest opposed to fat. When starting any exercise program and especially when trying to establish a lifestyle that you will stick to, it is important to start slowly – think baby steps. I recommend to my clients just starting out to start with just 2 days a week. Not only will that help with injury prevention but it will also help you mentally adapt to your new habit without all of the stress and pressure we can put on ourselves. Lasting change starts with taking small steps and celebrating the wins all along the way. If you don’t have time to get to the gym, you can absolutely get your 2 days in at home. You can even incorporate some simple exercises during your favorite TV show. MOMENTS THAT MATTER
Doris Hobbs
GLAMOROUS By Doris Hobbs | @richinlovefashion | James Adams Photography
oris Hobb’s love for glamour started at the
to refashion how others perceive such a life
age of eight with the askew application
altering disorder.
of her grandmother’s red Revlon lipstick,
“I remember standing in front of her vanity
Doris shares that glamour from her perspective,
mirror tossing my golden red locks over my right
is defined as recreation from all facets of our
shoulder as if I was a Hollywood scarlet. At that
lives. “Perhaps the best way to describe it is
very moment, a sense of glamour was felt, as the
with a ravishing red lipstick, a sensual hourglass
reflection of the woman I was destined to become
silhouette, and style inspiration from such
shined before me.”
mavens as Rita Hayworth, Ava Gardner, and Jayne Mansfield. Glamour is the feeling of
Doris Hobbs is globally recognized as The
beauty, with an undertone of femininity, while
Glamorous Diabetic, known for her advocacy
looking like a lady for all occasions.”
efforts for both Type 1 & 2 Diabetes, In 2014,
Doris was formally diagnosed as a Type 1
When asking Doris about how she defines
diabetic. “During this unpredictable moment in
beauty, she shared two words: Self-Love. “There
my life, I, decided to go beyond the autoimmune
is nothing more glamorous than a woman
dis-ease (disharmony) and not wear it as a
that loves herself, knows what she wants and
sympathy garment; instead, seeking a way
garnishes her lips with the reddest red.”
APRIL 2022
By Ari Zucker
Memories for ALL SEASONS...
t’s that time of year when spring is near, and life feels fresh again. We get to shed our winter skin and enjoy the warm months ahead! In my life, I am all about creating beautiful memories when each season is upon us. I love to create adventures so all of us can remember what a fortunate life we have. I had beautiful memories growing up, even though I went through periods of troubled times. It’s those memories that serve me to this day. It’s those memories that make me want to share and continue to create more with my friends and loved ones. I have so many incredible memories in my life, but not all of them started out as fabulous. Being a positive advocate coach and optimistic person in general, I have realized that everything
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happens for a reason. There have been times when the not-so-encouraging memories brought me the best results in the long run. They were memories that I then learned from, which helped me to understand my true value and broaden my horizons. Because of this, I am not afraid to truly go out of my way to enjoy adventures in my life because it is what truly makes my heart soar. One of the most special times of my life was when I would spend my summers at the horse barn. I was fortunate to have a horse growing up, and all I really ever wanted to do in my life was ride. Although this is not one specific memory in my life, horses were everything to me. They allowed me to escape myself and feel bold and competent. I was very much an introvert and very nervous at home. Being around horses made me feel free and view life without limits.
In my mind, I was an Olympic rider. I believed I had the ability to ride in the Olympics, and that was always my dream. The funny part is- and yes, it is funny to me- I always had horses that were either too old or too young and couldn’t match my ability. Boy, they were sweet, though. Even though they weren’t the fastest, they made me a better rider and a better human, and I grew to learn a lot of patience. I found new love daily with these animals because what they gave me in return was commitment and loyalty. It was a communication without words that only horses and I had. It was beautiful! I don’t ride horses on the level I used to when I was competing. However, I did ride for 33 years, so I have ample great memories of the sport. I have one beautiful, retired horse named Speck. I have had him since he was 18 months old. He will be 22 years old on May 01, 2022. He resides with my friend Kellie, who takes incredible care of him. When he was in his prime, we won a lot of blue ribbons together. Now it is his time to enjoy peace and love with really cool Draft horse neighbors.
snow skiing, water skiing, boating, hiking, biking, you name it. We are loving the outdoor lifestyle. Every time we leave a destination, we take a picture memory in our minds. We all stand together in a line, my fiancé and I on the outside and Izzy in the middle. I hold my left hand with my two fingers in an L shape, Shawn holds up his right, and Izzy holds up the bottom, creating a human camera. We take a picture memory of our amazing time and talk about them later on throughout the year. Those are the moments I treasure the most.
Ari Zucker Ari Zucker Positivity Advocate Coach
I still go trail riding with my daughter, and we love spending time together outdoors on horses. My daughter isn’t in love with horses the way I was- probably a good thing because it’s really expensive. Someday, when my daughter is playing soccer at the collegiate level, I will get another horse, but until then, we are creating some insane memories snowboarding, MOMENTS THAT MATTER
eing able to see how people love each
Katherine shared that, as a photographer, every
other and what they do for each other,
single situation has a unique beauty. “The best
I have so much more hope in humanity
photos are captured when you anticipate the
after I started doing this job. I get to witness
moment and learn how to wait in silence for
that second of pure happiness.”
Katherine Nunez is a professional photographer.
Her biggest reward is working with shy people,
She moved to New York seven years ago from
helping them to feel comfortable in front of a
the Dominican Republic. With a master’s
camera. Capturing that real authentic beauty.
degree in Sustainability and a formal career
“Capturing those moments is my biggest
in Architecture, Katherine was extremely
enthusiastic about her work yet felt pulled in another direction. “Even though I loved my career, I was never 100% happy in that path.” Katherine says she had a camera in her hand for as long as she can remember. She considered photography a fun side job until she hit a life marker. “I was shooting pictures for a first birthday party of a toddler who was born premature with multiple medical complications. Seeing his mom enjoy every second of this party with such genuine happiness, I honestly do not think I had ever allowed myself to be that happy. That day, that marker showed me how to be grateful, how to be strong, and how to be a better mom.” Katherine followed her true passion two years ago and quit her 9-5 job. Today and every day, she achieves her dream of helping people preserve their most precious moments.
APRIL 2022
If you’re done wasting time, energy, and money on emotionally unavailable partners. If you’re tired of swiping on dating apps every night. If you’re nervous about getting back out into the dating scene again. If you’re ready to finally reach your relationship goals, meet amazing, like-minded singles, and become the best version of yourself Matchmaking is for you. Love Life Academy believes that there’s a science behind lasting love. That’s why our entire expert staff is trained and certified by both the Global Love Institute and The Love Doctor® herself, Dr. Terri Orbuch. Our matchmaking philosophy is rooted in years of scientific research on healthy relationships, love, and attraction, ensuring the highest possible success rate for our clients. When it comes to matchmaking, we truly go the extra mile. We’re not just matchmakers–we’re dating coaches, stylists, recruiters, and a listening ear when needed. We do everything we can to make sure our clients enjoy their dating journey and finally find the lasting love they deserve.
BENEFITS OF MATCHMAKING There is a higher chance of finding love You’ll save time, energy, and money It’s safe and discrete
There is no better way to make real, lasting connections with high-caliber singles. For more information on how to sign up for our services, visit our website at
You’ll meet people outside of your normal social circle You don’t have to go through dating alone
of a Runaway Bride: I Almost Settled. Here’s Why.
By Dr. Karin Anderson Abrell 64
APRIL 2022
never intended to settle in love. Does
I know I’m not the only one; many women wrestle
anyone, really? But it happened. Of course, I
with authenticity. As little girls, we imagine our
had my reasons...
life’s path—college check, career check, marriage
Give him a chance, Karin. So, he’s not your type.
check, and babies check. We want all the things. And, we want them at the “appropriate” time.
So what? “Your types” haven’t worked out in the past, have they? Maybe it’s time to switch things
When we miss a mark, we feel the heat from
up. Give a nice guy a try! And sure, it’s not a bad
friends, family, and society in general. People
idea to give a guy a chance. But it is a bad idea
wonder what’s wrong with us. We’re out of step.
to give him four years of your life trying to make
What’s the problem?
a relationship work that wasn’t meant to work! Which is exactly what I did.
The mark I missed was taking “too long” to meet someone—which is where I lost my way. I
Oh, and did I mention I accepted his marriage
caved to the pressure of single shaming. After
proposal along the way? Yeah, that happened.
years of fielding comments like, You must be too
At 34 years old, I was engaged to a brilliant,
picky! and You’re pretty opinionated. Maybe you
successful, kind man who was crazy about me.
intimidate men, I started to doubt myself. And
But I wasn’t in love with him—as much as I
once doubt sets in, the settling begins. I settled for
wanted to be, as much as I tried to be.
an incredible guy, who wasn’t my guy. I settled for a beautiful life, that wasn’t my life. I settled—until
As the wedding loomed, my anxiety mounted.
I couldn’t settle anymore. So, two months before
Nothing about this engagement felt right. But
my wedding, I called it off.
what was right supposed to feel like? Maybe my expectations were unrealistic! How did I get
With that one decision, I bucked the system and
myself into an unhappy engagement in the first
shrugged off societal expectations because I
place? How could I get myself out of it? Would I
feared living a lie more than I feared being alone.
get myself out of it?
We can’t settle and live authentically. We can’t settle and triumph. We can’t settle and thrive in
In hindsight, it’s all so clear. But at the time, I
love and life! I never intended to settle. And, I’m
struggled to make sense of anything. Because
so glad I didn’t!
that’s what happen when you settle. You lie to yourself over and over again. First with little fibs—It’ll be fine. I can make this work. And then with bigger ones—I don’t need fireworks. A good enough marriage will be good enough. Eventually the lies blur your sense of self. You’re no longer sure of who you really are.
Dr. Karin Anderson Abrell is a psychology professor turned self-help author turned podcast host. She considers herself, part psych nerd, part girl-abouttown. She holds a master’s degree in clinical psychology and a doctorate in developmental psychology. | @dr.karin
Tess Mann | @couture_by_tess
Creative Couture by Tess
ome of the greatest artists and designers
Collierville, Tennessee, where she now has a
of all time find their core artistic ethos after
brick-and-mortar storefront in the charming
decades of extraordinary living, and Tess
historic district of Cookeville. Her goal is to
Mann is no exception. Tess was fity when she
make brides everywhere feel glamorous on their
began a second career within the world of bridal
wedding day.
fashion. “I enjoy the entire process of designing: from The fascination with fashion design started
initial sketch to final product to the beautiful
when Tess began taking part in the Miss America
bride who will wear a gorgeous piece of artwork
preliminary scholarship competitions as a young
on the most special day of her life. From the
woman. She subsequently realized she needed
selection of textiles used to drawing the artwork
a formal evening gown. Not able to afford a
for my own custom lace fabrics, every step brings
luxurious competition gown, she and her mother
joy to the creative journey,” says Tess Mann.
began designing. She continued to sketch designs throughout her college education and
Mann’s journey is a pleasant reminder to never
has been designing for fun ever since.
give up on yourself or your dreams, and that is a beautiful thing.
Tess began her fashion business by operating as an appointment-only bridal boutique in 66
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and expensive, more expensive than ever imagined. She said, “ Creating your product and getting it to the market is the easy part. Figuring out how to get it into a bride’s hands was harder than I realized. I thought I would be able to post one picture on my social media and it would go flying across the nation and I would wake up selling at least one to every bride. little did I know. Lol.”
o say that Kelly Moynihan risked it all is an understatement. This amazing lady was born and raised in Delray Beach, Florida. She married her high school sweet-heart, and they have seven kids- yes, seven! She was a beautician by trade, and many of her clients were bridesmaids, bridesmaids who loved to drink. On April 6, 2016, as she was doing hair for a buzzing bridal party, an idea struck her. Why not make a practical and pretty way for the ladies to casually sip on cocktails! She immediately went home that evening, and by the next morning, the prototype for Flasky Flowers was born. Flasky Flowers are flasks that are incognito. They look like an ordinary bouquet, but the stem is a fillable flask with a convenient straw. So, no more cropping Solo cups out of wedding pictures! Flasky Flowers enable women to be picture ready all evening long. When asked about her experiences, Kelly said that she has learned two major lessons from this life-changing endeavor. First, the lesson we should all hear is to never give up. She said that 99.8% of people give up on their dreams, but that would not be her. She and her husband were all in, even when the finances got rough, which leads to lesson number two: marketing is tough 68
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One of the pivotal moments for Flasky Flowers was its debut on Shark Tank. Kelly would highly recommend this route for anyone with a good idea. She believes that the biggest asset you can bring to the table is a winning personality. And she and her husband did just that. I watched the show, and I was mesmerized by the zealous bride holding her Flasky Flowers and saying cheers to the idea. Everyone watching the show, including the judges, could not say no to the ambitious couple. Their huge family, their great story, and very unique product won in the end. Although Flasky Flowers are mainly used for weddings and bachelorette parties, they can be a creative touch for any occasion, such as birthdays or as an accessory for a Halloween costume. Currently, they are only accepting on-line orders, but they hope to be in stores soon. To get more information or place an order go to Cheers!
As Seen on Shark Tank
Martina McBride
Photo by Joseph Llanes 70
APRIL 2022
artina McBride has had numerous
Ava. “It’s been a great privilege to see my girls
noteworthy milestones in her life.
grow up. I’ve seen them follow their passions, start
Professionally, she’s had one of the
their careers, and experience serious relationships.
most successful careers in country
I’m so proud of them. They have a strong work
music as a performer, songwriter, and record
ethic and treat others with kindness.”
producer. Her unique storytelling and powerhouse voice have earned her four CMA Female Vocalist
As parents understand well, the years go by and
of the Year honors, 14 Grammy nominations,
are peppered with milestone moments that
and three ACM Top Female Vocalist trophies.
include both setbacks and giant steps forward.
Her songs have become anthems for women
Martina’s advice for her daughters is to always
everywhere and have provided the melodies for
trust their gut instincts. “Learn that it’s ok to say no
love stories around the world.
if something doesn’t feel right to you.”
While professional accolades are impressive, it’s
That advice has fared well as she also tops it with
the empathetic and beautiful core of her music
powerful praise that all girls want to hear from
that shines from the accomplishments and
their mom. “I think all three of my daughters will
milestones secured in her personal life as both a
be successful in whatever they choose to do with
wife and mother.
life.” Those empowering words are just part of Martina’s special gift that she shares, blessing us
Martina McBride is married to John McBride, a
with stories from her life and career through her
celebrated sound engineer in Nashville and owner
music, and, in turn, creating countless significant
of one of the most prominent recording studios in
moments for her fans all over the world.
Music City. Partners in both life and business, John and Martina met through music when she was just 20 years old and never looked back. “We got married May 15, 1988, and we’ll celebrate our 34th anniversary this year.” We asked Martina about that special day 34 years ago. “I sang a song to John called ‘Nobody Loves Me Like You Do,’ and we also had our friend Drake sing ‘Till There Was You.’” One of Martina’s fondest memories of that monumental day was getting to share that moment with her father. “I remember walking down the aisle with my dad! We held hands. It was beautiful. I don’t remember specific advice that he gave me, but I’m sure he just wanted me to be happy.” Happiness and joyous milestones have continued to follow the McBrides throughout the years with the birth of their children: Delaney, Emma, and MOMENTS THAT MATTER
I hope you
From the venues and vendors, to décor, beauty and apparel, the excitement, stress and everything in between can show up during this joyous, beautiful, emotional and cherished time. A wedding is a celebration that provides some of the most sweet and sentimental moments between a father and daughter.
A father’s gifts of quality time, life-giving words, and positive actions have a longlasting impact on his children.
Weddings are a big life marker to all involved and that includes the Father of the Bride.
Irene Yoo and her father’s message @heyyirenee “Marriage is the beginning of a very precious life-long journey. At the end of this journey, it is not about wonderful children, beautiful houses and dream cars. It’s about loving each other for better and for worse until you see the face of the Lord. I pray that you will hold each other for more than double of the 27 years I’ve raised my beloved daughter.” -Fonda Chang 72
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@hairsweethair_ “My hope for Morgan was that her wedding would be her special day, her way, and to see her loving the beginning of her new life.” -Jim Fought
Madi Canady’s Father @madicanady “I wanted Madi to have a wedding as beautiful as she is and to be able to relax and enjoy it at the same time.” -Scott Canady
Kayla Kaplon and her father’s message @kayla_kaplon “My wish for Kayla was that she would have a wonderful and prosperous life with her husband, and she found that!” -Mike Chaney
Marissa Chaney Photography by Marissa Chaney owner of Marissa Rae Photography. Marissa is a wedding and elopement photographer based in Indiana, and travels all over the world for your love stories. @marissaraephotography
Let’s Hear It For the Dads!
Life Lessons by MARK CUBAN F
rom the moment a dad hears, “It’s a girl!” things change. He has now entered an exciting and complex world. He
takes on the responsibility of being the biggest influence on not only how his daughter sees the world, but more importantly how he sees himself. We asked Mark Cuban, billionaire entrepreneur, Dallas Mavericks owner, television personality, and media proprietor, a few questions about being a girl dad to his two beautiful daughters Alexis and Alyssa. What has raising girls taught you? I’m one of three boys, so having two daughters
Photo by Christopher Willard / Getty Images 74
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is a revelation for me. I never really understood the differences and similarities between girls
and boys.
Having a son and two daughters has taught
They have made it easy. They are really good
me so many things- to be a better listener, to
understand that they have to find their own way and create their own sense of independence, so many things
Mark Cuban lives in Texas with his wife Tiffany, son Jake, and two daughters Alexis and Alyssa
What do you believe are the best life lessons
you have provided to your daughters? My wife and I try to give them confidence and instill the belief that their goals are their own and they can achieve the things they work hard to accomplish. To be curious about life and to be open-minded, but to have a level of cynicism to protect yourself. It’s amazing for my wife and I to have an influence on their lives as they grow up. In a hyper-critical and image-obsessed world, how do you believe you have helped instill their confidence? I think they have gained confidence through their own accomplishments and failures, their wins and their heartbreaks. We have never made how they look something we value at all. Of course, they each have an ego, but they both have their own style and whatever that is is fine with us. Do you have a favorite dad joke or something that your girls say is “cringe”? LOL All of them, lol. “When did you hurt your back? Oh about a week back.” Really bad. But mostly it’s songs I made up about them. They know I have no level of shame when it comes to embarrassing them in front of their MOMENTS THAT MATTER
By Amy Breuer
The American Dream
s popular as the incredible art Shane & Justis
facility. Fast-forward to today, they have tripled
Henderson create, their story has been
in size and have separate but very interconnected
featured on Fox News, Fox and Friends, and
businesses located across the street from each
countless other media outlets.
other: Metal Art of Wisconsin and, Flags by Justis. This dynamic duo is not slowing down anytime
What started out as a father and son duo sharing
soon, from humble beginnings in their garage to
a passion for creating patriotic art together in their
overgrowing their facility multiple times. When
garage quickly became an overnight success when
asking Shane about the momentum they’ve
Shane’s son Justis posted a picture of their art on
established, he says, “We’re not stopping, and
Instagram in 2013. The team of two decided to go
we’re not slowing down. We are going All gas and
“all in” on their dream, and within two years, they
no brakes”. Shane credits the success to his son’s
expanded to a team of four working out of a small
hard work and the fantastic team that has worked
APRIL 2022
tirelessly along the way.
& Flags by Justis. They have donated over $250,000 of their handmade flags. In addition, they recently
When asking Shane about what this experience
honored the Servicemen Killed in Afghanistan by
has meant to him, he shared, “aside from a father
making 13 Custom Flags for their families and 17
wanting to work with his son every day, and then for
Flags for the Injured Servicemen.
my son to follow in his footsteps from working in a garage and then to turn it into a multi-million dollar
Flags for Fortitude will honor and recognize the
business is the American Dream.”
heroes highlighted in Ask Us Beauty Magazine. If you would like to spread kindness and joy to heroes
Despite having so much success, Shane and Justis
who have so honorably served our country in some
are making a significant and positive impact. Their
capacity, nominate your favorite hero and show
Flags for Fortitude program was designed for the men
them your gratitude for their service. Nominations
and women on the frontline that display strength,
can be emailed to, they
courage, and dedication. Flags for Fortitude is a
are reviewed, and the recipients are chosen daily —
charitable organization run by Metal Art of Wisconsin
flags are shipped daily.
Marriage and Parenting “Humor” with Chip Leighton
hip Leighton wanted to see if he could make
corner cheering them on, whether they succeed or
people laugh and make someone’s day a
fail. And, of course, it’s also about getting made fun
tiny bit better. He thought he might be good
of constantly.”
at it, but wasn’t sure. “I was pretty bad at first. After six months, I had seventeen followers and was about
Funniest Dad Moment, Joke or What makes them
to delete my account. Then I stumbled into one
say-”Dad, that’s so cringe”
viral post and was able to build my voice from there.
Well, I would say having their dad featured in a
Today I have about 250K social media followers!”
beauty magazine would definitely be near the top of the eye-roll list! And when some of their friends
This one-man dad is the star of The Leighton Show,
started following me on Tiktok that was pretty
which focuses on silly parenting and marriage humor
cringe-worthy too. One of their friends showed up to
- relatable everyday stuff. ‘Things I’ve apologized to
school in a Leighton Show t-shirt recently .
my wife for’ and ‘Inspirational texts from my teenage daughter’ are a couple examples. Chip says that, for
Chip Leighton lives in Maine with his wife Lisa, son
him, being a dad is about having fun and enjoying
Matthew (18) and daughter Laura (14).
seeing his two amazing kids grow up. “I learn a lot
Tiktok @The_Leighton_Show
from them, and maybe they might learn a thing or
Instagram @The_Leighton_Show
two from me. Hopefully they know I’m always in their 78
APRIL 2022
Empowerography With Brad Walsh | o be a dad is the greatest responsibility, the
Brad Walsh’s podcast EMPOWEROGRAPHY is
most important job that we as men can ever
a platform to highlight strong, motivated, and
have in this life, and the greatest joy. It’s all
dynamic women to share their stories of success,
about giving our children all the tools and guidance
triumph, resiliency, and transformation. He is a
we can provide so that they go out into the world
father to two beautiful girls ages 21 and 23, a
and shine their light unto the world and have an
husband to an amazingly inspiring woman, a
impact, leaving the world a better place than the
photographer, and a podcast host/producer who
way they found it.
inspired others during the pandemic.
From personal experience, I loved watching my little humans grow into young ladies and eventually women. I always wanted them to be happy, and I tried to provide them with the best that life could possibly offer. We all do our best to help raise our children into productive and beautiful human beings, and we will make mistakes along the way. Children do not come with instruction manuals. Being a dad is the greatest gift on earth, as it allows us to teach and educate through experience and learn from our children. The biggest message/lesson I want to instill in my daughters is to LOVE YOURSELF! That is absolutely the key and the foundation/basis for everything in life. Please always remember: YOU can accomplish anything you want in this life.
YOU are limitless. You are capable of anything you can dream of, so do not ever stop believing in yourself, and don’t ever let ANYBODY tell you that you can’t do something. You can do it if you put your mind to it and put in the work.
APRIL 2022
Spring is in full bloom!
It’s that magical time of year when we get to witness the miraculous beauty of life right in front of us. Life begins to reemerge. The sweet smell of flowers blooming, more sunshine, long walks, bike rides and kids playing outside again. Spring is a breath of fresh air! It is also a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be! It’s the season to start fresh, declutter, clean house and create new, lasting memories with loved ones. And let’s not forget Mother’s Day! Take a look at some of our creative ideas and personal picks that will inspire you to Spring into action! 1. Buy fresh flowers or start a garden. 2. Dance in the rain and jump in the puddles. 3. Fly a kite. 4. Freshen up your bedding. 5. Wash your face and remove your makeup every night before bedtime. 6. Gaze at the stars. 7. Go for a nature walk at a local park. 8. Clean and declutter your house and car. 9. Go for a family bike ride. 10. Celebrate Mother’s Day!
Life Is A Beautiful Ride FERLA CARGO BIKE - ROYCE EDITION These super cool electric cargo bikes were built to be a fun and sustainable addition to any family outing. Accessibility and inclusivity shape each ride with features like low stepthrough design, easy-to-steer active frame, higher capacity battery and sleek doors to make our top quality model even easier for seniors, children, and differently abled loved ones. Fun rides, safe trips, and memorable family moments – that’s what Ferla Royce Cargo Bike was built to deliver!
The Clinical Power Trio is DefenAge’s core skincare regimen, widely recommended by dermatologists to address signs of skin exhaustion and aging on a global scale. Age-Repair Defensins address global signs of skin exhaustion and aging in just 6 weeks – including dramatic minimization of visible pores and wrinkles, firmness, tone, lines, texture, clarity and more, and improves skin’s evenness, brightness and hydration. Studies show that defensins reprogram skin to become younger every day, reversing aging.
Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread ALL-GREEN VINTAGE BREAD BOX
Green vintage bread box will bring back style and memories of Mom & Grandma’s kitchen. A great combination of modern materials with vintage design available in different colors. The container store bread box with lid can be used to store all the pastries like bagels pretzels, baguettes, cookies, and anything that needs to be stored and kept fresh before your Spring picnic!
Show your loved ones your appreciation with a star named in their honor. Dedicated Stars offers a unique and easy way to Name a Star after someone special. When you Name a Star, you receive a customized certificate with a personal message in your email within minutes. In addition, you can send a high-quality printed version of it with the option to even have it framed. As part of your purchase, your star will be registered in the official star database forever.
You Light Up My Life
These candles encapsulate the essence of Spring with their fresh and floral fragrances. Lightscapes candles sources only the finest fragrances, and then create unique jars to go with each fragrance collection. For this collection LightScapes designed a handmade ceramic flower lid that is so special that you will want to display it on your coffee table. Scents available are: Blooming Peony, Jasmine Tea, Island Hibiscus 82
APRIL 2022
Keep Calm & Clean On
Make way for helpful household products to keep your home sweet home even cleaner and greener than ever with Sonett USA's bioorganic solutions that are completely biodegradable. Sonett USA the pioneer in ecological laundry detergents and cleaners since 1977 are now available in the USA offering a range of highly efficient cleaning agents which are gentle to your skin and aromatic.
The Under the Weather MonsterMeshPod™ is the ultimate fully-screened pop-up tent that allows you to stay dry while enjoying time outdoors. Super-sized for up to six people. Fine-gauge mesh screen panels offer 360° views in an open, airy setting. The MonsterMeshPod is a breeze to pop open, and fold, with a large double-zip front door and is fully enclosed so pesky insects don’t crash the festivities! Camping trips, RVing or on the deck, at the beach, lake or at family picnics… it’s your go-anywhere screened patio!
From Dust To Dollars SELL BACK YOUR BOOK
No need to throw away your old books gathering dust on a shelf., is the internet’s leading resource for selling your used books and textbooks immediately with an instant quote. Sell Back Your Book offers fair, fast quotes and provides free shipping labels to send your books to them. Once received and inspected, they provide payment via PayPal or check – it’s that simple!
Puzzle Solved
PRINTIQUE PHOTO PUZZLES Enjoy family game night one piece at a time with Printique’s custom photo puzzles. The puzzles are designed for both adults and children and are printed on high-quality archival paper to last for generations. Printique offers games for the puzzle enthusiasts including and up to a 20x30 with over 1,000 pieces as well for the little ones with only 30 pieces in an 11x14 size. The puzzles arrive unassembled in a gift box with your image printed on top. Also makes a great gift for mom for Mother’s Day!
All Fired Up!
Get the instant ambiance of a real fire on a chilly Spring evening with Colsen Fire Pits and leave the smoke and clean up behind. Colson Fire Pits can be used both indoors or out to illuminate a warm, relaxing glow. Super easy to light and extinguish. Simply use rubbing alcohol to get that fire going! Just be sure to have proper ventilation.
Mop It Up
TINECO FLOOR ONE S5 COMBO This smart, cordless floor washer cuts cleaning time in half as it vacuums and mops in one simple step. The Combo features a built-in hand vacuum to quickly remove messes from multiple surfaces in your home. Tineco’s proprietary iLoop™ Smart Sensor Technology automatically adjusts suction, water flow, and brush roller speed to rid of all types of messes, and the exclusive FLOOR ONE S5 brush head is designed to clean hard to reach corners as well as easily glide right up against baseboards.
A Fragrance Of The Heart
Blush was created to build on the popularity of Kenneth Cole’s White and Black collection for her, adding a modern, ultra-feminine, and intoxicating scent to the mix. Like the delicious beginning of a romance, Blush opens with top notes of sugared raspberry and creamy tuberose, blossoming with hints of exotic jasmine and pink peony that leaves one wanting more. As Blush settles into the skin, notes of musk and vanilla emerge, creating a sense of warmth and euphoria.
Moms Their Daugthers
Francesca & Piper Hooey & their Mom Carrie Hooey Write a Letter to Your Mom To read this article or to create a letter of your own, click here.
Laurie Yannon Wing and her Mom, Barbara Duffy My mom is the strongest, kindest person I know. She is the love that fills our hearts and keeps us moving. Mom is home! She deserves all that’s beautiful in life! xo
Stephanie Arnold and her Mom, Charlene Fisch Ever since her husband of 62 years passed away 2+ years ago, she didn’t stay focused on the loss. She moved forward, one gym class at a time. She decided to live the best life she could in this chapter of her life. Full of youthful energy and vitality, you can actually see her light shining past all the heaviness of the past. And forget about her being lonely... she has more new “friends” than all my single friends combined. Guess what they say is true: CONFIDENCE is the key to attracting everything, and at 83, she has it in droves. 84
APRIL 2022
Lindsay Jones and her Mom, Diana Jones
Happy Mother’s Day! My mom is my best friend and my first call. She is the other half of my shared entrée, the influence of my bad jokes, and my forever emergency contact (sorry, husband).
Michelle Emmick and her Mom, Connie Emmick
My mother has always been my biggest cheerleader. She’s a great listener and encourager. Her motto that she taught me, and I use more often than ever, is to always show grace. I love you, mom.
Bev Steel and her Mom, Joan Creedon
My mom is as beautiful on the inside as she is outside. She is an artist who loves color and making her surroundings beautiful. She loves to learn something new and can’t believe that she is still learning new things every day.
Lisa Landes O’Coyne and her Mom Charlene Stebbins Landes
My mom is the best example of strength and beauty all in one. Watching her run her salons as a young girl, I learned first-hand the value of strong female role models, sisterhood bonds… and, of course, a good dye job! She makes it look effortless from the inside out.
Dara Peyton and her Mom, Janet Saunders My Mom is a powerhouse!
Jennifer Fessler and her Mom, Marilyn Cornett My Mom is amazing because.. She is strong. She's had to be. She's funny. She's the kind of laugh until your stomach hurts kind of funny that makes you forget your woes. She's generous in ways that have nothing to do with money. (although she's generous with money as well). She's always available with time and with her love. She loves me with a ferocity that only a mother can. I'm a mother. I know how powerful that is. And that love is everything to me. MOMENTS THAT MATTER
Dayle & Ryan By Kellie Galvin
hey say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
represented top beauty lines, appeared in French and
For Dayle and Ryan Haddon, this couldn’t be
American films, and authored the book Ageless Beauty:
truer. Their stunning beauty, overwhelming
A Woman’s Guide to Lifelong Beauty and Well-Being.
kindness and generosity, incredible careers, and
These days, Dayle is changing the world as Founder
serviceful lives make them one of the most impressive
and CEO of Women One, a non-profit organization that
and influential mother-daughter combos in history. But
provides education and support to impoverished girls
when you meet them and speak with them, those are
in remote places around the world. If you ask Dayle,
not things you notice right away; what strikes you first
though, her greatest achievement is her daughter Ryan.
about Dayle and Ryan Haddon is their powerful bond. Ryan has enjoyed a successful career in journalism
Dayle Haddon is a model and actress with one of the
and television, working as a reporter and producer for
longest careers in her industry. She’s been on the cover
several TV shows like “The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour,”
of the most renowned fashion and beauty magazines,
“Extra!” and “The Roseanne Show,” and she also
worked with the most revered photographers,
worked in story production for a film company in Los
APRIL 2022
Angeles. After coming through a difficult period in
lessons and long walks and cooking and painting. It was
her life, Ryan began searching for her true purpose,
a real joy, and I was proud to be Mom and Grand Mom at
which reignited her interest in and passion for
the same time!
spirituality and led her to begin helping other women who were struggling. She now works as a life coach,
As a fashion model Mother, what was important to
hypnotherapist, and spiritual mentor to assist women
teach your daughter about beauty?
on a healing journey from recovery to self-love.
I think I always emphasized to Ryan that beauty came from within. I tried, although I’m not sure how
Dayle and Ryan enjoy a closeness not often
successful I was, to instill in her that she had a unique
experienced by mothers and daughters, one that is built
beauty that was natural and she didn’t need much
on mutual admiration and respect. Listening to them
makeup, if at all. I think in the teen years, though, a
speak about one another leaves you with goosebumps-
girl never feels they are enough, and so the go-to is
their love and reverence is perhaps the most beautiful
experimenting with make-up and hair color…and
thing about them. Dayle describes Ryan as “a very
sometimes, a lot of it! So glad she realizes it today! Her
unusual being” with incredible “gravitas,” “depth,” and
beauty is her own, and she radiates from within!
“texture” who is “100% committed to being the best human being she can possibly be.” Ryan describes
Ryan Haddon
Dayle as the most “fun, grounded, loving mom,”
How did having a mother as a supermodel affect your
“a magical person,” and a “tremendously present
definition of beauty as a young woman?
person.” When you ask either of them, they’ll say the
Beauty was a big part of my life. Having a beautiful
other is their closest friend, crediting their
mother who wore her beauty effortlessly and
like-mindedness and spirituality for their unique
unselfconsciously was inspiring. She always spoke to
relationship. They are in awe of one another, inspired by
me, from a very young age, about inner beauty and
one another, and so very much like one another in the
how it was reflected in outer beauty. That all beauty
most exquisitely altruistic ways.
comes from within. It was always about beauty with depth and intelligence. That you meld how you look
As individuals, Dayle and Ryan Haddon are each
with who you are. She was always spiritual, loving,
extraordinary women. As mother and daughter, they
and fun to be around because she was brimming with
are a force of nature. They are an apple and a tree duo
creativity. I was, and am, so proud of her and her path.
that has no limits. What is a special moment or memory that you cherish Dayle Haddon
about your mother?
What is your proudest moment as a mother?
On a particular shoot, I remember watching her artistry
As a mother, I would have to say my proudest moment
of creating an essence that was authentic and truthful
was when Ryan was born. Even though I was so young,
for the camera. I watched her work and communicate
I felt the moment was so special. The moment I held
with the photographer, the fashion, the set, and the crew.
her in my arms, we had an immediate connection..
She told me she’d thought of loving things so it would be
Also, deciding to move closer to Ryan and her family in
reflected in her eyes and beam out to people who saw
the country during Covid was an amazing time for me
the photo later. That affected me deeply. The thought of
because I could support her while she worked and had
being in front of the camera and having that intention to
the opportunity to do so many unique things with my
uplift. It’s what made her one of the greats.
grandchildren that I couldn’t do before. We had French MOMENTS THAT MATTER
What does Alicia Keys, Adam Levine, Jonah Hill and Beanie Feldstein all have in common? They have awesome Moms! These amazing women put their influencing power to great use and are making an incredible impact.
APRIL 2022
Can you give us a brief overview of
YourMomCares and your mission?
YourMomCares, our organization’s name,
YourMomCares (YMC) is a kids’ mental
actually came from a PSA we did for the
health nonprofit founded by celebrity and
Obama administration and the Affordable
influencer Moms, creating and funding
Healthcare Act. I (Sharon) was contacted
the most groundbreaking and innovative
about participating and brought my long-time
solutions in kids’ mental health and wellbeing.
friend Patsy Noah (Adam Levine’s mom) to
YourMomCares is changing the dialogue from
the project, and doing that PSA is how we met
mental illness to mental wellness, removing
Terria Joseph (Alicia Keys’ mom). That first PSA
the stigma because mental health IS health.
ended with Michelle Obama saying, “We nag you because we love you, your mom cares.”
Who are the founders and how many moms
My background is in branding, trends, and
are now involved?
management, so I immediately recognized the
YourMomCares was founded by Sharon
power of that name and the sentiment. I got
Feldstein (mom of Jonah Hill and Beanie
permission from the White House to take the
Feldstein), Patsy Noah (mom of Adam Levine)
name and trademark it with the promise that I
and Terria Joseph (mom of Alicia Keys) but we
would use it to help kids. Fast forward to 2018,
have a long list of Moms involved including the
we were vetting causes and spoke with our
mothers of Zendaya, Michael B. Jordan, Chris
kids, and they said that mental health should
Paul, Jimmy Kimmel, Kaitlyn Dever, Big Sean,
be our focus, and really everything relates
and more.
to mental health. Some children are hungry; they’re anxious about not having a next meal.
What are some facts about children and
Some are physically sick, like with cancer, that
mental health that surprised you or you have
can cause depression. Mental health is related
learned since starting the organization?
to everything.
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death for children ages 10-24 in the U.S., and it is the
What kind of impact have you seen the
number 1 cause of death for adolescent girls
organization have since its inception?
globally. People are shocked to hear this, but
YourMomCares has successfully created and
the truth is mental health issues are impacting
supported some of the most groundbreaking
everyone and the increase in anxiety,
research and programs in kids’ mental
depression, and suicide amongst our youth,
health over the past three years. Our star
particularly since the start of the pandemic, is
achievement is a major study we fully funded
staggering and it has to be stopped.
at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) of a pediatrician-prescribed digital
As mothers of children in the public eye, what
behavioral health tool, RxWell, to reduce
drew you to want to use your platform for this
anxiety and depression in adolescents. The
results from Phase 1 are incredible and will soon
around mental health and change the dialogue
be published in a leading medical journal. We
from mental illness to mental wellness.
also developed the first-ever group therapy
program for youth experiencing homelessness
How can our Ask Us Beauty community get
on Skid Row in Los Angeles, California. Our kids’
mental health resources are viewed by hundreds
To get involved visit, donate,
of thousands of people annually and we know
follow us on Instagram @yourmomcares or email
that our work is helping to reduce the stigma
us at with your ideas!
APRIL 2022
The Mom Link @themomlink
nyone who has hopped on the audio
backgrounds and a desire to want to impact the
platform Clubhouse has probably heard of
world, the women connected and brainstormed a
the Mom Link.
way to work together.
Gina Skelton, Crystal Almeida, Nicole Puckerin
“We knew we wanted to help mompreneurs in
are the cofounders. All three women brought
their business and give them what they needed
a successful background in either nonprofit or
to achieve their goals. We came up with the term
community impact work and at a certain point
the mom link and began our incredible journey
in time, left their careers to become mothers.
in building a great business and an empowered
We all know being a mother is one of the most
community that inspires and uplifts so many
challenging jobs in the world and yet one of the
mompreneurs around the world.”
most rewarding as well. The momlink provides a safe space for “After our motherhood journey and approaching
mompreneurs and women who understand the
midlife, we realized we needed to do more.”
unique struggles of raising children while building a business. They connect with other like-minded
During the pandemic, a social audio app known
women who desire to learn and grow well and
as Clubhouse gained popularity. Being social
gain access to different skills, resources, and tools
media influencers already in the mother space,
to help them grow their business. Join these ladies
Crystal and Nicole joined the app around
in the Club!
the same time that Gina did. With similar MOMENTS THAT MATTER
By Jordan Peden
aughter is beautiful, so it’s no surprise that
show, reminding us that we’re all doing the best we
Meredith Masony, Tiffany Jenkins, and Dena
can and that the only way to get through the hard
Blizzard are GLOWING. Together, these
moments- or years- is by laughing about it.
three mom-comediennes (mom-ediennes?) are
combining forces, taking their act coast-to-coast,
Individually, each of these ladies is her own
and sharing their journey through motherhood the
powerhouse brand of internet humor. Each has her
only way they know how- through humor. My Name
own background story, and her own unique way
Is NOT Mom is an authentic, heartfelt, and hilarious
of connecting with fans and followers. Meredith
APRIL 2022
keeps it real about the challenges of mothering
position to join forces and create My Name Is NOT
the “middles,” sans filter, through her channel
Meredith Masony. Tiffany uses humor to bring awareness to issues that are hard to talk about
Since they all have such a tremendous following,
under the name Juggling The Jenkins; she also
it was only natural for their paths to cross. Meredith
wrote a book about her experience with addiction
had been friends with both Dena and Tiffany
and recovery called High Achiever: The Incredible
separately, but it became obvious during the
True Story of One Addict’s Double Life. Dena shares
pandemic that the three of them had enormous
funny family moments, thoughts, and frustrations
potential as a trio. “I found myself calling them
with a delightfully authentic spin, some of which
separately to bitch and complain about life with
she turned into an off-Broadway show named
kids during the pandemic. We were talking about
for her brand, One Funny Mother. Each of them
when the world opens up, we should do something,
also represents a different stage in the journey
we should do a show. We posed the idea, and My
of motherhood. This is precisely why Meredith,
Name Is NOT Mom was born, and our first date was
Tiffany, and Dena believe My Name Is NOT Mom
in July.” The birth of this show was no small feat
resonates so well with audiences. “Each of us
amid a pandemic, but moms can make pretty much
have kids at a different age, so we kind of cover
anything happen. “We became business women
the whole span of motherhood,” Meredith told us.
and started our own company and built it from the
Whether you’re in the throws of the toddler years,
ground up over Zoom,” added Tiffany. And we’re
the angsty adolescent and teenage era, or trying to
so glad they did, along with the millions of other
launch older kids into the world, these ladies have
women who follow them and those lucky enough to
it covered, as they share their raw, unfiltered, and
catch a show.
hilarious experiences with the crowd. The impact these women are making is real and That very authenticity is what led these women to
lasting. As they reflected on how My Name Is NOT
create content, what brought them together, and
Mom has touched audiences, Dena spoke about
what keeps hordes of exhausted and overwhelmed
one of their favorite parts of the show- the meet
moms flocking to their pages and their shows.
and greet. “There’s tons of stories and you can see
Though each of their journeys began a bit differently,
the impact that Tiff’s book has had, and then each
they were all motivated by a need for representation
of us being able to connect with people during the
and community. “I started making videos because
pandemic in a very different way than I think any of
I felt like I didn’t see anybody on the internet who
us has prior to that. It’s been really great to develop
looked like me, who was miserable and drowning
[the show], and I do really think that the women
and didn’t know who to turn to, and I was amazed
who come feel a little less crazy when they leave.”
at the amount of people who were like, ‘oh my gosh
If that’s not a good enough reason to see a show, I
thank goodness you’re saying something because
don’t know what is.
I have felt like a failure all this time.’ And then this awesome community started,” Tiffany shared.
My Name Is NOT Mom has 26 shows on the books
Meredith and Dena went on to echo her sentiment
for 2022, and still may add more. Meredith, Tiffany,
as we spoke about how they came to be in the
and Dena are traveling all over the United States MOMENTS THAT MATTER
and even branching into Canada for several
deal, from being rock stars on stage to going home
appearances. And while that’s plenty to be proud of,
and wiping butts. They see the need for real, honest
the satisfaction goes much deeper for the ladies of
connection, and they deliver. They don’t sugarcoat,
MNINM. “We’re all coming together to accomplish
and they leave you in stitches.
this great thing, but each of us coming with our own baggage and life experiences. There are a lot
Visit to see their tour
of other shows touring right now, but I don’t know
schedule, purchase tickets to a show, or snag some
that there are any who’ve brought three different
official My Name Is NOT Mom merchandise.
brands together, all with the same message of motherhood, and I think having those unique
Follow them on Instagram:
perspectives is what makes it really awesome. So I
My Name Is NOT Mom @mynameisnotmom_tour
think that’s the thing I’m most proud of.” Well said,
Meredith Masony @thats_inappropriate
Tiffany Jenkins @jugglingthejenkins Dena Blizzard @onefunnymother
These very funny, very talented women are the real
APRIL 2022
Click Here or visit to Read More
Inspired by True Events
M is an online diary
called mommyhood. My scrapbook of stories.”
where Lindsey Whiting-Schnepper under the nom de plume “Elle
Read her story Inspired By True Events here and
DoubleU-Pepper” writes about the hardest
go to to become a
career a woman can have: mommying. With
unusual candor, a razor-sharp wit and an abiding love for her little ones, “Elle” shares with readers her daily life raising two precious kids. “It’s my inner dialogue (my mommy voice) unedited, unfiltered and undeniably relatable,” says Lindsey. “It’s my real-life documentation of the coveted community 96
APRIL 2022
Lindsey Whiting-Schnepper Blogger Spotlight @elledoubleupepper
Like A Mom, ONLY COOLER By Melanie Notkin | @SavvyAuntie
“We’re not their mom. We’re not their friend. We’re their aunt, the perfect blend.”
the life of a child-not-their-own, in 2009, Melanie established Auntie’s Day® (July 24th) to honor and acknowledge the cool aunts, great-aunts, godmothers, and all women who love a childnot-their-own.
hey take you for ice cream, keep a secret,
The women in the ‘family village’ should be
tell an inside joke and spoil you in every
valued for their love and generosity toward the
way. They are your biggest fan; these
children in their lives,” says Melanie. “Aunts
miracle-makers are aunts. Being an aunt is cool,
provide ‘QualAuntie Time,’ helping develop nieces
and it is a fantastic gift which plays a vital role
and nephews through bonding and play. And
in the lives of children. Being the savvy aunt has
of course, many aunts are known for the gifts
often been overlooked and underappreciated until
and ‘Auntventure’ experiences they give these
Melanie Notkin, that is!
Melanie Notkin is a leading expert on the
We couldn’t agree more and can’t wait to
emerging demographic of childless, often
celebrate with you this July and every day! Cheers
single, women and the founder of SAVVY
to all the cool Aunts out there!
AUNTIE®: a lifestyle brand that celebrates Modern Aunthood. Melanie uncovered and coined PANK®
(Professional Aunts No Kids) to describe all the extraordinary ladies who shower love on their nieces and nephews. She is a bestselling author of SAVVY AUNTIE: The Ultimate Guide for Cool Aunts, Great-Aunts, Godmothers, and All Women Who Love Kids, and OTHERHOOD: Modern Women Finding a New Kind of Happiness. In her book, Otherhood, Melanie speaks to the experience of women without children and their struggle with unfair assumptions, often from wellmeaning parents. Melanie shares that childless women are spending a good portion of their lives being looked at as second-to-mothers, which should be recognized. To celebrate the women that play an active role in MOMENTS THAT MATTER
The Beauty Couch “No” Is A Complete Sentence
ver the past decade working as a
you’ll become more comfortable with the
psychologist in private practice, I
language of assertiveness. It will become more
have recognized a pattern of women
natural, less effortful, less guilt-producing.
experiencing depression and anxiety, burnout
You’ll start feeling less resentful towards people,
and resentment, interpersonal problems and
less exhausted physically and emotionally.
physical exhaustion in great part due to their
Patients have reported that as they became
difficulties saying no. Learning how to set
more comfortable and proficient with setting
boundaries can be life-changing and possibly
limits, they felt less anxious and depressed.
even lifesaving. Patients have said, “I feel
Their loved ones commented that they were
guilty saying no” and “I don’t want to seem like
more pleasant to be around.
a bitch.” Changing one’s perspective about setting boundaries is necessary to becoming
So, how does one become more assertive?
more assertive. Setting boundaries is an important component of self-care. Self-care is not just what you do (rest, exercise, therapy,
etc.); it’s also what you don’t do. Saying no
and setting boundaries will lead to increased productivity and increased inner peace.
Don’t lie. Don’t diminish your integrity in order to set a limit.
Don’t over-explain. There’s no need.
Don’t apologize and definitely don’t over
A lightbulb moment for me, personally, was
apologize. You didn’t do anything wrong by
when I realized that by saying “yes” to one
prioritizing your needs.
thing, I was saying “no” to something else. By
saying yes to that extra, optional work project,
Don’t commit to something else that is equally as stressful.
you are saying no to time with family or to sufficient sleep or to finishing that book you’ve
been wanting to complete. There are only 24
hours in a day, how do you want to spend them?
I’m not able to bake cookies for the party, but
Let me be honest. You aren’t going to become a
I can pick some up from the store.”
boundary-setting expert immediately. Learning
Decline and offer a less taxing option. “No,
Decline with a brief explanation. “Thanks for
to become more assertive is like learning a new
asking, but I can’t. I’m working long hours
language, it takes practice. But with practice,
this week and won’t have time.”
APRIL 2022
Become a broken record. People have become accustomed to you being available. When you start setting limits, some people may push back. Stick to your guns. “I’m busy this week so I’m not available to help with the party.” “Oh, come on! Just make sandwiches.” “Again, I can’t.” “Please…just drinks then.” “No, I’m not available.”
Ask for time to think about it.
Know that it is perfectly ok to rescind your offer if you realize it’s too stressful. You’re allowed to change your mind.
Just say no. “No” is a complete sentence.
If difficulties setting boundaries is a chronic problem, if you recognize a pattern of people pleasing behaviors, I encourage you to explore this with a psychologist. Did you learn that women are helpers at any cost? Are you conflict avoidant? Afraid of disappointing others? Sometimes understanding why you behave the way that you do makes it easier to change the behavior.
Dr. Beverly Pedroche @drpedroche MOMENTS THAT MATTER
Inspire Always
IG @_inspirealways | Website
Inspire Always is about featuring amazing women. It’s about COMMUNITY *CONNECTION *CELEBRATION *COMPASSION*CHARITY To celebrate my 52nd birthday this year, I am inviting everyone to join my 52-week kindness challenge. #52weekkindness challenge. It started on Feb 17th, Random Acts of Kindness Day. You can join in with as many people as you can. My mission is to spread kindness and positivity into this world.
Ebony Williams @joyfulebony
Angel Smedley @angel_smedley_
Tania Abouzeide @dr.abouzeide
Nancy Pickard @nancypickardlifecoach
What inspires me: My former self inspires me: the mistakes, the struggle, the failure...However, they’re lessons that make us better friends, sisters, family members, better listeners, and partners.
Favorite Quote: “If you don’t ask, the answer will always be no!”
Favorite Quote: “Make your next move your best move.”
I get inspired by the women, past & present, who continue to seize opportunities & thrive. Those who have passions & run towards them. Those who have stood up for what is right! Whose ideas have sparked the change? They inspire me to do better & to BE better. And when we do better— the world is a better place in which to be!
What inspires me: What keeps me going is knowing that I am making a positive difference in the lives of others. I am inspired by knowing that I am aligned with my passion and purpose. Helping individuals sort through information to make the best-informed decision is my jam.
Favorite Quote: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” -Mary Oliver
APRIL 2022
What inspires me is watching my clients step outside their comfort zones to live their most inspired lives. I am passionate about living Bigger Better Braver® by saying “YES” to every opportunity the universe brings me.
The Scoop on
oving to a new city is a hard transition, but
shares that she has had a passion for beauty and
it can be made easier if you know the inside
wellness her whole life. “It’s so much more than looking
good; it’s taking care of yourself and feeling good and operating from a place of ‘being full’- because when
Skoop is a platform for finding, booking, and sharing
you’re full, you can give more and be a better you to
the best beauty and wellness treatments. Whether you
everyone else around you. Whenever I’m at dinner or
are seeking a facial or acupuncture, Skoop can help.
coffee with a girlfriend who is a full-time working boss
Skoop unlocks credible information and helps you book
mom, I find myself opening up Skoop on the phone
a service- all from one trustworthy app. Skoop puts
at the table to book them a facial or a manicure. It
an end to the hassle of managing dozens of different
just instantly raises their vibration and energy. And
logins for every salon or spa in a self-care routine
that’s kind of magic. And I don’t only want to share this
and allows consumers to easily favorite and re-book
with my friends and family. I’ve built these amazing
relationships with these small business owners in NYC who are so talented, and I want to connect them with
Skoop was founded by two former co-workers, Kristen
Depowski and Riley Christopher. “We met at VTS, a high-growth real estate tech startup,” shares Riley.
Kristen and Riley share their definition of beauty as a
“We were two of only a few women on an predominatly-
glow you get when you feel good, and then you look
male sales team. We learned that within our respective
good. Feeling beautiful means feeling confident. “Do
networks, we were each the go-to resource about
whatever you have to do to feel confident and block out
wellness and beauty. Tracking our recs on excel
what anyone else says, does, or thinks.”
spreadsheets and hiding in the stairwell to call and
book botox was no longer cutting it. We wanted a better
Skoop Shares the latest trending services
way to find and book curated appointments.” Kristen
Japanese Gel Manicures - Japanese gel nail products
APRIL 2022
use cosmetic-grade pigment, allowing for single coat coverage and versatility. And unlike other soft gels, Japanese gel can also be used to build nail extensions. Paola says this is revolutionary for nail artists, as it provides the strength of a hard gel “but without the bulk.” Lymphatic Drainage - This is very much trending for pre-event care for those who struggle with water retention and swelling. Scalp Detox - Everyone knows they should exfoliate their face, but we all forget about our scalp! A healthy scalp, more than anything else, is actually what promotes hair growth. @bookskoop
APRIL 2022
The Vixen The Vixen
The Siren The Siren
The Luna The Luna
s sh ha ap pe ew we ea a rr w wo o rr n n b by y a a ll ll she | her | he | him | they | them she | her | he | him | they | them
APRIL 2022
r. Kemunto Mokaya (a.k.a. Dr. Kemmy)
sage advice from mother to daughter shaped Dr.
grew up in Nairobi, Kenya. She grew up in
Kemmy’s dreams to make an impact in others’ lives
a middle-class family where her mother
as a physician.
was a nurse, and her father was a pharmacist. Her parents raised her with strong values and
The path to becoming a doctor was her goal, but
encouraged her to study hard and confidently
as she expressed her dreams, Kemunto received
pursue her dreams. She was a straight-A student
pushback and discouragement for stepping outside
and a natural high achiever as a young girl. After
the norm. Growing up in Kenya in the 1980s and
school, she would join her mother at a pediatric
1990s, women were expected to be submissive.
clinic, and this early exposure eventually led
“A woman’s place is in the kitchen and by her
Kmunto to a career in healthcare.
husband’s feet” was a common sentiment.. Society expected women to be pretty, marry a rich
Mothers always see the potential in their children.
husband, be a superb cook, raise children, and
Kemunto loved working with her hands and fixing
conform to standards. Girls and women were often
things, whether it was a broken toy, damaged
discouraged from pursuing their dreams, but with
garment, or injured animal. In a conversation, her
her mother’s encouragement, Kemunto persisted.
mother planted the seed to become a doctor and use her gift for fixing things to heal people. This 108
APRIL 2022
In high school, Kemunto read the book Think Big by
Ben Carson, MD. His message about unleashing
This shocking experience caused her to reevaluate
your potential, aiming high, and giving it your best
her life and was the catalyst she needed to
really moved her, and she was inspired to apply to
inspire the world with her success story. She
Yale University. She learned about the process of
overcame a female stereotype, became part of
applying to universities in the U.S., ordered her SAT
the 3% of African American dermatologists, and
study material, aced the test, and was accepted to
pursued her dreams by believing in herself. Dr.
her dream Ivy League school.. She then joined the
Kemmy moved out of her comfort zone, enrolled
Yale School of Medicine and graduated in 2010.
in leadership programs, and hired a coach to
Over the years, she journeyed to Boston and San
create a unique niche with lifestyle medicine to
Francisco for her dermatologic training. After
incorporate evidence-based interventions for
residency, she moved to East Tennessee, where
nutrition, exercise, and stress management to
she started the dermatology department at a
enhance patient care. As a mindset coach, she has
busy multi-specialty group. Dr. Kemmy was living
empowered many women to achieve their dreams.
the dream life: a great job, a dedicated husband,
She is also an international speaker, author, and
beautiful children, and a lovely home.
podcaster. Dr. Kemmy speaks dynamically on all matters related to skin and mindset in conferences,
In 2018, she had a near-death experience while
corporations, churches, and universities. She is a
flying a commercial aircraft. Dr. Kemmy and her
best-selling author and the Live and Look Younger
family were flying thirty-thousand feet up in the air
podcast host.
when suddenly the aircraft had engine failure and started rapidly losing altitude. With the grace of
Dr. Kemmy is a true inspiration to Think Big!
God, the pilot found an Air Force base and made an emergency landing.
Work with Dr. Kemmy Dr. Kemmy offers virtual visits to allow her to evaluate, diagnose, and treat patients using video conferencing and smartphones. The visits typically last 15-30 minutes and can be done from the comfort of your home or workplace. She is happy to offer second opinions. Conditions suited for virtual calls include acne, rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, pigmentary issues, eczema, psoriasis, and some aesthetic concerns. Dr Kemmy also offers several coaching and educational programs to help you live and look younger. She is based in Houston, Texas, and provides excellent medical surgical and cosmetic dermatology in person. | @drkemmymd on Instagram Dr. Kemmy on Facebook MOMENTS THAT MATTER
riginally from Chicago, international
Robert W. Goltz Excellence in Teaching Award,
speaker, trainer, author and medical
for excellence in educating her peers, by the
correspondent for Fox5 News San Diego,
University of California, San Diego.
Dr. Sabrina Guillen Fabi, MD, is an internationally recognized leader in cosmetic dermatology.
“Dr. Fabi believes in looking and feeling your best
She is board certified by the American Board
at any age and helps her patients achieve this
of Dermatology, a Diplomate of the American
through combining state of the art technology
Board of Cosmetic Surgery, and an assistant
with the most up to date medical evidence, an
clinical professor at the University of California,
advanced skill set, and an artistic eye.”
San Diego. Dr. Fabi believes in looking and feeling your best at any age and helps her patients achieve this through combining state of the art technology with the most up to date
Reader Questions
medical evidence, an advanced skill set, and
What is your #1 favorite beauty treatment?
an artistic eye. When you see Dr. Fabi, expect
Flawless skin is an important component of
to be educated so that you are empowered to
facial attractiveness, and is one of the most
make the best decision when it comes to your
universally desired features, and demand for
face and body. She was presented with the
improvements in skin quality is growing rapidly.
APRIL 2022
Skin quality has been shown to substantially
Neuromodulators such as Botox, Dysport, and
impact emotional health, quality of life, self-
Xeomin are still the most popular procedures
perception, and interactions with others. In a
with patients. Since we know that wrinkles can
recent global survey, 94% of the 14,584 people
significantly influence age perception. In fact,
interviewed desired to improve their facial
one study found that removing wrinkles from
skin, and terms such as radiance and healthy,
digital photographs reduced age perception by
glowing skin are requested by patients seeking
10 years.
improvements in their appearance. Skin health is intricately linked to overall well-being,
What do celebrities use to get clear and
and clear skin is one of the body’s “visual
glowing skin?
certificates of health, reflecting general health
I think the people that look the best are those
and vitality, as well as disease and nutritional
that do small aesthetic interventions regularly
state, therefore caring for it both by minimizing
and don’t wait to see the signs of aging before
external insults such as UV rays and pollution
intervening. This may mean a Salt Facial
as well as internal inflammation, is important
every month by a medical aesthetician, that
in preserving our visual certificate of health. My
promotes gentle skin exfoliation combined
favorite beauty treatment is a Photo fractional
with a chemical peel, neuromodulators every
Lite treatment that I offer at the practice to
3-4 months for wrinkles, a Photo fractional
promote skin health. It’s not just our teeth that
Lite treatment every 6 months to improve skin
can benefit from regular cleaning, so can our
tone and promote mild collagen production
skin. I recommend a professional skin cleaning
and cell turnover which adds to a youthful
every 6 months with a photo fractional lite
dewiness to the skin, and fillers once to twice
treatment. I combine an IPL that targets the
a year to preserve an aesthetically pleasing
red and brown tones in our skin to make it more
facial shape, that provides support to the skin
even, and I follow it with a clear & brilliant on
envelope, which also helps the skin look better,
the same day, which helps stimulate collagen
because it is help more taut.
production and promote skin turnover which slows down in our 30s, making our skin appear
What are a couple of key questions should
duller. in a study I conducted, I found that the
you ask your physician prior to an aesthetic
combination of IPL & clear & brilliant on the
same day was superior to either device alone in
Ask them to see before and after photos so you
improving skin quality
can make sure your aesthetic expectation aligns with them. Ask them what their philosophy
“I recommend a professional skin cleaning every
on aesthetic interventions are? Here you are
6 months with a photo fractional lite treatment.
looking for a physician that recognizes that it is
I combine an IPL that targets the red and brown
a marathon, not a sprint, and want to make sure
tones in our skin to make it more even, and I
they have a plan for you, not a quick fix.
follow it with a clear & brilliant on the same day.”
“Ask your physician, what their philosophy on aesthetic interventions are? Here you are
What is the most popular treatment you
looking for a physician that recognizes that it
provide your patients?
is a marathon, not a sprint, and want to make
Other than the Photo fractional Lite treatment,
sure they have a plan for you, not a quick fix.” MOMENTS THAT MATTER
oard Certified Dermatologist Dr. Ashley McGovern earned her MD from Georgetown
University in Washington, DC. She completed her medical internship at Stanford University and her dermatology residency at the University of Illinois, Chicago, where she was elected to serve as chief resident. She spent two years in the dermatology department at UC San Francisco conducting skin research and completed a one-year fellowship at Children’s Memorial Hospital in Chicago, working with a leader in pediatric dermatology. Before opening her private practice in Manhattan Beach, California, she worked alongside world-renowned dermatologist Dr. Howard Murad at the Murad Inclusive Health Medical Group. Dr McGovern is a key opinion leader and master Injector for Allergan, current brand ambassador for Honest Beauty, laser resurfacing + surgery expert, and has her very own medicalgrade skincare line, glowmd™.
APRIL 2022
In addition to treating her Manhattan Dermatology
Here’s the good news, most methods that treat
patients with skill and a smile, she has found a
acne treat aging skin as well. Removing skin
niche within her practice to direct her focus on
debris that is stuck in the pores is important, and I
integrative as well as traditional dermatology.
love alpha-hydroxy acids for this-things like lactic
Dr. McGovern is thrilled to serve as the Medical
acid, glycolic acid, mandelic acid are all effective
Director of Dermstore. Dr. McGovern’s goal is to
for cleaning out the pores and “normalizes” skin
help you feel confident in your skin.
function, and extra benefit is this also stimulates cell renewal and collagen production as well. People that incorporate alpha-hydroxy acids into their daily regimen have bright, smooth, flawless
Reader Questions How to Solve, The Acne & Wrinkle Paradox
skin. You may hear about salicylic acid, which is a beta-hydroxy acid- it’s good for acne, but I prefer the alpha-hydroxy acids for skin aging. Retinoids are the cornerstone/gold standard for aging, and in my opinion, you can’t really treat acne effectively long term without a retinoid on board. Retinoids prevent the microcomedone
Why do I have wrinkles and acne? “There are a lot of reasons that acne lesions form, It’s a combination of keratinocyte hyperproliferation (too many skin cells in the follicle), oil production, too much causes acne bacteria (normal inhabitant of the skin), and inflammation. nutrition and gut health also play a huge role. •
Avoid scrubbing or overprocessing your skin which promotes an inflammatory response.
Avoid products that can build up and block your pores.
Hydration is key, drink water and plenty of it to avoid dull, dehydrated skin.
Lack of estrogen as we age, which leads to more testosterone and DHT and this can cause your oil glands to work a little harder.
Eating a healthy diet, avoid dairy, sugar, processed food, and high meat diet or whey products. All these things can trigger and contribute to acne. And hooray for the end of mask mandates (too soon?).
“Lack of estrogen as we age, which leads to more testosterone and DHT and this can cause your oil glands to work a little harder.”
from forming, which is the precursor to all acne lesions. Because of this, you must use a retinoid to stay clear long-term. It is the best thing to do to prevent as well as treat fine lines and wrinkles, brighten and even out the skin tone, and keep that collagen thick and organized- all maintaining a youthful skin quality. Eating well and avoiding all the triggers above can help. “I love alpha-hydroxy acids for this-things like lactic acid, glycolic acid, mandelic acid are all effective for cleaning out the pores and “normalizes” skin function, and extra benefit is this also stimulates cell renewal and collagen production as well.” How can I conceal my acne without making it worse? “Concealers that contain acne fighters like resorcinol and sulfur are my favorite. They can be tricky to find, but I love the hide & glow seek stick by glowmd™ (yes, it’s my line, and it’s amazing). You can also spot treat with a little salicylic acid or tea tree oil and find an oil-free concealer to use over it. Be careful not to “over spot-treat”- I’ve seen people do too much to a spot, and then they
What is the best way to treat aging skin when I’m
are left with a little burn, which stains the skin and
breaking out?
lasts forever.” MOMENTS THAT MATTER
“I love the hide & glow seek stick by glowmd™”
toward acne). It helps to keep that skin barrier strong and allows the skin to function properly
How do I get help? My dermatologist is booked out
and helps heal the acne. Eat well and avoid dairy
for weeks.
(consider eliminating) and sugary, processed
“There are plenty of great over-the-counter
foods. Get some sleep too. It’s critical in regulating
products on the market now. Many brands have
your cortisol and stress hormones and maintaining
multi-step kits that are excellent for acne.
a healthy metabolism, all of which help with acne.
The important thing is to stick to the regimen;
Consider melatonin at night, it helps with sleep,
sometimes, the first couple weeks is the hardest
and it’s a great antioxidant.”
part because you might have a little irritation and may be unsure if it’s working, but just keep
“Don’t scrub the skin- you can’t rub acne off-
going. Don’t scrub the skin- you can’t rub acne
scrubbing will just damage the skin barrier and
off- scrubbing will just damage the skin barrier
cause more acne and inflammation”
and cause more acne and inflammation. Don’t just
rely on facials; you must get into a good routine at
Ashley McGovern MD
home. DO moisturize (with a moisturizer geared
IG @manhattandermatology
APRIL 2022
ALISHA MERLO Written by Michelle Emmick 116
APRIL 2022
f you’ve been on the leadership side of
later we were married. Never say never!” She
business for any length of time, chances
also added a child and a mini minivan along the
are you’ve seen skills and traits like these on
these characteristics actually come to mind,
Her career path looks less like a minivan and
though? Hopefully many. But in a world where
more like a race car. Married young, Alisha
relationships are often solely transactional, it’s
dabbled in retail sales and quickly gravitated
great to know there are still professionals who
toward a healthcare position with an orthopedic
understand the true meaning of doing business-
group, working the front desk, answering
professionals like Alisha Merlo, who brings class
phones, prepping charts, and greeting
and integrity as a quintessential relationship
patients. She took her job as the ‘Director of
First Impressions’ to heart and was committed
resume after resume. How many people with
to delivering the best patient experience. To ask her peers, they would describe Alisha as
“During my time in that role, I listened to and
an amazing, hardworking professional who has
learned about what other team members
served as a mentor to countless women in the
were doing, I shadowed my co-workers, and
aesthetic space and is universally loved and
I built relationships and a reputation for hard
respected. In Alisha’s words, “I’m a Jewish girl
work.” This quickly led her to the position as a
from New Jersey who migrated to California.”
Patient Coordinator for one of the group’s spine
Alisha brings a cool Cali vibe with a smart Jersey
surgeons, and then she moved up to become a
swagger. Combine the two, and her likeability
Clinical Study Site Coordinator. One important
factor is off the charts. It’s no surprise Alisha
lesson she learned is that every role is important
comes from solid stock. Her family is rooted in
and has a purpose. “Do each one to the best of
everything she is and has done, including the
your ability. Learn how you can contribute to the
decisions that have led her down the path of
team and be confident to ask for opportunities.”
success. Growing up in a small town in central NJ where her graduating class of about 100
With her college degree and healthcare
reflected a simpler life, Alisha was surrounded
experience, Alisha was ready for her next career
by influences of hard work, faith, and character.
step. In the late ‘90s, she hit the one and only online job board and submitted 121 resumes in
Having come of age in a much different
pursuit of her goal to land a pharmaceutical
era, beauty consisted of big hair and blue
sales position. The first offer she received
eyeshadow. Alisha never considered a
required six weeks of out-of-state training, but
profession in the industry; it chose her. With a
as a mother with a young child, Alisha chose
degree in Speech-Language Pathology and
to decline. Fortunately, a second opportunity
a life set up in California, Alisha’s personal
presented itself. “I asked them right away
and professional life took an unexpected path
about the training. They said there would be
early on. “I remember telling my mom after I
five days of training in Kansas City. I said, ‘when
graduated college, ‘I am not getting married,
do I start?’” That position was with a privately
not having kids, and I will not be driving a
held skincare company called Obagi Medical
minivan.’ Three months later, I was dating my
Products, which has become one of the most
husband, six months engaged, and 11 months
recognized professional skincare brands in MOMENTS THAT MATTER
Director of Professional Relations provides her a “unicorn” opportunity to cross all business
While aesthetics is now among one of the
verticals, including sales, marketing, education,
fastest-growing industries in the business, that
clinical trials, business development and thought
wasn’t the case when Alisha first found her way
leadership, society, and industry relations, doing
into the field back in 1999. Nevertheless, Alisha
what she does best: creating unique programs,
found a home in aesthetics and carved out a
driving innovation, working collaboratively, and
future for herself. “The industry wasn’t that big,
building lasting and authentic relationships.
and I loved the opportunity to move into a space
Outside of her beautiful family and career, Alisha
where people sought out services and procedures.
has another passion in her life: raising awareness
It was challenging, exciting, fast-paced, a bit of
about the issues of human trafficking. She is
an adrenalin rush, and I fell in love. I was ready to make an impact for practices, physicians, and patients.” Alisha went on to be recruited to launch Restylane®, the first hyaluronic acid dermal filler, in the United States (Medicis), and she spent what she fondly calls her ‘decade of excellence’ starting in sales, moving to marketing, and then developing the new professional relations team that enabled her to work with the top thought leaders in the aesthetic field. When the company was bought by Valeant Pharmaceuticals, Alisha departed and decided to start her own aesthetic consulting firm. While having success, she quickly realized that she missed having and being part of a team. Alisha took her talents back to the corporate world and became an integral part of cutting-edge companies such as Ulthera®, Alphaeon®, and Obalon®, giving her the opportunity to feed her curiosity and love of learning, travel the world, work in different areas of startups and early-stage companies, and undoubtedly establish herself as a trusted professional and ultimate connector. These days, Alisha Merlo calls Colorscience®, a company that delivers clinically-proven skincare and sun care innovations that are thoughtfully designed to improve overall skin health, home. Her current role as the Executive 118
APRIL 2022
leading the way through community outreach
leadership teams that taught me the many things
and educational events, and she is working with
that contribute to my success. I am grateful for
leading dermatologists on a special initiative that
those who invested, trusted, and believed in me,
will support survivors. “We can’t share the details
even when I doubted myself, and encouraged and
just yet, but it will have significant impact on
challenged me to stretch and grow. I know who I
survivor healing and restoration.”
am today is because of them.”
Alisha Merlo has always been guided by what
It’s not surprising that Alisha is still driving a race
she is most grateful for: the people who have
car, and hopefully, you’re one of the lucky ones
given her opportunities, the challenges she
who gets to ride along.
faced and overcame, and her reputation and her relationships. “I’ve stayed out of drama, away from negativity, and put effort into listening, learning, and cultivating long-lasting connections.” One of her favorite books is Win The Day by Mark Batterson- “We all have Responseability . . . the ability to choose our response in any set of circumstances . . . being accountable for
our response no matter what.” In short, life is 10%
what happens to us and 90% how we respond. IG: @stoptrafficwalk_sandiego As you would expect the quintessential relationship builder to mention, Alisha recognizes
Stop Traffic Walk Sizzle Video
and extends thanks and credit to all of whom
have come alongside her. “I have worked with a countless number of talented colleagues and
to hear from you! 120
APRIL 2022
y name is Dr. Celeste Nagy. I grew up in Dallas, Texas. I went to college at the University of South Carolina and then returned to Texas to do AmeriCorps for a year after graduating. After that, I went to medical school at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston and did my head and neck surgery residency at Emory in Atlanta, GA. I then did my facial plastic surgery fellowship at one of the most soughtafter programs in the country with Dr. Stephen Perkins. I met Dr. Mark Beaty in Atlanta during residency. I joined his practice back in Atlanta once I finished my fellowship, where we have two offices in the area.
Reader Questions What inspired you to be a physician? My father was a physician assistant for an orthopedic surgeon. I saw how much passion he had for the medical field, and I grew up going to the operating room with him. Once I started observing surgeons, I knew that’s what I wanted to do.
How did you gravitate to facial plastic surgery? I love the artistry of the aesthetic side of facial plastic surgery and the scientific aspect of meticulous attention to detail and learning about new techniques and technologies to improve patient outcomes. I also like seeing my patients gain confidence from something as routine as Botox injections to something more life-changing, such as a rhinoplasty or facelift. On that note, I also do reconstructive surgery after facial trauma or skin cancer resections. It is gratifying to help a patient 122
APRIL 2022
through that time, their healing process, and optimize cosmetic outcomes to feel confident again.
What is the best advice you’ve received during your training? Always seek to optimize outcomes for your patients. Through continued learning and your skillset, success will follow.
How do you define beauty? Beauty is being proud of yourself. When you feel beautiful, you feel the confidence to do the best for yourself and others.
What is your unique gift, and what do you do with it? I don’t know if it’s unique, but my gift is to connect with people from all different cultures and backgrounds. It’s essential to have this as a physician and surgeon because patients put a tremendous amount of trust in me when I do a procedure on them. I want them to feel that connection and trust that I am providing the highest quality care.
How do you define aging gracefully? I think aging gracefully is about feeling comfortable in your skin. Whether that means not ever having an aesthetic treatment, more minor changes like improving skincare, or getting surgery and regular maintenance treatments – It’s always about what is right for you!
When you’re doing a facial consultation, what is the first thing you look at? When I do facial consultations, I first look at whatever is bothering the patient the most. I then explain how their anatomy and aging create that issue. From there, we go into options for treatment and more global facial rejuvenation treatments if needed. Additionally, I think skincare and its
importance are often overlooked. Your face is such an essential part of communication and impressions. So, I often discuss a customized skincare regimen for the patient.
What is your end goal when speaking to a new patient? My end goal is to empower the patient with knowledge. When I am doing an initial consultation, I always address why something looks that way and how to manage it. I often give patients both non-surgical and surgical options and explain the risks/benefits and long-term outcomes. I then want the patient to be empowered to choose their treatment based on their aesthetic goals and lifestyle.
Wendy Lewis & Co Ltd, Global Aesthetics Consultancy
APRIL 2022
had the fortune of being the Practice Manager for two prominent plastic surgeons on New York’s upper east side during what I call ‘the glory days’ of the specialty. This time was long before doctors had websites and publicists, and the good ones were booked for many months in advance. Facelifts, blephs, and rhinoplasties were the most popular procedures. The choice of fillers in the early days was silicone and bovine collagen. Soon, Botulinum Toxin and erbium and C02 lasers were introduced, which marked the rise of non-surgical minimally invasive treatments. My role was to manage the patients, book surgeries and treatments, oversee staffing, training, inventory, and keep the daily schedule full. We had our own operating suites staffed with RNs and anesthesiologists, with spacious recovery rooms. Fast forward to 1997, and I went out on my own. I set up my corporation, Wendy Lewis & Co Ltd, Global Aesthetics Consultancy. I had my first marketing client, a new plastic surgery practice, straight away. Then my phone started ringing from people who heard I was on my own and wanted my advice on what to have done and with whom. Thus, the ‘Knife Coach’ was born, a moniker was given to me by an Australian journalist who wrote about me. The press was both flattering and merciless; I was featured in magazines, newspapers, and online outlets worldwide and did my share of TV and radio interviews. I had clients ranging from housewives and schoolteachers to actors and even some royals, and discretion was critically important to our clients. During this journey, I met many doctors who have become close friends and relied on doctors that I trusted for referrals to
the best of the best in all markets. I was fortunate; I found a niche that suited my personality and skills and conducted my business 100% above board. Clients paid me a consulting fee for my time by the hour, and I gave them my impartial recommendations based on their needs and budget. I quickly took my business global, going to London six times per year, speaking at conferences, writing articles in leading publications, and expanding my network of top doctors across all specialties. My first book, “The Lowdown on Facelifts and Other Wrinkle Remedies,” was published in the UK and serialized in the Daily Mail. I wrote 12 more beauty books for consumers and many more for physicians in their bylines. My first textbook, Aesthetic Clinic Marketing in the Digital Age, was published in 2017, and a second edition is coming out this year. Next up is a global textbook for plastic surgeons. I have also contributed to 5 medical textbooks to date. As the aesthetics field became more commercial with the rise of online forums, I hung up my ‘Knife Coach’ hat more than a decade ago to concentrate on marketing communications services for practices, brands, and corporations. We enjoyed working with start-ups and established companies who seek a fresh approach to branding and content creation. My true passions are writing and speaking. I never miss a chance to talk or run a panel at live conferences and webinars.
As the aesthetics industry continues to thrive and expand, I am always excited to see what will come next! MOMENTS THAT MATTER
Endocrinology and Infertility (REI) specialist and Ob-Gyn. I work with a great team of physicians
Reader Questions
at Reproductive Medicine Associates of New York (RMA of NY). I joined RMA of NY/Mount Sinai Hospital after completing my training in Ob-Gyn at NYU School of Medicine. I received my medical
Tell us about Taraneh Nazem MD? Where are you
degree from the Icahn School of Medicine at
from? School? Family?
Mount Sinai. And I completed my undergraduate
“I’m a born and bred New Yorker and I can’t
degree in history at Yale.”
imagine life anywhere else! I am a devoted wife and the mother of two amazing children—my
What inspired you to be a physician?
2-year-old son and 1-month-old daughter. I’m
“I was one of those rare kids who loved going to
an avid tennis player and I generally love to be
the doctor’s office and came home with a stash
active. But most of all I love spending time with
of tongue depressors and gauze pads instead of
family.Professionally, I am passionate about
lollipops or stickers.”
helping women create their own families “What drew me in initially was a strong desire I’m a double board-certified Reproductive 126
APRIL 2022
to help others but what excited me more and
drove me through my professional journey was
(like fibroids or polyps), ovulation abnormalities,
the complex problem solving and intellectual
and endometriosis. For men, infertility can be
challenges of the profession. I was inspired
caused by low sperm counts, poor sperm quality,
watching my mentors working so closely with
ejaculatory dysfunction, hormonal abnormalities,
couples and seeing the unique interpersonal
and genetics.”
relationship that could develop between doctors and their patients. I knew immediately that this is
What is good advice for patients interviewing IVF
what I wanted to do”
physicians? “Go with your gut! I think it’s so important for
What is the best advice you’ve received during
couples to feel comfortable and confident in the
your training?
physician they choose to help them with their
“During a routine egg retrieval procedure, I
fertility journey. So beyond making sure that the
remember my mentor telling me “You can’t
doctor has the right credentials, make sure you
make something out of nothing.” He said that
also have the right chemistry.”
because we got fewer eggs than we had hoped, and I was so disappointed. His message, while
With all that you do to make miracles happen,
seemingly simple, was much more profound and
how do you keep the balance?
had meaning beyond just that egg retrieval. In
My father is exactly right. I have my dream job –
the world of reproductive medicine, the harsh
it’s what I always wanted to do. I love my work and
reality is that women are born with all the eggs
I love my family. But the reality is that sometimes
they’ll ever have, and the quantity and quality of
it’s a difficult balancing act. What works best for
those eggs diminishes over time. There is a point
me is finding little sparks of joy in everything I do.
at which there are no more eggs in a woman’s
And laughing helps too”
body that can yield a pregnancy. It’s important as a provider to be able to help women and couples
What is your unique gift and what do you do with
understand when they’ve reached that point. It’s
one of the hardest parts of my job but I think it’s so
“I think my biggest strength is my ability to
important to be honest and realistic with patients
connect with people. Almost every person who
as they go through their reproductive journey. So
walks into my office feels a little bit vulnerable
even though a big part of my job is making what
and nervous about the road ahead. I like to
seems previously impossible, possible, there
listen, provide support, and normalize what I do
are limitations and I’ve learned that it’s best to
as an infertility specialist to make people feel at
recognize rather than resist them.”
ease with me and the process. I genuinely love what I do, and I want to instill that passion and
What are some common reasons for infertility?
excitement for reproductive medicine in every
“There are many different reasons a couple may
person I meet. I have learned that addressing
have infertility. It’s a common misconception
both the medical and emotional aspects of IVF
that infertility is a female problem, but it can
is the best way I can help women during a very
be attributed to both sexes. In fact, often it’s a
important time in their lives”.
combination. Some common female causes of infertility are age-related egg quality issues, tubal
blockages, structural problems with the uterus MOMENTS THAT MATTER
hat is considered beautiful has been evolving since the beginning of time, but this time it is different. The
beauty industry is changing to embrace purpose, self-love, empowerment, and expression. A beauty influencer myself with over 25 years in the industry, I have witnessed tremendous change, and I feel honored and proud to be an influencer of this generation of changemakers. My transformation started when I decided to lose weight. Not because I wanted to look like a supermodel, but out of self-respect: I want to be a healthy example of what I represent. I lost 80 pounds with a gastric bypass sleeve. I ran into severe complications with the sleeve, but I feel good in my skin now and use this to help other people transform from the inside out. I am the living example that no matter how you choose to transform - be it weight, surgery, make-up, it is still hard work, and it is all worth it. Transformation, by definition, is uncharted territory. It is also where the journey to selfdiscovery starts. Once I embarked on my journey, I grew gradually to what I am today. I became a licensed cosmetologist in the 10th grade and traveled across the state’s both teaching and training the next generation of cosmetologists to fulfill the needs of the current industry. I have created several beauty shows and events while contributing to local colleges sitting on the advisory board for Lawson State Community College HBCU. Finally, I began to indulge in the chemistry of beauty, working for Avas Cosmetics and Kiri industries in India. Every step of my career reminds me of the different layers of purpose that beauty encompasses.
By:Aisha Cathey @aishacathey 128
APRIL 2022
I teach my clients to feel strong through beauty, because when you look good, you feel good.
Embracing Beauty
By McKenna Reitz
stood in disbelief as I ran my fingers
is NOT our identity. Our identity is defined by
through my thinning hair. Clumps of
our character and how we show up on a daily
hair remained on my hands, and I felt as
though my identity was slowly being ripped away from me as every stand fell from my
It took losing every single hair on my entire
scalp. My hair had been my identity for my
body to finally understand that when my
entire life, so who would I be now without it?
husband said to me when I first lost my hair
Little did I know that my six-year journey of
that “it’s only hair,” it truly is only hair. Our
hair loss would show me the true meaning of
beauty truly is defined by our character.
beauty. The journey has not been easy, as my own
For those that don’t know, Alopecia is an
reflection was (and always had been) my
autoimmune disease that attacks your hair
own worst enemy. My hair loss was very
follicles, causing your hair to fall out. There
sudden and shocking; I was officially bald
are three different types: areata, which is
in November of 2015, just three weeks after
bald spots on your scalp; totalaris, which is
the diagnosis. When I first lost my hair, I felt
complete hair loss on your entire head; and
so much shame and embarrassment that I
universalis, which is complete hair loss on
refused to look at my bald head in the mirror.
your entire body. Alopecia affects 7.1 million
I did every possible medical and holistic
people in the United States, and it does not
treatment to grow my hair back, including
discriminate against age, gender, or ethnicity.
weekly steroid shots into my scalp for six months. Nothing was working. Something
People tell me that they wish they were as
had to drastically change because my mind,
strong and as confident as I am. I remind
body, and soul could not take it anymore.
them that the past six years have been both the most difficult and life-changing years
My grace period was over, and now the work
of my life. It is all because of my WHY. I have
of reframing my mindset started as I began
two young daughters who watch my every
to realize that my hair loss was out of my
move, and knowing that alopecia is genetic,
control. What I did have control over was
I began to focus on my mindset towards my
my attitude towards alopecia. I felt myself
hair loss. It became my responsibility to teach
slowly begin to not only embrace but become
my daughters the lesson of self-acceptance
empowered by my alopecia.
and self-love, along with accepting all of the adversity and diversity that we are surrounded
Alopecia is my superpower. I need to model
by within society. Throughout their lives, they
and represent strength for my daughters,
will be faced with many challenges, some
students, and athletes. I stopped allowing
more difficult than others, and they need to
alopecia to define me; rather, I began to
know they are strong enough to get through
define it. No longer was I allowing my hair
loss to dictate how I felt, what I did, or how I reacted to my reflection. I learned that hair 130
APRIL 2022
We cannot compare our journey to anyone
else’s journey as we are all at different points physically, mentally, and emotionally. Instead, we must be inspired by one another and support each other unconditionally. For the first time in my life, hair or no hair, I love my reflection. I can finally look at myself and see beauty. I know I am enough, and I am worth it. McKenna Reitz is a TEDx speaker who empowers men and women to reframe life’s challenges into gifts and opportunities so they can pursue their purpose with clarity and confidence. After losing all her hair due to Alopecia, McKenna uses her journey of having this autoimmune disease to help others overcome the loss in their life by resetting the mindset of their “loss” into growth and opportunities in their lives. Teaching AP Psychology and coaching varsity volleyball for the past 16 years, McKenna resides in Toledo, OH, with her husband Greg and two beautiful daughters, Karsen (9) and Maddox (6). @mckennareitz
Check out our new Ask Us Beauty podcast, Beauty Inside Out
Books & Media
we love Podcasts Were Loving
Hot Flashes & Cool Topics @hotflashesandcooltopics
“We are the fastest-growing demographic in the world, and it’s time for the old views and marketing to catch up. Midlife women are ready to define our next 30, 40, or 50 years of adventure! Who says we want to be younger?” Hot Flashes & Cool Topics podcast is the voice for women in midlife and beyond. Every Wednesday, they invite 132
APRIL 2022
top experts to answer various topics, including midlife to menopause, health and wellness, and relationships to careers. Ranked in the top 1.5% of all podcasts globally, Colleen Rosenblum and Bridgett Garratt are working hard to change the narrative for women 40+ in both the media and society.
f you thought spring cleaning was just for your closet, think again!
When it comes to keeping your skin healthy and looking its best, look to clean out your skincare collection, too. I’ll be the first to admit I’m a packrat. I’m also that girl that keeps every skincare sample intending to use it. Here are some tips on spring cleaning or using that skincare that’s been in your product graveyard under the sink. Using expired skincare could cause irritation or, even worse, a bacterial infection. Universally, I’ve seen a shelf life of 18 months to 2 years on skincare. To know for sure, look at the back of the bottle. You will see a capital M with a number. This letter M+Number indicates how long your skincare will last after opening it. If all else fails, use the sniff test. If the products smell less than fresh or have changed color and are clumpy, toss it! If you have serums and moisturizers that didn’t feel great on your face, try using them on your body. If you’re hanging on to all those skincare samples, keep them in a travel bag for when
Asia DeMarcos
you’re on trips or going to the spa or gym.
Licensed Esthetician | @beautasia2.0
You can also donate skincare to a daughter
Asia DeMarcos, former actress and celebrity Esthetician. Asia began her career in esthetics, working with some of the top doctors in Los Angeles. Taking what she knew, along with tricks of the trade from being an actress, led her to open her celebrity skin clinic HOLLYWOOD BEAUTIFUL in 2006. Asia worked on some of the most famous faces in TV, film, and music. Today you can catch Asia on her international beauty podcast, where she throws out her script and educates on skincare ingredients and cosmetic procedures. She also exposes industry phonies and helps you navigate the world of cosmetic medicine.
or niece. Some women’s shelters also love donations like this. Check in your local area if you have skincare that hasn’t been used and want pass it on. Spring has sprung, and so does some of your old skincare. Be sure to look today. When in doubt, toss it out!
By Michelle Emmick
Unstoppable BEAUTY
To the L, to the Y, and the T to the E
yricist, pioneer, icon, veteran, and entrepreneur
into VH-1’s Hip Hop Honors, and - check this out- was
describe one of the most prolific and well-
the first rap artist to perform at the one-and-only
respected female hip hop artists of our time:
Carnegie Hall. “It felt magical to be the first to perform
Lana “MC Lyte” Moorer.
at the historic venue. Back then, I am not sure I even understood the weight and significance, but I look back
First introduced to the public for her music that was
now and think, ``What a huge accomplishment.’”
spun at every cool house party back in the day, MC Lyte started writing rhymes at the age of 12, recorded her first
Coming up in the music industry where sexism and
track at 14, and gained worldwide fame, becoming the
misogyny were and sadly still are at the forefront, MC
first solo female rapper to release a full album, Lyte as a
Lyte was a symbol of hope and freedom for so many of
Rock, at just 17. Her music was real, raw, and poetic.
us who grew up listening to and watching her. To me, she was tough and vulnerable, presenting her style as
Nominated for numerous awards and accolades, she
alluring without being overt. “Growing up in Brooklyn,
was the first female solo rapper to be nominated for a
I dressed like many young girls on the block, big and
Grammy, the first solo female rapper to be inducted
baggy. I wore color in my hair, big earrings with a big
APRIL 2022
attitude. I felt comfortable then, just as I do now. Today, I
runs her foundation, Hip Hop Sisters Foundation. “We
love finding fashion that allows me to stand in power and
send kids to school to further their education. We’ve
be comfortable. None of it has been intentional except
given away over a million dollars in scholarships, and
for the need to be comfortable.”
we’ve been able to change lives. Together with cofounders Dr. Lynn Richardson and Dr. Felicia Shaw, we
(Que in “Funky fresh, dressed to impress, ready to
have made history!”
party.”) We can’t go without The unstoppable
recognizing that MC
powerhouse shares that her
Lyte has managed to
strength and confidence can
hit the pause button on
be attributed to her mom.
aging, looking like the
“My mama treated me like I
clock hasn’t moved.
was somebody. Early in my
She reveals some of her
career, I just acted like I was
secrets in her self-care
tough, and now through the
story. “Lots of water is
years, I’ve actually become
a must. Vegetables and
tough. Also, knowing your
fruit are essential to
craft and having something
any diet. It turns out I’m
solid to offer and contribute
now allergic to alcohol,
has given me confidence.”
so it makes it super easy to not indulge in
With an incredible
matters that will leave
career spanning over
me dehydrated. I steam
three decades, this
my face most mornings
multi-dimensional icon
and get facials regularly.
expanded into all areas of
I try to stay away from
entertainment outside of
sweets as much as
music. Since 1991, she has
possible; chocolate is
countless television and
my weakness. Walking
film credits to her name
serves me well, and a
and has lent her recognizable voice to brands such
good sauna keeps me wanting more.”
as Nissan, McDonald’s, AT&T, and more. MC Lyte uses her experience and wisdom as a professional speaker
MC Lyte is the true definition of beauty inside and out.
to deliver inspirational and empowering messages to
She gets it. She’s unstoppable, and she’s always one to
audiences of all ages and backgrounds. She’s also an
watch. Because chances are, she will be the first to do it.
author, penning the book Unstoppable, igniting the
power within to achieve your greatest potential. Her latest project, “Partners in Rhyme,” is a sitcom she co-created with Bentley Kyle Evans. “It is my dream
project. We’re entering into our second season, and it’s
Best Beauty Tip From Mom: My mom shared never pluck
important to me that we put everything we’ve got into it.
your eyebrows; she was right. They never come back the
Also, at Sunni Gyrl, Inc, we have multiple tv shows and
films on development, and I’m looking forward to the world checking them all out.”
Recommended Book: The Course in Miracles. It definitely feeds my spirit.
In addition to all of her professional projects, MC Lyte MOMENTS THAT MATTER
APRIL 2022
Fearlessly Facing Fifty Amy Schmidt is an award winning podcaster, best-selling author, public speaker, TEDx Speaker, and founder of the brands, Fearlessly Facing Fifty™ and Better Than Gossip. She launched her business and brand six months before turning 50. Her mission is to encourage women over forty to push fear aside and find that hidden treasure of confidence, that may have been pushed aside and not let this time of life allow them to lose their identity. Amy is committed to challenging the narrative at midlife from crisis to opportunity and says there are no rules. With the launch of her new streaming media show Better Than Gossip, Amy is passionate about sharing cross generational information and sharing ageless advice for timeless women. Check out www.
he first trauma I experienced was at the age of 17 when I was sexually assaulted. I didn’t talk about this until the Me Too movement, a
secret that I held onto for most of my adult life. Sexual assault causes so much trauma, some of which I later realized that I hadn’t fully processed at a young age, and subsequently affected my future relationships. There are a lot of people who walk through life with unprocessed trauma at the hands of another. My ability to trust was something that was ripped from my psyche as I navigated through this difficult time. I write about the details in my book Walk Through This: Harness the Healing Power of Nature and Travel the Road to Forgiveness. This time in my life became the footprint for believing in the power of choice, deepening the relationship within myself, while releasing anger and stepping into forgiveness. My second major trauma happened at the age of 40 when I found out my husband had struggled with his own sexuality and had been having affairs with men. Though I felt alone in a world that few could understand, I was forced to dive deep into seeing my husband without judgment, while working through my own complex-PTSD. The layers of pain were severe, something I wish no one would have to experience. I
Learning to
FORGIVE Written By Sara Schulting-Kranz @saraschultingkranz
“We are given the opportunity, if we choose, to transform our hurt and pain into forgiveness and love.”
chose to go public with my story, writing a book and speaking, because for quite some time during my trauma recovery, I felt like I was losing not only my mind, but my entire identity and well-being.
Sara Schulting-Kranz is an author, keynote speaker, trauma and personal leadership authority, wilderness guide, and expert in utilizing nature healing.
Read our Q & A with Sara here
APRIL 2022
Elizabeth Conte Elizabeth ElizabethConte Conte Author Author Author Available Amazon Available onon Amazon Available on Amazon "This book was "This book was "This book was breathtakingly breathtakingly breathtakingly beautiful.” beautiful.” beautiful.” "This story "This imaginative story "Thisimaginative imaginative story ofof time travel, time travel, of time travel, romance, and selfromance, romance, and and selfselfdiscovery cast a spell discovery cast a discovery cast a spell spell over me and kept meme over me and kept over me and kept me reading late into the reading late into the reading late into the night.” night.” night.”
Pride and Prejudice meets The Time Pride and Prejudice meets The Time Pride and Prejudice meets The Time Traveler's Wife... Jane Reynolds slips Traveler's Wife... Jane Reynolds slips Traveler's Wife... Jane Reynolds slips through time only to land inin19th century through time only to land 19th century through time onlythe to land ina 19th century England and into life ofof handsome England and into the life a handsome England and into the life of a handsome landowner and his family, becoming anan landowner and his family, becoming landowner and his ana interloper in lives shefamily, doesn'tbecoming belong and interloper in lives she doesn't belong and interloper lives shehers doesn't belong and aa lovein that is not to have. love is not hers to love that that to have. have. A timeless tale is of not love,hers honor, and even A timeless tale of love, honor, and A timeless love, honor, andtoeven even scandal, Jane tale mustoffall into the past find scandal, Jane must fall into the past to scandal, Jane must fallfuture. into the past to find find love in the love in the future. love in the future.
"This novel swept meme "This novel swept "This novel swept me off my feet.” off my feet.” off my feet.” "I just closed Finding "I closed Finding "I just just closed Jane and have toFinding catch Jane and have to catch Jane and have to catch my breath! I don't have my breath! I don't have my breath! I don'tto have enough adjectives enough adjectives to enough adjectives to describe this novel. It's describe this novel. describe this novel. It's It's delightful, engaging, delightful, engaging, delightful, engaging, clever, creative!” clever, creative!” clever, creative!” MOMENTS THAT MATTER
REVELL on the RISE 140
APRIL 2022
evell Carpenter has been acting her
Revell’s playful personality shines through when
whole life. “I asked my mom to take me
asking about her definition of beauty. “When a
to get headshots when I was eight years
boy tells you you’re beautiful… KIDDING! I think
old and got my first agent around that time too!”
beauty is all confidence. Doing whatever it is
Whether she was in a sandbox as a child or as a
that makes you feel gorgeous and healthy is
professional on a film set, Revell says she always
the beauty that shines through on the outside.”
loved reading and diving into stories. Born in
And as a Gen Z-er, Revell has a good handle
New York and studying her craft in her home city,
and advice to others on not taking social media
Los Angeles and London, Revell already holds
too seriously. “I think social media should
an impressive career. With numerous films and
make you feel good about yourself and not be
television shows under her list of credits, she’s
a measurement of how many others feel good
also earned herself two Best Actress awards
about you. Of course, that is WAY easier said than
at the New York City International Film Festival
done. I try to just be me as much as possible,
and has written, produced, and directed several
make fun of myself sometimes, and hype myself
shorts. When asking about how her family feels
up too! And really try to not look at the like
about the profession she chose, Revell shared,
“most of my family was not initially over the moon about me going into acting. A lot of them
Revell devotes her free time to working with the
are in finance or other more technical careers.
New York Public Library serving on the junior
Immediately after graduating from George
board, improving literacy throughout NYC. She is
Washington University, I took a job in investment
also one of the founding members of the Hagley
banking. I think I would probably be doing that if I
Youth Foundation, serving intracity Wilmington,
hadn’t built the courage to leap into acting. I am
SO glad I did.” Following her passion, Revell’s latest projects include upcoming thrillers Fit to Kill and What The Nanny Saw. In addition, she has just been cast in All American: Homecoming on the CW Network. In our interview, I asked Revell if she had a mentor who has helped guide her in an industry that can be challenging for many, especially young women. Revell credits her acting coach Maria Dizzia, who, she shared, has been such an inspiration and role model for her. “She has a beautiful family, a wonderful career, and still makes time to teach and help others grow in their craft. I use the tools she taught me in every project.”
A few tips from REVELL What is one beauty tip that you received from a loved one, and who is that person? Always wear sunscreen and hats. You only get one face, and it is very hard to reverse aging caused by sun damage. My grandmother taught me that! What are one or two ‘can’t live without’ beauty products? Cartier La Panthère perfume and, a new discovery, OGEE Tinted Sculpted Lip Oil. It’s organic!
Start ‘Em Young
By Emily Lauren Dick @realhappydaughter
APRIL 2022
ur body image is a reflection of how
this cycle, the change needs to start with you.
we think and feel about our bodies.
My go-to motto is “fake it until you make it.”
We develop these thoughts as we are
Start by NOT speaking negatively about your
exposed to society’s ideals and belief systems
body in front of your kids! Even when you may
around beauty, health, and size. Body shame
be thinking negative thoughts, you can still
isn’t innate. It’s something that is learned. It’s
make a conscious effort to not complain about
hard not to hate your body when the world
your weight, body shape, or food restriction in
is constantly telling you that you need to fix
front of them. When they see how hard you are
yourself and fit into narrow standards that
on yourself, they will model the same behavior,
are constantly changing. Rather than wasting
believing that they are not good enough.
precious energy on finding ways to fit in, we
Children need to understand that you will love
need to focus on being the most authentic
and accept them despite what they look like,
version of ourselves, regardless of what that
and they should love themselves too. You may
looks like! For some, it’s embracing our God-
actually miss out on so many great memories if
given bodies, and for others, it’s changing
you are too busy hating your body. Show them
our appearance to reflect how we feel on the
that fun experiences take priority over how you
inside. We cannot make progress if we as a
look in a bathing suit or how many calories are
society continue to fixate on telling people,
in the ice cream. Teach them that food doesn’t
women especially, how to be. As parents and
have morality and that the world is full of
mentors to new generations, we need to be the
diverse bodies (including your own)!
change we want to see in the world. 2. Make it not about bodies Children as young as age three are
It’s hard not to fixate on physical appearance
experiencing body image issues, which tells us
because we’ve grown up thinking that this is
that there is no better time than now to teach
what gives us value. The truth is, we have so
self-acceptance and compassion for others.
much more to offer the world than just our
We need to embrace people’s differences and
looks. We all change and grow older, and that’s
teach body positivity and resilience, especially
okay! Teach your kids to focus on the amazing
to children, so they have a chance of making it
things that our bodies do for us. They are our life
in this dog-eat-dog world. Here are some steps
vessels, vehicles, or tools for experiencing all
you can take to start ‘em young!
that life offers. Praise their bodies for doing their job! We breathe, move, and feel because of our
1. Model the change
bodies. They should be celebrated, not hated.
This may be the hardest step to take because
When giving compliments to your children,
you’ve likely struggled with your body image
make sure you also focus on their non-
for longer than you may want to admit. It’s
physical achievements! Kindness, compassion,
not easy just to shut off the self-hatred,
intelligence, tenacity, and courage are
comparison, and judgment that you have for
characteristics with far more importance than
yourself, but if we have any hope of stopping
a slim waist and beautiful face. Please remind
your children that their body is no one else’s business, the same way that other kids’ bodies are none of their business. At home, it’s great to talk about diversity and acknowledge the uniqueness of this world but remind them that appearance should hold no value. This aids in establishing good boundaries with friends and becoming an ally to children who are bullied because of the way they look. Children need to know that their bodies are nothing to be ashamed of and that their value comes from within. 3. No shame or guilt Children need to understand that it’s okay to be themselves in any shape or form. This doesn’t just pertain to outer appearance, but also who they are inside. When they learn to hide who they are, their inner light dims when it should shine brightly. Let them decide how to dress, wear their hair, and modify their body if that’s what they want. Of course, they will be influenced by external factors like the media and friends, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t being themselves. We are a product of our environment, but we all have our own personal beauty standards. Someone who removes their body hair, for example, can still
fight for a society where it is truly a person’s
Emily Lauren Dick is a body image expert and
choice to keep it or not. A society in which
activist who is committed to making girls feel
there is no pressure to fit into any standard is
comfortable in their own skin. Her book, Body
the dream, but no one should ever feel guilty
Positive: A Guide to Loving Your Body, is the
for fitting into current ideals or participating
number one resource for young adult women who
in the latest trends. The important things to
desire to redefine and understand true beauty.
remember here are that we are all so much
Emily believes that educating young people
more than our appearance and that our
about body image, teaching resilience, and
appearance can also be a way to express how
normalizing real bodies is critical in combating
we feel or want to feel on the inside.
negative thinking and improving self-esteem.
APRIL 2022
Defining Moments Amor Fati: The Love of Fate by Julieanne McGuinness
f you had told me two years ago that I would be
joy, you will stress less, and you will love people
here—or writing this—I would have laughed. In
more - and it will feel natural.
2019, I was rounding out a 10-year relationship,
managing sales for a $50 Million Real Estate Team, and living a very American life. I loved my
Choose to believe in eternal good, even when it’s hard to see at the moment.
Speak precisely and in expectation of great
colleagues and was content on my small farm in
things. Don’t run poor software by using
Florida with my partner and three dogs. The white
limiting or false language. Your brain is like a
picket fence? I had it. But there was a calling, deep
in my soul, that something wasn’t right—the life I
had created - while beautiful - was not for me.
by them. Protect it. •
Unable to shake this emptiness and disturbance
Your energy can be felt by others and affected Listen to your body and your intuition. It knows what you need and where you are.
within me, I set out at 32 to find the missing piece. Somewhat by accident, I found myself in Greece.
I am writing to you from Athens, Greece, where
During a pandemic, traveling solo, on sabbatical
I now live permanently. I spend my summers
from my career, alone in the world, the wildest and
on islands and my days working with clients all
most beautiful journey of my life began.
over the world where I focus on pillars of radical personal responsibility and unconditional positive
The journey is not a straight line, and it’s individual,
regard to bring people back into the driver’s seat of
but I have found some things to be true in every
their lives, giving them tools and reminding them
circumstance and for every person. I could tell
we all have the power within to create the life we
you about the months I spent camping in the
desire. I’m not sure if I believed in fate years ago,
wilderness, the countless families who took
but it’s clear now that life happens FOR us. This life
me in and shared their culture with me, or the
seems to have been my fate, and I love it.
romance and heartbreak I experienced—and when I finish my book, you can read about all of | Photos by Foteini Mira
those details there; What I want to share here is the joy — the essence — of the journey. Lessons realized through periods of intense gratitude and moments where tears fell from my eyes, overcome with deep sadness as I asked myself, “What were you thinking leaving everything you spent 17 years building?” •
You are stronger than you could ever imagine. Start believing this, and your abilities will prove it to you.
Take radical personal responsibility for your life, choices, and circumstances. You will find more MOMENTS THAT MATTER
@ladyjaneavis 146
APRIL 2022
Interview When and where were you born? Tell us about
Jeannie decided I needed a new sense of
purpose and started an Instagram account
I was born in Chicago, IL, on April 18, 1927, to parents of Norwegian, Irish, and German descent. At 18, I went to New York City to pursue acting and worked for 3 years before returning to Chicago. A few years later, I met my husband of 54 years; we married and raised four children - my greatest achievement! During those years I founded a “Charm School” for high school girls called My Lady Fair, and I was an interior decorator, pursuing my love of beauty and my memory for color. After my husband died in 2006, I moved to Los Angeles to live with my daughter Karen, her husband Jim, and their family. Their love and the warm weather made it home. I taught my neighbors how to play Bridge, and I played four times a week with different senior groups, until March of 2020 when everything shut down due to the pandemic. Not long after, I fell and shattered my femur, and my world instantly changed. I had no mobility and was no longer able to participate in my daily activities. Two family friends came in to be my companions: Winnie, a nursein-training from Uganda, and Jeannie, a stylist. After a few months of recovery,
to document my life as a 94-year-old, young lady. The outpouring of support I received from around the world has made me realize that my past experiences of battling colon cancer, hip fractures, and other health ailments, were a prelude to something more meaningful; sharing my story has given people hope and inspiration to keep going and look forward to what’s next. What’s one thing you learned about beauty from your mother/grandmother? I inherited their love of beauty which has enriched my life and empowered me in many ways. My mother was beautiful both on the outside and on the inside, but it was her inner beauty that inspired me. How have beauty standards changed? I loved it when I was younger and planned out my entire outfits, making sure everything matched, from the shoes to the dress, the gloves, and the jewelry. Today, women dress very casually. There was a time when I never even allowed any of my daughters to wear jeans! But slowly I adapted, and I just got my first pair of Levi’s 501s this year! MOMENTS THAT MATTER
What is something beauty/wellness related that you can’t live without? I can’t live without my moisturizer, and I don’t go out the door without my lipstick. How young are you and what do you enjoy most about being your age? I’m 94 years young and have gained wisdom and insight. How do you define beauty? Beauty is something that is pleasant to the eye and to the soul. What is your must-have beauty product? Red lipstick. What advice would you give the younger generation when it comes to beauty? Women have to be natural to enhance their inner beauty. I think women should focus more on what’s in their heart than what they’re wearing or what makeup they use. A joyful, loving, generous woman of good character is the most beautiful to me. Do you have a motto you live by? Never give up, never surrender! And do unto others as you would have them do unto you!
APRIL 2022
FLORAL BEAUTY By Althea Wiles | @roseofsharonfloral | Photos by Sydney Rasch
inding beauty in day-to-day life is easy for
self-awareness led Wiles to a life of making
Althea Wiles because she is surrounded
decisions for her career that suited her own
by flowers. Wiles, the owner and creative
desires. Much of what she does now for her floral-
director behind Rose of Sharon Floral Design
consulting clients is based on that philosophy.
Studio, is blessed to reside in the Ozark Mountains
She may have rejected a bohemian lifestyle
of Fayetteville, Arkansas, a flower wonderland.
for herself, but her parents’ free-thinking spirit
Wiles is also the founder and education director
definitely impacted the trajectory of her own way
of J Althea Creative, a virtual florist consulting
of life.
program. Her design studio has provided floral design services for weddings, corporate events,
Althea’s studio is definitely blooming. Along with
and social gatherings for the past twenty years.
their day-flower delivery service, Wiles recently started a line of live-flower accessories as an
Wiles grew up learning about plants and flowers,
additional product line for her floral-design
but she always knew a traditional flower shop
clients. These little jewels are worn as a fashion
was not for her. Although Wiles is a bit more
statement for a specific occasion and enjoyed
traditional, she admits her parents were hippies.
with a time limit. Being in the business of creating
Her parents owned a wholesale nursery and grew
enchanting experiences is where Althea Wiles
quite a variety of plants themselves. Ironically,
shines. Whether she is empowering a client with
she never enjoyed growing the plants. However,
flower products or showering them with flower
as a child, she would raid the daylilies and
business wisdom, one thing is for certain… Wiles
zinnias during the summer months to create
gives new meaning to the term flower power.
arrangements for her family’s house. This early MOMENTS THAT MATTER
INDULGE MEDIA graphic design that’s all about your business. If you can dream it, we can create it: Logos, Business Cards, Flyers, EBooks, Sell Sheets, Signage, Presentation Decks, PowerPoint Presentations, Google Slides, Banner Ads, Print Media, Infographics, Reports, Canva Designs, Folders, Boxes, Packaging, Labels, Envelopes, Menus, Tradeshow Graphics, And So Much More! PORTFOLIO: INDULGESLO.COM | ALLISON@INDULGESLO.COM
APRIL 2022
very now and then, I am reminded of the power of moments. We have taken great care to capture monumental moments such as getting married and highlighting personal and professional milestones within this issue. When reflecting on your own momentous occasions, think about what made those moments memorable. In many instances, it is not necessarily the action of reaching the pinnacle or peak but all of the steps that led to it. So often, we are so focused on the end result that we forget to turn around and celebrate how far we’ve come.
Likewise, it is equally important to remember that not every moment must be significant or tied to a milestone. A moment can also be a difficult lesson learned, the loss of a loved one, or a time of transition when you might not have the answers. Yet, in the toughest of times, it is what allows us to show our resilience and strength. To give ourselves permission to pull back when we need to or pay it forward to someone else by performing a random act of kindness that can brighten anyone’s day in a meaningful way. Creating meaningful moments does not need to be planned or cost a lot. In fact, the best moments are often completely free and come with a little bit of luck. We simply need to be present and open to receiving a moment when the time is right or intentional enough to create one of our own. So as summer gets underway, let’s appreciate, celebrate and find new ways to create moments that matter. Feel free to share them with us at Submissions are reviewed daily, and you will be notified if your entry is selected to become public at
APRIL 2022