Know Us - Associação Pela Família (ASPF)

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The Associação Pela Família - ASPF is a non-profit institution formed by people who see education as a fundamental element for the creation of a fair, peaceful and solidary world. The Associação develops its work in units located in the Greater São Paulo, acting in two fronts: School Units where some students pay for their fees and some are given grants, and Social-Assistance Actions that develop educational and cultural activities with children and teenagers.

MEMORY THREAD “Promoting formation and transformation of people through education in all its forms.”

Our social and educational actions started in 1929, through the initiative of a group of female workers from the outskirts of São Paulo, who created small assisting units where studying and catechism groups were run for children and teenagers, and a mothers’ club which provided sewing, embroidery and cooking workshops. In 1943, the Escola Nossa Senhora das Graças, Gracinha, had its early start, followed by the Associação Pela Família - ASPF in 1956, which since then has been running our school units as well as our social-assistance and cultural activities.

EDUCATION: THE RIGHT OF EVERYONE “Our concern is the development of the student, his potentialities and his cognitive, emotional and social capacities.”

The aim of the Associação Pela Família - ASPF is to promote the full development of human dignity by means of education in all its forms, creating and maintaining educational establishments, social and community centers, as well as cultural projects, considering the different stages and types of education.

WELCOMING SPACE “When I started here, I was 7 years old. I remember that I arrived, washed my hands and had lunch. Later on we sat in a circle and talked about life. It was the first time I was ever listened to.�

The welcoming characteristic of our care centers is ever present. Children and teenagers have the right to live experiences of affection, learning both about themselves and others, realizing little by little the challenges involving knowledge and interaction.

T R A N S FO R M I N G SOLIDARIT Y “I’ve learned that, as a child, I have the right to play. It is said that childhood doesn’t last long and that we have to cherish it so that later on it can be recalled.”

The social actions are the major expression of our wish to perform in the world in a transforming way. Throughout our work, we provide space for interaction between children and teenagers as well as for various ways of expression, embracing the challenge and the commitment to contribute to the building of their identity and to the development of their autonomy and solidarity.

INTEGRATION AND SOCIAL INTERACTION “It’s the possibility of uniting skills and of joining coexistence and knowledge. It’s the recognition of oneself and of the other as an individual and a citizen.”

A fundamental part of our activity is the fulfillment of educational and cultural projects, which enable the expression of childrens and teenagers potentialities, and the acknowledgement of their skills and culture, so as to stimulate their empowerment. Our projects start from the perspective of the youngsters integration in the world, developing their self-esteem and the perception of their individuality and affection.


The school units have the aim of promoting teaching quality, preparing the students for the complex demands of the contemporary world. The three schools stimulate the students to experience values such as freedom, respect and cooperation, and work so that students can face the world as performers of their own history and social change.



The social-assistance work in the outskirts of S達o Paulo is free-of-charge, and aim at offering children and teenagers opportunities to develop competences and attitudes, which contribute to and active participation in the various individual and collective learning processes. This work has the objective of minimizing the situation of social vulnerability caused by poverty, by the precarious access to public services or by the fragility of bonds.

JOIN US! HOW TO SUPPORT US The work of the Associação Pela Família shows its strength in its multiple units and projects. You can support this work by contributing to the social-assistance actions or by sponsoring students in the schools. Email: Tel: (11) 3054-2464

Escola Colibri Via das Magnólias, 176 Jd. Colibri - Embu das Artes - SP Tel.: (11) 4702-4050

Gracinha - ENSG Rua Tabapuã, 303 Itaim Bibi - São Paulo - SP Tel.: (11) 3165-2266

Nova Escola Rua Palestina, 474 Vila Mascote - São Paulo - SP Tel.: (11) 5567-2464

Centro de Convivência Clarisse Ferraz Wey Rua Carlantonio Carlone, 102 Jd. Jaqueline - São Paulo - SP Tel.: (11) 3751-0438

Centro de Convivência Gracinha Rua Osíris Magalhães de Almeida, 144 Jd. Monte Kemel - São Paulo - SP Tel.: (11) 3742-4520 Rua Bento de Andrade, 324 - Telefone: (11) 3054-2464

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