Word of the Year... Every year I usually choose a "word of the year". Of course I only choose this word after I have prayed and thought about it for some time. I felt impressed very strongly that "Love" was supposed to be the word for this year. And wouldn't you know that after I post about it on my personal Facebook page that I started to get tested in it. I actually thought at one point, "Lord couldn't I have another word. An easier one." But no, this is the Word I am supposed to work on. Love is not just about romantic love towards your spouse, or the love of a mother or father for their child. Love goes way beyond that. It's choosing to love the people that God puts into your life. It doesn't mean allowing people to walk all over you. But allowing yourself to react in a way that reflects the Love of God to that person. Love is not a feeling or an emotion. It is a choice that you make on a daily basis. Love is completely different than like. And, here is a shocking concept, you don't have to like someone to love them. I will leave you with this: "But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you" Matthew 5:44 KJV. Be Blessed,