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LESKOVAC 2011 1st International Exhibition of Photography 1. Међународна изложба фотографија

ISBN 978-86-88879-00-2



EID Recognition


LESKOVAC 2011 1st International Exhibition of Photography 1. Међународна изложба фотографија

Sections / Теме Man, forest, wood (color or monochrome) / Човек, шума, дрво (колор или монохром) General Open (color) / Слободна (колор) General Open (monochrome) / Слободна (једнобојно) Travel (color or monochrome) / Путовања (колор или монохром)

Recieved / Приспело

510 authors/аутора 53 countries / земљe


Accepted / Прихваћено


81 awards / награда 4 sections / теме

Organizer / Организатор - Association Region and Cultural center Leskovac, Serbia 2011 www.associationregion.org Co-Organizer / Су-организатор - Photo club Leskovac

Jury members / Чланови жирија Zoran Djordjevic, MF FSS, Serbia Rasa Milojevic, KMF FSS, EFIAP, Serbia Milorad Kašćelan, AFIAP, Bosnia and Herzegovina Cvetan Gavrovski, MF FSM, Macedonia Hadži Miodrag Miladinović, MF FSS, AFIAP, Serbia


Stevan Ristić, Hon FIAP, Serbia

INTRO International Exhibition of Photography LESKOVAC 2011 showed that there are no regional or continental boundaries. The beauty, feelings, colors and go beyond the barriers are well understood at any point on the planet. Good photography, unique and unrepeatable artistic expression, one can say without words so much. Many people are able to recognize the quality but the international jury was the one who has more than 500 participants from 53 countries knew that qualified and impartial choose the best. On behalf of the Association Region would like to thank all participants in the competition and wish them success in life and artistic work and congratulations to award-winning authors. The international jury awarded the authors from 33 countries and in the words of an eminent member of Association Region is one of the largest photo exhibition in the country this year and by the quality and volume makes us happy as organizers and encouraged to persevere. The best hope that we will see next year.

Међународни салон фотографије ЛЕСКОВАЦ 2011 је показао да не постоје ни регионалне ни континенталне границе. Лепота, осећања, боје превазилазе баријере и разумеју се добро на било којој тачки планете. Добром фотографијом, јединственим и непоновљивим ауторским изразом, може се рећи и без речи тако много. Многи људи су у стању да препознају квалитет али је међународни жири салона фотографије ЛЕСКОВАЦ 2011 био тај који је од преко 500 учесника из 53 земље знао да квалификовано и непристрасно одабере најбоље. У име удружења Регион, захваљујемо се свим учесницима на конкурсу и желимо им успеха у животу и уметничком раду, а награђенима честитамо. Међународни жири је наградио ауторе из 33 земље, а по речима једног еминентног члана, лесковачки салон је један од највећих изложби фотографије у земљи ове године. И по квалитету и по обиму, што нас као организаторе радује и даје подстрек да истрајемо. У најбољој нади да ћемо се видети и следеће године, срдачно вас поздрављамо.

Dragan Milicevic – salon chairman & Drazen Ruzic – President of Association Region














Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Croatia Cyprus

5 23 9 2 13 6 2 2 1 3 29 6 2

Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Latvia Macedonia Malaysia Malta Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Palestine Poland Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States Vietnam

11 17 24 28 6 4 13 14 2 4 5 3 21 1 2 1 3 7 4 3 5 1 7 5 3 3 23 1 23 1 5 4 1 5 46 8 62 21 7

68 275 112 32 187 90 24 30 16 40 323 96 32 36 138 236 311 365 88 64 188 216 22 45 43 48 296 8 28 4 44 108 55 42 77 7 103 80 22 47 376 8 333 12 76 52 8 53 661 116 859 319 100

54 89 27 11 43 31 0 4 5 7 145 32 4 19 41 53 64 130 26 32 60 66 13 12 17 13 113 0 8 0 11 21 12 8 19 1 62 33 4 10 116 2 138 6 35 18 3 27 216 44 257 99 49

16 42 16 8 28 24 4 8 4 12 58 24 8 8 32 56 57 58 16 16 44 56 3 11 11 12 56 4 8 0 8 24 11 10 17 0 23 20 8 11 88 0 72 0 20 8 4 8 146 28 190 80 24

12 16 1 1 5 11 0 1 0 4 32 10 1 3 5 14 6 19 6 9 14 19 0 3 6 2 16 0 4 0 0 4 2 2 5 0 11 9 0 1 24 0 36 0 11 3 1 4 51 12 61 17 9

20 92 36 8 55 22 8 8 4 12 108 24 8 8 39 67 94 112 24 16 48 56 8 10 16 12 80 4 8 4 12 28 16 12 20 4 28 20 4 12 96 4 91 4 20 16 4 25 178 31 247 83 28

14 26 15 3 16 10 0 0 2 2 51 10 1 4 10 15 22 43 5 8 15 17 4 3 5 4 36 0 3 0 5 5 3 3 3 1 19 8 2 7 38 1 42 3 8 7 2 12 59 10 77 32 11

16 73 36 8 52 24 8 8 4 12 77 24 8 12 39 56 78 107 24 16 48 52 7 12 12 12 80 0 8 0 12 28 16 12 20 3 28 20 4 12 96 0 91 4 20 16 0 8 177 31 222 80 24

15 22 5 4 14 6 0 3 0 1 29 7 0 7 11 12 20 41 7 7 19 17 6 3 3 3 36 0 1 0 1 9 3 2 7 0 14 8 2 0 34 0 26 2 10 7 0 6 77 13 58 22 15

16 68 24 8 52 20 4 6 4 4 80 24 8 8 28 57 82 88 24 16 48 52 4 12 4 12 80 0 4 0 12 28 12 8 20 0 24 20 6 12 96 4 79 4 16 12 0 12 160 26 200 76 24

13 25 6 3 8 4 0 0 3 0 33 5 2 5 15 12 16 27 8 8 12 13 3 3 3 4 25 0 0 0 5 3 4 1 4 0 18 8 0 2 20 1 34 1 6 1 0 5 29 9 61 28 14














Czech Republic



AUT - Authors / Аутори

R - Recieved / Приспело


A - Accepted / Прихваћено



FIAP Badge of the best authors by Salon - Krzysztof Browko (Poland) Author ID



Photo ID



324 385 497 636 687 548 634 531 307 198 549 243 648 659 666 667 663 641 533

Ole Suszkiewicz Ligeti Laszlo Ildiko Baranyi Tamma Srinivasa Reddy Robert Dettman Shu-kei Kevin Fung Lidia Lopez Leszek Paradowski Patxi Badiola Aleksandar Trbovich Dejan Selakovic Tran Phong Andreja Peklaj Li Dongping Wesley Law Eva Maria Zernig Ante Jaša Kumral Kepkep Svetlana Borozentseva

Denmark Hungary Romania India Australia Hong Kong Argentina Poland Spain Serbia Bosnia and Herzegovina Vietnam Slovenia China Ireland Germany Croatia Turkey Ukraine

2395 3029 4568 6847 7408 5186 6401 5006 2216 930 5481 1476 6801 6925 7093 7101 7025 7042 5037

Poetry FIAP Gold Medal March winds PSA Gold Medal Charcoal burner III PSA Gold Medal Cut or Not UPI Gold Medal Walking the dog FSS Gold Medal Walking with grandpa SALON Gold Medal Lo que quedo SALON Silver Medal Spring Incorporation SALON Bronze Medal Gigantes en la niebla FIAP Praise Student UPI Praise Survivor UPI Praise 4 Desolate FSS Praise Ledeni ples FSS Praise Faith FSS Praise Wreck of the Sunbeam 3 FSS Praise Steindlweg FSS Praise What working SALON Praise Burning Wood SALON Praise SALON Praise Forest miracle 1

Author ID 323 472 490 192 523 664 120 483 646 494 311 496 456 659 134 193 314 429 594 663 613

Name Dino Odoardo Gibertoni Alex Hunter Ming-fat, Fat Chen Bernd Mai Luis Alberto Franke Dexiong Zheng Joseph Tam Matej Peljhan Roberto Baroni Rudolf Mester Krzysztof Browko Izidor Gasperlin Dacai Xie Li Dongping Drago Cerovsek Kerekes Istvan Godfrey Wong Erdal Yavuzak Tim Pile Ante Jaša Peter Smith

Country Italy Australia Hong Kong Germany Argentina China Australia Slovenia Italy Germany Poland Slovenia China China Slovenia Hungary USA Turkey United Kingdom Croatia United Kingdom

Photo ID 2370 4163 5838 852 4906 7114 863 4318 6607 4535 2268 4579 4197 6930 675 871 4464 3625 7589 7031 6514

Title Preis Rain in Venice FIAP Gold Medal Larry No2 PSA Gold Medal Sudden Color 01 PSA Gold Medal Photographer UPI Gold Medal En lo de Bessonart FSS Gold Medal Autumn with Nets FSS Silver Medal Lost Control FSS Bronze Medal Phone call SALON Gold Medal Linee in the wheat SALON Silver Medal Zollverein Treppe SALON Bronze Medal Spring fields FIAP Praise Red line FIAP Praise Spring UPI Praise Grassland UPI Praise Oko FSS Praise Yelena 1 FSS Praise Steer Wrestling 3 FSS Praise Craftsman FSS Praise Reflection in red FSS Praise Knot in passage SALON Praise Peter SALON Praise


Author ID 708 630 349 593 654 594 247 449 515 393 518 485 673 451 116 123 325 458 597 680 482 651

Name Milorad Milicevic Peter Stollmann Christian Devers Larry Cowles Aleksandar Tomulic Tim Pile Huu Hung Truong Semiglia Antonio Cezary Dubiel Roger Evans Hans Dieter Ole Peters Vanni Stroppiana David C G Smith Ivo Borko Maciej Duczynski Heiko Roemisch Jose Luis Urbaitel Pentti Pitkalahti Djordje Vukićević Banu Ertok Klaus Hofmann Roger Parry

Country Serbia Germany Belgium USA Croatia United Kingdom Vietnam Italy Poland United Kingdom Germany Italy Australia Slovenia Poland Germany Argentina Finland Serbia Turkey Germany United Kingdom

Photo ID 7903 7401 2624 6228 7506 6240 3441 3906 4799 3788 5477 4359 7431 4048 280 347 2421 3979 5833 7488 4312 6711

Title Preis Magla u zimskoj noci FIAP Gold Medal Runde Sache PSA Gold Medal Au bout du champ PSA Gold Medal Ashley high fashion UPI Gold Medal Man in black FSS Gold Medal Arched FSS Silver Medal Playing FSS Bronze Medal Atmosfera Bretone SALON Gold Medal Like a plane SALON Silver Medal Down and dirty SALON Bronze Medal Pretty cool FIAP Praise Start FIAP Praise Vatican staircase UPI Praise Old farmer with fork UPI Praise The old boat FSS Praise Wendeltreppe TUHH FSS Praise Dona Pacha FSS Praise Mother and child FSS Praise S FSS Praise Passage SALON Praise Speedway SALON Praise Elegance SALON Praise

Author ID 310 548 659 357 404 335 261 210 665 92 291 242 323 334 523 584 666 652 162

Name Maciej Makowski Shu-kei Kevin Fung Guo Jing Vaibhav Jaguste Jon Martin Kostas Chalkiadakis Dragan Prole Marcel van Balken Agatha Bunanta Zoran Mojsin Joseph Pirrota Graham Baines Dino Odoardo Gibertoni Primoz Hieng Luis Alberto Franke Huu Tri Tran Wesley Law Marko Miladinovic Albert Peer

Country Poland Hong Kong China India United Kingdom Greece Bosnia and Herzegovina Netherlands Indonesia Serbia Malta United Kingdom Italy Slovenia Argentina France Ireland Serbia Austria

Photo ID 2253 5197 6921 6033 3389 2496 1861 1674 7085 108 2162 2715 2383 2480 4913 5721 7097 6727 722

Title Preis The walk FIAP Gold Medal Hair cut PSA Gold Medal Eye Contact PSA Gold Medal Handi UPI Gold Medal Cuba street scene FSS Gold Medal Monastery on Meteora 1 SALON Gold Medal Ramsko lake SALON Silver Medal Segways SALON Bronze Medal Traffic jam 1500 FIAP Preise Cowheard 5 UPI Preise Pigeonholed UPI Preise Good Friday in Palermo FSS Preise Lavender 1 bis FSS Preise Reflection of time 2 FSS Preise Volver al pasado FSS Preise Salt makers 2 FSS Preise Dromluska SALON Preise The window SALON Preise Svolvaer SALON Preise

SECTION / TEMA Man, Forest, Wood / Човек, шума, дрво


Received / Приспело


Accepted / Примљено



Ole Suszkiewicz - Denmark Poetry FIAP Gold Medal / FIAP Златна медаља



Ildiko Baranyi - Romania Charcoal burner III PSA Gold Medal / PSA Златна медаља



Ligeti Laszlo - Hungary March winds PSA Gold Medal / PSA Златна медаља



Tamma Srinivasa Reddy India Cut or not UPI Gold Medal UPI Златна медаља 11


Robert Dettman - Australia Walking the dog FSS Gold Medal / ФСС Златна медаља



Shu-kei Kevin Fung Hong Kong Walking with grandpa SALON Gold Medal САЛОН Златна медаља 13


Lidia Lopez - Argentina Lo que quedo SALON Silver Medal / САЛОН Сребрна медаља



Leszek Paradowski - Poland Spring Incorporation SALON Bronze Medal / САЛОН Бронзана медаља


PRAISE Patxi Badiola- Spain Gigantes en la niebla FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала

Aleksandar Trbovic - Serbia Student UPI Praise / UPI Похвала 16

PRAISE Dejan Selakovic Bosnia and Herzegovina Survivor UPI Praise / UPI Похвала

Tran Phong - Vietnam 4 Desolate FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала 17


Andreja Peklaj - Slovenia Ledeni ples FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала


Kumral Kepkep - Turkey Burning wood

Eva Maria Zernig - Germany Steindlweg

SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала

FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала

PRAISE Wesley Law - Ireland Wreck of the sunbeam 3 FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала

Li Dongping - China Faith FSS Praise ФСС Похвала


PRAISE Ante Jasa - Croatia What working SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала

Svetlana Borozentseva Ukraine Forest miracle 1 SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала


1 2

5 6 3


1. Miran Orozim - Slovenia · Sceleton forest 2. Theo van der Heijdt - Netherlands · Trees lane 3. John Larry - England · Figures in the forest 4. Peter Phammer - Australia · Fire ravaged snow gums-MT Hotham 5. Nikolai Vassilev - Bulgaria · In the forest 6. Victoria Timoshenko - Ukraine · Path to the sun 21

1 2 3 4

5 6 7

1. Zoran Milutinovic - Serbia · Before winter 2. Li Dongping - China · Golden autumn 3. Banu Ertok - Turkey · A man with his dog in the dark 4. Yang Guomei - China · Dream homeland 5. Istvan Kerekes - Hungary · Some firewood 3 6. Husein Sljivo - Bosnia and Herzegovina · Borba za opstanak 7. Shu-kei Kevin Fung - Hong Kong · Leading


1 2


3 4


1. Tamma Srinivasa Reddy - India · Morning job 2. Burak Senbak - Turkey · Heat and smoke 3. Bai Shuzhen - China · Life element 4. Vladimir Djinic - Serbia · Green fog 5. Ha Tran - USA · Yellowstone 0051 6. Ante Jasa - Croatia · Woman in work


1 2

3 4 5

1. Goran Malic - Serbia · Rose in the sun 3 2. Tim Pile - United Kingdom · Woodland princess 3. Jani Novak - Slovenia · Sleme 1006 4. Mike Baker - Wales-UK · Lonesome tree 5. Van Chung Bui - Vietnam · Flooded forest


SECTION / TEMA General Open (color) / Слободна у боји


Received / Приспело


Accepted / Примљено



Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - Italy Rain in Venice FIAP Gold Medal / FIAP Златна медаља



Alex Hunter - Australia Larry No2 PSA Gold Medal PSA Златна медаља



Ming-fat Fat Chen - Hong Kong Sudden color 01 PSA Gold Medal / PSA Златна медаља



Bernd Mai - Germany Photographer UPI Gold Medal / UPI Златна медаља



Luis Alberto Franke - Argentina En lo de Bessonart FSS Gold Medal / ФСС Златна медаља



Dexiong Zheng - China Autumn with nets FSS Silver Medal / ФСС Сребрна медаља



Joseph Tam - Australia Lost control FSS Bronze Medal / ФСС Бронзана медаља



Matej Peljhan - Slovenia Phone call SALON Gold Medal / САЛОН Златна медаља



Roberto Baroni - Italy Linee in the wheat SALON Silver Medal САЛОН Сребрна медаља 34


Rudolf Mester - Germany Zollverein SALON Bronze Medal / САЛОН Бронзана медаља



Krzysztof Browko - Poland Spring fields

Dacai Xie - China Spring

FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала

UPI Praise / UPI Похвала

Izidor Gasperlin - Slovenia Red line FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала 36


Kerekes Istvan Hungary Yelena 1

Li Dongping China Grassland

FSS Praise ФСС Похвала

UPI Praise UPI Похвала

Drago Cerovsek - Slovenia Oko FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала 37


Tim Pile United Kingdom Reflection in red

Erdal Yavuzak Turkey Craftsman

FSS Praise ФСС Похвала

FSS Praise ФСС Похвала

Godfrey Wong - USA Steer Wrestling 3 FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала 38

PRAISE Peter Smith - United Kingdom Peter SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала

Ante Jasa - Croatia Knot in passage SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала 39




2 6




1. Krzysztof Browko - Poland · Spring on fields 2. Krzysztof Browko - Poland · Six 3. Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - Italy · Landscape 2 4. Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - Italy · Give me the ball 5. Eero Hauta-aho - Finland · Fight 2a 6. Jurgen Lechner - Germany · Endless summer 7. Martin Hankel - Germany · Myzeil shoppingcenter 8. Achim Koepf - Germany · Claudia 34


1. Miljenko Marotti - Croatia · Runner

6. Primoz Hieng - Slovenia · Church on the filed

2. Dis van Tendeloo - Belgium · Sea eagle 3

7. Alfredo Rivera - Argentina · Road to Hell II

3. Agatha Bunanta - Indonesia · Bull race 2

8. Shu-kei Kevin Fung - Hong Kong · Head kick

4. Ha Tran - USA · Phan rang sand dune 0794

9. T.P Huynh - Australia · Batting wave

5. Rafael Podobnik - Slovenia · Autumnal tuscany

10. Nils-Erik Jerlemar - Sweden · Holoc. mem. Berlin No3

1 2

5 6

8 9


3 4




2 3 4 5 6



1. Su Lisao - China · Road to quiet 2. S.P Mukherji - India · Broken steps 3. Wolfgang Gilges - Germany · Rassamee II 4. Peter Dressel - Germany · Samba 5. Boro Rudic - Macedonia · Kajak 3 6. David Sant - Malta · Corinna II 7. Andreja Peklaj - Slovenia · Valovi


SECTION / TEMA General Open (monochrome) Слободна (монохром)


Received / Приспело


Accepted / Примљено



Milorad Milicevic - Serbia Magla u zimskoj noći FIAP Gold Medal / FIAP Златна медаља



Peter Stollmann - Germany Runde sache PSA Gold Medal / PSA Златна медаља



Christian Devers - Belgium Au bout du champ PSA Gold Medal / PSA Златна медаља 46


Larry Cowles - USA Ashley high fashion UPI Gold Medal / UPI Златна медаља



Aleksandar Tomulic - Croatia Man in black FSS Gold Medal / ФСС Златна медаља



Tim Pile - United Kingdom Arched FSS Silver Medal ФСС Сребрна медаља 49


Huu Hung Truong - Vietnam Playing FSS Bronze Medal / ФСС Бронзана медаља



Semiglia Antonio - Italy Atmosfera Bretone SALON Gold Medal / САЛОН Златна медаља



Cezary Dubiel - Poland Like a plane SALON Silver Medal САЛОН Сребрна медаља



Roger Evans - United Kingdom Down and dirty SALON Bronze Medal / САЛОН Бронзана медаља 53

PRAISE Hans Dieter Ole Peters - Germany Pretty cool

Vanni Stroppiana - Italy Start

FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала

FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала

David C G Smith - Australia Vatican staircase UPI Praise / UPI Похвала 54

PRAISE Ivo Borko - Slovenia Old farmer with fork UPI Praise UPI Похвала

Heiko Roemisch - Germany Wendeltreppe TUHH FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала

Maciej Duczynski - Poland The old boat FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала 55


Jose Luis Urbaitel - Argentina Dona Pacha

Djordje Vukicevic - Serbia S

FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала

FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала

Pentti Pitkalahti - Finland Mother and child FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала 56


Banu Ertok - Turkey Passage

Klaus Hofmann - Germany Speedway

SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала

SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала

Roger Parry - United Kingdom Elegance SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала 57

1 2





3 4 1. Henry Ho - Hong Kong · I win 2 2. Henry Ho - Hong Kong · Shao Lin soccer 3. Alexander Kamakaev - Russia · Chinese Girl 4. Isa Ebrahim - Bahrain · Careworn 5. Jose Luis Urbaitel - Argentina · Aperitivo 6. Tran Phong - Vietnam · Dependence 2 7. Rajat Ghosh - India · Outline 8. Mirjana Dobrosavljev - Serbia · Reflection 58

1. Ariel Gonzalez - Argentina · El cantante 2. Rudolf Mester - Germany · Field work 3. Osman Onder - Turkey · Junkman 4. Luis Alberto - Argentina · Fritz 5. Pili Garcia Pitarch - Spain · Arun 6. Haibo Chi - China · Ladder 7. Nils-Erik Jerlemar - Sweden · Crossing the line No1 1 2

5 3 6







5 7 8

6 1. Luis Alberto - Argentina · Victor 2. Peter Makadi - Hungary · Missing 3. Philippe Draux - Belgium · 50 4. Tim Pile - United Kingdom · Reflection 3

5. Yuriy Zilinskyy - Ukraine · Accent 6. Achim Koepf - Germany · Cathy 17 7. Roger Parry - UK · Beneath the window 8. Radisav Filipovic - Serbia · Prozor


SECTION / TEMA Travel Путовање


Received / Приспело


Accepted / Примљено



Maciej Makowski Poland The walk FIAP Gold Medal FIAP Златна медаља



Shu-kei Kevin Fung - Hong Kong Hair cut PSA Gold Medal / PSA Златна медаља



Guo Jing - China Eye contact PSA Gold Medal / PSA Златна медаља 64


Vaibhav Jaguste - India Handi UPI Gold Medal UPI Златна медаља 65


Jon Martin - United Kingdom Cuba street scene FSS Gold Medal ФСС Златна медаља



Kostas Chalkiadakis Greece Monastery on Meteora 1 SALON Gold Medal / САЛОН Златна медаља



Dragan Prole - Bosnia and Herzegovina Ramsko lake SALON Silver Medal - САЛОН Сребрна медаља 68


Marcel van Balken - Netherlands Segways SALON Bronze Medal / САЛОН Бронзана медаља


PRAISE Zoran Mojsin - Serbia Cowherd 5 UPI Praise - UPI Похвала


Joseph Pirrota - Malta Pigeonholed

Agatha Bunanta - Indonesia Traffic jam 1500

UPI Praise - UPI Похвала

FIAP Praise - FIAP Похвала

PRAISE Graham Baines - United Kingdom Good Friday in Palermo

Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - Italy Lavender 1 bis

FSS Praise - ФСС Похвала

FSS Praise - ФСС Похвала

Primoz Hieng - Slovenia Reflection of time 2 FSS Praise - ФСС Похвала 71

PRAISE Luis Alberto Franke - Argentina Volver al pasado

Huu Tri Tran - France Salt makers 2

FSS Praise - ФСС Похвала

FSS Praise - ФСС Похвала

Wesley Law - Ireland Dromluska SALON Praise - САЛОН Похвала 72

PRAISE Marko Miladinovic Serbia The window SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала

Albert Peer - Austria Serbia SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала 73

1 2

3 4

1. Maciej Duczynski - Poland · Landmannalaugar 2. Alain Mazalrey - France · Anatolia 3. Leif Alveen - Denmark · Connemara cottage on the edge 4. Andreja Ravnak - Slovenia · Step by step


1. Dacai Xie - China · Boat dwellers 2. John Newton - Australia · Mungo Panorama 3 3. Phillip Kwan - Canada · Down the Wave 4. Krzysztof Browko - Poland · Autumn fields

1 2





1 2


1. Lidia Lopez - Argentina · La caverna 2. Ildiko Baranyi - Romania · Viewpoint 3. T.P Huynh - Australia · Boat racing 4. Bai Shuzhen - China · Camels


1 2 3



1. Raymond Muscat - Malta · Bingemma chapel 2. Daduan Deng - China · Wave to the clouds 3. Dong Yang - China · Wonders 4. Veikko Wallstrom - Finland · Crofters anna 77

3 4

1 2

1. Osman Onder - Turkey · Phaetons 2. Su Lisuo - China · Waterfall 3. Manolis (Emmanouil) Metzakis - Greece · Lijiang 4. Maria Elena Piazza - Italy · Il muretto



THEME 1 Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel - Troncos desnudos Jose Luis Urbaitel - Arbol caido Jose Luis Urbaitel - Aranas en el Matadero Jose Luis Urbaitel - Aranas en formacion Ariel Gonzalez - Escobero Luis Alberto Franke - Alisos descortezados Luis Alberto Franke - Sendero otonial Luis Alberto Franke - Arbol Bandera Lidia Lopez - Otonal Lidia Lopez - El bosque de los presos Lidia Lopez - La cruz caida Lidia Lopez - Lo que quedo Australia Peter Hammer - A Walk in the Forest Peter Hammer - Autumn in the Dandenongs Peter Hammer - Fire Ravaged Snow Gums Margot Manchester - MECHANICAL MONSTER Margot Manchester - FORESTGOD Margot Manchester - THE LOGMEN Alex Hunter - Ancient tree with moss Alex Hunter - Between a rock Suzanne Opitz - Strong Roots Suzanne Opitz - Trees are Fun Julie Castieau - After the Fires David C G Smith - Sawn-Off David C G Smith - No-More-Forest David C G Smith - Death-By-Drought Robert Dettman - After_the_fires Robert Dettman - Walking_the_dog Austria Ewald Schmelz - Outback Bahrain Isa Ebrahim - Sun Belgium Eugène Ponsaerts - EP04 Jef Lemmens - Brushwood Christian Devers - Inondation Freddy Laheye - Lonely Freddy Laheye - Devastated Bosnia and Herzegovina Dragan Prole - Cumurana 11a Husein Sljivo - misticna suma Husein Sljivo - jutro Husein Sljivo - borba za opstanak Sinisa Plavsic - Old Vindow Sinisa Plavsic - Katun Dejan Djuric - Traces Dejan Selakovic - Zlatibor 10d Dejan Selakovic - Zlatibor 10d Dejan Selakovic - Survivor Aleksandar Svitic - through the smoke Bulgaria Nikolai Vassilev - In the Forest Chile Martina Vasselin - Mist in the wood Martina Vasselin - Chilean forest in autumn Martina Vasselin - When life rises after fire Gonzalo Padilla - Todo en penumbra China Gao Yandong - The woods Zeling Wu - Tsui Lam House Dong Yang - Grazing in the forest Dacai Xie - Magic Jiuzhai Dacai Xie - Distinctive Dacai Xie - Greenfield clouds Dacai Xie - Autumn Yiran Lei - Ginkgo Bridge Yiran Lei - Go to forest Liang Wu - Two Trees

Liang Wu - Mountain Village in the Morning Ziliang Zhang - Guangdong Hookah Enkai Ma - Bashang Hills Enkai Ma - Autumn Li Wang - Winter_at_Jiuzhai Li Wang - Sunlight_Through_Woods Li Wang - Morning_Fog Daduan Deng - Foggy_Mountain-1 Daduan Deng - Autumn_Field Daduan Deng - Foggy_Mountain-2 Daduan Deng - Light_and_Shadow Liu Jia - Year after year Li Dongping - Never to be separated Li Dongping - Strong arm Yang Guomei - Jungle May Yang Guomei - Winter Forest Yang Guomei - Winter spirit Bai Shuzhen - Life element Li Dongping - Faith Li Dongping - Golden autumn Bai Shuzhen - Winter Yang Guomei - Dream homeland Croatia Mario Miličević - Environmental Pollution Biljana Knebl - All Colours Aleksandar Tomulic - Magic_forest_3 Aleksandar Tomulic - Face Čedomil Gros - Body Čedomil Gros - Sunny beam 5 Čedomil Gros - Autmn colour Čedomil Gros - Enchanted Forest Ante Jasa - What working Ante Jasa - Woman in work Cyprus Skevi Malekkou - IN THE FOREST Czech Republic Petr Vydra - Autumn Meadows-4 Petr Vydra - Faithful Friends-1 Josef Bosak - Palava Denmark Leif Alveen - Lonely tree Ole Suszkiewicz - On bicycle 3 Ole Suszkiewicz - Runner in fog Ole Suszkiewicz - Africana Ole Suszkiewicz - Poetry Finland Vili Kuronen - River in Kuusamo Ari Laine - Color pens Sari Kantinkoski - Stonehenge Sari Kantinkoski - Touch Sari Kantinkoski - Spirit Hannu Kontkanen - Koli Hannu Kontkanen - Ilomantsin Pyhan Elian k. Jouko Taukojärvi - Old Forest Anita Lehtonen - Autum-forest Seppo Rintala - Industrial Past Seppo Rintala - Four Aspens Jussi Helimaki - Park in January Jussi Helimaki - Labyrinth Jussi Helimaki - A bonfire in midsummer 2 France Jean Boulanger - en Aragon 1 Claude Peltier - Fabrication d'une pirogue Gilles Hanauer - Two-apple-trees Daniel Kermann - Resistance Gerard Eyraud - foret-1 Vanneuville Jacques - Arbre givre Germany Heiko Roemisch - fairy tale forest 02 Bernd Mai - walk alone Ilse Rüttgers - old_tree Wolfgang Loke - Waldfee Wolfgang Loke - Winter trees

Wolfgang Loke - Olive trees Martin Hankel - Forest and leaves Juergen Busse - Trees heart Juergen Busse - Winterritt Joerg Mees - Stangenwald Rudolf Mester - Sinai Birgit Pustelnik - Autumn Walk Birgit Pustelnik - Final Destiny Birgit Pustelnik - Lakeside Birgit Pustelnik - Forest Stream Eva Maria Zernig - Lebens-Baeume Eva Maria Zernig - Herbstmorgen Eva Maria Zernig - Letzte Sonnenstrahlen Eva Maria Zernig - Steindlweg Greece Kostas Chalkiadakis - Under the Tree Kostas Chalkiadakis - Man in Forest Efstratios Tsoulellis - Happy Man Efstratios Tsoulellis - Charcoal 1 Efstratios Tsoulellis - Charcoal 2 Efstratios Tsoulellis - Preparing the tree trunks Hong Kong Henry Ho - Joyful Harvest Henry Ho - Homeward Bound Henry Ho - Country Courier Ming-fat, Fat Chen - Old Craftsman Ming-fat, Fat Chen - Silver Trees Shu-kei, Kevin Fung - Three riders Shu-kei, Kevin Fung - Leading Shu-kei, Kevin Fung - Working in palm forest Shu-kei, Kevin Fung - Walking with grandpa Hungary Istvan Kerekes - Some firewood-3 Elek Papp - Joy of the music Elek Papp - Devotion Elek Papp - Shaveless tree Imre Kiss - On_Untravelled_Roads Imre Kiss - Angler Ligeti Laszlo - Autumn Ligeti Laszlo - Flowering Ligeti Laszlo - March winds Tarcsa Balázs - Trees 01 Tarcsa Balázs - Ocsi shepherd Tarcsa Balázs - Under trees Adam Szathmary Kiraly - Forest with Girls Laslo Juhas - Bar code_1 India Rajat Ghosh - Coexistance Sirsendu Gayen - Morning Chat Sirsendu Gayen - Look Bhaskar Kundu - FOREST WORKERS Bhaskar Kundu - MISTY MORNING Kallol Majumdar - Going through the forest Kallol Majumdar - Lone Journey Kallol Majumdar - Rest in peace Kallol Majumdar - Alone in the forest path Ankan Sanyal - IN THE RAIN Vaibhav Jaguste - USED Malay Basu - INNOCENTS Prabhu Pvsub - Self Distruction Prabhu Pvsub - Deforestation Prabhu Pvsub - Wood Carrier Rupak De - Wood to Earth Rupak De - Spotted Deer spotted Tamma Srinivasa Reddy - MORNING JOB Tamma Srinivasa Reddy - CUT OR NOT Jaydip Bhattacharya - Way to home Jaydip Bhattacharya - Solitary reaper Jaydip Bhattacharya - Resonance of love Iran Mehdi Arastouei - The Lone Tree Mehdi Arastouei - Cut for Constract Mehdi Arastouei - Scared Woods

Ireland Gareth Byrd - Scully Lake & wood Sinclair Adair - Toadstoole Wesley Law - Tree Stump 2 Wesley Law - Tree Stump Wesley Law - Wreck of the Sunbeam 2 Wesley Law - Wreck of the Sunbeam 3 Israel Leonid Goldin - Winter melody Leonid Goldin - Begining of autumn Italy Simone Bianchini - Vallombrosa 1 Massimo Coduri de C. - Night_in_the_wood Marco Garabello - Leaf Semiglia Antonio - Cuban tailoring Semiglia Antonio - Old farmer Adriano Favero - Wood1 Maria Elena Piazza - On the river Maria Elena Piazza - Stair Maria Elena Piazza - Boat Donatella Piazza - albero a Tikal Roberto Baroni - The way of the coal n° 1 Roberto Baroni - The way of the coal n° 3 Roberto Baroni - The way of the coal n° 2 Macedonia Vladimir Jovanovski - cut down 05 Boro Rudic - Ponikva 1 Boro Rudic - Monah Boro Rudic - Razgibavanje Netherlands Theo van der Heijdt - Trees_Lane Marcel van Balken - Treeman Marcel van Balken - Treewoman Huub Bink - L&D dunes New Zealand Evan Mcbride - Forest Meeting of W.C. Ethiopia1 Lynn Clayton - Spooky_Old_Tree_in_Winter Norway Olaf Aune - Copenhagen_workers Aud Sjoesaether - Walking Oman Ahmed Alkindi - SALALAH SKY Ahmed Alkindi - PICKING DATES Ahmed Alkindi - CARPENTER Ahmed Alsiyabi - Spinner Hamad Saud Albusaidi - BETWEEN WOOD Poland Maciej Makowski - Tha smoke Krzysztof Browko - RGB Krzysztof Browko - In rain Krzysztof Browko - Autumn road 2 Krzysztof Browko - Brothers Cezary Dubiel - Forest glade Cezary Dubiel - Walk Leszek Paradowski - Forest Concert Leszek Paradowski - On The Forest Trail Leszek Paradowski - Spring Incorporation Leszek Paradowski - Winter Contrasts Romania Lajos Nagy - Ignites-the-Fire Lajos Nagy - Winter-Portrait Lajos Nagy - Sorrow-of-the-Woodman Lajos Nagy - With-my-Son Teutsch Alpar - it is getting dark Teutsch Alpar - the sculptors hand_2 Teutsch Alpar - Agoston Istvan_1 Ildikó Baranyi - DachsteinStrasse Ildikó Baranyi - Charcoal_Burner_III Saudia Arabia Dhafer AL-shehri - An Namas II

Serbia Goran Malić - Rose_in_the_sun Goran Malić - Tree_of_love Goran Malić - A_lonely_man Mirjana Dobrosavljev - BIG HAND Alexander Trbovich - 3_Decades_of_Oblivion Alexander Trbovich - Student Djordje Vukadinovic - Fruska gora 4 Zoran Milutinovic - Before Winter Ivan Aleksic - Friends Ivan Aleksic - Date Milenko Radovanov - Kroz sumu Milenko Radovanov - Magla u sumi Predrag Filipovic - Three trees Predrag Filipovic - Flood Predrag Filipovic - Noon brake Predrag Filipovic - Shadows Vladimir Djinic - In sight Vladimir Djinic - Aquarelle Vladimir Djinic - Green fog Milorad Milicevic - LOVISTE 2008 Milorad Milicevic - TREM 2010 Milorad Milicevic - ZIVOT CRKVE PARACIN Dragan Lapcevic - Suma 1 Dragan Lapcevic - Suma Slovenia Andreja Ravnak - Morning battery fill Andreja Ravnak - Colors of fall IV Andreja Ravnak - Autumn I Justin Zorko - Pokljuka Justin Zorko - Wood2 Anton Tratnik - Together again Anton Tratnik - Morning divide Drago Metljak - Late wintersun Drago Metljak - The slope Janez Kramar - Autumn colours Janez Kramar - North side Janez Kramar - Flood Miran Orožim - FOREST WORKERS 1 Miran Orožim - FOREST WORKERS 2 Miran Orožim - VONARJE 1 Miran Orožim - SCELETON FOREST Izidor Gasperlin - Misty town Izidor Gasperlin - Topsyturvydom Izidor Gasperlin - Winter light Rok Godec - Fishermen 02 Rok Godec - Fisherman 04 Rok Godec - Walkers Bogdan Bricelj - Rime Crystals on Pine Tree Bogdan Bricelj - Poppys Meadow Bogdan Bricelj - Tree in Sunlight Bogdan Bricelj - Birch is Glowing Marija Zupancic - The Mighty Tree Andreja Peklaj - Tajnovito jutro Andreja Peklaj - Boja jutra Andreja Peklaj - Ledeni ples Jani Novak - Skofja Loka_2705 Jani Novak - Gorjanci 5 Jani Novak - Otocec_2207 Jani Novak - Sleme_1006 Vinko Sebrek - Nockturno Vinko Sebrek - On the glade Spain Josep Maria Robert - Tallando retablo Josep Maria Robert - Tallando Budas Josep Maria Robert - Templo Camboiano Patxi Badiola - el verde bosque Corso Patxi Badiola - reflejos en Aralar Patxi Badiola - El riachuelo de Neouville Patxi Badiola - Gigantes en la niebla Federico Sagues - Overview Federico Sagues - Wooden Boats Pili Garcia Pitarch - Carpenter Pili Garcia Pitarch - Woodcutters

Sweden Allan Wallberg - Trees in fog Allan Wallberg - In the forest Allan Wallberg - Forest road Switzerland Urs Jenzer - Oberflachenstruktur 2 Taiwan Chi-lai Huang - Boat in woods Chi-lai Huang - Red dessert Chi-lai Huang - Passing bridge Feng-Lin Chen - Look at the moon Turkey Tahsin Altınok - Kargici adam 1 Tahsin Altınok - Tekerlekci adam 1 Mehmet Fatih Yaldız - wood 2 Mustafa Eser - Operation of coal production1 Mustafa Eser - Operation of coal production3 Mustafa Ipek - Peace Mustafa Ipek - Charcoal Stove Aydin Hakan - tree4 Aydin Hakan - tree2 Talay Gulsah - tree-2 Talay Gulsah - tree-3 Halil Süder - orman-3 Osman Onder - skywards Osman Onder - Yedigoller Osman Onder - Kurede Sonbahar Osman Onder - Autumn in Yedigoller Erol Sesi - lines 2 Erol Sesi - the fog Kazım Kuyucu - IMG_5168 Kazım Kuyucu - IMG_3359 Sultan Aslan - hard working Sultan Aslan - man in the forest Sultan Aslan - fisher man Serkan Turaç - man2 Serkan Turaç - man4 Serkan Turaç - man1 Serkan Turaç - man3 Okan Metin - tek başına Ismi Durmuş - The Old Man Ismi Durmuş - woodcutter2 Yasin Akgül - forest spirits Yasin Akgül - enjoy the weather Yasin Akgül - binge ends Halil Sarıkaya - Wood Chorcoal3 Yusuf Yildiz - forest-4 Yusuf Yildiz - forest-1 Yusuf Yildiz - forest-3 Ozgur Semerci - forest Ozgur Semerci - lake Burak Senbak - LISEN TO ME MY SON Burak Senbak - SILHOUETTE Burak Senbak - WOOD COAL MAN Burak Senbak - HEAT AND SMOKE M. Feyza Berker - PLAYING CARDS Kumral Kepkep - Stokers Kumral Kepkep - Burning Wood Banu Ertok - A man with his dog in the dark Hakan Yasar - woodworker Hakan Yasar - fog Selahattin Nemlioğlu - AtLike Ufuk Teksoy - Ridgeway Ukraine Alexander Kupchynskyy - Coming Yuriy Zilinskyy - Nostalgia Svetlana Borozentseva - Has lost the way Svetlana Borozentseva - Freindless1 Svetlana Borozentseva - Forest miracle1 Alexander Kovshun - snow storm Alexander Kovshun - solitude Victoria Timoshenko - Three Victoria Timoshenko - Traveling in winter wonderland

Victoria Timoshenko - Choosing the path Victoria Timoshenko - Path to the sun Valeriy Tretyakov - the feet United Kingdom Kaz Diller - Trees Cannock Chase Jim Tarbox - River Fowey Malcolm Jenkin - Cartwheel Andrew Baxter - Wolf Wood Mike Baker - Future Forest Mike Baker - Tall Trees Mike Baker - Night light Mike Baker - Lonesome tree Leo Palmer - Yosemite Valley Brian Burrows - Lakeside Tree Roots Brian Burrows - Tree Houses Graham Worley - Spring Time Graham Worley - Doors in Madrid John White - Croome Park John White - Nimmings Wood John White - Hoar Frost Pattingham Harry Wentworth - Alice Finds the Door to Nowhere Harry Wentworth - The Tree Huggers David F Cooke - The-Old-Hut David F Cooke - Mist-in-the-Mountains Tony Potter - Golden Tree Brian Swinyard - Woodland Glade Ian Ledgard - Spring oaks IR Ian Ledgard - Dead oak Ed Cloutman - Enchanted Forest Ed Cloutman - Resting Among Giants Jan Cawley - Misty Morning in Cumbria Feb Cawley - Enchanted Wood Mar Cawley - Frosty Fields John Larry - Man and his Dog John Larry - Figures in the Forest John Larry - Light in the Woods Jim Meikle - Girl in the Woods Jim Meikle - Path Through the Woods Jim Meikle - The Bobbin Maker Roger Evans - Frosty Yorkshire Pavement Brian Magor - Swedish charcoal burner Colin Harrison - Trees 22 Colin Harrison - Trees 21 Roger Creber - Glowing Birch Roger Creber - Springtime Roger Creber - Golden Canopy Pam Sherren - Woods in Winter Pam Sherren - Autumn Trees Pam Sherren - Winter Trees Pietro Rocchiccioli - bluebellwood Christine Widdall - Tragic Christine Widdall - Mad Hatter and Friends Tim Pile - Branches Tim Pile - Woodland Maiden Tim Pile - Alone In The Woods Tim Pile - Woodland Princess Peter Smith - Serwatchie Ridge Peter Smith - Bolderwood Birches Peter Smith - Bow Lake Peter Smith - Green Trees Tremaine A O Cornish - Waterfall - Fowey Phil Portus - Gone to Waste Phil Portus - Buttermere Phil Portus - Hoar Frost On Rannoch Phil Portus - Rannoch Tree USA Mohammad Ali Salim - Broken Wheel Ira Nemeroff - love at sunset Norman Johnson - Shy Cowboy Mary Miller - Forest Luxury Marvin Miller - Forest Living Marvin Miller - Church In The Forest Guo Jiang Ou - Camp

Xin Xin Liang - Man4 Kim-Loan Nguyen - Falls Color Ha Tran - Sequoia 0060 Ha Tran - Yellowstone 037 Ha Tran - Yellowstone 0051 Tam Le - SKYLINE DRIVE 0223 Tam Le - FALLS COLOR 0722 Phu Van - Morning Fog My Phuong Nguyen - Yellow Car MinhTan Thai - Death Tree Vietnam Tran Phong - 1-After The Flood Tran Phong - 4-Desolate Huu Hung Truong - FISHERMAN Huu Hung Truong - MAN WORKING Hoang Vu Ngoc - Highland Stone Thinh Pham Ba - GOING DOWN Van Chung Bui - Sculpture Van Chung Bui - Flooded Forest Ngoc Anh Bach - OLD BOATMAN

THEME 2 Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel - Jinetes en accion Jose Luis Urbaitel - Ola y tachos Ariel Gonzalez - El baile Ariel Gonzalez - Bar boedo Ariel Gonzalez - Por el camino Luis Alberto Franke - Fermin y sus perros Luis Alberto Franke - En lo de Bessonart Luis Alberto Franke - El pan nuestro de cada dia Lidia Lopez - Rodolfo en el boliche Lidia Lopez - Carrera desenfrenada Lidia Lopez - Un tren en la inmensidad Alfredo Rivera - Astonished Alfredo Rivera - Deaths tower Alfredo Rivera - Road to hell II Australia Joseph Tam - Lost Control Arthur Roy - Me and My Ballet Shoes James Lu - surfing-a Susanne Walsh - Gecko Robyn Stewart - Take That Robyn Stewart - Jessicas Run Graeme Watson - Groyne At Dawn Alex Hunter - Granite boulders Alex Hunter - Johnny Alex Hunter - Larry No2 John Newton - The Champ Leads Out John Newton - Riding High Cesnock 2011 John Newton - Red Fungi Barrington No1 Suzanne Opitz - Umbrellas T.P Huynh - Leading T.P Huynh - Batting Wave Leanne Alessi - Riders Anguish Leanne Alessi - Tropical Splendour Maurice White - Sydney Harbour Bridge 1 David Rowlands - black shouldered kite Julie Castieau - Graffiti - Is it Urban Art Julie Castieau - Gorilla at the Zoo David C G Smith - Hoodoo-Formations David C G Smith - Painted-Desert-Panorama Robert Dettman - Wanaka_tree Robert Dettman - Dusk_at_Wilpena_Pound Austria Albert Peer - Flamenco Albert Peer - Kleopatra Albert Peer - Mask Tobias Oetzbrugger - harmony Tobias Oetzbrugger - dog race Theo Streitfelder - Zebras Theo Streitfelder - Together Theo Streitfelder - Top Viktor Nozicka - Landschaft_MG_1583_4

Viktor Nozicka - Marathonlady Viktor Nozicka - Hart-aber-herzlich Enrico Hartl - Erotische Lesestunde Ludwig Knobel - Bathhouse Ewald Schmelz - Alien-Fertility-Mortal-Agony Andreas Kuen - Anna Bahrain Isa Ebrahim - Welding small Isa Ebrahim - Bahrain vs Qatar Isa Ebrahim - Prayer Belgium Eugène Ponsaerts - EP04 Andre Langenus - Dejima 2-B2 Frans van Esch - Bridge for bikers Frans van Esch - Icelandic Scenery Christian Devers - Dad house Christian Devers - Retour de promenade Christian Devers - Disparition Freddy Laheye - The artist and his work Dis Van tendeloo - Blue tit Dis Van tendeloo - Dragonfly in backlight Dis Van tendeloo - Rejection Dis Van tendeloo - Sea-eagle- 3 Julien Verwerft - Boomkikker Julien Verwerft - Eendagsvlieg-2 Julien Verwerft - Lantaartje Willy Vercammen - Verdun Bosnia and Herzegovina Dragan Prole - Mystical morning Dragan Prole - Rafting 16 Dragan Prole - Shadow play 10 Dragan Prole - Step Husein Sljivo - shade of blue 2 Husein Sljivo - attack Husein Sljivo - pejzaz Sinisa Plavsic - Dreams Dejan Djuric - In search for Dejan Selakovic - zlatibor 10b Canada Phillip Kwan - Bald Eagle Catching Fish Phillip Kwan - Bull Charging Chile Gonzalo Padilla - Calas Gonzalo Padilla - Paraguas rojo China Gao Yandong - The sunrise over the mountains Ge Xiao - Over the water Ge Xiao - African elephant Zeling Wu - Early morning Zeling Wu - Beautiful countryside Haibo Chi - Beautiful wings Dong Yang - Surfing Dong Yang - Chashi parachutes blossoming Dong Yang - Yi tea flows Dong Yang - Net Matters Dacai Xie - Under the hot sun Dacai Xie - Spring Shihua Cao - Together Xuebin Bai - Desert Camel Xuebin Bai - Harvest movement Liang Wu - Mountain Fog in Spring Liang Wu - Mountain Mist Ziliang Zhang - Jixi in Anhui Enkai Ma - Morning Enkai Ma - Ebb Enkai Ma - Village Morning Li Wang - Sunset_at_Great_Wall Li Wang - Beauty_of_Tideland Li Wang - Natural_Painting-1 Daduan Deng - Golden_Sunlight Bai Shuzhen - Horse Liu Jia - Out of control 1 Yang Guomei - Desert

Yang Guomei - Love Chen Junjie - Child interesting Chen Junjie - Love Chen Junjie - Twilight song Li Yusheng - Deep love Wu Weikang - Retain youth Bai Shuzhen - Back home Li Dongping - Grass to rope inspiration Su Lisuo - Riverside Dong Hongyu - Village on the Sea 1 Liu Jia - Out of control 4 Wang Dazhong - Predation Li Zhiping - Rhythm Wu Weikang - Singer Li Yusheng - Spring dance Li Dongping - PK Wu Weikang - PLay Su Lisuo - Road to quiet Li Dongping - Grassland Dexiong Zheng - Sails_at_Skylines Dexiong Zheng - Mysterious_Homeland Dexiong Zheng - Autumn_with_Nets Dexiong Z. - Netting_Rhythm_of_the_Sea Croatia Mario Miličević - Parking Under the Lamp Mario Miličević - Layers of South 3 Aleksandar Tomulic - Windows Aleksandar Tomulic - Eye Aleksandar Tomulic - Storm Čedomil Gros - Soloist Ante Jasa - On masts Ante Jasa - Knot in passage Miljenko Marotti - Runner Miljenko Marotti - River run I Cyprus Steven Stavri - Marianna Czech Republic Petr Vydra - Luli Family-With a Baby-8 Petr Vydra - Luli Family-Here We Live-5 Petr Vydra - Luli Family-Girls-6 Petr Vydra - Luli Family-Dolls-7 Denmark Paul Davis - Two Gentoos Leif Alveen - Woops Leif Alveen - Cleaning windows Jorgen Kristensen - laerke_2 Roland Jensen - Morgen Ole Suszkiewicz - Ticket to the heaven Ole Suszkiewicz - Hidden Ole Suszkiewicz - Boy on bike Halldor Gudlaugsson - Among strangers Halldor Gudlaugsson - Blue water Finland Vili Kuronen - Juggler Vili Kuronen - Golden Park in Berlin Vili Kuronen - Looking the rain Eero Hauta-aho - Gentle Touch Eero Hauta-aho - Foggy Pond 1 Eero Hauta-aho - Waitress Eero Hauta-aho - Fight 2a Seppo Peltonen - Golden Winter Evening Seppo Peltonen - Foggy Sunset Seppo Peltonen - Wild Duck Panic Seppo Tuomaala - Escaping-the-Rain Anita Lehtonen - Rainy-day Anita Lehtonen - Steps Seppo Rintala - Cold Bite Jussi Helimaki - Early in the morning France Vallon Serge - Papillon double Guy B. Samoyault - Gorge bleue 24 Guy B. Samoyault - Leopard and its prey Daniel Sachs - Pouy-sur-Vanne

Eric Walle - Olympiades Eric Walle - Passerelle Jacqueline Ognier - Couleurs-islandaises Jacqueline Ognier - La-maison-islandaise Benoit Braiand - Prag Jacques Montaufier - Eoliennes Daniel Kermann - Serenissime-1 Gilles Hanauer - Redhair-woman Bruno Bleriot - La boule bleue Bruno Bleriot - Aubrac Saleilles Jean - Le rapace Gerard Eyraud - Bulle-4 Gerard Eyraud - le-voiturier Vanneuville Jacques - Handi 2912 Vanneuville Jacques - Le voile rouge Vanneuville Jacques - Grangeon Huu Tri Tran - Like a soaring crane Huu Tri Tran - Ballet-dance Germany Werner R. Weigl - Betrachter Heiko Roemisch - s. ship with gooses 0617 Heiko Roemisch - Baeza step down 1232 Heiko Roemisch - moles in storm Achim Koepf - Claudia_34 Achim Koepf - Antarctic-Art_10 Achim Koepf - Icelandart_177 Peter Dressel - WIND FORCE 10 Peter Dressel - LANDING Peter Dressel - SAMBA Bernd Mai - runaway Bernd Mai - The Photographer Alexander Hochhaus - No Doubt Alexander Hochhaus - Bog Alexander Hochhaus - Dream room Ulrich Textores - Rodeo Wolfgang Loke - Goldig Wolfgang Loke - Ellen am Strand Wolfgang Loke - Liza Mario Leuker - Rheinbruecke Martin Hankel - Triangle in the triangle Martin Hankel - MyZeil Shoppingcenter Volker Frenzel - Stairway Volker Frenzel - Skateboarder Jürgen Lechner - Endless_Summer Jürgen Lechner - Endless_Summer Juergen Busse - Reflections Juergen Busse - Lights in the night 3 Reinhard Becker - Blaue Spiegelung Klaus Hofmann - Black Lady Rudolf Mester - Old Powerstation Rudolf Mester - Zollverein Treppe Hans-D. Ole Peters - In-a-hurry Andrea Harmssen - Callanish Birgit Pustelnik - Milk and Coffee Birgit Pustelnik - Ice Generator Wolfgang Gilges - Esther Wolfgang Gilges - Rassamee II Dieter Boehm - Loch Leven Dieter Boehm - Weg in die Freiheit Dieter Boehm - Durch die Hoehle Peter Stollmann - Spitze Peter Stollmann - Labyrinth Greece Kostas Chalkiadakis - My place George Baladakis - Reading Efstratios Tsoulellis - On the way back Costas Symiakakis - the card game Costas Symiakakis - memories Hong Kong Shu Cheung Philip Ho - B2 Peaches Farm Henry Ho - Mark On U Henry Ho - Charging Stallions Henry Ho - Turbo Charge Ming-fat, Fat Chen - Lonely Trip-Color-02

Ming-fat, Fat Chen - Working in misty morning-Color-04 Ming-fat, Fat Chen - Sudden-Color-01 Shu-kei, Kevin Fung - Head-kick Hungary Attila Kelemen - Fishing_Pigs-B2 Istvan Kerekes - Yelena-1 Istvan Kristof - Islander Elek Papp - Jeno Fugedi Elek Papp - Idyll Imre Kiss - Play_Tig Tarcsa Balázs - Lajos Tarcsa Balázs - Shaman IVex Tarcsa Balázs - Uncle Lajos Tarcsa Balázs - Shaman I Laslo Juhas - Chello_1 Imre Horváth - Dancing in the sun Imre Horváth - Last speeding Imre Horváth - Rapid Imre Horváth - The Last Knight India Sirsendu Gayen - Life Line Bhaskar Kundu - THE TRAP Kallol Majumdar - Days Work_8 Ankan Sanyal - CARRIER Ankan Sanyal - THROUGH THE WINDOW Vaibhav Jaguste - DIVINE FLAG Vaibhav Jaguste - PALKHI Vaibhav Jaguste - SMILE Malay Basu - DEATH VALLEY Malay Basu - PLAY ISLAND Prabhu Pvsub - Home bound S P Mukherji - Broken Steps Rupak De - lotus Tamma Srinivasa - I LOVE MY COUNTRY Tamma Srinivasa - NET OF LIFE Tamma Srinivasa - COOKING BEAUTIES Tamma Srinivasa - GRADING Jaydip Bhattacharya - Inside outside Jaydip Bhattacharya - Cyclone Indonesia Afrinaldi Zulhen - Screaming Hold Agatha Bunanta - Hot stone cooking Agatha Bunanta - Carrying the Thangka Agatha Bunanta - Bull Race 2 Iran Reza Vahmi - sorkhabi Mehdi Arastouei - Rizan Mehdi Arastouei - Muddy Melody Ireland Gareth Byrd - Fawnya 3 Gareth Byrd - Little Deer Gareth Byrd - Rhapsody In Blue Deirdre O'Sullivan - Bokeh behind me Sinclair Adair - The Old Home Stead Israel Leonid Goldin - White curtains Leonid Goldin - Red umbrella Galina Kantor - Still_life_with_lemon Galina Kantor - Cloud Italy Antonio Dammacco - B2-NATURE POLAR Antonio Dammacco - B3-DOCK RIVER Moreno Ferraro - Claustrum Moreno Ferraro - Venice Marco Vanni - Landscape-39 Marco Vanni - Landscape-62 Marco Vanni - Landscape-26 Marco Vanni - Landscape-111 Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - Give me the ball Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - Landscape2 Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - Rain in Venice Andrea Martini - My sheeps

Andrea Martini - Firewood Andrea Martini - Old woman at window Massimo Coduri de Cartosio - Tuscan Massimo Coduri de Cartosio - The_chief Cristina Garzone - Mendicants Cristina Garzone - Hiding Game Fabio Del Ghianda - Electric sky 1 Fabio Del Ghianda - Wind on Provence Marco Garabello - Air Pietro Bugli - Portrait 5 Semiglia Antonio - Wahid Abdel Semiglia Antonio - Allegria Cubana Semiglia Antonio - Ghadames 2010 Semiglia Antonio - Nalut 2010 Vanni Stroppiana - Tuffi 341 Adriano Favero - SnowAtVenice3 Adriano Favero - Skimboard Adriano Favero - Chiara Donatella Piazza - spigoli Roberto Baroni - The waiting Roberto Baroni - Snow on the beach Roberto Baroni - Linee in the wheat Macedonia Boro Rudic - Kajak3 Boro Rudic - Kajak1 Boro Rudic - Kajak4 Malta Joseph Pirotta - Claire 3 Joseph Pirotta - The Look Joseph Pirotta - Marine patterns Raymond Muscat - Georgette David Sant - Corinna II Netherlands Raul Neijhorst - Waiting Theo van der Heijdt - Politiepeloton Bart Zandbergen - 9276 the painters Marcel van Balken - Mourning Marcel van Balken - Red reading hat New Zealand Evan Mcbride - New Zealand Falcon_B3 Evan Mcbride - Wolf Chase Norway_B1 Liz Hardley - Sky-Garden Singapore Norway Olaf Aune - Water Aud Sjoesaether - The straw Aud Sjoesaether - Red umbrella Oman Ahmed Alkindi - RAS JEANS 1 Mohd Alhadi - Salalah3 Haya Hamed Albusaidi - RAYYA Palestine Alaa Badarneh - A3-MY HOME Poland Maciej Duczynski - Autumn Maciej Duczynski - Netherlands Maciej Duczynski - Journeys End Maciej Makowski - The way to Maciej Makowski - Chasing the light Maciej Makowski - The last cruise Maciej Makowski - The land of million suns Krzysztof Browko - Mists Krzysztof Browko - Spring fields Krzysztof Browko - Spring on fields Krzysztof Browko - Six Cezary Dubiel - Field Cezary Dubiel - Sea Cezary Dubiel - Boats Cezary Dubiel - Road Leszek Paradowski - June Leszek Paradowski - Great Space Before Us Leszek Paradowski - Scandinavian Sunset Leszek Paradowski - The Time Has Stopped

Romania Petrila Gheorghe-Vasile - Joanna1 Lajos Nagy - Edengarden Teutsch Alpar - Olah Tibor Ildikó Baranyi - Landmannalaugar Ildikó Baranyi - Stream Ildikó Baranyi - Morning_Bath Dezso Matyas - fest Dezso Matyas - flower dance Russia Alexander Kamakaev - Siberian fishing Alexander Kamakaev - On the bank of Yenisey Saudia ArabiaDhafer AL-s. - History and Civilization Dhafer AL-shehri - Stop Dhafer AL-shehri - Colors Ahmed Al-Ibrahim - Salman Ahmed Al-Ibrahim - DARKNESS SOUL 1 Ahmed Al-Ibrahim - DARKNESS SOUL 4 Ahmed Al-Ibrahim - DARKNESS SWORD 1 Serbia Goran Malić - Rainy_man Goran Malić - In_a_gallery Mirjana Dobrosavljev - Contact with the world Mirjana Dobrosavljev - INFINITY Branimir Radovanovic - city in color no-0614 Branimir Radovanovic - city in color no-0057 Branimir Radovanovic - slavija no-0156 Branimir Radovanovic - hippodrome no-0158 Alexander Trbovich - Euphemias_Hand Alexander Trbovich - Red_Dome Djordje Vukadinovic - Line Violeta Milutinovic - Feeding Effort Violeta Milutinovic - Red Umbrella Zoran Milutinovic - Reed Ivan Aleksic - 7-Life in trash Milenko Radovanov - Magla Milenko Radovanov - Vrtlog Djordje Vukicevic - Puzzle Marko Miladinovic - Jelica1 Marko Miladinovic - Jelica2 Predrag Filipovic - Stairs 3 Predrag Filipovic - Dirty industry Predrag Filipovic - Cuban 3 Predrag Filipovic - Cuban Vladimir Djinic - Fans Vladimir Djinic - Radoje Vojislav Pešterac - Kotor 013 Vojislav Pešterac - Kotor 004 Vojislav Pešterac - Kotor 005 Mladen Janjic - Little Ana Milorad Milicevic - NIS INCIDENT- 04 Milorad Milicevic - DIJALOG-4 Dragan Lapcevic - Potraga pocinje veceras Dragan Lapcevic - Predah Zoran Mojsin - Grandmother 2 Zoran Mojsin - Line 2 Zoran Mojsin - Act 01 Zoran Mojsin - Cosiness 2 Singapore Hai Poh Lee - Make Tea Slovenia Drago Cerovšek - Forest November Drago Cerovšek - Forest April Drago Cerovšek - Valovanje Drago Cerovšek - Oko Andreja Ravnak - Freedom1 Andreja Ravnak - Bitter sweet simphony Primoz Hieng - Church on the Filed Primoz Hieng - Curve Justin Zorko - Hill Justin Zorko - Lonely_tree Anton Tratnik - Where

Drago Metljak - Summer holiday Drago Metljak - Tranquility 1 Janez Kramar - Street Janez Kramar - Salt fields Ivo Borko - In ecstasy Stefi Praprotnik - Bales of straw 2 Matej Peljhan - Big Momma Matej Peljhan - Space Voyage Matej Peljhan - Phone call Miran Orožim - TIME WORKERS 3 Miran Orožim - TIME WORKERS 2 Miran Orožim - TIME WORKERS 1 Izidor Gasperlin - Cloud cleaners Izidor Gasperlin - Life behind the curtains Izidor Gasperlin - Red line Bogdan Bricelj - Red Beatle on the Grass Bogdan Bricelj - Tree above Mists Marija Zupancic - The Mannequin Andreja Peklaj - Preko granice Andreja Peklaj - Polje u jeseni Andreja Peklaj - Procvela reka Andreja Peklaj - Valovi Andrej Repar - In waiting for chance Rafael Podobnik - Rime Rafael Podobnik - Ditch Rafael Podobnik - Autumnal Tuscany Jani Novak - Ema in Erik_0791 Jani Novak - Rezalec 1 Vinko Sebrek - Life in circles Vinko Sebrek - Inspection before Tomaž Velechovsky - White Venetian Mask South Africa Isabel Louw - Still thursty Isabel Louw - Twins Isabel Louw - Open wings Spain Josep Maria Robert - Bet barret Josep Maria Robert - La dansa Patxi Badiola - Apareciendo de entre la niebla Patxi Badiola - Los caminos del agua Patxi Badiola - Mendata relajante Federico Sagues - Golden Mask Dream Pili Garcia Pitarch - Clown Pili Garcia Pitarch - THAMEL WOMAN Sweden Nils-Erik Jerlemar - Red Car Nils-Erik Jerlemar - Yellow Umbrella No 4 Nils-Erik Jerlemar - Holocaust Mem.- Berlin 3 Allan Wallberg - Pigeons Allan Wallberg - Goodbye Jan-Thomas Stake - Linda No8 Jan-Thomas Stake - Linda in profile Switzerland Urs Jenzer - Lavendelfeld 1 Urs Jenzer - China schlafender Handweker Taiwan Chi-chang Tsai - 3-Competing for food Yi-Cheng Chen - Family love-18 Chi-lai Huang - Pass iceberg hole Chi-lai Huang - Shocked to defecation Chi-lai Huang - One leg fisher Chi-lai Huang - Pasturing way Rich Chiou - Hunting Rich Chiou - Superficial Feng-Lin Chen - Fishing with Acetylene Feng-Lin Chen - Air Supply Feng-Lin Chen - Catching Fish #6 Feng-Lin Chen - Diving Turkey Tahsin Altınok - Yorgancilar Tahsin Altınok - Cocuk4 Kemal Kaya - Relax-4 Kemal Kaya - Snake charmer man-3

Sami Uçan - genel_2 Hikmet Avcı - Tattoo Hikmet Avcı - Woman from Harran Mehmet Fatih Yaldız - three pipes with a man Mustafa Eser - Skein of life Mustafa Ipek - Blue window 2 Mustafa Ipek - window Mustafa Ipek - Looking Mustafa Ipek - Wall1 Ozkan Samioglu - girl and the peppers Ozkan Samioglu - zinciriye Aydin Hakan - grandfather Aydin Hakan - tailor Aydin Hakan - FOGGY MORNING Erdal Yavuzak - Lake Erdal Yavuzak - Children Erdal Yavuzak - Craftsman Halil Süder - cildir Halil Süder - torakcilar Halil Süder - hayata tutunmak Halil Süder - suru Tugba Kiralli - Little Buddha Belkis Erbas - Luis on the salt lake Osman Onder - stork and boats Osman Onder - touch the water Osman Onder - Fair Yuksel Altun - FREE_COLOR 2 Erol Sesi - charcoal worker 4 Sultan Aslan - to go fishing Sultan Aslan - girl with fish eyes Sultan Aslan - little girl Okan Metin - warming Okan Metin - return home Ismi Durmuş - labor in the shade Ismi Durmuş - master and apprentice Ozel Karadeniz - children2 Yasin Akgül - mantis Yasin Akgül - rail board H.Bahar Kaleli - YANSIMA H.Bahar Kaleli - SERAP Ozgur Semerci - des Ozgur Semerci - engel Burak Senbak - BEE Burak Senbak - INFRARED LANDSCAPE M. Feyza Berker - MARKET M. Feyza Berker - BICYCLIST Nergis Guler - smiling eyes Kumral Kepkep - Copperworkers Kumral Kepkep - Fisherman Banu Ertok - Someone is watching you Banu Ertok - Waiting Banu Ertok - The Onion wrapper and her son Ufuk Teksoy - Whirling Dervish Ufuk Teksoy - Smiling Woman Baris Barlas - FOG Ukraine Andrey Belyakov - Portrait of Alexandra Andrey Belyakov - Ten-Little-Niggers Andrey Belyakov - say-the-helicopters-are-thesouls-of-the-dead-tank Yuriy Zilinskyy - Morning Vision Yuriy Zilinskyy - Entertainment Yevgeny Fesenko - Cranes Yevgeny Fesenko - Seagull Victoria Timoshenko - Morning metropolis Victoria Timoshenko - Not an easy burden Valeriy Tretyakov - limbo United Kingdom Kaz Diller - Lighthouse Keith Knight - Monk's Cell Keith Knight - Moore - Sheep Piece Jim Tarbox - Misty Water Peter Bartlett - B4-Summer Days Peter Bartlett - B1-Water Wall

Peter Bartlett - B2-Spiral Andrew Baxter - Blue Damsel fly Mike Baker - Abbey Roof Mike Baker - The colour of Life Mike Baker - We are sorry to keep you waiting Robert Millin - Trapped_4 John Cooke - Twins David L Edwards - Horse on the run Leo Palmer - Passing By Brian Burrows - Noon in the Vineyard Brian Burrows - Heavy Smoker Graham Worley - Alison Graham Worley - Subway Clown John White - Moreton Corbet Castle John White - Church in the sea David Byrne - Scottish Volcano David Byrne - Steam Powered David Byrne - Road to Modor David Byrne - Riding his Luck David F Cooke - The-Man-in-the-Hat David F Cooke - The-woman-with-the-Bottle John Harding - The Reichstag John Harding - The stretch limo John Harding - Were on our last lap now John Smith - Autumn in Keswick John Smith - Singing and Dancing in the Rain Tony Potter - Discount Store Tony Potter - Just Water Brian Swinyard - Monk In Cloister Brian Swinyard - Bald Eagle Susan Ashford - Old Architecture John Larry - Wing Walkers Jim Meikle - The Grave Digger Steve Reynolds - Dance of Life Steve Reynolds - Pandoras Box Wynne Jones - Autumn Falls Wynne Jones - Scottish Woodland Sunrise Wynne Jones - Coupal Falls Roger Evans - New Brighton Rock and Rollers Roger Evans - Flying High Roger Evans - Worst Nightmare Patsy Southwell - Beachy Head Sunset Patsy Southwell - Wrestling the Ram Jon Martin - Lioness Jon Martin - I will be Back Jon Martin - Glacier Lake Jon Martin - Frozen Lake Barry Mead - NAZARENOS PROCESSION Barry Mead - VISION OF BRYCE John Cartlidge - NeptunesDoorways John Cartlidge - Widows Visit Brian Magor - Korcula stairs Bob Dennis - Waiting for the Off Colin Harrison - Blue Mood Ian Kippax - All Washed Up Ian Kippax - Playing tag Amboise Pam Sherren - Waiting on the Shore Pam Sherren - Vineyard in Winter Christine Widdall - Impression of Venice Christine Widdall - Hello Handsome Christine Widdall - Joker is Wild Tim Pile - The Acrobat Tim Pile - Reflection In Red Peter Smith - steam plant Peter Smith - Peter Roger Parry - Teeth Tremaine A O Cornish - Aura and 3rd Eye Tremaine A O Cornish - Mental Connections Shirley Clarke - Blue tit pursuit Maureen Toft - On the Dunes Maureen Toft - Rhino Pair USA Gary Potts - Pastoral Paradise Xiao Ying Shi - Working in sea Carl Soerens - Pier at Night

Carl Soerens - Gator Reflects Carl Soerens - Gull Pier Carl Soerens - Hall View Elena McTighe - 2CaptHoward Eric Frey - Pretty in Pink Godfrey Wong - Crazy Bull Godfrey Wong - Family Photo Godfrey Wong - Snowbird Godfrey Wong - Steer Wrestling 3 Ira Nemeroff - sea dance 2 Sam Zhan - springfield Sam Zhan - lighthouse 6 Sam Zhan - waterway 1 Mary Miller - On The Beach Marvin Miller - Ft Point San Francisco Marvin Miller - Elephant Walk Larry Cowles - Black Floppy Hat Kym Larry Cowles - Julie Black and White Fur Larry Cowles - Desianae Color Purple Guo Jiang Ou - Tango Kim-Loan Nguyen - Gone With Regret Ha Tran - I Love You 0281 Ha Tran - My Grandma 0504 Ha Tran - Phan Rang Sand Dune 0794 Tam Le - Pottery Making 0009 Phu Van - Catch Him My Phuong Nguyen - Red Fur and Red Eye MinhTan Thai - Blow The Bubble MinhTan Thai - Sweet Moment Vietnam Tran Phong - 4-Waiting for mother Tran Phong - 1-Cool water 2 Huu Hung Truong - HER GRANDCHILREN Huu Hung Truong - WORK IN FARM Kiet Vo - Against The Wind Hoang Vu Ngoc - Sunny afternoon Hoang Vu Ngoc - Meet your Van Chung Bui - School Hours Van Chung Bui - To Select Ngoc Anh Bach - LITTLE GIRL 3 Ngoc Anh Bach - FURTURE CITIZENS

THEME 3 Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel - Aguja del Midi Jose Luis Urbaitel - Gaitero do Obradoiro Jose Luis Urbaitel - Dona Pacha Jose Luis Urbaitel - Aperitivo Ariel Gonzalez - Mi casa Pasas Ariel Gonzalez - A puro blues Ariel Gonzalez - El cantante Luis Alberto Franke - Tres hermanos Luis Alberto Franke - Hijo de Matrero Luis Alberto Franke - Fritz Luis Alberto Franke - Victor Lidia Lopez - Pasando el rato Lidia Lopez - El cochero Lidia Lopez - En aquel tiempo Lidia Lopez - Testigos Australia James Lu - Sad-BW James Lu - Africa girl Wai Man Tsim - Morning Fog Wai Man Tsim - Boat Fishing William Stewart - Where is the Ball Robyn Stewart - In the Drink Alex Hunter - Nimbin Phil No2 Alex Hunter - Man of Azile No2 Alex Hunter - Chris No2 Alex Hunter - John John Newton - Fuzzy Wuzzy Anzac Day 2009 John Newton - Catching the Bull Suzanne Opitz - Furtive Suzanne Opitz - The Suspect

Suzanne Opitz - Barre Work T.P Huynh - Racing T.P Huynh - Joy T.P Huynh - Task at Dusk T.P Huynh - Early Spring David C G Smith - Dry-Dock David C G Smith - Museum-Lookout David C G Smith - Vatican-Staircase Austria Albert Peer - Vulture Albert Peer - Gorilla Walter Kump - Ruby duel1 Viktor Nozicka - Peacocks Andreas Kuen - Nebel am Morgen Bahrain Isa Ebrahim - Aaai Isa Ebrahim - Sniper Isa Ebrahim - The other half Isa Ebrahim - Careworn Belgium Philippe Draux - 50 Andre Langenus - On the train-C1 Jef Lemmens - Spire Frans van Esch - City Youth Frans van Esch - Ecstasy Christian Devers - Lumieres Christian Devers - Vers St Dona Christian Devers - Au bout du champ Freddy Laheye - Windmills Guy Verschueren - Ilse Willy Vercammen - Ward Willy Vercammen - Mother and child Chris Discart - IVES Chris Discart - FLEUR Bosnia and Herzegovina Dragan Prole - Ramsko lake 8 Dragan Prole - Shadow play 5 Dragan Prole - Dialogue 03 Dragan Prole - Coppersmith Husein Sljivo - usamljenost 2 Husein Sljivo - sjenke Bulgaria Nikolai Vassilev - Controversy Petko Yonchev - act2 Petko Yonchev - act1 Chile Gonzalo Padilla - Sonando conmigo China Ge Xiao - Lion roar Ge Xiao - Angry white rhino Haibo Chi - Ladder morning shadow Haibo Chi - Ladder Dong Yang - A beautiful woman in the water side Dacai Xie - Not the same eyes Dacai Xie - Rhythm of the earth Shihua Cao - Help each other Shihua Cao - Terraced lock fog Xuebin Bai - Morning fishing Ziliang Zhang - Watch the Play Enkai Ma - Early Morning Fishing Enkai Ma - Paradise of Photographers Li Wang - Sunset_at_Tideland Li Wang - Sun_over_Beach Daduan Deng - Sunlight_in Guilin Li Dongping - Long for Li Dongping - Morning herd Chen Junjie - Practise hard Li Zhiping - Fishing village Li Zhiping - New year Li Zhiping - Steaming a good year Chen Junjie - Urchin Chen Junjie - Ink rhythm Chen Junjie - Terrace

Li Dongping - Tibetan girl Dexiong Zheng - Netting Dexiong Zheng - Story_of_the_Sea Dexiong Zheng - Rhythm Croatia Mario Miličević - Enlightenment Mario Miličević - Rush Hour Aleksandar Tomulic - Man_with_trolley Aleksandar Tomulic - Dog Aleksandar Tomulic - In_the_pavilion Aleksandar Tomulic - Man_in_black Miljenko Marotti - Goli island Czech Republic Petr Vydra - ON THE PIG MARKET-9 Petr Vydra - AFTER PRAYER-11 Petr Vydra - LULI FAMILY-CARRIAGES-12 Petr Vydra - FROM THE COURTYARD-10 Frantisek Latal - Portrait 2 Josef Bosak - Grandmother and grandson Josef Bosak - reminiscing Denmark Paul Davis - Elia Paul Davis - Forever Strangers Leif Alveen - Fishtraps 3 Leif Alveen - Misty tree-lined road Jorgen Kristensen - fiddleplayer Roland Jensen - Freckles Roland Jensen - Torup_strand Ole Suszkiewicz - Ballerina Ole Suszkiewicz - Watches Ole Suszkiewicz - Bathing girls Rainer Broxgaard - Karo2 Finland Veikko Wallstrom - Fence and tree Jukka-Pekka Heinola - work Kauko Keränen - family Puranen Vili Kuronen - Corridor in Prag Vili Kuronen - Yuong Drawer Pentti Pitkalahti - Beauty is vanishing Pentti Pitkalahti - Mother and child Hannu Kontkanen - Chasing III Hannu Kontkanen - Niilo Jouko Taukojärvi - Someone saw a LION Jussi Helimaki - Night on the field 2 Jussi Helimaki - Misty morning in October 3 France Benoit Braiand - Old-street Daniel Kermann - Les-maux-du -monde Gilles Hanauer - Apple-trees Martine Breson - British-Museum Benoit Braiand - Music-in-Prag Gilles Hanauer - Geode-Paris Eric Walle - Muraille Daniel Kermann - Mort-a-venise Bruno Bleriot - Orage en Aubrac Bruno Bleriot - Aiolos Saleilles Jean - Nu a la fenetre Gerard Eyraud - nouvelles-du-pays Gerard Eyraud - tea-time Gerard Eyraud - La-Defense-32-WR Barbier Gérard - Cheminot Barbier Gérard - La peur Alain Mazalrey - Alone Alain Mazalrey - La-photo Vanneuville Jacques - Julie store Vanneuville Jacques - Vignesenneigees Germany Heiko Roemisch - Wendeltreppe TUHH Achim Koepf - Cathy_17 Achim Koepf - Kristin_19 Achim Koepf - Anina_16 Tanja Zech - Tauchfahrt II Tanja Zech - Leo I

Bernd Mai - curves Alexander Hochhaus - Confident Alexander Hochhaus - Mirage Alexander Hochhaus - Into the light Ilse Rüttgers - conversation Wolfgang Loke - On Parquet Wolfgang Loke - Chain me Mario Leuker - Cerestar Mario Leuker - Tail of silver Martin Hankel - Old Industry Volker Frenzel - Holger Volker Frenzel - Two on the Bridge Volker Frenzel - Thinking Juergen Busse - British-Museum Juergen Busse - Tower-Bridge Joerg Mees - Triumphbiker Joerg Mees - Longing Reinhard Becker - Auf dem See Reinhard Becker - Nadine Klaus Hofmann - La Danse Klaus Hofmann - Die letzte Stufe Klaus Hofmann - Speedway Rudolf Mester - Schiffsradar Rudolf Mester - Wolfgang Rudolf Mester - Gosausee Rudolf Mester - Field Work Hans-D. Ole Peters - Pretty cool Franz-Josef Kollig - Streetlife_Portrait Franz-Josef Kollig - PF_Dana Wolfgang Gilges - Nelly Wolfgang Gilges - Table Act Dieter Boehm - No 8 Peter Stollmann - Hochgeschwindigkeitspolitik Peter Stollmann - Sonydach 1 Peter Stollmann - Runde Sache Greece Kostas Chalkiadakis - Priest 1 Kostas Chalkiadakis - Passing the time Kostas Chalkiadakis - Shepherd 2 Kostas Chalkiadakis - Grandma Martha 3 Manolis (Emmanouil) Metzakis - NUDE LIGHT Efstratios Tsoulellis - Time for a photo Costas Symiakakis - the watchmaker 1 Hong KongHenry Ho - Herding Symphony Henry Ho - I Win 2 Henry Ho - Shao Lin Soccer Shu-kei, Kevin Fung - Bottle inspection No.2 Shu-kei, Kevin Fung - Barbecue Shu-kei, Kevin Fung - Chinese writing Shu-kei, Kevin Fung - Transportation Hungary Peter Makadi - Missing Istvan Kerekes - Man with cat-2 Istvan Kerekes - Shepherd destiny-3 Elek Papp - Ferenc Simon Elek Papp - Uncle John Elek Papp - The ill lamb Elek Papp - Artificer Imre Kiss - Looking_Back Ligeti Laszlo - Old fisherman Tarcsa Balázs - Amphora Tarcsa Balázs - Shaman IV Tarcsa Balázs - Charcoal Burner III Adam Szathmary Kiraly - Dreamdance Adam Szathmary Kiraly - Watchful Eyes Laslo Juhas - Branca_2 Laslo Juhas - Agi_1 Laslo Juhas - Step_4 Imre Horváth - Concentration Imre Horváth - Light relief India Rajat Ghosh - India-inLine-220701 Rajat Ghosh - outline-220745-03

Sirsendu Gayen - Holy Namaz Sirsendu Gayen - Message from Eternity Bhaskar Kundu - TWO HUNTERS Bhaskar Kundu - TEMPLE GIRL Ankan Sanyal - PRAGMAHAL Ankan Sanyal - GANGASAGAR Ankan Sanyal - INNOCENT LOOK Vaibhav Jaguste - TOPVIEW Prabhu Pvsub - Together Prabhu Pvsub - In the Woods Rupak De - stairs Tamma Srinivasa Reddy - AFFECTION Tamma Srinivasa Reddy - LIFE TIME Tamma Srinivasa Reddy - NET IS OUR LIFE Suryaprakasaraos Vaddadi - Magnetic look Jaydip Bhattacharya - Dreamland Jaydip Bhattacharya - 100 years Indonesia Afrinaldi Zulhen - Pacu Jawi Afrinaldi Zulhen - Oilrig Crews Afrinaldi Zulhen - Raging Cow Agatha Bunanta - Big catch Agatha Bunanta - Three Boys Agatha Bunanta - Pray for Hope Iran Reza Vahmi - man Reza Vahmi - ashk va labkahnd Reza Vahmi - madarbozorg Ireland Gareth Byrd - Starting Small Forward Gareth Byrd - Constanze Sinclair Adair - Ghost Station Israel Josef Bruhis - Only your Leonid Goldin - Today I am lonely Leonid Goldin - World news Italy Antonio Dammacco - C4-ACROBATIC Moreno Ferraro - Cuban style Moreno Ferraro - At school Moreno Ferraro - At home Marco Vanni - Landscape-112 Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - The athlete2 Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - Day of rain Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - The flood Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - The reduce Ilario Ledda - musica Simone Bianchini - Girls in the rain Simone Bianchini - painting Simone Bianchini - boy and umbrella Massimo Coduri de Cartosio - Tuscan Cristina Garzone - Life in Village 4 Cristina Garzone - Life in Village 1 Cristina Garzone - Life in Village 3 Marco Garabello - Metropolis Pietro Bugli - Silence on the beach 4 Semiglia Antonio - The boat Semiglia Antonio - Footing Semiglia Antonio - Inverno Normanno Semiglia Antonio - Atmosfera Bretone Olga Micol - the look Vanni Stroppiana - Safety net Vanni Stroppiana - Oscar Vanni Stroppiana - Start Adriano Favero - StartingLine Adriano Favero - LightsAndShadows Maria Elena Piazza - metropolis 1 Maria Elena Piazza - metropolis 3 Donatella Piazza - in preghiera Roberto Baroni - Cowboys of the Maremma T. Roberto Baroni - Jobs in the T. countryside Macedonia Vladimir Jovanovski - alone

Malta Raymond Muscat - Mosta Dome Netherlands Raul Neijhorst - Laura blacks Raul Neijhorst - Imani blacks Raul Neijhorst - Nicolle butt Rob ten Tusscher - Montfrin-ZF Rob ten Tusscher - Laisac-ZF-01 Marcel van Balken - Checkmate Marcel van Balken - Nuns museum Marcel van Balken - Winding staircase Huub Bink - Heads 3 New Zealand Scott Fowler - Bottles in the window Evan Mcbride - No Filters Here_C1 Liz Hardley - The Agony and the Ecstasy Norway Olaf Aune - Shipwreck_in_Normandie Aud Sjoesaether - Seagull OmanAhmed Alkindi - CUTE FACE Ahmed Alkindi - Pottery maker Ahmed Alkindi - WRINKLED SMILE Ahmed Alsiyabi - Arabian Princess Hamad Saud Albusaidi - GIANT Hamad Saud Albusaidi - CHASING Mohd Alhadi - Alhadi06 Poland Maciej Duczynski - Hjelle Maciej Duczynski - Iceland Maciej Duczynski - At the Edge Maciej Duczynski - The Old Boat Krzysztof Browko - Boat 2 Krzysztof Browko - Rocks Krzysztof Browko - Grass Janusz Wojewoda - In Shoot - 4 Cezary Dubiel - Kusnierska street Cezary Dubiel - Rainy melody Cezary Dubiel - Like a plane Leszek Paradowski - Expectation Leszek Paradowski - Mutual Affection Leszek Paradowski - Morning Bugle Call Romania Petrila Gheorghe-Vasile - Wisdom Petrila Gheorghe-Vasile - The-oxen-plowing Lajos Nagy - The-Smile Teutsch Alpar - Anti Teutsch Alpar - Barabas bacsi Teutsch Alpar - gallop_1 Teutsch Alpar - Janos Vitez Dezso Matyas - stop de course Russia Alexander Kamakaev - Tie Alexander Kamakaev - Chinese girl Serbia Goran Malić - Archeo-industry 1 Goran Malić - Archeo-industry 2 Goran Malić - Archeo-industry 4 Mirjana Dobrosavljev - REFLECTION Mirjana Dobrosavljev - WINDOW Branimir Radovanovic - 04-zoran v Alexander Trbovich - City_Gate Alexander Trbovich - Stripes Djordje Vukadinovic - Fence Ivan Aleksic - 16-The last stations Ivan Aleksic - Gang Milenko Radovanov - Tragovi Djordje Vukicevic - Relax Djordje Vukicevic - S Marko Miladinovic - Little Tarzan 2 Marko Miladinovic - Danica Marko Miladinovic - On The Street Marko Miladinovic - Jelica3 Predrag Filipovic - Flock

Vladimir Djinic - Walker II Mladen Janjic - River dam Predrag N. Djurovic - Portret - 01 Slobodan M. Pajić - SEMEGNJEVO 02 Slobodan M. Pajić - BELA KUCA Radisav Filipović - PROZOR Milorad Milicevic - Život ulice 2 Milorad Milicevic - Život ulice 2010 Milorad Milicevic - Magla u zimskoj noći Dragan Lapcevic - Oslobadjanje Dragan Lapcevic - Prelaz Dragan Lapcevic - Putnici ce kasniti 3 minuta Dragan Lapcevic - Stranac Zoran Mojsin - Antique Act 012 Zoran Mojsin - Etno Nude Slovenia Andreja Ravnak - Fatigue Andreja Ravnak - Asil anom bw Justin Zorko - Lake Anton Tratnik - Crossing Drago Metljak - Towards hut Drago Metljak - Trees on the slope Janez Kramar - Smile Janez Kramar - Interier Ivo Borko - Old farmer with fork Stefi Praprotnik - Black woman Stefi Praprotnik - Fidels admirer Stefi Praprotnik - Tunnel vision Stefi Praprotnik - Vineyard in winter Matej Peljhan - Singin in the rain Matej Peljhan - FromHere to Eternity Miran Orožim - GIRL FROM BORNEO 1 Miran Orožim - GIRL FROM BORNEO 2 Izidor Gasperlin - Am I invisible Izidor Gasperlin - Angry Izidor Gasperlin - Where to go Andreja Peklaj - Dialog Andrej Repar - Invisibles Rafael Podobnik - Incision Vinko Sebrek - Plascic form triptych Vinko Sebrek - Reistag dome triptych Vinko Sebrek - Berlin_Sony Centar triptyh South Africa Isabel Louw - Still in front Isabel Louw - Sad Spain Josep Maria Robert - Contrallum a Jorba Josep Maria Robert - Desnudo con mantilla Patxi Badiola - itxasbasterreko ekaitza Patxi Badiola - lapatza Federico Sagues - Brahman Federico Sagues - Observer Federico Sagues - Agra Pili Garcia Pitarch - CARESSES Pili Garcia Pitarch - Monk in the window Pili Garcia Pitarch - ARUN Sweden Hamed Imani Lasaki - Trapdoor Nils-Erik Jerlemar - Car in Rain Nils-Erik Jerlemar - Holocaust Memorial Berlin No 9 Nils-Erik Jerlemar - Crossing the Line No 1 Allan Wallberg - Happy Jan-Thomas Stake - 7th month Jan-Thomas Stake - Like father like son Taiwan Chi-lai Huang - Highland riders Chi-lai Huang - Penguin Mother and Children Feng-Lin Chen - Shot Put Feng-Lin Chen - Walking in the Rain Feng-Lin Chen - Keep Watch Feng-Lin Chen - Manpower Tills the Fields

Turkey Tahsin Altınok - Tired Kemal Kaya - The window-4 Kemal Kaya - Little girl and cat4-1 Kemal Kaya - Beliefs-2 Kemal Kaya - WELL-3 Sami Uçan - siyah_1 Sami Uçan - siyah_3 Hikmet Avcı - Circle Mehmet Fatih Yaldız - two fishermen Mehmet Fatih Yaldız - pause Mustafa Eser - Two studies Mustafa Eser - Kan ter Mustafa Eser - Life fight 2 Mustafa Eser - 3 Pencere Mustafa Ipek - Dinner party Mustafa Ipek - TROUBLED Ozkan Samioglu - HAPPY MOMENT Ozkan Samioglu - aliki Aydin Hakan - fisherman Aydin Hakan - road Aydin Hakan - sea and the child Aydin Hakan - lake and the child Talay Gulsah - snowy home Talay Gulsah - pigeon Talay Gulsah - whirling dervish Erdal Yavuzak - Grandmother II Erdal Yavuzak - Grandmother I Sebahat Ersoy - come back Halil Süder - coban Halil Süder - buyukanne ve kedisi Halil Süder - kapinin arkasinda Tugba Kiralli - Musician Tugba Kiralli - Working Children Osman Onder - The Hope_WB Osman Onder - Fairground-WB Osman Onder - foggy crowd_WB Osman Onder - junkman_WB Yuksel Altun - FREE_BW 1 Erol Sesi - charcoal workers 2bw Erol Sesi - charcoal workers 3bw Erol Sesi - shining road Kazım Kuyucu - 2 Kazım Kuyucu - 4 Kazım Kuyucu - 1 Sultan Aslan - The church ceiling Sultan Aslan - Reverend Serkan Turaç - merdiven Okan Metin - SHEEPS Okan Metin - WHITE HORSE Ismi Durmuş - shoemaker Ali Anarat - Backgammon Ali Anarat - Children from slum Ali Anarat - Hamam Halil Sarıkaya - Cooling Yusuf Yildiz - waiting H.Bahar Kaleli - WATER H.Bahar Kaleli - KAYKAY H.Bahar Kaleli - SHADOWS H.Bahar Kaleli - SMOKE Ozgur Semerci - sb2 Ozgur Semerci - taskopru Burak Senbak - CARD PLAYERS Burak Senbak - SMILY M. Feyza Berker - PASSING BY M. Feyza Berker - MAN Nergis Guler - A woman going Kumral Kepkep - Waiting Banu Ertok - The Thinker Banu Ertok - The Doors Banu Ertok - Passage Hakan Yasar - longway Hakan Yasar - thelook Hakan Yasar - momshand Selahattin Nemlioğlu - MASTERandAPPRENTICE

Selahattin Nemlioğlu - TO CLING Ufuk Teksoy - Saddler Baris Barlas - FATHER AND SON Ukraine Alexander Kupchynskyy - Near the window Alexander Kupchynskyy - Contact Andrey Belyakov - Training-of-Dancer Andrey Belyakov - Russian-Roller Andrey Belyakov - Air-conditioned Andrey Belyakov - Portrait-of-Natalie Yuriy Zilinskyy - Dedication Yuriy Zilinskyy - Accent Svetlana Borozentseva - Friends Yevgeny Fesenko - March snow Victoria Timoshenko - From the world of illusions Victoria Timoshenko - March dream Valeriy Tretyakov - playground United Kingdom Keith Knight - Tilberthwaite Barn Malcolm Jenkin - Big Foot Barbara Jenkin - LONELY VIGIL Linda Sharp - Fence Post Linda Sharp - Rain Clouds Inch Strand Andrew Baxter - Wolf Mike Baker - Tides Turning Mike Baker - Torres del paine Mike Baker - Elie Lighthouse Robert Millin - Black Gloves_1 John Cooke - Just The Two Of Us David L Edwards - Round up Leo Palmer - Bicycle Corner Graham Baines - Platform 10 Graham Baines - The Bisto Kids Graham Baines - Cumberland Basin Brian Burrows - Severn Valley Steam Graham Worley - Is That Him Graham Worley - Women Required John White - His and Hers David Byrne - Lonely Cloud David Byrne - Local Shop David Byrne - Deathly Hallows David Byrne - Scottish Highlands John Smith - Passages of time John Smith - La Defense Tony Potter - Towards Heaven Ian Ledgard - Passageway people Ian Ledgard - Cows and snowy oak Ian Britton - Whitby Old Town Apr Cawley - Bath Night May Cawley - 5526 Wynne Jones - Horse Power Roger Evans - Leading the Line Roger Evans - Speedway Trio Roger Evans - Down and Dirty Jon Martin - Lost Souls Jon Martin - Alta Tunnel Colin Harrison - My Street Colin Harrison - The gypsies Ian Kippax - Paper Collector Pam Sherren - Cloud Factory Pam Sherren - Follow Me Rikki O'Neill - not speaking Tim Pile - Duo Tim Pile - Beauty Revealed Tim Pile - Arched Tim Pile - Reflection Peter Smith - Pondering Peter Smith - Bike Tracks 2 Roger Parry - Lying in the Long Grass Roger Parry - Reflection Roger Parry - Elegance Roger Parry - Beneath the Window Phil Portus - The Pier Phil Portus - With Expression

Phil Portus - This House is Occupied Maureen Toft - Lake Reflections USA Mohammad Ali Salim - That is the Question Gary Potts - Morning Begins in the San Juans Gary Potts - Inspiration Point Xiao Ying Shi - Waterfall Xiao Ying Shi - Lighthouse 6 Carl Soerens - Temple Hurdler Elena McTighe - 2RustyBlackbird_2 Godfrey Wong - Good Sisters Godfrey Wong - Tail Dance Ira Nemeroff - Monsaraz Portugal Ira Nemeroff - Shapes and Shades Mary Miller - Abandoned In Bodie Larry Cowles - Becky Looking Up Larry Cowles - Sexy Fur Julie Larry Cowles - Mladenka Fancy Hat Larry Cowles - Ashley High Fashion Guo Jiang Ou - Farming Kim-Loan Nguyen - Shyness Ha Tran - My Grandma 0515 Ha Tran - Going Home 0342 Tam Le - TUG OF WAR 0406 Tam Le - CHALLENGE 1231 Vietnam Tran Phong - 2-Sad memory Tran Phong - 3-Behind the Tree Tran Phong - 1-Dependence 2 Huu Hung Truong - SMOKING Huu Hung Truong - TO THE MARKET Huu Hung Truong - PLAYING Hoang Vu Ngoc - The joy of labor Hoang Vu Ngoc - Innocent Thinh Pham Ba - SUNLIGHT AND SHADOWN Thinh Pham Ba - VERY DRASTIC Van Chung Bui - Morning in Sapa Ngoc Anh Bach - CRYING Ngoc Anh Bach - OFFICE CLEANER 3 Ngoc Anh Bach - CONTENTMENT Ngoc Anh Bach - PRAYER

THEME 4 Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel - Annecy canal Jose Luis Urbaitel - Almuerzo turistico Jose Luis Urbaitel - Preparando la picadita Jose Luis Urbaitel - Procesion Turistica Ariel Gonzalez - Palemo cargas Ariel Gonzalez - El moso del bar Luis Alberto Franke - El Herrador Luis Alberto Franke - Una maniana de Septiembre Luis Alberto Franke - Inmensidad Luis Alberto Franke - Volver al pasado Lidia Lopez - Estancia tormentosa Lidia Lopez - Entre piedras y tempanos Lidia Lopez - La caverna Australia James Lu - The art of weaving Wai Man Tsim - Hong Kong By Night Graeme Watson - Sydney Waterfront Graeme Watson - Pacific Storm Peter Hammer - Four Feet Peter Hammer - The Streets of Dhulikhel Des Berwick - painted hills south australia Des Berwick - yangtse river bridge Alex Hunter - Clifftop village John Newton - Rainbow Valley 2008 No1 John Newton - Sail Past John Newton - MUNGO_PANORAMA3 John Newton - Perri Sands 2006 No 7 T.P Huynh - Balloon Festival T.P Huynh - 10 Riders

T.P Huynh - Boat Racing Maurice White - Olympic City 2000 Julie Castieau - InSpired Julie Castieau - Melbourne From High David C G Smith - Flinders-Ruin David C G Smith - Rainbow-Valley-Panorama David C G Smith - Colosseum Robert Dettman - Mount_Etna_2 Robert Dettman - Legoville Robert Dettman - A_rock_is_a_hard_place Austria Albert Peer - Venezia Albert Peer - Huskys Albert Peer - Carnevale di Venezia Albert Peer - Svolvaer Viktor Nozicka - Trondheim-Speicher Ewald Schmelz - Gambia-Fighters Bahrain Isa Ebrahim - Hindu Isa Ebrahim - Relationship Isa Ebrahim - Central black Belgium Andre Langenus - Reijkjavik by night-D1 Dirk Van Weert - Wit Dorpje Dirk Van Weert - Arena Jef Lemmens - Three Holy Men Frans van Esch - City Youth Freddy Laheye - On the rice field Dis Van tendeloo - Kalaw - Kids Willy Vercammen - Valencia A Bosnia and Herzegovina Dragan Prole - Tradition Dragan Prole - Parallels Dragan Prole - Ramsko lake Sinisa Plavsic - Ohrid I Canada Phillip Kwan - Turkey Fairycave Phillip Kwan - Pagoda of Bagan Phillip Kwan - Down the Wave China Gao Yandong - The morning fishing Dong Yang - Huangshan cage veil unadorned Dong Yang - Wonders Dacai Xie - Miao Tebetan drum festival Dacai Xie - Morning mist boat Dacai Xie - Winter Dacai Xie - Boat dwellers Liang Wu - Terrace in the Cloud Ziliang Zhang - Ancient Town of Qibao -Shanghai Enkai Ma - Dance Dragon Bench-Z. Custom Daduan Deng - In_the Sea_of_Flowers Daduan Deng - Wave_to_the_Clouds Bai Shuzhen - Prairie Chen Junjie - Concentration Chen Junjie - Cult Bai Shuzhen - Strong Li Dongping - Story of the old city into sand Yang Guomei - Yuanyang Bai Shuzhen - Sailing sand sea Yang Guomei - Dragon Guo Jing - Meet by chance Yang Guomei - Hong village Guo Jing - Pray Su Lisuo - Azoila imbricata Su Lisuo - Vicissitudes Yang Guomei - Spring terrace Guo Jing - Eye contact Su Lisuo - Waterfall Bai Shuzhen - Camels Dexiong Zheng - Fishing_Village Dexiong Zheng - Dusk_in_Xitang Dexiong Zheng - Nets_Drying Dexiong Zheng - Village_on_the_Sea

Croatia Mario Miličević - Old Town 1 Mario Miličević - Wave Aleksandar Tomulic - Lost Čedomil Gros - Turquoise Rive Čedomil Gros - Stradun Cyprus Steven Stavri - Tower Bridge Skevi Malekkou - MAN IN YELLOW Czech Republic Petr Vydra - Bad News-15 Petr Vydra - Serving Tsampa-14 Josef Bosak - The hospital in Karabagh V Josef Bosak - livestock market Josef Bosak - poverty Denmark Paul Davis - Deia in Mallorca Paul Davis - Cape Pembroke lighthouse Paul Davis - Cala Figuereta Paul Davis - Mullion Cove Leif Alveen - Downtown Manhattan panorama Leif Alveen - Painting cliffs Leif Alveen - Connemara cottage on the edge Jorgen Kristensen - mejlgade Jorgen Kristensen - tandem_02 Roland Jensen - Card_reader Roland Jensen - Travel_bird Roland Jensen - Geese Ole Suszkiewicz - London street Ole Suszkiewicz - Venezia 1 Ole Suszkiewicz - Two windows Finland Veikko Wallstrom - 1000 bicycles Veikko Wallstrom - Crofters Anna Jukka-Pekka Heinola - stairs Jukka-Pekka Heinola - plaza Vili Kuronen - Siesta in Cambodia Vili Kuronen - Summer in Norway Eero Hauta-aho - Prague_4 Seppo Peltonen - January Morning 3 Seppo Rintala - Ice Chapel Jussi Helimaki - Golden sunset Jussi Helimaki - Foggy Coast 5 Jussi Helimaki - On the street France Jean claude Bacle - D2-Regard sur zermatt Jean claude Bacle - D4-Home and lavander Jean claude Bacle - D3-Le Monal Guy B. Samoyault - Terrapille 061 Jacques Montaufier - Barberousse Annie Vorac - Chasse-a-l-aigle Gilles Hanauer - London Gilles Hanauer - Essaouira-harbour Bruno Bleriot - Porte-1 Barbier Gérard - Le petit macon Alain Mazalrey - Anatolia-morning Alain Mazalrey - Anatolia Vanneuville Jacques - Tanneur 139 Huu Tri Tran - Like the flying wings Huu Tri Tran - The flowers sea Huu Tri Tran - Salt makers 2 Germany Werner R. Weigl - Riomagiore Italy Werner R. Weigl - Rosa Flamingos Kenia Heiko Roemisch - farm with chapel Heiko Roemisch - seabridge seelin 01 Achim Koepf - Antarctica_459 Achim Koepf - King_Penguins Achim Koepf - Polarbear Tanja Zech - Minard Castle Tanja Zech - Reichstagskuppel II Bernd Mai - Rügen

Bernd Mai - Gewitterstimmung Gerhard Böhm - Devils Tower Ilse Rüttgers - laufband Wolfgang Loke - Typical Male Mario Leuker - Tramper Mario Leuker - Warten Volker Frenzel - Taj Jürgen Lechner - Reflection_02 Juergen Busse - Joekulsarlon 1 Joerg Mees - London Blue Joerg Mees - Dinnertime Reinhard Becker - Lichen 2 Klaus Hofmann - La Tour Eiffel Rudolf Mester - High Security 2 Dieter Boehm - Kilchurn Castle 7719 Peter Stollmann - Reichstag Eva Maria Zernig - Tauern-Power Greece Kostas Chalkiadakis - Farmer 1 Kostas Chalkiadakis - Shepherd 3 Kostas Chalkiadakis - Village in light Kostas Chalkiadakis - Monastery on Meteora 1 Manolis E. Metzakis - UNUSUAL EXPERIENCE Manolis E. Metzakis - LIJIANG Efstratios Tsoulellis - Still at work Efstratios Tsoulellis - Olympos Karpathos Hong Kong Shu Cheung Philip Ho - Light of Ancient City Shu Cheung Philip Ho - Queue Henry Ho - Finding Neighbours Henry Ho - Team Spirit Henry Ho - The Great Wall Ming-fat, Fat Chen - Morning Market-Travel-01 Shu-kei, Kevin Fung - Lovely smile Shu-kei, Kevin Fung - Hair cut Hungary Peter Makadi - Pride Istvan Kerekes - Evening in Alps-2 Istvan Kerekes - The family-4 Istvan Kerekes - San Giovanni-1 Istvan Kerekes - Alpen tale-3 Elek Papp - House at the sluice gate Elek Papp - Etna Sicily Imre Kiss - On_The_Edge_Of_The_Road Imre Kiss - In_Afternoon-light Adam Szathmary Kiraly - Castle Island Adam Szathmary Kiraly - The Lights of Torocko Laslo Juhas - Venezia_2 India Sirsendu Gayen - Bad Weather Bhaskar Kundu - STREET ART Bhaskar Kundu - PARKA Bhaskar Kundu - CHARIOT FESTIVAL INDIA Kallol Majumdar - Lonely Tree_13 Vaibhav Jaguste - TRADITIONAL Vaibhav Jaguste - HANDI Malay Basu - WAY TO HEAVEN Malay Basu - FISHING IN SUNDORBON Malay Basu - CHICAGO CROSSING Tamma Srinivasa Reddy - JALLIKATTU Suryaprakasaraos Vaddadi - Vaporizing river Suryaprakasaraos Vaddadi - Tranquility Indonesia Agatha Bunanta - Floating Market 1 1500 Agatha Bunanta - Faster 3 1500 Agatha Bunanta - Traffic Jam 1500 Iran Reza Vahmi - tragedy Reza Vahmi - taslim Mehdi Arastouei - The Blue Scarf Ireland Wesley Law - Toronto Wesley Law - Doha

Wesley Law - Dromluska Israel Josef Bruhis - The Bahai Temple Leonid Goldin - We are from Sicily Leonid Goldin - Ice cream Leonid Goldin - Street artists Italy Sergio Vaiani - Ghosts 51_1 Sergio Vaiani - Ghosts 51_2 Antonio Dammacco - BARCA Moreno Ferraro - Dune Marco Vanni - China-110 Marco Vanni - China-74 Marco Vanni - China-70 Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - Provence1 Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - The last pasture Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - Lavender1bis Andrea Martini - Country ambience Ilario Ledda - castiglione Ilario Ledda - firenze Massimo C. de Cartosio - Burano-color_contrast Cristina Garzone - Indian Barber Pietro Bugli - Sunday in a swamp 1 Semiglia Antonio - Game of Bao - The winner Olga Micol - Sadness In The Eyes Vanni Stroppiana - Meeting Vanni Stroppiana - Look opposite Adriano Favero - L Uomoeilmare2 Adriano Favero - VeniceUnderWater Adriano Favero - Curiosita Maria Elena Piazza - Il muretto Roberto Baroni - Details of a trip to Tuscany n° 2 Malta Joseph Pirotta - Maltese Good Friday Procession Joseph Pirotta - Pigeonholed Raymond Muscat - Bingemma Chapel David Sant - Rupees David Sant - Desert Travel Netherlands Marcel van Balken - Fiatgarage Marcel van Balken - Rain in rome Marcel van Balken - Segways New Zealand Evan Mcbride - Winter Evening Norway_D2 Liz Hardley - The Priest Liz Hardley - Marina Bay, Singapore Lynn Clayton - Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco Norway Olaf Aune - Dervish_Dancer Oman Ahmed Alkindi - DISCOVERING LIFE Hamad Saud Albusaidi - VEGETABLE VENDOR Hamad Saud Albusaidi - RUN AWAY Haya Hamed Albusaidi - FRIENDS

Poland Maciej Duczynski - Norway Westcoast Maciej Duczynski - Journey Maciej Duczynski - Landmannalaugar Maciej Makowski - Active shopping Maciej Makowski - The walk Maciej Makowski - Just-silence Maciej Makowski - Soul of Mr Hitchock Krzysztof Browko - Morning mists Krzysztof Browko - Ten Krzysztof Browko - Autumn fields Krzysztof Browko - Old farm Cezary Dubiel - Berlin Cezary Dubiel - Pier Leszek Paradowski - The Magic of Light Leszek Paradowski - In Search of

Leszek Paradowski - The Old Torpedo Platform Stachnik-C. Monika - Morning in The Red S. Stachnik-C. Monika - Soeul Romania Petrila Gheorghe-Vasile - Climbing-in-Meteora Petrila Gheorghe-Vasile - Gondola-ride Lajos Nagy - Ricefield-Worker Lajos Nagy - Village-Sundown Ildikó Baranyi - Dream_Mountains Ildikó Baranyi - Viewpoint Dezso Matyas - empire state buliding Dezso Matyas - the traveler Saudia Arabia Ahmed Al-Ibrahim - DESERT SHIP Ahmed Al-Ibrahim - SAND DEVIL Serbia Mirjana Dobrosavljev - SANDY ABYSS-KRF Mirjana Dobrosavljev - NAVAJO Djordje Vukadinovic - A man and the tree Violeta Milutinovic - Communication Marko Miladinovic - The Window Predrag Filipovic - Havana center Vojislav Pešterac - Perast 0309 Vojislav Pešterac - Perast Museum 374 Slobodan M. Pajić - NA JELICI ISPOD GRADINE Milorad Milicevic - SVETA GORA 2008 Milorad Milicevic - USPON METEORI 03-1 Milorad Milicevic - 11 ATINA MUZEJMilorad Milicevic - 09 OPTIMIZAM NO 1 Dragan Lapcevic - Tu pored duge Dragan Lapcevic - Sva ta ravnica Dragan Lapcevic - Pre kise Zoran Mojsin - The Harvest Zoran Mojsin - Kine 03 Zoran Mojsin - Cowherd 2 Zoran Mojsin - Cowherd 5 Singapore Hai Poh Lee - Beijing Opera House Slovenia Andreja Ravnak - Arabian portraits Andreja Ravnak - Swamp rhapsody Andreja Ravnak - Ground zero Andreja Ravnak - Step by step Primoz Hieng - Reflection of Time 1 Primoz Hieng - Reflection of Time 2 Primoz Hieng - Reflection of Time 4 Primoz Hieng - Reflection of Time 3 Anton Tratnik - Conected Drago Metljak - Pair 2 Drago Metljak - Morning in the Venice 2 Janez Kramar - Manhattan Ivo Borko - Masaic rain Stefi Praprotnik - Banana driver Stefi Praprotnik - Tannery in Fes Stefi Praprotnik - Caravan Matej Peljhan - Welcome Matej Peljhan - Feeling Blue Matej Peljhan - Can You Hear Me Miran Orožim - DIAMOND SEEKERS 4 Izidor Gasperlin - Desert dawn Izidor Gasperlin - Image from a fairytale Izidor Gasperlin - Taste of Otherworld Izidor Gasperlin - Twins Rok Godec - Oryxes Andreja Peklaj - Sam na putu Andreja Peklaj - Ladak ujutro Andreja Peklaj - Kamenito selo Andreja Peklaj - Ladaski divlji konji Vinko Sebrek - Paparazzi in the Berlin Parlament Vinko Sebrek - Berlins Nocturne Berlin 2010 Tomaž Velechovsky - Man in Paws of J. Mantar Tomaž Velechovsky - Man with Cart in Pushkar Tomaž Velechovsky - Stilt Fishermen

South Africa Isabel Louw - Sunrise Spain Albert Busquets - FALL-3 Josep Maria Robert - Philosophising Josep Maria Robert - Religious Rite Federico Sagues - Indian Beauty Federico Sagues - Stare Pili Garcia Pitarch - Tibetan mother Sweden Hamed Imani Lasaki - Travel Taiwan Chi-lai Huang - Love in the evening Chi-lai Huang - Return from pasturing Chi-lai Huang - Antarctic travel Rich Chiou - Hiking Fun Feng-Lin Chen - Bryce Canyon Turkey Sami Uçan - T2 Sami Uçan - T1 Mehmet Fatih Yaldız - carnival Gulen Kurt - Meke Golu3 Mustafa Eser - Doganin incisi Mustafa Ipek - light and reflection Mustafa Ipek - foggy village Mustafa Ipek - sunset solitude Aydin Hakan - tram Erdal Yavuzak - Horde Halil Süder - ishak pasa sarayi Halil Süder - kapadokya Tugba Kiralli - Sadu Osman Onder - bazaar Osman Onder - Phaetons Erol Sesi - run run Erol Sesi - lines 3 Kazım Kuyucu - IMG_5715 Kazım Kuyucu - IMG_1126 Sultan Aslan - Georgia kazbey Sultan Aslan - Jordan petra Okan Metin - cappadocia Yasin Akgül - boluabant Yusuf Yildiz - reflection Yusuf Yildiz - IMG_7599a Burak Senbak - FIELDS OF RICE M. Feyza Berker - IN THE FERRY Nergis Guler - Come come again w.e. you are Ufuk Teksoy - Cuban Woman Ukraine Andrey Belyakov - Mountaineer Andrey Belyakov - Area-in-Nice Andrey Belyakov - Planet-pigeons Andrey Belyakov - Parisian-Lady Yuriy Zilinskyy - Such a life Yuriy Zilinskyy - Belief in reincarnation Victoria Timoshenko - Road to the monastery Victoria Timoshenko - Vilkovo before the rain Valeriy Tretyakov - positano United Kingdom Keith Knight - Buttermere Pines Keith Knight - Through the Arches Keith Knight - Into the Atlas Mountains Jim Tarbox - Sunlight Llyn Padan Jim Tarbox - Lands End Andrew Baxter - Relaxing by the Shops Andrew Baxter - The Bridge Andrew Baxter - The Stack in Winter Robert Millin - Goatherder_2 Robert Millin - Blackpool Promenade_1 Robert Millin - Village Shopkeeper_4 John Cooke - Above The Boardwalk John Cooke - Penarth Pier John Cooke - The Face of Cardiff Bay David L Edwards - Wreck of the Petrel

Leo Palmer - Blue Truck Bodie Leo Palmer - Sage Emerging Leo Palmer - Photographer Havana Graham Baines - Good Friday in Palermo Graham Worley - A Sense of Scale John White - Venetian couples John White - Green Shutters Mirepoix John White - Abbey de la Senanque Harry Wentworth - Banburgh Castle - North... David F Cooke - The-Boat-Train David F Cooke - The-Man-in-the-Boat David F Cooke - Talking-on-the-Stairs John Smith - Happy Singer John Smith - Grand Opera Paris Brian Swinyard - Fantasie Morocco Ian Britton - Royd Moor Wind Farm at Sunset Jun Cawley - Ellis Island Jul Cawley - Honfleur Harbour John Larry - Gossiping in Rio Bamba Ecuador John Larry - Evzones Athens Wynne Jones - Hong Kong Roger Evans - Neist Point Roger Evans - St Pancras London Jon Martin - Arctic Landscape Jon Martin - Xian Rush Hour Jon Martin - Rijpfjorden Jon Martin - Cuba Street Scene Barry Mead - FLAMINGOES AT BORINGO Barry Mead - MAMMOTH FALLS Barry Mead - YELLOWSTONE FALLS John Cartlidge - The Worshippers Brian Magor - Antarctic Iceberg Brian Magor - Buenos Aires Street corner Colin Harrison - Cool Springs Route 66 Ian Kippax - Iceland church Christine Widdall - EileanDonan Christine Widdall - Isle of Donan Christine Widdall - St Michaels Mount Christine Widdall - Trebarwith Strand Peter Smith - Mollyrose Peter Smith - enspired Tremaine A O Cornish - Sunrise Bamburgh Castle Phil Portus - Fields Of Provence Phil Portus - Blackrock Cottages Phil Portus - Staithes Maureen Toft - Tourism USA Gary Potts - Homage To Buddha Carl Soerens - River Fisherman Carl Soerens - River Steam Elena McTighe - NYCYellowCabs Elena McTighe - MtRainierFromSN Godfrey Wong - Funland Godfrey Wong - Matador Sunset 8 Ira Nemeroff - Fruit For Sale in Thailand Norman Johnson - Small Geyser Eruption Mary Miller - Coquille River Lighthouse Oregon Mary Miller - Bay Bridge At Dawn Marvin Miller - Bay Bridge Foggy Morning Marvin Miller - Delicate Arch At Dawn Guo Jiang Ou - Good Morning Village Xin Xin Liang - Farmhouse4 Kim-Loan Nguyen - Huntington Beach Sunset Kim-Loan Nguyen - Mammoth Cloudy Ha Tran - Buon Ma Thuot Waterfall 0381 Tam Le - Huntington Beach Pier 0209 Tam Le - SAND DUNE 0381 Phu Van - Surf City Pier Phu Van - Welcome to Horseshoe Bend My Phuong Nguyen - My grandchild My Phuong Nguyen - Water on Sandun MinhTan Thai - Early Rice Field MinhTan Thai - Under Palm Trees 2 MinhTan Thai - Sunset at Palouse MinhTan Thai - Country Road

Vietnam Huu Hung Truong - Summer day Huu Hung Truong - Vietnam girls Huu Hung Truong - Ancient ceremony going on Huu Hung Truong - Through the dunes Hoang Vu Ngoc - Enter contest Hoang Vu Ngoc - She gracefully sales Hoang Vu Ngoc - The house of children Thinh Pham Ba - DANCING IN SUNNY Van Chung Bui - In the Flood Van Chung Bui - Drastic Van Chung Bui - The Green Fields Ngoc Anh Bach - DOWNPOUR Ngoc Anh Bach - LIVELIHOOD 2 Ngoc Anh Bach - GARDENER

Delegate: Stevan Ristic, HonEFIAP, Serbia Born 07.12.1931. Since 1950. The deal activity in the field of photography. I exhibited at the exhibition since 1951. until 1957. year, Belgrade, Novi Sad, Zajecar, Munich, Vienna, Lucerne and Bordeaux and was awarded to them. Author Handbook for photo-amateurs in a series of publications for technical activities in elementary school, and school publications photo lab. Since 1974. and was elected Vice President of the International Federation of Photographic Art He was a member of international juries in Germany, Turkey, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia (1955 Leskovac, Novi Sad - Sterijino Pozorje: Theatre in the photographic art). He was a member of the jury award is the highest title that has been awarded the International Federation (FIAP) Master FIAP. Received International Federation of Photographic Arts degree EFIAP (Excellence FIAP) and HonEFIAP (Honorable Excellency FIAP) in 1995. When terminated with the active performance of the functions declared an honorary member of the Presidency of FIAP. Member ULUPUDS, National Center for Photography (NCF) and the German Photographic Society photo (DGPh). Responsible member of the Photo Association of Yugoslavia. Honorary member of photo clubs in Munich (Germany) and photo club Stara Zagora (Bulgaria). Winner of The Gold Medal and Gold badges from German Photo-amateur union. Winner of the Obelisk in gold Photokina - World Fair pictures. He received the Lifetime Achievement Award ULUPUDS Labour Medal and the Order of merit for the people with silver rays. He lives and works in Belgrade.

Jury members: Hadzi Miodrag Miladinovic AFIAP, MF FSS,ULUPUDS Serbia

Rasa Milojevic, EFIAP/EsFIAP, Serbia

Zoran Djordjevic, AFIAP, MF FSS, Serbia

Milorad Kascelan, AFIAP, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Cvetan Gavrovski, MF FSM, Macedonia


LESKOVAC 2011 1st International Exhibition of Photography 1. Међународна изложба фотографија Organizer/Организатор Association Region and Cultural centar Leskovac Удружење Регион и Културни центар Лесковац Co-Organizer / Су-организатор Photo club Leskovac - Фото клуб Лесковац Salon chairman/Председник салона Dragan Milićević Publisher/Издавач Association Region/Удружење Регион Organizing committee/Организациони одбор Dragan Milićević Žarko Jović Nenad Milićević Dražen Ružić Zagorka Stanković Design/Дизајн brandcraft.rs

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 77.04:069.9(497.11)”2011”(083.824) 77.04(100)”20”(083.824) МЕЂУНАРОДНА изложба фотографија “Лесковац” (1; 2011) Leskovac 2011. / 1st International Exibition of Photography = 1. међународна изложба фотографија ; [organizer Association Region and Cultural centar Leskovac = организатор Удружење Регион и Културни центар Лесковац]. - Leskovac : Association Region = Удружење Регион, 2011 (Leskovac : Sistem 5m). - 80 str. : fotogr. ; 21 cm Deo teksta uporedo na srp. i engl. jeziku. - Tiraž 750. Str. 5: The Man and the Man Leaning on a Tree / Milan Živković. ISBN 978-86-88879-00-2 1. Удружење Регион (Лесковац) 2. Културни центар (Лесковац) a) Међународна изложба фотографија “Лесковац” (1 ; 2011) - Изложбени каталози COBISS.SR-ID 186353420

Printing/Штампа sistem5m.rs Circulation/Тираж 750 ISBN 978-86-88879-00-2

LESKOVAC 2011 1st International Exhibition of Photography 1. Међународна изложба фотографија

ISBN 978-86-88879-00-2

9 788688 879002

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