2nd International Exhibition of Photography LESKOVAC 2012

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LE SKOVA C 2012 2nd International Exhibition of Photography 2. Међународна изложба фотографија

Sections / Теме Man, Forest,Tree (color or bw) / Човек, шума, дрво (колор или цб) General Open (color) / Слободна (колор) General Open (monochrome) / Слободна (једнобојно) Travel (color or monochrome) / Природа (колор или једнобојно)

Recieved / Приспело

339 authors/аутора 52 countries / земљe


Accepted / Прихваћено


Organizer / Организатор - Association Region, Serbia 2012 www.associationregion.org

73 awards / награда 4 sections / теме

Jury members / Чланови жирија Zoran Purger, MF FSS, Serbia Dusan Docevski, KMF FSM, Macedonia Milorad Milicevic, AFIAP, Serbia

Delegate/Делегат Stevan Ristić, Hon. EFIAP, EFIAP, Hon. NCF, ULUPUDS, Serbia

INTRO International Exhibition of Photography CITY LIFE 2012 showed that there are no regional or continental boundaries. The beauty, feelings, colors and go beyond the barriers are well understood at any point on the planet. Good photography, unique and unrepeatable artistic expression, one can say without words so much. Many people are able to recognize the quality but the international jury was the one who has more than 360 participants from 52 countries knew that qualified and impartial choose the best. On behalf of the Association Region would like to thank all participants in the competition and wish them success in life and artistic work and congratulations to award-winning authors. The international jury awarded the authors from 33 countries and in the words of an eminent member of Association Region is one of the largest photo exhibition in the country this year and by the quality and volume makes us happy as organizers and encouraged to persevere. The best hope that we will see next year.

Међународни салон фотографије ЖИВОТ ГРАДА 2012 је показао да не постоје ни регионалне ни континенталне границе. Лепота, осећања, боје превазилазе баријере и разумеју се добро на било којој тачки планете. Добром фотографијом, јединственим и непоновљивим ауторским изразом, може се рећи и без речи тако много. Многи људи су у стању да препознају квалитет али је међународни жири салона фотографије ЖИВОТ ГРАДА 2012 био тај који је од преко 360 учесника из 52 земље знао да квалификовано и непристрасно одабере најбоље. У име удружења Регион, захваљујемо се свим учесницима на конкурсу и желимо им успеха у животу и уметничком раду, а награђенима честитамо. Међународни жири је наградио ауторе из 33 земље, а по речима једног еминентног члана, лесковачки салон је један од највећих изложби фотографије у земљи ове године. И по квалитету и по обиму, што нас као организаторе радује и даје подстрек да истрајемо. У најбољој нади да ћемо се видети и следеће године, срдачно вас поздрављамо.

Dragan Milicevic – salon chairman & Drazen Ruzic – President of Association Region



Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina Brasil Canada Chile China Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Japan Macedonia Malaysia Malta Netherlands New Zealand Norway Oman Pakistan Poland Portugal Romania Russia Schwitzerland Serbia Singapore Slovenia South Africa Spain Sweden Taiwan Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States Vietnam















3 48 24 12 5 12 10 12 4 12 5 23 293 64 49 9 90 22 90 23 64 10 8 108 21 20 3 32 2 32 13 24 3 1 16 4 4 0 4 1 4 3 4 0 9 104 26 16 2 36 9 32 13 20 2 4 63 4 15 1 16 3 16 0 16 0 1 16 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 2 28 14 4 1 8 3 8 4 8 6 4 56 6 12 0 16 2 16 3 12 1 30 388 266 76 46 116 85 96 69 100 66 7 108 24 24 4 28 5 28 7 28 8 8 89 14 14 2 32 5 27 6 24 1 1 8 2 4 0 4 1 0 1 0 0 7 96 50 16 7 28 11 28 19 24 13 12 170 32 36 0 44 14 44 12 46 6 8 92 16 16 2 28 7 24 3 24 4 18 202 50 23 6 68 21 64 21 47 2 2 32 15 8 2 8 4 8 3 8 6 6 84 21 20 6 20 7 20 4 24 4 5 72 20 16 5 20 6 20 6 16 3 11 156 47 36 12 44 10 40 15 36 10 6 80 30 8 3 24 10 24 6 24 11 1 12 8 4 4 4 2 4 2 0 0 3 28 6 4 2 12 0 8 3 4 1 10 139 50 24 12 40 13 35 9 40 16 1 16 3 4 2 4 0 4 1 4 0 1 13 0 3 0 3 0 4 0 3 0 1 44 20 8 1 12 8 12 6 12 5 1 12 2 0 0 4 0 4 1 4 1 7 80 5 16 0 20 3 24 2 20 0 2 22 1 2 0 8 0 8 1 4 0 4 56 13 12 2 16 5 16 6 12 0 1 12 1 0 0 4 0 4 1 4 0 1 16 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 0 4 60 23 12 4 16 6 16 9 16 4 2 25 8 5 0 8 4 8 4 4 0 3 46 14 10 4 12 4 12 1 12 5 2 32 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 8 0 2 16 1 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 0 23 336 59 76 4 92 20 86 29 82 6 1 16 3 4 0 4 1 4 1 4 1 5 76 30 16 6 20 11 20 8 20 5 4 55 18 11 1 16 7 12 5 16 5 2 28 7 8 1 8 2 8 0 4 4 2 16 6 0 0 8 1 8 5 0 0 11 156 65 32 6 44 21 40 24 40 14 18 241 37 37 2 71 8 69 21 64 6 1 16 1 4 0 4 1 4 0 4 0 34 510 152 112 28 136 50 124 45 124 29 12 172 47 36 8 48 11 44 18 44 10 4 52 13 12 3 16 3 16 6 8 1 339 4612 1343 901 206

AUT - Authors / Аутори

1328 420

R - Recieved / Приспело

1247 443

1130 274

A - Accepted / Прихваћено


FIAP Blue Badge of the best authors at the Salon - Krzysztof Browko (Poland)

Photo ID 1237 3436 1572 939 2754 3818 1173 2466 250 138 4636 368 2937 3867 2739 4638 2411


Photo ID 430 3423 2361 1647 944 3086 569 4300 3790 2502 2645 2667 2452 2372 519 3350 801 2587 2280

Photo Name Cut trees Caminantes Hamm_2010 The leaf 2 Coconut 3 Norfolk island fig trees Dead wood old stone Stoker 3 Mother and child Men at work Autumn of Hongcun Canoes Cypress Wrath Love of kuixiang The forest in the forest Waiting for the rain

Author ID 96 257 121 74 210 285 92 190 23 15 345 33 223 288 209 345 186

Photo Name

Author ID

Starlings II A longh the path Clean sweep Pier 2 Old carpenter Shrimpyard n boat Levels in Paris Fishing on Li river Nostalgiejpg Rukopolozenje Pastoral poetry 2 The great wall Couper de barre Desert camel Alone Jharkot Brick making Calling of sea Ancestor worship

37 256 180 128 74 232 46 318 282 192 202 204 189 181 43 251 64 198 175

Author Name


Godfrey Wong Lidia Lopez Michael E. Dr. Boettcher Hendro Hioe Semiglia Antonio Alfred Zommers Linda Sharp Milorad Kascelan Ole Suszkiewicz Joseph Tam Yang Guomei Joergen Kristensen KRZYSZTOF BROWKO Bojan Petrovic Tanmin Tang Yang Guomei John McNairn

United States FIAP Commendation Argentina FIAP Commendation Germany FIAP Gold Medal Indonesia FSS Commendation Italy FSS Commendation Australia FSS Commendation United Kingdom FSS Gold Medal Bosnia and Herzegovina PSA Gold Medal Denmark SALON Bronze Medal Australia SALON Commendation China SALON Commendation Denmark SALON Commendation Poland SALON Gold Medal Serbia SALON Silver Medal China UPI Commendation China UPI Commendation Scotland UPI Gold Medal

Author Name


Carl Mabeck Massimo Martini RUPAK DE Aladar Szabo Hendro Hioe Shu Cheung Philip Ho Vili Kuronen Jian Shen Wolfgang Gilges Hadzi M. Miladinovic Zeling Wu Zhibing Bai VALLON serge Guohui Luo T.P Huynh Jovelino MatosAlmeida Fatma Eldeniz Qingsheng Wang Liang Wu

Denmark Italy India Hungary Indonesia Hong Kong Finland China Finland Serbia China China France China Australia Portugal Turkey China China


AWARD FIAP Commendation FIAP Commendation FIAP Gold Medal FSS Bronze Medal FSS Commendation FSS Commendation FSS Commendation FSS Gold Medal FSS Silver Medal PSA Gold Medal SALON Bronze Medal SALON Commendation SALON Commendation SALON Commendation SALON Gold Medal SALON Silver Medal UPI Commendation UPI Commendation UPI Gold Medal


Photo ID

Photo Name

723 707 946 526 1308 162 255 376 622 612 191 660 1197 1118 587 590 231 216 341

Mountaineering party Svolvaer Man and his cock Lost control With my brother Run ro desert Children Bent ove 3 Tired of life Doom Fishing Rossbeighbeach ir II Adobe lake bed Rhythms in the dunes Grit and mud Wind torn Brooder Return of the lost souls Life activity

Author ID

Photo ID

Photo Name

952 678 2352 1486 1843 2520 3862 2598 639 1138 593 2949 1390 1423 1036 1052 2690

Preikestolen The boat in the ocean Camargue_horses-1 Torreador 1 Morning_fishing Fez_tannery Old_farmer The_storm Ferme de monticciello Hairdressing salon The sentinals Flock_of_sheep Golubac castle Train snowing Rice terrace long Shen 7 Morning fishing 0024 Sight_at_the_seashore

58 57 74 43 101 16 23 33 50 49 18 54 93 88 47 47 21 20 30

Author ID 74 55 179 114 142 193 287 198 52 89 47 223 106 108 80 82 205

Author Name


Tsun-Hsiung Chian Guenther Breidler Hendro Hioe T.P Huynh MURAT UNAL chi-lai Huang Ole Suszkiewicz Joergen Kristensen Ibrahim Yilmaz Emel Karakozak Sirsendu Gayen Reinhard Boemke Mary Miller Peter Clark David Byrne David Byrne H.W. CHAN John Larry TUONG DUY NGUYEN

Taiwan Austria Indonesia Australia Turkey Taiwan Denmark Denmark Turkey Turkey India Germany United States United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom China United Kingdom Vietnam

Author Name


Hendro Hioe Chun-Liang Yeh Marie-Laure Stone Philippe MEEUS Henry Ho Nanciellen Davis Alan Millward Qingsheng Wang Guy B. Samoyault Leonid Goldin David Byrne KRZYSZTOF BROWKO Ian Ledgard Ari Laine Ha Tran Tam Le Jincheng Chen

Indonesia Taiwan United Kingdom Belgium Hong Kong Canada United Kingdom China France Israel United Kingdom Poland United Kingdom Finland United States United States China

AWARD FIAP Commendation FIAP Commendation FIAP Gold Medal FSS Bronze Medal FSS Commendation FSS Commendation FSS Commendation FSS Gold Medal FSS Silver Medal PSA Gold Medal SALON Bronze Medal SALON Commendation SALON Commendation SALON Commendation SALON Gold Medal SALON Silver Medal UPI Commendation UPI Commendation UPI Gold Medal

AWARD SALON Bronze Medal FSS Commendation FSS Commendation PSA Gold Medal FSS Gold Medal SALON Commendation UPI Gold Medal FSS Commendation SALON Commendation FIAP Gold Medal SALON Gold Medal SALON Silver Medal SALON Commendation UPI Commendation FIAP Commendation FIAP Commendation UPI Commendation

SECTION / TEMA Man, Forest, Wood / Човек, шума, дрво


Received / Приспело


Accepted / Примљено



Michael E. Dr. Boettcher - Germany Hamm 2010 FIAP Gold Medal / FIAP Златна медаља



Milorad Kascelan - Bosnia and Herzegovina Stoker 3 PSA Gold Medal PSA Златна медаља



John McNairn - Scotland Waiting for the rain UPI Gold Medal / UPI Златна медаља 10


Linda Sharp - United Kingdom Dead wood old stone FSS Gold Medal / ФСС Златна медаља 11


Krzysztof Browko - Poland Cypress SALON Gold Medal / САЛОН Златна медаља 12


Bojan Petrovic - Serbia Wrath SALON Silver Medal / САЛОН Сребрна медаља



Ole Suszkiewicz - Denmark Mother and child SALON Bronze Medal / САЛОН Бронзана медаља



Godfrey Wong - United States Cut trees FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала 15

PRAISE Lidia Lopez- Argentina Caminantes FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала

Yang Guomei - China The forest in the forest UPI Praise / UPI Похвала 16


Tanmin Tang - China Love of kuixiang

Hendro Hioe - Indonesia The leaf 2

UPI Praise / UPI Похвала

FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала


PRAISE Semiglia Antonio - Italy Coconut 3

Joseph Tam - Australia Men at work

FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала

SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала

Alfred Zommers - Australia Norfolk island fig trees FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала 18


Yang Guomei - China Autumn of Hongcun SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала

Joergen Kristensen - Denmark Canoes SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала 19

1 2

5 6


1. Marco Garabello - Italy · Tree in deadvlei 2. Peng Li - China · Heavy load 3. Ole Suszkiewicz - Denmark · Island 4. Krzysztof Browko - Poland · Platform 5. Sirsendu Gayen - India · Monsoon 6. Joergen Kristensen - Denmark · Bathing jetty



1 2 3 4

5 6

1. Peter Clark - United Kingdom · Rannoch tree 2. Jincheng Chen - China · Poplar in autumn 3. Lie Chen - China · Impression of terrace 4. Tanmin Tang - China · Hometown of swans 5. John McNairn - Scotland · Chrissie at ballo 6. Liang Wu - China · Mountain village after snow


1 3 4

1. Jose Luis Urbaitel - Argentina · Derrumbe en el matadero 2. Linda Sharp - United Kingdom · Three olive trees 3. Tran Phong - Vietnam · Boat makers 4. Isa Ebrahim - Bahrain · Fire earth



SECTION / TEMA General Open (color) / Слободна у боји


Received / Приспело


Accepted / Примљено



Rupak De - India Clean sweep FIAP Gold Medal / FIAP Златна медаља



Hadzi Miodrag Miladinovic - Serbia Rukopolozenje PSA Gold Medal PSA Златна медаља



Liang Wu - China Ancestor worship UPI Gold Medal / UPI Златна медаља



Jian Shen - China Fishing on Li river FSS Gold Medal / ФСС Златна медаља



Wolfgang Gilges - Finland Nostalgie FSS Silver Medal / ФСС Сребрна медаља



Aladar Szabo - Hungary Pier 2 FSS Bronze Medal / ФСС Бронзана медаља



TP Huynh - Australia Alone SALON Gold Medal / САЛОН Златна медаља



Jovelino Matos Almeida - Portugal Jharkot SALON Silver Medal / САЛОН Сребрна медаља



Zeling Wu - China Pastoral poetry 2 SALON Bronze Medal САЛОН Бронзана медаља



Massimo Martini - Italy A longh the path FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала


PRAISE Carl Mabeck - Denmark Starlings II

Fatma Eldeniz - Turkey Brick making UPI Praise / UPI Похвала

FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала

Qingsheng Wang - China Calling of sea UPI Praise / UPI Похвала 34


Hendro Hioe- Indonesia Old carpenter

Shu Cheung Philip Ho - Hong Kong Shrimpyard n boat

FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала

FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала

Vili Kuronen - Finland Levels in Paris FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала 35

PRAISE Zhibing Bai - China The great wall

Vallon Serge - France Couper de barre

SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала

SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала

Guohui Lou - China Desert camel SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала 36

1. Zahide Agirel Demir - Turkey · Fishermen I 2. Veysi Boran - Turkey · Funeral 3 3. Chen Junjie - China · Jump 4. Jose Luis Urbaitel - Argentina · Barco hundido 5. Krzysztof Browko - Poland · Ruins

6. Yunsheng He - China · Waiting 7. Luis Alberto Franke - Argentina · Su perro fiel 8. Mary Miller - United States · Looking at the moon 9. Malcolm Kitto - United Kingdom · The tango

1 2

7 8



3 4




4 5

1 2 6


1. Alexander Hochhaus - Germany · Touch 2. Suryaprakasarao Vaddadi - India · Mumbai sea link 3. Shu Cheung Philip Ho - Hong Kong · Shrimpyard n boat 4. Jean Boulanger - France · Golden sunset 5. Sirsendu Gayen - India · Misty 6. Maciej Makowski - Poland · On the edge 7. Tsun Hsiung Chian - Taiwan · Formosan thursh 38

SECTION / TEMA General Open (monochrome) Слободна (црно-бела)


Received / Приспело


Accepted / Примљено



Hendro Hioe - Indonesia Man and his cock FIAP Gold Medal / FIAP Златна медаља



Emel Karakozak - Turkey Doom PSA Gold Medal / PSA Златна медаља



Tuong Duy Nguyen - Vietnam Life activity UPI Gold Medal / UPI Златна медаља



Joergen Kristensen - Denamark Bent ove 3 FSS Gold Medal / ФСС Златна медаља



Ibrahim Yilmaz- Turkey Tired of life FSS Silver Medal / ФСС Сребрна медаља



TP Huynh - Australia Lost control FSS Bronze Medal / ФСС Бронзана медаља



David Byrne - United Kingdom Grit and mud SALON Gold Medal / САЛОН Златна медаља



David Byrne - United Kingdom Wind torn SALON Silver Medal / САЛОН Сребрна медаља



Sirsendu Gayen - India Fishing SALON Bronze Medal САЛОН Бронзана медаља



Guenther Breidler - Austria Svolvaer FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала


PRAISE Tsun Hsiung Chian - Taiwan Mountaineering party

HW Chan - Chinа Brooder

FIAP Praise FIAP Похвала

UPI Praise UPI Похвала

John Larry - United Kingdom Return of the lost souls UPI Praise UPI Похвала 50

PRAISE Murat Unal- Turkey With my brother

Chi Lai Huang - Taiwan Run ro desert

FSS Praise ФСС Похвала

FSS Praise ФСС Похвала

Ole Suszkiewicz - Denmark Children FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала 51

PRAISE Reinhard Boemke - Germany Rossbeighbeach ir II

Mary Miller - United States Adobe lake bed

SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала

SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала

Peter Clark - United Kingdom Rhythms in the dunes SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала 52

1 2




3 4


1. Nils Erik Jerlemar - Sweden · Man in window No 2-3 2. Carl Mabeck - Denmark · Bench and two trees 3. John Larry - United Kingdom · The lonely oryx 4. Peter Clark - United Kingdom · Boat houses lindisfarne 5. Phillipe Draux - Belgium · Flamenco 3 6. Tran Phong - Vietnam · Hide 7. Ole Suszkiewicz - Denmark · Gondol 2 8. Godfrey Wong - United States · Watching


1. John Larry - United Kingdom · Return of the lost souls 2. TP Huynh - Australia · Crazy horse 8 3. Murat Unal - Turkey · Tarla 4. Andras Schafer - Hungary · The lake edge 5. Semiglia Antonio - Italy · Chiara n4 6. Hendro Hioe - Indonesia · Zie 7. Susan Cowles - United States · Latrice curls and fur 1 6


5 3 7 4


SECTION / TEMA Travel / Путовања


Received / Приспело


Accepted / Примљено



1-Leonid Goldin - Israel Hairdressing salon FIAP Gold Medal / FIAP Златна медаља



Philippe Meeus - Belgium Torreador 1 PSA Gold Medal / PSA Златна медаља



Alan Millward - United Kingdom Old farmer UPI Gold Medal UPI Златна медаља



Henry Ho - Hong Kong Morning fishing FSS Gold Medal / ФСС Златна медаља



David Byrne - United Kingdom The sentinals SALON Gold Medal / САЛОН Златна медаља



Krzysztof Browko - Poland Flock of sheep SALON Silver Medal - САЛОН Сребрна медаља



Hendro Hioe - Indonesia Preikestolen SALON Bronze Medal САЛОН Бронзана медаља


PRAISE Ha Tran - United States Rice terrace long Shen 7 FIAP Praise - FIAP Похвала

Ari Laine - Finland Train snowing

Tam Le - United States Morning fishing 0024

UPI Praise - UPI Похвала

FIAP Praise - FIAP Похвала 63

PRAISE Jincheng Chen - China Sight at the seashore UPI Praise - UPI Похвала

Chun Liang Yeh - Taiwan The boat in the ocean FSS Praise - ФСС Похвала 64

PRAISE Marie Laure Stone - United Kingdom Camargue horses

Qingsheng Wang - China The storm

FSS Praise - ФСС Похвала

FSS Praise - ФСС Похвала

Nanciellen Davis - Canada Fez tannery SALON Praise - САЛОН Похвала


PRAISE Guy B Samoyault - France Ferme de monticciello SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала

Ian Ledgard - United Kingdom Golubac castle SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала 66

3 4

1 2


1. Helle Lorenzen - Denmark · Which way 2. Slamet Adijuwono - Indonesia · Three umbrella 3. Linda Sharp - UK · Tuscan farmhouse in fields 4. Ibrahim Yilmaz - Turkey · Baby care 5. Ji Guangfei - China · Back at sunset 67


4 5

1 2 6


1. Matej Peljhan - Slovenia · Untitled 2. Krzysztof Browko - Poland · Green waves 3. John Larry - United Kingdom · African dawn 4. Peter Clark - United Kingdom · Winter morning Yellowstone 5. Marvin Miller - United States · Yosemite falls 6. Kostas Chalkiadakis - Greece · Moulding clay 7. Tsun Hsiung Chian - Taiwan · The tea garden 02 68


THEME 1 Argentina Jose Luis Urbaitel - Desolacion Lidia Lopez - Bosquecito de altura Lidia Lopez - Frente al coloso Lidia Lopez - Caminantes Lidia Lopez - Los arboles mueren de pie Australia John R. Smith - Katei No 2 John R. Smith - Smoking on the bench No 1 T.P Huynh - Foggy Rae Stanaway - Thats progress Wai Man Tsim - Fire of desire Wai Man Tsim - Two hands Rae Stanaway - Lost comrades Joseph Tam - Men at work Margaret Zommers - Bodie mansion Austria Guenther Breidler - Herbst MANFRED LANG - Pico ruivo Theo Streitfelder - Horrrruck 2000 Belgium Rene Van Echelpoel - Autumn light in forest Rene Van Echelpoel - The king of the forest Bosnia and Herzegovina Milorad Kascelan - Stoker 3 Canada Phillip Kwan - Ray path China H.W. CHAN - The posture of tree H.W. CHAN - The woods of nature Yunsheng He - Air drizzle Dacai Xie - Autumn morning grazing Dacai Xie - Forest and life Dacai Xie - Through the jungle Enkai Ma - Color forest Zhigang Mo - Golden color Zhigang Mo - Logging the trees Qingsheng Wang - Childhood Jianxiong Zhou - Dreamy changxi Peng Li - Sunny birchs Tanmin Tang - Tibet little girl Liang Wu - Cooking smoke Yi Wan - Mention girl water Yi Wan - Uygur old man Zhigang Mo - Sunlight Zhigang Mo - Walk of camels Jinming Pan - A pine tree on the mountain Qingsheng Wang - Environmental protection of fishing Qingsheng Wang - Morning grazing Qingsheng Wang - Orange collection Jianxiong Zhou - Spring color Jianxiong Zhou - Tachuan in autumn Zhibing Bai - Autumn of hui Jincheng Chen - Old farmer Peng Li - Light boat Lie Chen - Before the night Lie Chen - Early morning Tanmin Tang - Harmonious Yang Guomei - Deer in the spring park Liang Wu - Mountain village after snow Enkai Ma - Grazing Enkai Ma - Shepherd Peng Li - Gold and silver Lie Chen - Impression of terrace Lie Chen - Wait for the chance Tanmin Tang - Hometown of swans Tanmin Tang - Love of kuixiang Yang Guomei - Autumn of Hongcun

Yang Guomei - Home Jincheng Chen - Diversifolious poplar Jincheng Chen - Poplar and moon Jincheng Chen - Poplar in autumn Peng Li - Heavy load Yang Guomei - The forest in the forest Croatia Miljenko Marotti - In the crown of a tree Miljenko Marotti - Life on the dead tree Miljenko Marotti - Savanah tree Mirna Balkic - White christmas Cyprus Voula Savvidou - Watermill Voula Savvidou - The path Denmark Roland Jensen - Alone in the woods Roland Jensen - Autumn morning Roland Jensen - Morning meeting 2 Ole Suszkiewicz - Island Joergen Kristensen - Bathing jetty Ole Suszkiewicz - Mother and child Joergen Kristensen - Canoes France VALLON Serge - Dans le cedre Pierre GABLE - Crow Germany Joachim Schmitt - Predigtstuhlnebel Irene Loffler - Wooden pillars Michael E. Dr. Bottcher - Hamm_86 Michael E. Dr. Bottcher - Ruinen_iv Michael E. Dr. Bottcher - Hamm_2010 Birgit Pustelnik - Vernal secret Greece KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - Priest 2 KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - The tree Hong Kong Henry Ho - Morning pray Henry Ho - Snowbound odyessy Yau Miing Charles HO - Shinning light at dawn Ming-fat, Fat Chen - Paper craftsman Ming-fat, Fat Chen - Paper workers Ming-fat, Fat Chen - Wooden sheets Hungary Andras Schafer - Drifter Andras Schafer - Forest road Andras Schafer - Lights of the forest Marta Szabo - Gipsy Marta Szabo - Release the past India Sirsendu Gayen - Going to the market RUPAK DE - Forest dependants RUPAK DE - Forested landscape V Madhusudana D Rao - Alert cheetals at Kanha Mrinal Kumar Bandyopadhyay - Aila 2 Mrinal Kumar Bandyopadhyay - The rickshaw boy Mrinal Kumar Bandyopadhyay - Through the forest RUPAK DE - Head load RUPAK DE - Jungle patrol Sanghamitra Sarkar - Hard worker Sanghamitra Sarkar - The farmer Sirsendu Gayen - Monsoon Indonesia Hendro Hioe - Tioga pass 1 Hendro Hioe - Working in the jungle Hendro Hioe - The leaf 2 Ireland -

Wesley Law - Driftwood Wesley Law - Rock fishing Wesley Law - Youghal Wesley Law - Driftwood 2 Israel Leonid Goldin - Burned land Leonid Goldin - Planet leaves of Italy Massimo Martini - The last woodcutter 2 Massimo Martini - The last woodcutter 3 Massimo Martini - The last woodcutter 4 Massimo Martini - The last woodcutter Roberto Baroni - The way of coal N1 Roberto Baroni - The way of coal N2 Marco Garabello - Vivere Semiglia Antonio - Car repair 2 Marco Garabello - Tree in deadvlei Semiglia Antonio - Coconut 3 Semiglia Antonio - Guajiro 1 Marco Garabello - Namibian cokerboom Japan Isabel (Yang)Kohn - Blessing the tree Isabel (Yang)Kohn - Funny face Malaysia LAI YEW WENG - Girl in jungle 1 Norway Olaf Aune - Reading the news Wenche Aune - Mysterious man Poland KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - Baltic evening KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - Oak KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - Platform KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - Cypress Romania FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - Man carrying wood FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - The man who collects wood FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - Loading the timber FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - Women working in the woods 1 Serbia Miroslav Misic - Zaboravljeno drvo Alexander Trbovich - Dalmatians Miroslav Misic - Dva drugara Bojan Petrovic - Wrath Slovenia Justin Zorko - Indian Petauer p. Branko - Krka 005 Bogdan Bricelj - Forest in Misty Sea Bogdan Bricelj - Dew Drops on Pine Bogdan Bricelj - Come here, Dear! Bogdan Bricelj - White Heron on a Branch South Africa Eugene Fincham - Water ways w1 Spain Rojo Sache - Inside the forest Taiwan Tsun-Hsiung Chian - Autumn 05 Tsun-Hsiung Chian - Autumn sight 02 chi-lai Huang - Fishing in morning chi-lai Huang - Changing home 2 chi-lai Huang - Color smoke lake chi-lai Huang - Lake morning Turkey Kemal Kaya - Tribal chief MUSTAFA YONGACI - Go to back United Kingdom Malcolm JENKIN - Deadly ground Yellowstone

Malcolm JENKIN - Enchanted forest John Harding - Snowy branch John Harding - Snowy landsacpe John Larry - Man and his dog John Larry - On their bikes Peter Rees - Silver birches David Byrne - Cannon run 2 David Byrne - Cannon run 3 David Byrne - Cannon run Peter Clark - White pocket pine Peter Clark - Winter morning tangle creek Marie-Laure Stone - Little bear in the trees Mike Bradshaw - Above the tree line Gillian Mackay - Filippo Gillian Mackay - Tea break Gillian Mackay - The butcher John Harding - Tree and fungus John Larry - Figures in the forest John Larry - Light rays Marie-Laure Stone - Coming out of the forest John McNairn - Forest rain John McNairn - On the bench Mike Bradshaw - Ingleton trees John McNairn - Waiting for the rain John McNairn - Chrissie at ballo Linda Sharp - Dead wood old stone Peter Clark - Rannoch tree United States Tam Le - Into to the fog Godfrey Wong - Street performer 8 Guo Jiang Ou - Exercise Guo Jiang Ou - Trail Guo Jiang Ou - Tree Tam Le - The farmer Godfrey Wong - Cut trees Vietnam TUONG DUY NGUYEN - Old Woman Tan Kieu - Co ddn TUONG DUY NGUYEN - Smiles Urbaitel Jose Luis - La conversacion Lopez Lidia - Sirviendo un trago Franke Luis Alberto - Su perro fiel-1 Franke Luis Alberto - En lo de Bessonart-2 Franke Luis Alberto - En la Pulperia de Cacho-3 Franke Luis Alberto - Generaciones-4

Rae Stanaway - Glacier Rae Stanaway - Shearing time Rae Stanaway - Storm over St Marys Rae Stanaway - Two for polo Joseph Tam - Braving the storm Graeme WATSON - Rough ride Kathryn Willis - Blue dawn Kathryn Willis - Dusk at Saint Kilda pier Kathryn Willis - Eastern spinebill Kathryn Willis - Ibis flying solo Austria Theo Streitfelder - Joker 2000 Wolfgang Stuefler - Sneki 03 Bahrain Isa Ebrahim - Gaze Belgium Marcel Beauraind - Romarin Eddy De Groof - Regendag Eddy DE LEGHER - Butterfly CHRIS DISCART - escape Philippe MEEUS - Motard en feu Roger Oeyen - Kade Rene Van Echelpoel - Jonge vuurlibel Rene Van Echelpoel - Parende bruine zandoogjes Rene Van Echelpoel - Red deer in the fog Bosnia and Herzegovina Milorad Kascelan - Better this than that way 1 Slobodan Krstic - EKSTAZA 2 Dragan Prole - Anchor Canada Nanciellen Davis - Lake Karakul Phillip Kwan - Crashing down Phillip Kwan - Fly Chile Ana EWERT - Witnesses of the coal Carmen Stoiber - Happy pencils China Zhibing Bai - Feeding with fishes Zhibing Bai - Feeling of love Zhibing Bai - The great wall Zhibing Bai - The little girl H.W. CHAN - What matter Chunqing Chen - Back at sunset Chunqing Chen - Peaceful angel Jincheng Chen - Li river morning fog Argentina Jincheng Chen - Low clouds Luis Alberto Franke - Era un parche grande Jincheng Chen - The sea cultivation road Luis Alberto Franke - Estafeta abandonada Jincheng Chen - Yangshuo morning mist Luis Alberto Franke - Rieles en la salina Lie Chen - Compete beauty with sun Luis Alberto Franke - Su perro fiel Lie Chen - Crossing by boat Lidia Lopez - Polvareda Lie Chen - Morning light Lidia Lopez - Reflejos del pasado Lie Chen - Morning netting Lidia Lopez - Sirviendo un trago Xuedong Du - Childhood laughter Lidia Lopez - Vendedor de baratijas Xuedong Du - Showing off Jose Luis Urbaitel - Barco hundid Xuedong Du - Village of snow Jose Luis Urbaitel - Refrescandose Ji Guangfei - Color and lines Australia Ji Guangfei - Yishan mountain Yang Guomei - Moonlight song Phillipa Alexander - Rodeo 2 Yang Guomei - The son of earth Chor Yin George Chan - Facing the sea Zhu Hanju - Blue dream T.P Huynh - Alone Zhu Hanju - Colorful feeling Robert McRobbie - Outback house Zhu Hanju - Looking forward to Robert McRobbie - Owl set free Zhu Hanju - The princess in the dream Robert McRobbie - Street pigeons Yunsheng He - Waiting Dennis Mitchell - Morning storm color Chen Junjie - Cardingi Dennis Mitchell - Still reflections color Chen Junjie - Dancing elves Rodger Parker - Inside looking out Chen Junjie - Jump ARTHUR ROY - Dancing for dinner ARTHUR ROY - Great eastern egret takes supper Chen Junjie - Kidding the cattle Peng Li - A little girl ARTHUR ROY - Stepping out


Peng Li - Celebrate in snow Peng Li - Go downstairs Peng Li - Grandpa and grandson Guohui Luo - Desert camel Guohui Luo - Give me some water Guohui Luo - Morning fishing Guohui Luo - Out of the window Enkai Ma - Dawn great walla Enkai Ma - Maritime homeland Enkai Ma - River fishing lights Enkai Ma - Sunset Zhigang Mo - Back at sunset Zhigang Mo - Fly with sunrise Zhigang Mo - Group running Zhigang Mo - Shepherds Jinming Pan - Before the rain Jinming Pan - In the field Jinming Pan - The sun shines on terraces Jian Shen - Desert camels Jian Shen - Fishing on Li river Jian Shen - Morning sunshine Youqi Sun - Autumn love song Youqi Sun - Autumn rhythm Youqi Sun - Sunset yellow Youqi Sun - Walking in the fields Lijuan Sun - Autumn Lijuan Sun - Condensate Lijuan Sun - Sunset Lijuan Sun - Way back Tanmin Tang - Desert camel Tanmin Tang - Green field pastoral Tanmin Tang - Return at sunset Tanmin Tang - Sun reflection Yi Wan - The old horse Qingsheng Wang - Calling of sea Qingsheng Wang - Grazing Qingsheng Wang - Music of fishing Qingsheng Wang - Step on the waves Liang Wu - Ancestor worship Liang Wu - Learn sneakly Liang Wu - Pastoral in the clouds Zeling Wu - Clouds pastoral Zeling Wu - Land art No 4 Zeling Wu - Pastoral poetry 2 Zeling Wu - To welcome the morning sun Dacai Xie - Crossing the snow mountain Dacai Xie - No more tears to cry Gu Yong - Big cherry of Sichuan Gu Yong - Fly and dancing Gu Yong - Listen to the wind Gu Yong - Look forward to Jianxiong Zhou - Hip hop dance Jianxiong Zhou - Meili snow mountain Croatia Biljana Knebl - American Miljenko Marotti - Butterfly 33 Miljenko Marotti - Curious Boris Sontacchi - Stone mushrooms BERISLAV VRKLJAN - Thirsty time Cyprus ANTHOULA ALEXANDROU - At the old monastery ANTHOULA ALEXANDROU - The arch of the castle ANTHOULA ALEXANDROU - Time for coffee Voula Savvidou - Rainy day Voula Savvidou - Silver Czech Republic Ondrej Chmel - o 1 Denmark Roland Jensen - Fox in lens

Ernst Jensen - 343-Fire.jpg Ernst Jensen - 343-Harvest c.jpg Joergen Kristensen - Andreas Joergen Kristensen - Last petition Finn Larsen - Gooses over Vaden Finn Larsen - Over the meadow Carl Mabeck - Bagpipe player Carl Mabeck - Starlings II Ole Suszkiewicz - Man on bike Ole Suszkiewicz - Naima portrait Finland Eero Hauta-aho - Cold river Eero Hauta-aho - Go away Eero Hauta-aho - Sunrise 4b Eero Hauta-aho - The thrill of speed 2 Tommi Joutjarvi - Tired dressmaker Vili Kuronen - Agrion splendens Vili Kuronen - Levels in Paris Jarmo Mäntykangas - Peanut fighters Matti Niemi - Bakery Matti Niemi - Mr and Mrs Frog Matti Niemi - Red night Matti Niemi - Surge of the rapids Seppo Rintala - Midnight swans Seppo Tuomaala - Bodies France vanneuville jacques - Brumes Guy B. Samoyault - Fumees sur liri VALLON serge - Couper de barre VALLON serge - Quatre alphajet 2 VALLON serge - Salto barre fixe 2 Huu Tri TRAN - 9 alpha jet Huu Tri TRAN - The blooming river Germany Michael E. Dr. Bottcher - Living art II Volker Frenzel - Window Wolfgang Gilges - Nostalgiejpg Wolfgang Gilges - Spiegelsaal Alexander Hochhaus - Alleyway Alexander Hochhaus - Arab Alexander Hochhaus - Black widow Alexander Hochhaus - Touch Klaus Hofmann - Black lady Klaus Hofmann - Zahnstocher Manfred Kluger - Prima ballerina 6 Franz-Josef Kollig - 601-Ballerina 3f-1.jpg Franz-Josef Kollig - 601-Daliah 3f-4.jpg Irene Loffler - Rollerblading Irene Loffler - Vitra 3 Rudolf Mester - Michaela 2 Rudolf Mester - Minnesota 1950 Gunther Riehle - Big eyes 2-7820 Gunther Riehle - Cutie 3-7365 Joachim Schmitt - Max der sieger Joachim Schmitt - Tennisplayer 1 Greece KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - Dancer KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - Kompoloi KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - Portrait of a man KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - With my shadow Hong Kong Ming-fat, Fat Chen - Blowing Ming-fat, Fat Chen - Boating couple Henry Ho - Full speed on Shu Cheung Philip Ho - Morning sail Shu Cheung Philip Ho - Peaches ladies Shu Cheung Philip Ho - Shrimpyard n boat Ip Ngai Leung - Window Hungary Gyula Bedi - Airborne Andras Schafer - The clone

Marta Szabo - The cityi s ours Marta Szabo - Towards an other world Aladar Szabo - Pier 2 Aladar Szabo - Puszta India RUPAK DE - Along the wall RUPAK DE - Clean sweep RUPAK DE - Door 2 RUPAK DE - Village life Sirsendu Gayen - Little steps SANAT KUMAR KARMAKAR - Back to nature SANAT KUMAR KARMAKAR - Beauty of dentum valley SANAT KUMAR KARMAKAR - The holy path V Madhusudana D Rao - Kambala runner V Madhusudana D Rao - Morning raaga Indonesia Slamet Adijuwono - Two farmer pass thru Slamet Adijuwono - Quiet Slamet Adijuwono - Staring deeply Slamet Adijuwono - Three fisherman Slamet Adijuwono - Two farmer pass thru Angela Muliani Hartojo - Playing with friend 2 Angela Muliani Hartojo - Wushu 4 Angela Muliani Hartojo - Wushu 5 Hendro Hioe - Old carpenter Deddy Suwanda - Playing with roosters Ireland Wesley Law - Ballybrannigan 3 Wesley Law - Ballycotton 4 Italy Semiglia AntonioBrothers Semiglia Antonio - Haamid Semiglia Antonio - Suleiman Semiglia Antonio - The driver Marco Garabello - Machu picchu 2 ANDREA MARTINI - Bread for sunday ANDREA MARTINI - Farmer with pig ANDREA MARTINI - Rumanian distillery Massimo Martini - A longh the path Massimo Martini - Land of Siena Massimo Martini - Tuscan landscape eight Massimo Martini - Tuscan landscape six Roberto Tagliani - Could be milk Malaysia CHEE KEONG LIM - Cooking CHEE KEONG LIM - Going home CHEE KEONG LIM - Six novices CHEE KEONG LIM - Study II LAI YEW WENG - A mosque LAI YEW WENG - Fantasy LAI YEW WENG - Giver LAI YEW WENG - Massage of wisdom Netherlands Raul Neijhorst - Liggend 1 Raul Neijhorst - Lines Marcel van Balken - Beachparty Norway Wenche Aune - Red hat Trond M. Skaret - Breaking out III Trond M. Skaret - Ivory flame II Trond M. Skaret - Keyleigh II Trond M. Skaret - NYC dancers VII Poland KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - Passion KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - Ruins KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - Spring harmony KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - Spring time MACIEJ MAKOWSKI - On the edge MACIEJ MAKOWSKI - Walk in clouds

Portugal Jovelino MatosAlmeida - Annapurna 21 Jovelino MatosAlmeida - Annapurna 80 Jovelino MatosAlmeida - Jharkot Jovelino MatosAlmeida - On the way to the city Romania FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - Animal tormented by heat FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - In stone mountains FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - Prettiness morning FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - When parrots require water Samoa Stuart Chape - Boat harbour Switzerland Urs Jenzer - China reisterassen zwei Serbia Vladimir Djinic - Friendship Vladimir Djinic - Radoje Predrag Filipovic - Still alive Radivoje Jevtic - Embrace 1 Radivoje Jevtic - The lake 2 Hadzi Miodrag Miladinovic - Rukopolozenje Hadzi Miodrag Miladinovic - Monk Porfirije Vladimir Milicevic - Memories Vladimir Milicevic - There life Zoran Milutinovic - Jogging Dragoslav Mirkovic - DJURA FROM GAJA 623 Dragoslav Mirkovic - LESKOVCANIN 03 Dragoslav Mirkovic - MICA FROM GAJA 336 Dragoslav Mirkovic - PARACIN 2011-080 Miroslav Misic - Dva drugara svetislav nedic - Muppet Aleksa Stojkovic - Skoro prano Alexander Trbovich - Pilgrimage Alexander Trbovich - Reflection of orthodoxy Djordje Vukicevic - Music 3 Singapore Zee Kek Heng - Playful Slovenia Bogdan Bricelj - Winner's Style Bogdan Bricelj - Yellow Ski Jumper Bogdan Bricelj - Mountain Flower Bogdan Bricelj - Caterpillar Climbing Downwards Petauer p. Branko - Falco cherrug 076 Matej Peljhan - Eccentric Matej Peljhan - Men are from mars women are from venus Matej Peljhan - Yellow cab Justin Zorko - Mosaic Justin Zorko - Oasis Justin Zorko - Yemen South Africa Eugene Fincham - Future taite w Eugene Fincham - Oracle prayer group 9110 Eugene Fincham - Prayer wheel 9194 Eugene Fincham - Yellow shadow f4 9968 Vermeulen Marguerite - Acrobat Vermeulen Marguerite - Anchor the bottle Leon Pelser - The end Spain Rojo Sache - Sea planet Rojo Sache - Waves and shipwrecks Sweden Jan-Thomas Stake - Sandra playing cello Taiwan Feng-Lin Chen - Hesitant Feng-Lin Chen - Two butterflies

Tsun-Hsiung Chian - Afraid to fall behind Tsun-Hsiung Chian - Excellent skill Tsun-Hsiung Chian - Formosan thursh Jih-Fa Chiou - Fun with mud 2 chi-lai Huang - Against wave to go chi-lai Huang - Babies over feet chi-lai Huang - Down sand mountain Chih Sheng Huang - Ducks go to beach Chih Sheng Huang - Mirror Min-Sheng Ku - Heroes Min-Sheng Ku - Netting 3 Yun Feng Perng - Drink plenty of water Yun Feng Perng - Send it back to the nest Yun Feng Perng - Take off Yun Feng Perng - Gather Chun-Liang Yeh - Feeding 45 Chun-Liang Yeh - Feeding 55 Chun-Liang Yeh - To flee Chih Sheng Huang - Ducks go to beach Turkey ZAHIDE AGIREL DEMIR - Fishermen I Veysi Boran - Funeral 3 Fatma Eldeniz - Brick making Cemil Guven - Remembrances Cemil Guven - Shepherd Mustafa Ipek - Catch the sun H.BAHAR KALELI - Kuyu MURAT UNAL - Curious look Ukraine Yuriy ZILINSKYY - Sunny angel United Kingdom Graham BAINES - Breasting the wave Graham BAINES - Coal truck Graham BAINES - Hochkrumbach Mike Bradshaw - Cast iron pouring Mike Bradshaw - Fleetwood boats Mike Bradshaw - Foundry workers Mike Bradshaw - Scrubbing and cleaning David Byrne - What happens next David Byrne - Why am I doing this Peter Clark - Fire and ice Peter Clark - Striated rock South coyote buttes Kaz Diller - Gaucho Kaz Diller - Spin Alan Edwards - Springtime in Bruges John Harding - 19th century Warwick John Harding - Flowers on a cill John Horne - Fog and frost John Horne - Problems with a sloping horizon Malcolm JENKIN - Civil warfare Malcolm Kitto - Stop that dog Malcolm Kitto - The tango Gillian Mackay - Feeling shy Gillian Mackay - I remember Gillian Mackay - Pollenca Gillian Mackay - Wish you were here John McNairn - Fredau John McNairn - Reflections John McNairn - Return to the sea Peter Rees - Figures on a beach Peter Rees - Inch surfers Linda Sharp - Evening light on field Linda Sharp - Sea ice 1 Ian Silvester - End of the shift Ian Silvester - Golden stub nosed monkey family Ian Silvester - Knysna lagoon Ian Silvester - The card school Marie-Laure Stone - Evening gallop Marie-Laure Stone - Look at me doggy Marie-Laure Stone - Minus 36 degree celsius

Brian Swinyard - Free spirit Jim Tarbox - Little grebe with fish fry Richard Tickner - Black gold 2 Richard Tickner - Into the light Richard Tickner - La mola 2 Maureen Toft - My sister Kate Webb - Lynnau Cregennen boathouse Kate Webb - Lynnau Cregennen sunset John Whitby - Beach combers John Whitby - Explorers John Whitby - Venetian ghosts United States Tam Le - Coconut platation Mary Miller - Looking at the moon Ira Nemeroff - Diving sea nettle Ira Nemeroff - Sailing off Capri Guo Jiang Ou - Light on Guo Jiang Ou - Nute No 1 Guo Jiang Ou - The way back home Gary Potts - After hours 2 Gary Potts - Rattlesnake canyon Ha Tran - My cherry Godfrey Wong - Blue angels 8 Vietnam Tan Kieu - Mua chom chom Tan Kieu - Trong mua TUONG DUY NGUYEN - Harvest

THEME 3 Argentina Luis Alberto Franke - Don perfumo Luis Alberto Franke - Pablito en La plaza Lidia Lopez - Don juan Lidia Lopez - Nieve en la cumbre Australia Joseph Tam - Bright side of life Joseph Tam - Concentration Joseph Tam - Little warrior Joseph Tam - One foggy morning ARTHUR ROY - Egret takes off ARTHUR ROY - Jess watches the rehearsals ARTHUR ROY - Welcome to planet earth 2 ARTHUR ROY - When I grow up John R. Smith - Canopy pilot No 12 T.P Huynh - Lost control Wai Man Tsim - Log bridge Roy Killen - Male pride Alex Hunter - Alex Alex Hunter - Double trouble Kathryn Willis - Point lonsdale lighthouse Kathryn Willis - The straight Kathryn Willis - Three sisters Robert McRobbie - Game of chess Rae Stanaway - Cossack Rae Stanaway - Joe Margaret Zommers - Californian_wilderness Margaret Zommers - mist_in_yosemite Margaret Zommers - yosemite Austria Wolfgang Stuefler - American football 01 Wolfgang Stuefler - Tina 03 Wolfgang Stuefler - Vogel 04 Theo Streitfelder - Ballettpose 2000 Theo Streitfelder - Western 1 2000 Guenther Breidler - Jin Mao Tower Guenther Breidler - Staumauer Guenther Breidler - Svolvaer Walter KUMP - Dunay 5 Walter KUMP - Kutner Andreas Kuen - Erotic 2 Andreas Kuen - Im Steinbruch

Andreas Kuen - Portraitmalerin Bahrain Isa Ebrahim - Child and darkness Isa Ebrahim - Children 3 Isa Ebrahim - Shame Belgium Philippe Draux - Cigognes Philippe Draux - Halftrack twins 3 Eddy De Groof - Kind in Africa Eddy De Groof - Sneeuwuil Eddy De Groof - Stro Eddy De Groof - Werkman Marcel Beauraind - L amant d un soir Marcel Beauraind - La fontaine du plaisir 2 Marcel Beauraind - La sieste Marcel Beauraind - Le vieux vilon Jef Lemmens - Girls cyclocross Jef Lemmens - Splashing water Jef Lemmens - Uvex Canada Phillip Kwan - Crossing Phillip Kwan - Great egret pick up stick Phillip Kwan - Polar dance Phillip Kwan - Snow leopard stare Chile Carmen Stoiber - a_wonderful_wood Carmen Stoiber - aridity Carmen Stoiber - the_call_of_the_penguins China Chen Junjie - Double beautiful shadows Chen Junjie - Looking back Chen Junjie - Zebra queue Gu Yong - Clouds around Gu Yong - Sky work Zhu Hanju - Charming butterfly Zhu Hanju - The high heels of the girl Zhu Hanju - Yearn H.W. CHAN - Brooder H.W. CHAN - Crossing river 5 H.W. CHAN - Gaze afar H.W. CHAN - Walking in the sun Yunsheng He - Grandmother Yunsheng He - Movement Dong Yang - Grazed to return Dacai Xie - Staring at Liang Wu - Dreamy terrace Liang Wu - Fishing Liang Wu - Hometown Liang Wu - Village in the dream Youqi Sun - Charm of ancient city Youqi Sun - Mist village Enkai Ma - Chatting Enkai Ma - Kelp farms Guohui Luo - Morning cooking Guohui Luo - Return Guohui Luo - Rewarding Guohui Luo - Sea peopleg Lijuan Sun - Different fate Lijuan Sun - Fashion Lijuan Sun - Hardships Lijuan Sun - The pace of time Yi Wan - Frustrated Yi Wan - Shoemakers old man Yi Wan - Unyielding Zhigang Mo - Foggy village Zhigang Mo - Grass land Zhigang Mo - Notes on the water Zhigang Mo - Rhythm Qingsheng Wang - Dream river Qingsheng Wang - Fishing Qingsheng Wang - The son of the sea

Qingsheng Wang - Wuyi charm Jianxiong Zhou - Bodybuilding in 1983 china Jianxiong Zhou - Old time Jianxiong Zhou - Pumi bride sister and mother Zeling Wu - Beach sketch Zeling Wu - Glitters and sails Zeling Wu - Pastorale 3 Zhibing Bai - Barber shop Zhibing Bai - Catch fish Zhibing Bai - Riding on the field Zhibing Bai - Song of pasturing Jincheng Chen - Compete Jincheng Chen - Go to sea Jincheng Chen - Holy land Jincheng Chen - Yak beside the holy lake Peng Li - A corner of the bay Lie Chen - Dreamy fog Lie Chen - Light boat Lie Chen - Note of sea Lie Chen - Rhythm of sea Xuedong Du - Tibetan ayi Xuedong Du - Toddler Tanmin Tang - Argue Tanmin Tang - Go home Tanmin Tang - Weave the dream Jian Shen - camels_walking_in_the_desert Jian Shen - toward_the_sea Croatia Zeljko Krcadinac - Portraitist Zeljko Krcadinac - Savudrija 2 Boris Sontacchi - Bible time Miljenko Marotti - Wet crossing Petar Sabol - chimney_sweeper Petar Sabol - laugh Biljana Knebl - web Cyprus MUSTAFA MUEZZINOGLU - Blues MUSTAFA MUEZZINOGLU - Happy shoemaker MUSTAFA MUEZZINOGLU - Life Voula Savvidou - Roof terrace ANTHOULA ALEXANDROU - Fog in the forest ANTHOULA ALEXANDROU - With a cup of coffee Czech Republic Ondrej Chmel - enjoyment Denmark Ole Suszkiewicz - Children Ole Suszkiewicz - Darkness Ole Suszkiewicz - Gondol 2 Ole Suszkiewicz - My place Roland Jensen - Crazy horse Roland Jensen - Hus forbi Roland Jensen - Who Joergen Kristensen - Bent ove 2 Joergen Kristensen - Bent ove 3 Joergen Kristensen - Speedway 4 bw Joergen Kristensen - Torup strand 4 Carl Mabeck - Bench and two trees Carl Mabeck - Fountain II Carl Mabeck - Great ocean road Carl Mabeck - Two ravens at the cemetery Helle Lorenzen - Computer teens Helle Lorenzen - Goats Helle Lorenzen - Signs Finn Larsen - Figures in the sea Finland Seppo Rintala - Ice chapel 3 Seppo Rintala - Midnight river Jarmo Mantykangas - Finish winter fisherman Tatu Kosonen - Peaceful sleep Matti Niemi - Big head Matti Niemi - Blue fog

Matti Niemi - Igor Eero Hauta-aho - Snack Eero Hauta-aho - Tuska 2011 1 Eero Hauta-aho - Tuska 2011 4 Eero Hauta-aho - Water drops Seppo Tuomaala - Don pepe de chile France Serge GEUS - Gunther Serge GEUS - The last one 3 Serge GEUS - Triptyque 1 Germany Franz-Josef Kollig - Ballerinasw Franz-Josef Kollig - Janet Franz-Josef Kollig - Vulkanbike Alexander Hochhaus - Lady in black Alexander Hochhaus - Magical moonlight Alexander Hochhaus - Old shoe 2 Joachim Schmitt - Balljunge Irene Loffler - Glass palace Irene Loffler - In the museum Reinhard Bomke - Past history II Reinhard Bomke - Rossbeighbeach ir II Reinhard Bomke - The burren I Reinhard Bomke - Where the time has no power IV Klaus Hofmann - Geschwister Klaus Hofmann - Speedway Volker Frenzel - Grey man Monika Buchmann - imam Monika Buchmann - markus Wolfgang Gilges - Hilharmonie Wolfgang Gilges - Table act Ute Kramer - boat_in_the_fog Greece KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - Path KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - Thoughtful mind KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - Watching Hong Kong Henry Ho - Alignment Henry Ho - Wavy sonata Ming Lai Chung - Go home Ming-fat, Fat Chen - Sisters Hungary Gyula Bedi - Barber Gyula Bedi - Butcher 2 Gyula Bedi - Homeward Gyula Bedi - Prayer 2 Aladar Szabo - Dancer Aladar Szabo - Trolls bridge India Sirsendu Gayen - Fishing Sirsendu Gayen - Long way to go Sirsendu Gayen - Lost in thought Sirsendu Gayen - Wrinkle RUPAK DE - Fishing nets 5 RUPAK DE - Fishing RUPAK DE - Quizzical SANAT KUMAR KARMAKAR - An evening beside mindakini SANAT KUMAR KARMAKAR - Fun of bathing SANAT KUMAR KARMAKAR - Kibber village SANAT KUMAR KARMAKAR - The giant fossil V Madhusudana D Rao - pelican_in_morning_flight V Madhusudana D Rao - shades_of_totladoh V Madhusudana D Rao - spoonbill_landing_on_rock Sanghamitra Sarkar - Black beauty Indonesia Hendro Hioe - Man and his cock

Hendro Hioe - Noodle makers II Hendro Hioe - Rowed to the moon slamet adijuwono - Between shadows Angela Muliani Hartojo - best_friend Angela Muliani Hartojo - cow_race Ireland Wesley Law - Ballycronin Wesley Law - Kinard dawn Israel Leonid Goldin - Black cat Leonid Goldin - Dancing Leonid Goldin - Lady in curlers Italy Roberto Tagliani - Baba Roberto Tagliani - Granny Giovanni Nuti - Aisha Semiglia Antonio - Chiara n3 Semiglia Antonio - Chiara n4 Massimo Martini - Blacklight Massimo Martini - Dance of the keyboard Massimo Martini - Shepered Massimo Martini - The bridge of the old town Japan Isabel (Yang)Kohn - Kissing the sky Malaysia CHEE KEONG LIM - Running CHEE KEONG LIM - Smoking woman CHEE KEONG LIM - Start working LAI YEW WENG - kuala_lumpur_428 LAI YEW WENG - living_of_sea LAI YEW WENG - time_to_remember Malta Joseph Pirotta - Showtime Netherlands Marcel van Balken - Expire Daniel LYBAERT - Krommeweg bewerkt New Zealand Liz Hardley - the window cleaner Norway Trond M. Skaret - A quiet moment Trond M. Skaret - Audery ipm ix Trond M. Skaret - Hands nj Trond M. Skaret - Male torso Wenche Aune - church_spir Wenche Aune - expecting_2 Oman RAYYA ALBUSAIDI - In mask Poland KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - Boat 3 KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - Line KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - Liptovska mara KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - Red boat MACIEJ MAKOWSKI - clear_target MACIEJ MAKOWSKI - fisherkings 1 MACIEJ MAKOWSKI - good_morning Szczepan Kurzeja - love_is Szczepan Kurzeja - temptation Portugal Jovelino MatosAlmeida - night_beach Jovelino MatosAlmeida - on_the_way_ to_the_sun Jovelino MatosAlmeida - st_michel Jovelino MatosAlmeida - the_cube Romania FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - Uninvited to dinner Serbia Vojislav Pesterac - Kotraza 7384 Vojislav Pesterac - Toske

Miroslav Misic - Crno beli svet Miroslav Misic - Dijagonala Pantelija Ilic - Mladi socijalisti Pantelija Ilic - Opomena Aleksa Stojkovic - Trubaci Goran Bendelja - Etno 3 Nenad Nikolic - Planet b612 Nenad Nikolic - Shape of the morning fall Nenad Nikolic - The strider Alexander Trbovich - carla_in_belgrade Alexander Trbovich - green_metal Alexander Trbovich - october_in_belgrade Alexander Trbovich - strategic_trunk Bojan Petrovic - mp Stankovic Nebojsa ESPERO - picture_1145 Svetislav Nedic - hammersmith Vladimir Milicevic - dragoslav_samoca Djordje Vukicevic - m Robert Semnic - sloboda_ 3 Dragoslav Mirkovic - IVANOVO 5 Dragoslav Mirkovic - PLOCICE 28 Dragoslav Mirkovic - PLOCICE 29 Dragoslav Mirkovic - PORTRE S.K Hadzi Miodrag Miladinovic - Beer drinkers Hadzi Miodrag Miladinovic - Coton candy Hadzi Miodrag Miladinovic - Countryside council Hadzi Miodrag Miladinovic - Friends Singapore Zee Kek Heng - Expecting Slovenia Miran Orosim - Ducks over Sotla 12 Justin Zorko - Belfast Petauer p. Branko - Iirio 033 Bogdan Bricelj - Mists are Rising bw Bogdan Bricelj - Swan's Figure bw Bogdan Bricelj - Two Chamois on the edge bw Matej Peljhan - generations Matej Peljhan - playing_with_the_moon South Africa Leon Pelser - The birth Eugene Fincham - Coppersmith Eugene Fincham - Jamma holy man Eugene Fincham - Man fishing Eugene Fincham - Rickshaw trio Sweden Nils-Erik Jerlemar - Crossing the line No 2-1 Nils-Erik Jerlemar - Man in window No 2-3 Nils-Erik Jerlemar - Motion in triangles No 9-4 Jan-Thomas Stake - Black hat Jan-Thomas Stake - My boy No 2 Taiwan chi-lai Huang - Beginning melody chi-lai Huang - Happy family chi-lai Huang - Honey bird parents-2 chi-lai Huang - Run ro desert Chun-Liang Yeh - Duck 2 Chun-Liang Yeh - Sand war 2 Chun-Liang Yeh - Still a long way Tsun-Hsiung Chian - Ferry in the beautiful lake Tsun-Hsiung Chian - Field of the fishing Tsun-Hsiung Chian - Hometown in the dream Tsun-Hsiung Chian - Mountaineering party Min-Sheng Ku - Cowherd in Kenya Min-Sheng Ku - Netting 2 Fu Mei Lai - Win Jih-Fa Chiou - Dancer 2 Jih-Fa Chiou - Fly together Jih-Fa Chiou - Tunnel Feng-Lin Chen - Elegant Feng-Lin Chen - Pulsation of shape 4 Yun Feng Perng - His sheep

Yun Feng Perng - Lion Yun Feng Perng - The beauty of Huangshan Yun Feng Perng - Wildebeest crossing the river Yun Feng Perng - Wildebeest crossing the river Turkey Cemil Guven - Sitter Emel Karakozak - Apprentice 2 Emel Karakozak - Doom Ibrahim Yilmaz - Lighting Ibrahim Yilmaz - Tired of life Filiz Koc - Humanitarian donkey ZAHIDE AGIREL DEMIR - Little master YAVUZ BASTERZI - Shepherd girl YAVUZ BASTERZI - Tears Veysi Boran - Aykiri Veysi Boran - Shepherd OZEL KARADENIZ - Light of hope OZEL KARADENIZ - Pass out MURAT UNAL - Among the city lines MURAT UNAL - Chez Ahmet MURAT UNAL - Tarla MURAT UNAL - With my brother H.BAHAR KALELI - Cam silindi Kemal Kaya - big_lips Mustafa Ipek - Fisherman BARIS BARLAS - love United Kingdom John McNairn - Bink Jim Tarbox - Jump then the finish Jim Tarbox - Modern architecture Jim Tarbox - Owl hunting Brian A Hirschfield - Tin mine Malcolm JENKIN - Steam power BARBARA JENKIN - Through the railings John Harding - The policeman John Harding - The speech John Harding - The wildcat John Larry - Circle of shadows John Larry - Return of the lost souls John Larry - The crowded beach John Larry - The lonely oryx David Byrne - Grit and mud David Byrne - Lindisfarne boats David Byrne - The copse David Byrne - Wind torn BARRY MEAD - Paparazzi ball Peter Clark - Boat houses lindisfarne Peter Clark - Rhythms in the dunes Peter Clark - White pocket landscape Linda Sharp - Lady with umbrella Linda Sharp - Waterfall Iceland Ian Ledgard - Denis pose 1 Ian Silvester - Checking the papers Richard Tickner - Bed and chair Marie-Laure Stone - Divine light Marie-Laure Stone - Elder sister Marie-Laure Stone - Lovely water John Whitby - Carnival fantasy John Whitby - Following in the footsteps John Whitby - Search party Mike Bradshaw - Approaching the edge Mike Bradshaw - Homeward bound Mike Bradshaw - Ploughmans art Mike Bradshaw - Swaledale Gillian Mackay - Running in the rain Gillian Mackay - The shopkeeper John Horne - chiaroscuro John Horne - kamila_with_rope Tony Shepherdson - dunstanburgh_storm Tony Shepherdson - evidence Tony Shepherdson - lindesfarne_fisherman Malcolm Kitto - dungeness

United States Alex Rasputnis - Old farm truck Alex Rasputnis - Taking care of 58 Gary Potts - Horseshoe bend Gary Potts - Michaels memorial Gary Potts - Twists and turns Ha Tran - Swimming in the river Tam Le - Checking the sauce Mary Miller - Adobe lake bed Mary Miller - Shadows Godfrey Wong - Power Godfrey Wong - Watching Guo Jiang Ou - Dance No 4 Guo Jiang Ou - Marissa Guo Jiang Ou - Moon shap bay Guo Jiang Ou - Tennis No 1 Susan Cowles - Latrice curls and fur Susan Cowles - Mavis peek a boo Larry Cowles - beauty_in_fur Vietnam TUONG DUY NGUYEN - Cooking TUONG DUY NGUYEN - Flooding season 2 TUONG DUY NGUYEN - Life activity TUONG DUY NGUYEN - Pho Cao Village Tan Kieu - Khoc cudi ngap


Argentina Luis Alberto Franke - Una maniana de septiembre Lidia Lopez - cementerio_andino Lidia Lopez - enlazando Lidia Lopez - matas_amarillas Lidia Lopez - zigzag_de_sal Australia Joseph Tam - Canyon and stream Joseph Tam - Red valley Robert McRobbie - outback_drive Rae Stanaway - city_centre Rae Stanaway - in_the_shed Rae Stanaway - one_dollar_please Rae Stanaway - wheat_harvest Margaret Zommers - gasoline_please Margaret Zommers - transport_to_bodie Peter Trainer - camel_train Austria Theo Streitfelder - Beobachter 2000 Theo Streitfelder - Kleiner polizist 2000 Andreas Kuen - Weg im wasser Belgium Eddy De Groof - Huanglong park Philippe MEEUS - Torreador 1 Canada Phillip Kwan - Bagan in mist Phillip Kwan - Kiting Phillip Kwan - Morning walk Phillip Kwan - Snake charmer Nanciellen Davis - fez_tannery Nanciellen Davis - fez_tannery_trio Chile Carmen Stoiber - like_a_boat China Liang Wu - fog Liang Wu - great_changes Liang Wu - love_the_country Youqi Sun - transplant_rice_seedlings Youqi Sun - twilight Enkai Ma - dragon_dance_in_snowing Enkai Ma - rural_child Enkai Ma - you_after_i_catch

Yi Wan - congratulations_from_afar Yi Wan - jehiel Yi Wan - lake_scenery Yi Wan - residual_city Zhigang Mo - a_ray_of_morning_light Zhigang Mo - go_for_sea Zhigang Mo - morning_song Zhigang Mo - the_risng_sun Jinming Pan - morning_of_yuanyang_terrace_ii Qingsheng Wang - fish_fry Qingsheng Wang - morning Qingsheng Wang - network_song Qingsheng Wang - the_storm Jianxiong Zhou - buddha_festival Jianxiong Zhou - cold_and_warm Jianxiong Zhou - looking_for_her_in_ the_crowds Zeling Wu - beach_farming_2 Zeling Wu - earthen_dragon Zeling Wu - hani_home Zeling Wu - miao_sisters Zhibing Bai - floating_on_the_sea Zhibing Bai - homebound_fishermen Zhibing Bai - pasturing_in_the_morning Zhibing Bai - walk_together Jincheng Chen - conquer Jincheng Chen - sight_at_the_seashore Jincheng Chen - walking_on_the_clouds Jincheng Chen - winnow_the_husks Peng Li - believers Peng Li - cold_days Peng Li - harvest Peng Li - living_days Lie Chen - boats_on_the_sea Lie Chen - colorful_years Lie Chen - give_force Lie Chen - hometown_on_the_water Xuedong Du - desert_camel_bell Xuedong Du - fantastic_shadow Xuedong Du - sydney_opera_house Tanmin Tang - fishing Tanmin Tang - hong_village Tanmin Tang - walk_on_the_musicbook Chen Junjie - Back shadow Chen Junjie - Duel Chen Junjie - Posture Chen Junjie - Sunrise from snow countryside Guo Jing - Beautiful meet Guo Jing - Brief Guo Jing - Wise heart Ji Guangfei - Back at sunset Ji Guangfei - Great Wall Ji Guangfei - The love of earth Ji Guangfei - Wake up from the dream Yang Guomei - Pure Yang Guomei - The ancient town of Lijiang Zhu Hanju - India woman Zhu Hanju - Listen quietly Zhu Hanju - The old India woman Croatia BERISLAV VRKLJAN - cliffhangers Boris Sontacchi - irish_cliffs-1 Boris Sontacchi - white_domes Miljenko Marotti - by_the_road Miljenko Marotti - mama_grocery Miljenko Marotti - waiting_for_customers Miljenko Marotti - zagorsk Petar Sabol - ways Cyprus Agis Taramides - siesta Denmark

Ole Suszkiewicz - Girl looking Roland Jensen - Hohenwerfen Roland Jensen - Trip Roland Jensen - Wedding trip 1 Joergen Kristensen - Geese Joergen Kristensen - Man and horses Joergen Kristensen - 382-Points.jpg Carl Mabeck - Resting shepherd Carl Mabeck - Street trader Helle Lorenzen - Cafe enjoyment Helle Lorenzen - Colorful world Helle Lorenzen - Roundtower ghosts Helle Lorenzen - Which way Finland Seppo Rintala - Really Ari Laine - Train snowing Matti Niemi - collection_of_sticks Matti Niemi - traveling_instrument Eero Hauta-aho - before_sunrise Eero Hauta-aho - samba_in_helsinki_3 France Guy B. Samoyault - Ferme de monticciello Guy B. Samoyault - Honfleur 111 Huu Tri TRAN - drying_the_palm_leaf Huu Tri TRAN - salt_makers_2 Germany Ilse Ruttgers - oldtimer Monika Buchmann - strassenverkauf Greece KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - in_the_fog KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - moulding_clay KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - the_two_worlds KOSTAS CHALKIADAKIS - unpleasant_meeting EFSTRATIOS TSOULELLIS - candle_in_the_little_monastery EFSTRATIOS TSOULELLIS - holy_icons_on_ the_mountains Hong Kong Henry Ho - morning_fishing Ming-fat, Fat Chen - budda_cleaning Ming-fat, Fat Chen - duck_farmer Ming-fat, Fat Chen - worship-2 Hungary Ian Silvester - The monk watching at Leh Marta Szabo - earlymorning Marta Szabo - endlosjourney India Sirsendu Gayen - Tapovan RUPAK DE - imam_bara RUPAK DE - seeker RUPAK DE - sun_temple RUPAK DE - the_musician SANAT KUMAR KARMAKAR - inside_tabo_ monastery SANAT KUMAR KARMAKAR - kinnaur_kailash SANAT KUMAR KARMAKAR - living_high V Madhusudana D Rao - pallakki_festival Sanghamitra Sarkar - a_girl_playing_with_ ganders_in_water Indonesia Hendro Hioe - Cow race IV Hendro Hioe - Fire dance Hendro Hioe - Preikestolen Slamet Adijuwono - three_umbrella Slamet Adijuwono - across_the_river Slamet Adijuwono - china_river_two Slamet Adijuwono - sunrise_hunter Slamet Adijuwono - three_umbrella Deddy Suwanda - bull_race_1 Angela Muliani Hartojo - cow_race-5

Angela Muliani Hartojo - cow_race-6 Israel Leonid Goldin - Hairdressing salon Italy Roberto Tagliani - waiting_to_charge Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - nadhir Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - pensieri Dino Odoardo Gibertoni - prime_luci_in_laguna Marco Garabello - attack Marco Garabello - fishing Marco Garabello - sale Semiglia Antonio - beauty_salon Semiglia Antonio - fish_market Semiglia Antonio - playing_in_the_market Semiglia Antonio - monkey_1 ANDREA MARTINI - old_farmer ANDREA MARTINI - woman_baker Massimo Martini - child_in_the_distillery Massimo Martini - family_photos Massimo Martini - the_two_pastors Malaysia CHEE KEONG LIM - fight CHEE KEONG LIM - on_the_way_home CHEE KEONG LIM - smoking_woman CHEE KEONG LIM - you_jump_i_jump LAI YEW WENG - go_home Malta Joseph Pirotta - Santorini vista 12 Poland KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - baltic_summer KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - flock_of_sheep KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - green_waves KRZYSZTOF BROWKO - tuscan_spring Romania Lajos Nagy - mountainfarm FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - coming_from_forest FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - daily_torment FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - the_man_who_ cut_grass FUDULU CATALIN PETRUT - travellers_to_cottage Serbia Goran Bendelja - toulouse_1 Alexander Trbovich - art_in_sand Svetislav Nedic - xandra Dragoslav Mirkovic - GAMZIGRAD 030 Dragoslav Mirkovic - NOVI SAD 007 Dragoslav Mirkovic - NOVI SAD 009 Singapore Zee Kek Heng - Water curves Slovenia Justin Zorko - varanasi Bogdan Bricelj - Two tops of Mountains above Mists Bogdan Bricelj - Dark and Sunny Rock Wall Matej Peljhan - splitting Matej Peljhan - untitled South Africa Eugene Fincham - watertaxi_0405 Vermeulen Marguerite - all_roads_lead_to Vermeulen Marguerite - desolate_farm Vermeulen Marguerite - holy_bible Vermeulen Marguerite - the_lighthouse Spain Rojo Sache - green_velvet Rojo Sache - swim Rojo Sache - teide

Rojo Sache - tree_isle Taiwan chi-lai Huang - Antarctic memory chi-lai Huang - Pasture in the mountain Chun-Liang Yeh - Happy childhood 8 Chun-Liang Yeh - Rush Chun-Liang Yeh - The boat in the ocean Tsun-Hsiung Chian - The tea garden 02 Tsun-Hsiung Chian - The terraced fields 05 Fu Mei Lai - Photographers Feng-Lin Chen - Drying noodles Feng-Lin Chen - Morning of angkor Chih Sheng Huang - the_quiet_morning Yun Feng Perng - Countryside Yun Feng Perng - Cattle drink water Yun Feng Perng - Potala Palace Turkey Emel Karakozak - Expectations Ibrahim Yilmaz - Baby care Ibrahim Yilmaz - Turn wool Ibrahim Yilmaz - Village and life Filiz Koc - Karatas castle H.BAHAR KALELI - Sislerin golgesinde United Kingdom John Larry - African dawn John Larry - Nepalese farming John Larry - Pygmy girl with pipe David Byrne - Dunstanburgh castle David Byrne - Shipwreck David Byrne - The sentinals David Byrne - Two towers.jpg Peter Clark - Dunes death valley Peter Clark - Walking the wave Arizona wilderness Peter Clark - Winter morning Yellowstone Linda Sharp - Tuscan farmhouse in fields Ian Ledgard - Golubac castle Kaz Diller - butchers Marie-Laure Stone - camargue_horses-1 Marie-Laure Stone - himba_mother-2 Marie-Laure Stone - milking_in_kyrgyzstan-3 John Whitby - alpine_march John Whitby - carnival_mask Mike Bradshaw - petra_camel_service Gillian Mackay - quiet_smoke Gillian Mackay - valletta Gillian Mackay - venetian_washing_lines Gillian Mackay - oxford_1 Brian Swinyard - one_two_one_two Brian Swinyard - riding_the_wave Brian Swinyard - vietnamese_boat_children John Horne - bamburgh_castle John Horne - in_a_sea_of_lavendar Alan Millward - old_farmer United States Ha Tran - Rice terrace long Shen 7 Tam Le - Morning fishing 0024 Marvin Miller - Boulders on the beach Marvin Miller - Yosemite falls Godfrey Wong - Thai palace 2 Ira Nemeroff - old and new in alberobello Guo Jiang Ou - before_stome Guo Jiang Ou - cherry_blossom Guo Jiang Ou - fishing_in_riverd 4 Guo Jiang Ou - village_in_foggy Vietnam Tan Kieu - The gidi the thao


LESKOVA C 2012 2nd International Exhibition of Photography 2. Међународна изложба фотографија Organizer/Организатор Association Region Salon chairman/Председник салона Nenad Milićević Publisher/Издавач Association Region/Удружење Регион Organizing committee/Организациони одбор Dragan Milićević Žarko Jović Nenad Milićević Dražen Ružić Zagorka Stanković Design/Дизајн brandcraft.rs Printing/Штампа sistem5m.rs Impression/Тираж 750 ISBN 978-86-88879-05-7


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