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CITY LIFE 2012 1st International Exhibition of Photography 1. Међународна изложба фотографија

ISBN 978-86-88879-03-3



EID Recognition


CITY L I F E 2012 1st International Exhibition of Photography 1. Међународна изложба фотографија

Sections / Теме City Life (color or monochrome) / Живот Града (колор или једнобојно) General Open (color) / Слободна (колор) General Open (monochrome) / Слободна (једнобојно) Nature (color or monochrome) / Природа (колор или једнобојно)

Recieved / Приспело

362 authors/аутора 52 countries / земљe


Accepted / Прихваћено


Organizer / Организатор - Association Region, Serbia 2012

81 awards / награда 4 sections / теме

Jury members / Чланови жирија Zoran Djordjevic, MF FSS, Serbia Milorad Milićević, AFIAP, Serbia Živojin Prokopović, istoričar umetnosti, Serbia

Delegate/Делегат Stevan Ristić, Hon. EFIAP, EFIAP, Hon. NCF, ULUPUDS, Serbia

INTRO International Exhibition of Photography CITY LIFE 2012 showed that there are no regional or continental boundaries. The beauty, feelings, colors and go beyond the barriers are well understood at any point on the planet. Good photography, unique and unrepeatable artistic expression, one can say without words so much. Many people are able to recognize the quality but the international jury was the one who has more than 360 participants from 52 countries knew that qualified and impartial choose the best. On behalf of the Association Region would like to thank all participants in the competition and wish them success in life and artistic work and congratulations to award-winning authors. The international jury awarded the authors from 33 countries and in the words of an eminent member of Association Region is one of the largest photo exhibition in the country this year and by the quality and volume makes us happy as organizers and encouraged to persevere. The best hope that we will see next year.

Међународни салон фотографије ЖИВОТ ГРАДА 2012 је показао да не постоје ни регионалне ни континенталне границе. Лепота, осећања, боје превазилазе баријере и разумеју се добро на било којој тачки планете. Добром фотографијом, јединственим и непоновљивим ауторским изразом, може се рећи и без речи тако много. Многи људи су у стању да препознају квалитет али је међународни жири салона фотографије ЖИВОТ ГРАДА 2012 био тај који је од преко 360 учесника из 52 земље знао да квалификовано и непристрасно одабере најбоље. У име удружења Регион, захваљујемо се свим учесницима на конкурсу и желимо им успеха у животу и уметничком раду, а награђенима честитамо. Међународни жири је наградио ауторе из 33 земље, а по речима једног еминентног члана, лесковачки салон је један од највећих изложби фотографије у земљи ове године. И по квалитету и по обиму, што нас као организаторе радује и даје подстрек да истрајемо. У најбољој нади да ћемо се видети и следеће године, срдачно вас поздрављамо.

Dragan Milicevic – salon chairman & Drazen Ruzic – President of Association Region



Argentina Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium Bosnia andHerzegovina Brasil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Finland France Germany Greece Hong Kong Hungary India Indonesia Ireland Israel Italy Macedonia Malta Netherlands New Zealand Norway Poland Portugal Romania Russia Saudi Arabia Schwitzerland Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Surinam Sweden Taiwan Turkey Ukraine United Kingdom United States Vietnam TOTAL/UKUPNO














3 48 18 12 6 12 2 12 6 12 4 19 249 87 47 12 71 29 63 22 68 24 10 152 55 36 17 40 17 40 8 36 13 1 16 9 4 3 4 2 4 1 4 3 2 28 8 8 5 8 0 8 3 4 0 7 88 31 16 7 28 6 24 9 20 9 6 95 32 24 6 24 10 24 9 23 7 3 47 14 12 5 12 1 11 2 12 6 1 12 2 4 0 0 0 4 1 4 1 1 16 11 4 2 4 4 4 1 4 4 1 4 1 0 0 4 1 0 0 0 0 10 100 49 20 17 40 17 20 9 20 6 6 95 36 24 7 24 8 24 14 23 7 4 56 11 16 1 16 5 12 0 12 5 4 40 14 8 3 16 6 8 1 8 4 8 120 54 24 13 32 8 32 16 32 17 12 152 45 36 12 40 12 36 9 40 12 6 76 26 16 6 24 9 20 4 16 7 18 232 93 44 20 72 30 68 26 48 17 1 4 1 4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 68 40 16 12 20 14 16 7 16 7 10 148 65 32 13 40 16 40 16 36 20 5 80 37 20 9 20 11 20 13 20 4 6 80 30 20 8 24 7 20 12 16 3 1 12 9 0 0 4 2 4 4 4 3 3 48 11 12 4 12 2 12 3 12 2 13 187 68 52 28 52 18 52 14 31 8 4 52 28 12 7 16 7 16 11 8 3 4 44 26 8 5 12 8 16 11 8 2 5 72 23 20 8 20 6 20 5 12 4 1 12 7 4 3 4 1 4 3 0 0 2 32 14 8 2 8 6 8 3 8 3 4 64 29 16 7 16 9 16 5 16 8 2 28 14 8 6 8 4 8 2 4 2 5 77 30 20 7 20 9 20 10 17 4 7 107 38 28 10 28 10 28 8 23 10 1 16 4 4 1 4 1 4 0 4 2 2 28 13 8 5 8 3 4 2 8 3 56 726 288 185 54 198 59 183 96 160 79 2 32 16 8 1 8 6 8 5 8 4 1 12 3 4 1 4 2 4 0 0 0 10 157 62 40 14 39 16 40 16 38 16 2 32 10 8 2 8 2 8 4 8 2 2 28 10 8 2 8 5 8 2 4 1 1 12 3 0 0 4 1 4 1 4 1 5 64 26 8 1 20 11 20 9 16 5 12 176 75 36 17 48 22 44 19 48 17 18 265 88 68 26 72 19 72 22 53 21 3 48 17 12 3 12 5 12 4 12 5 34 467 161 120 47 135 42 124 46 88 26 11 160 60 36 14 44 22 44 12 36 12 2 24 6 4 1 8 1 8 3 4 1 362




AUT - Authors / Аутори





R - Recieved / Приспело




A - Accepted / Прихваћено



FIAP Blue Badge of the best authors at the Salon - Ole Suskiewicz (Denmark)

Photo ID

Photo Name

19318 16778 19724 19115 19337 19582 19078 17903 20158 19207 19529 19366 16946 19257 19272 19001 17616

Radnicki dorucak Chefchaouen Blues UP Soul of Mr Hitchcock Waiting On the way to School City Life Running in the Rain Umbrellas Coach DOWN MEMORY LANE Jerusalim 321 step by step valenzia Forever strangers Graveyard of fun 11 Window

Author ID 818 1137 635 310 1039 1210 1966 1159 812 243 971 93 252 347 161 527 988

Photo ID

Photo Name

19920 18695 15057 19338 16933 17426 20242 19741 18430 18804 15420 15898 19597 17839 15977 18108 15699 17171 17380

Forever autumn terraced fields What happens next Weaving dreams blue lady Coloursof Provence Playing with Roosters Image 5 Central black Muppet Tearful eyes Walking In Eyes closed Still Life Music Sudden Holocaust M. - Berlin No 3 Misty Lighthouse prayer

Author ID 758 1184 296 1039 123 323 885 1216 270 858 193 285 511 605 1102 490 1100 1147 510

Author Name


Branislav Backović Rui Pires Patricia Regina Ferreira Maciej Makowski Yunsheng He Ferdous Shabbir Giorgio Paparella Gillian Mackay Filip Filipovic Tran Lopamudra Hadzi Miodrag Miladinovic Andreja Ravnak Ilario Ledda Paul Davis Dejan Djurić Ip Ngai Leung

Serbia FIAP Commendation Portugal FIAP Commendation Brasil FIAP Gold Medal Poland FSS Commendation China FSS Commendation Bangladesh FSS Commendation Italy FSS Gold Medal United Kingdom PSA Gold Medal Macedonia SALON Bronze Medal Phong Vietnam SALON Commendation Talukdar India SALON Commendation Serbia SALON Commendation Slovenia SALON Gold Medal Italy SALON Silver Medal United Kingdom UPI Commendation Bosnia and Herzegovina UPI Commendation China UPI Gold Medal

Author Name


Monica Butnaru Yu Pei Huang David Byrne Yunsheng He Heiko Roemisch Dino O. Gibertoni Deddy Suwanda Leon Pelser Isa Ebrahim Svetislav Nedić Kerekes Istvan Wai Man Tsim Jan-Thomas Stake Xin Xin Liang Carol Abbott Ming-Fat Chen Nils-Erik Jerlemar Marcus Jerlemar Erol Sesi

Romania Taiwan United Kingdom China Germany Italy Indonesia South Africa Bahrain Serbia Hungary Australia Sweden United States Australia Hong Kong Sweden Sweden Turkey


AWARD FIAP Commendation FIAP Commendation FIAP Gold Medal FSS Bronze Medal FSS Commendation FSS Commendation FSS Commendation FSS Gold Medal FSS Silver Medal PSA Gold Medal SALON Bronze Medal SALON Commendation SALON Commendation SALON Commendation SALON Gold Medal SALON Silver Medal UPI Commendation UPI Commendation UPI Gold Medal


Photo ID

Photo Name

18530 19748 19100 15667 16954 19926 18319 16367 20620 18513 18916 20148 17924 20562 18697 17118 15637 19911 16397

October_in_Belgrade Image 12 Passage Spomenik asiL anoM outline Gullhunters Frozen Moments VI Untitled-111-1 Runde Sache Clouds guardian Rocky Cape Old Pier Swanage U magli Fishing Net 2b Accent Bug Scotish Lights My Ballon

Author ID 198 1216 680 342 252 758 1180 186 1255 630 299 556 1156 1250 1184 484 1095 1160 268

Photo ID

Photo Name

Author ID

15429 16008 16166 15826 18814 16879 15336 19796 16338 19513 16027 15198 17091 17433 17289 17358

Graylag Get Away Afraid to fall behind Early in the morning 3 Forrest fire Nature Curve Bald Eagle Catching Fish The guard Leopard Basstolpel 2 Deer Owl hunting Jogging First love Shadows BLOWBALL

193 1109 1108 459 858 1141 301 1191 162 452 1110 115 421 323 657 1150

Author Name


Aleksandar Trbovic Leon Pelser Banu Ertok Djordje Vukadinović Andreja Ravnak Monica Butnaru Manfred Voss Bart Zandbergen Rade Filipovic Peter Stollmann Salvador Atance Phillipa Alexander David Rayner Miljana Mihajlovic Yu Pei Huang Yuriy Zilinskyy Stanislav Belicka Dave Robson Kiet Vo

Serbia South Africa Turkey Serbia Slovenia Romania Germany Netherlands Serbia Germany Spain Australia U. Kingdom Serbia Taiwan Ukraine Germany U. Kingdom Vietnam

Author Name


Kerekes Istvan Carl Mabeck Tsun-Hsiung Chian Jarmo Mantykangas Svetislav Nedić Yeow Kwang Yeo Phillip Kwan Andras Schafer Albert Peer Urs Jenzer Roland Jensen Jim Tarbox Zoran Milutinović Dino Odoardo Gibertoni Predrag Filipovic Edwin Biehl

Hungary Denmark Taiwan Finland Serbia Singapore Canada Hungary Austria Schwitzerland Denmark United Kingdom Serbia Italy Serbia Germany

AWARD FIAP Commendation FIAP Commendation FIAP Gold Medal FSS Bronze Medal FSS Commendation FSS Commendation FSS Commendation FSS Gold Medal FSS Silver Medal PSA Gold Medal SALON Bronze Medal SALON Commendation SALON Commendation SALON Commendation SALON Gold Medal SALON Silver Medal UPI Commendation UPI Commendation UPI Gold Medal

AWARD FIAP Commendation FIAP Commendation FIAP Gold Medal FSS Commendation FSS Commendation FSS Commendation FSS Gold Medal SALON Bronze Medal SALON Commendation SALON Commendation SALON Commendation SALON Gold Medal SALON Silver Medal UPI Commendation UPI Commendation UPI Gold Medal

SECTION / TEMA City Life / Живот града


Received / Приспело


Accepted / Примљено 9


Patricia Regina Ferreira - Brasil Up FIAP Gold Medal / FIAP Златна медаља



Gillian Mackay - United Kingdom Running in the rain PSA Gold Medal PSA Златна медаља



Ip Ngai Leung-China Window UPI Gold Medal / UPI Златна медаља



Giorgio Paparella-Italy City life 1 FSS Gold Medal / ФСС Златна медаља



Andreja Ravnak-Slovenia Step by step SALON Gold Medal / САЛОН Златна медаља



Ilario Ledda-Italy Valenzia 4 SALON Silver Medal / САЛОН Сребрна медаља



Filip Filipovic-Macedonia Umbrellas SALON Bronze Medal / САЛОН Бронзана медаља



Branislav Backovic-Serbia Radnicki dorucak FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала



Rui Pires-Portugal Chefchaouen blues FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала

Paul Davis-United Kingdom Forever strangers UPI Praise / UPI Похвала


PRAISE Dejan Djurić Bosnia and Herzegovina Graveyard of fun 11 UPI Praise / UPI Похвала

Maciej Makowski-Poland Soul of mr hitchcock FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала 19


Ferdous Shabbir-Bangladesh On the way to school FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала


Tran Phong-Vietnam Coach

Yunsheng He-China Waiting

SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала

FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала


Lopamudra Talukdar-India Down memory lane SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала

Hadzi Miodrag Miladinovic-Serbia Jerusalim 321 SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала


1 2

5 6 3


1. Ole Suszkiewicz-Denmark · Boy on bike 2. Ilario Ledda-Italy · Valenzia 8 3. Zoran Milutinovic-Serbia · Night step 4. Ivo Borko-Slovenia · Late afternoons walk 5. Ilario Ledda-Italy · Valenzia 11 6. David F Cooke-United Kingdom · A woman and a man 22

1 2 3 4

5 6

1. Luis Alberto Franke-Argentina · En lo de bessonart 2. Deniz Kose-Turkey · Tired eyes 3. Branislav Backovic-Serbia · Stara mlekarica 4. Ip Ngai Leung · China-Go to school 5. Hendro Hioe-Indonesia · Grand canale 6. Petr Kleiner-Czech Republic · Horse


1 2

3 4 5

1. Josef Kastner-Austria · Traveller 2. Filiz Koc-Turkey · Paper gatherer 3. Yu Pei Huang-Taiwan · Happy childhood 4. Marek Habryka-Germany · I and my car 5. Miodrag Davidovic-Serbia · Garda


SECTION / TEMA General Open (color) / Слободна у боји


Received / Приспело


Accepted / Примљено 25


David Byrne-United Kingdom What happens next FIAP Gold Medal / FIAP Златна медаља



Svetislav Nedic-Serbia Muppet PSA Gold Medal PSA Златна медаља



Erol Sesi-Turkey Prayer UPI Gold Medal / UPI Златна медаља



Leon Pelser-South Africa Image 5 FSS Gold Medal / ФСС Златна медаља



Isa Ebrahim-Bahrain Central black FSS Silver Medal / ФСС Сребрна медаља



Yunsheng He-China Weaving dreams FSS Bronze Medal / ФСС Бронзана медаља



Carol Abbott-Australia Music 3 SALON Gold Medal / САЛОН Златна медаља



Ming-Fat Chen-Hong Kong Sudden SALON Silver Medal / САЛОН Сребрна медаља



Kerekes Istvan-Hungary Yelena SALON Bronze Medal САЛОН Бронзана медаља 34


Monica Butnaru-Romania Forever autumn FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала


PRAISE Yu Pei Huang-Taiwan Terraced fields

Nils Erik Jerlemar-Sweden Holocaust memorial Berlin No 3

FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала

UPI Praise / UPI Похвала

Marcus Jerlemar-Sweden Misty lighthouse UPI Praise / UPI Похвала 36

PRAISE Deddy Suwanda-Indonesia Playing with roosters

Dino Odoardo Gibertoni-Italy Colours of provence

FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала

FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала

Heiko Roemisch-Germany Blue lady 1 FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала



Xin Xin Liang-United States Still life SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала

Jan Thomas Stake Sweden Eyes closed SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала

Wai Man Tsim-Australia Walking in SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала 38

1. Jan Thomas Stake-Sweden · Newborn 2. Gilges Wolfgang-Germany · Table act 2 3. Rene Van Echelpoel-Belgium · Flight gray goose 4. Mustafa Muezzinoglu-Cyprus · Passion 5. Leonard Cocks-Malta · Clarissa

6. Irene Becker-Hungary · Missing love 7. Rene Van Echelpoel-Belgium · Common tern with fish 8. Irene Becker-Hungary · House on the Drina river 9. Maxim Mishin-Russia · The domestic comfort

1 2

7 8

5 6






4 5

1 2 6


1. Alexia Makridou-Cyprus · Alx 4290 2. Koon Nam Cheung-Hong Kong · Fighting for championship 3. Ivana Stamenkovic-Serbia · Tisina 4. Bozidar Kasal-Croatia · Champagne de champagne 5. Ivana Stamenkovic-Serbia · U plicaku 6. Guo Jiang Ou-United States · Miss Trippy 7. Violeta Simonovic-Serbia · Jesen 0006 40

SECTION / TEMA General Open (monochrome) Слободна (црно-бела)


Received / Приспело


Accepted / Примљено 41


Banu Ertok-Turkey Passage FIAP Gold Medal FIAP Златна медаља 42


Peter Stollmann - Germany Runde sache PSA Gold Medal / PSA Златна медаља



Kiet Vo-Vietnam My Ballon UPI Gold Medal / UPI Златна медаља



Bart Zandbergen-Netherlands Frozen moments VI FSS Gold Medal / ФСС Златна медаља 45


Rade Filipovic-Serbia Untitled 111 FSS Silver Medal / ФСС Сребрна медаља



Djordje Vukadinovic-Serbia Spomenik FSS Bronze Medal / ФСС Бронзана медаља



Yu Pei Huang-Taiwan Fishing net 2b SALON Gold Medal / САЛОН Златна медаља



Yuriy Zilinskyy-Ukraine Accent SALON Silver Medal / САЛОН Сребрна медаља



Salvador Atance-Spain Clouds guardian SALON Bronze Medal САЛОН Бронзана медаља



Aleksandar Trbovic-Serbia October in Belgrade FIAP Praise / FIAP Похвала 51

PRAISE Dave Robson United Kingdom Scotish lights UPI Praise UPI Похвала

Leon Pelser-South Africa Image 12 FIAP Praise FIAP Похвала

Stanislav Belicka Germany Bug UPI Praise UPI Похвала 52

PRAISE Andreja Ravnak-Slovenia Asil anom FSS Praise ФСС Похвала

Monica Butnaru-Romania Outline FSS Praise ФСС Похвала Manfred Voss-Germany Gullhunters FSS Praise / ФСС Похвала 53

PRAISE David Rayner-United Kingdom Old Pier Swanage SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала

Phillipa Alexander-Australia Rocky cape SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала

Miljana Mihajlovic-Serbia U magli SALON Praise / САЛОН Похвала 54

1 2





3 4

1. Ian Kippax-United Kingdom · Morning glory 2. Mary Miller-United States · Lake view 3. Huu Tri Tran-France · Ancient town of Feng Huang 3 4. David C G Smith-Australia · Patterns of time 5. Marcel Beauraind-Belgium · L eveil de belle 6. Shu Kua Ho-Taiwan · Nude 7. Chih Sheng Huang-Taiwan · Hot spring poolside 2b 8. Angela Muliani Hartojo-Indonesia · Waterfalls 3 55

1. Tsun Hsiung Chian-Taiwan · Ferry in the beautiful lake 2. Jozica Zafred-Slovenia · Where IV 3. Cheng Tien-Taiwan · A tree 4. Wally Cannon-Australia · Okarito lagoon boat shed 5. Vera Protopopova-Russia · Silhouettes 6. Andras Schafer-Hungary · Little timeout 7. Livinus Bleyen-Belgium · At the museum 1 2

5 3 6 4



SECTION / TEMA Nature / Природа


Received / Приспело


Accepted / Примљено 57


Tsun Hsiung Chian-Taiwan Afraid to fall behind FIAP Gold Medal / FIAP Златна медаља



Edwin Biehl-Germany Blowball UPI Gold Medal / UPI Златна медаља



Phillip Kwan-Canada Bald eagle catching fish FSS Gold Medal / ФСС Златна медаља



Jim Tarbox United Kingdom Owl hunting SALON Gold Medal САЛОН Златна медаља 61


Zoran Milutinovic-Serbia Jogging SALON Silver Medal - САЛОН Сребрна медаља



Andras Schafer-Hungary The guard SALON Bronze Medal / САЛОН Бронзана медаља


PRAISE Carl Mabeck-Denmark Get away FIAP Praise - FIAP Похвала

Dino Odoardo Gibertoni-Italy First love UPI Praise - UPI Похвала Kerekes Istvan-Hungary Graylag FIAP Praise - FIAP Похвала


PRAISE Predrag Filipovic-Serbia Shadows UPI Praise - UPI Похвала

Jarmo Mantykangas-Finland Early in the morning FSS Praise - ФСС Похвала


PRAISE Svetislav Nedic-Serbia Forrest fire

Yeow Kwang Yeo-Singapore Nature curve

FSS Praise - ФСС Похвала

FSS Praise - ФСС Похвала

Albert Peer-Austria Leopard SALON Praise - САЛОН Похвала


PRAISE Urs Jenzer-Switzerland Basstolpel 2 SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала

Roland Jensen-Denmark Deer SALON Praise САЛОН Похвала 67

1 3 2 4



1. Marcel Van Balken-Netherlands · Elephant meeting 2. Andjelija Kocic-Serbia · 068 3. Phillip Kwan-Canada · White tailed eagle and crane 4. Denis Van Linden-Belgium · The scream 5. Chor Yin George Chan-Australia · Licking tiger


THEME 1 Argentina Urbaitel Jose Luis - La conversacion Lopez Lidia - Sirviendo un trago Franke Luis Alberto - Su perro fiel-1 Franke Luis Alberto - En lo de Bessonart-2 Franke Luis Alberto - En la Pulperia de Cacho-3 Franke Luis Alberto - Generaciones-4 Australia Killen Roy - Japanese footpath Chan Chor Yin George - In danger Chan Chor Yin George - In the rain Tsim Wai Man - Ferryhon Abbott Carol - Sydney Huynh T.P - Raining Day Huynh T.P - Fish Market Mackojc Mark - That way Watson Graeme - Up Up And Away Watson Graeme - Tea For Two Gooley Terry - Mall Artist Smith David C G - Washing-Day Austria Pucher Michaela - Im Regen-2 Pucher Michaela - Verfuehrung-4 Pucher Michaela - Von oben-3 Pucher Michaela - Von oben-1 Lang Manfred - Is someone here Lang Manfred - Place du Tertre Peer Albert - Stress Breidler Guenther - Maler Breidler Guenther - Warteschlange Breidler Guenther - In der Wartehalle Kastner Josef - new york police1 Kastner Josef - Traveller Hofmuller Norbert - Linz von oben Streitfelder Theo - The Old Shoemaker Hueller Gernot - chinese_skyscraper Hueller Gernot - old_danube Bozic Boris - Praha Bahrain Ebrahim Isa - Shuttle Ebrahim Isa - Down ward Ebrahim Isa - Stairs Bangladesh Nabi Rashid Un - All are Freinds Nabi Rashid Un - LOVE TO BANGLADESH Nabi Rashid Un - PILGRIMS Shabbir Ferdous - Fire Hazard Shabbir Ferdous - On the way to School Belgium Ponsaerts Eugene - Street Love Declaration Ponsaerts Eugene - Souk Van Haute Stef - Night Pharmacy Symons Wim - Een rondrit maken Symons Wim - Een praatje slaan Symons Wim - Agenten Bleyen Livinus - Brooklyn Bridge Tower Bosnia and Herzegovina Prole Dragan - Yellow umbrella Kascelan Milorad - Delirium Kascelan Milorad - Over Bridge Svitic Aleksandar - over the bridge Djuric Dejan - Graveyard of fun 11 Plavsic Sinisa - OLD SCHOOL Brasil Rolim Danilo - Sisters Brian Decio - Royal Guard Brian Decio - Louvre Ferreira Patricia Regina - HOT HOT DAY Ferreira Patricia Region - UP Canada

Kwan Phillip - Sitting Kwan Phillip - Morning Walk China Sun Lijuan - Melancholy Sun Lijuan - In step Sun Lijuan - Morning fishing Xie Dacai - Bottle filling Xie Dacai - Asaka fisheries City Xie Dacai - Go home Ngai Leung Ip - Waiting alms Ngai Leung Ip - Boss Ngai Leung Ip - Go to school Ngai Leung Ip - Window Geng Jun - Ink Jiangnan Geng Jun - The cradle Geng Jun - Embarrassing the bride and groom Geng Jun - Three-dimensional gallery He Yunsheng - Enthusiasm He Yunsheng - Waiting He Yunsheng - Go home on spring festival Croatia Racki Neda - After rain Racki Neda - Speedy girl Vrkljan Berislav - TRIO Marotti Miljenko - Crowd Krcadinac Zeljko - Thru my window Kasal Bozidar - With Question in the Eyes Kasal Bozidar - Just Passing by the Art Cyprus Makridou Alexia - Train sch. you can't avoid Czech Republic Latal Frantisek - STEPS - 1 Kleiner Petr - horse Kleiner Petr - lovers Denmark Alveen Leif - Hard rock lovers Alveen Leif - Waiting for the mrs Suszkiewicz Ole - Boy on Bike Suszkiewicz Ole - Girl Looking Suszkiewicz Ole - Sun Center Suszkiewicz Ole - A Hard Day Jensen Roland - Bring forward Jensen Roland - Bath room Kristensen Joergen - Nada_03 Kristensen Joergen - Carneval_04 Lorenzen Helle - Cafe enjoyment Lorenzen Helle - Which way Lorenzen Helle - Colorful world Finland Seppala Antti - A_105_Bird Girl Kosonen Tatu - Vyborg, December 2010 Kosonen Tatu - Tenor Power Mussalo Petteri - Street cafe bartender Mussalo Petteri - Ground -1 Helimaki Jussi - On the street Taukojarvi Jouko - Firm Grip Taukojarvi Jouko - Different Lesson Kuronen Vili - Plaza in Varsaw Kuronen Vili - Ny Havn Tuomaala Seppo - Via-crucis-de-Buenos-Aires Tuomaala Seppo - Chilean-Clown France Samoyault Guy B. - Regards Bacle Jean claude - Accordion bloom Bacle Jean claude - Corner street Bacle Jean claude - Los angeles Jourdain Roger - Biker Burn Jourdain Roger - Women Factory In India Germany Weigl Werner R. - Begegnung Weigl Werner R. - Kinderfest Weigl Werner R. - JM Gebet

Frenzel Volker - The Wall Frenzel Volker - Basketball Belicka Stanislav - Radfahrerin 3 Belicka Stanislav - Amsterdam 3 Schmitt Joachim - In Reih und Glied Bomke Reinhard - Conversation_1 Baumann Christina - City Smog Roemisch Heiko - www at mosche 1440 Roemisch Heiko - subway waiting Voss Manfred - Rockefellers View Voss Manfred - Contrasts Habryka Marek - Carnaval in Munich 1 Habryka Marek - I and my car Mai Bernd - under observation Radomirovic Ratomir - Prayer Radomirovic Ratomir - Life and future Radomirovic Ratomir - Cleft Greece Vavekis Konstantinos - Street music Hong Kong Ho Shu Cheung Philip - A Symphony of Light Ho Shu Cheung Philip - Concrete Jungle Ho Shu Cheung Philip - City Bike Ho Shu Cheung Philip - Splash HO Yau Miing Charles - HO Yau Ming CharlesWater Dance-1 HO Yau Miing Charles - Swimming Gala HO Yau Miing Charles - Splashing fun 2 HO Yau Miing Charles - DragonBoat Featival Ho Henry - Foto With Russian Celebrities Ho Henry - Traffic On Flooded Road Chen Ming-fat, Fat - I can fly 2 Chen Ming-fat, Fat - Heavy loading Hungary Kerekes Istvan - Poisoned city Kerekes Istvan - Balkanic moment Kerekes Istvan - Running at home Lokos Zoltan - Venice 1 Danis Janos - Coming Bakos Gabor - No_foot Bakos Gabor - End_of_the_day Bakos Gabor - Twist Imre Levente - Catch_The_Moment Imre Levente - Window_Washers Horvath Imre - Critical mass Horvath Imre - Zenith Kristof Istvan - Gatekeepers India De Rupak - Hair cut Venkateswara Rao Musini - COFFEE SHOP Venkateswara Rao Musini - WAITING FOR Venkateswara Rao Musini - STREET SHOP Talukdar Lopamudra - DOWN MEMORY LANE Talukdar Lopamudra - YOU TUBE MOMENT Marathe Suniel - Contradiction Marathe Suniel - Meal Preparation Marathe Suniel - Good Morning Indonesia Hioe Hendro - Big Laugh Hioe Hendro - Grand Canale Adijuwono Slamet - old and new Adijuwono Slamet - empty Hartojo Angela Muliani - Lunch Hour Hartojo Angela Muliani - Workday Bunanta Agatha - Bycling Suwanda Deddy - The Specialist Israel Makarov Alexander - Couple Makarov Zinaida - In the Bus Goldin Leonid - Everyone has his burden Goldin Leonid - In different directions Italy Vaiani Sergio - Amsterdam underground Vaiani Sergio - Ghost 03

Vaiani Sergio - REGGIO EMILIA a foggy saterday morning Rubboli Veniero - Ballad-singer Rubboli Veniero - Bikes machanic Biondi Franco - Tramps Biondi Franco - City life Maina Andrea - Alpine kiss Coduri De Cartosio Massimo - publicity Coduri De Cartosio Massimo - town_ in_a_flash Bianchini Simone - Lovers Bianchini Simone - Murales 3 Bianchini Simone - Passeggiando insieme Bianchini Simone - Walking together 2 Gibertoni Dino Odoardo - Prime luci Gibertoni Dino Odoardo - Vita di paese Garabello Marco - Metropolis Antonio Semiglia - For rent 2 Antonio Semiglia - Trinidad Paparella Giorgio - City Life 4 Paparella Giorgio - City Life 2 Paparella Giorgio - City Life 3 Paparella Giorgio - City Life 1 Ledda Ilario - valenzia8 Ledda Ilario - valenzia10 Ledda Ilario - valenzia11 Ledda Ilario - valenzia Baroni Roberto - Windows contemporary Macedonia a Vladimir - Train worker Gavrovski Cvetan - It is a girl It is a boy Gavrovski Cvetan - Street Prayer 1 Docevski Dusan - N02 Docevski Dusan - Ulica 1 Filipovic Filip - Music For All Filipovic Filip - Umbrellas Malta Pirotta Joseph - Holy Security Pirotta Joseph - Street Theatre 2 Pirotta Joseph - Guaranteed Fresh Muscat Raymond - Last Supper Muscat Raymond - Procession Netherlands Venant Corrie - Happy children Venant Corrie - Body painting Venant Corrie - Taking a break van der Heijdt Theo - Hutong-2 van der Heijdt Theo - Street Havana Zandbergen Bart - 3241 A Grande Arch van Balken Marcel - street seduction Todorovic Tatjana - A boy New Zealand Charteris Karin - Breaking the Rules Charteris Karin - Blood Sweat and Tears Charteris Karin - Battling the Weather Norway Sorensen May Britt - Big Mac Sorensen May Britt - Nuses in procession Poland Jezierski Jan Grzegorz - guys from the suburbs Jezierski Jan Grzegorz - intercom Makowski Maciej - No way man Makowski Maciej - Shine Makowski Maciej - Active shopping Makowski Maciej - Soul of Mr Hitchcock Kurzeja Szczepan - Smolensk Disaster med. Portugal Abrao Ana - Care Abrao Ana - Daily Life II Abrao Ana - Music with soul Pires Rui - Chefchaouen Blues Pires Rui - The Medina Pires Rui - Djemaa el Fna Romania Catalin Petrut Fudulu - Lovers suspended

Catalin Petrut Fudulu - Lady and the Tramp_2 Stan Valentina - Talks Stan Valentina - Street in Berlin Butnaru Monica - brugges Butnaru Monica - monica butnaru_Traffic_a1 Stan Gelu - Curious Eyes Russia Puzyrev Dmitry - Chelsea Puzyrev Dmitry - Musician. Paris. Vitaliy Podgurchenko - Egor Vitaliy Podgurchenko - Parade Kanunnikov Viktor - Two Ladies CHesnokov Vladimir - Poems on the pavement Mishin Maxim - Miscow-city Mishin Maxim - City-poplars Protopopova Vera - White-silence-of-Venezia-2 Protopopova Vera - White-silence-of-Venezia-1 Saudi Arabia AL-shehri Dhafer - rain II Schwitzerland Jenzer Urs - China schlafender Handwerker Serbia Vukicevic Djordje - Midnight Vukicevic Djordje - Wedding dream Vukicevic Djordje - Novi Sad Milutinovic Zoran - No Elevator Milutinovic Zoran - Street 1 Milutinovic Zoran - Night Step Milutinovic Violeta - Workers 2 Milutinovic Violeta - Park Lights Milutinovic Violeta - Two Visions Milutinovic Violeta - Generations Filipovic Predrag - Street musician 2 Koczo Ferenc - The Homeless Koczo Ferenc - Life on the Street 2 Martinov Dobrila - With Music and Best Friend Pesterac Vojislav - Alicante 3321 Petrovic Bojan - Taxi Wien Petrovic Bojan - Waiting Nadaskic Djordjevic Jasminka - Na-cekanju Nadaskic Djordjevic Jasminka - A-kravata Nadaskic Djordjevic Jasminka - Rasprodaja Trbovich Alexander - Green_Metal Trbovich Alexander - Center Nedic Svetislav - Dialogue Nedic Svetislav - Rush Nedic Svetislav - Speed Knezevic Zoran - city Knezevic Zoran - STREET LIFE Djinic Vladimir - Trpeza Ilic Pantelija - Secanja Backovic Branislav - Life 02 Backovic Branislav - Sirtaki on the street Backovic Branislav - Radnicki dorucak Backovic Branislav - Stara mlekarica Miladinovic Marko - Pozdrav Miladinovic Marko - Braca Miladinovic Hadzi Miodrag - Jerusalim321 Miladinovic Hadzi Miodrag - Pauza Stamenkovic Ivana - Oaza Berlina Trajkovic Miodrag - Blue Colour Trajkovic Miodrag - 4 friends bed and Sarajevo Nebojsa Stankovic - Diferent 0249 Novakovic Mihajlo - Mil.ParadeLeskovac2012 Milicevic Vladimir - Senke Milicevic Vladimir - Fire Simonovic Violeta - 22 pogled Simonovic Violeta - 34 zima 1 Kostandinovic Bojan - Ziveti zivot Kocic Andjelija - DSC00318 Arizanovic Kristina - on the Charles Bridge 2011 Stevanovic Marija - Specijalni odredi-2012 Stevanovic Marija - Umetnik-2011 Davidovic Miodrag - Ponos Srbije

Davidovic Miodrag - Garda Stojanovic Zoran - Akrobata-2012 Singapore Yeo Yeow Kwang - Pointing Slovakia Mician Jozef - Simple life II Slovenia Jazbec Lili - Sansa Peljhan Matej - Phone call Peljhan Matej - Power of Advertising Peljhan Matej - Men are from Mars Women Are from Venus Ravnak Andreja - snakes Ravnak Andreja - urban reflections I Ravnak Andreja - step by step Borko Ivo - 21st century foot-bridge Borko Ivo - Lunch break Borko Ivo - Late afternoons walk Borko Ivo - Outside the brain trust Kolesa Tinkara - Last chance saloon Absec Mateja - Where Repar Andrej - new Chance South Africa Slaghuis Hans - Please help me Pelser Leon - Image 3 Spain Choliz Santiago - walking in red Choliz Santiago - wheels 02 Sweden Stake Jan-Thomas - Heavy load Switzerland Zurmuehle Martin - Lonely Zurmuehle Martin - Paris Zurmuehle Martin - Late at Night Zurmuehle Martin - Hitchcock Taiwan Ku Min-Sheng - Fish Market Ku Min-Sheng - Sunbathing Chiou Rich - Big-Buddha Chiou Rich - Pray Chiou Jih-Fa - Candy Chiou Jih-Fa - night of singapore Chiou Jih-Fa - Night market Chiou Jih-Fa - fly together Chiou Jih-Fa - away Huang Chih Sheng - Fetching Water Huang Chih Sheng - After Praying to Buddha Huang Chih Sheng - Chasing Chen Feng-Lin - Street Performances Perng Yun Feng - Impression West Lake Huang Yu Pei - Exorcism Huang Yu Pei - Temple Huang Yu Pei - Happy Childhood Turkey Elicin Kaya - Instrumentalist Of The Tunnel Elicin Kaya - Chinese Fast food Unal Murat - Among the city lines Unal Murat - Bhaktapur street Sesi erol - long bazaar Sesi erol - taksim 2 Sesi erol - taksim 3 Koc Esin - CityLife-2 Koc Esin - CityLife-3 Koc Esin - CityLife-4 Agma Ufuk - image Agma Ufuk - peep Agma Ufuk - rhythm Bostanoglu Emre - Reflection of time Bostanoglu Emre - Weary pavement Koc Filiz - Street of coppersmiths-1 Koc Filiz - Paper gatherer

senturk bulent - nefes Kose Deniz - coffeehouse in the city Kose Deniz - tired eyes Berker M. Feyza - PEOPLE Koc Zafer - Theatre show Ertok Banu - Light angles Sarikaya Halil - Davut Yildiz Yusuf - A-scream-3 Yildiz Yusuf - A-Worship in the mosque-4 Ukraine Zilinskyy Yuriy - On the threshold of life Tretyakov Valeriy - Sound of Music Tretyakov Valeriy - Playground-2 United Kingdom Byrne David - Tittle Tattle on the Railway Evans Roger - St Pancras London Evans Roger - Wet and Warm in London Tarbox Jim - Calgary Jenkin Barbara - Hurdy Gurdy Harper Richard - Students at Picadilly London Baines Graham - Window Shopping Bhaktapur Baines Graham - Welcome to East Berlin Chauhan Ashwin - Tolerant city Chauhan Ashwin - Waiting for green light Ledgard Ian - Three gondolas Venice Magor Diana - Beatles Museum Liverpool Magor Diana - The parade Larry John - Tiranna Street Scene Albania Larry John - Sunday Stroll Larry John - Bhaktapur Shop Nepal Finbow Sofiya - City Benches 3 Cooke David F - A Woman and a Man Cooke David F - The End of the Line Cooke David F - The Buskers Cooke David F - Waiting for the Underground Kingswell Malcolm - Malaga Storm Kingswell Malcolm - Chilled to the bone Kingswell Malcolm - The Passion Swinyard Brian - Hustle Around The London Eye Swinyard Brian - Old And New Swinyard Brian - Johny Walker Swinyard Brian - Reenactment In Glouc. Docks Kippax Ian - Everyones on the Phone Kippax Ian - Palace of Westminster Rayner David - Urban Reflections Rayner David - Remembering Mackay Gillian - Valletta Mackay Gillian - Street Trader Mackay Gillian - Running in the Rain Palmer Leo - Seed Seller Palmer Leo - Man on Steps Magor Brian - Hong Kong Street Davis Paul - The cyclist Davis Paul - Forever strangers Davis Paul - Bleak Midwinter Davis Paul - York shoppers in mono Pugh Mervyn R - Relaxing Lovers Pugh Mervyn R - Bazaar tea drinkers Robson Dave - Louvre Lights Robson Dave - Wet and Wonderful Robson Dave - Dancing In the Rain United States Rasputnis Alex - Streets of Paris Rasputnis Alex - Paris Nemeroff Ira - Bustling Broadway Nemeroff Ira - Koch Theatre In The Rain Miller Marvin - Nude In The City Miller Mary - Topless Skater Wong Godfrey - Watching Wong Godfrey - One Man Band Beller Dorothy - Enjoying-the-Park Beller Dorothy - Getting-the-News Liang Xin Xin - Evening

Salim Mohammad Ali - Dancing on Promenade Salim Mohammad Ali - Thanks Giving Parade Salim Mohammad Ali - Couple at Twilight Vietnam Phong Tran - Coach

THEME 2 Argentina Urbaitel Jose Luis - Conos en perspectiva Lopez Lidia - El ocho Australia Tam Joseph - Into the Dawn Tam Joseph - Gotcha ! Tam Joseph - Paying Homage Killen Roy - Playing on the beach Killen Roy - Port Macquarie rocks Chan Chor Yin George - Facing the sea Chan Chor Yin George - Smiley Tsim Wai Man - Golden Crown Tsim Wai Man - Walking In Abbott Carol - Music Smith John R. - Fairy Tern In Flight No 1 Huynh T.P - Playfull Huynh T.P - Help Me Zommers Margaret - Forest Light Horsnell Jenni - Dewy Tandem Damsels Horsnell Jenni - Fly head on Horsnell Jenni - Immature Kite Fluffed up Cannon Wally - Porcupine Gorge Mackojc Mark - Sands Mackojc Mark - We are lost Mackojc Mark - Under Watson Graeme - Belly Dancer 3 Gooley Terry - Stamens Gooley Terry - Camera Girl Smith David C G - Mono-Lake-Tufa Smith David C G - In The Dunes Alexander Phillipa - Pink Sky Alexander Phillipa - Harry Austria Pucher Michaela - Hypnosis view-1 Pucher Michaela - Curve-4 Lang Manfred - Eve in the light Peer Albert - Burano Peer Albert - Kleopatra Breidler Guenther - Svolvaer Breidler Guenther - Baum Kastner Josef - Desert 1 Kastner Josef - Dreamisland Streitfelder Theo - Im Schattenreich Kuen Andreas - Moni Kuen Andreas - Anwesen in der Toskana Hueller Gernot - Ada_ciganllija Hueller Gernot - bird_at_skyscraper Bozic Boris - Dali 1 Bozic Boris - Wedding Bozic Boris - Pelikan Bahrain Ebrahim Isa - Prayer Ebrahim Isa - Central black Van Echelpoel Rene - Flight gray goose Van Echelpoel Rene - Common tern with fish Beauraind Marcel - DELICATESSE Beauraind Marcel - VENT DU SUD Beauraind Marcel - SYMPHONIE INACHEVEE Bleyen Livinus - Hannah with Bluebells Bosnia and Herzegovina Kascelan Milorad - A-34 Kascelan Milorad - Better this than that way 2 Kascelan Milorad - Red House Svitic Aleksandar - autumn idyll

Svitic Aleksandar - RamaII Djuric Dejan - Kayak EC 22 Djuric Dejan - Hram Hrista Spasitelja 5 Plavsic Sinisa - MOKRA GORA Plavsic Sinisa - BEFORE FISHING Bijelic Leon - Linije sna Brasil Ferreira Patricia Regina - WASHER Canada Kwan Phillip - Fishermans Cottage Kwan Phillip - Confrontation Kwan Phillip - Kiting Kwan Phillip - Husky Racer 29 Chile Padilla Gonzalo - Luz matinal China HO Shu-Kua - Dancing 10 HO Shu-Kua - Running 10 Sun Lijuan - Condensate Xie Dacai - Spring Wu Zhiqin - Wings rippling Wu Zhiqin - Late-flowering Luo Guohui - Desert camel Ngai Leung Ip - Sunset Ngai Leung Ip - Shadow of Dancing No 2 Ngai Leung Ip - Fairy Land Ngai Leung Ip - Village the morning mist Geng Jun - Look at this family Geng Jun - Buddha feet Huang Xuntong - Artist Chen Chuming - Lovers He Yunsheng - Cherry rain He Yunsheng - Weaving dreams Croatia Sabol Petar - winter sunset Sabol Petar - Wasteland Sabol Petar - Ice age Sabol Petar - First light Marotti Miljenko - Kiss on ice Marotti Miljenko - Deserted beach Krcadinac Zeljko - Pluralism in totalitarian sys. Kasal Bozidar - Champagne de Champagne Cyp. Muezzinoglu Mustafa - PASSION Malekides Andriana - Roof Light Malekides Andriana - Hide and Seek Oratou Ioannidou Lenia - Multiple entries Makridou Alexia - Out of your life Czech Republic Latal Frantisek - WOOD 4 Latal Frantisek - VENESIA - 1 Latal Frantisek - COUNTRYSIDE 2 Chmel Ondrej - Others Chmel Ondrej - Blue Yellow Green Chmel Ondrej - Train and rape field Denmark Suszkiewicz Ole - Poetry Suszkiewicz Ole - Dachau Suszkiewicz Ole - Lady in Tunnel Jensen Roland - Ugler_i_mosen Jensen Roland - Kingfisher_with_catch2 Kristensen Joergen - Last Petition Lorenzen Helle - A morning feeling Lorenzen Helle - Just a dream Finland Mantykangas Jarmo - Peanut fighters Mussalo Petteri - September sunset Helimaki Jussi - Park in January Helimaki Jussi - Early in the morning 6 Helimaki Jussi - Fog in January Helimaki Jussi - Reeds in spring Taukojarvi Jouko - Small Volcanos Taukojarvi Jouko - Blue and Green Crater Lake Kuronen Vili - Golden Park in Berlin Hauta-aho Eero - Cold River

Hauta-aho Eero - Foggy Pond 4 Tuomaala Seppo - Stop France Samoyault Guy B. - Mosaique Jourdain Roger - Tchoukotka Woman Serge Vallon - Salto barre fixe 2 Serge Vallon - Cadre auxdeux etoiles Serge Vallon - Ouvreur super G porte bleue Tran Huu Tri - Casting a fishing-net 4 Tran Huu Tri - Countryside picture 3 Tran Huu Tri - Sea dance 3 Tran Huu Tri - The blooming river Germany Weigl Werner R. - Versuchung Weigl Werner R. - Karawane Frenzel Volker - Red Frenzel Volker - Stairway Hochhaus Alexander - Alleyway Belicka Stanislav - Bahnhof-Ulm Kollig Franz-Josef - Daliah-2 Schmitt Joachim - Fenster in Wuerzburg Baumann Christina - Nach Norden Roemisch Heiko - slipping mole 9064 Roemisch Heiko - silence red bank Roemisch Heiko - blue lady Biehl Edwin - SOMMERSONNENWENDE Biehl Edwin - ICH KRIEG DICH Hofmann Klaus - Scherbenfenster Gilges Wolfgang - Table Act 2 Gilges Wolfgang - Beelitz 3 Gilges Wolfgang - Nostalgie Gilges Wolfgang - Joanna Voss Manfred - Manhatten Voss Manfred - Sweetys Voss Manfred - Against The Storm Voss Manfred - Jelly Lights Habryka Marek - Lock 70083 Stollmann Peter - Labyrinth Stollmann Peter - Spitze Mai Bernd - red corner Mai Bernd - R端gen Mai Bernd - Libary Radomirovic Ratomir - Mistiness Hong Kong Ho Shu Cheung Philip - Morning Catches Ho Yau Miing Charles - Fishing at sunrise Ho Yau Miing Charles - The Great Wall Ho Yau Miing Charles - My Courtersy Ho Henry - Morning Ferry Ho Henry - Thangka Ceremony Ho Henry - Snowbound Odyessy Ho Henry - Sparkling Concentration Chen Ming-fat, Fat - Cleaning your heart Chen Ming-fat, Fat - Working in misty morning Chen Ming-fat, Fat - Sudden Cheung Koon Nam - Chatting Cheung Koon Nam - Fighting for Championship Cheung Koon Nam - The Avocet Couple Hungary Kerekes Istvan - Ashan Kerekes Istvan - Yelena Kerekes Istvan - Tearful eyes Lokos Zoltan - Candles Lokos Zoltan - Dance Danis Janos - Battery Becker Irene - Morning at Uvac Lake Becker Irene - missing love Becker Irene - House on the Drina River Bakos Gabor - Farm_house Bakos Gabor - The_Orange_Twins Bakos Gabor - Swan_Foam Horvath Imre - On the way Horvath Imre - Junction

Kristof Istvan - Lift off Schafer Andras - Mystery India De Rupak - Clean Sweep De Rupak - Waiting Talukdar Lopamudra - Catch Me If You Can Talukdar Lopamudra - Hadzabe Tribesman Talukdar Lopamudra - Farmer Smoked While His Field Burned Majumdar Kallol - Introspection Majumdar Kallol - Morning Cyclist Majumdar Kallol - Parasol Marathe Suniel - Dancing Krishna Marathe Suniel - Smoky Lady Marathe Suniel - Face Of Terror Indonesia Hartojo Angela Muliani - Cow Race 10 Hartojo Angela Muliani - Beautiful Ballerina 2 Hartojo Angela Muliani - The Ballerina Oka Ngurah - Krisis Air Bunanta Agatha - Sea Fountain Suwanda Deddy - Ballerina 2 Suwanda Deddy - Playing with Roosters Ireland Law Wesley - Ballycotton 6 Law Wesley - Driftwood Israel Makarov Alexander - Conversation Goldin Leonid - Witch Place Italy Vaiani Sergio - Berliner stairs Rubboli Veniero - Comacchio Reflections Rubboli Veniero - Comacchio winter Rubboli Veniero - Comacchio Fishing huts Coduri De Cartosio Massimo - geometries Coduri De Cartosio Massimo - magic_in_red Gibertoni Dino Odoardo - Colours of Provence Garabello Marco - Away Antonio Semiglia - Monkey Antonio Semiglia - Red dune Daddi Massimo - The Kiss Daddi Massimo - Le Radeau de la Meduse Daddi Massimo - Rainbow Paparella Giorgio - Contrast 1 Paparella Giorgio - Landscapes Ledda Ilario - Religiosa-Architettura3 Baroni Roberto - Wrapped in dreams Baroni Roberto - Embracing the Wind Macedonia Jovanovski Vladimir - Mila on the window Jovanovski Vladimir - Nude 05 Gavrovski Cvetan - Ivy ljubljana 3 Gavrovski Cvetan - Port in A'dam 5 Gavrovski Cvetan - Moriaan 11 Gavrovski Cvetan - In honor of Vanfletteren 2 Filipovic Filip - Flicker Malta Pirotta Joseph - Hung to Dry Pirotta Joseph - Liquid Mirror 2 Pirotta Joseph - Innocence Muscat Raymond - Mia Cocks Leonard - Such is life Cocks Leonard - The Slave_s Look Cocks Leonard - Clarissa Cocks Leonard - La Paz Netherlands Venant Corrie - One purple tulip van der Heijdt Theo - Parasols van der Heijdt Theo - Molens Kinderdijk Zandbergen Bart - 4646 Efi Zandbergen Bart - 2003 Diana at Kootwijk van Balken Marcel - fiddle New Zealand charteris Karin - Museum at dark Norway Sorensen May Britt - Skater

Sorensen May Britt - Stop Sorensen May Britt - Under the pier Kjaeran Rolf Tore - Toboggon run Kjaeran Rolf Tore - Ingebjorg sad Kjaeran Rolf Tore - Norseman XTRI Poland Jezierski Jan Grzegorz - telebicykle Wojewoda Janusz - The Painter Wojewoda Janusz - Angler Wojewoda Janusz - In shoot3 Wojewoda Janusz - Midnight Makowski Maciej - You are not alone Makowski Maciej - Agrowave Makowski Maciej - Spring cake Makowski Maciej - Green zone Portugal Abrao Ana - Expressions 2 Abrao Ana - Expressive Eyes Abrao Ana - Expressions 1 Pires Rui - Rural Moments - The goats Romania Nagy Lajos - Walk with horses Catalin Petrut Fudulu - Man catches the eye_4 Catalin Petrut Fudulu - Looking for direction_3 Stan Valentina - Ducal Palace Stan Valentina - Rain in Murano Butnaru Monica - purple dream Butnaru Monica - Forever autumn Stan Gelu - Between Clouds Stan Gelu - Trogir Riva Russia Puzyrev Dmitry - FC2 Puzyrev Dmitry - FC3 Vitaliy Podgurchenko - Gulls Valker Marina - Self-portrait with peaches Mishin Maxim - Dawn-on-the-saint-lake Mishin Maxim - Color-mood Mishin Maxim - The-White-sea-spring Mishin Maxim - The-domestic-comfort Protopopova Vera - Before-the-rain Protopopova Vera - Old-hydroplant Saudi Arabia AL-shehri Dhafer - Egyptian Dance Schwitzerland Jenzer Urs - GMA Abendlicht 1 Serbia Vukadinovic Djordje - Camac Babovic Dragan - RED BOOTS Vukicevic Djordje - Golden Vukicevic Djordje - Lipstick Milutinovic Zoran - Yellow Beak Milutinovic Zoran - Belgrade 1 Milutinovic Violeta - Yellow Window Pesterac Vojislav - Kotor 004 Petrovic Bojan - Black anger Petrovic Bojan - W Silver Petrovic Bojan - B W R akt Nadaskic Djordjevic Jasminka - Sareno-volimte-sareno Nadaskic Djordjevic Jasminka - Lotre Nadaskic Djordjevic Jasminka - uLice-Ivanova Nedic Svetislav - Muppet Nedic Svetislav - Acro Nedic Svetislav - Time Nedic Svetislav - Time1 Djinic Vladimir - Na granici Djinic Vladimir - Staza Backovic Branislav - Svinjokolj Backovic Branislav - Bespomocan Backovic Branislav - Atelje 212 Miladinovic Marko - Jovan Miladinovic Hadzi Miodrag - Monk Porfirije Miladinovic Hadzi Miodrag - Rukopolozenje Miladinovic Hadzi Miodrag - Monk of Athos Stamenkovic Ivana - Tisina

Stamenkovic Ivana - U plicaku Trajkovic Miodrag - Nadia with her scarf Trajkovic Miodrag - soldier and planes Stojkovic Diana - Romulijana Mladenovic Marija - Graves Mladenovic Marija - Window Stoiljkovic Milica - Cactus' flower Blagojevic Anika - REFLECTION Milicevic Vladimir - Stara Klacevica Milicevic Vladimir - There life Milicevic Vladimir - Memories Milicevic Vladimir - Alone Simonovic Violeta - JESEN 0006 Simonovic Violeta - STEPENISTE 0004 Simonovic Violeta - 03 EVA Simonovic Violeta - 37 jesen Kostandinovic Bojan - Slobodan Kocic Andjelija - 111 Bozuta Jovan - Secemo drva Bozuta Jovan - The Bark Stankovic Jovana - Decak u camcu Arizanovic Kristina - black man on the beach 2011 Slavkovic Marica - Mladen Slavkovic Marica - f20 Stevanovic Marija - Krupni-Zalogaj-2011 Stevanovic Marija - Yellow-Sweater-2010 Petkovic Milica - Deo kanjona reke Vucjanke Filipovic Rade - 01_DSC0292 Filipovic Rade - 02_DSC0336 Milicevic Milorad - DSC-0317 Singapore Yeo Yeow Kwang - Ball Catching Yeo Yeow Kwang - Ring Playing Yeo Yeow Kwang - No Child Play Heng Zee Kek - Playful Heng Zee Kek - Snow mountain Heng Zee Kek - Emotional Slovakia Mician Jozef - Between Earth and Sky Mician Jozef - Vivian Slovenia Jazbec Lili - Balinesian boy Jazbec Lili - Fascinating wood Peljhan Matej - Feeling Blue Peljhan Matej - Yellow Cab Peljhan Matej - Service Peljhan Matej - To Do or Not To Do Ravnak Andreja - bitter sweet simphony Ravnak Andreja - the cube Ravnak Andreja - zeitgeist Podobnik Rafael - Abandoned Eye-glasses Podobnik Rafael - Quarry in Solkan Podobnik Rafael - Lighthouse Borko Ivo - Emeralds eye Kolesa Tinkara - Beam Absec Mateja - Cheesboard Repar Andrej - Docker South Africa Pelser Leon - Image 6 Pelser Leon - Image 5 Spain Choliz Santiago - recortadores 02 Choliz Santiago - recortadores 13 Atance Salvador - Jacky 136 Atance Salvador - Flying Coffer Atance Salvador - I was a Child Surinam Behr Raul - abandoned river house Sweden Adehed Lotta - Lightning Adehed Lotta - Stallionheart Jerlemar Nils-Erik - Lady in Black Jerlemar Nils-Erik - Holocaust Mem.Berlin No 3 Jerlemar Marcus - Windmills after Rain

Jerlemar Marcus - Misty Lighthouse Stake Jan-Thomas - Newborn Stake Jan-Thomas - Eyes closed Stake Jan-Thomas - Linda in profile Stake Jan-Thomas - Sandra playing cello Bengtsson Lestander Mikael - Beduin Switzerland Zurmuehle Martin - Waves Zurmuehle Martin - Butterfly Taiwan Tsai chi- chang - To Prey On 19 Chen Yi-Cheng - Brotherhood Ku Min-Sheng - Going to Fish-1 Ku Min-Sheng - Heavy Load Chian Tsun-Hsiung - Sailing at the canyon Chian Tsun-Hsiung - Nude-3 Chiou Rich - Travel sky-8 Chiou Jih-Fa - Pink girl Huang Chih Sheng - One Morning Huang Chih Sheng - Family Photo Huang Chih Sheng - Let Go Fishing Chen Feng-Lin - Dancing Waves Tien Cheng - Thanksgiving Tien Cheng - Dancing melody Tien Cheng - Camels 2 Perng Yun Feng - Huangshan in Wonderland Perng Yun Feng - Huangshan Snow Perng Yun Feng - cultivation Perng Yun Feng - Catches up with the sheep Huang Yu Pei - Village Life Huang Yu Pei - Screw Field Huang Yu Pei - terraced fields Turkey Altun Yuksel - B3 Kaleli H. Bahar - Tekerlekler Sesi Erol - wood charcoal worker 4 Sesi Erol - prayer Koc Esin - Dance Agma Ufuk - Urfa and Child Bostanoglu Emre - Maidens Tower Bostanoglu Emre - An unknown journey Koc Filiz - Nereid Senturk Bulent - koy Yamalioglu Cemal - Yolanda 3 Yamalioglu Cemal - Yolanda 5 Yamalioglu Cemal - Iris Kose Deniz - longed life Kose Deniz - ayse s home Koc Zafer - Master 2 Ertok Banu - Blue Sarikaya Halil - Torak02 Dovencioglu E. Nedim - Hagia Sopia Ukraine Zilinskyy Yuriy - Dream Zilinskyy Yuriy - Awakening Zilinskyy Yuriy - Entertainment Zhylin Oleg - View from the window Tretyakov Valeriy - Still Life-1jpg United Kingdom Byrne David - What happens nextEvans Roger - Flying High Evans Roger - Over and Out Tarbox Jim - Got the win Tarbox Jim - Lanyon Quoit and Mine Jenkin Barbara - Stonehenge Dawn Jenkin Barbara - Building Blocks Jenkin Malcolm - Burano Color Bartlett Peter - Malcesine Harper Richard - Cheeky Chelsey Ledgard Ian - Heritage steam Tickner Richard - Black Gold 2 Tickner Richard - Streetlight Larry John - The Hunter and the Hunted Larry John - Breaking Light

Cooke David F - The Man in the Passageway Cooke David F - Resting from the Heat Kingswell Malcolm - I will have that Kingswell Malcolm - Humble Mallard Swinyard Brian - Two Lilies Swinyard Brian - Chasing The Wind Swinyard Brian - Tulips Kippax Ian - Night Raid Rayner David - Dartmoor Meltwater Gutteridge Andy - Wondering Maughan Neil - SAMANTHA Maughan Neil - WET DAY AT WEST CLIFF Palmer Leo - Castle and Clouds Davies Graham - Steps Beverley Keith - Developing Lilies Beverley Keith - Zippea Magor Brian - Face of a dancer Davis Paul - The Gefion Foundation Davis Paul - Oh buoy Mead Barry - END OF THE LINE Pugh Mervyn R - Water droplets Pugh Mervyn R - Early Grazing Robson Dave - Skidby Wheel Grabham Joe - Home Sweet Home Grabham Joe - Leaving the Temple Kitto Malcolm - Stop-that-Dog Kitto Malcolm - The-Tango United States Rasputnis Alex - Secrets of Lotus Nemeroff Ira - View of The Future Nemeroff Ira - Hide And Seek Nemeroff Ira - Emerging Iris Miller Marvin - Nr. 90 Parked Under The Stars Miller Marvin - Golden Gate Bridge At Night Miller Marvin - Bay Bridge Foggy Morning Miller Mary - Foggy San Francisco Cowles Larry - Ashley in Fur Wong Godfrey - Steer Wrestling 32 Wong Godfrey - Falling Liang Xin Xin - Expressive Eyes Liang Xin Xin - Still Life Liang Xin Xin - Casey in the darkness Ou Guo Jiang - US Open Ou Guo Jiang - Light House in Maine Ou Guo Jiang - Tango Ou Guo Jiang - Miss Trippy Beller Larry - Bright Arcs Beller Larry - Outsode-the-Walls Salim Mohammad Ali - Manhattan Skyscrapers Salim Mohammad Ali - Reflected Condo Vietnam Phong Tran - Taking a bath

Cannon Wally - Naomi Watson Graeme - Sydney Opera House Watson Graeme - Rough Ride Gooley Terry - Daria Gooley Terry - Water Feature Smith David C G - Belvedere Dawn Panorama Smith David C G - Patterns-of-Time Alexander Phillipa - Rocky Cape Alexander Phillipa - Rocks at Sunset Austria Pucher Michaela - Lola-3 Peer Albert - Burano2 Kastner Josef - Prinzessin Kastner Josef - New York Streitfelder Theo - Gepard Kuen Andreas - Erotic 2 Hueller Gernot - lying Bozic Boris - Worker Bahrain Ebrahim Isa - Child and darkness Bangladesh Nabi Rashid Un - MOTHER EARTH Shabbir Ferdous - Man and Water Shabbir Ferdous - Life In The BrickField Belgium Ponsaerts Eugene - La Vie en Rose Van Haute Stef - Elke Beauraind Marcel - LA DEMOISELLE DES BRUMES Beauraind Marcel - L EVEIL DE BELLE Van Linden Denis - Bridge to Nowhere Symons Wim - Sharon Bleyen Livinus - Bokrijk Bleyen Livinus - At the Museum Bleyen Livinus - British Museum London Bosnia and Herzegovina Kascelan Milorad - Landscape 26 Kascelan Milorad - Stoker 3 Kascelan Milorad - Act 51 Djuric Dejan - Inverted concert 4 Plavsic Sinisa - THE END Bijelic Leon - Amor omnia vincit Bijelic Leon - Sjena sjenu cuva Bijelic Leon - Ljubav je jedina bolest od koje ne zelimo ozdraviti Bijelic Leon - Winter love Brasil Rolim Danilo - Gran Mosque Brian Decio - Fall Bulgaria Vassilev Nikolai - CXX Canada Kwan Phillip - Elephant Ffight China Argentina Ho Shu-Kua - Nude Urbaitel Jose Luis - Dona Pacha Ho Shu-Kua - Running 4 Lopez Lidia - Rodolfo en el galpon Ho Shu-Kua - Quality of Poetry Lopez Lidia - El patron Xie Dacai - Rhine Franke Luis Alberto - Pablito en la Plaza-3 Luo Guohui - Feeding figure Franke Luis Alberto - Don Perfumo-1 Geng Jun - Snow Rhyme Franke Luis Alberto - Amadeo-2 Australia He Yunsheng - Sisters Tam Joseph - Leave Me Alone He Yunsheng - Ancient rhyme Killen Roy - Looking back He Yunsheng - Inverted Images Of Masts Killen Roy - The race Chan Chor Yin George - Slalom WaterSkiing Croatia Roy Arthur - Dreaming_1 Raci Neda - I know my path Tsim Wai Man - Five Fishing Boats Vrkljan Berislav - MIDDLE AGE BATTLE 5 Abbott Carol - Sadness Vrkljan Berislav - TWILIGHT Smith John R. - Winter Morning Moss Vale No 11 Sabol Petar - Chimney sweeper Huynh T.P - Help-Me-5 Sabol Petar - Ways Huynh T.P - Crazy-Horse-4 Marotti Miljenko - Straight forward Cannon Wally - West MacDonnell Ranges Marotti Miljenko - Stones Cannon Wally - Okarito Lagoon Boat Shed Krcadinac Zeljko - Medo na banderi_retro Cannon Wally - Gibson Beach


Krcadinac Zeljko - Abandoned Krcadinac Zeljko - Winter graphic Kasal Bozidar - The Wave Watcher Kasal Bozidar - The Lamps with no Light Kasal Bozidar - Cold Seas of Tierra del Fuego Kasal Bozidar - Sunset on the Black Lake Czech Republic Kleiner Petr - butterfly Denmark Alveen Leif - Winter forest abstract I Alveen Leif - Lonely tree Suszkiewicz Ole - Bathing Girls Suszkiewicz Ole - Watches Mabeck Carl - Bench and Two Trees Jensen Roland - Who Kristensen Joergen - Bent_Ove_2 Kristensen Joergen - Bent_Ove_3 Lorenzen Helle - Computer_teens Lorenzen Helle - Goats Lorenzen Helle - Roundtower_ghosts Larsen Finn - Near_Waddensea Larsen Finn - Gooses_Flock Larsen Finn - Light Johansen Danne - Against the wall Johansen Danne - Shy Finland Kosonen Tatu - A Little Jazz Mussalo Petteri - Winter silence Helimaki Jussi - Foggy winter day 2 Helimaki Jussi - Art of ice 2 Helimaki Jussi - Morning in the forest Kuronen Vili - Reflection in Tornio River Hauta-aho Eero - Angel Wings Hauta-aho Eero - Snack Tuomaala Seppo - Cowboys France Jourdain Roger - Hard Rock No02 Serge VALLON - Fleurs et bouleaux Tran Huu Tri - Ancient town of Feng Huang 3 Tran Huu Tri - Misty forest Germany Weigl Werner R. - Leser Weigl Werner R. - Music hall LA Frenzel Volker - Resting Hochhaus Alexander - Into the light Hochhaus Alexander - Confident Belicka Stanislav - Bug Kollig Franz-Josef - Hot Summer Schmitt Joachim - Breitenbacher Schatten Schmitt Joachim - Aufbruch Baumann Christina - Glockenturm Roemisch Heiko - poplar group flooded pan 5236 Roemisch Heiko - model 5 LA 27 reflexion Roemisch Heiko - spiral step TUHH Petersohn Uwe - Storks Hofmann Klaus - Warten Gilges Wolfgang - Monika Gilges Wolfgang - Concert Hall Gilges Wolfgang - Rueckenarbeit Gilges Wolfgang - Helmut Voss Manfred - Gullhunters Voss Manfred - so Far so Near Stollmann Peter - Hochgeschwindigkeitspolitik SW Stollmann Peter - Runde Sache Mai Bernd - turn around Mai Bernd - Stelzenhaus SPO Radomirovic Ratomir - Mourning Hong Kong Ho Shu Cheung Philip - Man on the Field HO Yau Miing Charles - A step faster HO Yau Miing Charles - Fun with fountain splash Ho Henry - Alignment

Ho Henry - Indigenous Volley Ball Chen "Ming-fat, Fat" - Fisherman Chen "Ming-fat, Fat" - Water from God Hungary Kerekes Istvan - Travellers Lokos Zoltan - Morning Lokos Zoltan - Dawn Danis Janos - Resting Kiss Imre - On a Chair Becker Irene - Faraway Look Bakos Gabor - Bunny_light Bakos Gabor - Parallelism Imre Levente - Start Imre Levente - Memories Horvath Imre - Flock Kristof Istvan - Flock Kristof Istvan - Flooded Schafer Andras - Vision of the future Schafer Andras - Little Timeout Schafer Andras - Towards the village India De Rupak - FARMLANDS De Rupak - Railing De Rupak - TO TILL THE LAND - PLOUGHMAN Mazumder Soumitra - LUNCH TIME Venkateswara Rao Musini - SNOW WALK Venkateswara Rao Musini - NET CARRIERS Venkateswara Rao Musini - HELPING HAND Talukdar Lopamudra - EYES MIRROR OF THE SOUL Talukdar Lopamudra - THE LITTLE BEAUTY Majumdar Kallol - Harvest Majumdar Kallol - Aiming High Marathe Suniel - Hidden Beauty Marathe Suniel - K C Marfatia Indonesia Hioe Hendro - Zie Hioe Hendro - Young Beggar Hioe Hendro - Hanging on Adijuwono Slamet - 3 friends Adijuwono Slamet - between shadows Hartojo Angela Muliani - Playing Flute Hartojo Angela Muliani - Waterfalls 3 Bunanta Agatha - The Herd Bunanta Agatha - Carrying the wood Suwanda Deddy - Loading The Cages Suwanda Deddy - Wood Craftsman 2 Suwanda Deddy - Raw Ox Tail 3 Ireland Law Wesley - Youghal Law Wesley - Long Strand 6 Law Wesley - Driftwood 2 Law Wesley - Wreck of the Sunbeam 2 Israel Makarov Alexander - Smoker Makarov Zinaida - An Oldman Goldin Leonid - World News Italy Vaiani Sergio - Peru 05 Biondi Franco - Shadows and lights Maina Andrea - Mirroring Bianchini Simone - Roma EUR 4 Gibertoni Dino Odoardo - The novice Antonio Semiglia - Nalut 2010 Antonio Semiglia - Atmosfera Bretone Daddi Massimo - The Castle Daddi Massimo - She dance Paparella Giorgio - St Paparella Giorgio - Tibet Ledda Ilario - valenzia100 Ledda Ilario - valenzia5 Baroni Roberto - Porto Baratti Macedonia

Jovanovski Vladimir - Shepards Gavrovski Cvetan - Time 2 Gavrovski Cvetan - Winter in Pobozhie Gavrovski Cvetan - Winter in Amsterdam Gavrovski Cvetan - Amsterdam 12 Docevski Dusan - Portret 1 Docevski Dusan - Portret 3 Docevski Dusan - Portret 2 Filipovic Filip - Polygon Filipovic Filip - Path to Wonder Filipovic Filip - Carousel Malta Pirotta Joseph - Tree 12 Pirotta Joseph - Street Art 5 Muscat Raymond - Mosta Dome Muscat Raymond - Biblical Man Cocks Leonard - Smiling Eyes Cocks Leonard - Cocoon Cocks Leonard - The Sentinel Debono Therese - Trumpet Player Debono Therese - Avishai Cohen Debono Therese - Ambrose Akinmusire Debono Therese - Esperanza Spalding Netherlands Venant Corrie - My boy Zandbergen Bart - 9759_stoel Zandbergen Bart - Frozen Moments VI van Balken Marcel - passage Todorovic Tatjana - Conversation New Zealand Charteris Karin - Conversation Charteris Karin - Working Man Charteris Karin - Me and My Big Brother Norway Sorensen May Britt - The Champion Kjaeran Rolf Tore - The fisher Kjaeran Rolf Tore - Picnic at Jarlsberg Poland Wojewoda Janusz - White Field Wojewoda Janusz - Couple Kurzeja Szczepan - White Face Kurzeja Szczepan - When a man loves a woman Kurzeja Szczepan - Love is Portugal Abrao Ana - The Strenght of an Expression 4 Pires Rui - Winter in Portugal Romania Catalin Petrut Fudulu - Long time client Catalin Petrut Fudulu - Catalin_Violinist_4 Stan Valentina - Street in Trogir Stan Valentina - City Profile Stan Valentina - 9 Arches Bridge View 2 Butnaru Monica - little house Butnaru Monica - dreamer Butnaru Monica - outline Stan Gelu - Inside View Stan Gelu - Three Russia Puzyrev Dmitry - BicycleParis Valker Marina - White nights Kanunnikov Viktor - Serenity CHesnokov Vladimir - Capriole Ngoc Anh Bach - OLD BOATMAN Mishin Maxim - The-harvest-moon Mishin Maxim - On-spiritual-business Protopopova Vera - Silhouettes Protopopova Vera - The-moorage Serbia Vukadinovic Djordje - End of game 2 Vukadinovic Djordje - Spomenik Babovic Dragan - MARATONKA Vukicevic Djordje - Gorgeous

Vukicevic Djordje - S Vukicevic Djordje - M Milutinovic Zoran - Grey Heron 2 Milutinovic Violeta - Crossroads Filipovic Predrag - Flock Koczo Ferenc - In Threes Koczo Ferenc - In a Parkingplace Martinov Dobrila - VIEW OVER THE BRIDGE Pesterac Vojislav - Kotor 883 Pesterac Vojislav - Arena 319 Petrovic Bojan - Black Tight bw Nadaskic Djordjevic Jasminka - Lazareva-subota Trbovich Alexander - October_in_Belgrade Trbovich Alexander - Careless Nedic Svetislav - Hammersmith Nedic Svetislav - Pressing Knezevic Zoran - THE BOY Djinic Vladimir - Tranzicija Curcin Vladimir - Pero Curcin Vladimir - Kutije Ilic Pantelija - Svetinja Ilic Pantelija - Sleme Backovic Branislav - Heriji sneznih staza Backovic Branislav - Sudbine 01 Backovic Branislav - Memories Miladinovic Marko - Danica Miladinovic Marko - Litle Tarzan Miladinovic H. Miodrag - Portret1376 Miladinovic H. Miodrag - Grandma_and_Cat Trajkovic Ivana - soul Trajkovic Ivana - sky noir Stamenkovic Ivana - Mimohod Trajkovic Miodrag - Windows Trajkovic Miodrag - Black shoes Nebojsa Stankovic - Center Nebojsa Stankovic - Face to face Nebojsa Stankovic - Symetry Mladenovic Marija - Piano Stoiljkovic Milica - Roses Stoiljkovic Milica - Clouds Stoiljkovic Milica - Cat Blagojevic Anika - WAITING Blagojevic Anika - ENTERING Blagojevic Anika - THREE PERSPECTIVES Novakovic Mihajlo - BunchOfHelicopters2012 Novakovic Mihajlo - Posmatraci2012 Milicevic Vladimir - Shepards dream Milicevic Vladimir - Woman in black Milicevic Vladimir - Window Simonovic Violeta - 26 zima Simonovic Violeta - 36 jesen na kalemegdanu-1 Simonovic Violeta - 16 PUT U NEPOZNATO Simonovic Violeta - 07 POGLEDIZ CRKVE Kostandinovic Bojan - Teret zivota Kostandinovic Bojan - Mostic moj Kostandinovic Bojan - ringispil Kocic Andjelija - jghj Kocic Andjelija - DSC_0109 Trajkovic Danijel - RUZA Trajkovic Danijel - stara planina1 Milosevic Dusan - Pruge Milosevic Dusan - Seno Milosevic Dusan - Pas Djordjevic Igor - _DSC0249 Bozuta Jovan - Bakica Stankovic Jovana - Vojska Stankovic Jovana - Celistkinja Stankovic Jovana - Living statue Arizanovic Kristina - double rainbow 2012 Arizanovic Kristina - little chicken 2011 Slavkovic Marica - f3 Stevanovic Marija - Gospodja-2011 Stevanovic Marija - Casne-Sestre-2011 Randjelovic Milena - LETO 2011 066 Randjelovic Milena - resurs centar 136

Randjelovic Milena - resurs centar 029 Mihajlovic Miljana - The woods Mihajlovic Miljana - Pogled na selo Mihajlovic Miljana - Edukacija Mihajlovic Miljana - U magli Davidovic Miodrag - Penzioneri Davidovic Miodrag - Galebovi Davidovic Miodrag - Crkva Jovanovic Natalija - Polje Jovanovic Natalija - Odmor Stojanovic Zoran - Trka-2010 Stojanovic Zoran - Tourist Guide-2011 Stojanovic Zoran - Florence-2012 Filipovic Rade - Untitled-111-1 Filipovic Rade - 02 Untitled-1111-1 Filipovic Rade - 01 Untitled-111-1 Filipovic Rade - Untitled-2222-1 Singapore Yeo Yeow_Kwang - Nut Seller Yeo Yeow_Kwang - Sea Of Cloud Yeo Yeow_Kwang - Family Love Yeo Yeow_Kwang - Pottery Maker Heng Zee Kek - Preparing food Slovenia Jazbec Lili - Triptih Naugty fly Peljhan Matej - Over the Bridge Peljhan Matej - Merry go round Ravnak Andreja - asiL anoM Podobnik Rafael - Man with Scythe Podobnik Rafael - Geometrical Vineyard Zafred Jozica - WHERE-X Zafred Jozica - WHERE-IV Praprotnik Stefi - Vineyard in winter Borko Ivo - Cursed castle 3 Borko Ivo - Cursed castle 2 Borko Ivo - Old farmer with fork Kolesa Tinkara - Endless love Absec Mateja - Upward Absec Mateja - Traveler Repar Andrej - Pass Over South Africa Slaghuis Hans - Balloon fantasy Slaghuis Hans - Solitary Vlei Pelser Leon - Image 12 Pelser Leon - Image 9 Spain Choliz Santiago - footbridge Atance Salvador - Clouds guardian Surinam Behr Raul - four evening walking event Sweden Adehed Lotta - My Mimmi Adehed Lotta - Smilla Jerlemar Nils-Erik - Holocaust Mem. Berlin No 9 Jerlemar Marcus - Bridge No 3 Stake Jan-Thomas - Cowgirl Stake Jan-Thomas - Draped Frida Stake Jan-Thomas - Black hat Stake Jan-Thomas - My boy No2 Bengtsson Lestander Mikael - Street Crossing Switzerland Zurmuehle Martin - Dreamplace Zurmuehle Martin - Two Ladies Taiwan Chen Yi-Cheng - Tenderness Chen Yi-Cheng - Nude Ku Min-Sheng - Crossing Mara River -1 Chian Tsun-Hsiung - Mountaineering Party Chian Tsun-Hsiung - Ferry in the beautiful lake Chian Tsun-Hsiung - An Old Town Huang Chih Sheng - Hot Spring Poolside 2B Huang Chih Sheng - Candlestick Rock Sunrise-2B

Huang Chih Sheng - Helping Hand Chen Feng-Lin - Go Back Chen Feng-Lin - Elegant Chen Feng-Lin - Affectionate 3 Chen Feng-Lin - Red-crowned Crane Flying Tien Cheng - Portrait 7 Tien Cheng - A tree Tien Cheng - Lonely journey 2 Perng Yun Feng - Farming Huang Yu Pei - Fishing Net 2b Huang Yu Pei - Ba Jia-Jang Dance 2b Turkey Altun Yuksel - C2 Unal Murat - Kalayci Sait Sesi Erol - charcoal worker 6bw Sesi Erol - lines sb Agma Ufuk - reflection Bostanoglu Emre - Rent a horse Koc Filiz - Riding ring Koc Filiz - Marina Yamalioglu Cemal - Under the pier Yamalioglu Cemal - Horses Kose Deniz - the wall of life Berker M. Feyza - AT THE WINDOW Berker M. Feyza - SNOW IN TOWN Koc Zafer - Master hand Koc Zafer - Old neighborhood Ertok Banu - Librarian Ertok Banu - Passage Ertok Banu - Postmodern Impressions Sarikaya Halil - Snowy day at park Dovencioglu E.Nedim - niko Yildiz Yusuf - Fishermen Yildiz Yusuf - Women Ukraine Zilinskyy Yuriy - Accent Zhylin Oleg - In the narrow-gage-railway-car-3 Tretyakov Valeriy - Guard Tretyakov Valeriy - Portrait on the Wall United Kingdom Byrne David - Grit and Mud Byrne David - Two Towers Evans Roger - The Boss and the E Street Band Jenkin Malcolm - The Sword Bartlett Peter - Splash Of Sunlight Baines Graham - Funchal Fantasy 2 Chauhan Ashwin - Metal Worker 2 Chauhan Ashwin - Playing with Fire Tickner Richard - Home Magor Diana - Rebecca Amy Larry John - Dunes Finbow Sofiya - Window Light Kingswell Malcolm - On the prowl Swinyard Brian - Celestial Sky 3 Swinyard Brian - Becky Kippax Ian - Morning Glory Kippax Ian - The Old Ways Were Best Kippax Ian - Dani Rayner David - Horsey Windpump Rayner David - Old Pier Swanage Mackay Gillian - Oxford Mackay Gillian - Dog Walkers Mackay Gillian - Day Trippers Wood Ketih - Sharpness 1 Wood Ketih - Link Road 3 Gutteridge Andy - Beauty and the Bowler Gutteridge Andy - Spotlight Stretch Gutteridge Andy - Bodyform Maughan Neil - EXIT LEFT Maughan Neil - THERES ALWAYS ONE Davies Graham - Hiroshima peace park Davies Graham - Louise tattoo on back Beverley Keith - Moonshine Beverley Keith - Made in Yorkshire

Magor Brian - Air Force Academy Chapel Colorado Magor Brian - Village view Davis Paul - Knaresborough boats Pugh Mervyn R - Mr Woods Shinner Gary - Norweigan Church roof Robson Dave - Repatition Robson Dave - Scotish Lights Robson Dave - Malmo Windows Grabham Joe - Isaac s Field Grabham Joe - Courtyard Kitto Malcolm - The-Approaching-Storm Kitto Malcolm - Lift-Off United States Nemeroff Ira - Other Shapes And Shades Miller Mary - Lake View Miller Mary - Desert Statues Cowles Larry - Carla Red Hat Tattoo


Argentina Urbaitel Jose Luis - Estallido Urbaitel Jose Luis - Vicunas en Laguna Colorada Lopez Lidia - Nieve en la cumbre Franke Luis Alberto - Nevada de otonio-4 Australia Tam Joseph - Cathedral Tam Joseph - Red Valley Tam Joseph - Reflection 1 Tam Joseph - Reflection 2 Killen Roy - Learning to fly Chan Chor Yin George - Yawning Mandrill Chan Chor Yin George - Licking Tiger Roy Arthur - Egret Takes Off_1 Tsim Wai Man - Pelicans Tsim Wai Man - Bush Fire Abbott Carol - Welcome Swallow Smith John R. - Rhinoceros Iguana Huynh T.P - Team-Work Huynh T.P - Playing-2 Castieau Julie - Twelve Apostles 1 Castieau Julie - Falling Waters Zommers Alfred - Green Rocks Zommers Alfred - Canyon Curves Zommers Margaret - Stone Gait Horsnell Jenni - Grebe Family Mackojc Mark - On my way Gooley Terry - Forest Fungi Smith David C G - Svartifoss-Falls Alexander Phillipa - Cattle Egret Three Austria Pucher Michaela - Baerlauchbluete-2 Lang Manfred - Reindeers Lang Manfred - Start of the autumn Peer Albert - Leopard Breidler Guenther - Lotosbluete Kastner Josef - Shark Hofmuller Norbert - Ballonfahrt Kuen Andreas - Moewe im Flug Hueller Gernot - Hochschwab_pano Hueller Gernot - Hochschwab_clouds Hueller Gernot - Athos Bozic Boris - Cheetah 5 Bozic Boris - Gams Bahrain Ebrahim Isa - Falcon Ebrahim Isa - Falco tinnunculus Ebrahim Isa - Sunset Bird Belgium Ponsaerts Eugene - Flamants Van Echelpoel Rene - Giervalk met prooi Van Echelpoel Rene - Red deer in the fog Van Echelpoel Rene - Partridges in the snow Van Haute Stef - Eilean Donan Van Haute Stef - Mountain road

Van Linden Denis - Over the Sea Van Linden Denis - The Scream Bleyen Livinus - Antelope Beam Bosnia and Herzegovina Prole Dragan - FOGGY MORNING 2 Kascelan Milorad - Rama Lake 3173 Svitic Aleksandar - RamaIV Plavsic Sinisa - SALAMANDER Plavsic Sinisa - BREAKFAST Bijelic Leon - Mirni zalazak Bijelic Leon - Morning in Knezevo Brasil Rolim Danilo - DEsert of Oman Rolim Danilo - Desert of Oman Rolim Danilo - Desert of Oman Rolim Danilo - Laguna Colorada Brian Decio - Reflorestation Ferreira Patricia Regina - LUNATIC Bulgaria Vassilev Nikolai - Boyana Canada Kwan Phillip - Bald Eagle Catching Fish Kwan Phillip - White-tailed Eagle and Crane Kwan Phillip - Bear Running Kwan Phillip - Giant Otter Eat Fish China Ho Shu-Kua - Lion Xie Dacai - Weining Caohai Xie Dacai - Shadow Geng Jun - Dancing alone He Yunsheng - Waterfall He Yunsheng - Red leaves Croatia Racki Neda - Cloud Vrkljan Berislav - WINTER RAPSODY No 221 Vrkljan Berislav - BIRDS CURTAIN Sabol Petar - Sparrow love Marotti Miljenko - Mimicrie 03 Krcadinac Zeljko - Pursuit Kasal Bozidar - After the Flood Cyprus Malekides Andriana - Promenade on the snow Malekides Andriana - Golden Sand Oratou Ioannidou Lenia - Afternoon Oratou Ioannidou Lenia - Self cofidence Makridou Alexia - Picturesque Platania Czech Republic Kleiner Petr - green bird Kleiner Petr - Dolphin Kleiner Petr - Shark Chmel Ondrej - Orange leafs and trees Denmark Alveen Leif - Jackdaw on perch Suszkiewicz Ole - Fasan movement Suszkiewicz Ole - Spinner Suszkiewicz Ole - Hare looking Suszkiewicz Ole - Vinsnegl Mabeck Carl - Starlings II Mabeck Carl - Get Away Mabeck Carl - Water Monitor Jensen Roland - Requirements_on_food Jensen Roland - Deer Kristensen Joergen - Deer_5 Lorenzen Helle - Autumn_in_the_mountains Lorenzen Helle - Layers Lorenzen Helle - Behind_the_hill Larsen Finn - Tree_Gomera Larsen Finn - Near_Sunset Johansen Danne - A lifetime Finland Mantykangas Jarmo - Early in the morning 3 Seppala Antti - D_204_The northern cotton

Seppala Antti - D_222_Winter was_03 Kosonen Tatu - Lake Saimaa, July 2010 Mussalo Petteri - Skilful waxwing Mussalo Petteri - Landing Helimaki Jussi - Amanita muscaria 10 Taukojarvi Jouko - Wolf Kuronen Vili - Last in septemper Hauta-aho Eero - Foggy Pond Hauta-aho Eero - Waitress ! Salo Janina - Heavy Lifting France Bacle Jean Claude - Rutting sitting Bacle Jean Claude - Turtledove worried Geus Serge - Macaques de BARBARIE Geus Serge - Hi I am here 2 Serge Vallon - Retour de mer Serge Vallon - Harde 6 chamois Serge Vallon - Repas de pelicans Germany Weigl Werner R. - Teide Spain Weigl Werner R. - Nordlicht Frenzel Volker - Iguana Frenzel Volker - Lion Belicka Stanislav - Eule Belicka Stanislav - Wasserfall Schmitt Joachim - Herbstblatt Bomke Reinhard - Annascaul River_II Roemisch Heiko - cranes with moon 4245 Biehl Edwin - WEGWARTE Biehl Edwin - ARBEITERINNEN Biehl Edwin - BLOWBALL Voss Manfred - Cloudstones Voss Manfred - Canyonfall Habryka Marek - Pelikan 4 Mai Bernd - Gewitterstimmung Radomirovic Ratomir - Feeling free Hong Kong HO Yau Miing Charles - Tackle 2 HO Yau Miing Charles - Adore Ho Henry - Till Death Us Do Part Chen Ming-fat, Fat - Miscanthus 2 Cheung Koon Nam - White-tailed Sea Eagle 4 Cheung Koon Nam - I am the Emporer Cheung Koon Nam - White-tailed Sea Eagle 2 Hungary Kerekes Istvan - Reflection with dragonflies Kerekes Istvan - Angels Kerekes Istvan - Graylag Danis Janos - Red dears 2 Kiss Imre - Reflection Kiss Imre - Wasp Becker Irene - Let me touch you for a while Becker Irene - African Crowned Crane Becker Irene - On the Wings of the Angels Bakos Gabor - Open_Wings Imre Levente - Sunlit_Fall_Forest Imre Levente - Silhouettes Horvath Imre - Race for Life Kristof Istvan - Goalkeeper Kristof Istvan - Forest tale Kristof Istvan - Determined Schafer Andras - The curve Schafer Andras - Lights on the road Schafer Andras - Deep woods Schafer Andras - The guard India Venkateswara Rao Musini - SPIDER Talukdar Lopamudra - STANDING IN THE RAIN Majumdar Kallol - Protector Marathe Suniel - Active Snake Indonesia Hioe Hendro - Sound Check Oka Ngurah - Nature4 Suwanda Deddy - Morning Breakfast 2

Ireland Law Wesley - Gannet 10 Law Wesley - Torc Waterfall 2 Law Wesley - Stream Israel Makarov Alexander - Summerhouse Makarov Zinaida - Reflection of the Tree Italy Vaiani Sergio - Huascaran Vaiani Sergio - The overflowing of the PO Gibertoni Dino Odoardo - The householder Gibertoni Dino Odoardo - First love Garabello Marco - Moby Show Ledda Ilario - alle-prime-luci Baroni Roberto - Mountain lakes Baroni Roberto - Twins different Macedonia Jovanovski Vladimir - Pelicans 3 Gavrovski Cvetan - Nature 3 Gavrovski Cvetan - Roots 2 Malta Pirotta Joseph - Poppy Muscat Raymond - Ghajn Tuffieha 2 Netherlands Venant Corrie - Buffalo bath van Balken Marcel - elephant meeting van Balken Marcel - elephant parade Todorovic Tatjana - Three umbrellas Norway Sorensen May Britt - Blue flowers Sorensen May Britt - Stone on the beach Kjaeran Rolf Tore - Westcoast Poland Jezierski Jan Grzegorz - symetric Jezierski Jan Grzegorz - crown Jezierski Jan Grzegorz - flakes Wojewoda Janusz - Nenufar Wojewoda Janusz - Autumn Makowski Maciej - Roots Makowski Maciej - Baltic impressions Kurzeja Szczepan - Field Portugal Abrao Ana - Wild Place 1 Abrao Ana - Dona Ana Romania Nagy Lajos - Fishing Nagy Lajos - Pulsatilla alba Catalin Petrut Fudulu - Donkey lost Stan Gelu - Atitude Russia Vitaliy Podgurchenko - Before rain Vitaliy Podgurchenko - Birch Vitaliy Podgurchenko - Winter Valker Marina - Normandy Kanunnikov Viktor - Dandies Kanunnikov Viktor - The fish Chesnokov Vladimir - Autumn sketch Mishin Maxim - Dawn-drops Protopopova Vera - Protopopova-VeraRussian-field Protopopova Vera - Cloude-in-the-beech-forest Saudi Arabia AL-shehri Dhafer - Tune copy AL-shehri Dhafer - Veins Schwitzerland Jenzer Urs - Junge Lowin Jenzer Urs - Basstolpel 2 Serbia Vukadinovic Djordje - Six Vukadinovic Djordje - Pejzaz 2 Vukadinovic Djordje - Together Vukadinovic Djordje - Pejzaz 3 Babovic Dragan - NA PENI OD MORA Babovic Dragan - OCISTIMO SRBIJU

Babovic Dragan - CEMERNO Milutinovic Zoran - Jogging Milutinovic Violeta - Hidden Beak Milutinovic Violeta - Cautious Step Milutinovic Violeta - Peaceful Rest Filipovic Predrag - Tara 2 Filipovic Predrag - Tara 1 Filipovic Predrag - Shadows Koczo Ferenc - The Harmony 1 Koczo Ferenc - The Landscape 02 Pesterac Vojislav - Santa Pola 2993 Petrovic Bojan - tree 1 Nadaskic Djordjevic Jasminka - Biljka-iz-kamena Nadaskic Djordjevic Jasminka - A-podoblakom-roda Nadaskic Djordjevic Jasminka - Drvored-na-vodi Trbovich Alexander - Handful Trbovich Alexander - Velvet_Straws Nedic Svetislav - Creek Nedic Svetislav - Sea Nedic Svetislav - Forrest fire Knezevic Zoran - LANDSCAPE Knezevic Zoran - ZLATIBOR Djinic Vladimir - Sudar Djinic Vladimir - Posmatrac Ilic Pantelija - Prolece Backovic Branislav - Drinski sljunak Backovic Branislav - Drinski sprudovi Backovic Branislav - Wood Miladinovic Hadzi Miodrag - Slapovi Trajkovic Ivana - somewhere Trajkovic Ivana - winter color Trajkovic Ivana - spring color Stamenkovic Ivana - Svita u g-molu Stamenkovic Ivana - Med season Stamenkovic Ivana - Skok iz mesta Trajkovic Miodrag - Sunrise Trajkovic Miodrag - Clouds trees and mountains Trajkovic Miodrag - Mountain Tara 2 Nebojsa Stankovic - In water Mladenovic Marija - metheora Stoiljkovic Milica - Park in the center of Leskovac Stoiljkovic Milica - \Stairway to heaven\ Randjelovic Marija - jungle is massive Randjelovic Marija - twig Randjelovic Marija - couple in love Milicevic Vladimir - Midzor Milicevic Vladimir - Tree of life Milicevic Vladimir - Pogled sa Babinog zuba Milicevic Vladimir - Grza Simonovic Violeta - 38 jesen Kostandinovic Bojan - Dolazak Kostandinovic Bojan - U jesen Kocic Andjelija - 68 Trajkovic Danijel - NATURA Trajkovic Danijel - BAGEMOV CVET Trajkovic Danijel - VUCJANKA 1 Trajkovic Danijel - VUCJANKA Milosevic Dusan - Vodopad Bozuta Jovan - Leaves Bozuta Jovan - A leaf Djokic Jovan - natura 1 Djokic Jovan - natura 2 Djokic Jovan - natura 3 Arizanovic Kristina - two flowers not one 2012 Randjelovic Milena - resurs centar 117 Randjelovic Milena - resurs centar 137 Mihajlovic Miljana - Lisce zlatno Jovanovic Natalija - Pod sumornim nebom Ristic Sanja - 9 Ristic Sanja - 8 Filipovic Rade - 04 P10802981 Filipovic Rade - 03 4-1 Filipovic Rade - 01 P1090541-1

Singapore Yeo Yeow_Kwang - Thousand Year Tree Yeo Yeow_Kwang - Nature Curve Heng Zee Kek - Relection in pond Heng Zee Kek - Slope Slovenia Peljhan Matej - A new day has come Peljhan Matej - Two Peljhan Matej - Steamy Song Ravnak Andreja - king Ravnak Andreja - abandoned Ravnak Andreja - colors of fall IV Podobnik Rafael - Karst Commons 02 Praprotnik Stefi - Water garden Praprotnik Stefi - Morning in Namib Borko Ivo - Laguna colorada Borko Ivo - Flamingos in red water Borko Ivo - Clouds reflection Kolesa Tinkara - Dragonfly Absec Mateja - Imagine Repar Andrej - Colors of Autumn Repar Andrej - Water Explosion South Africa Slaghuis Hans - Yawning Hippo Pelser Leon - Image 16 Spain Choliz Santiago - dragon fly 09 Surinam Behr Raul - cornered Sweden Adehed Lotta - Great tit baby Stake Jan-Thomas - Backlight Bengtsson Lestander Mikael - Screaming Gulls Bengtsson Lestander Mikael - Screaming For Vengeance Bengtsson Lestander Mikael - Swan Lake Switzerland Zurmuehle Martin - Rigi Taiwan Tsai chi- chang - Warm Family Tsai chi- chang - Solitary Birds Chen Yi-Cheng - Chase Ku Min-Sheng - Mammy Is Coming-2 Chian Tsun-Hsiung - Excellent Skill Chian Tsun-Hsiung - Afraid to fall behind Chiou Rich - Waiting for the opportunity-1 Chiou Jih-Fa - Egret 1 Huang Chih Sheng - This is my Land Chen Feng-Lin - Catching Fish Chen Feng-Lin - Cry Piteously for Food Tien Cheng - Hawking 34 Tien Cheng - Fungi 2 Tien Cheng - Dance with me 1 Perng Yun Feng - Kiss Huang Yu Pei - Got You Huang Yu Pei - Capture Turkey Altun Yuksel - D4 Altun Yuksel - D3 Kaleli H.Bahar - Kar Kaleli H.Bahar - Karli Elicin Kaya - No Name 3 Elicin Kaya - Three Flowers Elicin Kaya - No Title 7 Unal Murat - Butterfly couple Sesi Erol - the fog Koc Esin - Nature-4 Koc Esin - Nature-1 Koc Esin - Nature-2 Agma Ufuk - Boats Bostanoglu Emre - Outcry Senturk Bulent - ynsm-4 Berker M. Feyza - CAPPADOCIA Berker M. Feyza - AUTUMN COLORS Koc Zafer - Storks Valley

Sarikaya Halil - Lines of sunset Dovencioglu E.Nedim - nature colors Yildiz Yusuf - tree bark Ukraine Zilinskyy Yuriy - Autumn farewell Zilinskyy Yuriy - Elegant dancers Zhylin Oleg - Macro-10 Zhylin Oleg - Spring breathe Tretyakov Valeriy - Great Egret United Kingdom Tarbox Jim - Red Kite circling Tarbox Jim - Owl hunting Jenkin Barbara - Bryce Vista Jenkin Malcolm - Yellowstone Eruptions Baines Graham - Sacred Lotus 2 Baines Graham - Spring Gentians and Rock Rose Ledgard Ian - Birds on ice Ledgard Ian - Waterfall Iceland Magor Diana - Small copper on heather Magor Diana - Ice texture Larry John - Flamingos Galapagos Kingswell Malcolm - Short-Billed Dowitcher Walking reflection Kingswell Malcolm - Great Blue Heron Poise Swinyard Brian - Lioness Yawning Swinyard Brian - Lobster Mackay Gillian - Harris Hawk Gutteridge Andy - Cold Winter Morning Maughan Neil - PUFFIN WITH SAND EELS Maughan Neil - ARCTIC TERN Maughan Neil - BONDING GANNETS Beverley Keith - Gentoo Feeding Beverley Keith - Autumn Splendor Magor Brian - Three bison in thermal area Davis Paul - Two Gentoos Mead Barry - ELEPHANTS RUNNING TO WATER Grabham Joe - Rannoch Stag United States Rasputnis Alex - Lunch Time Rasputnis Alex - Seagull of Delaware Bay Miller Marvin - Bison Kneeling To Drink Miller Mary - Horseshoe Bend Wong Godfrey - Flying Egrets 4 Beller Dorothy - Swan 1 Beller Dorothy - New-Zealand-Owl Beller Dorothy - Iguassu-Double-Falls Liang Xin Xin - Light Ou Guo Jiang - enjoy Ou Guo Jiang - Snow Goose Salim Mohammad Ali - Excelsior Geyser Vietnam Phong Tran - In the early sunshine

C ITY L I F E 2012 1st International Exhibition of Photography 1. Међународна изложба фотографија Organizer/Организатор Association Region Salon chairman/Председник салона Dragan Milićević Publisher/Издавач Association Region/Удружење Регион Organizing committee/Организациони одбор Dragan Milićević Žarko Jović Nenad Milićević Dražen Ružić Zagorka Stanković Design/Дизајн Printing/Штампа Impression/Тираж 750 ISBN 978-86-88879-03-3



CIT Y L IF E 2012 1st International Exhibition of Photography 1. Међународна изложба фотографија

ISBN 978-86-88879-03-3

ISBN 978-86-88879-03-3

9 788688 879033

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