Booklet - Tainan 2015

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bias architects consortium

Tainan Axis Transformation 府城軸帶地景改造計劃 The Garden of Earthly Delights



bias architects consortium is a professional consortium within the field of architecture, urban design, and landscape architecture. It is composed by Han Ju Chen and Chen Jung Liou -i.e. bias architects- together with Alessandro Martinelli, Protoplain architects, Jian Chang Yeh architects, A.S studio, and Archea Associates. Collaborators of bias architects consortium are Shin Wen Fang, Pei Ru Tseng, and Han Ning Tsai. bias architects both participates and directs bias architects consortium. bias architects owns all rights, title and interest in and to this report. bias architects owns all copyrights for all material on this report or has a valid right from a third party to use the material on this report No part of this report may be copied, reproduced, republished, uploaded, posted, transmitted or distributed in any way for commercial purposes. Any modification or use of the materials from this report for any purpose not explicitly permitted is a violation of board’s copyright and other proprietary rights. Use of material from this report without bias architects’s prior written consent is strictly prohibited. 陳漢儒建築師事務所( bias architects )是一間聯合工作室,由建築師陳漢儒與劉真蓉,輔同亞歷馬諦博士、初樸建築師事務所、葉建昌建築師事務所、陳冠帆結構技師與義大利的 阿克雅事務所所組成,設計延觸的領域包含建築、城市思考與地景規劃。競圖團隊的合作成員亦有方心汶、曾珮茹與蔡翰寧,由陳漢儒建築是事務所指導整合。 陳漢儒建築師事務所保留此份報告書的所有權益,擁有此報告書內全數圖文內容之著作權,並有限制第三方複製、重製、再版、上傳、公開傳播或是配與任何商業用途的實質權利。任 何對於此報告書內容的修改引用,如未徵得陳漢儒建築師事務所的許可,將被視為違反著作權與知識產權,並且嚴格禁止。

copyright © 2015 by bias architects, Taoyuan.

p. 2







Statement of proposal and summary of topics


The Garden of Earthly Delights

海安路與中國城在臺南市整體涵構中的關係 分析與改造計劃提案


Hainan road and China Town Plaza in relationship to Tainan city analysis and proposal of transformation

海安路及中國城與周遭環境的關係 分析與改造計劃提案


Hainan road and China Town Plaza in relationship to the surroundings analysis and proposal of transformation

海安路及中國城與街道邊界的關係 分析與改造計劃提案


Hainan road and China Town Plaza in relationship to street borders analysis and proposal of transformation

海安路及中國城與城市風土的關係 分析與改造計劃提案


Hainan road and China Town Plaza in relationship to urban climate analysis and proposal of transformation

海安路及中國城與城市地景的關係 分析與改造計劃提案


Hainan road and China Town Plaza in relationship to urban landscape analysis and proposal of transformation

海安路空間剖面 1 等角透視表現


The Garden of Earthly Delights project: Hainan road, section 1 isometric representation

海安路空間剖面 2 等角透視表現


The Garden of Earthly Delights project: Hainan road, section 2 isometric representation

海安路空間剖面 3 等角透視表現


The Garden of Earthly Delights project: Hainan road, section 3 isometric representation

海安路空間剖面 4 等角透視表現


The Garden of Earthly Delights project: Hainan road, section 4 isometric representation



The Garden of Earthly Delights project: atmosphere renderings



The Garden of Earthly Delights project: atmosphere renderings

中國城空間剖面 1 等角透視表現


The Garden of Earthly Delights project: China Town Plaza, section 1 isometric representation

中國城空間剖面 2 等角透視表現


The Garden of Earthly Delights project: China Town Plaza, section 2 isometric representation

中正路 等角透視表現


The Garden of Earthly Delights project: Chungcheng road isometric representation



The Garden of Earthly Delights project: general plan renderings



The Garden of Earthly Delights project: general plan isometric representation



Summary of CVs


bias architects consortium



Projects of partner



Cooperation plan of bias architects consortium


planning and design scope for the overall tentative plan

the space design and landscape preliminary planning


tenderer experience and achievement

cooperation plan of tenderer team


Today, urban dynamics are both ubiquitous and hegemonic from a social point of view (Lefebvre, 1970). This was announced more than four decades ago and today there is a consolidated strand of social research that departs from this assumption (Stanek, 2011). Most notably, this social research has started to address and investigate the possible nuances of urbanity (Schmid et al, 2006), to the point of defining the contemporary processes of urbanization as socio-technical intensifications of pre-existing urban conditions (Acebillo, Schmid, Levy et al, 2013). Given the relational nature of urban dynamics, this is making all contemporary landscapes problematized in their architecture, that is to say the capacity of their public spaces to enable the coexistence of many urban dynamics. Within architectural disciplines, this provoked the questioning of modern urban design -often subjugated to modern planning and its attitude to zoning- and of post-modern urban design -uninterested in architecture as following the shift of urban planning towards social science models, or reactionary committed to neo-traditional planning schemes (Waldheim, 2014). Indeed, the ubiquity and hegemony of urban dynamics has defined a transformation in the disciplinary issues, that passed from the ones surrounding the mere production of public spaces, to the ones surrounding their livability and capacity to render the multiplicity of the city legible and accessible in sustainable form (Acebillo, 2013). Furthermore, urban dynamics are not only ubiquitous and hegemonic, they are also extremely extensive, to the point of being largely untraceable: given the combined effect of demographic growth, improvements in mobility and communications, socio-economical transformations, we can witness extremely vast and polycentric systems of urban dynamics, often addressed as urban archipelagos (Fortier, 1994) or galaxies (Lewis, 1995). These cross both urban and natural areas and substantiate the experience of r-urban hybrids, finally questioning the urban experience as such (Brenner and Schmid, 2011). In particular, this extensivity has contributed to a particular disciplinary development, that is the establishment of landscape urbanism, a particular branch of landscape architecture (Waldheim, 2006). Notwithstanding the transformation of disciplinary issues and the establishment of landscape urbanism, the momentum of social studies within the territorial culture of 20th century makes the architectural disciplines to indulge themselves in the habit to design public space as mirroring the geographical manifestation of urban dynamics -even if these are largely untraceable- or as critical operations meant to tame the hegemony of urban dynamics -even if this can exacerbate socio-geographical unjustices- rather than as the acknowledgment of the ubiquitous need to develop quantity, quality, and sustainability of public space. The first disciplinary trend is witnessed by the recent development of parametric urbanism (e.g. Schumacher, 2008), while the second by a revival of so-called radical urban design (e.g. Aureli, 2011). Despite these trends, adequate improvements of publics spaces are important in order to prevent that the they turn into a vector of socio-technical unjustice (Graham and Marvin, 2001) in terms of both socio-economical and socio-natural metabolisms (Swyngedouw, 2006), especially considering the intensity of private development that new building techniques (Abalos and Herreros, 2003) and instruments of glocal credit (Thornton, 2005) today permit. Because of this, the proposal The Garden of Earthly Delights aims at testing what looks like a reactionary turn for post-modern disciplines. Indeed, it bluntly accepts the need for further development of the urban condition. Anyway, it stands for considering the urban condition not as a modern achievement -on the base of which to carelessly develop- but as a condition that must be incessantly managed and maintained, like modernity must be (Latour, 1991). Therefore, instead of departing from strict socio-geographical studies of Tainan landscape, or from some critical statement about what is or should be urban condition, the proposal The Garden of Earthly Delights aims at addressing the urban space in relationship to the extensive and unpredictable dynamics of today, with the objective to outline the possibility for a balanced copresence of spatial scales within the spatiality of Tainan axis, as well as within the cognition of Tainan’s urban form. Indeed, within Tainan axis such copresence enables an undefined multiplicity of activities to take place in the site, while within the cognition of Tainan enables an easier orientation at city scale, that mitigates traffic issues while triggers unprogrammed movements and serendipitous socio-economical dynamics. Thus, by integrating the preparation of Tainan axis to host multiple activities and to structure the cognition of urban form, the proposal The Garden of Earthly Delights hopes to enable some socio-economical development at local scale and an increased occupancy of public space, the two of which alleviate management and maintenace issues of urban space. Furthermore, the proposal intends to operate in relationship to human activities, as well as environmental ones, so as to respect the socio-natural relevance of contemporary urban development.

statement of proposal and summary of topics.

Abalos, I., & Herreros, J. (2003). Tower and Office. Boston: The MIT Press. Acebillo, J. et al. (2013). A new Urban Metabolism. Barcelona: AB publishers. Acebillo, J., & Schmid, C., & Levy, J. et al. (2013). Globalization of Urbanity. Barcelona: AB publishers. Aureli, P.V. (2011) The possibiliy of absolute architecture. Boston: The MIT Press. Brenner, N., & Schmid, C. (2011). The Ô Urban AgeÕ in Question. In International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 38 (3). Fortier, B. (1994). LÕ amour des villes. Liege: Mardaga. Latour, B. (1991). We have never been modern. Cambridge: Harvard University Press. Lefebvre, H. (1970). The Urban Revolution. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Lewis, P. (1995). The Urban Invasion of Rural America: The Emergence of the Galactic City. In Castle, E.N. (1995). The changing American countryside. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. Schmid, C. et al. (2006). Switzerland, an urban portrait. Zurich: Birkhauser. Schumacher, P. (2008). Parametricism, a New Global Style for Architecture and Urban Design.In AD, Architectural Design 79 (4). Stanek, L. (2011). Henri Lefebvre on Space. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press. Swyngedouw, E., & Heynen, E. et al. (2006). In the Nature of Cities. London: Routledge. Thornton, M. (2005) Skyscrapers and Business Cycles. In Powerhouse Company (2009). Rien ne va plus. Maastrich: NaiM/ Bureau Europa. Waldheim, C. (2006). Landscape urbanism reader. Princeton: Princeton Architectural Press. Waldheim, C. (2014). Urban by nature: rereading and reweaving an Ecologically Enhanced Urbanism. In Brugmans, G., & Strien, J. (2014) IABR 2014 - Urban by Nature. Rotterdam: IABR.

bibliography of references.

The Garden of Earthly Delights


planning and design scope for the overall tentative plan

Hainan road and China Town Plaza in relationship to Tainan city analysis and proposal of transformation + At first, analysis at the city scale was developed, so as to provide the basis for integrate of Haian road and China Town with overall Tainan. In particular, this analysis was carried out at the level of planning documents and actual urban form.

在閱讀都市計劃文獻與實體城市形態 的研就階段,我們首先發展出都市尺 度的分析,作為以設計介入並整合海 安路及中國城與臺南市整體涵構的基

the need to develop urban landscape and organize the ecological basis of Tainan, including the development of the so-called urban green ring, to which Haian road participates. Lines of actions are (1) the implementation of strategic green corridors, (2) the consideration of the urban landscape from a socio-natural perspective, (3) the development of pedestrian mobility. In particular, the intersection among Haian and Zhongzheng road is object of some

計劃架構中被建造出來。 《臺南市地景計劃綱要》則闡明了結 合生態基礎來發展城市地景的需要, 即設置都市綠環帶,海安路亦包含其 中。設置都市綠帶的作用包含實行策 略性的綠色廊道,從社會自然的觀點 來考慮都市地景的發展,並形塑出人


Haian rd.

north riverscape

urban green ring

Tainan’s canal

proposal site as waterfront doorway




B Fuqian

south riverscape



Ximen rd.

The Garden of Earthly Delights

n rd .

1 km

TainanÕ s open spaces at the city scale detailed indications. An implementation of the Among planning documents, Tainan white pa- 礎。 concept Tainan as living museum is indeed exper on the urban landscape (2005) sets (1) the 《臺南城市地景白皮書》中曾提及延 pected, together with an enhancement of the necessity to strengthen the features of the so伸所謂巴洛克式平面計劃的必要性, local cultures, that requires strenghtening the called Baroque plan, based on some urban axinteraction of Haian road and the urban green is and monumental roundabouts, (2) to inte- 關於城市軸線與紀念性圓環的設置: ring,ofasTainan well as transforming China Town into grate urban axis with the urban fabric, (3) to 將主要街道視為軸線整合零散的既有 Hainan road and the urban form in white, hierarchy of streets that cross the urban area; in light gray, the urban system of green areas; in red, the redefined project site an open space linked with the surrounding enimprove all roundabouts considering orienta都市結構,考慮到原有的街道方向性 vironment. tion aspects, (4) to integrate urban form and Tainan urban design specifications (2013) adlandmarks, among which stands China Town. 在節點處設置圓環,結合都市形態與 dress the waterfront along Tainan’s canal with Tainan landscape outline plan (2012) defines 紀念性地標。中國城即是在這種都市

行道的流動性。特別是我們可以從海 安路與中正路的交會點閱讀出此種都 市計劃意圖的跡象。隨著地方性文化 的成長,台南作為一座活美術館的概 念可預期的被實行。那意味著在中國 城被轉化為與鄰邊環境連接的開放空 間的同時,也必須增強海安路與城市 綠環帶的相互作用。

landscape indications. Furthermore, they highlight the necessity for public spaces attractive for locals and tourists all along the urban green ring. The right-of-way for pedestrian is thus set at 2.5 meters minimum, and public space furniture is defined as compulsory, together with a varied, non toxic, and allergen-free vegetation. Finally, Tainan urban design principles (2015) address public spaces as public works. Within such framework, guidelines are provided in order to strenghten the natural elements, develop pedestrian mobility, increase visibility at crossroads, and integrate qualitative aspects of public space in coherent form. Interpreting planning indications, the analysis of the actual urban form individuated the open spaces that cut across the urban fabric and that produce perceivable spatial continuity, and interpreted them in relationship to Haian road, China Town, and relevant natural features, i.e. Tainan’s canal and the planned system of green spaces.The results of this analysis, shown in the graphics of this page, can be understood as a map of Tainan’s open spaces at the city scale, as well as a straightforward representation of Tainan’s urban form. In particular, a binary system of semi-axes, that include Haian road, was individuated along the north-south direction, and a pronged system, that includes Minquan and Fuqian road, along the east-west one. This second system, tagged (A) within the graphics and articulated around Dongmen roundabout, echoes an inner subsystem, tagged (B) and departing from Minsheng roundabout, that holds strong ties with Tainan’s canal. Indeed, it includes China Town, that faces the head of the canal, as well as Anping road, that accompanies the canal to the seaside. This subsystem can be therefore understood as the link between Tainan’s urban fabric and the public spaces of the waterfront, while the spaces among system and subsystem can be understood as the interchange sites between waterfront and wider inland territories. Within the north-south system, on the other hand, local and large scale relationships directly coexist, given that the green ring overlaps the link between the north and south riverscapes, as well as the link between the wider territories beyond urban borders. Concluding, the transformation of China Town can be therefore understood as the possibility to increase quantity and quality of waterfront’s public spaces, while the development of Haian road can be understood as the possibility to articulate the interactions between city and waterfront in such a way to expose this last to the large scale dynamics that cross Tainan. It is thus proposed to preserve and develop the parking spaces of the site, that permit interaction among large and small scale dynamics, but to integrate them with the requirements of pedestrian space, and to develop the area between Minquan and Fuqian road in both a new green public space and a representative doorway to the overall TainanÕ s waterfront.

《臺南都市設計規章》中提出將台南 運河沿岸濱水區視為標示性地景的想 法,並強調其作為吸引人的城市公共 空間,對於沿著都市綠環帶逡遊往返 的本地市民與遊客的必要性。右側的 人行道不得小於二點五米寬,而街道 傢俱必須輔以多樣化的無毒、無過敏 性植栽被設置。 最後,《臺南城市設計準則》中提及 公共空間即公共事務。在這個構架之 下,公共空間必須強化自然環境的特 質,發展人行步道的流動性,增加道 路交叉口的可視性,並且將其個別特 質整合為連貫的整體形態。 對實際都市形態的分析,賦予了這些 嵌入城市涵構中的開放空間新的個 性,並且產生了一種可感知的空間連 續性。這項分析亦解讀了海安路、中 國城及與其相關的環境特徵,即台南 運河與綠帶空間的規劃系統。它的結 果顯示在這一頁的圖示中,可以被解 讀為台南的開放空間在城市尺度中分 佈的地圖,亦是台南城市形態的直觀 再現。 一個包含海安路在內的半軸雙星系統 呈現南北向配置,東西向則形成了另 一個在尾端分岔的系統,涵括了民權 路與府前路。東西向的系統,( 標記 A )在圖中圍繫著東門圓環,則呼應 了一個內部的子系統,( 標記B )從 民生圓環分離出來,則保存了與台南 運河的強烈連結性。它包含了面向運 河起始點的中國城,與沿畔著運河至 出海口的安平路。 子系統可以被理解為台南城市肌理與 濱水公共空間的連結,而在第一系統 與子系統之中的空間則不斷在運河 濱與更寬廣的腹地之間置換。另一方 面,在南北向的系統之內,當地性與 大尺度的關係直接並存,綠色環帶則 與連貫南北端的運河景觀疊合,並且 聯繫在城市邊界之外的寬廣腹地。 總結來說,中國城的翻轉提供了增加 水濱公共空間數量與品質的機會,而 海安路的發展則可以被視作鏈接城市 與運河濱眾多交點的可能性,顯示了 橫越臺南市整體的巨尺度動態。因此 我們的提案保留基地上現存的停車空 間,促成大小尺度動態的交會,並結 合競圖要求的人行空間,將民權路與 府前路之間的區塊發展為新的公共綠 地與台南都市通往近水場域的代表性 入口。

此,中國城周邊需要增加具有廣場性 質的公共空間,如圖面標籤(1),並 讓運河的空間角色更突顯,在加上地 下停車出入口,使停車更方便。海安 路一側,則建議發展橫向人行通道, 並結合縱向人行系統以解決長久以來 南北向空間無法串連的問題。這條通



100 m P



proposal site as system of public space links











Haian rd.

planning and design scope for the overall tentative plan

lationship with the canal, tagged (1) in the graphics, together with a diffused entrance to a possible underground parking. Along Haian road is then proposed the development of diffused but informal transversal passages, together with a longitudinal path that counteracts the local absence of transversality. This path must be accompanied by two hubs

民生路及民權路間路段、民權路以北 路段,這些路段除了中國城即將被拆 除後成為連接水岸的廣場外,皆不易 讓人行系統連接至運河的水岸空間。 經過上述的觀察分析,海安路約50公 尺便與東西向街道連結而具有橫向連 接至水岸的潛力,唯有沙卡里巴市場







3 C3








Zhongzheng rd.


Haian road and China Town open spaces at the district scale transformation of China Town is represented by the development and strenghtening of longitudinal spatial relationships with Tainan’s canal. Oppositely, in Haian road the prime challenge is posed by a diffuse need to preserve transversal relationships, so as to enliven public space, and to compensate for them where they lack. In China Town is thus proposed the development of a square-like and visibility-enhancing space in re-

of more formalized transversal pas- 道筆須配合兩個串連橫向通道的重要 周遭因其巨大量體而阻斷其東西向連 Fuqian Rd. sage, tagged (2) and (3), that, togeth- 節點,如圖面標籤(2)、(3),並配合 接的可能性,同時也降低了本段海安 er with the existing entrance to the 路周遭區民的在地活動契機。 既存的地下停車通道。最後,因為民 underground parking, constitute 簡而言之,中國城周邊再生計劃的主 both the boundaries of the path 權路以北路段與水岸關係較低,因 points of surrounding 此,並建議只做低度整合。 Hainan road and the urbanand formexchange of the central neighborhood 要挑戰,在於如何加強廣場與運河藍 in white, hierarchy of streets that cross the urban area; in light gray, the urban system of public facilities; in red, the redefined project site areas. Finally, given the loss of con帶觀光系統的連接關係,相反的, tact with the waterfront, after Min海安路區域則需要在各段增加空間需 quan road is proposed some less in求及活動引力,以活化公共空間。緣 tegrated approach.

The Garden of Earthly Delights



Zunwang rd.

在區域計劃中,我們從都市計劃相關 文件中探討本區的土地使用分區計 劃,並將重點放在都市型態,從而解 釋其發展模式。 在台南市的都市更新計劃中,台南市 中西區細部計劃是最重要的,計劃中 包括在此頁的分析圖中的標註A的中 國城區域及運河對岸的星鑽計劃。該 細部計劃預期將中國城的使用分區從 原本的商業使用轉變為供公眾使用的 廣場空間,並計畫將運河兩岸的計畫 整合為一。 對於商業土地使用分區,中國城拆除 雖然讓本區失去許多的商業使用面 積,但是在分析圖中標註B1的沙卡里 巴市場卻更能嶄露其光華,沙卡里巴 從日治時期便開始存在,曾經是魚塭 的用地在當時回填後,轉而改建為市 場,因為多次的大火,因此其客群逐 漸喪失;其他還有如圖中標註B2的水 仙宮市場,以及標註B3的永樂市場, 其中沙卡里巴興建於民國41年,過去 其所在地曾為運河與路運交接的地 點,並於民國74年整修後留存至今; 永樂市場則興建於民國51年,曾為專 售軍用品的黑市,並逐漸轉變為當地 的傳統市集。 海安路周邊的古蹟保存區域中,較著 名的有標註C1的西羅殿、C2的台南金 華府、C3的台南水仙宮及C4的台南 景福祠。其中西羅殿興建於1718年, 初始稱為鳳山寺;台南金華府則興建 於1830年,台南水仙宮則興建於1684 年,並被登記為一級古蹟;最後,台 南景福宮興建於1750年,並且是全台 唯一被登記為古蹟的景福宮。 其他的連結至公共空間的寺廟及社區 空間,部分並未列入保存計畫。在這 些廟宇當中較著名的包括,D1的濟福 宮、D2的尊武堂、D3的正德堂、D4的 聚宋宮、D5的施式宗祠以及D6的六姓 府。而附近還有安南里、民權里、中 正里及水仙里活動中心。 這些地點若與本區的都市型態作疊合 分析,可以發現六個與中國城及海安 路地區相連接的橫向空間,分別與海 安路結合而成為在地可供行人穿越的 地區性街道系統,由南而北分別為府 前路與尊王路間路段、尊王路與中正 路間路段、中正路與民生路間路段、

yond Minquan road, and loses contact with all Tainan’s waterfront. All areas are characterized by possible transversal relationships that occur about every 50 m. An exception is represented by the second area, where the bulky presence of Shaka Reba market prevented the development of transversal infrastructures, thus weakening the local life of Haian road. Concluding, the prime challenge posed by the

Fuqian rd.

Hainan road and China Town Plaza in relationship to the surroundings analysis and proposal of transformation + At the district scale, land use was investigated at the level of planning documents, and then addressed in relationship with urban form, so as to interpret patterns of serendipitous use. In terms of redevelopment plans, the most notable one is Central West Tainan detailed plan, that includes China Town and the areas across Tainan’s canal, and that is tagged A within the graphics of this page. The plan is meant to convert commercial land use into public space, and to integrate the transformations of waterfront and two sides of Tainan’s canal. In terms of commercial land use, besides the massive loss of surface implied by the transformation of China Town, it is notable the presence of Shaka Reba market, tagged B1 within the graphics. This, established during the Japanese colonial period, was a former fish nursery then converted into a market; it has experienced several fires, so it has gradually declined in popularity. Other markets are Shueixian temple market, tagged B2, as well as Yongle market, tagged B3. The first, established in 1959, was originally located at the head of Tainan’s canal but it was then renovated in 1985; the last, established in 1962, was one black-market mostly selling military supplies, then progressively transformed into an everyday market. In terms of preservation sites linked with public space, it is notable Xiluodian temple, tagged C1 within the graphics, Tainan Jinhua mansion, tagged C2, Shueixian temple, tagged C3, and Jingfu chapel, tagged C4. The first was established in 1718 and first called Fengshan, the second established in 1830 and devoted to a popular ancestor that people entrust for special demands, the third established in 1684 and now classified as historic monument of great importance, the last established in 1750 and, while being the only of the kind to be currently classified as historic monument, is very used in everyday life. Other sites linked with public space are those temples not under preservation law and some community spaces. Among the temple, it is notable Ji Fu temple, tagged D1 within the graphics, Zun Hu temple, tagged D2, Zhen De temple, tagged D3, Ju Song temple, tagged D4, Shi temple, tagged D5, and Liu Xin temple, tagged D6. About community spaces, it is noticeable that four neighborhoods have one, i.e. Annan, Minquan, Zhongzheng, and Shueixian neighborhood. Combined with the analysis of the urban form, these indications permit to single out six transversal areas in respect to Haian road and China Town. Besides China Town, which transformation into public space will produce a void transcending issues of transversal fragmentation, the remaining areas are produced by the meeting of Hainan road and local pedestrian systems. The first area is bordered by Fuqian and Zunwang road, the second by Zunwang and Zhongzheng road, the third by Zhongzheng and Minsheng road, the fourth by Minsheng and Minquan road, and the fifth is be-

lack of space, the widening of Guohua street made the situation more complex. A prolonged pause and the ultimate stop of construction activities in the underground of Haian road, originally meant to produce new space for commercial activities, did not help, and the area finally declined in terms of environmental quality and liveliness of public space. In order to counteract this negative tendency, Tainan city government has recently put new

在街道尺度,藉由調查基地發展過 程,發現都市型態與土地所有權的複 雜關係,從而了解當地公共空間的匱 乏及需求。

空間契機,但經過工程延宕到最後停 工,致使本區公共空間環境品質下降 及商業活動減少。 為了解決此負面的空間趨勢,台南市 政府於近期開始努力改善及提升本區 空間品質,公共藝術開始被媒合到此 區的公共空間,並將海安路定位為街

existing betw een

betw een



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- typ

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- typ




sloped curb

B 1.0 m


0.2 m 0.0 m



6-7 m


12 m

6-7 m

1.8 m

6-7 m

4.4 m

6-7 m

6-7 m

4.8 m

2.4 m

4.8 m

6-7 m

1.8 m

12 m

6-7 m

4.4 m

12 m

6-7 m

ca. 50



planning and design scope for the overall tentative plan

Hainan road and China Town Plaza in relationship to street borders analysis and proposal of transformation + At local scale, the site was investigated at the level of development history, and then addressed in relationship with urban form and land property status, so as to interpret the local complexities and requirements of open space.

1.0 m 0.2 m 0.0 m


en Min



and Z


eng R



6-7 m


12 m

6-7 m


0.2 m 0.0 m


en Zh


eng a

nd Zu

nwan gR


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6-7 m


12 m

6-7 m



eng a

nd Zu

nwan gR

d. - ty p



0.2 m


0.0 m



en Zu

nwan ga


6-7 m

nd Fu

qian R


12 m

6-7 m

1.8 m

6-7 m

4.8 m

2.4 m

4.8 m

6-7 m

1.8 m


Haian road open space at local scale F

scale x1


effort in the promotion of the area. Art was During the Ming and Qing dynasties, the ear- 在明清時代,台南早期的發展沿著民 introduced in the public space, and the govly development of Tainan took place around 權路形成商業活動,隨這日治時期 ernment achieved to make Haian road a sort Minquan road, that constituted the center of 帶來的巴洛克式複軸線路網系統,發 of open-air fine arts museum. This operation commercial activities. With the Japanese perihas produced some tourism, and has thereod and the introduction of the so-called Ba- 展的中心移動至中正路一帶,並持續 fore partially roque plan, that was a multi-axial organiza- 發展商業活動。在民國70年代,此區 Hainan road and the urban form of the streetrestored the life of public space. hierarchy of streets that cross the urban area; in light gray, the urban system of public facilities; in red, the redefined project site Anyway, this last is gradually manifesting the tion of street network, the center moved intowhite, 的商業空間開始不足,然而,國華街 shortcomings of the site, especially in terms Zhongzheng road, where a commercial area of environmental quality, accessibility, and availgradually developed. During the1980s, while 拓寬卻讓情況更複雜。原本寄望海安 ability of space. Indeed, the many ventilation this area started to be overwhelmed by the 路地下街工程能夠提供新的商業活動

scale x2.5

The Garden of Earthly Delights

en Zh

sloped curb


道美術館,這樣的操作模式提升了本 區的觀光價值,使本區的公共空間有 機會重生,然而美中不足的是,懸而 未決的海安路地下街工程遺留的通風 塔,如圖面標籤(1),及轉變為地下 停車場的出入通道及部分被暫時蓋起 來的人行出入口,如圖面標籤(2), 仍然阻礙都市發展的任何可能性,使

towers of the planned underground spaces -now parking- of Haian road, tagged (1) within the graphics of this page, together with their many entrances, now closed, tagged (2), destroyed any form of urbanity: they made Haian road so much uncomfortable and fragmented, that even basic open space activities, such as crowd gatherings, cannot be properly exercised. Since the underground spaces started to be used as parking, it has thus become evident that the area is structurally unable to host urban dynamics, and it can actually produce political issues, thus further fragmenting urban continuum. For example, the opportunistic occupation of residual spaces by more or less formal parking lots, adds more to the fragmentation than to the functionality of public space, and greatly compromises e.g. the participation of disabled to the city. Further issues emerge from the status of land property. Indeed, the recent process of widening Haian road has left on both sides of the site a series of private spaces that are too small to be developed. These do not only compromise environmental quality and liveliness of public space, they are also detrimental to the private properties that surrounds them. Anyway, given the slow pace of transformation of these spaces, notwithstanding a law has been set for the purpose, it is necessary to consider them as a structural constraints of public space. Concluding, the prime challenge posed by the transformation of China Town and Haian road is the transformation of micro-topography in Haian road, so as to recover the very urbanity of this open space. Anyway, the transformation could not recover any pristine flatness, due to the negative impact that further works on the underground would bring, neither a total elimination of parking lots on the ground surface could be produced, given that this would both deny established patterns of use and weaken the serendipitous interactions among the dynamics of different scale that overlap in Haian road. In Haian road is thus proposed some editing of the local micro-topography, so as that the constraints and requirements of the public space can be interpreted by a system of ramps, stairs, and railings. In particular, the development of a longitudinal pathway is proposed for the center of the boulevard, as well as the development of a continuity between road spaces and sideways that is regularly interrupted, so as that car-parking is locally avoided and transversal flows of pedestrians preserved. Such minimal but complex re-structuring of public space continuities and discontinuities first aims at welcoming the coexistance of many activities, i.e. pedestrian flows, car parkings, street markets, public events, as well as the private concession of public space, etc... Indeed, it is the possibility of such coexistance that represents the basic characteristic of urbanity.

海安路成為破碎不連續且對行人極端 不友善的公共空間,即便是最基本的 公眾活動,都不易發生。 自從地下街被轉化為停車場,本區便 如同被宣告失去都式活動的動態機 能,更成為政治議題,進而碎化原本 連續的都市空間,比如,隨意可停放 的停車格便使空間持續破碎本區,致 使海安路而無法整合為有用的大型公 共空間。 土地所有權亦產生許多問題。海安路 拓寬的工程使兩側的私有土地留下許 多無法使用及建設的畸零地,這些畸 零地不僅降低公共環境品質,也有害 於私有土地的發展。即使都市計劃早 已訂定其土地使用分區,為了改善這 些空間,我們必須將其定位為公共空 間的一部分。 緣此,中國城及海安路的再生機會在 於重建海安路行人尺度的都市微地 形,換句話說,塑造都市開放空間 的基本要素-連續性的行人空間。然 而,既存的地下停車場設施物及地面 停車位仍是此空間發展的必要之惡。 在海安路,我們企圖在承認既有設施 物存在的狀態下,利用坡道、階梯 及扶手等,調整人行空間的微尺度地 形。進一步說,海安路南北向的設 計,我們企圖使海安路的安全島、路 緣、平台及人行道等等各種高程的變 化能夠連續而不間斷,並在中央地帶 留設行人的空間,但保留部分停車 位。這些細微、不易查覺但卻精準的 連續鋪面,將使原本複雜豐富的各式 各樣活動及需求續存,比如行人、停 車、沿街商家、公眾活動以及私有畸 零地的使用行為等。這樣多樣、豐富 且動態的協調共存狀態,才是都市活 動的原貌。

陰。因此,我們企圖設立一座擴張網 棚架,在日間提供地面活動遮陰,如 同本頁的圖說,為了不影響海風的循 環,中國城將提供一個開放空間,並 於地面層開孔,從地下一層栽植多葉 的高喬木;海安路則以擴張網棚架及 中矮喬木,創造舒適的都市開放空

metal mesh velarium


areas without shadow


Overlap of daily shadows in Haian road, as of 31st july, with metal-mesh canopy extraterrestrial insolation, 20 kWh/m²/day actual insolation, diffused + direct beam actual insolation, only direct beam insulation gain of metal mesh canopy, 0.15 g

Tainan wind, temperature, and sky clearness

Tainan insolation and insulation gain of metal-mesh canopy


N % 20

0% best performance



d ia th



d is on S








worst per formance

gra m


u ti o n





within public space. Anyway, if in China Town the transformation of land use and the absence of major constraint deriving from mobility enable the exploitation of vegetation as climatic device, within Haian road the presence of some strong constraints due to mobility and the presence of underground parking does not permit to rely on vegetation only. It is rather required a hybrid approach, where the vegetation takes care of humidity, while sun-









城的土地使用分區改變以及其較少的 基地條件限制,將使我們有更多機會 將植栽當成控制都市微氣候的裝置; 然而海安路的諸多限制,讓我們必須 還要考慮植栽以外的可能性。因此, 在海安路我們考慮讓植栽調節空氣濕 度,但日照在一般的情況下,則需 要公共空間的構造物來提供良好的遮













a solemn waterfront, while in Haian 間。中國城及海安路都需要仔細思考 road is conversely proposed a met- 氣候條件,才有可能創造以人為主並 al-mesh canopy together with some 具代表性的新形態都市空間。 diffused low vegetation, like a pergola at the city scale. In both cases, the importance of all climatic issues is indeed interpreted as the possibility to construct the representative character that is requested for these new public spaces.



The Garden of Earthly Delights

Overlap of daily shadows in Haian road, as of 31st july wind, 10 m/s temperature, 40 °C extraterrestrial insolation, 20 kWh/m²/day sky clearness index, 1

planning and design scope for the overall tentative plan

exposure is mostly exercised by the means of some public space architecture. In this respect, the use of metal-meshes as canopies enables strong improvements in sun-exposure protection, as clarified by the graphics of this page, without being detrimental to the circulation of wind and sea breezes. In China Town is thus proposed the development of an open space defined by tall trees with dense foliage, in the mood of

不足以被周遭構造物陰影遮蔽的巨大 間隙。這種方向性也會將基地曝置于 海風中,可能緩和這種微型氣候的變 化。 總結而言,中國城與海安路改造計劃 的首要挑戰為控制陽光的曝曬,並且 在公共空間中滯留季風與海風。中國



我們對於城市風土的調查由科學的客 觀分析開始,延伸到與實體都市形態 的關係,更推展至與城市的交互作 用。 潮濕的亞熱帶氣候是台南的特點。不 同於南台灣其他地區擁有更溫暖冬季 的熱帶型氣候,台南是唯一屬於亞熱 帶氣候的直轄市,起因於其偏北的位 置與夜晚受到周圍平原輻射冷卻的影 響。這個城市仍然具備典型的熱帶型 氣候高溫與乾濕季交替分明的特質。 台南位於北迴歸線的正下方,日照時 數每年超過2275小時,甚至高達每 日6.5小時。從天晴指數的資料中推 斷,台南終年擁有平均陰雲日數條件 下穩定而宜人的天候。 即使平均雨量大約為每月100毫米, 台南的全年的降雨仍然分佈不均,因 熱帶對流導致經常性的午後雷陣雨而 集中於夏季。此外,八月份的颱風 亦帶來平均高於650毫米的豐沛的雨 量。一年之中除卻夏季與颱風季節, 呈現普遍少雨的特徵,導致平均濕度 約76%的乾季。 夏季吹送南向季風,而冬季的北向 的強季風風速則可能達到每秒6-8公 尺。總而言之,夏季經常性的東西向 海陸風,更大的影響了每日的氣流狀 況。 在此情況下,月均溫為舒適的攝氏 24.5度,但也可能爬升至攝氏35.5度 並導致熱島效應。由於海風與冷氣流 的動態,日夜間溫度差極為顯著,最 多可能瞬時下降至25度。 這種氣候條件可能對城市居民的健康 造成危險。在開放空間中曝曬可能導 致中暑、痙攣、熱衰竭甚至心絞痛等 身體的不適。 如這一頁中的分析圖所說明,現況中 南北向的海安路沿街皆是兩三層樓高 的房屋,那樣的建築構造幾乎不提供 任何的遮蔭。我們開始質疑現存的街 道生活,缺乏道路兩側的騎樓,迫使 行走經驗與商業活動直接面對日曬的 問題。另一方面,海安路的方向性提 供了主要風道,與將其視為都市綠帶 的一部份發展微型氣候的可能性。 相反的,圍繞著中國城的建築物要高 許多,但是與海安路不同的方向性與 可預期的基地改造,即將產生一個

entation and the expected transformations of site are going to produce a void too big to be affected by the shadows of the built fabric. Nowithstanding this, the orientation will possibly exposes the site to sea breezes, that can mitigate the micro-climate. Concluding, the prime challenge posed by the transformation of China Town and Haian road is the control of sun-exposure, together with the preservation of wind and sea breezes


Hainan road and China Town Plaza in relationship to urban climate analysis and proposal of transformation + Climate was investigated with analysis carried out for scientific purposes, and then addressed in relationship with actual urban form, so as to interpret possible interactions with the city. Tainan is characterized by a humid subtropical climate. Unlike the rest of south Taiwan, it is the only municipality that consists of such climate, while the others have a tropical climate with noticeably warmer winters. This is mostly due to Tainan’s northern location and surrounding plains radiative cooling during night-time. Still, the city is often characterized by high temperatures, with an alternance of rainy and dry seasons typical of tropical climates. In particular, Tainan is located right below the Tropic of Cancer and is characterized by more than 2,275 sunshine hours per year, up to 6.5 per day. Considering the sky clearness index, it is possible to appreciate quite stable condition all throughout the year, with an average condition around the limit of cloudy day definition. Even if average rainfall is about 100 mm per month, Tainan is characterized by uneven distribution of rainfalls, since these are all concentrated during summer, when tropical convection causes afternoon thunderstorms. August typhoons furthermore bring abundant rainfall, rising the average above 650 mm. In comparison, the rest of the year is quite characterized by a general lack of rain, that results in drought and a humidity average level of 76%. In summer the wind blows from south, in winter from north and is of a strong kind, reaching a speed of 6-8 m/s. Anyway, west-east sea breezes are frequent during summer months, where they characterize large part of the day. In this context, the average monthly temperature is 24.5 degrees, a seemingly comfortable one, but it can climb over 35.5 degrees, then multiplying the phenomena of heat island. Due to the wind and sea breezes, as well as cooling dynamics, the day temperature indeed differs significantly from the night one, that can drop down below 25 degrees. Given the climatic condition, dangerous situations can be possible for the human health. In the open spaces, sunstrokes, cramps and heat exhaustion are likely, and heatstroke is possible when some prolonged exposure or unopportune physical activity occurs. In this context, Haian road is oriented northsouth and surrounded by two or three stories high buildings, so as that the built fabric often does not offer any shadows, as clarified by the graphics of this page. This interrogates street life, especially given the absence of arcades along boulevard’s sides, that forces pedestrian and commercial activities to directly face the issue of sun-exposure. On the other hand, the orientation of Haian road provides exposition to the major winds, and the development of the road into part of the urban green ring is expected to contribute regolating the microclimate. Conversely, the buildings that surround China Town are much higher, but the different ori-

planning and design scope for the overall tentative plan

Hainan road and China Town Plaza in relationship to urban landscape analysis and proposal of transformation + Finally, landscape was investigated at the level of planning documents, and then addressed in relationship with the actual presence and all the conclusions of previous analysis concerning urban form and climate. Among planning documents, Tainan urban de-

我們還參考了台南市的都市景觀規 範,並以此說明本案的實作範圍與前 面章節有關都市型態與都市微氣候的 關係。

corridor, and thus deserves certain provision of plants -although no clear specification is actually given- the presence of extensive underground parking does not permit to settle tall plants, and thus complicates the achievement of planning targets. It is indeed noticeable the paucity of trees that today characterizes Haian road, as clarified by the graphics of this page, and that contributes to both the low environmental performance of the site and the spatial


種種規定,其中,因為地下停車場的 因素,雖然有3米的覆土深度,但植 栽的高度有其限制,因此提高選種的 複雜度。本頁的圖說說明,海安路現 有的行道樹不易型塑其景觀道路的特 性, 使海安路在景觀意象上失去其 自明性,也同時無法使道路兩側整合


green elements


Haian road landscape, as of 31st july 2015 Chinese Pistache

Formosan Michelia

Common Machilus

Haian road as total landscape Philippine Glochidion

Common Gardenia

Formosan Date Palm

黃連木 Chinese Pistache,高達10-20m 落葉喬木, 具淡紅褐色果,可誘鳥

Plant selection, with blooming time

The Garden of Earthly Delights

烏心石 Formosan Michelia,高可達 20m 常綠喬木,為台灣特有種植物, 味道芳香 紅楠 Common Machilus,高達 20m 常綠喬木, 具紫黑色果,可誘蝶誘鳥 菲律賓饅頭果 Philippine Glochidion,高約 4-10 m 常綠小喬木, 葉子在掉落前會轉紅 黃梔子 Common Gardenia, 高約 1-2 m 常綠灌木或小喬木,花謝時漸轉為乳黃色

Baragina Tree

Common Elaeocarpus

St. John’s sword

Fragrant Pittosporum

台灣海棗 Formosan Date Palm,高約 7-8 m 常綠小喬木, 具橙黃果,可誘鳥,果實可食用 小葉厚殼樹 Baragina Tree, 高 1-2 m 常綠灌木或亞灌木,具黃果,成熟轉紅色,可誘鳥 杜英 Common Elaeocarpus,高約10-20m 常綠喬木, 5秋天葉轉紅,具藍綠色果,果實可食 雙花金絲桃 St. John’s sword, 高 1 m 常綠小灌木,具黃綠果,成熟轉紅色,可誘鳥 台灣海桐 Fragrant Pittosporum,高約 3-6m 常綠小喬木, 花香濃郁

sign principles (2015) includes guidelines about the planting of public space, as well as the selection of plants in relationship to social and natural contexts of Tainan. So, priority to native plants is given, together with all plants that can moderate high temperatures, drought, noise, and sun glare. Plants that can enrich bio-diversity in terms of flora and fauna, thus directly and indirectly, are also recommended,. Anyway, even if Haian road is designated green

在計劃書中,台南市都市設計準則 (2015)提及公共空間的植栽原則以及 選種的條件。原生種是最主要的原 則,耐曝曬、耐旱、耐高溫更是不可 缺少的,能夠創造生態多樣性的植物 也是選項之一。 即使海安路在計劃中為景觀道路的一 部分,在其栽植規定中有對選種等的




disconnection between the two sides of the road, now perceivable as independent spaces. Other design principles define the need for mixed vegetation, that is to say made by trees, shrubs, flowers, and ground covering plants, so as that some multi-layered landscape can be achieved and the life-cycle of flora within the city valued. Anyway, while sticking to this particular concept, boulevards and park-roads should prefer tall trees with straight trunks,









為一體。 其他設計準則要求須要生態複層植 栽,意即將喬木、灌木、草本及地衣 共植以形成生態都市所要求的植物生 命週期循環。為了遵循這樣的原則, 景觀道路的植栽選種,喬木的枝葉必 須高於行人,並提供良好的遮陰以及 固土的能力,亦須能忍受強風及高度

dense foliage, deep roots, wind resistance, and capacity to accept high-level of contaminants. In respect of this, along the two sides of Haian road is expected a green belt of one meter, at least, where trees, shrubs, and ground covering plants are all copresent. The same concept is then expected to shape the organization of surrounding parks, plazas, parking lots and similar. Within these areas, green elements must reach the cover-ratio of 40%, with at least 64 square meter per tree, so as that the development of dense foliage is permitted, thus producing definite environmental advantages. Concluding, the prime challenge posed by the transformation of China Town and Haian road is the achievement of planning targets in consideration of local constraints, mostly the existing underground structures and mobility at ground level. In this respect, conclusions of previous analysis topics offer the possibility to re-interpret the development of China Town and Haian road, thus turning constraints into special features. In particular, the complexities of Haian road directly translates into the preference for mid and small plants, as clarified by the graphics of this page, and to their organization as a constellation of singular elements, rather than as indipendent packages. Indeed, the contemporary need to increase and diversify the number of plants as well as to support all mobilities, implies the need to understand the boulevard as a total landscape, to which plants participate no less than cars, pedestrians, and all the other elements that inhabit the city. In this case, the uniqueness of the approach positively resonates with the previous proposal of a metal-mesh canopy, that offers both a spatial and environmental frame, as well as with the development of the site into a representative doorway to the overall Tainan’s waterfront. Furthermore, an homogeneous distribution of plants can contribute to achieve a proper climatic performance in terms of dehumidification and carbon sequestration, that become a property of the overall site. Within China Town, conversely, the availability of space and the absence of major constraints enable easier achievement of planning targets, but questions the continuity of the approach adopted Haian road together with the development of an unitary spatial experience up to the waterfront. In Haian road is therefore proposed the extension of some landscapedesign approach to all the components of urban space, thus equally addressing natural and socio-technical elements and effectively shaping a total landscape where natural spaces, pedestrian spaces, and car spaces fully overlap in one environmental continuum. In China Town, instead, a diverse interpretation of the approach is proposed. Indeed, the relative absence of constraints seemingly enables the achievement of total landscape even resorting to historical references of waterfront public space.

汙染。緣此,海安路兩側植栽綠帶至 少需要1米高,讓灌木、草本及地衣 能與其共存。並且必須達到40%的綠 覆率,但是每顆樹必須有64平方米的 栽植空間,並允許擁有高密度樹葉的 樹種,並須要能使環境有明確的空間 特質。 總而言之,中國城與海安路的挑戰仍 然在於解決既有的許多限制條件,比 如地下停車場的構造物以及地面層的 種種障礙物,因此,我們希望透過設 計及重新定義機能,讓原本的限制條 件轉變為中國城及海安路有別於其他 地區的特色。 更進一步說明,如同本頁的說明圖, 海安路應選用中小型的植栽來回應基 地許多複雜的限制條件,並以活動空 間的特性配置其栽植地點,使其散布 於空間中,形成如星座一般的系統, 看似不規則,卻被精準的安排植栽的 間距及各種樹種的群落,從而使活動 發生其中。如同競圖需求書所說的, 增加綠覆率及多樣性,並且保留最大 的活動可能性,在在都暗示了海安路 的景觀需要整體考量,亦即植栽的重 要性不亞於汽車、行人及其他都市的 設施物。因此,這些植栽的規劃概念 與前章提及將設置的遮陰棚架共同提 供了本區空間與環境的基本原素,同 時塑造本區成為台南水岸的門戶。隨 機但均質栽種的植物,將為海安路帶 來良好的氣候條件及炭固定能力,進 而成為本區的主要屬性。 在中國城一側,相反的,因為空間足 夠且無障礙物,我們更容易達到計劃 目標,但是微地形的控制仍然被沿用 到此區與水岸間的連結關係上。 在海安路,我們提議將應用景觀設計 的元素於都市空間中,讓自然與人文 科學元素共同形塑一個由植栽、行人 空間與車行空間疊合而為一的連續性 環境。在中國城,不同於海安路,較 少的環境條件限制,讓我們更能重塑 都市地景與水岸在歷史上曾經共存的 記憶。

30 m 60 m 90 m

The Garden of Earthly Delights


120 m 150 m

the space design and landscape preliminary planning


120 m


YouÕ ai st.

90 m






Zunwang rd.

60 m








30 m 150 m 210 m

210 m






The Garden of Earthly Delights


270 m 300 m 停留空間

Zhengxing st.

Zhongzheng rd.




300 m






the space design and landscape preliminary planning

270 m 330 m

330 m

360 m





360 m

390 m 420 m

390 m 420 m

480 m 510 m 抬高平台區可作為露天劇場或




540 m 570 m 600 m

the space design and landscape preliminary planning

630 m

630 m

The Garden of Earthly Delights

600 m


Zhongmin g st.

570 m


540 m


Minsheng rd.

510 m





480 m N


690 m 720 m


Heping rd




750 m

750 m 地植栽空間

the space design and landscape preliminary planning

720 m








The Garden of Earthly Delights

690 m 780 m





780 m

810 m 840 m

810 m 840 m


The Garden of Earthly Delights


Haian road from the central boulevard

the space design and landscape preliminary planning

The Garden of Earthly Delights


China Town Plaza from Zhongzheng road

the space design and landscape preliminary planning


the space design and landscape preliminary planning



180 m


150 m


120 m


90 m


60 m

Haunhe st.

30 m

景觀內公園看台,被樹幹穿越 的屋頂空間,同時作為涼亭活 動使用,是公園內的重要會面 節點

運河端親水階梯平 台,可供休憩停留



The Garden of Earthly Delights




Jinhuaxin st.

30 m

60 m

90 m

120 m

150 m

180 m

240 m 270 m 停車空間


The Garden of Earthly Delights

the space design and landscape preliminary planning

Jinhua rd.

300 m 330 m Kangle st.

300 m


270 m









240 m 330 m 360 m

360 m

390 m





390 m

540 m

570 m

600 m


Haian rd.

510 m

the space design and landscape preliminary planning



480 m


450 m







The Garden of Earthly Delights


450 m

480 m

510 m

540 m

570 m

600 m

The Garden of Earthly Delights


Haian road, China Town, and TainanÕ s canal from bird-eye view

the space design and landscape preliminary planning

120 m 240 m page 17

the space design and landscape preliminary planning

360 m

360 m

480 m

480 m

600 m

600 m

The Garden of Earthly Delights

240 m

page 14

page 13

page 12

render page 15

page 11

120 m 720 m

page 19 720 m



render page 16

page 18


Gardens are enclosed areas in which plants and arts meet. They form cultures in an uncompromised sense of the word. 庭園是一個封閉的人造場域,自然與文明在其中以美的形式交會。它們以本質的語言形述人類文化的栽養。 Sloterdijk, P. (2009) Du mu§ t dein Leben Š ndern.

August 1st, 2015

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