Boards - Tristan 2015

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In order to develop an agricultural system that can enhance the sustainability of Tristan da Cunha, we propose a mix of food crops -that ameliorate local diets- and cash crops -that enhance the possibility of trade- suitable for the local soil:

The landscape of the Settlement stone walls, shrubs and trees consolidate city boundaries and provide wind protection so as to reduce environmental stress of the dwellings and the connected issues of maintenance





cr ge op r s o ota f la tio nd ns sc i ap nteg e d ra ev ted elo w pm ith en t

3 th

st de age res velop erv me oir nt of

bridge and hub +40m

Food crops Quinoa: vitamins B, C and E + minerals Mn, Ca, Fe, Zn, Mg (productivity 4-5 ton/ha), Potato: vitamins B and C / minerals Ca, Fe (product. 12-25 ton/ha)

4 th sta Qu co ge o n ad pa solid f de rie thw at ve nn l ay ion op ss m ia o en yst f t sta l em

The landscape of the Surroundings canals and retention basins consolidate the path and increase water catchment capacity

Cash crops Artichoke: edible/medicinal, 2,5 Eu/kg (product. 10-15 ton/ ha), Quinoa: edible, 10-15 Eu/kg (product. 4-5 ton/ha), Maca: edible/medicinal, 40-70 Eu/kg (product. 12-50 ton/ha).

2 nd

st str age a na tegi tur c t r al top ansf og orm rap at hy ion s

The landscape of the Plain stone walls, shrubs and trees provide wind protection while canals, and reservoirs increase water storage so as to increase agricultural productivity of land in terms of food crops and cash crops


bridge and retention basin

+120m bridge and retention basin

irrigation and drainage canal

irrigation and drainage canal

drainage canal


drainage canal + secondary windbreaker


+50m flat landscape and reservoirs

Cr foo op ro to d an tatio ye ar inc d n 1 rea cas s of Po se h c so rop ye Qu therb il f ar ino s ert s 2 a ilit A rtic y 1 st r ye h Q e sta du uin oke ar c n g e de 3 itro oa v e ge Ma of elop n wa me r c e a P d ter ye u nt o c ph ar sys Qu tato os e 4 ph tem ino oru B a s uc s red k So wh uc a e y n e b a Ad im d soi pota ye dit ean t pro l a ss ar ion ve cidi ium 1 im of so fica pro Po i m i n v a t cre e a l stru tion he n ye Q ure ctu as c uin rbs ar e n id b re 2 oa itro ala Art nc g e e n red Qu icho ye ar ino ke nit uce 3 r a og en Ma r c e a Po du ye ph ce ar Qu tato os 4 ph ino oru a Bu s red c u k an ce So wh d p yb e im soi ota ea at pro l a ss n water reservoir


At landscape scale, due to the actual complexities of the life in Tristan da Cunha, we propose a renewed approach to the transformation and management of the landscape. In particular, we propose to start-up in the mid term a process of low-tech development by which the landscape could gain integrated environmental performances in terms of wind protection, water management, and agricultural productivity.

ve cidi ium im so fica p il s inc rove tru tion rea a ctu c se id re nit bal rog an c en e

landscape of windbreaker

landscape of secondary agriculture fields

landscape of primary agriculture fields

flat landscape landscape as infrastructure for water storage

about 100 m

about 100 m

about 100 m

about 40 m

about 150 m


At city scale, due to the actual development of village and environment, we propose to elaborate on reliable photovoltaic technologies, especially since in Tristan da Cunha they are now under implementation and testing. In particular, we propose to integrate the development of a performative landscape and energy infrastructure with the development of public space. Because of this, we also propose to diversify and integrate public and private development.

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un op it en sp

Photovoltaic powerplant integrated with roof of new public facilities porch subdivided in 5 units



activities area














Photovoltaic systems integrated with roof of additions and renovations of private dwellings or boundaries



church + hall




new powerplant porch

Electric network suitable for diffuse photovoltaic energy production subdivided in 1 ring + 6 branches


1 st un pu it un blic f de ac r th iliti e p es m ow erp oved lan tp orc


Windbreaker landscape made of stone walls, shrubs and trees to be fully grown in 20 years main shrub: New Zealand Flax, local main tree: Fraxinus Angustifolia, imported


2 nd u op nit e su n sp rro un aces din , p g p ath ub s a lic n fac d po iliti w es erp la in pla nt p ce orc h









B3 B4 Pu b qu lic inq fac ue ilit nn ies ial sta units ge s o integ f d ra ev ted elo w pm ith en t

3 th N

lawn area


4 th

landscape of windbreaker

open-field and facilities of public use

tree-gardens and facilities with private dwellings

open-area for water management and safety purposes

about 100 m

about 150 m

about 600 m

about 300 m


At local scale, due to the difficulties inherent to the activity of refurbishment, we propose to first extend the properties with building units made of photovoltaic roofing and stone walls, so as to provide spaces that in a second moment could replace existing dwellings. In this way, we aim to simplify the integration of landscape, energy infrastructure, and public space development in the context of private properties.

The building unit is made of photovoltaic roofing and stone walls, both for the public facilities and private dwelling, due to the condition of Tristan.




stone walls

photovoltaic roofing

one unit


double unit

multiple unit

The building unit can be built with local craftmanship. And it can be connected with the stone walls that define the boundaries of the properties, so as to variously shape the organization of this last.

The frontyard-backyard boundary the building unit can define property organization and offer environmental protection to inner gardens

building unit as neighborhood facility

building unit as extension of dwelling

nit ing u build tension x as e

building unit as addition to property boundaries

The building unit, by the means of the photovoltaic panel, can provide energy to the household appliances. Photovoltaic of one unit

One air-conditioner works one hour

provide energy


-One unit of photovoltaic is about 12 sqm -10m of photovoltaic could provide 1 Kwh per hour -One unit of the family greenhouse provide 1.2 Kwh per hour -One air conditioner needs 200 Watt to work per hour -One fridge needs 1000 Watt to work per hour -One air conditioner & fridge need 1.2 Watt to work per hour (1000 + 200 = 1.2 Kwh) -One air conditioner & fridge need 1.2 Kwh to work per hour (1.2 Kw * 1 hour = 1.2 Kwh)

building unit as addition

One fridge works one hour

Considering the 6600 sqm of public facilities porch and the potential 3300 sqm of private building units, the production of energy can exceed the demand, giving space for a development of other activities.

The public-private boundary the building unit can consolidates property boundaries and enable local improvements of public space

building unit as addition

building unit as extension

9900-6600 sqm of photovoltaic panels

backyard with tree-garden

private dwelling

frontyard with addition to property boundaries

street space

extension of dwelling

about 6 m

about 9 m

about 8 m

about 8 m

about 8 m

provide energy


1920 sqm of provide energy photovoltaic panels -One person need 0.667 Kwh per hour (667 Watt * 1 Hour = 0.667 Kwh) -10m of photovoltaic could provide 1 Kwh per hour -There are some areas about 9900 sqm to install the photovoltaic -9900 sqm of the photovoltaic could provide 990 Kwh per hour -It is enough to provide the energy for 1484 people (990 / 0.667 = 1484 people) -There are 288 residents on the island -288 people needs 192 sqm of the photovoltaic to provide the energy (288 * 0.667 * 10 = 1920 sqm )

private dwelling reaching property boundaries about10 500 about mm

enough for 1484-989 people enough for 288 locals

There are some relevant traffic routes that pass close by Tristan da Cunha. They are resources for a sustainable development of the island.





ph tre ylic es a


At island scale, due to the yet uncertain development of renewable energy technologies, we propose to start-up in the long term an infrastructural network that facilitates the access of any technology, as well as the accessibility of the most suitable location for any technology. Because of this, we propose to develop a series of strategic infrastructural patches that integrate other large-scale trasformations or accessible features of the landscape.


The way of the Settlement +650 / 1050m, trail +40 / 650m, built stairway


The way of the Ponds +800 / 1050m, trail +600 / 800m, informal trail around the craters

The Airstrip 2100m runway integrated with landscape development within range: CRJ200, 50 seats up to Boeing 737, 150 seats

es rri be rubs sh

Ascension Island St Helena Rio de Janeiro Sao Paulo

Walvis Bay

Tristan da Cunha

Falkland islands

The way of Sandy Point +350 / 1050m, trail +10 / 350m, built stairway

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r pe up and l ss ra

bo fer g ns

The way of Stony Hill +650 / 1050m, trail +100 / 650m, built stairway

Bouvet South Sandwich islands South Orkney islands

SAex internet cable ship route airplane route tourist cruiseship route

SAex, South Atlantic express internet cable will be operational in 2017. The increase in bandwidth will enable a better media-exposition of Tristan da Cunha, especially if associated with an innovative pathway of development of the island, as well as improve educational standards. Beyond the 9 ships/year that connect or pass by the island, there are 31 ships/year of tourists, that can extensively interact with Tristan if a proper accessibility network provide easier access to the island landscape. Finally, there are more than 60 flights/week between South Africa and Brasil that pass close by Tristan. Therefore an Airstrip could profit from the needs of technical stops, while providing access.

short ferns

The Airstrip


d an ss ubs mo shr low

as lowe sla r nd



Mtunzini Cape Town

The Ring way at +1050m

The Ring way about +1050m, informal trail based on accessible grassland between the Base and the Peak





The way of the Plain +650 / 1050m, trail +65 / 650m, built stairway

wood trees



accessible grassland of lower plains

landscape of cliff

fern landscape of higher plains

accessible grassland of volcano flank

moss and scree landscape of volcano crater

about 1000 m

about 1000 m

about 3000 m

about 1500 m

about 1500 m

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