Boards - Anywhere 2009

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Status: Individual project

Dimensions: built area 350 sqm

Chronology: 2009 Concept Design

This project has been an experiment, inspired by Kazuyo Sejima, curator of Architecture Section of the Venice Biennale 2010: “Any part of architecture’s inherent multiplicity of adjacencies can become a topic. It might be argued that contemporary architecture is a rethinking and perhaps softening of those borders: inside and outside, individual and public, form and function, physical and virtual, harmony and discord, art and architecture”. This is a house of bridging, but one who does not reject con ict, house communa. This house is a sort of hybrid, connecting in vertical dimension funcions of living, work+study and a garden. The inner space is designed without any wall, different functions are divided in levels, connected by ramps, overdrawing a linear silhuette around the facade of the house. The design keeps the spaces exible, for example the kitchen table is compouned from a combination of smaller triangular tables, ready to expand at any moment... It was a hot summer day. I was going home. Leaving behind the noise and the bustle of the concrete City, I sank deeper and deeper inlo the cool depth of the forest. The silhouelle of our house began to be visible in the distance, still concealed behind the trees. I left the car in the garage and went down the stairs into the underground tunnel wich leads to the house. It’s all security measures,wllhout them we can not imagine the modern world, wich seems to be quite mad. Our house is alive, perforated with thousands or tiny holes, sometimes it seems that it`s breathing. Sometimes we even hear it breathing. I am heading up the ramp to the rst oor. Our big family has almost gathered, now we`1I have dinner. Our family is really big. We work together and we have common professional interests. After dinner I went upstairs, to have a rest. Every lime I go to the upper level with a garden, it becomes a small trip around the house. We like to walk on the ramp and observe nature. And nature is looking at us...

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