Easy Insurance Procedures e-Brochure

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E asyI nsurance Proce dure s ANet VU MemberPr ef er r edPr oduct

NotSure? MaybeYou NeedNew Procedures I t ’ seasyt or ecycl et hesamewaysofdoi ng busi ness.Wi t houtupt odat epr ocesses,you st andt her i skofl owerpr of i t abi l i t y ,l ackof consi st encyandi ncr easedE&O exposur es. EasyI nsur ancePr ocedur espr ovi dest he answer .EI Pi nt egr at espr ocedur es,st af f devel opmentandt r ai ni ngt hr oughonl i ne syst ems,l i veandr ecor dedcl assesandaccess t oaper sonalcoach. EI Pconnect sagenci esacr osst hecount r y t hr ought heAgentFor um.

Per s onal Li nes Commer c i al Li nes Smal l Commer c i al Admi ni s t r at i on Sampl eDoc s E&O Sel fAudi t s I nt er nal Audi t s Li v eCl as s es Rec or dedCl as s es I ns ur anc eTr ai ni ng ManagementTr ai ni ng HRT ool s St af fDev el opment As kACoac h AgentFor um

Y ourP or t alT oHi ghe rP r of i t abi l i t y

T ec hni c al Suppor t Updat es / Enhanc ement s

E I PWri t e sY ourManualF orY ou Si mpl ycl i ckt omakeyour sel ect i ons.EI Pcr eat es, dat est ampsanddocument s t heper sonupdat i ngyour manual . EI Ppr ovi despr of essi onal coachi ngf oreachst ep.I f youhaveaquest i onabout apr ocedur e,AskACoach orpostont heAgentFor um.

>>Cr eat eASampl eNOW

E I P=Qual i t yCont rol Haveyoueverbeenf r ust r at edwi t h peopl enotf ol l owi ngpr ocedur es? EI Pmakesi teasyf oryout or ewar d yourempl oyeesf orexcel l encet hr ough Fi l eI nt egr i t yRevi ews.Respond qui ckl yt ot r ai ni ngi ssues,mi st akesand t r endst hatcostyouragencymoney . EI Ppr ovi desE&O sel faudi t st o hel pr educeexposur esandbet t er compl ywi t hcar r i err equi r ement s.

E I PI nt e grat e sT rai ni ng&Proce dure s

I nsur anceBasi cs Rol eOfTheCSR Cover ageFor ms Ty pesOfCover age PLBasi cs CLBasi c s Gener alLi abi l i t y CLPr oper t y Empl oyeeBenef i t s Cust omerSer vi ce Handl i ngObj ect i ons Ti meManagement St r essManagement Cr oss Sel l i ng >>Vi ewSampl eCl ass

E I PProvi de sSampl eDocume nt s,F orms&L e t t e rs Thr ought heAgentFor um,wer ecei ver esour cescr eat edbyagenci esacr osst hecount r y whi char econt i nual l yaddedt oourl i br ar y . Thi ssavesyoubot ht i meandmoneyand pr oduci ngf r eshnew i deas.Bywor ki ngt oget her ,ever yonebenef i t s. Sal esScr i pt s Ser v i ceScr i pt s For m Let t er s Ser v i ceFor ms Dat aCol l ect i onFor ms Checkl i st s Pr i vacyPol i cy Ser v i ceNot i ces Di sast erPl anni ngCheckl i st s Aut hor i zat i onFor ms

Me e tT heT e am Mywi f eandIl i vei nt hemount ai nsoft he Cent r alVal l eyi nCost aRi ca.Wehavea son,daught er ,andf i vegr andchi l dr en. Overt hepast36year sIhavebeena pr oducerandmanageri nagenci es.I n 1990If oundedAdvancedAut omat i onand havewor kedoneononewi t hagenci es t hr oughoutt heU. S.andCanada.I ' ve enj oyedspeaki ngati ndust r yevent sf ort he I I ABA,PI A,Net VU,Mar shBer r yandmor e.

MyhusbandandIl i vei nSout hCar ol i na wi t hour2sons.Myi nsur ancecar eer begani n1976i nmyf ami l yagency .I ear nedmyCI Ci n1982andmyAccr edi t ed Advi sori nI nsur ancei n1985.Ienj oyed ser vi ngonaBestPr act i cest askf or ceand panel .ACORD cer t i f i edmeasaPowerof Changet r ai nerandI ' veser vedasa pr esi dentoft heI I ABAofMar yl and.Ihave beenacont r actt r ai nerf orAMS360.

T e dbake r Cre at or,E asyI nsuranceProce dure s

Mart haScot t Proce dure sGuruandPe rsonalCoach

L ookWhatPe opl eAreSayi ng “ Thi ssyst em i sagr eatwayt omakesur e al lofourl ocat i onsar eoper at i ngt hesame. Ar ealt i mesaver ! ” VondaCopel and,Manhat t an,KS “ Youhavehel peduscr eat econsi st ent pr ocedur es. ” DougCl i f t ,StLoui s,MO “ Weneededapr ocedur emanualbut gotsomuchmor e. ” PaulSaegesserMat t oon,I L “ Acust omerl ovedourPr ot ect i onRevi ew andgaveusmanyr ef er r al sbecauseofi t . ” WendyMoor eVer ona,VA

Re adyT oHave Y ourP r oc e dur e s MakeY ouMone y? www. eas y i ns ur anc epr oc edur es . c om t ed@eas y i ns ur anc epr oc edur es . c om 2149572468

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