EIP Brochure

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E ASYI NSURANCE Proce dure s ANe t VUMe mbe rPre f e rre dProduct

I fyourproce dure sare n’ tmaki ngyoumone y , t he rei ssome t hi ngwrongwi t hyourproce dure s. Opt i onsandt echnol ogychangeconst ant l yandyour agencymustbeabl et okeepup.Wi t houtupt odat epr ocedur es,youst andt her i skofl owerpr of i t abi l i t y , l ackofconsi st encyandi ncr easedE&O exposur es. EI Ppr ovi desauni queappr oacht opr ocedur es.Because ofourext ensi vebackgr oundi nt hei nsur ancebusi ness,we under st andt hedayt odaypr obl emsagenci esf ace.We al sounder st andt hat ,i nmanycases,agenci essi mpl y r ecycl et hesameol dwayofdoi ngbusi ness-wayst hathave beenar oundf or20or30year s. Wantmor epr of i t abi l i t yandi ncr easedr evenueper empl oyee? Wantt of i nal l yhaveconsi st encyanda smoot heroper at i ngof f i ce? Thenwhatyouar el ooki ngf or i sEasyI nsur ancePr ocedur es.

E I PProvi de sQual i t yCont rol

E I PWri t e sY ourManualF orY ou

Haveyoueverbeenf r ust r at edwi t hpeopl enotf ol l owi ng pr ocedur es? Ther ei sasi mpl er eason,andaneven si mpl eranswer-t heyhavenotbeenhel daccount abl e.

Eachst eppr ovi descoachi ngf r om pr of essi onal swho havebeeni nt hei nsur ancebusi nessf oryear s.I fyou haveaquest i onaboutapr ocedur e,AskACoachor postaquest i ont ot heAgentFor um.

EI Pmakesi teasyf oryout or ewar dyourempl oyeesf or excel l encebyal l owi ngyout ospendj ustaf ew mi nut es eachquar t erconduct i ngaper f or mancer evi ew basedon yourpr ocedur es.Youwi l lknow exact l yhow peopl ear e per f or mi ngandr espondqui ckl yt opr obl em ar eas. Annualr evi ewsl eavet oomucht i mei nbet weent o ef f ect i vel yr espondt ot r ai ni ngi ssues,mi st akesand t r endst hatcostyouragencymoney .EI Pal sopr ovi des E&O sel faudi t st of ur t herr educeE&O exposur es.

Al lpossi bl eopt i onsar epr ovi ded-yousi mpl ysel ectt he onesbestsui t edt oyouragency .Youcanal ways cust omi zeyourpr ocedur esasneeded. Onceyouhavemadeyoursel ect i ons,EI Paut omat i cal l y wr i t esyourmanualf oryou.EI Pdat est ampsyour pr ocedur esf ormaxi mum E&O pr ot ect i onanddocument s t heper sonmaki ngupdat es. Cr eat eyourownsampl eRI GHTNOW.

Cre at eASmoot he rRunni ng Age ncyF orL e ss T han $6Pe rDay Cl i ckt hebut t onbel ow t oschedul ea FREEDEMO.Fi ndouthow EI Pcan st ar tmaki ngmoneyf oryouragency .


www. easyi nsur ancepr ocedur es. com

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