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Men’s Ultimate
Rolling up the Sleeves
Aidan Todd,Secretary Men’s Ultimate
The nomads have had a busy February. With the spring season fully in swing the team has been putting the nose to the grindstone trying to become the best to ever do it. Besides the normal practices and team hang outs this month the team played two tournaments.
The First tournament Queen City Tune Up in Charlotte respectively was a bit of a surprise as we where not given an invite to go until a day before the tournament. The team scrounged up 12 players on short notice and headed down for the weekend. With limited numbers and with snow and mud making playing conditions abysmal the Nomads showed strong fortitude and true grit as the twelve boys kept it close with some of the top teams in the nations. One of the best things to come out of Charlotte was a win over university of Maryland a team who has beaten us in almost every match up we have played them in. the team left with their heads held high and ready for what was to come The next weekend 2/22 saw the team head down to our annual tournament in Charleston. This tournament is a great time for some of the more unexperienced players to really get a hold of fundamentals and allows them with a lot more playing time than they are accustom to. Players like Jeffery “Bama” Wilson and Ryan “Big Boots” May saw vast improvement at this tournament and the team is excited to see where they will go next. The team ended in a disappointing second as we held a lead against Clemson for most of the game. The team will remember this heartbreaking loss for the next time we face up against them.
March now brings a break from tournaments as our scrimmage with UNC Ashville isn’t until the end of March the team will use this time to improve on the weaknesses that where exposed during our February tournaments as well as will improve on personal conditioning and strength so we can be the team we know we are.