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Executive Corner
Alison Looney Wednesday, March 4 ,2019
Hello everyone! March 4th marked the fourth council of our spring semester, and we want to thank everyone that attended. We only have three more councils left in the semester! This council we discussed a lot of important dates that are coming up as the semester comes to a close.
Maya introduced her survey to the Council. She will be sending this assessment survey to the other officers of each club team soon. Griffin reminded us about nominations of Executive Officers. He will be sending out the nomination survey out again soon, so please be sure to submit your candidates for the position ASAP. Also, be on the lookout for a survey on how team officer elections went. We want to know feedback so we can make the Club Sports program better!
Club Sports Banquet awards were mentioned at council tonight. These awards include the Rich and Tassee Little Award, Club Sports Turnaround Team of the Year, and Club Sports Officer of the Year. The Google nomination form will be sent out after break on March 25th. Also if your team wants to enter the Club Sports Photo Competition, information is on AppSync. To stay up-to-date with all things Club Sports you can link to our Google Calendar via clubsports@appstate.edu.