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Australian Stamp Variations
David Mallen
Details of the main varieties of recent stamp issues 2OO6Commonwealth Games
ffom $e Kakadu.Thescstampshavea differentperforation and the 52 has a cream background colour. originalissues Anotherbooklel issuedduring the Gameswas the Ausralia Thesrampsassocialed with rhe Games- a storyin stampsbooklct. a! theCommonrvealth Commonwealth Crmescamein many Logo stamp.(hisbookletcontained many As well rs tbe50c larieties. Somewerc \,ery hardto get. that were different from the originals. reprinlcdstnmps The 50c Logo stampwas issuedin 6 Thc 5 minisheels in thisbooklelserc: differentvmied€s:Gummedperfbrflted, . wirh theMCG in rhebackground A minisheet gunmedimperf.sclf-adhesive ped (with containinga blockof4 gummedLogostamps. md withoura bordcr).self-adhesive . $ifi Penhin lhe background conhining A minisheet impert(wift andwithoutthephototab). pair tenanr ofthe 5d and 2/3 Brilish Empire & a se pedbrations sianrps havesimulated andthe Thesclf-adhesi!e (The Garnes issue. reprints havc a Commonwealth perfon therightof ahc imperfr.arietyhasa p.intedsimula(ed p€rforadon from image colour and differcnr the duller shmp imageandis impcrfonthcrighl originals.) (withbordct wercissued Thelogo irnperlandself-dhesives . A minisheet withMatildathekangaroo containing a in thc 'Sportsof theOamesbooktet.Thc booklelcontained four bbck of the 4 ofthe 1982 Commonwcalth Games 5Occoinsandeleven50cLogo stamps- blalling 57.50.Il cost issue.(Three27c& one75cwith diffcrentperforations conlained in thebooklethave $24.95!The setof4 minishe€ls jncreased fiom fie originals.) in pricewellabovethiscost. . wirh theopeningccremonyofthe 2002 A minisheet The self-adhesiveimperf variedeswcre issuedin the Gamcscontaining a blockof6 of the Commonweahh Snapshot! booklet.DuringtheCamesthiswasonly avallabl€ BolG Bridge slanrps liom the 2004 Landm.uk 50c fiom lhe AustraliaPoslshopat BirrarungMa alongside (This preliously issuc. was issued asa single Bridges pcnonalised ih€ Ri!€r Yamaduringlhe Gamcs.lt contained prestige or as a block of:l in the booklet-) stamp andpostcards with yourphoto. (ll is alsoavailablefrom starnps . A largeminisheet of rhe50c.$l.25 & Sl.85Ganes AuslraliaPosl\lith a 'generic'photoof Don Elgin.) There (The isrue. $1.25& Sl.85arein a setnant pair). weret*o 2 minishe€tswith 4 imperf stamps+ pholo tabs.two A roralof l7 nr;nisheets with a bbck sheedets containing (ped+ of4 self-adhesives se-tenant stripsof 5 ol border),a hrge minisheel blocks of 10difcrent of the5Oc.$l.25& $1.85 stamps 50c completed nsue(he $1.2s Games & $l.85 arein a se-lcnant most prolific rump pair)anda tnique ' minisheet of ,l stamps Tlrree'filler'stamps fion the I 993 and I 996 \rereincludedin lhe WorldHerhageSites sbeetlelsandthcseare becomingscarce.They TheWorldHeritage Silesminishcetissued yellow50cHumanity. in theSnapsholl booklel 50cEqualityand50c contained a blockof4 Destinystamp\. diffcrentsLmps- 45c Thc linal Uluru,45cTasmanian Commonwealth Wildernesx. $1 Lord XVI] COM M ONWEALTB Gamesissuewasthe Howelslandand$2 l4-
StamD News June 2006
'personalisedsES sheerwith 9 gummed Logo stamps + pholos. tr was only arailabie aI the AthletesVillage. A le|sion with a genericphoio is available lor ljl5.95 (Ausiralia Postltem N o.1 4 8 4 3 01) .
Commonwealth Games Variations
Australia atthetommonwealth Game5booket 50(+ 51.25 &51.85 5€ pairlM€lbourne2006 tenant ftmmonwea ihGam€s larqe (150xI04mm) rninlsheet - Au5tralia attheCommonwealth 6ames 4x50cLoqo self-adhe5ive with phototab FederationSquare SndpshotL booklel 4x50(Loqo selfddhesivewith photo iab Sr.KildaSnapshotl bookht 4x50(Loqo selladhesiveDo(kland5 Snaplhotlbooklet 4x50(Loqo 5elf-adherive
Blocks& Strips:22 pair 5d&2/l 1962 reprin$ setenant lx2k&7kl982rep ntsbodof4 50cBolte Eridge blodof6 2x45(,51& & 1996World Herirage reprints inblock 0i4 S21993 Victorial\,larket Snapshotl bookht 50rLogo blo*of4withorangeselvedge pair[4elboune 50(+ 51.25&Sl.85selenanl 2006 tornmonwealth 6ame5 5x50(0pening(eremonyse tenanstrip0f 5frornSheetlelNo.1 (165 large minisheet x118mm)Snapshotlb00klet lx50q50(Humanity&50cEqualllyse tenantnip0f 5fr0mSheethtN0.2 45(,45(,51,t2Austfalia!Wo dNetaqeSte5 L0rdHowe rand-snapshot 9x50(&50(Humanityse tenantblo(k0f l0fromSheelletN05.l&8 4x50(&50(Humanltyse tenantnrip0f 5fromSheetletN0!.49&11 50(+51.25&5l.85selenantpair Melb0urne2006Comm0nwea 7x50(,50(Humanlly,50ctqualily&50cDennyre ienanibl0rk0f l0frcm 5mallminlsheet(142x75mm) SheethtNos.5,10,11&14 pair-Melbourne2006C0mm0nwealth 50(+ $1.25 &$1.85 5elenant 6ame5 5x50c5e-tenantstrip of5from Sheel etNos.6,7 &15 (165 ldrqe minisheet x I00mm)SnaFhoilbooklet 8x50c,50c|lumanity&50(Equaiityse tenantbl0rk0f 10lr0mSheethtN0.l2 5x50cClosingceremonyse tenantstrip0f 5lr0mSheetetN0.16 5d&2/3r962rcprlnts x14.6 - 11.9 I0x50cl\rlost lMemorable Momentse tenantblock0fl0fi'om Sheetlei No.l/ 3x27c&75c1982 reprints - 11.9x14.6 Gutiers(with textor graphics):I 2x45(,51&521993&l996WorldHeritagercprlnB 14.5x14 l0x50cLogo-athletes image9 Self-adhesilc:5 Image:3 ph0i0rabimpef 50cLogowlih onright bookkt -Snapshotl 5d&2/ll962r€pn$se-tenantpaif dull(olou6,thidletiering0n2/3 ght Snapshollbooklei 50cLog0wilhph0t0tabremoved,impe{on {anp 50cLoqowilhboder 5port5oftheGamesandSnap5hoilb00 52(akdurepnt-oeamb&kgound 50ct0q0with0ut bordernollofl00starnps Inpeffi 2 50cAlhhricSookletof l0stamps 50clogo-gummed stamp Tabs:2 50cLogo-self-adhesivestamp withpholotab removed,imperf0n the qht 50cL0q0 selfadhesiveitanrpwithphototib,imperf0niheighi Mi!isheets:l7 gummed 50cLog0perforated itamp withphoro tab 4x50(L0g0 imperfblodof4,gummed Spons ofthe6ames bookht palr Spo$oflheGames 2x50(Log0 5elf-adhesive bookler 4x50rLogope{oratedblo(kof4,9ummed Sports0llheGameibooklet Divid Mallen is co-authorof the Australian I x50rLogo 5elf-adhesiveSportsoftheCafiei booklet StampVariationscatalogue.Hc nly be 4x50rLog0 atthe(ommonwealth 6ame5 bookht - MCC -Australia contactedon dgmallen@bigpond.nel.au 5d&2/lPethGafiei B tlshErnpire &Commonwea lh 6am€s, Perih - 1962 Aultralia attheCommonwealth Cames booklel If you knos,ofany other variations,plersc lcl 3x2k,/5rl2th(ommonwealth Gamei kangaroo Aunnliaat - Matildathe theCommonwea lhGame5 bookkt 6x50rBoteBridge Ceremony2002(ommonwealth Game5 - 0penin9
oucWe/tfie 'llaaa& Saointntil ph:+61 www.sydphil.com 2 4455 4011
100Pages +of Austrolosia, Pacifics, Booklets & British Commonweolth StamD News June 2006 ' l5
J-\ U ST RJ-\ LAS 11--\
$7.95 AUD NZ $9.50 Canada $11.00 US $9.00 UK £5.50 Europe €7 .00 INCORPORATING THE AUSTRAUAN STAMP MONTHLY July Edition 2006 Vol. 53 No. 7
---~---~~ I SS N 1448-1014
R.llD' S
9 771324 520000
Australian Stamp Variations
David Mallen
Details of the main varieties of recent stamp issues Treasures from the Archives
1982) in one, 2 stamps (2004 & Barry Humphries) in the other.
Perfumed Roses $5.00
This years first variety began on 10th January with the re-issue of the 2005 Treasures from the Archives $5 as an imperforate stamp (pictured) in sheetlet format. The sheetlet had 10 imperf stamps and came with a Certificate of Authenticity. It was only available from Australia Post by phone order from midday. What a 'lottery' this turned out to be. How long did you spend on the phone hitting the re-dial button? A friend in Scotland got up in the middle of the night and got through in 9 minutes and managed to get one sheetlet! The sheetlets contained $50 worth of stamps and cost $79.95. This is another example of Australia Post selling its products above face value.
Australian Legends - Barry Humphries Dame Edna on stamps! Varieties for this issue were a se-tenant strip of~ stamps, 5 self-adhesive stamps and a sheetlet of 10 gummed p~rforated ~tamps . The selfadhesive stamps were issued in 2 booklets- 3 stamps (1969, 1973 &
28 - Stamp News July 2006
Another first for Australia Post was the issue of a sheetlet of selfadhesive perfumed stamps. Just scratch the stamp and smell the roses! 3 sheetlets were part of this issue: A sheetlet of 10 gummed perforated stamps A sheetlet of 10 self-adhesive perfumed stamps A sheetlet of 9 gummed perforated stamps with images of the skunk cartoon character, Pepe le Pew, on tabs below each stamp (pictured) The perfumed self-adhesive stamps can be distinguished from the booklet stamps if they have had the red border retained when cut from the sheet. Once they have been removed from the sheet and postally used you have to smell them to tell the difference!
Australian Wildflowers The only variation in this issue was the embossed $10 stamp issued from the minisheet.
Winter Olympics Only one gold medal stamp issued this time - in a sheetlef of 10 stamps. The issue date of 21" February can be found on the Australia Post website.
AFL Souvenir Booklets There were 16 booklets issued - one for each Club. These contained a re-issue of the 50c Australiana stamps, originally issued as part of the 2005 Marking the Occasion series. There were 3 identical minisheets in each booklet (Adelaide Crows pictured). The stamp is a self-adhesive imperf stamp with the football club's logo on the tab. This format is the same as the 'personalised' stamp format
50c Roses -10 gummed stamps 50c Roses- 10 self-adhesive perfumed stamps 50c Roses- 9 perforated gummed stamps with 9 different images of Pepe Le Pew on tabs below each stamp 路 -. 50cWinter Olympics Gold Medallist -10 gummed stamps
Tabs: 25 9 x 50c Roses with 9 different images of Pepe Le Pew on tabs below each stamp 50c Australiana- self-adhesive with logo tab (16 different logos), imperf on the right
David Mall en is co-author of the Australian Stamp Variations catalogue. He may be contacted on dgmallen@bigpond. net.au
Ifyou know of any other variations, please let me know!
for the Marking the Occasion series issued in 2005, as well as the 50c Commonwealth Games Logo stamp issued this year in the Snapshot! booklet.
Variations Summary Totals: 6 issues, 13 stamps, 62 variations (All stamps are gummed and perforated, unless otherwise specified.)
Blocks & Strips: 1 5 x 50c Australian Legends- se-tenant strip
POSTAL BID SALES We produce regular Postal Bid Sales featuring a varied assortment of Australian and British Commonwealth stamps, priced to suit all budgets - Lots are estimated from as low as $2. Our sales are run fairly in accordance with best industry practices.
Image: 2 $10 Waratah -Australian Wildflowers- embossed gummed stamp from the minisheet 50c Roses with perfumed image
Imperf: 2 $5 Treasures from the Archives- gummed stamp cut from the sheetlet 50c Australiana- self-adhesive with tab removed, imperf on the right
Minisheets: 17 (Includes separate sheets and pages from prestige booklets) $10 Waratah- Australian Wildflowers 16 x 4 x 50c Australiana +tab- 3 minisheets in each booklet for the 16 AFL clubs
CONTACT US TODAY TO RECEIVE OUR NEXT SALE LISTING- ABSOLUTELY FREE! We maintain quality stocks ofAustralia Roos, KGV, Postage Dues, Decimals, NWPI, New Guinea, Papua, PNG
Self-adhesive: 9 5 x50c Australian Legends- booklet stamps 50c Roses- booklet stamps 50c Roses- perfumed image 50c Australiana -self-adhesive with logo tab, imperf on the right 50c Australiana- self-adhesive with tab removed, imperf on the right
Sheetlets: 6 (Note that some "sheetlets" are actually "booklets" as they have perforated cuts enabling the sheet to be folded.) $5Treasures from the Archives -10 imperf gummed stamps 50c Australian Legends- 10 gummed stamps
rnSydney Jp
Dealers in Fine Stamps
BURSTAMP PO Box 132, BURPENGARY Q 4505 Email: burstamp@ mail.cth.com.au Phone: (07) 5498 6504 Fax: (07) 5428 6504 Mastercard, Bankcard & Visa Accepted
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100 Pages +of Australasia, Pacifies, Booklets & British Commonwealth Stamp News July 2006 - 29
J.\U S THALP\ S JJ.\ INCORPORATING THE AUSTRAUAN STAMP MONTHLY $7.95 August Edition 2006 Vol. 53 No.8 . AUD NZ $9 .. 50 Canada $11.00 US $9.00 UK £5.50 Europe €7.00
Australian Stamp Variations
David Mallen
Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues
.•.......... us
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This month is dedicated to the two recent QEII issues - 12 stamps with 37 varieties!
Royal Visits Stamps 10 new Royal Visits stamps were issued on 28'h February. They were reprints of previous issues and are all different from the originals. (Full details are listed in the Variations Summary, below.) They were contained in the 'Royal Visits to Australia' stamp and coin prestige booklet. The 'bonus' coin was a 2006 50c with the globe and a map of Australia surrounded by crowns. The face value of the stamps+ coin was about $11.70. The booklet cost $15.95. 5d & 2/3 Royal Visit 1963- se-tenant block of 4, larger size and different perforations from the original issue (pictured). 5c & 30c Royal Visit 1970- se-tenant block of 4, larger size, different image colour and different perforations from the original issue. 22c The Queen's Australian Flag 1981- block of 4,
different image colour and different perforations from the original issue. 18c & 45c Silver Jubilee 1977- se-tenant block of 4, larger size, different image colour and different perforations from the original issue. 45c & $2.45 Golden Jubilee- se-tenant block of 4, different image colour from the original issue. 50c 50'h Anniversary of the 1954 Royal Tour 2004 -block of 4, different image colour (yellow wattles) from the original issue (pictured). This is the second time Australia Post has re-issued pre-decimal stamps! Why?
The Queen's 80th Birthday The varieties. in this 19th April issue were the 50c I $2.45 setenant pair and 5 minisheets. Four of the mini sheets were contained in the 'Portraiture & Royalty' prestige booklet. ($2.45 booklet minisheet pictured.)
Variations Summary Totals: 2 issues, 12 stamps, 37 variations (All stamps are gummed and perforated, unless otherwise specified.)
Blocks & Strips: 5 Sd &2/3 Royal Visit 1963 -se-tenant block of 4 Se & 30c Royal Visit 1970- se-tenant block of 4 18c &45c Silver Jubilee 1977- se-tenant block of 4 45c & $2.45 Golden Jubilee 2002- se-tenant block of 4 SOc & $2.45 Queen's 80th Birthday- se-tenant pair
Image: 8 Se Royal Visit 1970- orange brown colour 30c Royal Visit 1970- grey flagpole and value 22c The Queen's Australian Flag 1981 -less sharp, darker image 18c Silver Jubilee 1977- dark purple"Australia" and value 45c Silver Jubilee 1977- dark purple"Australia" and value 45c Golden Jubilee 2002 -less sharp, darker image $2.45 Golden Jubilee 2002 -less sharp, darker image SOc 50th Anniversary of the 1954 Royal Tour 2004- yellow flowers, purple outline on leaves, thick text
Perforations: 7 Sd Royal Visit 1963-14.6 x 14 2/3 Royal Visit 1963-14.6 x 14
30 · Stamp News August 2006
45c & $2.45 Golden Jubilee 2002- se-tenant block of 4- 'Royal Visits to Australia' stamp and coin booklet. SOc 50th Anniversary of the 1954 Royal Tour 2004- block of 4- 'Royal Visits to AustFalia' s-tamp and coin booklet SOc & $2.45 Queen's 80th Birthday (50th Anniversary of Annigoni portrait)- small size (106 x 70mm) SOc & $2.45 Queen's 80th Birthday {50th Anniversary of Annigoni portrait) -large size+ border (150 x104mm) -'Portraiture & Royalty' booklet (Page 15) 2 x SOc Queen's 80th Birthday (Annigoni portrilit) -'Portraiture & Royalty' booklet (Page 7) 2 x SOc Queen's 80th Birthday (Annigoni portrait)- 'Portraiture & Royalty' booklet (Page 19) 2 x$2.45 Queen's 80th Birthday (Beaton portrait)- 'Portraiture & Royalty' booklet (Page 11)
Size: 6 Sd Royal Visit 1963- -1.5mm wider and higher 2/3 Royal Visit 1963 - -1.5mm wider and higher Se Royal Visit 1970- -O.Smm higher 30c Royal Visit 1970- -O.Smm higher 18c Silver Jubilee 1977- -2mm wider 45c Silver Jubilee 1977- - 2mm wider
Se Royal Visit 1970-13.9 x 14.6 30c Royal Visit 1970-13.9 x14.6 22cThe Queen's Australian Flag 1981 -13.9 x14.6 18c Silver Jubilee 1977-14.6 x 13.9 45c Silver Jubilee 1977-14.6x 13.9
Minisheets: 11 (Includes separate sheets and pages from prestige booklets) .Sd & 2/3 Royal Visit 1963- se-tenant block of 4- 'Royal Visits to Australia' stamp and coin booklet Se &30c Royal Visit 1970- se-tenant block of 4- 'Royal Visits to Australia' stamp and coin booklet 22c The Queen's Australian Flag 1981 - block of 4- 'Royal Visits to Australia' stamp and coin booklet 18c & 45c Silver Jubilee 1977- se-tenant block of 4- 'Royal Visits to Australia' stamp and coin booklet
David Mall en is co-author of the Australian Stamp Variations catalogue. He may be contacted on dgmallen@bigpond.net.au
Ifyou know of any other variations, please let me know!
Stampshow Souvenirs
Ovptd Whales Down Under Mini-Sheet MINT .... ...... ................ .... x .... @$11.00=$ .. ......... Commerce Building RNA Brisbane CTO ........ ..... ..... .... ..... .... x .... @$11 .00=$ ........... Sat 26th Aug Set 2 Souvenir Covers ... . x .... @ $24.00 = $ ...... ..... Sun 27th Aug Ovptd Driving through the Years Booklet MINT .i~.~th .barco.qes. '!'.~ailaple). . X ... . @ $12 .00 = $ ... .... ... . 1-11oo6 CTO .... ... .. .... ..... .... ......... x .... @$12.00=$ ...... ..... Ovptd Driving through the Years Prestige Booklet MINT .... ......... ..... .... ... ..... x ... . @ $24 .00 = $ ... .. .. .... CTO ..... ....... .... ..... ...... .... x .... @ $24.00 = $ ........... Post & Pack .... ................... @ $ 3.00 = $ ........ ... Name-----------------Q[ Registered Post & Pack @ $ 6.00 = $ ........ .. . Australian$ only. AP Money Order, TOTAL $ ......... . Address - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! Cheque, Visa, Mastercard. Please note: Payment to Queensland Philatelic Council/ne Tel ! qpc-stamps@acenet.net.au --------------------~..... Tel 07 3396 0846 Fax 07 3396 0842 Send to: Queensland Philatelic Council, PO Box 9471, WYNNUM PLAZA QLD 4178
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Dealers I" -Fine Stamps
1/tut & ~~ O«Jt 'if/ekte www.sydphil.com ph: +61 2 4455 4011
700 Pages +ofAustralasia, Pacifies, Booklets & British Commonwealth Stamp News August 2006 - 31
INCORPORATING THB AUSTRALIAN STAMP MONTHLY $7.95 September Bdition 2006 Vol. 53 No.9 AUD NZ $9.50 Canada $11.00 US $9.00 UK £5.50 Europe €7.00
I SSN 1 4 4 8 -1014
9 77 324 52
Australian Stamp Variations
David Mallen
Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues May and June saw a proliferation of variations including two Australian firsts - a circular rlliniature sheet and a die-cut miniature sheet. The term "miniature" is used lightly for the circular sheet as it was 170mm in diameter! In these 2 months there were 5 issues, 20 gummed sheet stamps and 78 variations. The Greetings from Australia issue had the most varieties- 21 in all- because of the associated "special occasion" booklets.
Greetings from Australia These two $1.25 and $1.85 stamps were issued on 2nd May. They were issued in sheetlet format of 5 self-adhesive stamps. Other varieties included 9 rllinisheets from the two "special occasion" booklets issued on 23rd May. (What was the "special occasion"?) These rllinisheets each contained two self-adhesive stamps with backgrounds of Australian Animals ($1.25) and Heritage Buildings ($1.85). The self-adhesive versions were also available as imperf
48 路 Stamp News September 2006
stamps, with tabs (pictured) or without tabs. The stamp image has a printed simulated perforation on the right and the righthand edge of the stamp is imperf. These versions came in sheets of 20 stamps and were sold at 52% & 32% above face value from www.pstamps. auspost.com.au (The last time this type of variation was issued were the Marking the Occasion issues of 2005.) The cost of the two single gummed sheet stamps was $1.25 + $1.85 =$3.10. The total cost to get one of each variation was $149.00.
Lighthouses of the 20th Century More lighthouses! In 2002 we had 49c lighthouse stamps. Now we have 50c ones. 5 stamps in a se-tenant strip, 5 special blocks of four, 5 minisheets, 5 self-adhesive and an attractive illustrated gutter strip add up to 17 variations for this issue. For those collectors that pay attention to detail - study the Prestige Booklet. The map of Australia on the inside of the front cover shows Point Cartwright west of W ollongong Head. The
longitude of these lighthouses is shown on the booklet panes as 153° and 150° respectively- correctly confirming that Point Cartwright 3o is east of W ollongong Head ! Also compare the picture of the lighthouse on the Wollongong Head rninisheet (pictured) with the Wollongong Head lighthouse on the stamp. They are different. If you read the fine print it mentions that the
in special sheetlet form (pictured). $4.50 worth of stamps for $15.95. Both 50c stamps came as a gummed se-tenant pair and as self-adhesives in a booklet of 10: · ··
Postie Kate The children also got a range of varieties and other 'goodies' - or as the Stamp Bulletin calls them: "traditional collectables". Se-tenant strip of five 50c gummed stamps 5 self-adhesive stamps Sheetlet of 20 self-adhesive stamps 5 miniature sheets (1 stamp per sheet) from the Fun Book A minisheet ( 5 self-adhesive stamps) from the Fun Book Gutter strip with a design in the gutter
Whales Down Under
f ,
More whales to keep the thematic collectors happy. This issue had a "die-cut" rninisheet (pictured) - another Australian first - showing a breaching Humpback Whale and a special block of 4 of the two 50c, the $1.25 and $1.85 stamps. The 50c gummed stamps were also issued as a se-tenant pair. All four stamps were issued as self-adhesives: The $1.25 and $1.85 stamps were in self-adhesive sheetlets of 5 stamps and the two self-adhesive 50c stamps were on a roll of 100.
'.!: ',
The cost of one of each of the mint gummed stamps and all the variations issued between 1st January and 30th June 2006 was over $800. Many of the variations were sold above the face value of the stamps.
Variations Summary Totals: 5 issues, 20 stamps, 78 variations (All stamps are gummed and perforated, unless otherwise specified.)
Blocks & Strips: 12
Wollongong Harbour or Breakwater lighthouse is pictured on the rninisheet! It is a pity these rninisheets did not have a title in addition to the lighthouse specifications. Each sheet relates to the lighthouse stamp that appears twice in the block of four.
Soccer in Australia Our first circular minisheet ! It contained the four stamps (50c 'Play', 50c 'Goal', $1.25 'Save' & $1.85 'Shot') in a block of four at the centre of a soccer ball. The rninisheet was classified as "debossed" because the stitching on the ball is indented. A "trimmed" miniature sheet was available on a First Day Cover. Hence this variation was only 'officially' issued as postmarked. Mint versions will no doubt be available as collectors 'convert' the full size heets into the "trimmed" format. (This also occurred in 2005 with the mint Creatures of the Slime small mini sheet.) A block of nine 50c 'Goal' tamps with tabs was also issued
5x50c Lighthouses- se-tenant strip (Lonsdale, Don, Wollongong, Casuarina, Cartwright) 4 x 50c Lighthouses- block of 4 (Lonsdale, Don, Wollongong, Lonsdale) 4 x50c Lighthouses- block of 4 (Don, Casuarina, Cartwright, Don) 4 x50c Lighthouses- block of 4 (Wollongong, Lonsdale, Don, Wollongong) 4 x50c Lighthouses- block of 4 (Casuarina, Wollongong, Cartwright, Casuarina) 4 x50c Lighthouses- block of 4 (Cartwright, Lonsdale, Casuarina, Cartwright) 2 x50c Soccer'Piay' and 'Goal'- se-tenant pair 2 x50c, $1.25 & $1.85 Soccer block of 4- from the minisheet 9 x50c Soccer'Goal'- block of 9 with tabs from special sheetlet 5 x50c Postie Kate- se-tenant strip 2 x50c Whales- se-tenant pair 2 x50c, $1.25 & $1.85 Whales block of 4- from the minisheet
Stamp News September 2006 - 49
Gutter Strips: 2 (with designs in the gutter) 1aX Sac Lighthouses 1aX sac Postie Kate
Imperf: 2 $1 .2S Koala- self-adhesive stamp with tab removed, imperf on the right $1 .8S Royal Exhibition Building- self-adhesive stamp with tab removed, imperf on the right
Minisheets: 23 (Includes separate sheets and pages from prestige booklets) 2 x $1 .2SWombat- self-adhesive 2 x $1.2S Koala - self-adhesive 2 x $1.2S Greater Bilby- self-adhesive 2 x $1 .2S Tasmanian Devil- self-adhesive 2 x $1.2S Dingo- self-adhesive 2 x $1.8S Royal Exhibition Building - self-adhesive 2 x $1 .8S Sydney Opera House- self-adhesive 2 x $1 .8SOld Parliament House- self-adhesive 2 x $1.8S Warden'sCourt- self-adhesive 4 X sac Point Lonsdale lighthouse 4 X sac Cape Don lighthouse technical drawing 4 X sac Wollongong Harbour lighthouse (with the technical specifications ofthe Wol longong Head lighthouse) 4 X sac Casuarina Point lighthouse 4 x sac Point Cartwright sunrise scene 2 X sac, $1 .2S &$1.8S Soccer- circular minisheet 2 Xsac, $1.2S &$1 .8S Soccer -"trimmed" (rectangular) minisheet (13amm X8amm) 1 X sac Postie Kate 'sorting mail'- violet 1X sac Postie Kate 'motor bike & letter boxes'- teal 1 X sac Postie Kate 'parcel delivery'- red 1 X sac Postie Kate 'motor bike & post boxes' - green 1 X sac Postie Kate 'delivery on foot'- blue s X sac Postie Kate- self-adhesive stamps 2 x sac, $1.2S &$1 .8S Whales
Self-adhesive: 22 $1 .2S Koala- stamp with tab removed, imperf on the right $1 .2S Koala -stamp with photo tab, imperf on the right $1.2S Koala -stamp from booklet and sheetlet $1.8S Royal Exhibition Building- stamp with tab removed, imperf on the right $1.8S Royal Exhibition Building- stamp with photo tab, imperf on the right $1 .8S Royal Exhibition Building- stamp from booklet and sheetlet SX Sac Lighthouses sac Soccer 'Play' sac Soccer 'Goal' s X sac Postie Kate 2 X sac Whales $1 .2S Whales $1.8SWhales
Sheetlets: 6 (Note that some "sheetlets" are actually "booklets" as they have perforated cuts enabling the sheet to be folded.) Sx $1.2S Koala- self-adhesive stamps Sx $1 .8S Royal Exhibition Building- self-adhesive stamps 9 X sac Soccer'Goal' - block of 9 with tabs 2a x sac Postie Kate- self-adhesive sheetlet of 2a stamps Sx $1.25 Whales 5 x $1 .85 Whales
Tabs: 11 $1 .25 Koala- self-adhesive stamp with photo tab, imperf on the right $1.85 Royal Exhibition Building- self-adhesive stamp with photo tab, imperf on the right 9 X sac Soccer'Goal'- from special sheetlet David Mallen is co-author of the Australian Stamp Variations catalogue. He may be contacted on dgmallen@bigpond.net.au .. If you know of any other variations, please let me know!
.E·!l:Jry i1Jl1J~ lt!JJJJ ;~JJ.! J3.l~ t~
Over 5000 square feet of floor space devoted to buying & selling Stamps, Coins, Accessories, Postcards, and Postal History etc. We have relocated Belgrave Stamp Shop, Stamp News, Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins, 21st Century Auc. tions and Century 21 Events all under the same roof! We are open 10-5 Monday-Friday (Other times by appointment) Also every third Saturday of the month we have a collectables show with dealers from far and wide offering a huge range of delights to tempt you! 9am-4pm Saturday.
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21-st Century Auction Rooms, 107 Station Street, Ferntree Gully Victoria 3156 Opposite station, car parks, & bus stops. Melways ref. 74(3.
50 • Stamp News September 2006
Australian Stamp Variations
David Mallen
Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues July began with a special 'Soccer in Australia' block of nine with tabs to supplement the stamps issued in May. The second issue in July- 'Extreme Sports'- had no variations! This is a rare occurrence these days. The last stamp to be issued as a gummed sheet stamp alone was the $llyrebird 'Bush Wildlife' stamp in 2005. Australia Post made up for this with the August 'Driving through the Years' issue of five 50c stamps. This issue contained 28 variations. I begin with some new Australia Post policies related to stamp variations.
Greetings from Australia- Revisited In May two 'Greeting from Australia' stamps ($1.25 and $1.85) were issued. As mentioned last month, these are available as P-stamps from www.pstamps.auspost.com.au. This variation is a self-adhesive imperf stamp with a tab. (The tab may be removed to create a separate imperf stamp.) The stamp image has a printed simulated perforation on the right and the righthand edge of the stamp, with or without the tab, is imperf. You may order a photo of your choice to be printed on the tab. The tab cannot be blank. I have been informed by Australia Post that the photo can no longer be the same as the stamp. (Refer to the image of the $1.25 Koala P-stamp variation pictured last month.) i.e. You cannot put an Australia Post photo on an Australia Post stamp !
First Day of Issue Cancellation of Variations The following Australia Post policy statement was included in the July- September Stamp Bulletin. CANCELLATION OF PREVIOUSLY RELEASED STAMPS From time to time previously released stamps are reproduced and feature in special products. Prestige booklets are a good example of this design inclusion. Because these stamps are a reproduction of a previously released stamp issue they are not entitled to receive a first day of issue cancellation mark.
Thi s means that first day cancellations are not available for many of the variations that are released after the original issue. In most cases the variation is very different from the original stamp. Examples include: 1d green and 2d brown se-tenant pair of Victorian 'Boer War Patriotic Fund' stamps issued in April 2005- originally issued as separate stamps in May 1900 as 1d brown and 2d green. 5d and 2/3 'British Empire & Commonwealth Games' se-tenant pflir issued in February 2006 - originally issued as separate stamps in November 1962. (See photo on Page 15, June 2006 Stamp News.)
22 - Stamp News October 2006
$5 'Treasures from the Archives' imperforate stamp issued in January 2006- originally issued in September 2005 with perforations. (See photo on Page 28, July 2006 Stamp News.) 50c '50th Anniversary of the 1954 Royal Tour' issued in February 2006. This stamp had yellow flowers, while the original, issued in April 2004, had white flowers. (See photo on Page 30, August 2006 Stamp News.) I wonder if this policy extends to concurrently released variations. Did you get a first day postmark on the 3 x 50c 'Driving through the Years' unique se-tenant strip of 3 stamps from the Cars souvenir stamp sheet (SSS) also issued in on 15th August? (See below.) And while I am on the topic of First Day Covers, why does Australia Post destroy se-tenant strips of 5 (by cutting them into 2 & 3 stamps) when they put them on a First Day Cover, in the Stamp Pack and in the Annual Collection?
Soccer in Australia - Another Block of 9 Another block of nine 50c 'Goal' stamps with tabs was issued on 3rd July in special sheetlet form (pictured on the front page of the August issue of Stamp News). The tabs featured scenes from the World Cup matches in Germany. (See Footnote 1.)
Extreme Sports No variations included with this issue of 4 gummed sheet stamps.
Driving through the Years Booklets and more booklets! 5 booklets of the same stamp, 1 booklet of mixed stamps, 5 cheque books of each stamp and a prestige booklet. The cheque books are a fancy name for a folder of 20 normal booklets of the same stamp. The mixed stamp booklet contained 2 of each of the 5 different self-adhesive stamps. The prestige booklet contained 5 minisheets with a block of 4 of the same gummed stamp. Each minisheet has the same background except for the page number. (The 50c Holden FE minisheet is pictured. See Footnote 2.) This was the only way to obtain these blocks, as the sheet stamps were issued in a se-tenant strip of the five different 50c stamps. The gutter strip on the gummed sheet contained a decorative design showing the 5 cars. A special block of 9 stamps with tabs was also issued in a souvenir stamp sheet (SSS) to celebrate the theatrical release of 'Cars' from the studios of Disney Pixar. This unique block features 3 of the car stamps -Holden FE. Landcruiser and Holden Sandman- in a se-tenant strip of 3 wi th 3 different tabs each. The tabs feature 9 different car characters from the movie. (These nine 50c stamps\\ ith tabs câ&#x20AC;˘ ,..,t S 1.77 each.) The se-tenant strip (pictured) has the cars in a different order from the strip of 5 gummed stamp' from the normaJ <,heet.
4 x 50c Holden Sandman- block of 4 4 x 50c Toyota Land cruiser- block of 4 4 x 50c Holden FE- block of 4
Gutter Strips: 1 (With design in the gutter) 10 x 50c Driving through the Years
Minisheets: 5 (Includes separate sheets and pages from prestige booklets) 4 x 50c Ford TT- block of 4 4 x 50c Morris 850- block of 4 4 x 50c Holden Sandman- block of 4 4 x 50c Toyota Landcruiser- block of 4 4 x 50c Holden FE- block of 4
Self-adhesive: 5 50c Ford TT 50c Morris 850 50c Holden Sandman 50c Toyota Landcruiser 50c Holden FE
Variations Summary
Tabs: 18 Totals: 3 issues, 10 stamps, 38 variations (~11
9 x50c Soccer'Goal'- from special '2006 World Cup Dream' sheetlet 9 x 50c Holden FE, Toyota Landcruiser, Holden Sandman- from special 'Cars' sheetlet
stamps are gummed and perforated, unless otherwise specified.)
Blocks & Strips: 9 9 x 50c Soccer 'Goal' - block of 9 with tabs from special '2006 World Cup Dream' sheetlet 9 x 50c Holden FE,Toyota Landcruiser, Holden Sandman- block of 9 with tabs from special 'Cars' sheetlet 5 x 50c Driving through the Years- se-tenant strip 3 x 50c Holden FE, Toyota Landcruiser, Holden Sandman- se-tenant strip of 3from special 'Cars' sheetlet 4 x 50c Ford TT - block of 4 4 x50c Morris 850- block of 4
David Mallen is co-author of the Australian Stamp Variations catalogue. He may be contacted on dgmallen@bigpond. net.au If you know of any other variations, please let me know!
...............•..•.............................................. • •
. ••
Postage wanted:
Up to 53c pay 55% face 55c and above pay 60% face Tel: 03 9752 2677 Fax: 03 9758 2488
Email: info@centurynova.com.au Web: www.centurynova.com.au
[Footnote 1: I was in Heidelberg, Germany watching the soccer defeat by Italy live on TV. The first full game of soccer I have ever watched. What a crazy game! Footnote 2: My first car was a Holden FE ! Actually it was Mum' s but she let me drive it.]
Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins Always buying/selling collections, accumulations, mixed lots. We are a general dealership stocking a wide range of worldwide items plus albums, accessories, etc.
Credit Cards accepted. Discounts for Seniors Card holders and Philatelic Club members on production of membership ID. Member of APTA
Stamp News October 2006 - 23
AUSTRALASiA I . eo路 . o路 '
.G '(HE AUST~ S".fiU\fP MONTHLY i7.~~ November Bdlti0t1 ~ Vol$3 N~U AUD 路 i 1.00 us i~.oo UK 拢5.5o Bul'ope .re?' .. oo
-~--~------------------------l ISSN 1448-1014
Australian Stamp Variations
David Mallen
Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues Only one Rock Posters issue in September but plenty of variations and other poster paraphernalia. Then came the Dangerous Australians on 3rd October and the infamous $1 Red-back Spider stamp. Under the heading "Why was she not released?" in the Special Edition stamp pack it says: "While the other five Dangerous Australians feature in a stamp issue of the same name, a Red-back Spider was not part of the issue." "It will NOT be included in the 2006 Collection of Australian Stamps." Who writes this stuff?! The $1 Redback Spider stamp was released as part of the issue and there were six (not five) other Dangerous Australians stamps issued on the same day. If it wasn't meant to be released, why has it got "$1 Australia" in the bottom left hand corner? Did you get one on a First Day Cover? We are on track for a record number of variations this year. The previous record was 262
last year. We have had 297 so far this year to the end of September. (For an interesting observation about this increase, refer to John Ford's letter in Editor's Mailbag, September 2006 issue.)
Australian Rock Posters These 10 stamps were only issued in a sheetlet, prestige booklet and self-adhesive booklet variations. The gummed sheetlet stamps were in a se-tenant block of 10. The prestige booklet contained 10 minisheets with two of the same gummed stamp in a vertical pair. The self-adhesive booklet had 1 of each stamp.
Dangerous Australians We have a new philatelic term- "semi-imperforate". The $1 Red-back Spider stamp was issued in a "Special Edition semi-imperfo- • rate miniature sheet" also
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30 - Stamp News November 2006
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containing the five SOc Dangerous Australians stamps. This sheet was only partially perforated creating stamps that were imperforate on two or more sides. The $1 stamp was imperforate on all four sides. (See the Imperforate summary, below.) Another fully perforated minisheet was issued with the five SOc stamps and the $1 Sea Snake stamp in a se-tenant block of 6. There were six minisheets in the prestige booklet. One had a copy of the fully perforated block of 6. The others contained special pairs and se-tenant blocks of the SOc and $1 Sea Snake gummed stamps. The normal sheet of gummed SOc stamps featured a se-tenant strip of 5 and a gutter strip with 'warning signs' in the gutter. The self-adhesive variations appeared in 3 formats: A roll of the 50c stamps, a sheetlet of the five SOc stamps and a sheetlet of five $1 Sea Snake stamps. 7 stamps and 31 variations - or was it 6 stamps + 1 "unreleased" stamp? In either case the $1 imperforate Red-back Spider stamp (costing $2.84 in the special pack) may become quite valuable.
Variations Summary Totals: 2 issues, 17 stamps, 63 variations (All stamps are gummed and perforated, unless otherwise specified.)
Postage wanted: Up to S3c pay SO% face SSc and above pay SS% face Tel: 03 9752 2677 Fax: 03 9758 2488
Email: info@centurynova.com.au Web: www.centurynova.com.au
Blocks & Strips: 19 1a X sac Rock Posters- se-tenant block of 1a from sheetlet (pictured) 2 x sac Sun bury- vertical pair from prestige booklet 2 X sac Magic Dirt- vertical pair from prestige booklet 2 X sac Masters Apprentices- vertical pair from prestige booklet 2 X sac Goanna- vertical pair from prestige booklet 2 X sac Angels/Sports/Paul Kelly & the Dots- vertical pair from prestige booklet 2 X sac Midnight Oil- vertical pair from prestige booklet 2 X sac Big Day Out- vertical pair from prestige booklet 2 x Sac Apollo Bay Music Festival -vertical pair from prestige booklet 2 x Sac The Rolling Stones- vertical pair from prestige booklet (pictured) 2 xsac Mental As Anything- vertical pair from prestige booklet s x sac, $1 Sea Snake- Dangerous Australians se-tenant block of 6 from the minisheet and prestige booklet s xsac, $1 Spider- Dangerous Australians se-tenant block of 6 from the"Special Edition" minisheet s Xsac- Dangerous Australians se-tenant strip of s 2 Xsac Snake, 2 X$1 Sea Snake- se-tenant block of 4from the prestige booklet 2 xsac Shark- se-tenant pair from the prestige booklet
Kevin Morgan Stamps & Coins Always buying/selling collections, accumulations, mixed lots. We are a general dealership stocking a wide range of worldwide items plus albums, accessories, etc.
Credit Cards accepted. Discounts for Seniors Card holders and Philatelic Club members on production of membership ID. Member of APTA
Stamp News November 2006 â&#x20AC;˘ 31
sac Octopus- imperforate top, bottom and left $1 Spider- imperforate all4 sides (pictured)
Minisheets: 18 (Including pages from prestige booklets)
To remove stamp from backing, bend backing paper near corner of stamp, and peel from corner.
2X Sac Jellyfish- Se-tenant pair from the prestige booklet 2 X sac Crocodile- se-tenant pair from the prestige booklet 2X sac Octopus- se-tenant pair from the prestige booklet
Gutter Strips: 1 (With text and/ or design in the gutter) 1aX sac Dangerous Australians with 'warning signs' in the gutter
Imperforate: 6 sac Shark- imperforate top and bottom sac Snake- imperforate top and bottom sac Jellyfish- imperforate top and bottom sac Crocodile- imperforate top, bottom and right
2X sac Sunbury- Bigger than big (pictured) 2x Sac Magic Dirt- City trash 2x Sac Masters Apprentices- Real wild child 2x sac Goanna -Spirit of place 2x sac Angels/Sports/Paul Kelly & the Dots- Rock'n' roll angels 2X sac Midnight Oil - The good oil 2x sac Big Day Out- Circus sideshow 2x SOc Apollo Bay Music Festival- Surfin' safari 2x Sac The Rolling Stones- Sticky business 2x SOc Mental As Anything- Going mental Sx sac, $1 Sea Snake- Dangerous Australians minisheet 5Xsac, $1 Sea Snake- Dangerous Australians large minisheet Sx sac, $1 Spider- Dangerous Australians"Special Edition" minisheet (pictured) 2x sac Snake, 2x $1 Sea Snake- Dangerous Australians (pictured) 2x 50c Shark- Dangerous Australians 2x sac Jellyfish - Dangerous Australians 2x sac Crocodile- D~rigemus Australians 2 x SOc Octopus~ DangerouยงAustralians
Self-adhesive: 16 sac Sunbury sac Magic Dirt sac Masters Apprentices sac Goanna sac Angels/Sports/Paul Kelly & the Dots sac Midnight Oil sac Big Day Out sac Apollo Bay Music Festival sac The Rolling Stones sac Mental As Anything sac Shark sac Snake sac Jellyfish sac Crocodile sac Octopus $1 Sea Snake
Sheetlet: 3
1aX sac Rock Posters- se-tenant block of 1a s X sac Dangerous Australians- s different selfadhesive stamps (pictured) Sx $1 Sea Snake- self-adhesive stamps
David Mall en is co-author of the Australian Stamp Variations catalogue. He may be contacted on dgmallen@ bigpond.net.au If you know of any other variations , please let me know!
32 - Stamp News November 2006
Stamp David Mallen
Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues We finished-off the year with 6 issues, three of them on the same day. Anything that happened 50 years ago looks fair game for another set of stamps. The two '50 Years' issues are ' linked ': The 1956 Olympic Games in Melbourne were the catalyst for the introduction of television. A joint issue with Austria sheet! et, 2 koala mini sheets and a special QE2 sheetlet of previous 2006 issues appeared in October and November. The last issue of the year, as usual, depicted a major event in one of this country's religions- Christmas. It should be noted that the 2006 Collection of Australian Stamps does not contain many of the stamps issued this year. Omissions include the 104 Commonwealth Games sheetlet stamps and the 6 'semi-imperforate' Dangerous Australians stamps. Don't miss the January 2007 edition of Stamp News for a complete summary of the variations for 2006.
50 Years of Television This issue celebrated the first official broadcast of television on 16th September 1956. Although all of the current 'free-to-air' channels were not broadcasting in 1956 they were represented in this stamp issue. Five 50c stamps depicting significant programs from the last 50 years were issued in a se-tenant strip. The sheet of gummed stamps had a gutter strip with the television channel logos in the gutter. Self-adhesive stamps were issued on a roll of 100 and in 3 booklets. There was one booklet of the IMT stamp, one of the Kath & Kim stamp and one 'mixed' booklet of ailS stamps.
Greetings from Australia - More Minisheets On 26th October two $1.25 Koala minisheets were issued to celebrate the Beijing 2006 International Stamp & Coin Show. Each sheet contained a single gummed stamp. One sheet had the Sydney Opera House in the background; the other featured The Great Wall of China.
Formula 1 Legends- Joint issue with Austria This issue appeared in the form of a Special Event Sheet. (See the front cover and Page 18 of the November issue of Stamp News.) Three 'Driving through the Years ' cars in strips of 3 have been combined with 9 Austrian stamps depicting Formula One Legends. The cars were originally issued in se-tenant strips of 3 and 5 different cars. In this issue the strips were 3 of the same car- the Holden FE, the Toyota LandCruiser and the Morris 850.
Au stralia SO Y~a1 s of Telev1s1on
Australia 50 Years of Television
30 - Stamp News December 2006
50 Years On - The Melbourne Olympics Stamps on stamps for the thematic collector! Two of the stamps feature the original 11- 'photogravure' and 2/- 'helio' stamps
Australia 50 Years of Television
Australia SO Years of Television
issued on 31st October 1956. The original stamps were printed in England and Switzerland. They were our first multicoloured stamps. Colour printing in Australia has certainly come a long way since then. The four stamps of this issue (50c + SOc and $1 + $1) came as two se-tenant pairs of gummed sheet stamps only. No selfadhesives. (PS Did you get the minisheet of the 4 Olympics stamps (4d, 7Y2d, 11- & 21-) issued in 1957? For details refer to Page 21 in the November issue of Stamp News.)
Variations Summary Totals: 6 issues, 17 stamps, 24 variations (All stamps are gummed and perforated, unless otherwise specified.) Blocks, Strips & Pairs: 8 5 x 50c- 50 Years ofTelevision se-tenant strip of 5 3 x 50c Driving through the Years- Holden FE- strip of 3 3 x 50c Driving through the Years- Toyota LandCruiser- strip of 3 3 x 50c Driving through the Years- Morris 850- strip of 3 9 x 50c Driving through the Years (Australia)+ 9 Formula One Legends (Austria) 2 x 50c Yarra River & 2/- stamp- se-tenant pair (pictured) 2 x $1 Coli ins Street & 1/- stamp- se-tenant pair (pictured) 4 x 50c QE 11- stamps in a cross format and 5 tabs, from the special sheetlet Gutter Strips: 1 (With text and/ or design in the gutter) 10 x 50c- 50 Years ofTelevision with TV channel logos in the gutter
Minisheets: 2 (Including pages from prestige booklets) _ 1 x $1.25 Koala- Beijing 20061nternational Stamp and Coin Show, The Great Wall of China (pictured) 1x $1.25 Koala- Beijing 20061nternational Stamp and Coin Show, The Sydney Opera House
Self-adhesive: 7
The Queen's 80th BirthdaySheetlet An addition to the 19th April 'Queens 80th Birthday' issue, was the special sheetlet of four 50c stamps depicting the 1956 Annigoni portrait of the Queen Elizabeth II. This sheetlet was only available in the 2006 Collection of Australian Stamps. The Collection cost $89.95 (prior to 27th December) and was available with a $10 discount voucher if you bought the Collection of Commonwealth Games Stamps. I expect this sheetlet will retail for about two-thirds of this discounted price = $50. The empty books will probably sell for SOc . The 4 stamps in the sheetlet are in a cross formation with 5 tabs. The centre tab has a crown; the top tabs have a silver "80" on a dark background; the bottom tabs have a silver "80" on a light background. Christlnfdo6
Christmas 2006 As usual , 3 gummed stamps were issued to celebrate this event in the Christian religion calendar: 45c, 50c and $1.05. The 45c and the $1.05 were also available as self-adhesives. The 45c self-adhesive variation was available in booklets of 20 stamps. The $1.05 International Post was issued in a sheetlet of 5 self-adhesive stamps.
50c IMT ) 50c Homicide ) 50c Dateline ) (Strip of 5 self-adhesive stamps from roll pictured) 50c Neighbours ) 50c Kath & Kim ) 45c Christmas, Jesus & the Virgin Mary $1 .05 Christmas, Young Shepherd Boy (pictured)
Sheetlet: 3 9 x50c Driving through the Years (Australia)+ 9 Formula One Legends (Austria) - Special Event Sheetlet 4 x50c QE 11- special sheetlet with stamps in across format and 5 tabs (pictured) $1.05 Christmas, Young Shepherd Boy- 5 self-adhesive stamps
Tabs: 3 50c QE 11 with 'dark 80'tab on left, right or above- from special sheetlet 50c QE 11 with 'light 80'tab on left, right or below- from special sheetlet 50c QE 11 with 'crown' tab on left, right, above or below- from special sheetlet
David Mall en is author of the Australian Stamp Variations catalogue. The 1966-2006 edition is now available. Contact David on dgmallen@ bigpond. net.au Send for my FREE Variations Statistics sheet. It shows how many variations have been issued each year for the last 40 years. If you know of any other variations, please let me know!
Stamp News December 2006 - 31