Australian Sta111p Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues 2006 Summary What a record breaking year 2006 was for stamp variations! Australia Post marketing exceeded their previous high of 262 in 2005 with a mammoth 352 variations last year. In 2006 they had 29 issues with a total of 215 stamps. Collecting one mint gummed stamp from each issue cost $282.20. This is high because the 3 reprints issues were not sold at face value and the imperf $5 'Treasures from the Archives ' could only be obtained in a sheet of 10 stamps. Also contributing were the 4 Commonwealth Games sheetlet issues of 107 stamps. Collecting each of the 2006 variations cost over $1900!
2006 Variations Variation Blocks, Strips & Pairs Gutter Strips Image Imperforate Mini sheets Overprints Paper Perforations Self-adhesive Sheetlets Size Tabs 2006 Total
Quantity 79 6 13 14 77 0 0 17 62 35 6 43 352
Cost to buy 1 of each $442.50 $30.00 $61.85 $212.85 $199.25
$46.85 $215.50 $405.90 $15.95 $270.85 $1901.30
I have graphed the total number of variations since 1966. If you would like a copy of my 1966 - 2006 Variations Statistics sheet please send me an e-mail (address below) . My 1966 - 2006 Australian Stamp Variations catalogue is now available. Ask your local philatelic dealer or send me an e-mail to order a copy. It contains full details of all the above variations and pictures of the main 2006 variations. Order form below. Of course, many of the 2006 variations were not sold at face value. Some had a mark-up of over 250% ! Here are some examples. (Items in the Australia Post "Impressions" catalogue are not included.)
force collectors to pay above face value to buy the variations. 2006 was dominated by the Commonwealth Games and the 17 sheetlets (including the 3 "filler" stamps) and associated booklets of reprints and P-stamps. We even had a .number of "firsts" last year.
"First Time" Variations The five "firsts" for 2006 were: The perfumed 'Rose' stamp The 'Soccer' circular "debosssed" miniature sheet. The die cut 'Whales' miniature sheet. The square photo tab on the P-stamp in the 'Commonwealth Games Logo' Snapshot! booklet. 路 The joint Australia I Austria 'Formula 1 Legends' sheetlet private issue by Max Stern. A whole sheetlet of self-adhesive perfumed Roses stamps was issued in January to make your 2006 collection smell just great! The 'Soccer' miniature sheet was 170mm in diameter -hardly "miniature"! Did you get one on a First Day Cover? (See "Rare" Variations, below.) We have only had rectangular miniature sheets in the past. Now we also have one with a die cut whale on the top edge. The 'Logo' P-stamp in the Snapshot! booklet with the large square photo tab as part of a self-adhesive stamp was the first time this format had been used. Previous self-adhesive P-stamps were only available with the rectangular photo tab. Both tabs were imperforate on the right. The 'Formula 1 Legends ' private issue appeared in the form of a Special Event Sheet. (See the front cover and Page 18 of the November issue of Stamp News.) It was the only way to obtain the three 'Driving through the Years ' cars in strips of 3 of the same car- the Holden FE, the Toyota LandCruiser and the Morris 850. (See picture, below.)
"Rare" Variations Some of the 2006 variations were hard to find. Many of these were not listed in the Stamp Bulletin or on the Australia Post website. 路 $5 imperforate 'Treas-
Ten Expensive Stamp Variations Australia Post marketing is certainly looking for more ways to
Ten Expensive Stamp Variations Item 'World Cup Dream' Soccer Special Event Sheetlet of 9 stamps with tabs Commonwealth Games 'Sports of the Games' coin and stamp booklet Dangerous Aust. 'Special Edition' semi-imperf sheetlet of 6 stamps Sheet of 20 x SOc self-adhesive P-stamps with photo tabs Postie Kate fun book $5 'Treasures from the Archives' imperforate sheetlet of 10 stamps QEII'Royal Visits to Australia' coin and stamp booklet S/4 (~S4c stamps) Sheet of 20 x $1.85 self-_adhe,sive P-stamps with photo tabs Commonwealth Games 'Snapshot!' booklet 2006 Collection of Australian Stamps (Special QEII sheetlet)
76- Stamp News
Face value of stomps $4.SO $5.50 (stamps) $2.00 (coins) $3.50 $10 $5 $50 $10.64 (stamps) $0.50 (coin) $37 $1 S.SO $79.90
Price per Item $15.95 $24.95 $9.95 $23 $9.95 $79.95 $15.95 $49 $19.95 $89.95
Mark-up 254% 233% 184% 130% 99% 60% 36% 33% 29% 13%
David Mallen
2006 REPRINTS 28th February Reprints Sd Royal Visit 1963 2/3 Royal Visit 1963 Se Royal Visit 1970 30c Royal Visit 1970 18c Silver Jubilee 1977 45c Silver Jubilee 1977 22c Queen's Australian Flag 45c Golden Jubilee 2002 $2.45c Golden Jubilee 2002 SOc SO'h Anniv. of 1954 Royal Tour
Original Issue 18'h February 1963 31" March 1970 200 February 1977 21" April1981 6'h February 2002 13'h April2004
Snapshot! booklet on 15th March 2006. Details of the differ1" November 1962 ences between these reprints and the original issues were listed in the 2006 June and August issues of Stamp 22"d September 1982 News. The variations included blocks & pairs, im2"d March 2004 age, size and perforation. Original Issue The 'Commonwealth 4th March 1993 Games' imperforate selfadhesive 50c 'Logo' stamp 14th March 1996 is created by removing the photo tab from the P-stamp. 4'h March 1993 Many collectors are not interested in tabs, particularly photo tabs . In this case the stamp is die cut on 3 sides and imperf on the right. A Special Event (Pstamp) Sheet was available at the Games Village. It contained 9 x 50c gummed 'Logo' stamps with perforated photo tabs on the right. The 'Soccer' circular miniature sheet was not available on a First Day Cover. Instead it was trimmed to 120 x 80mm to fit on a standard envelope. So, officially, the "trimmed" miniature sheet was only available postmarked. The mint "trimmed" miniature sheet can easily be created to complete one's collection. The 'Soccer' blocks of 9 stamps were issued on two Special Event Sheets. Each 50c 'Goal' stamp had 9 different tabs. The 'Driving through the Years ' strip and block were issued on a Souvenir Stamp Sheet. The se-tenant strip of 3 had the cars in a different order from the normal strip of 5 stamps. The block of 9 had this strip of 3 with 9 different tabs. Strips of the 3 same cars formed part of the Australia I Austria joint issue in October.
151 March Reprints Sd Games, Perth 1962 2/3 Games, Perth 1962 27c Boxing, Games, Brisbane 1982 27c Archery, Games, Brisbane 1982 27c Weightlifting, Games, Brisbane 1982 75c Pole Vault, Games, Brisbane 1982 SOc Bolte Bridge 151h March Reprints 45c Uluru 45c Tasmania $1lord Howe Island $2 Kakadu
,...,....................................... . ures from the Archives' stamp. 路 'Winter Olympics' sheetlet. 路 The 21 reprints of earlier issues - see table' below. 路 'Commonwealth Games ' imperforate self-adhesive 50c 'Logo' stamp. 路 'Commonwealth Games ' block of .................. 9 gummed 50c 'Logo' P-stamps with perforated photo tabs. 'Soccer' "trimmed" miniature sheet in mint. 'Soccer' blocks of 9 with tabs. 'Driving through the Years ' block of 9 with tabs. 'Driving through the Years ' strips of 3 cars. What a start to 2006! A huge 'phone-in' to try and obtain a sheetlet of 10 imperf $5 stamps for $84.95, included postage. Limited edition marketing at its best! The Winter Olympics Gold Medallist sheetlet of 10 x 50c gummed stamps depicting Dale Begg-Smith snuck-in sometime in early 2006. It was never listed in the Stamp Bulletin and soon disappeared off the Australia Post website. According to my contact at Australia Post, it was actually issued on 21st February. The 21 reprints were issued in two prestige booklets on 28th February and 1st March and a
Original Issue
The 2006 Collection of Australian Stamps As pointed out in last month's Stamp News , the annual collection did not contain all the stamps issued during the year. It did however contain a number of varia-
Stamp News- 17
Australian Sta111p Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues
tions in place of the single gummed sheet stamps. Collectors of variations were well catered for, especially with the exclusive 4 x 50c Queen' s 80th Birthday sheetlet with tabs. Variations found in the 2006 Collection ofAustralian Stamps Issue Variation Australian Legends- Barry Humphries 5x50c se-tenant strip AustralianWildflowers $10 Waratah minisheet Commonwealth Games- Part 2 50c, $1.25 &$1.85 minisheet Dangerous Australians 5x50c &$1 Sea Snake minisheet Lighthouses 5x50c se-tenant strip Queen's 80th Birthday 50c & $2.45 minisheet 4x50c sheetlet with tabs Rock Posters 10 x50c sheetlet Soccer 50c Play &50c Goal se-tenant pair Whales Down Under 2x50c, $1.25 &$1.85 minisheet 50 Years On -The Melbourne Olympics 2x50c se-tenant pair, 2x$1 se-tenant pair
Also in the Collection there were a number of se-tenant strips of 5 stamps that were cut into two sections (2 stamps + 3 stamps). These 'destroyed' strips have been ignored in the above table.
Australian Stamp Variations
____ _.,_ ___
Decimal: ............ ... 1966...• 2006
......,.......,.-""_ ...... by
David Mallen
Well, that concludes my summary of 2006 - a record year for variations. I wonder what Australia Post will serve up in 2007? David Mallen is author of the Australian Stamp Variations catalogue. The 1966-2006 edition is now available. Contact David on dgmallen@ Send for my FREE Variations Statistics sheet. It shows how many variations have been issued each year for the last 40 years. Thanks to those readers that informed me of variations last year. Especially the following: 1994 triangular stamps with the kangaroo facing left; 2003 Arts Council booklet reprint with different perforation; 2000 Paralympian team member sheetlets of 10 stamps with photo tab; 2005 Fashion Designers with a grey background. These have been added into the latest catalogue. If you know of any other variations, please let me know!
The Australian Stamp Variations Catalogu~ Decimal: 1966 - 2006
Blocks, strips and pairs Minisheets Self-adhesive
Gutter strips Overprints Sheetlets
Image Paper Size
Imperforate Perforations Tabs
3rd Edition Out Now ! Over 130 A4 pages with large type and 'lay-flat' spiral binding
Order Form Name: .................................................................. Phone No.: ................................ Date: ............................................ !Address: .................................................................................................................................................................... Quantity $ The Australian Stamp Variations Catalogue@ $33.60 each ....................................................................................... Stamp News discount= $3.60 each (Expires 28th February 2007) .......................................................................... Postage & packing @$3.60 per catalogue .................................................................... ............................................
Total ......................................................................................................................................................................... . Please enclose a cheque payable to Oavid Mal/en or contact Oavid for details of direct bank deposit, PayPal or infernet banking.transfer. Phone: 03 95612365 E-mail: Post: 7 Rodney Close, Wheelers Hill VIC 3150 Australia
78- Stamp News
AUS-rRALAS4A . . COI<PO'i<..KI'ir>IG THB A.USTMI.JAN ~tA:ilw MONTHLY f'F.~~ ~~Ofl ·:GIJ1· voi.54Na.i
US $9 . oO trK £ 5 . 50 Europe €7.00
Australian Stamp Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues DIY Variations
Introduction: Make your own variations! Encouraged by the joint Australia I Austria 'Formula 1 Legends' sheetlet private issue in October 2006 by Max Stem (see the front cover of the November 2006 issue of Stamp News), I decided to see if I could design and issue my own variation. This sheetlet had 3 strips of 3 stamps of the same 'Driving through the Years ' cars which were not previously available in this format. I first contacted the Philatelic Bureau and was referred to the Product Development Manager at the Australia Post Philatelic Group. She sent me two forms : Pricelist and Printing Details -Souvenir Stamp Sheets, Customer Order Form- Souvenir Stamp Sheets. To facilitate payment, the Order Form has a credit card section to fill-in. The Printing Details form shows that there are 3 layouts and 3 options for the sheetlets.
Layout One
Layout Two
Option 1= Predetermined square stamps with a tab on the right in Layout One. Option 2= Predetermined vertical stamps with a tab on the right in Layout Two. Option 3 = Recent issue vertical or horizontal stamps with a tab on the right in Layout Two or a tab below in Layout Three. The predetermined stamps for Option 1 are the 50c Celebrate (16th March 2004), 50c Australia & Globe (7th January 2003) or 50c Kangaroo & Flag (7th January 2003) stamps. The predetermined stamps for Option 2 are the 50c Kangaroos (22nd March 2005) or 50c Australiana (6th September 2005) stamps. (Original date of issue shown.) The recent issue stamps for Option 3 are "subject to availability" ! Options 1 and 2 do not create variations -other than more tabs to join the 'infinite' number already released after the original issues. The predetermined stamps were originally available in strips of 3 or 5 from the normal sheet. Option 3 offers the possibility of creating three se-tenant strips of 1 different-stamps or three strips of 3 of the same stamp. It was the latter that
78- Stamp News
the 'Formula 1 Legends' sheetlet had. The 'Driving through the Years' 50c Cars stamps were only available in se-tenant strips of 3 or 5 different stamps. (Refer to my article in the October 2006 Stamp News.) I thought of another design for Option 3, so I investigated the possibilities.
Take One: Red-back Spider The recent Dangerous Australians $1 Red-back Spider stamp was issued as imperforate. Here was an opportunity to issue it in a horizontal strip of 3 -perforated ! I designed a sheetlet per Layout Three and submitted it to the Product Development Manager for approval. Back came the response that this stamp has been marketed in a special edition sheet to create a collectable item and cannot be released in any other way. Take Two: Extreme Sports The Extreme Sports issue did not have any variations. Perhaps I could create some. How about all 4 stamps on one sheetlet in 3 se-tenant strips of 3 stamps. 50c + $1 + 50c, 50c + $1.45 + 50c and 50c + $2 + SOc. Submission No.2 was rejected on new grounds: The stamps must all be of the same denomination and use of Australia Post artwork is not allowed. You must, of course, use an Australia Post Layout Three artwork image for the stamp. These conditions do not appear in the two Souvenir Stamp Sheets forms supplied.
David Mallen aware of ALL Australia Post Souvenir Stamp Sheetlet policies and hurdles before you start. If you are planning to do this or know of any other private stamp issues, please let me know so that I can report the details in this article to make collectors aware of the different stamp formats . The cost to issue your own sheetlet is quite expensive. Australia Post charges $7.50 per sheetlet with a minimum order quantity of 10,000 which equates to $75,000. David Mallen is author of the Australian Stamp Variations catalogue. The 1966-2006 edition is now available. Contact your stamp dealer or David on dgmallen@ Send for my FREE Variations Statistics sheet. It shows how many variations have been issued each year for the last 40 years. If you know of any other variations, please let me know!
Take Three: 50 Years of Television By now I was getting the message. So let' s do what Max Stem did. That must work. Take a recent issue that came in a se-tenant strip of 5 different stamps and print it in strips of 3 of the same stamp. The 50 Years of Television was a popular issue of five different 50c stamps. I could use a picture of my old television set in the background without too much trouble. So I did another quick copy and paste and sent it in. Back came rejection No.3 due to the fact that these stamps and logos contain images owned by television companies, not Australia Post. I was told that the chance of me obtaining permission was remote.
Conclusion: After 3 attempts at DIY Variations I gave up. It is certainly possible to make your own stamp variations but you need to be
Stamp News- 19
Australian Stantp Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues Rod Laver Re-issued -.. -.................. .._._.,.................... .. .............. ···-···-·-··-··-····-·.... . ............ ··--· .................... . ~ ~gc
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designer, Symone Lambert, for preparing these stamps in just 10 days! The 50c and a $1-85 stamp were issued in various formats (summarised below). The most interesting was a sheetlet of 10 x 50c perforated gummed stamps with tabs. A picture of 'The Urn' was on the tab. The horizontal perforation gauge of the stamp was 14.5 but the tab was 14.0 -in the same row of holes! Description Issue Date Sheet stamps Perforations Blocks, Strips &Pairs Minisheets Se.If-adhesive
Summary Australia Wins The Ashes 2006-07 16m January 2007 (5' Ashes win on 5' January) 50c& $ 1.85 Stamps: 14.5 x 14.0, Tab: 14.0 x 14.0 SOc & $ 1.85 se-tenant pair - from the minisheet 50c + tab block of I 0 - from the sheetlet 50c & $1.85 se-tenant pair 50c - from the sheetlet of 5 stamps
9 Variations
$1.85 - from the sheetlet of 5 stamps Sheetlets
5 x 50c (self-adhesive) 5 x$1.85 (self-adhesive) I 0 x 50c with tabs
50c + tab The tab has a picture of the urn. -from the sheetlet of 10 x 50c stamps
..... :
Australian Legends - Horse Racing The Rod Laver Souvenir Stamp Sheetlet, issued on 15th January to coincide with the 2007 Australian Open tennis championships, was the first Australian issue of the year. It contained nine 50c stamps originally issued in the Australian Legends series in 2003. (The cost of the 50c stamps was $1.77 each.) There were 3 strips of 3 of the same stamp in a block of nine format with tabs . The top and bottom strip had 3 'Rod Laver in action' stamps. The middle strip had 3 'Rod Laver holding trophy ' stamps. In the original issue these stamps were in a se-tenant pair format with 2 Margaret Court stamps forming a se-tenant block of four stamps. This sheetlet was the first time they have been issued in a strip of three stamps with tabs. Summary Rod Laver Souvenir Stamp Sheet! et
Description Issue Date
6 Variations
ISm January 2007 (I " Reprint)
(Original stamp issue: 241h January 2003. 2 00 Reprint: 241h January 2007) 50c ' Rod Laver in action'
Blocks, Strips
50c ' Rod Laver holding troohv' 50c + tab block of9
& Pairs Sheetlet Tabs
3 x 50c strip - 'Rod Laver holding trophy' 3 x SOc strip_- 'Rod Laver in action' 3 x 50c 'Rod Laver holding trophy' stamps+ tabs and 6 x SOc 'Rod Laver in action' stamps+ tabs, in a block of9 format 50c 'Rod Laver holding trophy' with tab above and be low SOc 'Rod Laver in action' with tab above and/or below (The tab has a picture of a tennis ball and racQuet.)
This issue celebrated six greats of Australian horse racing: Jockeys Scobie Breasley, George Moore and Roy Higgins; trainer Bart Cummings; thoroughbred breeder Bob Ingham and race caller John Tapp. It contained 12 stamps (2 per Legend) but not every stamp was issued in the same quantity or format. There were 3 sheets of 50 stamps with 4 different stamps Surnmarv
Description Issue Date Sheet stamps
Australia Wins The Ashes
Blocks, Strips & Pairs
The·second issue for 2007 was-n't even announced in the Stamp Bulletin. But then who'd have thought we 'd beat the English 5-0 in 'The Ashes '? Well done to Australia Post marketing and the
78- Stamp News
9 Variations)
Australian Legends - Horse Racing 24m January 2007 Sheet # I: 50c Scobie Breasley SOc Scobie Breasley on horse
- 15 stamps - I 0 stamps 50c Bart Cummins with binocu lars - 15 stamps 50c Bart Cummins with cup - 10 stamps Sheet #2: 50c Roy Higgins • 15 stamps 50c Roy Higgins on horse -!Ostamps 50c Bob lngham - 15 stamps 50c Bob Ingham with horse • !Ostamps Sheet #3 : 50c George Moore - 15 stamps SOc George Moore on horse - 10 stamps - 15 stamps 50c John Tapp in shirt 50c John Tapp in suit • 10 stamps 4 x 50c Higgins & Ingham -se-tenant block of 4 4 x 50c Moore & Tapp - se-tenant block of 4 4 x 50c Breasley & Cummins- se-tenant block of 4 Booklet Set One: 5 x 50c Scobie Breasley 5 x 50c Bart Cummins with binoculars Booklet Set Two: 5 x 50c Roy Higgins on horse 5 x 50c Bob lngham with horse Booklet Set Three: 5 x 50c George Moore 5 x 50c John Taoo in shirt
David Mallen
in a se-tenant block of 4 layout. This layout meant that of the 4 designs per sheet, there were 15 stamps of 2 designs and 10 stamps of the other 2 designs. Six of the stamps were issued as self-adhesives in 3 booklets. There were 5 stamps of 2 designs per booklet.
10 Years of Australian Legends Reprints
Description Issue Date
Blocks, Strips & Pairs
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 1997 1999 2000
This issue contained reprints of all the Australian Legends stamps from 1997 to 2006- 35 stamps in all. They were issued in an attractive, individually numbered prestige booklet with its own slipcase, as part of a "limited edition" of 10,000 booklets. Most stamps were different from the original issues (see the Image section of the Summary table). The stamps from each year were printed on separate pages and, once removed from the booklet, became a set of 14 minisheets. The format of each issue was similar to the original, except for the 2002 stamps. These 5 stamps were issued in a se-tenant pair and a se-tenant strip of 3 stamps. The original issue was a sheetlet of 10 stamps containing 2 vertical se-tenant strips of the 5 stamps.
The Two "V" Words Defined There seems to be a few people who do not understand the difference between the two "V" words : "Variation" and "Variety". A Variation is a different version or format in which the stamp was issued路compared with the original single gummed sheet stamp. The main variations are: Blocks, Strips & Pairs; Gutter Strips; Image; Imperforate; Minisheets; Overprints; Paper; Perforation; Self-adhesive; Sheetlets; Size and Tabs. A Variety is a stamp containing a printing error or flaw . This can be due to a retouch, misprint, reprint, ink fault, mistake, etc. Seeking-out varieties is a specialist area of philately. It is also rather unique that the result of a lack of printing process control is sought after by the customer - and in fact can become very valuable. (In most other industries if the customer finds something wrong with a product it is usually returned for replacement. Not so for stamp collectors. Stamp printing companies please note!) Varieties are listed in the Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogues. One could argue that an "Image Variation" is a "Variety". The majority of image variations were due to differences in colour or design between the original gummed sheet stamp and
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
SS Variations
Summarv 10 Years of Australian Legends (Reprints 24" January 2007 1997 2 x 45c Bradman se-tenantpair 4 x 45c Cuthben & Elliot block of 4 1998 4 x 45c Fraser & Jackson block of 4 4 x 45c Rose & Strickland block of 4 1999 2 x 45c Boyd se-tenant pair 2000 4 x 45c Last Anzacs block of 4 2001 2 x 45c Dustv se-tenant pair 2 x 45c Nossal & Mills se-tenant pair
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
) Original issue ) was a sheet of ) 12 se-tenant stamps
) Original issue was a
) sheetlet of I 0 stamps 3 x 45c Metcalf, Stanley & Doherty se-tenant strip of3 ) containing 2 vertical ) se-tenant strips of 5 4 x 45c Court & Laver block of 4 2 x 50c Sutherland se-tenant pair 2 x SOc Acton & Bannister se-tenant pair 2 x 50c Dinnigan & Akira se-tenant pair 2 x SOc Saba & Zamoatti se-tenant pair 5 x 50c Humphries se-tenant strip of 5 45c "Portrait" stamp: Picture in pink brown Ori inal - Light brown Both stamos: "45c" in red-brown Original - Gold 45c Longmire stamp: Light brown background (Original - Beige background) 45c Parker stamp: Brown/light brown (Ori gin a l ~ Black/grey) 45c Star stamp: Light brown background (Original ~ Beige/green background) 45c Campbell stamp: Pink brown (Original ~ Light bro~) Both stamos: Grev/brown Original - Blue/grey) All 5 stamps: "Australian Legends" in blue Original - Grey) All 4 stamps: Pictures in light brown Original - Grey) Both stamps: Text in brown Original Orange All 6 stamps: Background in white (Original - Light grey) All 6 stamps: "SOc" ~ey with horizontal streaks of white ,(Original= Solid ~rey) 2 x 45c Bradman se-tenant oair 4 x 45c Cuthbelt & Elliot block of 4 ) 4 x 45c Fraser & Jackson block of 4 ~ 3 minisheets 4 x 45c Rose & Strickland block of 4 2 x 45c Boyd se-tenant pair 4 x 45c Last Anzacs block of 4 2 x 45c Dusty se-tenant pair 2 x 4Sc Nossal & Mills se-tenant pair and 3 x 45c MetcaJ( Stanley & Doherty se-tenant strip of 3 4 x 45c Court & Laver block of 4 2 x 50c Sutherland se-tenant oair 2 x 50c Acton & Bannister se-tenant pair ) 2 x 50c Dinnigan & Akira se-tenant pair ) 3 minisheets 2 x 50c Saba & Zampatti se-tenant pair 5 x 50c Humohries se-tenant strip of 5
same stamp on the minisheet or a reprint of the original stamp. Others were due to differences in lettering thickness, colour and size. One recent issue was even perfumed! Most of these image variations occun路ed "on purpose" rather than due to "a printing error or flaw" . Philatelic definitions are often found in catalogues or on websites, such as: t.htm; http://www htm
Stamp e
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Australian Sta1np Variations etails of the main variations in recent stamp issues Following the record 51 stamps issued in January, there were only 5 stamps with 11 variations issued in February. In March there were 11 stamps and 15 variations , including another Australia Post "first": Australia' s first moving-image lenticular stamp- the $2.45 Lifesaving self-adhesive stamp. A quick check of the 452 self-adhesive stamps listed in my catalogue revealed that this is only the second time a self-adhesive stamp had been issued alone -without a gummed sheet stamp of similar design. The last time this occurred was the triangular kangaroo stamp set issued in 1994. (I have often wondered why Australia Post keeps issuing gummed sheet stamps. We have had self-adhesive stamps since 16th May 1990 and I thought they would have discontinued the old-fashioned 'lick and stick' stamps by now.) I also wondered if Australia Post had issued the first reusable stamp? Was the postmark easily removable from the plastic surface of the $2.45 stamp? I put this to the test by posting one to myself. Yes, the postmark can be removed -just lick your finger and wipe it off !! (For further information about re-using stamps go to the Australia Post Stamps web page and read "Fact 1 -Selling and Buying Postage Stamps". It states that it is an offence to sell such "washed" stamps for re-use.) On the back of the Island Jewels sheetlet you will notice that a Personalised Stamp with the old international letter rate is advertised! This is being retained as it matches the new international postcard rate. Keep your eye on the P-stamps website,, for details of the new $1.30 and $1.95 International Post stamps and the twelve 50c Signs of the Zodiac stamps.
Issue Date Sheet stamps
Perforation Strip Self-adhesive
13th February 2007 50c Tasmanian Christmas Bell; 50c Green Spider Flower; 50c Sturt's Desert Rose; 50c Phebalium whitei 14 x 14.4- gummed sheet stamp 50c strip of 4 4 x 50c -from the booklets and roll of 100 - 11.3 x 11.1 simulated perforation (SEP SPrint) 4 x 50c - from the roll of 200 - 12.7 x 12.8 simulated perforation (Pemara)
12th FINA World Swimming Championships Was this a "stamp" or a "collectable"? This issue was listed under "Collectables" in the Stamp Bulletin. (I've often wondered why "collectables" have to have stamps on them- but that's another problem.) The Auspost website indicated that this issue was also printed by Pemara. It was not. Both formats were printed by SEP SPrint. The website also had the perforation gauge of the gummed sheet stamp in reverse. By convention, perfs are always shown as Horizontal x Vertical. The gauge of the self-adhesive stamp was incorrectly shown as 13.86 x 14.6. Just the one 50c stamp design issued in a sheetlet of 10 and as a self-adhesive with interrupted die-cut on a roll of 100. That is not an official imperf tab on the righthand stamp pictured- it is
Wildflowers This was the third issue in the Australian Wildfiowers series. The four stamp designs were issued on 13th February in gummed and two self-adhesive formats. The self-adhesive stamps were available in booklets of 10 & 20 (SEP SPrint) and rolls of 100 (SEP SPrint) & 200 (Pemara). The stamps from each printer had different continuous die-cut simulated perforations: SEP SPrint = 11.3 x 11.1. Pemara = 12.7 x 12.8. The gummed sheet stamps (Perf 14 x 14.4) were in a se-tenant strip of 4 with the Tasmanian Christmas Bell stamp repeated on the right making the sheet 5 stamps wide.
just the right hand selvedge of the sheetlet! It is April after all. Summary 2 Variations Description 12th FINA World Swimming Championships Issue Date 20th February 2007 Sheet stamp 50c Logo Perforation 14.6 x 13.9- gummed sheet stamp Self-adhesive 50c- from the roll of 100 - 11 .3 x 11.1 simulated perforation (SEP SPrint) Sheetlet 10 x 50c
Island Jewels Summary Description
32 - Stamp News
9 Variations Australian Wildfiowers
Eight International Post stamps were issued on 5th March to coincide with the increased postage rates. There were 6 gummed sheet stamps and 2 self-adhesive stamps. The 2 self-adhesives ($1.30 & $1.95 ) were issued in sheetlets/booklets of 5 stamps. This issue depicted 6 island "jewels". Have you visited them all?
David Mallen
$1.30 - from the sheetlets of 5 $1.95 - 11.3 x 11.1 simulated perforation Sheetlets 5 x $1.30& 5 x $1.95- self-adhesive stamps
Year of the Surf Lifesaver
l1YtttL~sfro~er r).ow"~~- !A."~~-
Personallse your postcards
5 X $1.30 - $6.50 POSTAGE TO ASIA/ PACIFIC
Celebrating 100 years of surf lifesaving in Australia this issue included a lenticular self-adhesive stamp issued in a plastic-coated minisheet. The minisheet came in two sizes and contained two $2.45 stamps. Moving the minisheet back and forth also made the background image move - a rather spectacular effect of the wave breaking. The image of the inflatable rescue boat on the stamp is quite blurred until it reaches the top of the wave, giving it an illusion of motion. The free perforation gauge included with the March edition of Stamp News did not have a grid large enough for the simulated perforations on the $2.45 stamp. I had to revert to the scientific method to calculate the gauge (22 holes in 49.3mm = 8.9 holes in 20mm). Two other self-adhesive stamps (2 x 50c), four gummed sheet stamps (2 x 50c, $1 & $2) and four 'single stamp' gummed minisheets (2 x 50c, $1 & $2) completed this issue.
For the full stamp product range
Summary Description Issue Date Sheet stamps Perforation
4 Variations Island Jewels 5th March 2007 lOc Maria Island; 30c Rottnest Island; $1.30 Green Island; $1.95 Fraser Island; $2.60 Kan garoo Island; $3.85 Lord Howe Island 13.9 x 14.6- gummed sheet stamp
Stamp News- 33
Australian Stamp Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues Summary Description Issue Date Sheet stamps
10 Variations Year of the Surf Lifesaver 6th March 2007 50c Female Lifesaver; 50c Male Lifesavers; $1 Surf Boat Crew; $2 Nippers 13.9 x 14.6- gummed sheet stamp 2 x 50c se-tenant pair 50c (Female Lifesaver) -Line and reel 50c (Male Lifesavers)- Colours of safety $1- Boaties $2- Nippers 2 x $2.45- 158mm wide x 92mm high (from booklet) - righthand stamp 18mm from edge 2 x $2.45 - 160mm x 90mm - righthand stamp 16mm from edge 50c Female Lifesaver 50c Male Lifesavers - from the roll of 100 - 11.1 x 11.3 simulated perforation with IDC
Perforation Pair Mini sheets
$2.45 Inflatable Rescue Boat - lenticular stamp from minisheet - 8.9 x 8.9 simulated perforation with CDC CDC = Continuous die cut, IDC = Interrupted die cut
17!~E~~[,,~tamps SEVEN SEAS 2006 AUSTRALIAN SUPPLEMENTS AVAILABLE NOW! Papua New Guinea ........................ $22.00 Samoa ............................................ $22.00 Norfolk Island ............................... $27.50 Cocos (Keeling) Is .......................... $3.50 Pitcaim Islands ............................. $27.50 Australia Hingeless ....................... $30.00
New Zealand (incl Ross Dependency)$27.50 NZ Optional Pages .......................... $9.90 Christmas Island ........................... $12.50 Nauru ............................................ $33.00 Fiji ............................................... $31.50 Antarctic Territory ......................... $3.00
SPECIAL 2006 COMMONWEALTH GAMES SUPPLEMENT: 17 pages, each with a polystyrol mount to take a Commonwealth Games sheetlet .. $49.50 or single pages ............................................................................................................. $ 3.00 Available from your Stamp Dealer or direct from Seven Seas Stamps (please add $3.50 postage & handling for the first Supplement, plus $1.00 for each additional Supplement, to a maximum of $13.00).
Seven Seas Stamps, PO Box 321, Brookvale NSW 2100 Ph. (02) 9905 3255 fax (02) 9905 7922 email: stamps@ web site: http://www
34- Stamp News
Australian Stamp Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues T"WFSU6 ., ~ __., ~
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We have had Zodiac booklets in the past containing a range of reissued gummed stamps with tabs. Now we have a new set of individual stamps in 3 different formats. Australia Post chose to illustrate the 12 Siderial or Sun signs. The symbols and dates are shown in the stamp pack. Remember that your Zodiac Sign is set by your time, date and year of birth, so the 2007 dates shown in the stamp pack may not apply to you. The cusps (the changeover times and dates between signs) change each year. Perhaps next year we'll have another stamp issue with 2008 dates and the "missing" Ophiuchus -The Serpent Bearersign. (For more information visit the What's My Sign page on Jonathan Cainer's astrology website: Zodiac stamps could become a regular issue just like Christmas stamps. Do you think we need stamps related to "faith" subjects? The 24 stamps were issued on 3rd April and a further 12 self-adhesive stamps with tabs were issued on lOth April via the Personalised Stamps website. For collectors this was the most expensive issue so far this year. The 12 different Signs of the Zodiac were issued in 3 blocks of four as gummed sheet stamps and in 12 separate booklets of 10 self-adhesive stamps with simulated perforations on all 4 sides. The self-adhesive stamps
with tabs were available from the Personalised Stamps service in sheets of 20. As usual they had simulated perforations on 3 sides, a printed simulated perforation between the stamp and the tab and were imperf on the right. Many collectors don't collect tabs, so they remove them to leave an imperf side with the printed simulated perforation on the right of the stamp. This creates a fourth format. See the picture for an example of the sheet stamp and the 3 self-adhesive formats. To obtain one of each of the 48 stamps and the 3 blocks of four, the cost was $348. Just to add to the variations, many of the stamps had different background colours according to the format. I have shown . the details in the Summary Table. (This was very subjective and based on the stamps I purchased on the days of issue. The colours may change according to the print run.) I have shown the Red/Green/Blue (RGB) readings from scans of the backgrounds of the 3 Gemini stamps pictured and named them accordingly. Do you know of any websites that list colour names and RGB readings that would be useful to stamp collectors? If so, let me know and I'll list them on my ASV website.
32- Stamp News
Pale yellow-green RGB = 210,223,168
Pale green RGB = 207,220,190
Summary Description Issue Date Sheet stamps
· ~.J-
Light green RGB = 226,245,203
Signs of the Zodiac
PiSCES ,.. ~
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Perforation Blocks & Pairs
Mini sheets
6 Variations Nostalgic Tourism I 0"' April 2007 50c At the beach $1 Fishing $2 Riding in the country $2.45 Winter sport 14.6 X 13.9 50c, $1, $2 & $2.45 -block of 4 50c & $1 - se-tenant pair 50c & $2.45 - se-tenant pair 50c, $1 , $2 & $2.45 - Tourism and Transport 50c & $1 - Adventure Seekers 50c & $2.45 - By the Seaside
David Mallen .~
Nostalgic Tourism
... ..• .. • .......................................... ..... ~
Four stamp designs issued on 1Oth April were the second in the series of poster art stamps. All 4 stamps were gummed and perforated. The six variations were contained in the prestige booklet. The booklet provided a fascinating picture of tourism and travel in the late 1800s and early 1900s .
Queen's Birthday
A simple sheetlet of 10 stamps was issued on 18th April to commemorate the Queen's birthday. A pale image of the Australian flag appears in parts of the selvedge. The photo of the Queen was taken while on visit to Australia to open the 18th Commonwealth Games in Melbourne in March 2006. The Queen celebrated her 81st birthday on 21 st April2007. Summary- 96 Variations Description
Signs of the Zodiac
Issue Dates
3"' April 2007 - gummed sheet stamps and self-adhesive booklet stamp s l Oili April 2007 - imperf self-adhesive stamps with and wi thout tabs
Sheet stamps
50c 50c 50c 50c
50c Sagittarius 50c Capricorn SOc Aquarius 50c Pisces
50c Leo 50c Virgo 50c Libra 50c Scorpio
Perfo rations
14. 6 x 13.9 - gummed sheet stamp 11.3 x 11.1 simulated perforatio n - self-adhesive booklet stamps 11. 5 x 11 .2 simulated perfo ration - imperf self-adhesive stamps
4 x 50c Aires, Tauru s, Gemi ni, Cancer 4 x 50c Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpi o 4 x SOc Sagittarius, Capri corn, Aquarius, Pisces
50c Tauru s
Sheet stamp Light blu e Light b lue-grey
(Variation only COW1ted where colour differs from sheet stamp)
50c Gemini
50c Aires
Self-adhesive from booklet Light blue-grey
Impcrf self-adhesive Light blue-grey
Pale grey
Pale grey
Light g reen
Pale yellow-green
Pale green
50c Ca ncer
Light pin k-grey
Li ght pink-grey
Light pink-grey
50c Leo
Light beige
Pale beige
Pale beige
50c Virgo
Pale violet
Pale violet
Pale violet-grey
50c L ibra
Pale blue
Pale gree n
Pale green
50c Scorpio
Light pin k
Pale pink-beige
Pale pink-beige
50c Sagittarius Light green
Pale green
Pale green
50c Capricorn
Light mauve
Light mauve-grey
Light mauve-grey
50c Aquariu s
Light yell ow
Pale yellow
Pale yellow
50c Pisces
Light blue
Pale blue-grey
Pale blue-grey
12 x 50c - self-adhesive, with tab (imperf on right) 12 x 50c - self-adhesive, without tab (imperf on right)
12 x 50c - booklets 12 x 50c - with tab (imperf o n ri ght) 12 x 50c - without tab (imperf on ri ght)
12 x 50c - self-adh esive, with tab (imperf on right)
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Summary - 1 Variation Queen's Birthday Description
Different background colours Stamp
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Qul'!t:n'~ B!Jthda)'
Aires Taurus Gemini Cancer
Issue Date Sheet stamp Perforation Sheetlet
18th April2007 50c Queen 13.9 X 14.6 10 x 50c
Stamp News - 33
Australian Stam.p Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues
Historic Shipwrecks Three gummed sheet stamps were issued on 1" May Description Historic Shipwrecks depicting three of the most 1" May 2007 Issue date calamitous shipwrecks on 50c Admella Sheet the Australian coastline $1 Loch Ard stamps of the 19'h century. These $2 Dunbar stamps compliment the 13.9 X 14.6 Perforation previous Bicentennial - Terra Australis issue of 2nd October 1985 that featured coastal shipwrecks from the 17'h and 18'h centuries. The Admella struck a reef on the SE coast of South Australia on its way to Melbourne in 1859. There were 89 killed and 24 survivors. The Loch Ard struck Mutton Bird Island, east ofWarrnambool on Victoria's infamous "Shipwreck Coast", in fog in 1878. Only 2 people survived. The Dun bar hit the cliffs near Macquarie lighthouse at South Head as it attempted to enter Sydney Harbour in poor weather in 1857. Of the 121 people on board on! y one survived by hanging onto the cliff face for 36 hours. Summary- No Variations
Country to Coast This International POST issue was released in two parts. Part 1 was released on 8'h & 9'h May. (See below and next month's article for details of Part 2.) Part 1 consisted of $1.30 Wallaby and $1.95 Sydney Harbour Bridge designs. As well as the sheet stamps, the $1.30 was available as a self-adhesive stamp in 4 minisheets
32- Stamp News
in the Wallabies of Australia prestige booklet. (8 stamps, with simulated perforations on all4 sides, at $1.62 each.) The $1.30 and $1.95 were available asP-stamps on 9'h May in sheets of 20 in the usual self-adhesive format with integrated photo tab imperf on the right. (20 stamps at $1.95 and $2.55 each, respectively.) Part 2 of this issue was a bit of a mystery. It was advertised on the Sydney Stamp Expo website under "Souvenirs" to be available on 15'h June, the opening day of the Expo. They mentioned 3 items: A 2 x $1.95 minisheet (containing a "semiperf' and a full-perf stamp as a se-tenant pair), a prestige booklet containing the $1.95 stamps and a stamp & coin pack. At the time of writing this article I could not find out if Summan - 15 Varialions Description Issue date
Country to Coast (Part 1) 8 May 2007 - gummed sheet slamps and self~ad hes i ve booklet stamps 9ili May 2007 - self-adhesive P-stamps with integrated tabs (imperf on right) $1.30 Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby Sheet stamps $1.95 Sydney Harbour Brid~e Perforations 14.6 x 13.9 - gummed sheet stamps 11.5 x 11.2 simulated perforation - self-adhesive stamps lmperf $1.30 - self-adhesive, with tab (imperf on right) $1.30 - self-adhesive, tab removed (imperf on right) $1.95 - self-adhesive, with tab (imperf on ri ght) $1.95 - self-adhesive, tab removed (imperf on right) Minisheets 2 x $1.30 - Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby 2 x $1.30 - Agile Wallaby 2 x $1.30 - Mareeba Rock-wallaby 2 x $1.30 - Black-striped Wallaby Self路 S 1.30 - booklet stamp adhesive $1.30 - self-adhesive, with tab (imperf on right) $1.30 - self-adhesive, tab removed (imperfon right) $1.95 - self-adhesive, with tab (impe1f on ri ght) $1.95 - self-adhes ive, tab removed. (impe1f on right) Tabs $1.30 - se lf-adhesive, with tab (imperf on right) $1.95 - self-adhesive, with tab (imperf on right)
David Mallen
Great Stamps at Sandafayre!!
these items were going to be available outside the Expo. The local Philatelic Post Office and Philatelic Bureau did not know and the Australia Post website did not mention this issue in their June program. On Page 21 of the April- June Stamp Bulletin it just quoted "to be released at the Show" with no mention under New Issues on Page 34. By the time you read this hopefully you will have the answer!
We offer thousands of items and collections every week in our exciting mail sale catalogues and on our website. There's something for everyone with lots priced from $30 to $30,000.
Cir cus: Under the Big Top 5 stamp designs were issued on 15'h May. The sheet stamps were in a se-tenant strip of 5 and there was a gutter strip with circus items displayed in the gutter. The stamps were also available as plain self-adhesives in a booklet. A beautiful prestige booklet contained 6 minisheets: 4 with se-tenant pairs of the same gummed stamp, 1 with a se-tenant block of 4 gummed stamps and 1 with the 5 selfadhesive stamps with goldfoiled stars and varnished spotlights. The latter minisheet is quite attractive and could explain why these booklets sold out at my local post office on the first day of issue.
We've got it all, whatever your interest, including Austra lia, Commonwealth, GB, USA, Latin America, Old and 'New' Europe and the many lands of Asia. Whether it's single items, starte r collections or medal winners, sorter cartons or entire estates you'll find it at Sandafayre.
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Summary - 24 Variations
Please send me a FREE introductory mail sale catalogue I would like to join the Collectors Register
Description Issue date Sheet stamps
!':!~_'!'.~ - -- · -·-- ·- --- -- · -- -- · - ·-· · - - -····-- · - · --·-·--·- · --· --- ----···--· · ·--·-·· -· ·· ·-· · ·---· · ·-· ~~-~,~~~---·- · --·- · --- - ·-----·--· - ·--· - · -·-- · -·--·-·-- --· ---·- · ---··--··--··- - ----·- ·-· · -----·-
Circus: Under t h e Bie Too 15 • May 2007 50c The Burning Bicycle
SOc The Inside-out Man SOc The Dental Trapeze SOc The Banana Lady
Perforatio ns Blocks, Strips& Pai rs
Gutter strip Minisheets
SOc Tile Human Cannonball 14.6 x 13.9 - gummed sheet stamps 11.5 x 11 .2 simulated perforation - self-adhesive stamps 5 x SOc se-tenant strip of 5 2 x 50c The Burning Bicycle se-tenant pai r 2 x 50c The In side-out Man se-tenant pair 2 x SOc The Dental Trapeze se-tenant pair 2 x 50c The Banana Lady se-tenant pair 2 x 50c The Human Cannonball se-tenant pair 2 x 50c The Burning Bicvcle & 2 x 50c The Human Cannonball se-tenant block of 4 10 x 50c - C ircus items in the gutter 5 x 50c - Stardust Circus 5 x 50c (self-adhesives*) - Kurt Langtree 2 x 50c The Dental Trapeze - Lennon Brothers' C ircu s 2 x 50c The Banana Lady - New Shanghai Circus 2 x 50c The Inside-out Man - Captain Frodo 2 x 50c The Burnin g Bicycle & 2 x 50c The Human Cannonball (block of 4) - Alan Shaw 5 x 50c - pl ain 5 x 50c - gold -fo iled stars and varnished spotli ghts*
~--.'!1-~ [l
__ __ __ __ _______ ____ ___ _____ _______ _____ _________ ____________________ _____________ , __l~_ll)_
REGISTER YOUR COLLECTING INTERESTS • Only see lots that match your interests • No unwanted catalogues • FREE to register and use Email your details to or return the coupon Pl ease send me lot info by: Dpost O ema il ~y-~?!l_e_c_ti~g_ !~!~~'=~!~ ~!~1 - __ ____ ___ ______ __ __ ___ -- -- ------ ---------------- --- -- --- ----- ---- ---
ISSN 1448-1014
9 771324 520000
Australian Sta111p Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues Reprinted Wildlife Hidden at the back, inside the Threatened Wildlife prestige booklet (issued on 26th June) were 6 imperforate reprints from the 1981 Australian Animals - Endangered Species definitive issue! They were contained on 2 mini sheets in se-tenant blocks of four. This is the third issue of reprints this year. (See March Stamp News for details of the others.) As well as being imperforate they were smaller in size and had some image differences. Interestingly this is the first time a reprint has had the new year of issue included in the image. All 6 stamps have "2007" incorporated. The individual imperf stamps are invalid for postage under the new Australia Post policy but they can still be cut out and put onto a First Day Cover, provided it is hand stamped and not put through the mail stream. The two minisheets may be used as large $1.15 and $1.48 stamps and posted on envelopes.
Summary Description Issue date Perforations Blocks
22 Variations Endangered Species - Reprints 26m June 2007 Imperforate (gummed stamps) Se, 2Sc, 30c & SSc - se-tenant block of 4 2 x 24c & 2 x SOc - se-tenant block of 4 Image 24c Thylacine - orange-brown (yellow-brown) -blunt twig (pointed twig) (original in brackets) (Litho reprint = blunt twig) . 30c Wallaby - yellow-brown (grey-brown) SSc Rat - orange-brown (green-brown) All 6 reprints - narrower lettering - 2007 date in image Imperf Se Wombat 24c Thylacine 2Sc Bilby 30c Wallaby SOc Possum SSc Rat Mini sheets Se, 2Sc, 30c & SSc- Wallaby 2 x 24c & 2 x SOc - Possum Size Se Wombat 2Sc Bilby 21mm wide 30c Wallaby (original (22mm) in brackets) SSc Rat 26mm wide 24c ~ylacine (27mm) SOc Possum
32- Stamp News
, '
Threatened Wildlife Four new Threatened Wildlife stamps were issued on 26th June. Two 50c for local postage and $1.25 & $1.30 for International Post. The 50c stamps were issued in se-tenant format in the I !
Summary- 6 Variations Description Threatened Wildlife 26th June 2007 Issue date Sheet 50c Flying-fox stamps 50c Pygmy-possum $1.25 Turtle $1.30 Albatross Perforations 14.6 x 13.9 (vertical) and 13.9 x 14.6 (horizontal) - gummed sheet stamps Pairs 2 x 50c Flying-fox 2 x 路50c Pygmy-possum Mini sheets 2 x 50c Flying-fox 2 x 50c Pygmy-possum 2 x $1.25 Turtle 2 x $1.30 Albatross
i i
David Mallen
A 2 x $1.95 minisheet (containing a "semi-imperf' and a fullperf stamp as a se-tenant pair), a prestige booklet containing seven $1.95 self-adhesive stamps and a PNC stamp & coin pack. This issue was not listed in the New Issues or Collectables summaries at the back of either the April or July Stamp Bulletins. (The full perf $1.95 gummed stamp was issued in Part 1 on S'h May.) These 3 items were also available from the Expo website as souvenirs overprinted with the Expo logo. I believe all were sold prior to the opening day. Other than not being widely advertised, this issue is controversial because it contains a semi-imperf stamp on the minisheet that is the first imperf stamp issued since Australia Post's policy change that makes imperf stamps cut-out of minisheets, etc. "invalid for postage". The semi-imperf stamp was going to feature on one of the Expo's souvenir envelopes but this was cancelled once the Expo Committee were informed of the new Australia Post policy. Refer to articles in this and last month's Stamp News about this change. A small note to this effect is at the top of Page iii of the Specialist Notes section in the July Stamp Bulletin, as well as on the Australia Post/Stamps webpage under FAQ. The whole minisheet remains valid for postage as a large $3.90 stamp.
-heet and in pairs of the same stamp in the prestige booklet. The booklet also contained 4 minisheets.
In Celebration! (Country to Coast- Part 2) This controversial issue coincided with the opening day of the Sydney Stamp Expo on the 15'h June. Part 1 was released on S'h & 9'h May. (See last month's Stamp News for details.) Part 2 was renamed In Celebration! and consisted of 3 items:
Summary - 4 Variations Description In Celebration! Country to Coast (Part 2) 15th June 2007 Issue date Perforations 14.6 X 13.9 - gummed rninisheet sheet stamp Imperf x 13.9 - gummed rninisheet sheet stamp 11.5 x 11.2 simulated perforation - self-adhesive booklet stamps 2 x $1.95 - serni-imperf and full Pair perf gummed se-tenant pair from the rninisheet $1.95 - imperf on top, left & lmperf bottom. (Invalid for postage.) 2 x $1.95 - serni-imperf and full Mini sheets perf gummed stamps $1.95 - from the prestige booklet Selfadhesive
Big Things There are over 100 BIG THINGS along the roadside in Australia. All are there to attract the touri st who is passing by. My favourite is the Big Koala at Dadswell s Bridge on the AS
Australian Stamp Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues
te i. .,l I,
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Western Highway in Victoria. I have lost count how many times I have driven passed it. The 5 Big Things stamps were issued on 5'h June. Variations included a se-tenant strip of 5; a gutter strip with 2 plectrums, a crayfish leg, a banana siGn, a ball of wool & 2 knitting needles
and a slice of pineapple in the gutter; and 5 self-adhesive stamps in a booklet.
Summary - 7 Variations Description Big Things 5th June 2007 Issue date Sheet stamps
50c Guitar 50c Lobster 50c Banana 50c Merino Sheep 50c Pineapple
Perforations 14.6 X 13.9 - gummed sheet stamps 11.5 x 11.2 simulated perforation - self-adhesive stamps Strip
5 x 50c se-tenant strip
Gutter strip
10 x 50c with associated images in the gutter
5 x 50c booklet stamps
Contact us today for your FREE colour catalogue or view it online at
VANCE AUCTIONS LTD. P.O. Box 267Z, Smithville, Ontario, Canada LOR 2AO & Phone: 905-957-3364 mffi ~ Fax: 905-957-0100 ~ 34 - Stamp News
C 2006 USPS
.41 ~ $8.20
Chapter Two
""" EEE
ISSN 1448 - 1014
9 771324 520000
Australian Stantp Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues Imperf Bluff? It was announced in April that individual imperforate and semiimperforate stamp variations, when cut-out from minisheets, etc. will be invalid for postage. This announcement was hidden in the printed publicity for the 2007 Sydney Stamp Expo and on the Expo website. The announcements referred to the $1.95 semi-imperforate stamp that formed part of a se-tenant pair with a fully perforated stamp on the minisheet issued on 15'h June, the opening day of the Expo. Subsequently Australia Post has confirmed this policy change. Statements have appeared on the Australia Post/Stamps website under FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) and in the July issue of the Stamp Bulletin on Page (iii) of the Specialist Notes insert. I have also received e-mails confirming this from the Australia Post representative on the Sydney Stamp Expo Committee and the Marketing Manager, Philatelic Group. The Australia Post Guidelines related to this policy change are G2.2.6 "Cut-out stamps" and G2.2.7 "Stamps not valid for postage". At the time of writing, these have not been updated. The Australia Post website's General Post Guide is dated November 2004. I have been receiving many e-mails and also questions on the discussion forum. I summarised these and e-mailed the Marketing Manager on 23'ct May, 26'h June and 4'h July and also sent a letter on 9'h July . To date I have not received a reply. As soon as I do I shall post it on and also on my website: www.users auLasv. The 4 unanswered questions sought to clarify cutting-out and use of imperforate stamps are: 1. Wi 11 the changes apply to all i mperf and semi-imperf decimal stamps that were issued in booklets, sheetlets, minisheets, etc. prior to the Guide update, as well as all future imperf and semiimperf stamps? 2. Can the border of the mini sheet be reduced by cutting near the imperf stamp(s) to make it a more practical size for use on an envelope? 3. Is the removal of the "integrated tab" that comes with the current self-adhesive P-stamps perm itted? This creates a stamp that is imperf on the right side. 4. Is it OK to cut out an imperf stamp from a minisheet and stick it on an envelope then have it cancelled (usually with a First Day of Issue postmark) at the Post Office? (See example of 26'h June imperf reprints , pictured.) The stamp and envelope do not go through the mail stream. Until you see the updated guidelines I suggest you treat imperforate and semi-imperforate stamps as normal stamps, as you have in the past. .I have put the recent 15'11 June and 26'11 June imperf stamps through the mail stream with no problems. (See Sel Pfeffer's article on Pqge 29 of the July_Stamp News for a picture of my envelope with a "mutilated" $1.95 semi-perf Sydney Harbour Bridge stamp postmarked on May 16'11 - one month before it was
- S~ampNews
issued!) If the guidelines do not get updated then perhaps it was all a 1" April bluff! Hopefully by the time you read this you will have answers .
0,000 Amazing Landmarks Perfs Four gummed stamps were issued on 10'11 July depicting architectural landmarks. The feature of this issue was the minisheet with the 4 stamps in a special layout. i.e. A block of 4 se-tenant stamps at 90 degrees to one another- a first for Australia Post. This layout has played havoc with the perforations! The 50c (Former ICI House- pictured) & $1 have 13.9 (right & bottom), 14.6 (left), and 13.9 (8 holes- "top left) & 14.6 (20 holes- top right). The two 50c sheet stamps were in a normal se-tenant pair layout.
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David Mallen
Landmarks Perforation Variation 13.9
13.9 • 14.6 • .............................
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: 13.9
;;; ~ $
Minisheet stamp
: 14.6
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13.9 Sheet stamp
Summarv - 5 Variations Landmarks -Australian Modernist Description Architecture lQth J ul v 2007 Issue date Sheet 50c Former ICI House 50c Academy of Science stamps $1 Council House I $2.45 Svdnev Ooera House Perforations Sheet stamps: 13.9 (top & bottom) x 14.6 (left & right). Minisheet stamps: 50c (Academy of Science) & $2.45 = 13.9 X 14.6.
Blocks & Pairs
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14.6 :
.........•••............... 13.9
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50c (Former ICI House) & $1 = 13.9 (right & bottom), 14.6 (left) 13.9 & 14.6 (top). 2 x 50c - se-tenant pair 2 x 50c, $1 & $2.45 -se-tenant block of 4 in special 90 degree lavout 2 x 50c $1 & $2.45- block of 4
The 5 Market Feast stamps were issued on 24th July. Variations included a se-tenant strip of 5; a gutter strip with various items of food in the gutter; and 5 self-adhesive stamps in booklets. Instead of one booket containing the 5 self-adhesive stamps (as per the Big Things issue), with this issue each design was available in its own booklet. To obtain one of each self-adhesive stamp (face value= $2.50) I had to buy all 5 booklets at a cost of $25. (Luckily I sell the surplus via my website!) A "Colle<;:tor's Pack" containing the 5 self-adhesive variations was not available.
Summarv 7 Variations Description Market Feast 24th Julv 2007 Issue date 50c Queen Victoria Market Sheet stamps 50c Rusty's Market 50c Sydney Fish Market 50c Adelaide Central Market 50c Hume Murrav Farmer's Market 14.6 X 13.9 Perforations - gummed sheet stamps 11.5 x 11 .2 simulated perforation -self-adhesive stam_12s 5 x 50c se-tenant strip Strio 10 x 50c with food items in the e:utter Gutter strio Self-adhesive 5 x 50c booklet stamps
Market Feast This issue was identical in variations to the Big Things issue last month.
Stamp News- 33
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philatelic news
Stamps not valid for postage: Australia Post has confirmed that individual imperforate stamps cut out from booklets, sheetlets and minisheets are not valid for postage. They are to be treated as a "collectable" and not put through the mail stream. This new policy applies to ALL such decimal stamps issued since 1966. The policy will come into affect in October when the new General Post Guide is released. It contains the following updated Guidelines:
tearing them out along the perforation or 'kiss-cut' or, in the case of imperf self-adhesive stamps, removed from the backing along the simulated perforations. See the illustration for some examples.
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G2.2.6- Cut-out stamps Embossed or impressed postage stamp designs on postage-prepaid envelopes or postal stationery, such as aerogrammes, are valid postage only on the original envelope or stationery. Semi-imperforate and imperforate stamps are only valid for postage if left as originally presented for sale, such as in a minisheet or similar format. These postage stamp designs and imperforated or semi-imperforated stamps are not valid for postage if they are cut from the original envelope, stationery or surround and affixed to any other postal article. G2.2.7 - Stamps not valid for postage The following stamps are not valid for postage; cut, defaced or disfigured stamps, or those removed from their presented surround without the aid of perforations. a cancelled postage stamp - the attempted re-use路 of a cancelled postage stamp is illegal a postage stamp covered with a transparent material that prevents effective cancellation a duty stamp a postage stamp not listed in G2.2.2, except those on articles lodged in paquebot mail - refer to G2.2.9 Articles lodged on the high seas a postage stamp affixed to an enclosure in an envelope that has a space cut to display the stamp a postage stamp on the back of a postal article This does not apply to imperf stamps that are not 'cut out'. For example framas , coil stamps, ~elf-adhesive P-stamps and booklet stamps, that can be removed by 32- Stamp News
that comes with the current self-adhesive P-stamps permitted? This creates a stamp that is imperf on the right side. A3: No. The tab forms part of the stamp product and must not be cut off if the stamp is to be used for postage. Q4: Is it OK to cut out an imperf stamp from a mi nisheet and stick it on an envelope then have it cancelled (usually with a First Day of Issue postmark) at the Post Office? (See the example of 26th June imperf reprints, pictured in September Stamp News.) The stamp and envelope do not go through the mail stream. A4: No. Imperforate stamps are not to be separated from the surround. The entire minisheet, sheetlet or booklet page may be stuck on an envelope and cancelled. Three new questions and answers have appeared on the Australia Post website under Stamps/FAQ. They further support the new policy that imperf stamps are "collectables" and not valid for postage as individual stamps.
3 FAQs on the Australia Post website (http://www stamps/faq.asp)
I have received many e-mails from collectors and questions via the postage stamp forum and bulletin board: www. The 4 main questions that sought to clarify cutting-out and use of imperforate stamps have been finally answered by Australia Post's Philatelic Group Channel Manager and Marketing Communications Manager. Ql : Will the changes apply to all imperf and semi-imperf decimal stamps that were issued in booklets, sheetlets, minisheets, etc. prior to the Guide update, as well as all future imperf and semi-imperf stamps? A l: Yes. (See below for a list of 63 stamps that are now not valid for postage.) Q2: Can the border of the mini sheet be reduced by cutting near the imperf stamp(s) to make it a more practical size for use on an envelope? A2: No. You must use the entire minisheet as a large stamp. Q3: Is the removal of the 'integrated tab'
What is an imperforate stamp? An imperforate stamp has all the characteristics of a postage stamp except for the perforations, or holes separating the stamps. Stamps can be either semiimperforate (with some perforations missing), or fully imperforate (with no perforations at all). Why produce imperforate stamps? Imperforate or semi-imperforate stamps are designed as a collectable. They are a way of offering something unusual to the collector market. Can imperforate stamps be used for postage? Yes, so long as they are posted in their original format. If they are included in a minisheet they are valid for postage, so long as the minisheet is intact. The perforations are one of several security features included in a stamp. Imperforate stamps cannot be cut out and placed on mail for postage, as it makes it difficult to detect postal fraud. By "offering something unusual to the collector market", Australia Post has
Australia Post policy change created a new product: The Collectable Stamp. Here is my definition. Collectable Stamp: An individual fully imperforate or semi-imperforate stamp cut out from its surround. (Note that Collectable Stamps are not valid for postage.)
The retrospective nature of this policy has upset some philatelists and dealers. For example a dealer bought 2000 sets of the two Australia '99 Expo minisheets containing the six imperf 45c Navigator stamps and has cut-out the stamps for use as postage. From October these will become "collectables" not postage stamps. The legality of this change is also being questioned. As the imperforate 'collectable stamp' has a value and "Australia" printed on it, is it not . therefore, by definition, a postage stamp? So why can't it be used to pay for posting an article? The $3.90 Sydney Harbour Bridge miniature sheet that started this controversy in April contained a $1.95 fully perforated postage stamp and a $1.95 semi-imperforate 'collectable stamp' in se-tenant pair format. Under the new Australia Post Guidelines this minisheet may be used in 3 ways to pay for International postage. 1. The full minisheet used as a large $3.90 stamp. 2. The $1.95 postage stamp torn out for separate use. 3. The remainder, containing the $1.95 'collectable stamp', used as a large $1.95 stamp. Some of the recent imperf and semiimperf Australian stamps have been individually registered with the Universal Postal Union (UPU). This registration has no bearing on whether the stamps are valid for postage or are philatelic collectables that are not valid for postage. Australia Post participates in the World Numbering System (WNS) program by providing examples of our gummed and self-adhesive stamps for inclusion on the WNS website: The purpose of the listing is to identify the stamps as being the genuine releases of Australia Post. This policy change doesn't mean that we still can't collect imperforate stamps! I shall be cutting them out and adding them to my mint Australian Variations
collection. Postmarked cut out imperf stamps could however become quite rare and valuable, particularly those alone on envelopes that have been through the mail stream- as the sender will have risked being charged a service fee. More background details and updates on this policy change are on the Information page of my website and in previous issues of Stamp News. Individual imperforate Australian collectable stamps that are not valid for postage (74th February 7966 - 3 7st August 2007) All stamps are fully imperforate unless otherwise indicated
1970: Captain Cook Bicentenary: Cut out from minisheet Se Cook, Se Landing, Se Discovery, Se Charting, Se Possession, 30c Motifs 1978:Australian Aviators: Cut out from minisheet. 18c Sir Charles Kingsford Smith, 18c Charles Ulm 1994: Aviation Feats: Unofficial black stamps cut out from the Aeropex'94 souvenir sheet. No gum. 4Sc Lawrence Hargrave,4Sc Ross and Keith Smith, $1.3S Gable and Mclntyre, $1.80 Freda Thompson 1999: Navigators: Cut out from minisheet. 4Sc Abel Tasman,4Sc James Cook, 4Sc Matthew Flinders, 4ScWilliam Dampier,4Sc George Bass,4Sc Phillip Parker King 200S: Centenary of Rotary International: Cut out from sheetlet. SOc Symbol and Globe 200S: Marking The Occasion (P-stamps): Self-adhesive P-stamps with the tab removed to create an imperf righthand side. The righthand edge of the stamp image has a 'printed' simulated perforation. 4Sc Christmas Tree, SOc Australiana, SOc Kangaroos, SOc Bumble Bee, SOc Roses, SOc Let's Party, SOc Bouquet and Champagne, $1 Bouquet and Hand, $1.10 Koala, $1.20 Beach and Shell, $1.80 Sydney Opera House 2006: Treasures from the Archives:Cut out from sheetlet. $S NSW 20/- Specimen 2006: Commonwealth Games Logo (including P-stamp): Cut out from the minisheet page in the Sports of the Games prestige booklet; Self-adhesive stamp with the square photo tab removed to create an imperf righthand side. The righthand edge of the stamp image
has a 'printed' simulated perforation. SOc Logo 2006: Greetings from Australia (P-stamps): Self-adhesive P-stamps with the tab removed to create an imperf righthand side. The righthand edge of the stamp image has a 'printed' simulated perforation. $1.2S Koala, $1.8S Royal Exhibition Building 2006: Soccer in Australia (minisheet);'Trimmed' minisheet (130mm x80mm).Cancelled version available on First Day Cover. SOc Play, SOc Goal, $1.2S Save, $1.8S Shot 2006: Dangerous Australians: SOc Shark, SOc Snake, SOc Jellyfish: Imperforate top and bottom. Cut out from 'Special Edition' minisheet. (WNS Nos. AU219.06, AU220.06 & AU221.06) SOc Crocodile: Imperforate top, bottom and right. Cut out from 'Special Edition' minisheet. (WNS No. AU222.06) SOc Octopus: Imperforate top, bottom and left. Cut out from 'Special Edition' minisheet. (WNS No. AU224.06) $1 Red-back Spider: Cut out from 'Special Edition' minisheet. (WNS No. AU223.06) 2007: Signs ofthe Zodiac (P-stamps):Self-adhesive P-stamps with the tab removed to create an imperf righthand side. The righthand edge of the stamp image has a'printed' simulated perforation. SOc Aries, SOc Taurus, SOc Gemini, SOc Cancer, SOc Leo, SOc Virgo, SOc Libra, SOc Scorpio, SOc Sagittarius, SOc Capricorn, SOc Aquarius, SOc Pisces 2007: Country to Coast- Parts 1& 2 (including Pstamps):Self-adhesive P-stamps with the tab removed to create an imperf righthand side. The righthand edge ofthe stamp image has a'printed' simulated perforation. $1.30 Yellow-footed Rock-wallaby, $1.9S Sydney Harbour Bridge Imperforate on top, bottom and left. Cut out from minisheet. $1.9S Sydney Harbour Bridge 2007: Endangered Species- Reprints: Cut out from the minisheet pages in the Threatened Wildlife prestige booklet. Se Wombat, 24cThylacine, 2Sc Bilby, 30c Wallaby, SOc Possum, SSc Rat Source: Australian Stamp Variations Catalogue 1966-2006 Australian Stamp Variations articles in 2007 issues of Stamp News
David Mallen Stamp News- 33
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Australian Stantp Variati Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues .~,
APEC Forum There was only one stamp issue in August. The 50c APEC Forum issue commemorated the Meeting of the Economic Leaders from the 21 member countries of the Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation in Sydney from 2nd- 9th September. (There was also a rumour that metropolitan Sydney enjoyed a 'public holiday ' on Friday 7th September because of the Forum!) The two variations in this issue were a sheetlet of 10 stamps and a self-adhesive stamp available in rolls of 100.
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Summary - 2 Variations Description APECForum 28th August 2007 Issue date Sheet stamp 50c APEC logo Perforations 13.9 X 14.6 - gummed sheet stamp 11 .2 x 11 .5 simulated perforation - self-adhesive stamp 50c Self-adhesive Sheetlet 10 x 50c
in the image. This was the first time a reprint has been datecoded. These six imperforate variations were issued in two minisheets (booklet pages) in the Threatened Species prestige booklet. Australia Post has advised that reprints that are not issued in gummed sheet format will be datecoded in future as it is impractical to include the usual koala and kangaroo reprint symbols. (Reprinted sheets of gummed stamps have a koala and/ or kangaroo reprint symbol printed in the side selvedge of the sheet. Reprinted booklets and sheetlets also have these symbols on the selvedge. The 1st reprint has 1 koala, 2nd reprint 2 koalas, etc. The 5th and 1Qth reprints, etc. have a kangaroo symbol. e.g. 1 kangaroo+ 3 koalas= 8th reprint. Occasionally these reprints have differences from the original, particularly perforations, image, etc. The last ones I know of are the image colour difference of the 3 koala reprint of the 70c Kookaburra issued in 1997 and the different perforation of the one koala reprint of the 20c and 45c Arts Council booklet stamps issued in January 2003 . If you know of any variations in more recent koala or kangaroo reprints, please let me know.) The other two reprints issued so far this year were Rod Laver (Souvenir stamp sheetlet, 15th January) and the 35 Australian Legends stamps (Prestige booklet, 24th January). See the March issue of Stamp News and my website for full details. These stamps were not identified with the koala reprint code. It is an Australia Post policy that reprints, or "previously released stamps", must not be postmarked with a First Day of Issue (FDI) cancellation. This is irrespective of whether they are datecoded, have a koala or kangaroo symbol or are a significantly different variation from the original issue. They may however be postmarked with a normal date-stamp postmarker. (Of course, imperforate and semi-imperforate stamps may not be cut-out from the minisheet and individually postmarked as they are "collectable stamps" and not valid for postage.) Previously released stamps includes those in Souvenir Stamp Sheets (SSS) that are released well after the original issue date and are not part of the original issue. These stamps are usually unrelated to the subject of the SSS. I often wonder why some SSSs have to have stamps on them at all! In the July - September 2006 Stamp Bulletin the following policy statement appeared. (See also October 2006 Stamp News .) CANCELLATION OF PREVIOUSLY RELEASED STAMPS From time to time previously released stamps are reproduced and feature in special products. Prestige booklets are a good example of this design inclusion. Because these stamps are a reproduction of a previously released stamp issue they are not entitled to receive a first day of issue cancellation mark.
FDI Cancellation of Reprints As I mentioned in my August article, the Endangered Species reprints issued on 26th June had a "2007" datecode incorporated
32- Stamp News
This policy has not been included in the updated Post Office Guide issued in October 2007.
David Mallen
SAS The 50th Anniversary of the Special Air Service (SAS) was commemorated with the issue of a single stamp and sheetlet of 10 stamps on 4th September. A special 'limited edition' goldfoiled sheetlet is expected to be released on 5th November to complete this issue.
Summary -1 Descri tion Issue date Sheet stam Perforations Sheetlet
Variation (to date) S01h Anniversary of the SAS
13.9 X 14.6 10 x 50c
Summarv -17 Variations Australian Botanic Gardens Description 12th September 2007 Issue date 50c Botanic Gardens, Adelaide Sheet stamps 50c Brisbane Botanic Gardens, Mt. Coottha 50c Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne 50c Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain, Sydney 50c Kings Park and Botanic Gardens, Perth 13.9 X 14.6 Perforations - gummed sheet stamps 11.2 x 11 .5 simulated perforation - self-adhesive stamns 50c se-tenant strip of the 5 different stamps Blocks & Strip 5 x 50c blocks of 4 of the same stamp 10 x 50c se-tenant strips with scenes from Gutter Strip the 2:ardens in the 2:utter 5 x 50c blocks of 4 of the same stamp Minisheets Self-adhesives 5 x 50c
Beautiful Botanic Gardens A feature of September's Botanic Gardens issue was the 5 beautiful minisheets from the prestige booklet. They each contained a block of 4 of the same stamp and a background scene from the gardens depicted in the stamp. Of the 4 "Royal" Botanic Gardens in Australia, only two were included in this issue- Sydney and Melbourne. The self-adhesive stamps were available on a roll of lOO and in a booklet of 20 stamps. A gutter strip of gummed stamps, with scenes from the gardens in the gutter, was also released .
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On Page 17 of the October - December 2007 Stamp Bulletin the new Impressions catalogue of "unique gifts and collectables" is mentioned. I telephoned the information number but they had no idea what variations will be issued with these products. It appears a special gold-foiled SAS sheetlet is to be issued on 5th November and a large sheet of imperforate Landmarks "collectable stamps" is to be issued on 14th November. More information is available at: www.
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Australian Stamp Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues ;;; 4
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Blast Off! 50 Years in Space Stamp Collecting Month ''blasted-off' this year with 12 stamps of 6 "space" designs to commemorate 50 years in space. There were 7 gummed sheet stamps and 5 self-adhesives. The large $1 stamp was only released in the separate mini sheet as part of the se-tenant offset block of 6 stamps. The se-tenant strip of five 50c stamps was also available in this minisheet as well as in the prestige booklet (Page 26 minisheet) and on the sheet of 50 stamps. The 50c self-adhesives came in a booklet of 10 stamps and a roll of 200. Pairs of the same 50c gummed stamps were available in the minisheets in the prestige booklet. Special features of this issue included the holographic foil on the minisheet and the silver foil on the cover prestige booklet. The latter produced a spectacular 'twinkling star effect'. The gutter strip had images of the sun and 8 planets in the gutter. These were to scale illustrating the relative size of each. Stamp collecting month has been held each year by Australia Post since 1993 as a way to help educate primary school children using stamps as the vehicle for learning. The Blast Off interactive website is well worth a visit: http://www. While you are online also have a look at the Post Master Gallery for details of the Space Exhibition: Summary- 21 Variations ($43.40) Description Blast Off! 50 Years in Space 2"d October 2007 Issue date 50c Sputnik 1957 Sheet stamps 50c First Space Walk 1965 50c First Moon Walk 1969 50c Voyager 1977 50c International Space Station 1998 $1 Hubble Space Telescope 1990 (small= 50 x 30mm) $1 Hubble Space Telescope 1990 (large= 52 x 37mm) 14.6 x 13.9- 50c & $1 (large) gummed sheet stamps Perforations 14.4 x 14-$1 (small) gummed sheet stamp 11 .5 x 11.2 simulated perforation- 50c self-adhesive stamps Blocks, Strips & 50c se-tenant strip ofthe 5 different stamps 5 x 50c pairs ofthe same stamp Pairs 5 x 50c & $1 (large) se-tenant offset block of 6 stamps 10 x 50c se-tenant strips with the sun and 8 planets in the Gutter Strip qutter Minisheets - 5 x 50c & $1 (large) offset block of 6 stamps- holographic foil 2 x $1 (small) pair- Observing our Universe 2 x 50c Sputnik pair- World's First Satellite 2 x 50c First Space Walk pair- First Walk in Space 2 x 50c First Moon Walk pair- Man on the Moon 2 x 50c Voyager pair- Exploring our Solar System 2 x 50c International Space Station pair- Stations in Space 5 x 50c se-tenant strip_- Saturn's Rings Self-adhesives 5 x 50c
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Caravan Booklets Cost Over $700
32- Stamp News
10 caravan stamps (5 designs) were issued on 16'h October. This issue portrayed a humorous and colourful retrospective of an iconic Australian past-time- the use of caravans in Australia from the fifties through to the present day. The designs represented the eras: 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s and today. Each design was available as a self-adhesive stamp in its own booklet of 10 stamps and in a booklet of 10 ' mixed' stamps (2 of each design) . These booklets were available singly or in 'chequebooks' of 20 booklets. There was also a 'general' chequebook and a Prestige Booklet. I am glad I don ' t collect booklets (but I know someone who does) as there were 14 issued costing $740.95 ! Did someone mention barcodes ?! (It is interesting that Australia Post calls the book of 20
David Mallen
booklets a "chequebook". Cheques are virtually obsolete, having been replaced by plastic cards and internet banking. Perhaps they like the financial flavour of the name as each chequebook costs $100.) The prestige booklet contained 5 minisheets with the 5 designs as gummed stamps in various blocks of 4: Caravanning 1950s block, 1950s & 1960s se-tenant block, 1970s block, 1970s & 1980s se-tenant block and Caravanning today block. The 5 gummed stamps were issued in a se-tenant strip of 5 in sheet format (2 panes of 25). There was a design in the gutter between the panes showing the c~ravans being towed along a road by cars of the same era. Summary -17 Variations ($31.90) Description Caravanninq throuqh the Years 16'hOctober 2007 Issue date Sheet stamps 50c Caravanning 1950s 50c Caravanning 1960s 50c Caravanning 1970s 50c Caravanning 1980s 50c Caravanning today 13.9 x 14.6- gummed sheet stamps Perforations 11.2 x 11.5 simulated perforation- self-adhesive stamps Blocks & Strips 50c se-tenant strip ofthe 5 different stamps 4 x 50c block- Caravanning 1950s 4 x 50c se-tenant block- Caravanning 1950s & 1960s 4 x 50c block- Caravanning 1970s 4 x 50c se-tenant block- Caravanning 1970s & 1980s 4 x 50c block- Caravanning today Gutter Strip 10 x 50c se-tenant strips with the gutter design depicting the caravans being towed along a road by cars of the same era 4 x 50c block- Caravanning 1950s Minisheets 4 x 50c se-tenant block- Caravanning 1950s & 1960s 4 x 50c block- Caravanning 1970s 4 x 50c se-tenant block- Caravanning 1970s & 1980s 4 x 50c block- Caravanning today Self-adhesives 5 x 50c
Sydney Harbour Bridge Minisheets Australia Post has overprinted the Sydney Harbour Bridge minisheets to commemorate various stamp shows and events. Two of these have been on a variation of the original minisheet. The original 'Type A' minisheet contained one semi-imperforate collectable stamp and one fully perforated postage stamp in se-tenant pair format. The Sydney Show (15th June)- sold by Australia Post at the Expo- and the Bangkok Stamp Show (3'ct August) overprinted 'Type B' minisheets contained a pair of fully perforated postage stamps. A plain (no overprint) version of 'Type B' is not available. The Prague Conference (14'h September) overprinted minisheet was the same as the 'Type A' original. This minisheet was also
Stamp News- 33
Australian Stam.p Variations etails of the main variations in recent stamp issues -~---·····,
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overprinted with numbered gold and silver Sydney Stamp Expo logos- sold as an Expo souvenir, not by Australia Post. (Note that the semi-imperforate collectable stamp, if cut out from the minisheet, is not valid for postage.) Refer to the ASV articles in the July and August editions of Stamp News for more details on this issue.
Sydney Harbour Bridge Minisheets TYPE A: One semi-imperforate $1.95 collectable stamp and one fully perforated $1.95 postage stamp in se-tenant pair format.
1. 2. 3. 4.
Plain minisheet (no overprint) Sydney Stamp Expo gold numbered overprint Sydney Stamp Expo silver numbered overprint Prague Conference overprint (issued 14'h September)
TYPEB: A pair of fully perforated $1.95 postage stamps.
1. 2.
Sydney Show gold overprint Bangkok Stamp Show overprint (issued 3'ct August)
All issued on 15'h June 2007, unless otherwise shown. The plain Type B minisheet _(no overprint) was not issued.
34- Stamp News
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I Summary- 9Variations ($37.50)- updated Description In Celebration! I Celebrating 75 Years ofthe Sydney Harbour Bridge I Country to Coast (Part 2) ' 15'h June 2007 Issue date I 3'd August 2007 (Bangkok overprinted minisheet) 14'h September 2007 (Prague overprinted minisheet) I Perforations 14.6 X 13.9 i -gummed sheet stamp I lmperf x 13.9 I -gummed minisheet sheet stamp 11 .5 x 11.2 simulated perforation I -self-adhesive booklet stam_lls 2 x $1.95- semi-imperf and full perf gummed se-tenant pair Pair I from the minisheet I lmperf $1.95 - imperf on top, left & bottom. (Not valid for postage.) I 2 x $1.95- se-tenant pair of semi-imperf and full pert gummed Minisheets stamps (Plain minisheet and Expo silver, Expo gold and Prague overprinted minisheets) 2 x $1.95- pair of full perf gummed stamps (Sydney and Bangkok overprinted minisheets) $1.95 self-adhesive- Early Days 2 x $1.95 self-adhesive- Building the Bridge 2 x $1.95 self-adhesive- The Bridge Opens 2 x $1.95 self-adhesive- Commemorative Postage Stamps Self-adhesive $1.95 -from the prestige booklet