Australian Stamp Variations 2008

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Australian Stamp Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues A 'Peel & Stick' Christmas

13 stamps of 5 'stamp-onstamp' designs were issued on 31st October: and 1st November to celebrate 50 Years of Australian Christmas stamps. At last Australia Post has realised that its customers prefer self-adhesive 'peel & stick' stamps. This issue include_d 7 different sheetlets, booklets and minisheets of self-adhesive stamps and 3 sheets of semi-imperforate self-adhesive stamps with integrated tabs, to satisfy every possible postage requirement. A speciaf feature of the 45c Surfing Santa sheetlet of 10 32- Stamp News

stamps was the "high build screen varnish and flexo varnish effect" producing a high gloss image. This stamp was only available in matt finish in the two minisheets. Self-adhesive variations: • 45c Surfing Santa sheet - 20 stamps with integrated tabs • 45c Bush Nativity sheet - 20 stamps with integrated tabs • $1.10 Stain Glass Window sheet - 20 stamps with integrated tabs • 10 x 45c Surfing Santa sheetlet - with high gloss stamps • 20 x 45c Bush Nativity booklet • 20 x 45c Madonna and Child booklet • 5 x 50c The Infant Samuel sheetlet* • 5 x $1.10 Stain Glass Window sheetlet* • 3 x 45c, 50c & $1.10 (153 x 104mm) minisheet - prestige booklet • 3 x 45c, 50c & $1.10 (156 x lOOmm) minisheet *These two "sheetlets" were really booklets as they had a kiss-cut allowing them to be folded. For specialist collectors of Christmas stamps the prestige booklet gave background information of this 5Q1h anniversary and details of the 5 designs. Six pages of the booklet had pictures of previous

David Mallen

Christmas stamps. Three variations were also included. There were gummed blocks of four of the 45c Madonna and Child stamp and the 45c Bush Nativity stamp and a rninisheet of the 5 self-adhesive stamps. The 45c Madonna and Child and the 45c Bush Nativity gummed stamps were also issued in sheets of 50 in se-tenant pair format. On 31st October three of the designs were made available on the Personalised Stamps website. These semi-imperforate self-adhesive P-stamps had integrated tabs for your picture, photo or design and were issued in sheets of 20 stamps. It was encouraging to see Australia Post acknowledge that December 25th is now more of "a major family festival associated with gift giving, festive food," "visiting friends and taking holidays" than representing an event of just one of our country's religions . 16 of the 139 Christmas stamps issued over the past 50 years have had this more multi-cultural theme. The first non-religious Christmas stamp was issued in 1976. Summary- 35 Variations ($124.70) Description 50 Years of Christmas Stamps Issue dates 3Pt October 2007- imperf self-adhesive stamps with/without tabs pt November 2007- gummed sheet stamps and self-adhesive stamps Sheet 45c Surfing Santa (197?) 45c Bush Nativity (1990) stamps 45c Madonna and Child (1996) SOc The Infant Samuel (1957) $1.10 Stained Glass Window (1984) Perforations 14.6 x 13.9- 45c & $1.10 gummed sheet stamps 13.9 x 14.6- SOc gummed sheet stamp 11.5 x 11.2 simulated perforation - 45c & $1 .10 selfadhesive stamps 11.2 x 11.5 simulated perforation - SOc self-adhesive stamp Blocks, 2 x 45c 1990 & 1996 se-tenant pair Strips & 4 x 45c 1990 block of 4 Pairs 4 x 45c 1996 block of 4 lmaqe 45c 1977- hiqh qloss


45c 1977- self-adhesive, with integrated tab (imperf on right) 45c 1990- self-adhesive, with integrated tab (imperf on right) $1 .10 1984- self-adhesive, with integrated tab (imperf on right) 45c 1977- self-adhesive, without tab (imperf on right)** 45c 1990- self-adhesive, without tab {imperf on right)** $1.10 1984- self-adhesive, without tab (imperf on right)** **not valid for postage


3 x 45c,50c & $1.10 self-adhesive (156 x 100 mm) 3 x 45c,50c & $1.10 self-adhesive (153 x 104 mm) -booklet 4 x 45c 1977 4x45c1990 4 x 45c 1996 2 x SOc 1957 1 X $1.101984 45c 1977- matt image 45c 1977- high gloss image 45c 1977- with integrated tab (imperf on right) 45c 1977- without tab (imperf on right)** 45c 1990 45c 1990- with integrated tab (imperf on right) 45c 1990- without tab (imperf on right)** 45c1996 SOc ~ 957 $1.10 1984 $1.10 1984- with integrated tab (imperf on right) $1 .10 1984- without tab (imperf on right)** **not valid for postage




10 x 45c 1997 5 x SOc 1957 5 X $1.10 1984 45c 1977- self-adhesive, with integrated tab (imperf on right) 45c 1990- self-adhesive, with integrated tab (imperf on right) $1.10 1984- self-adhesive, with integrated tab (imperf on riqht)

Stamp News - 33

Australian Sta1np Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues

More Signs On 5th November a further addition to the 3rct April Signs of the Zodiac issue was released. This consisted of 4 booklets for the Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Aquarius signs. Each booklet contained 5 identical minisheets with 4 self-adhesive stamps. A ~eature of the booklets was "your 2008 horoscope by Astrogirl"! Remember that your Zodiac Sign is set by your time, date and birth year. So you need to check what your Sun Sign was on your birthday for your year of birth, not for 2008. This information is available from Astrogirl's website, www, for a fee or by going !o and selecting 'What's My Sign?' for free. I guess we can look forward to 8 more Zodiac booklets next year.

34 - Stamp News

Summary- 4Variations ($43.80) (Total variations to date for this issue is 100. Refer to June Stamp News.) Description Siqns of the Zodiac 51h November 2007 Issue Date (Original issue dates: 3'd April2007 & 101h April2007) Self-adhesive 50c Scorpio Stamps 50c Sagittarius 50c Capricorn 50c Aquarius Perforations 11.3 x 11.1 simulated perforation 4 x 50c Scorpio- pink background Minisheets 4 x 50c Sagittarius- green background 4 x 50c Capricorn - mauve background 4 x 50c Aquarius- blue background

.J".;J"'..,.... ;.;'f/Jt, /




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Stan1p Variations Day 55 Different stamps issued on 5th November ... I have declared Monday 5'h November as "Australian Stamp Variations Day 2007" because Australia Post issued 55 different stamps on that day as part of their Impressions range of products . (Stamps in the Annual Collection not included.) All stamps were reprints except two that were originals. The products were only available by phone or mail order. To supplement this prolific release they also issued a sheet of 48 imperforate Landmarks collectable stamps (not valid for postage) in minisheet format on 14'h November. This sheet was only available by telephone lottery and was the final issue of the year. The total cost was over $47 5. All , except one of the reprints and the two originals, included the new micro-printed "2007" year code in the image. The products that contained mint stamps were: • Behind the Stamp (34 reprinted stamps)- $19.95 • SAS folder (l 0 foiled and embossed stamps in sheetlet)- $79.95 • 50 Years in Space folder (Special minisheet containing one 50c Sputnik stamp)- $99.00 Cricket in Australia booklet ( 19 cricket stamps) $14.95 • Christmas Stamp and Ingot Set (Original 3Y2d and 4d 1957 Christmas stamps)- $29.95 2007 Annual Collection (5 Botanic Gardens stamps in special sheetlet) - $89.95 Landmarks imperf sheet (12 minisheets of collectable stamps)- $99.00 Many of the Impressions products contained coins as , I suppose, a minor refund of part of the purchase price. Stamp collectors collect stamps , not coins, so I guess these are spent or sold on intemet auction sites. My recycle bin did well with the empty folders and ' no stamp ' booklet pages , too! (Also released on 5'h November were 4 Signs of the Zodiac booklets to supplement the April issue. Each booklet contained 5 identical minisheets with 4 self-adhesive stamps on each minisheet. These are not included in the above Impressions figures. Refer separate article.)

perforation, image and size- a total of 76 variations. The 8 minisheets contained many "firsts" for Australia Post: 1. Imperforate mini sheet with printed perforation: Pages 5 & 9 contain a reprint of the 3d Kookaburra mini sheet of 4 stamps . This has printed perforations but not actual holes. 2. Imperforate stamps with printed perforation: Pages 5 & 9 contain a reprint of the 3d Kookaburra minisheet of 4 stamps. The 4 stamps have printed perforations but not actual holes thus making them imperforate collectable stamps . 3. Decimal & pre-decimal perforated stamps on the same minisheet: Pages 13 & 21 contain decimal and predecimal stamps on the same page. 4. Decimal & pre-decimal imperforate stamps on the same minisheet: Pages 17 & 25 contain decimal and pre-decimal imperforate collectable stamps on the same page . 5. Decimal & pre-decimal perforated se-tenant pair: Page 21 contains a 6d & Se Yellow-tailed Thombill se-tenant pair. 6. Decimal & pre-decimal imperforate se-tenant pair: Page 25 contains a 6d & Se Yellow-tailed Thombill imperforate se-tenant pair of collectable stamps. 7. Stamps from two different issues as an imperf setenant pair: Page 17 contains a 41 c & 43c Thinking of You se-tenant pair of collectable stamps .. These were originally issued (as perforated stamps) 7 months apart. (Page 13 contains a 41c & 43c Thinking of You se-tenant pair of perforated stamps that were originally issued 7 months apart. This is not a "first". This format was first used in the Australia Remembers reprint issue of 21 ''April 2005. Savage and Vasey were from Series 2 and Series 1, respectively, and were issued as a perforated se-tenant pair.) Behind The Stamp - Reprints (Sth November 2007)

Behind the Stamp This prestige booklet presented "10 fascinating stories about Australian stamps". It gave details of some stamp issuing highlights, such as the first stamp, the first miniature sheet, 'instant' stamps and Queen's birthday stamps . Each story was illustrated by a stamp or minisheet on 8 minisheets of gummed stamps . These minisheets contained 9 postage stamps, 17 perf and imperf collectable stamps and 2 imperf collectable minisheets. The face value of these stamps was $5 .66. Each minisheet had a footer indicating which stamps were "collectables" and hence not valid for postage. The footer did oot refer to the imperforate- stamps! (These were also not valid for postage per the new October Australia Post Guideline.) Every stamp was different from the original , particularly in

66- Stamp News


Original Issue Date

1d Kangaroo & Map

2"d January 1913

3d Kookaburra

29th October 1928

2/- Olympics

1" December 1954

6d Yel low-tailed Thorn bill

19th August 1964

Se Ye ll ow-tai led Thorn bill

14th February 1966

1Oc Australia Post

1"July 1975

1Oc Telecom Austra lia

1"July 1975

22c Queen Elizabeth

21" Apri l 1980

24c Christmas 1983

14th September 1983

37c Living Together- Postal Services

17th February 1988

41 cThinking of You

7th February 1990

43cThinking ofYou

3'd Sept ember 1990

45c Ian Thorpe

18th September 2000

David Mallen . ... 123 new variations!

Behind The Stamp_- Reprints: Issued 51h November 2007: 77 Variations ($59.85) Stamp


Original Perforation

1d Kangaroo &Map

14.Sx 14

12 X12

3d Kookaburra


11 X11


14x 14.3

14x 14.S


13.9 X14.7

14.3 x 14or 14.8x 14

2/- Olympics 6d Yellow-tailed Thorn bill Perforations

Se Yellow-tailed Thornbill

(Horizontal xVertical)

1Oc Telecom Australia

10c Australia Post 22c Queen Elizabeth

14.7 X13.9


24c Christmas 1983

13.9 X14.6

13.3 X 13.8

37c Living Together - Postal Services 41cThinking of You

14x 14.5 14.7 X 13.9

43c Thinking of You

14x 14 13.9 X13.3 14.6 X 14.4

4Sc Ian Thorpe

14.3 X14.3

14.3 X14.3

Printed Perforations

3d Kookaburra (imperf minisheet stamp)

11.2 X 11.2


Blocks, Strips & Pairs

• • • • •

3d Kookaburra- imperfblock of 4 with printed perforations 6d & Se Yellow-tailed Thornbill- se-tenant pair & imperf se-tenant pair 10c Australia Post & 10c Telecom Australia- se-tenant pair & imper f se-tenant pair 41c & 43cThinking ofYou- se-tenant pair & imperf se-tenant pair Stamp

1d Kangaroo &Map



3mm border. Bright white paper.

2mm border. Dull white paper.

Dark blue


Blue. Bright white paper.

Dark blue. White paper.

Brown feathers. Dark brown letters.

Yellow-brown feathers. Black letters.

Slightly thicker very dark brown letters

Black letters

Brown. Dark brown letters.

Yellow-brown. Black letters.

Dark brown letters

Black letters

3d Kookaburra 3d Kookaburra (imperf minisheet stamp) 2/- Olympics Image

6d Yellow-tailed Thornbill Se Yellow-tailed Thornbill

(All variation imageshad the 2007 year 10c Australia Post code, except the 3d Kookaburra imperf 10c Telecom Australia minisheet stamp) 22c Queen Elizabeth 24c Christmas 1983 37c Living Together - Postal Services

Slightly thicker letters

Thin letters

41cThinking of You

Dull white background

White background

43c Thinking of You

Olive "Thinking of You'~ Pale beige background.

Green "Thinking of You'~ Pale green background.

4Sc lan Thorpe lmperf (Collectable stamps -Not valid for postage) Minisheets (All were 1SS x207mm, except the 3d Kookaburra imperf minisheet which was 78x82mm)

1d Kangaroo &Map 3d Kookaburra 3d Kookaburra- with printed perfs 2/- Olympics 6d Yellow-tailed Thorn bill

.. .. .. .

Brown letters

Black letters

Se Yellow-tailed Thornbill 10c Australia Post 1Oc Telecom Austra lia 22c Queen Elizabeth 24c Christmas 1983

37c Living Together -Postal Services 41cThinking of You 43cThinking of You 4Sc lan Thorpe

1d Kangaroo & Map, 3d Kookaburra, 4 x 3d Kookaburra imperf minisheet*. 1d Kangaroo & Map impert 3d Kookaburra impert 4 x 3d Kookaburra imperf minisheet*. 2/- Olympics, 4Sc lan Thorpe, 22c Queen Elizabeth, 41c & 43cThinking of You se-tenant pair. 2/- Olympics impert 4Sc Ian Thorpe impert 22c Queen Elizabeth impert 41c & 43cThinking of You imperf se-tenant pair. 10c Australia Post & 10c Telecom Australia se-tenant pair, 37c Living Together- Postal Services, 6d & Se Yellow-tailed Thornbill se-tenant pair, 24c Christmas 1983 . 10c Australia Post & 10c Telecom Australia imperf se-tenant pair, 37c Living Together- Postal Services impert 6d & Se Yellow-tailed Thorn bill imperf se-tenant pair, 24c Christmas 1983 imperf. 4 x 3d Kookaburra imperf minisheet (top left corner) with printed perforations- cut out from the above* minisheets.

Table continued overleaf...

Stamp News- 67

Stantp Variations Day Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues Size (Perf)

Size (lmperf)

1d Kangaroo & Map

25 x 30mm

26 x 31mm

23 x29mm

3d Kookaburra

25 x 30mm



3d Kookaburra - imperf minisheet stamp


24.5 x28mm


3d Kookaburra - imperf minisheet



77.5 x 77.5mm

26 x 37.5mm

27 x38.5mm

24.5 x 37.5mm


30.5 x26mm


37.5 x26mm


37.5 x 24.5mm


2/- Olympics Size

6d Yellow-tailed Thornbill Se Yellow-tailed Thorn bill

(Horizontal xVertical)

10c Australia Post 10cTelecom Australia

Original Size (Perf)

22c Queen Elizabeth

26 x 37.5mm



24c Christmas 1983


38.5 x27mm


37c Living Together - Postal Services


31 x 31mm


26 x 37.5mm

26.5 x 38.5mm




35 x35mm

41cThinking ofYou 43c Thinking of You 45c lan Thorpe

SAS The SAS logo on the sheetlet of 10 stamps, originally issued on 4'h September, was overprinted with gold foil and embossed. It was issued in a folder that also contained an uncirculated $1 coin. The face value was $6 and it had a limited release of 2000 folders.

expensive items in the Impressions product range. There were only 1000 issued. It contained a special 50c Sputnik minisheet , the Blast Off! minisheet with the 5 x 50c & large $1 stamps and a lenticular $1 silver proof coin- a total face value of $5. The mark-up was 1880%. Most collectors bought this folder to obtain the 50c Sputnik minisheet. This small minisheet measured 100 x 65mm and had one perforated gummed 50c Sputnik stamp in the centre.

Cricket in Australia Cricket was featured on 19 stamps from 10 issues between 197 4 and 2007. This prestige booklet presented the stories behind each of these stamps and the stories were illustrated by gummed stamps from the 10 issues contained in 7 mini sheets. These minisheets contained 14 postage stamps and 5 imperf collectable stamps. The face value of the 19 stamps was $9.77. Every stamp was different from the original -a total of 43

50 Years in Space At $99 each, this stamp and coin folder was one of the most

68- Stamp News

David Mallen

variations. Another Australia Post "first" in this issue was the two minisheets with both perforate and fully imperforate stamps on the same sheet.

Cricket in Australia - Reprints (5'h November 2007) Original Issue Date 24'h July 1974

Stamp 7c Non-Olympic Sports- Cricket 18c Test Cricket Centenary- Wicketkeeper 18c Test Cricket Centenary- Batsman 18c Test Cricket Centenary -Fieldsmen

9'h March 1977

18c Test Cricket Centenary- Non-strike Batsman 18c Test Cricket Centenary- Bowler 45c Test Cricket Centenary- Batsman's end of pitch

35c Sporting Personalities - Victor Trumper

18'h February 1981

$1 Australi a's Bicentenary- Joint Issue with the UK (Sport)

21 " June 1988

70c Sports (Series 1) - Cricket

13'h February 1989

45c Centenary of Sheffield Shield Cricket- Bowler $1.20 Centenary of Sheffield Shield Cricket- Batsman

15'h October 1992

45c Australian Legends (Sir Donald Bradman)- Portrait 23'd January 1997

45c Australian Legends (Sir Donald Bradman)- Cover Drive 45c Sir Donald Bradman Memorial Issue- Portrait 45c Sir Donald Bradman Memorial Issue- Cover Drive

13'h March 2001

50c Sports Treasures - Sir Donald Bradman's Baggy Green

8'h March 2005

50c Australia Wins The Ashes 2006-07 $1.85 Australia Wins The Ashes 2006-07

16'h January 2007

Cricket in Austra lia - Reprints: Issued 5'h November 2007: 43 Variations ($29.90) Stamp

Perforations (Horizontal xVertical)


Original Perforation

7c Non-Oiympic Sports- Cricket

14.7 x13.9

14 x 14.8

5 x 18c Test Cricket Centenary

14.7 X 13.9

13.5 X 13.3

35c Sporting Personalities - VictorTrumper

14.7 X 13.9

13.8 X 13.3

45c & $1.20 Centenary of Sheffield Shield Cricket


14.6 X 14.4

2 x45c Australian Legends (Sir Donald Bradman)

14.3 X 14.3

14.3 X 14.3


14.6 X 13.9

2 x45c Sir Donald Bradman Memorial Issue SOc Sports Treasures -Sir Donald Bradman's Baggy Green

Blocks, Strips & Pairs

• • • •

5x 18c Test Cricket Centenary- se-tenant strip of 5 2 x45c Australian Legends (Sir Donald Bradman)- se-tenant pair 2x 45c Sir Donald Bradman Memorial Issue- se-tenant pair SOc & $1.85 Australia Wins The Ashes 2006-07- imperf se-tenant pair Stamp

7c Non-Oiympic Sports- Cricket 5 x 18c & 45c Test Cricket Centenary 35c Sporting Personalities -Victor Trumper Image

Brown and dull yellow background. Dark brown letters.



Dull yellow background

Yellow background

$1 Australia's Bicentenary- Joint Issue with the UK (Sport)


Bright blue

Pale image

Bright image

Pale grey sky. Grey letters.

Pale blue sky. Blue letters.

Brown picture. Light brown background.

Black-brown picture. Gold background.

Grey-green cap. Pale grey letters.

Green cap. Pale green letters.



2 x45c Australian Legends (Sir Donald Bradman) 2 x45c Sir Donald Bradman Memorial Issue SOc Sports Treasures- Sir Donald Bradman'sBaggy Green SOc & $1.85Australia Wins The Ashes 2006-07

(Col lectable stamps - Not valid for postage)

Original Olive and yellow background. Black letters.

70c Sports (Series 1) -Cricket

(All variation images had the 2007 year code) 45c & $1.20 Centenary of Sheffield Shield Cricket



45c Test Cricket Centenary- Batsman'send of pitch $1 Australia's Bicentenary- Joint Issue with the UK (Sport) 70c Sports (Series 1) -Cricket 50c Australia Wins The Ashes 2006-07 $1.85 Australia Wins The Ashes 2006-07

Table continued overleaf...

Stamp News- 69

Sta1np Variations Day Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues

Minisheets (All were 154x 104mm)

.. .. .. .

Early Days: le Non-Oiympic Sports- Cricket. Australia vs. England: 5x 18c perf se-tenant strip &45c imperfTest Cricket Centenary. Victor Thomas Trumper: 35cVictorTrumper. Australia's Bicentenary: $1 imperf Joint Issue with the UK. ASummer Pastime &Sheffield Shield: lOc Sports (Series 1)- Cricket imperf, 45c &$1.20 Centenary ofthe Sheffield Shield Sir Donald Bradman &the "Baggy Green": 2 x 45c Australian Legends - Sir Donald Bradman se-tenant pair, 2 x 45c Sir Donald Bradman Memorial Issue se-tenant pair & SOc Sports Treasures- Sir Donald Bradman'sBaggy Green. The Ashes: SOc &$1.85 Australia Wins The Ashes 2006-0l imperf se-tenant pair. Size (Perf)

Size (lmperf)

Original Size (Perf)

le Non-Oiympic Sports- Cricket


26x 3l.Smm

24.5 x 3l.Smm

5 x 18c Test Cricket Centenary




2l x 38.5mm

25 x3l.Smm 26x3l.Smm

45c Test Cricket Centenary- Batsman'send of pitch



$1 Australia's Bicentenary- Joint Issue with the UK (Sport)



35 x35mm

lOc Sports (Series 1) - Cricket


31 x 26mm

30x25mm 26 x 3l.Smm

26 x3l.Smm



31 x 30.5mm

30.5 x30mm

35c Sporting Personalities- VictorTrumper

Size (Horizontal xVertical)

45c &$1.20 Centenary of Sheffield Shield Cricket

26 x3l.Smm

2 x45c Australian Legends(Sir Donald Bradman)


2 x4Sc Sir Don aid Bradman Memorial Issue


SOc Sports Treasures- Sir Donald Bradman's Baggy Green SOc &$1.85 Australia Wins The Ashes 2006-0l

Christmas Stamp and Ingot Set This item supplemented the "50 Years of Christmas Stamps" Christmas 2007 issue. It contained the 3 \t2d and 4d 1957 Christmas stamps and a gold-plated ingot of with an image of the 3 \t2d stamp. The stamps were originals, not reprints. They did not contain the 2007 year code in the image. There were only 1000 of this item issued. We now have two dates of issue for these stamps: 6th November 1957 and 5'h November 2007 !

2007 Annual Collection See next month's magazine for details of this collection.

Leaving the two final steps out of the stamp making process (perforating and die-cutting) created a fully imperforate sheet of 12 minisheets from the recent Landmarks issue. Each minisheet had the four stamps (50c, 50c, $1 & $2.45) in the special 90° format. The face value of all the stamps on the sheet was $53.40 but, of course, they are not valid for postage. The sheets were supplied as an odd-numbered left pane and

35 x35mm 35x35mm 26 x 3l.Smm

even-numbered right pane from a limited production of 1000 sheets (2000 panes) . Each pane was identical except for the guillotine marks , the description along the bottom and the pane number printed in silver. A maximum of two panes (one left and one right) were supplied to each customer.

Summary Ignoring the 2007 Annual Collection and the Zodiac bo9klets (and duplicate stamps from the sheets, rninisheets and sheetlets), a total of 55 different stamps were issued I re-issued on 5'h November, "Australian Stamp Variations Day 2007" . Four Zodiac stamps were also issued on 5'h November and another 4 Landmarks stamps were issued on 14'h November taking the total to 63. This consisted of 34 postage stamps and 29 collectable stamps. The total number of variations was 132. If you include the Christmas issue on the 1", November was Australia Post's biggest stamp issue month of the year.

Landmarks Imperforate Sheet

70- Stamp News

25 x3l.Smm

Summary of S'h & 14'hNovember Issues Product


Face value of stamps*

Total number of stamps*

Behind the Stamp




SAS folder




50 Years in Space folder




Cricket in Australia booklet




Christmas Stamp and Ingot Set




2001 Collection




Signs ofthe Zodiac (4 booklets)




Landmarks imperf sheet (14'• Nov)




* includes duplicates ** includes S1coin


- $198.41*



ISSN 1448-1 014





Australian Stamp Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues :.-o.~_• .,:;;tl . .'!?~~'~

2007 Summary

No. of Designs

No. of Stamps

1 Rod Laver*




2 Ashes




3 Horse Racing







5 Wildflowers




6 Swimming Championships




7 Island Jewels



8 Surf Lifesavers

6 s+



9 Signs of the Zodiac*



104 6


Nostalgic Tourism




Queen's Birthday










Country to Coast (Parts 1&2)










Big Things





Threatened Wildlife





Endangered Species*








Behind the Stamp*




Cricket in Australia*



22 21 7 2 3 24 23 17 35 77 48





Market Feast




APEC Forum








Botanic Gardens*

5 7++












* includes stamps released after the original date of issue

2007 Total


No. of Designs= Number of gummed (postage+ collectable) stamps. (+includes one design on aself-adhesive stamp only) (++ includes one gummed stamp of same design but different size) No. of Stamps= Number of gummed sta~ps +self-adhesive stamps. No. ofVariations= Number of different formats of each stamp. e.g. blocks, strips &pairs; gutters; image; imperforate; minisheets; perforations; self-adhesive; sheetlets; size and tabs.

32- Stamp News



"First Time" Variations

No. of Variations

4 10 Years of Australian Legends*


The 15 "firsts" for 2007 were: 1. A lenticular "dynamic imaging" self-adhesive stamp$2.45 Surf Lifesavers stamp 2. One design issued as a self-adhesive stamp only$2.45 lenticular Surf Lifesavers stamp. 3. Four stamps at 90 degrees in a mini sheet - Landmarks minisheet. 4. Stamps with two different perforations on one sideLandmarks minisheet. 5. Gold foil on stamps- Circus self-adhesive stamps and SAS stamp. 6. "High-build and fiexo varnish" sheetlet- 45c Surfing Santa sheetlet. 7. Pre-decimal mini sheet within a minisheet - 3d

2007 Issue List Issue

#, _ ....,f,,y., . ., q;g;:;w_;g: _

Again many of the 2007 variations were sold above face value. The highest mark-up from face value was 1880% for the Space folder containing the special 50c Sputnik minisheet. Australia Post is doing an excellent revenue raising job by forcing collectors to pay high prices for the variations. For most of the philatelic items bought, Australia Post does not have to provide a postal service.

Another record breaking year for stamp variations! Ignoring the Annual Collection, 72 different stamps were issued in November alone. The last issue I variation for the year was on 3'd December - 4 Zodiac mini sheets in prestige booklets. A total of 568 variations for the year has exceeded the 2006 record of 355 by 60%. There were 27 issues of 277 stamps in 2007. 7 of these issues contained a total of 55 (pre-decimal and imperforate) collectable stamps that were not valid for postage. Collecting one of each of the 183 stamps and the 568 variations cost well over $1000! All the variations are listed in my new 2007 Australian Stamp Variations catalogue published in December last year.


__.,;."-•--- ·•


David Mallen

Number of Stamp Variations Issued Each Year by Australia Post 600







I 1\1




100 0

....m Cl()







m m


m m



m m



8 N


8 N







0 0



8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15.

Kookaburra rninisheet in the Behind the Stamp booklet. Imperforate mini sheet with printed perforation Behind the Stamp booklet. Imperforate stamps with printed perforation - Behind the Stamp booklet. Decimal & pre-decimal perforated stamps on the same minisheet - Behind the Stamp booklet. Decimal & pre-decimal imperforate stamps on the same minisheet- Behind the Stamp booklet. Decimal & pre-decimal perforated se-tenant pairBehind the Stamp booklet. Decimal & pre-decimal imperforate se-tenant pair Behind the Stamp booklet. Stamps from two different issues as an imperf setenant pair- Behind the Stamp booklet. Perforate and fully imperforate stamps on the same minisheet - Cricket in Australia booklet.

The $2.45 Surf Lifesavers lenticular stamp was a feature of the issues in March. It was the first time this type of image had been used on a stamp and also the first time a gummed

sheet stamp had not been issued with the same design . The Landmarks minisheet was unusual as two of the stamps had 2 different perforations along the one edge due to the new 90 degree layout. Gold foil was used on two issues for the first time. The Circus self-adhesives with gold foil stars were included in the prestige booklet only. The SAS stamp with the gold foil logo was only sold in a sheetlet of 10 stamps in a special folder for $79.95. The 45c Surfing Santa high gloss self-adhesive stamp was similar to the gloss Rotary sheetlet stamp issued in 2005. Of the 15 "firsts", the Behind the Stamp prestige booklet accounted for 8 of them. The 6 minisheets had combinations of pre-decimal, decimal, perforated and imperforate stamps and se-tenant pairs never seen before . Two minisheets had perforated stamps, three had imperforate stamps and one had a combination of both. The Cricket in Australia booklet had another combination - perforate and imperforate stamps on the same minisheet.

Collectable Stamps There was another first for Australia Post last year. The

Stamp News- 33

Australian Sta111p Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues October policy change deClaring cut-out individual imperforate stamps as not valid for postage created more "collectables". Those issued in 2007 up to 31st August were listed in the October Stamp News. Refer to the table for those issued in the remainder of the year. Perforated and imperforate pre-decimal stamps as well as imperforate decimal stamps were issued in the Behind the Stamp booklet. A footer on each page indicated which stamps were "not valid for postage" but, strangely, it did not refer to the imperf decimal stamps. Likewise in the Cricket in Australia booklet there was no mention that the 5 imperf decimal stamps were not valid for postage . If collectable stamps are not valid for postage, why are they sold at or above face value?


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Reprints Some of the 2007 reprints were hard to find. Many of these were not listed in the Stamp Bulletin or on the Australia Post website. Details are found in previous editions of Stamp News.

2007: Christmas (P-stamps) 4Sc Surfing Santa (1977) 4Sc Bush Nativity (1990) $1.10 Stained Glass Window (1984)

Self-adhesive P-stamps with the tab removed to create an imperf righthand side. The righthand edge of the stamp image has a'printed' simulated perforation.

• • •

2007: Behind the Stamp Se Yellow-tailed Thornbill 1Oc Australia Post 10cTelecom Australia

22c Queen Elizabeth 24c Christmas 1983

Cut out from minisheets in the prestige booklet

Rod Laver ~ 15'h January (March 2007 Stamp News) 10 Years of Australian Legends ~24th January (March 2007 Stamp News) Endangered Species -26th June (August 2007 Stamp News) Behind the Stamp- 5th November (January 2008 Stamp News) Cricket in Australia ~5th November (January 2008 Stamp News)

37c Living Together - Postal Services 41cThinking of You 43cThinking of You 4Sc lan Thorpe 2007: Cricket in Australia 4ScTest Cricket Centenary- Batsman's end of pitch $1 Australia's Bicentenary- Joint Issue with the UK (Sport)

Cut out from minisheets in the prestige booklet

70c Sports (Series 1) - Cricket SOc Australia Wins The Ashes 2006-07 $1.8S Australia Wins The Ashes 2006-07 2007: Landmarks SOc Former ICl House SOc.Academy of Science $1 Council House

Cut out from sheet of 12 minisheets (48 stamps)

$2.4S Sydney Ope!a House 2 xSOc, $1 & $2.4S minisheet See October Stamp News for 14'hFebruary 1966- 31" August 2007list

34- Stamp News

There were two reprints of the 2 Rod Laver stamps. The first was in the sheetlet issued on 15th January and the second was in the 10 Years of Australian Legends booklet of 24th January. All stamps in the Legends booklet were different from the originals, except the Barry Humphries se-tenant strip. The 6 Endangered Species reprints were "hidden" at the back of the Threatened Wildlife prestige booklet. They were in two imperforate se-tenant blocks of four stamps on pages 21 & 23. Each page could be used as a large stamp but the individual stamps when cut out were, of course , not valid for postage. These 6 stamps were the first reprints to have the "2007" year code incorporated into the image . The Behind the Stamp and Cricket in Australia booklets, released as part of the Impressions issue on 5th November, contained the bulk of the reprints . The Behind the Stamp issue contained 34 pre-decimal and decimal stamps in both perforated and imperforate formats. Each stamp had the

David Mallen

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adhesive variation was included this year- the lenticular Surf Lifesaver minisheet . Variations found in the 2007 Collection of Australian Stamps Variation

Issue Australia Wins The Ashes 2006-07

SOc & $1.85 (perf) minisheet

Australian Legends- Horse Racing

Three 4 x SOc blocks of 4 4 x SOc se-tenant strip

Australian Wildfiowers

2 x SOc se-tenant pair

Year of the Surf Lifesaver

2007 Collection of Australian Stamps

"2007" ye~r code except the 3d Kookaburra in the imperforate block of 4 minisheet with printed perforations. The Cricket in Australia booklet contained 19 perforated and imperforate reprinted stamps. The 50c & $1.85 Ashes stamps of 16'h January 2007 were re-issued as an imperf se-tenant pair in a minisheet on page 33 of the booklet. It was similar in design to the original issued in January.

The 2007 Collection of Australian Stamps

2 x $2.451enticular minisheet

Signs of the Zodiac

Three 4 x SOc blocks of 4

Circus: Under the Big Top

5 x SOc se-tenant strip

Threatened Wildlife

2 x SOc se-tenant pair

Big Things

5 x SOc se-tenant strip


2 x SOc, $1 & $2.45 minisheet

Market Feast

5 x 50c se-tenant strip

50 Years in Space

5 x SOc &large $1 minisheet


2 x45c se-tenant pair

Botanic Gardens

5 xSOc + 4 tabs minisheet

Also in the Collection were two se-tenant strips of 5 stamps that were cut into two sections (2 stamps+ 3 stamps). These 'destroyed' strips have been ignored in the table. Well, that concludes my summary of2007. What a month November turned out to be! Did you get your 50c Sputnik minisheet?

The annual collection as usual contained every new gummed sheet postage stamp issued during the year. It had a number of variations in place of the single stamps - including the exclusive Botanic Gardens sheetlet. The 96 previously released stamps were not included. However, one self-


NAM E: --- - --- - ------ - ------ADDRESS:-------------------

JOHN PETTIT RARE BANKNOTES CITY OFFICE: S UITE 1 9 .0 3. S ELECT H O U SE, 10 9 PIT T ST. SY DN EY 2 00 0 POSTAL ADDRESS: GP O BOX 4593 . S YD N EY NSW 2 0 01, A U S TRA L I A PHONE: (0 2) 9235 0 8 8 8 FAX: (0 2) 92 3 5 0588 MOBilE: 041 4 4 26 537 I 0414 4 2 6 534

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Stamp News- 35

Australian Sta111p Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues Star Signs Open 2008 The first issue of 2008 was on 7'h January. It consisted of the final four Signs of the Zodiac booklets: Cancer, Leo, Virgo and Libra. Each booklet contained 5 identical minisheets with 4 self-adhesive stamps on each. Other booklets I minisheets were issued on 5'h November and 3'ct December 2007. The stamps on the minisheets were identical to the booklet stamps issued on 3'ct April 2007.

Signs of the Zodiac Variations 4 Cost I $43.80 I Note Total variations to date for this issue is 108. Refer to June 2007 & January 2008 Stamp News. Issue Date 7'h January 2008

Perforations Mini sheets

Self-adhesive Stamps

Original issue dates: 3'ct April & 10'11 April 2007 Other minisheet issue dates: S'h November & 3'ct December 2007 11.5 x 11.2 IDC simulated perforation 4 x 50c Cancer - red background 4 x 50c Leo - dark yellow background 4 x 50c Virgo- light blue background 4 x 50c Libra - light green background 50c Cancer 50c Leo 50c Virgo 50c Libra

Perfumed Love One "Love Blooms" red rose design, 5 stamps and 15 variations were issued on 15'h January. The feature of this issue was the sheetlet of 10 sel~-adhesive stamps with perfumed ink, foiled water droplets and a shiny varnished finish. Included were 10 "Rub & Smell" perfumed stickers that could be stuck on a letter or on the envelope. Smell the roses! Plain self-adhesive stamps were issued in 5 minisheets in a prestige booklet. Semi-imperforate self-adhesive stamps with an integrated tab were available from the Personalised Stamps service. (Note that there was no printed

32- Stamp News

simulated perforation between the stamp image and the integrated tab. This is a "first" for stamps with integrated tabs.) For those who still collect gummed stamps, a small sheetlet of 10 gummed stamps was also issued. This was rather bland and superfluous compared with the attractive self-adhesive selections. (Note that the perforation of the gummed stamp was 14 x 14, not 14.6 x 13.9 as per the Australia Post website and Stamp Bulletin.)

Love Blooms Variations 15 $59.90 Cost Issue Date 15th January 2008 Sheetlet Stamp 50c Red Rose Perforations 14 X 14 - gummed sheetlet stamp 11.5 x 11.2 IDC simulated perforation - self-adhesive stamps Image 50c self-adhesive with perfumed ink, foiled water droplets and shiny varnished finish Imperforate 50c semi-imperforate self-adhesive stamp with integrated tab (imperf on right) 50c semi-imperforate self-adhesive stamp with integrated tab removed (imperf on right) Minisheets Five minisheets with 4 x 50c self-adhesive stamps on each -each with a different pink patterned background Self-adhesive 50c plain Stamps 50c perfumed ink, foiled water droplets and shiny varnished finish 50c semi-imperforate with integrated tab 50c semi-imperforate with integrated tab removed (not valid for postage) Sheetlets 10 x 50c plain gummed stamps 10 x 50c self-adhesive stamps with perfumed ink, foiled water droplets and shiny varnished finish Tab 50c semi-imperforate self-adhesive stamp with integrated tab



David Mallen

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Australian Philanthropists The annual Australian Legends stamps featured philanthropists this year. The 4 designs were issued as 4 gummed sheet stamps (in a se-tenant strip) and 4 self-adhesives in a roll of 100. The fact that these stamps were issued in se-tenant format was not mentioned on the Australia Post website or in the Stamp Bulletin. The strip was available from the sheet of 50 gummed stamps or in a Design Set packet for $2. 4 self-adhesive stamps were also available in a packet for $2 instead of having to buy a roll of 100.

Australian Legends:


Variations I 5 I Issue Date l23'ct January 2008

Cost I


Sheet Stamps 50c Elisabeth Murdoch 50c Victor and Loti Smorgon 50c Mary Fairfax 50c Frank Lowy Perforations 14.6 X 13.9 - gummed sheet stamps 11.5 x 11.2 IDC simulated perforation - self-adhesive stamps Strip 4 x 50c se-tenant striQ_ Self-adhesive 4 x 50c Stamps

$4.00 Footnote: The cost quoted in the above summary tables is the minimum cost to obtain one of each variation. Many variations are only available in sheets or booklets containing multiple stamps . Some of these are sold above the face value of the stamps. (I sell the surplus on my website .) The cost does not include the cost of single gummed sheet stamps.

Stamp News- 33

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Australian Sta1np Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues

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Donor Advertising Australian Organ Donor Awareness Week that commenced on 17th February was advertised on the stamp issue of Sth February. This issue consisted of one design, a sheetlet of 10 gummed stamps and a booklet of 10 self-adhesive stamps. The sheetlet gave the 1800 enquiry telephone number in the selvedge. More information about organ and tissue donation can be found at www. To become a donor you can register on-line at Organ and Tissue Donation Variations 2 $10.00 Cost I I 5th February 2008 Issue Date Perforations 14.6 X 13.9 - gummed sheetlet stamp 11.5 x 11.2 IDC simulated perforation - self-adhesive stamp Self-adhesive 50c Heart and Body Stamp Sheetlet 10 x 50c

Scouting Surprises As a father of two sons that were both Queen Scouts with

32- Stamp News





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the 1st Victorian Police Scottish troop in Glen Waverley in Melbourne, I was looking forward to this issue. This was the first decimal issue featuring Scouts. Previous issues were a 2\t2d in 1948 and a 3\t2d in 1952. Both of these stamps had the same basic design. The first surprise with this issue was that the $1.30 and $1.95 stamps (per the January Stamp Bulletin) were issued as $1.35 and $2. Are new International postage rates coming? By the time you read this they may be announced. The second surprise was that the perforation of the gummed stamps, gummed sheetlet stamp and tab were all 13.9 x 13 .9 (not the usual 13.9 x 14 .6). The third surprise was illustrated on page 3 of the March Stamp Bulletin- a 2 x $2 minisheet to be issued on 14th March, the opening day of the Canberra Stampshow. This minisheet will also be available with a special Stampshow overprint. The second and third surprises did not get a mention on the Australia Post/Stamps website. A feature of this issue was the stamp pack that contained a sheetlet of 10 x 50c gummed stamps with tabs. Two self-adhesive sheetlets of 5 x $1.35 and 5 x $2 were also issued. The 50c self-adhesive stamp was issued in a roll of 200 only. Other paraphernalia accompanying this issue were a

David Mallen

numbered limited edition "prestige" First Day Cover of the $2 stamp with a cloth badge and foiled postmark, a Stamp Pack incorporating a cloth badge, a Postal and Numismatic Cover (PNC) with a special SOc coin and a Post Paid Envelope (PPE). A Collector Pack of the 50c self-adhesive stamps from the roll of 200 contained six slogan strips with a pair of stamps . This was a cheaper way to obtain the 50c self-adhesive rather than buying the full roll. Centenary of Scouting in Australia Cost I $64.80 8 Variations I Issue Date 19'h February 2008 - stamps and sheetlets 14'h March 2008- minisheet Sheet Stamps 50c Contemporary Scouts $1.35 International Scouts $2 Lord Robert Baden-Powell Perforations 13.9 X 13.9 -gummed sheet stamps , sheetlet stamp and tab 11.2 x 11.5 IDC simulated perforation - self-adhesive stamps Minisheet 2 x $2- Canberra Stampshow

Self-adhesive 50c Contemporary Scouts Stamps $1 .35 International Scouts $2 Lord Robert Baden-Powell Sheetlets 10 x 50c with tabs 5 X $1.35 5 X $2 Tab 50c sheetlet stamp + tab Footnote: The cost quoted in the above summary tables is the minimum cost to obtain one of each variation. Many variations are only available in sheets or booklets containing multiple stamps . (I sell the surplus on my website .) The cost does not include the cost of single gummed sheet stamp .

Stamp News- 33

Australian Stantp Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues · ..ti!fi-- · ,., ' ·

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Small, Big & Huge Issues -We had 3 new issues in March as well as the International Post cost increase: A small issue of 4 designs , a big issue of 3 designs plus lots of paraphernalia (with more to come) and finally a HUGE issue with 16 designs and 38 booklets. A total of23 designs, 71 stamps plus 83 variations.

Personalised Stamps make perfect gifts and keepsakes and add that personal touch to your mai l.

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Gorgeous Australia _l $125.50 Variations 14 Cost! Issue Date 3'd March 2008 $1.35 Grose River Gorge, NSW $2 Wa[pa Gorge, NT Sheet Stamps $2.70 Katherine Gorge, NT $4 Geikie Gorge, WA Gummed stamps: 13.9 x 13.9 Perforations Self-adhesive stamps: 11.5 x 11 .2 IDC simulated perforation $1.35 & $2 semi-imperforate self-adhesive stamps with integrated tab (imperf on right) Imperforate $1.35 & $2 semi-imperforate self-adhesive stamps with . inteqrated tab removed (imperfon riqht) (not valid for postage) $1.35 & $2 full simulated perf Self-adhesive $1.35 & $2 semi-imperforate with integrated tab Stamps $1.35 & $2 semi-imperforate with integrated tab removed (not valid for postage)

5 x $1.35c Sheetlets 5 X $2 $1.35 & $2 semi-imperforate self-adhesive stamp with Tabs integrated tab

Gold and Silver Metal Stamps

Personalised Stamps make perfect gifts and keepsakes and add that personal touch to your mail.

4;) i»OST www.auspot'stampa

Gorgeous Gorges The International Post cost was increased on 3'd March. The airmail letter rate is now $1.35 and $2 for letters up to 50g and $2.70 and $4 for letters 51g- 125g posted to Asia!Pacific and Rest of the World zones , respectively. On 3'd March 8 stamps of four designs were issued with face values per these four airmail letter rates . The issue was titled "Gorgeous Australia" and the designs depicted famous gorges that are both scenic and popular with tourists. Have you been to all four? There were 4 gummed stamps (issued in sheets of 50), 2 self-adhesive stamps (issued in sheetlets/booklets of 5) and 2 self-adhesive stamps with integrated photo tabs (issued in sheets of 20 from the Personalised Stamps service). The perforation of the gummed sheet stamps was 13.9 x 13 .9, not 14.6 x 13 .9 as advertised. This was also the first issue with the new smaller International Post logo that indicates the price does not include GST. 24- Stamp News

This big issue of stamps and other paraphernalia celebrated the Catholic Church 's indoctrination of young people and their gathering together for World Youth Day 2008 . If you go to their website (www. wyd2008 .org) you will discover that it is actually a week, not a day, and it is not until lS'h to 20'h July! 3 stamp designs were issued on 3'd and 4'h March. More are expected over the next 5-6 months. For the full list of products go to the special Australia Post WYD website: au . (If you click on the Stationery tab you will discover that a set of 12 Christmas cards is now available. Post early for Christmas!) This initial issue consisted of 3 gummed stamps, 2 metal stamps,


David Mallen

2 self-adhesive stamps and 3 selfadhesive stamps with integrated photo tabs. The paper stamps were all "foiled" with a thin silver coating. The perforation of the gummed sheet stamps was 13.9 x 13.9, not 14.6 x 13.9 as advertised. Two of the special products released with this issue were two limited edition First Day Covers containing unpostmarked metal stamps that were not issued separately. The stamps have had the image artwork digitally imprinted onto the metal. This technique is known as Mint Photo Image (MPI) and was a "first" for Australia Post. One cover had a 50c gold stamp and the other a 50c silver stamp, both with a special perforation of 12.9 x 12.7. The covers cost $129 .95 and $29.95 respectively! Do you think Australia Post should be issuing stamps on such topics as faith, cults and religions? I conducted a Poll on and 57% of the respondents voted No. The 3 designs of this issue feature the Pope. This contravenes Australia Post's new Stamp Issue Policy (3-3-2008) related to "living people depicted on stamps". ( au/philatelic/Download/Stamp_Issue_Policy.pdf).

AFL Sheetlets On 11th March, 16 sheetlet packs of previously released Australia and Globe stamps with tabs of AFL footballers were issued. Each pack contained two sheetlets of 10 stamps with the unique layout of a pair of stamps in the middle and the tabs on the left and right. The player details were in the selvedge next to the tabs.

38 Rugby Booklets



World Youth Day Variations

Issue Date

Sheet Stamps Metal Stamps



$308.40 Cost I I 3'd March 2008 -semi-imperforate self-adhesive stamps with integrated tabs 4'h March 2008 -gummed sheet stamps, gold and silver MPI stamps and self-adhesive sheetlets 50c Pope greeting during Mass $1.35 Pope and crosier $2 Pope gives ablessing Silver (no gum): 50c Gold (no gum): 50c Gummed stamps: 13.9 x 13.9 Metal stamps: 12.9 x 12.7 Self-adhesive stamps: 11.5 x 11 .2 IDC simulated perforation 50c, $1.35 & $2 semi-imperforate self-adhesive stamps with integrated tab (imperf on right) 50c, $1.35 & $2 semi-imperforate self-adhesive stamps with integrated tab removed (imperf on right) (not val id for



$1.35 & $2 full simulated perf Self-adhesive 50c, $1.35 & $2 semi-i mperforate with integrated tab Stamps 50c, $1.35 & $2 semi-imperforate with integrated tab removed (not valid for postage) 5 x $1.35c Sheetlets 5 X$2 50c, $1.35 & $2 semi-imperforate self-adhesive stamp with Tabs integrated tab

Celebrating 100 years of Rugby League 16 stamp designs were issued on 25th March - one for each team. The gummed stamps were issued with two different perforations . The sheet stamps (Perf 13.9 x 13 .9) were issued in 4 separate sheets of 50 containing blocks of four different stamps. The minisheet stamps (Perf 14.6 x 13.9) were issued in a prestige booklet containing 5 minisheets. In addition to the 4 blocks of four there was an exclusive block of four Storm stamps in this booklet. It also contained a special "Centenary of Rugby League" $1 coin- a handy refund on the $15.95 cost of the booklet. The self-adhesive stamps were available in a plethora of booklets. Each team had its own booklet of 10 self-adhesive stamps and there was a "mixed" booklet of 20 stamps. The "mixed" booklet contained one stamp of each team plus an extra four Storm stamps. These 17 booklets were also available in a special "Booklet Collection" folder as well as in sets of 20 booklets in "cheque book" format. The "mixed" booklets were available with both General Post Office and Philatelic barcodes. The team "cheque books" had a cover in the colours of the team. The cost of all38 booklets was $2210.90. Stamp News- 25

Australian Stan1p Variation s Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues Mt: .••_k'l!'12-'li,..:;: ~- I¥Ylll~•u.t.;o: N1i::IZ!iL " %. ,!?.:- Xf'&. :z ;i~

Centenary of Ruqby League Variations 46 $65.85 Cost I I Issue Date 25'hMarch 2aa8 Sheet Stamps sac Broncos sac Raiders sac Bulldogs sac Roosters sac Cowboys sac Sea Eagles sac Dragons sac Sharks sac Eels sac Storm sac Knights sac Titans sac Panthers sac Warriors sac Rabbitohs Sac Wests Tigers Perforations Gummed stamps: 13.9 x 13.9 (16 x sac in 4 sheets) 14.6 X 13.9 (16 X Sac inS prestige booklet minisheets) Self-adhesive stamps: ll .Sx 11 .21DC simulated perforation

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Blocks Perf 13.9 x 13.9: 4 x Sac Bulldogs, Titans, Sharks & Knights 4x Sac Roosters, Raiders, Rabbitohs & Panthers 4x Sac Cowboys, Broncos, Sea Eagles & Storm 4x Sac Dragons, Eels, Wests Tigers &Warriors Perf 14.6 x 13.9: 4X sac Storm 4 x Sac Bulldogs, Titans, Sharks & Knights 4 x Sac Roosters, Raiders, Rabbitohs & Panthers 4X sac Cowboys, Broncos, Sea Eagles & Storm 4X sac Dragons, Eels, Wests Tigers & Warriors Minisheets 4 X sac Storm 4 x Sac Bulldogs, Titans, Sharks & Knights 4 x sac Roosters, Raiders, Rabbitohs & Panthers 4 X sac Cowboys, Broncos, Sea Eagles & Storm 4 X sac Dragons, Eels, Wests Tigers & Warriors Self-adhesive Stamps 16 x sac - -


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26- Stamp News

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Footnote: The cost quoted in the above summary tables is the minimum cost to obtain one of each variation. Many variations are only available in sheets or booklets containing multiple stamps . (I sell the surplus on my website.) The cosi does not include the cost of single gummed sheet stamps . Also note that the issue date for the semi-imperforate selfadhesive stamps with integrated tabs is often different from the other stamps . The date quoted is the date their images were uploaded onto the Personalised Stamps website .


Printed Postmarks Used Stamps Do you collect "used" stamps? Would you like some with nice circular postmarks with gum on the back? Australia Post has been producing these for over 12 years and selling them for about 5 cents each . They are found in the packs of 50 or 100 used stamps available at most Post Offices. Some collectors are replacing their old used stamps (that have been through the mail stream) with these new "printed postmark" (PP) stamps.

Four Postmark Positions Why are they called "printed postmarks"? It began back in 1994 when Australia Post decided to recycle the many sheets of withdrawn mint stamps by having them machine overprinted with a simulated postmark. Sheets are fed through a printer and overprinted with a cancellation that was placed over the intersection of four stamps and was repeated in the exact same position on all stamps in the sheet. In some cases , the stamps at the edge received a half cancellation so that the selvedge was not marked . So every stamp on the sheet was postmarked in 4 different positions only. Many printed postmark collectors save these 4 stamps. An unseparated block of four or a complete sheet, rather than individual stamps, are highly prized additions to a collection! Australia Post does not appear to keep any records of what sheets of stamps or how many they send away to have the postmark overprinted.

Stamp Packs PP stamps originally appeared in The Stamp Gang packets of 50 used stamps in 1994. They were mixed with other used stamps (that had been through the mail stream) obtained from commercial sources. These packs were given to school children when Australia Post staff gave presentations at schools and also given away at stamp exhibitions. Most packs of used Australian stamps available at the Post Office contain printed postmark stamps. e.g. The contents of a sample "Collector 路 Choice" pack of 100 Australian Stamps , No .4. May 2003, contained 35 PP stamps and 65 used stamps.

74- Stamp News

"Collector's Choice"100 Australian Stamps No.4, May 2003, RRP $2.45 (sample contents) Printed Postmark Stamps Quantity 40c 1 40c with tab 1 45c 18 45c with tab 8 49c 3 50c international post 1 80c international post with tab 1 98c 2 Total PP stamps 35 Other used stamps 65 (6 pre-decimal and 59 decimal) Total stamps 100

Current Australia Post Stamp Packs Pack Series Issue Date Cost Bird stamps 1 15th July 2003 $2.10 Train stamps 1 15th July 2003 $2.10 Marine stamps 2 15th July 2003 $2.10 Animal stamps 2 15th July 2003 $2.10 Flower stamps 1 15th July 2003 $2.10 Australian stamps* 3 15th July 2003 $2.10 10th August Dogs stamps 2 $2.10 2004 10th August Cats stamps 2 $2.10 2004 10th August Sport stamps 2 $2.10 2004 10th August Bike & Motorbike stamps 2 $2.10 2004 10th August Dinosaur stamps 2 $2.10 2004 pt November Stamp Collecting Kit** $9.95 2004 2nd October Sniffer and the Stamp $11.95 Gang's Stamp Album** 2007 1st November "Collector's Choice" 100 $3.95 Australian Stamps* 2007 Notes: 1. These packs contain 50 world used stamps, including some Australian stamps. Two packs, (indicated with an*), only contain Australian used stamps. The "Collector's Choice" pack contains 100 stamps. 2. The stamp collecting kit and album, (indicated with an**), also contain packs of used stamps. 3. Asample Sport pack had 5 Australian PP stamps and 45 foreign PP stamps! (Other countries must be machine overprinting their stamps too!) 4. Asample Australian pack had 50 used stamps- no PP stamps!

Stamp News- 75

Printed Postmarks Postmark Types The postmarks were circular and contained the text "G.P.O. Melbourne VIC 3000". Four different types have been identified. (Australia Post has not kept any records of postmark types.) 1st Postmark:

Smooth "metal-type" thin text "G.P.O. Melbourne VIC 3000". No Datecode. 2"ct Postmark: Smooth "metal-type" thin text "G .P.O. Melbourne VIC 3000" + Datecode Type # 1 3rct Postmark: Rough "rubber-type" thick text "G .P.O. Melbourne VIC 3000" + Datecode Type #2. 4th Postmark: Rough "rubber-type" thick text "G .P.O. Melbourne VIC 3000". No Datecode. The datecode had two different formats: Datecode Type #1 = T-XDD MM YY. e.g. 4-P13 FE 89, 9-A14JA93, 9-A-7 AP 93. Datecode Type #2 =DD MMM YYYY. e.g. 13 JUL 1995. The text and datecode is just symbolic and does not reflect where or when the stamps were cancelled. The following datecodes (Datecode Type #1) have been identified: 13 FE 89,23 AU 89, 17 JA 90,22 AU 91 , -2 JA 92 , 14 JA 93,-7 AP 93.

or cover". Hence separate CTO stamps when removed from the envelope should not have gum on the back. While it is possible to have a separate stamp (not affixed to an envelope or cover) hand cancelled to order, the majority of stamps with gum on the back have had the cancellation machine overprinted. They can be easily identified as they are postmarked with one of the four types listed above. These stamps with printed postmarks are often referred to as "CTO stamps". Clearly they are not requested or "ordered" by the customer, however CTO is the term in current usage. Some of the PP stamps are listed in the Australian Commonwealth Specialists' Catalogues as CTO stamps.

Type Used stamp

Cancelled to Order The postmarking of a stamp affixed to an envelope or cover at the customer 's request or order is known as "Cancelled to Order" (CTO). It is also known as "Philatelic Postmarking". Australia Post's Guideline G8.3.7 gives details about these postmarking requests and specifies that "the stamp should be affixed to an envelope


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16- Stamp News

Cancelled by favour

Stamp Cancellation Types Description Astamp that has been used for postage. lt has been through the mail stream and hand or machine cancelled with a postmark. The postmark can be of any type and in any position. If the stamp has been removed from the article it will not have any gum on the back. Astamp affixed to an envelope, postcard or cover that has been hand cancelled at the request of the customer. (The stamps must be valid for postage and their value must be equal to or greater than the Standard Letter Rate.) The postmark is usually of the circular type and in any position. Once the stamp has been cancelled the envelope may not be put through the mail stream. If the stamp has been removed from the envelope it will not have any gum on the back and it becomes indistinguishable from a used stamp. Also known as "Ph ilatelic Postmarking': (Refer Australia Post'sGuideline G8.3.7.)

Dayid Mallen Separate Cancelled by favour

Aseparate stamp that is not affixed to an envelope, postcard or cover that has been hand cancelled at the request of the customer. Once the stamp has been cancelled it may not be . affixed to an article and put through the mail stream. The postmark is usually of the circular type and in any position. The stamp may have gum on the back. Cancelled by Australia Post used to permit stamps to be placed in a transparent packet or covered with favour used stamp a transparent material and affixed to an article that is posted. This prevented the stamps from being further postmarked. Pen cancellation Astamp that has been cancelled by hand with a pen instead of a hand or machine postmark. This may occur if the stamp has been through the mail stream and has not been cancelled. This type of cancellation is to prevent fraudulent reuse of the stamp. If the stamp has been removed from the article it will not have any gum on the back. (Refer Australia Post's Guideline G8.3.7.) "Unofficial" These fake postmarks include: cancellations • Hand-stamping a circular postmark on a stamp using a round device and ink pad. This type of postmark is usually just a small part of the circle across a corner of the stamp. This simulates a portion of a hand postmark without any text. (Some stamp clubs and dealers provide this service to convert a mint or unpostmarked stamp into a"fine used" stamp!) • Afacsimile of a postmark created on a computer and printed onto a stamp affixed to an envelope or sheet of paper. Printed postmark Apostmark that has been overprinted on a (PP) stamp. The postmark is of the circular"G.P.O. Melbourne" type and the datecode does not relate to the date of printing. The postmark is in one of only four positions. The stamp is sold with gum on the back. CTO (Cancelled to Stamps cancelled by the Postal Services order) for inclusion in certain specimen packets distributed at a discount from face value.

First Day Cover (FDC) printed postmark

The postmarks on stamps on Australia Post FDCs are machine cancelled. The postmark usually has a special design. The datecode is the date of issue of the stamp and does not relate to the date of printing ofthe postmark. Customers may send stamped envelopes to Australia Post requesting that the stamps be cancelled with the special first day of issue postmark. This service may be performed up to one month after the date of issue of the stamp. (Refer Australia Post's Guideline G8.3.5.)

Other Printed Postmarks Most Australia Post First Day Covers (FDCs) contain printed postmarks. The date on the postmark is the issue date of the stamp but may have been printed before, on or after this date. Customers can send a stamped envelope to Australia Post and request a FDC be cancelled with a dated postmark corresponding to the date of issue. These first day of issue cancellations can be requested up to one month after the actual issue day. Printed postmarks are also found on stamps of Australian Territories such as Cocos (Keeling) Islands, Christmas Island and Australian Antarctic Territory. The 2007 Impressions range of products issued last November contained aCTO Collection of Australian Stamps 2007 in a black and silver presentation folder for $79.95. All of these were printed postmarks. This was a popular way to obtain a collection of postmarked gummed stamps for the whole year. Some collectors are collecting these instead of collecting used stamps. I would like to thank and acknowledge the Australia Post Philatelic Group for supplying some of the above details and PP samples and Bryan Young for allowing me to photograph some of his PP collection.

Stamp News- 77


Australian Stamp Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues Heavy Haulers

Scouting Minisheet The Scouting minisheet was issued on 14th March to coincide with the opening day of the Canberra Stamp Show. It was available from Australia Post (plain) and overprinted with gold and silver logos at the Show. Most of the overprinted minisheets sold out prior to the Show due to internet orders. The perforation ( 13 .9 x 14 .6) of the $2 stamp in the minisheet was different from the gummed sheet stamps issued on 19th February. (This increased the number of variations for this issue to 9 at a total cost of $68.80.) Refer to April Stamp News for details of the Scouting issue.

The first issue for April was Heavy Haulers: 10 stamps and 5 designs

depicting heavy machinery used in the mining industry. The gutter of the gummed stamps sheet contained images of each type of heavy machine corresponding to the stamp design. The self-adhesive stamps were issued in a booklet of 20 and a roll of 100 stamps. Fortunately for collectors, a strip of the 5 self-adhesive stamps was available in a pack for $2.50.

Variations Issue Date Sheet Stamps


Strip Gutter Self-adhesive Stamps

Heavy Haulers 7 Cost I $10 I 1st April 2008 50c Face Shovel 50c Haul Truck 50c Road Train 50c Ore Train 50c MS Benz.e Stahl Gummed stamps: 13.9 x 13.9 Self-adhesive stamps: 11.5 x 11.2 IDC simulated perforation 5 x 50c 10 x 50c- 5 heavy machines in gutter 5 x 50c

ANZAC Day The Australian and New Zealand Army Corps


24- Stamp News


David Mallen

(ANZACs) first major military action of World War 1 was the landing at Gallipoli in Turkey at dawn on 25th April1915. This is commemorated on 25th

April each year- ANZAC Day. The 5 designs (and 15 stamps) issued on 16th April illustrate how Australians participate in this important national occasiOn. The number of variations in this issue was increased because there were 2 different gummed stamp perforations and 6 minisheets. The se-tenant strip of 5 different stamps and the gutter strip from the sheet were perf 13 .9 x 13 .9. The stamps in the 6 minisheets were perf 14.6 x 13.9. The 5 minisheets contained in the prestige booklet each contained blocks of 4 of the same stamp. The self-adhesive stamps were only issued in a roll of 100 stamps. Again, a strip of the 5 self-adhesive stamps was available in a pack for $2.50. The Lest We Forget prestige booklet is one of the best I have seen for a while. Designers Lynette

Traynor and Mary Ho ban are to be congratulated! . ANZAC Day Variations 24 Cost I $39.40 I 16th April 2008 Issue Date Sheet 50c Veterans marching Stamps 50c Laying of wreaths 50c Playing of the Last Post 50c War veteran and child 50c Young people at Galiipoli Perforations Gummed stamps: 13.9 x 13.9 (5 x 50c in sheets) 14 .6 x 13 .9 (5 x 50c in 6 minisheets) Self-adhesive stamps: 11.5 x 11.2 IDC simulated perforation Blocks & Perf 13.9 x 13.9: Strip 5 x 50c se-tenant strip Perf 14.6 x 13.9: 5 x 50c se-tenant strip 4 x 50c Veterans marching 4 x 50c Laying of wreaths 4 x 50c Playing of the Last Post 4 x 50c War veteran and child 4 x 50c Young people at Gallipoli Gutter 10 x 50c - Reflection of infantry in rain-filled mine crater image in gutter Mini sheets 5 x 50c Lest We Forget 4 x 50c Veterans marching 4 x 50c Laying of wreaths 4 x 50c Playing of the Last Post 4 x 50c War veteran and child 4 x 50c Young people at Gallipoli Self- 5 x 50c adhesive Stamps


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Stamp News- 25

Australian Sta1np Variations Details of the main variations in recent stamp issues


other variations, such as minisheets and prestige booklets = 14.6 x 13.9 or 13.9 x 14.6 depending on the orientation . (My website has full details of the different perforations issued this year.)




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Queen's Birthday 5 Costl $12.50 I 18thApril 2008 50c Queen Elizabeth 2 $2 Badge 13.9 x 13 .9 (50c in sheetlet, $2 in sheet) 14.6 x 13 .9 (50c & $2 in minisheet) Pair 50c & $2 se-tenant pair Minisheets 50c & $2 se-tenant pair Sheetlet 10 x 50c

Variations Issue Date Sheet Stamps Perforations


Last Queen Stamp ? With our Prime Minister's mention of a Republic when meeting the Queen in April, could this be the last time we see the Queen on an Australian stamp? Four stamps were issued on 18th April to commemorate the Queen's birthday. The 50c design was issued in a sheetlet of 10 stamps. The $2 design was issued in a normal sheet of 50 stamps. The two designs were paired in the minisheet and have a different perforation. No self-adhesive stamps were issued. The perforation difference is in line with Australia Post's "new perforation standard" that has applied to most issues so far this year. i.e . Gummed stamps in normal sh~ets = 13 .9 x 13 .9 , gummed stamps in

Footnote: The cost quoted in the above summary tables is the minimum cost to obtain one of each variation. Many variations are only available in sheetlets or booklets containing multiple stamps. The cost does not include the cost of single gummed sheet stamps.

Cricket & Philately! The Cricket Philatelic Society has been established as a non-profit organisation for many years. Members receive a quarterly bulletin entitled Wickets which features articles on the thme of Cricket on Stamps. - the next issue is in July 2008. Somewhere in the world there is always a cricket match being played, and on many occasions these matches are commemorated by the issue of a stamp or postmark. Currently there is a special postmark

26- Stamp News

being used on covers posted at Lord's during the England/New Zealand test; there were several issues made to commemorate the 2007 Cricket World Cup, an even countries such as Nepal and Austria have issued stamps based on a cricket theme. There is also a website devoted to Cricket on stamps -which is updated regularly and illustrates every cricket stamp ever issued. A wonderful resource for cricketing philatelists, or even philatelic cricketers! www.crick- Membership rates of the Chricket Philatelic Society are: UK- Jan- Dec per Year £6 Europe £10 Overseas £12 Australasia $A24 All applications should be forwarded to The President, Cricket P.S., 11 Weppons Ravens Rd, Shoreham-by-sea, W. Sussex , BN43 SAW, England, or if in Australia sent to David Kirby Sportsworld, PO Box 61, Mt Eliza, Vie, 3930



VOL.55 Number 7

17/6/08 6:55:14 PM

Cover - july 08.indd 1

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