MCP 16/17 APP

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Member committee president 2016 2017


AIESEC in Armenia

Dear Reader, About a year ago I made a decision and entered a process that would change the person I was forever. Many doubts floated around my head at that moment, but the one thing that I had clear was that this country still needed me and I still had a lot more to offer it. This country, these people, and this entity have shown in the last five years a power and potential that had been dormant for a really long time. Amazing leaders have come and gone, all leaving behind a great legacy. We today stand on the shoulders of giants. It is time to start a new story, the story of 2020 for AIESEC in Armenia. A new story that will be full of new challenges. A new story that can start being written by you. We need someone who is not satisfied with the basics, someone who is AMBITIOUS and willing to take and lead through the extra mile. We need someone who wakes up everyday believing that through their role they are changing Armenia and the world. If you fulfill the criteria, welcome to the most exciting ride of your life ;)

MCP 15/16, Asya

General Description


Position name: Member Committee President Reports to: National Assembly Time frame: 1st July 2016 – 30 June 2017 Workload: 40 hours week (full time) Measures of Success: Organizational goal achievement (GCDP,GIP, TMP/TLP, Quality Standards) National Plan achievement (indicators) Legal and financial sustainability Relationship management with partners, BoA, A3P and global/regional network Retention rate of MC members Delivery of Team Minimums # of applicants to MCP and MC


Specific skills and knowledge:

AIESEC Way Code of Ethics AIESEC 2020 Leadership Development Model Planning, tracking, and coaching tolos Operations Knowledge National and International Compendium Legal status and legal issues Financial knowledge Functions Member Committee Team Management Manage a clear and effective MC Planning process and proper follow up Ensure synergy between MC members Ensure development of every MC member Build and implement management tools of tracking activities and MoS Organize and run Team Minimums


National Plenary Management Ensure national communication with LCPs and their engagement in national direction and dialogues Consultancy in management and experience issues Update network with all global, regional and national strategies, considerable changes, and any other important information Governance and accountability Achieve organizational goal ensuring the number and standards of GIP, GCDP, TMP/TLP experiences delivered Keep constant communication and direction to all members Assure the delivery of national services Reporting towards national plenary and Board of Advisors Representation of AIESEC in Armenia Represent AIESEC in Armenia in media and as needed Represent AIESEC in Armenia in networking events and be actively looking for contacts Represent AIESEC in Armenia in the global plennary Keep relationship with key stakeholders of AIESEC in Armenia(companies, alumni, students, government, etc.)

APPLICATION PROCESS Application Release: 01/12/2015 Application Deadline: 07/12/2015 Applicants Announcement: 08/12/2015 Selection: 10/12/2015 Election: 12/12/2015 Announcement: 12/12/2015

APPLICATION PACKAGE Be sent until December 7th at 23:59 (GMT +4) by email to Be filled in ENGLISH All files in PDF Have the following format: MCP1617_Application_Armenia_Surname_Name. rar [zip]

CONTAIN: Motivation Letter - 1page, Endorsement Letters - min. 4 (1 from leader, 1 from teammate, 1 from a person you lead, 1 external) LDM assesment (see the next page) Blank Page Challenge (1 page, illustrate your vision) Questionnaire Video, max 3 minutes, answer to the following questions: "If you had 3 minutes to address all of the youth population of Armenia, what would you say?"

Questionnaire GENERAL Name Most recent role in AIESEC Email Skype ID Cellphone EXPERIENCE Most relevant positions with dates and results Most relevant conferences with dates and role in the conference Up to 3 main areas of expertise and results SELF PERSPECTIVE 3. Comment your 3 mains strengths and weaknesses 4. What are the main principles/values that drive your behavior 5. What moments of your life have defined who you are now and why? 6. What’s your plan for the next 20 years? 7. In order to lead AIESEC in Armenia through the beginning of the 2020 generation you must be able to deal with and lead through uncertainty. Explain a moment in your life or AIESEC experience where this happened.

Questionnaire Considering the history and evolution of AIESEC in Armenia since 2010, answer: 8. What is the unique contribution AIESEC in Armenia gives to Armenia? Why does it need our youth leadership solution? 9. What are the mains trends that are shaping Armenia at the moment? What are the main opportunities and challenges you see for AIESEC in Armenia, and what is our role in this context? 10. Make a SWOT analysis of the current state of AIESEC in Armenia. How do you expect it to look like at the end your MC term? 11. What have been the main contributions of the MC 12/13, MC 13/14 and MC 15/16 and how do you plan to deliver continuity and build upon their legacies? 12. What do you believe have been the main achievements and the main bottlenecks AIESEC in Armenia has had in its journey to achieving AIESEC 2015? What have we learned?

Questionnaire Your term will be the first fully focused on building the AIESEC 2020 generation. Taking this into consideration, answer: 13. Please explain the AIESEC 2020 statements and the meaning each one of them has to you. 14. What needs to happen for AIESEC in Armenia to become a Youth Leadership Movement? Answer this based on your response to question number 12. 15. How do you envision AIESEC in Armenia in 2020? Present a plan of how you believe this should happen, the contribution of every generation and highlight the key contribution of you term to make this plan reality. As MCP you have multiple roles to manage [see MCP JD]. Based on this: 16. What do you believe is the necessary evolution of the MCP role for our entity to Cluster UP. 17. Explain in percentages how you would divide your time into the four different functions and what would be your main focuses of work for each one of them. 18. What is the leadership you believe is needed to lead AIESEC in Armenia in the 16.17 term and that will characterize your team? How will you ensure their performance and focus?

Done reading? Start writing! GOOD LUCK!

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