AIESEC in Armenia | MCEB 2016-2017 Applications

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AIESEC in Armenia

MCEB 2016-2017 Deadline: 17th of January, Midnight

CONTENT Election Process -3 Application Package -4 MC Structure -5 General Questionnarie -6 Function Questionnarie oGCDP - 10 oGIP -14 iGCDP -18 iGIP/BD - 21 TM/OD - 25 DM -29 IM - 33 F/L -37

Election process App Release: 1/4 App ddl: 1/17 Elections: 1/22-23 Selections: 1/25-29


Application Package CV (Max: 2 pages) 4 Endorsement Letters (reccomendation letters, from a person you lead, a person that lead you, team member and nonAIESECer, MCP cannot give edorsement letters) Application Questionnaries Belbin Test (link is provided in the booklet) 3 Min video, where you introduce yourself and your motivation to be in MC team) All the mentioned above must be send in one zip file to Files must be in PDF format:


MC structure 16/17 MCP MCVP oGCDP









General Questionnarie Motivation: 1. Who are you? What motivates you in life? 2. What is your motivation to apply for MCVP 16/17 in AIESEC in Armenia? Self Awareness: 1. What are your 3 strenghts and 3 weaknesses? How they can affect the role you are applying for? 2. Rank 3 fields (can be outside AIESEC) that you have most experience at.


General Questionnarie Experience: 1. Please specify your AIESEC experience. 2. What is your biggest achievement in AIESEC? 3. What is your biggest failure in AIESEC? 4. What are your expectations from your MC 16/17 team? 5. Based on current reality of AIESEC in Armenia, what should MC 16/17 role be? 6. What are possible challenges that you might foresee in MC 16/17 team? 7. What will be your unique contribution to the team? 7

General Questionnarie Understanding of AIESEC: 1. Why does AIESEC exist? What role should AIESEC play in the world and in Armenia? 2. What makes AIESEC unique in Armenia? 3. What is your understaning of AIESEC's vision, mission and values? 4. How do you see AIESEC in Armenia in 2016/2017?


General Questionnarie AIESEC in Armenia: 1. Please evaluate the development path of AIESEC in Armenia in past 3 years. What are the key reasons for success and failures? 2. Please give a detailed SWOT analysis of AIESEC in Armenia.


Functional Questionnarie #oGCDP Job Description: VP oGCDP is the final responsible for the growth in providing qualified experiences for Armenian youth through oGCDP. He/She is supporting the realization of national goals in the area. Is responsible for functional planning, tracking, execution. Is responsible for coaching NST and LCVPs.


Functional Questionnarie #oGCDP

KPI: 1. Number of oGCDP exchanges realized 2. Absolute or relative growth of each LC in oGCDP


Functional Questionnarie #oGCDP 1. Please define the value of oGCDP as a product in Armenia? Is it still relevant, if so why? 2. Please evaluate the current student market in Armenia, what percentage of Armenian students/youth will be interested in oGCDP? 3. Please make a SWOT analysis of current oGCDP. 4. What is your strategy on developing the LC capacity (all 4 LCs). 5. What is your main strategy on making 100%+ growth in oGCDP in 2016/17?


Functional Questionnarie #oGCDP 6. Please evaluate the past 3 year's development of oGCDP in Armenia and globally. 7. Please present your idea about the future development of oGCDP in Armenia based on the context of AIESEC 2020. (including your goals)


Functional Questionnarie #oGIP

Job Description: VP oGIP is the final responsible for the growth in providing qualified experiences for Armenians through oGIP. He/She is supporting the realization of national goals in the area. Is responsible for functional planning, tracking, execution. Is responsible for coaching NST and LCVPs.


Functional Questionnarie #oGIP KPI: 1. Number of oGIP exchanges Realized. 2. Number of partnerships 3. Overall oGIP knowledge in LC level and motivaiton of oGIP members.


Functional Questionnarie #oGIP Specific Questions: 1. How do you think oGIP can serve AIESEC vision and AIESEC 2020? 2. What is the relevance of oGIP for Armenian society? 3. Evaluate the past 3 years development of oGIP in AIESEC in Armenia, and represent your idea of the development of oGIP in Armenia for the upcoing 3 years. 4. Present a detailed SWOT analysis of oGIP in AIESEC in Armenia. 5. How do you see the synergy between oGIP and Marketing? How can it be improved? 16

Functional Questionnarie #oGIP Specific Questions: 6. Please present your IR strategy for oGIP 2016-2017. 7. What is your strategy to make oGIP 100%+ growth for 2016-2017 in AIESEC in Armenia? 8. What is the subproduct you want to focus on next year and why? (education, IT, etc.)


Functional Questionnarie #iGCDP Job Description: 1. Responsibilty in iGCDP growth in terms of number and quality. 2. Responsible to make iGCDP sustainable in AIESEC in Armenia. 3. Is the final responsible for National project Management. 4. National Key partner management. 5. Functional Coaching in LCs. KPI: 1. Number of IGCDPs Realized 2. Number of iGCDP partners 3. Overall strong iGCDP knowledge in all 4 LC's iGCDP teams and motivation of members. 18

Functional Questionnarie #iGCDP Specific Questions: 1. Comment on AIESEC in Armenia's current performance in iGCDP. What should be kept, whay should be improved? 2. How can we achieve more numbers realized in iGCDP for 2016/2017? What is your strategy to make iGCDP growt 100%+? 3. What are the main weaknesses that affect underachievement of iGCDP goals? How are you going to deal with them? 4. What is your strategy to make iGCDP happen in big numbers in all LCs? 19

Functional Questionnarie #iGCDP Specific Questions: 5. What are the main issues of Armenia that you are going to focus on in 2016-17? 6. How do you see the synergy between iGCDP and Marketing, and iGCDP and Finance/Law?


Functional Questionnarie #BD/iGIP

Job Description: 1. Manage partnership with current national partners (e.g. follow up, contracts data) 2. Raise strategic partners for organizational development and sustainabilty(including iGIP). 3. Organizing National Career Forums, Youth Speak (national level) 4. Track Youth to Business Forums organized in LC levels 5. Alumni Relations Management (organizing Alumni Summits, Gala Dinners, Follow Ups etc) 6. Track and coach NST and all departments that are under BD/iGIP. 21

Functional Questionnarie #BD/iGIP

KPI: 1. Number of National Partners 2. Number of iGIP EPs Realized 3. Number of Business oriented external events (career days, Y2Bs, Youth Speak etc.)


Functional Questionnarie #BD/iGIP

Specific Questions: 1. Please evaluate the current situation in BD of AIESEC in Armenia. (SWOT analysis) 2. Please make a partnership proposal for a growing company in Armenia (for example PicsArt) 3. How do you see the potential of each of our products (not only iGIP, but for example oGIP, oGCDP iGCDP etc) 4. How do you imagine alumni management system, we have never implemented this in AIESEC in Armenia, do you think it is relevant?


Functional Questionnarie #BD/iGIP

Specific Questions: 5. How do you see implementation of Youth to Business forums in the regions (3 LCs Gyumri, Vanadzor, Goris) 6. What is your overall strategy on making AIESEC in Armenia more sustainable in the corporate sector of Armenia.


Functional Questionnarie #TM/OD

Job Description: 1. Develop talent management process to ensure HR sustanabilty 2. Drive membership capacity to enhance organisational productivity and performance 3. Develop and deliver talent development programs (f.e. LEAD) 4. LCVP TM, NST TM, NTT management 5. Overall TXP program control 6. To make sure AIESEC Way knowledge in all levels of AIESEC in Armenia, 7. To drive AIESEC 2020 ambition achievement in all levelts 8. Strong R&R system 25

Functional Questionnarie #TM/OD

KPI: 1. Membership leadership pipeline selection rate 2. Membership productivity 3. Membership motivation (based on NPS feedback forms) 4. LC's (including Gyumri, Vanadzor, Goris) input in National Goals achievement 5. Successors in each area 6. the feeling of "AIESEC is in strong hands" at the end of 2016-2017 term 7. No more leadership GAP.


Functional Questionnarie #TM/OD

Specific Questions: 1. Please evaluate the current communication between teams. How can we make stroner synergy? 2. what are the main challenges for AIESEC in Armenia;s growth in terms of membership knowledge, motivation and understanding of AIESEC? 3. How do you see our regional LC's growth for 16/17, and what is MC's role in it? 4. Please provide a SWOT analysis on LC capacity (each LC separately) 5. Please review TM in AIESEC in Armenia for the past 3 years, and summarize the positioning in 16/17. 27

Functional Questionnarie #TM/OD

Specific Questions: 6. Please list 3 biggest issues related with Talent Management that limit AIESEC in Armenia to achieve the national goals. 7. How do you see the relevance of having AIESEC in Armenia's 5 years vision, or 5 years BHAG, 8. How will you ensure a strong and healthy local VP TM pipeline? 9. How do you see NST in terms of TM? 10 What do you think about having NTT?


Functional Questionnarie #Digital Marketing

Job Description 1. External online communication channel management (FB, twitter, linked in etc.) 2. Strategic PR partnerships with different stakeholders (media, NGOs, TV channels, etc) 3. Monthly newsletters for members and alumni 4. Website content writing 5. National and Global Brand implementation 6. Making posters, videos and other promotional materials. 7. Making sure AIESEC's participation in EXPOs, and different youth events 8. Coaching and tracking NSTs, 29 LCVPs

Functional Questionnarie #Digital Marketing

KPI: 1. Number of likes, shares, followers, visitors, views, subscribers on social media 2. Number of applicants for Exchange programs 3. Number of Highlighted events on different news, channels different from AIESEC 4. Overall catchy and active external view and image about AIESEC in Armenia


Functional Questionnarie #Digital Marketing

Specific Questions: 1. How would you measure an effective inbound marketing? 2. Please analyze AIESEC in Armenia's Marketing tactics (Social Media + Online content, participation in events, showcasing our events etc) 3. What is your understanding of Marketing overall, and in the context of this, what is Digital Marketing? 4. Make a SWOT analysis of AIESEC in Armenia's current Marketing state 5. How to present AIESEC when communicating with external partners (Media, NGOs, companies, TV interview to society) 31

Functional Questionnarie #Digital Marketing

Specific Questions: 6. How do you see the synergy between DM and other areas? (seprately) 7. What kind of events do you plan to organize to increase AIESEC in Armenia's visibility? 8. Overall sum up your strategy on making AIESEC in Armenia's visibilty at its highest point, and making AIESEC in Armenia as the most competitive NGO externally.


Functional Questionnarie #Information Management

Job Description: 1. Ensure understanding of GIS in all levels of AIESEC in Armenia. 2. Ensure that all operations are being done by the system. 3. Is responsible for emails, and GIS accounts 4. Is responsible for AIESEC in Armenia website, blog and other digital softwares. 5. Final responsible for IT. 6. Making sure that AIESEC in Armenia's data is secure.


Functional Questionnarie #Information Management

KPI: 1. Knowledge of GIS among members 2. System Stability 3. Attractive Website and Blog 4. Ensuring AIESEC in Armenia members have e-mails and signatures:


Functional Questionnarie #Information Management

Specific Questions: 1. Define the term Information Management in terms of AIESEC in Armenia. 2. Choose 3 of the following terms that you think are important for AIESEC in Armenia and define them: a) API b) Business Inteligence c) Technical-based innovation d) disruptive technology e) automation f) CIO (chief information officer) 3. Imagine you have 300.000 AMD and 2 months, what will you change in our IM architecture? Why? 35

Functional Questionnarie #Information Management 4. What are the key areas that MCVP Im must work closely with? Why? 5. Imagine you have a problem in the IM area, and you are writing an e-mail to AIESEC International, to request their support on the solution of the problem. Write the e-mail here, max 300 letters.


Functional Questionnarie #Finance and Legal Job Description: 1. MC accounting and auditing 2. MC resources management, including budget/financial control/financial reporting/cash flow management/reserve management 3. National Financial Model creation and implementation 4. LC financial situation monitor and control 5. Final Responsible for contracts (BD, exchanges) 6. Legality documents management (state register, stamp, overall certification 7. Compendium Management 8. Legistlation Process Facilitaiton 37

Functional Questionnarie #Finance and Legal Job Description: 9. AIESEC in Armenia FULL Membership maintain in global plenary (together with MCP) 10. Coaching and tracking LCVP F/Ls 11. Assistance to MCVP iGCDP in the process of writing and applying for grants. KPI: 1. Financial Reporting 2. Local Financial Capacity 3. Financial Sustainabilty achievement 4. Full membership at global plenary 5. Organisation works legally, and all legal processes are structured 6. Number of grants 38

Functional Questionnarie #Finance and Legal Specific Questions: 1. Evaluate current GCDP and GIP pricing model, both incoming and outgoing and propose more reasonable pricing model. 2. Conduct a financial analysis of AIESEC in Armenia, based on your knowledge and information 3. How do you see your work with MCP and other areas (specifically MCVP iGCDP in terms of grants) 4. How can we ensure that every operation done by AIESEC in Armenia is legal both by our internal compendium and externally by the rules of Republic of Armenia? 39

Functional Questionnarie #Finance and Legal Specific Questions: 5. Propose a risk management mechanism for MC and LC. 6. Share your understanding of the relevance of having MCVP F/L in AIESEC in Armenia.


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