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Crema di Funghi Porcini
from Menu 2020
Crema con tartufo Cream with Black Truffl e
Cream made with fresh button mushrooms (Agaricus bisporus) and exquisite summer truffl e (Tuber aestivum). The truffl e used by Menù is from Italy.

Culinary Application Ideal as a fi lling for fresh pasta and to accompany meat courses. Recommended for fi rst courses and as a topping for gourmet pizzas, bruschetta and sandwiches.
Item#/Description Pack Size
052982 - Crema con tartufo 6
Cultivated fi eld mushrooms (Agaricus Bisporus), mushrooms (Craterellus Cornucopioides, sunfl ower oil, herbs (parsley, garlic), vegetal fi ber, salt, truffl e (Tuber Aestivum) (1,1%), fl avours, spices
Gross Weight U.S.
Net Weight U.S.
40.6 oz 26.5 oz
Crema di Funghi Prataioli al Profumo di Tartufo Mushrooms Cream with Truffl e Essence

Item#/Description Pack Size
055914 - Crema di Funghi Prataioli al Profumo di Tartufo Fresh button mushrooms, fi nely chopped and blended with the essence of truffl e into a rich, ivory colored paste with bold truffl e fl avor. With its aromatic characteristics and elegant fl avor, this truly unique and special paste is one of the most elegant and versatile additions to your kitchen.
Culinary Application Blend Mushroom Cream with Truffl e Essence into melted butter and fold into whipped potatoes. Excellent compound butter for steak, chicken or seafood. Finish sauces for any dish to add the rich truffl e fl avor. Perfect for pasta or risotto. Diluted with cream, or pan juices, it makes a delicious sauce for meat or fi sh.
Cultivated fi eld mushrooms (Agaricus Bisporus), sunfl ower oil, salt, rice starch, fl avours, herbs