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DANNY TAN s3579584

Project Introduction

Our site is located at docklands waterfront city however the site comes with a few unfavored conditions such as its Insecurity issues and the lack of adequate public infrastructure. The Key values of my design vision are Canopy for public learning, Academic Corridors, Interlacing and Aggregation of programs and Atrium Courtyard. Our goal is to design the RMIT media precinct by creating a site which is porous with the general public, and public linkage to the other public institutions such as Docklands Urban School. The Key values of my design vision are Canopy for public learning, Academic Corridors, Interlacing and Aggregation of programs and Atrium Courtyard. Our goal is to design the RMIT media precinct by creating a site which is porous with the general public, and public linkage to the other public institutions such as Docklands Urban School.


Footnotes The diagram of “Docklands issue�.

The ideas of publicity in the institution, the circulation connection becomes the essential for connecting the programs. My vision is the circulation shouldn’t be just the connection from point A to point B but also becoming the informal learning environment. The Visionaries “Engulf RMIT of being a Public institution.”

Canopy for Public Learning

Learning Pavilion The merging of learning corridor to public atrium

The Ground Spacing of the site should be reserve with its communities and knowledge should be perserve & share. By designing the learning pavilion the public could enhance the usage for site, making sure its activates to its surounding neighbourhood. The civic space shoulg be welcoming and accessible to public.

Public own Campus What should campus look like during semester break season? An “Ghost Town”? By implementing a Public own Campus, the site can fully activates as the community center for the local community and through its characteristic of public own, the campus is fully used whole day 24hours. It will no longer be a campus fill with air during seasonal break but place fill with care and ownership.

Corridors Academic As for circulation, corridors shouldn’t be just about connect the progra m together but a place to social and learn. Interactive learning should be form throughout the circulation.

Interlacing and Aggregation of Program The Ideal learning enviroment should aggregate as an unity forms. Program shoud Interlace each other creating a whole sense of inseparable.

Programatic Porosity

Atrium courtyard The merging of learning corridor to public atrium

Merging of Indoor and outdoor typologies start to create new form of space. The transitions between two typologies start to create its unique identity and characteristic.

My ideal institution environments should be carried it’s own unique identity being grand and welcoming and as for the learning environments aspect , it should be aggregated and interlace, forming the collisions of porosity.The institution should also be the canopy for the public leaning and promotes the academic and publicity engagement. During the night time the building should be just an empty shell filling with air but transforming into the community ground and linkage to the neighbourhood. Instead of frozen monuments, events such as night market & community activities must be filled and turning it into a movement of activating the space. The “ Architecture was no longer supposed to disguise functions, but to make them visible and to render the city and its buildings immediately readable. ”. These inspired me to design the Enlace Terminal being an institute of Innovative, Imagination and Impactful. My vision of activating the spaces fully is to provide a proper ground for hosting Night Media Market so the local communities can engage with the site better. I have develop series of ideas throughout the festival events to enhance the usage of site. “ Trans Programming combining several types of programs, regardless of incompatibilities, together with their respective spatial configurations.”


Image. This is an overview shots of central atrium space related to its surrounding built form, also showing how the coridor stitchup the enlacement design approach.




DANNY TAN s3579584

Image: The view showed the entrance from the west carpark entering to our site. It also shows the relationship between the Enlace Terminal to its surrounding context and provide the hosting ground for the local communities night market.


Project Images

Image: The view showed the game production area glancing out the atrium courtyard. The observational learning relationship in and out, where people in the inside room can engage to the atrium people and people studying at the atrium can engage back to the inner room



DANNY TAN s3579584

Image Top: The Private nooks for media podcast learning located at the top level of the building and overview the atrium spacing.


Project Images

Image Bottom: The view showed the public amphitheatre located at the Docklands Drive during the night media market festival are activated as a performance spaces and entry point to the building.

Image Top: This is an overview shots of central atrium space related to its surrounding built form, also showing how the coridor stitchup the enlacement design approach.

Image Bottom: The view showed the entrance pathway of southeast corner approaching to our site. The drop off zone located on the east facing of the building.


The Enlace Terminal

Danny Tan

Recipe of The Enlace Terminal

Recipe of The Enlace Terminal Step 1. Set up the Week 4 Exploration:

Step 1.

The Atrium, the atrium was inspire based on the classical library typology. The main idea was to create the colision between politeness and chaotic then forming the new typologies of Order with Chunks.

Step 2. Prepare the Week 5 Exploration:

Step 2

The Palace, the Palace Institution was inspire based on the Baroque Palace typology. The main idea was to form agenda of “grandness� within the building and identity of majestic and royal within the build form.

Step 3

Isolating the essential bits the exploration model and combine them into a single model without demolish the qualities of the previous model. Step 3.

Using Palace Exploration as Facade and Atrium as Internal Spatial distribution and Circulation. Step 4.

Step 4

Step 5. Further Enhance the model to

Step 5


fits in to its surrounding context make a cut over the northwest corner side of the building to exposed its qualities of grandness and maejstic. At the same time consider the pathway of entering into our site and think about how it corelated to its surrounding structure.

Week 4 Typologies

Week 5 Typologies

One of the visionaries for the circulation was to activate the circulation corridor into a informal learning space. The diagram show the proposal of a new circulation pathway and turning some of the step into reading area and Public resting area. - Reading Space and Public Seating - Corridor New Propose Circulation


The Enlace Terminal

Danny Tan







Legend: Ground Level LV1-01: Flexible Workshop Space 01 LV1-02: Flexible Workshop Space 02 LV1-03: Green Screen Studio 01 LV1-04: Office Space 01 LV1-05: Office Space 02 LV1-06: Office Space 03


LV1-07: Meeting Space 01 LV1-08: Meeting Space 02 LV1-09: Office Space 04 LV1-10: Loading Docks/ Storage Space LV1-11: Green Screen Studio 02 LV1-12: Control Room 01 LV1-13: Lift Core/ Toilet LV1-14: Casual Study Area LV1-15: Editting Suite 01

LV1-16: Server Room LV1-17: Editing Suite LV1-18: Info Corner LV1-19: Control Room

Level 2 LV2-20: Classroom 0 LV2-22: Indoor Restin LV2-24: Classroom 0




10 12





m e 02

m 02

01 LV2-21: Exposed Resting Area ng Area LV2-23: Cafeteria 02



LV2-25: Classroom 03 LV2-26: Physical Effects Workshop 01 LV2-27: Private Meeting Room 01 LV2-28: Physical Effects Workshop 02 LV2-29: Games Production Space LV2-30: Live Broadcasting Station LV2-31: Casual Study Area LV2-32: Student Study Area LV2-33: Server Room 02

LV2-34: Classroom 04 LV2-35: Informal Learning Corridor Level 3 LV3-36: Outdoor Study Balcony LV3-37: Private Media Nooks 01 LV3-38: Private Meeting Area LV3-39: Informal Learning Platform LV3-40: Private Media Nooks 02 LV3-41: Library / Quiet Learning Space


The Enlace Terminal

Danny Tan







Legend: Ground Level LV1-01: Flexible Workshop Space 01 LV1-02: Flexible Workshop Space 02 LV1-03: Green Screen Studio 01 LV1-04: Office Space 01 LV1-05: Office Space 02 LV1-06: Office Space 03


LV1-07: Meeting Space 01 LV1-08: Meeting Space 02 LV1-09: Office Space 04 LV1-10: Loading Docks/ Storage Space LV1-11: Green Screen Studio 02 LV1-12: Control Room 01 LV1-13: Lift Core/ Toilet LV1-14: Casual Study Area LV1-15: Editting Suite 01

LV1-16: Server Room LV1-17: Editing Suite LV1-18: Info Corner LV1-19: Control Room

Level 2 LV2-20: Classroom 0 LV2-21: Exposed Res LV2-22: Indoor Restin

m e 02

m 02

01 sting Area ng Area

32 30




27 28

26 25

LV2-25: Classroom 03 LV2-26: Physical Effects Workshop 01 LV2-27: Private Meeting Room 01 LV2-28: Physical Effects Workshop 02 LV2-29: Games Production Space LV2-30: Live Broadcasting Station LV2-31: Casual Study Area LV2-32: Student Study Area LV2-33: Server Room 02

LV2-34: Classroom 04 LV2-35: Informal Learning Corridor Level 3 LV3-36: Outdoor Study Balcony LV3-37: Private Media Nooks 01 LV3-38: Private Meeting Area LV3-39: Informal Learning Platform LV3-40: Private Media Nooks 02 LV3-41: Library / Quiet Learning Space


The Enlace Terminal

Danny Tan





Legend: Ground Level LV1-01: Flexible Workshop Space 01 LV1-02: Flexible Workshop Space 02 LV1-03: Green Screen Studio 01 LV1-04: Office Space 01 LV1-05: Office Space 02 LV1-06: Office Space 03


LV1-07: Meeting Space 01 LV1-08: Meeting Space 02 LV1-09: Office Space 04 LV1-10: Loading Docks/ Storage Space LV1-11: Green Screen Studio 02 LV1-12: Control Room 01 LV1-13: Lift Core/ Toilet LV1-14: Casual Study Area LV1-15: Editting Suite 01

LV1-16: Server Room LV1-17: Editing Suite LV1-18: Info Corner LV1-19: Control Room

Level 2 LV2-20: Classroom 0 LV2-22: Indoor Restin LV2-24: Classroom 0

m e 02

m 02

01 LV2-21: Exposed Resting Area ng Area LV2-23: Cafeteria 02




LV2-25: Classroom 03 LV2-26: Physical Effects Workshop 01 LV2-27: Private Meeting Room 01 LV2-28: Physical Effects Workshop 02 LV2-29: Games Production Space LV2-30: Live Broadcasting Station LV2-31: Casual Study Area LV2-32: Student Study Area LV2-33: Server Room 02

LV2-34: Classroom 04 LV2-35: Informal Learning Corridor Level 3 LV3-36: Outdoor Study Balcony LV3-37: Private Media Nooks 01 LV3-38: Private Meeting Area LV3-39: Informal Learning Platform LV3-40: Private Media Nooks 02 LV3-41: Library / Quiet Learning Space


The Enlace Terminal

Danny Tan

Pespective Section NS





7 2 5

The Section show the gradient of publicity spacing from the ground floor then transits to the upper level of private formal learning environments. Also from the Left Academic spacing to the Right of Comunities spacing. The Section also shows the open plaza located at ground entry of the building, acted as the exhibition space.

Legend: 01: Balcony Outdoor Learning 02: Drop off zone 03: Games Production Space 04: Classroom 01 05: Equipment Loan & Return 06: Private Meeting Area


07: Informal Learning Corridor 08: Private Nooks 09:Informal Reading Corridor 11: Open Amphitheatre 12: Classroom 02 13: Classroom 03

14: Outdoor Study Balcony 15:Exposed Resting Area 16: Flexible Workshop Space



13 9 12 15

16 11


Danny Tan

Procedural Explorations. Appendix.

[Enlace Terminal]

APPENDIX First Half of our semester was detail focuslized on exploring build form, spatial arrangement, landscape tectonic and facades structure. We as a studio are interested by understanding how the typologies that we picked can be tweet and adapt into learning enviroment and most importanly was to understand the importance of the DATA we inputed behave. The outcome of the Dataset generated model we normally address it as our raw result them step by step modifying and rationalising the raw result and exploring the qualities that we can extract out from the model. Then Futher developing it into our proposition of seeing stuff. The proposition that we have identify then we listed into a collection of our blueprint and we expecting the blueprint could empower our design development to be rich and essential.



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Procedural Explorations. Appendix.


LEARNING IDENTITY What is the image of RMIT campus? My design concepts is to create a facade structure that symbolize the noble and royal identity of RMIT. By replicating the Palace facade typologies, I observe the relationship between the open courtyard landscape had bring such a important role in expressing the majesty appearance of the facade. My design strategies is to design the facade represent as icon of the RMIT campus over the site. Building up an atmosphere of a grand and luxury academic experience and uphold the dignity of the RMIT values.

Architecture was no longer supposed to disguise functions, but to make them visible and to render the city and its buildings immediately readable.



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CHANGE THIS TEXT: First Name, Last Name

Procedural Explorations. Appendix.


ATRIUM CORRIDOR A classical library with the atrium, provide the generous space distribution and open learning enviroments. My ideal learning enviroments should be engaging and unique, through the clash of pourous programing space and formal learning enviroment. While perserving the qualities of voids from the atrium and addition of the protrude learning corridor, the space was once agian being fully activate and creating the unique gestures of contrast between “Polite and Chaos”.

“ Transprogamming combining several types of programs, regardless of incompatibilities, together with their respective spatial confrigurations. ”


- Zone 2: Schools STEAM Hub Maker space - Zone 1: Design and Production Zone - Exhibition and Events Space - Public study and Hybird Learning Space - Utilities - Adminstrative Office Spaces


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Procedural Explorations. Appendix.


ENTRAP & SURROUND Entrap & Surrounding, the model presented the spatial quality of the space using the city square as the typologies. The idea was trying to blur the boundaries between the edge and open courtyard conditions. The outcomes reflected the extrusion qualities of the central space boundaries started to break off. My idea of the circulation programs intersecting and interlacing to create the pourous conditions of the program distribution. i identified the possiblities of the intersection of two rotate pieces. However the edge conditions is still obvious due to the limitation of the value data and The central moment condition was worth extracting. My idea of the circulation programs intersecting and interlacing to create the pourous conditions of the program distribution. i identified the possiblities of the intersection of two rotate pieces.



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Procedural Explorations. Appendix.


ATRIUM COURTYARD The typological ecologies reflected a great qualities of introducing the landscaping ideas immerge to the formal learning space. The Outcome reflect the public space seemlessly blend into private program. The canopy idea did by Justin were engage to the existing form which create a new typologies “atrium courtyard”.

“ The modernist focus on the architectural object and physical attachment from the ground and field through its natural languages. ”



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CHANGE THIS TEXT: First Name, Last Name

Procedural Explorations. Appendix.


RMIT TERMINAL My Ideas of the RMIT Terminal comes from the my typologies, train terminal. The wide span internal structure of the train terminal are welcoming and generous, and the landscape typologies of floor sinking into a bowl structure. Reapply those ideas to my post process design, creating a learning pavilion. The design tried to perserve the idea of being neighbourhood friendly and redine the learning the enviroment “must be enclose�. The project also considered about the idea of circulation around the site and how does the site engage to its surrounding enviroment. Creating linkage from the south-east corner (tram stop terminal) to the north-west corner of the future build studio further activate the space.


Images Southern Cross Staion as one of the precedents that we looking at with consists of varous entry points and levels of porousity. My Ecologies are trying to show the characteristic of train terminal coming over to our site. The level blades running accross multiple layer form and interesting connection between spaces.


Image. Northwest corner entrance to the Enlace Terminal.



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