Lot 1289 (detail)

SPECIALIST DEPARTMENTS Please dial +44 (0)1722 followed by the number listed below PAINTINGS Victor Fauvelle 446961 Ed Beer 446962 Hannah Farthing 446970 20TH CENTURY DESIGN Michael Jeffery 424505 Zoe Smith 446955 AFRICAN & OCEANIC ART | ANTIQUITIES Will Hobbs 339752 Molly O’Reilly 446980 ASIAN ART John Axford MRICS ASFAV 424506 Alexandra Aguilar 424583 Freya Yuan-Richards 424589 Jeremy Morgan +44 (0)7812 601098 Michelle Yu 424571 CHINESE PAINTINGS & CALLIGRAPHY Freya Yuan-Richards 424589 Michelle Yu 424571 ENGLISH & EUROPEAN CERAMICS & GLASS Clare Durham 424507 Hollie Morrison 446964 FURNITURE, WORKS OF ART & CLOCKS Mark Yuan-Richards 411854 Neil Grenyer 339161 Jim Gale 446974 Suzy Becsy 446974 Sarah Stone 339161 JAPANESE WORKS OF ART Alexandra Aguilar 424583 JEWELLERY Marielle Whiting FGA 424595 Jonathan Edwards FGAA (Consultant) 424504 Samuel Hug FGA DGA 424586 Emily O’Donnell 424561 Megan Corbett 424562 MEDALS & COINS, ARMS & ARMOUR Ned Cowell 341469 Molly O’Reilly 446980 SILVER Rupert Slingsby 424501 Lucy Chalmers 424594 VALUATIONS FOR INSURANCE & PROBATE Jeremy Lamond MRICS ASFAV FRSA 424502 Neil Grenyer 339161 Amanda Lawrence 424509 GENERAL OFFICE Ruth Pike (Office Manager) 424500 Sarah LeyanneBennieHind CASTLE GATE RECEPTION Sally Litherland MARKETING Chloe Davie 446959 ACCOUNTS Sharon Ringwood 424565 Anna Gentleman BOARD OF DIRECTORS John Axford MRICS ASFAV Chairman Natalie Milsted FCCA Managing Director ASSOCIATE DIRECTORS Alexandra Aguilar Clare WillVictorDurhamFauvelleHobbs Michael Jeffery Jeremy Lamond MRICS ASFAV FRSA Rupert Slingsby Marielle Whiting FGA Freya Yuan-Richards Mark Yuan-Richards Salisbury Salerooms, 51-61 Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3SU Tel: +44 (0)1722 424500 •
DIRECTIONS TO THE NEW EXHIBITION SPACE AT CASTLE GATE PAINTINGS Victor Fauvelle +44 (0)1722 446961 Ed Beer +44 (0)1722 446962 Hannah Farthing +44 (0)1722 446970 VIEWING Saturday 10th September 10.00am – 1.00pm Monday 12th September 10.00am – 4.00pm Tuesday 13th September 9.00am – 4.00pm Wednesday 14th September By appointment OLD MASTERS, BRITISH & EUROPEAN PAINTINGS WEDNESDAY 14TH SEPTEMBER 2022 10.00AM at our Castle Street Salerooms, SP1 3SU VIEWING AT OUR NEW EXHIBITION SPACE AT CASTLE GATE Unit 1B, Castle Gate Business Park Old Sarum, Salisbury SP4 6QX

LIVE ONLINE BIDDING - FREE OF CHARGE Please register by 5pm on Tuesday 13th September. BUYER’S PREMIUM See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices. TELEPHONE BIDDING Requests for telephone bidding cannot be accepted after 5pm on Tuesday 13th September. ARTIST’S RESALE RIGHT / DROIT DE SUITE ‡ This symbol indicates that an additional levy may apply for this lot –please see our Terms & Conditions, Section 21, for details. COLLECTION OF LOTS Collections will be from Unit 1B, Castle Gate Business Park, Old Sarum, Salisbury, SP4 6QX. Please call 01722 424500 to make an appointment. Please instruct carriers accordingly. Collection of sold and unsold lots must be within 21 days of the sale –failure to collect within this time may result in storage fees. Instagram: @woolleyandwallispaintings @woolleyandwallissalerooms Facebook: @woolleyandwallis Twitter: @woolleywallis Pinterest: Woolley and Wallis THE VIEWING OF THIS SALE WILL TAKE PLACE AT Unit 1B, Castle Gate Business Park Old Sarum, Salisbury SP4 6QX Client Parking Available Saturday 10th September 10.00am – 1.00pm Monday 12th September 10.00am – 4.00pm Tuesday 13th September 9.00am – 4.00pm Wednesday 14th September By appointment ILLUSTRATIONS Front Cover: Lot 1240 Back Cover: Lot 1236 Catalogue £12.00 (£15.00 by post) THE AUCTION ON 14TH SEPTEMBER WILL TAKE PLACE AT CASTLE STREET 51-61 Castle Street, Salisbury SP1 3SU

Lot 1439 INDEX(detail) Portrait Miniatures & Silhouettes Drawings1059-1075Prints1001-1058and Watercolours 1076-1180 Oil Paintings 1181-1504

See paragraphs & catalogue charges hammer
FRENCH1001 SCHOOL Late 17th Century Portrait miniature of a young man, wearing a lace collar and a feathered buff hat On copper, oval, in a white metal frame with scroll surmount 72 x 56mm Provenance: Christie’s, 25 November 1975, lot 39; The collection of the late John Taylor £200-300 DUTCH1002 SCHOOL 17th Century Portrait miniature of a young boy, wearing a buff coat and lace collar On copper, oval, in a white metal frame with scroll surmount 46 x 38mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £250-350
MANNER1003 OF ISAAC OLIVER Portrait miniature of a young woman, wearing a red dress, lace collar and feathered hat On copper, oval, in a gilt metal frame 52 x 42mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £80-120
MANNER1009 OF FRANCISZEK SMIADECKI Portrait miniature of a gentleman wearing a black doublet and white collar On copper, oval, in an octagonal white and gilt metal frame with glazed reverse 62 x 56mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £120-180
Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £150-250 ENGLISH1005 SCHOOL Mid 17th Century Portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing armour and with long hair On copper, oval, in a gilt metal and black painted frame 49 x 38mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £100-150 ENGLISH1006 SCHOOL 17th Century Portrait miniature of a gentleman wearing armour On copper, oval, in a gilt metal frame with scroll surmount 56 x 47mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £100-150 MINIATURES AND SILHOUETTES 6
DUTCH1004 SCHOOL 17th Century Portrait miniature of gentleman wearing a buff coat and armoured collar On copper, oval, in a white metal frame with scroll surmount 61 x 50mm
on the final
5 of our conditions of business at the back of the
for additional
ENGLISH1007 SCHOOL 17th Century Portrait miniature of a cleric On copper, oval, in a gilt metal frame 46 x 39mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £120-180 FOLLOWER1008 OF FRANCISZEK SMIADECKI Portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing a black doublet and lawn collar On copper, oval, in a gilt metal frame 47 x 40mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £150-250
100910081007 100610051004 100310021001 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 7

Portrait miniature of a gentleman wearing a red coat and long wig Oval, in a gilt metal frame 57 x 47mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor Ivory registration NC3X51HX £200-300
1015 λ ENGLISH SCHOOL 1765
Portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing blue and yellow armour and with a long wig Oval, on card, in a white metal frame 34 x 28mm
Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £400-600 8
Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor Ivory registration ASMYV82H £150-250
ENGLISH1013 SCHOOL c.1700 Portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing a red coat and brown sash, and with powdered wig On copper, oval, in a gilt metal frame, in a shagreen case 47 x 37mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £100-150 1014 λ CIRCLE OF BENJAMIN ARLAUD
Portrait miniature of a gentleman wearing purple Vandyke dress Signed with initials and dated SS/1765 (centre right) Oval, in a shagreen case 33 x 28mm
Portrait miniature of William Metcalfe of Fordham Abbey, Cambridgeshire (d.1785), wearing a brown coat and powdered wig Enamel on copper, in a gilt metal frame, in a leather case 45 x 38mm
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices
Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £100-150 ENGLISH1011 SCHOOL c.1700
1016 λ MANNER OF JOHN HOSKINS Portrait miniature of a lady, traditionally identified as Lady Dorchester, wearing a blue dress and pearl necklace Inscribed Lady Dorchester (to reverse) Oval, in an ebonised frame 66 x 56mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor Ivory registration Y8UYQDUT £80-120
DUTCH1017 SCHOOL 17th Century Portrait miniature of a lady, wearing a grey dress and pearl necklace and ringlets in her hair On copper, oval, in a gilt metal frame with scroll surmount 59 x 45mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £200-300 1018 λ CIRCLE OF PIERRE PASQUIER Portrait miniature of a lady, wearing a pink dress, pearl necklace and lace headdress Oval, in a gilt metal hexagonal frame 43 x 36mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor Ivory registration LYW6NVXV £250-350
Portrait miniature of a boy, wearing a red coat and with powdered hair On copper, oval, in a gilt metal frame 67 x 50mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor £150-250
101810171016 101510141013 101210111010 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 9

1022 λ ENGLISH SCHOOL 1799
Portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing a blue coat with gold buttons, and with powdered hair Signed with initials and dated JS/1799 (lower left) Oval, in a gilt metal frame, the glazed reverse over gilt metal initials 79 x 64mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor Ivory 74DKYBE2registration £100-150 CIRCLE1023
10221019 1020 1023 1021 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices
Portrait miniature of a girl wearing a blue dress and holding a Oval,rosein a gilt metal brooch frame 41 x 34mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor Ivory BJMDDSVTregistration £100-150
Portrait miniature of a girl wearing a white dress with pink sash Signed and dated R Schwager 1872 (lower left) Oval, in a gilt metal frame 94 x 75mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor Ivory NFNTR3LKregistration £200-300 1021 λ THOMAS LE HARDY act.1794-1802
1020 λ BohemianSCHWAGERRICHARD1822-1880
Silhouette of a gentleman, wearing a cocked hat; Silhouette of a lady, wearing a lace collar Two, both oval, in gilt metal frames Both 91 x 69mm Together with English School c.1800; Silhouette of a gentleman; oval, in a stained wood frame; 59 x 37mm; and English School. c.1800; Silhouette of a child wearing a dress; oval, in a rectangular verre églomisé mount and gilt-painted wooden frame; 66 x 47mm (4) Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor 1024£100-200 No lot 10
Portrait miniature of a young man wearing a blue coat and yellow waistcoat Signed and dated Le Hardy/1795 (centre left) Oval, in a gilt metal frame with a blue glass back surrounding a locket of hair and seed pearl border 67 x 55mm Provenance: The collection of the late John Taylor Ivory ZC9ZE47Nregistration £400-600
1019 λ

MANNER1027£150-250 OF ABRAHAM SEAMAN Portrait miniature of a young lady wearing a yellow dress and white bonnet with pink ribbon Bears a signature and date A Seeman/1749 (to counter enamel) Enamel, oval, in an ebonised wooden frame 62 x 52mm £150-250
are available on
may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 •
images of each
AFTER1025 ALEXIS SIMON BELLE Portrait miniature of James Francis Edward Stuart, the Old Pretender (1688-1766), wearing an armoured breastplate On enamel, oval 39 x 30mm Unframed
Lots marked ‡ Framed lot
1027 1026 1025
SCHOOL 17th Century Portrait miniature of Samuel Trelawny (1630-1666), wearing a lace collar On copper, oval 50 x 39mm Together with Manner of Samuel Cooper, Portrait miniature of a gentleman, probably a member of the Trelawny family, wearing a lace collar and long wig, On vellum, oval, 62 x 50mm; Manner of Samuel Cooper, Portrait miniature of a young man, probably a member of the Trelawny family, wearing a lace collar, On card, oval, 62 x 50mm; Manner of Cornelius Johnson, Portrait miniature of a gentleman, probably a member of the Trelawny family, wearing a black doublet and lace ruff, On card, oval, 60 x 47mm; Manner of Cornelius Johnson, Portrait miniature of a gentleman, probably a member of the Trelawny family, wearing a black cloak and with a moustache, On paper, oval, 62 x 50mm; and Manner of Bernard Lens, Portrait miniature of Samuel Trelawny (1683-1711), On paper, oval, 44 x 35mm (6)

1028 1029 1030 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices 1028 λ ANDREW PLIMER 1763-1837 Portrait miniature of a lady wearing a white dress and a bandeau in her powdered hair Oval, in a gilt metal frame with hair back 71 x 56mm Ivory registration DPZN2WNZ £700-1,000 1029 λ ANDREW PLIMER 1763-1837 Portrait miniature of a lady wearing a white dress and coral necklace Oval, in a gilt metal frame with hair back 65 x 56mm Provenance: Thistle Antiques, where purchased by the previous owner, 26 November 2003; By whom sold, Bonhams, London, Fine Portrait Miniatures, 21 November 2013, lot 71 Ivory registration R6ME6THF £700-1,000 1030 λ ANDREW PLIMER 1763-1837 Portrait miniature of a gentleman wearing a blue coat, with powdered hair tied with a black ribbon Oval, in a gilt metal frame with gilt initials over a hair back 83 x 72mm Provenance: The Vachell Collection (according to label) Ivory registration SX82GB1E £500-700 12

1031actual size Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 1031 λ JOHN 1741-1811SMART Portrait miniature of a gentleman wearing a brown coat and white waistcoat, and with powdered hair Signed with initials and dated J.S./1784 (lower left) Oval, in a silver frame with a rose-cut diamond border and gold back, in a blue leather case 50 x 36mm Provenance: Purchased in Sweden by the present owner Ivory registration M3N2L1TV £6,000-8,000 13

leather case 36 x 29mm Ivory registration 81V971CM £500-700 1035 λ ABRAHAM DANIEL c.1750-1806 Portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing a brown coat with gold buttons, his powdered hair en queue Oval, in a gilt metal frame 39 x 33mm Provenance: The Comerford Collection; Ellison Fine Art; Private Collection Literature: The Comerford Collection: Portrait Miniatures (Dublin, 2009), pp.11, 57, no.252 Exhibited: Dublin, Irish Architectural Archive, The Comerford Collection, 2009 Ivory registration 5QW1NUMR £200-300 1036 λ ENGLISH SCHOOL Late 18th Century Portrait miniature of an officer in Oval,uniforminagilt metal frame with hair back 58 x 48mm Ivory registration KJULXFVL £400-600 1037 λ HENRY JACOB BURCH 1763-c.1834 Portrait miniature of an officer in Oval,uniforminagilt metal frame 72 x 58mm Provenance: Ellison Fine Art, where purchased by the present private collector Ivory registration 4YYHYZXJ £400-600 14
within a tooled
Oval, in
Portrait miniature of a gentleman wearing a green coat and waistcoat Oval, in a gilt metal frame, within a tooled black leather case 35 x 29mm Ivory registration LUF2X3AU £300-400
Portrait miniature of a gentleman wearing a black coat and white Oval,waistcoatinarectangular red Morocco leather case 76 x 64mm Provenance: Ellison Fine Art (where recorded as signed with initials and dated 1833); Purchased from the above by the present private collector Ivory registration MGXJEGQH £300-500 1040 λ CIRCLE OF ANDREW PLIMER Portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing a blue coat and white stock Oval, in a gilt metal frame with plaited hair back 64 x 53mm Ivory registration B928DKTM £200-300
CWLX75ZJ £200-300 1034 λ ATTRIBUTED
1742-1810 Portrait miniature
1038 λ ENGLISH SCHOOL Late 18th Century Portrait miniature of a gentleman wearing a black coat and with powdered hair Oval, in a gilt metal frame 76 x 61mm Ivory registration W53KTXD4 £100-200
and powdered
1033 λ ENGLISH SCHOOL Late 18th Century Portrait miniature of a gentleman, wearing a blue coat and yellow waistcoat, and with powdered hair Oval, in a gilt metal frame 44 x 34mm Ivory registration TO CROSSE of a gentleman, wearing a brown coat waistcoat, wig a gilt metal frame, black
1039 λ EDWARD ROBERTSON 1809-after 1837
See paragraphs & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices
1032 λ FRENCH SCHOOL 18th Century
104010391038 103710361035 103410331032 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 15

10421044104510411043 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices 1041 λ WILLIAM MINEARD BENNETT c.1778-1858 Portrait miniature of Henrietta, Countess Cathcart, wearing a white dress and feathered hat Signed and inscribed W.Bennett Delint/Peebles (to Rectangular,reverse) in a gilt metal frame 105 x 80mm Provenance: R. Bayne-Powell by 1987; Sotheby’s, London, The R.L. Bayne-Powell Collection of Portrait Miniature, 11 October 1994, lot 214 Literature: Daphne Foskett, Miniatures: Dictionary and Guide (Antique Collectors Club, 1987), p.407, plate 119D Ivory registration RL8GT2NS 1042£300-500 λ JOHN COX DILLMAN ENGLEHEART 1784-1862 Portrait miniature of a young lady, wearing a black dress, mauve shawl, and pearl necklace and earrings Signed and dated J.D.Engleheart/Pinxit/1820 (to backing Rectangular,board)inagilt metal frame 92 x 72mm Ivory registration HR1Z94CX £800-1,200 1043 λ JAMES 1777-1860HOLMES Portrait miniature of a lady, wearing a green dress and purple shawl Signed and dated J HOLMES/1821 (lower left) Rectangular, in a gilt metal frame 84 x 68mm Ivory registration KCD4RAKC £150-250 1044 λ ENGLISH SCHOOL 19th Century Portrait miniature of a lady wearing a white dress Oval, in a rectangular ebonised wooden frame 80 x 64mm Ivory registration 7QM9Y9V3 £200-300 ENGLISH1045 SCHOOL Late 18th Century Portrait of a girl, traditionally identified as Mary Somerville, aged nine, wearing a white dress, blue sash and white bonnet Bears a signature, inscription and date Mary Somerville/ Ætatis suæ 9/1789/M.A.B./fecit (lower left) On paper, oval, in an ebonised wooden easel frame 128 x 93mm £100-150 16

Portrait miniature of Anne, Lady Ellenborough (1769-1843), wearing a white dress Rectangular, in a gilt metal repoussé frame 114 x 87mm Sir Thomas Lawrence painted a portrait of Lady Ellenborough in c.1811, but was dissatisfied with it and failed to complete it (see K. Garlick, Sir Thomas Lawrence - A Complete Catalogue of Oil Paintings, 1989, p.183, no.270b).
λ SAMUEL 1750/56-1808SHELLEY
Portrait miniature of a woman and child, seated in a landscape Inscribed Painted by W C Rolfe/1835 (to Rectangular,reverse) in a gilt metal frame 202 x 145mm Ivory registration XD8LBTZB £600-800 17
Portrait miniatures by Lawrence are extremely rare, with only a few known to exist in private collections. Ivory registration F87E4HXC
1046 1047 1048 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on
Lady Ellenborough wrote several letters to Lawrence in 1811 regarding the unfinished portrait, saying she ‘had rather have the present picture reduced to the smallest size, than relinquish the idea of having it completely finished before she leaves town’ (see George Somes Layard (ed.), Sir Thomas Lawrence’s Letter-Bag, 1906, pp.74-83).
Portrait miniature of Mrs Harper and a child, seated in front of a red curtain Rectangular, in a giltwood frame 123 x 100mm Ivory registration 4N9K4YFK £500-800

10501052105110491053 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices 1049 λ ANDREW ROBERTSON 1777-1845 Portrait miniature of a lady, wearing a white dress and pearl necklace Oval, in a rectangular ebonised wooden frame 76 x 61mm Ivory registration 4TUEBEEF 1050£600-800 λ PETER PAILLOU THE YOUNGER 1757-after 1831 Portrait miniature of a lady, wearing a white dress and broad-brimmed feathered hat, seated in an interior Signed indistinctly and dated P Pail**/1787 (upper right) Oval, in a rectangular wooden frame 82 x 61mm Ivory registration X6PM312M MANNER1051£100-150 OF RICHARD COSWAY Portrait of Mrs Tickle, full length, standing by a balustrade Bears a signature and date R Cosway/1794 (lower right) Pencil and coloured chalk within pencil framing lines 20.6 x 13.5cm; 8¼ x 5¼in Provenance: George Delawand Esq. £100-200 1052 λ JEREMIAH MEYER 1735-1789 Portrait miniature of Miss Augusta Cheap, daughter of Thomas Cheap of Elvington, Yorkshire Oval, in an ebonised wooden frame 83 x 64mm Ivory registration Z4T2C11R £300-500 1053 λ CIRCLE OF HENRY JACOB BURCH Portrait miniature of a lady wearing a white dress and headscarf Oval, in a gilt metal frame 45 x 36mm Ivory registration JPGG43GZ £120-180 18

Portrait miniature of a gentleman wearing a black coat and yellow waistcoat Signed MOHN (centre right) Oval, in a gilt metal frame, within a red leather case 75 x 61mm Ivory 4169B6LUregistration £200-300
1054 λ FRENCH SCHOOL 1816
Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on
Portrait miniature of a wearinggentleman,ablack coat, yellow waistcoat and a support on his forehead Signed with initials and dated A.C.1816 (centre right) Oval, in a gold frame 66 x 49mm
Portrait miniature of a gentleman wearing a black coat and white stock; Portrait miniature of a lady wearing a red, green and blue dress and coral necklace and Aearringspair,both rectangular, in ebonised easel frames Each 84 x 67mm (2) Ivory DKWCMSKPregistration £400-600
Provenance: Philip Mould, London, where purchased by the present private collector Ivory VGNDAQ2Aregistration
Portrait miniature of John Pardoe of Leyton, Essex andwearing(1787-1870),anavycoatyellowwaistcoat; Portrait miniature of Charlotte Pardoe (née Allix) (1785-1870), wearing a brown dress A pair, both oval, in rectangular ebonised wooden and gilt metal frames Both 82 x 68mm (2) Ivory GKDAAWPJregistration £400-600 19
JOHN1055£250-350SIMPSON 1811-after 1871
1054 10561055
Portrait miniature of Richard James Lane ARA, wearing a black coat, white waistcoat and black cravat Signed and dated J Simpson/1852 (in red to the counter enamel) Enamel on copper, oval, in an ebonised wooden frame 39 x 33mm £200-300
1056 λ ENGLISH SCHOOL c.1900
1058 λ ENGLISH SCHOOL Early 19th Century
1057 λ ENGLISH SCHOOL Early 19th Century

1061 1059 1060 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices GermanSCHONGAUERMARTIN1059c.1445-1491 Saint 16.4Engraving(LehrsStephen66)x11.6cm; 6½ x 4½in (sheet) £800-1,200 ANTONIO1060 ZANETTI Italian 1754-1812 St John the Baptist Chiaroscuro woodcut 16.8 x 9.7cm; 6½ x 3¾in Provenance: (£5716Christie’s,J.S.Wright;London,May1967,lot11215s.toPeel) £600-800 BohemianHOLLARWENCESLAUS10611607-1677 Lady with 13.2Anglicanus’‘OrnatusEtching,(Penningtonflowers1785)plate8fromMuliebrisx6.6cm;5¼x2½in (image) £100-150 PRINTS 20

1062 1063 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on WENCESLAUS1062 HOLLAR Bohemian 1607-1677 Head of a Cat (Pennington 2109) 20.5Etchingx15.6cm; 8 x 6¼in (sheet) Unframed An1063£1,000-1,500albumof old master and 19th century prints Thirty-seven, including examples by or after Anthonie Waterloo, Herman van Swanevelt, Jan Both, Stefano della Bella, Cornelis Bega, Phillippe Mercier, Nicolaes Berchem, John Arthur Poulter, Battista Franco, Guercino, Karel Dujardin, Thomas Rowlandson, Willem van de Velde the Younge, Nicolas Chaperon, William Hogarth, William Beechey, Georgiana Keate, Rembrandt, and Adriaen Brouwer Largest 31.6 x 27.2cm; 12½ x 10¾in; Smallest 9.9 x 7.3cm; 4 x 2¾in (sheet) (37) £800-1,200 21

JOHN1064 FREDERICKAND1770-1851BUCKLERCHRISTIAN LEWIS 1779-1856 South East View of the Cathedral Church and Chapter House of Salisbury Etching and aquatint 44.8 x 60.1cm; 17¾ x 23¾in (image)
106410651066 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices
GIRTIN FREDERICK1775-1802 CHRISTIAN LEWIS WILLIAMAND1779-1856 PICKETT 1792-1820 View of Pont Neuf; View of the Thuilleries & Bridge Two, both etching and aquatint 20 x 57cm; 7¾ x 22½in; 20 x 56cm; 7¾ x 22in (2) £150-250
THOMAS1065 act.1750-1793AFTERc.1730-c.1775WHITEJOHNWOOLFE
North East Front of Witham, designed by Robert Adam; Elevation to the South East of Harewood House, designed by John Carr A pair, both engraving, from ‘Vitruvius Britannicus, or The British Architect’ 25.1 x 66.9cm; 10 x 26¼in; 25.1 x 69.7cm; 10 x 27½in (plate) (2) £200-400

WILLIAM1067£400-600 ELLIS AFTER1747-1810FRANCIS CHESHAM 1749-1806
RAPHAEL1068 MORGHEN Italian AFTER1758-1833FRANÇOIS GÉRARD French 1770-1837 43.9EngravingNapoleonx31.7cm; 17¼ x 12½in (plate) Together with William Say (1768-1834) after Innocent Louis Goubaud (French act.1780-1847), Napoleon Buonaparte, Mezzotint, 59.4 x 47.5cm; 23½ x 18¾in (image); James Gillray (1756-1815), Westminster Conscripts under the Training Act; News from Calabria!, Two, both etching with hand-colouring, 26.6 x 36.7cm; 10½ x 14½in; 26 x 35.5cm; 10¼ x 14in (sheet); Robert Bowyer (1758-1834), The Royal Family of France, The Family of Buonaparte, French Generals, Statesmen &c, Etching, 43 x 31.5cm; 17 x 12½in (sheet); and After Claude Gautherot (1769-1825), Napoléon blessé devant Ratisbonne, Etching with hand-colouring, 19.1 x 26.6cm; 7½ x 10½in (6) £150-250 23
Views of the Memorable Victory of the Nile, comprising The British Fleet on the Evening of the 1st of August led by Goliath and Zealous; South West View, at 10 o’clock on the Night of the 1st August…when L’Orient blew up…; South West View, on the 2nd August, at the time Le Génereux, Le Guillaume Tell, La Justue and La Diane were escaping; West View of the Fleet when Victory was complete Four, each aquatint with hand-colouring Each 18.1 x 37cm; 7 x 14½in (image) Together with John Chapman (act.1792-1823) after Richard Corbould (1757-1831), England, Stipple engravings with hand-colouring, 22.3 x 17.2cm; 8¾ x 6¾in; and James Stow (act.1792-1823) after Simon de Coster (1767-1831), Baron Nelson of the Nile, Engraving, oval, 10.3 x 9.1cm; 4 x 3½in (6) £150-250
Ten plates from William Cavendish, Duke of Newcastle's (1592-1676), ‘Methode et invention nouvelle de dresser les chevaux’, comprising plates 4, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, and 37 Ten, each etching with handcolouring Each approx. 38.6 x 51.2cm; 15¼ x 20¼in (plate) (10)
Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on

See paragraphs & of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue additional charges the final hammer prices
GEORGE1071 HUNT 1797-after 1841 AFTER JOSEPH MOORE Early 19th Century The Gold Temple of the Principal Idol Guadma; Scene upon the Terrace of the Great Dragon Pagoda at Rangoon; Inside View of the Gold Temple on the Terrace of the Great Dagon Pagoda at Rangoon Three, each etching and aquatint with hand-colouring Largest 45 x 33cm; 17¾ x 13in; Smallest 42.6 x 32.9cm; 16¾ x 13in (plate) (3) £200-400 24
Portrait of a Middle-Eastern gentleman in profile; Portrait of a Middle-Eastern lady kneeling holding a dish; Portrait of a Chinese gentleman seated cross-legged; Portrait of a Chinese lady kneeling; Portrait of a warrior, holding a club and shield, and his wife holding a parasol Five, each lithograph with graphite highlights Largest 27.8 x 31.6cm; 11 x 12½in; Smallest 19.9 x 22.6cm; 7¾ x 8in (5) Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £100-200
SAMUEL1070 DANIELL 1775-1811 Wild Boar; Water Carrier Two, both coloured aquatint, from ‘A Picturesque Illustration of the scenery, animals, and native inhabitants, of the Island of Ceylon’ 32.5 x 45.6cm; 12¾ x 18in; 32.1 x 44.8cm; 12¾ x 17¾in (image) (2)
ASIAN1072 SCHOOL 19th Century
Provenance: Spink, London; From the Estate of the late Marguerite Littman £400-600

107510741073 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on WILLIAM1073 HOME LIZARS Scottish 1788-1859 AFTER JOHN JAMES AUDUBON American 1785-1851 Bonaparte Fly Catcher; Selby’s Fly Catcher; Brown Lark Three, each etching with hand-colouring Largest 52.5 x 32.7cm; 20¾ x 12¾in; Smallest 32.7 x 51.8cm; 12¾ x 20¾in (plate) (3) 1870-1935CECIL1074£400-600ALDIN I’m Not Allowed on This Sofa Signed and numbered 78/100 Cecil Aldin (in pencil to margin) 20.5Etchingx31.6cm; 8 x 12½in (plate) £400-6001075HERBERT DICKSEE 1862-1942 Two tigers at a pool Signed Herbert Dicksee (in pencil in the plate) 21.4Etchingx40.3cm; 8½ x 15¾in (plate) £300-500 25

1076 1077 1078 1079 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ATTRIBUTED1076 TO JOSEPH DENIS ODEVAERE Belgian 1775-1830 PenPietàand ink 12.2 x 9.7cm; 4¾ x 3¾in £200-300 DRAWINGS AND WATERCOLOURS ITALIAN1077 SCHOOL c.1700 Study of heads in profile Pen and brown ink 20.2 x 25.3cm; 8 x 10in £150-250 BOLOGNESE1078 SCHOOL 17th Century Study of a male nude Inscribed Annibal Carrachi (to mount) Pen and brown ink 26 x 15.1cm; 10¼ x 6in ITALIAN1079£200-300 SCHOOL c.1700 The birth of St John the Baptist Pen and brown ink, and wash 24.6 x 18cm; 9¾ x 7in Provenance: Richard Cosway (1740-1821) (L.629); Possibly his posthumous sale, George Stanley, London, 14-22 February 1822, lot 1145 (as Guilio Bonasone) £300-500 26

1080 1081 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ALESSANDRO1080 CASOLANI Italian 1552-1606 Study of a putto and a child with a club Black and white chalk on red paper 16.6 x 18cm; 6½ x 7in DAVID1081£1,000-1,500TENIERS II Flemish 1610-1690 Extensive landscape with two spires in the Blackdistancelead 18.7 x 30.8cm; 7¼ x 12¼in £1,500-2,500 27

10821083 1084 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices CIRCLE1082 OF THE BIBIENA FAMILY An architectural capriccio of a baroque palace Pen and brown ink, and grey wash 56.3 x 43cm; 22¼ x 17in Provenance: Raymond and Pamela Lister; Purchased from Mrs Lister by the present owner NICOLAS1083£700-1,000 FRANÇOIS BOCQUET act.1680-1716 Study of a ballerina Pen and brown ink, with watercolour 25.7 x 18cm; 10 x 7in, framed as an oval Provenance: Barrett Wendell (1855-1921); Winslow Ames (1907-1990); Colnaghi, London CIRCLE1084£300-500OF JEAN BERNARD Study of a dancer in a landscape Pen and ink 31.1 x 22.8cm; 12¼ x 9in £250-350 28

108710851086 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on GIOVANNI1085 BATTISTA FRANCO, ‘IL ItalianSEMOLEI’1501-1561 Leda and the Swan and the Rape of Europa Pen and brown ink 5.4 x 10.3cm; 2¼ x 4in £1,500-2,500 CIRCLE1087 OF THE ZUCCARI FAMILY Study of a group of warriors Black chalk, brown ink and brown wash heightened with white 10.7 x 8.9cm; 4¼ x 3½in £400-600 EUGENIE1086 act.1810-1840DENEGERS AFTER PIERRE-NARCISSE 1774-1833GUÉRIN SignedHippolytusanddated Eugenie Denegers 23 Mars 1832 (lower left) Charcoal 36.7 x 31.8cm; 14½ x 12½in Provenance: Charles Plante Fine Art, Washington D.C. After Guérin’s original in the Fogg Art Museum, Cambridge (no.1942.191). £150-250 29

10891088 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices 1088 HENRI-DESIRÉ VAN BLARENBERGHE French 1734-1812 River landscape with figures in a boat, travellers crossing a bridge and a waterfall in the distance; Landscape with figures and animals on a path by a cottage A pair, both signed with initials VB (in ligature, lower right) Both gouache 15.8 x 24.1cm; 6¼ x 9½in (2) Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £500-800 1089 LOUIS-NICOLAS VAN BLARENBERGHE French 1716-1794 Landscape with figures travelling through strong winds towards a hilltop house; Landscape with figures around a campfire under a stormy sky A pair, both gouache 17.1 x 22.2cm; 6¾ x 8¾in (2) £250-350 30

1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on THOMAS1090 GIRTIN 1775-1802 Landscape with a farmhouse and cottage 14.9Watercolourx17.2cm; 5¾ x 6¾in Provenance: Leonard G. Duke (according to label); Squire Gallery, London According to a label, Susan Morris dated the present work to c.1798-1800. Possible locations include Pinkey’s Farm, in Radwinter, Essex, or Lady Farnborough’s estate in Bromley. JOHN1091£400-600TOBIAS YOUNG 1790-1824 View of Carisbrooke Castle with figures talking by a Signedpondand dated J T Young fct 1820 (lower left) 42.6Watercolourx63.6cm; 16¾ x 25in £200-300 CIRCLE1092 OF JOHN WHITE ABBOTT Landscape with figures resting by a river and cattle watering Pen and black ink, and grey wash 26.3 x 35.7cm; 10¼ x 14in Unframed £150-250 1744-1823SUNDERLANDTHOMAS1093 View of Falmouth Harbour Pencil, pen and ink, and wash 18.1 x 28.9cm; 7 x 11¼in Provenance: Thos. Agnew & Sons, London £200-300 DAVID1094 COX SNR OWS 1783-1859 Study of cows Signed D Cox (lower right) Pencil and watercolour 5.4 x 6.5cm; 2 x 2½in Provenance: Hannah Cox, the artist’s granddaughter; Appleby Bros, London £250-350 31

Portrait of a young lady, bust-length, wearing a blue dress with white collar Inscribed and dated James Munn Artist/1788 (to backing board) Pastel 45 x 37cm; 17¾ x 14½in
Provenance: Dreweatts, Newbury, 30 May 2012, lot 71
Literature: Neil Jeffares, ‘Meynike’, Dictionary of pastellists before 1800, online edition, accessed 11/01/2022, no. J.5358.101 £400-600
JOHN1096 SAUNDERS 1682-after 1758 AFTER REMBRANDT VAN RIJN 1606-1669
Portrait of Rembrandt wearing a blue hat Signed, dated and inscribed Saunders Pinx/ Norwich Anno Dom 1722 (upper left) Pastel 36 x 27.2cm; 14¼ x 10¾in
Provenance: Maria Lederer (according to label); John Nicholson’s, Haslemere, 25 September 2008, lot 408
Portrait of Sir Robert Jenkinson, 1st Bt. (1621-1677), wearing a brown cloak and long Pastelwig 51.4 x 34cm; 20¼ x 13½in Together with After Michael Dahl (1659-1743), Portrait of Sir Robert Banks Jenkinson, 4th Bt. (1687-1738), wearing a brown coat and yellow waistcoat, Pastel, 31.7 x 24.6cm; 12½ x 9¾in (2) £200-400
Literature: Neil Jeffares, ‘James Munn’, Dictionary of pastellists before 1800, online edition, accessed 03/08/2022, no. J.5495.151 £200-300 32
Literature: Neil Jeffares, ‘John Saunders’, Dictionary of pastellists before 1800, online edition, accessed 22/07/2022, no. J.656.149 £200-300
1095 1096 1097 1098 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices
Portrait of a gentleman wearing a blue coat, standing by a column in a feigned cartouche Signed Meynike (lower left) and dated pinx 1776 (lower right) Pastel 39.8 x 31.4cm; 15¾ x 12¼in
JAMES1098 MUNN d.1818

1099 1100 1101 1102 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on GEORGE1099 RICHMOND 1809-1896 Portrait of Lady Eardley, seated wearing a black dress 24Watercolourx18.7cm; 9½ x 7¼in EarlyL.1100£400-600P.HOPE19thCentury Portrait of Horatio Nelson, 1st Viscount Nelson (1758-1805), half-length, wearing uniform Signed, inscribed and dated L P Hope Pinxt/ Dumfries July 14th 1814 (to verso) Pastel 44 x 35.6cm; 17¼ x 14in Provenance: Edward Beckett, 1st Baron Grimthorpe (1816-1905) £300-500 ENGLISH1101 SCHOOL 19th Century Portrait of a lady in 18th-century dress, bust-length, wearing a white dress and with powdered hair Pastel 54.7 x 43.9cm; 21½ x 17¼in £100-150 ENGLISH1102 SCHOOL 19th Century Portrait of a young child wearing a white dress Pastel 58.5 x 43.8cm, 23 x 17¼in, framed as an oval £100-200 33

11031104 1105 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices GEORGE1103 CHINNERY 1774-1852 A drink seller walking through a landscape Pen and black ink, and pencil 12.6 x 9.1cm; 5 x 3½in JOHN1104£300-500MASSEY WRIGHT 1777-1866 Fête Pencilchampêtreandwatercolour 26.9 x 41.5cm; 10½ x 16¼in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies ENGLISH1105£250-450 SCHOOL Late 18th Century Classical maiden seated by a column Black and white chalk, and grey wash 24.9 x 29.6cm; 9¾ x 11¾in Provenance: Possibly C.R. Rudolf (according to label) £200-300 34

1106 1107 1108 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on THOMAS1106 ROWLANDSON 1757-1827 Tricks of the Turf, or Settling how to Lose a Race Pen and ink, and watercolour 24 x 18.7cm; 9½ x 7¼in 1794-1840WILLIAM1107£1,000-1,500HEATH Dragoons outside a church Signed W Heath/1816 (lower left) Pencil and watercolour 21.7 x 17.2cm; 8½ x 6¾in CIRCLE1108£150-250OF CRUIKSHANKROBERT Going in to Win Bears a signature Robert Cruickshank (lower right) and inscribed going in/to win (upper right) Pencil and watercolour 35.8 x 20.5cm; 14 x 8in £100-150 35

SPYRIDON1109 SCARVELLI Greek 1868-1942
SCARVELLI Greek 1868-1942
Figures and camels in the desert near Al-Wasta, Egypt Signed and inscribed Scarvelli/”Cairo” (lower left) Pencil and watercolour 16.4 x 29.7cm; 6½ x 11¾in £200-3001111FOLLOWER OF JOHN FREDERICK LEWIS Desert landscape with figures and camels at rest; Two women on the shore of the Nile, with pyramids in the distance; Egyptian village with a woman walking to the well Three, each indistinctly signed with monogram Each pencil and watercolour Largest 11.8 x 24.4cm; 4¾ x 9¾in; Smallest 11.4 x 24.1cm 4½ x 9½in Together with Continental School 19th Century; Coastal landscape with laundresses and fishermen; Pencil and watercolour heightened with bodycolour; 15 x 26.5cm; 6 x 10½in (4) Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £300-500
110911101111 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices
Figures and camels resting near the Great Pyramid of Giza; View of Luxor from the Nile A pair, the former signed, inscribed and dated Scarvelli/”Cairo”/24 (lower left); the latter signed, inscribed and dated Scarvelli/”Luxor”/24 (lower left) Both pencil and watercolour Each 25.2 x 43.7cm; 10 x 17¼in (2)

1112 1113 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on JOSEPH1112 AUSTIN BENWELL 1816-1886 Figures and camels resting by a temple Signed and dated J A BENWELL/1870 (lower left) Watercolour and bodycolour heightened with gum arabic 23.5 x 32.9cm; 9¼ x 13in Provenance: Arthur Tooth & Sons, London; From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies WILLIAM1113£1,000-1,500MCWHANNEL PETRIE 1870-1937 Indian Melody Signed Wm M Petrie (lower right) Pastel 39.5 x 31.5cm; 15½ x 12½in Exhibited: Probably Glasgow, Royal Glasgow Institute (according to label) £300-500 37

JOHN1114 VARLEY JNR 1850-1933 Figures and boats on the bank of the Nile; Figures on a tree-lined road near Cairo; Figures on a road, Slave Island, Colombo Three, each signed John Varley (lower left) and one dated 91 Each Largestwatercolour38.1x27.8cm; 15 x 11in; Smallest 13.2 x 19.4cm; 5¼ x 7¾in Each unframed (3) £300-500
JOHN1115 VARLEY JNR 1850-1933 Twenty-four British and European landscapes, including Travellers on a road near a windmill; Cutting in the road near Barmouth; Penmaenpool on the Mawddach; Mountainous landscape on the Mawddach estuary; View of Feriolo, Lake Maggiore; Cattle in a wooded landscape; A passing storm, Capel Curig; On the Brecon road near Capel Curig; The Snowdon range from Capel Curig; View from Lark Hill, Conwy Twenty-four, sixteen signed John Varley Each Largestwatercolour26.5x39cm; 10½ x 15¼in; Smallest 13.4 x 18.8cm; 5¼ x 7½in Each unframed (24) £300-500
11151114 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices

Provenance: From the collection of Sir Raymond Smith KBE (1917-2002) and Lady Smith (1918-1996) £4,000-6,000 39
1116 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on SIR1116ROBERT
Comprising A Peasant near Châtillon; A Maid Servant at Châtillon; A French Curate; A Grenadier of Moravia; A Bourgeois of Châtillon; A Salute from a National Sentinel; A Garde Nationale, Châtillon-sur-Seine; A Russian Tradesman; An Artelchick; A Russian Coachman; A Russian Peasant in his Winter Dress; A Russian Butcher Crying his Meat; A Coachman Going to the Neva for Water; A Russian Tradesman’s Wife in her Winter Dress; A Russian Nurse; A Single Horse Sledge; A Traveller and Kibitka; A Zbitenschick; A Grey Police Soldier; A Russian Waiter; An Archbishop in his Robes; A Priest in his Summer Dress; A Russian Monk; A Boodishnick; A Russian Grenadier; An Officer of the Horse Guards; A Russian Peasant in his Summer Dress; Descending an Ice Hill; A Quasnick; A Cossack; Ice Cutters on the Neva; A Russian Peasant in her Summer Dress; A Finnish Peasant; A Green Police Soldier; A Russian Tradesman’s Wife in her Winter Dress; A Postillon; A Soldier of the Imperial Guard; A Merchant’s Wife of Moscow; A Merchant of Moscow; A Soldier of the Imperial Guard; A Russian Peasant Playing upon the Balalaika Each signed with initials RKP, numbered and inscribed with title, and some dated Watercolour, and pen and black ink, 1814-1816, bound in green gilt-tooled leather 20.1 x 26.2cm; 8 x 10¼in
KER PORTER Scottish 1777-1842
An album containing 41 sketches of French and Russian figures

See business the back the catalogue additional charges the final hammer prices
Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £200-400
Provenance: From the Estate of the late Marguerite Littman After the original in the National Museum, Delhi. The work illustrates a scene from the epic poem Gita Govinda J.1119£300-500WHEATLEY JONES Early 20th Century Portrait of an Indian gentleman, wearing a white turban; Portrait of a young Indian woman wearing a headdress and gold earrings A pair, the latter signed and dated J Wheatley Jones 11 (lower left) Both watercolour Each 18.8 x 12cm; 7½ x 4¾in, framed as ovals (2)
paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of
INDIAN1118£600-800 SCHOOL Krishna and Radha in a landscape Gouache heightened with gilt paint 82 x 125cm; 32¼ x 49¼in
SCHOOL A Maharaja at worship in a Vaishnava Shrine with three pandits and an attendant; A Maharaja riding a charging elephant; Hanuman carrying Rama and Laxmana on his shoulders, with Sita below; A ragamala with two women on a balcony Four, the first possibly signed (lower right), three inscribed Three gouache heightened with gold paint; one watercolour with pen and ink Largest 32.1 x 22.2cm; 12¾ x 8¾in; Smallest 27 x 18.2cm; 10½ x 7in (4)

11201121 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on DOMENICO1120 CALIGO Italian c.1838-1911 The Sala di Giove, Pitti Palace, Florence Signed and dated Do Caligo 1873 (lower left) Watercolour heightened with white 27.9 x 34.5cm; 11 x 13½in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £800-1,200 NEAPOLITAN1121 SCHOOL 19th Century The Bay of Naples with Vesuvius erupting; The Bay of Naples at night with Vesuvius erupting A pair, both indistinctly signed llva(?) (lower left) Both gouache Each 19.8 x 28.5cm; 7¾ x 11¼in (2) £200-400 41

1122 1123 1124 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ItalianFIGATTI1124Early 19th Century AFTER GUIDO RENI Italian 1575-1642 Aurora 21.2Gouachex37.5cm; 8¼ x 14¾in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. AfterYorke-Daviesthefrescoin the Casino Rospigliosi Pallavicini, Rome. £250-450 RICCIARDO1122 MEACCI Italian 1856-1940 The Agony in the Garden Signed R.MEACCI (lower centre) Watercolour heightened with gilt, with arched top 31.3 x 18.9cm; 12¼ x 7½in Provenance: From the collection of Sir Raymond Smith KBE (1917-2002) and Lady Smith (1918-1996) £300-500 LOUISA1123 1818-1891WATERFORDMARCHIONESSBERESFORD,OF The parting lovers Watercolour heightened with 13.1bodycolourx8.6cm; 5¼ x 3½in £200-300 42

11261125 1127 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on JOSEP1125 TAPIRÓ I BARÓ Spanish 1836-1913 An Italian beauty; A peasant woman carrying a Two,baskettheformer signed J Tapiro (lower left) Both watercolour and 38.1bodycolourx21.1cm; 15 x 8½in; 38 x 21.4cm; 15 x 8½in (2) Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies WelshPENRY1126£1,000-1,500WILLIAMS1802-1885 Two women and their children under the vines in the Italian countryside Signed, inscribed and dated Penry Williams/Rome 1829 (lower Watercolourleft) heightened with 37.6bodycolourx29.1cm; 14¾ x 11½in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies ARSAJAMES1127£400-600CADENHEAD Scottish 1858-1927 Interior with a woman playing a guitar in front of a Japanese screen Signed and dated J Cadenhead/1880 (lower left) Watercolour and bodycolour 69.5 x 42cm; 27¼ x 16¾in Provenance: Caelt Gallery, London £600-800 43

WILLIAM COOKE RA 1811-1880 On the Nile; View of Sutton Pool, with Plymouth Citadel and Plymouth Hoe; Breakwater, Plymouth, Looking East Three, the former signed E W Cooke RA (lower right) and each inscribed and dated From E W Cooke to his dear friend Mr HANNAH 28 Dec 1879; Sept 1848 The How Plymouth Citadel SUTTON POOL 1848; and 1848 Breakwater Plymouth Looking East (respectively) One pencil and wash, two pencil Largest 13.3 x 21cm; 5¼ x 8¼in; Smallest 5.7 x 17.8cm; 2¼ x 7in (3) Provenance: Two with Abbott and Holder London; Each, Woolley and Wallis, Salisbury, 4 October 2006, lot 181 £100-150 44
WILLIAM COOKE RA 1811-1880 Hastings from the Sea; Shipping in calm waters, possibly the Venetian Lagoon Two, the former inscribed and dated Hastings from the Sea April 24 1835 (upper centre); the latter signed E W Cooke RA (lower right) Both pencil, the former on two sheets 4.2 x 30.9cm; 1¾ x 12¼in; 7.1 x 21.2cm; 2¾ x 8¼in (2)
Provenance: Each with Abbott and Holder, London; Woolley and Wallis, Salisbury, 4 October 2006, lot 181
WILLIAM COOKE RA 1811-1880 Amsterdam; At Buiksloot; The Beemster Mills, near Hoorn Three, one signed and inscribed The Beemster Mills/near Hoorn/EW Cooke (lower left); one inscribed AMSTERDAM (lower right) Each Largestpencil10.4 x 17.4cm; 4 x 6¾in; Smallest 6.6 x 12cm; 2½ x 4¾in (3)
113011291128 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices
Provenance: ‘Hastings’ with Abbott and Holder, London; Both Woolley and Wallis, Salisbury, 4 October 2006, lot 181

WATERHOUSE RA 1830-1905 View of Sandven Lake, Norway; View of Prague; View of a lakeside town Three, each signed with monogram, and inscribed and dated Sandven/Vand/24 Aug/86; Prague/Aug 1867; and B*ndi**/93 (respectively) Each pencil and watercolour Largest 18.6 x 26.7cm; 7¼ x 10½in; Smallest 18 x 26cm; 7 x 10¼in (3) £200-300
Each(respectively)penciland watercolour Largest 26.8 x 36.5cm; 10½ x 14¼in; Smallest 17.4 x 26.3cm; 6¾ x 10¼in (4) £300-500
1132 1131 1133 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on
WATERHOUSE RA 1830-1905 View of Rapallo; View of Santa Maria, Cosmedin; Donkeys on a path, Granada; View of Granada, with a bridge crossing a river Four, three signed with monogram, and inscribed and dated Rapallo 27 Nov 70; S Min Cosmedin/4 Dec/1879; and Granada/15Mar/1890
RA 1830-1905 Street scene in Montreux; Soldiers in the street at Vitré; Market stalls at Bayonne with the cathedral beyond; View of Amboise Four, each signed with monogram, and inscribed and dated Montreux 9: Aug 85; Vitré/25 Aug 85; Bayonne 28:3:90; and Amboise 14 Sep 1865 (respectively) (lower left) Each pencil and watercolour Largest 26.2 x 35.6cm; 10¼ x Smallest14in;17.1 x 26.5cm; 6¾ x 10½in (4) £250-350 45

11341135 1136 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ARTHUR1134 CLAUDE STRACHAN 1865-1938 A girl, goat and ducks outside a SignedcottageCLAUDE STRACHAN (lower right) Watercolour heightened with white 27.2 x 44.8cm; 10¾ x 17½in £300-500 HENRY1135 JOHN SYLVESTER STANNARD RBA, FRSA 1870-1951 The dinner hour at Pulloxhill, Bedfordshire Signed Sylvester Stannard RBA (lower left) Pencil and watercolour 46.9 x 32.3cm; 18½ x 12¾in £400-600 ATTRIBUTED1136 TO HENRY JOHN SYLVESTER STANNARD 1870-1951 Landscape with a shepherd and his flock entering a field 23Watercolourx33.2cm; 9 x 13in £200-300 46

1137 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 1848-1926RWSALLINGHAMHELEN1137 Going home for tea Signed Allingham (lower Watercolourleft) heightened with bodycolour and scratching out 18.3 x 13.8cm; 7¼ x 5½in Provenance: Brian PrioryJune,Gloucestershire,Gallery,Sinfield1985;Gallery, Bishops Cleeve, c.1992, purchasedwherebythe present collectorprivate We are grateful to Annabel Watts for her presentcataloguingassistancethework. £1,500-2,500 47

11411140 11391138 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices 1138 ‡ ARTHUR CHARLES FARE RWA 1876-1958 View from Welsh Back, Bristol, with St Mary Redcliffe Signed and inscribed WELSH BACK BRISTOL A C FARE RWA (lower right) Pencil and watercolour 36.1 x 53.5cm; 11¼ x 21in £200-300 1139 ‡ ARTHUR CHARLES FARE RWA 1876-1958 View of the Clifton Suspension Bridge from the Avon Gorge Signed and inscribed CLIFTON SUSPENSION BRIDGE A C FARE (lower left) Pencil and watercolour 32.5 x 46.5cm; 12¾ x 18¼in £200-300 ALFRED1140 HEATON COOPER 1864-1929 View in the Lake District, with fishermen in a boat Signed and dated A HEATON COOPER ‘04 (lower left) 27.6Watercolourx38.3cm; 10¾ x 15in Unframed £150-250 ALFRED1141 1847-1920SLOCOMBE A shepherd and his flock passing the Bowder Stone, Cumbria Signed Alfred Slocombe (lower right) Pencil and watercolour 22.7 x 33cm; 9 x 13in £200-300 48

114411431142 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on HENRY1144 BRITTAN WILLIS RWS 1810-1884 Cowdray Marsh, Midhurst Signed HBWillis (lower right) Watercolour with scratching out 12 x 17.1cm; 4¾ x 6¾in Provenance: Lyndon Goodwin Harris; Christie’s, South Kensington, The Lyndon Goodwin Harris Collection of Watercolours by Albert Goodwin, Joseph Edward Southall & Other Artists, 24 January 2007, lot 162; Newman Fine Art, where purchased by the present private collector MYLES1142£200-300BIRKET FOSTER RWS 1825-1899 Figures by the fountain in the courtyard of the Palazzo Ducale, Venice Signed with monogram (lower right) 13.7Watercolourx20cm; 5½ x 7¾in MYLES1143£300-500BIRKET FOSTER RWS 1825-1899 River landscape at dusk with a figure by a cottage Signed with monogram (lower right) 14.6Watercolourx22.1cm; 5¾ x 8¾in Provenance: Vicars Brothers, London £400-600 49

11451146 1147 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices LateA.1145FAIRFAX19thCentury Forest floor still life with a thrush’s nest and apple blossoms Signed AFAIRFAX (lower right) Watercolour and 1230.4bodycolourx42.7cm;x16¾in Provenance: Phillips, London, Victorian Drawings & Watercolours and Portrait Miniatures, 18 July 1988, lot 38 £300-500 ENGLISH1146 SCHOOL 19th Century Study of roses Pastel 40.2 x 30.6cm; 15¾ x 12in £200-300 WILLIAM1147 THOMAS STRUTT 1777-1850 Study of blossom on a branch Pencil and gouache 21.6 x 27.4cm; 8½ x 10¾in £200-300 50

1149 1150 1148 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on DOROTHY1148 act.1910-1922FITCHEW Fairies dancing with a garland of SignedflowersDOROTHY FITCHEW (lower left) Pen and ink, and watercolour heightened with bodycolour 33.1 x 46cm; 13 x 18in £600-800 JAMES1149 DOUGLAS RSW Scottish 1858-1911 Near Seggieden, Perth Watercolour heightened with bodycolour 17 x 24.3cm; 6¾ x 9½in Provenance: Purchased from the artist, 1900; R. Stewart & Sons, Perth £150-250 CUTHBERT1150 EDMUND 1870-1931SWAN A tiger resting in the undergrowth Signed C E SWAN (lower right) 17.1Watercolourx35.2cm; 6¾ x 13¾in £300-500 51

1151 1152 11531154 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices WILLIAM1151 ARNEE FRANK 1808-1897 Figures stopping on a path in a mountainous river landscape Signed and dated W A FRANK/76 (lower right) Watercolour heightened with white 29.4 x 45.8cm; 11½ x 18in Provenance: The Coln Gallery, London £100-150 1152 ‡ PHILIP 1891-1982RICKMAN Black grouse flying over a highland landscape Signed Philip Rickman (lower right) Watercolour heightened with 25.6bodycolourx37.3cm; 10 x 14¾in £200-300 IRISH1153 SCHOOL 19th Century Portrait of Cusack-Smith,William 4th Bt., seated in a landscape with his dogs Ruby, Snipe and WatercolourSam heightened with 72.3bodycolourx60.7cm; 28½ x 24in £250-350 SOPHY1154 S. act.1865-1879WARREN Landscape with cattle watering with a castle beyond; Landscape with a figure on horseback and cattle watering by a bridge near a ruined tower Two, both signed with monogram (lower left) Both pencil and watercolour with scratching out 13.1 x 24.8cm; 5¼ x 9¾in; 14.6 x 26.9cm; 5½ x 10½in (2) Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £200-300 52

1155 1156 11581157 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on CIRCLE1155 OF THOMAS MILES RICHARDSON JNR Highland landscape with fishermen on the shores of a loch Watercolour heightened with white 35.9 x 54.1cm; 14¼ x 21¼in CHARLES1156£150-250 ROWBOTHAM 1858-1921 On the banks of Loch Ness Signed and dated Chas Rowbotham/1903 (lower right) Watercolour heightened with bodycolour 24.8 x 53.9cm; 9¾ x 21¼in ROBERT1157£200-300 1842-1885ANDERSON Coastal landscape with fishermen unloading the catch; Coastal landscape with figures preparing to take the catch home A pair, both signed Robt Anderson (lower left) Both watercolour heightened with bodycolour Each 44.4 x 29cm; 17½ x 11½in (2) Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies REVEREND1158£200-300 JOHN LOUIS PETIT 1801-1868 Repton Church, Derbyshire; Tixall Gateway, Staffordshire; View of the Stour; Study of a lugger Four, each inscribed with title to backing paper Each pencil and watercolour Largest 15.1 x 24 7cm;.6 x 9¾in; Smallest 6 x 10.7cm; 2¼ x 4¼in (4) Provenance: Each with Chris Beetles Ltd, London £200-300 53

1159 1160 1161 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices WILLIAM1159 EDWARD FROST RA 1810-1877 Eve Pen and ink, and watercolour 16.9 x 10.4cm; 6¾ x 4in WILLIAM1160£200-300 EDWARD FROST RA 1810-1877 Female nude bathing in a river Signed W E Frost (lower right) Pencil, watercolour and bodycolour 12.5 x 7.6cm; 5 x 3in £200-300 KARL1161 AustrianGEIGER1822-1905 The Four Seasons, comprising Landscape with figures dancing; Figures boating with the harvest beyond; Picking grapes; A Winter ball Four, one signed Karl Geiger (lower left) Each watercolour within black ink framing lines Largest 19.2 x 14.2cm; 7½ x 5½in; Smallest 18.9 x 14.1cm; 7½ x 5½in (image) (4) £500-800 54

1165 11621163 1164 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 1821-1906BRABAZONBRABAZONHERCULES1162 View of Ischia, near SignedNapleswithinitials HBB (lower right) Pencil, watercolour and 7½19.3bodycolourx27.5cm;x10¾in Provenance: Christie’s, London, British and Continental watercolours including original illustrations, 1 December 2004, lot Chris104;Beetles Ltd, London £400-600 RICHARD1163 HENRY 1816-1893NIBBS Boats on the Thames at SignedGreenwichandinscribed R.H.Nibbs/Greenwich (lower right) Pencil and heightenedwatercolourwith 14½37bodycolourx54.3cm;x21¼in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £400-600 FOLLOWER1164 OF JEAN-BAPTISECAMILLE COROT River landscape with figures boating below overhanging trees Bears a signature COROT (lower left) Charcoal heightened with white 27.1 x 47.5cm; 10¾ x 18¾in £200-400 HERBERT1165 1841-1913MARSHALLMENZIESRWS An old wharf near SignedGreenwich H M Marshall (lower right) Pencil and watercolour 14.9 x 23.9cm; 5¾ x 9½in Provenance: Royal Society of Painters in Watercolours, London, December 1906, where purchased by Mrs Jane Pine (£10) Exhibited: London, Royal Society of Painters in Water Colours, 1906, no.200 £150-250 55

11661167 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices 56

GOODWIN RWS 1845-1932 View of the Thames with St Paul’s Cathedral Signed Albert Goodwin (lower right) and inscribed St Pauls (lower left) Watercolour, bodycolour, and pen and ink 26.1 x 36.6cm; 10¼ x 14½in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £1,500-2,500
1168 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on
GOODWIN RWS 1845-1932 February in Palermo Signed Albert Goodwin (lower right) and inscribed February in/Palermo (lower left) Pencil, watercolour and bodycolour 17.5 x 26.2cm; 6¾ x 10¼in Provenance: Bonhams, Bath, Paintings and Works on Paper, 22 November 2004, lot 18; Chris Beetles Ltd, London Exhibited: London, Chris Beetles Ltd, Chris Beetles Summer Show, 2006, no.31 £600-1,000
GOODWIN RWS 1845-1932 View of Salisbury Close Signed Albert Goodwin (lower left) and inscribed Salisbury Close (lower centre) Pencil, pen and black ink, watercolour and 27.2bodycolourx36.1cm; 10¾ x 14¼in
Provenance: Christie’s, South Kensington, The Lyndon Goodwin Harris Collection of Watercolours by Albert Goodwin, Joseph Edward Southall & Other Artists, 24 January 2007, lot 32 Shortly after his return from the Caribbean, Albert Goodwin wrote in his diary ‘what a new face the English country has for one after America, the delightful sense of venerableness and reverent age in the habitations of men, while Salisbury Close never looked more entrancing’ (8 May 1902). £1,500-2,500 57

117011711169 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices WALTER1169 LANGLEY RI 1852-1922 Street scene with a woman standing outside a cottage Signed WLangley (lower left) Pencil and watercolour 35.1 x 20.4cm; 13¾ x 8in £1,500-2,500 WALTER1170 LANGLEY RI 1852-1922 A well outside a thatched cottage Signed WLANGLEY (lower left) Pencil and watercolour heightened with white 46.2 x 29.7cm; 18¼ x 11¾in £300-500 WALTER1171 LANGLEY RI 1852-1922 Figure outside cottages, Pont Avon, Brittany Signed and dated WLangley 1881 (lower left) Watercolour heightened with white 20.9 x 31cm; 8¼ x 12¼in £400-600 58

1172 1173 1174 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on WALTER1173 LANGLEY RI 1852-1922 Portrait of a man wearing a 17th-century style helmet Signed WLangley (lower right) Watercolour with scratching out 30.4 x 21.5cm; 12 x 8½in WALTER1174£500-700 LANGLEY RI 1852-1922 Chelsea Pensioner reading a newspaper Signed and dated WLangley /85 (lower right) Pen and ink 24.9 x 18.9cm; 9¾ x 7½inWALTER1172£400-600 LANGLEY RI 1852-1922 Cornish fisherman in a harbour Signed W. LANGLEY (lower right) and dated /92 (lower left) Pencil and watercolour 17.4 x 12.4cm; 6¾ x 4¾in £800-1,200 59

1175 11771176 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices CHARLES1175 EDWARD WILSON 1853-c.1941 The visitor Signed C.E.WILSON (lower right) Watercolour heightened with white 22.6 x 15cm; 8¾ x 6in 1176£500-800 ‡ GERTRUDE DEMAIN HAMMOND 1862-1953 By the Firelight, a scene from ‘The Mill on the Floss’ Signed and dated G.Demain Hammond 05 (lower right) Pencil, watercolour and bodycolour within pencil framing lines 28 x 21.5cm; 11 x 8½in Provenance: Property of the artist’s great niece; By whom sold, Phillips, Bury St. Edmunds, 14 March 1991, lot Private94; Collection £800-1,200 GEORGE1177 GOODWIN KILBURNE RI, ROI, RMS 1839-1924 The Old Old Story Signed G G Kilburne (lower left) 16.9Watercolourx24.5cm; 6¾ x 9¾in £300-500 60

1179 1180 1178 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on SIR1178LESLIE MATTHEW WARD, 1851-1922‘SPY’ Cartoon of Queen Victoria; Cartoon of Edward VII Two, both pencil 14.4 x 10.7cm; 5¾in; 10.8 x 14cm; 4¼ x 5½in, framed as one £300-500 1179 ‡ CHARLES JOHNSON PAYNE, 1884-1967‘SNAFFLES’ An officer of the Hampshire Carabiniers Signed with initials C.P. (lower left) and inscribed The/Hampshire/Carabiniers (upper right) Black ink, watercolour and bodycolour 28 x 18.5cm; 11 x 7¼in Provenance: Bonhams, Knowle, 15 November 2011, lot 186 £400-600 SIR1180AMÉDÉE FORESTIER Anglo-French 1854-1930 Asiatic archers; The Barbarian’s standard in the Roman army; Sentry on the wall; A halt on the road; The tribune; Figures outside a Roman fort, Cumberland Six, each signed AForestier and extensively inscribed, and three dated 1927 Each pencil, watercolour and bodycolour, within pencil framing lines Largest 37 x 27cm; 14½ x 10½in; Smallest 36.9 x 24.9cm; 14½ x 9¾in (6) £400-600 61

11821181 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ENGLISH1181 SCHOOL 1645 Portrait of Robert Barrell (b.1582), aged sixty-four, half-length, holding a book Inscribed Ætatis suæ 64/1645 (centre left) and Mihi vita christus./Mors Lucaum (centre right) Oil on canvas 76.2 x 63.5cm; 30 x 25in Provenance: By family descent from the sitter £1,000-1,500 OILS AFTER1182 SIR PETER LELY Portrait of Oliver Cromwell, bust-length, wearing armour, in a sculpted cartouche Oil on canvas 45.2 x 36cm; 17¾ x 14¼in After the original in the Palazzo Pitti, Florence (no. 408 – Palatina). £300-500 62

ENGLISH1183 SCHOOL 1615 Portrait of Sir Robert Naunton (1563-1635), aged fifty-two, half-length, wearing a black doublet and linen ruff Inscribed Anno Dni1615/Ætatis 52 (centre left), Loquebar detestimonius tuis in conspectu Regnum, et non confundebar/ Ps 119.46. (upper centre), Serpentum Princeps Paradisi cana volueris,/Nauntoni hic galeam protegit, haec clypeum,/ Et caput, et pectus simul o simul armet et ornet. /Conslium PRVDENS, candida SIMPLICITAS (upper right), The Serpents King, the three white birds of Paradise/ This NAUNTONS helmet, theis his shield do patronize/O let his head be crownd and armd wth Counsails Wise/His heart wth faire and spotles ingenuities (centre right) and charged with sitter’s coat of arms (upper right) Oil on panel 68.5 x 50.9cm; 27 x 20in Provenance: Probably by descent from the sitter to William Leman, Leatheringham; His son-in-law Thomas Rede, Beccles; By descent to his grandson Robert Rede (1794-1852), Beccles, by 1814; By descent to his son-in-law Admiral T. P. Thompson (d.1892), by 1868; The property of the late Sir Thomas Sopwith (1888-1989) by the late 1890s; And by family descent Literature: James Caulfield, Memoirs of Sir Robert Naunton, Knt....(London, Smeeton and Caulfield, 1814), p.50 Exhibited: London, South Kensington Museum, Third Exhibition of National Portraits, 1868, no.664 Engraved: Simon van de Passe, c.1616-1621; Robert Cooper, 1814 Sir Robert Naunton was an English writer and politician, who was Secretary of State from 1617 to 1623. His account of the reign of Queen Elizabeth I was published posthumously under the title Fragmenta Regalia. £2,000-3,000 63
1183 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on

118611841185 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices AFTER1184 MONALDUS DA CORNETO The Marriage of the Virgin Oil on canvas laid on panel 30.6 x 65.5cm; 12 x 25¾in Provenance: From the collection of Sir Raymond Smith KBE (1917-2002) and Lady Smith (1918-1996) After the original in the Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit (no.89.12). £600-800 AFTER1185 RAPHAEL The Virgin and Child, ‘The Bridgewater Madonna’ Oil on canvas 47.2 x 36.7cm; 18½ 14½in After the original in the Bridgewater Collection. £300-500 MANNER1186 OF GIOVANNI BELLINI Christ carrying the cross Oil on panel 49.9 x 42.9cm; 19¾ x 16¾in Unframed £400-600 64

11891188 1187 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on VENETIAN1187 SCHOOL 17th Century A woman and her attendant Oil on canvas 37.7 x 43.4cm; 14¾ x 17in FRANCESCOCIRCLE1188£400-600OF DE MURA St Peter Penitent Oil on canvas 54.9 x 42.1cm; 21½ x 16¼in MANNER1189£300-500 OF CARLO CIGNANI Holy Family with the infant St John the Baptist Oil on canvas 50 x 63.2cm; 19¾ x 25in £200-300 65

11901191 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices FOLLOWER1190 OF FRANS FRANCKEN II The wedding feast at Cana Oil on panel 59.5 x 86cm; 23½ x 33¾in Provenance: The collection at Little Egland Manor; Bequeathed to Lady Elsa Bowker; Gifted by her to the present owner CIRCLE1191£3,000-5,000OF PIETER VAN LINT The adoration of the shepherds Oil on panel 25.5 x 32cm; 10 x 12½in £1,000-1,500 66

1193 1192 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on CIRCLE1192 OF FRANS FRANCKEN II The meeting of David and Abigail Oil on canvas 86.9 x 175.4cm; 34¼ x 69in FOLLOWER1193£2,000-3,000 OF HENDRIK VAN STEENWIJK II The interior of a palace by candlelight Oil on panel 36 x 29.4cm; 14¼ x 11½in Provenance: Possibly The Marquess of Cholmondeley (inscribed to reverse) £400-600 67

119611941195 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ATTRIBUTED1194 TO FRANS VAN MIERIS THE ELDER Dutch 1635-1681 A young woman standing in front of the mirror Oil on copper 45 x 32.9cm; 17¾ x 13in Another version of this work on panel is in the Alte Pinakothek, Munich (no.219). MANNER1195£2,000-3,000OF DAVID TENIERS II Peasants smoking in a tavern Oil on metal 19.4 x 16.3cm; 19¾ x 6½in CIRCLE1196£200-400OF JOOS VAN CRAESBEECK Man with a flask Oil on panel 16.1 x 13.6cm; 6¼ x 5¼in £800-1,200 68

11991198 1197 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on AFTER1197 GERRIT DOU The violinist at the window Oil on panel 61 x 46.5cm; 24 x 18¼in After the original in the Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden (no.1707). AFTER1198£1,000-1,500GERRIT DOU A young viola player sitting in his study Oil on panel 44.8 x 36.4cm; 17¾ x 14¼in After the original in the National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh (no.NG2420) AFTER1199£150-250SAMUEL VAN HOOGSTRATEN Two women by a cradle Bears a signature G te Borch (lower right) Oil on canvas 68.4 x 55.5cm; 27 x 21¾in After the original in the Museum of Fine Arts, Springfield. £200-300 69

12001203 12011202 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices AFTER1200 SIMON KICK The homecoming of a fowling party Oil on canvas 98 x 77cm; 38½ x 30¼in After the original in the Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen (no.3886). £1,500-2,500 DUTCH1201 SCHOOL c.1800 Italianate river landscape with figures and animals on a path and a ruined tower beyond Oil on canvas 55.7 x 69.5cm; 22 x 27¼in £200-300 FOLLOWER1202 OF NICOLAES BERCHEM Peasants and animals outside a grotto Oil on canvas 78.4 x 86.9cm; 30¾ x 34¼in £400-600 MANNER1203 OF DAVID TENIERS II Peasants drinking outside a tavern Indistinctly signed J Br**** (lower left) Oil on panel 23.9 x 16.8cm; 9½ x 6½in Provenance: Private Collection, Gloucestershire £200-400 70

120512041206 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on FOLLOWER1204 OF ADAM PYNACKER Italianate landscape with figures and animals fording a river with a town beyond Oil on canvas laid on board 87.7 x 100.7cm; 34½ x 39¾in Provenance: Ashbey’s Galleries, Cape Town, October 1969 AFTER1205£800-1,200JAN FRANS VAN BLOEMEN, CALLED ORIZZONTE Italianate landscape with philosophers debating near a Roman villa; Italianate river landscape with figures and goats A pair, both oil on canvas, in a painted oval 75.6 x 61.7cm; 29¾ x 24¼in; 75.1 x 63.2cm; 29½ x 24¾in (2) After the pair in the Accademia di San Luca, Rome. AFTER1206£600-800BARTOLOMÉ ESTEBAN MURILLO Children eating grapes and a melon; The little fruit seller A pair, both oil on metal Each 20.2 x 15.7cm; 8 x 6¼in (2) After the originals in the Alte Pinakothek, Munich (nos.605 & 497). £200-300 71

12071208 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ENGLISH1207 SCHOOL c.1650 Portrait of two sisters with a sheep and a dog, by a fountain Oil on canvas 106.4 x 118cm; 42 x 46½in Provenance: The Cooling Galleries, London; Mrs Majorie Harcourt (née Cunard), possibly given to her as a wedding present, July 1911 VANAFTER1208£1,000-1,500SIRANTHONYDYCK
Portrait of a nobleman and his son; Portrait of a noblewoman and her daughter A pair, both oil on canvas Each 44.4 x 30.1cm; 17½ x 11¾in (2) After the originals in the Louvre, Paris (nos.1242 & 1243).
£600-800 72

Portrait of a Knight of the Order of Saint Stephen of Tuscany, half-length, wearing a lace collar Oil on canvas 71.6 x 60.9cm; 28¼ x 24in According to a label, the sitter has traditionally been identified as John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester (1647-1680) (with an attribution to Sir Peter Lely or Cornelius Johnson).
However, the ribbon of the Order of Saint Stephen would suggest an Italian sitter.
Portrait of a gentleman, probably John Belasyse, 1st Baron Belasyse (1614-1689), half-length, wearing a red doublet and lace collar Oil on canvas 75.2 x 62.6cm; 29½ x 24¾in OF SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK
Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on OF FERDINANDJACOBVOET
Portrait of Charles I (1600-1649), wearing a crown and the collar of the Order of the Garter Oil on panel 29.8 x 26cm; 11¾ x 10¼in £200-300

1213 1212 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices FOLLOWER1212 OF HYACINTHE RIGAUD Portrait of François de Neufville, Duc de Villeroy (1644-1730), three-quarter length, wearing armour, a battlefield beyond Oil on canvas 110.5 x 83.5cm; 43½ 32¾in £2,000-3,000 SPANISH1213 COLONIAL SCHOOL 18th Century Portrait of a young girl wearing a red and white dress, holding a fan Oil on canvas 81.9 x 62cm; 32¼ x 24½in £800-1,200 74

1214 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on DUTCH1214 SCHOOL 1669 Portrait of a nobleman, three-quarter length, wearing a yellow tunic and red sash, holding a powder horn Indistinctly signed and dated STPojch(?)/anno 1669 (centre right) Oil on canvas laid on board 102.5 x 88.5cm; 40¼ x 34¾in Provenance: Ashbey’s Galleries, Cape Town, June 1968 £3,000-5,000 75

1215 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices SPANISH1215 SCHOOL 17th Century Still life with tulips, narcissus, chrysanthemum, Turk’s-cap lilly and other flowers in a gilt-decorated vase; Still life with tulips, narcissus, chrysanthemum and passion flowers in a gilt-decorated vase A pair, both oil on canvas 59.3 x 44.8cm; 23¼ x 17¾in; 58.6 x 44.3cm; 23 x 17½in (2) £3,000-5,000 76

1215 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 77

12171216 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices DUTCH1216 SCHOOL 18th Century Still life with flowers and cherries around an urn decorated with athletes, with a bright green lizard on a stone ledge; Still life with flowers around an urn decorated with athletes, with a cherry and a lizard on a stone ledge A pair, both oil on canvas Each 100.5 x 80cm; 39½ x 31½in (2) Provenance: Woolley and Wallis, Salisbury, Fine Old Masters & 19th Century Paintings, 10 December 2014, lot 108, where purchased by the present private collector £2,500-3,500 FOLLOWER1217 OF NICOLAS BAUDESSON Still life with flowers in a basket on a stone ledge Oil on canvas 38.4 x 46.3cm; 15 x 18¼in £300-500 78

12181219 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on FOLLOWER1219 OF JACQUES COURTOIS Cavalry battle between Turks and Christians Oil on canvas 55.8 x 79.9cm; 22 x 31½inATTRIBUTED1218£800-1,200 TO JAN VAN HUCHTENBURG Dutch 1647-1733 Cavaliers attacking peasants outside the walls of a ruined church with a burning building beyond Oil on canvas 87.6 x 121cm; 34½ x 47¾in £1,000-1,500 79

122212201221 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices AFTER1220 POMPEO BATONI The Penitent Magdalene Oil on canvas 48 x 73.8cm; 19 x 29in After the now-lost original formerly in the Staatliche Museen, Gemäldegalerie, Dresden. £400-600 80

1223 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on AFTER1221 JACOPO AMIGONI Rebecca at the well Oil on canvas 47.6 x 42.1cm; 18¾ x 16½in After the original offered at Sotheby’s, New York, 28 January 1999, lot 325. £400-600 FOLLOWER1222 OF MICHELE ROCCA Mythological scene with Cupid and other figures in a landscape Oil on canvas 25.4 x 37.4cm; 10 x 14¾in £300-500 VENETIAN1223 SCHOOL c.1700 Samson and Delilah Oil on canvas 157.8 x 211cm; 62 x 83in £6,000-8,000 81

1224 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices 1224 ATTRIBUTED TO JEANNE-PHILIBERTE LEDOUX French 1767-1840 Portrait of a young boy, standing next to a pile of books and holding a hand-pump Signed indistinctly Ledou* (lower left) Oil on canvas, with arched top 67.9 x 51.3cm; 26¾ x 20¼in Provenance: The property of the late Sir Thomas Sopwith (1888-1989) by the late 1890s; And by family descent £800-1,200 82

1225 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 1225 CIRCLE OF JEAN-BAPTISTE PATER Concert champêtre Oil on canvas 55 x 74.9cm; 21½ x 29½in £3,000-4,000 1225 (framed) 83

12261227 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices AFTER1226 JEAN ANTOINE WATTEAU Fête champêtre Oil on canvas 112.4 x 166cm; 44¼ x 65¼in After the original, of similar dimensions, in the Staatliche Museen, Berlin (no.474B). FOLLOWER1227£800-1,200 OF FRANÇOIS BOUCHER A bather courted by a shepherd in a landscape Oil on canvas, oval 86 x 76cm; 33¾ x 30in £700-1,000 84

1229 1228 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on FRENCH1228 SCHOOL c.1800 Putti in a landscape with a basket of fruit Oil on canvas 81.2 x 115.9cm; 32 x 45½in FOLLOWER1229£2,000-3,000 OF FRANÇOIS BOUCHER Diana and Endymion Oil on canvas, oval 69 x 56.8cm; 27¼ x 22¼in £400-600 85

1230 (framed) catalogue
86 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the
HEEREMANS Dutch 1641-1694
Thomas Heeremans painted a similar view in collaboration with Abraham Stork (1644-1708) (see Christie’s, New York, Old Masters: Part II, 14 April 2016, lot 247). £15,000-20,000
Winter landscape with figures skating on the Oude Schans canal near the Montelbaanstoren, Amsterdam Signed and dated THMANS 1678 (TH in monogram, lower centre) Oil on canvas 88 x 113.8cm; 34¾ x 44¾in Provenance: Probably Christie, Manson & Woods, London, 17 December 1926, lot 112; Richard Green, London; The Power Collection; And by family descent The present work depicts the frozen Oude Schans canal in Amsterdam looking north towards the docks. On the left of the composition stands the Montelbaanstoren, a tower which originally formed part of the city walls and was used by sentries. Although a typical subject for the city’s artists, including Rembrandt and Jacob van Ruisdael, most depictions face away from the docks. By contrast, here we see the numerous masts of the ships and a bridge which could be raised in the middle to allow them to pass in and out of the city.
for additional charges on the final hammer prices THE POWER COLLECTION

1231 1231 (framed) Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 87THE POWER COLLECTION THOMAS1231 HEEREMANS Dutch 1641-1694 Winter landscape with figures skating and sledging on a frozen river outside a city’s wall Signed and dated HMAN TO 1686 (lower left) Oil on canvas 48 x 57.5cm; 19 x 22¾in Provenance: Possibly, Sotheby’s, London, Old Master Paintings, 15 July 1970, lot 118; The Power Collection; And by family descent £5,000-7,000

1232 1232 (framed) 88 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices THE POWER COLLECTION THOMAS1232 HEEREMANS Dutch 1641-1694 River landscape with figures carousing outside an inn Oil on panel 35.8 x 46.2cm; 14 x 18¼in Provenance: The Power Collection; And by family descent £4,000-6,000

1233 1234 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 89THE POWER COLLECTION DutchHEEREMANSTHOMAS12331641-1694 Figures on the beach at Scheveningen Signed, indistinctly dated and inscribed 167*/Scheve***g**THMANS (TH in monogram, lower right) Oil on panel 28.6 x 36.3cm; 11¼ x 14¼in Provenance: The Power Collection; And by family descent £3,000-5,000 MANNER1234 OF JAN GRIFFIER Winter landscape with figures skating on a frozen river Oil on panel 20.5 x 29cm; 8 x 11½in Provenance: The Power Collection; And by family descent £1,000-1,500

1235 1235 (framed) 90 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices THE POWER COLLECTION KAREL1235 BREYDEL Flemish 1678-1733 Landscape with figures and a market on the banks of an estuary and a town in the distance; Landscape with a village and numerous figures on the banks of a river A pair, the former signed C.Breydel (lower left); the latter signed C.Breydel (lower right) Both oil on panel Each 26.1 x 37.6cm; 10¼ x 14¾in (2) Provenance: Richard Green, London; The Power Collection; And by family descent £7,000-10,000

1235 1235 (framed) Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 91THE POWER COLLECTION

1236 92 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices THE POWER COLLECTION EDWAERT1236 COLLIER Dutch c.1640-1708 Vanitas still life with a globe, open book, musical score, scroll, print of Caesar Augustus, lute and recorder on a draped table Signed E. Collier fe (to column) and a further two times E. Collier (to musical score and print) Oil on canvas 44.7 x 37cm; 17½ x 14¼in Provenance: Richard Green, London; The Power Collection; And by family descent £10,000-15,000

The present pair were painted the year before the sitters’ marriage on 14 October 1681. Josias Ingelbrechts was a sugar factory owner (suikerraffinadeur) on the Prinsengracht in Amsterdam. £20,000-30,000
Portrait of Josias Ingelbrechts (1645-1685), three-quarter length, wearing a Japanese rok, laced shirt and lilac cloak, standing in a landscape; Portrait of Maria Reyniers (1654-1721), three-quarter length, wearing a red dress and pearl necklace and earrings, seated in a landscape A pair, the former signed Maes (lower right); the latter signed and dated Maes 1680 (lower right) Both oil on canvas 57.3 x 44cm; 22½ x 17¼in; 57.3 x 43.9cm 22½ x 17¼in (2)
1237 (framed) Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on MAES Dutch 1634-1693
Provenance: Probably by descent to the sitter’s son, Adriaan Ingelbrechts (b.1682), who married Sara Reyniersz van Tarelink in 1710; The Van Tarelink Collection; The Van Drogenhorst Collection; The Van Iddekinge Collection; J. van de Kasteele, The Hague; F. Muller, Amsterdam, Van Iddekinge van Drogenhorst Sale, 27 November 1906, lot 18, where purchased by Oppers (1000 florins); F. Muller, Amsterdam, 13 April 1920, lot 30, where purchased by a Spanish realtor (400 florins); F. Muller, Amsterdam, 6-8 December 1960, lot 141 (16,000 florins); Sotheby’s, London, 29 November 1961, lot 104, to Fitzgerald (£1,450); Sotheby’s, London, 3 December 1969, lot 101 (£3,100); Richard Green, London, 1970; The Power Collection; And by family descent Literature: Cornelis Hofstede de Groot, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch painters…, vol.VI (London, 1916), pp.529-530, nos.197&198; ‘Maria’, in Walther Bernt, Die Niederländischen Maler und Zeichner des 17. Jahrhunderts (Munich 1979), no.768; Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler, vol.III (Landau, 1983-1994), nos.1429&1430; Leσn Krempel, Studien zu den datierten Gemälden des Nicolaes Maes (1634-1693) (Petersberg, 2000), p.327, nos.A225&A226

941237 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices THE POWER COLLECTION

1237 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 95THE POWER COLLECTION

961238 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices THE POWER COLLECTION

ANTOINE1238 MONNOYER French 1670-1747 Still life with anemones, roses, carnations, orange blossom, jasmine, honeysuckle and other flowers in an urn and with cherries below on a stone ledge Oil on canvas 74.4 x 56cm; 29¼ x 22in
Provenance: Richard Green, London (as Jean Baptiste Monnoyer); The Power Collection; And by family descent This is a typical work of the celebrated still life painter Antoine Monnoyer. Dated by Claudia Salvi to the end of the 1730s, it exemplifies the elegance of composition, precision of draughtsmanship, and balance of colouring that is characteristic of Monnoyer’s still lifes. Salvi relates the present painting to a series of six still lifes that Monnoyer painted for the dining room of the King’s apartments in the Royal Palace in Stockholm. We are grateful to Dr Claudia Salvi for confirming the attribution to Antoine Monnoyer. A copy of her full report is available on request.
The former after the original by Nicolas Lancret (1690-1743) in Schloss Sans-Souci, Potsdam. The latter after the original by Jean-Antoine Watteau (1684-1721) in Dulwich Picture Gallery, London (no.DPG156). £4,000-6,000
ALEXANDRE PAUL JOSEPH VÉRON French 1773-1838 Le jeu de colin-maillard; Les Plaisirs du Bal A pair, both oil on panel 35 x 25.8cm; 13¾ x 10¼in; 35.2 x 25.8cm; 13¾ x 10¼in (2) Provenance: Richard Green, London; The Power Collection; And by family descent
1239 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 Framed images of each lot are available on

981240 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices THE POWER COLLECTION ARTHUR1240 WILLIAM 1762-1822DEVIS Portrait of two boys, wearing green coats and cream breeches, standing full-length in a landscape holding bows and arrows Oil on canvas 79.1 x 56.2cm; 31¼ x 22¼in Provenance: Richard Green, London; The Power Collection; And by family descent £7,000-10,000

1241 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 99THE POWER COLLECTION ARTHUR1241 WILLIAM 1762-1822DEVIS Portrait of two young men, wearing blue coats and cream breeches, standing full-length in an interior with a globe turned to India Oil on canvas 79.2 x 56.2cm; 31¼ x 22in Provenance: Richard Green, London; The Power Collection; And by family descent £7,000-10,000

Provenance: Richard Green, London; The Power Collection; And by family descent £3,000-5,000
Portrait of a gentleman wearing a brown coat, seated at a writing table; Portrait of a lady seated in a landscape, holding a dog A pair, both oil on canvas, oval 44.5 x 36.5; 17½ x 14¼in; 44.9 x 37cm; 17½ x 14½in (2)
1242 100 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices THE POWER COLLECTION FRANCIS1242 act.1774-1790ALLEYNE

1242 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 101THE POWER COLLECTION

10212431244 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices THE POWER COLLECTION JOHN1243 WATKINS CHAPMAN act.1853-1903 The Turkish Warrior Signed and dated JW Chapman 67 (lower right) Oil on board 25.3 x 18.1cm; 10 x 7in Provenance: Williams & Son, London; The Power Collection; And by family descent CONTINENTAL1244£800-1,200 SCHOOL c.1800 Italianate landscape with figures resting by some ruins; Landscape with figures on a path below a ruined tower A pair, both oil on canvas Both 19.5 x 23.6cm; 7¾ x 9¼in (2) Provenance: The Power Collection; And by family descent £300-400

1245 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 103THE POWER COLLECTION THOMAS1245 LUNY 1759-1837 British men-of-war in choppy coastal waters Signed and dated Luny 1827 (lower left) Oil on canvas 32.1 x 42.7cm; 12¾ x 16¾in Provenance: The Power Collection; And by family descent £2,000-3,000

Portrait of a gentleman, traditionally identified as Sir John Raines, bust-length, wearing a red cloak; Portrait of a lady, traditionally identified as Lady Raines, bust-length, wearing a blue cloak A pair, both oil on tin, oval Each 22.7 x 17.5cm; 9 x 7in (2) £200-300
12461247 OTHER PROPERTIES See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices CIRCLE1246 OF SIR GODFREY KNELLER
Portrait of a lady, traditionally identified as Anne Barrell (née Kitchell) (1667-1717), half-length, wearing a blue dress Oil on canvas, oval 76.1 x 63.8cm; 30 x 25in
Provenance: Purchased at Bonhams, July 1964; And by family descent Anne Barrell was the wife of Francis Barrell (1662-1724), M.P. for Rochester.

1248 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on SIR1248GODFREY KNELLER BT. German 1646-1723 Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, wearing a blue coat and long wig, in a painted oval Oil on canvas 76.8 x 63.9cm; 30¼ x 25¼in £3,000-5,000 105

1249 12511250 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ENGLISH1249 SCHOOL 18th Century Portrait of a lady, half-length, wearing a blue and grey silk dress, pearl necklace and holding a rose Oil on canvas 70.3 x 63.4cm; 27¾ x 25in FRENCH1250£300-500 SCHOOL 1700 Portrait of a lady wearing a gilt embroidered dress Oil on canvas laid on board, oval 39.5 x 32.3cm; 15½ x 12¾in ENGLISH1251£300-500 SCHOOL 18th Century Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, wearing a brown coat and waistcoat and powdered wig Oil on canvas, oval 73.1 x 60.3cm; 28¾ x 23¾in £300-500 106

1252 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on GEORGE1252 act.1740-1749BEARE Portrait of Charles Clarke (1702-1750), a Baron of the Exchequer, three-quarter length, seated wearing judge’s robes and holding a scroll Signed and dated 1745.Geo Beare Pinx (to scroll) Oil on canvas 55.8 x 45cm; 22 x 17¾in Provenance: From the Estate of the late Marguerite Littman £1,000-1,500 107

1253 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices CIRCLE1253 OF FRANCIS ALLEYNE Portrait of a gentleman, wearing a red coat and fur-lined blue cloak, holding a sword and standing in a landscape; Portrait of a lady, wearing a blue and grey dress decorated with pearls, seated in an interior; Portrait of a clergyman, seated in an interior, holding a book Three, each oil on canvas, oval Largest 45.1 x 37.2cm; 17¾ x 14¾in Smallest 44.8 x 36.9cm; 17¾ x 14½in (3) £700-1,000 108

1254 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on CIRCLE1254 OF ARTHUR WILLIAM DEVIS Portrait of the Prescott family seated in an interior Oil on canvas 72.2 x 63.4cm; 28½ x 25in Provenance: The Hon. Mrs Nellie Ionides Collection; And by family descent £3,000-5,000 109

1255 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices FRANCIS1255 COTES RA 1726-1770
Portrait of John Parker (1734-1796), half-length, wearing a blue coat and white waistcoat, standing by a column Oil on canvas 90.9 x 71cm; 35¾ x 28in Provenance: Commissioned by the sitter, 1766; And by family descent Literature: Elaine Barr, ‘John Parker, Goldsmith - a Portrait by Francis Cotes’, in The Burlington Magazine (June 1979), pp.375-376 & 378, fig.60 John Parker was a noted 18th-century goldsmith, best known for his partnership with Edward Wakelin. This work, alongside the portrait of his wife Mary Parker (lot 1256), was painted in 1766, shortly after their marriage. His personal account in the Garrard Ledgers reveals he paid £31.10s to Francis Cotes in July of that year. In her article on this and the following lot, Elaine Barr suggests that there may have been a long-standing professional relationship between Parker and Cotes. Mrs Cotes held an account with Parker and Wakelin, and they certainly provided frames for Francis’ brother Samuel’s portrait miniatures. £4,000-6,000

1256 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on FRANCIS1256
COTES RA 1726-1770 Portrait of Mary Parker (née Watson), half-length, wearing a white dress, blue shawl and pearl necklace, leaning on a balustrade Oil on canvas 90.5 x 71.3cm; 35½ x 28in Provenance: Commissioned by the sitter’s husband, John Parker, 1766; And by family descent Literature: Edward Meade Johnson, Francis Cotes (Phaidon Press, 1976), p.80, no.187 (whereabouts unknown); Elaine Barr, ‘John Parker, Goldsmith - a Portrait by Francis Cotes’, in The Burlington Magazine (June 1979), pp.375-376 & 378, fig.61 Exhibited: Shrewsbury, Shrewsbury Art Gallery, Pictures from Shropshire Houses, July-September 1951, no.1 £7,000-10,000 111

1257 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices CIRCLE1257 OF FRANCIS COTES Portrait of a young boy, full-length, in a grey coat, waistcoat and breeches, holding a feathered cap and cane, standing in a landscape Oil on canvas 127.2 x 101.3cm; 50 x 40in Provenance: W. H. Pitman; Christie’s, London, 15 December 1922, lot 58 (as Dance); Private Collection, Gloucestershire £4,000-6,000 112

1258 marked ‡ fee ARR 233 Framed images of each lot are available on
- please see
information on page
ALLAN1258 RAMSAY Scottish 1713-1784 Portrait of Mrs Penelope Cholmeley (1715-1760), half-length, wearing a white dress and blue shawl with pearls in her hair, in a painted oval Signed and dated Ramsay 42 (lower right) Oil on canvas 76.4 x 63.8cm; 30 x 25in Provenance: By family descent from the sitter Literature: Alastair Smart, Allan Ramsay: A Complete Catalogue of His Paintings (New Haven and London, 1999), p.92, no.94, p.242 (illustrated)
The sitter was the daughter of Sir Joseph Herne of West Twyford, Berkshire. She married John Cholmeley of Easton (1705-1768) in 1735. £5,000-8,000
may be subject to an additional

12601259 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices GEORGE1259 MORLAND 1763-1804 A farrier’s shop Signed and dated G Morland/1793 (lower left) Oil on canvas 70.3 x 91.9cm; 27¾ x 36¾in £3,000-4,000 GEORGE1260 MORLAND 1763-1804 The pipe smoker Signed with initials and dated GM 1792 (lower right) Oil on panel 34 x 26.9cm; 13½ x 10½in £500-800 114

1262 1261 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on EDWIN1261 1785-1833COOPER A huntsman and his hounds in a landscape Signed and dated E Cooper Pinxt 1808 (lower right) Oil on canvas 63.3 x 76.4cm; 25 x 30in Provenance: Simon Dickinson, London; Private Collection, Gloucestershire £2,000-3,000 CLAUDE1262 1822-1891FERNELEYLORRAINE ‘Light Heart’, a chestnut hunter in a stable Signed Claude L Ferneley/1877 (lower right) Oil on canvas 48.5 x 63.5cm; 19 x 25in £600-800 115

1263 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices JOHN1263 1759-1828SARTORIUSNOST Portrait of a bay hunter in a landscape; The kill Two, the former indistinctly signed and dated J N S**** 1793 (lower left); the latter signed J N Sartorius (lower right) Both oil on canvas 35.8 x 44cm; 14 x 17¼in; 35.9 x 43.9cm; 14¼ x 17¼in (2) £2,000-3,000 116

1264 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ABRAHAM1264 COOPER RA 1787-1868 Portrait of ‘Wouvermans’, a bay racehorse, held by a groom in a landscape Signed with monogram and dated 1822 (lower right), and inscribed Wouvermans (lower centre) Oil on canvas 63.2 x 76.5cm; 25 x 30in Provenance: Woolley and Wallis, Salisbury, Old Masters, British & European Paintings, 4 March 2020, lot 297, where purchased by the present owner Literature: Thomas Henry Taunton, Portraits of celebrated racehorses of the past and present centuries, vol.II (London, 1887), p.151 (engraved) Exhibited: London, Royal Academy, 1823, no.374 Wouvermans’ owners included Thomas Cussans, Mr G. O Whiteside and Lord Warwick. £3,000-5,000 117

1265 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices JOHN1265 FREDERICK HERRING SNR 1795-1865 A dark bay by a stable Signed and dated J F Herring 1854 (lower centre) Oil on canvas 51 x 61cm; 20 x 24in £3,000-5,000 118

1266 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on DAVID1266 DALBY OF YORK 1794-1836 A dark bay hunter, a bay hunter, a black pony and a spaniel in an extensive landscape Signed D Dalby York (lower left) Oil on canvas 67.2 x 97.8cm; 26½ x 38½in Provenance: Simon Dickinson, London; Private Collection, Gloucestershire £3,000-5,000 119

126912681267 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices CIRCLE1267 OF THOMAS GAINSBOROUGH Portrait of a lady, bust-length, wearing a white dress and broad-brimmed hat with red ribbon Oil on canvas 48.5 x 37.5cm; 19 x 14¾in CIRCLE1268£600-800OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS Shepherd Boy, ‘The Piping Boy’ Oil on canvas 76.2 x 63.5cm; 30 x 25in Provenance: Private Collection, Cornwall After the prime version at Antony, Cornwall. FOLLOWER1269£400-600 OF GEORGE ROMNEY Portrait of a lady as Beatrice in ‘Much Ado About Nothing’ Oil on board 29.4 x 19.4cm; 11½ x 7¾in £300-500 120

12721271 1270 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on CIRCLE1270 OF JOHN HOPPNER Portrait of a lady, half-length, wearing a white dress and with a blue ribbon in her hair Oil on canvas 76.5 x 63.9cm; 30 x 25¼in Provenance: Scott and Fowler, New York FOLLOWER1271£400-600 OF SIR JOSHUA REYNOLDS Portrait of a girl, bust-length, with pearls in her hair Oil on canvas 31.6 x 39.3cm; 12½ x 15½in ENGLISH1272£500-800 SCHOOL 18th Century Portrait of Mrs Edward Drury Butts, half-length, wearing a blue dress, lace headdress and black shawl Oil on canvas 76.3 x 63cm; 30 x 24¾in £300-500 121

Provenance: Probably John, 4th Viscount Harberton; Sir Hugo Cunliffe-Owen (1870-1947), Sunningdale Park, Berks The sitter, Jane Pomeroy, was the eldest child of Reverend John Pomeroy, 4th Viscount Harberton (1758-1833) and Esther Spencer (d.1840). The Pomeroy family left Engesdon, near Harberton, Devon for Ireland in the late 17th century and, when elevated to the Irish peerage in 1783, took the title derived from the English town. £1,500-2,500
ARCHER SHEE PRA Irish 1769-1850
Portrait of a lady, three-quarter length, wearing a white dress and red shawl, sitting by a column Oil on canvas 127.3 x 102.3cm; 50 x 40¼in
Portrait of lady, half-length, wearing a black dress, white shawl and bonnet Oil on canvas 61.2 x 51cm; 24 x 20in
Portrait of Jane Pomeroy (b.1787), three-quarter length, wearing a white dress with blue sash and a broad-brimmed hat, seated in a landscape Oil on canvas 76.4 x 64.2cm; 30 x 25¼in
12751273 1274 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices

12761278 1277 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ENGLISH1276 SCHOOL Early 19th Century Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, wearing a black coat with a book under one arm Oil on canvas 76.8 x 63.7cm; 30¼ x 25in ENGLISH1277£200-300 SCHOOL Early 19th Century Portrait of Sir John BaronFreeman-Mitford,Redesdale (1748-1830), wearing the Lord Chancellor’s gown and holding the Lord Chancellor’s purse Oil on panel 50.4 x 37cm; 19¾ x 14½in Provenance: From the Estate of the late Marguerite Littman FRENCH1278£300-500 SCHOOL c.1840 Portrait of a gentleman, full-length, wearing a black coat and holding a top hat, standing in an interior; Portrait of a lady, wearing a brown dress, holding a 22EachAstandinghandkerchief,inaninteriorpair,bothoiloncanvas56x46cm;x18in(2) £400-600 123

Portrait of a gentleman, traditionally identified as Christopher Inman, three-quarter-length, in a white waistcoat and green coat, a book in his left hand, with a dog, in an interior Oil on canvas 124 x 99cm; 48¾ x 39in
SIR1280£1,000-1,500DANIEL MACNEE FRSE, PRSA Scottish 1806-1882
Portrait of a young boy, full-length, in a burgundy dress, standing in a landscape Signed and dated Dan. Macnee 18** (lower left) Oil on canvas 127 x 101cm; 50 x 39¾in AFTER1281£500-700RALPH EARL Portrait of Roger Sherman (1721-1793), full-length, seated at his desk Signed with monogram and dated 1859 (centre right) Oil on canvas 76.4 x 63.7cm; 30 x 25in £500-700
12791281 1280 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices

1283 1282 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ATTRIBUTED1282 TO SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE PRA, FRS 1769-1830 Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, wearing a brown coat and brass buttons Oil on canvas 77.2 x 63.9cm; 30½ x 25¼in Provenance: Private Collection, USA; Private Collection, UK £1,000-2,000 ENGLISH1283 SCHOOL 19th Century Portrait of Major Macfarlane, half-length, wearing a black coat Oil on board 24 x 19.1cm; 9½ x 7½in £200-300 125

Portrait of an officer, half-length, wearing uniform and with powdered hair en queue, in a painted oval Oil on canvas 74.4 x 61.1cm; 29¼ x 24in Provenance: Christie’s, 9 February 1990, lot 107 (as Circle of Thomas Bardwell); Dukes, Dorchester, A Provencal Dream: The Collection of Thomas Kerr, 3 March 2011, lot 227 (as American School 18th Century) £700-1,000 SIR JOHN WATSON GORDON
Portrait of John Taylor, Captain of the Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers, with his caddy Oil on canvas 74.8 x 63.5cm; 29½ x 25in
Provenance: Mr and Mrs James de Rothschild; By whom presented to the Personal Service League (according to label) The work shows John Taylor, in his red captain’s jacket, about to tee off on the original course of The Honourable Company of Edinburgh Golfers on Leith Links. In 1744 this group (then known as ‘the gentlemen golfers’) had drawn up the first official rules for a tournament which were to form the basis for the modern game of golf. £1,000-1,500 126
1284 1285 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices CIRCLE1284 OF JEREMIAH THEUS

1286 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on SIR1286MARTIN ARCHER SHEE PRA Irish 1769-1850 Portrait of an officer, thought to be Colonel William Bagwell, M.P. for Marlfield, Co. Tipperary, three-quarter length, in uniform standing in a landscape Oil on canvas 127.1 x 101.3cm; 50 x 40in Provenance: Christie’s, London, British Pictures, 14 July 1994, lot 82; Private Collection, Gloucestershire £3,000-5,000 127

1287 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices JOHN1287 THOMAS SERRES 1759-1825 Coastal landscape with fishermen and their catch on the shore Signed and dated J T Serres 1804 (lower left) Oil on panel 38.3 x 54.8cm; 15 x 21½in £2,000-3,000 1287 (framed) 128

1288 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on SAMUEL1288 1811-1882WALTERS The Sandbach picking up the Liverpool pilot off the Great Orme Oil on canvas 81.4 x 122cm; 32 x 48in Literature: Arthur Samuel Davidson, Samuel Walters, Marine Artist: Fifty Years of Sea, Sail & Steam (Coventry, Jones-Sands Publishing, 1992), p.154 (illustrated) The Sandbach was constructed in 1825 for Sandbach, Tinne and Co. It was one of the great vessels of Liverpool, and appeared on British Guiana stamps in the 19th century. £4,000-6,000 1288 (framed) 129

1289 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ANTON1289 SCHRANZ German 1769-1839 A 42-gun British frigate moored to a buoy in Grand Harbour, Valletta, with a Maltese xebec close inshore Oil on canvas 43 x 65cm; 17 x 25½in We are grateful to Michael Naxton for his assistance identifying the subject of this work. £10,000-15,000 1289 (framed) 130

1290 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ANTON1290 SCHRANZ German 1769-1839 A large 52-gun British frigate lying at anchor in Port Mahon, Minorca, with the Isla del Rey (Hospital island) off her port quarter Oil on canvas 39.3 x 62.4cm; 15½ x 24½in We are grateful to Michael Naxton for his assistance identifying the subject of this work. £7,000-10,000 1290 (framed) 131

1291 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ANTON1291 SCHRANZ German 1769-1839 A 44-gun British frigate putting to sea under maximum sail from Port Mahon, Minorca, with other warships in the roadstead off the harbour mouth Oil on canvas 39 x 61.9cm; 15¼ x 24¼in We are grateful to Michael Naxton for his assistance identifying the subject of this work. £7,000-10,000 1291 (framed) 132

1292 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ATTRIBUTED1292 TO ANTON SCHRANZ German 1769-1839 A large British first rate, almost certainly the Mediterranean Fleet’s flagship, at anchor off the Isla del Rey (Hospital Island) in Port Mahon, Minorca, with other naval vessels beyond Oil on canvas 39.3 x 62.2cm; 15½ x 24½in Provenance: Frost and Reed (as Thomas Lyde Hornbrook) We are grateful to Michael Naxton for his assistance identifying the subject of this work. £7,000-10,000 1292 (framed) 133

1293 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ANTON1293 SCHRANZ German 1769-1839 The British and Ottoman fleets in close action at the Battle of Navarino, 20 October 1827, with the two flagships duelling in the right foreground Oil on canvas 44.2 x 65.3cm; 14½ x 25¾in We are grateful to Michael Naxton for his assistance identifying the subject of this work. £7,000-10,000 1293 (framed) 134

1294 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ANTON1294 SCHRANZ German 1769-1839 A 44-gun British frigate running into Grand Harbour, Valletta, under shortened sail prior to mooring Oil on canvas 24.4 x 36.6cm; 6¾ x 14½in Provenance: Oscar and Peter Johnson, London We are grateful to Michael Naxton for his assistance identifying the subject of this work. £5,000-7,000 1294 (framed) 135

Shipping on calm waters near a walled town Oil on canvas 71.3 x 91.4cm; 28 x 36in
1825-1895JAMES1297£400-600WEBB Near Rotterdam, Holland Signed and dated James Webb 77 (lower left) and further signed, inscribed and dated Near Rotterdam Holland/ Painted by/James Webb/1877/ For A.Tooth Esq/1877 JW (to reverse) Oil on canvas 51.2 x 81.4cm; 20¼ x 32in Provenance: Arthur Tooth, London, 1877
FOLLOWER1295 OF PETER MONAMY A British man-of-war and other shipping in choppy waters Oil on canvas 63.4 x 76.6cm; 25 x 30¼in Provenance: The property of the late Sir Thomas Sopwith (1888-1989) by the late 1890s; And by family descent
SEWELL ROBINS 1810-1880 The ancient port and watergate of Rotterdam Signed and dated T S.Robins/1855 (lower right) Oil on canvas 78.9 x 115.6cm; 31 x 45½in Provenance: Private Collection, Gloucestershire Exhibited: London, British Institution, 1855, no.262 £800-1,200 136
12951296 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices

12981297 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 137

1299 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices JOHN1299 FREDERICK HERRING JNR 1815-1907 Horses, pigs and chickens in a farmyard, with a hunt in the distance Signed J F Herring (lower left) Oil on canvas 50.8 x 76.5cm; 20 x 30in Unframed £2,000-3,000 138

1300 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on GEORGE1300 GASCOYNE 1861-1933 ‘Phoenix’, standing in a landscape with a gentleman, possibly Guillermo Kemmis Signed with initials and dated GG 1889 (lower right) and further inscribed “Phenix” (Cymbal -- Belle-Etoile)/by George Gascoyne (to reverse) Oil on canvas 70.7 x 91.6cm; 27¾ x 36in £2,000-3,000 139

13011302 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices GEORGE1301 HENRY LAPORTE 1799-1873 A chestnut charger in the livery of the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, galloping in a landscape with a dog Signed and dated G H Laporte 1860 (lower right) Oil on canvas 42 x 52.3cm; 16½ x 20½in Provenance: Sir Frederick Gordon; And by family descent ENGLISH1302£800-1,200 SCHOOL 19th Century Portrait of a gentleman on a black horse, together with a grey hunter, and two dogs in a 63.4Oillandscapeoncanvasx76.2cm; 25 x 30in Provenance: Roland Harper Partridge, 1927 (according to label) £600-1,000 140

1303 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on EDWARD1303 BENJAMIN HERBERTE 1857-1893 The meet; Over the fence; The chase; The kill Four, two signed and dated E B Herberte/1885 (lower left), two signed and dated E B Herberte/1885 (lower right) Each oil on canvas Each 38.5 x 59cm; 15¼ x 23¼in (4) £1,500-2,500 141

1304 13061305 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices DAVID1304 COX SNR, OWS 1783-1859 On Lancaster Sands Signed and indistinctly dated COX ** (lower right) Oil on panel 13.3 x 16.9cm; 5¼ x 6¾in £500-800 FOLLOWER1305 OF JOHN CONSTABLE Yarmouth Jetty Oil on canvas 25.4 x 35.8cm; 10 x 14in SeveralUnframedversions of this composition are known, and it was also engraved in mezzotint by David Lucas (1802-1881) (see Graham Reynolds, The Later Paintings and Drawings of John Constable, Yale University Press, 1984, nos.22.36-22.41). £150-250 MANNER1306 OF JOHN CONSTABLE Coastal landscape near Folkestone with figures and cattle near a cottage Oil on canvas 28.3 x 40.7cm; 11¼ x 16in £150-250 142

1307 1308 1309 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on GAINSBOROUGHOFFOLLOWER1307THOMAS Wooded landscape with a peasant, cows and goats on a path Oil on canvas 39.3 x 54.5cm; 12½ x 21½in Provenance: By repute purchased from Thomas Gainsborough; By descent to Mr Robert Hillen; Purchased from the above’s sale by Mr Hamblin Smith (c.1885); Leggatt Brothers, London; H. and M. Fison (all of the above according to labels); From the collection of Sir Raymond Smith KBE (1917-2002) and Lady Smith (1918-1996) CIRCLE1308£800-1,200OF PATRICK NASMYTH Wooded landscape with a traveller by a cottage Bears a signature and indistinct date Patrick Nasmyth *** (lower left) Oil on canvas 51.6 x 62.3cm; 20¼ x 24½in Unframed £150-250 CIRCLE1309 OF HENRY PETHER Moonlit river landscape with a ruined abbey Oil on canvas 50.8 x 61.3cm; 20 x 24¼in £300-500 143

131213111310 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ROBERT1310 1860-1886CLEMINSON A horse and two dogs with the day’s bag Signed R.Cleminson (lower left) Oil on canvas 76.4 x 126.8cm; 30 x 50in FOLLOWER1311£400-600 OF JOHN FREDERICK HERRING JNR Horses, chickens, ducks and turkeys in a 51.2Oilfarmyardoncanvasx76.2cm; 20¼ x 30in GermanHANS1312£300-500BÜTTNER1850-1891 A rider stopping at a well; A couple on horseback halting with their dogs A pair, the former signed, inscribed and dated HBüttner/1880/München (lower left); the latter signed and inscribed HBüttner/München (lower left) Both oil on panel Each 16 x 25cm; 6¼ x 9¾in (2) Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £400-600 144

1314 1313 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on AUGUSTUS1313 S. BOULT act.1815-1853 A rough shoot Signed A. S. Boult (lower right) Oil on canvas 43.4 x 53.2cm; 17 x 21in £1,000-1,500 THOMAS1314 SMYTHE 1825-1907 Going to the horse market; Dogs in the kitchen Two, both signed T Smythe (lower left) Both oil on canvas 29.8 x 45.6cm; 11¾ x 18in; 31 x 46.2cm; 12¼ x 18¼in (2) £400-600 145

1315 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices MAUD1315 1863-1943EARL An otterhound amongst the reeds Signed Maud Earl (lower left) Oil on canvas 45.5 x 61cm; 18 x 24in Provenance: Strauss & Co, Johannesburg, 12 October 2020, lot 316 £1,500-2,500 146

13171316 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on DAVID1316 GEORGE 1856-1930STEELL The First Feather Signed, inscribed and dated D.G.Steell.1910Sketch/ (lower left) and further signed, inscribed and dated “The first Feather”/ Sketch by D G Steell ARSA/1910 (to reverse) Oil on canvasboard 25.3 x 30.4cm; 10 x 12in Provenance: Sara Davenport; Bonhams, Knightsbridge, The Sara CollectionDavenport , 10 October 1996, lot 167 1844-1912JOHN1317£1,000-1,500EMMS A resting hound Signed JNO EMMS (lower right) Oil on canvas 17.8 x 26cm; 7 x 10¼in £500-800 147

131813191320 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices THOMAS1318 act.1863-1874TEMPLE Portrait of ‘Quorn Alfred’, a foxhound Signed and dated T.Temple.1874 (lower left) Oil on canvas 31 x 40.8cm; 12¼ x 16in Provenance: Reverend Cecil Legard (1843-1918); Property of Rosemary, Lady Northampton AFTER1319£500-800CARL FREDRIK KIÖRBOE The Flood Oil on canvas 72.8 x 98.7cm; 28¾ x 38¾in c.1855-1904J.1320£300-500LANGLOIS A spaniel carrying a pheasant Signed with pseudonym W Gregory (lower right) Oil on canvas 38.3 x 50.8cm; 15 x 20in £300-500 148

1321 1322 1323 1324 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on GEORGE1321 ARMFIELD 1808-1893 Three terriers in a barn, in a painted roundel Oil on canvas 51 x 51cm; 20 x 20in Provenance: Tryon Gallery, London, where purchased by the present private collector £300-500 GEORGE1322 ARMFIELD 1808-1893 A terrier chasing a rabbit Oil on canvas 35.4 x 44.4cm; 14 x 17½in £200-300 GEORGE1323 ARMFIELD 1808-1893 Terriers around a wasps nest Signed GArmfield (lower right) Oil on canvas 30.7 x 40.9cm; 12 x 16in £200-300 CIRCLE1324 OF GEORGE ARMFIELD Terriers by a fox den; Spaniels by the fire A pair, both oil on panel Each 22 x 29.4cm; 8¾ x 11½in (2) £300-500 149

1325 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices JOHN1325 JOSEPH BARKER OF BATH 1824-1904 Brigands in a cavern Signed J Barker (lower right) Oil on canvas 66 x 91.7cm; 26 x 36in Provenance: Property of Rosemary, Lady Northampton £800-1,200 150

1326 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on SAMUEL1326 DUKINFIELD SWARBRECK c.1799-1863 View of Chester Rows with a figure rolling a barrel and a mother and child Signed S D Swarbreck (lower left) Oil on canvas 38.7 x 56.7cm; 15¼ x 22¼in The present work relates to a watercolour by Swarbreck in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (no.E.565-1941). £1,500-2,500 151

13281327 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices THOMAS1327 c.1818-1886DANBY River landscape at sunset with figures and animals on a path Signed Thos Danby (lower left) Oil on canvas 40.5 x 61cm; 16 x 24in Provenance: Mrs A. A. Dewhurst, 1887; From the collection of Sir Raymond Smith KBE (1917-2002) and Lady Smith (1918-1996) Exhibited: Manchester, Royal Jubilee Exhibition, 1887, no.581 CIRCLE1328£600-800OF WILLIAM EDWARD FROST Female nude standing in a landscape Oil on canvas 81.1 x 65.2cm; 32 x 25in £400-600 152


1330 1329 154 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY,
Signed, dated and inscribed Joseph Lee Pinxt./London 1816 (in black paint to the counter enamel) Enamel on copper, rectangular, in a gilt metal frame 96 x 82mm
Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire Exhibited: Possibly, London, Royal Academy, 1816, as ‘An enamel of Bartholomew Vander Helst. After a picture by himself’ £700-1,000 Redlynch House is a fine period house with a wonderful history and intriguing ownership dating back to the early 19th century, when it was purported to have been built by John Bailey. It was acquired at some point before 1833 by Rev William Nelson, 1st Earl Nelson (1757 1835), the elder brother of Admiral Horatio Nelson (1758-1805) of nearby Trafalgar Park, for his son-in-law Samuel Hood, 2nd Baron Bridport (1788-1868). Ownership of the house changed hands in 1843, and throughout the late 19th and early 20th centuries, it was owned by a succession of successful local gentlemen and retired members of the military.
Portrait of Sir Peter Paul Rubens; Portrait of a gentleman wearing a fur-lined red coat and broad brimmed hat A pair, both oil on board 11.1 x 8.7cm; 4¼ x 3½in; 11.3 x 9.1cm; 4½ x 3½in (2) Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £200-300
Portrait miniature of a gentleman in 17th-century Dutch dress

1331 1332 1333 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 155SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE GEORGE1331 VERTUE AFTER1684-1756SIR ANTHONY VAN DYCK 1599-1641 Portrait of Thomas Howard, Earl of Arundel with his grandson Thomas (1627-1677), later 5th Duke of Norfolk Signed and dated G Vertue/fe 1746 (lower right) On paper, rectangular, in an ebonised ripple frame 33.6 x 27.2cm; 13¼ x 10¾in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire After the original at Arundel Castle, West Sussex. AFTER1332£1,000-1,500SIRPETER PAUL RUBENS Self-portrait of the artist wearing a broad brimmed hat Oil on canvas 37.3 x 28.9cm; 14¾ x 11½in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire After the original in The Royal Collection (no.RCIN 400156). ENGLISH1333£200-300 SCHOOL Late 17th Century Portrait miniature of a lady wearing a red dress On copper, oval, in a gilt painted wooden frame 76 x 64mm Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £100-150

1334 156 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE ATTRIBUTED1334 TO ENOCH SEEMAN c.1689-1744 Portrait of Etheldreda Townshend (née Harrison), Viscountess Townshend, three-quarter length, wearing a white dress and blue wrap Bears an inscription VISCOUNTESS TOWNSHEND/DAUGHTER OF EDWARD HARRISON/ OF BALLS HERTS (lower left) Oil on canvas 128.5 x 106.4cm; 50½ x 42in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £5,000-8,000

1335 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 157SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE SIR1335GODFREY KNELLER BT. German 1646-1723 Portrait of Lady Jane Jackson (née Vandeput) (1679-1731), three-quarter length, wearing a red dress and seated in a landscape Oil on canvas 123.7 x 97.2cm; 48¾ x 38¼in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £4,000-6,000

After the originals in Saltram, Devon (nos.NT872102 & NT872149). £500-800 1337 AFTER SIR NATHANIEL DANCE-HOLLAND RA
See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE
1336 13371581338
AFTER1338 SIR REYNOLDSJOSHUA Portrait of John Parker, 1st Lord astanding(c.1735-1788),Boringdonfull-length,inalandscapeagainstgate,holdingagun;Portraitof Theresa Parker (née Robinson) (1745-1775), full-length, standing in a landscape against a pedestal A pair, both oil on canvas 91.1 x 71.1cm; 35¾ x 28in (2) Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire
Although the labels identify the sitter as the politician Charles Townshend, a variation on this work is in the National Gallery of Ireland, Dublin (no.NGI.959), where he is identified as the actor Arthur Murphy (1727-1806), after an original by Nathaniel Dance-Holland. £500-800
Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire After the original offered at Sotheby’s, London, 7 July 2011, lot 314. £500-800
Portrait of a gentleman, probably The Rt. Hon. Charles Townshend (1725-1767), three-quarter length, wearing a blue coat and seated at a writing desk Oil on canvas 129.5 x 104.8cm; 51 x 41¼in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire
SIR HENRY RAEBURN Portrait of Sir Walter Farquhar (1738-1819), wearing a black coat, seated in an interior Oil on canvas 91.5 x 71cm; 36 x 28in

OF SIR THOMAS LAWRENCE Portrait of The Hon. Reginald Algernon Capell (1830-1906), as a boy Oil on canvas, oval 66.9 x 53.4cm; 26¼ x 21in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £300-500
Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 Framed images of each lot are available on FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE
Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire
The squared drawing for this work is in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery, London (no.NPG D17711).
PIERCE BONE 1779-1855
JOHN HOPPNER Portrait of Harriet Ann Seale, full length, wearing a white dress and pink sash, standing in a landscape Oil on canvas 144.5 x 101cm; 56¾ x 39¾in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire After the original previously offered at Sotheby’s London, 27 November 2003, lot 167. £300-400
Portrait miniature of Mrs Buller, wearing a blue dress with lace collar and a cream shawl, seated in an interior Signed, dated and indistinctly inscribed Mrs Buller/London/March 1813/ Painted by Henry Bone R.A./Enamel Painter in Ordinary/to His Majesty and Enamel/Painter to H.R.H. the Prince/****t after *** picture in/the possession of Lady Somers (in black paint to the counter enamel) Enamel on copper, rectangular, in a gilt painted easel frame 101 x 82mm
1339 1340 1341

1601342 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE CIRCLE1342 OF FRANCESCO ZANIN View of the Grand Canal, with Santa Maria della Salute, the Dogana and the Palazzo Pisani-Gritti from Campo Santa Maria Zobenigo Oil on canvas 62.2 x 97.3cm; 24½ x 38¼in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £3,000-5,000 FRANCESCO1343 ZANIN Italian 1824-1884 The Rialto Bridge, Venice; The Grand Canal with the Entrance to the Cannaregio, Venice A pair, each oil on canvas 59.6 x 98.6cm; 23½ x 38¾in; 61.4 x 97.2cm; 24 x 38¼in (2) Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire We are grateful to Prof. Dario Succi for confirming the attribution to Francesco Zanin. £5,000-8,000

1343 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 161SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE

Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £120-180
An antique vase from the Villa Lante (Wilton-Ely 927) 53.1Etchingx38.3cm; 21 x 15in (plate)
134413461345 1347 162 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices
Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £150-250
FOLLOWER1347 OF SAMUEL PROUT View of a French town square Watercolour and pencil 29.6 x 39.3cm; 11¼ x 15½in
View of Amiens, with figures on the bank of the Somme and the cathedral beyond Signed, inscribed and dated L M Powell Amiens 1882 (lower left) Pencil and watercolour heightened with white 34 x 49cm; 13½ x 19¼in
ENGLISH1345 SCHOOL c.1800 View of the Arch of Constantine with the Colosseum beyond; View of the Roman Forum; View of the Castel Sant’Angelo with figures fishing in the Tiber; Figures by the Pyramid of Cestius; View of the Tomb of Caecilia Metella Five, pen and ink, and watercolour 30.4 x 41.8cm; 12 x 16½in (5)
Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £150-250
Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £400-600

1348 1349 13511350 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 163SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE AFTER1348 JOHN GOULD Family of Hoopoes; Merlin; Roseate Tern; European Green Woodpecker; Collared Inca Hummingbird; Jardine’s Panoplites Hummingbird; Violet-throated Starfrontlet Hummingbird; Brazilian Ruby Hummingbird Eight, each pencil and watercolour heightened with gum arabic Each approx. 47.5 x 30cm; 18¾ x 11¾in (8) Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £400-800 CECIL1349 1870-1935ALDIN 48LithographHighCanterburyStreetx24.8cm; 19 x 9¾in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £150-250 SpanishPRADILLAFRANCISCO1350ORTIZ1848-1921 View of a coastal town with a fish market by the shore Signed and dated Pradilla/73 (lower right) Watercolour and bodycolour 33.5 x 49.7cm; 31¼ x 19½in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £400-600 THALES1351 1793-1837FIELDING Coastal landscape with a fish market on the shore Signed and dated T Fielding 1835 (lower right) Pencil and watercolour 49.1 x 69.4cm; 19¼ x 27¼in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £400-600

16413521353 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE CIRCLE1352 OF JACOB VAN STRIJ River landscape at dusk with cattle and a rider on horseback Oil on panel 52.8 x 76.4cm; 20¾ x 30in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire 19thENGLISH1353£1,000-1,500SCHOOLCentury Fishing boats and others ships in stormy 33Oilweatheroncanvasx45.4cm; 13 x 17¾in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £400-600

13551354 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 165SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE GEORGES1354 MARONIEZ French 1865-1933 View of a harbour with boats on calm waters Signed G.Maroniez (lower right) Oil on board 32.9 x 41cm; 13 x 16¼in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire GEORGES1355£600-800 MARONIEZ French 1865-1933 Coastal landscape with fishing boats at dusk Signed Maroni** (lower right) Oil on panel 22.2 x 27.1cm; 8¾ x 10¾in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £400-600

Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £200-400
SCHOOL Early 19th Century Study of a sleeping child Oil on panel 28.4 x 22.2cm; 11¼ x 8¾in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £100-150
SCHOOL 19th Century Portrait of Jane, wearing a white dress with red ribbons holding a fan and a posy of flowers Watercolour and bodycolour, with canted corners 30.5 x 22cm; 12 x 8¾in Together with English School 19th Century, Portrait of a young girl wearing a white dress with blue ribbons and holding a hat, Pencil and watercolour heightened with white, 29.2 x 19.4cm; 11½ x 7¾in; English School 19th Century, Portrait of a child wearing a blue dress holding a shoe; Portrait of a child wearing a black dress with an open book, A pair the former dated 1854, the latter indistinctly signed and dated Mary Sw**/1856, Both pencil and watercolour, oval, 25.7 x 21.8cm; 10 x 8½in; English School 19th Century, Portrait of Sir Thomas Villiers Lister (1832-1902), aged three, pencil and watercolour heightened with white, 23.7 x 20.4cm; 9¼ x 8in; and Beatrix Lister after John Hoppner, Portrait of Harriet Ann Seale, watercolour, 29.5 x 19.6cm; 11½ x 7¾in (6)
Portrait miniature of John Hope Vere, in a painted oval, wearing a black coat and green waistcoat Inscribed and dated Portrait of/John Hope Vere Esq/painted by Mrs Henry Moseley/1851 (to backing card) Rectangular, in a rectangular leather case 124 x 94mm Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire Ivory registration CB8CEY1T £500-800
SCHOOL 19th Century A fox in 32.8Oilundergrowththeoncanvasx27cm;13 x 10½in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £300-400
1359 135813571661356 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE

The former signed, inscribed and dated Copy from/original by/Hugo A. Possner/1926 (lower left); the latter signed, inscribed and dated From original/by/Hugo A. Possner/1926 (lower right) Both oil on canvas laid on board Each 74 x 61cm; 29 x 24in (2) Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire
The figures are thought to be members of the Mclean family, of Quebec, Canada. £400-600
1360 1361 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 167SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE CIRCLE1360
Portrait of a gentleman, three-quarter length, wearing a black coat and yellow waistcoat, standing in a landscape holding a top hat and gloves, with the sea beyond; Portrait of a young lady, three-quarter length, wearing a blue dress, seated with a landscape beyond; Portrait of a lady, three-quarter length, wearing a black dress and lace bonnet, with a landscape beyond Three, each oil on panel Largest 28.7 x 23cm; 11¼ x 9in; Smallest 26.6 x 20.8cm; 10½ x 8¼in (3) Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire £500-800
HUGO1361 A. POSSNER American 1859-1933
Portrait of a gentleman, half-length, wearing a black jacket, seated in an interior; Portrait of a lady, half-length, wearing a black dress with lace collar, seated in an interior

1362 λ ENGLISH SCHOOL c.1835
Portrait miniature of a lady wearing a white dress with a yellow cloak and pearl necklace Oval, in a gilt metal frame 115 x 87mm
for additional charges on the final hammer prices SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE
13631362 1364 catalogue
Portrait miniature of Lady Maria Theresa Lister (née Lewis), wearing a white dress, her hair in ringlets, in a painted oval Rectangular, in a gilt metal easel frame with ribbon surmount 107 x 80mm
Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire Ivory registration W98S2M2J
1364 λ ENGLISH SCHOOL 19th Century
168 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the
Portrait of Madame de Pompadour, seated in a landscape, holding a book Watercolour and bodycolour 21.4 x 18.2cm; 8½ x 7¼in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire After the original in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London (no.487-1882) £150-250
Together with English School 18th and 19th Century, Portrait miniature of Nicholas Ridley-Colborne, 1st Baron Colborne (1779-1854); Portrait miniature of Catherine Colborne (née Steele); Portrait of a young girl wearing a white dress and blue sash seated in a landscape; Portrait miniature of two children in an interior; Portrait miniature of Lady Seymour; Portrait miniature of a young girl wearing a white dress with a blue hat; Portrait miniature of Maria Theresa Farquhar, signed with initials HWH (lower left); Portrait miniature of a young girl wearing a white dress and hat; Portrait miniature of Rupert Farquhar holding a cat, aged four, 1910; Portrait miniature of a young lady with blond hair; Portrait miniature of a young girl wearing a white dress with blue ribbons; and Ethel and Margaret Hall, Portrait miniature of Harold Farquhar holding roses, aged four, 1898, signed M & E Hall (lower right); Two in ebonised and tortoise shell frames, one in an ebonised frame, one in a gilt metal bracelet frame, eight in gilt metal frames, eight within a gilt painted wooden easel display case; Largest 102 x 75mm; Smallest 23mm diameter (13)
Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire Ivory registration 4F6GFGN0 £400-600

1365 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 169SELECTED PICTURES FROM REDLYNCH HOUSE, SALISBURY, WILTSHIRE CAVALIERE1365 ALESSANDRO CAPALTI Italian 1810-1868 Portrait of Jane Loftus, Marchioness of Ely (née Hope-Vere), three-quarter length, wearing a black dress, seated in an interior Signed and dated Capalti 1845 (lower left) Oil on canvas 126.8 x 101.9cm; 50 x 40in Provenance: Redlynch House, Salisbury, Wiltshire Jane Loftus was a Lady of the Bedchamber and a close friend of Queen Victoria. The Queen referred to her as ‘almost one of ourselves’. £2,000-3,000

13701369 136813661367 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ABRAHAM1366 HULK DutchJNR 1851-1922 Shipping in choppy waters with figures by a Signedbreakwater A Hulk (lower right) Oil on canvas 37.3 x 47.3cm; 14¾ x 18½in £200-300 DutchRIEGENNICHOLAAS13671827-1889 Shipping in choppy coastal waters Signed N Riegen f (lower left) Oil on panel 25.9 x 32.1cm; 10¼ x 12¾in £300-500 DutchRIEGENNICHOLAAS13681827-1889 Shipping in calm SignedwatersN Riegen (lower right) Oil 7¼18.5panelx27.3cm;x10¾in £150-250 DUTCH1369 SCHOOL 19th Century Shipping in a calm estuary Oil on panel 26.5 x 35.5cm; 10½ x 14in £200-300 DUTCH1370 SCHOOL 19th Century Landscape with a fishing boat and cattle watering in an estuary Oil on panel 22.5 x 30.8cm; 8¾ x 12in £150-250 OTHER PROPERTIES 170

1371 13731372 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on JOHANNES1371 FRANCISCUS DutchSPOHLER1853-1923 Winter landscape with figures skating on a frozen river outside a town Indistinctly signed JF Spoh*** (lower right) Oil on panel 40.2 x 51.2cm; 15¾ x 20¼in £1,000-1,500 JOHANNES1372 CHRISTIAAN DutchJANSON1763-1823 Winter landscape with figures skating on a frozen river Signed J C Janson (lower right) Oil on panel 39 x 47.8cm; 15¼ x 18¾in £400-600 JOHANNES1373 FRANCISCUS HOPPENBROUWERS Dutch 1819-1866 Winter landscape with figures skating on a frozen river Signed indistinctly J F Hoppenb**** (lower left) Oil on panel 20.9 x 30.2cm; 8¼ x 12in Provenance: Oscar and Peter Johnson Ltd, London £700-1,000 171

137413761377 1375 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices NORWICH1374 SCHOOL 19th Century Landscape with cottages, with a traveller resting at the roadside Oil on canvas 35 x 48cm; 13¾ x 19in £150-250 ENGLISH1375 SCHOOL 19th Century River landscape with harvesters resting by the bank and a church in the distance Oil on panel 20.4 x 26.1cm; 8 x 10¼in ENGLISH1376£150-250 SCHOOL 19th Century Figures passing a cottage on Mortlake Road Oil on board 18.3 x 24.8cm; 7¼ x 9¾in Provenance: Charles Golding Constable (1821-1878); From whom purchased by Edwin Heritage (as John Constable); From whom purchased by G. Spicer, May 1890 (all according to letter on the reverse) ALEXANDER1377£150-250 WILLIAMS IrishRHA1846-1930 Rural landscape with figures loading the harvest onto a boat Signed and indistinctly inscribed Shill*** Co.***/Alec Williams RHA (lower left) Oil on canvasboard 35.5 x 60.9cm; 14 x 24in £300-400 172

1379 1378 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on RICHARD1378 PICKERSGILL act.1818-45 Figures resting by a mill in a mountain landscape Signed with initials RP (lower centre to 91.7Oilsheep)oncanvasx71.2cm; 36 x 28in CIRCLE1379£500-700OF JOSEPH THORS Mid-Day Rest; Edge of the Wood A pair, both oil on canvas Each 39.5 x 60.2cm; 15½ x 23¾in (2) £500-800 173

138213801381 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices SIR1380SAMUEL LUKE FILDES RA 1823-1927 Portrait of Miss Tattersall, wearing a white dress Oil on canvas 39.4 x 28cm; 15½ x 11in Provenance: Christie’s, London, 24 June 1927, lot 37, where purchased by H. R. Hancock (according to label) AUGUSTUS1381£500-700 EDWIN MULREADY 1844-1905 The flower sellers Signed and dated A E Mulready/92 (lower left) Oil on board 22.8 x 14.3cm; 9 x 5½in BRITISH1382£400-600 SCHOOL 19th Century The weary minstrels Oil on canvas 60.9 x 50.3cm; 24 x 19¾in £200-300 174

1384 1383 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ATTRIBUTED1383 TO WILLIAM POWELL FRITH RA 1819-1909 The card players Oil on panel 15.8 x 20.6cm; 6¼ x 8in Provenance: Thos. Agnew & Sons, Manchester WILLIAM1384£800-1,200 HEMSLEY RBA 1819-1906 An Itinerant Fiddler Indistinctly signed Hem*** (lower left) and inscribed An Itinerant Fiddler/Wm Hemsley RBA (to reverse) Oil on canvas 48.8 x 40.8cm; 19¼ x 16in £300-500 175

13871386 1385 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ALFRED1385 1843-1886PROVIS Peeling vegetables Signed and dated A Provis/1869 (lower right) Oil on canvas 28.2 x 41.3cm; 11 x 16¼in £600-800 JOHN1386 WATKINS CHAPMAN act.1853-1903 He that is drunk is as great as a king Signed J W Chapman (lower left) Oil on canvas 87 x 122.7cm; 34¼ x 48¼in The present work depicts Sir Robert Vyner, Lord Mayor of London, pursuing Charles II, imploring him to stay for another bottle of wine at a City dinner. £400-600 BERNARD1387 act.1868-1883COBBE A priest visiting a zouave and his wife Signed B Cobbe (lower right) Oil on canvas 48.5 x 44cm; 19 x 17¼in £300-500 176

1389 1388 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ARTHUR1388 DAVID MCCORMICK IrishFRGS1860-1943 Samuel Pepys on board a ship, 13 May 1660 Signed A. C. McCORMICK (lower left) Oil on canvas 92.3 x 111.6cm; 36¼ x 44in This work depicts the ship which travelled to the Netherlands to bring home the newly proclaimed Charles II. 19thJ.1389£1,500-2,500MATHYSENCentury School for thieves Signed I Mathysen (lower right) Oil on canvas 66 x 79cm; 26 x 31in Provenance: Private Collection, Gloucestershire £700-1,000 177

1392 13911390 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices 1390 FOLLOWER OF SIR EDWARD BURNE-JONES A warrior in armour, possibly Perseus, in a landscape Signed with initials and dated WF MCMII (WF in ligature, centre right) Oil on panel 36.7 x 25.9cm; 14½ x 10¼in CIRCLE1391£300-500OF THOMAS FAED Collecting heather Oil on canvas 43.7 x 35.7cm; 17¼ x 14in AFTER1392£300-500THOMAS UWINS Le Chapeau de Brigand Oil on canvas 76.2 x 57.7cm; 30 x 22¾in After the original in Tate Britain, London (no.N00388). £300-500 178

1393 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on SOLOMON1393 HART RA 1806-1881 Benvenuto Cellini giving instructions to his assistant, Bernadino Mancellini, to prepare the large model for his bronze Perseus Oil on canvas 102 x 76.2cm; 40¼ x 30in Exhibited: London, Royal Academy, 1851, no.20 Literature: Illustrated London News, 10 May 1851, p.382 (illustrated) £3,000-5,000 179

1394 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ATTRIBUTED1394 TO DANIEL MACLISE RA Irish 1806-1870 The Squire’s Bounty Oil on canvas laid on board 117.5 x 152cm; 46¼ x 59¾in £4,000-6,000 180

This painting depicts a scene from The Monastery by Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832). Set in the Hall of Avenel Castle, it centres on the figure of Baron Julian Avenel, holding a gosshawk. On the left is Catherine of Newport, his partner, and on the right is Christie of Clinthill, his chief henchman. Amongst the men in the background are Halbert Glendinning and the preacher Henry Warden, whom Christie is about to introduce to the Baron.
1395 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on SIR1395RICHARD ANSDELL RA 1815-1885 The SignedMonasteryanddated Ansdell 1837 (lower left) Oil on canvas 96.5 x 127.3cm; 38 x 50in Provenance: In the family of the present owner for at least three generations
£5,000-7,000 181

1396 (framed) 1396 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices 1396 CHARLES-ÉMILE DE TOURNEMINE French 1812-1872 Horses and camels watering at an oasis Signed and dated Ch. de Tournemine - 1857 (lower left) Oil on panel 55 x 99.5cm; 21¾ x 39¼in Provenance: W. H. Patterson, London £5,000-7,000 182

1397 (framed) 1397 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on WILLIAM1397 STRUTT RBA 1825-1915 A pack of lions watching elephants, zebra and other animals at a watering hole at dusk Signed Wm Strutt (lower left) Oil on canvas 67.5 x 162.9cm; 26½ x 64¼in £10,000-15,000 183

140013981399 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices CHARLES1398 JAMES LEWIS RI 1830-1892 River landscape with children playing on the banks and boat builders beyond Signed C.J.Lewis RI (lower right) Oil on board 34.6 x 60.2cm; 13½ x 23¾in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £700-1,000 CHARLES1399 JAMES LEWIS RI 1830-1892 Landscape with children fishing in a stream by a field of wheat Signed C J Lewis (lower centre) Oil on canvas 32.9 x 47.5cm; 13 x 18¾in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £600-900 CHARLES1400 JAMES LEWIS RI 1830-1892 River landscape with bulrushes Signed, indistinctly dated and inscribed C J Lewis/R*** July *1 85 (lower right) Oil on board 23.9 x 35cm; 9½ x 13¾in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £500-800 184

1401 14021403 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on CHARLES1401 JAMES LEWIS RI 1830-1892 River landscape with figures in a punt near a Signed,bridgedated and indistinctly inscribed H**** ***tt/Sept 5 1880 C J Lewis (lower left) Oil on board 34.2 x 62cm; 13½ x 24½in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies CHARLES1402£700-1,000 JAMES LEWIS 1830-1892RI On the Thames near Aston Cottage Signed and dated C J Lewis 1891 (lower left) Oil on paper laid on board laid on panel 26 x 54.9cm; 10¼ x 21½in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £600-800 CHARLES1403 JAMES LEWIS 1830-1892RI View of the Thames at Clifton Hampden Signed, dated and inscribed C J Lewis/ Clifton Hampden oct 6 1890 (lower right) Oil on board 32.5 x 55.8cm; 12¾ x 22in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £600-800 185

1405 1404 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices CHARLES1405 JAMES LEWIS RI 1830-1892 Cattle watering in the river at Milford Signed, inscribed and dated C J Lewis/Milford Hants Oct 8 86 (lower right) Oil on board 25.2 x 35.2cm; 10 x 13¾in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £500-800 CHARLES1404 JAMES LEWIS RI 1830-1892 Landscape with a track through a field, with the coast beyond; Landscape with a plough in a field, with farm buildings and a windmill in the distance Two, the former signed, dated and indistinctly inscribed ***inghen august 30 1864/C J Lewis (lower right); the latter signed, dated and indistinctly inscribed ***inghen Sep 13 1864 C J Lewis (lower right) Both oil on board Both 12.2 x 24cm; 4¾ x 9½in (2) Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £700-1,000 186

1406 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ALFRED1406 DE BREANSKI SNR 1852-1928 Richmond on the Thames; The Falls at Penton Hook on the Thames A pair, the former signed Alfred de Breanski (lower left); the latter signed Alfred. de Breanski (lower right) Both oil on canvas 40.7 x 55.9cm; 16 x 22in; 40.9 x 56cm; 16 x 22in (2) £1,500-2,500 187

14091408 1407 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices GEORGE1407 OGILVY REID Scottish 1851-1928 In Glen Affric Signed G O Reid RSA (lower right) Oil on canvas 31 x 41.2cm; 12¼ x 16¼in £300-500 WILLIAM1408 JOSEPH JULIUS CAESAR BOND 1833-1928 River landscape with a moored boat and figures outside a SignedcottageWJJCBond (lower left) Oil on canvas 61 x 50.9cm; 24 x 20in £300-500 JOHN1409 HENRY DELL 1836-1888 Landscape with cattle on a wooded country lane Signed JHDell (JHD in ligature, lower left) Oil on canvas 22.9 x 18.3cm; 9 x 7¼in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £100-200 188

1410 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on BENJAMIN1410 WILLIAMS LEADER RA 1831-1923 Mountainous Welsh landscape with a rocky stream Signed and dated B W Leader 1866 (lower left) Oil on canvas 59.7 x 50.2cm; 23½ x 19¾in £2,500-3,500 189

1411 1411 (framed) See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices JOHN1411 CLAYTON ADAMS 1840-1906 Harvest time Signed and dated CLAYTON ADAMS 1886 (lower right) Oil on canvas 61.4 x 117.4cm; 24¼ x 46¼in £3,000-5,000 190

1412 1412 (framed) Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on JOHN1412 CLAYTON ADAMS 1840-1906 View from Box Hill, with figures chopping and gathering wood Signed and dated J.CLAYTON ADAMS 1888 (lower right) Oil on canvas 106.9 x 152.5cm; 42 x 60in £6,000-8,000 191

14131414 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices HENRY1413 1810-1873BRIGHT Mountainous landscape with figures, cattle and sheep before a cottage by a stream Oil on canvas 62 x 110.5cm; 24½ x 43½in Provenance: Arthur Ackermann & Peter Johnson, London; From the collection of Sir Raymond Smith KBE (1917-2002) and Lady Smith (1918-1996) £800-1,200 WILLIAM1414 WIDGERY 1822-1893 Highland river landscape with cattle watering Signed and dated W.Widgery 1865 (lower right) Oil on canvas 53.5 x 91.5cm; 21 x 36in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £500-800 192

1415 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on PETER1415 GRAHAM RA, RSA Scottish 1838-1921 Highland cattle on the shore of a loch Signed and dated Peter Graham/1904 (lower right) Oil on canvas 138.5 x 103cm; 54½ x 40½in Unframed Provenance: The Hanover Gallery, Edinburgh £2,000-3,000 193

14191418 14171416 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices CONTINENTAL1418 SCHOOL 19th Century Kitchen scene with a gentleman sniffing the supper Indistinctly signed and dated ***Fink***186* (lower left) Oil on board 31.2 x 27.3cm; 12¼ x 10¾in SIMONIN1419£300-500 GERARD 19th Century Woman sewing by a window Signed S Gerard (lower right) Oil on panel 36.2 x 23.7cm; 14¼ x 9¼in £150-250 FRENCH1416 SCHOOL 1793 Interior with a mother and three children Indistinctly signed and dated CVila****1793 (lower left) Oil on panel 31.7 x 24.5cm; 12½ x 9¾in £400-600 ATTRIBUTED1417 TO CHARLES VENNEMAN Belgian 1802-1875 Peasant in an interior holding a tobacco jar Inscribed Ch Vinneman (to reverse) Oil on panel 21.3 x 18.7cm; 8¼ x 7¼in £300-500 194

1422 14211420 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on JOSEPH1420 CLARK ROI 1834-1926 Street scene with two women and a child in a pram Signed J Clark (lower right) Oil on canvasboard 33.8 x 26.3cm; 13¼ x 10¼in £500-700 JOSEPH1421 CLARK ROI 1834-1926 Interior with a woman and child watching a chicken and kitten Signed and dated J Clark 1890 (lower right) Oil on canvas 29.1 x 37.7cm; 11½ x 14¾in £500-700 EDWARD1422 BIRD RA 1772-1819 The Benevolent Village Instructress; Visiting the Sick Two, the former signed E BIRD (lower left); the latter signed E BIRD (lower right) Both oil on panel 25.7 x 33.6cm; 10 x 13¼in; 25 x 32.6cm; 9¾ x 12¾in (2) Exhibited: Bristol, Corn Street, Edward Bird Memorial Exhibition, 1820, nos.60 & 61 £400-600 195

1425 14241423 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices JAMES1423 HARDY JNR 1832-1889 The day’s bag Signed with strengthened signature J.Hardy (lower right) Oil on canvas 63.5 x 77.5cm; 25 x 30½in £600-800 FOLLOWER1424 OF JAMES HARDY JNR The day’s bag Oil on canvas 62.5 x 88.2cm; 24½ x 34¾in Unframed £300-500 BENJAMIN1425 BLAKE 1757-1832 The game larder Oil on canvas 51 x 61.2cm; 20 x 24in £800-1,200 196

1427 1426 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on JOHN1426 ATKINSON GRIMSHAW 1836-1893 The Signedbullfinchanddated J A Grimshaw/1863 (lower left) Oil on board 15.5 x 16.3cm; 6 x 6¼in ATTRIBUTED1427£2,000-3,000 TO WILLIAM DUFFIELD 1816-1863 Still life with fruit, birds and a hunting horn on a ledge with a landscape beyond Oil on canvas 69.1 x 104.5cm; 27¼ x 41¼in Provenance: Christie’s, London, 5 November 1993, lot 336; Private Collection, Gloucestershire £2,000-3,000 197

14291428 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ELOISE1428 HARRIET STANNARD 1829-1914 Still life with raspberries, peaches and convolvulus on a marble ledge Signed and dated E H Stannard/1890 (lower left) Oil on canvas 33 x 28.1cm; 13 x 11in ELOISE1429£1,500-2,500HARRIET STANNARD 1829-1914 Still life with flowers in a basket and two Doulton vases Signed and dated E H Stannard/1889 (lower left) Oil on canvas 27.9 x 33.3cm; 11 x 13¼in £1,000-1,500 198

1431 1430 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ELOISE1430 HARRIET STANNARD 1829-1914 Still life with melon, grapes, peaches, cherries, plums and a pear on a ledge Oil on canvas 48.5 x 61.1cm; 19 x 24in ATTRIBUTED1431£3,000-5,000 TO ELOISE HARRIET STANNARD 1829-1914 Still life with peaches, grapes and a Bearspineappleasignature E H Stannard (lower right) Oil on canvas 27.8 x 43.3cm; 11 x 17in £800-1,200 199

FOLLOWER1434 OF OLIVER CLARE Still life with a basket of fruit and a pitcher; Still life with grapes, apples and a cabbage A pair, both oil on canvas Each 40.5 x 56.2cm; 16 x 22in (2)
1435 1434 14331432 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices
19thSCHOOLCONTINENTAL1432Century Still life with flowers in an urn on a stone ledge Oil on canvas laid on board, oval 79.2 x 63.6cm; 31¼ x 25in Provenance: The property of the late Sir Thomas descentAndlate(1888-1989)Sopwithbythe1890s;byfamily £300-500 1853-1927CLARE Still life with plums and a pear on a stone ledge Signed OLIVER CLARE (lower right) Oil on board 29.7 x 22.3cm; 11¾ x 8¾in £250-450
ACKERMANN German act.1830-1845 Still life with hyacinths, narcissi, freesias and a rose in a glass vase on a ledge; Still life with hyacinths, narcissi, freesias, and a tulip in a glass vase on a ledge A pair, both signed and dated W. Ackermann 1830 (lower right) Both oil on canvas Each 34 x 27.5cm; 13¼ x 10¾in (2) £250-350

1436 1437 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ATTRIBUTED1436 TO PIERRE ANTOINE LEMOYNE French 1605-1665 Grapes on a vine amongst ruins Oil on canvas 125.5 x 104cm; 49½ x 40in Provenance: Sotheby Parke Bernet, Monaco, 26 June 1983 ALBERT1437£700-1,000DURER LUCAS 1828-1919 Lilies of the valley; Heather and a feather A pair, both signed and indistinctly dated A D Lucas 187* (lower left); the latter signed and dated A D Lucas 1871 (lower right) Both oil on canvas Each 25.4 x 20.3cm; 10 x 8in (2) £300-500 201

1438 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ROBERT1438 GEMMELL HUTCHISON RSA RSW Scottish 1855-1936 Girl sewing in an interior Signed Gemmell Hutchinson (lower right) Oil on canvas 61.3 x 45.8cm; 24¼ x 18in £3,000-5,000 202

1439 1439 (framed) Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on MARCUS1439 STONE RA 1840-1921 The First Love Letter Signed MARCUS STONE (lower left) Oil on canvas 22.2 x 36cm; 8¾ x 14¼in Together with Alfred Lys Baldry, Marcus Stone, R.A. His Life and Work (The Art Journal Office, London, 1896) (2) A larger version of the present work is in the Auckland Art Gallery, Auckland (no.1930/2/1). £8,000-12,000 203

144114401443 1442 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices LODEWIJKJOHAN1443 BelgianLEEMPUTTENVAN1840-1910 Chickens and ducks in a Chickensfarmyard;bya well A pair, both signed and dated LEEMPUTTENJ.L.VAN1866 (lower right) Both oil on panel Each 17.8 x 24.2cm; 7 x 9½in (2) £400-600 1850-1916HAGUEANDERSONJOSHUA1440 Landscape with children picking SignedflowersAnderson Hague (lower right) Oil on canvas 51 x 76.8cm; 20 x 30¼in £500-800 1841-1891HOLMESEDWARD1441 Watching the Signedcalves E Holmes (lower left) Oil on canvas 45.8 x 61cm; 18 x 24in £300-500 C.1442W. HOWARD 19th Century Plough horses and Signedoutsidechickensabarn C W Howard (lower left) Oil on canvas 30.4 x 40.8cm; 12 x 16in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £200-300 204

1447 1445 1446 1444 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on PHILIP1444 1836-1902MORRISRICHARDARA Herding geese Signed Philip Morris (lower left) Oil on board 49.6 x 74.3cm; 19½ x 29¼in £600-800 CIRCLE1445 TROYONCONSTANTOF Wooded landscape with cattle watering Oil on canvas 34.1 x 44.5cm; 13½ x 17½in £400-600 CONTINENTAL1447 SCHOOL 19th Century Landscape with a young girl and two donkeys; Landscape with a young girl and three cows Two, the former indistinctly inscribed **Aa***d (to reverse) Both oil on panel 18.8 x 31.6cm; 7½ x 12½in; 18.4 x 31.9cm; 7¼ x 12½in (2) Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £500-800 HENRY1446 1794-1864ANDREWS A couple outside a cottage with cattle watering Signed H. ANDREWS (lower left) Oil on canvas 64 x 76.5cm; 25¼ x 30¼in £300-400 205

1449 1449A 1448 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices 1448 ‡ FRANTISEK HOREJC Czech 1885-1963 Women on the beach at Scheveningen Signed and inscribed Horejc FR Sweveningen (lower left) Oil on board 38.2 x 47.9cm; 15 x 18¾in CIRCLE1449£300-500OF WILLIAM COLLINS A woman and child on the shore waiting for the catch Signed with initials and indistinctly dated 18CWP** (lower right) Oil on canvas 35.8 x 46.2cm; 14 x 18¼in EDWARD1449A£200-300 WILLIAMS 1782-1855 Landscape with travellers on a path by a lake, a cottage beyond; Landscape with fishermen on a lake, and travellers and cottages beyond A pair, both oil on panel 38 x 51.3cm; 15 x 20¼in; 38 x 50.5cm; 15 x 20in (2) Provenance: M. Newman, London £800-1,000 206

1450 145214531451 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ROBERT1450 WEIR ALLAN Scottish 1851-1942 View of a fishing village with boats in a harbour; Coastal landscape with fishing boats A pair, the former signed Allan (lower left); the latter signed Allan (lower right) Both oil on canvas Each 20.6 x 30.7cm; 8 x 12in (2) CHARLES1451£200-300 BRANWHITE 1817-1880 Landscape with figures resting on a path beneath a windmill with the sea beyond Signed C Branwhite (lower right) Oil on canvas 50.9 x 76.5cm; 20 x 30in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies CHARLES1452£600-800 1851-1929BRANWHITEBROOKE View of Saint Michael’s Mount, Cornwall, with figures on the shore Signed C. Brooke Branwhite 1881 (lower left) Oil on canvas 71.2 x 108.2cm; 28 x 42½in Unframed WILLIAM1453£600-800 GRAHAM 1858-1926BUXTON The Dawn of the Day on the Essex coast Signed and dated W GRAHAM BUXTON 1890 (lower right) Oil on canvas 67.2 x 97.7cm; 67¼ x 38½in Exhibited: London, Royal Academy, 1890, no.684 £700-1,000 207

1454 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices 1454 ‡ ANTOINE BOUVARD French 1870-1955 View of a Venetian canal with San Simeone Piccolo in the distance Signed Bouvard (lower right) Oil on canvas 50 x 65cm; 19¾ x 25½in £3,000-5,000 208

1455 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 1455 ‡ ANTOINE BOUVARD French 1870-1955 Gondolas on a Venetian canal Signed Bouvard (lower right) Oil on canvas 50 x 65cm; 19¾ x 25½in £3,000-5,000 209

1459 145814571456 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices WILLIAM1456 GEORGE MEADOWS c.1825-1907 View on the Grand Canal, Venice, with Santa Maria della Salute; View on a Venetian Canal with the Scuola Grande di San Marco A pair, the former signed W MEADOWS (lower left); the latter signed W MEADOWS (lower right) Both oil on canvas 45.6 x 81.5cm; 18 x 32in; 45.9 x 81.3cm; 18 x 32in (2) £700-1,000 WILLIAM1459 WHITE WARREN 1832-1915 Venice at dusk Signed with initials, dated and inscribed VENICE DEC 86 WWW (lower right) Oil on board 11.4 x 19.9cm; 4½ x 7¾in1457£200-300 ‡ SALVATORE COLACICCO b.1935 View of the Bacino San Marco with a man-of-war and other SignedshippingSalvatore Colacicco (lower left) Oil on board 60.7 x 91.4cm; 23½ x 36in £300-500 c.1900SCHOOLCONTINENTAL1458 View of Venice with Santa Maria della Salute Indistinctly signed (lower left) Oil on panel 20.4 x 26cm; 8 x 10¼in £200-300 210

14601461 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on GIOVANNI1460 DELLA ROCCA Italian 1788-1858 Neapolitans playing cards on the shore Signed G. Della Rocca (lower right) Oil on canvas 35.3 x 76cm; 14 x 30in £1,500-2,500 DOMENICO1461 AMMIRATO Italian 1833-1883 Neapolitan coastal landscape with fishermen mending their nets and Vesuvius in the distance; Neapolitan coastal landscape with two women outside a villa A pair, both signed Ammirato (lower centre) Both oil on panel, oval Each 17.1 x 13.1cm; 6¾ x 5¼in (2) £300-500 211

146414621463 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices EDWARD1462 CHARLES BARNES c.1830-1890 Portrait of a lady wearing a white dress and black headdress, seated in an interior holding a fan Signed E C Barnes (lower left) Oil on canvas 45.8 x 36.3cm; 18 x 14¼in ENGLISH1463£400-600 SCHOOL 19th Century Portrait of a young girl wearing a green headscarf and playing a mandolin Oil on canvas laid on board 32.2 x 29.5cm; 12¾ x 11½in ENGLISH1464£300-500 SCHOOL 1898 Portrait of an Italian beauty wearing a headscarf Signed with initials and dated J.W.H/’98 (lower left) Oil on canvas 30.9 x 25.5cm; 12¼ x 10in £200-300 212

14671466 1465 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on 19thA.1465GRANELLOCentury The courting cavalier Signed A.Granello (lower right) Oil on panel 31.6 x 48cm; 12½ x 19in Provenance: Cooling Galleries, London £1,000-1,500 WILLIAM1466 GEORGE ROBB 1842-1940 The SignedPicnicandinscribed Picnic/By/WG Robb (to backing board) Oil on canvasboard 32.1 x 50.4cm; 12¾ x 19¾in £400-600 JAN1467MICHIEL RUYTEN 1813-1881 Elegant figures picnicking on the river bank Signed, dated and inscribed Jan Royten fe 1856/ Antwerp (lower right) Oil on canvas 48.9 x 66.4cm; 19¼ x 26¼in £400-600 213

14711470 14681469 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices GEORGINA1468 act.1862-1871LARA In Old England Oil on canvas 51.4 x 76.8cm; 20¼ x 30¼in 1861-1933FRANK1469£500-800HIDER Landscape with a figure on a country path near a pond Signed with initials and indistinctly dated FH/189* (lower left) Oil on canvas 50.8 x 76.2cm; 20 x 30in ATTRIBUTED1470£250-450 TO MARK W. LANGLOIS 1848-1924 Landscape with a shepherd and his flock on a path, passing a mill Signed Langlois (lower right) Oil on canvas 46 x 82.1cm; 18 x 32¼in ROBERT1471£300-500 1810-1883BURROWS Winter landscape at dusk with a farmer and his cattle travelling home Signed and dated Robt Burrows/1866 (lower left) Oil on canvas 35.5 x 50.8cm; 14 x 20in £250-450 214

1474 1475 14731472 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on FREDERICK1472 BROWN 1851-1941 River landscape under stormy skies with figures boating below a bridge Signed and dated Fred Brown/1897 (lower right) Oil on canvas 63.7 x 76.6cm; 25 x 30¼in HENRY1473£600-800JOHN KINNAIRD 1880-1920 Figures by the river at Amberley, Sussex Signed Henry J Kinnaird (lower left) Oil on board 39.1 x 59.3cm; 15¼ x 23¼in WILLIAM1474£300-500 BEATTIE BROWN RSA Scottish 1831-1909 Landscape with a traveller on a path in a beechwood at SignedduskWBeattie-Brown RSA (lower left) Oil on canvas 45.9 x 65.5cm; 18 x 25¾in Provenance: By descent to the present owner 1475£300-500 ‡ OWEN 1873-1967BOWEN Landscape with cattle watering in a rain shower Signed and dated Owen Bowen 1917 (lower right) Oil on canvas 53.6 x 43.5cm; 21 x 17in £300-500 215

147814771476 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ARTHUR1476 MEADE 1863-1942 Landscape with a shepherd and his flock by a Signedstream Arthur Meade (lower right) Oil on board 107.5 x 82.5cm; 42¼ x 32½in 1477£250-350 AUGUSTE-LOUIS LEPÈRE French 1849-1918 Barges on a canal Signed and dated A.Lepère.12 (lower left) Oil on canvas 40.9 x 65.4cm; 16 x 25¾in Unframed 1478£300-500 FRÉDÉRIC SAMUEL CORDEY French 1854-1911 River landscape with a figure on path Signed Cordey (lower left) Oil on canvas 33.2 x 46.8cm; 13 x 18½in £250-350 216

14811480 1479 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on RICHARD1479 HENRY BROCK 1871-1943 The Rising Moon Signed and dated R H BROCK 1902 (lower right) Oil on canvas 56.3 x 91.5cm; 22¼ x 36in £700-1,000 J.1480NOLAN WILSON 19th Century Harvest time Signed J Nolan Wilson (lower right) Oil on canvas 48.5 x 68.6cm; 19 x 27in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £300-500 ANNIE1481 L. act.1889-1913SIMPSON Feeding the chickens Signed Annie L Simpson (lower left) Oil on canvas 65.4 x 81.9cm; 25¾ x 32¼in £500-700 217

148414821483 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices EDWARD1482 act.1876-1918MILLS SignedEveningEDWARD MILLS (lower left) Oil on canvas 58.6 x 72.5cm; 23 x 28½in MATTHEW1483£600-800 RIDLEY CORBET 1850-1902ARA Portrait of Annie Barbara Hannah (née balustrade(1849-1907),Thomson)byaandholding a riding crop Signed with initials and dated MRC 1880 (lower right) Oil on canvas 110.5 x 71cm; 43½ x 28in The sitter was the wife of John Julius Hannah (1844-1931), Dean of Chichester. WEEDON1484£400-600 GROSSMITH 1854-1919 The Signedrehearsalanddated Weedon Grossmith/1884 (lower right) Oil on canvas 61.1 x 40.8cm; 24 x 16in £400-600 218

1485 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ARTHUR1485 HACKER RA 1858-1919 The Black Boa Signed and dated Arthur Hacker/1891 (upper left) Oil on canvas 101.6 x 75.7cm; 40 x 29½in £3,000-5,000 219

14881487 1486 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices EDWARD1486 HENRY EUGENE FLETCHER 1857-1945 A naval convoy with other shipping in coastal waters at dusk Signed E. Fletcher (lower right) Oil on canvas 76.3 x 127cm; 30 x 50in Provenance: John Nicholson’s, Haslemere, 19 February 1997, lot 340 £500-700 EDWARD1487 HENRY EUGENE FLETCHER 1857-1945 Shipping in coastal waters at sunrise Signed E. Fletcher (lower right) Oil on canvas 40 x 60.5cm; 15¾ x 24in Provenance: Bonhams & Brooks, London, British and Continental Oils and Frames, 9 January 2001, lot 154 £150-250 EDWIN1488 HAYES RI 1819-1904 Coastal landscape at dusk with figures watching the boats from the shore Signed and dated E Hayes/85 (lower left) Oil on board 14.1 x 35.3cm; 5½ x 35.4in Provenance: From the Estate of H.R. Yorke-Davies £300-500 220

14921491 14901489 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on ALFRED1489 act.1859-1876DEVER Ready for the ball Signed and indistinctly dated A Dever/18** (lower left) Oil on canvas 46.2 x 36.3cm; 18¼ x 14¼in ENGLISH1490£300-500 SCHOOL 19th Century Study of a mother and child petting a Oildogon canvas 60.3 x 44.9cm; 23¾ x 17¾in £300-500 ENGLISH1491 SCHOOL c.1900 Portrait of a lady, traditionally identified as Lady Blanche Hozier (1852-1925), bust length, wearing a white and pink dress with roses Oil on canvas laid on board, oval 48.9 x 39cm; 19¼ x 15in £200-400 CONTINENTAL1492 SCHOOL Late 19th Century Portrait of a lady, bust-length, in a yellow dress Oil on canvas laid on board 48.7 x 46cm; 19¼ x 18in Unframed £150-250 221

14971496 1495 14941493 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices CYPRIOT1493 SCHOOL Tabernacle icon of St Demetrius and the gladiator Lyaeus Tempera on panel, within a carved painted wooden frame with two doors 32.3 x 23.5cm; 12¾ x 9¼in CYPRIOT1494£250-350 SCHOOL Tabernacle icon of St George and the dragon, below an upper section depicting Christ Tempera on panel, within a carved painted wooden frame with two doors 40.8 x 27.5cm; 16 x 10¾in GREEK1495£400-600SCHOOL Icon of the Madonna and Child; Icon of an apostle, probably St Andrew Two, both tempera on panel with white metal oklad 16.2 x 13.6cm; 6¼ x 5¼in; 15.8 x 11cm; 6¼ x 4¼in (2) RUSSIAN1496£150-250 SCHOOL Icon of The Apparition of the Mother of God to St Sergius of Radonezh Inscribed in Cyrillic Tempera and gilt paint on panel 26.5 x 21.4cm; 10½ x 8½in CUZCO1497£150-250SCHOOL Madonna and Child enthroned in a church interior Oil on canvas 59.7 x 44.9cm; 23½ x 17¾in £500-800 222

15001499 1498 Lots marked ‡ may be subject to an additional fee - please see ARR information on page 233 • Framed images of each lot are available on JOHN1498 VARLEY JNR 1850-1933 An oriental school Signed and dated J P Varley/1882-83 (lower right) Oil on canvas 50.8 x 69.3cm; 20 x 27¼in FELICE1499£1,000-1,500AUGUSTE REZIA Italian 1835-1907 View of the interior of Siena Cathedral Signed and dated F A Rezia 1881 (lower left) Oil on canvas 41 x 30.9cm; 16¼ x 12¼in INDIAN1500£200-300 SCHOOL Figures outside the Kashi Vishwanath Temple, Varanasi Oil on canvas 91.3 x 70.9cm; 36 x 28in £200-300 223

15041503 15021501 See paragraphs 4 & 5 of our conditions of business at the back of the catalogue for additional charges on the final hammer prices ROBERT1501 MACBETHWALKERRA Scottish 1848-1910 Stella with her cat and dog in a garden Signed with initials, dated and inscribed To F.B.T/from R.M L.E.M/1902 (lower left) and inscribed STELLA (to pram) Oil on canvas 34.2 x 24.5cm; 13½ x 9¾in £200-300 DANISH1502 SCHOOL 19th Century Self-portrait of an artist seated at his easel Oil on canvas 34 x 26.5cm; 13 x 10½in Provenance: Bury Street Gallery, London; Where purchased by the present private collector, 1984 (as Circle of Constantin Hansen) An attribution to Carl Heinrich Bloch (1834-1890) has also been suggested. £200-300 LateMUILLER150319thCentury Abraham and the three angels Signed and dated Muiller inv/1833 (lower left) Oil on board 21.7 x 26cm; 8½ x 10¼in £150-250 1504 ‡ ANDREW BEER 1862-1954 Portrait of a blue cock racing pigeon Signed Andrew Beer (lower left) and inscribed with racing history (along lower edge) Oil on canvas 30.8 x 40.7cm; 12¼ x 16in £500-700 224

INDEX OF ARTISTS A Abbott, John White, Circle of 1092 Ackermann, Willem 1435 Adams, John Clayton 1411, 1412 Aldin, Cecil 1074, 1349 Allan, Robert Weir 1450 Alleyne, Francis 1242 Alleyne, Francis, Circle of 1253 Allingham, Helen 1137 Amigoni, Jacopo, After 1221 Ammirato, Domenico 1461 Anderson, Robert 1157 Andrews, Henry 1446 Anglo-Dutch School 17th Century 1210 Ansdell, Richard 1395 Arlaud, Benjamin, Circle of 1014 Armfield, George 1321-1323 Armfield, George, Circle of 1324 Asian School 19th Century 1072 B Barker of Bath, John Joseph 1325 Barnes, Edward Charles 1462 Batoni, Pompeo, After 1220 Baudesson, Nicolas, Follower of 1217 Beare, George 1252 Beer, Andrew 1504 Belle, Alexis Simon, After 1025 Bellini, Giovanni, Manner of 1186 Bennett, William Mineard 1041 Benwell, Joseph Austin 1112 Berchem, Nicolaes, Follower of 1203 Beresford, Louisa 1123 Bernard, Jean, Circle of 1084 Bernard, Samuel, Manner of 1010 Bibiena, family, Circle of 1082 Bird, Edward 1422 Blake, Benjamin 1425 van Henri-DesiréBlarenberghe, 1088 van Louis-NicolasBlarenberghe, 1089 van Bloemen, Jan Frans, ‘Orizzonte’ 1205 Bocquet, Nicolas François 1083 Bond, William Joseph Julius Caesar 1408 Bone, Henry Pierce 1339 Boucher, François, After 1363 Boucher, François, Follower of 1227, 1229 Boult, Augustus S. 1313 Bouvard, Antoine 1454, 1455 Bowen, Owen 1475 Brabazon, Hercules Brabazon 1162 Branwhite, Charles 1451 Branwhite, Charles Brooke 1452 de Breanski, Alfred, Snr 1406 Breydel, Karel 1235 Bright, Henry 1413 British School 17th 1005-1007,Century1024, 1026, 1181, 1183, 1207, 1333 British School 18th Century 1011, 1013, 1015, 1019, 1022, 1033, 1036, 1038, 1045, 1105, 1249, 1251, 1272 British School 19th Century 1044, 1056-1058, 1101, 1102, 1146, 1247, 1274, 1276, 1277, 1283, 1302, 1345, 1353, 1356, 1357, 1359, 1362, 1364, 1374-1376, 1382, 1463, 1464, 1490, 1491 Brock, Richard Henry 1479 Brown, Fredreick 1472 Brown, William Beattie 1474 Buckler, John 1064 Burch, Henry Jacob 1037 Burch, Henry Jacob, Circle of 1053 Burne-Jones, Edward, Follower of 1390 Burrows, Robert 1471 Büttner, Hans 1312 Buxton, William Graham 1453 C C. W. Howard 1442 Cadenhead, James 1127 Caligo, Domenico 1120 Capalti, Alessandro 1365 Casolani, Alessandro 1080 Chambers, George, Circle of 1296 Chapman, John Watkins 1243, 1386 Chinnery, George 1103 Cignani, Carlo, Manner of 1189 Clare, Oliver 1433 Clare, Oliver, Follower of 1434 Clark, Joseph 1420, 1421 Cleminson, Robert 1310 Cobbe, Bernard 1387 Colacicco, Salvatore 1457 Collier, Edwaert 1236
van Diepenbeeck, Abraham, After 1069 Dou, Gerrit, After 1197, 1198 Douglas, James 1149 Duffield, William, Attributed to 1427
Herring, John Frederick, Jnr 1299 Herring, John Frederick, Jnr, Follower of 1311 Herring, John Frederick, Snr 1265 Hider, Frank 1469 Hollar, Wenceslaus 1061, 1062 Holmes, Edward 1441 Holmes, James 1043 van Hoogstraten, Samuel, After 1199 Hope, L. P. 1100 Hoppenbrouwers, Johannes Franciscus 1373 Hoppner, John, After 1341 Hoppner, John, Circle of 1270 Horejc, Frantisek 1448 Hoskins, John, Manner of 1016
Collins, William, Circle of 1449 Constable, John, Follower of 1305 Constable, John, Manner of 1306 Continental School 19th Century 1244, 1418, 1432, 1447, 1458, 1492 Cooke, Edward William 1128-1130
van Huchtenburg, Jan, Attributed to 1218 Hulk, Abraham, Jnr 1366 Hunt, George 1071
Cooper, Abraham 1264 Cooper, Alfred Heaton 1140 Cooper, Edwin 1261 Corbet, Matthew Ridley 1483 Cordey, Frédéric Samuel 1478 da Corneto, Monaldus, After 1184 Corot, FollowerJean-Baptise-Camille,of 1164 Cosway, Richard, Manner of 1051 Cotes, Francis 1255, 1256 Cotes, Francis, Circle of 1257 Courtois, Jacques, Follower of 1219 Cox, David, Snr 1094 van Craesbeeck, Joos, Circle of 1196 Crosse, Richard, Attributed to 1034 Cruikshank, Robert, Circle of 1108 Cuzco School 1497 Cypriot School 1493, 1494 D Dalby of York, David 1266 Danby, Thomas 1327 Dance-Holland, Nathaniel, After 1337 Daniel, Abraham 1035 Daniell, Samuel 1070 Danish School 19th Century 1502 David Cox 1304 Dell, John Henry 1409 Denegers, Eugenie 1086 Dever, Alfred 1489 Devis, Arthur William 1240, 1241 Devis, Arthur William, Circle of 1254 Dicksee, Herbert 1075
Dutch School 17th Century 1002, 1004, 1017, 1214 Dutch School 18th Century1202, 1216 Dutch School 19th Century1369, 1370 van Dyck, Anthony, After 1208 van Dyck, Anthony, Follower of 1211 E Earl, Maud 1315 Earl, Ralph, After 1281 Earl, Ralph, Circle of 1279 Ellis, William 1067 Emms, John 1317 Engleheart, John Cox Dillman 1042 F Faed, Thomas, Circle of 1391 Fairfax, A. 1145 Fare, Arthur Charles 1138, 1139 Ferneley, Claude Lorraine 1262 Fielding, Thales 1351 Fildes, Samuel Luke 1380 Fitchew, Dorothy 1148 Fletcher, Edward Henry Eugene1486,1487 Forestier, Amédée 1180 Foster, Myles Birket 1142, 1143 Francken II, Frans, Circle of 1192 Francken II, Frans, Follower of 1190 Franco, Giovanni Battista, ‘Il Semolei’ 1085 Frank, William Arnee 1151 French School 17th Century 1001 French School 18th1032,Century1250, 1416 French School 19th1054,Century1228, 1278 Frith, William Powell, Attributed to 1383 Frost, William Edward 1159, 1160 Frost, William Edward, Circle of 1328 G Gainsborough, Thomas, Circle of 1267 Gainsborough, Thomas, Follower of 1307 Gascoyne, George 1300 Geiger, Karl 1161 Gerard, Simonin 1419 Girtin, Thomas 1066, 1090 Goodwin, Albert 1166-1168 Gordon, John Watson, After 1285 Gould, John, After 1348 Graham, Peter 1415 Granello, A. 1465 Greek School 1495 Griffier, Jan, Manner of 1234 Grimshaw, John Atkinson 1426
Grossmith, Weedon 1484 H Hacker, Arthur 1485 Hague, Joshua Anderson 1440 Hammond, Gertrude Demain 1176 Hardy, James, Jnr 1423 Hardy, James, Jnr, Follower of 1424 Harlow, George Henry, Circle of 1273 Hart, Solomon 1393 Hayes, Edwin 1488 Heath, William 1107 Heeremans, Thomas 1230-1233 Hemsley, William 1384 Herberte, Edward Benjamin 1303

Voet, Jacob Ferdinand, Circle of 1209
T Tapiró i Baró, Josep 1125 Temple, Thomas 1318 Teniers II, David 1081 Teniers II, David, Manner of 1195, 1200 Theus, Jeremiah, Circle of 1284 Thors, Joseph, Circle of 1379 Troyon, Constant, Circle of 1445
Y Young, John Tobias 1091 Z Zanetti, Antonio 1060 Zanin, Francesco 1343 Zanin, Francesco, Circle of 1342 Zincke, Christian Friedrich, Attributed to 1012 Zuccari, family, Circle of 1087
W Walters, Samuel 1288 Ward, Leslie Matthew, ‘Spy’ 1178 Warren, Sophy S. 1154 Warren, William White 1459 Waterhouse, Alfred 1131-1133 Watteau, Jean Antoine, After 1226 Webb, James 1297 Wheatley, J. 1119 White, Thomas 1065 Widgery, William 1414 Williams, Alexander 1377 Williams, Edward 1449A Williams, Penry 1126 Willis, Henry Brittan 1144 Wilson, Charles Edward 1175 Wright, John Massey 1104
Venneman, Charles, Attributed to 1417
Hutchison, Robert Gemmell 1438 I Indian School 1118, 1500 Irish School 19th Century 1153 Italian School 18th 1077-1079,Century1187, 1223 Italian School 19th Century 1121 J Janson, Johannes Christiaan 1372 K Kick, Simon, After 1201 Kilburne, George Goodwin 1177 Kinnaird, Henry John 1473 Kiörboe, Carl Fredrik, After 1319 Kneller, Godfrey 1248, 1335 Kneller, Godfrey, Circle of 1246 L Langley, Walter 1169-1174 Langlois, J. 1320 Langlois, Mark W., Attributed to1470 Laporte, George Henry 1301 Lara, Georgina 1468 Lawrence, Thomas, Attributed to 1046, 1282 Lawrence, Thomas, Follower of 1340 Le Hardy , Thomas 1021 Leader, Benjamin Williams 1410 Ledoux, AttributedJeanne-Philiberte,to 1224 Lee, Joseph 1329 van Leemputten, Johan Lodewijk 1443 Lely, Peter, After 1097, 1182 Lemoyne, Pierre Antoine, Attributed to 1436 Lepère, Auguste-Louis 1477 Lewis, Charles James 1398-1405 Lewis, John Frederick, Follower of 1111 van Lint, Pieter, Circle of 1191 Lizars, William Home 1073 Lucas, Albert Durer 1437 Luny, Thomas 1245 M Macbeth, Robert Walker 1501 Maclise, Daniel, Attributed to 1394 Macnee, Daniel 1280 Maes, Nicholaes 1237 Maroniez, Georges 1354, 1355 Marshall, Herbert Menzies 1165 Mathysen, J. 1389 McCormick, Arthur David 1388 Meacci, Ricciardo 1122 Meade, Arthur 1476 Meadows, William George 1456 Meyer, Jeremiah 1052 Meynike 1095 Miers, John, Circle of 1023 van Mieris, Frans, the Elder, Attributed to 1194 Mills, Edward 1482 Monamy, Peter, Follower of 1295 Monnoyer, Antoine 1238 Morghen, Raphael 1068 Morland, George 1259, 1260 Morris, Philip Richard 1444 Moseley, Maria 1358 Muiller 1503 Mulready, Augustus Edwin 1381 Munn, James 1098 de Mura, Francesco, Circle of 1188 Murillo, Bartolomé Esteban, After 1206 N Nasmyth, Patrick, Circle of 1308 Nibbs, Richard Henry 1163 Nicholaas 1367, 1368 Nolan, J. 1480 O Odevaere, Joseph Denis, Attributed to 1076 Oliver, Isaac, Manner of 1003 P Paillou, Peter, the Younger 1050 Partridge, John, Circle of 1360 Pasquier, Pierre 1018 Pater, Jean-Baptiste, Circle of 1225 Payne, Charles Johnson, ‘Snaffles’ 1179 Pether, Henry, Circle of 1309 Petit, John Louis 1158 Petrie, William McWhannel 1113 Pickersgill, Richard 1378 Piranesi, Giovanni Battista 1344 Plimer, Andrew 1028-1030 Plimer, Andrew, Circle of 1040 Porter, Robert Ker 1116 Possner, Hugo A. 1361 Powell, Leonard Marlborough 1346 Pradilla Ortiz, Francisco 1350 Prout, Samuel, Follower of 1347 Provis, Alfred 1385 Pynacker, Adam, Follower of 1204 R Raeburn, Henry, After 1336 Rajasthani School 1117 Ramsay, Allan 1258 Raphael, After 1185 Reid, George Ogilvy 1407 Reni, Guido, After 1124 Reynolds, Joshua, After 1338 Reynolds, Joshua, Circle of 1268 Reynolds, Joshua, Follower of 1271 Rezia, Felice Auguste 1499 Richardson, Thomas Miles, Jnr, Circle of 1155 Richmond, George 1099 Rickman, Philip 1152 Rigaud, Hyacinthe, Follower of 1212 Robb, William George 1466 Robertson, Andrew 1049 Robertson, Edward 1039 Robins, Thomas Sewell 1298 Rocca, Michele, Follower of 1222 della Rocca, Giovanni 1460 Romney, George, Follower of 1269 Ross, William Charles 1048 Rowbotham, Charles 1156 Rowlandson, Thomas 1106 Rubens, Peter Paul, After 1332 Rubens, Peter Paul, Manner of 1330 Russian School 1496 Ruyten, Jan Michiel 1467 S Sartorius, John Nost 1263 Saunders, Saunders 1096 Scarvelli, Spyridon 1109, 1110 Schongauer, Martin 1059 Schranz, Anton 1289-1291,1293,1294 Schranz, Anton, Attributed to 1292 Schwager, Richard 1020 Seaman, Abraham, Manner of 1027 Seeman, Enoch, Attributed to 1334 Serres, John Thomas 1287 Shee, Martin Archer 1275, 1286 Shelley, Samuel 1047 Simpson, Annie L. 1481 Simpson, John 1055 Slocombe, Alfred 1141 Smart, John 1031 Smiadecki, Franciszek, Follower of 1008 Smiadecki, Franciszek, Manner of 1009 Smythe, Thomas 1314 Spanish Colonial School 18th Century 1213 Spanish School 17th Century 1215 Spohler, Johannes Franciscus 1371 Stannard, Eloise Harriet 1428-1431 Stannard, Henry John Sylvester1135, 1136 Steell, David George 1316 van Steenwijk II, Hendrik, Follower of 1193 Stone, Marcus 1439 Strachan, Arthur Claude 1134 van Strij, Jacob, Circle of 1352 Strutt, William 1397 Strutt, William Thomas 1147 Sunderland, Thomas 1093 Swan, Cuthbert Edmund 1150 Swarbreck, Samuel Dukinfield 1326
V Varley, John, Jnr 1114, 1115, 1498
Véron, Alexandre Paul Joseph 1239 Vertue, George 1331
U Uwins, Thomas, After 1392

VictorENQUIRIESFauvelle | +44 (0) 1722 446961 | *Visit for additional charges on final hammer price MODERN BRITISH & 20TH CENTURY ART WEDNESDAY 14TH DECEMBER 2022 CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES 19TH OCTOBER Sir Alfred James Munnings, PRA (1878-1959) The Dutch Garden, Ascott House, Buckinghamshire Signed A J MUNNINGS (lower right) Oil on canvas 51.7 x 61.5cm Provenance: Ian MacNicol, Glasgow, January 1970, where purchased by the present owner; English private collection, West Yorkshire, formed in the 1970s and 1980s Estimate £15,000 - 20,000*

A rare documentary Lowestoft blue and white mug, dated 1768 Estimate £8,000 - 10,000* ENQUIRIES Clare Durham | +44 (0) 1722 424507 | *Visit for additional charges on final hammer price ENGLISH & EUROPEAN CERAMICS & GLASS TUESDAY 13TH SEPTEMBER 2022

A Senufo seated female figure Ivory 27.8cmCoasthighProvenance: Romy Rey Collection, London Estimate £2,000 - 3,000* ENQUIRIESWillHobbs +44 (0) 1722 *Visit for additional charges on final hammer price ARTS OF AFRICA, OCEANIA AND THE AMERICAS WEDNESDAY 21ST SEPTEMBER 2022


DESIGN WEDNESDAY 19TH OCTOBER 2022 ENQUIRIES Michael Jeffery | +44 (0)1722 424505 | *Visit for additional charges on final hammer price A rare Wedgwood Boat Race bowl, designed by Eric Ravilious Estimate £3,000 - 5,000* Provenance: A private collection of Eric Ravilious ceramics interior detail

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WHAT THIS PRIVACY NOTICE DOES This privacy notice (Notice) explains how Woolley and Wallis Salisbury Salerooms Limited (us, we, our, Woolley & Wallis), processes the personal data of users of our auction and valuation services (Services) and includes buyers, bidders and sellers of auction items as well as prospective users of our Services (you, your). It also explains your rights in relation to the personal data we hold about you.
• third parties who assist us with our marketing;
THE CATEGORIES OF PERSONAL DATA WE COLLECT We may collect the following personal data about you:
• for our internal business record keeping and processes;
We will process your personal data because it is necessary for the performance of a contract with you (for example, a contract to use our Services) or in order to take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract. In this respect, we use your personal data for the following:
• to seek advice on our rights and obligations, including obtaining legal advice;
• our website and email management software provider.
HOW WE COLLECT YOUR PERSONAL DATA We collect your personal data from the following sources:
• to contact you for marketing purposes. If you do not wish to receive such information, please let us know now or at any time in the future, and your details will be removed from our marketing list. We will not provide your personal data to third party organisations to use for their own marketing purposes;
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We may also process your Personal Data for our compliance with our legal obligations. In this respect, we may use your Personal Data for the following:
• to meet our compliance and regulatory obligations, such as our tax reporting requirements or to carry out identity checks;
We may also process your personal data because it is necessary for our or a third party’s legitimate interests. Our legitimate interests include our commercial interests. In this respect, we may use your personal data for the following:
• payment details such as credit card and bank account details;
• From third parties such as: - other auction houses and individuals and organisations in the auctioneering trade whom we may contact to check background details about you; - who enable live online bidding and provide us with the name, contact details, the last four digits of registered payment cards and transaction history (in relation to activity on of individuals who register for one of our auctions (please see thesaleroom. com’s privacy policy for further information). We also receive names, contact details, sale details and payment details (the amount and date paid) from realex payments (’s payment provider); - sage pay who process payments on our behalf and who provide us with your name, contact details and payment details (only the last four digits of your payment card are provided); - shipping companies whom you hire to collect items you purchased from us.
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• personal identification documents, including copies of government-issued identification such as passport and driving license which are required to register bidders (or when we need to verify a seller’s details);
• By post – Privacy Officer, Woolley and Wallis Salisbury Salerooms, 51-61 Castle Street, Salisbury, SP1 3SU.
• to interact with you before you enter into a contract with us, such as when you express your interest in our Services (for example, to send you information about our Services or answer enquiries about our Services);
• From you when you: - interact with us before entering into a contract with us, for example when you express your interest in our Services; - instruct us to provide Services to you, sign contractual documentation and provide information in connection with those instructions; - communicate with us by post, telephone, email or via our website, for example in order to make enquiries or register for an online account; - in various other ways as you interact with us during your time as a user (or potential user) of our Services, for the various purposes set out below.
• to monitor and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of our Services, including by training our staff or monitoring their performance;
• information on your collecting preferences and aspirations, and your collections, acquisitions and disposals; and
• By email –
• once you have engaged us and entered into a contract, to provide you with the Services set out in any contractual documents.
Please note that the above rights are not absolute, and we may be entitled to refuse requests where exceptions apply.
We transfer names and addresses on our Asian mailing list to a printing company in Hong Kong to distribute our auction catalogues and promotional material. In these circumstances, your personal data will be transferred subject to standard data protection clauses (adopted by the European Commission) and included in our contract with the printing company. We share your data collected for marketing purposes and through our website with our website and email management software provider who are based in Jersey. In these circumstances, your personal data is transferred to them subject to an Adequacy Decision made by the European Commission in respect of Jersey.
We may also process your Personal Data where we have your specific consent to do so (for example, where we have your agreement to include information about you (as a seller) in sale marketing materials) or where we have sought and obtained your consent to send you direct marketing by email, or for the use of cookies on our website. If you have given your consent and you wish to withdraw it, please contact us using the contact details set out above.
• if it is necessary to protect your or another person’s vital interests (for example, where you have a life-threatening accident or illness and we have to process your personal data to ensure you receive appropriate medical attention); • if it is necessary for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims (for example, to protect and defend our rights, and/or the rights of our customers); We may process information relating to your health where we have your explicit consent to do so (for example, when you provide information about your access requirements prior to attending one of our events).
• in relation to personal data relating to the provenance of works, we may retain that data indefinitely in our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of the wider art market in maintaining the integrity of that market.
• in relation to personal data relating to the transactions you have entered into with us as part of the provision of our Services, we will retain that data for period of seven years after that transaction has concluded in case any legal claims arise out of the provision of those Services;
We may use your geographical location to target our communications and advertising and promotions to you. If you do not wish us to do this, then please contact us using the details provided above.
• to obtain access to, and copies of, the personal data that we hold about you;
• to require that we cease processing your personal data if the processing is causing you damage or distress;
• to require us not to send you marketing communications.
YOUR LEGAL RIGHTS Under the DPA you have the following rights:
• to require us to restrict our data processing activities (and, where our processing is based on your consent, you may withdraw that consent, without affecting the lawfulness of our processing based on consent before its withdrawal);
If you are not satisfied with how we are processing your personal data, you can raise a concern with the Information Commissioner. You can also find out more about your rights under data protection legislation from the Information Commissioner’s Office website available at:
• we will retain your details on our marketing database until you inform us that you no longer wish to receive our marketing communications. However, where you do unsubscribe from our marketing communications we will keep your details on a suppression list to ensure that we do not send you information you have asked not to receive;
Please note that where our processing of your personal data relies on your consent and where you then withdraw that consent, we may not be able to provide all or some aspects of our Services to you and/or it may affect the provision of our Services.
HOW LONG YOUR INFORMATION IS KEPT We will retain your personal data for as long as we are providing you with the Services referred to in any contractual document, and for as long as is required for legal, regulatory, fraud prevention and our legitimate business purposes after the termination of your account/agreement with us, or if your application for a particular Service is declined or abandoned. In particular: • in relation to CCTV images taken when you attend our premises, we will retain these for a few months;
We process special categories of personal data for the following reasons:
• to object, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to any of our particular processing activities where you feel this has a disproportionate impact on your rights.
• to require us to erase your personal data;
• to receive from us the personal data we hold about you which you have provided to us, in a reasonable format specified by you, including for the purpose of you transmitting that personal data to another data controller;
• to require us to correct the personal data we hold about you if it is incorrect;
239 SALISBURY MILL ROAD NEW STREET FISHERTONST WYNDHAMROAD SCOTS LN BEDWIN ST WINCHESTER ST CHIPPER LN SALT LN ASHLEYROAD ST ANN ST SOUTH WESTRD HULSERD CATHEDRALNCASTLESTREETEWCANALA360DEVISESRD A36(T)CHURCHILLWAYWEST A36 CHURCHILLWAYNORTH 543ADRELTSAC COOMBEROAD A36(T)CHURCHILLWAYSOUTHA36(T)CHURCHILLWAYEASTA36(T) SOUTHAMPTONROAD HARNHAMROAD A3094 NEW HARNHAMROAD DOWNTONROADA338 WILTONRDA36 CARCENTRALPARK AMESBURY MARLBOROUGH& LONDON, ANDOVER & WINCHESTER WILTON WARMINSTER& A338 BOURNMOUTH & RINGWOODA354WEYMOUTHDORCHESTER&BLANDFORD SOUTHAMPTON WOOLLEY & W SALEROOMSALLIS A345 Castle RdPortwayBeehivePark&RideA345 A36ChuchillWay A36 Old Sarum SALISBURY AMESBURY Sarum Bus ness Park O d Sarum Park E N S W Kia Motors Westover Garage MARLBOROUGH & SWINDON 1st Self Access Storage WOOLLEY & WALLIS Salisbury Salerooms WOOLLEY & WALLIS Castle Gate Woolley & Wallis Salisbury Salerooms 51 61 Castle Street SP1 3SU Woolley & Wallis Unit Castle1BGate Business Park Old SP4SalisburySarum6QX DIRECTIONS FROM WOOLLEY & WALLIS CASTLE STREET TO OLD SARUM Follow A345 for 1.7 miles. At Beehive Park & Ride follow the signs for A338 Swindon and Marlborough. 17 (2nd floor) Clifford Street, London W1S 3RQ (open by appointment only) VALUATIONS Valuations are a core part of our business and are usually carried out by a senior specialist or director. Accuracy, speed and above all confidentiality are paramount. INSURANCE VALUATIONS Written valuations for insurance can vary from a single item to a large estate. Before starting we discuss the various options available so that the valuation is specifically tailored to individual client’s needs. For valuations of an entire house contents an itemised bound valuation is produced and can be accompanied by photographs when required. In addition to providing an inventory, written valuations can prevent painful arguments with a loss adjuster in the event of a claim. Woolley and Wallis valuations are accepted by all leading insurance companies. PROBATE VALUATIONS We offer a speedy and professional service for executors and trustees and provide bound valuations for probate and duplicate copies when required. Since security is often a consideration, we can usually arrange for a house to be cleared and sent for auction, our Valuations Department ensures that executors are informed of which sales are involved and the results thereof. We also carry out valuations for Family Division, Capital Gains Tax, and Private Treaty Sales. Contact Amanda Lawrence +44 (0)1722 424509 | FREE AUCTION VALUATIONS Free verbal valuations of items for sale are available by appointment. Please email or call +44 (0)1722 424500. Woolley & Wallis Salisbury Salerooms Ltd. 51-61 Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3SU Registered in England No.02998482 VAT No: 631 9832 29

Salisbury240 Salerooms, 51-61 Castle Street, Salisbury, Wiltshire SP1 3SU Tel: +44 (0)1722 424500 Fax: +44 (0)1722 424508 PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY IN BLOCK LETTERS Lot Number in numerical order Brief Description of lot Price buyer’sexcludingpremium&VAT ABSENTEE BID FORM OLD WEDNESDAYPAINTINGSBRITISHMASTERS,&EUROPEAN14THSEPTEMBER2022 Please bid, on my behalf, for the undermentioned lots up to the prices shown which do not include the buyer’s premium or any V.A.T. payable on lots. These bids are to be executed as cheaply as is permitted by other bids, and/or reserves if any, and subject to the Conditions of Business printed in the catalogue. Please note we cannot guarantee that bids received after 4pm on the day prior to the auction will be executed. BUYER’S PREMIUM Each lot is subject to a buyer’s premium of 25% plus VAT at Billing20%Name (please print) Address Postcode Daytime Telephone IDEmailmay be required even if you have bid with us before. Signature
13thSEPTEMBERCALENDARAUCTIONEnglish&European Ceramics & Glass 14th Old Masters, British & European Paintings 21st Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas 5thOCTOBERExbury House Sale 6th Fine Furniture, Works of Art & Clocks 19th Design 25th & 26th Silver & Objects of Vertu 2ndNOVEMBER&3rdFineJewellery & Objects 15th & 16th Asian Art, Chinese Paintings & Japanese Works of Art 23rd Medals & Coins, Arms & Armour 30th British Art Pottery DECEMBER 14th Modern British & 20th Century Art Dates may be subject to change +44 (0)1722,Salisbury,SP1 3SU *’spremium Jules Breton (French 1827-1906) Two harvesters (detail) SOLD FOR £40,000* ENTRIES ARE CURRENTLY BEING ACCEPTED FOR OUR UPCOMING AUCTIONS