Artists Down Under - Australia and New Zealand - December 2024

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Australia and New Zealand

Bev Terawskyj - Outback Santa


Australia and New Zealand

Hi everyone, welcome to our Christmas edition of “Artists Down Under”.

I cannot believe that Christmas is now upon us, the last 12 months have flown by and our artists have grown so much, help to spread the cheer and to celebrate our artists achievements.

This time of the year is both special and sad. It is a time of year where we can all get together as families, eat well, share gifts and to feel loved, but for many this year, it is a time of sadness, especially to those who have lost loved ones along the way or are just struggling upon hard times. I ask all of you to look out for those around you, make them feel special, make them feel needed, wanted and most importantly ... loved. Let’s all celebrate together.

We have a jammed pack full edition this month with Challenges, Achievements, a very interesting article from Andrew Haysom on Street Art and amazing art from our artists, so I will not bog you all down in chit chat, I will let you settle in and see for yourself.

From myself and all my team, we would like to wish all our artists and readers,

A Very Merry Christmas and a

Safe and Happy New Year

Thank you all for your support throughout 2024, we could not have done it without you.

See you all next year. Backgrounds: Foxy Squirrel Laitha’s Designs - Jai Johnson - White Lane Studio Copyright 2017 © Artists in this publication are responsible for any rights appertaining to their work.

Pam Henderson
Pam Henderson - Outback Christmas




artists Achievements monthly down under

artists down under facebook page

The Artists Down Under Public Facebook page has been set up to allow the artists in the group to showcase their work and to enable them to share promotional information about themselves, e.g. exhibitions, awards etc...

You can find the Artists Down Under Public Facebook page at this address;

So, if you are an artist in the group, don’t forget to regularly share your work and information here, and to let your friends and family know about the page if they are interested in viewing the latest art and news from the group.

If you are a reader of the magazine who does not have access to the page, please click the link above and request to join. When you request to join you will be asked to answer three simple questions that will allow us to determine if you are an eligible artist who may wish to join the group and therefore be able to post on the page, or a member of the public who can view, comment and like the work on the page. It’s a great place to see some great art from this vibrant group every day!

Three ADU members receive a special gift

Our very good Awake friends Katherine Zdonczyk of Magical Reality Designs and Diane Stafford from WhiteLaneStudio continue to give gifts as a reward for members of the Artists Down Under group who contribute to the ADU Facebook page by regularly posting their artworks and supporting other members with their comments.

Katherine, is well known for her fantastic sets of digital designer backgrounds, masks and all kinds of wonderful elements ready for designers to add to or build a wondrous creation.

Katherine Zdonczyk can be found at @ Oscraps @ Etsy

Diane Stafford from Chester, UK, designs Photoshop textures and overlays for photo artists and photographers to use in their digital artworks. Diane has created another special kit just for Artists Down Under for the month of DECEMBER.

Two artists will receive a Diane kit each.

Diane Stafford can be found at

The DECEMBER lucky winners are

Magical Reality Designs Gift Voucher

- Hemant Kogekar

Diane Stafford (WhiteLaneStudio) Texture & Overlay Kit

- Annette Pendlebury

- Rosa Perry


Congratulations to the following artists for having their images chosen to appear in the International magazine “Living The Photo Artistic Life”.

CatBeagle Creations

- A Cold Afternoon

Christina Brunton

- Cottage

- Farmhouse Surrounded By Tall Grass

Sonia Pusey

- Teetering

- Survival Of The Fittest

Helen McLeod

- Dancing On The Wind

- The Old Family Tree

Penny de Jong

- Strangers In The Night

Ilona Abou-Zolof

- Here Today ...

- War Or Peace

Maureen Maxwell

- Blue And Orange City

Rosa Perry

- Survive And Thrive

- Flamingo Dance

Sandra Dann

- Floating

Kim Ricci

- Masquerade

- Salacia

Sandra Dann - Floating
Penny de Jong - Strangers In The Night
Maureen Maxwell - Blue And Orange City
Christina Brunton - Farmhouse Surrounded By Tall Grass
Kim Ricci - Salacia
Christina Brunton - Cottage
Ilona Abou-Zolof - Here Today


Kim Ricci - Masquerade
Rosa Perry - Flamingo Dance
CatBeagle Creations - A Cold Afternoon
Sonia Pusey - Survival Of The Fittest
Sonia Pusey - Teetering
Ilona Abou-Zolof - War Or Peace
Rosa Perry - Survive And Thrive

Lyndsey Stirland-Mitchell - Colour Me Rainbow Penny de Jong










Photographing the street art of Melbourne has been a passion, or more truthfully an obsession, of mine for the last twelve years, so becoming involved with Street Art Cities was a great partnership for me.

Street Art Cities (SAC) is a web and mobile based application that attempts to map the street art of the world. It was born in Europe in 2016 as a small attempt to create an online map to help out two street art hunters to hunt more effectively in their cities. Now, it is one of the world’s largest street art communities with over 1,500 cities in over 100 countries represented in the data base.

In August 2023 I was asked by a street art hunter friend if I would like to join her efforts to update the Melbourne map on SAC. She had been “recruited” a month or so earlier and had quickly realised how much work there was to do. When she joined the SAC hunter team the Melbourne map had 237 artworks on it, and over the following year or so we added over 2,000 artworks and got the Melbourne map to where we felt it was a much better representation of Melbourne as one of the world’s leading street art cities.

It was a huge project that involved working suburb by suburb and artist by artist, analysing which pieces we didn’t have on the map, and checking through our extensive photo archives and determining which pieces were still in existence. It took a lot of organising, effort and travelling around our city, but that said it was a lot of fun and very satisfying.

We have since had another friend join the team and the three of us now try to do our best to keep the map up to date. It’s not an easy task, as the street art landscape is constantly changing. We are fortunate to be part of a vibrant street art community and we have a number of other street art hunters who assist us and allow us to use their photos.

We are all very proud to have had Melbourne sitting at the number one position in the SAC list of popular cities for the last ten months or so. Other Australian cities in the top 50 currently are Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra.

You will find the web-based version of SAC here;

The SAC web page home screen is shown in Figure 1.

[Figure 1 – The SAC web Home screen]

You can search for cities, artists, hunters and other things like street art festivals using the search field at the top of the home screen.

Clicking the “All Cities” button on the home screen will display the SAC Cities screen (shown in Figure 2).

[Figure 2 – The SAC web Cities screen]

This screen displays the top 50 “most popular” cities in the SAC database. “Most Popular” is a ranking that combines the number of active artworks in the SAC database for the city and the number of “visits” to the website or mobile app for the city.

You can also see the rankings based on the “number of artworks” or “number of visits” using the drop-down on the Cities screen.

Clicking a city name will display that cities map (see Figure 3a) which is usually centred around the CBD.

[Figure 3a – SAC web City Map screen]

There is a scrollable window to the right of the map that contains other information about the city.

You can scroll around the city map and zoom in and out using standard gestures.

Artworks are indicated on the map with small circular icons, where artworks are clustered closely together a red circle is shown with the number of artworks at the location displayed in the circle. As you zoom in the clustered artworks break up into the icons showing the artwork.

When the map is at maximum zoom, if there are still too many artworks clustered at a location to be shown individually you can click the red circle icon, this will display a small tooltip that contains the icons for the clustered artworks (see Figure 3b).

[Figure 3b – SAC web City Map screen zoomed]

Clicking one of the artwork picture icons on the map will display that artwork in the scrollable window at the right of the map (see Figure 4).

Here you will see all of the photos of the artwork that have been uploaded, the address (location) in text and on the map, the artist(s) name, the description (as entered by the hunter) and some other details.

You can click the Navigate button to launch the location in Google Maps or click the artists name to go to the artists page for more of their artwork.

SAC will automatically gather all the artworks for an artist and create a page for them, then the artist has the ability to “Claim” their page, and once verified by the SAC admin team they gain control of their page and have the ability to upload a profile picture, biography, website link and social media links. Once verified, artists can also upload their own artworks, and control to a limited degree how their page displays.

Figure 5a shows an artist page for a “claimed” verified artist page, Figure 5b shows and artist page for an unclaimed page.

[Figure 4 - SAC web Artwork with map]

[Fig 5a - SAC web Artist page (claimed)

[Fig 5b - SAC web Artist page (unclaimed)

When an artwork is a collaboration between multiple artists it will be shown on all of their pages in a special section of the artist page titled “Collaborations”.

When artworks are badly tagged, damaged, removed or painted over by other artworks they are archived rather than deleted, so they remain on the database as a history for the city and the artist. On the artist page these are shown at the bottom in a section titled “Archived”. They can also be accessed via the Artworks and Historic Artworks buttons in the City Map screen.

A map showing all the artists artworks is shown at the bottom of the artists page.

Clicking an artwork from the artists page will show the artwork page (see Figure 6).

The mobile app, available for both Apple and Android devices, provides very similar functionality, but is slightly less effective in some ways, but has some added features not available on the website.

The app screenshots shown are those for the Apple version of the app.

Figure 7 shows the SAC apps Home screen and the Explore screen (accessed by pressing magnifying glass icon).

[Fig 6 – SAC web Artwork page]

[Fig 7 – SAC app Home and Explore pages]

The map on the Home screen uses the devices location services and centres itself on the users location. Use standard gestures to scroll and zoom the map, and click on an artwork icon to display the artwork information (see Figure 8).

The bottom half of the Home screen shows an activity stream that can be configured to either show everything (all SAC activity) or just activity for cities, artists and hunters the user has chosen to “follow” on the app. This activity can include “hunter” activity like adding, updating or archiving artworks as well as “community” activity as the mobile apps add the ability for users to “Like” artworks, to flag that they have “Seen” the artwork, as well as adding “Community Notes” if an artwork has been damaged, removed or painted over, or if they believe the information is incorrect. These community notes are forwarded to the hunters for that city for their action. This is a wonderful avenue for information to keep the city data up to date.

The search features on the Explore page work similarly to the search functions on the web page.

[Figure 8 – SAC City Map and Artwork screens]

Please note that the SAC app map features do not work quite as well as the web page for close ly clustered artworks. The red circle icons do not show the number of artworks, and sometimes closely clustered artworks do not appear on the map at all. For that reason, if you are using SAC to plan outings or street art hunts, I recommend using the web based app.

Street Art Cities is a truly magnificent global achievement managed by a large global team of largely volunteer people to promote and support the street art community.

Street Art makes our cities much more vibrant and beautiful places to live and visit, the many artists whose work adorns our streets are superbly talented and amazingly dedicated, viewing their work gives me a huge amount of pleasure. So, if you’re a fan of art on our streets, take a look at Street Art Cities and go and explore the street art in your city, or any city in the world you’re visiting.

Artists - Juzpop and Damien Mitchell (Elwood) Photographer - Andrew Haysom






Australia and New Zealand




Pam has gathered all the cute little animals to create a lovely Christmas scene. We would like to wish you the joys of Christmas and hope it a safe and happy time for you.

Maureen Maxwell
Pam Henderson








Meet your artist ANN ALCOCK

Toowoomba QLD, Australia

1. Tell us a little about yourself and where you live?

I have been living in Toowoomba in south-east Qld for many years now. In the recent past I have been involved in several photographic and writing projects. Most recently I was commissioned to take photographs for a book on “Birds of Western Queensland”. I have also worked as a photo journalist for magazines and newspapers.

2. How did you become interested/get started in Photo Artistry?

When I saw the advertisement for the course it seemed like a great way to use the thousands of photos on my hard drive. I had also been looking for ways to use my photography more creatively. It has certainly helped me to improve my photoshop skills and it has also encouraged me to see things differently.

3. What inspires you or gives you inspiration to create your art?

I would say that almost entirely my inspiration comes from nature – from birds and from the environment, although I do enjoy using architecture in my images as well.

4. Do you have a certain approach to creating your art?

I often start with one image and look for other pieces to bring it together but it hardly ever unfolds as I imagined it would.

5. What does your art mean to you?

It is a form of escape and also a way to express myself. Being able to create art with my images encourages me to explore the world around me more fully. I particularly enjoy opportunities to use art to express my concerns about the destruction of our environment.

6. Do you think that since starting in photo artistry it has changed you and if so, how?

I have enjoyed the opportunity to be able to express myself in different ways and to be able to see things differently and to have the skills to bring it together.

7. Is there anyone that you draw inspiration from?

There are so many people making inspiring art. I love the work of Valda Bailey and I also enjoy Nina Irvin’s art. Kathrin Linkersdorff’s flowers are a delight and Greg Oakley’s creative photographic bird images are beautiful.

8. Where do you see (or hope to see) your art taking you in the future? What are your next steps?

I am hoping to be able to learn more about making abstract art and do more impressionist work. Recently I have been making cyanotypes but there is a lot more to learn there. Really, I would like to experiment with other alternative techniques, such as finishing images with gold, creating abstract collage and multiple exposures.








art by hemant kogekar












Australia and New Zealand



A bit of background first:

We are a small group of ADU members, all of whom we know from our private digital painting group, Art Buddies. Our members, Marina Hobbs, Marie Helyar, Robyn McLauchlan, Ilona AbouZolof, and Christina Brunton. (Denise has been away on holiday so didn’t join in with this challenge).

We come from all around Australia so have a Zoom meeting every week and chat or choose the next challenge. We take turns to choose the next challenge. We post our images every Sunday at 5:00 p.m. At the moment, the challenge is a monthly quote, where we create an image each week for the first three weeks and on the fourth week we produce a triptych with the three images we have done. In our weekly Zoom meeting, we all give each other feedback and ways to improve.


This month, Marina Hobbs chose the quote: There’s a Japanese legend that says: “If you feel like you are losing everything, remember, trees lose their leaves every year, yet they still stand tall and wait for better days to come.”

Based on the paragraph above, create three cohesive images. We each will present our three images as a triptych in week four.

Our Art pieces:

Our diverse art pieces are all inspired by the same quote. We hope they inspire you to form a similar community with your friends or try it yourself and see what you come up with from the quote. We would love to see it on the ADU Facebook page.

Christina Brunton - Blooming, Defiance, Enchanted
Ilona Abou-Zolof - Despair, Hope, Awakening
Marie Helyar - Shattered, Fragemented, Coming Together
Marina Hobbs - Patience, Quiet And Long Life
Robyn McLauchlan - Despair, Hope, New Beginning


artists Christmas photographic challenge theme: monthly artistic down under

Pam Henderson - Twas The Night Before Christmas
Rosa Perry - Christmas Nutcracker
Robyn McLauchlan - Cooling Off
Julie Powell - Christmas Tree
CatBeagle Creations - Xmas
Marina Hobbs - The Gifts Are On The Tree
Maureen Maxwell - San
Bev Terawskyj - Xmas Magic
Christina Brunton - Reindeer Sneaking Cookies
Karen Waalwyk - Daschund Through The Snow
Ilona Abou-Zolof - Christmas
Denise Cauchi - Santa Has Arrived
Denise Hunter Logan - Happy Christmas



Australia and New Zealand

adu artists business advertisements

E L F - P A C E D & O N L I N E

L e a r n t o u s e t h e

M i x e r B r u s h

I n t h i s c l a s s , y o u w i l l l e a r n h o w t o

e f f e c t i v e l y u s e t h e M i x e r B r u s h t o o l i n

A d o b e P h o t o s h o p t o c r e a t e b e a u t i f u l a n d

u n i q u e s t i l l - l i f e & f l o r a l s

L e a r n t e c h n i q u e s

T h e c l a s s i s s u i t a b l e f o r b o t h b e g i n n e r s a n d

a d v a n c e d a r t i s t s , a n d I w i l l c o v e r e v e r y t h i n g

f r o m t h e b a s i c s o f M i x e r B r u s h t o a d v a n c e d

t e c h n i q u e s l i k e c r e a t i n g c u s t o m b r u s h e s a n d

t e x t u r e s

M a s t e r & C r e a t e

W h e t h e r y o u a r e l o o k i n g t o e x p l o r e a n e w

m e d i u m , e x p a n d y o u r d i g i t a l a r t s k i l l s , o r

s i m p l y e n j o y t h e p r o c e s s o f c r e a t i n g a r t , m y

S t i l l - l i f e & F l o w e r s M i x e r B r u s h A r t C l a s s i s

t h e p e r f e c t p l a c e t o s t a r t

S i x b a n d n e w p r o j e c t s

S i x b r a n d n e w p r o j e c t s i n c l u d i n g t h r e e s t i l l -

l i f e s c e n e s a n d t h r e e f l o w e r s A l l b a s e

i m a g e s , b o n u s p r a c t i c e i m a g e s , t e x t u r e s ,

E - B o o k a n d c u s t o m b r u s h e s p r o v i d e d

julie powell@outlook com

I d e l i c a t e l y u n r a v e l t h e

e f f e c t s o f t i m e ,

m e t i c u l o u s l y r e p a i r i n g

c r a c k s , h e a l i n g

d i s c o l o u r a t i o n , a n d

e r a s i n g y e a r s o f w e a r

a n d t e a r T h r o u g h t h e

m a g i c o f d i g i t a l a r t i s t r y ,

I r e s t o r e n o t o n l y t h e

i m a g e b u t a l s o t h e

e m o t i o n s a n d m e m o r i e s

e n c a p s u l a t e d w i t h i n i t

D o n ' t l e t t i m e

e r a s e t h e b e a u t y

o f y o u r

m e m o r i e s !

C o n t a c t m e t o d a y

t o g i v e y o u r

c h e r i s h e d p h o t o s

t h e g i f t o f

r e s t o r a t i o n


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