Artists Down Under - Australia and New Zealand - October 2024

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Maxwell - Follow Your Dream, Follow Your Path



Australia and New Zealand

Hello everyone and welcome to our 91st edition of our Artists Down Under magazine.

Over the next few months I am introducing some new sections of our magazine that will showcase the work that our artists are doing. One is a Quotes challenge by a group of girls that derive their images based on a monthly Quote, what a fantastic idea. And the second one is the Artists Series, where an artist has a series of images based on a subject. This was so popular when we showcased Rosa Perry and her series in the last two magazines, that I thought I would throw it out there for all our artist to see what they could come up with. This month I will introduce Andrew Haysom and his ever popular “Abstract” series. The amount of work and detail in each of these images is mindblowing.

We have our regular sections on our Artists Achievements, the ever popular “Chinese Whispers” series, an amazing Photography tutorial on Lensbaby Lenses and the different results you can produce from the different lenses, and of course our fun Monthly Artists Challenge. This month’s theme was set on Gnomes, and I certainly was not disappointed.

I am proud to announce “Denise Cauchi” as our Featured Artist this month. Denise comes from sunny Queensland and her work is amazing. I know you will love her style and talent.

Grap that cuppa, settle in and browse through all the awesome work that our artists have produced for you and always remember ...

You are Good Enough and you are certainly Worth It!

Well, that’s it from me. Stay safe on the roads, take care of each other and look out for those less fortunate around you.

Backgrounds: Foxy Squirrel Laitha’s Designs - Jai Johnson - White Lane Studio

Copyright 2017 ©

Artists in this publication are responsible for any rights appertaining to their work.



artists Achievements monthly down under

artists down under facebook page

The Artists Down Under Public Facebook page has been set up to allow the artists in the group to showcase their work and to enable them to share promotional information about themselves, e.g. exhibitions, awards etc...

You can find the Artists Down Under Public Facebook page at this address;

So, if you are an artist in the group, don’t forget to regularly share your work and information here, and to let your friends and family know about the page if they are interested in viewing the latest art and news from the group.

If you are a reader of the magazine who does not have access to the page, please click the link above and request to join. When you request to join you will be asked to answer three simple questions that will allow us to determine if you are an eligible artist who may wish to join the group and therefore be able to post on the page, or a member of the public who can view, comment and like the work on the page. It’s a great place to see some great art from this vibrant group every day!

Three ADU members receive a special gift

Our very good Awake friends Katherine Zdonczyk of Magical Reality Designs and Diane Stafford from WhiteLaneStudio continue to give gifts as a reward for members of the Artists Down Under group who contribute to the ADU Facebook page by regularly posting their artworks and supporting other members with their comments.

Katherine, is well known for her fantastic sets of digital designer backgrounds, masks and all kinds of wonderful elements ready for designers to add to or build a wondrous creation.

Katherine Zdonczyk can be found at @ Oscraps @ Etsy

Diane Stafford from Chester, UK, designs Photoshop textures and overlays for photo artists and photographers to use in their digital artworks. Diane has created another special kit just for Artists Down Under for the month of OCTOBER.

Two artists will receive a Diane kit each.

Diane Stafford can be found at

The OCTOBER lucky winners are

Magical Reality Designs Gift Voucher

- Sue Masterson

Diane Stafford (WhiteLaneStudio) Texture & Overlay Kit

- Ann Alcock

- Colin Campbell


Congratulations to the following artists for having their images chosen to appear in the International magazine “Living The Photo Artistic Life”.

Maureen Maxwell

- Memories

Christina Brunton

- Walking The Dog

Helen McLeod

- Abandoned In The Nursery

- A Belly Full Of Laughs

Kim Ricci

- Bessie’s Resting Place

Sonia Pusey

- Fly Away

Ilona Abou-Zolof

- Forest Queen

- Violinist

Denise Hunter Logan

- Tour de France

- The Adventurer

Penny de Jong

- My Whirlwind Of Chaos And Drama

Rosa Perry

- Birds Of A Feather Series

Kaylene Helliwell

- Heading Home

Sandra Dann

- Moment In Time

Maureen Maxwell - Memories
Kaylene Helliwell - Heading Home
Denise Hunter Logan - The Adventurer
Sandra Dann - A Moment In Time
Ilona Abou-Zolof - Forest Queen
Kim Ricci
- Bessie’s Resting Place


Denise Hunter Logan - Tour de France
Rosa Perry
- Birds Of A Feather 1
Ilona Abou-Zolof - Violinist
Rosa Perry - Birds Of A Feather 3
Rosa Perry
- Birds Of A Feather 4
Christina Brunton - Walking The Dog
Sonia Pusey - Fly Away
Rosa Perry
- Birds Of A Feather 2

whats on Congratulations

goes to

Margaret Kalms

Margarets image “The Queen Whom Alice Encountered” was shown at the EuropArtFair in Amsterdam from 6th to 8th of September, 2024 and was also published in “Masterful Minds” magazine.

whats on Marsden Art Group exhibition Journeys

Smith’s Alternative

76 Alinga Street, Canberra NSW

5th October to 27th October, 2024

The Marsden Art Group is a group of local Canberra artists who have been exhibiting for 20 years, showing in a range of venues in Canberra and Queanbeyan. They include very experienced artists and welcome emerging artists, sharing their knowledge and art experiences at their monthly meetings.

The exhibition, Journeys, explores physical travel, transport, migration and movement and also conceptual journeys such as relationships, emotions, formal studies, meanings of body and environmental changes.

whats on Congratulations

goes to

Hemant Kogekar

Hemant was awarded two (2) Gold and one (1) Silver Medal at the “Sutherland National Exhibition of Photography”. Hemant also received four (4) Highly Commended ribbons.

House On Tree Canopy






Australia and New Zealand




“Shoot Extraordinary” and “Photography is an Expression of the Soul” are both catch cries from advertising material for Lensbaby, a Portland, Oregon based company formed in 2004. Lensbaby manufacture a range of creative lenses and other photography equipment.

I was first introduced to Lensbaby equipment by my dear friend Ali. Ali’s photography mantra was “Chase the Light, Embrace the Blur”, and it is that blur and wild bokeh that give the Lensbaby lenses their magic. When I met Ali, I was a much more straightforward and technical photographer – in my mind everything needed to be straight and sharp. I think Ali made it her own little project to change the way I thought, and she succeeded, she changed me as a photographer, I think more than anyone else has ever done. Not only did she introduce me to Lensbaby but also encouraged me to try Intentional Camera Movement and Multiple Exposures. She really did make me think differently, and more creatively about my photography.

My most treasured lens is my Lensbaby Twist 60, given to me by Ali’s husband after she passed away in 2020.

So, this series of articles is dedicated to my dear friend Ali, one of the most beautiful souls, and one of the best photographers I have known.

Shooting with a Lensbaby is totally different for me than with a traditional lens. It feels raw and soulful and allows you to express yourself in ways that standard lenses don’t.

I’m going to talk about the Lensbaby equipment that I have, but be aware there are other things available, I encourage you to explore their website.

I will include photos of the Lensbaby equipment throughout this article, and there will be a gallery of example images following the article. There will be some of mine, as well as some of Ali’s and some from my friend Judi who has generously agreed to let me share some of her beautiful work for this and the following article.

Please look at the images in the gallery to fully understand the magic you can create magic with these lenses.

All of the Lensbaby lenses are fully manual. They do not “talk” electronically to your camera at all. You change the aperture settings of the lens by turning an aperture ring on the lens rather than via your camera. All focusing is manual, via a focusing ring on the Composer Pro II (or on the lens itself in the case of their stand-alone lenses).

As the lens and camera do not “talk” electronically your camera will think there is no lens attached. Depending on your camera you may need to change a menu setting to enable photos to be taken. For my Canon cameras this menu option is called “Release shutter w/o lens”. You will also not receive EXIF information for lens related items such as the aperture used.

All of the Lensbaby lenses are prime lenses, that is they are a fixed focal length rather than zooms. The focal length is shown as part of the lens name, eg the Sweet 35 is a 35mm focal length and the Velvet 56 is a 56mm focal length etc.

The Composer Pro II is a lens housing that is a critical part of the Lensbaby optical swap system (see Figure 1). It is available for Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji and Pentax camera mounts. The front of the housing is on a ball joint and can be moved to change the direction of the lens.

The Composer Pro II then has a Lensbaby Optic inserted into it to complete the lens, these Optics are easily swapped in the Composer Pro II with a simple twist, push/pull motion. See figure 2 for the range of optics I have in my camera bag.

[Figure 1 - Composer Pro II with the Sweet 35 optic inserted]

The Optics come in three different “flavours” that each give a different creative effect.

The Sweet Optics (available in 35, 50 and 80mm focal lengths) create a “sweet spot” of sharp focus with blur increasing outwards from the sweet spot. You position the sweet spot in your frame by moving the rotating front of the lens housing in the Composer Pro up and down, left and right or diagonally. The size of the sweet spot of focus is determined by the aperture chosen, with a wide open aperture the sweet spot is small and the blur greater, as you close down the aperture the sweet spot size increases and the blur decreases.

The Edge Optics (available in 35, 50 and 80mm focal lengths) create a “slice” of sharp focus that runs through your image with a smooth gradient of blur either side of the slice. With the Composer Pro II centred in the straight-ahead position the Edge Optics act like a sharp prime lens. If you move the lens up or down you will create a horizontal slice of focus, if you move the lens left or right you will create a vertical slice of focus, and moving the lens into one of the diagonal corners will create a diagonal slice of focus. The Edge Optics can create the classic “miniature” look of a tilt-shift lens.

The Twist Optic (only available in 60mm focal length) creates a distinctive, swirling bokeh in the background, with a sweet spot of focus.

View the Image Gallery at the end of the article to see the different effects.

Some of the Optics (eg Sweet 80, Edge 50 and Edge 80) have a built-in macro feature where you can pull the optic outwards to lengthen the distance between the optic and the sensor to give a closer focus, pushing the optic back in returns to normal mode (see figure 3).

[Figure 3 – Macro capability]
[Figure 2 – Lensbaby optics]

Another option to replace the Composer Pro II housing is the simpler and cheaper Lensbaby Spark. Rather than a fixed ball joint it is a flexible bellows style barrel that not only allows the re-orientation of the lens like the Composer Pro but also allows you to squeeze/release the bellows to adjust the focus. It creates an even more raw, organic feeling to the Lensbaby experience (see figure 4).

Lensbaby also provide two options for adding macro capability to your Lensbaby Optic Swap kit (see figure 5).

There is a set of two Macro Converters (like extension tubes) that fit between the Composer Pro II and the optic to push the optic further from the sensor and reduce the close focusing distance. There is an 8mm converter and a 16mm converter that can be used separately or stacked for a 24mm extension.

Of course, you can also use a standard extension tube between your camera and a Lensbaby Composer Pro or lens.

[Figure 5 – Macro accessories]
[Figure 4 – Lensbaby Spark]

There is also a set of Macro Filters that screw into the filter thread on the front of the optics, there is a +1, +2 and +4 filter. These can be stacked to increase the magnification effect.

Another bit of equipment that that can be useful is a step-up ring. The Lensbaby optics have a 46mm filter thread, I have a 46-77mm step-up ring that I can use to attach 77mm neutral density and circular polarising filters that I have for my standard lenses to my Lensbaby optics (see figure 6).

In addition to the Optic Swap system Lensbaby also produce quite a few stand-alone lenses. The only one of these that I own is the Velvet 56 (see figure 7). The Velvet series lenses are designed to create a soft and velvety appearance. They combine a sharp central focus with a smooth, ethereal glow in the out-of-focus areas. Obviously without the flexibility of the Composer Pro or Spark, the focus area is always in the centre of the image.

[Figure 6 – 46-77mm step-up ring]
[Figure 7 – Velvet 56]

Manual focusing can be very challenging if you’re used to auto-focus, but if you have a mirror less camera be sure to check out if it has any focus assist features like focus peaking as these can really help. Focus peaking highlights in your viewfinder the areas that are in sharp focus (usually by making them a particular colour). Another technique used by many photographers is to take multiple images physically moving the camera backwards/forwards slightly to change the focus plane, then hopefully you have your subject in sharp focus in one of the photos taken.

Another piece of advice I got from Ali, which was invaluable, was to use a smaller aperture first to get focus and then open the aperture to take the photo. With the wider apertures the focus area can be quite small, so this technique can be very helpful.

Please be sure to look at the Lensbaby image gallery following the article to get a good idea of the types of images that are possible.

Lensbaby lenses empower you to get really creative and artistic with your photography, they allow you to explore light and form with beautiful blur and enable you to take traditional subjects and create something truly unique.

And remember, as Ali would always say, “Embrace the Blur”.

Twist 80 - Autumn Leaves - Andrew Haysom

Lensbaby Gallery

Twist 60 - Valley Of The Liquid Ambers - Andrew Haysom
Twist 60 - Bolte Bokeh - Andrew Haysom
Sweet 35 - Autumn Yellows - Andrew Haysom
Sweet 80 - Crossing Flinders - Andrew Haysom

Lensbaby Gallery

Sweet 35 - Pucker Up - Ali de Niese
Sweet 35 - Riot Of Golden Paws - Ali de Niese
Edge 50 - Leafy Fitzroy - Andrew Haysom
Sweet 35 - Balloon Seller - Andrew Haysom

Lensbaby Gallery

Velvet 56 - Life Happens, Coffee Helps - Judi May
Velvet 56 - Chrysanthemum - Andrew Haysom
Twist 60 (with Spark) - St Collins Lane Lights - Andrew Haysom
Sweet 35 (with Extension Tube) - Grevillea - Andrew Haysom

Lensbaby Gallery

Edge 50 - Melbourne Skyline - Andrew Haysom
Sweet 35 - Crossing Over - Ali de Neise
Sweet 35 - Evan Walker Bridge - Andrew Haysom
Sweet 35 - Eye See You - Ali de Neise




Australia and New Zealand





Pam has done it again.

She’s turned a few random elements into this wonderful work of art to tell a story. ENJOY!

Maureen Maxwell
Pam Henderson







Meet your artist DENISE CAUCHI

QLD, Australia

1. Tell us a little about yourself and where you live?

I started my nursing career at the young age of 15 and dedicated 47 years to nursing before retiring. As a registered nurse with three degrees, I’ve had the privilege of contributing to healthcare in various capacities throughout my career.

I am happily married with two loving sons and blessed with five adorable grandchildren who bring immense joy to my life. They are my inspiration and motivation in everything I do.

I reside in the beautiful and sunny Queensland, where I enjoy the vibrant lifestyle and the natural beauty that surrounds me.

2. How did you become interested/get started in Photo Artistry?

My interest in photo artistry began as a natural extension of my passion for photography. I’ve always enjoyed capturing moments and scenes, and over time, I started exploring digital editing and manipulation techniques to create unique artistic interpretations of my photo.

3. What inspires you or gives you inspiration to create your art?

My art is deeply rooted in personal experiences and reflections. Whether inspired by the laughter of my grandchildren, the colors of a foreign market discovered during travels, or a captivating image on Pinterest, each source of inspiration shapes my creative process and narrative.

4. Do you have a certain approach to creating your art?

I tend to approach art in an intuitive manner. I let my emotions and instincts guide me, allowing the piece to evolve naturally as I work. This approach often leads to unexpected outcomes.

5. What does your art mean to you?

My art is a means of personal expression and reflection. Each piece represents a part of my journey, capturing emotions, memories, and experiences that are meaningful to me. My art journey has allowed me to meet many new friends that share the same passions I have.

6. Do you think that since starting in photo artistry it has changed you and if so, how?

Photo artistry has profoundly expanded my creativity. It has encouraged me to think outside the box, experiment with new techniques, and blend photography with digital art to create unique and expressive pieces? Photo artistry has deepened my ability to express myself artistically

7. Is there anyone that you draw inspiration from?

I’m inspired by contemporary creatives in various fields, from fashion designers who innovate with textures and colors, to filmmakers who tell compelling stories through visuals. Their ability to push boundaries and evoke emotions through their art motivates me to explore new avenues of expression in my own work.

8. Where do you see (or hope to see) your art taking you in the future? What are your next steps?

In the future, I hope my art will continue to bring moments of joy and fulfillment into my life. My next steps involve dedicating time to immerse myself in the creative process, allowing me to connect with my inner self and express my emotions freely through art.






A bit of background first:

We are a small group of six ADU members, all of whom we know from our private digital painting group. Our members, Denise Cauchi, Marina Hobbs, Marie Helyar, Robyn McLauchlan, Ilona Abou-Zolof, and Christina Brunton, have formed a strong bond. While we cannot accept new members, we encourage those interested to form their groups with friends.

We have a Zoom meeting every week and choose the challenge each week. We post our images every Sunday at 5 p.m. At the moment, the challenge is a quote. In our weekly Zoom meeting, we all give each other feedback and ways to improve.


That is the most crucial role of a time slider—to be mindful of the Butterfly Effect, the theory from a Chinese proverb: “The flapping of the wings of a butterfly can be felt on the other side of the world.” Every tiny action can have a far-reaching effect. When the time comes, I will leave this place, having disturbed nothing.

Our Art pieces:

Our diverse art pieces, each a unique reflection of our individual creative processes, offer a fascinating insight into our group’s varied interpretations of the same theme. We hope they inspire you to form a similar community with your friends.

Christina Brunton - Butterfly Effect
Denise Cauchi - Drought Causes Hunger
Ilona Abou-Zolof - Time Traveller
Marie Helyar - Butterfly Wings
Marina Hobbs - Fluttering Ripples Of Change
Robyn McLauchlan - Reversing The Butterfly Effect



I love creating abstract digital art in Photoshop, it is something that relaxes me and gives me great satisfaction.

These works are always created from a blank document, usually starting off with in-built and custom gradients that are blended and shaped using various filters and/or layer styles and textures to add complexity and form









artists Gnomes photographic challenge theme: monthly artistic down under

Robyn McLauchlan - Gnomes
Marina Hobbs - The Men’s Shed
Marie Helyar - Gnomes Smoko McCubbin Style
Rosa Perry - Gnome And Crow
Sandy McCleary - Gnomes
Prue Wright - Picnic Time For Garden Gnomes
Christina Brunton - Garden Gnome
Andrew Haysom - Brock Axehandle
Karen Waalwyk - Sunflower Gnome
Ilona Abou-Zolof - Christmas Gnomes
Kim Ricci - Travelling Gnome
Denise Hunter Logan - Gnome
Pam Henderson - Playtime



Australia and New Zealand

adu artists business advertisements

E L F - P A C E D & O N L I N E

L e a r n t o u s e t h e

M i x e r B r u s h

I n t h i s c l a s s , y o u w i l l l e a r n h o w t o

e f f e c t i v e l y u s e t h e M i x e r B r u s h t o o l i n

A d o b e P h o t o s h o p t o c r e a t e b e a u t i f u l a n d

u n i q u e s t i l l - l i f e & f l o r a l s

L e a r n t e c h n i q u e s

T h e c l a s s i s s u i t a b l e f o r b o t h b e g i n n e r s a n d

a d v a n c e d a r t i s t s , a n d I w i l l c o v e r e v e r y t h i n g

f r o m t h e b a s i c s o f M i x e r B r u s h t o a d v a n c e d

t e c h n i q u e s l i k e c r e a t i n g c u s t o m b r u s h e s a n d

t e x t u r e s

M a s t e r & C r e a t e

W h e t h e r y o u a r e l o o k i n g t o e x p l o r e a n e w

m e d i u m , e x p a n d y o u r d i g i t a l a r t s k i l l s , o r

s i m p l y e n j o y t h e p r o c e s s o f c r e a t i n g a r t , m y

S t i l l - l i f e & F l o w e r s M i x e r B r u s h A r t C l a s s i s

t h e p e r f e c t p l a c e t o s t a r t

S i x b a n d n e w p r o j e c t s

S i x b r a n d n e w p r o j e c t s i n c l u d i n g t h r e e s t i l l -

l i f e s c e n e s a n d t h r e e f l o w e r s A l l b a s e

i m a g e s , b o n u s p r a c t i c e i m a g e s , t e x t u r e s ,

E - B o o k a n d c u s t o m b r u s h e s p r o v i d e d

julie powell@outlook com

I d e l i c a t e l y u n r a v e l t h e

e f f e c t s o f t i m e ,

m e t i c u l o u s l y r e p a i r i n g

c r a c k s , h e a l i n g

d i s c o l o u r a t i o n , a n d

e r a s i n g y e a r s o f w e a r

a n d t e a r T h r o u g h t h e

m a g i c o f d i g i t a l a r t i s t r y ,

I r e s t o r e n o t o n l y t h e

i m a g e b u t a l s o t h e

e m o t i o n s a n d m e m o r i e s

e n c a p s u l a t e d w i t h i n i t

D o n ' t l e t t i m e

e r a s e t h e b e a u t y

o f y o u r

m e m o r i e s !

C o n t a c t m e t o d a y

t o g i v e y o u r

c h e r i s h e d p h o t o s

t h e g i f t o f

r e s t o r a t i o n


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