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EDITORIAL Kimmie Smith

Co-Founder, Creative + Style Director

Paul Farkas

Co-Founder, Artistic Director + Tech Director




E-mail: Website: Athleisure Mag TM , a Division of Athleisure Media LLC.

EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS Paul Farkas | Kimmie Smith

HOST Kimmie Smith

MIXING Athleisure Studio Team



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table of contents

issue #70 oct 2021












Community is the Vibe 16 D-Nice This month, we talk with D-Nice about his music career as a founding member of Boogie Down Productions, creating and launching Club Quarantine, the evolution of the brand and the power of connecting and community through music and dance.



We catch up with EDM DJ, SAYMYNAME as he shares his 9DRIP from things that he purchased when he made it, his go-to look and how he gifted his family.







Harley Pasternak talks about how we can maintain our fitness goals.

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Athleisure Studio

Check out our latest podcast episodes.

Issue #70 | Oct 2021



DJ/Producer Tiësto shares his picks with us for this month’s 9PLAYLIST.

9LIST ROUTIN3S TM 71 Gunnar Peterson Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Gunnar Peterson, shares his 9LIST ROUTIN3S of what he does Morning, Afternoon and Night.

Issue #70 | Oct 2021

Sky’s the Limit Noah Neiman

This month’s The Art of the Snack takes us to Sushi Ginza Onodera in NY to enjoy omakase.


We talk with Noah Neiman, founder of RUMBLE Boxing, Rumble Training and Rumble TV to talk about fitness, his career and how he empowers others.

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50 Art of the Snack Sushi Ginza Onodera



NY Giants’ John Ross III shares his 9LIST STORI3S with us on his must haves in grooming, fitness and style.



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Issue #70 | Oct 2021

As we embrace the reopenings that have taken place all over the world, we remember those days when we were in the thick of lockdown and we all found ways to maintain a sense of community and connection with others as we did it apart. For us and millions around the world, we found dance and music through a global couch party that had the biggest celebrities from Madonna, Michelle Obama, Nile Rodgers and more that popped in every night. We were all brought together by DJ D-Nice who created a daily (sometimes marathon sessions) IG Live event known as Club Quarantine!

ing because that was the thing in like the 70’s. So when you fast forward to like, Club Quarantine and I’m like hanging out in there in this virtual space with Earth, Wind and Fire and Melba Moore is in there, everyday – it’s kind of full circle to me from my childhood which makes this experience for me so incredible.

AM: For those who may not be familiar with your music career prior to Club Quarantine, can you tell us a bit about your background? You were one of the founding members of the Boogie Down Even though we're past those dark days of Productions with KRS-One and the late 2020, he continues to lead his virtual parties Scott La Rock. while also bringing the next phase with his Club Quarantine Live tour that took place D: I grew up in the Bronx. One of my to much success and we can't wait to see cousins worked as a security guard at his Club Quarantine festival that will take a men’s shelter in the Bronx. He asked place in LA in 2022! Before he brought us me to bring him some food and one Club Quarantine, being a major event DJ night, I walked over to where he was for brands such as Hennessey, he is also an working and he decided to introduce artist who has released solo projects and me to his friend that worked there as was a founding member of Boogie Down a social worker, which was DJ Scott La Productions with the legendary KRS-One Rock. Scott La Rock introduced me to and the late Scott La Rock. a homeless guy, which is the legendary KRS-One. From the first meeting, I was We're pleased to have D-Nice as this 15 and Scott looked at me and he must month's cover and with a schedule that is have felt this energy where he immeconstantly on the go, as we talked with him diately said, “you’re going to be in this between soundchecks for his performance group.” That’s how I became part of at YouTube's Advertising Week Show with the Boogie Down Productions crew. Mary J. Blige at The Apollo Theater, he talks music; the creation of Club Quarantine and AM: Think back to last year, which in its continued evolution; the importance of many ways feels like 7 years ago, we musical accessibility; campaigns and how were all in this gut check moment. he continues to push his brand while being From a magazine perspective, we shot mindful of the community. our last in person cover 2 days prior to when NY went into lockdown. It was ATHLEISURE MAG: When did you fall in that moment of trying to figure out love with music? how we would still do what we do and to still produce everything – in a new D-NICE: I fell in love with music when I was way virtually; which we did and it was around 6 or 7 years old. I remember where intensely challenging, but fun and full I grew up in the Bronx, my aunts – both of artistic growth. So, to do Club Quarof them used to collect a lot of records. antine, how did this come about? It was It’s so crazy because the artists that they like the musical and mental health that would collect would be Melba Moore and we so needed to get us through what Diana Ross and like Earth, Wind and Fire we didn'teven know how much time and obviously, you know, that I'm not ly- we'd be going through!

D: The thing about Club Quarantine that’s special is that it was birthed out of the same fear that everyone was experiencing! I was quarantined alone at home in Los Angeles. I was gearing up for a tour with Jill Scott. I was locked in for 10 dates on her tour and when we were forced to quarantine, what was difficult about it, which other people experienced as well, was that none of us were prepared for this – including myself! So, when the quarantine hit, I had to send back deposits because they were cancelling the festivals – they were cancelling Essence Fest, Miami Music Week where I had gigs there, I had SXSW gigs. So all of those gigs, I had to send the money back. I was sitting at home, stressed out, like everyone! Because I had friends that worked with the former administration, they kept saying, this thing will go on for longer than 2 weeks, man. They said that I should prepare myself. I didn’t even understand how to prepare to not work for a year/ year and a half. So that was difficult. CQ was birthed out of the sadness and having a desire to still be connected to people. When I started playing music, I wasn’t even DJing initially. I was just playing music and sharing stories and I started noticing the numbers that were rising on my account from one day being 240 people in there to the next day having 800 people in there. Then, the 3rd day, I did a marathon set with like 2,000 people. Initially, it was a very selfish thing, finding ways to stay connected, but by the 2nd day when I was reading the comments, I knew that it was actually helping people feel connected. I just wanted to continue to do it to keep people inspired. AM: Speaking back to what we were talking about before with the music, I was born in 1979 and grew up with this music. When I listen to a lot of the songs, it reminds me of cleaning the house with my mom and sister before Soul Train came on. How is it to run the hottest global couch party that has ever existed? D: Wow yeah, that’s literally it – the hot-

test global couch party! I mean there were times when I literally didn’t look at it that way. It was one of my buddies, Donnie Wahlberg, every day he would say to me, “dude, I don’t think you understand what’s happening.” I didn’t, because remember, I was home alone! I was playing music, I was at home. I wasn’t dancing with other family members, wasn’t dancing with my mom or kids and I wasn’t having parties on the other end. All I could do was just read comments. I would see hearts and that kept me going. But the other thing that kept me inspired was music! It was the love of music where I felt that I finally had the chance to play music the way that I wanted to hear it anyway from my club days. As a DJ, you kind of lean towards what the promoters wanted, what the fans wanted, but when the world stopped, the fans wanted and needed music that kept them inspired. It just so happened to be the music that I love. To have a chance to play David Bowie and mix David Bowie in with Madonna and all of a sudden, Madonna is in my IG Live. Then I could play a Stevie Wonder record and then throw in a JAY-Z and rock Rihanna and then all of a sudden, Rihanna is in there! There’s no better party then that! Everyone had a chance to feel the music and still be inspired and it was awesome. And it continues to be awesome! AM: Which I think is awesome and I love the versatility of the music. I mean, I love all kinds of genres, my great uncle was the late tenor saxophonist Joe Henderson so I have my jazz elements that I love and I love EDM. I remember when you had David Bowie to Madonna and then you had Nile Rodgers that popped in which I had styled him a few years ago for a project which was awesome to see him come through. D: I mean, Nile Rodgers, when he came in it was beautiful! AM: I’ll never forget when I was in his apartment on the UWS and he was showing me his music sheets of his work with Madonna and he was like, "I did this and I did that." I just remember feeling that I

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Issue #70 | Oct 2021

was standing in the room of greatness at that moment. D: Yes absolutely. AM: The fact that we have actually been able to see how you have evolved CQ from the at home sessions to performing to major moments that you were part of from encouraging people to register to vote, having people vote, social justice movements and then moving that into bringing it live in person such as launching at the Hollywood Bowl and being on the tour for that too, what’s it like to evolve the brand? D: I felt that it was my job to protect the brand. Protecting the brand meant not keeping the platform to myself and to include other people. It was about authenticity and making sure that what I did online translated well into the live space. My desire to play the Hollywood Bowl was birthed out of seeing so many people in there. Early on in the pandemic, I was trying to figure out what place that this would feel like and would make sense. I wanted to give everyone something to imagine and look forward to when the world opened up again. I just threw it out there and said, “one day, I’m going to play the Hollywood Bowl and be the first show!” A year and a half later when I received the offer to play the Hollywood Bowl, I was excited! But it didn’t really hit me until the morning that I announced that the tickets were on sale on IG Live and I said, “I have something to share with everyone. My gosh, we got the Hollywood Bowl, tickets are on sale in one hour.” Within that first hour, we sold 10,000 tickets. It was very emotional. To know that something that I did just out of the love of music that started in my kitchen – literally in the kitchen, went on to become something where we sold out 15,000 people in the Hollywood Bowl in 3 days! It's a very humbling feeling and it's beautiful to know that people want to listen to music the way that I do. You have to want to be there to hear the music, the fans want to be there, the art-

ists want to be there – there were fans that bought tickets to all of the CQ Live shows and we kept it limited. Obviously, we’re still dealing with this pandemic so we didn’t want to be reckless by doing a full on tour. But for all of the shows, there are people like hundreds of people that attended all 3 of them. It’s something special that’s happening right now. The music is secondary when it comes to Club Quarantine. It wasn’t just about the music, it was about community. To me, that’s number one – about people staying connected. By the way, there’s some cool music being played right now and we’re going to dance together as well! AM: It’s undeniable that live shows have an amazing vibe to them. What are your plans on the virtual side of things as we continue over the next few months, will this still be part of your portfolio or are you looking to segue completely to back where we were prior to 2020 where we could comfortably be together in person? D: I want to continue to have the virtual space to be part of it. It’s an important element because not everyone can afford to travel to these cities, not everyone can afford to buy tickets. Let’s be realistic. People lost jobs and people are still trying to recover from that. To me, it would be a little bit unfair to just pull that away from everyone and I want to continue to share my love of music with people and to inspire community, so it’s important for me to do this for at least another 6 months or as long as social media will allow me to play. You know, things change, people are outside now so it may not be as exciting, but for me, it’s always important that whenever I return to Los Angeles, I need to play 1 or 2 sets to at least get it in. By the way, I’m not just doing it for the people, I happen to like playing music! AM: You can tell! D: Yes! I love playing music, so if I can share music when I log on and there are 30,000 - 50,000 people at the end of the set, that means there there is still a need

and desire to hear music that way. I just want to be able to fill that need and to continue to keep people inspired. AM: I love music festivals and it was great to see that here in NY, Governors Ball and Electric Zoo came back. Do you envision CQ having a physical festival? D: Oh no – it’s not even about envisioning it, it’s actually happening! It’s happening Aug of 2022. We’re literally in the planning stages right now, planning the artists that I want to perform with. That’s happening. August of 2022, the festival happens in Los Angeles. AM: Earlier this year, you dropped “No Plans For Love” with Ne-Yo and Kent Jones. How was that working on this single and are you working on an album? D: Releasing the single was fun. It was a different process because we were doing everything remotely with Kent and Ne-Yo was interesting. I wasn’t in the studio with Ne-Yo when he recorded his vocals. It was almost like, when he finished the demo of the song, by the time I heard it, they said Ne-Yo had cut the song. I listened to it and I was excited about it. That song did well, top 5 for R&B for the single. I’m deep on working on the album right now. It was important to me that when we put the record out, we had something to celebrate the 1 year anniversary of Club Quarantine and that’s why we didn’t have an album to follow it up. It was just about putting that single out for people to have a song that they would remember during the quarantine. I’m really happy that the single did well and I am looking forward to completing this project. AM: You’ve amassed an amazing platform and I’m sure that you are constantly wading through offers of things that you want to do. What's your process in terms of thinking about brand synergies. I loved the Band-Aid campaign that you were part of. What are you thinking of when you know that the brands are interested in D-Nice?

D: Everything that I have done has been important for the synergy to be there. I have to be mindful of a couple of things right? 1. I’m not just a DJ that’s happening right now. I do have history and I have to be respectful of my history. Everything that I participate in, you want it to resonate with the younger generation, but I am respectful of the legacy that was already built and the people that listened to my music back in the day who are still jamming to my music right now. The first project that I worked on during the quarantine was the Apple commercial and that was great because it had Oprah and all of these celebrities in there. The 2nd campaign I worked on was for Budweiser which was based on the old commercial of “What’s Up” and people checking in on each other. So it was me, Dwyane Wade, Chris Bosh and Candace Parker. That was great! Then I did the Ford Commercial and what made that so authentically me was that, not only was I DJing in the commercial, did the voiceover for it, I was in it – but my record from back in the day was also a tie in. I thought it was an awesome thing for people to see the evolution of me being a recording artist in 1990 and here we are in 2021 with a commercial that’s updated but still using the essence of who I am which was great. With Band-Aid, I thought it was awesome to be a person of color and never having Band-Aids that could match our skin tone! It was great to be part of that campaign and to be able to show! But on the other side for me, to see that Corporate America and these big brands actually trust me to be part of what they’re doing and I didn’t take that lightly either. Throughout my career, what I did was to be able to sustain in terms of how dedicated I have been to do the right thing with people. To work with Michelle Obama and to raise awareness with voter rights and voter registration. Raising money for the Apollo Theater, Breast Cancer Awareness,

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raising 100s of thousands for HBCUs – it’s important to always use that platform to do some good. Even with those campaigns, I always have to be part of something that wouldn’t just be a good look for me, but to be a good look for people in general. AM: What is the best piece of business advice that you have received? D: Honestly, it wasn’t based on any advice that one person gave me, it was based on what I felt in my heart. In the beginning of quarantine, people were offering me millions of dollars and I didn’t accept any of it and it’s because it didn’t feel good to me. It's not that I didn't want to make money, let’s be honest, I am a business man and this is my business, I am an artist. But in that moment, in those very early weeks of the quarantine, to all of a sudden monetize something right before everyone’s eyes when it was something that people needed – it didn’t feel right to me and it didn’t sit well with me. I didn’t want that on my conscious. I wanted to do something that was truly about keeping people inspired and I remember that one of my DJ friends called and he’s a huge DJ, he’s globally known. He called me and said, “hey man, this is the first time that I could actually dance with my family and I appreciate you!” I’ll never forget conversations like that and there were multiple ones like that. I knew that this was something special and all I wanted to do was to play music. Now, it did become a business months later. We can’t deny that! But even in terms of it being a business, it was important to do things that didn’t push success into anyone’s face. It wasn’t about the money. It wasn’t about diamonds and cars – it wasn't about buying things. It was about keeping people inspired. AM: You recently became an investor at Maison Marcel. Why did you want to enter this space and will you do anything that is outfaced with the brand?

D: I invested in it because obviously, I’m a wine drinker and I have been looking to get into the space for years. Even before working with Maison Marcel, I was a brand ambassador for Hennessey for nearly a decade of being involved with them. The natural progression would be to own your spirits company or to one day own your wine company. When the opportunity presented itself to be a part of it, I jumped on it. I was first introduced to the brand by my buddy Hassan Smith, who works with John Legend. It wasn’t even about investing, it was, “hey, would you like a glass of wine.” I enjoyed it and he was like, “I invested in this.” Then 2 years later, I became an investor. I’m not sure what we will do in terms of forward facing involvement. I didn’t want to be a spokesperson because I didn’t want the brand to be about me. I enjoy my wine, so I am always going to talk about it. I enjoy the product – so we’ll see. AM: How do you take time for yourself when you’re not in the midst of playing music, creating music building your brand and all of the things that you do? D: Honestly, I have to figure that out! The one thing that I am doing is spending more time with my kids. Especially now that school is back. I have 2 daughters. One graduated from law school and I have a younger daughter she’s in the 4th grade so that’s important. Other than that, I enjoy – I mean people think that I’m exhausted. There are times that I am, but I don’t feel burnt out because I truly love what I do! AM: Your impact on this global pandemic that you gave to people and the impact on the culture throughout your career has been immense! Over the past few months, you have received a number of accolades from Webby Artist of the Year, Shine A Light Award from BET Awards, NAACP Image Awards for Entertainer of the Year and an ASCAP Voice of the Culture Award – what do you want your legacy to be? D: That’s a tough one. You know, when I

think about it, I just want people to know that it’s ok to be a nice guy, no pun attended. It’s ok to be a good guy. What’s happened my entire life over my career was not solely based on talent. It was based on being kind to people and being there for people. So when you think about Club Quarantine, none of this happens overnight. You’re talking about 35 years of relationships in the music industry. Michelle Obama wasn’t on my IG because she heard that I was DJing. That was because I made a phone call and the only reason why I could make that phone call is because I have worked with them and I have been kind to people. In that moment, that was the first time that I recognized that people came to something because I was doing it. For decades, I was always there doing things for them. To me, it was important that I make sure that I put kindness into everything that I am doing and with one another. Hopefully, that will be part of my legacy. AM: For #TRIBEGOALS, we talk to trailblazers in the industry and ask them who are 3 people that have influenced you to be where you are today. D: The 1st person would be Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for obvious reasons. Obviously, he was Black and dealt with the plight of Black people, but it was also important for him to represent human beings period and that has always been an important part of growing up for me. The 2nd person would be Stevie Wonder. His music, the storytelling in his music and the feeling in his music has always been an important part of my growing up and even including him in my sets now. Even knowing Stevie and having dinner with him, it's been one of the highlights of my career. The third person would be, Barack Obama. From the moment that I met him, I'll share a story. One day I was DJing an event that he was hosting, he was still President at the time and we were on Martha's Vineyard. We were in a small tent, maybe 50

people in total were attending. I was a guest and also DJing and there was this one moment, which was in his last year of his presidency, where I saw him sitting in a corner by himself, people were dancing and I looked over at him. I remember thinking that to see someone who probably had the weight of the world on his shoulders in that very moment, but he was still able to be present with his family and friends was inspiring to see that no matter how much work you have going on in your life, it’s still important to maintain that love and respect for your family and friends. I never forgot that moment and I’m truly inspired by Barack Obama! @dnice PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY | D-Nice Hear DJ/Producer D-Nice on our show, #TRIBEGOALS - which is a part of Athleisure Studio, our multimedia companion podcast network! Subscribe to be notified when the episode drops. Listen on iHeartRadio, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts or wherever you enjoy your podcasts.

A lot has taken place over the last 20 months. We've learned new skills, become profficient in things that we never knew about, assisted others in their time of need and with all of that activity going on, it's important to make sure that we also keep the focus on our health so that we can continue to be our best selves. We checked in with one of our faves, Celebrity Fitness Trainer, Harley Pasternak, who has worked with Ariana Grande, Kim Kardashian and Lady Gaga to name a few. He talked about how we can maintain our goals no matter the time of year and to make it an ongoing priority. He shares how we can stay on track as well as some healthy hacks along the way! ATHLEISURE MAG: Now that we’re settling into the fall, how can people stay on track with our fitness and nutrition? It feels like a gateway as we’re coming off of the summer and soon we will be thinking about the holiday season as well and there are those that are also focused on getting rid of their Quarantine 15. HARLEY PASTERNAK: The principles of being healthy and staying in shape, they hold true regardless of what month or season it is. Number 1, you’ve got trying to hit your step goal every day – that’s at least 12,000 steps a day. The fall is probably my favorite time of year to do that. It’s not too hot, but it’s not too cold. Get those steps in and take in the beautiful weather – rake your leaves, whatever you need to do. I love getting my steps. Number 2, is sleep! I think that it’s actually easier to get sleep come the fall because we fall back. There’s a little less daylight, so we actually get sleepier a little bit earlier and we tend to get a little sleepy. It’s cooler, the clocks change and these contribute to getting the best sleep. Number 3 is cutting back on screentime. I think that you should unplug for at least an hour a day from technology and it’s really important. It affects our health, wellness, wellbeing, our mental state and our physical state. Next is food, protein, fiber and healthy fat for breakfast, lunch and dinner with a little snack in between. Finally, you still need

Fitness is a Lifestyle Harley Pasternak

to strength train as little as 1 strength move a day. You can work your way up to 2 – 3 strength moves every other day.

1 1/4 Maple Hill organic plain Greek yogurt

AM: For those looking to round out their workout routines, what are some moves that you think that they should do so that they’re hitting the 360 of their bodies?

1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

HP: I don’t believe in doing a whole body workout. I believe in splitting the body throughout the week. One way that I do it is 1 body part a day, 7 days a week. So each day of the week, you’re doing 1 exercise. Sometimes I will do 5 days a week of 2 body parts a day and sometimes I’ll do 4 days a week of 3 body parts a day. AM: I know that you’ve partnered with Maple Hill. What is it about the brand that made you want to be involved with them and then what are some good recipes that you can make with their products as I know that you’re a fan of smoothies as we are too. HP: I met them a few years ago at an event that I was hosting for Goop in Texas. I saw the product, I really liked it and we kept in touch. They reached out to me recently and they said, “would you believe that we figured how to filter out the lactose-sugar from dairy?” All that’s left is 2 different proteins, whey and casein, Vitamin D, calcium, potassium and water. I was like, there’s no way. They sent it to me, it was delicious, my kids love it, I love it! I have been using it for my smoothies in the morning – I have a few smoothies that I use such as the PB&J Smoothie. I also enjoy making an Apple Pie Smoothie and a Pina Colada Smoothie where I use it as the base. APPLE PIE SMOOTHIE Per Smoothie

1 cup Maple Hill Zero Sugar organic milk PINA COLADA SMOOTHIE 1 medium orange peeled and sectioned 1/3 cup Maple Hill organic plain Greek yogurt 1/2 cup coconut milk 2 tablespoons whey protein powder 1 frozen banana chopped 1 cup fresh pineapple chunks (fresh, not canned!) My kids will use Maple Hill in their cereals and in the afternoon, I will use their Greek yogurt with a little bit of cinnamon and I take a baked apple and pipette the cinnamon yogurt in the middle of the baked apple where I will core it out and it’s really good! HARLEY'S FAVORITE BAKES APPLES 8 apples, cored 32oz Maple Hill organic plain Greek yogurt Cinnamon Core apples and place in a baking dish in one inch of water, sprinkle cinnamon over everything. Cover with foil and bake at 400 for 2 hours. Mix 2 tsp cinnamon into yogurt, pipe yogurt & cinnamon mixture into the center of the apples.

1.5 red apples, peeled, cored and chunked

I use a high-tech, fancy method of putting the yogurt in a ziplock and cutting the corner off to squeeze the yogurt into the apples!

1 small frozen banana, chunked

AM: That sounds very decadent!

15 raw almonds

HP: It is! AM: As always, it’s fun to look through your IG whether it’s looking at a fitness routine, seeing you introduce foods to your kids or just meals you’re making for lunch. You had a Cobb Salad with pretzel sticks! We love pretzel sticks and being able to see you present a hi-low meal with a twist really shows this fun food sensibility in terms of balance. How important is it to have these healthy hacks in your food lifestyle? HP: I think it’s important because if you want to eat well, you want to eat well forever. If you’re too strict, regimented and limited – you can do something for a short time but not for a long time. I think that by adding a little hi-low into your foods, you have a fun time with it. So even when I do cereal with my kids, we’ll use the milk with the sugar removed like we talked about which is amazing and we’ll use a high fiber low cereal with it, but then, I will sprinkle in a little bit of the sugary cereal on top so that my kids don’t feel like we’re giving them weird health food all the time! They feel like there is some fun it and I think that that’s important to do. AM: What do you suggest for people that splurge on having those extra cocktails or enjoying something that really yummy that’s off of their typical plan? What’s the best way that they can reset their bodies to get back on track? HP: I wrote The Body Reset Diet which has now been a Number 1 – 3 times! I think that some people may want to jump in and hop in on Phase 1 or Phase 2 if they feel like they are spiraling out of control and it just puts them back in on that 3 meals – 2 snacks a day with protein, fiber and healthy fat at every meal. It tends to be helpful for people! AM: We know that you’re always working on a number of projects so what should we keeping an eye out that you can share with us?

HP: Yeah! I design all the gyms for the Four Seasons Hotels around the world. I helped to develop a new technology called FORME which is a really cool technology. I’m the global fitness advisor for Alo. AM: Yes! If we’re not rocking Adidas, we’re in Alo! HP: I know, right? So all of these brand partnerships of mine are synergistic. Maple Hill for me, is a natural no brainer. I have been a fan of dairy for years. I even visited a number of dairy farms to see how the cows live, how milk is taken from them and what they’re fed. I think that every brand partnership that I have ever had has been very organic and natural and synergistic with the other ones. @HarleyPasternak PHOTOS COURTESY | Harley Pasternak


We're hitting one of the favorite times of year which is the perfect time to check off a few more restaurants off of our list. This month's The Art of the Snack is Tuscany Steakhouse. We take some time to find out more about this restaurant with restaurater, Steve Haxhiaj. We talk about his expertise in the industry, his Executive Chef Jamie Chabla and what we should order the next time we dine in with friends and family. ATHLEISURE MAG: As a veteran restaurateur and alumnus of Wolfgang’s Steakhouse, can you tell us about your career in the industry and what led you to creating Tuscany Steakhouse? STEVE HAXHIAJ: With my 28+ years in the industry between Italian restaurants and steakhouses, I have combined my experiences and came up with the menu at Tuscany Steakhouse which marries flavors of Italian American fare and the classic American steakhouse, creating the perfect menu for our guests to have plenty of choices for steaks, seafood, and other Italian dishes. AM: Tell me about Executive Chef Jamie Chabla's, culinary background and how he came to Tuscany Steakhouse. SH: Our Executive Chef Jaime Chabla has more than 35 years experience in the industry. Chef Chabla had worked for about 20+ years at Manhattan Café & Portofino's as a chef. He also worked for 8+ years at Wolfgang's Steakhouse which is where I met him and we got the idea to get together open up Tuscany Steakhouse. AM: How would you define the cuisine and menu that is offered at Tuscany Steakhouse? SH: Our menu is really different from other steakhouse menu's in New York City. We provide an Italian experience and flavors in our cooking and many of our dishes. AM: What can guests expect when they come to dine here?

SH: Guests who dine with us can expect top quality food, great ambience, and excellent service. AM: Can you tell me about the interior of the restaurant and what you have available for patrons who wish to eat outside? SH: The interior of the restaurant features whitewashed brick and creates a rustic look. With large mirrors and Italian music, we also have a private room and semi private room available for private events or business functions. AM: What are 3 appetizers that you suggest we should order when visiting? SH: I would highly suggest the thick cut, sizzling Canadian bacon, cold seafood tower and the fried calamari. AM: What are 3 main dishes that we should enjoy when visiting? SH: Our USDA prime and dry aged steaks are highlighted by the Porterhouse Steak. Also, our fantastic Pollo Parmesan and delicious seafood pasta are other dishes that everybody really loves. AM: What are 3 cocktails that you suggest? SH: I would highly suggest our Midtown Mule, the Pear-tini, and the Salted Margarita. AM: Tuscany Steakhouse has a vast wine list – can you tell us about some of the wines/regions that are available? SH: Our wine selection is very generous; one of the most popular choices are the Californian Cabernets like Caymus, Faust, Robert Mondavi, and then also our Super Tuscany wines like Solaia and Sassicaia. AM: To complete our meal, what are 3 desserts that you suggest? SH: I would suggest the Tiramisu, Crème

Brûlée and also the apple strudel. AM: As we begin to enter the fall and holiday season, are there special dishes or events that will be available during that time? SH: Yes, we will have special dishes moving into the fall and holiday season. Each night we have different specials available from off the menu including a bone-in filet mignon, pasta specials, fish specials and also a soup special. Additionally, we do have a couple different menus that we recommend for groups of larger than 10 people or for private events. @tuscanysteakhouse PHOTOGRAPHY COURTESY | Tuscany Steakhouse

What New Yorkers Need to Know About COVID-19 Vaccines New York City is committed to keeping everyone safe and healthy by ensuring that access to COVID-19 vaccines is fair and equitable. COVID-19 vaccines will likely be available for most New Yorkers by mid-2021. Some people, such as health care workers, essential workers who cannot separate from others, and older adults and other people at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 can currently get vaccinated. When you get vaccinated, you are helping to protect yourself and your family and friends. You are also helping to make your community safer. We know New Yorkers care about their communities, including health care workers and small business owners. Do the vaccines work? • Two COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) have been approved for emergency use by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In clinical studies, both vaccines were more than 94% effective at protecting participants from COVID-19. Are the vaccines safe? • Yes. You cannot get COVID-19 from the vaccine. The vaccine does not contain the virus. It teaches your body’s immune system how to fight the virus, so it can fight the virus if you are exposed to it.

• The COVID-19 vaccines have gone through large clinical studies involving tens of thousands of people of various ages, races and ethnicities. The evidence from those studies was closely reviewed by the FDA and independent organizations.

• Researchers have been working on vaccines for coronaviruses for years, so they did not start from scratch. Are there side effects? • It is normal to experience side effects after the first or second dose of the vaccine. Common side effects include soreness in the arm where you got the shot, headache, body aches, tiredness and fever. • If you have any questions or concerns, call 311 or talk to your health care provider.

• Side effects can be unpleasant, but getting vaccinated helps protect you may help protect and other New Yorkers.



Korean Fine Foods (Group KKF) is known for bringing popular Korean fast casual food concepts and trends to the US. In NYC, they own and operate 10 restaurants that includes: Dons Bogam, Jongro BBQ, Jongro Gopchang, Jongro Rice Hotdog, Mochi Mochi Bubble Tea to name a few. Some of their concepts are standalone restaurants, others have multiple locations and an additional concept, conveyor belt sushi is in the works! The Afternoon concept combines some of these eateries under one roof! This concept has locations in New York and New Jersey for a total of 50 across the country in the next 3 years.

can select their desired choices from the concepts that are offered. Make sure to check out each Afternoon location for the concepts that are featured. At the Bedford location, we suggest crispy corn dogs from Jongra Rice Hotdog, such as The Ramyon Noodle Chips Hotdog (with crispy ramen exterior for that extra crunch), The Potato Hotdog (a hot dog wrapped in crispy French fries) and the All Mozzarella Hotdog (all cheese and vegetarian). For a mashup of Japanese mochi and American donuts, head to Mochi Mochi Donut for sweet and savory treats. The Chocolate Mochi Donut is a bestseller at Afternoon. Another great flavor combination is Black Sesame which has a slightly chewy mochi dough. And the Ube (purple yam) has

Afternoon gives its patrons the opportunity to experience and enjoy new food and drink trends before they become mainstream. Ordering is done via touchscreen kiosks and customers

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a vibrant color that's Instagrammable.

Once you have ordered your items in one simple transaction, you pick them up from dedicated counters from each concept.

We suggest the Croffle Haus which has sweet and savory options. Their croffles (waffles) are made from croissants; the Cheddar Cheese Croffle (tastes like grilled cheese), Birthday Cake Croffle (the icing is a great combo with the croffles) and the Apple Cinnamon Croffle (is a twist on this classic flavor combo) on your next visit.

AFTERNOON BEDFORD 148 N 7th St Brooklyn, NY 11249

Enjoy coffee from Brooklyn Roasting Company which pairs well with the concepts that are available.

@afternoon.bedford Check out your nearest afternoon location in NY and in NJ.

Keep an eye out for egg sandwiches from EggLab which will be available soon.

PHOTOS COURTESY | Afternoon Issue #70 | Oct 2021

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NSA NOODLE BAR No Strings Attached Noodle Bar (NSA Noodle Bar) sets out to create a new culinary perspective by taking one of the staples of cuisine found in all corners of the world and bringing them together to inspire new and inventive flavors and tastes.

with pieces from local artists, and personal touches from everyone on their staff, from servers to the head chef.

They have created a fresh and multi-culturally inspired selection of dishes at NSA Noodle Bar. For their opening menu, they wanted to showcase the two most well-known noodle types; Japanese Ramen and Italian Pasta; and blend them in new and interesting ways to exemplify the best of both cuisines.

For an appetizer, our 3 top picks are the Panko Takoyaki which takes the traditional Japanese Octopus Ball and gives them a Panko shell, frying them to bring out the inner texture and flavor of both; the Seasonal Gyoza is an in-house wrapped braised Pork Gyoza, served with Spicy Peanut Butter Sauce and the Miso Honey Burrata has a Buffalo Burrata glazed with their Miso-Honey Vinaigrette among a bed of grilled Grape Tomatoes and Toast Sticks.

Guests can expect an intimate experience while savoring the tastes of their fusion dishes, featuring fresh pasta and ingredients. When dining at their restaurant, they decorated the space

For the noodles, we suggest the Uni Crème Angel Hair is their take on the classic cream sauce dish, with fresh Angel Hair and overlayed with Sea Urchin and a Panko crunch. We like that

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their Truffle Tonkotsu Ramen has a Braised Chashu Pork, surrounded by Naruto Tataki, a Shio Soft-boiled Egg and Menma, over a bowl of Truffle-infused Tonkotsu Broth. Finally, there is the Washugyu Garganelli, a mouth-watering Washugyu (Wagyu) tossed in fresh pasta, parmesan, and garlic.

name a few. The Matcha Tiramisu has Matcha-soaked Ladyfingers sunk in Mascarpone Cream and topped with Matcha-infused White Chocolate. NSA Noodle Bar 135B N 5th St Brooklyn, NY 11249

For the finishing touch on your meal, you should try the Yuzu Cream Tart, a Yuzu-infused Pastry Cream topped with a Coconut Sugar Brulee in a Puff Pastry boat. Enjoy their Seasonal Gelato which has a creamy smooth texture, with an eclectic selection of flavors such as Early Grey, Fig and Sesame to Issue #70 | Oct 2021 @NSANoodleBar PHOTO CREDITS | NSA Noodle Bar - 67 -




Inspiration doesn’t just occur. It’s created. Perfection isn’t simply achieved. It’s worked for. Reserved for those who get out and go. Fueled by nature. Motivated by spirit. How do you go?


This month, we've been sharing a number of people that have been focused on building their brands that impact the lives of others. Joining this group is Noah Neiman, who is known for his successful studio fitness gyms that include RUMBLE Boxing and Rumble Training. He's known for his dynamic personality and pushing people beyond their limit while also empowering them to believe in themselves. We took some time to talk about how he came to the industry, building his gyms, how he continues to grow his brand as well as his recent partnership with EASTBAY. ATHLEISURE MAG: We remember the first time we saw you when Work Out New York premiered. How did you come to fitness and when did you decide to work in the industry? NOAH NEIMAN: Wow! Not the Bravo throwback! Do you remember when Andy Cohen had me half naked on his show!? Sorry mom! My start in the fitness industry was one of those stories that was a lifetime in the making; I just didn’t realize it at the time. I was one of those overweight kids that would always try to finesse my way onto the shirts team instead of skins playing pickup ball. T Shirt on in the pool type. So early on, I started to study and learn all I could about physical fitness and nutrition. I had a lot of behavioral problems as a kid, and I found the more that I trained, the less likely I was to act a fool running around the streets of Pittsburgh, Pa. Fast forward to post college, where I went to Hofstra and got my degree in accounting, a series of unfortunate events led me to leaving NYC and returning to my hometown of Pittsburgh. During my stint in Pittsburgh, I was being incredibly self destructive again. I was heavily depressed, suffering panic attacks regularly, and forgot how training my physical body helped me keep me emotionally in control. I let myself spiral into a pretty dark place. I remember being in the hospital after a hard night of partying

and seeing the concerned and disappointed look on my parents faces as they rushed to see me. Seeing that look is one I will never forget. That night, I stopped doing drugs! Now over 13 years ago! That following week I happened to be driving by a new jiu jitsu studio that was opening up near my hood: Warren Stouts Renzo Gracie Training Studio. I traded the drugs for jiu jitsu. I trained with those guys for a year while going through on and off again anxiety issues; 'til finally my parents told me that I needed to head back to NYC. They conveyed in me the belief that I was destined to accomplish great things, but I had to do so in New York. So I returned back to NYC with very little money and no real purpose. A friend asked me to attend a workout class with him at the newly opened Barrys BootCAMP; and that ended up being the serendipitous moment that most underdogs stories have at the beginning. I was in that class cheering on my friend and losing myself in that workout. Fortuitously, the now CEO of Barrys, Joey Gonzalez, was the trainer leading the class. He approached me and asked if I wanted to become a trainer there. All my football, strength, conditioning, jiu jitsu, training and a lifetime of studying was about to pay off!! I was READY for a moment, I didn’t even know was coming; but you know the old saying “if you stay ready, you don’t have to get ready.” I found my purpose. For those hours I was training people and leading these big group classes; all my anxiety and all my depression seemed to just melt away. I had to focus on OTHERS. Making sure they were hustling and making sure they were having a great time. It was therapeutic to me. So I THREW every ounce of effort and energy into it. The world quickly responded; and I became one of the most talked about and featured trainers. Finding myself featured in everything to Vanity Fair to the New York Times, then ultimately landed that show on BRAVO!

Fast forward a few years of building my reputation, my now business partner Eugene Remm; the founder of iconic CATCH restaurants (CATCH HOSPITALITY GROUP) and I got together and started planning what our own gym experience would look like. We wanted to bring an elevated experience to the group fitness game; one the was highly effective, but highly FUN. One that had the aesthetic and vibes that only we could create because of our unique lenses built by decades of our own tastes…. and so RUMBLE was born. AM: If we wanted to train like you do in an average week, what are your workout routines and what are the foods/meals that you are eating throughout the day? NN: I actually take RUMBLE Boxing and Rumble training for a majority of my workouts each week. That’s why I created the space! For my body; strength training coupled with conditioning via running and boxing has always had me feeling and looking my best; and the MENTAL benefits of punching things, hard, throughout the week are immense! I try to eat as healthy as I can so I normally hit up my go to spot HONEYBRAINS to eat fresh whole foods. Throughout the week I eat a lot of fish, steak, eggs, and chicken coupled with potatoes, white rice, spinach, salads, beans. Then when I feel like it, its burgers and and ice cream. I try not to be one of those holier than thou trainers. I like to keep it real, eat sloppy when I want, and then get right back to eating clean when I want. AM: I remember a few years ago I took a class led by you at Barry's Bootcamp and then when Rumble Training opened, I attended an editor event that was led by you. As a well known group fitness instructor, your passion for motivating and empowering people is so impactful regardless of your workout level - what is your approach to working out with your celeb as well as daily clients and why is this important? NN: I call fitness the great equalizer! It doesn’t matter who you are, how many

followers you have, I treat everyone the same! I keep that same energy like Teyana Taylor (coincidentally also one of our investors). My passion and energy is the driving force of what I do, and I treat every class like it’s Jay Z's My First Song; I treat my first class, like my last class, and my last class, like my first class, so my thirst and energy is the same as when I came! Everyone is the same at the end of the day. You either do the work and get better by it, or you don’t. I think that’s one of the most refreshing things about training with me, and our philosophy at Rumble. We treat every like Jason Derulo, or Justin Bieber…you just might also happen to work out next to them one day. AM: Boxing is one of my favorite sports to watch and I know you are passionate about it. Why is this your preferred workout method? NN: The efficacy of boxing is undisputed as the champ! There’s a reason they call fighters “Lean mean fighting machines,” but to be honest, boxing was always mediative for me. I had a lot of problems growing up. ADHD, getting kicked out of schools. So training to me became therapeutic. It was an outlet for a lot of anger and the vast well of energy I had. Meditation comes in many forms, and this one is mine! AM: You’re the Co-Founder of RUMBLE Boxing. When you were in the early days of launching this brand, what was it like to know that you had people such as Sylvester Stallone and Justin Bieber as investors? NN: When you open a boxing gym, and have Rocky believe in you; the provides you with a certain level of confidence. However, at the end of the day, if the experience and workout doesn’t live up to that level of hype, you’re going to fail. It was important for us to come correct, especially knowing we had so many powerful and renowned personalities backing us!

AM: Tell us about RUMBLE Boxing, Rumble Training and Rumble TV and why you wanted to create this universe. For Rumble Boxing and Rumble Training, what cities are you located in and are there new cities you will open in? NN: Plainly put, I wanted to bring boxing to the masses. Polish and package it in a way that I thought our clients would love! So Rumble Training, Rumble TV, and our OG RUMBLE Boxing were just ways we could positively impact our already highly engaged customers. We’re in NYC, DC, Philly, San Francisco, LA, Chicago; and with our new partnerships with Xponential; you’re going to see Rumbles popping up from Alaska to Australia with 100’s of locations opening up across the world. AM: In terms of working on the Rumble brand, what is an average day like for you? NN: As an entrepreneur in general, there are no average days. Especially living in NYC! My role is to really make sure our brand is staying just that; OUR brand. To ensure the consistency and clarity in delivery; and making sure our trainers and staff have the discipline and help they need to execute. Ive never been a great boardroom leader. I need to be in the mix with my team. Teaching classes, seeing how the front desk engages with clients, cleaning the benches and studio if need be! I try and keep that Herb Kelleher of Southwest Airlines approach; don’t tell. Show! Be there for your team and they’ll be there for you. It requires a tremendous amount of energy to lead in that manner; which is why I’m so passionate about health and mental wellness. It provides you with that unlimited well to tap into. You said you responded to my energy when you were at my classes long ago; and I told you I have to keep that same energy. So when I can; I’m investing in myself, so I can better serve others! AM: What is the best piece of business advice that you received that has allowed you to navigate the industry as a fitness entrepreneur?

NN: I’d like to think I’m just an entrepreneur; working and consulting with companies in a variety of spaces; but my number one rule of thumb is 'chase relationships, not checks”. Everything I have been able to achieve has been a collaborative effort. I’ve earned my spot at the table by freely giving my energy and skills to whoever engages with me. You’d be surprised the return you get on an energy investment when you invest in PEOPLE. AM: Recently you partnered with EASTBAY with the release of their new line EASTBAY Performance. You were a team captain for a flag football game in McCarren Park in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. We heard that your team was impressive through 3 of your games and you just missed out on the championship game. Why did you want to participate in this event? NN: I’m on that Peter Pan! I was so honored to get the call to participate it was a no brainer. Thinking back on my childhood; running home to check out the EASTBAY catalogue, or taking a girl on the date to the Monroeville Mall in Pittsburgh to check out the FOOTLOCKER, is super nostalgic. To be surrounded by such iconic brands, in iconic Brooklyn, and most importantly surrounded by such positive and powerful PEOPLE; I HAD to be a part of this. I'm still rocking scabs on my knees as I answer this question. I look at it as a badge of honor. Young me would be so proud that I’ve worked hard enough to be recognized by EASTBAY and Footlocker; and to be honest, old me is too! Plus, that new EASTBAY line is fire, had to be one of the first to cop! AM: What are your 3 favorite products from the Eastbay Performance line? NN: The t-shirt, tights, and shorts combo is a trifecta. Deion Sanders said “if you look good, you feel good. If you feel good, you play good. If you play good, they PAY good!" I took that to heart as a child, so rocking the new line it not only LOOKS fresh, but its functional to enhance you playing good too...and you know what

happens when you PLAY good. Ka-ching $$$!!!!! AM: In looking at your IG, beyond your passion for fitness and style, we know that you love your dog Oz. How has he been impactful in your life especially when we were all going through the craziness of quarantine? NN: I’m gonna go super mayonnaise corny on you now; Oz saved my life. He taught me firsthand what it was like to care about something, and have to take care of something other than myself. I learned not to be selfish from him. This dog has been with me from first blood; through thick and thing. Through happiness, depression, poor, rich; Oz has been by my side. During the pandemic I actually rescued two more dogs that look exactly like Oz from Buddy’s Rescue. I may be biased, but I have the sweetest and best looking trio of dogs on the island of Manhattan. During the pandemic, I was feeling very anxious and uncertain like the rest of us; so once again I found myself needing to get out of my own head. Who better to escape with than with two little puppies and one sage old pitbull. The puppies even earned a little money over the pandemic shooting for brands like KITH and PETCO. AM: When you’re not working out, focusing on your business, appearing on TV etc, how do you take time for yourself? NN: I’m an ambivert so to contrast the extreme extroverted nature of my job, I like to spend a lot of time by myself. I love to walk the dogs through Washington Square Park, read a book, going to ZERO BOND which is my friends members only club. I like to ride my Ducati motorcycle around NYC like the island ordered Batman on WISH ! Sorry mom, I won’t sell it! Its also meditative to me. The correlation between boxing and riding a motorcycle is strong. In both pursuits, you have to be present. You have to live in the moment. You can’t think about the past or the future; you have to live in the now. I think more people would be better served if

they could find those things they love that ground them and bring them home to the present moment. Growing up, I was never ok to be by myself, because I didn’t love the person I was spending time with; so as I get older, I’m learning to love and invest in that person more. To contrast all that; when I’m really trying to get after it. I will 100 percent get a table at CATCH and hit that dance floor full up on a belly full of the best steak, sushi, and tequila. The perks of being in business with Eugene Remm are numerous; but that is definitely one of the best! AM: As someone who is always on the go and working on the next thing, are there any projects that you can share that you are working on? NN: The universe provides if you know how to harvest, so I keep working on my universal agricultural skills. I’ve been fortunate to work with brands across a variety of industries, from NIKE, to BOSE, to Tag Heuer, to Vital Proteins, to MCLAREN to name a few, and each one has been a great learning experience. Its enabled me to spot opportunities across a wide spectrum. The biggest things I’m focusing on now is helping EMERALD EQUITY GROUP create a brand around their new high end luxury rental building they just purchased 2 COOPER SQUARE. Helping create that elevated living experience people have come to expect from me, albeit in a different arena, with Rumble. I'm a longtime fan and investor in HONEYBRAINS, the restaurant I mentioned before where I eat 80 percent of my meals. I used to just be a customer and ending up striking up a conversation with one of the owners. Now I’m an investor and helping them grow the brand! All because of giving off that welcoming energy that created the environment for me and the co-owner to strike up a conversation. Remember what I said about chasing relationships! You have to be open, aware,

and receptive to the early stages of them! I’m working with my boy Louis Denaples who owns Ducati New York City on some branding projects for his motorcycle shops; and helping him create a retail line around the Ducati lifestyle. I’ve been in talks with SIRIUS and other networks about my own show which is something I’m extremely passionate about now. At the end of the day, I just want to impact people. I want people to engage with me, through a variety of platform; yet always know that they are going to get that positive energy and support they need to unlock the greatness within themselves. I pitched a lifestyle travel show with my own unique twist pre pandemic that is picking up some attention and steam; so stay tuned for announcements on that! @noahdneiman PHOTOS COURTESY | Noah Neiman

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1 in 4 kids may face hunger because of the coronavirus.

With schools closed and parents’ paychecks cut, countless children in America don’t know where their next meal is coming from. You can help feed them during this crisis, and in the recovery to come. Find out how you can help at


Gunnar Peterson + Dr. Cedric "Jamie" Rutland

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Issue #70 | Oct 2021

We're always promoting ways of optimizing your health and being able to bring you the best advice and tips on how to reach and push your goals. Each person has their own challenges and paths to getting there. This month we talk with Celebrity Fitness Trainer Gunnar Peterson and pulmanologist Dr. Jamie Rutland about asthma and how this condition affects this community when it comes to them engaging in fitness and sports, how they can approach these activities, the importance of checking in with your doctor and LungZone which both are participating in. For avid readers of Athleisure Mag, Gunnar Peterson has shared his insights in a number of our issues. As a trainer to Khloe Kardashian, Kanye West, Hugh Jackman, professional athletes and more, he has always been focused on his clients reaching their fullest potential. It's great to get his perspective when it comes to training and working with those that have asthma and to also provide tips to those he isn't working with and has this condition so that you can set yourself up for the best success when navigating this portion of your journey. ATHLEISURE MAG: We’ve had the pleasure of interviewing you for Athleisure Mag and I always like getting your insights. What muscles are necessary specifically when it comes to breathing? GUNNAR PETERSON: When you think about the muscles that are important for breathing, you want to think about the diaphragm, abdominal muscles and those in the chest and back that support lung capacity and postural awareness. The pectoral muscles, for example, are important when inhaling and exhaling. When I say postural awareness, I mean things like sitting up tall with your shoulders back and your chin is up high with an inhale and steady exhale. It's important to focus on deep diaphragmatic breathing, not shallow throat breathing, so that you can get more out of the body whether at rest or play.

AM: What exercises can we do to open our airways and strengthen the muscles that help us to breathe? GP: Anything that challenges you from a cardiovascular perspective is a good exercise to open your airway and strengthen your muscles. In fact, you can visit for my Get Moving class that provides movements and sequences in a way that will challenge you from a cardiovascular standpoint and help prioritize your lung health. Exercises include a push up with a t-raise – which strengthens your pectoral muscles – or a pull down – which opens you up in the front while you're taxing the latissimus dorsi muscles. All those things can help you to think about steady breathing during your resistance training. I should note that my class on www.JoinLungZone. com is for people living with moderate-to-severe asthma, and they should consult with their doctor before taking any of the classes. Each person should take classes based on their own fitness level -- you don't want to jump in particularly if you are coming in from a completely sedentary lifestyle. Once you get the green light from your doctor, then you can progress accordingly. Listen to your body. It’s something that everyone should learn to do, even those who might consider themselves advanced. AM: What are routines that one can do to have a great workout while navigating a busy lifestyle? GP: First, you need to determine your goals. Everyone has different goals. Your goal may just be to get up and get off the couch three times in one day. That’s ok. You must start somewhere. Once you determine your goal, you must create a plan and stick to that plan. You want to do something on a regular basis so that it’s consistent because it’s that consistency that keeps you going. My biggest piece of advice is to find something that you can con-

sistently incorporate into your lifestyle. want to know that they're doing exMy “Get Moving” class provides exercises actly what the person before them you can consider. did, even if they had similar vitals and goals. When you think about sports AM: Growing up, my sister had severe teams not everybody does the same asthma that placed her in the hospital workout. Individualized workouts are many times from the time she was 3 until very important to me, but they are her middle school years. At that time, go- also important for people living with ing to gym class became a battlefield as moderate-to-severe asthma. Even if the teacher didn’t understand the sever- you are doing a group workout, there ity of her ailments or how to create pro- should be levels that fit various needs grams that she could do – just recently she you should have a way to progress so started running and was shocked that she that each person walks away feeling could do it. As someone who has trained like they got the most out of it. athletes, celebrities, etc., who live with asthma, are there things that you look out AM: Please share tips on how asthmatfor and lean into so that they are still opti- ics and those who may be navigating mizing what they need to do while being related lung issues can still get a great mindful of their condition? workout. GP: First off, thank you for sharing that with me, and hats off to your sister for not losing interest in running despite what could have been a difficult experience when she was younger. I could easily see her throwing in the towel or checking out, but good for her for pressing on. We certainly have grown to understand how asthma can impact a person and have more resources available to us. Everybody is different and you can't push everybody at the same pace and same level. For many people with asthma, exercise can seem intimidating, especially when you are worried about having an asthma attack. But staying active is important, and certain exercises can help people focus on their breathing in a positive way. As a personal trainer, I’ve spent my life helping people focus on their physical well-being. Getting in shape is not something that happens overnight, and that’s true for lung heath, too. That's why we have created a starting point for people at

GP: I know I’ve said this a few times now, but I am saying it because it’s important. Before trying a workout class, people living with asthma should speak with their doctor about what is right for them. Don't just jump in on your own. Think about your body as a whole-- don't try to isolate and narrow down to single, small muscle groups or single joint movements. You want to think about the broader picture and overall lung and cardiovascular health because that's what's going to carry you through the demands of your day. — whether that's biking or playing pick-up soccer with your kids or even just getting through the daily tasks of running your household, there are demands in all of those activities. Life is a sport, everybody's an athlete, so train accordingly. AM: Tell me about LungZone and why you felt that this was something that you wanted to participate in.

AM: How important are personalized workouts to you when you’re working GP: LungZone is a program – which with your clients? you can learn more about at – that aims to guide people GP: Personalized workouts are everything with moderate-to-severe asthma toto me when I'm working with my clients. ward better lung health. I’m excited That’s why they bring me in. They don't to participate in this program and be want something cookie cutter. They don't here today on behalf of Sanofi and Re-

generon because this is really all about inclusion. Once people know that they at least have an entry point, the sky's the limit. LungZone gives you everything from mindful breathing practices with Kelley Green who is a meditation expert to common questions about asthma that are answered by Dr. Cedric "Jamie" Rutland, and my Get Moving class so you can start anywhere on that continuum, and you can progress it or regress it as needed.

take a step back and to take a look at asthma. It's important for us to take a step step back and look at what asthma is, how this condition affects the body and the areas that it targets specifically. Dr. Cedric "Jamie" Rutland, a pulmonologist, explains more about this to give us a better understanding about this and what are common triggers. It's impossible to think about asthma and its affects without asking about how COVID can also play into this condition and the importance of AM: How can we prioritize our lung health receiving the vaccine. He also shares regardless of whether we have issues or his involvement in LungZone as well. not? ATHLEISURE MAG: Before we delve GP: The lungs are fundamental organs, into asthma, LungZone etc, I’d like and there are steps we can take to focus to know about your background as on better lung health in a very real way. Ex- you’re a fellow Big 10 alumni. Why did ercising, meditating for stress reduction, you want to work with those who have and practicing deep diaphragm breathing pulmonary issues? to train your body to breathe better are important ways that people can contrib- DR. CEDRIC "JAMIE" RUTLAND: It's a ute to their lung health. great question. The way that I ended up at a Big 10 school, University of Iowa I believe first and foremost you should for medical school, was really that it find a way to enjoy exercise. If you can just happened to be a top 10 medical find a way to enjoy it, you're more likey school. So when I got accepted, I decidto stick to it, and if you stick to it, you're ed to go there. When you think about a more likely to benefit from it and make it Big 10 school in the Midwest in genersomething that you can always build on. al, that area of the country is very well educated. All the students within that AM: Are there any projects that you have area of the country are so talented, going on that we should keep an eye out and so good at being a student that I picked up a lot of different skills from for? others in the process. That experience GP: In addition to my work on LungZone, truly allowed me to understand what I try to always have irons in the fire. I have pulmonary and critical care offered some upcoming work with F45 Training me, which was the opportunity to which is a global workout company. I am not only specialize in a certain field of really aligned with their philosophies and medicine, but also experiencing other really like that they design their classes for parts of medicine that I enjoy because all levels so anyone can do it. Again, that’s when you're an ICU physician you see in part why I was excited to also partici- everything. I still like to help people pate in LungZone because it’s that same with kidney problems, liver problems, mentality. and GI tract problems. ICU medicine also gave me the opportunity to com@gunnarfitness municate with families and patients in critical situations. It allowed me to exGunnar shared how he is involved in Lung- plain things and teach, which is someZone and why this is important for those thing that I really like to do, and I think that are living with asthma. We wanted to without the help of a Big 10 school, like

the University of Iowa, I wouldn't be standard of care alone plus placebo. I where I am today. should mention that people shouldn’t use Dupixent if they are allergic to it AM: For our readers that may not be famil- or its ingredients, and it can cause seiar with asthma, can you talk about what rious side effects, including allergic it is and the areas of the body that are af- reactions and inflammation of your fected? blood vessels. So, it’s important to talk to your doctor to see what type of inDR. CJR: Let’s first talk about the lungs flammation you have and what type of and how it's structured. The lung is essen- treatment may be right for you. tially a bunch of pipes that lead to a bunch of balloons stacked on top of one anoth- AM: What are the symptoms of asther. When you take a deep breath, that air ma and are there seasons where it can travels down your windpipe and further be more prone to happening? down into smaller little pipes called the bronchi and bronchioles. Those bronchi- DR. CJR: Common symptoms of astholes lead to the balloons where oxygen is ma are shortness of breath, wheezing, picked up by your blood and used to keep and coughing. Those symptoms tend your body functioning properly. to happen as soon as you're exposed to irritants or anything that you are Asthma is an inflammation of those pipes. allergic to. If you go outside and its More specifically, it's inflammation of the springtime and all that pollens around, smooth muscle layer of the pipe, which and you start coughing or wheezing, leads to airway narrowing. That means that's going to be your trigger. If you people have trouble taking a deep breath are going outside during the winterin, and more specifically, even have trou- time, and you feel like your airways are ble releasing a deep breath out. We want narrowing or you start coughing then to calm that inflammation down so peo- cold is your trigger. All these things ple can breathe easier and feel a little bit can trigger your airways to become inflamed and that leads to airway narbetter. rowing, mucus production, shortness AM: Are there various categories or groups of breath and wheezing which are the as I’m sure that not all asthma is the same classic symptoms of asthma. for those that have it. AM: For those who are living with DR. CJR: Yes, there are different catego- asthma, what do you suggest that they ries and different treatments depending should be aware of when it comes to livon the type of asthma you have. If a pa- ing a 360 life in terms of fitness whethtient comes in and tells me they are short er they’re an enthusiast or an athlete? of breath, I quickly determine what type of inflammation may be present in their DR. CJR: I think if you are an athlete or a body. Those patients might need an inhal- fitness enthusiast who lives with asther. But, often times, it's not just a localized ma, then you have to understand your type of inflammation. It's often a systemic disease and listen to your body when type of inflammation, something we call it’s telling you that you don't have your Type 2 inflammation. When you identify disease under control. It's very importthat more systemic type of inflammation, ant for people to be aware of their then there are certain treatment options symptoms because the last thing you that work to block that inflammation, like want is for that persistent inflammaDupixent® (dupilumab). In clinical trials, tion to continue which could lead to a Dupixent improved lung function in as lit- hospitalization, severe asthma attack tle as 2 weeks and helped reduce asthma and potentially death. If you're using attacks by up to 81% when compared to an inhaler and you're still coughing or

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short of breath when you do things like going up a flight of stairs, you need to tell your physician – whether it's your primary care physician, your pulmonologist, or your allergist – that your medication isn’t working and see what else is out there.

AM: As we have all been navigating these past months due to COVID-19, can you share any information in terms of those who have actually battled COVID while being asthmatic or for those who have not had COVID but do have asthma how this may affect them?

AM: Can you tell me about what LungZone is, why you wanted to be involved in it and DR. CJR: What's interesting about how you’re participating with this pro- asthma is that there are different subgram. categories of asthma. Depending on the type of asthma, a person might DR. CJR: LungZone is a virtual commu- deal with SARS-CoV-2 differently. Asthnity created by Sanofi and Regeneron to ma leads to airway inflammation, and allow patients and their family members so does COVID-19. If asthma-related the opportunity to become educated inflammation is uncontrolled, then about what asthma is, what inflammation COVID-related inflammation can be reis present in your lungs, and potentially ally problematic. If there's one thing how to treat that inflammation appro- that I've learned, it is making sure that priately. The reason why I'm involved in a person's asthma symptoms and the LungZone is because as a doctor, it mar- inflammation are under control. ries two things I'm in love with. One is immunology, which is the study of white AM: Do those who are not asthmatblood cells and what they do in the body ic but have gotten COVID experience when there’s inflammation present. And some of the issues that are similar to the other thing is communication. I think asthma? it's very important for patients and their family members to understand what the DR. CJR: Yes, you can. Again, when body is going through. What I have found, you have that inflammation of lungs, is that people who understand what's go- whether it's caused by smoke, pollen, ing on in their body tend to tolerate their or COVID, the symptoms are going to disease a little bit better, and they feel be the same. I have had people who empowered by learning what's going on have never been diagnosed with asthin their body and understanding how they ma, that now have asthma due to this can help control their disease. I think that persistent inflammation in the postthat is something that is extremely im- COVID setting. portant, and it's something I'm passionate about. AM: For those that may not have received the vaccine for COVID and are AM: How can our readers participate? asthmatic, what is your message to them to encourage them to get it? DR. CJR: Your readers can participate by going to and taking DR. CJR: I love this question and I will my "Help Manage Your Asthma" class or tell you why. If you're a patient of mine, take the other more dynamic classes from you're going to understand what asthGunnar Peterson and Kelley Green. I think ma is and how it works. We talk a lot what's good about these classes is that about targeting inflammation. The they truly help people understand what whole point of a vaccine is to calm their body is going through, what they down inflammation and not allow the maybe need to ask their physician, and immune system to overreact and cause other ways to stengthen their body and more problems. It’s a lot easier for my manage their systems. patients to understand how and why a vaccine works. We also talked in the

earlier questions about what complications COVID can cause when you have asthma, and that’s also what I discuss with my patients.

and are always looking for other media partners to be able to express our message. We have physicians that discuss gastroenterology, fertility, and obstetrics. So, we really all understand AM: You are a busy man without a doubt. the impact that social media has and You're the founder/ownder of West Coast as a company you want to be able to Lung. Can you tell me more about this and deal with it in a very positive way. why you wanted to launch your own office? AM: You’re also the National SpokesDR. CJR: When I was a young doctor, I un- person of the Lung Association! What derstood that the most important people do you to bring awareness to lung to be able to communicate with were not health and how long have you been in my colleagues, it was my patients. There this role? was a particular incident when I was in the hospital, and a colleague of mine DR. CJR: I've been involved with the couldn't get a patient to open up. This lady American Lung Association for about looked exactly like my grandma. So, first four years. What I like about being a thing I said to her was, "Good Afternoon spokesperson, is that it gives you the Mama." And she just opened up to me. opportunity to show that there are My colleague said to me, "How did you doctors who look like me on a national know to call her mama?" I said, "She's an scale. I think that there's a lot of kids African American female so she's mama, that look like me that may not know that's just who she is.” That's when I un- that they can be a doctor, or they can derstood that I needed to make certain I become a doctor, so I think that showknew how to communicate with patients. casing that was important to me. It So, when I started West Coast Lung, I also allows me to practice my craft wanted to focus on messaging and edu- around messaging and teaching on the cation amongst patients and their family national stage and explain things in a members, so they can understand what is way that everybody can understand, going on with their bodies. I think it em- which again I think is really important. powers people and allows them to more Being in this position allows me to be easily deal with what they have, and per- that bridge between science and your haps make some changes to their diet and everyday person. exercise that helps them feel better in the long run. AM: Going through your Instagram, it’s evident that you’re passionate about AM: You’re also the VP of the Association pulmonary issues and making it apfor Healthcare Social Media. What is this proachable through your videos. Why organization and how are you involved? has this been important for you to share this kind of information socially? DR. CJR: We knew that social media was going to be a place where people were DR. CJR: You have to be able to explain going to get health information. We knew it in a way that people can understand. that 50% of people got their health infor- If you can't, you've done nothing. For mation from social media, which was as- example, with the COVID vaccines, tonishing to us, but we also know with within a year we went from having social media that you can post anything. nothing to "go get the vaccine." We We understand our role with messaging had a year to teach immunology. and how to combat misinformation, and that's what we are continuing to do. Our I think in that moment I understood role in social media is continuing to evolve, and said, "You know what, I am just and we partner with YouTube, Pinterest, going to teach how the body works." If

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people can understand that, maybe they can get to the conclusion of how a vaccine works. I teach why the vaccine may work, but I also teach about Onesimus, who was the African slave who brought the concept of vaccination to this country in the 1700s. I discuss why Onesimus had this belief in how smallpox should be treated and how that concept came from Africa to Boston during the smallpox pandemic. I want people to understand, and I use their language to make it happen.

broader audience is extremely important. Being able to educate in any setting gives people the power to understand, and exposure to others who made them think about something in a different way. We have some prominent Hollywood producers and musicians involved and I think it’s going to a really positive platform that allows people to ask questions and find answers in an easy-to-understand way.

@DrJRutland AM: In addition to using your platform for health, it also looks like you enjoy having PHOTOS COURTESY | LungZone fun like your appearance on Game of Talents this past spring and sharing your wall of Js. How important is it to you that you have that work life balance as well as sharing that doctors come in many forms and can literally be a cool guy that you’d want in your friend group? DR. CJR: I think it's important for people to be themselves and embrace who you are. I've done game shows with my friends. I'll still go out with my wife and my kids and coach them all the time. I think it’s just doing the things that I enjoy. Being a professional doesn't mean you need to ignore certain aspects of your life. I spent a lot of a lot of time learning that saying no doesn't mean you don't have to be you, it just means that you're focused on what you're trying to gain. I was focused on gaining my medical degree, my fellowship and ultimately my career. I'm just not going to let go of being me. AM: As we get closer to the end of the year, are there any projects that you'd like to share that we should know about? DR. CJR: In addition to my partnership with Sanofi and Regeneron on LungZone, another major project I am working on is developing a television program in which we educate people in a barber shop setting. There's a lot of education that happens at the barber shops. You know, I always have a dry erase pen with me so I can draw the science to help people understand, and I think taking that to a

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Articles inside


page 149


pages 143-145


page 138


pages 136-137


pages 134-135

ATHLEISURE MAG #70 OCT ISSUE | Breathe In with Gunnar Peterson + Dr. Cedric "Jamie" Rutland

pages 120-122, 125-127, 129-130, 133


page 118

ATHLEISURE MAG #70 OCT ISSUE | Athleisure Beauty

page 103


pages 100-101

ATHLEISURE MAG #70 OCT ISSUE | Lavender Beauty

page 96

ATHLEISURE MAG #70 OCT ISSUE | Sky's the Limit with Noah Neiman

pages 82-91


pages 79-81


pages 71-73


page 68

ATHLEISURE MAG #70 OCT ISSUE | Athleisure List: NSA Noodle Bar

pages 66-67

ATHLEISURE MAG #70 OCT ISSUE | Athleisure List: Afternoon

pages 64-65


page 59

ATHLEISURE MAG #70 OCT ISSUE | The Art of the Snack: Tuscany Steakhouse

pages 50-55


pages 46-49

ATHLEISURE MAG #70 OCT ISSUE | Fitness is a Lifestyle with Harley Pasternak

pages 40-44


pages 35-37

ATHLEISURE MAG #70 OCT ISSUE | Community is the Vibe D-Nice

pages 1, 16-29, 31, 150

ATHLEISURE MAG #70 OCT ISSUE | Rock This When You're Tackling Fall Activities

page 99
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