June 2018

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2018 St. Jude Dream Home

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30 HOME:

Step inside and take a look at this year’s amazing St. Jude Dream Home!


Take me out to the ball game! Host your own Baseball, Brews & Barbecue party this baseball season. 8 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

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62. F O R YO U 26 healthy you Sugar Shrug, Part 3



46 gift guide Father's Day 98 on a good note Pedaltown Bike Donation Program

HOME & DESIGN 16 at home with Dave Wottle 30 home feature Home with a Heart: St. Jude Dream Home 50 home trends Salvias

T R AV E L & C U L T U R E 54

getaway Greenville, South Carolina


travel Oberammergau Passion Play


experience this Summer's Top Reads


74 social Mid South Happenings 80 wedding Hall/Jones

FOOD & DRINK 84 entertaining Take Me Out To The Ball Game! 90 dining out Hopdoddy Burger Bar 92 happy hour Sazerac 94 in the kitchen Strawberry Cake 10 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018


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ART DIRECTOR ANNA HALEY | aleppert@athomemms.com






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publisher’s note For the month of June we are featuring the St. Jude Dream Home. With that being in mind, I decided to ask Julia, my 14-year-old neice who was a patient at St. Jude, to share with us her experience. Enjoy!

— Margaret


Julia at age 2

Julia age 14 with her father

St. Jude has played a major role in my life. In August of 2005, I was diagnosed with AML (Acute Myeloid Leukemia) at the age of two. Of course, being that young, I don’t remember much of anything, but what I do remember is that St. Jude did anything and everything to keep me and my family happy…24/7. The doctors, surgeons, and staff are very passionate about finding a cure for cancer and curing every child that walks into the hospital. I firmly believe that all the doctors of medicine and science will \ find a cure someday soon. As we know, finding cures for diseases takes knowledge but also lots of money. St Jude Dream Homes are one of the largest forms of fundraisers that help raise millions of dollars for cancer research. Growing up in Jackson, MS, my family would participate every year in the dream house fundraising. My favorite times were being at the local TV station, WLBT, talking to the families the day of the drawing and actually drawing the winning ticket on live TV. The houses were always so beautiful! Now that I’m older, I now realize that this year’s house in Memphis could be helping a newly diagnosed 8-year-old with neuroblastoma or a newborn with lymphoma. It’s hard to comprehend all the good the people at St. Jude do for those in need. I feel that’s exactly what our world needs today. Julia Eidt

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at home with

At Home With

Dave Wottle Text by Ginni Jones Photos courtesy of Bowling Green State University and Associated Press

Go for the gold! At Home Memphis & Mid South had the opportunity to sit down with Dave Wottle, a retired Olympic track athlete, and his wife Jan. Dave is well known for earning a gold medal in the 1972 Summer Olympic Games in Munich, Germany. After his athletic career, Dave and Jan moved to the Mid South, where Dave started his 29-year tenure as the dean of admissions and financial aid at Rhodes College. The Wottles now reside in Germantown. Read below to learn more about this extraordinary couple and their favorite parts of the Mid South!


At Home Memphis & Mid South: Tell us a little about your background, both personally and professionally. Dave Wottle: I was born and raised in Canton, Ohio (about a mile from the Pro Football Hall of Fame). I attended Bowling Green State University where I was an eight-time All-American in track and cross country, co-held the world record in the 800 meter and won a gold medal in the Munich Olympics in the 800 meter. Following my athletic career, I established myself in the admissions and financial aid profession, most recently at Rhodes College where I retired in 2012 as the dean of admissions and financial aid emeritus. Jan was born and raised in Norton, Ohio, with her four brothers and sisters. Following her high school graduation, she attended Bowling Green State University where she earned a BS in education and then taught elementary school for several years. Once we had children, Jan decided to stay at home to raise our three kids. 16 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

AHMMS: What inspires you? DW: My Christian faith, being with my friends and family. For Jan, the people she observes who are kind and generous to others inspire her. Those are qualities she strives to emulate. AHMMS: What advice would you give to people who want to succeed in their dreams? DW: Set realistic goals, work hard (hard work is the common thread that passes through success in all endeavors), be persistent, have confidence in yourself and always strive to do your best. Be responsible, and have honor and integrity. AHMMS: What do you do when you are not working? Jan Wottle: Now that Dave has retired, he enjoys doing yard work and what we call “putzing around the house,” reading the Bible and biographies of historical figures. I run four to five days a week in the morning and then our running group (Gazelles and Geezers) visits at the Chick-fil-A on Germantown Road. Because we live so far away from our three children and eight grandchildren, we enjoy talking with them frequently on FaceTime and traveling to visit them as often as possible. I also enjoy reading and we like going to movies. AHMMS: What are your favorite places in the Mid South? DW: Having worked at Rhodes College for 29 years, it is still one of my favorite places. I prefer the Commissary for my BBQ ribs, and I have always loved living in Germantown. When I decided to retire, I thought Jan and I would move to east Tennessee or western North Carolina. However, after spending a good amount of time looking at those areas, we found we actually like the Germantown area the best, so we decided to build our retirement home here. Jan loves to be at home...it is her favorite place to be. We also enjoy Shelby Farms, Corky’s, El Chapultepec and other local restaurants.

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healthy you

Sugar Shrug Text by Michelle Johns

Research indicates 70 percent of Americans are overweight, with 30 percent considered obese. Although throughout my lifetime, I have heard reasons for obesity including fat in foods, carbohydrates, too many calories in and not enough calories out, I’ve never heard or seen a big push to cut out sugar. In fact, we’ve been told sugar is simply a sweetener without any vitamin or nutritional value. While we’ve never heard that it’s the chief ingredient for life-threatening disease, I’m learning that sugar may well be the main player, making it the wolf in sheep’s clothing. Sugar is in most of the foods we eat, especially processed foods. It tastes good and it lengthens shelf life. Sugar comes in many forms. The main three—fructose, glucose and sucrose—are most identifiable. Sugar has many other names that appear on food labels, such as maltodextrin, dextrin, maltose, beet sugar, barley malt and evaporated cane sugar. The list is long and sometimes deceiving. Since the mid 1900s research has shown that sugar is a hormone disruptor that causes the pancreas to produce insulin when blood sugar levels rise. If every meal eaten is laden with sugar, blood sugar levels remain high and the pancreas is in perpetual work mode. Insulin signals fat cells to take up fat and hold onto it. When blood sugar levels fall, insulin production lowers; it is at this point the cells release the stored fat for muscles and organs to burn instead of burning glucose. Biologically, the only way to get fat out of the body is to have it used as fuel. The only way to get cells to release the fat is for the body to have a need for the cells. If the body is constantly being supplied glucose, it never releases the fat. Additionally, the endocrine (hormone) system is thrown completely off course when blood sugar levels remain high. 26 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

This underscores the benefits of intermittent fasting. Research shows that a 13hour fast helps the body burn fat from stored cells. All calories are not created equal. The body needs glucose for energy. Fructose occurs naturally in fruit, which also contains a host of vitamins and minerals to offset the fructose and affect the body positively. Table sugar, however, is simply chemicalized sugar without any vitamins or minerals. Calories either boost or inhibit the metabolism. Natural foods with a low glycemic load work for the body, slowly releasing nutrients, making the body feel full longer and providing sustained energy. Processed sugar, not simply overeating and lack of exercise, appears to cause obesity. It is the types of food eaten that are the real issue. Eat natural fruits and vegetables for cellular production; stay away from processed foods like breads and baked goods, pastas, quick bars, sodas, fruit drinks and sport drinks. I eat approximately every three to four hours throughout the day. Most days I eat fruits, vegetables, hummus, whole-grain breads (only one slice a day), a bit of meat or fish, and lentils. I leave you with this quote from Dr. Mark Hyman, physician and best-selling author: “You cannot exercise your way out of a bad diet.” Michelle Johns is a corporate onsite health promotion specialist, integrative health and wellness educator, yoga teacher, food literacy educator and a green smoothie connoisseur. She graduated from the University of Memphis with a B.S. in psychology, is a certified health coach from the Institute of Integrated Nutrition and an RYT 200 yoga teacher. Her approach to well being and living your best life every day focuses on the foundations of self-awareness, self-care and self-discovery through whole mind, body and spirit nutrition. Johns educates clients through a journey focused on the way the whole self is nourished through food, career, relationships, exercise and spirituality. Her ultimate goal is to help clients discover not only how to live longer, but to live better by honoring the unique individual with compassion and self-love as they were created.

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home feature

HOME WITH HEART: An inside look at Memphis’ St. Jude Dream Home Text by Jordana White | Photos by Steve Roberts 30 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

home feature

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home feature Whenever a new, state-of-the-art house is constructed, a lot of care goes into the project, but when sick children stand to benefit from the finished product, people seem to go the extra mile. Nowhere is that more evident than in the just-completed St. Jude Dream Home in Rossville, Tennessee. First, some background. St. Jude is a non-profit research hospital that seeks to advance the treatment and prevention of childhood catastrophic illnesses. In order to support the hospital, which never bills families, Dr. Donald Mack, a pediatric physician from Shreveport, Louisiana, created the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway contest in 1991. In 1962 Dr. Mack became the first physician ever to send an out-ofstate patient to the newly opened St. Jude for treatment. The original St. Jude Dream Home was constructed in Shreveport. Through sales of raffle tickets for a chance to win that house, the contest raised $160,000 for the hospital in the first year alone. Since that initial effort, the St. Jude Dream Home Giveaway in Shreveport has become an annual fundraiser, raising more than $23 million over the years.

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home feature

With the great success of the Louisiana Dream Home giveaways, the idea spread to other states, including California, Idaho, North Carolina, Virginia and Texas, just to name a few. Still, Memphis’ Dream Home was the first to be built outside of the originating state, making it a keystone in the foundation of the entire Dream Home project. With such important work at stake, local vendors are always eager to help keep the costs of the Dream Home build down. Once again, Renaissance Development Company provided the estate lot for the home, this year in The Village of LaFayette Station, located seven miles east of Collierville’s Historic Square. The development incorporates traditional neighborhood design, complete with easily walkable paths that directly connect to the world famous Wolf River Cafe. Its homes feature front porches and historic architectural components. Once the land for the project was secured, Greg Bridgers and his team at Southern Serenity Homes began to work their construction magic for St. Jude. Playing off the unique architecture of the surrounding neighborhood, Bridgers came up with a completely new design idea for the home’s exterior. “It is part farmhouse and part cottage with a twist of that true unique historic design. It’s quite the mouthful, but that is what it is and it’s one of a kind!” he says.

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home feature The façade is not the only unique feature of the three bedroom, two-anda-half bath home, which includes approximately 4,300 square feet of living space for the lucky future owners to enjoy. Bridgers explains, “We built a motor-court style garage that is actually a separate unit from the house.” The walk from the house to the garage goes through a covered breezeway, past a multi-tiered flower bed fountain. “And if that weren’t enough,” Bridgers jokes, “ [we] added on a golf-cart garage with its own separate door and, just below that, an in-ground storm shelter that is large enough to help keep the neighbors safe, as well.” While aesthetics were certainly part of the design decisions for this home, practicality remained at the forefront of the builders’ minds. “The exterior of this true dream home is about as maintenance-free as a home could be,” Bridgers says, “protected with James Hardie board material that’s equipped with a 40-year warranty, Sherwin-Williams 20-year warranty Super Paint and a front porch made of Trex decking that comes with a limited lifetime warranty.” Thanks to these materials choices, Bridgers says to the lucky future owners, “you can spend your hard-earned money traveling and not repairing!” Measures were also taken on the interior to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Bridgers installed state-of-the-art TRANE 20 seer HVAC units and Brown Refrigeration put in arc units that will allow the owners to set a thermostat once and never think about it again. Bridgers explains, “If it needs heat, then the system will heat, and if it needs to cool it back down a degree, then it takes care of it without you having to touch a thing. You can also adjust the temperature with your phone, just in case you forget.”

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home feature

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home feature

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home feature Serenity Homes is known for creating outstanding kitchens and bathrooms, and this house stands up to the builder’s reputation. Bosch, St. Jude Dream Homes’ newest national sponsor, made their impactful mark on the kitchen. “We were allowed unlimited access to all of their most unbelievable products,” Bridgers says, “and we didn’t miss a thing.” A 48-inch built-in refrigerator/freezer combo, a convection oven with a pop-up vented hood, two under-the-counter single ovens and another refrigerator in the scullery all went into this chef ’s dream space. “We even threw in the latest and greatest built-in coffee maker,” Bridgers adds. Nestled against the fine handiwork of Batesville Cabinets topped by natural and fabricated counters from Tops Unlimited, the room is definitely a must see. With such a decked-out kitchen, the home’s bathrooms had to be equally fabulous—and, Bridgers says, they certainly deliver. Beautiful porcelain farm sinks and a freestanding tub, all equipped with BRIZO faucets, stand in harmony with the two rain-head master shower and fabulous tile flooring courtesy of Shaw Floors, another national sponsor. From bottom to top, creating the Dream Home was a labor of love for all involved; thoughts of the children kept everyone going. “This is Southern Serenity’s 11th year building the St. Jude Dream Home,” says Bridgers, “and with the help of a lot of very generous people we have raised well over $12 million for St. Jude to date. This home takes a lot of our time to put together and pull off, but time is something that we have and we want to make sure that all children have that same time and opportunity. I have met a lot of wonderful people through the years who have been affected by childhood cancer and our dream is to never need to build another St. Jude Dream Home, because that would mean no child would ever again have to go through such trauma. Our hope and our prayer is that some genius at St. Jude will find a cure for childhood cancer!”

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style marketplace

GIFTS THAT GIVE BACK! In honor of the 2018 St. Jude Dream Home reveal, we found special gifts from St. Jude that give directly back to the hospital. All products can be purchased online at giftshop.stjude.org

Patient Art Inspired Activity Book, $5

Candy Heart Ceramic Mug, $15

St. Jude Water Bottle Green - $20

Eli Plush Monkey, $18

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Courtesy of Mom's Landscaping

Super Scented Mason Jar Candle - Dew Drops, $15

Nike DriFit Performance Cap - Blue, $18

Heathered Gray Tote, $20 June 2018 • athomemms.com | 41

style marketplace

Roll-Up Picnic Blanket, $24

Hello Gorgeous Makeup Bag, $8

Brooks Brothers University Stripe Tie, $28

3 Piece Galvanized Canister Set, $44

Sherpa Blanket, $55

Aventurine Gemstone Chip Bracelet, $16

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home trends

Toddler St. Jude Banner Tee Shirt, $12

Trolley Tour

Metallic Picture Frame, $14

Smart Phone Wallet White - $5 June 2018 • athomemms.com | 43


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El Cosmico

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father's day gift guide


Happy Socks x Keith Haring Socks Box Set Barons Man Cave, $42.00 Germantown, TN

Cattamarra Bifold Wallet Dixie Pickers, $150.00 Memphis, TN & Collierville, TN 46 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

Monogram Laptop Case RSVP Stationers, $103.00 Memphis, TN

Richard Bishop Barware – “Sporting Dogs” Decanter Set RSVP Stationers, $89.95 Memphis, TN

father's day gift getaway guide

Smathers & Branson Collegiate Key Fobs Southern Avenue Company, $28.50 each Germantown, TN

Oak Stateroom Weekender Mission Mercantile Bag Southern Avenue Company, $595.00 Germantown, TN




Vintage Tee Retro Brand, Memphis Chicks Baer’s Den, $40.00 Memphis, TN June 2018 • athomemms.com | 47

Forsyth Fountain 48 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018


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home trends

Salvias A Workhorse in the Garden

Text by P. Allen Smith | Photography by Mark Fonville

I am often asked by gardeners which plants are among my favorites. For a garden designer and lifelong plant connoisseur, that can sometimes feel like a trick question. But if someone is looking for a plant that is hardy, long-blooming and culinary to boot, then it’s tough to beat the versatile and beautiful salvia. Salvias, often referred to as “sages,” can play many roles in the garden, from floriferous annuals and showy perennials to delicious herbs. And so versatile, they often can be used interchangeably—culinary salvias are showy enough to merit a spot in the flower garden, and perennial salvias bloom so prolifically that they’re perfect for use in containers and window boxes. Almost all salvias need at least six hours of sunlight a day to bloom successfully, and they require well-drained soil. As an added bonus, bees and hummingbirds find them irresistible, but the scented foliage is unpleasant to deer and rabbits, so they pass them up. Have I sold you on them yet? The following are some of my favorite salvias, along with a few ideas about how you might be able to incorporate them into your flower garden...or your next salad, chicken dish or cocktail. Annual salvias Salvia splendens, often called scarlet sage, is probably the salvia with which most people are familiar. They’ve been around forever and are often sold in six packs in the garden department at big box stores and hardware stores. Hardy in zones 8 to 10, this annual salvia is available in a variety of colors including red, pink, lavender, orange and white. And, like most salvias, it’s a profuse bloomer. Although they are traditionally paired with other annuals such as marigolds and zinnias, adventurous gardeners take a step out and combine them with grasses and daylilies. Salvia guaranitica ‘Black and Blue’—an outstanding cobalt blue—is a stunning addition to any flower garden. 50 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

It’s hardy in zones 8 to 10 and can grow from two to five feet tall, depending on the length of the growing season. Its flower spikes can be almost 12 inches long, making it easily accessible to and adored by hummingbirds. Excellent paired with reblooming daylilies, as well as fragrant oriental lilies. Salvia leucantha, or Mexican bush sage, is a late summer bloomer with velvety gray foliage and soft lavender blooms. Hardy in zones 8 to 10, it can reach two to three feet tall and take on a shrubby appearance with enough time to mature. Pair it with Chinese coral cannas or ornamental grasses for a flare in the fall.

home trends Salvia microphylla ‘Hot Lips’ is a must for plant collectors or gardeners with a sense of humor. The plant’s claim to fame is its unusual bi-color flowers that have the appearance of a white salvia that has been kissed by someone wearing scarlet lipstick. It garners attention in the garden from bugs, hummingbirds and humans alike. This variety can reach up to three feet tall and is hardy in zones 8 to 10. Beautiful paired with bold blooming peony flowering daylilies. Salvia greggii ‘Wild Thing,’ or autumn sage, is a hot pink stunner that is hardy in zones 6 to 9. In addition to having a great name, ‘Wild Thing’ can grow up to two feet tall and has a shrubby, slightly woody appearance with blooms that delight hummingbirds.

Perennial salvias Salvia x sylvestris ‘May Night’ is an award-winning perennial hardy in zones 4 to 9, reaching about 18 inches tall. It provides a stunning blue show in spring, then will repeat flower throughout the summer with not-so-careful deadheading. Another feather in its cap is that ‘May Night’ can tolerate clay soils, a bonus in gardens like mine. One of the earliest to bloom and beautiful paired with ornamental onions (alliums) and coral-colored peonies. Salvia nemerosa ‘Sensation Rose’ creates a pink flower display with blooms reaching only 12 inches tall. Hardy in zones 4 to 8, this is another repeat-bloomer that will debut fresh flowers every several weeks. The pink flower spires make it a welcome addition to the salvia collection. Salvia nemerosa ‘Marcus’ is a desirable blue salvia because of its diminutive size at eight to 10 inches tall. This makes it popular at the front of the flower bed, where its deep violet flowers can be appreciated throughout the season. Hardy in zones 4 to 8. Salvia nemorosa ‘Blue Marvel’ features the largest flower blossoms of all of the nemorosas, making it a desirable addition for the gardener who doesn’t have the time or patience for subtlety. Like ‘Marcus,’ ‘Blue Marvel’ also reaches about 10 inches in height and is a vigorous bloomer even without deadheading. It is hardy in zones 4 to 9. Charming when combined with shorter reblooming daylilies such as ‘happy returns’ or little ‘Stella d’Oro.’

zones 6 to 10, ‘Icterina’ is drought-tolerant once established and can be used in cooking either dried or fresh. Sage is often used in chicken and fish dishes and can be added to make a savory herbal butter. Salvia officinalis ‘Purpurascens’ is another popular culinary salvia that is also prized for its ornamental qualities. ‘Purpurascens’ foliage is a dusky purple and silvery green, as striking planted in the ground as it is in containers. Hardy in zones 6 to 9, purple sage grows one to two feet tall. Beautiful paired with purple basil and lavender. Salvia officinalis ‘Tricolor’ outshines all the culinary sages for its showy leaves, which are purple and green outlined in a striking white margin. Hardy in zones 6 to 9, this sage can reach 12 to 18 inches tall. It can be used in any dish that calls for sage flavoring. Salvia elegans pineapple sage is a summertime favorite because of its brilliant scarlet flowers and fruity, pineapplescented leaves. It’s a late summer bloomer, but I often find it in nurseries at the beginning of summer in flower, thanks to growers who start it early in the greenhouse. Hardy in zones 8 to 10, pineapple sage can reach up to four feet tall and is often blooming when hummingbirds start migrating south at the end of summer. Its culinary uses are endless; leaves and flowers add flavor to salads or fruit cocktails. Leaves can also be used in recipes in place of mint, adding a unique twist to iced tea, cocktails and ice cream. Or simply rub a bruised leaf around the lip of a glass of ice water for flavor. Use it with abandon. The moral of this story is that salvias are one of the garden’s easiest, most flexible and hardworking plants. Whether used as an annual or perennial in the flower garden, as an herb in the kitchen garden, or as a filler or centerpiece plant in summer containers, salvias are worthy of a spot of honor. And for this plant lover, they check all the boxes: beautiful, floriferous, and in the herb garden, delicious.

Culinary salvias Salvia officinalis ‘Icterina,’ or golden leaf sage, is as beautiful as it is delicious. It grows one to two feet tall and wide with leaves that are about two inches long and variegated with pale green and golden yellow. Hardy in June 2018 • athomemms.com | 51

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get away


South Carolina Text by Ginni Jones

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Greenville, South Carolina,an up-and-coming food lover’s town, is the perfect place for a getaway. With elegant hotels, farm-to-table restaurants galore and even a 32-acre park in the middle of the city, Greenville is a must see.

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Hotel Domestique The Westin Poinsett

Hotel Domestique

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Hotel Domestique

Right in the heart of downtown Greenville lies The Westin Poinsett. The casually sophisticated hotel is perfect for those who want to stay close to the main attractions of the city. It is ideal for family or business trips. A bit further away, just 20 minutes north of downtown Greenville, in Travelers Rest, sits the European-style Hotel Domestique. This modern boutique lodging is nestled in the rolling hills of South Carolina and filled with so much charm you might think you have landed in the Italian countryside. The property is made up of 13 wonderfully decorated rooms (all with mountain or vineyard views), a salt-water pool and inspiring onsite restaurants. Packages give guests their ultimate mountain experience: whether it includes cycling, running, hiking, dining or just relaxing, Hotel Domestique has it all! Hotel Domestique

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getaway Pink Mama's Ice Cream

The Anchorage



Eat Stella's Southern Brasserie Restaurant 17

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Greenville has recently been lauded as a foodie’s dream destination, so come hungry. Always popular is Soby’s, serving Southern cuisine for over 20 years. It’s one of the city’s most iconic and loved restaurants. For a more casual experience, The Anchorage is your stop. Located in West Village Greenville, the Anchorage is a neighborhood restaurant focused on serving local small plates, craft beers and cocktails, as well as sustainable wines. For Italian food, visit Jianna in downtown Greenville. Renowned chef Michael Kramer uses the best and freshest seasonal ingredients to create dishes inspired by classic Italian cuisine. Stella’s Southern Brasserie offers French/European fare with a Southern twist. Serving pastries and an extensive coffee selection in the morning to lunch, dinner and a weekend brunch, it is ready to please the palate seven days a week. GB&D stands for golden brown and delicious, and the food served there is all that and more. Specializing in burgers, noodles and donuts, GB&D is a unique stop that you won’t want to miss. For cocktails, visit Vault & Vator, Greenville’s first downtown speakeasy and modern cocktail lounge. The creative name comes its site; the building from housed the original vault and elevator of the Dr. Pepper Cola Co. in the early 20th century. For an ultimate dining experience, Restaurant 17 at Hotel Domestique is the place to go. In a relaxed environment with an exceptional countryside view, diners enjoy thoughtfully executed European-style cuisine. And last but not least, to top off any delicious meal in Greenville, stop by Luna Rosa Gelato Cafe or Pink Mama’s Ice Cream for dessert. June 2018 • athomemms.com | 59

getaway Liberty Bridge

Greenville Zoo



Peace Center

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One of Greenville’s best treasures is Falls Park on the Reedy. Directly in the heart of the city, Falls Park is a nature lover’s paradise. Explore trails, wander through gardens and take a stroll across the pedestrian Liberty Bridge. Families are sure to enjoy an afternoon with the animals at the Greenville Zoo. While planning your getaway to Greenville check out the upcoming events at the Peace Center. From Broadway shows on stage to concerts in the outdoor amphitheatre, the Peace Center is the cultural center of Greenville. Sprinkled throughout the city are multiple areas to shop, but the most popular is Main Street. Stroll the downtown thoroughfare for over 110 local restaurants, boutiques, craft coffee shops, art galleries, theatres and more. Greenville Zoo

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THE 2020 OBERAMMERGAU PASSION PLAY Text by Marsha W. Strickland | Photos courtesy of Regency Travel

Start planning now because tickets for the production are very limited. If you miss this opportunity, you'll have to wait until 2030!

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travel Hundreds of thousands will travel to southwest Germany and the quaint village of Oberammergau in 2020 to see the world-famous production of The Passion Play. Every ten years the 400-year-old tradition takes place on an open-air stage framed by dramatic alpine scenery.

The Passion Play Each decade, the peaceful little town on the Ammer River presents this unique reenactment of the crucifixion of Christ. The village, located about 60 miles from Munich in the Bavarian Alps, expects 500,000 visitors during the four and a half months of performances. The 42nd production of the renowned Passion Play will run daily, except Mondays and Wednesdays, from May 16 through Oct. 4, 2020. Each performance takes place in one day. The play begins at 2:30 p.m. with a three-hour dinner intermission at 5 p.m., and then the production continues from 8 until 10:30 p.m. The text is a composite of distinct manuscripts dating from the 15th and 16th centuries. The dramatic performances feature Jesus' passion and cover the period of his life from his entry into Jerusalem through his trial, crucifixion, resurrection and ascension. The play is an established custom of great significance passed on from generation to generation, produced and performed entirely by local residents. A special law is in effect to ensure that actors and actresses, stage hands and technicians, costume designers and makeup artists come from the village. Often, four generations of a family take part, from great grandparents to babies in arms. All soloists and singers in the choir, the musicians, the set designers and even the ushers must have been born in Oberammergau or lived there for at least 20 years. Over 2,000 residents will take part in the 2020 production. The historically maintained play is performed in German, and a written outline is provided in English. As is the case with opera, it isn’t necessary to understand the words in order to see the actors’ emotions and feel the passion of the musical performances. The event’s origins date back to 1633, when the villagers of Oberammergau vowed that if God spared them from the bubonic plague which almost destroyed the population in the region, they would produce a play for all time depicting the life and death of Jesus. When the death rate among adults went from one person per 1,000 per year in 1632 to only 20 persons in 1633, the surviving villagers believed they had been spared and they kept their vow. The first performance was in 1634, and the play has taken place almost without interruption for over 380 years. It is now performed over five months during every year ending in zero. 64 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018


The Passion Play There have been at least two instances when performances did not take place. The production scheduled for 1920 was postponed to 1933 due to economic and political disorder following the First World War. In 1940, World War II forced the cancellation of the performance. The 1950 production came about only after permission was granted from the American Occupation Authorities. Even in the 17th century, the parish church in the village was too small for performances, so villagers presented the play in the graveyard of the church out of respect for those who had died from the plague. Over the years, sets and stage mechanics were added to the simple wooden stage structure. By the middle of the 18th century the production had outgrown the graveyard; a new venue was established in a nearby field. Weather conditions took a huge toll on the structures and the stage had to be rebuilt every year of the play. In 1890 the stage was refurbished and a roof was placed over the seating section. A massive iron construction was erected and extended in 1930. Additional renovations took place in 2000 and the Passion Play Theatre received a new facade. It holds 4,720 seats situated over flooring that can be heated. All seats are covered so that rain is not a factor for audiences. June 2018 • athomemms.com | 65


The Village of Oberammergau Germany Tickets for the Passion Play are limited and always sell out quickly years in advance. They typically must be purchased in conjunction with a hotel stay, an escorted land tour or a river cruise. Packages offer premier seating, conveniently located hotel rooms, private sightseeing in the area, and other exclusive cultural experiences. Itineraries range from eight to 20 days and focus on Germany or Central Europe. A popular option is to combine a river cruise with a Passion Play performance. Favorite itineraries include the Danube and Rhine rivers. Religious pilgrimages and faith-based tours to the Holy Land, Rome, Fatima and Lourdes may also coincide with this experience. For many decades, the villagers' commitment to the Oberammergau Passion Play has been admired around the world. The event draws thousands of travelers from all religions, backgrounds and cultures to observe the amazing performances.

Iconic Neuschwanstein Castle

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Oberammergau is surrounded by majestic mountains and picturesque meadows in the Ammer Valley. The village, with its colorful fresco-decorated houses, is easy to explore on foot. Its residents extend warm hospitality to visitors; they welcome the opportunity to share their devotion to their town’s unique attraction. Highlights of a trip to the area include the chance to watch wood carvers at work in one of the dozens of local shops and to visit Ettal Monastery and nearby castles including Neuschwanstein, the site that inspired Walt Disney to create the Magic Kingdom. Experience dramatic scenery during a cable car ride up the Laber, a 5,000-foot peak that overlooks the village. Take time to visit Wieskirche, a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1983 and one of the most elaborate Rococo churches in Europe.

Hand Carved Wood Pieces Fresco Decorated Storefronts

INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE EVENT THAT OCCURS EVERY DECADE • Rehearsals for the longest running play in the world start over a year in advance of the event. • There will be 102 performances. • As many as 900 people are on the stage at one time. • There are 124 speaking roles with two actors chosen for each part. • The orchestra has 65 members. • The choir consists of 48 singers. • Costumes are hand made by local seamstresses. • No wigs are used. Actors must grow their hair and beards prior to the performances. • In the dressing rooms, every hook has a name above it. • Every 10 years, brand-new elaborate sets and props are designed and built for each production. • Logistics and preparations for the 2020 performances began in 2015.

Rocco Architecture at Wieskirche For information about the 2020 Oberammergau Passion Play call the travel advisors at Regency Travel, Inc. at 901.682.9065 or visit www.regencytravel.net. June 2018 • athomemms.com | 67


N'wanetsi River 68 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

For more information about Africa and safaris, call the travel advisors at Regency Travel, Inc., at 901.682.9065 or visit www.regencytravel.net.

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SUMMER’S TOP READS While the kids do their summer reading, why not grab a book of your own to enjoy! Our friends at novel. in Laurelwood shared their top picks for summer reads. 1. What You Don’t Know About Charlie Outlaw by Leah Stewart (G.P. Putnam’s Sons, $26) Actor Charlie Outlaw—yes, his real name, thanks—is embarrassingly frank in a magazine interview and ends up alienating nearly everyone in his life: fans of his hit TV show, the writers, showrunners and castmates of said show, and, worst of all, his cool girlfriend Josie, also an actress and former star of a Buffy the Vampire Slayer-like cult hit show. Charlie retreats to a remote location, where he is promptly kidnapped, but all Josie knows is that he won’t return her calls. A very smart and charmingly wholesome love story set against a Hollywood backdrop, Charlie Outlaw is full of insight into what makes actors tick and a hilarious meditation on the perils of fame. The Old Jewish Cemetery 70 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

2. Tangerine by Christine Mangan (Ecco Press, $26.99)

experience this

The last person Alice Shipley expected to see since arriving in Tangier with her new husband was Lucy Mason. After the accident at Bennington, the two friends—once inseparable roommates—haven’t spoken in over a year. No sooner than the two women have rekindled an uneasy friendship, Alice’s husband John goes missing. Alice starts to question everything around her: her relationship with her enigmatic friend, her decision to ever come to Tangier, and her own state of mind. Tangerine is a sharp dagger of a book; a debut so tightly wound, so replete with exotic imagery and charm, so full of precise details and extraordinary craftsmanship it will leave you absolutely breathless. Optioned for film by George Clooney’s Smokehouse Pictures with Scarlett Johansson to star, Joyce Carol Oates says Tangerine reads “as if Donna Tartt, Gillian Flynn, and Patricia Highsmith had collaborated on a screenplay to be filmed by Hitchcock—suspenseful and atmospheric.” 3. The Electric Woman by Tessa Fontaine (Farrar Straus and Giroux, $27) Turns out, one lesson applies to living through illness, keeping the show on the road, letting go of the person you love most, and eating fire: The trick is there is no trick. You eat fire by eating fire. For three years Tessa Fontaine lived in a constant state of emergency as her mother battled stroke after stroke. But hospitals, wheelchairs and loss of language couldn’t hold back such a woman; she and her husband would see Italy together, come what may. Thus Fontaine became free to follow her own piper, a literal giant inviting her to “come play” in the World of Wonders, America’s last traveling sideshow. How could she resist? Tessa Fontaine’s astonishing memoir of pushing past fear, The Electric Woman, follows the author on a life-affirming journey of loss and self-discovery— through her time on the road with the last American traveling sideshow and her relationship with an adventurous, spirited mother.

4. Love and Ruin by Paula McLain (Ballantine Books, $28) The bestselling author of The Paris Wife returns to the subject of Ernest Hemingway in a novel about his passionate, stormy marriage to Martha Gellhorn—a fiercely independent, ambitious young woman who would become one of the greatest war correspondents of the 20th century. Heralded by Ann Patchett as “the new star of historical fiction,” Paula McLain brings Gellhorn’s story richly to life and captures her as a heroine for the ages: a woman who would risk absolutely everything to find her own voice.

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experience this 5. The Perfect Mother by Aimee Molloy (Harper, $27.99) They call themselves the May Mothers, a group of new moms whose babies were born in the same month. Twice a week, they get together in Brooklyn’s Prospect Park for some much-needed adult time. When the women go out for drinks at the hip neighborhood bar, they’re looking for a fun break from their daily routine. But when one of their babies goes missing, suddenly the May Mothers are enveloped in a cloud of suspicion as the police, and a few of the moms themselves, race against the clock to find newborn Midas. With a delicious twist like you won’t believe, Molloy may have written the page-turner of the summer, soon to be a major motion picture starring Kerry Washington.

6. Mrs. by Caitlin Macy (Little Brown and Company, $27) In the well-heeled milieu of New York’s Upper East Side, coolly elegant Philippa Lye is the woman no one can stop talking about. Despite a shadowy past, Philippa has somehow married the scion of the last family-held investment bank in the city. And although her wealth and connections put her in the center of this world, she refuses to conform to its gossip-fueled culture. When another parent at Philippa’s child’s school, an obsessive prosecutor in the US Attorney’s Office, stumbles over the connection between Philippa’s past and the criminal investigation he is pursuing at all costs, this insulated society is forced to confront the rot at its core and the price it has paid to survive into the new millennium. Macy has given us a House of Mirth for the 21st century.

7. Social Creature by Tara Isabella Burton (Doubleday Books, $26.95) They go through both bottles of champagne right there on the High Line, with nothing but the stars over them... They drink and Lavinia tells Louise about all the places they will go together, when they finish their stories, when they are both great writers—to Paris and to Rome and to Trieste... Lavinia will never go. She is going to die soon. Louise has nothing. Lavinia has everything. After a chance encounter, the two spiral into an intimate, intense and possibly toxic friendship. A Talented Mr. Ripley for the digital age, this seductive story takes a classic tale of obsession and makes it irresistibly new. 8. That Kind of Mother by Rumaan Alam (Ecco Press, $26.99) First-time parent Rebecca Stone, struggling to juggle the demands of motherhood with her own aspirations and feeling utterly alone in the process, reaches out to the only person at the hospital who offers her any real help, Priscilla Johnson, and begs her to come home with them as her son’s nanny. Priscilla’s presence quickly does as much to shake up Rebecca’s perception of the world as it does to stabilize her life. Rebecca is white, and Priscilla is black, and through their relationship, Rebecca finds herself confronting for the first time the blind spots of her own privilege. When Priscilla dies unexpectedly in childbirth, Rebecca steps forward to adopt the baby. But she is unprepared for what it means to be a white mother with a black son. Written with the warmth and psychological acuity that defined his debut, Rumaan Alam has crafted a remarkable novel about the lives we choose, and the lives that are chosen for us. 72 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

What We’re Looking Forward to Later this Summer: • The Last Cruise by Kate Christensen (Doubleday Books, July 10, 2018)) – Literary suspense set on a vintage 1950s-themed ocean liner cruise • Rush by Lisa Patton (St. Martin’s Press, August 21, 2018) – Memphis native Patton takes on Greek life at Ole Miss. • Our House by Louise Candlish (Berkley Books, August 7, 2018) – Two unreliable narrators and one utterly jaw-dropping ending.

Text by Kat Leache & novel. Staff June 2018 • athomemms.com | 73



FASHION SHOW & LUNCHEON The Wings of Ave Maria hosted a fashion show and luncheon on Friday, May 4 at the Tower Center in The Clark Tower. A benefit for Ave Maria Home, the event featured fashions by Betty Hays Boutique, as well as a silent auction, showcasing jewelry from James Gattas Jewelers. The organization held its first fashion show and luncheon in 1950, when they were raising funds to build the Ave Maria Home to care for men and women of all faiths during their senior years. Most of the first shows were held at either The Peabody Hotel Skyway or the Holiday Inn Rivermont downtown with fashions by Goldsmith’s. The Ave Maria Home, which is located at 2805 Charles Bryan Road in Bartlett, Tennessee, houses Long-Term Nursing Care, Assisted Living, Skilled Rehabilitation, Alzheimer’s/Dementia Care, Adult Day Center, and Home Care services. Ave Maria is also home to THE GREEN HOUSE® Project, which represents a revolution in long-term care, creating small homes that return control, dignity, and a sense of well-being to elders, while providing high-quality, personalized care. Jim Jaggers, meteorologist, WREG News Channel 3, was the emcee for the event and ABC 24’s Local Memphis Live’s Amy Speropoulos was tbe the celebrity model. As tradition would have it, most of the other models were women from Wings of Ave Maria and some of their family members. There was one special standout, Helen Davis Benskin, an 86-year old resident of the Ave Maria Home Assisted Living facility, revived her modeling career from her younger days and take to the runway. Wings of Ave Maria was founded as the Ave Maria Guild, Inc. in early 1950 by a small group of Catholic women, who recognized the need for a home for the aged men and women in the Memphis community. In March 1950, the Guild applied for and was granted a Charter under the laws of the State of Tennessee. Wings of Ave Maria is a nonprofit organization that supports the Ave Maria Home through financial contributions, volunteer efforts and spiritual healing. Text and photos couresty of Ave Maria Home

Photo courtesy of University Communications. 74 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018


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REGENCY TRAVEL CELEBRATES 40 YEARS OF UNFORGETTABLE ADVENTURES! Terry Beaty, founder & CEO, was delighted to share memories with and express appreciation to so many Memphis and Mid South travelers. The milestone celebration highlighting travel planning services from 1978 to 2018 took place on Tuesday, May 1 at the University Club of Memphis. Guests reminisced about past journeys and destinations all across the globe and discussed unique travel experiences through the years. Text and photos courtesy of Regency Travel

Text and photo courtesy of Brad Pitts 76 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

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The third annual Jockeys & Juleps Derby Party was hosted by Southern Reins Center for Equine Therapy on Sat., May 5 at their new farm in Collierville. More than 800 guests attended the event which raised over $40,000 during the live auction. True Southern fare was served, including a whole hog cooked by City Block Butchers, Gus’ Fried Chicken, The Debutant Farmer biscuit bar, Say Cheese! food truck, Swanky’s taco bar and more. Live music was performed by the River Bluff Clan. Board chairman Courtney Smith says, “This year’s event was the best yet.” Southern Reins was founded in July of 2015 to provide equine-assisted acitivites and therapies to help individuals with physical, cognitive and emotional disabilities and hardship. The program has expanded its mission outreach tremendously over the past three years to a growing roster of 128 program particiapants. Text and photos courtesy of Jill Haag

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wedding wedding

Katie Hall Barrett Jones March 10, 2018 Memphis, Tennessee Parents of the Bride: Pansy & Randy Hall Parents of the Groom: Leslie & Rex Jones 80 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

wedding wedding

SOURCES Wedding: First Evangelical Church

Reception: The Retreat at Spring Creek Rehearsal Dinner: Fedex Event Center Photographer: Kelly Ginn Photography Videographer: Lance Cook Films Florist: Deedra Stone Designs Baker: Mad Lily Cakery Caterer: Spring Creek Ranch Wedding Dress: Maggie Louise Bridesmaids' Dresses: Bella Bridesmaids Hair Stylist: Emily Cohen McElhaney Makeup: Kendrick Simpson Invitations: swag. LLC (Tuscaloosa, AL) Band: G3 The Gary Goin Group Tent: Mahaffey Tent & Event Rentals

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Take Me Out to the Ball Game! Text by Ginni Jones | Event Design by Angela Mazanti | Photography by Anna Haley

Celebrate this season with brews, baseball and barbecue

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The Inspiration

The inspiration for the decor came directly from the theme of the party, which was simply baseball. “I have to tell you that even though an ‘over-the-top,’ extravagant party with lots of floral is my kind of party, I had the best time putting this masculine ‘guy’ night together. In all of its simplicity there was something so inviting and cheerful about the atmosphere we created in the hosts’ newly renovated outdoor kitchen and entertaining space,” event designer Angela Mazanti shares.

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The Decor

The all-American baseball theme, coupled with the fact that the hosts are avid Ole Miss fans and alumni, made red, white and blue the logical colors for the party’s decor. The palette carried through in flower pots, pillows and furniture cushions. “We didn't want the decor to be too fussy; after all, this was a party for guys to get together to watch the game,” explains Mazanti. Instead of flowers she chose multiple varieties of succulents and potted herbs. Actual baseballs filled cylinder vases topped off with water and floating candles. All the decor rested on top of a turf table runner. The masculine vibe continued as Mazanti used metal trays lined with kraft paper as plates for the tasty barbecue dinner and placed them on squares of baseball-themed scrapbook paper as placemats. Classic ballpark snacks like popcorn and peanuts were displayed in fun ways using baseballs and paper sacks for an extra touch of authenticity. A five-gallon baseball bucket doubled as an ice chest for bottled drinks. Novelty baseball-themed signs rounded out the decor.

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dining out entertaining

The Menu

The hosts wanted to keep the food simple and carefree but also delicious, so they turned to the experts at Germantown Commissary. Traditional ballpark food is pretty simple, so a few appetizers like roasted peanuts and popcorn filled the bill. The complete menu included hickory-smoked ribs, pulled pork sliders, barbecue beans, cole slaw, deviled eggs and for dessert, the Commissary’s homemade banana pudding. And since this party took place outdoors in the Memphis heat, plenty of bottled water and ice-cold beer were a must.

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Creating Your Own

Mazanti suggests using elements that you may already have on hand, like balls, gloves, bats and masculine-themed pieces. You don’t have to get too fancy for the guys and a little creativity goes a long way for a cute look like this. Keep it fun, whimsical and simple and you can’t help but “hit a home run” for the next big game!

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dining out

Text by Lee McAllister Photos courtesy of Hopdoddy Burger Bar

The hottest new burger joint in town is Hopdoddy Burger Bar. Located in a newly renovated space on Overton Square across from Ballet Memphis, this Austin-based eatery serves up mouthwatering noshes that the whole family can enjoy. Hopdoddy specializes in all-natural food that’s also delicious.The menu features locally sourced ingredients as well as fresh baked breads and meats ground daily, all prepared by hand. 90 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

dining out Recently opened in the space previously occupied by Yolo, Hopdoddy's owners have been hard at work over the past year renovating the building to add a new sleek modern exterior and outdoor patio. Just in time for summer the new space is perfect for getting together with friends to enjoy a handcrafted burger and an ice-cold local beer. The concept is fast casual, order at the counter and your meal will be delivered to you. While there’s no shortage of great burger joints in Memphis, Hopdoddy adds its own creative take to the mix. Fresh ingredients take the starring role; the company works directly with farmers and ranchers around the country in order to source the best ingredients available. The burgers feature angus beef, American grass-fed Kobe beef, bison, chicken, turkey, and sushi-grade tuna. The menu’s two vegetarian burgers might turn the head of even the most die-hard carnivore. Two new burgers made their Hopdoddy debut at the Memphis location. The Lil’ Doddy is available as a single or double burger and stacked with American cheese, pickles, onions, mustard and ketchup, while the Breakfast Burger, available all day, is made with angus beef, breakfast sausage and ham patty, cheese, fried egg, potato hay and Applewood smoked bacon on a house-made brioche bun. The restaurant’s Brew Burger series features an ingredient prepared with a local craft beer from the Brewer of the Month. In addition to burgers, Hopdoddy also serves hand-cut fries, fresh salads, handspun milkshakes, and has a full-service bar. Diners can try a bit of everything thanks to the new “shareable” menu that features combinations of Hopdoddy’s signature Kennebec fries including parmesan truffle and hot honey and sage. Highlights from the shake menu include inventive flavors like s’mores, bananas Foster and strawberry shortbread. Hopdoddy’s bartenders are experts at pairing local beers with particular burgers. Signature cocktails like the threewhiskey L.I.T. and the Sparkling Pamplemousse are made with craft spirits, house-blended liquors and freshly squeezed juices. The company is committed to charitable giving. At each new location, Hopdoddy chooses a charity to support through its Good Night for a Good Cause program, which donates $1 from the sale of each Goodnight Burger to a local non-profit organization. In Memphis, the proceeds will benefit Stax Music Academy. Hopdoddy Burger Bar 6 Cooper St., Memphis, TN 38104 Hours: 11 a.m. until 10 p.m. daily (until 12 a.m. Friday and Saturday) Happy Hour: 3 to 6:30 p.m. weekdays

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happy hour Recipe and photo courtesy of Brad Pitts


One of my favorite cocktails of all time is the Sazerac. Often called “America’s first cocktail,” it was developed in the late 19th century in New Orleans and was originally made with cognac as its base spirit. American rye whiskey was substituted sometime in the 1870s and it has been that way ever since. Unlike many other classic cocktails, the Sazerac is not as open to interpretation and can be intimidating for the novice drink maker. In the mixology world, a bartender’s mettle can be tested by their ability (or lack thereof ) to construct a Sazerac properly. When I make one, I use a higher proof rye for an extra kick. Happy mixing and enjoy! Directions

Ingredients •

Herbsaint liqueur

Rinse a rocks glass with the herbsaint and dump.

1½ oz. Wild Turkey 101 Rye Whiskey

Stir the remaining

½ oz. Meukow VS Cognac

1 tsp. Demerara syrup (see note)

ingredients (except the lemon) over ice and then strain into the glass.

4 dashes Peychaud’s Bitters

Squeeze the lemon twist over the drink and discard.

1 dash Angostura Bitters

Lemon twist

(Note: Demerara is an Indian sugar that when made into a cocktail syrup has a dark amber color and a lightly sweet, honey-like texture that adds balance to the drink. You may substitute a sugar cube or regular simple syrup.)

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in the kitchen

Strawberry Cake This cake is a staple at our summertime family gatherings. Top a doctored-up box cake mix with fresh whipped cream and just-picked strawberries—and voila!—you have a dessert so scrumptious that your guests will be asking for seconds.

By Jennifer Chandler Excerpted from Simply Grilling by Jennifer Chandler Photo by Justin Fox Burks Food Styling by Jennifer Chandler 94 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

in the kitchen Ingredients • ⅓ cup vegetable oil, plus extra to grease the pan • All-purpose flour, to flour the pan • 1 box (18-ounce) white cake mix • 1 cup water • 3 eggs • 1 ½ cups strawberry preserves, divided • 2 cups heavy cream, chilled • ¼ cup granulated or powdered sugar • 2 pints strawberries, hulled and halved

Directions Preheat the oven to 350˚. Grease and flour two 9-inch cake pans and set aside. In the bowl of an electric mixer, combine the white cake mix, water, ⅓ cup oil, eggs and 1 cup strawberry preserves. Beat the mixture until smooth. Pour the batter, dividing it equally, into the prepared cake pans. Bake until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean, 25 to 30 minutes.

Remove the cakes from the oven and cool in the pans on wire racks until cool enough to handle, about 10 minutes. Remove the cakes from the pans and place onto wire racks to cool completely. In the bowl of an electric mixer, whip the cream and sugar until soft peaks form. Place one cake layer on a serving plate. Evenly spread ¼ cup of preserves over the cake. Then spread half of the whipped cream over the preserves and top with a layer of strawberries. Place the second cake layer on top and evenly spread the remaining 1/4 cup preserves on top. Finish off with a layer each of whipped cream and fresh strawberries. Refrigerate until ready to serve. Serves 8 to 10. Cooking Tip: Don’t need a whole cake? Just garnish one layer and freeze the second layer for another day. It will keep for up to two months tightly wrapped in the freezer. Do-Ahead: This cake can be assembled and refrigerated up to 4 hours in advance. If refrigerated longer, it will still be delicious but not as pretty, The whipped cream will start to wilt and soak into the cake layers.

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Sources 16 | AT HOME WITH Special thanks - Dave Wottle 26 | HEALTHY YOU Special thanks - Michelle Johns mjohns@transformingwellness.com 30 | HOME FEATURE Special thanks St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital For other sources, please turn to the feature story. 84 | ENTERTAINING Special thanks Germantown Commissary 2290 S. Germantown Rd. 901.754.5540 www.commissarybbq.com Angela Mazanti Angela Mazanti Event Design www.angelamazantidesign.com 90 | DINING OUT Special thanks - Hopdoddy Burger Bar 6 Cooper Street 901.654.5100 www.hopdoddy.com 92 | HAPPY HOUR Special thanks - Brad Pitts 98 | ON A GOOD NOTE Special thanks - Pedaltown Bicycle Co. 2547 Broad Avenue 901.435.6789 www.pedaltownbicycle.com June 2018 • athomemms.com | 97

on a good note

PedaltownBike Donaation Program

Text by Lee McAlister Photos courtesy of Pedaltown Bicycle Company

For native Memphian Clark Butcher, owner of

Pedaltown Bicycle Company, giving back has always been a part of life. “I didn’t grow up with much,” he says, “but we were always taught to live charitably and pay it forward wherever we could.” When the opportunity came to expand the informal donation program based at his other business, Victory Bicycle Studio, Butcher jumped at the chance. Together with Carpenter Art Garden, a non-profit dedicated to improving the Binghampton neighborhood, he established a program that not only provides bikes for kids, but also teaches them valuable life skills. As a young man, Butcher spent his time working in bike shops around Memphis as well as competing professionally in international bicycle races. When Memphis began to install bike lanes around the city he recognized the need for a shop where the staff was knowledgeable and skilled enough to offer high-end cycling services. “With biking becoming so much more feasible in the city,” Butcher says, “I recognized there was a need for someone like myself who was familiar with bicycles and upper-end clientele.” After a successful first year, Victory outgrew its space in Cooper Young and moved to Broad Avenue in Binghampton. Pedaltown opened last summer next door to Victory. While Victory focuses on high-end and professional grade bicycles, the new shop sells a variety of bikes for every age and skill level of cycling. “Our customers would ask us about bikes for their kids and we’d have to refer them out,” Butcher says. “Most of them would come back not feeling they got what they needed. I decided in order to do both things well I needed to open another shop focused on biking needs for the whole family, and that’s just what we did.” For the past two years Butcher had been accepting bike donations at Victory. However, after he presented a star pupil of the Carpenter Art Garden with a bike at a 98 | At Home Memphis & Mid South • June 2018

luncheon, an outpouring of donations spurred him to create a full-fledged educational program. “With Pedaltown’s focus on family bicycles it just made sense that we would establish the donation program there, so we can get a variety of bikes and teach kids about what it means to pay it forward,” Butcher explains. Pedaltown patrons receive a 10 percent discount on a new bike if they donate an old one. Participants in Build-a-Bike, one of Carpenter Art Garden’s vocational training programs, repair and tune up the donated cycles. The bikes then go to young people who have completed 10 hours of service at Carpenter and have graduated from the organization’s bike maintenance and training program. Students are required to arrive on time to every session and to learn bike maintenance and safety. After completing the course, students will receive a bike, a helmet and a cable lock. “We don’t want to just give these kids a bike,” Butcher says. “It’s important that they learn responsibility and maintenance. In order to get the bikes, they have to come to all the lessons on time and show they can take care of their bikes. It’s amazing to see these students’ potential tapped and see their talent funded.” The program has been so successful that Cornerstone Prep and Lester Prep, the schools many of the Carpenter Art Garden students attend, want to raise money to install racks so students don’t have to chain their bikes to the fence bordering the school. Butcher is happy to see that the program has already made such an impact, not only on those who receive the bikes, but for those who donate, as well. “The impact is immediate. It’s tangible good that we’ve been able to provide for our community. It gives me the best feeling when I get to show our customers their donated bike being used by one of the students. This is such a giving community and I’m just glad I can pay it forward and teach others the value of giving,” he says.

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