Historically Cashiers

August 25 - September 2 , 2023
August 25 - September 2 , 2023
TOP AT HIGH HAMPTON PROCEEDS BENEFITING THE CASHIERS HISTORICAL SOCIETYThe Cashiers Historical Society is dedicated to preserving the history and heritage of the Cashiers Valley. Located two miles south of the Cashiers Crossroads on NC 107, our five-acre campus contains four historic buildings that help tell the area’s history. Throughout the year, the Cashiers Historical Society offers educational programs for a range of audiences about the history and culture of the plateau. Additionally, our grounds and walking trails are open year round for visitors. For more information about the Cashiers Historical Society, please visit our website at cashiershistoricalsociety.org.
The Cashiers Designer Showhouse will celebrate its 26th anniversary with a classic mountain retreat in the Chimney Top neighborhood in the Club at High Hampton. The house is created with the modern family in mind with open spaces to entertain. It features four bedrooms, four plus two half baths, a variety of work and play spaces, such as a great room, an open loft, a yoga room, a bunk and play room, and an outdoor living area featuring a porch, grill and much more. It’s the perfect mountain getaway for multi-generational families.
C r i s t a l l o Q u a r t z i t e , a b e l o v e d c h o i c e i n t h e d e s i g n i n d u s t r y f o r i t s d i s t i n c t i v e a n d t r a n s l u c e n t c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s , c a n i n f u s e y o u r s p a c e w i t h u n p a r a l l e l e d e l e g a n c e D e s i g n e r B R I D G E T T E C A P O R A S O u t i l i z e d o u r c r i s t a l l o q u a r t z i t e t o c r e a t e a s o p h i s t i c a t e d f o c a l p o i n t i n b o t h h e r b a t h r o o m a n d k i t c h e n .
F o r t h e p a s t 2 0 y e a r s , U M I S t o n e h a s b e e n s o u r c i n g n a t u r a l s t o n e f r o m e v e r y c o r n e r o f t h e w o r l d . O u r s t o n e s a r e h a n d s e l e c t e d f r o m p l a c e s l i k e I n d i a , I t a l y , T u r k e y , a n d B r a z i l U M I i s r e n o w n e d f o r p r o v i d i n g t h e m o s t e x q u i s i t e n a t u r a l q u a r t z i t e s t o n e a v a i l a b l e i n a d i v e r s e r a n g e o f c o l o r s a n d f i n i s h e s .
Tickets are $40 online and at ticket outlets and $50 at the door. For special events that require an additional ticket, please refer to the Special Events page. For event changes and updates, visit cashiershistoricalsociety.org.
August 25 – September 2, 2023
Chimney Top at The Club High Hampton
Thursday, August 24 l Halsted House at High Hampton
Friday, August 25 – Saturday, September 2
Friday, August 25 – Saturday, September 2 10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Cashiers Historical Society: (828) 743-7710 cashiershistoricalsociety.org
Please visit our website, cashiershistoricalsociety.org, before arriving for parking information. There will be NO parking at the Showhouse. Visitors will use a shuttle from the Village Green.
The Vendor Village is located at The Village Green in Lewis Hall and is open to the public. No ticket required. Open daily 9:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.
We encourage guests to purchase their tickets online and well in advance at cashiershistoricalsociety. org. Retail ticket locations will be in Cashiers and Highlands.
Cashiers Historical Society
1940 Highway 107 South, (828) 743-7710
Cashiers Area Chamber of Commerce
202 US Highway 64 West, (828) 743-5191
32 Canoe Point, (828) 743-3172
The Village Green
*During Showhouse dates only*
160 Frank Allen Road
Acorns Boutique
212 South 4th Street, (828) 787-1877
Share your Cashiers Designers Showhouse experience using #CDS23 on Facebook and Instagram Facebook.com/cashiersdesignershowhouse Instagram.com/cashiersdesignershowhouse
Call us at (828) 743-7710
Email us at CDS@cashiershistoricalsociety.org
Elizabeth Smith
Jamie Hawkins
Marcia Stibbs
Laura Moser
Laurie Amerson
Dey Parks
Karen Hirons
Thomas Platt
Philip Bradley
Drew English
Cris Hayes
Ann Austin
Bette Hines
Olivia Manders
Martha Davis
Melissa Hudson
Beth Preston
Amanda Wyatt
Caroline Wallace
John Murdock
John Murdock
Megan Murdock
2022 Ellen Hughes & Carolyn Glisson, Fieldstone at High Hampton
2021 Katherine Ford Richardson, Glamping at Cashiers Historical Society
2020 Melissa Warren Hudson, Silver Run Reserve
2019 Kirk Moore, Black Rock Preserve
2018 Ansley Pridgen, Sheila & Jim Hodges, Fox Tail at Lake Glenville
2017 Sheila & Jim Hodges, Cottage Walk
2016 Maxine Sikes & Sally Shropshire, Burt Farm
2015 Gayle Eby, Goodman Cottage
2014 Gayle Eby, Hillard House
2013 Kathleen Rivers, Serenity Acres
2012 Lynn Wirth, Lone Chimney Lodge
2011 Linda Pellegrini, Reflections
2010 Susie & Denny Goode, Whisper Fade Cottage
2009 Joanie & Ed Michaels, The Nancy Hanks House
2008 Elizabeth Rodriguez & Skip Ryan, Mountain Top Farm
2007 Millie Lathan, Marjorie Dunn & Jeri Rosedale, The Lodges at Millstone
2006 Alice Scanlon, “On Golden Pond,” The Johnson Home
2005 Ann Hastings Viehman & Cassandra Manley, The Homestead at Lonesome Valley
2004 Alice Stanly & Darla McBurney, The Albury-Chaiken House at the Point at Lake Glenville
2003 Sarah Nelson & Doreen Hastings, The Pinnacle at Pinchot
2002 Ann Austin, Margaret Kaminer & Carol Kennedy, Casa De La Cuesta at Hampton Forest
2001 Anne McKee, Ann Austin & Carol Kennedy, Canoe Cottage & Hickory Cottage
2000 Ann Austin, Wendy Dowden, Daneen Griffith & Anne McKee, The Howerdd Home
1999 Wendy Dowden, Daneen Griffith, Anne McKee & Kathleen Rivers, Old Toll House Property
1998 Anne McKee, Wendy Dowden & Ann Austin, The Hooper House on Cashiers Lake
Dear friends of design, history and our beloved Cashiers, As the co-chairs of the 2023 Cashiers Designer Showhouse, it is with immense joy that we welcome you to the most important annual fundraiser for the Cashiers Historical Society. It has been a privilege and a delight to co-chair such a special tradition for Cashiers that has continuously highlighted the best in interior design and supports our beautiful community.
This year, 15 of the most celebrated designers across the Southeast will combine their incredible talents. Jim Robinson, owner of Design South Builders, designed and built this home in the new Chimney Top neighborhood at High Hampton. Thank you, designers, for pouring your talent and love into this year’s Showhouse. We could not do this event without you.
In addition to thanking our generous designers, we want to thank all of the wonderful volunteers, corporate sponsors, and benefactors that have made this year extra special. You make the magic happen and we can’t wait for our guests to see the success of your hard work.
Thank you again for joining us for the 26th year of this amazing event in our beautiful mountain community. Through thoughtful educational platforms and the preservation of the Zachary-Tolbert House, Col. John’s Cabin, the Dependency, and the Hampton School, the Cashiers Historical Society maintains our area’s historical legacy. By touring the Showhouse and joining us for a myriad of special events, you are providing vital funds for the Cashiers Historical Society.
With deep gratitude, Stacie Platt and Ellen Turner
Great things are happening at the Cashiers Historical Society. Thanks to your support we have a new Executive Director, Amelia Golcheski, whose plans for CHS will please and impress you. We have another exceptional Showhouse located in one of High Hampton’s prestigious new developments. The outstanding designers we have chosen will inspire you with their creativity and good taste. Like last year, we have partnered with The Village Green where you can park, shop (there will be 15 vendors inside) and take the shuttle to the Showhouse. We believe it will provide your best Showhouse experience ever.
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Thursday, August 24, 6 P.M.
The Halsted House at High Hampton
A Touch of Tartan…reimagined in the Cashiers Valley!
as we celebrate the official and exclusive opening night of the 2023 Cashiers Designer Showhouse. Together we will celebrate the wonderful and rich Scottish heritage of our beautiful mountains through lively Celtic traditions, fine cuisine, and award-winning music. Come dance a reel with your friends or a jig with your best bonnie lass as we transform the prestigious Halsted House at The Club at High Hampton into an upscale Scottish Pub, complete with Scotch tastings, pints of ale, delicious fare provided by the inspired culinary team at High Hampton, and much more. The festive evening will include a trio of renowned musicians, including the award-winning composer and violinist/fiddler Andrew Finn Magill, Scottish guitar and bouzouki player Alan Murray, and Broadway’s own flute and piper player Isaac Alderson. End the evening with a thrilling live auction lot—the opportunity to bid on a 36-person five-course private wine dinner in the unparalleled Wine Cellar at the Inn at High Hampton. So don your kilt and come celebrate our exciting 2023 Showhouse, talented designers, amazing supporters, and the beloved Cashiers Historical Society with a Touch of Tartan! Tickets available through sponsorship and benefactor packages only.
Friday, August 25, 2 P.M.
The Chattooga Club
Renowned interior designers SUZANNE KASLER and FRANCIE HARGROVE and celebrated architects NORMAN ASKINS and MARK PAULLIN unveil the design blueprint for elevated mountain living with a compelling panel discussion at The Chattooga Club. Moderated by Atlanta Homes & Lifestyles Editor-in-Chief LAUREN IVERSON and displayed through examples of their work, the esteemed panelists will explore the elements of gracious mountain living—and how classic mountain style can live large in the modern day world. Light bites and specialty beverages will be served. $150 per person. Tickets for this event are available for purchase at cashiershistoricalsociety.org. All proceeds benefit the Cashiers Historical Society.
Saturday, August 26, 1 P.M.
The Pavilion at The Village Green
May your landscape fit your lifestyle like a glove! MARY PALMER DARGAN is back with a lively, fun and educational landscape design seminar. Learn how to maximize the use of your land by using five long landscape design techniques and the four-part master plan. Explore problem-solving with plant materials and creating outdoor spaces. A must-have seminar for anyone with an outdoor environment. Palmer, who is with the award-winning DARGAN LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, has been published in many national publications, featured in HGTV, and has received innumerable awards. Free event open to the public.
Tuesday, August 29, 1 – 3 P.M.
The Pavilion at The Village Green
The use of botanicals, flowers and herbs have long been a part of the historical development of great cocktails, shrubs, and bitters. Take a journey with CARLTON CHAMBLIN , founder of FARM2COCKTAIL , along the cocktail garden path and learn to tend nature’s bar. His talk and demo examines the aromatics, taste and usage of key plants in cocktail making. Guests of this event will indulge in beverage tastings and light bites with the plateau’s go-to mixologist. Farm2Cocktail is a cocktail mixer and freelance bartending company whose flagship product is a shrub, a fusion of fresh fruits, herbs, sugar and vinegars combined to create unique, flavorful syrups for cocktails, mocktails and dressings. Free event open to the public.
Tuesday, August 29, 6 – 8 P.M.
The Showhouse at High Hampton
Experience the Showhouse like never before! Showhouse by Twilight includes an evening tour featuring specialty cocktails curated by CARLTON CHAMBLIN , founder of FARM2COCKTAIL . As the sun sets in the beautiful mountain town of Cashiers, mingle and help us congratulate our 2023 co-chairs STACIE PLATT and ELLEN TURNER $90 per person. Tickets for this event are available for purchase at cashiershistoricalsociety.org. All proceeds benefit the Cashiers Historical Society.
Wednesday, August 30, 6:30 P.M.
Private Home
Spend an intimate evening with P. ALLEN SMITH , America’s favorite award-winning garden designer. The setting for this special night is The Flag House, the beautiful entertaining home of Linda and Mark Quick, well-known for memory-making events. The menu will feature food fresh from Allen’s Arkansas home, prepared by a visionary local chef, and complemented by wine selections of a professional sommelier who received the Distinguished Service Award by the Guild of Master Sommeliers. Seating is limited and local “celebrities” will be sprinkled amongst professional bartenders and servers during this oncein-a-lifetime evening of design, history, and fun. P. Allen Smith is a highly skilled landscape and garden designer, horticulturist, preservationist, and TV host. He is passionate about showcasing the inherent beauty of the landscape and takes inspiration from the works of classic designers. Allen has authored six bestselling books and his award-winning TV show has made him a popular public speaker. Each guest will leave with a signed copy of Mr. Smith’s bestseller, P. Allen Smith’s Seasonal Recipes from the Garden: A Garden Home Cookbook. Tickets for this event are available for purchase at cashiershistoricalsociety.org. All proceeds benefit the Cashiers Historical Society.
Thursday, August 31, 11 A.M.
Canyon Kitchen in Lonesome Valley
“My promise to my friends and my mission in life is to help individuals, leaders, and communities improve our world through education, design, conservation, and media.” – P. Allen Smith. P. ALLEN SMITH , one of America’s most talented and treasured garden designers, invites you to join him for a delectable and educational lunch at Canyon Kitchen. Author, TV Host, entrepreneur, conservationist, lecturer, and garden designer, P. Allen Smith will share his magical world at Moss Mountain Farm, a decidedly southern iteration of the gentleman’s farm inspired by Thomas Jefferson, on the banks of the Arkansas River. Join Allen for a seasonal walk-through of life at Moss Mountain Farm—bloom, joy, heritage livestock, history and mission. Led by Executive Chef Ed Selle, Canyon Kitchen is one of the most beautiful restaurant settings in the country, framed by verdant forests and meadows, encircled by thousand-foot granite cliffs. Located inside Lonesome Valley, Canyon Kitchen’s dining experience features local foods in a sophisticated Appalachian Style. $175 per person. Tickets for this event are available for purchase at cashiershistoricalsociety. org. All proceeds benefit the Cashiers Historical Society.
Friday, September 1, 3 P.M.
The Inn at High Hampton
Join us for afternoon tea at The Inn at High Hampton with our 2023 DESIGNERS ! The Inn’s teatime is a nod to High Hampton’s history; an afternoon full of delicious pastries, the iconic Rock Mountain view, and conversation over local tea. This afternoon is an opportunity to immerse yourself in High Hampton’s rich history while enjoying assorted pastries made by our fabulous pastry chef, April Franqueza. Our featured teas are a diverse offering from Asheville Tea Company including our popular Chamomile & Lavender Tea, Pisgah Gray, and so many more. We would love for you to spend the afternoon with us. Put on your Sunday Best and your favorite party hat, we look forward to welcoming you! $125 per person.Tickets for this event are available for purchase at cashiershistoricalsociety.org. All proceeds benefit the Cashiers Historical Society.
Saturday, September 2, 11 A.M.
The Pavilion at The Village Green
SUE FAZIO has a doctorate in education from Florida Atlantic University, but where her passion meets the road is her wildly creative expressions in painting with oil, acrylic, encaustics, pastels and now pottery. She and her husband, Tom Fazio— renowned golf course architect, including the recently redesigned golf course at High Hampton—founded the Boys and Girls Club of Henderson County in 1993. Since then, all of the proceeds from her work go to that club. Sue is currently represented by Dianne Davant Studio in Stuart, Florida, the Art Cellar in Boone, North Carolina, and Anna Lea Gallery in Cashiers. Free event open to the public.
Land and Sky Interior Design
Charlotte, NC
Urbane yet understated, comforting yet contemporary, Heather’s designs are a reflection of her own life experiences and inspirations. The organic forms and functions of nature are a major influence on her design philosophy. Growing up on construction sites, she watched as her father, an architect and builder, brought his own visions to life. She founded Land and Sky Designs as a way of weaving together her passions for life and style with the wants and needs of her clients.
Cashiers, NC
Hallie Lycans with Design South Builders has worked on a dozen projects throughout High Hampton and the greater Cashiers area. After completing her degree in Interior Design from Converse College, she has had the opportunity to expand upon her knowledge entering the design-build industry. Hallie enjoys a hands-on approach throughout the entire building process to bring dreams to a reality.
Lisa Wester Interiors
Birmingham, AL
An Oneonta native, Lisa Wester embraces timeless Southern design to create spaces with a sense of history, passion, story and substance. Lisa’s signature is a haven which represents the owner. After working many years in design, Lisa created Lisa Wester Interiors in 2016. She specializes in new construction and renovation projects as well as interior and exterior concepts. A home that evokes thought and feeling through carefully curated design is a hallmark of her work. She works with clients to blend their family heirlooms with updated fabrics and finishes to make each project truly one of a kind.
Cashiers, NC
Stacie Platt has had a passion for design all her life and began her career in furniture and design while still in college. Always up for an adventure, she moved to the North Carolina mountains after college. Stacie moved to Cashiers a few years later and has lived here for 24 years. She worked with Interior Enhancements before making the move to Rusticks in 2010. As the Manager and Interior Designer under Rusticks’ new owner, Stacie has refined a modern yet elegant mountain aesthetic. She finds great joy in helping her clients and the customers of Rusticks.
Atlanta, GA
With over 15 years in the interior design industry the goal has always remained the same: work directly with homeowners to give them a level of design reflecting their personal style that they couldn’t have achieved on their own. Williams involves and engages the homeowner throughout the entire build and uses sketches to refine and carefully edit the build process of slowly bringing their vision to life. She believes it is an absolute honor to be an interior designer for some of the finest homes throughout the South.
Spruce Interiors
Highlands, NC
melanie@spruce4118.com nancy@spruce4118.com
Spruce Interiors, locally known as “the girls,” consists of Melanie Couch and Nancy Dyleski. The design duo were first introduced to one another at the University of Georgia where they studied in both art history and textiles, merchandising and interiors. As Georgia natives, they are inherently inclined to their southern roots and traditions with a deep respect for family and the lifestyles of their clients. Spruce aims to create spaces that feel timeless, comfortable and beautiful while being totally approachable…much like the designers themselves!
Lynn Monday Home Cashiers, NC mondayshouse@gmail.com
Owner of Lynn Monday Home and Mondays House of Design, Lynn has been working in design for over 40 years. Author of Southern Mountain Living, she is an award-winning interior designer of both residential and commercial spaces. Lynn and her staff bring a full-service firm attaining the highest level of achievements by producing well defined interiors for their clients. With her eye for beauty and sense of scale, Lynn Monday’s design style is truly distinctive.
DWH Interiors
Atlanta, GA
DWH Interiors is a boutique firm founded on personal service and attention to detail. Its founder, Douglas Hilton, has been a part of the Atlanta design community for over 35 years. Douglas is known for his use of art and color. Creating gallery walls is one of his signature looks, intricately mixing varied sizes and styles of art together to form a display which creates conversation and visual pleasure. While art is definitely part of his style, he works with each client to help them create their personal signature look— whether that is English Regency, transitional, contemporary or eclectic.
Mrs. Howard Jacksonville, FL
Growing up, I was surrounded by all things decorating and design. When I was seven, my father founded our design firm James Michael Howard. Shortly after my mother opened our retail division of stores called Mrs. Howard/Max & Company, which has five locations across the Southeast. In addition to managing and buying for our Jacksonville Beach location, I am a lead designer for the firm. My personal style is a reflection of my coastal Southern upbringing, with a fresh take on timeless design and an appreciation for the classics.
Old Edwards and Acorns Boutique
Highlands, NC hmorris@oldedwardsinn.com
Acorns Director of Retail, Holly Watson has a passion for mixing old and new design elements creating timeless spaces. As the buyer for Acorns, she enjoys shopping for unique pieces that will complement any room. While her focus is on classic interiors that will outlast the ever-changing fads in design, she loves finding statement pieces that finish off a space.
Platt Home
Brevard, NC
Katie, an Atlanta native, has been in the interior design business for over 25 years. Katie brings unique design sensibilities, a keen approach to understanding the needs of clients and a tireless work ethic to each project. From designing custom furnishings to finding just the right piece, Katie ensures that every project blends the heart of the client’s vision with beautiful, livable, and deeply personal spaces that can be enjoyed for generations to come.
Eric Ross Interiors
Nashville, TN
Eric Ross has over 20 years of design experience. With a background in bespoke furnishings and a penchant for traditional fabrics and antiques, Ross creates dynamic home interiors that blend comfortable Southern living with timeless style. Blue-andwhite porcelain, mixing fabrics on furniture, statement print curtains, artistic wall groupings and tasteful displays of homeowners’ personal collectibles star among Ross’ signature look. His lush designs reflect his traditional style as well as the passions and preoccupations of his clients.
Maggie Grffin Interiors
Gainesville, GA
Based in Northeast Georgia, Maggie Griffin Design is a highend residential interior design firm with projects spanning across the Southeast. Lead designer and owner Maggie Griffin is joined by associate designers Grace Brackman, Havolynne Saxon and Emily Jiles for a myriad of projects with shared experience of over 30 years. They are known for a fresh take on traditional interiors, specializing in full-scale interiors and ground-up design and building.
The Consulting House
Atlanta, GA
Janice Dietz founded The Consulting House in 2001, a full-service design firm specializing in new construction, renovation, and interior design projects. With both a design and business background, Janice brings her creative skills, problem solving prowess and business acumen to all projects. Her emphasis is on quality, value and attention to detail while creating innovative, artistic and creative designs that are warm and inviting and reflect a comfortable sophistication and timeless quality.
Lauren Robbins Interiors
Augusta, GA lauren@laurenrobbinsinteriors.com
Founder of her design firm Lauren Robbins Interiors, Lauren Robbins is best known for her modern take on traditional design. She and her team work with families across the Southeast and beyond to infuse their history, lifestyle and identity into their homes—all while creating curated, collected spaces that are both beautiful and functional. Lauren uses her natural eye for design to create spaces that are layered, truly unique and reflective of the homeowner.
The Vendor Village is located at The Village Green in Lewis Hall and open to the public. All Showhouse attendees are invited to shop at the Vendor Village before or after their shuttle ride to the Showhouse. A list of participating vendors is below. Visit cashiershistoricalsociety.org for the most up-to-date listing of vendor times and availability.
BLAIR’S BELTS designs and hand-makes alligator and crocodile fullskin belts, stretch belts, bracelets, Apple Watch bands and more. We are proudly produced in Georgia from the finest skins.
BRENDA SULMONETTI ARTIST Brenda is a contemporary impressionist, drawn to the brilliance of light and the drama of shadow. Her work is predominately in oils, graphite and oil sticks. She inspires wonder and welcomes the viewer to pause with her extraordinary use of texture and color.
CYNTHIA PERRYMAN ART Impressionistic paintings filled with color and light. Subjects may be landscapes, still lifes, florals (both representational and abstract), figure studies, paintings of interiors, farm animals (particularly sheep), and nature studies.
DENA LYONS Luxurious, playful accessories and apparel. These unique pieces are created by skilled artisans in Italy and sourced from the finest fabrics. Collections designed to brighten a wardrobe each day.
DESIGNS BY LAUREL LEIGH Jewelry and home decor.
DUBARRY OF IRELAND is an Irish-owned company with a collection of premium performance footwear, clothing, leather goods and accessories. Established in 1937, Dubarry combines rugged all-weather functionality with timeless style for both women and men.
GREEN GATOR offers vintage alligator, crocodile, and other exotic skin handbags, luggage and accessories. Chanel, Hermès, Judith Lieber, Kieselstein Cord and more are represented.
HANNAH DAYE Fine jewelry—original design and contemporary style that is inspired by the natural beauty of classical form. Hand-cast using sustainable sterling silver and karat gold, set with natural precious and semi-precious gemstones and made in the USA.
INDO-CHIC A collection of classically designed silk garbs in divine colors to complement a myriad of shapes and sizes, all in taffeta, dupioni, raw silk, and silk velvet. Great for travel and very…Indo-Chic.
JESSIE MACKAY ART Impressionistic oil paintings including landscapes, interiors, people, still lifes. Sizes vary from 6 x 8” to 30 x 40”. Many pieces are beautifully framed.
PATRICE COLLECTION A lifestyle collection that is timeless yet at the same time incorporates the trends of today. The collection includes apparel, accessories, and jewelry for the modern woman who desires to shop affordably and look her best at all hours of the day.
PROVENCE ANTIQUES Offering antique furniture, lighting and accessories sourced from buying trips to England and France.
ROSE & HARPER Artfully curated antique and vintage jewelry.
SUSAN’S JEWELRY A curated collection of designer and one-of-a-kind jewelry, handbags and shawls.
TROPICAL TAPESTRY Limited edition prints from our original art on recycled paper. We hand-antique, glaze and crumple the panels for a vintage patina.