2012 Annual Report

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ending ho m el ess n e ss toge t h e r at l a n ta m i s s i o n 2 0 1 2 a n n u a l r e p o r t

If you spend yourselves in behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. I sa ia h 5 8 : 1 0

2012 annual report


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Atlanta Mission is transforming, through Christ, the lives of those facing homelessness. De ar Fr ien ds,

In Isaiah 58:10, the Bible says that if we “spend [ourselves] in behalf of the hungry, and satisfy the needs the oppressed” that our light will “rise in the darkness” and our night will become “like the noonday.” This past year we have seen this promise fulfilled, as men, women, and children have found transformation through Christ as a result of the faith, service, and generosity of partners like you.

“ ...men, women, and children have found transformation through Christ as a result of the faith, service, and generosity of partners like you.”

At Atlanta Mission we are seeking to end homelessness, but this is not a task we can accomplish alone. Life transformation is the only way to truly end homelessness, and we believe that this kind of transformation can be found only through a relationship with Jesus Christ. Using staff, volunteers, and donors like you to be His hands and feet, God is able to overcome the most impossible hurdles, heal the deepest hurts, and bring hope to situations that once seemed hopeless. Atlanta Mission has been blessed to see transformation unfold in various ways. It occurs when ladies from a local church paint Bible verses on the walls of our women’s facility. Light begins to shine through the darkness when a generous donor chooses to trust God with his or her treasure. Hope is renewed as a counselor walks through spiritual warfare to help a tortured soul understand the love of Jesus. It is impossible to recount every single way in which God moved at Atlanta Mission this year, but in these pages we seek to show a year where God’s faithfulness brought 462 jobs to the jobless, where homelessness ended for 849 men and women, and where 745 souls found faith in their personal savior. We celebrate these victories with you, because God has entrusted all of us with the task of serving those in need. We thank you for your prayers, your service, and your gifts this year, and we invite you to continue to walk with us as a city unified in ending homelessness. Blessings,

Ji m Reese a n d Tom Wilkes

J im R eese l ea din g men ’s b ib l e st u dy

“ Life transformation is the only way to truly end homelessness, and we believe that this kind of transformation can be found only through a relationship with Jesus Christ.”

j im rees e

To m W il k es

Atlanta Mission President/CEO

Atlanta Mission Board Chair President, Walton Communities



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Atlanta Mission believes that sustainable life change starts with the redeeming power of Christ and is best accomplished through lifeon-life relationships. There are many roads to homelessness, but the deepest need of anyone is a relationship with Christ. Our staff and programs invest in the spiritual, personal, and professional development of people, restoring and equipping them to intentional living. We’re all responsible for the time, talent, and treasures that are entrusted to us by God, and by becoming humble servants to those in need, God has the ability to change our lives. Our Values


Jo h n 1 :4 - 9

In Him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it….The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world.


1 Peter 4 :1 0-1 1

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.


Ph i li p p i ans 1 :9-1 1

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth and insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.


2 Co ri nth i ans 5:1 7

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!

There are many roads to homelessness, but the deepest need of anyone is a relationship with Christ.


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D isc ipl eship


Our Facilities

t hrou gh L if e- on - L if e Rel at ion ships

c ha pel serv ic es

T he S hepherd’s I n n

F u qua H a l l

16 5 I va n A l l en , J r. B lv d., N W

144 M il l s St reet

At l a n ta , GA 30313

At l a n ta , GA 303 1 3

The Shepherd’s Inn is the oldest and largest of Atlanta Mission’s facilities. Located directly across the street from Centennial Olympic Park, The Shepherd’s Inn offers refuge to men battling homelessness, addiction, and other life crises.

Fuqua Hall originally served as a hotel for foreign photographers at the 1996 Olympic Games. Purchased for donation to the Atlanta Mission by Atlanta philanthropist and politician J.B. Fuqua, the building now serves as transitional housing for men who have completed shelter or recovery programs.

P rog ra ms Offered

Emergency and Temporary Shelter Residential Recovery Job Attainment

Counselor Profile J e r e m y St e p h e n s

sma l l g rou p

B ed Ca pac it y 92

B ed Ca pac it y 423

b ib l e st u dies

It is a uniquely powerful experience, being a servant to the men in this community. It is one that is oftentimes electrified by the everpresent reality that our ministry is both a calling on us from the Father and cannot be accomplished apart from leaning into Him in every moment. I have been given the humbling opportunity of giving counsel to 18 men along with teaching the Discipleship class. From a strictly vocational perspective, my job description would read: “Must be willing to preach sermons, teach a class of 12-15 men, and offer individual counseling sessions weekly.” From a personal perspective, my job description would read: “Must be willing to be placed directly on the frontlines of spiritual warfare, encountering God’s love and empowering others to do the same on a moment-by-moment basis with the full realization that the forces at work against us are too powerful to be underestimated, too crafty to be contained, and too desperate to veer us off course for us to have any hope of conquering them without clinging with every ounce of strength we have to the hem of our Savior’s garment.”

It is challenging on the best days, seeing how desperately the men here want to be the men that God sees when He looks at them. But it is rewarding even on the worst days, because at the end of it my joy comes from knowing that the God I serve is bigger than the problems these men face. When He looks at them, He sees their potential. The biggest goal I have in this job is guiding these men towards seeing that same potential when they look in a mirror.

in div idua l cou n sel in g

It is rewarding even on the worst days, because at the end of it my joy comes from knowing that the God I serve is bigger than the problems these men face. When He looks at them, He sees their potential. grou p cou n sel in g

M y S ist er’s H ou se

T he P ot t er’s H o u s e

921 H ow el l M il l R oa d, n w

6 55 P ot t er’s H o u s e R oa d

At l a n ta , GA 30318

J eff erson , GA 3 0 5 49

In 1969 Atlanta Mission became the first agency to offer rescue and recovery services specifically to women and women with children. Today, My Sister’s House ministers to women facing homelessness, addiction, abuse, and other life-controlling issues.

In 1967 Atlanta Mission opened The Potter’s House on a 550+ acre farm just outside of Athens, Georgia. A haven for homeless and addicted men in the Northeast Georgia area, The Potter’s House offers a unique blend of vocational training, work therapy, and discipleship.

P rog ra ms Offered

P rog ra ms Offer e d

Emergency and Temporary Shelter Residential Recovery Job Attainment Educational and Behavioral Resources for Children

Residential Recovery Job Attainment NewStart Transitional Housing

B ed Ca pac it y 26 4

B ed Ca pac it y 23 0


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programs and services

transformation at work

ove rni gh t s h e lte rs

TEMPORARY s h e lte rs





b ed n ights prov ided

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at t e n d e d vo c at i o n a l

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en ded

t r a i n i n g c lass e s





jo b attai nm ent and trans i ti o nal h o us i ng

best practice team

In Luke Chapter 12, Jesus tells his disciples that to be His servant, they must recognize that “from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded.” As a part of this commitment to excellence, the Board of Directors set out to raise the capabilities of the organization by identifying and implementing best practices. In the first phase, the best practices team comprised of both Board members and program leaders conducted a multi-faceted internal assessment. The second phase involved researching best practices in organizations across the country and conducting visits to the top twelve. The organizations ranged from highly specialized addiction recovery programs to very large multi-national Christian ministries. Equipped with an understanding of our own best practices as well as those observed from the organizations researched, a multi-phased implementation plan for raising the Mission’s services to a new level of excellence is now being developed. We trust God’s guidance and are very excited to ultimately see more lives transformed through Christ.

“ Clients think they come here just to look for a job and housing, but they leave with so much more; they leave with Jesus.”

Shelter Director Profile a lthea whita ker

Coming into a saving knowledge of Christ at a young age, I thought I knew God personally because I followed all the requirements of being a “Good” Christian. Life happened and it became apparent that I never made the transition from head knowledge to heart knowledge of God. Then I became aware of Atlanta Mission through church and began working at My Sister’s House. It was the best decision at that moment in my life because I found peace in my calling through complete surrender and fell in love with the vision of the Mission. Starting as an intern and volunteer, to a Social Worker, and now the Shelter Director has been a significant Damascus experience with the Father. As I minister, I am being ministered to by my peers and the residents at the Mission.

of ov ern ight shelt er gu ests mov ed in to

compl et ed t he

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t empora ry shelt er

prog ra ms

prog ra m

o f t e m p o r a ry s h e lt e r g u e sts to o k st e p s towa r d e n d i n g h o m e le ss n e ss

I am one of many here at the Mission called to shepherd the Father’s lost sheep, and count it an awesome privilege to serve in this manner. We see generational curses broken; people delivered from substance abuse, and sexual addictions; women set free from spiritual, emotional, and physical bondage; and also women and children learning and accepting their true identity in Christ. Clients think they come here just to look for a job and housing, but they leave with so much more; they leave with Jesus.




j ob s sec u red

mea l s serv ed

d e c i s i o n s fo r c h r i st



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where are they now?



While bed nights and meals served illustrate the impact of Atlanta Mission, our true success is measured by lasting life transformation in those we serve. We are honored to share the stories of four individuals who have taken courageous steps of faith and now seek to help others like them. Do nnie Hicks Grad uation Yea r : 2002 | Hometown : Dou glasville, GA

“Atlanta Mission gave me hope in my desperate hour of need.”

2011 Aga pe S oc iet y D i n n e r

In November of 2011, Atlanta Mission hosted the Tenth Annual Agape Society Dinner, an event celebrating our most generous donors and partners. Georgia First Lady Sandra Deal delivered the keynote address, and award honorees included UBS Financial Services and local business leader Jim Ellis. The event gave donors, volunteers, and business and community leaders the opportunity to celebrate the work of Atlanta Mission and unite in the work of ending homelessness for the upcoming year.

A chef by trade, Donnie worked for the food service department of the University of Georgia, then as director of food services for 4-H. In 2009 Donnie accepted a position as Director of Hospitality for The Potter’s House where he mentors men in the program and teaches them the skills necessary to enter the culinary field. Angus Rosemon d Grad uation Yea r : 2012 | Hometown : atla n ta , gA

“I was hopeless, but deep down inside God was with me all the time. He sent me directly to Atlanta Mission.” After graduating the program in March of this year, Angus returned to his culinary roots and took a job as a chef at Desta Ethiopian Kitchen in Decatur. Now living in Fuqua Hall, Angus is an inspiration and encouragement to his friends still in recovery. Tri ci a Dr eyer Grad uation Yea r : 1998 | Hometown : Atla n ta , GA

2012 At l a n ta M iss i o n 5 K : R ac in g to E n d H o m e le ss n e ss

The Atlanta Mission 5K began in 2002 with the family of a dedicated board member hosting the fundraiser in their Peachtree Battle neighborhood. In 2012, the second year the race took place downtown, Atlanta Mission held our most successful race to date with over 600 participants fundraising over $70,000. The event brought donors, volunteers, staff members, and Atlanta Mission residents together to run through the streets of downtown Atlanta, bringing awareness to the plight of the homeless in Atlanta and unifying the city to do something to help.

“Fifteen years ago they saved my life...and I am forever beholden to Atlanta Mission for introducing this nice Jewish girl to her Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. What a wonderful journey it has been.” Mother to two adult sons, Tricia owns her own home in Atlanta and is a founding employee and sales executive for Peachtree Tents and Events. She actively serves Atlanta Mission with resources to mission events and speaking to women currently in Atlanta Mission programs. As h ley Fedder n Grad uation Yea r : 2005 | Hometown : Con yer s, GA

“My journey of recovery was made possible through God’s grace, Christ’s redemption, and the love provided to me through Atlanta Mission.” After obtaining her high school diploma and putting herself through college, this December Ashley will graduate from nursing school. She has been hired to work for Kennestone hospital upon graduation, and one day plans to use her nursing skills in the international mission field. Ashley stays involved with Atlanta Mission through volunteering, fundraising, and growing the alumni association at My Sister’s House.

T he Coc a- Col a Co m pa n y P r e s e n ts H o p e i n O n e: At l a n ta M iss i o n ’ s S e co n d A n n ua l G o lf Tou rn a men t

In 2011 Atlanta Mission hosted our first annual golf tournament at Peachtree Golf Club, bringing together business and community leaders to engage with the work of the mission. In 2012 we set a goal to raise $265,000, the amount required to provide utilities at My Sister’s House for one year. Our supporters rose to the occasion with the help of organizations such as The Coca-Cola Company, AutoTrader. com, and Leader Enterprises sponsoring the event.


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We strive to make Atlanta “a city unified in ending homelessness.” We cannot accomplish this without the dedication and support of churches, ministries, businesses, and community organizations seeking to do the same. ministry partners

(Pictured: Left Building - Client Life Center, Right Building - New Start Dormitory)

capital campaign

In November 2011, Atlanta Mission launched the New Start Campaign, an ambitious undertaking that set out to raise $6.5 million for capital improvements at The Potter’s House. Through the generosity of our donors we were blessed to raise all of the funds by August 2012! Since 1967, The Potter’s House has served chemically addicted men in need of intensive residential rehabilitation programs. Combining programs such as group and

The New Start Dormitory has tripled transitional housing capacity to 64 beds and features a computer lab for GED training, a community lounge, and energyefficient construction. individual counseling, biblical training, and work therapy have helped break the chains of addiction for hundreds of men throughout the years. This focused work has resulted in more Georgia fathers, brothers, and sons returning home to their families and friends. The success of the programs at The Potter’s House led to increased demand for services, but the existing facilities could not accommodate all those in need. The New Start Campaign has allowed The Potter’s House to begin a new chapter of hope and transformation.

Funds from the New Start Campaign built the New Start Dormitory and Client Life Center. Previously, the transitional living facilities at The Potter’s House could accommodate only 20 men at a time. Transitional housing is a critical step for the men of The Potter’s House as it allows them to simulate independent living in a stable, supportive environment. The New Start Dormitory has tripled transitional housing capacity to 64 beds and features a computer lab for GED training, a community lounge, and energy-efficient construction. The barn-like structure houses classrooms, program offices, and a multipurpose space that serves as a gym, chapel, and gathering space. The men at The Potter’s House were integral to this project, building the majority of the furniture and installing woodwork throughout both facilities. Men at The Potter’s House moved into the new facilities in the summer of 2012, and the official dedication of both buildings took place in September of 2012. Atlanta Mission is grateful to the donors, construction teams, design teams, volunteers, staff members, and residents who have truly given The Potter’s House a New Start.


J ohn son F erry B a pt ist Chu rc h

In 2012 Buckhead Church supported My Sister’s House by fundraising for a new behavioral specialist, purchasing a new shuttle bus, and donating goods to the childcare center. (Pictured: Billy Phenix, Meghan

Leading Bible Studies at My Sister’s House since 2008, JFBC also hosts craft days for My Sister’s House, baptizes Atlanta Mission clients, and remodeled dorms at My Sister’s House in 2012.


A frontline ministry to Atlanta’s homeless, Lazarus partnered with Atlanta Mission for their annual health day, serving over 1,000 men, women, and children with medical and hygiene services.

Linger, and Atlanta Mission Staff)

community partners

S pec t ra Con t rac t F loorin g

cata lyst


“ It was gratifying to see the genuine appreciation for our efforts. It was our pleasure to contribute to an organization that embodies Christian faith by helping others.”

“ Atlanta Mission is one of my favorite ministries. Period. They are making a difference in our city. ”

“ We are proud of our partnership with the mission; one that we consider a blessing. The qualities of the clients, employees and volunteers: love, kindness and warmth, remind us of how important human grace can be.”

B r a d Lo m e n ic k E x e c u t iv e D ir e c to r , C ata lyst

B r u c e McW h o rt e r P r e s id e n t, S pe c t r a Co n tr ac t Flo o r in g

In FY 2012, the floors at My Sister’s House presented one our most urgent capital needs. Donating over $45K in materials and at-cost services, Spectra Contract Flooring (the commercial arm of Shaw Industries) replaced the floors in the childcare, adult education, and shelter wings of the facility, greatly improving the home of our women and children.

Je r ry Jo h ns o n

Working to inspire ministry, business and community leaders around the country, the Catalyst Conference generously supports the work of Atlanta Mission. For their 2011 conference, Atlanta Mission President and CEO Jim Reese was featured as a Catalyst LAB speaker, and the conference culminated with the surprise give-away of brand new cars to two Atlanta Mission graduates.

M a n ag ing Dir ecto r , UBS At l anta

UBS has been a valued partner of Atlanta Mission for several years. In FY 2012, they sent all the children at My Sister’s House back to school with new clothes and supplies, held corporate donation drives for our thrift ministry, and sponsored each of our special event fundraisers.


at l a n ta m i ss i o n

Over 800,000 meals were served this year. And we were honored to serve every single one.

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reaching atlanta & beyond

I mag in e At l a n ta Ca mpa ign

M o r e t h a n 99% o f At la n ta

In November and December of 2011, Atlanta Mission partnered with WSB-TV to tell the story of Hope to their viewing population throughout the metro area. The campaign increased awareness throughout the giving season and solidified a valuable partnership with WSB-TV.

M i ss i o n ’ s i n co m e i s m a d e u p o f p r i vat e d o n at i o n s . T h e g e n e r os i t y o f o u r d o n o r s h as k e p t o u r d o o r s o p e n s i n c e 1 93 8.

R ed B u l l soa p b ox rac e

The BeRemedy Soapbox Partnership allowed Atlanta Mission to associate with the Red Bull brand as well as a live audience of nearly 60,000 people in Piedmont Park on June 9th. The soapbox car engaged the men at The Potter’s House and their mechanical skills, and the publicized need of interview attire brought over 250 suits to Atlanta Mission’s professional clothing closet. The entire campaign was the largest single awareness event to date for Atlanta Mission, garnering media attention and support from the likes of 11Alive, WSB Channel 2, ESPN, Star 94 as well as social media support from recording artist LeCrae, the Catalyst Conference, and Buckhead Church. CNN D ia log u es

In March of 2012 CNN dialogues created a forum and web feature addressing the issue of homelessness, and Atlanta Mission residents were featured in various interviews for their segment, “Today’s Other America: Living in Poverty.” The event exposed the Atlanta Mission to a national audience through the InAmerica opinion blog, and engaged some of the country’s brightest minds in discussing poverty in Atlanta and the nation.

U n i q u e s u p p o rt e r s

35,575 g i f ts

70,367 g i f ts u n d e r $ 5 0/ y r

20,748 atl a n ta m i ss i o n i n so c i a l m e d i a

AtlantaMission @atlmission @atlmission AtlantaMission



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In addition to our three residential facilities, Atlanta Mission runs seven thrift stores throughout Atlanta and northeast Georgia. Our thrift stores allow for unique ministry opportunities within the various communities we serve, while providing financial support to the organization.

At h e n s T h r i f t Sto r e

434 Prince Avenue Athens, Georgia 30601 (706) 357-9240


W i n d e r T h r i f t Sto r e

141 West May Street Winder, Georgia 30680 (706) 357-9243 roswell


Co m m e r c e T h r i f t Sto r e


1416 South Broad Street Commerce, Georgia 30529 (706) 357-9241



lawrenceville gwinnett


Gainesville Thrift Store

328 Oak Street Gainesville, Georgia 30506 (678) 420-0240 Gwi n n e t t T h r i f t Sto r e


1630 Pleasant Hill Road Duluth, Georgia 30044 (404) 367-3932 M a r i e t ta T h r i f t Sto r e

1140 Roswell Rd SE Marietta, GA 30062 (404) 367-3920 R osw e ll T h r i f t Sto r e

Making Thrift a Ministry

10800 Alpharetta Hwy Roswell, GA 30076 (404) 367-3940

ta m m y w r i g h t

In the past year, we have had 18 amazing and inspiring women from My Sister’s House come to work in the call center. From taking incoming calls to placing outbound calls and doing data entry, they are always eager to learn. These ladies have a great passion for God and take pride in everything they do. Many times donations are given as a result of a lost loved one. This is when the ladies offer prayer and a word of hope to the donor. While the lives of these ladies are being transformed, they are also helping to change

the lives of others as they offer a word of hope to the donor who has suffered a loss of a friend or family member. Atlanta Mission offers a unique and necessary service to the community by offering free pick-ups of donated items. Our drivers work hard to make sure our donors receive quality customer service. The drivers are dedicated to making our thrift program a ministry, taking time to listen and pray with donors when opportunities arise.

The thrift ministry is supported by your donations. For a pic k- u p c a ll 40 4 -3 67- 2 2 89



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We believe that every resource given to Atlanta Mission is entrusted to us by God. It is for this reason that we take great care in the stewardship of our financial resources, valuing discernment, accuracy, and transparency. As a 501c3 non-profit and member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, we offer comprehensive financial reporting to all of our supporters.

2012 income

Total Income


Monetary Contributions


Donated Goods and Services

$4,329,007 23%

Thrift Store Sales

$3,080,751 17%

Program Income

$411,829 2%



Total Expenses


Total Program Service Expense

$14,131,004 82%


$1,119,106 7%


$1,951,433 11%

* unaudited results

AC TS 2 0 :35

“ I n everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”



at l a n ta m i ss i o n

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Thank You

Corporat ion s

Atlanta Mission could not offer hope to those facing homelessness without the generosity of our donors. Your time, talent, and treasures support every aspect of our organization, and we humbly thank you for putting your resources in the hands of the Lord. I n d i v i d ua l s

B oa r d o f D i r e c to r s

A & J Manufacturing, LLC

Mary Allen Lindsey Branan Foundation

Joseph Arnold


Nationwide Insurance Foundation

Lori Billingsley

AGL Resources, Inc.

Patterson Barclay Memorial Foundation, Inc.

David Boehmig

Amelia Rose Productions

PCA Foundation, Inc.

Hope Cheeks


Piedmont Charitable Foundation, Inc.

Erwin “Doc” Eldridge

Atlanta Center for Self Sufficiency

Price Gilbert, Jr. Charitable Fund

Shan Gastineau

Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby’s International Realty

Smither Family Foundation

Laverne Hanes-Stevens

AutoTrader.com, Inc.

The Atlanta Foundation

Jim Hinkle

CNT Financial

The Charles and Catherine B. Rice Foundation

Blake Howard

The Coca-Cola Company

The Ellis Foundation

Jerry Johnson

Jay and Cindi Alexander

Ken and Paige Harbour

Robert and Jenny Pruitt

Compass Collective

The Evelyn & Frank Gordy Foundation

J.T. King III

Craig and Melissa Allen

Jackie Harris

Irvin and Connie Pund

Conner Partners

The Fred and Sue McGehee Family Charitable Fund

Patrick McNulty

Joseph and Rene Arnold

Patrick Henry

Cassandra Pursley

Cox Media Group, Inc.

The George M. Brown Trust Fund of Atlanta

Tom McWhirter

Marshall and Lynda Ausburn

Jim and Sally Hinkle

David and Cecilia Ratcliffe

First Cherokee State Bank

The Greene-Sawtell Foundation

Lawrence Mock

Todd and Betsey Banister

Donald and Sharron Holton

Richard and Mariette Reber

Georgia’s Own Credit Union

The Hal and John Smith Family Foundation

Mark Newton

Douglas and Vicki Barclay

John and Brittany Hoover

Jim and Dina Reese

Kids ‘R’ Kids International, Inc.

The Home Depot Foundation

Bill Oglesby

Steven and Alice Barlow

John and Laurie Hopkins

Joe and Mary Jean Robertson

Kimberly-Clark Corporation

The Howell Fund

Stephen Olsen

William Battle

Tycho and Marie Howle

Steve and Dianne Robinson

Leader Enterprises, Inc.

The I.A. Bertha & Hix Green Family Foundation, Inc.

Jim Reese

Scott and Tricia Baynton

James and Denese Hudgins

Harvey and Sharon Rudy

Moore Colson

The Imlay Foundation, Inc.

Harvey Rudy

James and Nancy Bland

Ronald and Camille Hughes

Scott and Patricia Satterwhite

Northern Trust Bank

The Inglis Family Foundation

Richard Sparkmon

David and Stephanie Boehmig

Jim and Sue Inglis

Gerald and Debbie Schoenecker

Tip Top Poultry

The J.B. Fuqua Foundation, Inc.

Cheri Teague

Matthew and Kimberly Broms

Stephen and Cyndi Isaf

Brad and Jennifer Scholle


The Jim Ellis Foundation, Inc.

Robert Tritt

Charles and Joan Bruce

Glen and Claire Jackson

Larry and Penny Schreck

UBS Financial Services, Inc.

The Kroger Co. Foundation

Tom Wilkes

Steven and Teresa Buckingham

Janet Johnson

Shobha Sharma

Watkins & Associates, Inc.

The Luther and Susie Harrison Foundation, Inc.

Anthony and Mary Burger

Jerry and Cathy Johnson

Marie Sheffer

Mark Cahill

Mike and Michele Kendrick

Frances Shropshire

William Pitts and Julie Carr

Karen Kilgo

Steven and Nancy Simms

William and Sally Pat Cates

J.T. and Vanessa King

Anita Simpson

Lee and Natalie Cavender

David and Jeni Knight

Donald and Paula Smith

Jason and Nancy Chambers

Trevor and Leah Lang

Jim and Sandra Smith

John Cleveland

Merry Leggett

Richard and Beverly Sparkmon

Gerald Cory

Gay Love

Jerrill and Heidi Sprinkle

John Cowart

Jackie Marabotti

Ed and Janice Story

Frank and Bonnie Creighton

Stephen and Marissa Martin

Eric and Kim Strickland

Dan and Liz Darling

William and Leanne Martin

Edward P. Stuart

Keith and Terri Davidson

John and Caren McAleer

Sheela Sukumar

Helen Douthat

Mike and Teresa McBride

Dennis and Cheri Teague

Walter and Charlotte DuPre

Pat and Mary McNulty

Tony and Tonja Terrana

Mike and Anna Elmers

Tom and Rae McWhirter

Joe and Irene Terrell

John Ewing

Juan and Mary Menendez

Randy and Pamela Thrasher

Oscar “Bo” and Carolyn Fears

Lawrence Mock

John Todd

Joe Fowler

Terry and Suzann Moore

Chip and Janet Vaughan

Jeff and Gregg Foxworthy

Jeffrey Morrison

Janice Vinson

James Frazier, Jr.

Vance and Gail Mullis

Jack and Mary Ward

David and Luck Gambrell

Lisa Myers

Cynthia Washington

Shan and Lisa Gastineau

Bill and Sharon Oglesby

Katherine Watkins

Joseph and Sally Gladden

John and Nancy Oglesby

Margaret Watkins

Randy Glass

Lamar and Jane Oglesby

Jeffery White

James and Christy Grauley

Steve and Nancy Olsen

Ed and Vickey Wile

Craig and Michelle Gray

Patsy Peek

Tom and Elise Wilkes

Ed and Kathleen Grezedzinski

Mark and Martha Pentecost

Doug and Kitty Williams

John and Susan Hamilton

Catherine Plehal

Dom Wyant

Dick and Sue Hammill

Larry and Betsy Powell

John Yost

Lu k e 6 :3 8

“ G ive, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

The Ray M. and Mary E. Lee Foundation, Inc. Fou n dat ion s

Bank of America Foundation BJ’s Charitable Foundation Blanche Lipscomb Foundation Chambers Medical Foundation Club of Hearts, Inc. Community Health Charities Of Georgia Cousins Foundation, Inc. Credit Suisse Americas Foundation CSX Corporate Contributions Program David, Helen and Marian Woodward Fund Equifax Foundation The Farbolin Family Charitable Trust Ford Motor Company Fund Frances Wood Wilson Foundation

The Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation, Inc. The Scott Hudgens Family Foundation, Inc. The Stafford Foundation The TJX Foundation, Inc. The Thomas M. Kirbo and Irene B. Kirbo

Charitable Trust

The Tolleson Family Foundation The Vasser Woolley Foundation, Inc. The Westerstrom Charitable Trust The William Josef Foundation Thornton-Neal Fund UPS Foundation Verizon Foundation Chu rc hes a n d M in ist ries


Bob Chapman Caleb Clark Deborah Denechaud-Slimp John Ermlich Michael Franklin Sally Gladden Jim Goldin Kathleen Haffemier-Hampton Andrea Haley John Hamilton Delores Harmon Hollis Houk Glen Jackson Katie Jackson John Lindsay

Gay and Erskine Love Foundation, Inc.

Big Canoe Chapel

Coleman Loper

GE Foundation

Buckhead Church

Andy Lorenzen

Georgia-Pacific Foundation, Inc.

Church Of The Apostles

Courtney Loudermilk

Hellen Ingram Plummer Foundation

Fellowship Bible Church

John McAleer

Ida Alice Ryan Charitable Trust

First Baptist Church Peachtree City

Terry Moore

J. Marshall and L. Powell Charitable Trust

Johnson Ferry Baptist Church

James Nellis, Jr.

Jackson EMC Foundation, Inc.

North Avenue Presbyterian Church

William Nordmark, III

John and Mary Franklin Foundation, Inc.

Passion Conferences

John Oglesby

John H. and Wilhelmina D. Harland Charitable

Peachtree Presbyterian Church

David Preter

Project Halo

Russell Richards

Joseph B. Whitehead Foundation

Wellspring Living

Robert Thrasher

Kiwanis Foundation of Atlanta, Inc.

Word Of Faith Family Worship Cathedral

Doug Wise

Foundation, Inc.

Kulynych Family Foundation II, Inc.


2353 Bolton R oad N W, At l anta GA 3031 8 at l antami ss i on.org ( 40 4) 367- 2 244

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