Volume 3 - Issue 6, June 2013
The Evolving Situation in Kurdistan Conflicts, National Identities and Regional Perspectives No other region in the Middle East has experienced more profound and positive changes in recent history than the Kurdish region of Northern Iraq. As a group that has been fighting for autonomy for most of its existence, Kurdish issues are quickly gaining more recognition on the international stage. Recently, the region has seen several major advances in its cause and now maintains an autonomous government in Northern Iraq while becoming an important player in regional affairs.
A Kurdish Flag Flying Over a Village Outside Kirkuk (Photo: APA)
In regards to all of the major conflicts currently shaping our world, the Kurdish situation is one that will play a major role in the outcome of Middle Eastern politics and stability.
The Kurdistan Region of Iraq - An International Success From the beginning of Kurdish de facto independence, spurred by the no-fly zone in 1991, institutional stability and regional cooperation prospered in Kurdistan. Shilan Dosky explores the history of the Kurdish community in Iraq while also illustrating the opportunities for
In this issue of Atlantic Voices, the
future advancement.
Kurdish question will be analyzed in depth with respect to the history and future of
The Kurdistan Regional Government: Between the Syrian Crisis
the conflict, bringing to light the many
and the Role of Turkey
facets of this complicated region. Matteo Bressan discusses the current problems facing the Kurdish population; mainly the
By: Cassandra Lewis
Syrian crisis, energy issues and relations with Ankara. Bressan illustrates how these situations can be navigated to benefit the future of the Kurdish community.
Atlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
The Kurdistan Region of Iraq: An International Success For decades, the Kurds had dreamed of an
by Shilan Dosky
n March 1991, following the expulsion of
autonomous region within the borders of Iraq to
Iraqi troops from Kuwait (Operation Desert
govern their own affairs; several armed revolutions
Storm) by a UN-authorised international
against the modern Iraqi state since the early 20th
coalition led by the United States, the Kurds in the
century had failed due to severe repression from
North revolted against Saddam Hussein’s regime
the Iraqi authorities. Since the beginning of Kurdish
while Shia Arabs launched similar uprisings in the
self-rule in 1991, however, they have seized the
South. The rebellion was ruthlessly crushed by the
opportunity to create strong foundations of a pros-
Iraqi Republican Guard - an elite unit under the for-
perous and powerful region in the heart of the Mid-
mer regime, forcing over 1.5
dle East.
million Kurds to flee to neigh-
The transition in the
bouring Turkey and Iran for fear
Kurdistan region progressed
of chemical attacks.
rapidly from the implementaRepublican
tion of the no-fly zone to hold-
Guard quelled unrest by execut-
ing free and fair parliamentary
ing thousands of Shia Arabs,
elections in May 1992. The
while Iraqi helicopters bombard-
Masoud Barzani. (Photo: Associated Press)
ed the Kurdistan Region with heavy artillery.
two Kurdish political parties –
Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and Patriotic
A month later, the United Nations passed
Union of Kurdistan (PUK), later formed a coalition
resolution 688 – calling on Saddam Hussein to end
government. After successive elections and peace-
his repressions against civilian populations. During
ful transitions of power, the 111-seat parliament
this time, several founding NATO members estab-
today includes eleven reserved seats for minorities
lished no-fly zones north of the 36th parallel to pro-
- Christians, Turkmen and Yezidis, and includes a
tect the Kurdish people in the three provinces of
30% minimum quota for women. The current leg-
Duhok, Erbil and Slemani. This Western protec-
islature is 38% female.
tion also drew in significant humanitarian aid from
Women’s Rights and Empowerment
the international community for Kurds in border-
The structure and laws in most Middle East-
ing countries in what later became known as the
ern countries reflect their historical traditions, cul-
world’s largest humanitarian mission. The Kurds,
ture, religious values and principles – often afford-
constantly betrayed by historical agreements be-
ing limited rights and protection to women. This
tween powerful states, had unexpectedly created a
difficult environment has been another challenging
de-facto reality on the ground through the no-fly
element for the Kurdish region with respect to ful-
zone, allowing the Kurdish people to enjoy unprec-
ly promoting social and political integration of
edented peace and a large degree of self-
women, including bringing an end to honour kill-
ings and violence against women. The Kurdish parliament passed a law in 2002
Atlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
that identifies honour killings as murder, punisha-
ceived 13% of the annual revenues, enabling them
ble by a 20-25 year prison sentence.
to rapidly reconstruct the region that was systemi-
In 2008, the parliament adopted a new Per-
cally targeted and destroyed throughout the 20th
sonal Status Law that outlawed polygamy in any
century. Today, this quota has been increased to
case except where the wife consents to her hus-
17%, although the authorities in Baghdad deduct
band taking a second wife.
sovereign expenditures before allocating the Kurd-
Later in 2011, another law (Family Violence) was approved by the Kurdistan Parliament. This bill includes several other internationallyrecognised forms of violence against women, including female genital mutilation, forced marriages, child abuse, verbal, physical, psychological and sexual abuse.
ish share – another disagreement between Kurdish authorities and the federal government. The new political and economic developments in the semi-autonomous
Kurdish authorities then rigorously worked toward establishing security institutions loyal to the people.
Kurdistan Region of Iraq began on the peaceful evening of April 17, 2003 following the US-led ‘Shock and Awe’ military campaign on key commu-
These steps have been hailed by the international community and by non-
nication installations of the former regime. It was
government organisations as a sign of democratic
then that Kurdish authorities embarked on grand,
progress. But much still remains to be done de-
plausible plans for a flourishing and powerful re-
spite the notable success rates since the introduc-
gion built on the sturdy foundation that the loyal
tion of these laws.
Peshmergas fighters had succeeded in establishing
Building The Foundations
in 1991.
Kurdish authorities then rigorously worked
Another international coalition was march-
toward establishing security institutions loyal to
ing its way to Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein and
the people and restructured the largely politically-
his party from power in 2003 – also known as the
based Peshmerga military wings – now officially
Coalition of the Willing. Iraq was to retake its
known as the Kurdistan Regional Guards. Further-
rightful place in the international community as a
more, with protection from key western powers,
living democratic example of the greater Middle
the region housed key Iraqi opposition parties
East. However, the Kurdish people were weary
which pressed the international community to
that an Iraq too powerful may also threaten to re-
overthrow Saddam Hussein and his now-outlawed
vive the bloody attacks against them - acts they
Baath Party.
vowed to prevent at all costs.
The Kurdish movement received more
The Kurdish leadership, then led by Masoud
promising news from the international communi-
Barzani, son of the historic leader Mustafa Barzani
ty. Once the UN Security Council passed crippling
and President of the ruling Kurdistan Democratic
sanctions against Iraq for its invasion of Kuwait,
Party, ingeniously shifted policy towards partici-
they began the Oil-For-Food Programme – allow-
pation by working alongside the international
ing Iraq to sell its oil for food, medicine and hu-
community in the new Iraq, rightfully calculating
manitarian aid only. For the first time in Kurdish
that the Kurds would be the primary ally in terms
history, they would reap the benefits of Iraqi oil
of mitigating the mistakes of the past. Backed by a
revenues. Based on historical data, the Kurds reAtlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
strong Peshmerga force, Kurds fought alongside
work on international recognition for their pivotal
role in the makeup of Iraq.
troops to expel forces loyal to Saddam
Hussein in neighbouring Arab provinces, particu-
Masoud Barzani, following his appointment as President of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, was
larly in Ninewa. The defining moment for the Kurdish cause
soon on his way to being received in leading capi-
followed the creation of the Coalition Provisional
tals as a Head of State. This interaction with the
Authority (CPA) - a US-installed transitional ad-
international community pushed the Kurdish state
ministration responsible for the daily affairs of the
to new levels – encouraging countries to form di-
Iraqi state in 2004, when Masoud Barzani and Jalal
rect ties with the Kurdish Regional Government
Talabani – Secretary General of the Patriotic Un-
but under the framework of the Iraqi Constitution,
ion of Kurdistan, both held the rotating Presidency
which had been voted in with an overwhelming
of the Governing Council. Their appointment
marked the first Kurdish President of the Iraqi Re-
Kurdish authorities were able to deliver a
public; once again the Kurdish community began
promising message to the international community
receiving the benefits of being part of this new-
while Iraq witnessed new sectarian tensions
born country. Today, the Kurdish leadership is
amongst Sunni and Shia Arabs in the rest of the
convinced that they had made the right decision.
country. This region, home to over five million
The transformation of the Kurdish situation
Kurds, continues to be the safest area in Iraq; sub-
out of a tragic history to becoming key stakehold-
ject to no car bombs, ethnic attacks and behead-
ers in the Iraqi transition continued to fuel enthusi-
ings which parts of Iraq still bear. The regions
asm for Kurdish partici-
skilled and loyal security
pation in government.
forces have an unyielding
Kurdish involvement in
grip on its borders and are
drafting Iraq’s new con-
committed to maintaining
stitution in 2005, which
stability on the ground.
stipulates Iraq as a feder-
Stability has been
al, pluralistic and demo-
the catalyst to the region’s
cratic state, led to recog-
economic development. In
autonomous Kurdish re-
fact, the Kurdistan Re-
gion as well as Kurdish
gional Government later
Kurdish Parliament (Photo: Kurdish Herald)
political and
began opening internation-
Similarly, in Iraq's first parliamentary elections,
al airports, providing the locals and its large dias-
the Kurdish leadership became kingmakers, allow-
pora community with direct flights to and from
ing them to form an inclusive government and as-
the region; diplomatic missions later established a
sume the Presidential post as well as several other
presence in Erbil as governments and businesses
key positions, including the Deputy Premiership
began moving away from Baghdad due to instabil-
and Foreign Ministry. The new dynamics allowed
ity and deadly internal fighting in 2006-2007.
them to further advance their own region through
But it wasn’t enough as the Kurdish authori-
the 17% revenues received from Baghdad, and
ties realized that providing stability would simply
Atlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
mark the beginning of the next step.
Disputed Territories
puted territories – bypassing the local security ap-
Since the creation of Iraq in the 20th century,
paratuses and the combined security mechanisms
several conflicts have taken place between Kurds
between Baghdad and Erbil. These tensions have
and successive Iraqi governments. In 1970, Kurdish
also delayed the provincial elections on 20th April
leaders signed an autonomy agreement with the
2013 for Kirkuk.
Iraqi government led by the Baath Party that was designed to provide an autonomous region over the three provinces as well as other adjacent, Kurdish-
Differences over the
The Kurdish leadership in Erbil does not see willingness from Baghdad to address their concerns.
majority areas that would be
disputed territories is just one of many items the Kurdish region is discussing with Baghdad, the other issues include but are not limited to
determined by census. The Iraqi government, how-
incorporating the Kurdistan Regional Guards,
ever, recognised the Kurdish majority in the oil-
more commonly known as Peshmerga, into the
rich areas of Kirkuk, Khanaqin and others, and con-
Iraqi National Defence System.
sequently began an unparalleled policy to redraw
Economic and Political Developments
borders of provinces and relocate Arabs into key
The two governments still viciously disagree
areas, notably in Kirkuk. This Arabiation campaign
on tax coffers from border crossings into Kurdi-
was designed to tip any census into Arab favour.
stan, including from the Ibrahim Khaleel border
Since 2003, one of the key Kurdish demands
crossing with Turkey. Another key obstacle for the
is for the Arabisation campaign to be reversed and
region has been the integration of the KRG repre-
for these areas to come back under Kurdish control
sentations into the Iraqi Diplomatic Missions. To-
through a proper census and referendum. It was
day, the KRG has 14 official representations that
essential that this demand be in the CPA Transi-
work closely with the Iraqi Embassies. The Kurd-
tional Administrative Law (TAL), calling for the
ish administration has also established their own
return of Kurdish families that had been forcefully
Department of Foreign Relations to spearhead ties
removed from the area and that their assets be re-
with the international community.
stored. This was repeated in Iraq’s 2005 Constitu-
These issues remain unresolved since the
tion under Article 140, calling for normalisation,
overthrow of the former regime. The Kurdish
which requires a census to be conducted and a ref-
leadership in Erbil does not see willingness from
erendum to decide on the fate of Kirkuk and other
Baghdad to address their concerns. The recent,
Kurdish areas.
pressing matter for the Kurdish people and gov-
The recent political and security tensions
ernment has been harsh disagreements over the oil
around disputed territories, however, have led to
and gas policies of the country as a whole. In 2007,
the mobilisation of tens of thousands of troops from
after years of tethering Kurdish prosperity to re-
the Iraqi Federal Government and the Kurdistan
luctant and bickering officials in Baghdad, Kurdi-
Regional Government. The concentration of mili-
stan Parliament passed a progressive Oil and Gas
tary presence was largely due to Baghdad’s unilat-
Law that is in line with Iraq’s Constitution. This
eral decision to create the unconstitutional and
law, hailed by international lawyers and observers,
overarching Dijla Operations Command Centre to
attracted dozens of small-medium sized Interna-
oversee security operations in and around the dis-
tional oil and gas companies to unearth what is
Atlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
now known as one of the most oil rich areas in
icies, is underpinned by the Federal Government’s
the world.
exclusive right to manage and develop the indus-
The headlines of large oil and gas discoveries
try. However, Iraq’s Constitution only identifies
soon enticed major global energy companies to
foreign, monetary and defence policies as exclu-
sign concessions with the regional authorities.
sive areas of the Federal Government.
These companies are convinced, along with the
Oil production in Iraq prior to 2003 was
consensus in Kurdistan, that the contracts are in
just over 2.5 million barrels a day. Almost 10
line with the Constitution and represent an oppor-
years on and Iraq barely peaks above 3 million.
tunity for Iraq as a whole.
This vibrant region, however, has taken produc-
The key difference be-
tion from virgin land to
tween the Production Sharing
250,000 barrels a day in just
Contracts (PSCs) that the re-
over 5 years and has the ca-
gion signed and Baghdad’s
pability to export over 1 mil-
Technical Contracts concerns
lion barrels by 2015. Exports
the proven fields and the risks
through the Iraqi pipelines
these companies take on when
have ceased due to non-
operating in Iraq. The con-
payments from the Iraqi au-
tracts in the rest of Iraq are
thorities to the oil and gas
more appropriate for proven
companies operating in Kur-
fields when the companies take
distan, squandering Iraq bil-
little risk – their key goal is to
lions in annual revenues.
increase production from these
In all Kurdish exports,
existing fields. Our PSCs, on
83% of the revenues are for-
the other hand, provide im-
warded on to the Iraqi Feder-
proved incentives once there is
al Government - in line with
a discovery; however the com-
the Iraqi Constitution. Based
panies spend millions finding a
on this legal and constitution-
new discovery - taking a huge
al framework, the Kurdish
authorities continue to call Iraq’s Constitution is
Areas of under KRG control. (Credit: RAND)
on the Iraqi Government to
very clear about the country’s natural resources
pay the oil and gas companies
belonging to the Iraqi people, but stipulates that it
the costs and profits. These calls remain unheeded,
is up to the governorates and regional authorities.
forcing Kurdish authorities to close the taps.
The existing fields shall be managed in coordina-
This long-standing power struggle over au-
tion with the Federal Government in Baghdad.
thority has forced the Kurdish government to ex-
The irony, of course, is that the Kurds have openly
plore other avenues, including ways of breaking
welcomed Baghdad’s involvement in the develop-
away from financial dependence on Baghdad.
ment of the region’s hydrocarbons industry, but
Payments from Baghdad form a broader
the Iraqi authorities flatly reject it. Their argu-
conflict regarding state expenditures and the per-
ment, based on previous Saddam Hussein-like pol-
centage the region should receive.
Atlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
Kurdistan is entitled to 17% of Iraq’s reve-
dad, to open diplomatic missions in Erbil. The
nue based on history, population data, and is a fig-
region’s booming capital is currently home to 27
ure that is commonly believed should increase to
foreign representatives, many of which assist with
at least 20%. The
Iraqi authorities,
to and from
the region and
the region’s share
pendent pro-
of the revenue
jects in Kurdi-
and occasionally
send it in instal-
ments. In fact, on
missions, who
stan received less
than 11% over
around Kurdish Nationalists Rally North of Baghdad, Iraq. (Photo: Reuters)
the past several
trouble in
Baghdad, have
years as Iraq continues to deduct sovereign ex-
settled well into the communities in Kurdistan.
penses, including costs for advanced weapons,
They hold regular meetings with religious and
while refusing to supply the Kurdistan Regional
tribal leaders and engage in community develop-
Guards with adequate, light weapons to protect
ment projects among other practices. This stability
their borders. Furthermore, the Iraqi authorities
offered in Kurdistan in contrast to the daily bomb-
have deliberately excluded the Kurdish brigades
ings in Iraqi provinces has encouraged minorities
from receiving training and equipment. This has
to flee prosecution, kidnappings, lootings and
further alienated the Kurdish people and authorities. How can the international community expect them to trust Baghdad again? The majority of Kurdish
bombings in the rest of Iraq by
The majority of Kurdish criticism of the Federal Government is in regards to their strategic policy-making.
criticism of the Federal Govern-
coming to Kurdistan. Further distancing the region from the anarchy and sectarian violence from Iraq, foreign governments routinely specify Kurdistan when
ment is in regards to their strategic policy-making.
giving travel advice, underlining the safety and
They do not feel that they are genuine partners in
prosperity the region is experiencing.
the administration of the country or in its strategic
Over the past several years, Christian and
agreements with foreign governments. Baghdad,
other minorities have been intentionally targeted
in fact, has encouraged a few western governments
and killed in Iraq, forcing tens of thousands of fam-
to side with its Saddam-like policies rather than
ilies to seek refuge in Kurdistan. Following strong
encourage investment for the betterment of Iraq.
support from the international community,
De-Facto Region
the leadership began providing housing, schools
and jobs to those fleeing the instability in Iraq.
directly encouraged foreign governments, mostly
However, despite continued calls from the senior
those which already have representations in Bagh-
leadership in Erbil, the authorities in Baghdad re-
Atlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
fuse to provide any material or financial support.
edy their situations through dialogue and peaceful
The peaceful atmosphere has led to a sub-
means. In Iraq, the Kurds will continue to
stantial increase in direct flights to Erbil and
strengthen the democratic process and work to
Slemani international airports. As a sign of grow-
encourage neighbouring countries to address dif-
ing confidence in the local market and its stability,
ferences with their own Kurdish community
the US administration recently lifted a ban on
It is in the opinion of this author that the
commercial flights to both Kurdish airports while
Kurdish leadership in Iraqi Kurdistan is already
snubbing Iraqi airports due to violence.
playing a key role in this greater endeavour, and
Peaceful co-existence amongst the commu-
success is visible. Turkey, a nation with well-
nities in Kurdistan strengthens this position and
known, historical aggressions against its internal
democratic experience. Today, visitors find
Kurdish minority has began peace talks with the
mosques and churches standing side by side, as
Kurdish Workers Party (PKK) to resolve a conflict
well as temples and religious architecture belong-
that has cost the lives of 40,000 over almost four
ing to the Yazidi sect. There is genuine freedom of
decades. The peace process will, hopefully, bring
religion and movement throughout the region,
an end to the hostilities and create more security
making for a truly unique experience.
on NATOs border with the Kurdistan Region.
Security and stability is not the only element
The peace talks are part of Turkey’s bigger
that makes Kurdistan distinct from Iraq. There are
initiative to offer more rights to the Kurds in Tur-
particular differences in the realm of foreign policy
key and revise its constitution.
– including the case of Syria. This difference does
More importantly, though, the KRG’s
not necessarily mean Kurds are seeking independ-
stance on Syria is in line with Turkey’s. Syria is
ence or threatening the territorial integrity of Iraq.
home to over 2.5 million Kurds, representing over
Financially, the region is better off by staying with-
10% of their population. Similar to Turkey, the
in a united Iraq than seeking sovereignty within the
Kurds in Syria do not enjoy state privileges and
borders of Iraq.
many are denied citizenship. The bloody revolu-
Nonetheless, finance is not the only obstacle
tion in Syria, though, has opened new opportuni-
to an independent Kurdistan. The region is land-
ties for the local Kurds to be part of democratic
locked. History has been cruel to the Kurds, forc-
change. The Kurds in Syria, united under the
ing the Kurdish people to be very cautious in their
Kurdish National Council, an umbrella represent-
policy development.
ing 16 Kurdish political factions, are holding nego-
Kurdish people in Iraq and neighbouring
tiations with the Syrian opposition about the future
countries have, for decades, suffered at the hands
makeup of Syria.
of greater powers. Basic rights have been neglect-
Looking Ahead
ed. Their history in Iraq is filled with persecution,
By and large, the Kurdish movement in Iraq
massacres, kidnappings and exclusion from many,
has undoubtedly contributed towards more inter-
standard walks of life. But claiming unilateral inde-
national awareness of the Kurdish people. The
pendence will not resolve a conflict that has exist-
shift from a revolutionary movement fighting suc-
ed for over a century. The goal, then, is to encour-
cessive Iraqi governments since its establishment in
age the Kurdish populations in neighbouring coun-
the early 20th century to a powerful region in the
tries to be part of the democratic process and remAtlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
heart of the Middle East was perhaps unforeseeable decades ago.
The future of this small region is looking very bright.
The key challenge facing Kurdish leaders today, is to address the growing demands of the
Shilan Dosky is an advisor on European Affairs at the
people, such as tackling corruption by promoting
Kurdistan Regional Government’s (KRG) Department of
further transparency and accountability; protecting
Foreign Relations. Her views may not reflect the policies
and empowering human rights; improving health
of the KRG or any affiliated political party.
and education services, and adopting more concrete measures to combat violence against women
About the author
and further advance freedom of expression. Polls
Shilan Dosky holds a Batchelors Degree in Political Science. She was Head of Kurdistan Womens' Union in Europe (2007-2012) and served as the International Representative for the Kurdistan Democratic Youth Union (2010-2012), representing the latter to the International Youth Democratic Union (IYDU). She moved to the Netherlands in 1995, and has been active in local politics since 2002. After spending 17 years in the Netherlands, she returned to her homeland in 2012 to join the KRG Department of Foreign Relations.
have indicated that these are important and pressing matters for the people, and will be integral to supporting the newly established democracy and uniting the people behind the leadership. The region’s leadership and their ability to concede to local opposition parties will be a key contributing factor. The opposition controls over a quarter of the regional parliament and attempts to hold the government and leadership accountable to the public despite their lack of experience in playing the important role as an opposition. In fact, on numerous occasions, the opposition has demonstrated itself as an immature and dim-witted movement in parliamentary and public debates, but nonetheless has aided the region’s young democratic experience. With this in mind, the fact remains that a large portion of the electorate have become disillusioned with the ruling parties and thus voted for others that ran on a campaign challenging the status quo.
Bibliography Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). “Contemporary History”. 2013 Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). “Natural History”. 2013 Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). “International expert finds KRG oil contracts “in the national interests”, “far superior” for Iraq than model contract proposed by Baghdad federal oil ministry”. 2013 Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). “Oil and gas rights of regions and governorates”. 13 June 2006. Invest in Group. “The Review”. Kurdistan Region of Iraq. March 2013. Department of Foreign Relations. KRG. “Current International Office in the Kurdistan Region”. 2013. Department of Foreign Relations. KRG. “KRG offices abroad”. 2013.
Unity across the Iraqi Kurdistan region will
Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). “Kurdistan Oil and Gas Law”. 2013.
lead to more successful relations with the Iraqi
Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). “UN Security Council Resolution 688 (1991)”. 9 March, 2004.
Federal Government as well as the international
Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG). “Constitution of Iraq”. 15 Oct. 2005.
community. This small region has already become the home to millions of Kurds who have fought for
International Crisis Group. “Iraq and the Kurds: The Struggle over Kirkuk”. Jan. 2010.
decades to govern their own affairs, and thousands
International Crisis Group. “Iraq and the Kurds: The Brewing Battle Over Kirkuk”. 18 July, 2006.
from the Kurdish diaspora who have abandoned their lives abroad to be part of this historical juncture.
Atlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
The Air University. United States Air Force. “Coalition Provisional Authority: Law of Administration for the State of Iraq for the Transitional Period”. 8 March 2004. Kurdistan Parliament. Legislation. 9
The Kurdistan Regional Government: Between the Syrian Crisis and the Role of Turkey ocratic Party, and the strong economic relationship with
by Matteo Bressan
largely autonomous region with its own
Turkey make Iraqi Kurdistan a strategic area for precarious
Parliament, army, flag, language, and
regional balances.
economy (with a big wealth of oil wells), is
It’s not by chance that the relationship with Bagh-
now the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) in 2013.
dad, regarding the management of oil pipelines, is one of
Ten years after the fall of Saddam Hussein the real winner
the most delicate issues facing Kurdistan and their relation-
of the Iraq war appears to be the almost five million Kurds
ship with Turkey. The oil revenues and the control of the
living in the Northern region of Iraq. As one of the most
northern area around Kirkuk (that is rich in oil deposits)
developed regions of the country, the Kurdistan Regional
are the two subjects of dispute with Baghdad. The Iraqi
Government now enjoys a growing tourist industry, com-
government claims that only the Federal Government has
prising of more than
1,700,000 people in
grant licenses and
2012, which explains
export oil. A law
why Erbil is about to
approved by the
become the capital of
parliament of Bagh-
tourism in the Arab
dad states that Kur-
distan receives 17% in
of all the country’s
Kurdistan, it is natu-
revenues, but the
ral to be affected by
Iraqi federal gov-
the efficiency and
Syrian Kurds Chant Slogans Against the Assad Regime (Photo: Associated Press)
ernment distributes
welcoming attitude of the international airport of Erbil,
only 10.8% to Erbil. This is because Kurdistan must con-
the large streets, the large construction sites, the skyscrap-
tribute part of their revenues toward the foreign policy and
ers, the luxurious hotels and restaurants. Around 150,000
defense of the country. However, the Kurds of northern
Christians have left Iraq to seek refuge and build a home in
Iraq would rather receive more oil revenues, particularly
Kurdistan, a region with impressive annual growth rates.
considering the hydrocarbon reserves discovered in the last
The Kurdish people, who just this year commemorated the 25th anniversary of the genocide in Halabaja, are becoming the center of attention for about forty million other Kurds in the neighboring countries of Turkey, Iran and Syria. There is no precise data on the number of Kurds in these countries. The Energy Issue The political stability of the President Mas’ud Barzani exemplified by the rise of his party, the Kurdish DemAtlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
ten years in the region (up to 45 billion barrels). The Iraqi Government says the Kurds must pay these costs to the Iraqi oil and gas companies because they believe the KRG does not have the authority to sign deals and export oil independently. Starting last October the government of Kurdistan began effectively bypassing the Iraqi controlled pipelines and exported its crude oil to Turkey on trucks. The Iraqi government has also condemned commercial agreements 10
between Erbil and outside oil companies with regard to the
divided among those faithful to Assad and nationalists who
exploration of territory, as they were reached without the
hoped to take advantage of the crisis in Damascus to gain
authorization of the central government. In addition, as
greater autonomy. Assad has tried to gain favor with the
reported by the pro-government newspaper in Ankara
Kurds by granting them Syrian citizenship. This clearly
"Zaman", the pipeline con-
demonstrates the discrimi-
necting the Tag Tag field in
nation historically felt by
Iraqi Kurdistan and the already existing pipeline, Kirkuk-Ceyhan, in the city
The gradual withdrawal of Syrian central authority and its institutions in the predominantly Kurdish areas has created a large power vacuum.
Kurds in Syria. The Syrian regime decided, in July 2012, to abandon the areas of Kurdish-majority, and
of Fishkabur will be operational by September. From the junction of Ceyhan, a
quickly thereafter the Party of Democratic Union (PYD)
Turkish seaport, crude oil from Kurdistan will go to Euro-
effectively imposed its own authority. This party is aligned
pean markets. While this will result in an increase in ex-
with the PKK and was fairly close to the Assad regime.
ports of black gold, it will also only complicate relations
This situation has led to reconciliation between the PYD
with Baghdad.
and the Kurdish National Council (KNC). The two parties,
The case of Kirkuk, a town rich in oil resources, is
through mediation led by Barzani, reached an agreement
also very important to this subject. It was subject to a pro-
whereby the two groups would share control of the Kurd-
cess of forced Arabization under Saddam Hussein and be-
ish region of Syria during the transitional phase. To do this,
cause of this, is now disputed by Arab and Kurdish resi-
President Barzani summoned all 16 Kurdish parties
(including PYD) to Erbil and pressed them to unite for the Kurdish cause and their people in
However, this is not suf-
Syria. President Barzani has tried to
ficient to explain the importance
illustrate the common Kurdish ex-
of Kurdistan on the global chess-
perience from Iraq to Syria by pro-
board and the tensions that are
moting unity, common goals and a
present in the region.
singular representation for the
The Syrian Crisis
Kurdish people.
The civil war in Syria and
The gradual withdrawal of
the repression felt by Syrian so-
Syrian central authority and its insti-
ciety has caused major global
tutions in the predominantly Kurd-
problems. Given this, there are
ish areas has created a large power
many components to the possible effect the Syrian conflict can have on the Kurdish situation.
vacuum. Assad's troops have alOil Pipelines Travel Through Iraq, Kurdistan and Turkey. (Credit: The Economist)
It is important that the Kurds closely monitor the developments of the Syrian crisis to evaluate and analyze the possible victory of Islamic groups in Syria after Assad’s fall. The Kurdish reactions to the Syrian insurrection have been varied. Initially the majority of Kurds didn’t participate in protests against the regime, but later it became Atlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
lowed the Kurdish militant wing of
the PYD to take control of the north of the country, forming an enclave. Although there are 16 Kurdish parties in Syria, only PYD has a military wing on the ground. The Kurdish community then began to build their own government, creating local law enforcement agencies, social support organizations and people's councils. President Barzani stressed the importance of a peaceful area under Kurdish 11
control as a defensive measure. The local parties are merely
the most important Kurdish organizations in Syria, repre-
keeping the area safe from the havoc in the rest of the coun-
sented by the Party of Democratic Union (PYD). This new
try. This situation could reignite the project of a Syrian Kurd-
detente between Ankara and the PKK has been stimulated
ish autonomous region, which would look to Iraqi Kurdistan
by the civil war in Syria, prompting Ankara to move for-
as a model. Currently, however, the process to gain autono-
ward with peace talks to avoid further Syrian sponsorship
my is not clear because the Syrian Kurdish community’s primary goal is to acquire autonomy and protection from possible inter-
of PKK attacks inside Turkey.
The relaxation in relations between Ankara and the PKK will finally allow Kurdistan to stabilize its borders...
Turkey has had to accept the changing regional context in Ankara that prevents any military intervention because of the
vention from Assad or Islamist rebel forces. The fear of a return of Assad, doubts against the
Russian and Chinese veto in the UN Security Council, the
army of the rebel brigades and concerns caused by the Islam-
divided Syrian opposition and cautious attitude of NATO.
ist al-Nusra Front and Ghuraba al-Sham reinforce these fears.
Fears that the likely collapse of the Assad regime will pave
At the same time, several of the main Kurdish parties ulti-
the way for the creation of a Kurdish federation in Syria,
mately wish for autonomous status within the future Syrian
which borders Iraqi Kurdistan, are more concrete and may
constitution rather than an independent Kurdish state. The
highlight the separatist sentiments of the Kurds in Turkey.
Kurds are seeking genuine and natural demands to be granted
Therefore Turkey, failing to find common ground
in the post-Assad Syria. This includes national, linguistic and
with the Syrian Kurds, attempts a "divide and conquer"
cultural rights. The example of Iraqi Kurdistan is not easily
tactic with the their own Kurdish community. In this way,
transposed to the Kurdish situation in Syria because of the
Ankara becomes more involved with the Kurdish regional
lack of energy resources and the absence of major cities.
government of Barzani, through which pass the hopes of
It is possible that these Syrian developments have
autonomy of Kurdish communities, both Syrian and Turk-
forced the government in Ankara to change its strategy re-
ish. To this, President Barzani has always said that each
garding its decade’s old approach towards Turkish and Iraqi
community in each of our neighboring countries has a
unique position and that
peace talks with the
they must resolve their dif-
For this reason
ferences. More importantly,
we must not forget the
he has also said, as have
others, that we cannot just
PYD and the PKK, both
apply the same experience
with historically close
in Iraqi Kurdistan to neigh-
ties to the Assad regime.
boring countries. We can-
The Role of Ankara
not simply demand that a
with the Kurdish
region become autonomous
Community in Syria
Kurdish Women Wave PKK Flags (Photo: AFP/Getty Images)
It’s possible that the recent defrosting of relations be-
and expect everything to
work. Each situation is unique.
tween Prime Minister Erdogan and the PKK has a double
The close interdependence between Turkish invest-
aim: to guarantee stability within Turkey and at the same
ments and a channel for exports that Kurdistan found in
time, to allow the PKK to separate themselves from one of
Turkey could be the key to Ankara’s strategy. Not surprisingly, the Kurdish region of Iraq was the only one to bene-
Atlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
fit from the effects of the post-Saddam era, thanks in part,
from the moderate to extreme will be able to handle
but not limited to, the economic and financial support of
this apparent relaxation.
Turkey. Kurdish people had prior experience in administra-
The increased cooperation between Ankara and
tion and governing of a region. Many things have changed
the PKK will finally allow Kurdistan to stabilize its bor-
since 2007 when Turkey amassed over 200.000 troops on the Kurdish border.
ders, which have often been violated by Turkish army with the intent to strike the bases of PKK rebels operat-
Based on this strategy, Ankara may have found itself in the middle of a very complex situation. Ironically, the decision to invest in the autonomy of Iraqi Kurdistan may be the only option, in order to avoid the creation of other small Kurdish enclaves
ing in Northern Iraq. It has not escaped observers, the significance of President Barzani’s remarks in the Kurdish language in September of 2012 at the Congress of the Justice and Development Party AK in
in Syria and elsewhere.
Ankara. For the first time
At the same time, Turkey is trying to avoid
in fact, a Kurdish leader
instability on its bor-
has spoken, in an official
ders. The areas con-
ceremony in Kurdish terri-
trolled by PYD are on
tory, in the Kurdish lan-
the border with Tur-
guage; an event that has
key, and PYD main-
Prime Minister Erdogan receives KDP Deputy Chairman
tains a good relationship with
Nechirvan Barzani (Photo: AKP Website)
further strengthened political relations between Ankara and Erbil. The importance of
groups can create instability on Turkey’s borders. For this
economic and trade relations between Turkey and Iraqi
reason, it is in Turkey’s interest to resolve this issue to en-
Kurdistan have been confirmed: they alone represent
sure stability and to weaken the PYD in Syria.
70% of the volume of trade between Turkey and Iraq.1
Ceasefire Between the PKK and Ankara: A New Strategy?
About the author
The cease-fire between the PKK and the Ankara
Matteo Bressan received his Master's degree in Interna-
government would, for these reasons, represent a historic
tional Studies in Military Strategy at the The Centre for
turning point that can stop a guerrilla war that, in the last
Defense Higher Studies (Centro Alti Studi per la Difesa).
thirty years has resulted in 45.000 deaths. It should be
He has published several articles on the information media
remembered that the Turkish government has received
of Italian Army and Ministry of Defense. He is the author
not only the demands for autonomy but also recognition
of the book "Hezbollah Tra integrazione politica e lotta
of the rights of Kurds, and threats to the stability and
armata" published in 2013 by Datanews.
territorial integrity if the demands are not met. But Turkey always reacted harshly to the demands of the movement, and continues to deny recognizing the Kurds as a distinct ethnic and cultural identity. It will therefore be important to understand whether the various views held within the PKK, ranging Atlantic Voices, Volume 3, Issue 6
Bibliography President Barzani's Address at Conference of Turkey's Ruling Party in Ankara (30/09/2012) Kurdistan Region Presidency; Nechervan Barzani: The View from Erbil - Kurdistan region PM speaks to Asharw Al - Awsat (6/04/2013); Il Kurdistan nel nuovo Medioriente di Umberto Profazio AffarInternazionali 18/12/2012; Syria's Kurds: A struggle within a struggle 22/01/2013 International Crisis Group; Interview with members of the Syrian National Council. 13
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Editor: Jason Wiseman and Cassandra Lewis Images should not be reproduced without permission from sources listed, and remain the sole property of those sources. Unless otherwise stated, all images are the property of NATO.
The views expressed in this article are entirely those of the authors. They do not necessarily represent the views of the Atlantic Treaty Association, its members, affiliates or staff.