Delaware County Regional News 17.2

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DelawareCounty REGIONAL NEWS P U B L I S H E D Q U A R T E R LY ______________________________________________________

From the Desk of Trish McFarland Summer has arrived with longer days and warm nights. Whether you’re traveling to a local shore point, have your plane ticket booked for that dream vacation, or staying right here in Delaware County, the Chamber is here to keep you connected. The economy is getting better every day, consumers are spending again, and that is great news! Not too long ago, we were all feeling the blows of the financial crisis of 2007 and were reevaluating where we spent money and time, leaving vacations basically nonexistent. For this summer, with everyone spending less time at the office, our calendar may look a little lighter, but we are still here with events and opportunities to do business. We want to take this “downtime” to reflect and prepare for the year ahead. We’ve been listening to members, most recently our nonprofits, to hear about where challenges are and figuring out where we can step in for support. We will continue to do so over the summer to fulfill our mission and meet the needs of our members. On the horizon we have a busy fall that will be here in the blink of an eye. Stay in touch and have a great summer vacation!

Distributed by

Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike, Suite 9LL Springfield, PA 19064 610-565-3677 Fax: 484-472-7809 Trish McFarland, President Contact Jessica Hoffman, Marketing & Events Director, for editorial content ______________________________________________________

For advertising opportunities in Delaware County Regional News, contact our Sales Manager: Bob Dahlhausen, 610-644-0202

Best wishes,


Produced & Published by

Atlantic Communications Group, Inc.

Trish McFarland, President Delaware County Chamber of Commerce

Proud to be a member of the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 800-832-3747 Hayden M. Wilbur, CEO

Contents TRAVEL, TOURISM & ENTERTAINMENT EDITION – SUMMER 2017 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 19 20


From the Desk of Trish McFarland 2017 Local Summer Events Be Proactive this Summer to Help Prevent Mosquito-borne Illnesses Deduct Your Travel Buck

Gretchen Lindberg, Art Director Tom Jeffers, Senior Graphic Designer Bob Dahlhausen, Advertising Sales ©2017 Atlantic Communications Group, Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any format or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo copying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. The information in this publication has been gathered and carefully compiled to ensure maximum accuracy. However, because completeness cannot be guaranteed, the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce and Atlantic Communications Group, Inc. cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors.

Ready to go global? SBA and USEAC are ready to help Government Affairs: More Positioning for June 30th Sessions Deadline Youth Leadership Academy 2017 Small Business Awards Upcoming Events Delicious Delco – Roasted Garlic Hummus Welcome New Members


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2017 LOCAL EVENTS Dining Under the Stars Now Through September Reminiscent of the open-air cafés on Paris' Avenue de Champs Elyseé and in the piazzas of Rome & Venice, al fresco dining is enjoyed in Media all summer long. Every Wednesday evening, May through September, the Dining Under the Stars™ event closes State Street from Jackson to Orange. We invite you to

Stroll, Shop, Dine!

C. Sanderson Museum: “Wyeth Unplugged”

Philadelphia Museum of Art’s Inside Out (in Media)

Now through November

Now through November

This new exhibit will uncover the private relationship between Chris Sanderson and the Wyeth Family. Take a trip into the lives of the Wyeth family through Chris’ eyes. Enjoy viewing Chris’ personal photo collection of intimate moments shared and relish the private letters shared between Chris and his close friends.

The Philadelphia Museum of Art is taking it to the streets. Literally. High-quality replicas of classic works will be displayed on the streets of “Everybody’s Hometown”, Media, allowing residents and visitors to encounter art in unexpected places like parks, gardens, sidewalks and even playgrounds. For a map of a route that would make any art history teacher drool, check out



Linvilla Orchards Blueberry Festival July 8

10th Annual Media Downtown Car Show Tyler Arboretum: David Rogers’ Big Bugs

July 16

June 3 through August 29, 2017

Linvilla Orchards Corn & Blackberry Celebration July 22

Wayne Music Fest June 10

Linvilla Orchards Peach Festival August 12

Delaware County Summer Festival in Rose Tree Park June 14 through August 13

Other things to Check Out this Summer! Upper Darby Summer Stage Harrah’s Philadelphia Live Harness Racing and The Block Chanticleer Gardens “America’s most inspiring garden.”

Talen Energy Stadium Ridley Creek State Park Media Theatre J. Heinz Refuge World War I Flanders Poppy Garden Program

Linvilla Orchards Tomato Celebration August 26

7th Annual Haverford Music Festival September 9

Brandywine River Museum of Art: “Andrew Wyeth in Retrospect”

Newlin Grist Mill Archaeology Festival September 16

June 24 through September 17, 2017

Linvilla Orchards Raspberry Celebration

Brandywine Battlefield: On Hallowed Ground: 240th Anniversary of the Battle of the Brandywine September 16 & 17

June 24



BE PROACTIVE THIS SUMMER TO HELP PREVENT MOSQUITO-BORNE ILLNESSES A vacation should be a time to relax and provide a muchneeded respite from everyday tasks and responsibilities. Traveling to interesting locations, trying new things and returning with lasting memories is ideal; however, something as simple as a mosquito bite can sour the experience altogether. Mosquito-transmitted diseases, such as Zika, malaria and Chikungunya, can follow you home and spread. While Pennsylvania has no recorded cases of the Zika virus, West Nile virus has remained prevalent in Pennsylvania since 1999. Approximately 30 people per year contract West Nile from mosquitos in Pennsylvania. Since 2000, the Pennsylvania Department of Health has maintained the sizeable West Nile Virus Control Program to trap, test and limit the state’s mosquito population. About 10 percent of mosquitos in Pennsylvania carry West Nile. About one in ten people infected will develop a fever, along with other symptoms such as headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea or a rash. Most people with this type of West Nile virus disease recover completely, but fatigue and weakness can last for several weeks or months. Less than one percent of those infected develop more serious, sometimes fatal, symptoms.

“West Nile virus can lead to neurologic illnesses like meningitis and encephalitis, causing headache, neck stiffness, seizures or even paralysis,” said William McNamee, MD, infectious disease specialist at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital. “There is no specific treatment or vaccine for West Nile, so recovery can often take weeks or months. In some cases, the neurologic effects may never fully subside.” Protect yourself from mosquito-transmitted disease by: ■ Placing quality screens on all doors, windows and patios to protect your home. ■ Applying EPA or CDC-approved repellents directly to the skin when outside your home. The EPA recommends DEET-based repellent for people of all ages, including pregnant women and children older than two months. The CDC also approved oil of lemon eucalyptus as effective as DEET. Do not rely on insect-repelling wristbands and fans, as these are not effective. ■ Emptying, draining or covering all objects that can hold water. Most mosquitos lay their eggs directly into standing water. ■ Burning citronella candles to deter the mosquitos from detecting the carbon dioxide you breathe. ■ Spraying your yard with insect-deterring fog regularly. Biologic factors can weigh greatly on the prevalence of mosquito bites. For some, avoiding bites remains easier said than done. Certain naturally secreted chemicals, such as lactic acid, attract mosquitos. Additionally, people with Type O blood are more prone to bites – providing unfortunate new meaning for the term “universal donor.” Mosquito-borne illnesses are most often transmitted to people through a bite from an infected mosquito. If you have recently traveled to an area where mosquito-borne illnesses are a threat, it is critical to use repellent even after you return home to prevent local mosquitos from biting you and becoming infected. For additional information about West Nile virus, please call 1.800.GO MERCY or visit





DEDUCT YOUR TRAVEL BUCK With plenty of time to prepare for next year’s taxes, below are the top rules to tracking those tedious expenses the right way so you can boost your deductions down the road. Business-related entertainment expenses are tax-deductible. The “entertainment” includes activities providing entertainment, amusement or recreation, in addition to meals provided to a customer or client.

Here is what you need to know… 1. Only 50% of your business-related meal or entertainment expenses can be deducted. This applies to: • Traveling away from home (eating alone or with others) on business; • Entertaining clients at your place of business, restaurant or other location; or • Attending a business convention or reception, business meeting or luncheon at a club. 2. Business-related travel costs are deductible on a dollar-for-dollar basis. • A flat rate of 53.5 cents per business mile, plus related tolls and parking can be deducted for travel. 3. Expenses must be related to your business operations. • In order to qualify as a business related expense, you must have an active discussion with your client with the ultimate goal of achieving increased revenues or some specific benefit. 8

4. Document ALL of your business



expenses. • If there is not sufficient documentation for the expense, it cannot be deducted. • Travel and entertainment expenses must include: amount spent, time and place of event, business purpose and the business relationship of the individuals involved. • Any amount paid in excess of $75 or more requires a receipt or physical document. Do NOT mix business with pleasure expenses. • If you decide to take some time for yourself while on a business trip, be sure to exclude your expenses. Family can come but don’t include their expenses. • Do not include family unless your family member is an employee of your company and directly needed for the business-related goal with the client.


7. Incidental costs can be included.



• Expenses such as tips and cab fare can be included as long as they are business-related. End of year entertainment expenses can be extended to spouses. • If you are taking a client out for drinks during the holidays, you can include your spouses. If you host a holiday party invite EVERYONE, and you can write off 100 percent of the cost!


SBA AND USEAC ARE READY TO HELP Is your small business ready to go global? If you think you’re “too small,” fear not – advances in technology can make worldwide commerce achievable for many small businesses, depending on the goods or services you offer. Small businesses can find exporting success. Though it may require commitment because information will be crucial and financial aspects are a key factor, strategic alliances are the solution – SBA and the U.S. Export Assistance Center (USEAC) are ready to help. In fact, it may be easier than you think. Are you looking for capital for exporting? SBA’s “Export Loan Suite” with our 90% loan guarantees, may be able to help. SBA offers three different programs to help small businesses take advantage of exporting opportunities: ■ The SBA Export Express Loan Program offers financing up to $500,000. It is the simplest export loan product offered by the SBA and allows participating lenders to use their own forms and procedures. The SBA determines eligibility and provides a loan approval in 36 hours or less. ■ The Export Working Capital Program (EWCP) loan provides advances for up to $5 million to fund export transactions from purchase order to collections. This loan has a low guaranty fee and quick processing time. ■ The International Trade Loan (ITL) program offers loans up to $5 million for fixed assets and working capital for businesses that plan to start or continue exporting. Your firm may qualify for the ITL even if you don’t export. If you can show that import competition has adversely affected your business – this 90% guaranteed program may be for you!



Looking for help? The USEAC is here for you. If you're ready to explore the possibilities and challenges of exporting, the USEAC is ready to provide the help you need. These centers are located in major metropolitan areas throughout the United States. Many USEAC’s are staffed by professionals from the SBA, the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Export-Import Bank, and other public and private organizations. Together, their mission is to provide the help you need to compete in today's global marketplace. Your local USEAC is your one-stop shop, designed to provide export assistance for your small or medium-sized business.

Does your small business face a foreign trade barrier? Let the USEAC help resolve the problem. The U.S. Export Assistance Center is committed to playing its part with other agencies in helping to field small business trade agreement compliance concerns to help ensure small businesses receive the full benefit of their rights under these agreements. The U.S. Small Business Act, as amended, allows SBA to increase the ability of small businesses to compete in international markets and, in cooperation with our interagency partners, help to “ensure that the interests of small businesses are adequately represented in bilateral and multilateral trade negotiations.” U.S. small business exporters, often without even realizing it, depend and rely on the outcomes of negotiated U.S. bilateral and multilateral trade agreements for access to key global and emerging markets. The rules-based global trade system under the World Trade Agreement (WTO) Agreements, plus the 20 U.S. bilateral free trade agreements and other such arrangements, help provide U.S. companies, large and small, predictable and fair trade in international commerce. As SBA’s representative covering Pennsylvania and Delaware, I’m available to help you with your SBA export financing needs, guide you to resources at the USEAC that will help you export, or resolve trade barrier problems. Robert Elsas, Regional Manager, SBA Export Solutions Group SBA Eastern Pennsylvania District Office Parkview Tower, 1150 First Avenue, Suite 1001 King of Prussia, PA 19406 Tel: 610-382-3069 |



Government Affairs:

By Alex Rahn, Warner Associates

More Positioning for June 30th Session Deadline The Legislature continued to position legislative vehicles throughout April in advance of the June 30th deadline, but deliberations may have become more difficult due to less than expected revenue collections already $1.2 billion short for the year. The latest bad news was that April was $537 million short of estimates. The Senate Republicans’ plan on pension reform continues to collect co-sponsors, but the actual bill has yet to be introduced. This may mean pension reform will not be part of this years’ budget. The delay could be that the provisions are like the Conference Committee Report on SB1071, which did not garner enough support to pass the Legislature. Plus, the plan does include a new opt in provision for all employees, including legislators. Separate from this, the Governor and State Treasurer Joe Torsella have proposed plans for reduced investment management fees that they claim would save the state millions. While pension reform may be stalled, the House did recently pass four liquor reform bills that will likely be part of any budget negotiations: HB438 allows hotels and restaurants to sell up to 4 bottles of alcohol and HB991 expands to 2000 the number of retail stores allowed to sell wine and spirits. HB 1075 provides for private permits to operate the wholesale system. This legislation is projected to bring in $246.5 million, but not until next fiscal year. Finally, HB 975 breaks up the wholesale wine market and allows private wholesalers to provide wine sales in the Commonwealth, which, according the House estimates will lead to $119 million in revenue. Expanded gaming also remains an important budget topic, not only for next fiscal year but for the current one. HB271 is a point of discussion between the House and Senate and could both address the state’s local share assessment that has a May 26th deadline established by the State Supreme Court. The legislation is going to see an amendment in the House that may also include enough 12


expanded gaming to fill the $100 million hole in Pennsylvania’s current state budget as agreed upon last year. Several ideas have also been proposed to expand gaming for the upcoming fiscal year, namely legalizing Video Game Terminals (VGT’s), sports wagering and Internet gambling. Supporters of HB1010 estimate that revenues for the legalization of VGT’s are $100 million in the first year and $300 million to $500 million in recurring revenue in the following years. This revenue could see a split between the General Fund, a local share, funding for volunteer firefighter and EMS organizations, funding for drug addiction support, and a hold harmless amount that would be dedicated to funding reductions in the casino industry’s portion of the property tax fund contribution. However, leadership in the Senate has stated publicly and privately their hesitation to expand and tax gaming to fill budget deficits. Next, the proposed plans for streamlining administration operations, and agency consolidations are included in both the Governor and House Republican budgets. However, the House plan only projects approximately $800 million of savings and the plan is still facing stiff opposition in the legislature. In fact, the House Human Services Committee recently passed HB1248 which delays the consolidation plan for one year. House and Senate committees have also continued hearings directly on the issue of consolidation, which current DHS Secretary Ted Dallas has formed to call “unification”. Legislators in both chambers alternately defended and panned the move, raising concerns about accountability, and the apparent small amount of cost savings to be realized by the effort. The Wolf Administration has maintained that any cost savings would be incidental to the real goal of making the programs more efficient, once the new Department is fully functioning.

The consolidation requires legislative action, since the Departments to be absorbed were each created by different statutes, and each has its own distinct constituencies, who have not all considered the idea a positive. Also, important is the impact on state employees, as well as their counterparts at the county level who administer various programs under each. Add to that the fact that these agencies use different computer software, and other administrative mechanisms, and it is easy to see how there is concern. This should make for an interesting spring. Other ideas on revenue streams up for negotiation include the Governor’s plan to charge for the services of State Police, increasing the Minimum Wage, a 6.5 percent severance tax on natural gas extracts, and the leasing of the Farm Show Complex. In addition to the revenue generators listed above, many bills introduced have new taxes and revenue; however none of them stands out at this point as potential vehicles for a broad-based tax increase. It is unclear if legislative leadership will agree to a tax increase, but have the votes in their respective Caucuses to fully pass one. However revenue possibilities include an increase to the Personal Income Tax or an increase and/or expansion to the Sales Tax.



Charlie Doane

Matt Specht

Radnor High School – Junior I was honored to be chosen for the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce Foundation 2017 Youth Leadership Academy. I enjoy serving in management and leadership roles and this added more knowledge about how to grow in my roles. In fact, the day after completing the leadership academy I had to give a speech in order to run for the position of Vice President of my junior class. I do believe some of what I learned at YLA gave me the confidence to give a great speech to my classmates and ultimately win the position. I am truly looking forward to serving in student government and utilizing the skills I learned through YLA. Because my disability – Hemiplegic Cerebral Palsy – precludes me from being an athlete, I satisfy my love for sports by being a manager for the Varsity football and Varsity lacrosse teams. I have been doing this since my freshman year at Radnor. Holding these positions allows me to interact and learn from the coaches and develop skills to work with others. I truly enjoy the involvement with the teams. The members respect my position and I am treated like a team mate. Outside of sports, I am striving to be selected for the National Honor Society as I have been on the distinguished honor roll since freshman year. I hope to further utilize my experience from YLA to attain internships in the next two years leading up to college. Outside of school I love to volunteer with my family. A true gift is the time we spend cooking for and serving at a homeless shelter 6 times a year. I love to get to know the men, sit and talk about their lives and struggles, which only serves to inspire me to work as hard as possible, so I can give back more as I get older. At YLA, I so enjoyed meeting new people and working with them for a common goal. As we all worked with the featured professionals, we connected and worked together to use the information for our Ignite presentations. It was challenging and rewarding to present in front of a room full of strangers. On top of the information and learning, I have made friends that I will continue to connect with in the future. YLA was an experience I will look back on because I know that it helped me to achieve goals in academics, athletics, and volunteering.

Archmere Academy – Sophmore Matt is finishing his sophomore year at Archmere Academy. He keeps a very busy schedule between his solid academics, team sports, school, and community activities. Matt is a two-season athlete playing both soccer and golf for Archmere. Off the field, he enjoys being involved in various clubs including Conspiracy Theory Club, Ultimate Frisbee Club, and Campus Ministry Club. As a freshman, Matt filled a leadership role as class officer for the Auk Ambassadors, a group that promotes the school to potential new students and families. He will continue this role through his senior year. Matt is able to balance his school activities and work a couple jobs while maintaining high honors at school. Matt began working as a caddie at age 14 at Rolling Green Golf Club in Springfield. This experience has taught him how to communicate effectively with a variety of successful members. Recently, he was promoted to work in the pro shop as well. Matt also is a sacristan at St. Madeline Parish where his responsibilities are to setup for Mass and make sure everything runs smoothly. Over the summer, he will also be doing maintenance work at St. James Regional School. Matt represented Archmere at the Delaware County Youth Leadership Academy held in April at Neumann University. “This was a great experience for me and I learned so much about the various roles of leadership from the perspective of some of the top leaders in our business, government and media community. I especially enjoyed working in groups with peers from different schools discussing how we might become effective leaders in our community”, he said. Matt plans on keeping in touch with the new friends he has made at YLA. He also intends to bring the leadership skills he learned at YLA back to Archmere and, as an upper classman, to use those skills to make himself a better leader.

Learn more about the Chamber Foundation and it’s leadership endeavors by going to 14


2017 Small Business Awards Drexelbrook Special Events Center March 30, 2017

SMALL BUSINESS OF THE YEAR: Delfera Heating & Cooling get together for a team photo.

ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEAR: Deborah Collins, Owner of The Dress Matters with her staff.

Chamber Staffer, Brittany Carter graced us all with the National Anthem.

SPECIAL RECOGNITION of J. Patrick Killian by the Chamber, County Council and Representative Quinn with Chamber President, Trish McFarland.

M. Cohen and Sons – The Iron Shop took FAMILY BUSINESS OF THE YEAR honor, presented by The Initiative for Family Business & Entrepreneurship at Saint Joseph’s University.

Councilman Dave White was delighted to be honored as SMALL BUSINESS PERSON OF THE YEAR. He is the owner of DWD Mechanical.

Nettology was the EMERGING BUSINESS OF THE YEAR, presented by sponsor Franklin Mint Federal Credit Union.

SCORE recognized Heartline Press, Inc. as SCORE BUSINESS OF THE YEAR.

PRESENTING SPONSOR, Comcast Business, was pleased to introduce Keynote Speaker Patrice Banks, Founder of Girls Auto Clinic.

Check out the recap video on the Chamber YouTube Channel. 16




INTERESTED IN TRYING OUT NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES? New! PROMO CODES are available for Future Members for many of our networking events. Contact the Chamber for more information on a complimentary admission promo code. JUNE 13 DCHRA: DWAYNE JOSEPH PHILADELPHIA EAGLES, DIRECTOR OF PRO SCOUTING 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM


The Inn at Swarthmore 10 S. Chester Road, Swarthmore, PA 19081

Comcast Conference Room Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike Ste. 9LL, Springfield, PA 19064



Granny's Helping Hands 111 N. Lansdowne, A1, Lansdowne, PA 19050

Comcast Conference Room Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike Ste. 9LL, Springfield, PA 19064


Springfield Country Club 400 W. Sproul Road, Springfield, PA 19064 JUNE 27 SPEED NETWORKING 1:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Comcast Conference Room Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike Ste. 9LL, Springfield, PA 19064 JUNE 28 BUSINESS AFTER HOURS 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Chaddsford Winery 632 Baltimore Pike, Chadds Ford, PA 19317 JUNE 29 YOUNG PROFESSIONALS: KICKBALL 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Folsom Atheletic Association Kedron Ave & 5th Ave, Folsom, PA 19033 (next to the Marine Base) JULY 18 RIBBON CUTTING & BUSINESS AFTER HOURS 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM


Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA 19064 Back Lot SEPT 11 FALL SPEED NETWORKING 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Comcast Conference Room Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike Ste. 9LL, Springfield, PA 19064 SEPT 21 BUSINESS AFTER HOURS 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Penn State Brandywine 25 Yearsley Mill Road, Media, PA 19063 OCT 3 ATHENA® LEADERSHIP LUNCHEON 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM

Llanerch Country Club 950 West Chester Pike, Havertown, PA 19083

Professional Duplicating 33 East State Street, Media, PA 19063

Register to attend these events and other business boosting opportunities at 18



ROASTED GARLIC HUMMUS Recipe by Joan Petrillo, Martindale's Store Manager, Martindale’s Natural Market

Here's the perfect thing for casual entertaining: hummus and dippers! This nourishing plate can flex with your touring schedule as you don't always know if the crowd will be hungry or not. Let's knosh!

INGREDIENTS 1 can chickpeas 1 tbsp. tahini 2 tbsp. organic extra virgin olive oil 1/8 cup filtered water 1 head of garlic Juice of ½ to 1 lemon Salt to taste



Welcome New Members

A warm welcome to our newest Members! Membership in the Chamber is a savvy business investment. Through Membership, you gain a dedicated partner who is committed to the support and growth of your regional business environment. We look forward to seeing you around the Chamber.

ADT Protect Your Home

Eagle Trucking Company

Park Way Physical Therapy

American Marketing Company

Emmaus Home

PMT Promotional

Andrew Fabian Law LLC

Granny’s Helping Hands Pa, Inc.

Premier Dental of Edgmont Square

Anytime Fitness - Boothwyn

Holiday Inn Express Philadelphia

Pro Cat Distribution Technology

Brewers Outlet

Interphase Systems, Inc.

Seabrook House

Center for Lice Control

Len the Plumber

Sport Clips

Community Light & Sound Inc.

Lightbridge Academy

TelcoHoldings, Inc.

Comstar Technologies

MedExpress Urgent Care


Cuisine 365

Million Dollar Moxie

Wyatt Elevator Company

D. L. Howell & Associates Inc.

Newlin Grist Mill

Being part of the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce can be an invaluable asset to your business growth. The networking and visibility opportunities offered, combined with an increased voice in local, state and national issues, are easy to attain when you join the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce. Call (610) 565-3677 for membership information.



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