Wishing You a Happy and Healthy New Year from the Chamber!
REGIONAL NEWS P U B L I S H E D Q U A R T E R LY ______________________________________________________
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Delaware County Chamber of Commerce
DELAWARE COUNTY hosts a tremendous series of events across the county to celebrate the holiday season. We at the Chamber hope that you and your family and friends will take part in the various celebrations, light show displays, and seasonal menus that our region has to offer.
1001 Baltimore Pike, Suite 9LL Springfield, PA 19064 610-565-3677 Fax: 484-472-7809 Trish McFarland, President Contact Suzanne Cody, Marketing & Events Director, for editorial content ______________________________________________________
For advertising opportunities in Delaware County Regional News, contact our Sales Manager: Bob Dahlhausen, 610-644-0202 ______________________________________________________
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Many of our retail Members took part in the recent Small Business Saturday campaign, urging shoppers to visit our local shops for their gifts. Many thanks to those of you who participated in supporting local business. This holiday season, we encourage your continued shopping – whether small or otherwise – within our local economy. Healthcare has a great impact on local business and the community. Our health care system has many strengths: tremendous medical innovation, cutting edge technology and drugs, and world-leading medical institutions. Nevertheless, there are huge variations in quality, cost, and access to care within our system. At the Chamber, our goal is to provide resources to inform, educate and empower people about business issues and services available. This includes healthcare – and thus, the winter edition of our Delaware County Regional News is focused on healthcare, rehabilitation, and physical therapy. We know the questions facing our members, organizations and communities are complex, and we hope that you will find the content inside useful. We are fortunate to have articles provided by our local partners and members with experience, know-how, and hard-earned expertise. We hope to see you at one of the local area seasonal events – and wish you a healthy and prosperous 2016 in Delaware County! Best Regards,
Trish McFarland, President Delaware County Chamber of Commerce
Atlantic Communications Group, Inc. Proud to be a member of the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 800-832-3747 Hayden M. Wilbur, CEO Gretchen Lindberg, Art Director Bob Dahlhausen, Advertising Sales COVER PHOTO: Anthony Adenuga is walking strong again thanks to the help of Ann Driscoll, physical therapist (right) and Gabby Kissinger, a student physical therapist, in the Outpatient Rehab Department at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital. ©2015 Atlantic Communications Group, Inc., all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any format or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo copying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. The information in this publication has been gathered and carefully compiled to ensure maximum accuracy. However, because completeness cannot be guaranteed, the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce and Atlantic Communications Group, Inc. cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors.
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Understanding the
Delaware County Council and Coalition promote ‘Health Literacy’ to help patients better understand their medical needs and services safety of residents is a priority for Council, and raising awareness among both patients and providers through “health literacy” is an important initiative.
We want to encourage people to ramp up their personal health literacy, and to improve their communication and understanding with their healthcare professionals
When a patient goes to the doctor, they sometimes leave the office without fully understanding the next step in their medical care. Perhaps they aren’t clear about their medication, their follow-up visit, or they are confused by the diagnosis or the prognosis. Nationwide and in Delaware County, health professionals are promoting “Health Literacy” to strengthen people’s awareness of their health situation so they can make informed health decisions. Dr. George Avetian, Delaware County’s Senior Medical Advisor, said health literacy is defined as “the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, communicate, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate health decisions.” According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), it’s critical for patients to find information and services, communicate their needs, respond to information, understand their choices and consequences, decide what services meet their health needs and act on their decision. It’s equally important for health care providers to help patients find and process information, and understand how to provide accurate information, not “dumbing-down” the information, and help patients decide what works for them so they can act. County Council Vice Chair Colleen Morrone, Council’s liaison to the Department of Intercommunity Health, said the health and
“In Delaware County, we are fortunate to have access to excellent health care services,” Morrone said. “Now we want to encourage people to ramp up their personal health literacy, and to improve their communication and understanding with their healthcare professionals.” According to Dr. Avetian, health literacy is often a problem for the elderly who are confused by their health instructions and medications, and people from different cultural backgrounds who might not speak or comprehend English well. All races, income, and education levels poses a significant problem with health literacy and the risk increases with age. Only 12 percent of the U.S. population is considered to be proficient. Stress incurred during visits to a physician or health provider may lead to decreased understanding even with adequate literacy abilities. In Delaware County, the county Department of Intercommunity Health, under Dr. Avetian’s leadership, is a member of the Health Literacy Coalition. The coalition consists of multiple stakeholders engaged in the mission, which is directed to both the patient and the medical professional.
The three A’s of health information are accurate, accessible and actionable. 4
S peak slowly T each back E ncourage questions P lain language S how examples to better health literacy
The Delaware County Medical Society together with Delaware County Council and Dr. Avetian are working with community groups to overcome the health literacy burden. Patients and families of those at risk are being instructed on how to best prepare for a medical visit. Sometimes it is recommended that a patient take a family member or companion along to a doctor’s visit to increase understanding. People are also advised to take notes. Dr. Avetian has held community educational programs where “at risk” individuals are instructed on questions to ask and how to best prepare for office visits and medical encounters. To supplement community efforts, physicians and providers are being educated on this challenge with the lead of the Delaware County Medical Society, through newsletters, medical seminars, and continuing education programs. The objectives of the Delaware County Health Literacy Coalition are: To understand the challenges many patients face due to limited health literacy. To develop skills to recognize which medical patients may be at risk for poor two-way communication about their care due to limited health literacy. To implement three or four minor changes in physician practice(s) to help patients enhance understanding of treatment plans. According to Dr. Avetian, adults age 65 and older make up 14 percent of the population in the United States and use 30 percent of prescription medications. 90 percent of adults over 65 years of age take at least one prescription medication a week, and 40 percent take at least five different medications.
Pharmacologic errors can be devastating, even fatal, and a large percentage of the senior population is at risk. The elderly, minority populations, immigrant populations, and individuals with chronic mental health conditions are the most vulnerable. In these groups, many individuals read at the fifth-grade level or below. Data from the Royal College of Physicians indicates that up to 80 percent of patients forget what their physician tells them as soon as they leave the office, and nearly 50 percent of what they do remember is recalled incorrectly. “In Delaware County, we are battling the barriers to health literacy. This encounter is taking place locally on all fronts with medical professionals taking the lead to overcome the challenges,” Dr. Avetian said. Nationwide, October has been designated as national Health Literacy Month. For more information about Health Literacy, people can visit the CDC site at
How’s Your
At Delaware County Council’s annual Wellness Fair in the fall, the topic of “Health Literacy” was front and center at the Department of Intercommunity Health’s resource table at the Government Center in Media. Shown are, from left, David McKeighan, Director of the Delaware County Medical Society, Peggy Stuart, Intercommunity Health, and County Councilman Mike Culp. Delaware County now has a Health Literacy Coalition.
EXERCISE and the Elderly Posted by Deb Spinelli Powered by Maven Medical
Not only is it perfectly safe for those over 65 to exercise regularly, it is also highly recommended.
THE BENEFITS OF EXERCISE throughout a person’s life cannot be overstated. In fact, almost all people can benefit from some form of additional physical activity. Not only does regular exercise protect people from chronic disease, it also improves mood and reduces the chances of injury. Of course, this is not to say that the elderly should not be a bit more careful than others when undertaking a fitness program or learning a new type of exercise. As we age, the body begins to take longer to repair itself. Thus the typical muscle fatigue associated with exercise can last longer in the elderly, and the elderly may also be more susceptible to injury if they are not careful when exercising. Despite a longer recovery time, however, the benefits of regular exercise for the elderly far outweigh the risks. Even
those who suffer from chronic ailments can still benefit from some type of low impact exercise. In fact, many medical conditions are actually improved through the addition of regular exercise. Exercise improves immune function. A healthy, strong body is better able to fight off infection and illness, as well as being better able to recover more quickly when illness does strike. Exercise improves respiratory and cardiovascular function. Regular physical activity can help to lower blood pressure as well as the risk of heart disease. Exercise improves gastrointestinal function. Regular exercise helps the body to efficiently eliminate waste. It also encourages digestion.
A healthy, strong body is better able to fight off infection and illness, as well as being better able to recover more quickly when illness does strike. Exercise improves bone density. Since exercise protects against loss in bone mass, a common problem for the elderly, it reduces the risk of osteoporosis as well as the risk of broken bones. Other conditions that may benefit from exercise include: Alzheimer’s and dementia High blood pressure Obesity Heart disease Diabetes Colon cancer Regular exercise can also lead to the improvement of other conditions in the elderly. When your elderly loved one begins a regular exercise regime, he or she may see improvements in blood pressure, neuro-cognitive function, lipid profile and osteoarthritis and osteoporosis. Regular physical activity is also linked to decreased mortality in older adults. Exercise training among the elderly can also lead to improved balance and a reduction in falls. The best exercise program for the elderly includes aerobic exercise, strength training, and exercises to improve balance and flexibility.
Self-Employed? Sign Up For Health Care Coverage By Natalia Olson-Urtecho, U.S. Small Business Administration Mid-Atlantic Regional Administrator The Affordable Care Act provides comprehensive health insurance reforms designed to ensure Americans have access to quality, affordable health care coverage. Now is the time for self-employed business owners to sign up for a plan. As Administrator for the MidAtlantic Region of the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA), my goal is to make sure small businesses in Pennsylvania have the information they need about the Affordable Care Act to make informed decisions that are best for their businesses. With Health Insurance Marketplaces (also referred to as Exchanges) open, self-employed business owners have more options than ever to find affordable health care coverage. Selfemployed individuals and other consumers can purchase private insurance coverage from a range of options and depending on income and residency, potentially qualify for additional subsidies like Medicaid or tax credits.
My goal is to make sure small businesses in Pennsylvania have the information they need about the Affordable Care Act to make informed decisions that are best for their businesses.
There are some important dates to know for those who want to sign up for coverage for this year: open enrollment for coverage began November 1, 2015 and ends January 31, 2016. There is an exception to this deadline for a qualifying life event that provides you with a special enrollment period such as marriage, divorce, birth or adoption of a child, or loss of a job. You can also apply for Medicaid or CHIP at any time of the year.
Why enroll? First, increased access to quality, affordable health care will make it easier for potential entrepreneurs to go out on their own instead of staying at larger firms simply because of “job lock” or the lack of access to affordable insurance outside of their current employment. Additionally, small business owners have historically paid as much as 18% more for health care coverage than larger companies. By shopping in the marketplaces you may be able to save significantly on your insurance costs. The Affordable Care Act helps level the playing field and with consumer protections like insurance rate reviews and a ban on denying coverage for preexisting conditions in place, provides greater certainty that small business owners can access the coverage they need, when they need it. It’s important to know that if you don’t have health coverage, you may have to pay a fee (or “mandate”) when filing your annual income tax (for more information go to To find an insurance plan that meets your needs today, check out the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) insurance finder tool By answering just a few simple questions, you’ll be able to locate health insurance plans in your state and explore whether there are local facilities in your area that provide free or reduced-cost health care. To browse coverage options, assess potential subsidies, and purchase your plan online through the individual marketplace, simply go to For more information about other provisions affecting self-employed business owners and other small business requirements under the Affordable Care Act, go to As always, SBA is here to help small business start, grow and succeed. For more information go to or contact your local SBA Eastern Pennsylvania District Office at 610-382-3062.
REHAB PROFESSIONALS AT MERCY FITZGERALD HOSPITAL Help Patients Regain Motion, Function and Renewed Grasp on Life
n illness or injury can turn anyone’s world upside down. Losing the ability to move, think, or speak as you once did can not only limit activities, but can also lead to loss of self-confidence and a reduced quality of life. The good news is, rehabilitation can help you become whole again and return to everyday living as quickly and as safely as possible.
In the Acute Rehab Unit at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital, Occupational Therapist Janet Bronstein (right) watches as Marilyn Wagner, who is recovering from back surgery, safely puts on socks. Jim Maher practices passing an exercise ball to Nurse Anne Marie Dallago as Physiatrist Dr. Pasquale Colavita looks on in the Acute Rehab Unit at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital.
“Rehab is essential to achieving recovery from acute illnesses, injuries, and chronic conditions,” says Michele Zappile, DPT, OCS, a physical therapist and director of rehabilitation at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital. “Rehab professionals help each patient work towards their goals, whether it’s restoring motion and function, regaining ability to perform daily tasks, decreasing pain, or preventing disability.” Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital has a team who provides rehab services in both inpatient and outpatient settings. Physiatrists (physicians specializing in rehab medicine), rehab nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and speech therapists, all work together and with the patient’s primary physicians to develop and administer the most appropriate treatment. Therapists hold specialty certification in the areas of orthopedics, neurology, pediatrics, wound therapy and hand therapy.
ACUTE REHABILITATION FOR COMPLEX NEEDS The Acute Rehabilitation Unit at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital provides services for patients who have suffered functional loss due to disabling illness or injury, such as stroke, neurological disorders, non-traumatic spinal injuries, hip fracture, and heart disease. Patients undergo intense physical and occupational therapy at a minimum of three hours a day at least five days a week. They have access to social services, specialized care by a physiatrist, 24-hour nursing care, and comprehensive pre-discharge education.
“Our overall goal for each patient is that they successfully return to home with skills and confidence in using those skills,” says Joanne Agnew, PT, director of the inpatient rehabilitation program. “Discharge planning begins as soon as patients enter the unit, with the patient and family involved in every aspect of the process.” The majority of patients who are discharged from acute rehab go home, as opposed to nursing homes or other facilities. Patients report high satisfaction rates, with 99 percent saying they would recommend the program at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital.
OUTPATIENT REHABILITATION FOR ONGOING CARE Outpatient rehab at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital includes physical, occupational, speech, audiology and cardiac rehab services aimed at improving musculoskeletal and neurological conditions. Specialty services include aquatic therapy, hand therapy, hearing and balance services, custom foot orthotic casting, pediatric
rehabilitation, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) evaluation and treatment. A certified cardiac rehab program helps patients recover from various types of heart disease and heart procedures. Certified lymphedema treatment is also available. A formal cancer rehab program that addresses the common side effects from cancer treatment will launch in 2016.
MAKING A DIFFERENCE The rehab team at Mercy has an impact beyond the physical accomplishments that their patients reach. “It’s common for patients to praise the quality of care and the compassion they received from our rehab professionals,” says Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital Executive Director Susan Cusack. “It’s inspiring to learn how well they’ve recovered and gained a new lease of life, in great part due to the meaningful work of our rehab team.” For more about rehabilitation services at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital, please visit or call: 610.237.2573 for Acute Rehabilitation, 610.237.4231 for Outpatient Rehabilitation.
Mercy Oncologist Dr. Eugene Choi (left) is one of many members of the cancer care team that patients have immediate access to in the Mercy Cancer Center at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital.
Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital has provided high-quality healthcare to the communities in Delaware County for more than 80 years.
BECAUSE YOU DESERVE MORE IN ADDITION TO REHABILITATION, MERCY FITZGERALD HOSPITAL IS HOME TO A RANGE OF HEALTH AND WELLNESS SERVICES: • Mercy Heart and Vascular Program, the award-winning service line comprising medical and interventional cardiology, 24/7 cardiac cath labs, the Heart Valve Center, cardiac electrophysiology, cardiac surgery, and cardiac rehab. The hospital is an accredited Chest Pain Center with PCI.
• Convenient access to quality diagnostics and imaging services, including walk-in services for lab, screening mammography and X-rays.
• Advanced surgical sub-specialties, such as cardiac surgery in affiliation with the Penn Heart & Vascular Network and neurosurgery in affiliation with the Jefferson Neurosciences Network.
• Comprehensive behavioral health programs and a Crisis Members of the cardiac catheterization team are pictured in one of two upgraded cath labs that are available 24/7 at Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital. Recently, the team added complex electrophysiology ablation and carotid artery stenting to its capabilities.
• Mercy Bariatrics, a leading weight loss program that has helped more than 1,300 people in the region attain a healthier lifestyle. The hospital is a Bariatric Surgery Center of Excellence®.
Response Center.
Emergency care, including Mercy EMS and an Emergency Department that handles 42,000 cases annually.
• New Primary Care & Multi-Specialty Center, the central location of several primary care and specialty physician practices.
• Advanced Wound Care Center with specialized healing techniques for chronic and diabetic wounds.
• Mercy Cancer Center, the one-stop access point to cancer experts
• Mercy Pharmacy, a full-service retail pharmacy open to the public. • Free programs for the community, including educational programs,
and state-of-the-art treatments for all cancers, including breast, colorectal, lung, and prostate cancers.
screenings, support groups, and smoking and tobacco cessation classes.
• Endoscopy Center with patient-friendly amenities and featuring Direct Access Endoscopy.
For more about what Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital has to offer, visit or call 1.877.GO MERCY.
The Foundation of the Delaware County Chamber, the Delaware County Workforce Investment Board and Youth Council are proud to sponsor a Leadership Academy for Delaware County high school sophomores. This program provides an outstanding opportunity for area 10th graders to meet and work with local business, government community and media leaders. Our goal is to celebrate student achievement and the power of leadership, as well as to encourage Delaware County high school sophomores to become better prepared to take on future leadership roles. Our future depends so much on the next generation of individuals who are willing to accept the challenge.
VANESSA CLARK School: Archbishop John Carroll High School Grade Level: Sophomore
anessa is a sophomore at Archbishop John Carroll High School. In addition to being a dedicated student, Vanessa demonstrates leadership in being on Student Council, Choir and performing the past two years in her High School Musicals. Vanessa is involved in the Best Buddies Club; where she works with kids with disabilities. Vanessa’s outside school activities include being a volunteer at the Kinney Center for Autism Education and Support, where she teaches kids social skills and how to interact. Vanessa continues to be very active in her community. She is a recent 2015 Alumni of the Delaware County Youth Leadership Academy. Vanessa was quoted by saying “The Academy was an excellent learning experience. It was a great way for us – as youth – to see first-hand, leadership development that is available to us within Delaware County.” One quote that that Vanessa along with her other classmates at this year’s academy formed as their motto was: “Team Work makes Dream Work,” author unknown. Vanessa stated, “Working together with all my peers from all over Delaware County has really left a positive mark on my leadership experience. I learned many leadership skills that I will carry with me for years to come.” The Youth Council of Delaware County commends Vanessa for her achievements. The Youth Council of the Delaware County Workforce Investment Board proudly acknowledges student achievement. To nominate, contact or 610-447-1433
Students interested in applying for the Youth Leadership Academy (YLA) must meet the following criteria: • Delaware County resident • Good academic standing • Demonstrated Leadership abilities Currently enrolled in the 10th grade Involved in extracurricular activities • • For further information and to download application packet , go to:
By Doug Eddy, Martindale’s Natural Market
INGREDIENTS 2 cups water or almond milk 1 small banana 1 oz almond butter 1/5 of an avocado pitted dates to taste 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
Whether in recovery from surgery or a rigorous workout, this smoothie will be the healing comfort food you’ll crave.
Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Add dates one at a time until desired sweetness is achieved. Nutritious Option: Turn this into a Protein Smoothie with a scoop of your favorite protein powder. Whey Protein powder is rich in natural immune system factors which are needed when under stress.
FLU and YOU by: Ashley Young for Patient First
Fall has arrived and so have the great things that arrive with it: Fall festivals, changing leaves, cooler days, pumpkins, and flu season. The flu (seasonal influenza) is a contagious respiratory illness that can cause mild to severe symptoms and result in hospitalization or death in severe cases. As flu season begins, it is important to take steps to keep your family healthy. The best way to protect yourself and your family from the flu is by getting vaccinated.
Who is at higher risk of getting the flu if not vaccinated? • People who tend to develop serious complications if they get sick with the flu. • Others who live with or care for these people. • People who have certain medical conditions, including asthma, diabetes, and chronic lung disease. • Pregnant women. • People younger than 5 years and older than 65 years. • Health care personnel.
The following people should not get a flu vaccine without first consulting a physician: • People who have a moderate-to-severe illness, with or without a fever. These individuals should not be vaccinated until they recover. • People who have had an allergic reaction to eggs. • People who have had an allergic reaction to the flu vaccine in the past.
When should you be vaccinated? It is recommended that you get your flu vaccine as the vaccine becomes available in your area. Flu vaccines last throughout the flu season and can help to prevent illness during the peak months of flu, which are usually January and February. It generally takes about two weeks for the flu vaccine to take full effect. Early immunization is the most effective, but it is not too late to get the vaccine in December, January, or later. The key to fighting the flu lies in being proactive now. Do not wait until you or someone in your family starts feeling sick. Once you feel that first muscle ache and stuffy nose, it’s too late. Take charge of your health and enjoy the autumn and winter.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), everyone who is at least six months of age should get a flu vaccine this season. The vaccine protects against influenza viruses that research indicates will be the most common during this flu season. The vaccine is not a guarantee that you will not become infected, especially if the strain of flu is not in the vaccine. However, it greatly reduces the risk. 14
WHAT EMPLOYERS NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (ACA) Employers with Fewer than 50 Employees 1) SHOP Marketplace Eligibility a. Employers with fewer than 50 employees can purchase insurance through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Marketplace. 2) Information Reporting – Self-Insured Employers a. All employers, regardless of size, that provide self-insured health coverage must file an annual return for individuals they cover, and provide a statement to responsible individuals. b. The first information reporting returns are due to be filed in 2016 for 2015. 3) Credits a. Employers may be eligible for the small business health care tax credit if they: i. Cover at least 50 percent of employees' premium costs ii. Have fewer than 25 full-time equivalent employees with average annual wages of less than $50,000 iii. Purchase their coverage through the Small Business Health Options Program.
Employers with 50+ Employees THE HEALTHCARE LAW contains tax provisions that affect employers. The size and structure of a workforce determines which parts of the law apply to employers. Calculating the number of employees is especially important for employers that have close to 50 employees or whose workforce changes during the year. The number of employees an employer has during the current year determines whether it is an applicable large employer (ALE) for the following year. ALEs are generally those with 50 or more fulltime employees or full-time equivalent employees. Under the employer shared responsibility provision, ALEs are required to offer their full-time employees and dependents affordable coverage that provides minimum value. So employers with fewer than 50 full-time employees or full-time equivalent employees are not subject to the employer shared responsibility provisions.
1) SHOP Marketplace Eligibility a. Employers with exactly 50 employees can purchase insurance through the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) Marketplace. 2) Information Reporting a. All employers including applicable large employers that provide self-insured health coverage must file an annual return for individuals they cover, and provide a statement to responsible individuals. b. ALEs must file an annual return – and provide a statement to each full-time employee – reporting whether they offered health insurance, and if so, what insurance they offered their employees. c. The first information reporting returns are due to be filed and furnished in 2016 for 2015. 3) Payments a. In general, an ALE will be subject to a payment if the employer does not offer affordable coverage that provides “minimum” value to its full-time employees and their dependents, and one or more full-time employees gets a premium tax credit. b. Various forms of transition relief are available for 2015, including for applicable large employers with fewer than 100 full-time employees, including full-time equivalent employees.
How the Health Care Law Affects Aggregated Companies The Affordable Care Act applies an approach to common ownership that also applies for other tax and employee benefit purposes. This longstanding rule generally treats companies that have a common owner or similar relationship as a single employer. These are aggregated companies. The law combines these companies to determine whether they employ at least 50 full-time employees including full-time equivalents. If the combined employee total meets the threshold, then each separate company is an applicable large employer. Each company – even those that do not individually meet the threshold – is subject to the employer shared responsibility provisions. These rules for combining related employers do not determine whether a particular company owes an employer shared responsibility payment or the amount of any payment. The IRS will determine payments separately for each company.
Welcome New Members
In a Delaware County Chamber of Commerce orientation A warm welcome to our newest Members! Membership in the
session you will learn how to
Chamber is a savvy business investment. Through Member-
maximize the benefits of your
ship, you gain a dedicated partner who is committed to the
Chamber investment. The
support and growth of your regional business environment. We
meeting is open to new and
look forward to seeing you around the Chamber.
existing members alike. Expect to get new ideas, discuss how
10 Beatty Road Professional Office Suites of Media
Frank Rupp Design, Inc. JM Human Resources Consulting LLC
Membership, plus have the
2SP Brewing Company
Mop N Glo Cleaning Services, Inc.
work with other Chamber
AMDG Exterior Contracting, LLC Amnion Pregnancy Center Anna C. Giacalone, DMD, Inc. ATS, Inc. & Back & Neck Pain Relief Center
New Avenue Foundation Quality Home Services of Delaware Valley, Inc. Rosemont - A Community of Presby's Inspired Life SMR Streamline Mortgage Resolutions, LLC Sofia Orthopaedics
Boys & Girls Club of Chester
Springfield Beverage
Chesterbrook Academy
Texas Roadhouse Concordville
Coca-Cola Refreshments Consolidated Graphic Communications Cool Beans Refreshments Delaware County Mustangs Delco Business Alliance Enduring Smiles Fabric Mouse LLC
The Dress Matters Bridal Shop Wegmans Food Markets Inc. Western Pest Services Zommick McMahon Commercial Real Estate, Inc.
to get the most out of your opportunity to meet and netMembers. Attend these orientations to meet our staff and get the facts about how we can serve you and your business. Orientations take place at the Chamber of Commerce on a quarterly basis. Please register to attend.
NEW YEAR ORIENTATION Thursday, January 7, 2016 8:30 –10 am Location: Delaware County Chamber of Commerce 1001 Baltimore Pike Suite 9LL Springfield, PA 19064 (Behind the Olive Garden on Baltimore Pike in Springfield. lower level suite with Mercy Cardiology) WINTER 2015/2016 DELAWARE COUNTY REGIONAL NEWS
INTERESTED IN TRYING OUT NETWORKING OPPORTUNITIES? New! PROMO CODES are available for Future Members for many of our networking events. Contact the Chamber for more information on a complimentary admission promo code. JAN 7 NEW YEAR MEMBER ORIENTATION 8:30 AM – 10 AM
Learn how to maximize the benefits of your Chamber investment. The meeting is open to new and existing members alike. Expect to get new ideas, discuss how to get the most out of your Membership, plus meet and network with other Chamber Members. Delaware County Chamber of Commerce,1001 Baltimore Pike Ste. 9LL, Springfield, PA 19064 JAN 13 USING LINKEDIN TO FIND TALENT TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
Expand your reach far beyond your personal network and search from the widest, most qualified talent pool of over 332M+ members. With the click of a button, stay up-to-date on the activities of soughtafter candidates so you are ready to reach out when they’re ready for a job change. Presented by the Delaware County Human Resources Association (DCHRA), this seminar is open to Chamber Members at DCHRA Member rates. All events will be submitted for HRCI Accreditation. Springfield Country Club, 400 W. Sproul Rd., Springfield, PA 19064 JAN 14 ANNUAL NONPROFIT MEET & GREET 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Nonprofit community members meet and are introduced to the annual schedule of nonprofit programming at this networking event. Greet like-minded colleagues over breakfast with us, exchange business cards and provide feedback on future programs. Information about the Chamber's Nonprofit of the Year award will also be provided. Delaware County Chamber of Commerce,1001 Baltimore Pike Ste. 9LL, Springfield, PA 19064 JAN 21 BUSINESS AFTER HOURS: LITTLE ANTHONY'S 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Come mix and mingle with fellow members in the heart of downtown Media on State Street at Little Anthony's. Enjoy authentic Italian pizza with homemade dough, made daily onsite and gluten free pizza's available upon request. Pizza has to be done right, Little Anthony's prides itself on using top quality ingredients. Dine in, pick up or have it delivered! Little Anthony's, 8 W. State St., Media, PA 19063 JAN 27 WOMEN IN BUSINESS: HOLY CHILD ACADEMY & HUNTINGTON LEARNING CENTER 12 PM – 1:30 PM
Network over lunch and expand your professional circle through an opportunity to meet and connect with other businesswomen and entrepreneurs during your lunch hour. Holy Child Academy, 475 Shadeland Ave., Drexel Hill, PA 19026 JAN 28 CHAMBER BOWL 2016 12 PM – 1:30 PM
Spend this afternoon team building with co-workers and fellow Chamber Members! Attendees enjoy 2 games of bowling, shoe rental, lunch, beer, t-shirt and a goody bag. Only 22 teams/110 bowlers and this event will be sold out! Sproul Lanes, 745 S. Sproul Rd., Springfield, PA 19064 FEB 4 COFFEE CONNECTIONS AT NEUMANN UNIVERSITY 8:00 AM – 10:00 AM
Jump start a productive day – on your way into the office! Members and colleagues, build new business relationships over breakfast in a face-to-face setting during Coffee Connections, at Neumann University. Neumann University, One Neumann Dr., Aston, PA 19014 MAR 8 KEY ELEMENTS OF A WORKFORCE PLAN FOR COMPANY GROWTH 5:30 PM – 7.:30 PM
Wawa, a national chain of convenience stores with more than 21,000 employees, has incorporated predictive technology and methodology into its workforce planning and analytics processes to advance the ways in which it leverages human capital data. Through Wawa’s insights and learning, you’ll gain practical advice on how to get started, potential hot topics to address, and advice on how to put the results into action to drive decisions and positive outcomes. Presented by Marc Maiolino SPHR, SWP - Wawa, Inc. Llanerch Country Club, 950 West Chester Pike, Havertown, PA 19083 MAR 10 BUSINESS AFTER HOURS: ANIMAL WELLNESS CENTER 5:00 PM – 7.:00 PM
Members and colleagues are invited to network on the way home from the office with Doctor Rose and her staff. Learn more about the latest trends in caring for your pets. Enjoy camaraderie with other local business professionals while dining on light fare as you tour the facility and become acquainted with the Animal Wellness Center. Animal Wellness Center, 286 Wilmington - West Chester Pike, Chadds Ford, PA 19317
Register to attend these events and other business boosting opportunities at 18
STRONGER By Jeff Bauman and Jeff Witter Published by Grand Central Publishing
REVIEW BY KATHLEEN LOUDON, MLIS, Reference Librarian at the Haverford Township Free Library
Jeff Bauman’s life changed forever when his legs were tragically blown off in the Boston Marathon bombing on April 15, 2013. He went from being an average 27-year-old who was watching his girlfriend run the race, to a renowned inspiration all over the world, as he became the cover image of the person who lost his legs in this horrific event.
In Stronger, Bauman showed tremendous courage, strength, and determination in his recovery and physical rehabilitation in his challenge to walk again with prosthetic legs. Kirkus Reviews stated this book was “A moving demonstration of how strength of mind and character helped one man stand tall despite the loss of his legs.” Bauman’s clear frame of mind was impressive during his recovery in acting as the key witness leading the country’s investigation in successfully finding the terrorists who committed this nonsensical attack. Books similar to this one include Long Mile Home by Scott Helman and I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai.
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