Harrisburg Regional News Winter, 2015

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E V E N T S •

2 FEATURE 4 COVER Innovation in the Region –

WELCOME Considerations from David Black



Sheraton Harrisburg/Hershey

WebPageFX & The TechCelerator @ Carlisle by CREDC DEVELOPMENT NEWS 7 ECONOMIC Renovations at TechCelerator –

CREDC Renovates 6,000 Square Feet to Accommodate Expansion of Emerging Growth Company


19 BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Keystone Technical Institute APRIL..

8 FOCUS 10 LEGISLATIVE A Year in Review:

CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF REGIONAL EXCELLENCE Congratulations to Our 2014 Catalyst Award Recipients!

1 2015 ANNUAL DINNER Hershey Lodge 16 BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Tanner Furniture

Advocating for You and Your Business SPOTLIGHT 11 REGIONAL The Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex:

Mooo-re Than Just Milkshakes STRIDES 12 MAKING Members in The News 13 WELCOME New Members



Automotive Dealers Then & Now

ON THE COVER The first 2015 issue of HRN highlights innovation in the region, featuring our own TechCelerator @ Carlisle by CREDC with examples of current startups and successful graduates of the Carlisle incubator, including WebpageFX. Plus, 2014 Catalyst Award recipients are honored and celebrated. Pictured from left to right: David Butcher, WCI Butcher, LP; Linda Goldstein, Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC; William Craig, WebpageFX, Inc.; Commissioner George Hartwick, Dauphin County; Mayor Eric Papenfuse, City of Harrisburg; Alex Hartzler, WCI Butcher, LP; Karie Craig, WebpageFX, Inc.; Representative Patty Kim, PA House of Representatives; Senator Robert Teplitz, PA Senate

Save-the-Date! 2015 HARRISBURG REGIONAL ECONOMIC FORECAST FEBRUARY 12, 2015 7:30 a.m. Sheraton Harrisburg/Hershey

BECOME A CHAMBER & CREDC MEMBER TODAY! If you are interested in membership with the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC, please call us at 717.232.4099 or visit us at www.HarrisburgRegionalChamber.org.

Chamber & CREDC members, check your emails regularly for changes or additions


Building Your Business...and Our Region


www.facebook.com/harrisburgregionalchamber @hrccredc www.linkedin.com/company/harrisburg-regional-chamber-&-credc

to the above. For more information or to register for these and other events, contact us at 717-232-4099 or visit www.HarrisburgRegionalChamber.org.








“If not for the Chamber & CREDC, then who?” The Harrisburg Regional Chamber & was the question raised. The question restated CREDC does. as a statement, which was embraced by a room Since 1883, the Harrisburg Board of Trade, of nodding heads of business men and women which today is the Harrisburg Regional Chamrepresenting a cross section of the business ber & CREDC, has carried forward the ideas, community in Cumberland, Dauphin and Perry initiatives and thoughts of the regional busiCounties. It happened in September 2014. ness community independently and collectively Who answers the phone when businesses with other organizations and individuals. outside the region are looking to locate here? We are not the only voice, nor always the Who talked with reporters from business and best voice, but we are certainly not a timid financial publications from around the globe voice. We are a voice that carries respect during Harrisburg’s near bankruptcy experiand credibility. ence, explaining the issue, For over 100 years the Chamber & CREDC the exit strategy and our bright future? Who reflects has been here for the Harrisburg Region’s business community, the collective voices of busiadapting to change, adapting to needs and adapting nesses in our region? Who services to meet the needs of the times. works on business challenges including the availability of a qualified, The Harrisburg Regional Chamber & talented workforce? Who advances diversity CREDC has been and continues to be a trustand inclusion from a business perspective in ed source in the region for information on all the Harrisburg region? Who represents Harristhings business related from the impact of govburg in national and statewide organizations, ernment to grants/low interest loans to startup presenting our region’s attitudes and perspecbusinesses and everything in between. In these tives? Who speaks on behalf of the regional days of “I read it on the internet, so it must business community to our Congressional Delbe/may be true,” isn’t it nice as a business to egation, the General Assembly and local have a credible source to find answers or be governments with issues and concerns facing referred to someone who can likely find a perus? Who collaborates and participates in coalison that you can talk to? For over 100 years the tions to improve our state, our region and our Chamber & CREDC has been here for the Harcommunities? Who coordinates, refers, and risburg Region’s business community, adapting packages state and federal assistance for busito change, adapting to needs and adapting servnesses large and small? Who attempts to weave ices to meet the needs of the times. the vision of a group of strong opinioned busiHRN magazine is one of those changes. ness leaders and other regional stakeholders HRN magazine is a source you can count on into one that is broad and focuses on a better to bring business news and views to the readfuture for our region and our children? er, to celebrate business accomplishments of our friends and neighbors, and to bring readers insight on where our regional economy is headed. As we start our third year of publication, we thank you for your continued support S D ! in making HRN a first class publication for a first class organization, with one mission LEGISLATORS’ FORUM II – focused on growing the economy of our region. PA SENATE If not for the Chamber & CREDC, then who? FEBRUARY 26, 2015

ave-the- ate

7:30 a.m.

Distributed by

Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC 3211 N. Front Street, Suite 201, Harrisburg, PA 17110-1342 717-232-4099 Fax: 717-232-5184 www.HarrisburgRegionalChamber.org Christine Brindle, Editor, Harrisburg Regional News 717-213-5048 / cbrindle@hbgrc.org David E. Black, President & CEO Kurt Twiford, Chair of the Board, Chamber Sharon Ryan, Chair of the Board, CREDC

The mission of the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC is to be a catalyst for policy change, for job creation and for business growth in Cumberland, Dauphin and Perry Counties that enhances the quality of life in our region. ______________________________________________________________________________

For advertising opportunities in Harrisburg Regional News, contact Frankie Clayton, Sales Manager 717-213-5043 frankie.clayton@atlantic4us.com ______________________________________________________________________________

Produced & Published by

Atlantic Communications Group, Inc. 800-832-3747 Fax: 800-599-6420 www.atlantic4us.com / www.KnowThisPlace.com Proud to be a member of the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC Hayden M. Wilbur, CEO Gretchen Lindberg, Art Director Stephan Vegoe, Writer/Photographer Frankie Clayton, Advertising Sales ©2015 Atlantic Communications Group, Inc. and Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC, all rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any format or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo copying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher. The information in this publication has been gathered and carefully compiled to ensure maximum accuracy. However, because completeness cannot be guaranteed, Harrisburg Chamber & CREDC and Atlantic Communications Group, Inc. cannot accept responsibility for omissions and errors. ISSN 1530-4051 / Winter 2015 / Volume 22 / Issue 63

Scan with your tablet or smartphone to visit www.HarrisburgRegionalChamber.org

Hilton Harrisburg




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INNOVATION IN THE REGION by: Stephan Vegoe, Writer/Photographer, Atlantic Communications Group, Inc.

Bill and Karie Craig, co-owners of WebpageFX

WebpageFX A Tech Startup Success Story s you enter the former Moffitt mansion along Harrisburg’s Front Street (at 1705 Front Street), now freshly renovated as the new home of WebpageFX, the internet technology company that was named 2013 Pennsylvania Tech Company of the Year, the first thing you’ll notice in the foyer is the large screen HDTV that updates visitors on the key statistics that make WebpageFX so successful. You’ll learn, for instance, that WebpageFX has an 89% retention ratio with its clients – the industry average is just 58%. The next thing you’ll notice as you move through the spacious mansion property is three floors of modern office space – filled with desks and large screen monitors and dozens of well-educated and highly trained young men and women (drawn from colleges and universities within about a 200-mile circle of Harrisburg) who spend their days and nights working on internet marketing solutions – “to help your business grow online leads, calls and revenue” – for a rapidly growing portfolio of companies. After Bill and Karie Craig, co-owners of WebpageFX, graduated from Shippensburg University, they took the small business that Bill had started in his dorm room in 1996 – a tech startup specializing in search engine




optimization (SEO) – and slowly started to grow the business from their home. Believing they had developed an idea that would help their soon-to-be-clients discover that the “web can be more than a web page,” Bill and Karie Craig worked on developing the business plan for WebpageFX while working full-time for other companies and governmental agencies. “By 2004,” Bill said, “we were earning enough from WebpageFX to concentrate solely on our tech startup. Thanks to Linda Goldstein at the Chamber & CREDC, we learned about the Chamber & CREDC’s Murata Incubator, which we were invited to move into in 2006. We started small, with perhaps 250 square feet of office space, just Karie and me, and then hired our first two employees.” “Thanks to the flexibility of the Murata incubator, as we added clients and hired and

trained more staff we were able to expand our work space in the Murata incubator,” Bill Craig said. “When we moved into the incubator, Karie and I had a vision, a five-year plan, for how we wanted to grow this internet business. We really saw our future as an eight to ten employee firm with perhaps 200 clients,” Bill said, “but we missed that goal by quite a large margin.” In 2013, as they were soon approaching the date when they needed to “graduate” from the Chamber & CREDC incubator, Bill and Karie started to work with a real estate developer. Together, the Craigs and their developer partner found the Moffitt mansion on Front Street, with a special view of the Susquehanna River, not far from the Capitol and downtown Harrisburg, and with a large parking lot, which was a must because they now had fifty employees and more than 500 clients. Webpage FX moved into the newly-renovated FX mansion in 2014 with fifty people on the team, and now, just six months after relocating, they have grown to sixty employees and 560 clients, with a goal of adding one new client per week. “There’s still plenty of room at the FX mansion to add staff, mostly Millennials,” Bill Craig said, “who were able to stay in Pennsylvania after graduating from college, and they like living and working in and around downtown Harrisburg.” “We would not have grown this fast, nor been this successful if we had started somewhere other than the Carlisle incubator,” Bill Craig said.

WebpageFX has 60 employees located at the newlyrenovated mansion on Front Street in Harrisburg


TechCelerator @ Carlisle BY CREDC Creating Opportunities

On June 9, 2014, Z-Band Inc. celebrated the opening of its subsidiary, Z-Band IP Systems Inc. located in the TechCelerator

ebpageFX is just one of many examples of tech startups that began as one or two person ideas in the Chamber & CREDC incubator in Carlisle, now formally known as the TechCelerator @ Carlisle by CREDC. Some successful startups, like Pest Patrol and BitLeap, grew to the point where they were acquired by larger companies. Others, like ASI and Z-Band, graduated from the incubator and are operating successfully in the Carlisle area. Another success story is Tex Visions, a leading manufacturer of Bowflag® wholesale advertising flags, banners, tradeshow displays, flagpoles, display hardware, and other promotional materials. Tex Visions built a 60,000 square foot manufacturing facility/distribution center in Middlesex Township in Cumberland County to house its 55 employee workforce. The Chamber & CREDC incubator in Carlisle started when Murata Electronics North America donated their shuttered, quartz crystal manufacturing facility to the Chamber & CREDC in 1997. Thanks to great support from the Cumberland County Commissioners and


the Cumberland County Redevelopment Authority, the 38,000 square foot Murata building was successfully converted – through demolition, renovation and new construction – into the region’s first business incubator. It began operations in 1998.

to the incubator’s clients. That’s also when the facility became the TechCelerator @ Carlisle by CREDC. With the graduation of two of the more successful startups in 2014 – Tex Visions and Webpage FX – which had occupied a majority of the incubator’s space, the TechCelerator transitioned back to a true tech startup incubator; making space available and working with individual entrepreneurs with ideas and vision. Once again, the TechCelerator is home to small startups that are working with Ben Franklin’s advisory staff, Pam Martin, Dick Heddleson, and Ross Gibson. Stephen Brawley, president of Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Central and Northern Pennsylvania is based in State College with an office in Harrisburg (and lives in the Harrisburg region). Ben Franklin Technology Partners

OTHER RESOURCES Life Sciences Greenhouse of Central Pennsylvania (LSGPA) is a biotechnology initiative based in Harrisburg. It specializes in the advancement of life sciences through technology to improve the healthcare and enhanced economic opportunity of Pennsylvanians. The LSGPA partners with a range of institutions, including local research universities, colleges, medical centers, economic development agencies and companies both small and large, to identify needs and opportunities. The organization then works to help transfer technologies, to develop new companies, to provide support for existing companies (particularly those seeking to expand or relocate), and to ensure that the infrastructure necessary to support a thriving life sciences industry keeps pace with development. “We’ve been members for over ten years and have found that talented staff, excellent programming and creative financial tools combine, year after year, to make the Chamber & CREDC a key player in this region’s business community. We have partnered with the Chamber & CREDC on the Hershey Center for Applied Research, leading to the development of the region’s first research park centered on the sciences.” Mel Billingsley, President and CEO

In 2010, the Chamber & CREDC contracted with Ben Franklin Technology Partners to provide guidance, programs, and inspiration

(BFTP) with four regional operations in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is one of the nation’s longest-running technology-based economic development programs. For more than 32 years, BFTP has provided both early-stage and established companies with funding, business and technical expertise and access to a network of innovative, expert resources. Stephen Brawley said, “Our region of central and northern Pennsylvania stretches from Lancaster and York counties bordering Maryland, through Harrisburg, State College and stretches to northwestern region of Erie. It’s a large territory, but there are lots of people in Continued on page 6




COVER FEATURE Continued from page 5

this region who are developing lots of creative ideas in manufacturing, technology, science, medicine and health care. Our goal at BFTP is to work with tech startups that want to stay and innovate in Pennsylvania – to help them be successful, grow and create jobs as well as wealth here in Pennsylvania.” Stephen Brawley further commented, “The companies that we are looking to help need four things to be successful – capital, talent, know how and space to operate. Our incubator provides a place where tech startups can affordably operate their businesses and also find knowledge and resources to help them make a go or no go decision about their business ideas. Our staff is there to nurture, educate and mentor; to help them get market validation for their ideas and to help them generate revenue.”


Stephen Brawley, President of Ben Franklin Technology Partners of Central and Northern Pennsylvania

Graduations or Mergers since 2000: PestPatrol, BitLeap, ASI, Z-Band, Tex Visions, WorkXpress, Maximus Solar, Keller Law, Sustainable Community Development Company, Markant and WebpageFX

2013-14 TechCelerator Boot Camp graduates that have successfully established companies in the region: Molly Pitcher Brewery and Key Legal Video

A total of 47 graduate companies currently operate in the Harrisburg region.

Current Tenants: CruzStar Synergy Home Care CRIMEWATCH™ Technologies Vispronet 717 Studios Z-Band Video Z-Band IP



Ephyra Meridian Business Systems Inbound Marketing YYCS Return Logic GoGreenIT Unified Solutions

OTHER RESOURCES The Hershey Center for Applied Research (HCAR) is a state-of-the-art research park, adjacent to Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center and College of Medicine that offers unique facilities for domestic and foreign based high technology companies. HCAR is serving the widespread needs of its residents/tenants by providing access to world-class research resources offered by its anchor academic medical institution, as well as its partner academic institutions – Penn State University and Harrisburg University – across a multitude of disciplines. HCAR provides access to a community of business services that escalate growth, including human capital, investment capital and technical assistance. “The value of membership with the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC is priceless. Through our membership we have gained access to critical grant funding, educational programming, and networking with other local businesses – all which helps the Hershey Center for Applied Research grow and thrive.” Caitlin Orr, Project Coordinator

In addition to providing affordable work space for tech startups in the Capital Region, BFTP offers a TechCelerator Boot Camp for individuals who have a startup idea but have not done much about moving that idea forward. Boot Camp asks participants to invest eight to ten weeks of their time, once or twice per week. “What we are doing with our Boot Camps,” Brawley said, “is trying to increase our number of at bats” – to produce more success stories like WebpageFX and Tex Visions. We hope that after Boot Camp the process of starting a company is no longer so formidable. At the end of Boot Camp an entrepreneur will better understand if his/her tech startup idea has merit; if it can make any money.” Chamber & CREDC president Dave Black commented on their partnership with Steve Brawley’s organization, “The Chamber & CREDC have worked very closely with Ben Franklin Technology Partners over the years on a number of projects including the Hershey Center for Applied Research and the Innovation Transfer Network. Pam Martin served on the Advisory Board for the Incubator from almost the beginning, so when our last director left we talked with Steve and Pam about a collaboration. We do pay BFTP for their services, but we believe they can provide guidance, assistance, perspective and resources to TechCelerator clients that are far beyond what any one individual could. I think Steve Brawley would agree, this has been a win-win solution for both the Chamber & CREDC and BFTP.” One of the graduates of the TechCelerator Boot Camp program is Matt Bloom, whose startup company, CRIMEWATCH Technologies, is currently a client at the TechCelerator. Matt Bloom said, “I went through the TechCelerator Boot Camp in the fall of 2011 and was invited to become a client in January 2012. Pam Martin, Dick Heddleson, and Ross Gibson offered decades of experience. Their

mentoring on creating, building, and successfully developing my business was invaluable.” Now, just two years after becoming a client, Matt Bloom’s startup company, CRIMEWATCH Technologies, appears to be a successful venture with exciting growth potential. Matt and his four full-time employees have created a national information sharing and intelligence gathering network; a public engagement tool that allows local law enforcement to share vital information with the residents of their communities. In early 2014, Peter Sobotta decided to start his second company here in the Capital Region. One of his advisors suggested Peter call Pam Martin, executive director of the TechCelerator @ Carlisle by CREDC. Peter moved into the incubator space in April 2014. “My new business, Return Logic, was started based on what I learned from my first company, which bought used computers, refurbished them and then resold them. In the process of operating my first business, I learned about the retail industry’s biggest challenge –dealing with and managing returned merchandise. After a year of researching the problems associated with returned merchandise, I am in the process of creating and building a company that will offer retailers, manufacturers, and distributors solutions to their returned merchandise problems.” Peter and Matt both commented that the best resource available to them at the TechCelerator @ Carlisle by CREDC is the knowledge that comes with the facility. They both said, “We have access to knowledge every day – from the staff and from the other entrepreneurs who are here in the building. Here at the incubator we are surrounded by entrepreneurs we can talk to and share resources. We have really started to build a community here in this amazing building.”



Renovations at TechCelerator CREDC Renovates 6,000 Square Feet to Accommodate Expansion of Emerging Growth Company By: Linda Goldstein, COO of the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC ronmental risks to the core brand. Peter Sobotta, the founder of Return Logic, wanted to open his new company at the TechCelerator but needed an appropriate space for his new innovative company. CREDC believed in the mission and business model of Return Logic and decided to totally renovate the desired space. Through a grant from the Commonwealth’s Department of Community & Economic Development, the 6000 SF space was completely renovated. The project included asbestos remediation, as well as full demolition and follow-up remodeling of the existing space.

A vital component of CREDC’s mission is a commitment to entrepreneurial development in the region. During 2014, CREDC renovated 6,000 square feet (SF) of traditional manufacturing space at the TechCelerator to provide a home for an emerging growth company that wanted to move into the facility. Return Logic expressed an interest in the manufacturing space of the building that was once occupied by SE Moulding and more recently by Tex Visions until they moved into their new 60,000 SF facility. Return Logic is a centralized consumer returns solution for eCommerce retailers. The company offers a comprehensive reverse logistic solution to retailers of consumer electronics. The solution improves the customer experience and value recovery, while mitigating legal and envi-

A vital component of CREDC’s mission is a commitment to entrepreneurial development in the region. CREDC has expanded its services at the TechCelerator by contracting with the Ben Franklin Technology Partners to provide programs to existing clients of the TechCelerator as well as prospective clients.

The TechCelerator @ Carlisle by CREDC program provides: n

Designated workspace in a shared environment


On-site, one-on-one business mentors

n n n



Some financial assistance may be available for start-ups such as legal and accounting Marketing research capabilities Weekly group sessions on business start-up topics: Who’s Your Customer, Finance 101, Basic Sales/ Marketing Principles Presentations from former incubator tenants and graduates of the Ben Franklin Program on topics such as: Best Practices, Mistakes Made, Lessons Learned Use of standard incubator offerings such as conference rooms, Internet connectivity, copy/fax machines and the library/ resource center

If you are interested in the TechCelerator program or touring the facility in Carlisle, call Pam Martin at 717-249-2356.





to our 2014 Catalyst Award Recipients! Celebrating 100 Years of Regional Excellence The Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC welcomed over 400 of the region’s business and community leaders at the 2014 Catalyst Awards held at the Whitaker Center for Science & the Arts on Thursday, December 4th. As the Chamber marked its 100th anniversary, several distinguished individuals and businesses were honored. Congratulations to this year’s recipients:



Michael Brenner of Brenner Family of Dealerships, Jeannine Peterson of Hamilton Health Center and Joseph Alsberry of South Central Workforce Investment Board

Athena Award winners demonstrate excellence, creativity, and initiative in their business or profession, provide valuable service by devoting time and energy to improve the quality of life for others in the community and assist women in reaching their full leadership potential.


Sharon Ryan, 2015 CREDC Board Chair and Maria Thiaw of Central Penn College



Business Diversity Champions are individuals or companies who work in their community or organization to promote the cause of diversity and inclusion. They have shown exemplary leadership in ensuring that all individuals are included, represented and served. In addition, these individuals have supported or pioneered existing projects or programs involving diversity or inclusion.

STUART MALINA, MUSIC DIRECTOR OF THE HARRISBURG SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA The most prestigious award given by the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC is the Catalyst Award. Catalyst Award recipients are individuals or organizations whose leadership, business or governmental activities and community service have best exemplified the Chamber & CREDC's goal of being a Catalyst for our region in making it a better place to live, work and play. It is a special recognition for an individual or organization who has made a difference over the past year, or perhaps over a lifetime of service to the region. "I'm honored and flattered to receive the Chamber & CREDC's Catalyst Award,” stated Stuart Malina. “It is deeply gratifying to me that the area's business community understands the value of the arts and what our vibrant and healthy arts sector adds to the Harrisburg region. It has been a privilege and pleasure to lead the Harrisburg Symphony for the past fifteen years, and I'm extremely proud of the central role we continue to play in the Capital region's cultural life."





PATRICIA VANCE, PENNSYLVANIA SENATE The President’s Award recognizes the recipient’s outstanding personal commitment to civic engagement.

The Chamber Champion award is given to an individual who actively serves on the Chamber Champions Committee. Members of the Chamber Champions Committee serve as a liaison between Chamber & CREDC and its new and existing member businesses as a means to strengthen member services and to increase volunteer participation.

CORPORATE CITIZEN OF THE YEAR AWARD SUSQUEHANNA BANK The Corporate Citizen of the Year Award is given to a company who has demonstrated strong values in corporate social responsibility in our region. Nominees of this award were evaluated on the following criteria: commitment to advancement of society, legal/ethical compliance, community outreach, social involvement in community and measured results.

ENTREPRENEUR OF THE YEAR AWARD JENNIFER DELAYE, PRESIDENT & CEO OF THE JDK GROUP The Entrepreneur of the Year Award is given to an individual who has assumed the financial risk of starting and operating a business venture, and carries the connotation of being creative, self-motivated and visionary.

“It is an honor to be recognized by such a fine organization. I always find it unusual, but flattering, to receive an award for a job I love and enjoy,” stated Senator Vance.

Senator Patricia Vance and William Stout of Gannett Fleming, Inc.


Representatives from Boyer & Ritter – 2014 Small Business of the Year


Barry Dively of Hilton Harrisburg and Jennifer Delaye of The JDK Group


Kurt Twiford, 2015 Chamber Board Chair and Barry Schoch, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation

The Government Leader of the Year award is chosen by the Chamber Executive Committee with recommendation by the Chamber & CREDC’s government relations staff. It is awarded to an outstanding government official or an organization focused on government relations who has contributed to the betterment of our region and has shown exceptional leadership in government over the past year.


Small Business of the Year Award recipients have demonstrated staying power, workplace innovation, commitment to community and attainment of goals.

David Black of the Chamber & CREDC, Laetitia Nulton and Jim Nulton

The Volunteer of the Year award is chosen by the Chamber & CREDC staff. This individual has shown their support of the organization by serving on boards and/or committees and attends events on a regular basis. They have dedicated their time and energy to ensure the success of the organization.

WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT LEADER OF THE YEAR AWARD JOSEPH ALSBERRY, DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF SOUTH CENTRAL WORKFORCE INVESTMENT BOARD The Workforce Development Leader award is given to an individual whose leadership has made a significant contribution to workforce development initiatives in our region.

Bub Manning, 2014 Chamber Board Chair and Joseph Alsberry of South Central Workforce Investment Board





By: Larissa Bailey, Government Relations Manager, Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC As part of its mission, the Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC is dedicated to being a catalyst for policy change. We are one of a few local chambers across the Commonwealth that has a full-time government relations professional dedicated to advocating for or against issues that affect its members, as well as the general business community. Each year, the Chamber & CREDC sets its list of Legislative Priorities, which are drafted and passed by the Government Relations Committee. The list receives its ultimate seal of approval from the Chamber Board of Directors. The Chamber & CREDC’s Legislative Priorities provides Government Relations Manager Larissa Bailey and President & CEO David Black with the ability to advocate on these issues throughout the course of the year. The Chamber & CREDC’s 2014 Legislative Priorities can be found on the organization’s website under the Advocacy/Legislation page.



In regards to the Chamber & CREDC’s advocacy efforts, 2013-2014 was a very busy and successful legislative year. Most notably, the Chamber & CREDC worked tirelessly to help ensure a comprehensive, multi-modal transportation funding bill was passed in Pennsylvania. Act 89 invests an additional $2.4 billion to provide for the safe and efficient mobility of products, services, and people in order to grow the economy, increase regional and Pennsylvania competitiveness, and create jobs. The Chamber & CREDC will continue to monitor and advocate for the Act 89 funds to be awarded to regional projects over the coming months and years.

THE CHAMBER & CREDC’S 2014 Legislative Priorities can be found on the organization’s website under the Advocacy/Legislation page. Though legislation has not yet been passed, the Chamber & CREDC also advocated for reform to the state’s pension system, and in addition, supported municipal pension reform as a member of the Coalition for Sustainable Communities. The Coalition, a grassroots organization that helps communities address growing economic and financial challenges, was also a driving force behind the introduction of SB 1111 sponsored by Senator John Eichelberger (R-30) that address the shortcomings of the binding arbitration law, Act 111. The Chamber & CREDC is hopeful these items will be revisited by the General Assembly during the 2015-2016 legislative session. As an economic development corporation, the Chamber & CREDC also supported Act 161, originally introduced as HB 1550 sponsored by Representative Duane Milne (R-167). The law consolidates Pennsylvania business financing programs into the Pennsylvania Industrial Development Authority (PIDA), creating a streamlined process for businesses by improving connections with state business financing opportunities to access the capital needed for competitive growth. The Chamber & CREDC voiced its concerns on a number of various federal issues as well, including sensible reforms to the nation’s immigration system and the Biggert-Waters Act of 2012 that dramatically increased flood insurance premiums. Advocating for federal transportation funding was and continues to be another one of the Chamber & CREDC’s top priorities. Lastly, it is important to highlight the Chamber & CREDC’s Regional Business Advocacy Day in Washington, DC. This annual trip provides members with the opportunity to travel to our nation’s capital and interact with federal lawmakers on issues affecting them and their businesses. There is often more value in lawmakers hearing directly from their constituents rather than from associations. Though much was accomplished over the past legislative session, much unfinished business remains. The Chamber & CREDC looks forward to advocating for you and your business in the year ahead!



THE PENNSYLVANIA FARM SHOW COMPLEX: MOOO-RE THAN JUST MILKSHAKES Each year, the Pennsylvania Farm Show Complex holds more than 200 events. Boasting nearly one million square feet of indoor floor space, the venue can accommodate the needs of a small meeting to significantly large trade fairs and showcases.

THE PENNSYLVANIA FARM SHOW COMPLEX Boasting nearly one million square feet of indoor floor space, the venue can accommodate the needs of a small meeting to significantly large trade fairs and showcases.

included the opportunity to witness butter sculpting, view several cooking demonstrations and wine competitions, along with experiencing unique fair food such as maple cotton candy, potato donuts, trout chowder, tortilla crusted tilapia, pork nachos, “schroomies”, whoopee pies, apple cider floats and honey dumplings. To learn more about and for a complete listing of the complex’s events, please visit www.farmshow.state.pa.us.

Home to the Professional Arena Soccer Team, the Harrisburg Heat, the complex also hosts the Pennsylvania Auto Show, The Great American Outdoor Show, Horse World Expo, the Pennsylvania Home Show, the Pennsylvania Flavor Food and Beer Fest and the Pennsylvania Farmer’s Open Air Market. This year the largest indoor agricultural exposition in the nation, yes – the NATION, the “Farm Show”, celebrated its 99th year. The event featured nearly 6,000 animals, 10,000 competitive exhibits and 300 commercial exhibits. In addition to the ever-popular Farm Show milkshake, traditional animal displays and competitions, the eight-day event schedule

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Corey Troutman Partner

Harrisburg Office 830 Sir Thomas Court, Suite 100 Harrisburg, PA 17109 Phone 717.561.9200 Fax 717.561.9202





MEMBERS IN THE NEWS BROWN SCHULTZ SHERIDAN & FRITZ (BSSF) won the 2014 Outstanding Marketing Initiative Award at the Leading Edge Alliance (LEA) Global Conference in Montreal, Canada. The award recognized the research and launch of the BSSF Blog - Keeping you Checked + Balanced. It is the fourth LEA Award that BSSF has received. Hugh Aberman, board president, CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA YOUTH BALLET, announced that Nicholas Ade has been named the ballet school’s CEO. Ade, 38, joined CPYB in 2012 as school principal and has been serving as interim executive director since August 2014. As CEO, Ade is committed to continuing CPYB founder Marcia Dale Weary’s vision that all children have the opportunity to access classical ballet training and the immeasurable values ballet training imparts. GUNN-MOWERY, LLC announced the addition of Heather Hall as Director of Surety. Ms. Hall will join the Gunn-Mowery team, based in Lemoyne, to help leverage GunnMowery’s surety capabilities. Heather Hall comes to Gunn-Mowery with 15 years’ commercial banking experience, most recently as Vice President of Commercial Banking at Susquehanna Bank, in charge of all commercial lending in the Capital Region. She has been responsible for all aspects of commercial banking relationships, including all lending and cash management needs. Her expertise includes credit analysis, risk management, profitability analysis, and budgeting. Ms. Hall graduated from Shippensburg University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration. Her financial knowledge and experi-

Save-the-Date! 2015 ANNUAL DINNER APRIL 1, 2015 5:30 p.m. Hershey Lodge



ence make her a very beneficial member of Gunn-Mowery’s surety bond team. The HARRISBURG REGIONAL CHAMBER & CREDC (CHAMBER & CREDC) recently announced that Justin Roth has joined the organization as Marketing Specialist. Justin is a 2014 graduate of Lebanon Valley College and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Digital Communications, with a concentration in Design, and a secondary major in Art & Art History, with a concentration in Studio Art - Photography. Justin has been with the organization since May 2014, first hired as the Graphic Design Intern then promoted to Marketing Specialist in November 2014. As Marketing Specialist, Justin is responsible for designing and producing both print and electronic marketing materials to enhance the Chamber & CREDC’s communication with membership and to the community at large. The Harrisburg Regional Chamber & CREDC (Chamber & CREDC) announced that KESSLER’S INCORPORATED closed on a $65,400 Enterprise Zone Loan through the Capital Region Economic Development Corporation (CREDC). Kessler’s was originally founded in 1916 as the Genther Bologna Company by George Anthony Kessler in Easton, PA. In 1929 the company made its way to the current location on Hummel Avenue in Lemoyne, Cumberland County, PA. The company has remained under family ownership and management for nearly 100 years and is recognized as one of the top 200 meat processors in the United States. LA TORRE COMMUNICATIONS announced the firm earned a trio of prestigious awards for public relations excellence from the Central Pennsylvania chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA). A full-service public relations and public affairs firm based in Harrisburg, La Torre devises communications strategies that help make a difference for nonprofit organizations, associations, and companies both big and small. La Torre Communications received “Best Media Relations/Media Launch” for its work on Valley Forge Casino Resort’s “Points to Miles” campaign. The campaign

also received the “Judges Award” for achieving maximum results with a minimum budget. In addition, the firm won an honorable mention for its public affairs work with the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States. MID PENN BANK, recognized earlier this year as one of the “Top 200

Community Banks” in the country by American Banker magazine, has also been named a recipient of the Pennsylvania Association of Community Bankers’ “Grow Your Community Award” in the category of community leadership. The bank was selected for the award based on its “Millionaire for a Day” program facilitated in late 2013 through early 2014. MURRAY ASSOCIATES ARCHITECTS was selected as the Business of the

ceremony was held in conjunction with the 2014 Minority Enterprise Development Week in Baltimore. The Top 100 MBE Awards program is the mid-Atlantic's only regional awards program that honors outstanding women and minority business owners in Maryland, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the District of Columbia. The program received nearly 4,000 nominations this year. Central Pennsylvania-based RLS CONSTRUCTION GROUP completed a tenant fit out for 7,000 square feet of commercial space to accommodate their office staff. The newly updated areas, at 3 Crossgates Drive in Mechanicsburg, will house the Pre-Construction, Project Management, Safety, Accounting, Human Resources, and Business Development/Marketing staff. “The move was necessary because of our phenomenal growth over the past year,” said Robert L. Schopfer, President and CEO of RLS Construction Group. “Our staff has doubled in size, to 40 employees, and we needed to provide a work environment where they could thrive.”

Year in the 1-50 Employee category by the Central Penn Business Journal. The firm was selected due to their commitment to their employees and outstanding contribution to the Central PA Business Community. Benedict Dubbs, firm Principal, attended November’s Gala. “This is quite an honor to be recognized this way. Mike Frye and I have tried to maintain the Murray commitment to the region, which began in 1935. We are a family at Murray Associates and we care about our employees in addition to our Community.”

SACUNAS, one of the mid-Atlantic region’s premier B2B marketing and branding agencies, announced the hiring of Amy Smith as an Account Manager. Smith comes to Sacunas specializing in brand management, where over the course of her career at renowned luxury brand Manolo Blahnik USA in New York, she successfully directed and realigned the established brand by identifying areas of growth and pro-actively leveraging assets in both business-to-business and businessto-consumer capacities. As an Account Manager for Sacunas, Smith will oversee the day-to-day communications efforts for a number of agency accounts and provide guidance for clients in the areas of branding, research, public relations, marketing and social media.

NTM ENGINEERING, INC.’S President Donna Newell was nominated and awarded a 2014 Top 100 Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Mid-Atlantic Region Award by the Top 100 MBEs program that honors minority and women entrepreneurs. Donna accepted the 2014 Top 100 MBE award at the October 23, 2014, awards ceremony at the War Memorial Building in Baltimore, Maryland. The awards

York County-based WAGMAN CONSTRUCTION, INC. announced that Ted Miller achieved the designation of a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional (LEED® AP) Building Design and Construction (BD+C) by the United States Green Building Council. The designation demonstrates technical competence with regard to green building practices and principles, as well as LEED® requirements, resources and processes.


NEW MEMBERS Ability Options, Inc.

Media Solutions

717-461-5613 www.abilityoptions.com We assist clients and caregivers to MAXIMIZE INDEPENDENCE, SAFETY, AND QUALITY OF LIFE for individuals with medical and mobility needs.

717-910-2929 www.mediamadeeasy.com A production company located in Central Pennsylvania offering services including audio and video recording, web development, design, animation, editing and post-production.

Academic Wealth Strategies 717-916-1555 Wealth management solutions.

Alternative HR

Merry Maids 717-620-8788 www.merrymaids.com Home cleaning service.

Noodles & Co.

717-855-5589 www.alternative-hr.com Alternative HR is a human resource consulting/ outsourcing organization that provides small business owners with an affordable alternative to hiring a full time HR professional.

717-651-7780 www.noodles.com Noodles & Company offers the world’s favorite noodle dishes, sandwiches, salads and soups, all in one restaurant.

American National

Pansalus Consulting, LLC

717-823-2144 www.anpac.com American National is a family of companies that offers insurance products and financial services.

877-726-7251 www.pansalus.com A team of experts that guide organizations to improve health and productivity of employees.

Capital Area Intermediate Unit #15

Pennsylvania CASA Association

717-732-8400 www.caiu.org The CAIU is a regional educational service agency that serves Cumberland, Dauphin, Perry, and Northern York Counties in south central PA.

717-961-9222 www.pacasa.org Programs that recruit, screen, train and support citizen volunteers to become Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASAs).

Current Shipping Corporation

Purple Deck Media, Inc.

717-938-2061 www.currentshipping.com Current Shipping provides a single source of logistics solutions and transportation management for manufacturers and distribution companies to move their product on a Global level.

717-884-9529 www.purpledeck.com We provide the tools you need to better your business through mobile marketing.

Diversified Service OptionsNovitas Solutions 267-251-0634 www.dsocorp.com Created in 1998 to address the enterprise-wide, long-term government business strategies Locally administrates Medicaid.

Hand & Stone Massage & Facial Spa 717-651-1133 www.handandstone.com Hand & Stone offers a luxurious massage and facial spa experience at affordable, accessible prices.

Faulkner Family of Dealerships Mechanicsburg 717-590-5210 www.tobesure.com The Faulkner Family now includes Cadillac, Fiat, Dodge, Ram, Subaru, Volkswagen and Maserati will be joining us soon.

Flagger Force 717-482-8801 www.flaggerforce.com Flagger Force is an industry-leading traffic control company with more than 1,300 safetydriven traffic control experts serving the Mid-Atlantic Region: PA, MD, DE, NJ and VA.

Harrisburg School District 717-703-4000 www.hbgsd.k12.pa.us The Public School District serving the residents of Harrisburg City.

Heritage-Crystal Clean 717-986-1961 www.crystal-clean.com Our services include parts, cleaners, management of drum waste, bulk used automotive oils and vacuum truck.

Jewish Family Service of Greater Harrisburg

Road Hawg Barbeque Catering 717-884-1029 Competition quality barbecue for your catered event. Slow smoked brisket, pork, ribs and homemade side.

South Central Pennsylvania Sickle Cell Council 717-234-3358 www.scpascc.org We provide support to people affected by this life threatening, painful disease, through advocacy, public awareness, intervention, support groups, programs/services, special events, and education.

Staffmanagement | SMX 717-254-0251 www.staffmanagement.com The staffing agency for local Amazon distribution warehouses.

Temple University Harrisburg 717-232-6400 www.temple.edu/harrisburg Temple Harrisburg offers a variety of graduate degree programs, certificate-programs, and professional development opportunities and is located in Downtown Harrisburg.

The Manor at Oakridge 717-540-1895 www.themanoratoakridge.com A full service retirement home located in Harrisburg.

United Merchant Processing Association 717-832-0730 www.umpa-us.com Accept payment anywhere, anytime. UMPA is your one-stop merchant shop. We have your solution.

Volunteers of America of Pennsylvania

717-233-1681 www.jfsofhbg.org Jewish Family Service of Greater Harrisburg, Inc. is a multi-social service agency for children, adults and families specializing in senior services, counseling and adoption.

717-236-1440 www.voapa.org Volunteers of America of Pennsylvania is one of the state's oldest, most diversified and most effective charities.

KIT Communications

Western Pest Services

717-507-1755 www.KIT-Communications.com Installs Business Communication Systems: Network Cabling, WiFi, Paging, Internet/Phone Service, Door Access, and CCTV.

717-209-0452 www.westernpest.com We're a pest control organization that offers a wide variety of services to help protect your home and your company.

Master Networks

717-439-4871 www.woodmontind.com W.I.P. invests, develops, builds, markets, and manages a growing portfolio of strategically located port/intermodal industrial properties in the Eastern United States.

www.masternetworks.com Business networking group to increase business through word of mouth referrals.

Woodmont Industrial Partners




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