Statement From Our Founder, David Kelley This report serves as a roundup of our recent gains— our capital gains, our intellectual gains, and the evergrowing impact of our creative content and programs. But I am even more proud to tell you about a new initiative. Thanks to your support and Jennifer Grossman’s leadership, we have the staff and funds for a major expansion of our philosophical work. We have recruited a team of in-house scholars, who devote time to a set of new programs offered weekly and monthly both to young people and lifelong learners. The faculty meets monthly to discuss each others’ work, brainstorm new initiatives, and debate ideas. While we agree on the fundamental principles of Objectivism, I find it refreshing that our scholars occasionally diverge on applications, and bring different perspectives on politics and other issues. Open Objectivism in action! The growth of our intellectual leadership team is impressive, and it demonstrates that The Atlas Society is on the move—our organization and community are more vibrant than ever before. We have never been more stocked with talent; and with more talent come more programs, publications, seminars, and overall expertise. I’m grateful to all of you who have been with us since the beginning, and to those of you who recently have joined our ranks. I’m looking forward to the future that we are creating together.
Annual Report