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Attila Beksac
Beksac was born in Prizren, ex-Yugoslavia [ modern Kosovo ]. After finishing High School he won "Ali Kuscu Applied Sciences Scholarship" in Turkey as a top student amongst Kosovan applicants. He is graduated from "Architectural Conservation" Associate Degree Program in Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul [2009-11], Yildiz Technical University Architecture Undergraduate/Bachelor Program, Istanbul [2011-15], Istanbul Bilgi University History, Theory and Criticism in Architecture Master Program [2015-17] in Istanbul with both titles high-honored and top-degree student. He has finished his master thesis "Nation-building and Making Spaces of Counterpublics in Kosovo" under the advisory of Architectural historian Prof. Dr. Ugur Tanyeli in August 2017. He has been in Italy w/Eramus+ Student Exchange Program at Universita Studi Degli di Sassari Architettura ad Alghero between 2012-13 educational year.