att.JAPAN Issue 55

Page 1 Spring/2011 ISSUE.


Osaka 大阪

Ibaraki 茨城

Yokohama Short Trip 橫濱小旅行 Kofu Yumura Onsen 甲府湯村溫泉

The Anime Scene in Japan 日本卡通動畫情景 일본 애니메이션 현장

att. Restaurant Guide

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Ryokan and hotels across Japan 11.3.28 4:58:36 PM

The Standard for Career Change in Japan

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A global network linking 6 domestic branches and offices in 7 countries. Tokyo / Yokohama / Nagoya / Kyoto / Osaka / Kobe / UK / Singapore / Malaysia / Thailand / Indonesia / China JAC Recruitment Co., Ltd. Head Office: 14F Jinbocho Mitsui Building, 1-105 Kanda Jinbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051 Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare License Number: 13- ユ -010227

11.3.28 4:58:36 PM





16 17 18 22 26 26 29 31 36



Hiroshi Takizawa Yukiyoshi Matsuda


Writers & Translators John Bowler Jonti Davies Frances Ford Mimi Hayakawa Shuntaro Tanita Tsuyoshi Takata (efeel)

參觀工場 in 橫濱

Art Director

Katsurako Sakata

Director, Sales & Marketing Ryoko Fukushima


Kazuko Karasawa


Tel: +81-3-5368-4781 Fax: +81-3-5368-4782 E-mail: URL:

att. Hot Springs 溫泉 att. Recipe att. Restaurant Guide Ryokan and hotels Tourist Information Giveaways Railway Maps att. Maps BukuBukuHour Acknowledgments

Special thanks to Bank of Japan, Tokyo Metro Co., Ltd., Narita International Airpor t Corporation, Japan National Tourism Organization, Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau, Kyoto City Tourism Association, Kobe Convention & Visitors Association, Ibaraki Prefecture, Chelsea Japan Co., Ltd.

Finex Co., Ltd.

E-mail: URL: Tel: +81-3-5368-4781 Fax: +81-3-5368-4782 Daiichi-Manju Bldg. 4F, 8 Sanei-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, Japan 160-0008

att. Recipe

Yoko Hara

広告掲載のお申込み / お問合せ att.JAPAN の設置 / 定期購読

All rights reserved

株式会社ファイネックス 広報企画部・流通企画部 Tel: 03-5368-4781 Fax: 03-5368-4782 URL: E-mail:

Cover: above / Waterbus (Osaka) bottom / A work by He SiYun The Instant Ramen Museum (Osaka Prefecture)

All information contained in this magazine is as of February 2011, and is subject to change without notice. att. JAPAN Spring 2011 / ISSUE.55 / For a single issue of our magazine, please send ¥200 (Postage Included)

att. Restaurants


Travel through time aboard TX from futuristic Akihabara to Asakusa where the charm of Edo lives on.



att. Hot Springs

att. Maps


Tourist Information

乘坐 TX" 筑波快車 " 時空之旅 - 由擁有未來 性的秋葉原到江戶的魅力還活著的淺草。


Ryokan & hotels


04 Osaka and Surrounding Areas 14 Ibaraki ★ Anime Special 20 Yokohama Factory Tours for Visitors


Nobuhiko Kuwahara

king tries. obe / hina


, Ltd. ocho, 0051 0227

淺 草 Visit Our Website at

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att. JAPAN


11.3.28 4:58:38 PM




and surrounding areas

in M



Keihan K eihan M Main ain Line Kyobashi



kai Shio ashi

mib e


Trade Center-mae Nanko Port Town Line

Yotsubash i Line






jo Line


Tsurumiryokuchi Line

Osaka Namba

JR Namba

Tanimachi Line

e uo Lin

Shinsaibashi Matchamachi Nagahori





Kintetsu Osaka Line

ka Kan



Osaka Castle Chuo Line Morinomiya

JR Osa


Midosuji Line


Cosmo Square



Nankai M Hankai Tram ain Line Hankai Lineway Sakaisuji Line


Osaka Aquariun Kaiyukan



Noda Nakanoshima Yodoyabashi aka e Os in JR njo L Senn Nakanoshima ic Ka Lin himae e



Universal City

Hankyu Line JR Osaka


b am

L ain

in N


ume JR Y

Universal Studios Japan®

o aid Tok JR Line Line ai Toz JR

nsh Ha

nsh Ha

Central Osaka

Kintetsu Minami-Osaka Line JR Ma Kansa i JR Hanwa n Line i Line

Mt. Hiei



Lake Biwa


saka is located on the coastal side of the Kansai region. Following the completion of Osaka Castle in the 16th century, the infrastructure of the city began to be developed including river projects and the construction of many moats. The mid-Edo era began the flourishing of the city as the center of economy and trade for merchants. Major tourist spots, historical sites, and the downtown area are concentrated in the Kita and Minami areas of Osaka. Recently, there are many new hot spots in Osaka. This spring, why not take a trip to the ‘new’ Osaka.

Kita (Osaka Station, Umeda Station and the surrounding area) In the Kita area, a transportation hub including JR Osaka Station and the Umeda stations of Hankyu railway, Hanshin railway, and subway lines, there are many big department stores such as Hankyu, Hanshin, and Daimaru. There are also many electrical appliance stores and fashion boutiques in this area. The web of underground shopping malls is convenient in all weather. JR Osaka Station is in the process of being redeveloped. Above the platform of Osaka Station is a huge dome-shaped structure measuring 180 meters from east to west and 100 meters from north to south. This will be Osaka’s latest new hot spot and will include JR Osaka

Tokaido Shinkanse

Keih a

Kyoto Line

Line achi

ne i Li nsa Ka

JR e



JR W ak a yam

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Min Kinte ami tsu -Osa ka L ine

JR Sakurai



Kansai International Airport

Lin oya k ai K


Osaka Bay

Rinku Town


Nara Kintetsu Kashihara Line

Kobe Airport

JR Sakurai Line


Kintetsu Nara Line Kintetsu Ikoma Line

Osaka/Umeda Osaka Castle Nakanoshima Sannomiya Disaster Reduction and Minami Senba Human Renovation Institution Namba Tennoji





e obe Lin nkyu K

JR Nara


Osaka International Airport Sanyo Shinkansen

kyu e Han uka Lin raz Taka

Mt. Rokko


The Instant Ramen Museum

Arima Onsen



ain L




Kyot o



Useful discount tickets


KANSAI THRU PASS (Surutto Kansai): a transportation pass that can be used for subways, busses, and private railways in the Kansai area and includes discounts on admission fees for major tourist facilities. JR-WEST RAIL PASS: a rail pass for travel in Western Japan within the Kansai area encompassing Kyoto, Osaka and Kobe.

Surutto Kansai:地下鐵、市營巴士、私鐵等等交通機關 JR西日本鐵路周遊券(JR-WEST RAIL PASS): 關西(京阪神)地區可使用。

從東京到大阪 羽田機場→伊丹/關西機場: 1小時 東京車站→JR東海道新幹線→新大阪車站: 最快2小時25分

By Air: Haneda Air Port -> Itami / Kansai Airport: 1 h By JR Tokaido Shinkansen (bullet train): Tokyo Station -> Shin-Osaka Station: 2 h 25min (Based on the

高速巴士: 7小時30分~8小時30分

travel time of the fastest Shinkansen train, as of February 2011)



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Transportation from Tokyo to Osaka

By Highway bus: 7 h 30 min to 8 h 30 min

Ferris wheel o


shino Li

u Yo Kintets

For more maps: P35~P38 Osaka City Central Public Hall

att. JAPAN Spring/2011

11.3.28 4:58:43 PM

Mitsukoshi Isetan department store and Lucua shopping mall. Acty Osaka, on the south side of the station, will be renamed South Gate Building. And the floor space of Daimaru department store will be 60% greater. Pokemon Center Osaka, an official store of the popular video game Pokemon, recently opened. In December 2010, Maruzen & Junkudo Umeda bookstore opened in the large commercial complex Chaska Chayamachi, designed by architect Tadao Ando, and is one of the largest bookstores in Japan with 2 million books for sale. From the Floating Garden at the top of Umeda Sky Building, there is a beautiful city view of Osaka. And you can ride on the large red Ferris wheel at Hep Five, another major commercial and entertainment complex.

Nakanoshima Looking around this area you can see that Osaka truly is a city of waterways. Dotted around this area you will find The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka, The National Museum of Art, Osaka, historic buildings and bridges built during the mid-19th to the mid-20th century, art galleries and antique shops. The roses in the rose garden of the Nakanoshima Park are magnificent. In Nakanoshima Banks, the Nakanoshima design museum “de sign de >” will open in April 2011.


位城,進行整備城市的基盤,整治河川與開鑿河溝。 於日本關西地區的大阪。於16世紀隨著興建大阪

江戶時代中期,為經濟與商業中心,作為商人之城逐漸 繁榮興盛。主要觀光設施、史蹟與繁榮街道大都聚集在 北部與南部。這樣的大阪逐漸出現備受矚目的景點!今 年春天一起去探訪全新的大阪吧!

Osaka Castle

Osaka Castle Osaka Castle was constructed in 1583 by the feudal lord Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The current and third generation castle keep was built in 1931. The view of the cherry blossoms from a waterbus is beautiful.

Minami Senba / Horie The Minami Senba and Horie areas, formerly crowded with textile retailers and furniture stores, has become one of the hottest areas for young people to gather. There are many stylish shops with select goods, cafes, hair salons, and places to find original Osaka brands. In the Horie area, there are also shops that deal with imported interior goods and other, smaller products.

北部(大阪車站/梅田車站附近) 以JR大阪車站為中心,阪急、阪神、地下鐵各線梅田車 站聚集的北部地區裡,有阪急百貨、阪神百貨、大丸等 等百貨公司、家電賣場、流行服飾大廈林立。地底下還 有網狀般的地下街密佈。 JR大阪車站目前再開發中。車站月台上設置東西長約 180公尺、南北長約100公尺的圓頂建築,圓頂所覆蓋的 寬廣空間可能成為大阪的新景點。「JR大阪三越伊勢 丹」百貨與「Lucua」專門店新開幕之外 、車站南側的 ACTY大阪也將更名為South Gate Building,大丸百貨 賣場面積增加1.6倍。熱門遊戲神奇寶貝專賣店「神奇寶 貝中心大阪店」也開幕了。 2010年12月安藤忠雄設計的大型複合設施Chaska茶 屋町裡,有丸善&淳久堂(書店)梅田店開幕,是日本最 大型的賣場面積,有200萬本在庫。梅田空中大廈的空 中庭園可眺望美麗的景色。流行時尚大廈『Hep Five』 有火紅的摩天輪。 中之島 象徵水之都大阪的景色蔓延。有大阪市立東洋陶磁美術 館、國立國際美術館等博物館,明治至昭和初期興建的 懷舊建築與橋,也有藝廊與骨董店分布。中之島公園的 玫瑰園裡有漂亮的玫瑰。中之島大橋區裡中之島設計博 物館「de sign de >」於2011年4月預定開幕。 大阪城 大阪城於1583年由豊臣秀吉所建。現在的天守閣第三 代,於1931年興建。從水上巴士眺望的櫻花也很美麗。 南船場/堀江 自古就有纖維批貨商與家具店林立的南船場/堀江地 區,現在也是年輕人注意的流行發源地。沉穩氣氛的商 店與咖啡廳、髮型沙龍林立,也能發現大阪才有的獨家 品牌。堀江有許多販賣進口室內設計與雜貨的店舖。


Floating Garden (Umeda Sky Building)

Ferris wheel of Hep Five

Tenjinbashi 天神橋 A 3-minute ride on JR Kanjo line railway, one stop from Osaka Station, gets you to Tenma Station. From the station, Japan’s longest shopping street, Tenjinbashi-suji, extends north to south with a line-up of about 600 shops selling all kinds goods for ordinary Osakans. In the 1-chome district of this street is the venerable Osaka Tenmangu Shrine and a rakugo (Japanese traditional story telling performance art) theater. In the 6-chome district of this street are game centers and drug stores. In the square just south of JR Tenma Station, there is a fresh produce market, from which restaurants and bars purchase fresh food at reasonable prices


The Museum of Oriental Ceramics, Osaka

Mido-suji Street

and thus can offer lower-price meals than in the Umeda area. In the 5-chome and surrounding area, there are many sushi bars with excellent sushi starting at 100 yen per piece. 從大阪車站搭乘JR環狀線,一站約3分鐘車程可達天 滿車站。天神橋筋商街是以這裡為中心,南北長為2.6 公里,約有600間店舖林立的日本最長的商店街。從有 歷史淵源的大阪天滿宮神社、相聲劇場的1丁目,乃至遊 樂場與藥妝店林立的6丁目,大阪平民所有需的店舖俱 全。JR天滿車站最近南邊是果菜市場,可以從這裡便 宜進貨,所以比起梅田等地,有相當多便宜的餐飲店。5 丁目周邊有許多一個100日圓起的道地壽司店等等。

More Ryokan Information at

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11.3.28 4:58:47 PM

OSAKA Minami

The area that goes from Shinsaibashi to Dotonbori and around Namba is called the Minami area. The gourmet street Dotonbori and food alley Hozenji-yokocho Street both have excellent food shops and cafes. Kuromonichiba market has about 160 shops that sell fresh foods and groceries. Sennichimae-doguya-suji Street is especially known for the shops for professional chefs or food experts to buy cooking tools and other kitchen items. Daimaru Shinsaibashi department store faces the lovely tree-lined Mido-suji Street and sells almost anything you might need. The stately Namba building houses Takashimaya, a department store known worldwide for its excellent selection of goods. The commercial complex

Namba Parks

Namba Parks, directly connected to Nankai Namba train station, is one of the most exciting places in Osaka for shopping and eating. The Nipponbashi district, a.k.a. Nipponbashi DenDen Town, just east of Namba Station, has the largest number of electronics stores and shops selling anime character goods in the Kansai region. Recently, the number of maid cafes has been increasing. Mt. Koya, a world heritage site, is about 90 minutes away by express train from Nankai Namba Station. Also, the old city of Nara, another world heritage and with various other cultural assets, is just 40 minutes from Kintetsu Osaka Namba Station. When you visit Osaka, take advantage and visit the other great places to see in the Kansai region.

Tennoji / Shinsekai Tennoji has train terminals for subways, the JR line and the Kintetsu railway. In the center of this area is Tsutenkaku tower, surrounded by a zoo, a botanical garden and art museums. The area is being gentrified into a fashionable place to go. In the spring of 2014, construction of Abenobashi Terminal Building Tower (a tentative name) above Kintetsu Osaka Abenobashi Station will be completed and will be one of the biggest department stores in Japan. In the Shinsekai area, there is a playhouse for Japanese theatrical performances, kushikatsu (Japanesestyle deep-fried kebob) restaurants, Jan-janyokocho Street, and Kizu Market, a major food store for Osakans.

Sennichimae-doguya-suji Street

Nankai Namba Station

Hozenji-yokocho Street



Nipponbashi Den-Den Town

Jan-jan-yokocho Street


Kuromon Market

Tennoji Zoo

Matchamachi 松屋町 Matchamachi is known as the town of toys. In this district, there used to be many different toy manufacturers and wholesalers. But, as time has passed, they have been replaced by shops dealing with traditional seasonal Japanese toys such as hina dolls for Girls’ Day from February to March, gogatsu ningyo (armor and samurai dolls) for Boys’ Day from March to May, fireworks from June to August, and Christmas decorations from October to December. Just walking around this district and looking at the shops’ displays is fun. On the south of Nagahori-dori Street is Karahori Shotengai Street, extending eastward. This is a small alley but has such a 6

att55.indd 6

Tsutenkaku Tower

variety of shops that it is worth checking out. On the back streets, there are old pre-WWII wooden houses that had escaped damage and make great photo subjects. 以玩具之城聞名的松屋町,原本是玩具批貨商聚集的 地區,現在一點一滴逐漸改變,最近販賣日本傳統玩具 的商店相當受到矚目。2~3月是女兒人形娃娃、3~5月 是五月娃娃、6~8月是煙火、10~12月是聖誕節禮物, 以不分國籍的主題來展示的商店非常多,光是邊走邊 看就很好玩。長堀通最近的南邊,與東邊相連的空堀商 店街雖然規模不大,卻有變化豐富的商店,適合逛街購 物。另外進入巷內還有戰後留下的古早木造建築等等, 非常適合拍照。

att. JAPAN Spring/2011

11.3.28 4:58:51 PM

Bay Area Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan is the place to see a Rhincodon typus, the world’s largest fish, and sea otters. Last year the aquarium celebrated its 20th anniversary of opening. As part of the plan to enhance its exhibits, a special exhibition of “Chiisana Umi no Ikimonotachi, Kawaii! Collection” (Collection of small sea creatures – How cute!) will open on March 9. At Tenpozan Market Place, there is a good shopping facility and also the sightseeing boat Santa Maria that tours around Osaka Bay departs from the dock there. Many cosplay fans gather at the Asia & Pacific Trade Center (ATC) commercial complex in the Nanko Cosmo Square district on weekends. Universal Studios Japan® is a theme park

where everyone from children to adults can enjoy world class entertainment including exciting rides themed after Hollywood blockbuster films with performances by popular characters. Various events will be held under the latest theme, entitled the “Happy Surprises on the Greatest Scale in History of the Park,” to celebrate its 10th anniversary, starting March 3, 2011, and continuing until April 8, 2012. To commemorate the 10th anniversary, they will open with a special called “Dreams are Universal” and will continue with a cooling summer event, an exciting Halloween event in September, and a Christmas event starting in November. At the Universal Citywalk Osaka™ attraction near Universal Studios Japan® there are unique shops in an American-style town.

Tenpozan Market Place

Nanko Cosmo Square


Santa Maria


南部 從心齋橋至道頓堀、難波總稱為南部地區。美食街的道 頓堀、美味名店擁擠的法善寺橫丁。約160間食品店林 立的黑門市場。料理高手愛用的千日前道具屋街。面向 御堂街是各種商品俱全的大丸心齋橋店。難波風格的 百貨店高島屋也能享受購物樂趣。南海難波車站直接 連結的複合式設施是「難波Parks」。在大阪地區中,難 波也是充滿活力能量,讓您享用購物與美食的地方。關 西最大的電器街與動畫相關禮品、模型等等俱全的日本 橋電電街也與難波車站東邊相連。也有很多女僕咖啡 在開業。 從南海難波車站搭乘特快車約90分鐘可達世界遺產 高野山。從近鐵大阪難波車站搭特快車前往文化財產 分佈的世界遺產古都奈良約40分鐘左右。我們一起以 大阪為起點前往關西各地旅遊吧! 天王寺/新世界 天王寺是地下鐵、JR、近鐵等等的鐵路起點終站。以 通天閣的中心,聚集動物園、植物園與美術館等等。正 朝流行時尚的街上再開發中,2014年春天近鐵大阪阿 部野橋車站上預定完成「阿部野橋車站大廈塔館(暫 訂)」。將成為日本最頂級的百貨公司。新世界則有舞台 劇場、炸串、Janjan橫丁(南陽通商店街)。支援大阪飲 食的是木津市場。 港灣地區 海遊館讓您見識世界最大的魚―鯨鮫與海獺。去年歡 度開館20週年慶,為了更能充分展示,從3月9日起特別 企劃展「大集合! 微小的海底生物真可愛!」開跑囉! 還有,天保山購物商場能讓您享受購物樂趣。環繞大 阪港的觀光船桑達瑪利亞也是從這裡出港。 南港宇宙廣場地區ATC週末就會聚集角色扮裝迷。 日本環球影城®是以好萊塢的超大電影巨作為主題, 有讓人興奮的遊樂設施與熱門角色表演秀等等,集結 小孩到大人都能歡樂的世界級休閒娛樂的主題樂園。 2011年3月3日起至2012年4月8日的開園10週年慶將以 樂園史上最大、最棒的歡樂驚喜為主題,舉辦各種活 動。點綴10週年慶序幕的是特別娛樂秀「夢想在環球」。 夏天是最酷的夏天,9月是緊張刺激的萬聖節,11月起是 紀念10週年慶的聖誕節等等,讓人目不暇接的行程一羅 筐。 Universal Citywalk大阪™,充滿美國風格的街道裡 有獨特的商店,是日本環球影城®前的設施。

© 2011 Peanuts Worldwide LLC © 2011 Sesame Workshop. © ’76, ’11 SANRIO APPROVAL NO. EJ0112401™ & © 2011 MGM. All Rights Reserved. TM & © 2011 Marvel. ™ & © Walter Lantz Productions, LLC.© & ® Universal Studios. All rights reserved.

Fukushima 福島 Fukushima is a casual area, just 20 minutes on foot from the Osaka or Umeda area. On the south side of Route 2, there are many old historic wooden houses, a drastic change from the busy streets of Umeda with its many high rise buildings. Recently, new restaurants, cafes and stylish shops have opened one after another in these remodeled old houses. There are Italian restaurants, Spanish tapa bars, okonomiyaki restaurants, yakitori bars, Korean nabe (one-pot dishes cooked at the table) restaurants, and others of many genres. The space under the elevated railway tracks of JR line is jam-packed with unique drinking bars and restaurants that spe-

cialize in seafood, vegetables, and even bio wine (natural wine) at reasonable prices. A little further north is Fukushima Shoten-dori Shopping Street, also full of shops and restaurants. Here, all kinds of food, from fast food to luxurious foodstuffs, are available. 福島是從大阪、梅田步行不超過20分鐘的休閒都市。 國道2號線南側是古早的木造民房林立,與梅田的高樓 大廈截然不同。最近改建這些民房的餐飲店與雜貨店 突然增加。有義大利餐廳、西班牙酒吧、御好燒店、燒 烤雞肉店與韓式火鍋店等等,種類豐富。另外,JR高架 下有竭力提供海鮮、蔬菜、有機葡萄酒等等的獨特居酒 屋,而且以低價提供菜色。北側最近的福島聖天通商店 街,也有各種店舖與餐飲店林立。從速食店乃至高級料 理店,是都能滿足您各種美食需求的地區。

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11.3.28 4:58:56 PM

OSAKA Rinku Town

Kansai International Airport is the gateway to the Kansai region with many airplanes flying to and arriving from various countries. At the airport shops, you will find souvenirs such as local sweets, cosmetics, and convenience goods. Foreign top brand products at duty-free shops and specialties from various regions of Japan are also available. Before departing Japan, shopping at the airport is your last chance to get great souvenirs and those things you wish you had bought while sightseeing. Access to various sightseeing spots from the airport is very convenient. Not only are there trains and busses but also a high-speed ferry to Kobe. Various discount tickets that allow unlimited ride on trains or other public transportation are available if you are planning to tour around the Kansai region. Rinku Town, a commercial development area near Kansai International Airport, includes Rinku Gate Tower Building with a hotel and restaurants and Rinku Premium Outlets®, an outlet shopping center with about 150 shops specializing in top brand products. There is a shuttle bus service (100 yen) from the airport to the shopping center. A special spring sale will be held from March 18 to 27 and a great chance to find good items at great prices. Another sale

is held in June. Please check their website for details. ( Aeon Mall Rinku Sen-nan houses Aeon super market and about 170 other retail shops.

The Instant Ramen Museum Instant Ramen noodles were invented in Osaka in 1958 by Momofuku Ando, the founder of Nissin Foods. The workshop “My Cup Noodle Factory” is very popular because you can make your own original cup of Cup Noodle with noodles, soup, and your choice of toppings. Reservations are not required. (Cost: 300 yen per cup. Instructions are given in Japanese. The operation may be shut down before closing time if there are too many visitors to service. It’s best to get there early on weekends, holidays, and other busy days.)

Food Speaking of tasty Osaka cuisine, okonomiyaki (thin and flat pancake cooked on a hot plate with bits of meat, seafood and chopped cabbages), takoyaki (octopus dumplings), and other dishes using wheat are in general called “konamono.” Tecchiri (blowfish pot), kitsune udon (noodles with fried tofu), and kushikatsu (skewered cutlets) are also delicious.

臨空城 關西國際機場是關西地區的進出口,許多國家的航班升 降。機場商店裡有點心、化粧品、雜貨等簡單的日本特 產俱全之外,免稅店也有販賣國外知名品牌、日本各地 名產品,讓您享受回國前最後的購物樂趣。 另外,從機場到各觀光地區交通完善,不只有鐵路、 巴士,還有開往神戶的高速遊覽船。想要輕鬆周遊關西 各地,推薦使用鐵路等等無限搭乘票最划算。 位於機場對岸的是臨空城。有飯店與餐廳進駐的 「臨空迎賓塔大廈」、約150家知名名牌店聚集的過季 特價購物中心「Rinku Premium Outlets®」。也可從關 西國際機場搭乘接駁車(單趟100日幣)快樂購物。3 月18~27日有舉辦春季特賣,也是便宜採購的絕佳 機會。6月也有預定特賣,詳情請上網確認。(www. 泉南也有Aeon與專門店170間「Aeon購物商場臨空 泉南」。 泡麵發明紀念館 1958年日清食品創業者安藤百福在大阪發明第一碗泡 麵。最熱門的是泡麵工廠,可以用自己設計的杯子加上 任選的湯與配料,做成一杯世界獨有的杯麵。(不需預 約。一份300日圓。日文說明。人多的情況杯子可能提早 賣光)

美食 說到大阪就是御好燒與章魚燒等等的麵粉類小吃最 名。河豚火鍋、豆皮烏龍麵、炸串也要吃看看喔!


Kansai International Airport


Kitsune Udon

The Instant Ramen Museum

Kohama/Sumiyoshi Taisha 粉濱/住吉大社

Sumiyoshi Taisha Shrine is a major shrine in Osaka and said to be beneficial for success in 8

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Rinku Premium Outlets®

business as well as success in romance, beauty and health, and entertainment and art activities. Many women visit this shrine to receive these beneficial powers. On Taian (auspicious) days, having a traditional Japanese style wedding there is very popular for couples. It is said that, if you pass through the torii gate located on the east side of Nankai Sumiyoshi Taisha Station and cross the Taiko Bridge that leads to the main hall of the shrine, you will be freed of evil spirits. On the opposite side of the station from Sumiyoshi Taisha, the western side of the station, is Kohama Shotengai shopping street where you can catch a glimpse of the daily life of an average Osakan. There are about 120 shops including ones selling vegetables



and fruit, meat, tofu (soybean curd) and other goods full of local shoppers. This area has many casual eating and drinking places. Area guides are available at the station in English, Korean or Chinese so tourists from many places will enjoy walking around the area. 代表大阪的神社住吉大社不只是祈求生意興隆,還有助 桃花、美容技藝,深受年輕女性青睞。也有很多情侶在大 吉之日舉行日本傳統的結婚儀式。通過南海住吉大社車 站東側的鳥居,朝著正殿的塗紅太鼓橋,據說過橋可驅 邪。夾著大社與車站,西側是可窺伺大阪平民生活的粉 濱商店街。果菜店、肉店、豆腐店等等生活相關的120家 店舖林立,當地居民人來人往十分熱鬧。周邊下城的餐 飲店也很完善。不妨一手拿著設置於車站的英文、韓文 與大陸簡體中文的簡介,享受街道漫步的樂趣吧!

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Excursions in Kansai




he Kansai region, ten prefectures including Osaka, Kyoto and Hyogo, is located in the near middle of the Japanese archipelago. This region was home of the capital of Japan (in, at different times, Osaka, Nara and Kyoto) for more than 1,000 years from ancient times and the region has flourished as a center of politics, economy and culture. Many cultural properties remain in Kansai with about 60 percent of the national treasures and five world heritage sites. Noh, Bunraku and Kabuki, the three major theatrical art forms, and the typical Japanese traditional cultures of tea ceremony and ikebana (flower arrangement) originated in Kansai. The region is also rich with modern cityscapes, pop culture, beautiful nature, and gourmet restaurants. Getting there is easy and convenient because the sightseeing areas in the Kansai region are close and public transportation is extensive. Take a little side trip to some of the other interesting areas in Kansai from Osaka!


大阪、奈良、京都等都設為首都,是政治經濟化中心相 當繁榮興盛。留傳至今的文化財產數量很多,國寶約有 六成是位於關西,也有5件登錄為世界文化遺產。 另外,作為日本三大古典藝術能樂、文樂、歌舞伎、代 表日本傳統文化的茶道與插花等等發源地,也相當有 名。也能享受近代化都市景觀與大眾文化等的現代產 物、美麗的大自然、美食。 關西的各地區到哪都方便,交通網相當發達,移動也 很便利。從大阪延伸到關西地區走走吧! 京都 京都自8世紀末設為首都以來持續千年以上。貴族們的 王朝文化打下日本式美意識基礎,以代表神社佛寺的

KANSAI 許多歷史建築與庭園、繪畫、傳統儀式等等的形式留傳 至今。春天是櫻花,秋天是紅葉景點,非常熱門。 3月底至4月初京都正是賞櫻季節。洛東的圓山公園與 祇園白川、鴨川、哲學之道、平安神宮、洛西的仁和寺與 嵐山等等人氣景點,因賞花的人潮而熱鬧非凡。打燈的 夜櫻也非常美麗。 神戶 神戶港務是日本三大美港之一,以耗資1000萬美元的日 本三大夜景浪漫街道而聞名。神戶很早以前就設港,所 以國際色彩特別豐富。在漂亮街道上悠閒漫步,從神戶 牛肉等等道地料理乃至菓子點心店、麵包店,滿街都能 邂逅各種美食。最為人知的神戶頂級牛肉,甜美在嘴中 漫延,口齒留香難以忘懷的好滋味。 號稱日本最古老歷史的有馬溫泉,從大阪與梅田搭電 車或巴士60分鐘可達,觀光玩樂之後幫您洗淨一身的 疲憊。



Kyoto, the capital for over 1,000 years, was built at the end of the 8th century. The aristocratic culture personified the aesthetic consciousness of the Japanese people and can still be found in many of the historic buildings including shrines and temples, gardens, artworks and traditional festivals. The cherry blossoms in spring and the colorful leaves in autumn attract many tourists. In Kyoto, cherry blossoms are at their best from late March through early April. Maruyama Park, Gion Shirakawa, along the Kamo River, Tetsugaku no Michi (Path of Philosophy), Heian Jingu Shrine in eastern Kyoto, Ninnaji Temple and Arashiyama in western Kyoto, and other popular viewing places are crowded with visitors viewing the lovely cherry blossoms. Illuminated cherry blossoms also are a fascinating sight in the evening.

Gion Shirakawa

Kobe Port Heian Jingu Shrine

Kobe Okonomiyaki

Kobe is famous for being a romantic port-town. Kobe Port is one of the three most beautiful ports in Japan and for its so-called “ten-milliondollar night view,” one of the three best night views in Japan. Kobe was open to foreign trade earlier than other places in Japan and the longstanding international feeling remains. As you stroll around the sophisticated town, you will find a variety of gourmet spots from authentic Kobe beef restaurants to sweet shops and bakeries. Kobe beef, known worldwide to be premium beef because of its tenderness, sweetness and lingering taste, will satisfy any gourmet. Kobe has hot springs and Arima Onsen, about 60 minutes by train or bus from Osaka, is the oldest hot spring spa in Japan. Soaking in a hot spring bath is a great way to relieve the fatigue from a hard day of sightseeing.

The Kamo River

Kobe Beef


Arima Onsen

More Ryokan Information at

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11.3.28 4:59:01 PM

Hankyu Kyoto Line Sightseeing Train to Kyoto

Kyo Train

Debuts on March 19, 2011 阪急京都線 京都觀光列車

京 TRAIN 2011.3.19 隆重登場 한큐 교토선 교토 관광 열차

교 트레인 2011년 3월19일 데뷔

Sat, Sun and holidays from March 19 through May 8

Sat, Sun and holidays from May 14

3 月 19 日∼ 5 月 8 日 只限周六 / 日 / 例假日

5 月 14 日∼ 只限周六 / 日 / 例假日

Str are

3월19일~5월8일 토ㆍ일ㆍ공휴일 한정

5월14일~ 토ㆍ일ㆍ공휴일 한정



1 operation daily between Umeda (Osaka) and Arashiyama (Kyoto)

4 operations daily between Umeda (Osaka) and Kawaramachi (Kyoto)

1 天 1 趟來回 前往嵐山(京都)方面

1 天 4 趟來回 前往河原町(京都)方面

1일 1왕복 / 아라시야마(교토) 방면으로 운행

1일 4왕복 / 가와라마치(교토) 방면으로 운행

Departure 去程 가는 편 Depart Umeda

Arrive Arashiyama

Return 回程 오는 편 Depart Arashiyama

Arrive Umeda

Departure 去程 가는 편 Depart Umeda

Arrive Kawaramachi



Return 回程 오는 편 Depart Kawaramachi

Arrive Umeda

Th off sea










우메다 출발

아라시야마 도착

아라시야마 출발

우메다 도착

우메다 출발

가와라마치 도착

가와라마치 출발

우메다 도착























From Umeda to Arashiyama / One-way adult ticket: ¥ 390



嵐山 아라시야마

河原町 가와라마치

運行區間 : 梅田 - 嵐山 / 成人單程 390 日幣


운행구간: 우메다 - 아라시야마 / 어른 편도 390엔

Juso 十三 주우소

Umeda 梅田 우메다 Osaka 大阪 오사카

新幹線 신칸센

Shin-Osaka 新大阪 신오사카


From Umeda to Kawaramachi / One-way adult ticket: ¥ 390

運行區間 : 梅田 - 河原町 / 大人單程 390 日幣 운행구간: 우메다–가와라마치 / 어른 편도 390엔

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A New Level of Enjoyment of Travel The Kyo Train resembles a machiya, or a traditional Kyoto house and is a special train for travelers to Kyoto. The elegant atmosphere of the train will enhance your expectations of Kyoto. Everyone, traveling alone or in a group, will enjoy the trip. Announcements will be in four languages, so travelers from overseas will feel comfortable. Please make yourself at home on the Kyo Train.

更添增了旅途的樂趣 比擬充滿了日本風情的京町家屋所設計的京都觀光列車「京 TRAIN」。 從個人旅客到團體旅遊及從海外前往日本旅遊的旅客,提供四國語言廣播服務等, 因應各種旅行形態的需求的雅緻休閒空間,能滿足大家對旅途的期待。

여행의 즐거움이 더욱 커졌습니다 옛스러운 정서가 넘치는 교마치야(교토의 전통집)를 본딴 교토 관광 열차‘교트레인’. 개인손님은 물론 단체손님들과 해외에서 오신 손님들을 위한 4개 국어 아나운스 방송 등 다양한 여행 패턴을 고려한 우아하고 안락한 공간이 여행의 기대를 만족시켜 드립니다.

Stroll around Gion and feel as if you are an elegant maiko.

After walking along "Tetsugaku no Michi" (Path of Philosophy), take a rest at a cafe.




데쓰가쿠노 미치 산책 후에는

우아하게 기온을 걸어 보면 저절로 마이코 기분




Cafe 咖啡廳 카페

The picturesque scenery of Arashiyama offers a sense of contentment in every season.

카페에서 잠깐 휴식

A stroll through the quiet bamboo grove is healing for the mind and body. 穿過了凜然莊嚴的竹林後,心靈也受到



服悠閒氣息的嵐山名勝 사계절 내내 오시는 분들의 마음을 달래 드리는 아라시야마의 명승지

늠름한 죽림 사이로 걸어가면 마음도 Togetsukyo Bridge

Bamboo Grove



도게쓰쿄 다리

정화되는 느낌


Enjoy Arashiyama and Higashiyama in Kyoto via the Hankyu Railway! 若要周遊嵐山 / 東山請搭乘阪急電鐵 아라시야마ㆍ히가시야마를 만끽할 수 있는 한큐전철

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t 5:46 a.m. on January 17, 1995, a huge 7.3-magnitude earthquake that centered in northern Awaji Island, Hyogo Prefecture, occurred. This Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake caused massive damage to the area around Kobe City and southern Hyogo Prefecture, and shocked people around the whole world as well as in Japan. As a consequence, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake has occupied an important position in Japanese initiatives to prepare for natural disasters. By preserving experiences of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and applying lessons learned from the earthquake for a safer and better future, the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution (DRI) has embraced the goals of cultivating a disaster-awareness culture, mitigating social vulnerability, and developing policies for disaster prevention. You can view exhibits following the indicated course. First, go up to the fourth floor of the West Building. At 1.17 Theater, you will experience the earthquake’s tremendous power and devastation, watching a film that is screened on a large screen using dynamic audiovisual effects (7 minutes). The images in which buildings, houses, highways and other struc-

tures violently trembled and collapsed are very shocking. After going out of the theater, you will enter a reconstruction of the devastated streets of the town right after the earthquake. At the next Great Earthquake Hall, a film including documentary images is screened (15 minutes). The film shows the recovery and reconstruction process of the damaged towns and people’s life, depicting the life and feelings of a girl who lost her sister in the earthquake. Through this film, you will realize how catastrophic the earthquake was and be moved by how people have been helping each other and striving valiantly to recover their lives. The voices are in Japanese but you can use a simultaneous interpretation device for free (Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean are available.) On the third floor, materials related to the earthquake disaster are displayed. A metal sewer cover that is grotesquely bent, a dented helmet, and other materials show the devastation of the disaster. Records of those who experienced the disaster are also displayed. If you want to get more information on the displayed materials, you can use a handy device. Input the number of the displayed material into the device, and you can get detailed explanations by both text and voice (Japanese, English, Chinese and Korean are available). You will also learn about the recovery process through chronology charts, photos and videos. Watching videos of those who experienced the disaster and lis-

tening to personal narratives are also available (only in Japanese). On the second floor, information of natural disasters from the world at large is on display. You can also learn about disaster prevention and disaster mitigation by playing games and watching demonstrations. The demonstration of liquefaction shows the effect of a seismic-enforced structure and is very interesting. Emergency items are on display, so they are helpful to check necessary disaster-related items for your home and family according to the checklist. The East Building’s theme is water. Blessed with water, the Earth is a miracle aquatic planet that gives life to all plants and animals. You can see a film showing the abundance of water and nature of the planet and a documentary footage of storm and flood disasters and damage. There is a library on the fifth floor of the West Building that you can use free of charge. Materials related to the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and disaster prevention are available. Natural disasters can occur anywhere at any time, causing tremendous damage. Visiting this informative facility is sure to be useful. Why not stop by when you visit the Kansai region?


1-5-2 Kaigan-dori, Wakinohama, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Hyogo Prefecture 651-0073 〒651-0073 兵庫縣神戶市中央區脇濱海岸通1-5-2

Phone: 078-262-5050 Admission fee Individual Adults ¥600 College students ¥450 High school students ¥300

Closed Group (20 or more) ¥480 ¥360 ¥240

- Elementary/Junior high students: Free - 50% discount for the handicapped or elderly.

Business hours 9:30 - 17:30 (admission until: 16:30) 9:30 - 18:00 from Jul. to Sep. (admission until: 17:00) 9:30 - 19:00 on Fridays and Saturdays (admission until: 18:00) - Required time to viewing: about 1 hour 45 minutes (reentry not allowed)

Monday (following day if Monday is a public holiday) Dec. 31 and Jan. 1 - Open during Golden Week (Apr. 28-May 5)

Access By train From Iwaya Station or Kasuganomichi Station on Hanshin Railway: about 10 minutes on foot From the Southern Exit of JR Nada Station: about 12 minutes on foot From the Western Exit of Oji Koen Station on Hankyu Railway: about 20 minutes on foot By bus From Sannomiya Station: about 20 minutes by Kobe City Bus (route bus)

From Sannomiya Station: about 15 minutes by Hanshin Railway Bus (non-stop) From Kobe Airport From Kobe Airport Station to Sannomiya Station: about 18 minutes by Port Liner From Sannomiya Station, transfer to bus or train as indicated.

For the Future Salon

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11.3.28 4:59:18 PM

1995年1月17日清晨5點46分時,震源位於兵庫縣淡 路島北部所發生的芮氏7.3級的大地震。這個阪神、淡路 大地震以兵庫縣南部地區為中心造成了相當嚴重的災 情,不只是日本國內也對全世界帶來了很大的衝擊。 日本的災害對策上佔有相當重要地位的阪神、淡路大 地震。在人與防災未來中心裡,將此經驗傳遞給人們, 希望能記取此次教訓,未來不重蹈覆轍,對於防災文化 的形成和促進地域防災協力合作,以及計劃防災政策的 開發支援等各項活動。 各項展覽依所指定順序參觀,首先搭電梯到西館的 4樓。在1.17劇場中以魄力十足的大螢幕加上音響效果, 讓觀眾親身體驗地震強大破壞的驚人威力(7分鐘)。 大樓及房屋、高速公路等劇烈搖晃之後倒塌崩壞的景 象十分驚駭衝擊。出了劇場之後則是重現剛發生地震後 的街景。在下一項展覽―地震災害館中,上映以一個在 震災中失去了姐姐的小女孩為主人翁,描寫震災的城鎮 及人們生活振興的過程的短片(15分鐘)。看完影片之 後除了能再次體會震災被害的驚悚駭人之外,人與人之 間的互助合作及同心協力復興家園的模樣也很讓人感 動。影片雖然只有日語發音,不過可以向櫃台借用同時 翻譯機(可對應日文/英文/中文/韓文)。 3樓則展示了各種震災相關資料。大幅扭曲變形的金 屬側溝蓋、凹陷的頭盔等地震所造成的災害歷歷在目, 震撼人心,還有展示了資料提供者的親身經歷。可借用 館內專用的隨身展示說明機,只要輸入展示號碼,還可 透過文字或聲音獲知更詳細的相關資料解說 (可對應日 文/英文/中文/韓文)。還能透過年表及照片、影片追溯震 災後復興的經過。除了能透影片觀看有關於震災經歷之 外,還可以直接聽本人訴說當時的情形(只有日文)。 在2樓可學習到世界所發生的自然災害,透過實驗及 遊戲親身體驗學習如何防災跟減少災害發生。在液狀 化的實驗中,可實際體會耐震補強的效果,讓人很感興 趣。也展示了逃生時所攜帶的物品,還準備了各家庭準 備情況的檢查表,應該能派上用場的。 東館則是以「水」為主題。地球是顆孕育生命的奇蹟之 星―水之惑星。除了能欣賞到豐富的水資源及大自然的 恩惠之外,還能看到風災水害所造成的災害實際影像。 西館的5樓中有可免費利用的資料室,可閱覽阪神、 淡路大地震的相關資料。 自然災害會某一天突然地發生,而帶來莫大的損害。 有機會探訪關西地區的話,建議遊客不妨也到人與防 災未來中心去看個究竟。

The Great Earthquake Hall

1.17 Theater

Streets just after the earthquake

Dioramas, showing the road to recovery from the earthquake

Disaster Information Station

Memories Corner

Recital Corner

Gallery of disaster prevention for the future

A Song in Praise of the Water Planet



Miracle of the Planet of Life

The Threat of Wind and Water Disasters


The Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake Memorial

Disaster Reduction and Human Renovation Institution 入館門票 個人 成人 大學生 高中生


600日幣 450日幣 300日幣

480日幣 360日幣 240日幣







※ 黃金週期間(4月28日~5月5日)無休


※ 小學、國中生: 免費


※ 殘障者以及65歲以上之高齡者為半價

阪神電鐵「岩屋」站、「春日野道」站徒步約需10分 JR「灘」站南口徒步約需12分





※ 7~9月份為9:30~18:00(17:00停止入館)

神戶市營巴士 從三宮站前約需20分


阪神電鐵巴士(直通) 從三宮站前約需15分

※ 參觀需要時間: 1小時45分鐘(退出後不得重新入館)

搭乘關空-神戶灣接駁車 搭乘Port Liner從「神戶機場站」到「三宮站」約需18分 搭乘阪神電鐵從「三宮站」到「春日野道站」約2分,從


att. JAPAN 13

att55.indd 13

11.3.28 4:59:20 PM

Ryujin Otsuribashi

Fukuroda Falls

Kokia flowers at National Seaside Park

Nemophila flowers at National Seaside Park



Mito, the center of Ibaraki Prefecture, has a population of 260,000. The Kairakuen garden in the center of the city is one of the three great gardens of Japan along with Kenrokuen in Kanazawa, Ishikawa Prefecture, and Korakuen in Okayama, Okayama Prefecture. This garden was built in 1842 by the 9th lord of Mito, Tokugawa Nariaki, who wanted to make the garden a place in which the lord and his people could enjoy together. There are more than 3,000 ume (plum) trees of about 100 kinds and the aroma of those plums wafts around the garden. A plum festival takes place from mid-February through March. Mito’s most famous food is natto (fermented soy beans), which lately has been drawing attention as a healthy food. There are many restaurants serving various kinds of natto dishes. Try your favorite dish with natto … how about natto soba or a natto omlet?

The most highly recommended sightseeing spot in the northern part of the prefecture is Fukuroda Falls. The water, resembling a beautiful curtain, cascades down four tiers. Standing close, you can feel the refreshing spray. The four seasonal views of the waterfall are delightful; in autumn, the contrast of the scarlet leaves with the water is very beautiful and, in winter, the ice formations are mysterious. The suspension bridge Ryujin Otsuribashi, in Hitachinaka City, is the longest pedestrian bridge on the main island in Japan. the view of the gorge from the bridge 100 meters high above the water is breathtaking.

Seafood Bowl

The National Seaside Park in Hitachinaka City is about 153 hectares with many flower gardens and adventurous playgrounds. The nemophila flowers (baby blue eyes) are at their best from mid-April through mid-May. The hills are covered in blue flowers, creating an air of fantasy. And the native Hawaiian kokia flowers are beautiful in autumn. Nakaminato Fish Market, adjacent to the Nakaminato Fishing Port, has many big fish markets and seafood restaurants. This port is among the biggest bases for coastal and pelagic fishery so the market has a wide variety of fresh fish. Try the sushi and seafood bowls there.

Ibaraki 茨城

Ibaraki Prefecture, located 100 kilometers northeast of Tokyo, has very beautiful natural landscapes including a 190-kilometer coastline, Kasumigaura, the second largest lake in Japan, Fukuroda Falls, one of the three great waterfalls of Japan, and Mt. Tsukuba, a noted mountain in the Kanto area. This prefecture has flourishing agriculture and fishery industries and is blessed with various kinds of food. Ibaraki is filled with attractive sightseeing spots and delicious food. 茨城縣位於東京的東北方約100公里。這塊土地上有總長長達190公里的海岸線、日本第二大湖―霞浦、日本第三大瀑布的袋田瀑布、 關東名峰的筑波山等等風光明媚的自然景觀。這裡是農漁業興盛,也是有名的食材寶庫。這次我們來介紹充滿魅力景點與美食的茨城縣。 Kairakuen Garden

14 att. JAPAN Spring/2011

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11.3.28 4:59:25 PM

Seafood Bowl

Tsukuba Space Center (JAXA)

Mt. Tsukuba & Kasumigaura


Tsukuba/Ushiku/Ami Ushiku-Daibutsu, the Great Buddha of Ushiku, is a 30-minute bus ride from Ushiku Station. It’s said that this statue is so big it can be seen from an airplane. It is 120 meters high and, in 1995, was recognized by the Guiness Book as the world’s largest standing bronze Buddha, and big enough to walk around in. The visitors also can sit and write down sutras in the statue. In Ami Town there is a big shopping center, Ami Premium Outlets®, with over 100 shops and restaurants. Designer brand clothes and goods from abroad as well as domestic brands, sundry goods, kids’ clothes and toys are all available; many goods and products to satisfy people of all ages. Moreover, the prices are surprising: often 50% or 70% off ! There is a wide variety of restaurants and cafes so you can shop around all day long. Ibaraki is rich in sightseeing spots, good restaurants, and nice shops. Why not visit Ibaraki this spring?

ban L


Tsukuba City, in the center of this district, is only about 45 minutes from Akihabara on the Tsukuba Express rapid train so the access from Tokyo is quite good. Tsukuba is well-known for its academic and research institutions. Tsukuba Space Center is the base for space development with some areas inside the center open to the public. In the exhibition room there are space rockets from the past and test models of satellites. Tours of the space station experiment building are available. Mt. Tsukuba, in the northern part of Tsukuba City, parallels Mt. Fuji in elegant beauty and so it is said “Mt. Fuji in the west, Mt. Tsukuba in the east.” It only takes about 15 minutes to get to the top of the 877-meter peak by ropeway and on foot and well worth the overwhelmingly beautiful view of the Kanto Plain. After strolling around the top, you can take a cable car to the bottom and then have a soak in the Tsukuba Onsen hot springs at the foot of Mt. Tsukuba.

JR Suigun

Ryujin Otsuribashi





Kuji River



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Kashima Railway

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Kasumigaura Kitaura

Ami Premium Outlets®


Ushiku-Daibutsu JR K

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Tsukuba Express Tsuchiura

Nakaminato Fish Market

Hinuma Kash

Mt. Tsukuba Ishioka

Katsuta Ajigaura


Ibaraki Prefecture

Tsukuba Saitama

The National Seaside Park



Kanto Railway Joso Line

JR To hoku Main Toho Line ku Sh inkan sen



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Moka Railway




Fukuroda Falls Fukuroda



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Kashima Soccer Stadium

Ami Premium Outlets®

水戶 縣廳所在地水戶市是茨城縣的中心,約有26萬人口。位於 市中心的偕樂園和金澤的兼六園、岡山後樂園並列日本 三大名園。水戶藩9代藩主德川齊昭為了「與民偕樂」而 在1842年建造,是具有歷史的庭園。在種了約有100 種3000棵的梅樹庭園裡,可讓您漫步在芬芳 的梅香中。2月中旬至3月間舉辦梅祭。 水戶的名產是納豆,近年來作為健康食品 備受矚目。水戶市內開了各種提供納豆料理 的店。納豆麵與納豆煎蛋等等,不妨找找您 喜歡的納豆料理吧! Natto 袋田/日立那珂 縣北地區最棒的景點就是袋田瀑布。四段落下的水流看 起來像簾幕,纖細的水花讓人全身舒暢。有四季變化的 不同風情,可以看到秋天紅葉與瀑布的對比相當美麗,冬 天結冰的不可思議景觀。 位於常陸太田市的龍神大吊橋,是本州第一長的行人專 用橋。能從湖面100公尺的高度,欣賞壯觀的溪谷美景。 日立那珂市的國營日立海濱公園,佔地153公頃裡有很 多花田與遊樂區、分布運動設施的休閒區。4月中旬至5月 中旬是粉蝶花的季節。山丘整面都染成藍色的夢幻世界 一定不能錯過。秋天的掃帚子也很美麗。 那珂湊漁港相鄰的那珂湊魚市場有大型鮮魚店與海鮮 料理店林立。因為是日本屈指可數可數的沿岸、近海遠洋 漁業的基地,所以海鮮的鮮度與種類最豐富。可以現場品 嘗新鮮的海鮮。一定要嚐嚐壽司與海鮮蓋飯喔! 筑波/牛久/阿見 筑波市是此地區的中心。從秋葉原搭乘筑波快車(Tsukuba Express)約45分鐘可達,從東京前往也相當便利。筑波 市具有學術與研究的都市機能,街道一角聚集研究機關。 日本宇宙開發的據點是筑波宇宙中心。可參訪一部分 的設施。展示廳裡可以看到歷代火箭與人工衛星的測試 模型等等。也有舉辦包括宇宙基地測試建築等等的一般 參訪行程。 矗立於筑波市北部的筑波山美麗的風貌可媲美富士 山,並稱為「東筑波、西富士」。搭空中纜車加上步行約15 分鐘可達877公尺的山頂。從山頂俯視關東平野的景色最 棒。在山頂散步後也可搭鐵路纜車下山。下山後就到筑波 溫泉洗淨一身疲累。 從牛久車站搭公車約30分鐘路程可達牛久大佛。從飛 機窗戶也可望見的大佛高達120公尺。1995年版的金氏世 界紀錄大全中,登錄為世界第一大青銅製立像。有時間的 話不妨進去大佛體內看看吧! 體內是神秘的空間,也可 以抄寫經文等等。 位於阿見町的Ami Premium Outlets®是擁有104家店舖 的特價出清購物中心。其特色是有國內外知名品牌的流 行服飾、從雜貨到童裝與玩具,滿足各年齡層的豐富商 品。定價五折、三折等等便宜得讓人驚訝! 因為有很多 餐廳與咖啡廳,所以一整天都能悠閒地享受購物樂趣。 茨城的景點、美食、購物等充滿魅力。今年春天來趟 茨城之旅吧!

Kashima Jingu

Toride Tone River

Tokyo 0



Tsukuba Onsen

More Ryokan Information at

att55.indd 15

att. JAPAN 15

11.3.28 4:59:28 PM

甲府湯村溫泉 Kofu Yumura Onsen


umura Onsen is a hot spring resort in Kofu, Yamanashi Prefecture famous as the hidden hot springs of Takeda Shingen, a preeminent and prestigious warlord in the 16th century. Yumura Onsen appears in the drawings of Katsushika Hokusai, the world-famous ukiyo-e and printmaker artist from the Edo period (1603-1867). With its many Japanese-style hotels where great Japanese writers such as Dazai Osamu, Ibuse Masuji, and Matsumoto Seicho created classic works while staying there, Yumura Onsen continues to welcome and accommodate a great number of writers, haiku poets, painters, and calligraphers. The hot springs produces quality and mildly alkaline hot water at 1 ton per minute at an average temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. Much of the hot water comes directly from the hot springs. There are several theories about the origin of this hot spring, the most widely of which concerns Kobo-Daishi, a.k.a. Kukai, the Japanese monk who established the Shingon sect of Buddhism. In 808, he arrived in Kofu from

Le Osaka

Tokyo Nagoya

え Shinshu (currently Nagano Prefecture) on his way back from the Tohoku (north-east) area and stopped at a nearby Yakuyoke Jizo (a stone statue to protect people against evils). He noticed a big rock in the middle of the road blocking in the way of travelers. When he moved the rock to the side of the road by uttering a magic word, hot spring water gushed out from where the rock had been. Guests accommodated at the any of the nine facilities in the hot spring town receive a free “Yumeguri Tegata,” a voucher that allows you to enjoy the hot spring baths at the other facilities for only 500 yen per facility. From Yumura Onsen, Takeda Shrine, formerly the house of Takeda Shingen, is only a 10-minute drive. Shosenkyo, known for the beauty of its valley and vibrant autumn leaves, can be reached by car within 20 minutes. Kai Zenko-ji Temple and Yamanashi Prefectural Museum of Art are also easily reached by car. Visitors can have fun in picking fruit, such as strawberries and grapes. Hoto is a miso-based stew with thick wheat noodles, a known ration for Takeda Shingen in wartime, and with torimotsuni, chicken giblets braised in a thick salty-sweet soy-based sauce. The Shingen-ko festival celebrates the legacy of Takeda Shingen and is held in the area every spring (April 8 to 10 in 2011). Fu-RinKa-Zan banners representing the philosophy Shingen adopted from Sun Tzu’s Art of War Shingen-ko Festival swirl in the background while 1,500 locals dressed as the troops in traditional armor costumes gather in front of Kofu Station. At nightfall, the troops take to the field with torchlights blazing and of the sound of conch shells being blown. In this area, the cherry trees begin blooming their glorious blossoms in early April. Come and stay at one of the hot spring hotels, and enjoy the nature, historical sites, and local events.

湯代名將武田信玄御用名湯之首,也曾豋場於浮 村溫泉是位於山梨縣甲府的溫泉鄉,為戰國時

世繪名家葛飾北齋的畫中。此外,文豪如太宰治、井 伏鱒二、松本清張等人閉關執筆用的旅館也很多,許 多文人、俳句詩人、畫家、書法家也曾在此停留或居 住。湯村溫泉平均每分鐘湧出多達一噸之多的泉質甚 佳,平均溫度約攝氏40度的弱鹼性溫泉水,採用泉源 放流式溫泉浴池的旅館及飯店也很多。 湯村溫泉的由來眾說紛紜,據說在西元808年,真 言宗的開山祖弘法大師在東北巡訪的歸途中,從信州 (長野縣)來到了甲府(山梨縣),在附近的鹽澤寺厄 除地藏過夜,當時道路中央有一塊巨石,來往旅客通 行受到阻礙,於是弘法大師唸咒並用法杖將巨石挪 開後,從那個地方竟湧出了溫泉,而成了湯村溫泉的 起源。 在溫泉街上的九間住宿設施中免費提供「湯巡手 形」(泡湯通行證)給住宿旅客,旅客只要持這張手 形,可以前往使用其他設施的溫泉浴場,一處只要花 500日圓就可享受泡湯樂趣。 湯村溫泉的交通位置也相當方便,距離武田信玄舊 居的武田神社只需10分鐘車程,而距離以溪谷及楓 紅之美聞名的昇仙峽開車也僅需20分鐘,離甲斐善光 寺和山梨縣立美術館也很近,還能享受採草莓、採葡 萄等採果樂趣。在地美食有據說是武田信玄的軍中伙 食,類似味噌鍋燒烏龍麵「餺飥」。還有將雞的內臟 以甜辣口味的醬油醬汁所照燒燉煮的「煮雞內臟」, 皆令人食指大動。 每年春天,在湯村溫泉附近會舉行信玄公祭(今年 2011年為4月8日~10日),寫著「風林火山」的旗幟迎 風飄揚,1500名武將集中在甲府站前,當夜色漸暗之 際,篝火燃亮,號角聲響中浩浩蕩蕩地出征上場,頗 為壯觀。四月初時櫻花齊放,美不勝收。住在湯村溫 泉可享受泡湯樂趣,飽覽大自然美妙風光,參加各種 慶典活動好好渡個假吧! 從東京前往甲府:搭乘JR中央線約2小時,從甲府到湯 村溫泉:搭山梨交通巴士約15分 從東京直達甲府湯村溫泉:在新宿站西口高速巴士乘 車處搭高速巴士約2小時20分




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Kofu from Tokyo takes about 2 hours by JR Chuo line; Yumura Onsen from Kofu is about 15 minutes by Yamanashi Kotsu bus Kofu Yumura Onsen from Tokyo takes about 2 hours and 20 minutes by highway bus from Shinjuku West Exit Bus Terminal 写真提供/甲府湯村温泉 柳屋、甲府市観光協会

Yakuyoke Jizo

16 att. JAPAN Spring/2011

att55.indd 16

11.3.28 4:59:32 PM


Basic Japanese Home Cooking

Let’s learn from a veteran Japanese housewife!

えびフライ Ebi Furai Deep-fried Prawns

Ingredients (serves 4) 8 prawns with head still attached Salt to taste Vegetable oil for deep-frying Lettuce 4 cherry tomatoes 1 lemon

Coating: flour beaten egg (1 or 2 eggs) bread crumbs

Sauce: 80 g chopped onion 1 or 2 roughly chopped boiled egg 20 g chopped pickles 1/3 cup mayonnaise salt and pepper

Cooking directions:

Make a few slashes on the underside of the prawn and straighten out the body. Pat dry and season with salt.

att. Recipe

Shell the prawns and de-vein but don’t remove the tail. (Remove the back vein using the point of a knife.) Cut off the edge of the tail and remove the moisture from the tail by pressing down and drawing the back of a knife across the tail.

Remove the back vein using the point of a knife.

Sprinkle salt over the chopped onion. Wrap the onion in cloth (a bleached cotton dishtowel or paper towels) and gently squeeze to remove some of the juice. Put it in water, gently squeeze again, rinse and then squeeze out the excess moisture. Put the onion in a bowl with the roughly chopped boiled egg, chopped pickles, mayonnaise, salt and pepper, and mix. I should dip the prawns in the beaten egg thoroughly to coat the breadcrumbs evenly.

Dust the prawns with flour and, holding the head and the tail, dip in the beaten egg, and then coat with breadcrumbs. Apply minimal pressure to coat the prawn.

Heat the oil to 170 degrees. First, holding the tail, dip the head in the oil for about 20 seconds until it looks crispy because this part needs a longer time to cook. Then, deep-fry the entire prawn until golden on the outside and cooked through. Drain off any excess oil.

Wait until the coating is golden brown on the outside and then remove the prawns carefully to prevent from damaging the coating. When the coating on the head of the prawn looks firm, it is sufficiently cooked and the whole body can then be submerged in the oil.

Tips: The oil level should be to only half the pan height. To test the temperature of the oil, drop in a few pieces of breadcrumbs and, if they quickly rise to the surface, the temperature is OK. Don’t put too many prawns in the pan at one time to keep the temperature even. (Less than half a panful is recommended.)

For more details, go to high heat

medium heat

low heat

Japanese Liquid Measures: 1 cup = 200 ml = 6.76 fl oz / 1 tablespoon = 15 ml = 0.5 fl oz / 1 teaspoon = 5 ml = 0.16 fl oz

Instructor: Kazuko Karasawa I learned cooking from my parents, who ran a Japanese restaurant, and my grandmother, who lived to be 100 years old. As a housewife, I've been cooking for 18 years. I like cooking everyday, taking care of my family’s health. In France, we have many deep-fried dishes, but I haven’t eaten deepfried prawns. I’m happy to learn how to make this dish because my husband and son like it very much.

Student: Laetitia Ogawa I was born in France and grew up there. I married a Japanese man. Because Japanese food is good for the health and my son and husband both like it very much, I want to master Japanese recipes.

Visit Our Website at

att55.indd 17

att. JAPAN 17

11.3.28 4:59:32 PM

att. Restaurant Guide You can search more restaurants on

Address Hours/Closes Access Price Tel No. Fax No.

Web att.JAPAN Restaurant Guide.

Credit cards V: Visa M: MasterCard A: American Express J: JCB D: Diners 銀聯: Union Pay

Find your favorite restaurant!

*In all restaurants in Japan, if your consumption is over 7,501 yen, a local tax will be charged. You may also be charged a service fee from 10% upwards in some restaurants. *Tipping for standard service is not a Japanese custom.


イタリア食堂 TOKABO


TOKABO Garo Bldg. B1F, 3-1-4 Nihombashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 11:00-23:00 (Sat/Sun/holiday: 11:30-21:00) 2 mins walk from JR Tokyo Station Yaesu North Exit





Aoyama Sasasa Aoyama Rise Square Bldg. 2F, 5-1-22 Minami Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo 11:30-15:30 / 17:30-23:00 (Sun: 11:30-22:00) Immediate access from Subway Omotesando Station B3 Exit 03-3486-6451




TRATTORIA PESCE D’ ORO The concept of our restaurant is the “trattoria of Mirano.” Enjoy delicious cuisine mainly made of seafood.


Access Web att.JAPAN and serch.


If you find a deliciouslooking restaurant,


Easily go there using the English map!

Queens Tower A-1F, 2-3-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 11:00-23:00 (Lunch: 11:00-16:00, Mon-Fri) 045-682-5635 3 mins walk from Minato Mirai Line Minato Mirai Station Most credit cards available Pasta: 1,050-1,580

Marunouchi ブリーズ・オブ・トウキョウ


Breeze of Tokyo Get a great panorama view of Tokyo

att. Restaurants

You can get a luxurious night view of Tokyo from all seats, so people get overwhelmed. Our concept is "A high-quality amusement place for adults." We have three zones; bar & standing bar, lounge, and dining. We produce "a high-quality amusement place for adults" simply and with a cool atmosphere. Shin-Marunouchi Bldg.

Mitsubishi Bldg.

Tokyo (M17)

Marunouchi Bldg.

JR Tokyo Stn. Marunouchi Exi† Yaesu Exit Marunouchi Bldg. 36F, 2-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo Lunch: 11:00-14:30, Dinner: Mon-Sat 18:00-24:00, Sun and Holidays: 18:00-23:00 6,800 yen 2 mins walk from JR Tokyo Station Marunouchi Exit V, D, A 03-5220-5551 03-5220-9088

Super Dining-Akasaka: P32-MAP3-1, Caretta Shiodome: P31-MAP2-1

En joy Go od Fo od ! Co me An d Me et Us ! 我們將在餐桌上當場為您烹調

Allow us to cook your meal

美味料理,保證讓您心滿意足, at your table and make 一定會帶給您滿面笑容。 精通中文及英文的服務人員將 隨時待命。




18 att. JAPAN Spring/2011

att55.indd 18

you smile, with satisfaction guaranteed. English & Chinese speaking staff are available at all times.

< MENU > Sukiyaki / 壽喜燒 Shabu Shabu / 火鍋 Sashimi / 生魚片

¥ 3,500 ¥ 4,000 ¥ 1,500

Open: 5pm - 11:30pm (L.O.10:30pm) TEL:


Address: 3-23-5 Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0022 〒160-0022 東京都新宿区新宿3-23-5 Access: -JR Shinjuku Sta. (East Exit) IBUKI -2 mins on foot from Exit LABI 伊吹 D3 Tokyo Metro ALTA Marunouchi Line Exit B13 East Exit Shinjuku Sta. (Exit Shinjuku B13) / Toei Oedo Line Sta. Shinjuku-nishiguchi Sta. (Exit D3)


11.3.28 4:59:44 PM アクアヴィット



- Japnese Sake Dining -

Ginza Mizuki

Scandinavian Dining with direct access from Gaienmae Station Our Modern Scandinavian Cuisine is certainly a new segment of cuisine in Japan, where authentic Scandinavian cooking is intertwined with French techniques to create a selection of ingenious and unique delicacy...

Tel. 03-5537-1888

Seafood and Tomato Stew

Pollo alla Diavoro

Assorted sashimi dish

Famous restaurant, often featured in the media! 100 kinds of fine sake from all over Japan available! Fine food using farm-fresh and seasonal ingredients! Vegetarian menu available!

. Stadiun St


各家媒體爭相報導的美食名店 ! 來自日本全國各地約 100 種類的名酒齊聚一堂 ! 提供由產地直送,活用應時食材的美膳料理 ! 還特地準備素食專用菜單 !


t. ori S hi-d


マリオン 和光 Marion B5 Exit Wako 晴海通り Harumi-dori St. Ginza Stn. 阪急 ソニー アルマーニ Hankyu ビル Sony Bldg. Armani

Chuo-dori St.


3 mins walk from the B5 Exit of Ginza Stn Aoyama OM-SQUARE 1F, 2-5-8 Kita-Aoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo Lunch: 11:30-15:00 (L.O. 14:30) Dinner: 18:00-23:00 (L.O. 22:00) 1 min walk from Tokyo Metro Gaienmae Station 6,500 yen 03-5413-3300 03-5413-2525 V, M, D, J

Vienna’ s most elegant café with a 130 year history has opened its first overseas store here in Aoyama. The taste and mood of the original store has been faithfully recreated. Café: 600 yen ~ Weekday lunch: 1,200 yen ~

三越 Mitsu koshi

Omotesando Station B2 Exit

Children’ s Castle

銀座コア Ginza Core


松坂屋 Matsuzakaya

For the location, please see map on P31.

Police Box Akasaka

Aoyama Gakuin University

Open: Mon-Thu: 5:30pm-11:30pm, Fri: 5:30pm-3am, Sat & Holi: 4pm-10pm Closed: Sun Average budget: 4,000 YEN (Dinner) Address: Lape Bldg. B1F, 6-7-6 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo


Jingu Stadium Bell Daiichi Itochu Commons Engei Lexus Gaienmae Stn. (G03) e n Aoyama-dori St. Ginza Li Omote-sando Stn. (Z02, C04, G02)

Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank


OPEN: Mon-Sat 11am-11pm, Sun & Holidays 11am-10pm 4F Ao Bidg. 3-11-7 Kitaaoyama, Minato-ku, Tokyo Tel. 03-3498-2061







銀座 江島

Ginza Tojindako

Ginza Ejima

All you can eat premium Matsuzaka beef kalbi (short rib)!

Try the crab shabu shabu it’s our specialty !




New York’s seafood restaurant arrived in Japan! An ever popular restaurant has come ashore straight from Manhattan, New York. the vert same atomosphere and interior ware transported right from the main restaurant in New York. Enjoy from a selection of over 100 kinds of seafood including of raw oysters.

Japanese style crab cuisine restaurant. Try the crab shabu shabu it’s our specialty! You can enjoy teppanyaki and shabu shabu dishes cooked with Kuroge Wagyu - Japanese black cattle beef - as well as seasonal special cuisines. Lunch: 3,150 yen~ Dinner: (Japanese course) 8,500 yen~ (Shabu shabu course) 10,500 yen~

Awarded as the No.1 of the luxurious class all-you-can-eat restaurant in the TV program “The Best House 123” on Fuji TV. All-you-can-eat buffet of the highest-class crab, seafood and grilled meat. Matsuzaka beef kalbi all-you-can-eat course: 9,450 yen Wagyu (Japanese extra beef kalbi) all-you-can-eat course: 12,600 yen


Grand Central Oyster Bar & Restaurant

Hotel Pacific Tokyo

Mitsukoshi Dept.

Mitsukoshi Dept. Ginza Crystal Bldg. 6F, 4-2-12 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 11:30-23:30 (L.O. 23:00) 1 min walk from Subway Marunouchi line Ginza Station V, M, A, D, J, 銀聯 03-3567-4129

8,000 yen 03-3567-4050 Jujiya Bldg. 4F 3-5-4 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo Weekdays: 11:30-22:00 (L.O. 21:00), Weekends: 11:00-21:30 (L.O. 20:30) 15,000 yen 3 mins walk from Tokyo Metro Ginza Station V, M, A, D, J 03-3535-3131 03-3535-3133

Tokyo: P32-MAP3-2, Uyeno eki Tokyo: P33-MAP5-1, Yokohama: P34-MAP14-1

att55.indd 19

atre Shinagawa Keihin JR Kyuko Shinagawa Shinagawa Stn. The Strings by Stn. InterContinental Shinagawa Tokyo Prince Hotel

att. Restaurants

Gaienmae atre Shinagawa 4F, 2-18-1 Konan, Minato-ku, Tokyo 11:00-24:00 (L.O. 23:00)  1 min walk from JR Shinagawa Station V, M, D, J 03-6717-0932

5,000 yen 03-6717-6278

att. JAPAN 19

11.3.28 4:59:54 PM

Yokohama Factory Tours for Visitors 參觀工場 in 橫濱

Yokohama Short Trip 橫濱小旅行


okohama has nurtured various industries which have supported the modern Japanese economy. Many different factories are located in Yokohama City, some of which offer tours free of charge. It is a great opportunity for visitors to see how products in daily use are made.

Kirin Yokohama Beer Village In 1870, Japan’s first beer brewery was established in the Yamate District in Yokohama by American businessman William Copeland, known as a pioneer in Japan’s beer industry. Kirin Yokohama Beer Village has a 200,000square meter facility and offers visitors free factory tours where you can learn firsthand all the brewing processes; brewing, fermentation, storage, filtration, and bottling. (Reservations are required. On Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays, videos are shown because the production lines are not running.) After seeing the huge vat for brewing beer and watching high speed packaging, it is time to taste freshly brewed beer. There are restaurants and pubs in the brewery where you can enjoy their original beer exclusively served there. Access: 10 minutes walk from Keikyu Namamugi Station, or 20 minutes walk from JR Shin-Koyasu Station

Nissan Yokohama Plant



Yokohama is where Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. was founded. Vsitors can watch the Nissan engine production line in the factory but advance reservations are required. The tour guide speaks Japanese only, so you might want to have an interpreter. You can see the amazing and highly accurate industrial robots assembling, processing, and transporting car parts. The former headquarters building, Guest Hall, is open to the public. Reservations are not required. On the first floor is the Engine Museum, an exhibit of Nissan’s 28 kinds of engines from the past. You can also learn about the mechanisms of automotive engines. On the second floor, you will find miniature cars as well as the history of the Yokohama Plant. The interior is still the original. Access: 17 minutes walk from JR/Keikyu Shin-Koyasu Station html

Visit and check other factory tours in Yokohama. Kiyoken, Shumai (pork dumplings) Factory Snow Brand Milk Products Co. Ltd., Cheese Factory Morinaga Milk Industry and Co., Ltd., Sweets and Candy Factory

還提供可免費參觀,是個可以免費觀摩與日常生活息 息相關的各種商品製作過程的寶貴機會。 麒麟啤酒 麒麟橫濱啤酒村 據說於1870年一位名叫威廉.哥普蘭德的美國人在 橫濱山手設立了釀造廠而成為日本的啤酒產業始祖。 佔地20萬平方公尺的廣大的麒麟啤酒工場中,可以參 觀到從糖化/發酵/貯藏/濾過/包裝的一連貫啤酒製造 工程(須預約。星期六日及例假日由於生產線休息之 故,改為播放介紹影片)。參觀過了釀造啤酒的巨大 鍋桶及以高速瓶裝罐裝作業之後,就來試喝一下剛弄 好的新鮮啤酒吧。這裡也有餐廳及酒吧,讓人很想好 好地品嚐一下這裡才喝得到的原創的啤酒。 交通手段:從京濱急行生麥站走路約10分、從JR新子 安站走路約20分

Fu wh pro fol for an





日產橫濱工場 橫濱為日產汽車創業之地,現在位於橫濱的工場可參 觀引擎的生產線(須隨行翻譯)。由機器人擔任作業 的一部分,動作確實地進行著組裝/加工/搬運等作業 流程讓人嘆為觀止。此外,以前用來作為總公司的辦 公室大樓的建築物也開放為「來賓大廳」,不需要預 約就可以進去參觀。在1樓的「引擎博物館」中展示了 28台的歷代引擎,還可以學習的車子及引擎的組裝過 程。仍保留著近代風格美觀的裝潢的2樓中,展示著 介紹橫濱工場的歷史發展及各式各樣的迷你車,內容 非常精彩出色。 交通手段:從JR/京濱急行新子安站走路約17分 http: //w w w. n issa n IN FO/ FACTORY/ YOKOHAMA/detail.html 還有其他參觀工場景點,請看 yokohama/55/ 崎陽軒:參觀燒賣的加工製造過程 雪印:參觀乳酪的生產過程 森永製菓:參觀糖果的製造過程

Kirin Yokohama Beer Village

Nissan Yokohama Plant

Panoramic Views from 273 meters above the ground, the highest observation floor in Japan ! 標高 273 公尺、360 度雄偉壯觀的超廣角美景!日本最高的觀景台 Business Hours: 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Admission Fee: Adults (18 to 64 years of age) ¥1,000 Seniors over 65 years of age / High school students ¥800 Elementary school / Junior high school students ¥500 Children over 4 years of age ¥200 營業時間 : 10:00 - 21:00 入場費 : 大人(18 ∼ 64 歲)¥1000 65 歲以上 高中生 ¥800 小學 國中生 ¥500 兒童(4 歲以上)¥200

YOKOHAMA LANDMARK TOWER SKY GARDEN 橫濱地標大廈 空中花園 2-2-1 Minatomirai, Nishi-ku, Yokohama City

橫濱市西區港未來 2-2-1

Tel. 045-222-5030

20 att. JAPAN Spring/2011

att55.indd 20

11.3.28 5:00:03 PM


Fuji-Torii, established 60 years ago, produces folding screens, each of which is elaborately hand painted exclusively for Fuji-Torii by a professional artist using traditional brush-painting techniques. These folding screens have been used for gifts from Japan’s prime ministers to foreign people, for interior decorations of foreign embassies in Japan and for housewarming gifts. 富士鳥居創立於 60 年前,主要生產折疊式屏風。每一片屏風都是由 專業藝術家為富士鳥居揮動畫筆,運用絕妙手繪技巧,精心製作而成。 這些精美的折疊式屏風曾用來當作日本首相贈送外國貴賓,作為佈置 駐日外國大使館的裝飾品或是喬遷之喜的禮物。

All furniture items are made by Morishige. Co., Ltd.

New Product / Hand Painting

( Made in Japan / with picture hangers )

Wall Hanging Folding Screen Preserving Traditional Japanese Beauty and Skills

Tel. 03-3400-2777

新商品 / 手繪 ( 日本製 / 附掛塗鉤 )

掛壁式折疊屏風 保留傳統的日本之美與技巧 日本的藝術與古美術之作

株式會社 All furniture items are made by Morishige. Co., Ltd.


東京美術商協同組合 成員

Size ( Four panels ) / 尺寸 ( 四片式 ) / H 92 × W 168 × D 1.8 / H 61 × W 163 × D 1.6 / H 61 × W 122 × D 1.6 ( cm / 公分 )

att55.indd 21

11.3.28 5:00:10 PM

Ryokan and hotels across Japan.

Icon Legend

Where will you stay? Sapporo

Onsen (hot springs), traditional gardens, tatami rooms, and Japanese traditional meals at ryokan (Japanese-style hotels)? Or spacious rooms with high-quality bedding surrounded by picturesque landscapes at first-class resort hotels?

Ryokan & hotels


Kanazawa Hiroshima




Nagoya Osaka


Hokkaido Tohoku Kita-Kanto Minami-Kanto Koshinetsu Hokuriku Tokai Kinki Chugoku Shikoku Kyushu/Okinawa

Access to ▶ ▶ ▶ How to search ryokan & hotels

Credit cards accepted Internet available Onsen (hot springs) Open-air bath Private bath Guest room with bath and toilet Washlets (bidet-style toilets) Eating in guest rooms allowed Complimentary shuttle service Karaoke Picturesque scenery Rooms for single persons


Prices are based on 1 adult staying 1 night with 2 meals. Prices may vary depending on room types, the number of persons in a room, cuisine, and other variables. We recommend confirming prices when you book any accommodation. Where meals are not included in the standard rate, this is noted in the explanation of the accommodation.


After booking by phone, we recommend confirming your reservation by fax or email


Cancellation fees may be charged if you cancel a reservation. Please confirm the accommodation’s cancellation fees and regulations in advance.


If you suffer from allergies or have food preferences, please inform the staff when you are booking your accommodation so that they can make preparations for your convenience.

1. Access to

2. Check the data of each inn

KIRAKUYA Inn 紅葉館 きらくや

3. Very convenient English map


One-day stay plan with breakfast available

旅館 紅鮎


Hotel Tenbo ホテル天坊

Enjoy bath tours, visiting open-air and garden baths throughout the vast 3,300 sq.m. site

From Tokyo: 1h 25 min by Tohoku Shinkansen, From Koriyama Sta: 13 min by Ban-Etsu West Line, From Bandai-Atami Sta: 2 min on foot Check in 14:00~ / Check out ~11:00 7,800~(Japanese room, with 024-984-2130 1 meal) 4-39 Atami, Koriyama City, Fukushima

Onoe Hot Spring BENIAYU

4. Access with your smartphone


Guests can choose from a rich variety of rooms and cuisine to suit their preference and budget. We will offer Japanese local cuisines such as kaiseki (Kyoto haute cuisine) meals or Robatayaki grilled dishes. For further information, please inquire us in advance. From Shinjuku Sta. New South Exit: 2 hrs 30 min by highway bus “Joshu Yumeguri-go,” From Ikaho Onsen stop: immediate access. 15,000~84,000 Check in 15:00~ / Check out ~11:00 396-20 Ikaho-machi, Shibukawa City, Gunma 0279-72-3880 0279-72-4611

Enjoy fine views of Lake Biwa, while staying at our ryokan You can also enjoy delicious Omi beef in our restaurant. From Shinkansen Maibara Station: 20 min by JR Hokuriku Line train, From 23,250~37,110 Takatsuki Station: 10 min by taxi / free pick-up bus. 312 Kohoku-cho Onoe, Higashi Azai-gun, Shiga


南房総鴨川温泉 鴨川館


Journey out and come encounter a warm nostalgia Kamogawakan, the Japanese style inn built in the graceful Sukiya style, stands amidst a pine forest filled with an abundance of green. Please experience and enjoy the immense individuality of the waterfall baths, baths to fall asleep in, saunas, and all other baths of the “Awa Hakkei Hot Springs.” From Tokyo Sta: 1 hr 45 m in by J R S o to b o Line express train View Wakashio, From AwaKamogawa Sta: 5 min by taxi / free pick-up bus is available (reservation is needed in advance). Check in 14:30~ / Check out ~11:00 24,300~ 1179 Nishi-cho, Kamogawa City, Chiba 04-7093-4111 04-7092-5335

La Shoro

鴨川館別邸 ラ・松廬


The finest quality time spent away from it all La Shoro, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, is where you can relax and enjoy your time in first-class quality. Within the private space of each 396 sq.m. (4260 sq.ft.) independent facility you will find we have prepared 99 sq.m. (1065 sq.ft.) guest rooms, constant flowing rotenburo outdoor baths, private pools, and exclusive Jacuzzis. From Tokyo Sta: 1 hr 45 min by JR Sotobo Line express train View Wakashio, From AwaKamogawa Sta: 5 min by taxi / free pick-up bus is available from the station (reservation is needed in advance). Check in 15:00~ / Check out ~12:00 34,800~ 1179 Nishi-cho, Kamogawa City, Chiba 04-7093-5855 04-7092-5335

22 att. JAPAN Spring/2011

att55.indd 22

11.3.28 5:00:20 PM



All the rooms attached with an open-air bath


Enjoy freshly made buckwheat noodles Standing on bleezy highlands, Sugimoto is a traditional onsen ryokan in the Sukiya style, a simple and refined architecture inspired by tea houses. Relax in our rooms with a loft or irori fireplace, and spectacular scenery.

Each guest room features a uniquely designed open-air bath so you can enjoy soaking and relaxing in the privacy of your own room. The hotel also offers a relaxing time in our bar and beauty salon, as well as a garden with the bamboo swaying over a pond, whose scene brings visitors a serene, surreal experience. From Tokyo Sta: 35 min by Tokaido Shinkansen, From Odawara Sta: 60 min by Hakone Tozan bus bound for Togendai, From Daigatake bus stop: 2 min on foot. Check in 15:00~ / Check out ~11:00 36,000~54,000 817-342 Sengokuhara, Hakone - machi, Ashigarashimo-gun, Kanagawa 0460-84-3939

Enjoy our proud concoction of original dishes such as “Shinshu Beef cooked on a hot stone” that goes well with local sake. Soak in a historical open-air bath which the Imperial family in the 8th century shared and so loved. From Chuo Line Matsumoto Station: 15 min by taxi / 20 min by bus Check in 14:00~ / Check out ~11:00 15,750~31,500 451-7 Satoyamabe, Matsumoto City, Nagano 0263-32-3379 0263-33-5830


Gero Onsen Yunoshimakan 下呂温泉湯之島館

Built in 1931 on site that used to belong to the Shogun family of the time, Yunoshimakan is a Japanese-style hotel where the Emperor himself once stayed We offer traditional kaiseki (Kyoto haute cuisine) meals using Hida beef, and a nice “Bijinnoyu” onsen hot spring. Please relax in the wooden Sukiya-zukuri style building that was constructed by skilled carpenters in the Hida region 80 years ago. This fine work of art took over 3 years to craft. From Nagoya: take JR Takayama Line train “Wide View Hida,” get off at Gero-Onsen Station. Free pick-up service from the station is provided. Check in 14:00~ / Check out ~11:00 19,500~ 645 Yunoshima, Gero City, Gifu 0576-25-3131 0576-24-1882



Shuku Kaifu

和風旅館 粛 海風

Soaking in a comfortable wooden bathtub, with a glorious ocean view Fully enjoy the highest quality bathing time in our scenic open-air baths (available 24 hours), or private open-air baths. All the guest rooms command a beautiful ocean view of Southern Chita area.

From Nagoya Sta: 55 min by Meitetsu Railway express train, From Utsumi Sta: 5 mins by car. / From Chubu Airport: Pick up service is available. 18,900~42,000 Check in 15:00~ / Check out ~10:00 3-1 Yamami Takamine, Minamichita-cho, Chita-gun, Aichi 0569-62-2222 0569-62-2050



Ryokan Sugimoto



Ryokan Motonago 旅館 元奈古

International Registered Tourist Inn

With Kyoto flavor and a homy feeling

More than 2,000 visitors from around the world stay with us each year. Located in the heart of Kyoto, we are at the center of the city’s major sightseeing points. Relax in our leisurely guest rooms. Western style rooms with toilet and bath also available. All the guest rooms are non-smoking. Check in 16:00~ / Check out ~10:00 20,000~ (tax excluded) From Kyoto Sta.: 15 min by subway to the nearest station (Kyoto-shiyakusho-mae on Tozai Line). From No.10 Exit: walk 2 blocks to the north on Gokomachi St. Nijosagaru, Gokomachi-dori, Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 075-222-1166 075-231-3558

11 easy guest rooms with wooden scent and a tatami feel. Enjoy Kyoto cuisine in your room. Easily accessible to historic scenes on foot, such as a World Herigate site “Kiyomizu-dera Temple,” finest showplaces in Higashiyama area “Kodaiji Temple“ and “Nene-no-michi street,” “Maruyama Park,” “Yasaka Jinja Shrine,” or the famous Maikos’ town “Gion.” 1. From Kyoto Sta.: 15 min by taxi. 2. From Kyoto Sta. Central Exit bus stop D2: take #206 bus, From Gion stop: 5 min on foot.


Gion HATANAKA 祇園 畑中

Silence in the city, tranquil atmosphere, Gion HATANAKA

From Keihan Shijo Sta.: 10 min on foot. / From Hankyu Kawaramachi Sta.: 10 min on foot. / From JR Kyoto Sta.: 15 min by car. Check in 14:00~ / Check out ~11:00 20,000~ (tax excluded) Yasaka Shrine Minamimonmae, Gion, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 075-541-5315 075-551-0553

Check in 16:00~ / Check out ~10:00 15,750~22,050 511 Washio-cho, Kodaiji-michi, Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto 075-561-2087 075-561-2655


南紀白浜梅樽温泉 ホテルシーモア


Enjoy the open-air bath, in bathtubs made out of used pickled plum barrels

Hatanaka is located close to Gion an d is su r ro u n d e d by an ci e nt temples - come, unwind, relax and enjoy the abundance of peace that abounds this place. The freshest seasonal ingredients are prepared to preser ve the delicacy of Kyoto’s techniques of old. Enjoy Kyoto cuisine as it used to be had. Take in the variety of colors and visual appeal that beautify this wonderful presentation.

The hot springs in Hotel Seamore command scenic views of the ocean. You can enjoy soaking in the tub, viewing the radiance of the ocean water, and listening to the sound of the sea breeze. Enjoy the elegant and hearty taste of “kue (longtooth grouper)” fish dishes on your stay. We also serve fresh seafood, such as Ise-ebi lobsters and abalone. From Nanki Shirahama Airport to hotel: 10 min by taxi / From Shin-Osaka to Shirahama: 2 hrs 10 min by JR Kinokuni Line train. Free shuttle bus services are available from Shirahama Sta. (30 min to Hotel Seamore) Check in 15:00~ / Check out ~11:00 15,900~ 36,900 1821 Shirahama-cho, Nishimuro-gun, Wakayama 0739-43-1000 More Ryokan Information at

att55.indd 23

Ryokan & hotels


att. JAPAN 23

11.3.28 5:00:30 PM

Take some time to fill out the att. JAPAN questionnaire!

an d stionnarierize!! e u q r u o y p Send in the special w

Win a prize! All you have to do is give us your comments, requests and suggestions. Here’s your chance to receive the special gifts from us! Fax in or send us your questionnaire before the deadline, Jun 15. Prizes will be sent directly to the winners, so fill out and send the questionnaire today, and be waiting by your mailbox to see if you won.

Questionnaire for “att.JAPAN” Readers

Issue. 55

Q1. How many times have you been to Japan? 01) 1 02) 2-5 03) 6-10 04) more than 10 05) none Q2. How long have/had you been in Japan? 01) 1-3days 02) 4days-1week 03) 1-2weeks 04) 2weeks-1month 05) 1-3months 06) 3-6months 07) 6months-1year 08) 1-3years 09) 3-5years 10) more than 5years Q3. Where did you find “att.JAPAN”? Name of the place 01) Hotel 02) Airport 03) Bookstore 04) Restaurant 05) Other places in Japan 06) Outside Japan Q4. Do you know our website “WEB att.JAPAN”? 01) Yes, I have visited 02) Yes, though never been there 03) No * for Questions 5-11, Select as many responses as necessary Q5. What’s the purpose of your present visit to Japan? 01) Business 02) Sightseeing 03) Study 04) International conference, trade fair 05) Residence (Live) 06) Other purpose Q6. What kind of information on Japan do you think is / are important? 01) Maps 02) Transportation 03) Shopping 04) Japanese culture and customs 05) Restaurants 06) Sightseeing spots 07) Entertainment 08) Accommodation 09) Others Q7. What would you like to buy in Japan? 01) Digital camera 02) Digital audio player 03) Television 04) DVD recorder 05) PC 06) PC accessory 07) Computer game 08) Camera 09) Mobile phone 10) Clock and watch 11) Clothes 12) Jewelry 13) Cosmetics 14) Household sundries 15) Ceramic ware 16) Anime / manga goods 17) CD / DVD 18) Others Q8. Which airline(s) did you use when coming to Japan? / Which section(s) did you sit in on those flights? Airline name 01) First class 02) Business class 03) Economy class Q9. What kind of places would you like to visit in Japan? 01) Sapporo 02) Tokyo Downtown (Ginza, Shinjuku) 03) Tokyo Shitamachi (Ueno, Asakusa) 04) Neighboring areas of Tokyo (Nikko, Hakone, Kamakura) 05) Nagoya 06) Kyoto 07) Osaka 08) Hiroshima 09) Fukuoka 10) Okinawa 11) Other city 12) Scenic, historic location 13) World heritage site 14) Art galleries and museums 15) Department Stores / Speciality shops 16) Theme parks 17) Onsen spots 18) Others Q10-1. What are the more impressive parts of this magazine? 01) Osaka and Surrounding Areas 02) Ibaraki 03) Anime Special 04) Yokohama Factory Tours for Visitors 05) Hot springs 06) Recipe 07) Restaurant Guide 08) Ryokan and Hotels 09) Maps 10) Giveaways 11) Tourist Information 12) BukuBuku Hour 13) Others Q10-2. Parts you think should be improved? How? Q11-1. What kind of restaurants would you like to go to in Japan? 01) Sushi 02) Yakiniku 03) Nabe 04) Soba / Udon 08) Fast food 07) Other Japanese 09) Asian 10) Chinese 13) Italian 14) Others Q11-2. Do you have a favorite restaurant on the RESTAURANT page?

05) Kaiseki dishes 11) French

06) Ramen 12) Indian

Q11-3. Have you ever been to or considered going to any of these restaurants? If so, where? Q12. List two advertisements in the magazine that drew your attention and why. Let us hear your voice! (Your opinion may appear in the magazine or on the website) To be eligible to win the prize above, please complete the boxes below. Age

Name e-mail address


Nationality Occupation

Address Check the box(es) of the gifts you wish to win, and send in this sheet by mail or fax! Giveaways (p.26 & 28):

□ 1 Cup Noodle original mug □ 2 Buku Buku Hour cell phone strap □ 3 "Buddha - The Story Manga and Art" exhibition ticket □ 4 "Gohyakurakan - Bakumatsu no Eshi Kano Kazunobu" exhibition ticket □ 5 "Kitaoji Rosanjin Exhibition" original postcard

Finex Co., Ltd. Daiichi-manju Bldg. 4F, 8 Sanei-cho, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0008, Japan

att55.indd 24

Fax: +81-(0)3-5368-4782

11.3.28 5:00:31 PM

Now on View at Nezu Museum 根津美術館 Fascinating special exhibitions are to be held at the Nezu Museum in Aoyama, Tokyo, in Spring 2011.

The Golden Age of Color Prints: Ukiyo-e from the Museum of Fine Arts, BOSTON ボストン美術館浮世絵名品展 錦絵の黄金 時代 ‒ 清長、歌麿、写楽

喜多川歌麿《歌撰恋之部稀二逢恋》寛政5-6年頃 Photograph ©2011 Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. All rights reserved.

Grave and Elegant: Chinese Ancient Mirrors from Murakami Eiji & Decorations for the Japanese Doll Festival from Takeda Tsunemasa. 古鏡とひなかざり 村上英二氏寄贈銅鏡・竹田恆正氏寄贈雛道具

February 26 - April 6, 2011

ELTTOB TEP ISSEY MIYAKE / GINZA エルトブ テップ イッセイミヤケ / ギンザ Newly Open in Ginza on March 11, 2011

国宝 燕子花図屏風(右隻)六曲一双 尾形光琳筆 江戸時代 18世紀 根津美術館蔵

ELTTOB TEP ISSEY MIYAKE is a special multi-shop store of ISSEY MIYAKE INC., where items of all brands of ISSEY MIYAKE INC. are available. Following the first ELTTOB TEP ISSEY MIYAKE / SEMBA, Osaka, the second ELTTOB TEP ISSEY MIYAKE is opening in Ginza, Tokyo.

Kōrin National Treasure Irises of the Nezu Museum and Eight-Bridges of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. KORIN展 国宝「燕子花図」 とメトロポリタン美術館所蔵「八橋図」

April 16 - May 15, 2011 An exhibition featuring the collection of ceramics of “Imari, Kakiemon, and Nabeshima” will be held. コレクション展 伊万里・柿衛門・鍋島 -肥前陶磁の華-

Come see and check it out!

Nezu Museum

Phone: 03-3566-5225



June 24 – August 14, 2011 Sendai City Museum (Miyagi)


6-5-1 Minami-Aoyama Minato-ku, Tokyo


February 26 - April 17, 2011 Yamatane Museum of Art (Tokyo) April 26 – June 5, 2011 Chiba City Museum of Art (Chiba)

May 28 - July 3, 2011

ELTTOB TEP ISSEY MIYAKE / GINZA 4-4-5 Ginza, Chuo-ku, Tokyo

The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston has a collection of ukiyo-e prints unrivaled in quality and quantity among collections outside Japan. This exhibition focuses on the part of the vast collection regarded as the golden age of color prints – the 18th century – and introduces a select group of works mainly by three masters of that golden age: Kiyonaga, Utamaro, and Sharaku.



Phone: 03-3400-2536

Ryokan and Hotels Across Japan Soak in Onsen, taste local cuisine, experience the real hospitality...

Welcome to Japan!

Japanese-style Room

Hot Springs

Japanese Cuisine

Japanese Garden


Check the exclusive Ryokan and hotels in Japan at... Visit Our Website at

att55.indd 25

att. JAPAN 25

11.3.28 5:00:38 PM

Tourist Information Transportation / 交通

Rail Japan is covered in a rail network that reaches to almost every corner of the archipelago. Most are owned and run by the Japan Railway (JR) system and the world famous “Shinkansen” bullet train is of course one of the fastest and most enjoyable forms of land transport anywhere -- the distance between Tokyo and Osaka being covered in just 2hrs 30 mins on the fastest line. Japan Rail Pass allows you to use the whole JR system (including the Shinkansen) but is only sold outside Japan. 28,300 yen gets you a full 7 day ticket (adults). For more info, check the Japan Rail Pass website:

Bus Long-distance buses in Japan are run by numerous companies including JR. Buses are generally more economic than traveling by plane or train but do take longer and can be affected by traffic jams at busy times of the day or night. Local buses run all over Japan as well as in the major cities and sometimes English instructions or stop announcements are used but this is not the case everywhere. We would recommend you ask drivers to remind you of where you must disembark prior to setting off.

Boat There are many sea routes connecting Hokkaido, the Honshu mainland, Shikoku, Kyushu and Okinawa, respectively. There are also many sea routes to remote islands. Sea fare is usually less expensive than airfare. There are also international routes to China, Taiwan, South Korea and Russia.

Tourist Information

Taxis Japanese taxis can be found at the exit to every train station in the country or alternatively hailed on the streets. The red sign visible through the windshield of the car: “空車” (kusha) means it is vacant and available for hire but when the sign reads “賃走” (chinso), it is

unavailable. The back door on the left side will open and close automatically so be careful not to stand too close! (All the other doors are operated manually) Rates vary depending on the taxi company but usually start at a fixed rate of 710 yen (in Tokyo) for the first two kilometers. The rate system is shown inside the taxi and receipts can be issued. 鐵路 日本的鐵路網相當發達,從日本國內到各處幾乎利用鐵路可到 達,主要有JR(Japan Railway Co., Ltd., 日本旅客鐵路)運行 著,在這當中藉由世界上也很有名的「新幹線」之移動,一定會 是日本旅行中最印象深刻的活動之一。東京─大阪間最快是2 個小時30分。 JAPAN RAIL PASS(日本鐵路旅遊券)是可利用包含新幹 線的日本全國的JR,只有在日本國外才有販賣,一個大人一週間 ¥28300。詳情請看JAPAN RAIL PASS的網站 巴士 包含JR,有許多公司提供長距離巴士的運行,一般來說比藉由 飛機和鐵路的旅行較具經濟性,但是所花的時間比較長,也 較容易受交通阻塞的影響。 主要的都市、城鎮可利用公車線路,最近雖然英語的表示和 廣播也逐漸增加,但是為了確實地到達目的地,建議您事先拜 託駕駛員,請駕駛員到達目的地時通知一下。 遊輪 北海道、本州、四國、九州與沖繩之間有很多航線。還有很多離 島航線。一般而言,遊輪的費用比搭飛機更便宜。也有中國、台 灣、韓國與俄羅斯之間往來的航線。 計程車 除了可搭乘等候在車站前的計程車外,在路上也可叫到計程 車。計程車能不能搭乘,可藉由車窗前部分的表示來判斷。顯 示「空車」的時候,表示無人乘坐,可搭乘。出現「賃走」時表 示已經有別的乘客搭乘了。車子左後方的車門會自動打開與關 閉,所以要注意一下不要靠的太近被車門撞到(其他的車門用手 打開與關閉)。車費根據計程車公司而有所不同,但是一般起 跳710日圓(最初的2公里),車資的體制告示在車內裡,也可拿 到收據。

Getting Around in Tokyo / 東京的交通 In big cities, such as Tokyo and Osaka, the under and over ground train system is well organized and highly efficient accessing any and all parts of the cities. To avoid wasting time lining up for tickets and working out how to use the machines in different stations, it is highly recommended to purchase pre-paid cards.

Cup Noodle original mug – 3 winners

Have you enjoyed the Osaka article in this issue of att.JAPAN? Get the cute and useful mugs of Cup Noodle!

Transportation cards/useful tickets If planning to stay in Japan for a longer period why not try using IC cards? (500 yen deposit returned when returning the card) Simply touch the card on a rectangular pad beside the ticket gate and the fare used is automatically deducted from the value of the card. In Tokyo the cards are known as Suica or PASMO and are accepted on JR lines, subways and most other railways and buses. The Tokyo Furii Kippu (東京フリーきっぷ) (http:// is available for use on JR lines (inside Tokyo’s 23 wards), subways, and the Toei Bus service for one whole day -ending at midnight -- at a charge of 1,580 yen. 在東京,大阪等大都市的交通系統被充分的整備,如果使用電 車或是地下鐵的話可到達任何地方,如果不想浪費為了購買車 票而排隊的時間,建議您利用預付費卡。 划算的交通卡 如果預定在日本逗留一些時間的話,不妨試試看IC卡吧!(購入 時要付¥500的保證金,將卡歸還時,保證金會退還給您。)在 剪票機旁的讀取機上觸摸一下,運費會從卡上自動被扣取。在 東京地區Suica和PASMO兩者除了JR線、地下鐵、其他大部分 的私鐵之外,也可搭乘巴士。 如果使用Tokyo Furii Kippu(的 話,可在一天內無限制乘坐JR(東京23區內)加上地下鐵、都營 巴士,一張票¥1580。

Getting Around in Osaka / 關西的交通

Transportation cards/useful tickets In the Kansai (Osaka) area ICOCA or PiTaPa is available IC cards similar to Suica / PASMO. The Kansai Thru Pass (スルッと関西) (http:// offers a similar service to the Tokyo Furii Kippu in Kansai and enables subway, railway (bar JR lines), and bus use throughout the Kansai area. Price - 3,800 yen for 2 days or 5,000 yen for 3 days. 在關西(大阪)地區有ICOCA和PiTaPa兩種IC卡扮演著跟Suica/ PASMO同樣的角色。 KANSAI THRU PASS(能夠自由乘坐關 西地區的地下鐵、私鐵(JR線除外)及巴士。2日乘車卡¥3800、 3日乘車卡¥5000。

Buku Buku Hour cell phone strap – 5 winners

Buku Buku gifts for you again! Cell phone straps, attached with cute Buku Buku smile, will be offered. How to apply: *Deadline: June 15 (Wed) ①Answer the questionnaire (p.24) and mail/fax it. ②Visit our website ( and answer the questionnaire to apply.

26 att. JAPAN Spring/2011

att55.indd 26

11.3.28 5:00:41 PM

Tourist Information Money / 貨幣 Credit cards are widely used in urban areas in Japan but personal cheques are usually not seen as part of everyday financial transactions. Furthermore, most shops, restaurants, or public service facilities will not accept foreign currency or travelers cheques.

Japan Post Bank


Japanese coin & paper currency in circulation

Money Exchange

Japan Post Bank

Exchanging non-Japanese currency for yen can be carried out at international airports, and most major banks. At the airports exchanging Japanese yen into foreign currency is also possible. Operating hours are usually 6:30am-11:00pm. At “World Currency Shop,” even after banks close their doors it is possible to exchange later in the day. Jimbocho Head Quarters - 03-52757611 (11:00am-5:00pm)

SEVEN BANK ATM 如果有信用卡的話,在郵局或是特定的銀行(花旗銀行 citibank、 新生銀行)可領取日圓的現金。(*可利用的信用卡有Visa、 MasterCard、American Express、Dinners、JCB等) Time


Narita International Airport Train JR Narita Express JR Sobu Line (rapid) Narita Sky Access Line (Keisei Skyliner) Narita Sky Access Line (Access Express) Keisei Main Line (Keisei Cityliner) Keisei Main Line (Limited Express) Limousine Bus *Other buses go to Shinjuku, Ikebukuro, Ginza, Shibuya, Kichijoji etc. Haneda International Airport Monorail Keihin Kyuko Line Limousine Bus

Kansai International Airport Train JR Limited Express “Haruka”


Japanese yen can be withdrawn via credit card* at certain banks (citibank, Shinsei bank) or post office ATM (*cards generally accepted are Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Diners, and JCB etc)

在日本雖然信用卡在都市廣泛普及,但是支票在一般日常生活 中無法被利用。還有,在許多的商店或是餐廳、公共設施裡不 接受外國貨幣和旅行支票的付款,要注意。

Access from Airport Time

兌換 在機場或是都市銀行可兌換日幣,在機場也可將日圓再兌換回 外幣,營業時間從早上6點半到晚上11點。 在「World Currency Shop」即使超過銀行的營業時間也辦理兌 換業務。神保町本店03-5275-7611(從上午11點到晚上5點)




Electricity / 電力 100v A.C. / 50 hertz (East Japan) and 60 hertz (West). The purchase of converters prior to arrival is advised when planning to bring in and use appliances purchased abroad. 100伏特 / 50赫茲(東日本)、60赫茲(西日本) 攜帶在日本國外購買的電氣製品的話,建議您事先購買變壓器。

成田機場 坐電車 JR成田特快 JR總武線快速 成田Sky Access線(京成Skyliner) 成田Sky Access線(Access特快) 京成本線(京成Cityliner) 京成本線(快車特快)

53 min 85 min 44 min 71 min 74 min 81 min

2,940 yen 1,280 yen 2,400 yen 1,200 yen 1,920 yen 1,000 yen

Tokyo Sta. Tokyo Sta. Ueno Sta. Ueno Sta. Ueno Sta. Ueno Sta.


55 min

2,900 yen

TCAT (Tokyo City Air Terminal)


17 min 16 min

470 yen 400 yen

Hamamatsusho Sta. Shinagawa Sta.


40 min 50-60 min

900 yen 1,200 yen

Tokyo Sta. Shinjuku Sta.


45 min 73 min 43 min 63 min 33-37 min 42 min 48 min

2,470 yen 2,980 yen 1,030 yen 1,160 yen 1,390 yen 890 yen 880 yen

Shin-Osaka Sta. Kyoto Sta. Tennoji Sta. Osaka Sta. Namba Sta. Namba Sta. OCAT (Osaka City Air Terminal)


3 min

200 yen

Hotarugaike Sta.


35 min 30 min

620 yen 620 yen

OCAT Osaka Sta.


東京站 上野站 上野站 上野站 上野站

Limousine巴士 其他巴士開到新宿, 池袋,銀座,澀谷, 吉祥寺等 羽田機場 單軌電車 京濱急行線


Limouseine 巴士 新宿站


Telephone Service / 電話 Public telephones can be found almost everywhere in Japan and most can be used to make domestic and international calls. Only 10 or 100 yen coins can be used but all telephones take pre-paid telephone cards -- purchase in convenience stores for 500 or 1000 yen. SoftBank provides a mobile phone rental service for nonJapanese tourists. Call: 03-3560-7730 for details. 在日本國內的各個地方設置有公共電話,可使用國內、國際電 話的服務。使用10日圓、100日圓的硬幣,或者是電話卡(在便 利商店等販賣,有¥500、或是¥1000)。在SoftBank提供針對 外國旅客的行動電話之出租服務。詳情03-3560-7730


JR Rapid Service Train


Nankai Limited Express Rapi:t a/b Nankai Airport Express Limousine Bus

南海電鐵 特快 Rapi:t a/b

Osaka (Itami) International Airport Monorail Limousine Bus


南海電鐵 空港急行 Limousine 巴士


京都站 天王寺站 大阪站 難波站 難波站

Postal Service / 郵便 Post offices in Japan provide a whole range of domestic and foreign mailing services. 在郵局可利用各種國內、國際郵件的服務

Tourist Information



International Air Mail Fee / 國際郵件費用表

Limouseine 巴士 大阪站

Access Network

JR Line JR Narita Express Narita Sky Access Line Keisei Main Line Keikyu Line

Airport Terminal 2

Tokyo Monorail Limousine Bus


Narita Airport

Narita Airport

Toei Asakusa Line

TCAT Tokyo City Air Terminal

Hamamatsucho Ofuna



Haneda Airport International Terminal YCAT Yokohama City Air Terminal

Haneda Airport

Haneda Airport Terminal 1

Haneda Airport

Haneda Airport Terminal 2

With the start of use of Haneda Airport international service facilities on October 21, 2010, flight services between Haneda and Southeast Asia, Europe or the U.S. are launched as well as the current flight service between East Asia. In accordance with that, Haneda Airport International Terminal Station opens on Keikyu Line and Tokyo Monorail, respectively. 東京羽田機場的新國際航站將自2010年10月21日開始營運。目前羽田機場飛國際線僅限於飛東亞地區,但將擴充到飛歐美及 東南亞地區。同時,京濱急行電鐵「羽田機場國際線航站」站及東京單軌電車「羽田機場國際線大樓」站將開業。

Business Hours / 一般的營業時間 Weekdays 平日

Sat. 星期六

Sun. & National Holidays 星期日和國定假日

Banks 銀行


closed 關門

closed 關門

Post Offices* 郵局*


closed 關門

closed 關門

Department Stores* 10:00–19:30 百貨商店*



Shops 商店




10:00–17:00 Museums* 博物館、美術館*



Offices 事務所

closed 關門

closed 關門


* Some main post offices are open seven days a week. * Most department stores are closed for two to three weekdays a month. * Most museums are closed on Mondays. * 有部分主要郵局全年照常營業。 * 幾乎所有的百貨商店每個月大約有2、3個平日休息的。 * 大部分的美術館和博物館星期一都休息。

Visit Our Website at

att55.indd 27

att. JAPAN 27

11.3.28 5:00:42 PM

Tourist Information Useful Numbers / 電話咨詢

Emergency / 緊急電話 Police / 警察局 110 Police General Information in English (Tourist / foreigner help line) / 警察局英語熱線 (外國遊客查詢服務) 03-3501-0110 Fire / Ambulance / 火警/救護車 119 The Japan Helpline / 日本救助熱線 0120-461-997

Daily Living Information / 日常生活咨詢服務 YOKE (Multilingal) / YOKE 咨詢中心 (多國語言) 045-222-1209

Tourist Information Centers / 旅遊服務中心

Flight Information / 航班咨詢 Narita /成田 Haneda / 羽田 Chubu / 中部 Kansai / 關西

0476-34-8000 03-5757-8111 0569-38-1195 0724-55-2500

Keisei Electric Railway / 京成 Limousine Bus / Limousine 巴士

Lost and Found

03-3831-0131 03-3665-7220

JR / JR (日本鐵路) 050-2016-1603 Tokyo Metro / 東京捷運線 03-3834-5577 Toei Bus / Subway / 都營巴士/都營地下鐵 03-5320-7744 Taxi / 計程車 03-3648-0300

Medical Services Medical Information Service (Himawari) Mon. - Fri. (9:00 am - 8:00 pm) 醫療咨詢服務 (Himawari)

Transportation Information / 交通咨詢 Japan Railways(JR East) / JR東日本咨詢專線 050-2016-1603 Tokyo Metro Customer Center / 東京捷運線咨詢服務 03-3941-2004

每星期一 - 五 (上午9:00 - 下午8:00)

03-5285-8181 AMDA International medical Information Center Mon. - Fri. (9:00 am - 5:00 pm)

AMDA國際醫療咨詢中心 每星期一 - 五 (上午9:00 - 下午5:00)


Tourist Information

Tokyo Tourist Information Center / 東京觀光中心 03-5321-3077 Tokyo / 東京 03-3201-3331

Narita International Airport Terminal 1 / 成田國際機場第一候機樓 0476-30-3383 Narita International Airport Terminal 2 / 成田國際機場第二候機樓 0476-34-5877

“Buddha – The Story in Manga and Art” exhibition ticket – 10 tickets for 5 winners April 26 (Tue)-June 26 (Sun), 2011 Tokyo National Museum, Tokyo

“The Five Hundred Arhats by Kano Kazunob (1816-63)” exhibition ticket – 10 tickets for 5 winners

March 15 (Tue)-May 29 (Sun), 2011 Edo-Tokyo Museum, Tokyo The Five Hundred Arhats, 1854-1863 Zojoji, Tokyo Left: Scroll 62 Birds and Beasts, Right: Scroll 59 Supernatural Powers

“Kitaoji Rosanjin Exhibition” original postcard – 2 winners

「ブッダ」直筆原稿 手 治虫漫画全集 ブッダ第14巻表紙画 ©手 プロダクション

特別展「手 治虫のブッダ展」

April 17(Sun)-May 15 (Sun), 2011 Adachi Museum of Art, Shimane Prefecture *This time, the original postcards (8-card set) will be offered to our readers. 北大路魯山人「雲錦鉢」 (昭和16年頃)

28 att. JAPAN Spring/2011

att55.indd 28

11.3.28 5:00:46 PM

Tokyo Subway Map

How to apply: *Deadline: June 15 (Wed) ①Answer the questionnaire (p.24) and mail/fax it. ②Visit our website ( and answer the questionnaire to apply.

att55.indd 29

I Ichigaya Ichinoe Iidabashi Ikebukuro Inaricho Iriya Itabashi-honcho Itabashi-kuyakushomae Iwamotocho

H Hakusan Hamacho Hanzomon Hasune Hatchobori Heiwadai Hibiya Higashi-ginza Higashi-ikebukuro Higashi-koenji Higashi-nakano Higashi-nihombashi Higashi-ojima Higashi-shinjuku Hikarigaoka Hikawadai Hiro-o Honancho Hongo-sanchome Honjo-azumabashi Hon-komagome

G Gaiemmae Ginza Ginza-itchome Gokokuji Gotanda Gyotoku

F Funabori

E Ebisu Edogawabashi

D Daimon

C Chikatetsu-akatsuka Chikatetsu-narimasu

B Bakuro-yokoyama Baraki-nakayama

A Akabanebashi Akabane-iwabuchi Akasaka Akasaka-mitsuke Akebonobashi Akihabara Aoyama-itchome Asakusa Asakusabashi Awajicho Ayase Azabu-juban

N Nagatacho Nakai Naka-meguro Nakano Nakanobu Nakano-fujimicho Nakano-sakaue Nakano-shimbashi Naka-okachimachi Nerima Nerima-kasugacho Nezu Nihombashi Nijubashimae Ningyocho Nishidai Nishi-funabashi Nishigahara Nishi-kasai Nishi-magome Nishi-nippori Nishi-ojima

M Machiya Magome Meguro Meiji- jingumae Minami-asagaya Minami-gyotoku Minami-senju Minami-sunamachi Minowa Mita Mitsukoshimae Mizue Monzen-nakacho Morishita Motohasunuma Motoyawata Myoden Myogadani

K Kachidoki Kagurazaka Kamiyacho Kanamecho Kanda Kasai Kasuga Kasumigaseki Kayabacho Kiba Kikukawa Kinshicho Kita-ayase Kita-sando Kita-senju Kiyosumi-shirakawa Kodemmacho Kojimachi Kokkai-gijidomae Kokuritsu-kyogijo Komagome Korakuen Kotake-mukaihara Kudanshita Kuramae Kyobashi

J Jimbocho

Tokyo Subway Map

att. JAPAN 29

11.3.28 5:00:47 PM

O Ochanomizu Ochiai Ochiai-minami-nagasaki Ogawamachi Ogikubo Oji Oji-kamiya Ojima Omote-sando Onarimon

Nishi-shinjuku Nishi-shinjuku-gochome Nishi-sugamo Nishi-takashimadaira Nishi-waseda Nogizaka S Sakuradamon Sendagi Sengakuji Sengoku Senkawa Shibakoen Shibuya Shimbashi Shimo

R Roppongi Roppongi-itchome Ryogoku

Oshiage Otemachi

Shimura-sakaue Shimura-sanchome Shin-egota Shin-itabashi Shinjuku Shinjuku-gyoemmae Shinjuku-nishiguchi Shinjuku-sanchome Shin-kiba Shin-koenji Shin-nakano Shin-ochanomizu Shin-okachimachi Shin-otsuka Shinozaki Shin-takashimadaira Shintomicho Shiodome

T Takadanobaba Takanawadai Takaracho Takashimadaira Takebashi Tameike-sanno Tatsumi Tawaramachi Tochomae

Shirokanedai Shirokane-takanawa Suehirocho Sugamo Suidobashi Suitengumae Sumiyoshi

U Uchisaiwaicho Ueno Ueno-hirokoji Ueno-okachimachi Urayasu Ushigome-kagurazaka

Todaimae Togoshi Tokyo Toranomon Toshimaen Toyocho Toyosu Tsukiji Tsukijishijo Tsukishima

Z Zoshigaya

Y Yotsuya Yotsuya-sanchome Yoyogi Yoyogi-koen Yoyogi-uehara Yurakucho Yushima

W Wakamatsu-kawada Wakoshi Waseda


Ogikubo 荻窪

Koenji 高円寺

Shin-Okubo 新大久保

Mejiro 目白

Ikebukuro 池袋

Itabashi 板橋

Saikyo Line Oku 尾久

to Toneri

Iidabashi 飯田橋

Suidobashi Okachimachi 御徒町 水道橋

Ueno Park

Ueno P33-MAP5


Akihabara P33-MAP8

Ueno 上野

Uguisudani 鶯谷

i ise Ke

e Lin

Minowabashi 三ノ輪橋

Mikawashima 三河島

Toden Arakaw a

Kumanomae 熊野前

Nippori-toneri Liner

Komagome Tabata 駒込 Sugamo 田端 巣鴨 Nishi-Nippori 西日暮里 Nippori 日暮里

Yamanote Line

Otsuka 大塚

Kami-Nakazato 上中里

Takasaki Line / Utsunomiya Line

to Omiya

Oji 王子

Ikebukuro P33-MAP9 Waseda 早稲田

to Kawagoe

Shimoitabashi 下板橋


Takadanobaba 高田馬場

Higashi-Nakano 東中野 Okubo 大久保

Nakano 中野

Toj o

Nakayama 中山


Kamoi 鴨居


to Odawara

Yokohama Line


to Chuo-rinkan

Nagatsuta 長津田

Tokaichiba 十日市場

Higashi-Kanagawa Yokohama 東神奈川 横浜 Yokohama Station P34-MAP13

Kozukue 小机

Shin-Yokohama 新横浜

Kikuna 菊名

Shin-Koyasu 新子安

Oguchi 大口

Kokudo 国道 Tsurumiono 鶴見小野

Tsurumi 鶴見

To k

Keikyu-Kawasaki 京急川崎



Asakusabashi 浅草橋

Musashi-Shiraishi 武蔵白石 Anzen 安善

Ogimachi 扇町

Showa 昭和

Hama-Kawasaki 浜川崎

to Chiba

Central Tokyo


Maihama 舞浜

Kasairinkaikoen 葛西臨海公園

to Soga

Shin-Koiwa 新小岩

Arakawa River

Hirai 平井

to Narita Airport

Tobu Kameido Line

Oshiage 押上

Sumidagawa River

Minami-Senju 南千住


Ushida 牛田 Keisei Sekiya 京成関屋 to

Hikifune 曳船

to Abiko

Asakusa P33-MAP6

Asakusa 浅草

Haneda Airport Terminal 1 羽田空港第1ビル

Haneda Airport International Terminal 羽田空港国際線ビル Kojimashinden 羽田空港国際線ターミナル 小島新田



uko L

Kawasakishimmachi Keikyu Dais hi Lin


Hatchonawate 八丁畷


ami-Tama 南多摩

Kichijoji 吉祥寺

Asagaya 阿佐ヶ谷

Saginomiya 鷺ノ宮

Nerima 練馬

Tob u


To yo ko

Koremasa 是政

Musashi-Sakai 武蔵境

Nishi-Ogikubo 西荻窪

Kamishakujii 上石神井

Toshimaen 豊島園

Kamiitabashi 上板橋

Ichigaya Ochanomizu Akihabara 市ヶ谷 御茶ノ水 秋葉原 Kinshicho Ryogoku Kameido Yotsuya Kanda Shinjuku Bakurocho 両国 錦糸町 亀戸 四ッ谷 神田 Marunouchi/ 新宿 馬喰町 e Meidaimae Imperial n Shimo-takaido i L Shin-Nihombashi o Sendagaya e to Chitose-karasuyama Keio Line Palace Chu 明大前 下高井戸 新日本橋 u Lin Shinjuku 千駄ヶ谷 Fuchu 千歳烏山 Sob P33-MAP7 P31-MAP1 Etchujima Shinanomachi Yurakucho Yoyogi Tokyo Hatchobori 越中島 信濃町 有楽町 Chofu 代々木 東京 八丁堀 Roppongi Keiyo Line 調布 Harajuku Shimo-kitazawa Shimbashi Akasaka Shiomi 原宿 下北沢 新橋 P32-MAP3 Harajuku 潮見 Ginza Hamamatsucho Toyosu e Inaginaganuma in P34-MAP12 P31-MAP2 Kei yu L Kyodo 浜松町 豊洲 o In 稲城長沼 Odak Shibuya oka Shibuya 経堂 shir Yanokuchi 渋谷 Seijogakuenmae Yurikamome Line a Li P33-MAP10 Tamachi n 矢野口 成城学園前 e 田町 Kokusai-tenjijo Ebisu Rinkai Line Inagi Nakanoshima Shin-Kiba Sangen-jaya 国際展示場 Ebisu Daikanyama Ariake Naka-meguro 稲城 中野島 新木場 Tokyu 三軒茶屋 Inadazutsumi P34-MAP11 有明 恵比寿 Odaiba-Kaihinkoen 中目黒 Setagaya Line 稲田堤 お台場海浜公園 e to n i L Meguro hi Hashimoto Noborito Daiba Shinagawa tos 目黒 en Gakugei-daigaku 登戸 n Shukugawara 台場 品川 De Kokusai-tenjijo-seimon u 学芸大学 宿河原 y Gotanda k Futako-tamagawa Musashi-koyama o 国際展示場正門 T Tennozu-Isle 五反田 Aomi 二子玉川 武蔵小山 天王洲アイル 青海 Osaki to Jiyugaoka Tsudayama Tokyu Meguro Line Kuji 大崎 Karakida 自由が丘 Tokyo Teleport Ookayama 津田山 Odaiba Tamagawa 久地 Shin-Yurigaoka 東京テレポート Hatanodai Odakyu 大岡山 Tokyu P32-MAP4 River Oimachi 新百合ヶ丘 旗の台 Tama Line Oimachi Line Musashi-Mizonokuchi 大井町 Musashi-Shinjo Den-en-chofu Nishi-Oi 武蔵溝の口 to e 武蔵新城 田園調布 yu Lin Tokyo Monorail 西大井 Machida Tok gami Tamagawa en e ns ka in Ik Tokyo Port Sh Omori o 多摩川 Tokaid Odakyu 大森 Musashi-Nakahara Tama-plaza 東京港 ne Li ka Odawara Line Yokosu Saginuma 武蔵中原 たまプラーザ Musashi-Kosugi 鷺沼 Mukaigawara 向河原 Ikegami Kodomonokuni 武蔵小杉 池上 こどもの国 Kamata Hirama 平間 Azamino Hiyoshi 蒲田 あざみ野 日吉 Tokyu Kashimada Tokyu ShinTamagawa Line 鹿島田 Kodomonokuni Kawasaki Keikyu-Kamata Haneda Airport Line Aobadai Yako 矢向 Tsunashima 新川崎 京急蒲田 羽田空港 Haneda Airport Terminal 2 青葉台 Kawasaki Shitte 綱島 Tenkubashi K 羽田空港第2ビル eik 川崎 尻手 yu 天空橋 K

MusashiKoganei 武蔵小金井

Mitaka 三鷹

Seibu Shinjuku Line

to Higashi-Koganei Tachikawa 東小金井

Hanakoganei 花小金井

Tanashi 田無

Seibu Ikebukuro Line

Shakujiikoen 石神井公園

to Narimasu

e an

Lin Job

Hibarigaoka ひばりヶ丘

Ke Toh ihin o Lin ku e

Tobu K Isesa e ise ki Lin iO e sh i a ge Lin e

to Seibu-Chichibu



Tok ai

att55.indd 30

T Exp suku res ba sL ine

to Hon-Kawagoe

30 att. JAPAN Spring/2011

u mb

11.3.28 5:00:49 PM

Central Tokyo

Tokyo 1. Shinjuku 2. Ginza 3. Roppongi-Akasaka 4. Odaiba 5. Ueno 6. Asakusa 7. Marunouchi/ Imperial Palace 8. Akihabara 9. Ikebukuro 10. Shibuya 11. Ebisu-Daikanyama 12. Harajuku


Kansai 16. Osaka/Kita 17. Osaka/Minami 18. Kobe/Sannomiya 24. Kyoto 25. Kyoto/Arashiyama

Ogimachi 扇町























Yokohama 13. Yokohama Station 14. Minato Mirai 21 15. Kannai-Motomachi

Nagoya 19. Nagoya Station 20. Nagoya/Sakae

1. Sukiyaki IBUKI

すき焼 伊吹

BIC Camera

34 1. Maharaja Pina

マハラジャ ピーナー



























Yodobashi Camera

Mode Gakuen

Hyatt Regency Tokyo Keio Plaza Hotel

Yodobashi Camera

other cities 21. Hiroshima 22. Sapporo 23. Fukuoka


Musashi-Shiraishi 武蔵白石 Anzen 安善


shin Lin

2. Ginza 銀座 The Peninsula Tokyo

Shin-Koyasu 新子安

Tsurumiono 鶴見小野

Sapporo 22 Subway : F




Kyoto 24, 25

Subway : E

Kobe 18

Subway : B

Tokyo 1-12

Fukuoka 23 Subway : G

3. ISABA 2GO いさば2号


Mitsukoshi Dept.

夢酒 みずき

Yokohama 13-15 Subway : A


Nagoya 19,20 Osaka 16,17 Subway : D

Yokohama 横浜 Yokohama Station P34-MAP13

Subway : C


Shop Restaurant Hotel

hotel com’s Ginza

School Bank Post office

Shrine Temple Hot spring

2. Bomb


Line name


to Odawara

private line / subway stations

to Chuo-rinkan

att. Maps


att. MAPS




1. Shinjuku 新宿

Line name

Road name (-dori) Highway name

JR, private railways: indicated with grey lines Subways: indicated with lines of each line color Ordinary roads 2. Bombay Club



Shops, restaurants or hotels introduced in att.JAPAN are indicated with red letters. Please refer to them when traveling in Japan!

WILLER EXPRESS (Bus Bording Places)

att55.indd 31

More Ryokan Information at

att. JAPAN 31

11.3.28 5:00:51 PM

2. Zipangu The Prudential Tower

ジパング プルデンシャルタワー

3. Roppongi-Akasaka 六本木、赤坂 1. Zipangu Super Dining-Akasaka

ジパング スーパーダイニング赤坂

2. Hard Rock Cafe Tokyo


Embassy of Afghanistan

4. Odaiba お台場 4. Mayur Bar & Dining

マユール バー&ダイニング

The Cancer Institute Hospital of JFCR

att. Maps

竹内公太 Kota TAKEUCHI 《ポータブルマインド 横浜 /Portable Mind ,Yokohama》 2008 年 [ 参考図版 ]

Social Dive - Exploratory Imagination

Grand Pacific Le Daiba

ソーシャルダイブ 探検する想像 The alternative art space for the 21st century, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, introduces works of young artists whose work engages upon a deep level with society. March 18 (Fri) - April 11 (Mon), 2011 Closed on: Tuesdays 3331 Arts Chiyoda 1F Main Gallery Admission: 300 yen ARTS FIELD TOKYO 32 att. JAPAN Spring/2011

att55.indd 32

11.3.28 5:00:52 PM

5. Ueno 上野

6. Asakusa 浅草

1. Tsukiji Sushigen Honten

7. Marunouchi/Imperial Palace 丸の内 / 皇居

8. Akihabara 秋葉原

Yodobashi Camera Four Seasons Hotel BIC Camera The Peninsula Tokyo

Imperial Hotel

10. Shibuya 渋谷 1. Maharaja Marunouchi





BIC Camera

Shibuya C.C.Lemon Hall

Fukutoshin Line


2. Oyster Bar & Restaurant


att. Maps

9. Ikebukuro 池袋

BIC Camera

Visit Our Website at

att55.indd 33

att. JAPAN 33

11.3.28 5:00:55 PM

11. Ebisu-Daikanyama 恵比寿、代官山

12. Harajuku 原宿

1.CAFE LANDTMANN カフェ ラントマン Ao

A. Yokohama Subway Map

13. Yokohama Station 横浜駅 Azamino

Yokohama Shiei Subway Blue Line Yokohama Shiei Subway Green Line Nagatsuta ine Minato Mirai 21 Line shi L nento u De JR Line Toky Private Railways

Kita Yamata Higashi Yamata

Nakagawa Yok o



Center Minami




Mutually Served Area (Tokyu Toyoko Line - Minato Mirai 21 Line)


Center Kita

Kawawacho Tsuzuki Fureai no Oka

Hiyoshi Honcho

Nippa Kita Shin-Yokoyama


o Lin




u Lin


tsu Iz Sote im o Tat iida eb a Na ka d Od a ori ba


Sh ima Line

Tourist Information Center

Takashimacho Sakuragicho




Odakyu Enosh

Takashimaya Higashi-Kanagawa Keikyu Line



Yodobashi Camera


Mitsuzawa-Shimocho Tokaido/Yokosuka Line


ine yu



To y





o Tokaid


To k





Bandobashi Konan Chuo


Shin-Takashima Minatomirai Bashamichi Nihon-odori Motomachi-Chukagai

Kamiooka Gumyoji Fujisawa



Tokaido Line Ofuna Yokosuka Line

Keikyu Line

15. Kannai-Motomachi 関内、元町

att. Maps

14. Minato Mirai 21 みなとみらい 21

Tourist Information Center

Tourist Information Center

34 att. JAPAN Spring/2011

att55.indd 34

11.3.28 5:00:57 PM

16. Osaka/Kita 大阪 / キタ

17. Osaka/Minami 大阪 / ミナミ

Daimaru (North Bldg.) Daimaru (Main Bldg.)

Yodobashi Camera

Hotel Granvia Osaka

Hanshin Line BIC Camera





L a hima shim anos ano han Nak k a N Kei

B. Kobe Subway Map

18. Kobe/Sannomiya 神戸 / 三宮


Kobe Dentetsu Ao Line

Seishin-minami Ikawadani

Sanyo Shinkansen

Kobe Dentetsu Arima Line




Hokushin Kyuko Line



Myodani Myohoji Nagata (Nagatajinjamae)

Sanyo Dentetsu Line







Shinkaichi Kosoku-Kobe Kobe Kosoku Tetsudo Line



Kobe Line






Hankyu Kobe Line



Hanshin Line

KyukyoryuchiDaimarumae Minatomotomachi

Karumo Misakikoen Wadamisaki

Seishin-Yamate Line Kaigan Line (Yume-Kamome)

Port Liner

20. Nagoya/Sakae 名古屋 / 栄

att. Maps

19. Nagoya Station 名古屋駅

JR Line Private Railways

BIC Camera

More Ryokan Information at

att55.indd 35

att. JAPAN 35

11.3.28 5:00:59 PM

C. Osaka Subway Map Midosuji Line

Yotsubashi Line

Sennichimae Line

Nagahori Tsurumi-ryokuchi Line

JR Line

Tanimachi Line

Chuo Line

Sakaisuji Line

Nanko Port Town Line

Private Railways

Imazatosuji Line Senri-Chuo

Osaka Airport

Kita Senri


Bubble Fairy 泡泡精靈


Aerobic exercise


© YOSHIYASU / icca / MediaFactory / BrostaTV / JR Kikaku


Higashi Mikuni

Dainichi Moriguchi Taishibashi-Imaichi Nishinakajima-Minamigata Sembayashi-Omiya Nakazakicho Shimizu Nakatsu Kadomaminami Shinmorifuruichi Tenjimbashisuji 6-chome Noe-Uchindai Sekime-Seiiku Tsurumi-ryokuchi Umeda Ogimachi Nishi-Umeda Gamo 4-chome Imafuku-Tsurumi Higashi-Umeda Kyobashi Yokozutsumi Nodahanshin MinamiShigino Higobashi Yodoya- Kitahama Morimachi Temmabashi bashi Tamagawa Osaka Business Park Sakaisuji Hommachi Tanimachi 4-chome Morinomiya Fukaebashi Nagata Awaza Hommachi Kujo Midoribashi Takaida Nishiohashi Nagahoribashi Mitsuyamachi Tanimachi 6-chome Bentencho Shinsaibashi Tamatsukuri Nishinagahori Yotsubashi Nippombashi Tanimachi 9-chome Tsuruhashi Imazato Shin-Fukae Asashiobashi Namba Osaka Dome-mae Shoji Chiyozaki Sakuragawa Osakako Shitennoji-mae Yuhigaoka Ebisucho Daikokucho Tennoji Cosmosquare Taisho Kita-Tatsumi Awaji


Trade Center-mae Nakafuto Port Town-higashi


Zuiko 4-chome SekimeMiyakojima Takadono

Dobutsuen-mae Abeno


Kishinosato Tengachaya



Port Town-nishi Ferry Terminal


Tanabe Hirano






Hirabayashi Nankohigashi


Kita Hanada

Nankoguchi Suminoekoen

Shinkanaoka Nakamozu

Kire-Uriwari Deto Nagahara Yaominami

Kansai Airport

D. Nagoya Subway Map Inuyama Kami Otai Shonai Ryokuchi Koen Kamiiida

Shonai-dori Kurokawa







Shinsakaemachi Yaba-cho

Osu Kannon


Kamimaezu Tsurumai Arahata Higashi Betsuin



BUKUBUKU Information Fantastic gift to “Bubble Fairy ” fans! For details, go to P26.

Takabata Tsurumai Line


Sakura-dori Line Rokuban-cho Higashiyama Line Meijo Line

Nishi Takakura Jingu Nishi


Tokai-dori Minato Kuyakusho

Meiko Line


Private Railways

Kakuozan Ikeshita Imaike

Hongo Kamiyashiro Issha Hoshigaoka Higashiyama Koen Motoyama Nagoya Daigaku


Yagoto Nisseki


Irinaka Yagoto Shiogama-guchi Sakurayama Ueda MizuhoHara Kuyakusho



Sogo Rehabilitation Center

Hirabari Akaike

Mizuho Undojo Higashi

Aratama-bashi Sakurahonmachi

Kamiiida Line JR Line






Kurumamichi Takaoka

NakamuraKokusai Kuyakusho Nagoya Center


Nagoya Dome-mae Yada Sunada-bashi




att. Maps

Heian-dori Ozone

Meijo Koen

Sengen-cho Honjin



Nagoyako (Nagoya Port) Nonami

36 att. JAPAN Spring/2011

att55.indd 36

11.3.28 5:01:01 PM

E. Kyoto Subway Map

21. Hiroshima 広島 JR S anyo JR S Shin anyo kans en Line

Tozai Line

Shinm ichi

Eizan Line


Demachi Yanagi



Karasuma Oike Kyoto Shiyakusho-mae

Hankyu Kyoto Line



Kawaramachi Shijo

Shijo Omiya

Keifuku Arashiyama Line


Sanjo Keihan

Keihan Otsu Line





Tokaido Line Kyoto Tokaido Shinkansen

Kintetsu Kyoto Line

Kujo Jujo



Nagitsuji Ono


Daigo Ishida

Nara Line

Keihan Line

Hiroshima Castle

Yu hua Garden Chuo Park



22. Sapporo 札幌

Hiroshima High Court

Toyoko Inn

Shukkeien Garden

Hiroshima Hiroshima Hiroshima Green Arena Museum Prefectual Viainn Art Museum of Art Hiroshima HIROSHIMA Rihga Royal Stn. Hiroshima Municipal Hotel JAL City KenchoBaseball Stadium Hiroshima mae Hiroshima Hiroshima Prefectural Office SOGO Hiroshima Memorial Tokyu Grand Intelligent A-Bomb Hotel Cathedral Hands Hotel Dome Crecio for World Peace Peace HonFukuya Memorial Aioi-dori Mitsudori Hiroshima Park BIC Camera Tenmanya koshi Railway Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum Ana Crown Hiroshima National Plaza Peace Memorial Hall Oriental for the A-Bomb Victims Mitsui Garden Hotel Hiroshima Hiroshima Ciry Comfort Hotel Hotel Hiroshima Comics Library Hiroshima Heiwa -odori Naka Hijiyama Ward Office Fuji Grand Park SATY Hiroshima City Hall





Futabayama Ryokuchi


Private Railways



Astra m Lin

JR Line


Sanin Line


Karasuma Line


23. Fukuoka 福岡

Yodobashi Camera BIC Camera

BIC Camera

G. Fukuoka Subway Map Sakaemachi Asabu Shindo Higashi Kita 34-jo

e e in u Lin ts aL te ake m i i sh ish jid N iya go M Ka

Nanakuma Line

JR Line

JR Line Private Railways


Higashi Kuyakusho-mae

Kita 18-jo


Hakozaki Line

Kanjo-dori Higashi

Miyanosawa Hassamu Minami Kotoni

Kuko Line

Toho Line Tozai Line


Kita 24-jo

Namboku Line

Hakozaki Kyudai-mae

Kita 12-jo


Hakozaki Miyamae

Maruyama Koen Nishi 10-chome Susukino


Nakajima Koen Horohirabashi Nakanoshima Hidagishi Minami Hiragishi Sumikawa Jieitai-mae Makomanai

Sasaguri Line

Chiyo Kenchoguchi

Bus Center-mae HosuiSusukino Gakuen-mae

Gofukumachi a i ach Koen ka ham mi ki in eino Muro Fujisa Nishij Tojinm Ohori Akasa Tenjin M Chikuhi Line

Kikusui Higashi Sapporo

Nishitetsu Fukuoka

Shiroishi Toyohira Koen Misono

Ropponmatsu Yakuin-odori

Nango 7-chome

Tsukisamucho Fukuzumi


Nango 13-chome

Chayama Kanayama

Nango 18-chome


Oyachi Hibarigaoka

Kamo Umebayashi

Jiromaru Shin-Sapporo


Fukuoka Kuko Gion

Nakasu Kawabata Tenjin Minami


Higashi Hie

Watanabe-dori Yakuin Nishitetsu Tenjin-Omuta Line


Noke Fukudai-mae Hakata Minami Line

Hakata Minami

Visit Our Website at

att55.indd 37


Maidashi Kyudaibyoin-mae


Nishi 28-chome Nishi 18-chome




Kita13-jo Higashi




n hi

att. Maps

F. Sapporo Subway Map

att. JAPAN 37

11.3.28 5:01:03 PM

24. Central Kyoto 京都

Eizan Railways Eizan Line



Imadegawa 今出川


Doshisha University




Imadegawa-dori 今出川通

Kyoto University


Ginkakuji Temple


Kyoto Shiyakusyo-mae 本能寺

Kyoto Royal Hotel & Spa






Kawaramachi Hankyu-Karasuma Shijo 阪急烏丸 Fujii-Daimaru Dept. 河原町 京都藤井大丸 Takashimaya 四条 Dept.

Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Shijo



The Westin Miyako HigashiyamaYouth Hostel Hotel Kyoto



Hankyu Dept. 阪急百貨店

Hotel Nikko Princess Kyoto

Karasuma Line




Minamiza Theater


Gion Corner 元奈古 ギオンコーナー

HotelSunroute Kyoto

Kodaiji Temple


Ninenzaka 二年坂



Kyoto Rich Hotel





Maruyama Park

Gion Hatanaka


ホテル サンルート京都

Gojo-dori 五条通


Yasaka Shrine


Kenninji Temple




Jishu Shrine




Kyoto Tokyu Hotel

Kiyomizudera Temple



Higashi-Honganji Temple

Nishi-Honganji Temple

Shosei-en Garden



Kyoto National Museum




Shichijo-dori 七条通



Chion-in Temple


三井ガーデンホテル 京都四条


ウェスティン 都ホテル京都


Kawaramachi Opa

Daimaru Dept.


Tozai Line 地下鉄東西線





Kawaramachi Vivre





三井ガーデンホテル 京都三条

Shijo-dori 四条通 Hankyu Kyoto Line 阪急京都線


Hotel Unizo Kyoto

Mitsui Garden Hotel Kyoto Sanjo


Nanzenji Temple 東山



Sanjo-dori 三条通

Omiya Shijo-Omiya 大宮


Honnoji Temple

Kyoto Gimmond Hotel


Kyoto Hotel Okura



Eikan-do Temple



Kyoto Garden Hotel

Okazaki Park Nijo-dori二条通 岡崎公園 Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art





Hosomi Museum

Kyoto City Hall 京都市役所

Karasuma Oike

Oike-dori 御池通




Heian Shrine




Okazaki Shrine


Kyoto City Tourist Association Visitor Information Center

Hotel Fujita Kyoto


ANA Hotel Kyoto





Kyoto Kokusai Hotel

Fuyacho-dori 麩屋町通

Ebisugawa-dori 夷川通



Tomi-no-koji 富小路

Kurumayacho-dori 車屋町通

Hotel New Kyoto

Yanagi-no-bamba-dori 柳馬場通


Kyoto Handicraft Center


Kumano Shrine









wa-dori Kitashiraka川通


Marutamachi-dori 丸太町通

Nijo Castle


Sento Palace



Honen-in Temple Tetsugaku-no-michi


Kyoto Prefectural Office

Yoshida Shrine




Kyoto Imperial Park




Kamo River


Keihan Main Line



Kyoto Brighton Hotel


Kyoto Imperial Palace







Hyatt Regency Kyoto


Rihga Royal Hotel Kyoto


att. Maps

Sagano Line 嵯峨野線 JR Kyoto Line JR京都線 Tokaido Shinkansen

Hotel Granvia Kyoto


BIC Camera


Kyoto Century Hotel


Sanjusangen-do Temple


Biwako Line

KYOTO Stn. 京都駅



1 Daikakuji Temple

Tenryuji Temple

Karasuma Oike Station

Ginkakuji Temple 銀閣寺 A-3

Yasaka KAMEOKA AreaJinja Shrine

出町柳駅 A-2

烏丸御池駅 B-1

Kawaramachi Station Sumiya Kiho-an 河原町駅 C-2 すみや亀峰庵

Keihan Sanjo Station

京阪三条駅 B-2 Yunohana Onsen

湯の花温泉 Kyoto Station

京都駅 D-1

Shijo Station 四条駅 C-1

Temples/Shrines Chion-in Temple

大覚寺 25

天龍寺 25

亀岡 八坂神社 C-2

Kyoto National Museum 京都大学 A-2

Kodaiji Temple

Tetsugaku-no-michi Torokko Kameoka Sta.

高台寺 C-3

Nanzenji Temple 南禅寺 B-3

Nishi-Honganji Temple 西本願寺 D-1

Sanjusangen-do Temple 三十三間堂 D-2

京都市観光協会 B-3 楽々荘

Kyoto Handicraft Center

京都ハンディクラフトセンター  A-2

Kyoto Imperial Palace 京都御所 A-1


Kyoto University Maruyama Park

Kyoto City亀岡駅 Tourist Association Visitor Information Rakurakuso Center


京都国立博物館 D-2

Higashi-Honganji Temple Other 東本願寺 D-1 Gion Corner Kiyomizudera Temple ギオンコーナー C-2 Kameoka Sta. 清水寺 D-3


25. Kyoto/Arashiyama 嵐山(京都)

Kyoto Sightseeing Spots Index Stations Demachiyanagi Station

知恩院 C-3


円山公園 C-3

Nijo Castle

Sagano Scenic Railway


Adashino Nenbutsuji Temple



Gioji Temple



Togetsukyo Bridge 渡月橋 25

Hirosawa Pond


Seiryoji Temple

二条城 B-1

哲学の道 A-3 B-3

Daikakuji Temple


Nison-in Temple


Hozugawa River Okouchisanso 保津川 大河内山荘


SagaArashiyama 嵯峨嵐山

Torokko Saga


Tenryuji Temple 天龍寺

Togetsukyo Bridge 渡月橋



Hankyu-Arashiyama 阪急嵐山

38 att. JAPAN Spring/2011

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11.3.28 5:01:46 PM

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